A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

21 November 2012

21 Nov.

The Elite's Plan for World-Wide Genocide Revealed - YouTube
TSA Procedures Killing Huge Numbers of People Study Shows - YouTube
Obama's Unconstitutional Wars Must Stop - YouTube
Alex Reviews Ron Paul's Historic Farewell Speech - YouTube
GOP Sen. Rand Paul hints at 2016 presidential run | McClatchy
Prison » Statist Thugs And The Rocks They Crawl Out From Under
Prison » Ending The Financial And Information Siege of America And Planet Earth
Prison » They Are Going To Make It Nearly Impossible To Pass On A Farm Or A Business To Your Children
Prison » Government Sets Its Sights on Private Retirement Accounts: “Giant Effort to Redistribute the Wealth of America’s Older Citizens”
Defense Department: Signing secession petitions won't affect your security clearance | The Daily Caller
Prison » Cameras Inside Mannequins Spying on Shoppers
Facial recognition camera that tracks your shopping habits - YouTube
Prison » NSA Refuses To Release Secret Obama Directive On Cybersecurity
ConsumerWatch: Stores Requiring ID, Tracking To Prevent Repeated Returns « CBS San Francisco
Prison » Ben Bernanke Confronted on Secret Federal Reserve Bailouts
Ben Bernanke Confronted on Secret Federal Reserve Bailouts - YouTube
Israel and Hamas announce cease-fire, while US, Egypt helped both sides reach agreement | Fox News
Prison » Hostess Mediation Fails, Liquidation To Proceed; Furious Laid Off Workers Now Turn On Labor Union
Prison » Report: Over 250 Gold Robberies in Stockton Since April: Police Taken By Surprise
Prison » Illinois works on driver’s licenses for illegals
Prison » EPA using same tactics as terror groups to hide emails from the government
Prison » How aspartame stole Thanksgiving
Prison » Top Chemo Drug Dropped Due to ‘Lack of Profits’
More Americans Will Use Food Stamps For Thanksgiving This Year Than Ever Before - Washington Whispers (
Prison » Comrade Noam
US billionaire in spotlight in record $276mn insider trading scam -
Judge Grants Reprieve To Student Expelled For Refusing To Wear Tracking Device Badge | CNS News
Sen. Leahy Drops Controversial Warrantless E-mail Surveillance Bill -
The American Diet: Self-Destruction Never Tasted So Good -
Southern Gas Corridor Pipeline Would Loosen Russian Stranglehold On European Natural Gas Supply -
Pipeline Would Loosen Russian Stranglehold On European Natural Gas Supply - Forbes
What if Money didn’t matter – Alan Watts |
The Insanity Of U.S. Military Spending In One Chart |
+Hamas Shouldn’t Fire Rockets … But Israel Has Violated HUNDREDS of UN Resolutions |
Bradley Manning accepts responsibility |
Hemp Can Repair DNA! |
Ron Paul: Hard to Divvy Up Loot When There's None Left - YouTube
Ron Paul Leaves Congress - the Revolution Continues! - YouTube
Rand Paul single-handedly tries to stop NDAA - YouTube
Noam Chomsky - US Israeli Crimes Against Palestine (FULL) - YouTube
Ron Paul tells the truth about Hamas - YouTube
Hoover The Mob LBJ and The Texas Connection - YouTube
Expert Witness to the Kennedy assassination - Killed.mpg - YouTube
Gaddafi: Israel killed Kennedy - YouTube
Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump - YouTube
Crossings Of Death - Press TV Documentary - YouTube
George Bush and the Murder of John Kennedy. A Dark Legacy - YouTube
Female Manchester lawyer facing federal child porn charges - YouTube
What You May Not Know about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - YouTube
PressTV - DHS to more than double domestic drone fleet
PressTV - United Airlines not liable for security lapse during 9/11: Judge
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Beginning Of WWIII" - (11/19/12) | XRepublic
John Stossel - The Impact of Obamacare: The Cost, Quality, & Availability of Healthcare | XRepublic
Fox Pundit Jokes Food Stamps Could Be A Diet Plan | ThinkProgress
Elite Intrigues: It’s Not About Sex, Stupid! | Veterans News Now
Activist Post: Exactly What Does The ‘"Free’" In Free Market Mean?
Presidential Memorandum — National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs | _
Activist Post: Political Formality and Truth
poorrichard's blog: The Head of Goldman Sachs Wants to Raise Your Retirement Age
News Media Misled by IAEA Data on Sensitive Iranian Stockpile by Gareth Porter --
Now Big Brother is REALLY watching you
The Secret War Between China and the US for Africa's Oil Riches -
Activist Post: They Are Going To Make It Nearly Impossible To Pass On A Farm Or A Business To Your Children
poorrichard's blog: Grantham: Biggest Housing Bubble Since 807 A.D. Has Burst
poorrichard's blog: Ending The Financial And Information Siege of America And Planet Earth
poorrichard's blog: Obamacare Pre-Existing Conditions Coverage Rules Released
Microsoft Kinect ads can watch you while you watch them | _
Activist Post: Black Friday Madness: Tent Cities Set Up to Buy Consumer Crap
Activist Post: UN Drug Czar: States Can't Legalize Marijuana Under International Law
Man Arrested for Illegally Obtaining Personal Data of 9 Million Greeks from Finance Ministry
An Analysis Of The Effects Of Prohibition Of Tobacco By Excessive Taxation - informationliberation
Bamboozled: Retailers are monitoring your return habits |
Ron Paul: You're Not Free If You Can't Secede From An Oppressive Government -
Gaza deal seals major role for Egypt's president
Internal emails offer details on bin Laden burial
As ceasefire takes fragile hold, Hamas celebrates victory, Netanyahu defends truce deal | The Times of Israel
Boehner: Obamacare on table for 'fiscal cliff' talks | Politics - Home
Take this job and shove it: Fed-up Bangor TV anchors quit on air — Bangor — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine
4D scans show fetuses yawn in the womb - Yahoo! News Canada
Charles County family finds human fetus in attic -
Jesus was born years earlier than thought, claims Pope - Telegraph
Woman Calls Cops On Salvation Army Workers For Ringing Bells « CBS Connecticut
Sandy-Ravaged New Jersey Families Face $6,933 Tax Hike in Fiscal Cliff Stalemate | CNS News
Jesse Jackson Jr. Resigning From Congress « CBS Chicago
Jesse Jackson Jr. resigns from Congress, acknowledges federal investigation for first time - Chicago Sun-Times
Life on Mars? Maybe not. NASA rows back on findings - FRANCE 24
Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event
A chat with Al Gore on carbon taxes, natural gas, and the ‘morally wrong’ Keystone pipeline | Grist
Madonna Keeps Concert-Goers Waiting More Than 3 Hours in Miami - The Hollywood Reporter
Update: Truck carrying 230 Christmas trees found in Hilton |
Penn Station reopens after switch problem -
Complaints About Turkey Attacks On The Rise In Brookline « CBS Boston
Voting For Obama Keeps Families Away From Each Other For Thanksgiving « CBS DC
What to Expect From the New Congress
UN Demands Obama Smash State Marijuana Legalization
DHS Inks $443 Million Deal to Buy More Drones
Is Congress Guilty of the Largest Insider-Trading Scheme Ever?
Allen West Concedes Defeat Despite Options Still Available
Regulators R Us: Feds Crank Up Regulations — on Everything
Susan Rice Is Bad News by Justin Raimondo --
How Israel’s Assault on Gaza Is Like the War of 1812 by Ivan Eland --
US sides with Iran and N. Korea in record UN vote over the death penalty - Telegraph
World powers to meet in Brussels to map out Iran plans | Reuters
Oman eyes $96m deal for guided missiles - Politics & Economics -
BBC News - Polish man 'planned to blow up parliament'
Israel, Hamas Agree to Ceasefire -- News from
Peshmerga Commander Warns Battle Could Erupt With Iraqi Troops ‘Any Minute’ -- News from
UN Drug Czar Pressing US Feds to Disregard Marijuana Legalization in Co. and Wa. -- News from
Let's hear it for scandal! |
Jimmy Carter: 'Israelis' Policy Is to Confiscate Palestinian Territory'
IAEA Data on Sensitive Iranian Stockpile Mislead News Media
"America's Deadliest Export: Democracy"
Where’s the News?: World Bank Warns Globe Could be Cooked by 2060
Food Banks Trying to Cope with Thanksgiving Rush
Opting Out and Paying the Price of Being Awake
International Human Rights Groups Launch Campaign Against Robot Assassins
The Destruction of Freedom of Speech - YouTube
Congress Shouldn't Debate Copyright in a Reality-Free Zone
29 Signs That The Elite Are Transforming Society Into A Total Domination Control Grid
The International Banking Cartel (I) - YouTube
Strategic Maneuvers - The Revolving Door from the Pentagon to the Private Sector - YouTube
+War Revisionism vs. Government Lies;Gary North
* Download:War Revisionism vs. Government Lies;Gary North
The American Tradition of Secession by Thomas DiLorenzo
Why Was JFK Murdered?: A transcript of the Lew Rockwell Show episode 150 with James W. Douglass
The Hollow Shibboleth of Limited Government by Brian Maher
Tell me again… which of these nations is communist?
Mitt Wasn't All Wrong About 'Gifts' by Patrick J. Buchanan
*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 21, 2012
*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 20, 2012
*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 19, 2012
China a Military Threat? No Wonder China is Nervous as Obama Pivots
West Papua: The Secret War in Asia
The U.S. Role in Israel’s Attack on Gaza
National Syrian Dialogue Meeting concludes in Tehran
Fake War on Terror: What Really Makes People Become Terrorists
Canada – China Agreement Abrogates Rights of Indigenous People
Obama’s Trip Intensifies US Push Into South East Asia
Council of Canadians Demands an End to Impunity for Mining Corporations in Mexico
Tom Woods: Secession Vs. Nullification - YouTube
Post-Election: Expect More Drone & Space War
The Market, Socialism and the Justice System | JR Nyquist | FINANCIAL SENSE
29 Signs That The Elite Are Transforming Society Into A Total Domination Control Grid
Obama’s ‘Constituency Groups’ Checklist Offers No Options for Whites or Men | CNS News
Press Release: Quantum Cryptography breakthrough heralds uncrackable communication networks - Cambridge Research Laboratory
Kelly opposing arms trade treaty » Closer Look » New Castle News
Army Wants to Stop Bombs Using Halo-Style Electric Pulses | Danger Room |
Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out | ANMilitia
If You Throw Away Your Abilty to Defend Yourself, Then You Throw Away Your Freedom - YouTube
Sinkhole: H-Bomb explosion equivalent in Bayou Corne possible - New Orleans sinkhole |
Kentucky Family Battles Aliens For Four Hours, Shooting At Them | Beyond Science
Pineal Activation, Solar Gazing and DNA Recoding | Health
Amerika is Nearly Upon Us » Monty Pelerin's World
Alien Artifact Found On Mercury | Unexplained Phenomena
Lindsey Williams~ America Will Suffer Badly - 13 Nov 2012 | Alternative
10 Dangerous And Deadly Parasites | Health
10 Incredibly Dangerous Parasites - YouTube
Mysterious Ancient Artifacts Discovered in Saudi Desert, Legendary City Of Gerrha Found | Strange
ROA EPK Julian HDVimeo - YouTube
Roads of Arabia Trailer - YouTube
The Suspension Of Habeas Corpus In America: Obama: A President Who Places Himself Above The Law. | Obama
6 Little-Known Driving Tips That Could Save Your Life |
Gazans fire 62 rockets at South, 20 intercepte... JPost - Defense
Cease-fire declared in Gaza conflict -
PressTV - Taliban attack CIA office in Kabul, two killed
Gaza & the Talmud’s Death Wish | Stuart Wilde | The Official Author Website
Agenda 21: How Will It Affect You? - YouTube
PressTV - Two more US military commanders relieved for misconduct
PressTV - Benghazi turns into Republican folly
Benghazi security chief assassinated - Telegraph
Mars rover Curiosity makes "earthshaking" find: No one is talking but everyone is speculating
Where’s the News?: World Bank Warns Globe Could be Cooked by 2060 | This Can't Be Happening
The Excavator: From Fantasy To Fact: Four Ways The Fake Media Creates A False Reality
Activist Post: Xbox Kinect Cameras and Smart TVs - Who is Watching Who?
Dr Judy Wood Glimpses of 911 - YouTube
Oliver Stone Defends His History - The Daily Beast
PressTV - Thousands of children raped by UK gangs
Thousands of children sexually exploited each year, inquiry says | Society | The Guardian
Online porn linked to half of all child sex abuse cases | Mail Online
Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash resigns from Sesame Street over sex allegations | Television & radio |
Flu vaccine effectiveness exaggerated, scientists claim - Telegraph
'MOT' health checks 'do more harm than good' - Telegraph
Not-so-little green man: Alien face seen in the Northern Lights | Mail Online
Archaeologists unearth Scotland's oldest, 10,000 year-old, home | Mail Online
Bibi Unmasked   : ICH - Information Clearing House
Rense & Texe Marrs - Israeli Massacre In Palestine - YouTube
Undermining Peace in Gaza and Israel in One Minute Flat
Monsanto Back at it Again in Costa Rica with GM Corn - Waking Times : Waking Times
The Great Mexican Maize Massacre - Waking Times : Waking Times
Is Money Just Another Drug? - Waking Times : Waking Times
What The Hell Is China Building Here? | Gizmodo Australia
Documentary: Serial killer, not O.J., killed Simpson and Goldman -
Chuck Woolery on Assault Weapons - YouTube
Making steam without boiling water, thanks to nanoparticles - The Washington Post
Dark matter detector nearing activation in SD mine - Yahoo! News
Breaking Study Is The First To Show Link Between Being Present In The Moment And Ageless DNA - Waking Times : Waking Times
Jordan Maxwell "You are property of the Rothschild family" - YouTube
Spinach Rice (Stealth Spinach) - YouTube
Where Does Your Thanksgiving Meal Come From? | Food & Think
Easy, Perfect Turkey by Heather Woods
Underlying Cause by Margaret Durst
Intel Committee Member on Petraeus: ‘Essentially, He’s Using a Technicality to Say: Well, I Didn’t Lie to You Guys’ | CNS News
Q&A With Rep. Devin Nunes: ‘This Whole Thing With the YouTube Video Was a Lie From the Beginning’ | CNS News
Feinstein: Petraeus Cheated Because He Had 'No Entourage,' 'No Driver,' Had to Wash Own Dishes | CNS News
Bipartisan House Bill Would Add Religious Exemption to Obamacare Mandate | CNS News
Pelosi: Obama May Be Most Famous Person ‘In the Whole Galaxy’ | CNS News
Sandy-Ravaged New Jersey Families Face $6,933 Tax Hike in Fiscal Cliff Stalemate | CNS News
FEMA Considering ‘Stackable Dwellings’ for ‘Disaster Survivors’ in ‘NY/NJ Areas’ | CNS News
EPA Teaching Guide Tells Non-English Speakers to Spy on Neighbors, Workplace | CNS News
Hobby Lobby Appeals Court Decision Forcing It to Provide Abortion-Inducing Drugs under Obamacare | CNS News
Panetta: ‘I Have Successfully Been Dodging Nuts All of My Life’ | CNS News
Obama’s ‘Constituency Groups’ Checklist Offers No Options for Whites or Men | CNS News
TSA Calls Watch Cleared by Explosive Detection Team ‘Pretty Cool’ | CNS News
Cease-fire begins between Israel and Hamas | CNS News
TV Chef Art Ginsburg - Mr. Food - Dies at 81 | CNS News
Boxer 'Macho' Camacho critical in Puerto Rico | CNS News
Elmo Left Behind on 'Sesame Street' as Actor Exits | CNS News
Senator Presses Geithner on Plan to Raise $100B for Global Green Fund | CNS News
18 California Cities, Counties Ban Smoking in Apartments, Condos | CNS News
HHS Releases Insurance, Pre-Existing Conditions Regulations | CNS News
Movie attack suspect got guns despite psych issues | CNS News
Clyburn: Calling Susan Rice ‘Incompetent’ Is a Racial Code Word | CNS News
White House Announces $6 Billion to Promote Clean Energy – in Asia | CNS News
Rush Limbaugh Fights Back Against Failed GOP Consultants |
Bozell Column: The Message Romney Missed |
AP Story on Bridge Bomb Plotters' Sentencing Fails to Note Their Occupy Cleveland Ties, OWS Support |
Leno: Setting U.S. Debt Limit is 'China's Job' | CNS News
Feinstein Blames Petraeus Affair on Boring Civilian Life: ‘He Goes Home to Wash Dishes…’ | CNS News
Will Obama Allow Americans to Practice Catholicism? No! | CNS News
U.S. To 'Become Largest Global Oil Producer' By 2020, 'Net Oil Exporter' By 2030 - If We Let It | CNS News
Why Gaza Cease-Fire Will Fail
Hamas Leader: Palestinians to Respect Truce If Israel Does
New Health Rules Show Obamacare Will Cost More
Rice: Benghazi Comments Based on Preliminary Intelligence
Boehner: Obamacare Must Be on Table During Budget Talks
Papa John's Owner: Obamacare Statements Taken Out of Context
GOP: Rice Criticism Not Matter of Sex, Race
Report: Iran Missile Technology Sent to Gaza
Giuliani, Thompson: Israel Should 'Clean Out the Viper's Nest'
Jackson Resigns From U.S. House Citing Probe of His Conduct
Jesse Jackson Jr. Submits Letter of Resignation
CIA Closes Climate Change Research Office
Pastors Defy IRS Rule on Church and Politics
Massive Lead in NYC Mayoral Poll Held by Quinn
Jeb Bush Jr. Hopes His Dad Runs for President
Pope's New Book: Jesus Born Earlier Than Believed
James Rickards: Fed Policies Will Weaken Dollar Further
Obama Wants Higher Tax Revenues and Rates
Rasmussen Poll: 50% of Adults Feel Economy Will be Worse In a Year
Cure for Post-Feast Fatigue
NASA: Recent Mars Discovery 'One for the History Books'
How Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamations Have Changed
The Hispanic Voter Paradox
Gun and Ammo Tax Is Full of Holes
Firefighters remember fallen comrade
Jesse Jackson Jr., promising political scion, resigns
Former Aurora coach Michael Cardamone pleads guilty to improperly touching gymnasts - Chicago Sun-Times
Man Arrested in Shopkeeper Slayings
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., Ill and Facing Inquiry, Will Resign
Detroit may use unpaid leave to deal with cash crunch
Military e-mails: Burial at sea of bin Laden followed Islamic procedures
Judge removes United from World Trade Center case
'Cannibal cop' wanted 'some girl meat' for Thanksgiving: court
Panetta says war on al-Qaida taking new direction
After election euphoria, liberals begin to worry about the political fights to come
Christie Surges to 67% Favorable in Post-Sandy Voter Poll
Movie Attack Suspect Got Guns Despite Psych Issues - ABC News
Zoo monkey death: Father defends man accused of beating monkey to death at Idaho zoo, report says - Crimesider - CBS News
Iowa GOP Debates Fate of Its Famed Straw Poll
Romney's Republican Disneyland
Will Early Voting Come To Minnesota?
Arizona ballots finally counted -- and Latinos ask, Why so long?
Expect a Republican resurgence
Gun Seller Cope Reynolds Relishes In Obama Voter Ban
Rep. Matheson's election victory confirmed
Gaza City's Mukhabarat building defies Israeli airstrikes
Kasab's hanging: One man's 'terrorist' is another man's 'attacker'
Church seems 'wilfully blind' on women bishops
Turkey requests Nato Patriot missiles
China Brings Spending Plan to Bangkok
Karzai orders 'full Afghanization' of US-run Bagram prison
Hector 'Macho' Camacho on life support after shooting
Syria now running a war economy as conflict spreads
By second siren, 'experienced' tourists in Israel guide peers to shelter Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Hostess to fire 15000 workers, begin selling off most popular brands
LAPD plans major presence for Black Friday
Bernanke Says Fiscal Cliff Fix May Bring 'Very Good' Year
Oil Prices May Fall, Despite Mideast
Merkel takes blows in Bundestag after Greek failure
Best TV deals for Black Friday and beyond
The Head of Goldman Sachs Wants to Raise Your Retirement Age
Facebook proposes killing off user voting on policy changes
Just in time for Black Friday, Google brings store layouts to Maps
Turkey Tech 2012: Gadgets and Apps for Your Thanksgiving Feast
Internet freedom remains US priority at UN conference
UPI NewsTrack Science and Technology News
Video: 'Mordor volcano' erupts in New Zealand - YouTube
Chance of Thanksgiving Day Solar Flare, Aurorae?
NASA Scientists Eyeing Regional Dust Storm on Mars
UN warns of growing 'emissions gap'
Birdlike Dinos Had Tough Time Flying
Galaxy Might Be Most Distant Seen Object
More eruptions tipped as N. Zealand volcano disrupts flights
Gobble, Gobble: Turkey Day Comes to the ISS
Revenge of the Turkeys
Greenhouse-Gas Concentrations Reach Record High
Discovered: A Bridge Between Galaxy Clusters
How Earth, Mars formed from similar building blocks
NASA suggests robotic return to the Moon
For Word Learning, Size Matters If You're A Dog
OB/GYNs Endorse Over-the-Counter Birth Control, but Prospects Remain Unclear - YouTube
ADHD Drugs Help Curb Criminal Behavior
Third person dies from mushroom poisoning at retirement home
S. African investments in HIV treatment saves many lives: report
First Flu Vaccine From Cell Culture Is FDA Approved
For the continuously sleepy, a new treatment shows promise
CDC: Abortions fall 5%, largest drop in a decade
Steroid use and muscle-building focus on the rise among teens
Muscular teen boys more likely to live longer
Group Releases "2012 Dangerous Toys" in Time for Black Friday
Officials Warn Against Baby Sleep Positioners
Baby Born With Heart Outside Her Chest Saved by Surgery
Life of Pi
Travers: Ang Lee's 'Life Of Pi' Is a 3D Masterpiece - YouTube
'Insider' airs interview with Elmo puppeteer's first accuser
McCartney, Houston, Dylan lead Grammy Hall of Fame inductees
Review: The trouble with 'Hitchcock': It's just not interesting
Baste, Taste, Then Don't Waste
Lindsay Lohan's Co-Star Explains Why 'Liz & Dick' Went 'Really Well'
Samsung to ship more than 60M smartphones in Q4, says analyst | Mobile - CNET News
Buying HTC won’t solve Samsung’s Apple patent problem - SlashGear
3D Systems Sues 3D Printer Company Formlabs For Patent Infringement, Sues Kickstarter Itself For Promotion | TechCrunch
NTSB to Switch from BlackBerry to the iPhone - Datamation
PC and Console Gamer's Holiday Guide 2012: Nintendo - Neoseeker
3-D printer store shows off new tech - GadgetBox on
Review: 'Chasing Ice' - San Jose Mercury News
AFP: Wormhole sleuth peeks into ancient beetle history
China report details country's efforts in face of climate change -
Chevy Chase exits NBC's 'Community'
Jon Bon Jovi says daughter's overdose a 'tragedy'
Thanksgiving 2012: A Music Lover's Guide To Turkey Day - Music, Celebrity, Artist News |
Banal Story, Unique Visuals Define ‘Rise of the Guardians’
Showing Liberty the Door
Winning the Peace
Make Thanksgiving 2012 an ‘Agenda 21 Knowing Thanksgiving’
How do We Rescue Our Country?
The liberal anti-Semitic projection syndrome
The Three Evil Pillars Of The Palestinian Jihadist War Strategy
Obama’s FBI Uses Media to Smear a Whistleblower
The U.N. Tilt to Terrorists
Petraeus Set Up By Israel | American Free Press
Holly Petraeus 'threatens shamed CIA boss with divorce after affair with Paula Broadwell' | Mail Online
Jill Kelley 'flew in military planes at taxpayer's expense' | Mail Online
Paula Broadwell: Petraeus' mistress featured as a machine gun model | Mail Online
Petraeus Set Up By Israel | American Free Press
Holly Petraeus 'threatens shamed CIA boss with divorce after affair with Paula Broadwell' | Mail Online
Jill Kelley 'flew in military planes at taxpayer's expense' | Mail Online
Paula Broadwell: Petraeus' mistress featured as a machine gun model | Mail Online
Hamas TV after Tel Aviv bus bomb: "Allah willing, we will soon see black body bags" - Jihad Watch
That didn’t take long — Obama reverses himself on Israel | Power Line
Woman Posts Stunningly Disrespectful Photo of Herself at Arlington Cemetery | The Stir
Activists, White House Mark Transgender Day Of Remembrance
Dutch sex therapists: Legalize 'virtual' child pornography | The Daily Caller
Suspected Denver serial rapist has ties to high-profile Democrats - The Denver Post
Illegals may get driver's licenses in Illinois - Washington Times
Israeli Arabs suspected of aiding bus bombing
Tel Aviv bus bombing wounds at least 21 -
Marco Rubio ‘being Romneyed by media’
Obama’s Benghazi story keeps changing
Evangelicals to 'Country Club' GOPers: Social Issues Aren't Problem, You Are
A Thanksgiving prayer
The science behind giving thanks
Giving thanks for liberty – but for how long?
Poisoned by Thanksgiving dinner
How the Pilgrims saved us from socialism
Romney's right about 'Santa Claus' Obama
Obama's Jews for Jihad
Romney was not the problem
J. FARAH: Why Christians are losing the culture
C. MONCKTON: Can U.S. survive Obama's Doubledown Day?
J. FARAH: Lesbian parents now 'better' than moms, dads?
So what if taxing the rich hurts economy?
Social media's Jew-haters
Marion Barry Inserts Race into Turkey Giveaway
California Law Criminalizes Sleeping While Homeless
Cory Booker Dares Tea Party Twitter Follower To Join His Food Stamp Challenge
Maine News Anchor Team Resigns on Air Over 'Unbalanced News'
Can We Help the Would-Be Secessionists Pack?
Walmart Tells Management to Threaten Workers Against Striking
McCain Backs Off Benghazi Conspiracies; Still Doesn't Like Susan Rice
Malkin Attacks Union 'Thugs' and Black Friday Strikers
SEC: Rife With Sex, Lies and Mismanagement
Lawyer for Christian Alliance Fighting for Marriage Sanctity Faces Child Porn Charges
Clyburn: Republicans Using Racial 'Code Words' to Attack Susan Rice
If Politicians Wanted to End Voter Fraud, They'd Clean House
FBI Arrests Four Men Who Plotted To Join Al Qaeda
Rush, capitalism is an economic system, not a political one!
Weaknesses in Fair-Value Accounting for Investments
Say No to Big Government and Fairness
The Right to a Job Doesn't Exist
Debbie Schlussel-Three Turkeys Involved in White House Thanksgiving Pardon
Debbie Schlussel-HAMAS “Ceasefire” is BS; Does This Bus Bombing Look Like a “Partnership for Peace” to You?
The Santa Monica Nativity Scene Case: Why We Lost
...And Then a Miracle Occurs.
The Commander in Chief's Lack of Military Awareness
The Benghazi Slingshot
Whither America?
The Only Clear Road Back for Republicans
Appealing to Latinos
Tweets Reveal the Soul of Assault on Pro-Life AG
We Don't Know Why We Lost Because We Don't Know Who We Are
Invasion of the Liberal Body Snatchers
Self-defense and its limitations
FHA pushing more subprime loans
Lone surviving gunman from Mumbai terror attack executed in India
Who killed Hostess?
Why it matters whether or not the Administration lied about Benghazi
The Immorality of Mideast Media Coverage
BREAKING: Gaza Ceasefire To Take Effect Tonight ( And The Back Story)


Video: CNN Miffed by 'Anti-Obama' County in Texas; Excuses Inner City Districts with Zero Romney Votes
Video: Objective Journalist Tribute for Chicago Tribune's Christi Parsons
Video: Texas Students Treated Like Cattle with Mandatory RFID Tracking Tags
Video: Flashback: Obama Wants 'Civilian National Security Force' That's As Powerful and Well-Funded as the Military
Video: Hillary Clinton Falls Asleep During Obama's Speech in Burma
Video: AP Reporter Clashes with State Dept Spokeswoman Who Refuses to Condemn Turkey Calling Israel a Terrorist State
Video: Gaza: Israeli 'Spies' Executed by Mob, Dragged through Streets by Motorbike Gang (**Warning: Graphic**)
Video: Rand Paul: 'Not Going to Deny That I'm Interested' in 2016
Video: Leno Zings Obama: 'Good News For The Economy, President Obama Is Out Of Town'
Does Israel’s Iron Dome Success Mean Ronald Reagan’s ‘Star Wars’ Push Was Right All Along?
Growing Narrative? Dem Rep. Says Attacks on Susan Rice Really Just a Racist ‘Witch Hunt’
Dems Seek to Expand and Redeploy Obama’s Voter Data Mine: ‘The Most Sophisticated Voter List in American Political History’
What Tech Sin Did Oprah (Or Her Intern) Get Caught Committing?
Guess Who’s Calling Out Hasbro for Gender Inequality: A 6-Year-Old (Read Her Letter)
This Is How All References to Terrorism Were Reportedly Removed From Benghazi ‘Talking Points’
Was The Boston Tea Party Terrorism? Texas Schools Are Teaching Just That (And More)
‘F** Pimp,’ ‘Filthy Pervert!’: Westboro Clashes With Gay Men on Set of Russell Brand’s TV Show
Alleged Psycho Cannibal Cop Planned to Enjoy Some ‘Girl Meat’ on Thanksgiving
Krauthammer Doubts Intelligence Head James Clapper Really Edited Benghazi Talking Points — Here’s Why
Bus Explodes in Central Tel Aviv: Hamas Takes Responsibility & Reportedly Launches ‘Ecstatic’ Celebration
Protesters Firebomb Al-Jazeera’s Cairo Studio, Angry That the Network Is Overly Supportive of Muslim Bro’hood
‘Poor Attempt at Humor’: Montana Paper Disciplines Copy Editor for Adding ‘Allegedly’ to ‘Obama Was Born in Hawaii’
Proposed Bill Would Allow MI Parents to Claim Fetuses As Income Tax Exemptions (Poll)
Bob Beckel’s Shocking On-Air Claim About San Fran Nudists: ‘Most of Them Were Gang Banged Probably’ as Kids
‘Spooky’ Mannequins Outfitted With Facial Recognition Cameras Spy on Shoppers
Volunteer Santa Stuck in Midair for 40 Minutes By His Beard — But That’s Not the Best Part of the Story
Ridiculously Accurate ‘Futurist’ Shares His Bold Prediction on The Glenn Beck Program
The Ongoing, Awkward War Between The President & The Turkey (With Pictures!)
Former TV ‘Top Model’ Judge Goes on Race-Based Allen West Rant: ‘You Are an Embarassment to Blacks’
$500 Daily Fine? Family Outraged After City Enforces Obscure Ordinance on Disabled Boy and His Pet Pig ‘Twinkie’
Atheist Calls Jesus ‘Psychologically Disturbed’ & Pledges Lawsuit Against TX Nativity Unless Christians Post This Sign
White House Small Biz Chief’s Frustrating Interview: Won’t Explain Per-Worker Cost of ‘Obamacare’ but Will Talk About Blueberry Jam
Internal Emails Shed Light on Secretive Bin Laden Burial: ‘Traditional Procedures for Islamic Burial Was Followed’
Koran-Burning Pastor Terry Jones Tells TheBlaze About a New Anti-Islam Film Set to Portray Muhammad as a ‘Child Molester, Assassin & Self-Proclaimed Prophet’
Feminist ‘Nuns’ Go Topless, Clash With Catholics at Gay Marriage Rally: ‘F**k God’ & ‘In Gay We Trust’
US Ambassador Susan Rice Defends Her Initial Comments on Benghazi Attack
Pope: Jesus Christ Was Born ‘Several Years’ Earlier Than Thought
Which Republican Was the Obama Camp Most Scared Of Running Against? The Answer May Surprise You
Member of Iran’s Parliament: We Are ‘Proud’ to Supply Hamas With Rockets to Use Against Israel
Cease-Fire Between Israel and Hamas Officially in Effect
The Truth About Civilian Casualties in Gaza
Donald Trump Praises…President Obama?
Here’s the New Electric Car Chrysler Expects to Lose Money on (And Here’s Why They’re Making it)
Obama Politicizes Turkey Pardon, Even Sneaks in Campaign Slogan: ‘Forward!’
What Should America’s Children Be Taught About Thanksgiving? These People’s Answers Might Shock You
Pat Robertson Calls Atheists Grinches Who Want to Steal Christmas | Video |
The Science Behind Overeating and How You’re Able to Squeeze in That Piece of Thanksgiving Pie | Video |
Alsip, Illinois Cancels Water Tower Christmas Cross | FFRF, Atheists |
Santa Volunteer Making Grand Entrance at U.K. Mall Gets Suspended 15 Feet Off Ground by Beard | Video |
KVUE News Reporter in Austin, Texas, Features Inebriated Guest During Live Report | Video |
New Fox Comedy Tracks Marijuana Legalization Trend
Whoopi Goldberg Retweets Massacre Lie About Israelis
BH Interview: Author Barbara Rose Brooker on Sex, Ageism and Why Hollywood Mistreats Betty White
'Red Dawn' Review: Invasion Remake Avoids P.C. Pitfalls
'Life of Pi' Review: Visual Masterpiece Interrupted by Narrative Hiccups
Geffen Bailed on Clintons After 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Policy
'Happy Days' Star: Elmo Creator Has Talent, Ignore Sex Abuse Allegations
'Jeffersons' Star Remembered by Friends, Family at Funeral
'Flaming Lips' Singer Shuts Down Airport by Packing Grenade In Carry-On Bag
BH Interview: 'The Flat' Director Unearths Family Skeletons
'Hitchcock' Review: Iconic Director Gets Biopic He Richly Deserves
California: Number of College Grads Working As Waiters Doubles
SEIU Worker Asks Members To Falsify Signatures To Sink Anti-Union Measure
Jerry Brown Fights Unions on Furloughs
Obama's Constituency Groups: No Whites or Men
HHS Releases Rules Regarding Pre-Existing Conditions Coverage
'Doc Fix' Costs Rise to $25B
Study: US Faces Shortage of 52K Doctors by 2025
Federal Workers: Don't Push Us Off the Fiscal Cliff
Gallup: More Americans Pessimistic About Economy After Obama Reelection
Illinois Ready to Give Driver's Licenses to Illegal Immigrants
Food Stamp Use Skyrockets Even as Unemployment Rate Decreases
Bernanke: Congress 'Urgently' Needs Deficit-Reduction Plan
Cuomo: Sandy Destroyed 46,000 Jobs
Two Young Women Mock Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington
Jobless Claims Over 400k For Second Week
Peaceful Chicago Rally for Israel Draws Hostile Counter Protest
OWS's 'Debt Resistors' Handbook Tells Readers to Lie, Cheat, and Steal
Documents: Govt. Took 684 Days to Issue Meningitis Warning
MA Governor Bypasses Legislature to Give Illegal Immigrants In-State Tuition
Sen. Sessions to Congressional Leadership: No Cheating on Spending Cuts
House to Vote to Award More Green Cards to Highly-Skilled Immigrants
Al Gore Warns of 'Planetary Emergency' Again
Jesse Jackson Jr. Resigns from Congress, May Face Jail Time
Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare
Connecticut: One-Fifth of Residents on Medicaid Leads to $1 Billion Deficit
Obama Promises Six Billion For Green Energy In Asia
Study: By 2050, 60% of American Production Will Go to Government
Boehner: Obamacare On Table in Fiscal Cliff Negotiations
It's Over: Bankruptcy Judge Approves Hostess Liquidation
Union Protesters Arrested Trying to Shut Down Traffic at LAX
Levin Smacks Kristol on Tax Liberalism
The Hill Selectively Reports Polls to Push Tax-Hike Narrative
Hartford Courant: One-Party Rule 'Unhealthy,' Only Endorsed Democrats
Kristol Caves Again, 'Optimistic' About Future of Egypt
BuzzFeed: Conservative New Media Lost the Election
Beyond Buzzfeed: What Should Conservative Media Do?
Krugman: I Hope Obamacare Is Like DMV
Letting Us Down: GOP Losing Susan Rice Debate
NYT Publisher: Hiring BBC Exec Involved in Sex Abuse Scandal 'Hasn't Made Things Easy'
NYT Hypocritically Praises Christie's Non-Political Sandy Response
Germany To Provide Patriot Missiles and Troops To Turkey?
British Grant Recognition of Syrian Opposition Government
NATO Ready to Protect Turkey from Syria
Retired Saudi Navy Officer Defends Israel
Woman Converts to Islam, Blows Self Up
Hamas Fires Rockets Without Warheads to Increase Range
Former Boxer 'Macho' Camacho Shot in Puerto Rico
World View: Gaza-Israel Truce Deal Fails to Materialize
Only One-Third of EU Leaders Will Attend Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony
Arab Columnists Blame Iran for Inciting Palestinians
Obama Calls Morsi for Third Time in 24 Hours
Turmoil after Church of England Votes Against Women Bishops
Libya: Gunmen Assassinate Benghazi Security Chief
Breaking: Terror Attack Near Israel's Defense Center
Gaza Truce Deal Agreed, Hamas Tells AFP
Sen. Graham to Obama: Your Turn to Answer Questions on Benghazi
Obama Forces Egypt-Brokered Ceasefire
WH Won't Release Photos of Obama Team During Benghazi Attack
Hamas Violates Cease-Fire; 70% of Israelis Oppose It
White House condemns terrorist bus bombing in Tel Aviv
Oil prices spike as Middle East truce hopes fade
Netanyahu: Israel 'May Very Well Need... Harsher Military Action'
For Greece, Crushing Debt Leads to Outbreak of Dreaded Malaria
A Thanksgiving Message To Lovers of Freedom - YouTube
» Secession: Are We Free To Go? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Countdown to Judgment Day Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
2045: A New Era for Humanity - YouTube
» TSA Reissues Order For Software To Spy On Employees’ Communications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The Associated Press: Hague prosecutor disappointed at Croats' acquittal
Croatia starts to hope again, as a 'war crime' stigma is lifted | James Hopkin | Comment is free |
Blog: Don't cry for Big Bird
Does Sesame Street lose money? - Slate Magazine
Why Does Sesame Street Receive Public Funding? - YouTube
» Government Sets Its Sights on Private Retirement Accounts: “Giant Effort to Redistribute the Wealth of America’s Older Citizens” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Geithner as Buzz Lightyear on National Debt: To Infinity, and Beyond Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Jesus was born years earlier than thought, claims Pope - Telegraph
3D printed biorobot will enter your gut to track and destroy toxins | ExtremeTech
Blueprint to Nutritional Victory with Dr. Joel Wallach - YouTube
» In your survival plans, have you forgotten spiritual preparedness? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Bizarro World logic vs. Israel -
Benghazi and the Fox News Effect | Mother Jones
Oh What a Tangled Web - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online
A big step forward on 'Obamacare' implementation - The Maddow Blog
House GOP is angling to repeal health care | |
Marco Rubio Needs Evolution : The New Yorker
I Believe and Am Thankful | RedState
RealClearPolitics - RCP Morning Note 11/21/2012<? $oas = urldecode($_GET['oas_code']); if($oas==""){ $oas = "articles"; } ?>
Obama’s Moment -
The Media’s Benghazi Scandal « Commentary Magazine
Susan Rice’s cowardly critics -
Administration affirms key mandates of healthcare law -
Eight Ways Obama Can Jam Through His Agenda Without Congress: The Unilateralist Manifesto. | The New Republic
President Obama, Clinton Prosperity Requires Clinton-Sized Government - Forbes
The Great Society's Next Frontier
Obama Could Show Leadership on State of Black Families | RealClearPolitics
The Imperiled Freedom the Candidates Ignored | RealClearPolitics
Republicans, 2016: In full swing - Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen -
Branstad bails out of straw poll | The Des Moines Register |
After the cease-fire -
Bizarro World logic vs. Israel -
Benghazi and the Fox News Effect | Mother Jones
Oh What a Tangled Web - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online
A big step forward on 'Obamacare' implementation - The Maddow Blog
House GOP is angling to repeal health care | |
Marco Rubio Needs Evolution : The New Yorker
I Believe and Am Thankful | RedState
RealClearPolitics - RCP Morning Note 11/21/2012<? $oas = urldecode($_GET['oas_code']); if($oas==""){ $oas = "articles"; } ?>
Obama’s Moment -
The Media’s Benghazi Scandal « Commentary Magazine
Susan Rice’s cowardly critics -
Administration affirms key mandates of healthcare law -
Eight Ways Obama Can Jam Through His Agenda Without Congress: The Unilateralist Manifesto. | The New Republic
President Obama, Clinton Prosperity Requires Clinton-Sized Government - Forbes
The Great Society's Next Frontier
Obama Could Show Leadership on State of Black Families | RealClearPolitics
The Imperiled Freedom the Candidates Ignored | RealClearPolitics
Republicans, 2016: In full swing - Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen -
Branstad bails out of straw poll | The Des Moines Register |
After the cease-fire -
The Case for Breaking Up the Big Banks
As Coasts Rebuild and U.S. Pays, Repeatedly, the Critics Ask Why -
The Right Time for a Carbon Tax Is Never
Banking must not be left in the shadows -
Ron Paul: ‘Secession is a deeply American principle’ - Kevin Cirilli -
Gaza is testing the limits of Iran’s Mideast ambitions - The Globe and Mail
Is Israel's Gaza Campaign Laying the Groundwork for an Attack on Iran? - Moran Stern - The Atlantic
RealClearWorld - Gaza: Just Round Two in an Endless War?
Gaza’s Internet Boy Wonder Takes on Israel - The Daily Beast
The dangerous success of Iron Dome | The Times of Israel
The Jihadis of Yemen by Robert F. Worth | The New York Review of Books
Israel's Tragedy: Even If She Wins She Loses - Spectator Blogs
Leon Panetta Has a Few More Drone Wars Ready to Go | Danger Room |
Israel’s Tactics and Strategy in Gaza -
Seven Truths About Israel, Hamas and Violence - Bloomberg
It's Palestinians who have the right to defend themselves | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian
RealClearWorld - Iran's Agenda in the Gaza Offensive
The Re-Pivot - By Martin Indyk | Foreign Policy
Syrian Rebels Have Drifted into Regime Style Violence - SPIEGEL ONLINE
The myth of a ‘pragmatic’ Hamas  - NY Daily News
Jonathan Manthorpe: Sinai Peninsula surfaces as new battleground in Israel-Palestinian turmoil
Globalism goes backward - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
Lasting truce - JPost - Opinion - Editorials
How Will New EPA Regulations Impact the Electricity Sector?
The United States should strive for energy independence | Deseret News
Will the U.S. Surpass Saudi Arabia in Oil Production? - Popular Mechanics
Natural gas trading to become more like coal, not oil | Reuters
The Next Oil Revolution - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune
Obama: The Worst Keynesian Ever - Forbes
Income mobility: The American dream is alive and well — in Canada | Full Comment | National Post
RealClearMarkets - At Long Last, A Merger of the SEC and CFTC
Holman Jenkins: Twinkies: A Defense -
RealClearMarkets - Thanksgiving Is No Longer Part of America
A Thanksgiving Message for Obama’s America - Bloomberg
RealClearMarkets - A Cure For Blue State Fiscal Blues
A Remedy for Air-Travel Woes -
Gorging the Beast | The Weekly Standard
Insider-Trading Scandal: Are the Feds Closing In on Billionaire Hedge-Fund Mogul Steven Cohen? |
Big News From Mars? Rover Scientists Mum For Now : NPR
Aaargh! Physicists! Again! – Pharyngula
Windmills of the mind shed light on vision › News in Science (ABC Science)
Guilt Makes the Pie Taste Sweeter -
Statistical Physics Attacks St. Petersburg: Paradox Resolved
Book Worms? Medieval Tomes Hold Surprising Fossil Record | LiveScience
Medieval Christianity and the Rise of Modern Science, Part 1 | The BioLogos Forum
Getting Runner's High - Blog
The Associated Press: Violent dolphin deaths a mystery for scientists
Penn State Live - Natural fungus may provide effective bedbug control Algae can draw energy from other plants
Nanotech Device Mimics Dog's Nose to Detect Explosives | UCSB College of Engineering
Lava dots: Rice makes hollow, soft-shelled quantum dots
When Obama didn’t ‘presume to know’ Creation details
Thanksgiving: How the Holiday Is Celebrated in the Bible
How democratic were the children of Israel? | The Jewish Chronicle
Judge Rules Nativity Scenes No Longer Allowed in LA Beach City Park
In Praise of New Age Judaism –
Bishops face the growing retirement crisis of religious orders | National Catholic Reporter
Women bishops debate was a long and boring suicide note | Andrew Brown | Comment is free | The Guardian
Who is communion for? The debate over the open table | The Christian Century
7 car tech nightmares that will haunt your dreams and ruin your life | News | TechRadar
- Apple and Twitter
Colleges Turn to Crowd-Sourcing Courses -
Editorial: Vanishing 'copywrong' document blasts RIAA, suggests radical reform, and should be taken seriously
Glimpse of your life in 2020 thanks to the Internet of Things | Computerworld Blogs
Human Rights Watch's "Case Against Killer Robots" report misunderstands the modern military.
Cry Me a River: Why Justin Timberlake’s MySpace can’t take on Spotify and Rhapsody | PandoDaily
Can Highlight be our sixth sense? New version is first, slow step | Internet & Media - CNET News
Walt's Annual Laptop Guide - Making Sense of All the New Laptop Flavor - Walt Mossberg - Personal Technology - AllThingsD
Why Pollard Should Never Be Released (The Traitor)
Why Is Jonathan Pollard Still in Jail? –
Ireland's War of Independence: The chilling story of the Black and Tans - Europe - World - The Independent
Bibliography: References and Links
Ed Martin: Who Shot J.R.? Remains the Best TV Cliffhanger Ever - Page2 - The making of 'Rocky'
BBC News - Viewpoint: His dark charisma
Reel Preservation > The History Channel Club
How Westmoreland Lost Vietnam | Defense Media Network
King Edward I: England's Warrior King
Bad sex awards 2012 shortlist leaves out JK Rowling and EL James | Books | The Guardian
Captain Nowhere -
Sean Howe: Marvel Comics: The Untold Story | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club
Apple owns a patent for page-turning – kind of -
Skagboys – Irvine Welsh | Full Stop
*Coast to Coast AM - Nov 20 2012 - Physics News & Afterlife Communications C2CAM - YouTube
Real Clear Markets - Video - 'Super Mario's' Best Value Plays
Real Clear Markets - Video - Trennert: What Worries Me About Europe
Real Clear Markets - Video - Soros, Paulson Buying Gold
Real Clear Markets - Video - Krugman's 'Fair Share': 91% Tax?
Real Clear Markets - Video - Is the American Dream in Danger?


Real Clear Markets - Video - 'Super Mario's' Best Value Plays
Real Clear Markets - Video - Trennert: What Worries Me About Europe
Real Clear Markets - Video - Soros, Paulson Buying Gold
Real Clear Markets - Video - Krugman's 'Fair Share': 91% Tax?
Real Clear Markets - Video - Is the American Dream in Danger?
Athens of the Prairie: How Columbus, Indiana Got Great Architecture | RealClearPolicy
Could A Sonic Weapon Make Your Head Explode? | Popular Science
Does Anyone Really Believe in the Mayan Apocalypse? | End of the World | Dec. 21, 2012 | LiveScience
Mt Adams Cloaked UFO Base? | Ghost Theory
They Cracked This 250-Year-Old Code, and Found a Secret Society Inside | Danger Room |
Randomness, probability and uncertainty: Stress best | The Economist
Gene that predicts what time of day we'll DIE discovered | Mail Online
Einstein’s Brain: New Insights into the Roots of Genius | Talking back, Scientific American Blog Network
Ashlyn Blocker, the Girl Who Feels No Pain -
Listen to the sounds of the human mind: Remixed brain scans reveal our inner music | Mail Online

November 21, 2012 :Political Video

What Are The Terms Of The Israel-Hamas Ceasefire? | RealClearPolitics
Rush Limbaugh: Marco Rubio Is Being "Romneyed" | RealClearPolitics
Halperin: "Left-Wing Freak Show" Trying To Delegitimize Marco Rubio | RealClearPolitics
Obama Pardons White House Turkey, Says "Once Again, Nate Silver Completely Nailed It" | RealClearPolitics
Sen. Sessions: Reid "Has Abused The Power Of The Majority" That Has "Never Ever Been Done Before" | RealClearPolitics
Israel And Hamas Agree To Ceasefire On Wednesday | RealClearPolitics
Obama SBA Head Hasn't Heard Of ObamaCare Impacting Small Business | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer "Not Buying" That DNI Clapper Changed Benghazi Talking Points | RealClearPolitics
O'Reilly: How The Entitlement Society Makes America Weaker | RealClearPolitics
"Special Report" Panel On The Libya Controversy | RealClearPolitics
Maddow: Obama Had A Successful, Historic Visit To Burma | RealClearPolitics
Klein: If You're The CEO Of Goldman Sachs, Don't Talk About Social Security |

November 20, 2012 :Political Video

Union Chief Warns Democrats Not To Oppose Obama: "Remember What Happened To Blanche Lincoln" | RealClearPolitics
Tucker Carlson vs. Kirsten Powers On Unions & Business | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer: Hamas "Very Adept At The Pornography Of Grief" | RealClearPolitics
Feinstein: "I Hope People See Hamas For What It Is, And That Is Using Their Own People As Human Shields" | RealClearPolitics
Juan Williams: Israel Has To Be Careful Of "Overkill" | RealClearPolitics
NBC News Reporter Complains U.S. Doesn't Acknowledge Hamas, Won't "Rein In" Israel | RealClearPolitics
Rep. Clyburn: GOP Using Racial "Code Words" Against Susan Rice | RealClearPolitics
Scarborough: Mistake For GOP To Go After "Woman Of Color" Susan Rice | RealClearPolitics
Allen West Concedes Race, Won't Contest Latest Recount | RealClearPolitics
Rand Paul On 2016: "I'm Not Going To Deny That I'm Interested" | RealClearPolitics
Mark Levin Rips Bill Kristol: "Stop Talking Like The Lib You Used To Be" | RealClearPolitics
Leno: "Good News For The Economy, President Obama Is Out Of Town" | RealClearPolitics
Maddow: Why Is Reince Priebus Running For Another RNC Term? | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer: Benghazi Is "Three Scandals" | RealClearPolitics
Schultz: Republicans Make Ryan Their Chief Negotiator Because They Aren't Listening To Americans | RealClearPolitics
O'Reilly Skewers "Far-Left" Media For Ripping His "Traditional America" Comment | RealClearPolitics
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2
Nov. 20, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
Alex Jones - 2012-Nov-21, Wednesday
11/20 The Mark Levin Show
Alex Jones - 2012-Nov-20, Tuesday
11/19 The Mark Levin Show
The Manning Report – 21 November 2012
The Manning Report – 20 November 2012
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday November 20 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday November 20 2012 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday November 21 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday November 21 2012 Hour 2
21 Nov.
American Minute for November 21st
This Day in History for 21st November |
November 21 Events in History
November 21st This Day in History
Today in History: November 21
November 21st in History
Today in History: November 21
Today in History for Nov. 21 - YouTube

The Savage Nation - November 20 2012 FULL SHOW - YouTube
Alex Jones
Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (11-20-12) G. Edward Griffin - YouTube
Alex Jones Show - Tuesday November 20 2012 - Full Length - YouTube

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