A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

22 November 2012

22 Nov./JFK-Thanksgiving -pm

22 November'12

11/21/2012 Susan Rice Is Bad News Obama's Secret Directive 20 Threatens Civil Liberties - YouTube
Prison » No Sailors Saw Osama Bin Laden’s Alleged Burial at Sea
Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Bin Laden, The Oswald Like Patsy Died 10 Years Ago! 2/7 - YouTube
Prison » High-Tech Guard Tower To Spy on Buffalo Residents
Joseph Farah: Obama's Real Agenda for Amercia Revealed - YouTube
Prison » Walmart Enlists Armed Guards Ahead of Black Friday
Prison » Chemtrail Assault Amazing Time-lapse
Chemtrail Assault Amazing Time-lapse! - YouTube
Prison » TSA abuse: 17,000 and counting
Prison » Federal Audit Proves TSA Is Misleading Public, Covering Up Passenger Complaints
Opt Out & Film! | Exercise Your First Amendment Right | 2012 - YouTube
Prison » Opt Out & Film! | Exercise Your First Amendment Right | 2012
Prison » US: we initiate terrorism to create terrorists to overthrow governments
General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years - YouTube
Prison » Israeli-Arab Ceasefire # 6,432,821
Prison » Video: Woman Tasered For Exercising 4th Amendment Rights Has Heart Attack
Cops Zap Man Having Seizure - YouTube
Woman Gets Heart Attack After Being Tasered By California Cops - YouTube
USS Eisenhower families thankful sailors will be home for Christmas after missing Thanksgiving | – Hampton Roads News & Weather from WTKR Television Newschannel 3
BBC News - Egypt's President Mursi assumes sweeping powers
Morsi gives himself far-reaching powers - YouTube
Hamas declares 'victory' after cease-fire - JPost - Middle East
Prison » Is Congress Guilty of the Largest Insider-Trading Scheme Ever?
Government to get new software to spy on social media conversations | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |
Russia Warns Against NATO Missiles on Syrian Border | Russia | RIA Novosti
Bahrain repressed protesters with West's tacit approval - Amnesty International — RT
PM Netanyahu threatens action if truce fails - JPost - Defense
Afghan Opium Cultivation Rose in 2012, U.N. Says -
Prison » Geithner unveils his true agenda: Infinite debt means infinite economic enslavement of America
Obama pardons poultry, not people? - YouTube
Prison » Mexico Officials: Allowing GM Corn Will Devastate Crops
Prison » What to Expect From the New Congress
Navy fires two more commanders - Navy - Stripes
Prison » DHS Inks $443 Million Deal to Buy More Drones
The Elite's Plan for World-Wide Genocide Revealed - YouTube
Alex Reviews Ron Paul's Historic Farewell Speech - YouTube
Ron Paul's Farewell Speech to Congress - YouTube
Prison » The World’s First Social Media War: Israel v. Hamas
Prison » The Five-Step Guide To Preserving The Dream World: The Example of Israel
Prison » As Israel-Gaza Charade Concludes, West Pivots Back to Syria
Prison » Initial Claims Over 400K For Second Week In A Row, Hurricane’s Fault Again
US billionaire in spotlight in record $276mn insider trading scam -
The Head of Goldman Sachs Wants to Raise Your Retirement Age - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic
The 20 Best Cliffhangers Ever Shown on Science Fiction or Fantasy TV
One of the Most Alarming Things Ever to Come out of James Bond
Watch Alfred Hitchcock's earliest surviving film, right now!
Benghazi Security Chief Assassinated in Overnight Attack -- News from
DoD Now Responsible for Guns and Butter | Cato @ Liberty
Homeland Security Has Spent $430 Million on Radios Its Employees Don’t Know How to Use - ProPublica
BBC News - Google attacks UN's internet treaty conference
Internal emails offer details on bin Laden burial - News -
Mexican Agencies Clash Over Shooting of C.I.A. Employees -
Possible kingmaker calls for nuclear-armed Japan | Nuclear Weapons News at DefenceTalk
Brazil Boosts Gold Reserves to the Highest in More Than 11 Years
Hyperinflation Now Strikes! » Página Oficial de Daniel Estulin. Autor Club Bilderberg, Conspiración Octopus, Imperio Invisible, Los señores de las sombras, Shadow Masters, Bilderberg group.
People Are Still Losing Homes Under the Robo-Signing Deal - Businessweek
Is Money Just Another Drug? - Waking Times : Waking Times
Beware Card- and Cash-Trapping at the ATM — Krebs on Security
The 12 Companies Paying Americans the Least - 24/7 Wall St.
Afghanistan's Poppy Bumper Crop | VICE
Dutch sex therapists: Legalize 'virtual' child pornography | The Daily Caller
California: Number of College Grads Working As Waiters Doubles
GM woes: no water, no birds, no butterflies, and we’re coughing at harvest time | Farm Wars
Statist Thugs And The Rocks They Crawl Out From Under - informationliberation
Should You Be Hoarding? - informationliberation
They Are Going To Make It Nearly Impossible To Pass On A Farm Or A Business To Your Children - informationliberation
Playboy's special edition: Marilyn Monroe's nude photos on 50th anniversary of her death | Mail Online
The Ongoing Kennedy Casket Mystery by Jacob G. Hornberger
**The Kennedy Casket Conspiracy The Future of Freedom Foundation
Assassination of John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia
JFK / The Kennedy Assassination
November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum
John F. Kennedy Assassination Cover-up and Conspiracy Theories - YouTube
Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy (Complete) - YouTube
JFK Assassination Cover-Up with Jim Marrs & Douglas Horne - YouTube
JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories: John F. Kennedy Facts, Photos, Timeline, Books, Articles - YouTube
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura JFK assassination deathbed confession Full length version - YouTube
JFK Assassination Every Zapruder Frame Slowed Down - YouTube
Zapruder film FRAME BY FRAME (HIGH QUALITY) - YouTube
**Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
A Close Examination of the JFK Assassination Zapruder Film
The Strange History of the Zapruder Film: The Assassination of Kennedy Was the Birth of Citizen Journalism | Motherboard
The Death Of John Kennedy | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
Kennedy Assassination "Mystery Deaths"
Deaths of Witnesses Connected to the assassination of John F. Kennedy
Cuba: No More Exit Visas! by Mark Nestmann
Patriotic Millionaires Unmasked by Peter Schiff
Top 10 Bar Drinks
Abdominal Obesity, High Blood Sugar, High Blood Pressure? Eat Nuts. | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog
Translating Yellin: The FEDs Mistress of Fog
Government Plans Retirement Heist, Calls It Charity by Jeff Berwick
Unlocking the Science of Habits: How to Hack the Habit Loop & Become the Man You Want to Be | The Art of Manliness
Egypt's Morsi Grants Himself Sweeping Powers
Obama Urges Unity on Post-Election Thanksgiving
US Ambassador Revisits Benghazi Controversy
TV, Film Production Leaving Los Angeles
John McAfee’s Internet Meltdown « Digital Frontiers
The Best Kept Open Secret of Our Time: Individuals Have Power | Old-Thinker News
Gunshot Detection and Biometrics Merge to Form Real-Time Shooter I.D.
The Essentials: Food, Water, Energy and Peace of Mind…..
Is Money Just Another Drug?
Ben Bernanke Confronted on Secret Federal Reserve Bailouts
Secrets to a Long Healthy Life
Reform to Require Warrant for Private Online Messages Up for Vote, but Down on Privacy | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Why Liberals Hate Conservatives (and Vice Versa) - YouTube
Political Formality and Truth
Watch: Anita Hill and Sandra Fluke talk about being in the eye of the misogynist media storm | The Raw Story
Pat Robertson claims he ‘missed’ God’s message about 2012 election | The Raw Story
Calls us Mexico, not ‘United States of Mexico’: president | The Raw Story
Former Komen exec. who pushed to defund Planned Parenthood weighing Senate bid | The Raw Story
How the 2012 election polling really was skewed for Mitt Romney | The Raw Story
Rebuilding the GOP: Can Republicans pitch a bigger tent? | The Raw Story
Dial M for Movies | Nail-Biting Allowed: Alfred Hitchcock’s 10 Most Memorable Scenes |
China Plans to Build the World’s Tallest Building in Just 90 Days |
Best Video Games | All-TIME 100 Video Games |
JFK Funeral, 1963 | JFK: Photos From His Funeral at Arlington, November 1963 |
Pope Benedict Disputes Jesus’ Date of Birth |
The First TV Dinner Was Thanksgiving Leftovers - Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Thanksgiving - TIME
Coast to Coast AM - Nov 15 2012 - GMO Dangers & Home Farming - YouTube ..
Coast to Coast AM - Nov 12 2012 - UFO Encounters & Evidence C2CAM - YouTube ]
Coast to Coast AM - Nov 13 2012 - Physics Breakthroughs C2CAM - YouTube
Coast to Coast AM - Nov 11 2012 - The Ratline & Mormon Origins C2CAM - YouTube
2012 & the Denver Airport Conspiracy Discussed - YouTube
Coast to Coast AM - Oct 25 2012 - UFOs, Climate Change, & Crop Circles C2CAM - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM -UFOs & The Antichrist - August 07 2012 - YouTube
Twelve rockets hit Israel after truce: police - FRANCE 24
Hamas says 'Israel failed in its goals', thanks Iran - FRANCE 24
My Way News - Internal emails offer details on bin Laden burial
Osama bin Laden death: secret emails give details of burial at sea | World news |
Osama bin Laden: US Navy emails reveal no sailors witnessed secret burial at sea - Telegraph
WH Won't Release Photos of Obama Team During Benghazi Attack
Susan Rice Lays All Blame on Intel Community for Her Misleading the American People | The Weekly Standard
Boehner: Obamacare on table for 'fiscal cliff' talks | Politics - Home
Sandy Island on Google Earth: Scientists Undiscover Pacific Island
Jesse Jackson Jr. Resigns From Congress « CBS Chicago
Jesse Jackson Jr. resigns from Congress, acknowledges federal investigation for first time - Chicago Sun-Times
Thanksgiving Celebrates Our 'Original Sin,' 'Views Virtually Identical To Nazis,' Journalism Prof Preaches | CNS News
No Wonder China is Nervous as Obama Pivots
IAEA report: zero evidence of Iran nukes. US Orwellian corporate war media: Iran building nukes? - Los Angeles LA County Nonpartisan |
Obama aggresses, media echoes lie Iran threatens to "wipe Israel off the map." Citizen action? - Los Angeles LA County Nonpartisan |
Curiosity Rover's Secret Historic Breakthrough? Speculation Centers on Organic Molecules | Wired Science |
PressTV - Secessionism and the New World Order
Did Petraeus order staff to give Broadwell classified documents? | Nation & World | The Seattle Times
Don’t Think The US Military Is Concerned With The Climate? Think Again. « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Monsanto insurance: USDA tells farmers to pay for avoiding troubles with agro-giant — RT
What You Don't Know About Commercial Egg Farming
Scientists Discover 'Super Jupiter'
Mars rover Curiosity makes "earthshaking" find: No one is talking but everyone is speculating
Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out | ANMilitia
PressTV - Rand Paul: Yep, I'm 'Interested' in 2016
Private Moon Race May Spark Lunar 'Water Rush' |
How Facebook and social networking sites are used by child abuse gangs to groom victims for 'sex parties' | Mail Online
GM corn variety 'cannot be regarded as safe': Dr Gilles-Eric Séralini hits back at critics | Mail Online
Homeland Security Wants to More Than Double Its Predator Drone Fleet Inside the US, Despite Safety and Privacy Concerns | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Answers to Every Possible Thanksgiving Health Question - James Hamblin - The Atlantic
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2010 Full Documentary - YouTube
Egyptian Leader Orders Retrial in Protester Killings
Iran Supplied Gaza with Weapons - Hamas Political Leader
Russia Warns Against NATO Missiles on Syrian Border - Reliable News and Security Information
UPS Drops Boy Scout Funding Over Ban on Homosexual Leaders
UN Demands Obama Smash State Marijuana Legalization
What to Expect From the New Congress
UPS Drops Boy Scout Funding Over Ban on Homosexual Leaders
UN Demands Obama Smash State Marijuana Legalization
What to Expect From the New Congress
US 'spied' on Nicolas Sarkozy presidency - Telegraph
Guardianship: Legally Imposed Slavery? « The PPJ Gazette
Activist Post: Exactly What Does The ‘"Free’" In Free Market Mean?
Jesus was born years earlier than thought, claims Pope - Telegraph
Watch This Awesome Robot Play Catch Better Than Your Dad | Popular Science
Pardoned turkey’s death untimely? Only to the naive – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Agenda 21: How Will It Affect You? - YouTube
The Excavator: From Fantasy To Fact: Four Ways The Fake Media Creates A False Reality
Dr Judy Wood Glimpses of 911 - YouTube
Online porn linked to half of all child sex abuse cases | Mail Online
PressTV - 3 American youth get jail terms after FBI framed them for bombing
What Can We Do About JFK's Murder? - Jefferson Morley - The Atlantic
*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 21, 2012
The Watchman's Cry:Mystery Babylon at the Gate - America is Falling!
The Watchman's Cry:"Zombie Apocalypse? - Mayan Prophecy - December 21, 2012"
Pope Benedict XVI’s End Time Eisegesis — Logos Apologia
ZENIT - On the Coming of the Son of Man
Magnetic Pole Shift May Destroy Civilization | Science and Technology
DailyTech - Human Rights Watch: Ban "Terminator" Robots Before We Lose Control
Cryptomundo » Do Yetis Kill Humans?
Does turkey really make you sleepy? -
“Fifty Shades of Chicken”: The BDSM recipe cookbook -
The ultimate unforgettable Thanksgiving! -
The U.S. won’t admit this dying Iranian sociologist -
Is the metrosexual finally dead? -
David Letterman kisses Amy Poehler while talking about Joe Biden -
Elite Intrigues and Military Purges: It’s Not About Sex, Stupid!
Bad News for Africa: 3,000 More U.S. Soldiers are on the Way
9/11 Exposed: Confronting the Evidence
US: We Initiate Terrorism to Create Terrorists to Overthrow Governments
IAEA Data on Sensitive Iranian Stockpile Mislead News Media
Obama’s War Machine, American Assassinations & Journalism
California Gets Face Scanners To Spy On Everyone At Once
Indigenous Medicine still hold great value in 2012 and beyond! -
Avoid these six foods that could trigger acid reflux and IBS symptoms
Five best homeopathic remedies for the treatment of heartburn, GERD and acid reflux
Natural remedies for a sore throat
Mindfulness meditation may slow aging
Calm anxiety and lighten the heart with motherwort herb
EBT cards rife with abuse, corporate banking nepotism
Homeland Security plots ways to spy on Americans through social media surveillance
Keep Colon Cancer at Bay with Phytonutrients (Berries, Grapes)
More Research Shows Positivity Adds Years to Life
Chase the Common Cold away with Kiwifruit
How Cornflower Eases Anxiety, Boost Immunity, and Soothes Skin
DNA Research: Our Turkeys Are Descendents of Mexican Birds
Iowa Governor Wants to Replace Straw Poll
British House of Lords Narrows Scope of Bill to Expand Use of Secret Courts
Hoekstra: Holder Is Wrong on FBI Petraeus Briefings
Bin Laden Burial Still Shrouded in Secrecy
Sandy Survivors Express Gratitude on Thanksgiving Despite Tremendous Loss
Obama Celebrates Thanksgiving With Family, Friends at White House
History of Thanksgiving Celebrations
Doctor: Puerto Rico Boxer Camacho Is Brain Dead
Club for Growth's Chocola: Senate Candidates Chosen By Establishment Would Be Disaster
Pope's New Book: Jesus Born Earlier Than Believed
James Rickards: Fed Policies Will Weaken Dollar Further
Obama Wants Higher Tax Revenues and Rates
US Food Banks Raise Alarm as Drought Dents Government Supplies
NASA: Recent Mars Discovery 'One for the History Books'
The Hispanic Voter Paradox
Alien Artifact Found On Mercury | Space
Colonel Corso Met Extraterrestrial Says Dr. Steven Greer, Using Space Weapons Against ET Civilizations | Beyond Science
+11 pg./ '06;Using Space Weapons against Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Augureye Express: Know Your GMO Bar Codes
Horrific 100+ Vehicle Pileup In Texas, 2 Dead, More Than 80 Injured | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
HIGH STRANGENESS: Major Geological Upheaval or Cover-Up - Scientists "Proves" That South Pacific Sandy Island Does Not Exist?! ~ The CELESTIAL Convergence
Star Trek Classroom: The Next Generation Of School Desks Are Interactive | Gadgets
38 Levels Above 'Top Secret': Alien Contact Intelligence Organization | Power Elite
US GOVERMENT...There are 38 LEVELS ABOVE TOP SECRET - "COSMIC" Top Secret. - YouTube
The Beginning of the End is Upon Us | Tribulation-Now
Mark Biltz Feast of Trumpets -- 1hr 16 min 18 seconds - YouTube
Obama's Lying Past Exposed By Law Enforcement In MS Court Submitted/Signed Affidavit | Obama
Jill Kelley Helped Muslim Nations, Hezbollah Infiltrate Central Command, MacDill Base; “Go To Girl” For Muslim Parties w/ Generals
Mysterious Ancient Artifacts Discovered in Saudi Desert, Legendary City Of Gerrha Found | Strange
Pro-Palestinian Ads Ignite Firestorm Of Controversy - YouTube .
The Corbett Report | Interview 558 – David Smith on the Global Banking Cartel
Intel Committee Member on Petraeus: ‘Essentially, He’s Using a Technicality to Say: Well, I Didn’t Lie to You Guys’ | CNS News
Thanksgiving Celebrates Our 'Original Sin,' 'Views Virtually Identical To Nazis,' Journalism Prof Preaches | CNS News
Feinstein: Petraeus Cheated Because He Had 'No Entourage,' 'No Driver,' Had to Wash Own Dishes | CNS News
CBS's Dickerson Boasts Obama 'Has More Leverage' If Country Goes Off Fiscal Cliff |
FEMA Considering ‘Stackable Dwellings’ for ‘Disaster Survivors’ in ‘NY/NJ Areas’ | CNS News
Israel No Better Than Hamas in Eyes of 'The World,' Opines Geraldo |
Panetta says war on al-Qaida taking new direction | CNS News
Female Manchester lawyer facing federal child porn charges - YouTube
Israel's War on Truth | Brainwash Update - YouTube
Charleston Voice: Oh, Oh...Austrian Parliament hears 80 percent of its gold or 224 metric tons in London
Toxic Toys Sold to Your Children Without Your Knowledge :
Who's Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?
Activist Post: Gunshot Detection and Biometrics Merge to Form Real-Time Shooter I.D.
"The Most Lucrative Insider Trading Scheme In U.S. History" - Home - The Daily Bail
Why Ron Paul was silenced by mainstream media | XRepublic
They told him not to enforce drug laws in white areas. Really. - YouTube
Is Obama concerned "insiders" are planning a coup d'état? Presidential Memorandum 11-21-12 - The Lone Star Watchdog | The Lone Star Watchdog
The Real Story of Thanksgiving (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
The American Red Double Cross - YouTube
Reports: Russian weapons designer shot dead in contract-style killing - World News
Dutch PM comes to Brussels with a "loaded gun" in his pocket - November EU Summit 2012 - YouTube
John Stossel - The Impact of Obamacare: The Cost, Quality, & Availability of Healthcare | XRepublic
Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Britain's missing billions: counting the true cost of corporate tax avoidance - Tax - Money - The Independent
What You May Not Know about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - YouTube
Thanksgiving History, What Really Happened When the Pilgrims Landed. | The Lone Star Watchdog

Presidential Memorandum — National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs | _


**The Men Who Killed Kennedy [Videos - 9 Episodes] « Monolithik
Of all the U.S. presidents to mythologize, why pick JFK? - The Globe and Mail
The Zapruder Film of the Kennedy Assassination
Kennedy Assassination Transformed US Secret Service
November 22, 1963: Conspiracy, Murder and the Mystery Behind the Assassination of JFK | Commander in Chief | Command Posts
The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy — Lee Harvey Oswald — Crime Library on
Modern Dallas coming to grips with the Kennedy assassination - Los Angeles Times
JFK Assassination - Video shows Kennedy's Secret Service ordered to stand down.
George Bush Sr. smiling at JFK Assassination - YouTube
The JFK Page: The Death Of John Kennedy The Media helped sell the lie of the lone assasin.
The JFK Page:Convenient Deaths 1963 - 1976
The JFK Page: Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment.
The Most Revealing Wink Of The 20th Century
Richard Nixon Jokes About LBJ Killing JFK : Federal Jack
THE JFK ASSASSINATION: The Disappearing Witnesses : Federal Jack
What Happened to JFK’s Brain??? : Federal Jack
The Dallas Coup: Stealing JFK’s Body – How it was Done : Federal Jack
Nixon, Watergate, and the JFK assassination : Federal Jack
Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura – Season 2 Episode 5 – John Fiztgerald Kennedy Assassination « Underground Documentaries
JFK: The Lost Bullet (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Interview With LBJ’s Mistress On JFK’s Assassination (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries (video/quicktime Object)
RubyandNixon.jpg (JPEG Image, 1232 × 1280 pixels) - Scaled (39%)
BushJfkBookDepo2.jpg (JPEG Image, 635 × 1175 pixels) - Scaled (42%)
Oswald CIA.pdf (application/pdf Object)
The Raw Story | Posthumous book claims Ford knew of CIA coverup in Kennedy assassination
Hunt's Deathbed Confession Reveals JFK Killers Study Backs Theory of 'Grassy Knoll'
Gerald Ford forced to admit the Warren Report fictionalized
The Dissenting Warren Member
[PDF] The 9/11 Commission Report
Hamas cries victory; truce with Israel holds
Governor grants clemency to Chicago woman convicted of voluntary manslaughter after killing boyfriend -
Jesse Jackson Jr. Resigned From Congress But Not From Trouble: Ethics Investigation Looms
'Hitchcock' review: 'Psycho' drama
Michael Jackson's Personal Debts Paid Off, Just In Time For Bad 25
Unborn Babies 'Yawn Repeatedly Inside Womb' - YouTube
Can ADHD Drugs Help Keep People Law-Abiding?
Yawning may be linked to brain devleopment in fetuses
New Smell Discovered
What You Should Know About Caffeine
Shoppers hit the stores for Black Friday deals
Hostess Judge Approves Wind-Down of Twinkie Maker
5 tips to survive Black Friday shopping
A dozen tips for Cyber Monday shoppers
Food banks collaborate to get more nutritious food to people
Dwarf planet Makemake examined for the first time
Pluto's Neighboring Dwarf Planet Makemake Lacks Atmosphere - YouTube
Astronauts to get Thanksgiving feast in space
Mars Mystery: Here's What We Know
NASA Discovers Oldest And Most Distant Galaxy Using Gravitational Lensing
Mars Cave-Exploration Mission Entices Scientists
Island found on maps does not actually exist, scientists say
Google says Microsoft's patent use worth $94bn by 2017
Facebook Asks Users If It Can Abolish Their Right To Vote On Future Site Governance Changes | TechCrunch
Iowa GOP chairman: Gov. Branstad won't make straw poll decision
Mitt Romney is just like us: Former candidate pumps gas, visits Disneyland
Did the mainstream media help President Obama win? (+video)
One-Party Control Opens States to Partisan Rush
Schultz: three more cases of voter fraud in Iowa
Hand Recount to Begin Next Week in Tight Minn. Race
Mursi draws fire with new Egypt decree
EU leaders still at odds suspend tough budget talk
Madonna not driving Russian minors to homosexuality, court rules
Ahmadinejad for Pak-Iran-Afghan Ulema meeting to defeat terrorism
Mexican president wants to change his country's name ... to Mexico
Presidential pardoning of turkeys: Is this Thanksgiving tradition past its prime?
Sarkozy had eight secret meetings with prosecutor investigating him over corruption¿ | Mail Online
140-car pileup in Texas fog kills two, injures dozens
100-Car Pileup In Texas At Least 2 Dead - YouTube
New York Cops: Serial Murder Gun Found in 'John Doe's' Duffel Bag - ABC News
Postcard mailed during World War II arrives at New York home | Fox News
49 female inmates suffer carbon monoxide poisoning at prison in Pennsylvania - U.S. News
Alameda man pleads no contest to breaking into Steve Jobs home -
Military e-mails: Burial at sea of bin Laden followed Islamic procedures -
Why Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Leave of Absence Was Allowed - The Daily Beast
Republican shift on taxes masks a divided party -
Man Stabbed To Death Trying To Break Up Family Fight « CBS Chicago
John Boehner Fiscal Cliff Comments Show Tough Road Ahead: Analysts
Leon Panetta: Al Qaeda’s leadership ‘decimated’ - Kate Brannen -
Thanksgiving 2012; Reaping a bitter harvest?
Barack Obama’s open mockery of the Sign of the Cross
Showing Liberty the Door
Gaza Déjà Vu
Thanksgiving 2012: struggling with the “happy” thing
It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn
Make Thanksgiving 2012 an ‘Agenda 21 Knowing Thanksgiving’
Prophecy 2013 – The Year Winners Become Losers
Times “Expert” Says Scandals Aren’t Scandals
2016: A thought on the future
Rush, capitalism is an economic system, not a political one!
Weaknesses in Fair-Value Accounting for Investments
Debbie Schlussel-Thanksgiving 2012: Thankful For What We Have, What We Are . . . And What We ARE NOT
Rush Recites The Real Story Of Thanksgiving – 2012
RUSH: Obama Agenda Is To Go Off The Fiscal Cliff
Limbaugh: Why Did It Take So Long For Hillary Clinton To Show Up And Get Credit For Ceasefire?
RUSH: Single Women Would Become Conservative If Men Would Marry Them
RUSH: Hillary Clinton Secures Credit For Cease-Fire And Gets A “Get Out Of ‘Benghazi’ Jail Free Card”
Limbaugh: Marco Rubio Is Being ‘Romneyed’
KHammer Isn’t Buying That Intelligence Head James Clapper Really Edited Benghazi Talking Points
RUSH: Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz Moved Heaven And Earth To Defeat Allen West And Mia Love And Replace Them With White Men.
OB/GYNs Back OTC Birth Control Pill - YouTube
Second Sexual Charge Against Elmo Actor - YouTube
Anti-Islam ads spreading across America - YouTube
Infowars Nightly News for Wednesday, November 21, 2012 (Full Show) - YouTube
The Alex Jones Show - Wednesday, November 21, 2012 (Full Show) - YouTube
The Savage Nation - November 21 2012 FULL SHOW - YouTube
The Obamacare Surcharge
TSA Reissues Order For Software To Spy On Employees’ Communications

Egypt Brotherhood leader blasts peace with Israel
Republican 'leaders' have it all figured out
Petraeus scandal distracts from Benghazi cover-up
Windows 8: A political insight
Standing armies commandeered by cowards
Letting them in on the secret
Is Middle East peace a mirage?
Supreme Court: A law unto themselves
Being thankful for less pain
Romney's right about 'Santa Claus' Obama
C. MONCKTON: Can U.S. survive Obama's Doubledown Day?
Giving thanks for liberty – but for how long?
N. HENTOFF: Pushing the Constitution back into our lives
W. WILLIAMS: Democracy's tyranny
B. PRELUTSKY: 2016: Biden hits his stride
So what if taxing the rich hurts economy?
J. FARAH: Lesbian parents now 'better' than moms, dads?
How the Pilgrims saved us from socialism
Gaza leader Haniyeh thanks Iran for helping make Israel 'scream with pain' | The Times of Israel
WH Won't Release Photos of Obama Team During Benghazi Attack
'Revolutionary' technology could allow governments to listen in on your Skype conversations | Mail Online
Obama’s America: Where artists are terrorists
5 Mexicans ‘patrolling’ when border agent killed - Washington Times
‘Theistic evolution’ or ‘compromised creation’?
Abortions Fell Most in a Decade as Teen Rate Declined - Bloomberg
Court halts planned ‘spychip’ expulsion
Voting For Obama Keeps Families Away From Each Other For Thanksgiving « CBS DC
Jill Kelley, central figure in Petraeus scandal, given a medal and awarded country's second-highest civilian honor in 2011 -
Young Children of Former Hamas Leader: We Want to Be “Martyred” Like Our Dad (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
Nonprofit fires the two women who sparked outrage online after posting a photo in which one woman flashes her middle finger at Arlington National Cemetery | Mail Online
Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event
Thanksgiving: Beautiful pictures show how America celebrated in the 1920s and 1930s | Mail Online
Washington's Original Thanksgiving Proclamation
If You Are Thankful For One Thing This Thanksgiving, Give Thanks You’re Not a Part of These Family Photos
Homeless in Nevada City? You’ll Need a Permit for That
Black Friday: Here are the Top 5 Things you Should Think Twice About Before Buying
Hamas Leader Mashaal: We Accept Palestinian State on ’67 Border With Right to Return
TSA Regrets ‘Accidental’ Breast Exposure of Congressman’s 17-Year-Old Niece During Pat-Down
100-Vehicle Pileup on Texas Interstate Kills 2, Injures Dozens: ‘It Is Catastrophic’
Honest Broker? Muslim Brotherhood Chief Calls for Jihad on Israel Just One Day after Egypt’s President Mediated Ceasefire
William Shatner Featured in Deep-Fried Turkey Warning PSA/Anthem
News Anchors Stun Audience & Resign Live On-Air: Told to Do ‘Unbalanced News, Politically’
What Should America’s Children Be Taught About Thanksgiving? These People’s Answers Might Shock You
Read Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation
Here’s the New Electric Car Chrysler Expects to Lose Money on (And Here’s Why They’re Making it)
Donald Trump Praises…President Obama?
+The James Bond Chronicles: Best of the Dalton-Brosnan-Craig Era
Craig Gets His License to Drive in Big Apple
'Hitchcock' Review: Iconic Director Gets Biopic He Richly Deserves
BH Interview: 'The Flat' Director Unearths Family Skeletons
White House Thanksgiving: Six Types of Pie
Barone: 2016 Presidency Within Reach for Republicans
U.S. Led World in Reducing Carbon Emissions Due to 'Market Forces,' Fracking
Dems May Lose A Senate Seat if Kerry Moves to Cabinet
Fail: Lone Union Worker Walks Out of Walmart
Obamacare Funding Planned Parenthood Sex Education Program
Unions Set To Strike Against Boeing
Happy Thanksgiving: Union Rescue Mission Labels LA ‘The Homeless Capital of America’
For Fourth Straight Year, Obama's Thanksgiving Message Doesn't Thank God
Good Grief! Arkansas Atheists Upset over 'A Charlie Brown Christmas'
Federal Labor Officials Will Let Some Walmart Workers Strike on Black Friday
Forward: Time for Conservatives to Get Back in the Fight
Top Ten People for Conservatives to Thank
ObamaCare 2.0: GOP Jump Starts Fight Against Health Mandate
Remembering the Troops This Thanksgiving
SEIU Leader Incites Riot After Cory Booker Makes Controversial Vote
Jesse Jackson Jr. Faces Federal Investigation
Top Ten Unlikely People Democrats Should Thank
Boehner: Obamacare On Table in Fiscal Cliff Negotiations
Matt Lauer Out at 'Today' Show?
NYT Hypocritically Praises Christie's Non-Political Sandy Response
NYT Publisher: Hiring BBC Exec Involved in Sex Abuse Scandal 'Hasn't Made Things Easy'
Israel PM Election Back in Full Swing Despite Gaza Concerns
Tel Aviv Bus Bombing Linked to Hamas and Islamic Jihad
Israel Captures Tel Aviv Bus Bomber
Taliban Bombs Shiite Muslims in Pakistan
Taliban Vows Revenge After India Executes Mumbai Attack Terrorist
Egypt Brotherhood Leader Blasts Peace with Israel
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood the Big Winner in Gaza Cease-Fire
Hamas Rejects Palestinian Authority Statehood Bid
White House Admits Ceasefire 'Tenuous'
What Hamas Means by 'Peace' and 'Truce'
Florida Imam Had Ties to Blind Sheikh
World View: Egypt's Mohamed Morsi Big Winner in Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Agreement
Egypt's Morsi Grants Himself Far-reaching Powers
Reports: Morsi Planning to Replace Prime Minister with Brotherhood Hardliner
Jake Tapper's 'The Outpost' Raises Vital Questions on U.S. Afghanistan Strategy
Netanyahu: Israel 'May Very Well Need... Harsher Military Action'
Former FEMA Inspector Exposes Federal Relief Money Trap and Disaster Atrocities - YouTube
San Francisco Supervisors Approve 220 Square Foot Apartments « CBS San Francisco
Globalist Plan to Downsize Americans into Jail Cell Like Homes - YouTube
Globalists Want Chinese-Style Control for Americans Under Agenda 21 - YouTube
» Life and Times of the Thanksgiving Turkey: He Never Saw It Coming Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Jill Kelley took multiple flights at taxpayer expense |
» Is That Food Nazi Bloomberg Moonlighting in Los Angeles? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Obama Pardons Thanksgiving Turkey, Continues Unaccountable Drone Killing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Marijuana legalization or decriminalization backed by most Canadians: poll -
Obama's Coming Carbon Tax - Peter Roff (
Political Animal - What Obama Can Do Without Congress
*Tuesday, November 20/Chairman Bernanke's Speech on the Economic Recovery
Help for Small Nuclear Reactors -
What we missed in the global energy report - The Globe and Mail
Cold Fusion and Unintended Consequences - Forbes
Why President Obama Is Wrong To Separate The Economy And Climate | The Energy Collective
The Right Time for a Carbon Tax Is Never
Insider behavior points to imminent rally - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch
A Guide To Talking Politics At The Thanksgiving Table - Forbes
Must-Have Job Skills in 2013 -
RealClearMarkets - Give 'Em 39.6%, They'll Take 91%
Real Clear Markets - Video - 'Super Mario's' Best Value Plays
Real Clear Markets - Video - Soros, Paulson Buying Gold
Social Sharing And Holiday Shopping | Infographics | RealClearTechnology
Why conviction of the AT&T iPad 'hacker' is a problem for us all | Digital Trends
The Storage Games - Mark Davis - Voices - AllThingsD
Opinion: The Petraeus scandal and computer ethics - unified communications, Winn Schwartau, computer safety, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Electronic Communications Privacy Act, theft, Identity fraud / theft, hacking, intrusion, EFF, bullying, scams, computer ethics, Jill Kelley, phishing, pornography, fbi, cnn, General John Allen, Central Intelligence Agency, plagiarism, E-mail services, Networking, Kickstarter, Electronic Frontier Foundation, privacy, cia, General David Petraeus, security, Paula Broadwell, ECPA, sexting, intel - Computerworld
How We'll Head Home for the Holidays in 2050 | Motherboard
Revealed: the streaming space cameras that'll point at your house | News | TechRadar
Seven High-Tech Ways to Cook a Turkey
Walt's Annual Laptop Guide - Making Sense of All the New Laptop Flavor - Walt Mossberg - Personal Technology - AllThingsD
How to Buy Smart TVs | Sound and Vision Magazine
Giving thanks for our place in the Universe – Starts With A Bang
Out of the dark | COSMOS magazine
Today’s breeders can turn to the tools of DNA sequencing and genetic analysis to develop healthier and more efficient turkeys, pigs, and other food animals. | MIT Technology Review
The Evolutionary Mystery of Homosexuality - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Scientists Probe Human Nature--and Discover We Are Good, After All: Scientific American
New hope for understanding autism spectrum disorders - UdeMNouvelles
Rubio and Obama and the age of Earth: Politicians hedge about whether universe was created. - Slate Magazine
The world will be a more peaceful place in 2050 (Wired UK)
Inkfish: Math Shows Penguins Only Care about Themselves
Getting Runner's High - Blog
RealClearScience - Guessing Age: What's Going on in the Brain?
Aristotle's Thoughts on the Thanksgiving Food Coma - Blog
Fareed Zakaria: Israel dominates the Middle East - The Washington Post
Reform on the Back Burner with New Chinese Regime
Gaza Ceasefire Doesn’t Solve the Fundamental Problem - US News and World Report
RealClearWorld - Don't Let Hamas Win
Siddiqui: Hamas emerges stronger from Gaza war -
The Late Bloomer: The Rise Fall and Rebirth of Berlin - SPIEGEL ONLINE
In the Gaza standoff, Russians suddenly have the upper hand - The Globe and Mail
China’s Next Big Export: Creativity And Culture - The Daily Beast
Britain is standing on a ledge, while Europe screams, 'Don't do it!' | Timothy Garton Ash | Comment is free | The Guardian
Planning for China’s ‘Fall’
Dealing With Iran
Political parties must spell out their visions for Japan's future - The China Post
Israeli Defense Vs. Gaza's Hamas Is Civilization Against Savagery -
Leader: Netanyahu risks condemning Israel to perpetual war
Israel's Pillar of Defense achieved its goals - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
How Hamas Won the War - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy
Cairo faces a choice: lead on Gaza, or simply follow Hamas - The National
Beyond Iron Dome -
RealClearWorld - An American President in the Age of Globalization
Melanie Kirkpatrick: Thanksgiving, 1789 -
The Greatest Generation, Redux | RealClearPolitics
Obama Wants Higher Revenues and Rates -- But Is It a Deal-Breaker? | RealClearPolitics
A Failed Experiment -
Why Are a Record Number of Americans On Food Stamps? Hint: It's Not Just the Economy. - Hit & Run :
Change? Learn? Compromise? Grow? Not These Republicans | RealClearPolitics
The Humbling Tragedy of Jesse Jackson Jr. - The Daily Beast
Branstad Opens Gates for Iowa Straw Poll Criticism | RealClearPolitics
Kerry Is the Right Choice to Lead U.S. Diplomacy - Bloomberg
PRUDEN: The ill wind blowing past Benghazi - Washington Times
The Republicans behind this sexist hazing of Susan Rice | Lizz Winstead | Comment is free |
Another place where Republicans keep failing |
Lincoln's defiant thanksgiving
Jesse Jackson Jr.; resigns -
A New Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire -
Bizarro World logic vs. Israel -
Benghazi and the Fox News Effect | Mother Jones
Oh What a Tangled Web - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online
A big step forward on 'Obamacare' implementation - The Maddow Blog
House GOP is angling to repeal health care | |
Republicans' choice: fantasy follies or reality-based relevance | Ana Marie Cox | Comment is free |
Happy Franksgiving: Why FDR Rescheduled Turkey Day - Mental Floss
The World's 100 Most Powerful Women 2012 - Forbes
Conservatives using Alinsky's Rule Number 5
Your Future in Obama World
US leads the world in ...carbon reductions?
Israel and the Impossible Peace with Hamas
The Mysterious Death of Gen. George S. Patton
Obama pardons turkeys and takes a parting shot at Romney
Orwell's Struggle May Be Over
America's Iron Dome Dividend
A Toast to Socialist Countries
The God of the Here and Now
I Have Not Yet Begun to Fight!
Give Thanks for Our Religious Heritage
Socialism as Religion
The Commander in Chief's Lack of Military Awareness
The Only Clear Road Back for Republicans
Appealing to Latinos
Video: Feinstein: 'I Hope People See Hamas For What It Is, And That Is Using Their Own People As Human Shields'
Video: Hamas TV on Tel Aviv Bus Bombing: 'God Willing, We Will Soon See Black Body Bags'
Video: Tammy Bruce Debates Atheist on Nixing the Nativity Scene in Santa Monica
Video: Leno Zings Obama: 'Good News For The Economy, President Obama Is Out Of Town'
Video: Rand Paul: 'Not Going to Deny That I'm Interested' in 2016

Political Video:November 22, 2012

Obama Weekly Address: Wishing The American People A Happy Thanksgiving | RealClearPolitics
Extended "Special Report" Panel On Susan Rice, Benghazi & Thanksgiving | RealClearPolitics
Rep. McMorris Rodgers Gives GOP Weekly Address On Thanksgiving | RealClearPolitics
Rice: I Relied "Solely And Squarely" On Information From Intel Community | RealClearPolitics
Maddow: John McCain Is Not Credible On Foreign Policy | RealClearPolitics

Political Video:November 21, 2012

Dan Senor Rips GOP Officials For Turning On Romney | RealClearPolitics
Rush Limbaugh: Marco Rubio Is Being "Romneyed" | RealClearPolitics
Jesse Jackson Jr. Resigns From Congress | RealClearPolitics
What Are The Terms Of The Israel-Hamas Ceasefire? | RealClearPolitics
Giuliani: Christie "Put His State First;" His Critics Are Being "Narrow" | RealClearPolitics
Israel And Hamas Agree To Ceasefire On Wednesday | RealClearPolitics
Obama Pardons White House Turkey, Says "Once Again, Nate Silver Completely Nailed It" | RealClearPolitics
"Special Report" Panel On The Libya Controversy | RealClearPolitics
Halperin: "Left-Wing Freak Show" Trying To Delegitimize Marco Rubio | RealClearPolitics
Sen. Sessions: Reid "Has Abused The Power Of The Majority" That Has "Never Ever Been Done Before" | RealClearPolitics
Maddow: Obama Had A Successful, Historic Visit To Burma | RealClearPolitics
Klein: If You're The CEO Of Goldman Sachs, Don't Talk About Social Security | RealClearPolitics
Obama SBA Head Hasn't Heard Of ObamaCare Impacting Small Business | RealClearPolitics
O'Reilly: How The Entitlement Society Makes America Weaker | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer "Not Buying" That DNI Clapper Changed Benghazi Talking Points | RealClearPolitics
22 NOV.
American Minute for November 22nd
November 22 Events in History
Today in History: November 22
This Day in History for 22nd November |
November 22nd This Day in History
November 22nd in History
Today in History: November 22
Today in History for November 22nd - YouTube
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday November 21 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday November 21 2012 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday November 22 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday November 22 2012 Hour 2
Alex Jones - 2012-Nov-21, Wednesday
Alex Jones - 2012-Nov-22, Thursday
11/21 The Mark Levin Show
11/22 The Mark Levin Show
The Manning Report – 21 November 2012
Nov. 21, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

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