A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

23 November 2012

23 Nov.

Joseph Farah: Obama's Real Agenda for Amercia Revealed - YouTube
The Elite's Plan for World-Wide Genocide Revealed - YouTube
Watch Ron Paul's Farewell Address! - YouTube
Prison » Political Predictions: Obama’s Second Term
Prison » Did TSA Mothball Scanners In PR Stunt?
Muslim Brotherhood offices torched, Morsi on defensive - EGYPT - FRANCE 24
Prison » Latest U-Haul Index Shows Californians Leaving for Texas
Prison » Preventing Armageddon Would Cost Only $100 Million … But Congress Is Too Thick to Approve the Fix
Cold War aftermath: Chinese villains in Hollywood remake ‘Red Dawn’ replaced with N. Koreans — RT
Sharia police state? Saudi husbands can track wives’ travels electronically — RT
Prison » The End Of The Smartphone Era Is Coming
Prison » How cancer feeds on sugar (and other big reasons to avoid refined sweets)
Prison » What to Expect From the New Congress
Prison » Economic IQ test: If the national debt doesn’t matter, then why are we still paying federal income taxes?
Prison » An Empire of Paranoia
WELCOME To the New US Prisons without Bars
Expert Witness to the Kennedy assassination - Killed.mpg - YouTube
Preparing the public mind for the Kennedy Assassination - YouTube
Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection (Full) - YouTube
U.S. shoppers welcome early start to Black Friday | Reuters
U.S. set for fracking bonanza, says historian Ferguson -
DARPA building drone submarines to patrol the sea — RT
OpEdNews - Article: Guns or Butter
WHO Suggests Broader Betacornavirus Testing
Future under new Chinese leadership remains murky | McClatchy
Air Force Cover Up? Early Report Stated, "4 Employees [Air Force Personnel] Became Sick While Working at The [Missile Launch] Facility"; Air Force Now Says There was No Leak, Injuries or Illness! (VIDEO)
OpEdNews - Article: The Ambien Made Me Do It!
Ambien Side Effects |
Why a Military Coup is Impossible in Russia | ZenHaven
Jill Kelley received military civilian honour from David Petraeus - Telegraph
Epitaph for a Four Star » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Devvy Kidd -- Plotting For America To Be Under Sharia Law Is Sedition
Illinois may grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants | Reuters
Activist Post: Biometric Gunshot Surveillance Net Will I.D. Shooters in Real-Time Across America
My Picks for Obama’s 2nd Term Cabinet « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson
How the West Was Lost by Native Americans - National - The Atlantic Wire
Dr. Manning: God is sick of Black People! - YouTube
Eternal Tears – The Chernobyl Disaster in Sand Animation « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Sharia police state? Saudi husbands can track wives’ travels electronically — RT
Future ban on bee-killing pesticides investigated - Nature - Environment - The Independent
Yes – You ARE What You Eat « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Last Train Across Canada - Murray Sayle - 1990 - Full Documentary - YouTube
Where did it go? Australian scientists un-discover phantom Pacific island that appears on world maps - Australasia - World - The Independent
UFO Icons, Jim Moseley & John Keel Talk CIA, UFOs & Aliens | AUDIO - 1966
Conspiracy Of Silence (Banned Discovery Channel Documentary) - YouTube
PressTV - The International Banking Cartel (I)
PressTV - The International Banking Cartel (II)
Does Paula Broadwell know the nation’s security secrets? — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine
Presidential Memorandum -- National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs | The White House
Police officer quits after comments about Obama - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG video: Rice defends Benghazi remarks
PressTV - Walmart trying to keep wages 'very low'
EyeSee facial recognition cameras deployed in mannequins record age, gender and race of customers | End the Lie – Independent News
55 Reasons Why You Should Buy Products That Are Made In America This Holiday Season
Why rich guys want to raise the retirement age
Residents remember 'horror' of JFK assassination | Wausau Daily Herald | - Alleged tip two days before assassination links Eunice and JFK
Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: News :: My terror at hands of paedos
Agenda 21: The Latest Sleight of Hand Trick by Corporate Elite
Hidden agenda? Tea Party members allege UN conspiracy - Red Bluff Daily News Online
Make Thanksgiving 2012 an ‘Agenda 21 Knowing Thanksgiving’
GMO controversy won’t go away - The GreenHouse - Green - November 22, 2012 - Chico News & Review
Organic farmers condemn U.S. report, claim it favors GMO | Reuters
Fox Pundit Jokes Food Stamps Could Be A Diet Plan | ThinkProgress
ALERT! TOXIC TOYS | Agriculture Defense Coalition
5 Health Benefits Of Coconut Water - The Rawfoodfamily
5 Health Benefits Of Coconut Water - YouTube
Alex jones says iran wants to wipe israel off the map - YouTube
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2010 Full Documentary - YouTube .
Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick poo-poo 9/11 reinvestigation - YouTube
Charleston Voice: Ex-Italian President: CIA, Mossad behind 9/11 terror attacks - REDUX (2010)
Underground Documentaries
Israel's War on Truth, Politics of Pardoning, Sociology of Security - YouTube
The Day the World Ended - WW3 Simulation - YouTube
They told him not to enforce drug laws in white areas. Really. - YouTube
The American Red Double Cross - YouTube
Revealed: Military emails show that NO U.S. sailors witnessed Osama bin Laden’s secret burial at sea | _
Who's Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?
Why Ron Paul was silenced by mainstream media | XRepublic » Pentagon Wants to Keep Running Its ‘Afghan Drug War’ From Blackwater’s HQ
Ben Bernanke Confronted on Secret Federal Reserve Bailouts | XRepublic
Bernanke: We Don't Have 'Tools' to Offset 'Cliff' Dive | XRepublic
Educating the President :
Ban ‘Killer Robot’s” Before it’s to Late :
FBI Probes Petraeus and Staff Over Classified Leaks :
Where in the world is alleged sex offender Lydia Katz, religious school teacher? - Chicago Sexual Abuse |
We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant | XRepublic
Nigel Farage: Europe split in every way possible | XRepublic
The Samson Option – How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War | _
Driving the First Nail into a Fundamentally Transformed America
Thanksgiving 2012; Reaping a bitter harvest?
Obama’s Federal Government Behind Schedule Implementing Health Care Law
Barack Obama’s open mockery of the Sign of the Cross
Showing Liberty the Door
It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn
The World's Warmongers - YouTube
NSA Refuses To Release Secret Obama Directive On Cybersecurity |
The Insanity Of U.S. Military Spending In One Chart |
Facebook are Banning Admins on our pages!! - YouTube
Max Igan - Source Radio Freemantle 107.9FM, Nov22, 2012 - 1/4 - YouTube
Max Igan - Source Radio Freemantle 107.9FM, Nov22, 2012 - 3/4 - YouTube
Fear~Propaganda~Suppression~Control - YouTube
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The War Monger March!" - (11/20/12) - YouTube
How to Beat Facial Recognition Software without Looking Like a Bank Robber |
Obama's Secret Directive 20 Threatens Civil Liberties - YouTube
» Black Sea Fleet Moves to Evacuate Russian Nationals from Gaza Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» When The Economy Collapses In The USA, The People Go Shopping! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Armed Drones to Patrol Highways by 2025 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! » Fingerprint Scans Create Unease For Poor Parents
» Big Brother Wants To Guess Your Figure Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
[VIDEO] INVESTIGATION: Big Brother Goes To The Mall - PETER THORNE - YouTube
Jill Kelley took multiple flights at taxpayer expense |
» Homeland Security plots ways to spy on Americans through social media surveillance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
What the Pot Legalization Victories Mean for the Pro-Freedom Agenda -
» Why Did the Coverage Stop? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
NATO Allied Land Command activating next week in Turkey - News - Stripes
New vaccines to prevent future pregnancies? | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star |
GM corn variety 'cannot be regarded as safe': Dr Gilles-Eric Séralini hits back at critics | Mail Online
» Ron Paul on Bombing the Gaza Prison Camp Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Ron Paul: U.S. Should Remain Neutral in Israel-Gaza Conflict - YouTube
Mexican mayor says police involved in deadly kidnap bid - world - News -
Jailed Pussy Riot member Maria Alyokhina requests solitary confinement -
» Protests and clashes across Egypt as ‘Pharaoh’ Morsi seizes new powers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Larry Hagman , legendary actor in JR Ewing of 'Dallas,' dies at 81
FBI Top 10 fugitive arrested in Mexico
Boehner comments show tough road ahead for "fiscal cliff" talks
The Fiscal Cliff – Don't Jump!
Hundreds of exotic animals registered in Ohio
The Worst Of Black Friday Shopping Mayhem
Human Rights Watch Campaigns Against 'Killer Robots'
Egypt clashes as President Morsi defends his new powers
Egypt President's Power Grab - YouTube
Amid cease-fire, anxiety rules in Israel, Gaza
New Chinese Passports Rile Asian Neighbors
Procedures aren't the GOP's problem
Utah kidnap victim Elizabeth Smart preparing memoir of her nine-month ordeal and recovery - The Washington Post
Walmart protests are throwback to pre-union days
Sale-grabbing rookies, veterans hit retailers
App Smart Extra: A Few More Must-Try Apps for iPad
Chevy Prices 2014 Impala From $27525 In United States
Toyota, Honda beset by recalls in 2012
Microsoft's 'Xbox TV' aspirations put it on a collision course with Apple and Google
Facebook Asks Users If It Can Abolish Their Right To Vote On Future Site Governance Changes | TechCrunch
'Hitchcock' a lifeless portrait, critics say
Ang Lee talks about risks, spirituality of "Life of Pi"
Rev. Ed Bacon: What 'Lincoln' Can Teach Us About Keeping Our Heads When All Around Us Are Losing Theirs
Super-Earths Get Magnetic 'Shield' from Liquid Metal
Sandy 'Mary Celeste' Island undiscovered - again
New Fatal SARS-Related Cases Reported in Middle East
HIV testing for all
This and That, Then and Now
Fake Dentist Preyed on Immigrants, Kissed Patient's Buttocks
4D scans show fetuses yawn in the womb
30 Years of Breast Screening: 1.3 Million Wrongly Treated
Asking Black Friday Shoppers about their Credit Card Debt - YouTube
Are Black Friday Riots A Preview Of The Civil Unrest That Is Coming When Society Breaks Down?
Black Friday Blues? 40 Ideas for the Prepper Gift Giver
The Psychology of Tyranny vs. the Nature of Conformity
NDAA 2013: Let's Identify The Traitors to The US Constitution
Can 24 Million People Be Wrong? … Actually YES!
Philadelphia: No Love for the Homeless - YouTube
The TSA Meets Independent Media - Opt Out And Film Week - YouTube
Gunshot Detection and Biometrics Merge to Form Real-Time Shooter I.D.
A Cancer Answer
Obama Considering Corporate Sponsorship of Second Inauguration
Morsi & the Muslim Brotherhood Challenged in Egypt -
Cop Vs Camera: Camera Wins - informationliberation
Not so routine traffic stop - YouTube
Why Are Brothels Illegal? - informationliberation
Patriotic Millionaires Unmasked - informationliberation
Video shows shoppers pushed, shoved during Black Friday chaos - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
11/23/2012 Israel’s Crumbling Pillar of ‘Defense’
Top Republican senator ditching Norquist anti-tax pledge -
Muslim Brotherhood offices torched, Morsi on defensive - EGYPT - FRANCE 24
Extreme couponer claims attack by store manager - Action News 5 - Memphis, Tennessee
Cushing man gets jail for striking estranged wife with genitalia — Midcoast — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine
New Facebook policy conflicts with European law, concerns privacy advocates - The Washington Post
VIDEO: Naked statue protest causes Whitehall closure - Transport - London news, sport & events - London24
Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Resignation Could Cost Taxpayers $5.1 Million - ABC News
Michael Jackson tribute stomped by Thanksgiving football | Inside TV |
Rejected Beatles audition tape discovered - Telegraph
Man allegedly attacked with serving fork during Thanksgiving d - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
Clown dies after going into cardiac arrest in front of crowd at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade -
Home Amid Chinese Highway a Symbol of Resistance - ABC News
Washington's Role in the Renewed Violence in DR Congo | The Nation
Jordan Spurns Iran’s Offer of 30 Years of Free Oil for Tourism Access -- News from
What 'Earth-Shaking' Evidence Did The Mars Rover Curiosity Just Find? | Popular Science
An 'earth-shaking discovery': what has the Curiosity rover found on Mars? - National Space Exploration |
NASA Playing Coy With Mars Rover Secret Discovery - YouTube
Obama's Lying Past Exposed By Law Enforcement In MS Court Submitted/Signed Affidavit | Obama
UFOs-ET base: French Farmer Taken by Agreement. By Colin Andrews
Is Alex Jones a Fear Mongering Controlled Opposition CIA Plant? (Austin Gun Rally) | Alternative
Alex Jones Acted Like An Ass To Other Pro 2nd Amendment Activist At Their Rally - YouTube
Time Travel Secrets Revealed | Beyond Science
Conspiracy Theory S03E03 Time Travel Secrets - YouTube
– Krishna, Ancient Weapons of Mass Destruction and The Mahabharata | ET. Updates
Luciferian Codes & The Book Of Revelation | Alternative
Luciferian Codes & The Book of Revelation - YouTube
Adults Only : 4 Penis Myths-Busted! | Health
Devvy Kidd -- Plotting for America to be ruled under Sharia Law is sedition
Korean Air Commercial 2010 - Excellence in Flight [Full version] - YouTube
Louisiana’s Bayou Corne Sinkhole Reaches Historic Proportions | National News | United States | Epoch Times
The Talk Begins: Jeb Bush in 2016
Norquist Blasts Back after Chambliss Reneges on Pledge
Pundits' List is Growing for 2016 Presidential Field
WSJ Columnist: To Win in 2016, GOP Needs a Strategy for Minorities
Horowitz: Democrats Groom the Mentally Disabled to Vote
House to Consider Limited GOP Immigration Bill
One-Party Control Spreads to 37 States
Suspected Murderer on FBI Most Wanted List Arrested in Mexico
Daily Aspirin: Can it Make You Go Blind?
DNA Research: Our Turkeys Are Descendents of Mexican Birds
Fighting Sandy Debris-removal Crooks: There's an App for That
Bionic Mannequins Spy on Shoppers to Boost Luxury Sales: Retail
One Third of Schools Receiving Stimulus-Funded 'Student Improvement Grants' Showed Declines | CNS News
Q&A With Rep. Devin Nunes: An Obama Appointee Changed Intel Talking Points on Benghazi | CNS News
House GOP Planning Vote on Immigration Bill Next Week: Help for Green Card Families | CNS News
HHS Requiring Expanded Coverage of Prescription Drugs Under Obamacare | CNS News
DC on pace for fewer than 100 homicides in 2012 | CNS News
Calif.-Vegas party train could hit tracks in 2013 | CNS News
Camacho's mother says life support will end | CNS News
Leno: Setting U.S. Debt Limit is 'China's Job' | CNS News
Leno: Obama Is Running Out of Republicans To Blame Fiscal Cliff On |
Tim Allen Slams Government: 'You Better Give Your Money Away Before It Gets Taken From You' |
'Red Dawn' Then and Now: Critics Recoil at Pro-America, Anti-Communism Messages
'Red Dawn' Thrives Despite Critical Backlash, Heavy Competition
Actress Deborah Raffin Dead at 59
+The James Bond Chronicles: Best of the Dalton-Brosnan-Craig Era
Retailers Push for Online Sales Tax
Exclusive: Food Stamp Recipients Outnumber Populations of 24 States Combined
DHS Spends $430 Million on Radios Agents Don't Know How to Use
Obama Campaign Clothing Line Cleared $40M
Union Fail: 26 Walmart Protests, 10 Million Sales Last Night
Former Obama Chief Economist: Let's Tax Carbon and Snacks
Reno: Rift Between ATF, US Attorney Keeps Illegal Guns on the Streets
Chambliss Signals Possible GOP Surrender on Tax Hikes
Graham: Susan Rice Controversy Not About Race but Blood Spilled in Benghazi
Analysis: Hispanic Vote Not Decisive in Obama Victory
New Republican Super PAC to Support Immigration Reform
States: Supermajorities Leading to More One-Party Rule
Did Chris Christie Do Enough to Save New Jersey's Trains?
Hobby Lobby Appealing Decision Forcing Compliance with Obamacare Mandate
Barone: 2016 Presidency Within Reach for Republicans
The Hill Starts Plugging Christie for President
Washington Post: Republicans Racist For Attacking Susan Rice
Republicans and Pro-Israel Christians Want Terrorists Banned from Twitter
'Mutual Respect': Obama Greeted Like a Servant by Cambodia's First Lady
Brotherhood? Egypt protesters 'torch Islamist party HQs'
Ceasefire: An Interview with Daniel Pipes on Israel's Future
Ceasefire: Palestinians Try To Storm Gaza Fence, One Killed
Report: Egypt Constitutional Court Seeks Morsi Impeachment
Benghazi-Gate Enters New Phase: The Cover Up of the Cover Up
Susan Rice Doubles Down on Benghazi Comments
Saudi Arabia Electronically Tracking Women
Belgium on the Way to Becoming an Islamic State
World View: Mohamed Morsi Appoints Himself 'Pharaoh' of Egypt
Tel Aviv Bus Bombing Linked to Hamas and Islamic Jihad
Waiting for the GOP’s Populist Turn | Hoover Institution
RealClearMarkets - A Cure For Blue State Fiscal Blues
President Obama's 2nd-term history lessons - Edward-Isaac Dovere -
Restaurant Industry Already Preparing for Obamacare Consequences « Commentary Magazine
Hayek, Friedman, And The Illusions Of Conservative Economics | The New Republic
Is Rand Paul the future of the GOP? « Hot Air
Team Obama's secret emails | public, administration, government - Opinion - The Orange County Register
My Belated List of Things for Which I Am Thankful by William L. Anderson
In Praise of Price Gouging by Ron Paul
Osama bin Laden Is Really, Really Dead
Hangover Cures | Mark's Daily Apple
23 NOV
American Minute for November 23rd
Today in History: November 23
November 23rd in History
This Day in History for 23rd November |
November 23rd This Day in History
November 23 Events in History
Today in History: November 23
Today in History for November 23rd - YouTube

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