A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

03 July 2012

30 June'12 - 3 July'12






How to Be the Most Organized Person in the World [INFOGRAPHIC]

Google+ for Business [INFOGRAPHIC]

Top 10 Best Facebook Apps For Business

How to Make Money Online Through Associate/Affiliate Advertising

GARY JOHNSON The Vote For Freedom Is Never Wasted - YouTube

AOL On - Synthetic Drugs Leading To Violent Behavior

Romney Election Fraud Tactics Exposed - Romney URGED to Resign - YouTube


How Money Is Created, Part 1

How Money Is Created, Part 2

How Money Is Created, Part 3




Genetic Evidence that Antioxidants Kill Cancer

Case Worker Reveals What Really Goes On At The Welfare Office - Business Insider

1918 Flu Caused by Vaccines | Swine Flu Expose |

Organ transplants could be in illegal immigrants' future - Chicago Tribune

Cloud looms over Obamacare decision

Court Backs E.P.A. Over Emissions Limits Intended to Reduce Global Warming - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

B612 Foundation

How Ford Calculates Driver Workload to Dial Back Distractions | Autopia |

Poll: Most prefer Obama to deal with ... alien invasion

Voyager 1 poised to cross solar frontier into interstellar space - Telegraph

PressTV - 'New student movement challenging student debt'

Danish Farmer Reverses Illnesses in pigs by reverting to a GM-free diet | Farm Wars

Talk of the town

Barack Obama Orders Illicit Assassinations Via Drones | State of the Nation 2012

Electoral Calculus Guarantees An Obama Defeat In November | State of the Nation 2012

Obamacare survived the Supreme Court. Other challenges still ahead.

Devvy - Supreme Court Ruling On Obamacare Is Insane

Federal Health Care Nullification Act – Tenth Amendment Center

ACU Chairman Al Cardenas On Supreme Court Decision

Life Without Laws | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Nobody Wins: High Court Backs ‘Obama/RomneyCare,’ Leaves Public on Life-Support | This Can't Be Happening

Living Outside The Dialectic: The Green Virgin - Pachamama

GOP wins contempt fight, but legal dispute looms

Wild Elephants gather inexplicably, mourn death of “Elephant Whisperer” | Delight Makers

BPA produces changes in behaviour and gene expression

Nature May Soon Overcome Monsanto as 'Super Rootworms' Destroy Crops

Causes of Water Pollution - GMO Farming, Glyphosate Big Contributors

HCG Ultra Diet Drops: Do they really produce a weight loss miracle? | The Health Coach

Cassini Finds Likely Subsurface Ocean on Saturn Moon - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Facebook just changed your default email without your consent: here’s how to opt out | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Why is SOCOM Lying About Domestic Drone Activities? | Public Intelligence

Army's $5B failed pixelated uniform getting scrapped - U.S. - Stripes

Americans Are Being Prepared For Full Spectrum Tyranny

Supreme Court gives ‘Obamacare’ green light, but strikes down Medicaid expansion — RT

Obamacare ruling paints different picture of health -

Top Obama lawyer admits 'Obamacare' is unconstitutional? — RT

Food Sovereignty Activism Pays! « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Justice Roberts Attacks Are Unfounded & Wrong | Sinclair News.Net

Oklahoma Selected As Test Site For Unmanned Aircraft - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

Parents - Why Are You NOT Doing Your Job?

Today, Yesterday’s Tomorrow | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Judge Napolitano: "Individual Mandate Most Bizarre Tax in the History of the Country" - YouTube

A Steineresque Esoteric Look At Technology - Alexander Barry - YouTube

Monsanto's Seedy Legacy | Global Research TV

Gary Johnson to attend Ron Paul festival in bid to court supporters | The Capitol Column

Culture,Truth, Division and End of Alt Media - YouTube

Anti-Semitic Elmo ORIGINAL - Times Square, Manhatten, New York - YouTube

Did EG&G Engineer Alien Electro-Gravidic Technology? -

Mexico election seems unlikely to reshape drug war -

Setting the Agenda | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Mary Kennedy 'broke in weeks before suicide after RFK Jr cut her off' | Mail Online

Drought boon to Monsanto seeds | The Journal Gazette

What's Really Inside? Shocking Anatomy of a Hot Dog | Care2 Causes

6 Unnecessary Health Tests - Natural Society

Vitamin D Essential for Mind Health and Improved Cognition

Energy-saving Bulb Dangers

Romney, Obama dividing U.S. along fault lines -

White House stands by position that health law mandate isn't a tax - The Hill's Healthwatch

Map: Where Obamacare would expand Medicaid most | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Obama Institutes Slavery In US By Executive Order: A Plea To Law Enforcement

GOP governors: No enacting health law until after November - The Hill's Healthwatch

Sex abuse scandal rocks US Air Base — RT

Julian Assange defies police summons, refuses to leave Ecuadorean Embassy | The Australian

'Elite' Club Conceals CIA 'Torture' Cells - YouTube

Obama Planning More War

PressTV - ‘Israel master of puppets in Syria unrest’

Plumbing New Depths of Inanity in the Tea Party Crowd | This Can't Be Happening

Government by the Banks, for the Banks: The ESM Coup D’Etat in Europe « WEB OF DEBT BLOG

Activist Post: Conference to Discuss if Geo-Engineers Are Playing God with Our Weather

TSA agents fired for sleeping on the job — RT

Bus Bullies Who Tormented Bus Aide Karen Klein - Flash Player Installation

Friday night news dump: White House salaries edition -

Legislation to support Holocaust survivors introduced | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Roy Tov – In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Unholy Devil: Shamir's obituary

Spurious Terrorism Indictments

Warning issued over anti-carbon tax posters - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Scary Facts About Birds & Bees And Bayer AG

Police use YouTube, Twitter to solve crimes, get word out –

Online threat — but police raid wrong house - Technology & science - Security -

Evergreen Air B-747 Tanker Missing in Action Not Fighting Colorado Fires | Before It's News

PressTV - New paint can store and deliver electrical power like battery

Connecticut Mom Seeks Consumer Action against GMO’s | One Green Planet

Scientology's summer of hell - Americas - World - The Independent

PressTV - US has sinister plan for world: Analyst

PressTV - 'US respects no one's sovereignty'

New-tech moguls: the modern robber barons? | Technology | The Observer

Explained: Near-miss asteroids (w/ Video)

Are Mobile Devices Destroying Your Body? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Twilight Language: Death on July 4th: The Anniversary Effect

Secret Societies and the Black Arts | Stuart Wilde


The Crazy World of Visual Hallucinations [INFOGRAPHIC]

PressTV - Holder scandal may be US attempt to destabilize Mexico

Hospital Takes Art As Payment - YouTube

Supreme Court Health Care Ruling: CNN, Fox News Wrong On Individual Mandate (VIDEO)

Henry Ford's Hemp Plastic Car (1941) - YouTube

40 min./Weather Warfare Documentary [Full Length] - YouTube

Activist Post: Pandemic Fears Feed the Vaccine Industry

Spooky Paradigm: Chasing UFOs - The Review

The Book UFOs and Nukes is Available at for $23.95
(Avoid Scalper Rates)

Horrific images show dogs being killed, cooked and served up as a meal in a sick Chinese tradition | Mail Online

Caveman Bones, 7,000 Years Old, Said To Yield Oldest DNA Of Modern Humans

Reality Check: If Healthcare Law Is A Tax Is It Now Invalid? | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012

Project Blue Beam in the Obama Era « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

New telescope to guard Earth from killer asteroids — RT

The EU Has Already Broken Up… They Just Haven’t Formalized Yet | ZeroHedge

Hidden Portals in Earth’s Magnetic Field | ZenHaven

UV Index And Heat ContinueRaging - US Map

Six Ways the Big Banks Are Getting Back-Door Bailouts

How a team of students HIJACKED a drone in midair - all for a $1,000 bet with U.S. government | Mail Online

Japan finds 6.8 million tonnes of rare minerals used in electric cars, iPods and lasers | The Raw Story

HIV/AIDS Epidemic Fueled by a Failing War on Drugs

Michael Marin May Have Swallowed A Deadly Pill In Court - Business Insider

More Reasons Why You Should Carry A Camera

TV Skeptic: 'Chasing UFOs' too much Mulder not enough Sculley -

Where Have All the Hummingbirds Gone? | Earth & Environment | Science | Epoch Times

Cancer Cell Growth Stopped and Reversed by Green Tea | Conscious Life News

Kids Playing Sports May Be Healthier, Happier

Kagan’s ObamaCare Vote & US Jewry | Real Jew News

Obama Executive Order Declares 'National Emergency' - Godfather Politics

PressTV - US Attorney General Holder not to be prosecuted for contempt charge

No criminal prosecution of Holder for contempt -

Romney rakes in millions in wake of supreme court healthcare decision | World news |

Big Win For Predatory Healthcare Giants

What next? Nullify! – Tenth Amendment Center

Time for Regime Change in the USA | ZenHaven

The Dark and Hideous and the Great Unwashed. Smoking Mirrors

Competition Kills | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Texas college hacks drone in front of DHS — RT

US foreign policy calculated cul-de-sac (Op-Ed) — RT

London 2012 Olympics: Muslim converts held over 'Games plot' - Telegraph

The great American economic mirage | Business |

From the Ridge, one more Valley and one more Mountain. Visible Origami

The Barclays scandal is not 'wholly inappropriate'. It's a crime | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

Cable: The City is a massive cesspit - Business News - Business - The Independent

Nigel Farage: Van Rompuy, Barroso worst people in EU since 1945 - YouTube

Health - Brian Fung - Chart: What Killed Us, Then and Now - The Atlantic

The oldest and 'biggest ever' asteroid crater discovered in Greenland - suggesting huge impact more than three billion years ago | Mail Online

Activist Post: Big Pharma wants nano-scavengers in its drugs

Activist Post: UN Asks: How Many People Could Live on Planet Earth?

With court ruling, $1.7 trillion Obamacare tax now violates Obama’s 2008 tax pledge

YOU'VE BEEN OWNED | Don't Let Copyright Trolls Steal Our Property Rights!

Higgs boson rumours fly as Cern prepares to announce latest results | Science | The Guardian

What next? Nullify! – Tenth Amendment Center

Letter: Doctors against Obamacare - Leavenworth, KS - Leavenworth Times

GOP doubles down on health care repeal promise - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

United Technologies acknowledges coverup of sale of military software to China - The Washington Post

Is the Baltic Sea 'Sunken UFO' an Elaborate Scam?

35 Reasons Micro-Nukes Were Utilized to Demolish the WTC Cores on 9/11 :

New Mayan calendar artifacts discovered | Fox News

The Quarter-Century Obsession [UFO Crash Outside Aztec, N.M]

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients - Drugs Hiding in Your Water

| 13 Reasons Why The Revolution Might Start with Obamacare. |

ObamaCare Ruling: Pure Fraud and No Due Process | Sinclair News.Net

Activist Post: Mitt Romney's 13 Globalist 'Working Groups' Exposed

U.S. Army develops Tesla-style lightning bolt to destroy enemy vehicles (and adds: 'Sci-fi fans, you're welcome!') | Mail Online

PressTV - "Disable the purveyors": Is US secretly liquidating dissidents?

US wildfires are what global warming really looks like, scientists warn | Environment |

Food for thought

WIRE-TAP Applications Rock DOJ RE: Fast & Furious | Sinclair News.Net

US inner cities booming as young adults shun suburbs - Telegraph

Health - Hans Villarica - Study of the Day: See Big Mac, Want Big Mac - The Atlantic

Illegal downloading: Families who illegally download music and movies online face court action for copyright theft | Mail Online

Chicago City Council Overwhelmingly Votes to Decriminalize Marijuana | ZenHaven

German Secret Service Shreds Neo-Nazi Files | ZenHaven

Drought threatens U.S. food prices - The Washington Post

Activist Post: Top DNA Researcher Says Patenting Human Genes is "Lunacy"

Technology - Megan Garber - This Robot Will Beat You at Rock-Paper-Scissors 100 Percent of the Time - The Atlantic Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Waldo Canyon Fire - UFO behind helicopter

The Funny and Facetious Jon Stewart on 'Fast and Furious' « Blog

SCOTUS & Eric Holder: Its political pimpin’ pimpin’, man! « The PPJ Gazette

American Fundamentalist and Drugs Trafficker is Deputy Health Minister

15 Years Jail For Exporting Gas to Israel At Low Prices

Activist Post: Top DNA Researcher Says Patenting Human Genes is "Lunacy"

Incredible Ancient Sacred And Lost Places | ZenHaven

Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field - NASA Science


Can Blood Tests Detect Cancer? Vitamin D Tests Can

Researchers isolate reason market tomatoes don't taste as good as homegrown | McClatchy

Psychedelic drugs can unlock mysteries of brain – former government adviser | Science |

Coca-Cola cancer chemical scare: How safe is a can of Coke? | Mail Online

Details From The Supreme Court Obamacare Decision - Business Insider

Obamacare Complicated? Check Out The Flow Chart - Home - The Daily Bail

Today, Yesterday’s Tomorrow | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Olympic roof missiles: residents to launch legal action | Sport |

Food Sovereignty Activism Pays! « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Justice Roberts Attacks Are Unfounded & Wrong | Sinclair News.Net

Eric Holder contempt: Democrats protest vote with walkout - Seung Min Kim -

Top Obama lawyer admits 'Obamacare' is unconstitutional? — RT

Obamacare ruling paints different picture of health -

Supreme Court gives ‘Obamacare’ green light, but strikes down Medicaid expansion — RT

Why is SOCOM Lying About Domestic Drone Activities? | Public Intelligence

Americans Are Being Prepared For Full Spectrum Tyranny

The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Facebook just changed your default email without your consent: here’s how to opt out | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

HCG Ultra Diet Drops: Do they really produce a weight loss miracle? | The Health Coach

Causes of Water Pollution - GMO Farming, Glyphosate Big Contributors

Nature May Soon Overcome Monsanto as 'Super Rootworms' Destroy Crops

BPA produces changes in behaviour and gene expression

Nobody Wins: High Court Backs ‘Obama/RomneyCare,’ Leaves Public on Life-Support | This Can't Be Happening

Federal Health Care Nullification Act – Tenth Amendment Center

Devvy - Supreme Court Ruling On Obamacare Is Insane

Obamacare survived the Supreme Court. Other challenges still ahead.

Supreme Court upholds health care law - NBC Politics

Talk of the town

Electoral Calculus Guarantees An Obama Defeat In November | State of the Nation 2012

Barack Obama Orders Illicit Assassinations Via Drones | State of the Nation 2012

Is it time to consider locking up bankers? – Telegraph Blogs

PressTV - 'New student movement challenging student debt'

How Ford Calculates Driver Workload to Dial Back Distractions | Autopia |

Poll: Most prefer Obama to deal with ... alien invasion

Cloud looms over Obamacare decision

Court Backs E.P.A. Over Emissions Limits Intended to Reduce Global Warming - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Japan Introduced Stronger File-Sharing Law - The World's Largest BitTorrent System

Declassified FBI and CIA docs confirm Israel stole US uranium to build nukes in 1950s -- Puppet Masters --

George Galloway's message to Nasser Bin Hamad Al Khalifa of Bahrain, on Comment on Press TV - YouTube

Do Zionists Control Wall Street? The Shocking Facts! - YouTube

Big 'black box' bro to spy on UK mail & phones - YouTube

Jim Rogers Explains Why We Are Going to Have 'Financial Armageddon' - YouTube

The Ultimate Fireworks Fail Compilation - YouTube

Reality Check: If Healthcare Law Is A Tax Is It Now Invalid? - YouTube

Featured: Socialization Is A Benefit Of Homeschooling - LPC Survival

Rob Schneider Links Autism To Vaccines, Rails Against Big Government (VIDEO)

Stolen Valor Act: Supreme Court Decision To Overturn Lying Law Draws Outrage From Veterans

Exclusive: In His Second Term, Obama Will Pivot to the Drug War: Death Race 2012: GQ on Politics: GQ

Activist Post: Agenda 21 Dense MegaCities of the Future Now Underway

Supreme Court Forces U.S. To Take A Giant Step Toward A Totalitarian Socialist Government |

12 Incredible Obamacare Quotes That Show That Our Wretched Healthcare System Is Headed Directly Into The Toilet

Obamacare, the Great Swindle

The Food Stamp Soda Pop Brief | _

Energy smart meters are a threat to privacy, says watchdog | Environment | The Observer

Demonizing Muslims. America's Worldwide Witch Hunt

The FBI’s ‘Islamic Terrorism’ Fraud « Aletho News

God particle is 'found': Scientists at Cern expected to announce Higgs boson particle has been discovered on Wednesday | Mail Online

Use Our God Given Resources to Pay for Health, Peace of Mind and the Pursuit of Happiness – This is What our Forefathers Intended – What Say You? | _

Post-it Revolution 2012 - YouTube

Geneva Conference on Syria Ends in Stalemate as Russia Hangs Tough Against US Extortion; More Hysterical Outbursts by Hillary Clinton; US-NATO Endgame is MicroStates, MiniStates, Partition

'Lazy Greeks myth, red herring in explaining crisis' - YouTube

Missiles, bombs, drones & battleships: London ready for Olympics? - YouTube

I, pet goat II on Vimeo

Utah wants to Register Gardens! Agenda 21? - YouTube

Food Stamp President Obama Wants You on Food Stamps - 12160

Obama Ag Secretary: More People On Food Stamps Means More Jobs - YouTube

Tony Robinson asks if bankers are human - YouTube

Did this City Really Ban People from putting Fl - Flash Player Installation

Popular COOL Meat Labeling Law Gets Heat From WTO | _

Activist Post: Ad Industry Claims It Must Disregard User Privacy Choices to Safeguard "Cybersecurity"

Governors: No Obamacare for Florida and Louisiana | The Raw Story

Romney or Obama – All You have to do is Believe | _

Nature May Soon Overcome Monsanto

WHO RUNS THE MADHOUSE? by Dr Paul Craig Roberts | Darkmoon

The Multiple Ways Monsanto is Putting Normal Seeds Out of Reach « Surviving the Middle Class Crash

YouTube Is Developing a Secret Weapon Against the Internet's Worst Commenters | Wired Business |

Brain Dead Acquiescence, Mephistopheles and Faust. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Islamic terroroists on the US payroll

Google Shopping Now Censoring Weapon and Ammo Results « America First

Facebook e-mail mess: Address books altered; e-mail lost | Internet & Media - CNET News

Watching the Clock: Will a Total Economic Collapse Occur in September-October? | _

How the Israel lobby erodes US sovereignty - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Visa’s Globalist Agenda – Go World Olympic Commercial anti-American? « America First

Refreshing News: Half of Americans now support legalising marijuana. Yet among national office-holders, the figure is about 0-1%.

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Under Cover of Darkness, a Corporate Coup Is Underway | News & Politics | AlterNet


**911 Mysteries~ Controlled Demolition - YouTube


DHS pushes useless drone program in America - YouTube

Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake « Aletho News

Roberts Embraces Right’s Fake History | Consortiumnews

The Dark and Hideous and the Great Unwashed. Smoking Mirrors

GATA’s Chris Powell Says: 80% Of the Gold the World Owns Doesn’t Exist « Runnymede Institute

Pope Benedict puts radio and TV star Bishop Fulton John Sheen up for sainthood | Irish News and Politics spanning the US, Ireland and the World | IrishCentral

Muslims for 9/11 Truth: Egyptian President to expose FBI in 1993 WTC bombing?

NHP Troopers Sue Department Over K-9 Program - 8 News NOW

Activist Post: 17 Reasons To Be Extremely Concerned About The Second Half Of 2012

A Constitutional Right not Exercised is Surrendered | _

Activist Post: Obama administration won't reveal how many Americans’ emails the NSA has reviewed without warrants

Social costs Brace Yourself: The American Empire is over and the descent is going to be horriying

Russia gets its armed forces ready in the Caucasus | StratRisks

U.N. Figures | socratesandsyria

The Power To Tax Is the Power To Destroy by Peter Schiff

A 'healthy' food stamp, or just a heavy hand? Republican American

The Nuking of Barack Obama | The Broken Elbow

This 4th of July We Will Celebrate Tyranny, More Unwanted Taxes, and the Destruction of the Constitution of the United States of America – What Say You? | _

A Full Rundown Of China's Military Might - Business Insider

TOOBIN: Chief Justice John Roberts Was 'Red-Eyed And Unhappy' - Business Insider Obamacare: 21 New or Higher Taxes

Department of Homeland Security Plans to Release Bacteria in Boston Subway System | _

Big Win for Predatory Healthcare Giants :

Homeland Security - Safeguarding the Jewish Community - 12160

OBAMA CARE APPROVED - IRS to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance - World Order News

How a Lone Grad Student Scooped the Government and What it Means for Your Online Privacy | NationofChange



**film/Americathon 1979 - YouTube


Choosing Blindness and Stupidity, and About Helping "Some" People Arthur Silber

Justice Department shields Holder from prosecution after contempt vote | Fox News

Fact Sheet: The Truth About Obamacare - Home - The Daily Bail

| The Obamacare Ruling, A Golden Opportunity for Ron Paul Supporters and Libertarians? |

Gone Banana Republic » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

PressTV - ‘Obama’s healthcare reform in favor of insurance companies’

Bill Moyers: 'Look Who's Really Writing the Healthcare Bill - Big Pharma & The Insurance Lobby' - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: Big Pharma wants nano-scavengers in its drugs

At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive

U.S. Military Expansion In Africa Aimed At China

Activist Post: Colombia High Court Okays Drug Decriminalization

DeMint: ‘Obamacare’ Still Unconstitutional — States Should Refuse To Implement It

The Supreme Court isn’t the LAST step of opposition…the Declaration of Independence is

» The Obamacare Precedent: The Second Amendment is Next Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

We the People are the Ultimate Check and Balance | _

Six Ways the Big Banks Are Getting Back-Door Bailouts -

Government by the Banks and For the Banks -

Big Banks Have Criminally Conspired Since 2005 to Rig $800 Trillion Dollar Market -

Rockefeller Council Demographers Subjected American Slums To Eugenic Mind-Control Ops -

12 Incredible Obamacare Quotes That Show That Our Wretched Healthcare System Is Headed Directly Into The Toilet -

Italy in Crisis: The Decline of the Roman Democracy and Rise of the ‘Super Mario’ Technocracy -

Colombia decriminalizes cocaine, marijuana

God particle is 'found': Scientists at Cern expected to announce Higgs boson particle has been discovered on Wednesday | Mail Online

Supreme Court Forces U.S. To Take A Giant Step Toward A Totalitarian Socialist Government |

Google Glass Team: 'Wearable Computing Will Be the Norm' | Gadget Lab |

Mainstream Economics is a Cult -

Ad Industry Claims It Must Disregard User Privacy Choices to Safeguard "Cybersecurity" -

Reading the Riots study reveals police fears over further unrest | UK news | The Guardian

Your E-Book Is Reading You -

The Sharp, Sudden Decline of America's Middle Class | Culture News | Rolling Stone

What is causing the outbreak of Flesh Eating Diseases?

Land of the Free: the Best Investigative Reporting on U.S. Prisons -

77% of JP Morgan’s Net Income Comes from Government Subsidies -

Banking scandal: how document trail reveals global scam | Business | The Observer

Dambisa Moyo: 'The world will be drawn into a war for resources' | Global development | The Guardian

Darrell Issa Puts Details of Secret Wiretap Applications in Congressional Record : Roll Call News

Viral Meat Spray - YouTube

MURAT YETKİN - Do you think it is not related to the energy wars?

Obamacare is now the Obama Tax -

Supreme Court upholds Obama’s health-care law - The Washington Post

Gene Dios - Interview with a Rothschild: 1892

Obama Rejoices Over The Worst (Unconstitutional) Legislation In US History | CounterPsyOps


**Celente: The 2nd American Revolution STARTS NOW! - YouTube


10 sobering realizations the Eastern U.S. power grid failure is teaching us about a real collapse

» Rockefeller Council Demographers Subjected American Slums To Eugenic Mind-Control Ops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mark Steyn: Obama the first Invented-American president | memoir, obama, fake - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Easter Island drug raises cognition throughout life span in mice

The Cult of Obama | FrontPage Magazine

"Prometheus" - A Lesson in Illuminati Religion -

Religion Would Likely Survive Alien Life Discovery | LiveScience

Kepler scientists find freaky solar system that's unlike anything we've seen before


+Audio/ Libertarian Film Star;Amanda BillyRock talks to Lew Rockwell


The Art of Decentralization by Butler Shaffer

Chief Justice Roberts, Economic Fascist by Gary North

The First Liberty Library by Murray N. Rothbard

Fred Admits: Is Worst Sort of Racist by Fred Reed

Won’t You Come Back, Alan Greenspan? Won’t You Come Back? by Walter Block

What I Learned in My Political Campaign by Karen Kwiatkowski

Oh-No-bamacare by Bill Sardi

Are Medical Entrepreneurs Parasites? The Government Believes They Are by William L. Anderson

More Fascism in America Upheld by the Supreme Bureaucrats by Scott Lazarowitz

What Not To Do on Selection Day | Eric Peters Autos

Hot enough for ya? Tips for staying cool when it’s hotter than hell outside | The Survival Mom™

384 Days of Primal: Focusing on the Process to See Results | Mark's Daily Apple

Government Medical 'Insurance' by Murray N. Rothbard

Ignoring the Obvious by Jeff Thomas

Rating and Ranking Our Presidents by Patrick J. Buchanan

Shotgun Shopping?

Mossberg 500 vs. Remington 870 - YouTube

A Man’s Guide to Moving Back in with His Parents…While Maintaining at Least a Little Dignity | The Art of Manliness

Is Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread Healthy? | Mark's Daily Apple

Are You Packing? 5 Inexpensive Ways to Store Your Food | Ready Nutrition

Airline offers passengers luxury private suites complete with double bed and Italian-stitched armchair... and there's no need to worry about the leg-room! | Mail Online

Report: Roberts Originally Voted to Strike Down Obamacare

Scott Walker: Wisconsin Won't Launch Obamacare

Reuters Poll: Obamacare Still Unpopular After High Court Ruling

Jindal: Decision on Obamacare ‘Eroding Our Freedoms’

Ryan: Obamacare Ruling Contorts Logic, Reason

Romney: Obamacare Ruling Clear Reason to Oust Obama

Trump Rips Roberts Over Obamacare Decision

Study: Republicans More Quoted than Democrats, McCain Most Popular

Murdoch Tells Romney to Fire Staff

AP: Evidence of 'God Particle' Found

American Business Bracing for Costly Obamacare

2.1 Million Still Without Power from Illinois to Virginia

CNN Poll: Public Divided on Obamacare Ruling

CNN's Anderson Cooper Confirms He's Gay

Joseph Schmitz: Supreme Court Ruling Means Obamacare Is Dead

Fort Bragg Soldier Who Shot Commander Dies

Former Fighter Pilot's Novel Imagines World Running Out of Oil

Christie Calls Special NJ Joint Session to Push Tax-Cut Plan

DeMint Turns His Senate Conservatives Fund Into Super PAC

Romney to Newsmax: Obama Comments Pressured Supreme Court

Increase in Congressional Approval Ratings Could Hurt Obama

Half of Hispanics Identify As Independents

Opposition Candidate Pena Nieto Wins Mexico Presidential Election

Chavez, Capriles Launch Venezuela Race

Economists: Consumers Are Growing Increasingly on Edge

Poll: Recession Fears Eroding Obama's Popularity Among Young

Visa: 21% of Americans Say The Can't Afford to Celebrate Independence Day

Is Your 'Green' Home Making You Sick?

Can One Infection Lead to Alzheimer's?

Iconic Atari Turns 40, Tries to Stay Relevant

BlackBerry's Slow Demise 'Like Watching a Puppy Die'

Saturn's Largest Moon Likely Has an Underground Ocean

Google Unveils Cloud-Computing to Take On Amazon

Dinosaurs Weren’t Cold-Blooded in Theory That Flips Old Beliefs

Supreme Court Ruling Brings Headaches for Obama

Film To Portray Jesus as Child of Rape

Pessimism Sours American Voters

IRS steps up scrutiny of tax-exempt political groups - Yahoo! News Canada

Disturbing e-mails could spell more trouble for Penn State officials -

Obama campaign fundraising off heat wave? |

Newt Gingrich on D.C. Weather: 'Mild Taste of What an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) Attack Would Do' | The Weekly Standard

China 'cannibal' attack: Drunk bus driver leaps on woman in street and chews on her face | Mail Online

Convicted murderer on death row planned bizarre suicide using oysters | Fox News

Scientologist spies allegedly deployed against Katie Holmes - Telegraph

Katie Holmes feared Tom Cruise would ship daughter Suri to radical Scientology organization -

Houston tribute, obscenities highlight BET Awards - Yahoo! News

White House urges Dems to go on offense on healthcare reform - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Romney adviser: Health care not a tax - Washington Times

Investigators: Homeless man arrested, stays at hotels on other... |

Secret Service shuts down ‘fire Eric Holder’ protest |

Washington Post Backs Off False Claim Romney Outsourced Jobs

Obama campaign call affirms money anxiety - The Washington Post

Obama Takes the Week Off | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Health care ruling: Poll: Supreme Court amps up GOP turnout -

Rupert Murdoch: Scientologists ‘creepy, maybe even evil’ | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Some States Reluctant Over Medicaid Expansion -

The End of American Independence by Justin Raimondo --

The Specter of Domestic Drones by Simone Richmond --

More Drug-War Failures in Latin America | The National Interest Blog

Patrick Cockburn: How Julian Assange's private life helped conceal the real triumph of WikiLeaks - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Lew says W.H. 'most transparent ever' -

The State Guarded Secret Which Makes You As Docile As A Lamb For The Slaughter | Before It's News

Maya Scholar Deciphers Meaning of Newly Discovered Monument That Refers to 2012 End Date, Many Images | Before It's News

America Is NOW A Socialist Police State

How To Destroy RFID Chips | Before It's News


hollow earth strange photos. - YouTube

FLASHBACK: In '08, Obama Attacked Hillary Clinton For A Health Care "Penalty" - YouTube

IBM developing staph-killing “ninja polymers” that attacks physically rather than chemically |

Queen Elizabeth II Confirmed Cannibal: What the Masses Are Saying | Before It's News

How To Detox Fluorides From Your Body | Before It's News

Articles: Obama's Healthcare Conquest

Aspartame and MSG: 2 Food Additives You Should Avoid

Vitamin A And Skin Tumors | Before It's News

Vitamin D Essential for Mind Health and Improved Cognition | Before It's News

Secrets of Cemetery of Giant Rocks -- Secret History --

Why Human Sense Of Smell Is So Poor Discovered | Before It's News

Articles: Arrest Eric Holder

Alien Spaceship On Its Way To Rescue Humans Before Doomsday | Before It's News

Strange Looking Skull Found -- Could Prove Ancient Aliens Were Really Here | Before It's News

Culture,Truth, Division and End of Alt Media - YouTube

Kicking The Can Down The Road: Europe Still Headed for the Greatest Financial Crisis Since the Great Depression

12 Incredible Obamacare Quotes That Show How The U.S. Healthcare System Is Headed For Disaster

Report claims Norwegian trained by al Qaeda in Yemen plans to crash U.S. airline during Olympics

There Never Was a Good War or a Bad Peace - YouTube

Hearing June 28 2012 Fractional Reserve Banking - YouTube

Self-Administering Micro Flu Vaccine Patch Sent Via Mail! - YouTube

Government by the Banks, for the Banks: The ESM Coup D’Etat in Europe

NYPD labels people “professional agitators” for filming police

Spurious Terrorism Indictments Follow NATO's Visit to Chicago

The Art of Caching and Retreat to Avoid Becoming a Target

Swine Flu or Bird Flu: Either Way We’re Having a Pandemic

FTF Films: Do You See What I See? - YouTube

World’s First Genetically Modified Babies ‘Created’ in US

FTF Films: Brave New Rebellion - YouTube

Issa: Executive Privilege Reserved For Presidential Decision-Making

FTF Films: Victim Mentality - YouTube

Pelosi: Individual Mandate Isn’t a Tax: ‘No, It’s Penalty, No, It’s a Penalty, It’s a Penalty’

Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence Attacks House Efforts To See Holder’s Gunrunning Documents

Poverty Porn and the New Primitivism

Levin Thanks Obama For Air, Water, Lightbulbs - And Health Care

If The Amish Are Exempt From Obamacare Tax, Why Isn't My Religion?

Shocking Huffington Post Headline: 'Obama Begs Donors: Send More $$$'

Republican Sen. Mike Lee: ‘I Don’t Think It Was a Tax’

White House Statement on Obamacare Mandate Tax Contradicts Supreme Court Ruling

Boehner on Obamacare: ‘It Has to be Ripped Out and We Need to Start Over One Step at a Time’

US judge temporarily blocks Miss. abortion law

Midwest ranchers, lawmakers protest EPA flyovers

Roberts Jokes About Trip to 'Impregnable' Fortress

Pro-Lifers on Obamacare Ruling: ‘Abortion Is the Greatest Social Injustice’

Mexico's former ruling party voted back to office

Houston tribute, obscenities highlight BET Awards

Obama Contributor, Who Helped Enact Assault-Weapons Ban, Ran ‘Fast and Furious’

Chief Justice Roberts: It's Not A Tax, It Is A Tax; It's Law, But It's Not 'Unlawful' to Break It

Ed Meese on Obamacare Ruling: ‘The People Will Rise Up’

WH Chief of Staff: It's a Penalty, 'Doesn't Matter' What SCOTUS Called It

UNESCO Sides With Palestinians on Declaring Jesus’ Birthplace ‘Endangered,’ Ignoring Advice of Experts, Church Leaders, and U.S.

Michelle Obama: There is ‘No Place Better’ Than Church to Talk About Political Issues

Boehner on Obamacare: ‘It Has to be Ripped Out and We Need to Start Over One Step at a Time’

Obama on Individual Mandate: 'Absolutely Not a Tax Increase'

NBC's Pete Williams: Democrat 'More Likely to Appoint' 'Less Ideological' Judge - 'Somebody Near the Middle' |

ABC Gushes Over John Lewis, Who Once Compared the GOP to Nazis: A 'Hero' and 'Legend' |

Geraldo Rips Tom Cruise: 'Does Scientology Have Special Program to Provide Cover for Closeted Gay Super Stars?' |

Death of the Birds and the Bees Across America

Her Majesty's BBC's Syria Coverage: "Sorry for the Lies"...

Towards Global Government:? Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Corporate Escape From Accountability

Financial Coup D’Etat in Europe: Government by the Banks, for the Banks

The New Financial Aristocracy

America's Covert War of Terror: A Journey into Moral Depravity

Obama Planning More War: Who's next? Syria? Iran? Both Countries are Targetted

Combined Maritime Forces: U.S Global Naval Force in the Arabian Sea

Mainstream Economics is a Cult

Parliament: the Mother of all Deceptions

Unilateral Intervention without a UN Mandate: Propagandists Sell "Vigilante" Solution for Syria

GRTV: Covert War Waged Against Syria

VIDEO: The American People Are Angry

Why Honest Journalism Matters and Can Make a Difference

Big Banks Have Become Mafia-Style Criminal Enterprises

Africa’s Deadly Spy Infestation

GRTV: Silent Revolution: North Korea Gets Intimate with China

GRTV: The First Casualty? War, Truth & the Media Today

GRTV: Enemies in Deed: US Drones and Demands Hit 'Ally' Pakistan

15-Yr-Old Says Cop Ordered Her To Undress, Examined Her Privates To "Check" Whether She Had Sex - informationliberation

The American Nightmare That Is Civil Asset Forfeiture - informationliberation

Take Your Bureaucratic Hands Off My Microwave - informationliberation

Demystifying the State - informationliberation

The Mandate Was Never the Issue - informationliberation

How the Corporate Media is Snookering You on Syria

How The Press Uses Julian Assange's Private Life To Conceal the Real Triumph of WikiLeaks

Son Of Liberty Born and raised in America

Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"

Obama’s Constitutional Crisis

An Unjust Law is No Law at All: Why Obamacare Must Fall

The Future Of Medicine Under Obama Universal Coverage for Health (O.U.C.H.)

The Liar’s Tax

The End of OPEC Despotism

What Just Happened to the Rule of Law?

What Communism Wrought

Arrest Eric Holder

Progressive CJ John Roberts Solidifies Socialism in U.S.

Efforts to develop new drugs that hopefully will never be used

Report of Investigation Fast & Furious: The Path to the White House

CO2 Is Greening The Planet

Reagan foretold: the day freedom died in America

The Health Care Mandate Is A Tax.

Punishing the Wealthy, Punishing the Healthy

The election effects of the Obama Care ruling ...

Debbie Schlussel/Yitzhak Shamir, Z”L*: Israeli PM Was Hero, Said “Anti-Semitism is Poles’ Mother’s Milk” – Family Murdered by Poles

**Conscious Evolution/ Grieving and Loss - July 1, 2012 - YouTube


**C2CAM - Metaphysics & Visions Discussed !! - 06.30.12 - YouTube


BBC News - Asteroid hunters announce private deep space mission

The Curious Case of the Poisoned Cows | Wired Science | - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph

"Mars' Moon Phobos May Yield Alien Life" --NASA Experts (Holiday Weekend Feature)

We DON'T all see the same colours say scientists as they claim one person's red is another's blue | Mail Online

BBC News - 'Smoking vaccine' blocks nicotine in mice brains

Mysterious African 'Fairy Circles' Stump Scientists | Earth Mysteries | LiveScience

In a Big Network of Computers, Evidence of Machine Learning -

Scientists develop spray-on battery - Yahoo! News

Maya archaeologists unearth new 2012 monument

All the world's quakes since 1898 mapped - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

U.S. Army develops Tesla-style lightning bolt to destroy enemy vehicles (and adds: 'Sci-fi fans, you're welcome!') | Mail Online

Police use YouTube, Twitter to solve crimes, get word out –

PressTV - US launches 2nd spy satellite in 9 days

Report: Cyberattacks on critical US targets surge -

Map: Where Obamacare would expand Medicaid most | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Issa, Grassley release details about Fast and Furious whistleblower retaliation, cover-up

BBC News - Global survey shows drop in support for Barack Obama

Obama grants legal status to young illegal immigrants - Washington Times

Flashback: Obama in 2008 Promised Health Care Should “Never Be Purchased With Tax Increases On Middle Class Families” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

S.F. family's murderer killed before, FBI was told - SFGate

Busted: Audio of Obama Lawyer Arguing Obamacare Is a Tax Stuns WH Chief of Staff Jack Lew (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

My Way News - Sex grooming cases spark racial tensions

EPA official who quit over 'crucify' remarks hired by green group - The Hill's E2-Wire

Fort Hood Shooting Trial Date Set for August

Michael Savage: Roberts affected by medication - Report: Justice Roberts Switched Positions on Health Care Law - Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Way News - Mali: Islamists attack Timbuktu heritage sites

EXCLUSIVE: Former adviser to John Gotti Sr., Lewis Kasman, reveals the secrets of the Gottis -

San Francisco gay rights activist reportedly arrested over child porn | Fox News

Krauthammer and Yoo may both be right about Roberts

It's Not a Tax, It's a Choice

Roberts did not change

Obama's Bain outsourcing ads 'overreach':

EPA bureaucrat who likened his role to crucifying industry is hired by Sierra Club

Fatal attraction: The politics of celebrity culture

Obama, Our Illegal Immigration President

Taxes: 'Heresies of the Obvious'

A Cautionary Tale

The Smoking Gun at Penn State

CBS News: Roberts switched his vote on Obamacare

Presidential contenders respond to a weather emergency

Support for Obamacare ticks up after SCOTUS decision

Mexico's PRI gains election victory

What's wrong with Rupert Murdoch?

GOP to challenge Obama's executive privilege claim in court

Can Government Now Tax Handgun Ammunition 10,000%?

Obama Not the Only One Playing the Blame Game

What Chomsky Got Right

ObamaCare, Social Justice, and Administrative Overhead

The Constitutionality of the ObamaCare Tax

Can S.E. Cupp Lie with Fools and Not Get Up a Fool?

The Logic of Justice Roberts

Have We Reached the New Tipping Point?

Still Struggling with the Roberts-as-Hero Theory

Roberts Hands a Poisoned Chalice to the President

Is Obama's Support Weaker Than Poll Numbers Appear?

Forget Immigration. It's Big Government Hispanic Voters Want.

The Supreme Court Is Not Our Friend

Supreme Court Helps Obama Fulfill Dreams from His Communist Mentor

Obamacare: 'Things are now up for Grabs'

Review: The Tyranny of Clichés: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas

The Value of American Citizenship

Moral Relativism and the Plight of a Pedophile

Turning ObamaCare's Lemons into Federalist Lemonade

The Dictator in the Black Iron Man Suit

Will American Liberals Ever Wake Up?

Still a BFD, Obama Loses

A Surgeon Cuts to the Heart of the ObamaCare Nightmare

GOP governors stand fast against Obamacare

House approves pork-laden transportation bill

Egypt's new president vows to work for the release of 'The Blind Sheik'

Panetta urges Congress to block defense cuts

Issa drops 'bombshell' wiretap applications letter that makes Holder out to be a liar

Why I Walked Out on John Roberts

What Just Happened in Down-to-Earth Terms

Gallup: Public sharply divided over healthcare ruling

The Obamacare Tax Fix

Reagan Foretold: The Day Freedom Died in America

‘Fundraiser-in-Chief’: Obama Reportedly Begs Donors for More Money Aboard Air Force One

Rupert Murdoch: ‘Something Creepy, Maybe Even Evil’ About Scientology

CBS: Justice Roberts Switched Views To Uphold Health Care Law

‘Wipe Them Off the Face of the Earth’: Iran Issues New Threat to Israel

This Painful Ad for a Chinese Cab Co. Mocking the Royal Family Is Creating Quite the Controversy

See Conservators Restore These Historical Paintings of America’s Founding Fathers

Runner Slaps, Shoves Mascot After He…Wins the Race

‘That Guy Is Shocking Horses’: Animal Rights Group Releases Video Capturing Cowboy Zapping Rodeo Horses

‘Weird Cult’: Here Are 7 of the Most Interesting Reactions to Murdoch’s Anti-Scientology Tweets

The Guy With the Most Awkward Interviews You’ve Ever Seen Interrupts Actual News Interview! (But Is He an Actor?)

NBC Meteorologist on Extreme Heat Wave: ‘If We Did Not Have Global Warming We Wouldn’t See This’

Did Physicists Really Find the ‘God Particle’ This Time?

WH Chief of Staff: It Doesn’t Matter That We Argued Health Care Reform Is a Tax in Court — It’s Not a Tax

Does a President’s Faith in God Truly Matter? (Poll)

‘You Hear That From the Glenn Beck Crowd’: NBC Reporter Says GOP Might Do Things ‘Constitutionally Afoul of the Law’ to Repeal Obamacare

Confirmed: This Giant Crocodile Is the Largest One in Captivity

‘Coddler-in-Chief’: Fiery Rep. West Rips Obama and His Lack of Leadership

12-Year-Old Sustains Gruesome Injury After Playing Dangerous ‘Salt and Ice Challenge’ Internet Fad (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

Pelosi Nearly Calls Obamacare Mandate a ‘Tax’ During Contentious Wordsmithing on ‘Meet the Press’

Secret Service Shuts Down Students‘ ’Fast and Furious’ Protest Due to Suspicious Package

Anderson Cooper Officially Comes Out: ‘The Fact Is, I‘m Gay’

‘Stop Demonizing Socialism’: Obamacare Supporters Demand ‘Free’ Healthcare After Supreme Court Ruling

Berserk Naked Man Breaks Pregnant Woman’s Legs During Wild, Ranting, AZ Carjacking Spree

Michelle Obama: There‘s ’No Place Better’ Than Church to Talk About Political Issues

Watch Chris Christie Call a Reporter an ‘Idiot’ During a Press Conference

Immigration Reform: Last Day For Free ‘Gold Plated’ Health Care To Refugees In Canada

Levin On Hannity Radio: SCOTUS Ruling; “Most Radical Activist Decisions In Modern Court History”

Children there for the picking

Who Romney should pick for VP

Obama, SCOTUS, taxes and your freedoms

All in to take down Obamacare

Conservatives and forced consumption

From segregation to affirmative action

Bringing out the best in humanity

Thanks, Supreme Court

The only hope for America

J. FARAH: Contemptuous government

B. DEAN: The iniquity of homosexual child porn

ELLIS WASHINGTON: John Roberts' cocktail party

KLAYMAN: July 4, a new revolution begins!

STAR PARKER: Racial politics thicker than justice

D. LIMBAUGH: Obamacare ruling = GOP landslide?

J. FARAH: Republicans reducing expectations, again

TOM TANCREDO: Who shall defend the Constitution?

PAT BOONE: Grand master of the old shell game

FEDERER: Obamacare decision: Today's Dred Scott

Black mobs now beating Jews in New York

‘The Divine Secret’ of life finally unveiled

Jackie Mason unloads on Justice John Roberts

Sheriff Joe set to release more Obama ‘shockers’

‘Baffling’ Obamacare ruling ‘corrosive to job creation’

China: ‘Pervasive access’ to 80% of telecoms

Plants that feed on animals underground discovered - Telegraph

AI system helps spot signs of copper cable theft - tech - 28 June 2012 - New Scientist

4 Parts/How to Control The World – Max Igan

Report: Russia involved in downing of Turkish jet - Israel News, Ynetnews

WH hails EU restrictions on Iranian Oil | POLITICO 44 -

WSJ Chief Economist: 75% of Obamacare Costs Will Fall on Backs of Those Making Less Than $120K a Year | Conservative News, Views & Books

The 'World's Center of Economic Gravity' is in the Russian Tundra - Business - The Atlantic Wire

» Where Does Money Come From? The Giant Federal Reserve Scam That Most Americans Do Not Understand Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Will All the Money Printing Lead to Hyperinflation? — Business News - CNBC

Obama Gives “Total Power” To Clinton As Nano Apocalypse Nears

The strange new world of Nanoscience, narrated by Stephen Fry - YouTube

American Volunteer Mauled By Chimps At Jane Goodall Institute

Caught On Video: Dem Pol Tells Story About 'Ni**er Babies'

Walker: Wisc Will Wait To Implement Obamacare

CBS News: Roberts Switched Vote On Mandate; Twisted Kennedy's Arm

Obamacare Ruling Will Add Hundreds of Billion In New Costs

Cruise and Holmes Slept In Separate Beds

Katie Holmes Frightened of Scientologists’ Revenge

Obama, Roberts, and the Left Juristocracy

Justice Roberts Turns Obamacare into Origination Clause Shell Game

The Dog and the Wolf: Why Not Take 'Free' Medicaid Money, NPR Wonders?

Roberts's Switched Obamacare Vote: A Judicial CYA Maneuver

Doctors Despair Over Obamacare

Egypt's New President Promises To Free Terrorists In US

Governor: 'Florida Is Not Going To Implement Obamacare'

Town Bans US Flags Displayed At Grave Sites

WSJ: 75% Of Obamacare Taxes Will Be On Middle-Class

Pelosi: We Didn't Lose 2010 Election Because Of Obamacare

George Will: Roberts' Ruling Sets Good Legal Precedent For Conservatives

Kurtz Slams CNN, Fox For Flubbed Reporting On Obamacare Ruling

Fox News Grills GOP Over Coverage Of Uninsured

Bank Of America Funds Restoration Of Revolution Era Paintings

Austrailian Politician Bursts Into Song During Interview

President Readies Obamacare Handouts to Soften Repeal Support

WSJ Compares Asian Immigrants to New England Puritans

Surprising Number of Liberals Unhappy with Obamacare

DHS Tells Border Patrol Agents: Run and Hide when Shootings Occur

CBS: Roberts May Have Changed Obamacare Vote Due to Media Pressure

Obama Immigration Directive Not Enough for Boston Globe

Explosive Reuters Report: 150 Mormons Quit Church

Politico Forgets to Mention Democrats Caused Student Loan Interest Rate Hike Problem

Colorado County Officials: ABC Took Fire/Terrorism Comments out of Context

More Scorn for Chief Justice Roberts as Details of Switch Leak

World View: Vietnamese protest China's plans for military command in South China Sea

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood President Announces People Power

A Book for Little Patriots: A Reponse to the Haters

Pressure Continues to Build in Syria

CNN Rushes to Point Out Romney Once Liked 'Healthcare Mandates'

CNN Contributor: Fast & Furious Deaths 'Collateral Damage'

Airline union efforts threatening jobs, consumers

Obamacare: Don't Get Mad, Get to Work

'Washington Post' Backs Off Claim Romney Outsourced Jobs

Media's Liberals Laughing at John Roberts

Gov. Scott: Florida Will Not Comply With Obamacare Ruling

Recession Imminent? U.S. Manufacturing Plunges

Welfare Loophole: Sisters Make $540,000 Babysitting Their Kids

Conservatives to Mitt: Quit Now If You Won't Fight Obamatax!

Romney Spokesman: Mandate Not A Tax

Obama Backs Israel-Bashing at the UN

Poll: Young, Poor, Independents 'Strongly' Agree ObamaCare's Got To Go

Conservatives to Mitt: Quit Now If You Won't Fight Obamatax!

Media's Liberals Laughing at John Roberts

Obama Backs Israel-Bashing at the UN

More Scorn for Chief Justice Roberts as Details of Switch Leak

No Bounce: Poll Shows Obamacare Ruling Did Not Help Obama

President Readies Obamacare Handouts to Soften Repeal Support

Roberts's Switched Obamacare Vote: A Judicial CYA Maneuver

Obama, Roberts, and the Left Juristocracy

Surprising Number of Liberals Unhappy with Obamacare

It Begins: CNN Points out Romney Once Liked 'Healthcare Mandates'

Doctors Despair Over Obamacare

Obama Pleads with Donors: 'I've Got Gray Hair'

Michelle Obama Email: 'I'll Let You Take My Seat' On Campaign Bus

Obamacare Ruling to Add Hundreds of Billions In New Costs

Obama Team: Obamacare Still Not A Tax

Game Change: The Obamacare Tax

Ryan Blasts John Roberts

Justice Roberts Turns Obamacare into Origination Clause Shell Game

CBS News: Roberts Switched Vote On Mandate; Twisted Kennedy's Arm

Maher: Romney Campaign Theme: 'I Think the Black Guy Is up to No Good'

Palin: Only Promise Obama Kept Was to 'Fundamentally Transform' America

Romney Says Obamacare Ruling 'A Plus' for Him, Will Energize Conservatives

Pelosi: GOP repeal of Obamacare is 'unrealistic'

Porn Queen Jenna Jameson Sued By Maserati

Another Tom Cruise Marriage Fail

Iran: We Will 'Confront' New EU Oil Sanctions

Planned Parenthood, NARAL Welcome SCOTUS Ruling on ObamaCare

'SPOILED ROTTEN': How the Democratic Party Lost Its Soul to Patronage

Sarah Palin: 'Nancy Pelosi Is Dingbat'

Romney Uses Hillary Clinton to Attack Obama

Politico's Chief Political Columnist Mocks Fast & Furious

Fast and Furious: Dead Fish Stink from the Head Down

Romney Team Talks Online Dominance: 'This Campaign Became a Cause'

FactCheck.Org: No Evidence Romney Shipped Jobs Overseas

Romney Campaign: Drudge, Breitbart Leading Rise of Center-Right Media

UFC Champ: Obama Has 'Pothead Mentality'

Michelle Compares Obama to Biblical Figures

2009 Promise: No Obamacare Tax; Middle Class Will Not 'Be Forced to Pay for This'

NAACP Demands End to Lotto Because It's Racist

Ron Paul inducted into congressional baseball hall of fame

Herman Cain Inaugurates His TV Show July 4

Justice Department Shields Holder from Prosecution After Contempt Vote

DOCUMENT: Congressional Record of Issa Letter on F&F Secret Wiretaps

Former Wall Street Trader Takes Pill, Dies Minutes After Receiving Conviction

Double Standard: ABC News Blasts Obamacare Critique It Used on Ryan Budget

CNN Questions: Did Fast & Furious Actually Happen?

Army Officials: Fort Bragg Shooter Killed Superior Officer

Obama Campaign Celebrates July 4th with... Fundraiser in Paris

Obamacare Adds 400% Increase to Military member's Tricare Fees

Obamacare's 'Birth Tax' Will Require Amendment to Fix

Millionaire Obama Super PAC Donor Still Obsessed With Palin Kids' Sex Life

The Path to 50

States opting out of Medicaid expansion could leave many uninsured

C-130 crashes while battling South Dakota wildfire

Ex-astronaut Alan Poindexter dies in jet ski accident

The Race: Obama and Romney taking summer breaks

NJ's Christie says third of surplus may go to tax cuts

Petit Family Killer's Elaborate Oyster Suicide Plan

Ann Romney opens up about her battle with MS

Joe Paterno did not interfere with Sandusky child sex probe, family's lawyer says

More than half of US Latinos are political independents

Lobster glut drives price per pound lower than bologna

Pena Nieto Victorious in Mexican Presidential Elections

PRI's Enrique Pena Nieto declares victory in Mexico presidential election - YouTube

Iran Takes Defiant Steps Over New Sanctions

Turkish FM Urges United Syrian Opposition

Islamist rebels in Mali destroy Timbuktu historic sites

Kenyan PM Condemns Church Attacks

Iran FM says Tehran wants 'win-win' outcome from nuclear talks

Kidnapped Saudi envoy urges king not to forget him

Crowds protest in Hong Kong as Hu anoints leader

Montreal body parts murder police find possible human remains in car park

Libya election fears after attacks on polling offices

Former Israeli PM Yitzhak Shamir Laid to Rest

German spy chief resigns following criticism in neo-Nazi probe

Manufacturing shrinks, first time in nearly three years

Bobby Jindal vs. Obamacare

McCaskill visited Chillicothe Saturday

Is Ron Paul planning a Republican coup?

Obama increases Hispanic outreach

Battle over ObamaCare shifts from courtroom to campaign trail

GOP Counters Obama Campaign's 'BFD' T-Shirt

Kansas insurance chief goes against GOP grain

Judge dismisses suit to keep Obama off Fla. ballot

This 4th of July: The dawn of a new 'independents' day

Americans Issue Split Decision on Healthcare Ruling

Google offers to settle EU antitrust probe

Apple TV with Retina Display Would Cost $25000

Twitter cuts ties with LinkedIn after 2-year partnership

Facebook phone app attempts to seize ALL YOUR MAIL

Talk show host Anderson Cooper: "I'm gay"

Houston remembered at BET Awards

AMC makes deal with AT&T, but still none with Dish

US sees stronger hints of Higgs

NASA Super Guppy lands in Seattle - YouTube

After six months in orbit, space station astronauts land safely in Kazakhstan

Toting a fake Space Shuttle nose, NASA's 'Super Guppy' touches down in Seattle

Spray-On Batteries Could Reshape Energy Storage

Archaeologists find 2nd reference to end of Mayan era

Ancient Chinese pottery could alter history of mankind

Mission to Mars's moon Phobos 'could yield first sign of alien life'

Amelia Earhart anniversary: 75 years after her disappearance, Amelia Earhart attracts interest in her hometown -

Aimee Copeland Leaves Hospital After Battling Flesh-Eating Disease

Morning Talker: Spanking your kids? - YouTube

Spanking Kids Leads to Adult Mental Illnesses

Caffeine Linked to Lower Skin Cancer Risk

Kids Born Just Two Weeks Early Test Lower in Reading and Math: Study

Petrol prices: Every which way you lose | The Economist

What the Price of Gasoline Tells Us | Resource Investor

Renewables developers begin to look beyond tax credits - The Barrel

Did climate change ’cause’ the Colorado wildfires? | Grist

The Claremont Institute - Abandoning the Constitution

‘America the Philosophical,’ by Carlin Romano -

Marc O. DeGirolami Reviews Steven K. Green's "The Bible, The School, And The Constitution" | The New Republic

sp!ked review of books | Ray Bradbury: prophet of nostalgia

sp!ked review of books | Re-opening the American mind

Rachael Berkey: First Steps Toward the Dark Side

Dissertation Writing for Dummies | On Campus |

Soyuz 11 and Salyut 1: The Truth About the 1971 Space Disaster | Astronotes

The life of Amelia Earhart : The New Yorker

National - Lane Wallace - Enough About Amelia - The Atlantic

Top 10 Unexplained Disappearances | Top 10 Lists |

The Stalking of the President - Charles Guiteau and James A. Garfield | Past Imperfect

The 6 Most Utterly Insane Attempts to Kill a US President |

The Trial of Charles Guiteau: An Account

The Italian Monarchist: King Vittorio Emanuele II

Wal-Mart: the US retailer taking over the world by stealth | Business | The Guardian

Steve Fossett | The Economist

In Pursuit of the Presidential Performance Poll -

Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President -

Homosexuals and the Third Reich

From Revolution to Reconstruction: Presidents: William Howard Taft: Biography

Charles Blondin, The Daredevil of Niagara Falls | Past Imperfect

Terror Aboard Flight 847 - TIME

Came the Hero - NR / Digital Articles - National Review Online

The Declaration of Internet Freedom: how the net’s minutemen plan to protect the future | The Verge

Coinbase Wants to be the PayPal Provider for Bitcoin - Tricia Duryee - Commerce - AllThingsD

The house of the future will look exactly the same… er, totally different | Ars Technica

YouTube Is Developing a Secret Weapon Against the Internet's Worst Commenters | Wired Business |

Facebook e-mail mess: Address books altered; e-mail lost | Internet & Media - CNET News

A VC: Mobile Is Where The Growth Is

I, Cringely » Blog Archive Life after the personal computer - I, Cringely - Cringely on technology

The camera you have with you –

Careful, Twitter — remember what happened to MySpace and Digg — Tech News and Analysis

If malware authors ever learn how to spell we're all screwed - the coming HTML5 malware apocalypse - Scott Hanselman

It Only Took the Army 16 Years and 2 Wars to Deploy This Network | Danger Room |

Tech remorse: worst gadgets we ever bought | Ars Technica

Conquering Retirement: Fix That Password—Now! -

Teleconferencing on the Cheap - IEEE Spectrum

RealClearTechnology- Cellphone Companies Will Share Your Location Data - Just Not With You

Google's Project Glass Lets Technology Slip Into the Background - Disruptions -

How “The Angel” helped 15,000 people steal broadband | Ars Technica

IBM Tests 'Augmented Reality' Shopper App | Digital - Advertising Age

TO TRUCK, BARTER AND EXCHANGE? On the nature of our digital economies | Valve

What Twitter could have been by Dalton Caldwell

Sci-fi policing: predicting crime before it occurs - SFGate

Orwellian telescreens for clueless hipsters – Mic Wright – The Kernel

Cyberwar's eerie echoes of the A-bomb race - opinion - 02 July 2012 - New Scientist

The IRL Fetish – The New Inquiry

YouTube isn't the future of TV

Opinion: YouTube is now a TV platform, but when will it start acting like one? | Digital Trends

Religion News Service | Culture | Education | Not just chess: Atheists are organizing high school clubs, too

Our least Christian president –

Research On Religion | Should Christians Have Fought in the US War of Independence?

Michelle Obama to AME Church: Jesus Didn't Limit Ministry to Four Walls

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | If You Love That Flag, Don’t Put It in the Sanctuary

Religion and the City |

Nazir-Ali: How Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's first Islamist president, interprets Sharia law will be a crucial test - Telegraph

Nuns celebrate Affordable Care Act victory, but healthcare battles on Capitol Hill will continue - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

More Jews Opt for Cremation –

Marathon Pundit: (Video) Father Pfleger at union rally: "Congress is stupid" and it "does not give a damn about the middle class"

Radical Math And The Green Curriculum: Bad Ideas

Stephen Hawking on time travel, M-theory, and extra terrestrial life | Ars Technica

Galileo to Turing: The Historical Persecution of Scientists | Wired Science |

Moldy matters: How wasted food is destroying the environment -

20 Things You Didn't Know About... Sex | Sex & Reproduction | DISCOVER Magazine

Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that evolution is myth - Odd -

Soccer Fascinates Fans and Scientists Alike - Blog

Seeing Inside Tissue - Caltech Media Relations

HHMI News: Short Stretches of piRNA Evaluate Cells’ Genetic History

The Medication Generation: Teenagers and Antidepressants -

How Wall Street Scams Counties Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg

ObamaCare and the politics of dependency | Fox News

How Money Makes People Act Less Human -- New York Magazine

Why a 3.66% interest rate is failing to stimulate –

RealClearMarkets - The Obama/Roberts Doctrine of Christian Rewards/Punishments

RealClearMarkets - End the DoD's Green Energy Fuelishness

Rethinking Tom Brokaw's "Greatest Generation": Was It Really the Greatest? - Forbes

Michael Boskin: Obama and 'The Wealth of Nations' -

Mitt Romney and the New Gilded Age | The Nation

Outsourcing: What’s the true impact? Counting jobs is only part of the answer. - The Washington Post

50 Years of Walmart | 10 Ways Walmart Changed the World | Business |

Supreme Court Outs Obama As The Biggest Middle Class Tax Hiker - Forbes

Health Care Ruling Lets the System Evolve - Economic View -

The 100 Things I've Learned in Investing

U.S. Entitlements: The Largest Theft Racket In World History - Forbes

How To Completely Digitize Your Finances | Infographics | RealClearTechnology

America's Iran War Plan Revealed

A Post-American Afghanistan & Central Asia

Boston Review — Andrew Blackwell: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (World Heritage Programme)

Egypt Policy Shows How Well Obama Has Managed America’s Decline - The Daily Beast

The Drone Blowback Fallacy | Foreign Affairs

Managing the U.S. relationship with Egypt - The Washington Post

Commentary: Syria and the Power of Sectarian Strife | The National Interest

The decade of war to come - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Israel’s Emergence As Energy Superpower Making Waves | Via Meadia

How will PRI's win change the U.S.-Mexico relationship? – Global Public Square - Blogs

Will Civil War Hit Afghanistan When The U.S. Leaves? : The New Yorker

Why the World Prefers to Wait on Syria | Opinion | The Moscow Times

RealClearWorld - Should Israel Begin to Look East?

The last stand in the Muslim world - India News

Crippled, Chaotic Pakistan -

Anticipate new threats as Iran sanctions bite - The National

The Islamist threat in Africa - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

How America’s healthcare debate affects the world | Full Comment | National Post

How the Army Won Egypt’s Election -

US–China collusion and the way forward for Japan | East Asia Forum

Yes We Still Can | Standpoint

Roberts switched views to uphold health care law - CBS News

Mitt and Barack can hold hands - NY Daily News

Romney Under Pressure to Reveal His Health Plan

10 Reasons Countries Fall Apart - By Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson | Foreign Policy

Health Care: Solidarity vs. Rugged Individualism -

Autonomy by Josh Barro, City Journal Spring 2012

Show Me Your Papers -

The American Medical Association’s president-elect on the future of health care

Transcript, Video of Romney’s Remarks on Supreme Court Ruling - Washington Wire - WSJ

The future of American health care | Advancing a Free Society

Different Opinions, but the Same Facts | No Labels

Why the ACLU is right to represent the Ku Klux Klan | Victoria Bekiempis | Comment is free |

Roberts Ruling: What Health Care Decision Means for U.S. | Swampland |

Obamacare: The Final Battle - National Review Online

Chief Justice John Roberts Upholds the Affordable Care Act : The New Yorker

The American Spectator : Supreme Beings

The Media Man-Crush on John Roberts, Conservative Who Saved Obamacare - The Daily Beast

Michael Boskin: Obama and 'The Wealth of Nations' -

Romney's Bain Problem | RealClearPolitics

Obama's Already Losing the Messaging War on Health Care -- Again - 2012 Decoded

Romney's Latest Health Care Quandary | RealClearPolitics

Obamacare Survives, but Political Playing Field Has Changed | RealClearPolitics

How the Health Care Decision Impacts the Court, Obama, and the GOP -- New York Magazine

A tea party battle cry | The Daily Caller

Efficacy and Democracy

Chávez’s Dangerous Liaisons with Tehran — The American Magazine

The Wall Street Journal: A Vast New Taxing Power -

Congress Can Fix Health-Care Law Without Destroying It - Bloomberg

Mexico's election: The PRI is back | The Economist

Holder merits contempt -

Taking One for the Country -

John Yoo: Chief Justice Roberts and His Apologists -

The 1934 Dinner Party That May Have Helped Save Obamacare - The Daily Beast

Skip College Math - Charlie Cook -

The Price of Health Care -

Exclusive: President Obama Asks Campaign Donors to Send Him More Money - The Daily Beast

Conservative anger growing over Obamacare decision |

Dangerous Naivete: Obama's Policies Allow Radicals to Rise in the Middle East | RealClearPolitics

Contemptible | The Weekly Standard

Will The Supreme Court Decision Delay Or Hinder The Medicaid Expansion, Leaving Millions Of Poor People Without Coverage? | The New Republic

The Healthcare Myths We Must Confront — The American Magazine

Is there a vast left-wing conspiracy? -

Roberts switched views to uphold health care law - CBS News

Constitutional Contortions - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Charles Lane: John Roberts’s Compromise of 2012 - The Washington Post

Political Perceptions: Romney’s Clintonesque Challenge - Washington Wire - WSJ

The missing campaign ingredient: vision -

Health Care Ruling Lets the System Evolve - Economic View -

Who will pay the ObamaCare uninsured tax? | Keith Hennessey

Jenkins: ObamaCare—Upheld and Doomed -

PRUDEN: The court's gift to Mitt Romney - Washington Times

Bending Toward Universal Health Care -

Frank Rich on the National Circus: Roberts Gives Obama a Second Chance -- Daily Intel

Health Care Overhaul Is Still No Hit With Public -

Politics - Andrew Cline - How Obama Broke His Promise on Individual Mandates - The Atlantic

Ruth Marcus: John Roberts’s vote keeps the Supreme Court on its axis - The Washington Post

3 Essential Takeaways From the Obamacare Decision: Gov't is Still Unlimited, Romney's Still Lame, & Health Costs Still Set to Rise. - Hit & Run :

The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post

Alec MacGillis: No, This Was Not The Better Outcome For Mitt | The New Republic

Obamanomics: Economics For Dummies - Forbes

An Authoritarian Axis Rising? | The Diplomat

Republicans’ repeal push: Is it the right move? - The Washington Post

Why the CBO will now likely erase Obamacare’s supposed budget savings | AEIdeas

How the Supreme Court’s Medicaid Ruling Endangers Universal Coverage | Swampland |

Morning Bell: Too Many Broken Promises in Obamacare and the Supreme Court Decision

Jim Jaffe: Real Test for Obamacare Now Begins

Pro-Lifers Must Unite behind Romney - By Marjorie Dannenfelser - The Corner - National Review Online

If Obama Really Believes Drug Addiction Is a Disease, Not a Moral Failing, Why Is He Putting Sick People In Prison? - Hit & Run :

US House Plans to Sue Administration Over Executive Privilege in Fast and Furious Case | FDL News Desk

All hail the banking union | Shadow Government

Supreme Court Health Care Decision: Joe Klein on How to Fix Obamacare | Swampland |

The future of healthcare will hinge on the election - The Maddow Blog

Political Animal - The ObamneyCare Tax Increase

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : It's Not Spin, It's A Tax

Did deeming the individual mandate a tax promote the democratic process? | Power Line

What's the Limit on Congress's Power to Tax?

Was the Roberts health-care ruling really a ‘substantial victory’ for limited government? | AEIdeas

Reading the Tea Leaves in the Supreme Court Opinions

Welcome To The Roberts Court: How The Chief Justice Used Obamacare To Reveal His True Identity | The New Republic

Anthony Kennedy's Swing Vote Days Are Long Gone | Mother Jones

**News Videos:

RCP's Bevan On Obama Campaign's Romney Strategy, GOP VP Choices
Chris Christie: I'd "Answer The Call" If Asked To Be Vice President
Joan Walsh: Romney Campaign In A "World Of Pain" Right Now
Obama Swing State Ad: Outsourcer Romney vs. Obama The Insourcer
Charles Krauthammer: Justice Roberts Was "Intimidated" By The Left
Judge Napolitano: ObamaCare Ruling Gives "Power On A Platter" To Congress
Dem Rep.: "Some People Call It A Recession, I Think It's A Depression"
O'Reilly: Roberts' Ruling Is A "Conservative Decision"
O'Donnell: SCOTUS Ruling On Medicaid Is Most Important Part
"Special Report" Panel On Bain Attacks Against Romney
Robinson: Obama Has Clean Hands, Allies Attack Romney's Bain Record

Euro's Downfall Inevitable Without Funding Plan
Dynamic Shifts in Georgian Politics
Will Sanctions Break Iran?
Confronting Iran
Deal Imminent to Re-open Border?
Pena Nieto Looks to the Future
Aquino Talks South China Sea Row
Iran Test Fires Missiles Capable of Striking Israel
Torture in Syria Widespread Says Human Rights Group
British Queen Begins Scotland Visit
Thousands Flee Japan Floods
Russia's Tank Ballet Showcases Vehicles at Controversial Expo
Assessing U.S. Strategy in Iran, Syria


'India Wants to Create an Anti-Pakistan Afghanistan'
French Steeplechase Winner Shoves Mascot
U.S., Pakistan's Uneasy Interdependence
Egypt's New Leader Vows to Free Terrorists in U.S.
Clinton: No Assad in Syria Transition
Syrian Opposition Rejects UN Transition Plan
Hong Kong Anniversary Prompts Protests
Ai Weiwei: 'This Is a Terrible Time'
Battle for Control of Southern Libya
Jonathan Guyer on Egypt's 'Never-ending' Political Transition
The Politics of Drone Strikes
The India-Pakistan Balance
1st Japan Reactor Goes Online Since Nuke Crisis

Wasserman Schultz: ObamaCare Not A Tax, IRS "Easiest" Way To Enforce Penalty
Mark Levin: Time For Term Limits On Supreme Court
Jindal On Entitlements: Obama Wants People To Depend On Government
Ex-Politico Scribe Williams Blames Right-Wing "Self-Appointed Watchdogs"
Krauthammer On Romney & ObamaCare: To Be Consistent And Logical A "Mistake"
Rep. Allen West: Obama Wants Americans To "Be His Slave"
Bill Whittle On The Way Forward After Court's ObamaCare Ruling
Chris Christie To Reporter: "Are You Stupid?"
Toure: Government Must Demand People Accept Change They're Not Ready For
Fehrnstrom: Romney Does Not Believe The Mandate Is A Tax
Obama Super PAC Head Bill Burton: Romney A "Clown"
American Crossroads Web Ad On ObamaCare Tax
Trump: Roberts "Wanted To Be Loved By The Washington Establishment"
Dem Congresswoman Spoofs "Call Me Maybe" In Congressional Office


Granholm: Good Luck Trying To "Take Away" ObamaCare
Pelosi: Dems Lost In 2010 Due To Unemployment, Not ObamaCare
Zimmerman A Good VP Pick For Romney's "I Think The Black Guy's Up To No Good" Campaign Theme
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Eric Holder In Contempt
Paul Ryan: Roberts "Had To Contort Logic And Reason" For Ruling
Olbermann: "It Is The Wrong Time To Run As a Businessman"
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Health Care Decision's Impact
Lew: ObamaCare Isn't A Tax, Is A "Penalty" So You Pay Your "Fair Share"
"This Week" Roundtable On ObamaCare Decision
Boehner On ObamaCare Decision: "That's What Elections Are For"
Sen. Mitch McConnell Unable To Outline GOP Health Care Alternative


Obama Weekly Address On Colorado Wildfires
GOP Weekly Address: Sen. Barrasso Slams Obama's "Broken Promises" On Health Care


Wasserman Schultz: Republicans "Engaging In Deception" On Health Care
Dem Sen. McCaskill "Hiding" From Reporters After ObamaCare Decision
Rendell: ObamaCare "An Albatross Around Our Neck"
Jon Stewart Rips Media Coverage Of SCOTUS Health Care Decision
Romney Ad Uses Hillary Ripping Obama For "Perpetuating Falsehoods"
Thom Hartmann: "Justice Antonin Scalia Needs To Be Impeached"
Maddow: Democrats Have A Second Chance To Sell Health Care Law
Judge Napolitano: Roberts Didn't Make The "Constitutional Decision"
Axelrod On Whether Mandate Is A Tax: "Whatever You Call It..."
RCP's Tom Bevan On Political Impact Of Health Care Ruling
RNC Web Ad: Just Another Broken Promise
David Axelrod: Health Care Reform Is A "Free Market System"
"Special Report" Panel On The Politics Of The Health Care Decision
Paul Ryan: ObamaCare Will "Blow A Hole Through The Deficit" Even More Than Thought
Fineman: Had Court Struck Down Law, Obama's Chances Would Be "Close To Nil"
Moore: "No Going Back" On The Path "Toward Universal Healthcare"
O'Reilly: "A Lot Of Doctors Are Going To Opt-Out"



The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday June 30 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday June 30 2012 Hour 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday June 29 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday June 29 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Friday June 29 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Friday June 29 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Friday June 29 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Sunday July 01 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Sunday July 01 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Sunday July 01 2012 Hour 3

Thursday, June 28th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Thursday, June 28th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Friday, June 29nd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Friday, June 29nd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Monday, July 2nd 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Monday, July 2nd 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2


The Power Still Resides in the People… See the Founding Fathers «

Pelosi: "The t--[I mean] penalty..." - YouTube

NSA won’t Say how Many Americans They’ve Spied on; Cite ‘Privacy’ Concerns

Dr. Daliah: Health Care Ruling ‘Huge Blow’ to ‘All Americans’

Individual Mandate a ‘Tax?’ Romney Given a Major Issue

Obama in 2009: "Absolutely Not a Tax Increase" - YouTube

Obamacare… What Now?


The Real Problem is the 16th Amendment

Kevin McCullough: Why John Roberts is Mitt Romney’s Secret Weapon

Arpaio Set to Unleash Shocking Obama Birther News - YouTube

Obama Spends 3 Million to Increase Food Stamp Rolls - YouTube

Prison » Issa Confirms Fast & Furious Wiretaps

Obamacare's Legal Troubles! - YouTube

Alex Calls for States to Reject Obamacare - YouTube

Michael Moore Celebrates Obamacare - YouTube

Captain Kirk Gets Groped by TSA - YouTube

28 min./A Look at The Greater Good - YouTube

Rand Paul Strikes Back Against Obama-Care! - YouTube

+Prison » 12 Incredible Obamacare Quotes That Show That Our Wretched Healthcare System Is Headed Directly Into The Toilet

Prison » Rockefeller Council Demographers Subjected American Slums To Eugenic Mind-Control Ops

Prison » Obamacare, the Great Swindle

Prison » The Monopoly Men

The Monopoly Men - YouTube

Ron Paul: Audit the Fed, Now or Never! - YouTube

Prison » Arpaio Set To Unleash “Shocking” Obama Birth Certificate Revelations

BREAKING! Sheriff Joe Promises a JULY 17th SCORCHER ON Obama's Eligibility - YouTube

Prison » They Are Turning Our Crops, Animals And Even Our Babies Into Freakish Genetic Monsters

Prison » DNC Chair: Non-Compliance With Obamacare Will Not Be Tolerated

Secret Service shuts down ‘Fire Holder’ protest outside White House

38 min./The Great Crash Ahead with Author Harry Dent - YouTube

Obamacare to unleash crushing new taxes, trillions in debt, huge job losses, and it doesn't even cover natural medicine

Prison » UFO Invasion At Olympics 2012 Is Y2K-Style Hysteria

UFO Invasion At Olympics 2012 Is Y2K-Style Hysteria - YouTube

Prison » Power grid goes down for millions of Americans as Mother Nature reminds us all to get prepared

Report: Russia involved in downing of Turkish jet - Israel News, Ynetnews

Prison » Trans Pacific Partnership: Corporate Escape From Accountability

At the gates: Protesters to converge on White House calling for Fast and Furious justice | The Daily Caller

Prison » DHS Gives UC-Berkeley ‘Armored Personnel Carrier’

Prison » Monsanto’s Cloned Growth Hormone rBST Still Contaminates US Milk

Prison » Missiles, bombs, drones & battleships: London ready for Olympics?

Missiles, bombs, drones & battleships: London ready for Olympics? - YouTube

Prison » Olympics Whistleblower Fears For Safety, Reveals Identity

Prison » Influential Groups Push For Declaration of Internet Freedom

Prison » If One Storm Can Turn D.C. Dark For Several Days, What Would A Massive EMP Burst Do?

Prison » Whistleblower Reveals Himself: Warns of False Flag at Olympics

Whistleblower Reveals Himself: Warns of False Flag at Olympics - YouTube

Prison » Caller Jim Reveals Martial Law Drill in St. Louis, MO

Caller Jim Reveals Martial Law Drill in St. Louis, MO - YouTube

Secret Service Scared of Informed Student Protest - YouTube

Prison » Man Arrested, Tried In Secret For Non-Payment Of Tax


Media Covers Up Massive Security Holes at London Olympics - YouTube

Nigel Farage: Van Rompuy, Barroso worst people in EU since 1945 - YouTube

Tarpley: Turkey Continues Provocations Against Syria - YouTube

Asia Times Online :: Let's party like it's …1997

Prison » Iran obtains fresh information on downed US RQ-170 drone: Minister

Assad to Kremlin: I can finish the revolt in two months, replaces army chiefs

Prison » Turkey Scrambles F-16s On Syria Border As US Intelligence Says Syrian Story Was Correct All Along

Kim Jong-Il ordered uranium bombs: reports | The Raw Story

Iran simulates long-range missile attack on airbases in region, beyond - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Assad 'regrets' downing Turkish jet; 'wish it was Israeli one' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Prison » Mexico declares emergency over new bird flu outbreak

**Hearing June 28 2012 Fractional Reserve Banking - YouTube

JP Morgan's 9 Billion Trading Loss - YouTube

Prison » Mainstream Economics is a Cult

Prison » Big Banks Have Criminally Conspired Since 2005 to Rig $800 Trillion Dollar Market

Prison » European and American Governments Encourage Bank Manipulation and Fraud to Cover Up Insolvency

8,733,461: Workers on Federal 'Disability' Exceed Population of New York City |

Prison » High Court Ruling Will Provoke States to Nullify ObamaCare

Prison » UN Asks: How Many People Could Live on Planet Earth?

Supreme Court Forces U.S. To Take A Giant Step Toward A Totalitarian Socialist Government |

Prison » All Psychosis On The Western Front: The Psychological Ramifications of The 9/11 Myth

Prison » Kicking The Can Down The Road

Prison » Agenda 21 Dense MegaCities of the Future Now Underway

Prison » Chief Justice John Roberts Bowed To Political Pressure And Changed His Vote On Obamacare

Prison » Syria Is Triumphant, But Turkey Wants To Shuffle The Cards Some More

Army Prepares Tanks For War On America - YouTube

Alex Jones On Tanks In The Streets in St. Louis - YouTube

44 min./Military & Police Call in About Gun Confiscation Orders - YouTube

44 min./Jesse Ventura to Military Personnel: "Remember Your Oath!" - YouTube

41 min./The Real Billy Corgan: Down The Rabbit Hole. - YouTube

30 min./Ask Alex Jones: Agenda 21 & More - YouTube

DHS Funds UC Berkley Attack Vehicle to Keep Students in Line - YouTube

Prison » Sheriff Joe Arpaio: “I’m Not Stopping Anything”

Joe Arpaio talks to Cavuto - YouTube

Senate ready to move on cybersecurity legislation, but differences remain - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Obama Contributor, Who Helped Enact Assault-Weapons Ban, Ran ‘Fast and Furious’ |

Drone makers urge U.S. to ease limits on sales to foreign nations -

Prison » Complete Disaster Non-Preparedness: DC Grocery Stores Out of Food, Gas Unavailable, Grid-Down As Summer Heat Rages

Holder says he’s a ‘proxy’ for GOP attacks against Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Prison » World’s First Genetically Modified Babies ‘Created’ in US

Prison » Mainstream media, medical journals pushing ADHD drugs for six-year-olds

Prison » Drugs You Don’t Know About: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Tainting the Water Supply

TUNGUSKA: An Mysterious Explosion Rocked Siberia 104 Years Ago Today - Business Insider

Prison » Adverse Drug Reactions Cover-Up? 80,000 Drug Files Go ‘Unreported’ by Big Pharma

Prison » Death of the Birds and the Bees Across America

Prison » 5 Million Test Tube Babies Since 1978, Paving Way for Genetically Modified Babies

Prison » NC Museum of Natural Sciences holds ‘Biotechnology Day’ for children with presentations by Monsanto

Prison » 15 Reasons Why The Obamacare Decision Is A Mind Blowing Disaster For America

45 min./Frank Serpico: "The Human Race Has Been Sold Out" - YouTube

U.S. police behind most requests for Twitter information - Yahoo! News Canada

Prison » UK’s Dark Cloud: Web ‘black box’ totalitarianism

UK's Dark Cloud: Web 'black box' totalitarianism - YouTube

Prison » Lawmakers, Cattle Feeders Question EPA Flyover Program

Prison » Big ‘black box’ bro to spy on UK mail & phones

Big 'black box' bro to spy on UK mail & phones - YouTube

Breathalyzer tests compulsory on all vehicles in France - Yahoo! News Canada

Prison » Where Do the TSA’s Lechers Hang Out After ‘Work’? Hooter’s, Of Course

Your E-Book Is Reading You -

Police 'expecting repeat of riots' - Yahoo! News UK

China blocks Xi web searches after Bloomberg report | The Raw Story

Fast & Furious Wiretaps Expose Eric Holder! - YouTube

» Activist Roger Hayes Sentenced to 21 Days in Prison by New British Secret Courts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» U.S. Sends Large Number of Warships and Planes to Persian Gulf Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Man Arrested, Tried In Secret For Non-Payment Of Tax Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Food Stamp President Obama Wants You on Food Stamps | Planet Infowars

» Obamacare, the Great Swindle Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Trans Pacific Partnership: Corporate Escape From Accountability Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Napolitano: Obamacare Ruling Will Drive Libertarians To Romney Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Court decison is end of Obama error - Krauthammer and the Judge - YouTube

» Department of Defense Caught Lying About Use Of Domestic Spy Drones Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Obamacare Precedent: The Second Amendment is Next Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Report: More People Killed By Bees, Drowning In Bath Than From Terrorism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision hands federal government unlimited power Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dr. Joel Wallach: IRS to Garnish Wages from Medical Tax Violators - YouTube

» Elderly To Be Euthanized Under Obamacare? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Olympics Whistleblower Fears For Safety, Reveals Identity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Whistleblower Reveals Himself: Warns of False Flag at Olympics - YouTube

» All Signs Point to the Possibility of a Staged Terror Event at London 2012 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

**Lou Collins Radio Show: Olympic Whistleblower Reveals Identity & Safety Fears - YouTube


» “Elektable” (Ron Paul Short Film) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+"Elektable" - YouTube


Taco Bell to give Alaska town 10,000-taco feast after hoax | Fox News

Mormons quit church in mass resignation ceremony | Reuters

Michelle Obama cites Jesus as model for citizenship - Yahoo! News

Gold mining groups sparkle and tumble - Telegraph

GlaxoSmithKline agrees to $3 billion settlement with Justice Department in largest sum of its kind over health care fraud - HealthPop - CBS News

How Much Is The Obamacare Penalty Tax? - Business Insider

» Examiner: Alex Jones Blasts Supreme Court Health Care Ruling Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alex Calls for States to Reject Obamacare - YouTube

» Obamacare to Unleash Crushing New Taxes, Trillions in Debt, and Doesn’t Even Cover Natural Medicine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Michael Moore Celebrates Obamacare Law Written by Insurance Companies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Michael Moore "There's No Going Back Now!" - YouTube

» Bisphenol A Exposure Linked to Brain Tumor Diagnosis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bisphenol A exposure linked to brain tumor diagnosis. — Environmental Health News

Swine flu likely claimed quarter of a million lives: study - Yahoo! News Canada

Border more controlled than ever before - San Antonio Express-News

» Madsen: Holder scandal may be US attempt to destabilize Mexico Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Holder incident to destabilize Mexico? - YouTube

Pasco state House candidate raises questions about 9/11 - Tampa Bay Times

Christie and Cuomo need to get 9/11 museum moving again - NY Daily News

» “Disable the purveyors”: Is US secretly liquidating dissidents? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DeMint: ‘Obamacare’ Still Unconstitutional — States Should Refuse To Implement It Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Supreme Court And Natural Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk: Audit the Fed Headed for the House Floor! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 7/2/12: Audit the Fed Headed for the House Floor! - YouTube

Obama to Soldiers: Pay Up | Washington Free Beacon

Congress sends student loan and transportation package to Obama - First Read

Google to offer Project Glass to consumers by 2014

Project Glass: One day... - YouTube

Maya archaeologists unearth new 2012 monument with 'end date' of Dec. 21, 2012

» New Telescope to Guard Earth from Killer Asteroids Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NSG to pull out 900 men from VIP duty for terror operations - Times Of India

Al Qaeda planning to bomb US plane in run-up to Olympics: report -

» ‘Jim’, a Police Officer Warns of an “Event” in October, 2012: Alex Jones Show Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'Jim', a Police Officer Warns of an "Event" in October, 2012: Alex Jones Show (See story below) - YouTube

Articles: Supreme Court Helps Obama Fulfill Dreams from His Communist Mentor

Man convicted over website offering links to TV and video content | Technology |

» Why Won’t Obama Administration Reveal How Many Americans’ Emails NSA Collected Without Warrants? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obamacare: More Statist Babbling Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Meet the 112th | TSA seeks to monitor employees

DAVID ICKE - MIND a World Full of Repeaters! - YouTube

Oklahoma chosen as test site for drones |

» Flashback: Neurosurgeon Told Death Panels Will Decide Who Deserves Surgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Neurosurgeon calls Mark Levin about Obamacare - YouTube

Supreme Court upholds Obama’s health-care law - The Washington Post

» 13 Reasons Why The Revolution Might Start with Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Supreme Court isn’t the LAST step of opposition… the Declaration of Independence is Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obamacare II: The Future Is Paradise Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Despite Ruling, Jack Lew Refuses to Call Health Care Mandate a Tax - ABC News

» Video: Michelle Compares Obama To Biblical Figures Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US senator calls to prosecute Assange

Assange will be sent to US if asylum bid fails - YouTube

Sarah Palin: Nancy Pelosi Is a Dingbat and Perfect Spokesman of Far Left - YouTube

Did Obama And The Supreme Court Collude?

41 min./How to Survive The Deadly Summer of 2012 - YouTube

New York Times: “Illegal Organ Sales Have ‘Invaded’ Crisis-Hit Greece Too” | Latest News from Greece

U.S. Favorite al-Maliki Persecuting His Enemies -

100 Iranian MPs call for Strait of Hormuz to be blocked -

European and American Governments Encourage Bank Manipulation and Fraud to Cover Up Insolvency -

Three NSA Whistleblowers Back EFF's Lawsuit Over Government's Massive Spying Program -

Moscow and Beijing: Cowardice or Duplicity Towards Iranian, Syrian Allies? -

Army admits to investigating Bradley Manning supporters -

Six Ways the Big Banks Are Getting Back-Door Bailouts -

Missiles, bombs, drones & battleships: London ready for Olympics? - YouTube

WSJ Chief Economist: 75% of Obamacare Costs Will Fall on Backs of Those Making $120K or Less - YouTube

35 min./Microbes and Human Disease - YouTube

World's cities to expand by more than twice the size of Texas by 2030 - World News

Bureau of Land (mis) Management Hoodwinks Judge « The PPJ Gazette

Do clues to Amelia Earhart mystery lurk beneath the sea? – This Just In - Blogs

Internet Lines Up Behind The Declaration of Internet Freedom | ZenHaven

Nasa/2003 UB313

Rense & Peter Davenport - Cluster Of 9 UFO Orange Lights Right Over L.A. - YouTube

Powerful M-Class Flare Ejected from the Sun. ETA: July 4th or 5th | ZenHaven

NASA SDO - M5.6 Solar Flare, July 2, 2012 - YouTube

‘Stalin was like Facebook’: Viral ad sparks controversy — RT

Devastating US Fires | ZenHaven

Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ | Real Jew News

Warning: A Global Coup is Underway - YouTube

Drone hack explained: Professor details UAV hijacking — RT

Danger Zone: Ageing Nuclear Reactors - People & Power - Al Jazeera English

Iran lawmakers prepare to close Hormuz Strait — RT

A Full Rundown Of China's Military Might - Business Insider

Trans Pacific Partnership: Corporate Escape From Accountability -

Can The World Survive Washington’s Hubris? -

WTO tells U.S. meat-label policy on country of origin needs changing –

Some Outrageous Facts about Inequality | Common Dreams

Nature May Soon Overcome Monsanto as 'Super Rootworms' Destroy Crops

Causes of Water Pollution - GMO Farming, Glyphosate Big Contributors

Activist Post: Swine Flu or Bird Flu: Either Way We’re Having a Pandemic

Paul A Drockton M.A. How They Stole Your Pension

C. Cryn Johannsen: The Ones We've Lost: The Student Loan Debt Suicides

Kirwan's Art & Articles | Exploring the past thru the present for the future

Musharraf does not rule out fresh military takeover in Pak | The Nation

Profile Of Institutionalized Racism

50 Years of Gutting America's Middle Class - OtherWords

Colombia decriminalizes pot and coke possession

Time for the Second American Revolution

Leo W. Gerard: Romney's Independence Day Advice: Buy Foreign

Activist Post: Agenda 21 Dense MegaCities of the Future Now Underway

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: The REAL Causes | The Health Coach

rBST - Monsanto's Cloned Growth Hormone Contaminates US Milk

New Study Sounds Warning on Hormone Replacement Therapy | ZenHaven

Mother Who Questions Vaccine at Hospital Has Newborn Taken Away « America First

Inspiration The ultimate freedom - food security

Byron Wien: Smartest Man In The World - Business Insider


* — Brother Nathanael's Amazing Videos!


+Obamacare now invalid because tax bills must originate in House - Manchester Independent |

*Reality Check: If Healthcare Law Is A Tax Is It Now Invalid? - YouTube

**Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1


**Romney/ Opposition Research Doc compiled by McCain in '08

**The Complete “List Of Lies” By Willard Mitt Romney « The ObamaCrat.Com™

Activist Post: DARPA & Raytheon Create AI Wiki to Database Events and People

Activist Post: DARPA & Raytheon Create AI Wiki to Database Events and People

Activist Post: New Intelligent Biometric Security Program Can Adapt to Human Behavior

Prevent Biometric Fingerprint False Rejects with Artificial Intelligence

An Online Encyclopedia that Writes Itself - Technology Review

SOURCES: Obama Growing Bored With Foreclosure Crisis - Home - The Daily Bail

What's REALLY causing your headache?

“Linking Isn’t Copyright Infringement” – Canadian Federal Court |

A Vast New Federal Power by Andrew P. Napolitano

John Roberts Makes His Career Move by Patrick J. Buchanan

Can You Answer 25 Difficult Questions That The Mainstream Media Does Not Seem To Have Answers To?

What if Britain left the EU? - Europe - World - The Independent

Bank rate-fixing scandal may have increased the number of home repossessions, minister admits | Mail Online

Bob Diamond resigns as Barclays chief executive | Mail Online

Oliver Wright: So, now that Bob Diamond has resigned, what next for Barclays? - Business News - Business - The Independent

Lynne Stewart Loses Appeal | _

Blog: Weird turn to Rangel primary vote count

Propaganda in the US Losing its Shock and Awe | _

The 5 Most Insane Examples of Chinese Counterfeiting |

Obama administration eyes executive action to combat online piracy | _

Plutonium and the End of Humanity :

The End of American Independence « America First

Tell the EPA: Keep Diesel Out of Our Drinking Water | _

Big Banks Have Become Mafia-Style Criminal Enterprises | _

A Growing Vatican Bank Scandal Threatens Catholic Church Image - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Time for the Second American Revolution? :

How the New York Times Hides the Truth About Wall Street's Catastrophic Misdeeds | Media | AlterNet

Courthouse News Service

Obama Contributor, Who Helped Enact Assault-Weapons Ban, Ran ‘Fast and Furious’ |

America's Covert War of Terror: A Journey into Moral Depravity

| Will the Americans Pay for Obamacare Tax or Carbon Taxes? Remember the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. |

Bank of England Allegedly Secretly Instructed Barclays To Manipulate Libor Interest Rates - YouTube

5 Popular Forms of Charity (That Aren't Helping) |

BOMBSHELL - Roberts Switched Vote On Obamacare - Home - The Daily Bail

George Carlin - Voting - YouTube

Drone makers pledge to respect privacy - CBS News

6 Famous Symbols That Don't Mean What You Think |

Mother Goes Into Hiding With Son to Protect Him from Irish Vaccination Goon Squad « America First




Austria 1938 … USA 2012? | _

US Sends Ships, Fighter Jets to Brace for Iran Threat

Officials: Iranians Targeting US, Israeli Interests Overseas

Why Has Obama Not Gone to Israel?

McConnell: Odds Long to Undo Obamacare

Congressmen Warn Obama on UN Arms Treaty

Ed Klein: Healthcare Proves Again That Obama Is an Amateur

Time: Roberts Leak 'Came From a Supreme Court Justice'

Allen West: Romney Might Need New Healthcare Advisers

Holder: GOP Attacks Me as 'Proxy' for Obama

Gov. Jindal: We Need to End Obama's 'Culture of Dependence'

Study: Sexting Common Behavior Among US Teens

Facebook Unveils Same-Sex Marriage Icons

Gallup: Romney to Choose Running Mate Around Olympics Schedule

Va.'s McDonnell Tapped for GOP Platform Chair

Romney Uses Hillary Clinton in Ad to Show Obama’s 'Vicious Lies'

Kenyans: Iranian Special Forces Targeted Israeli, US Interests

Trump: Chief Justice Roberts ‘Should Be Ashamed’ of Obamacare Vote

10 Guilty Pleasures That Are Good for You

Study: Your Cat Can Kill You

Scientists Can Test Embryos for Cancer Gene

Team to Hunt for Amelia Earhart's Plane off Remote Pacific Islet

Twitter Releases Government Requests for User Data

Democrats Will Drive Home Benefits of Obamacare

Supreme Court Ruling Brings Headaches for Obama

Justice Roberts' Obamacare Rationale

Pro-Growth Policies Halt Fiscal Ruin

Roberts Revives the 'Great Destroyer'

The End of American Independence by Justin Raimondo --

The Drug War in Mexico: Corruption Is Better Than Slaughter by Ivan Eland --

UN Rights Chief: Foreign Arms to Both Sides in Syria ‘Feeds Additional Violence’ -- News from

Army ‘Investigating’ Bradley Manning Support Network -- News from

ExxonMobil Announces Bid for Afghan Oilfields -- News from

Hornberger's Blog - Continuing to Support Egypt's Dictatorship

Journalists, Protesters, and Other Terrorist Threats | Joanne Mariner | Verdict | Legal Analysis and Commentary from Justia

Obama's worst-kept secret - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Commentary: Washington's Pattern of Military Overreach | The National Interest

How Amazon Survives the State - informationliberation

Hornberger's Blog - We're All Socialists Now, Except for Libertarians

What the Supreme Court Obamacare Ruling Means for the Drinking Age - The Daily Beast

Spanking Linked to Mental Illness, Says Study - informationliberation

$7,000 Fine for Sharing “WordPress For Dummies” on BitTorrent | TorrentFreak

Massive Copyright Infringement Suit Could Collapse Cyberlocker, Studio Warns | TorrentFreak

Kick Starting WWIII?

Savage Living – El Infiltrator

Can You Afford To Die In America? An Infographic

The #1 Most Censored News Story In The World | Before It's News

+ How To Detox Fluorides From Your Body | Before It's News

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Split After Five Years of Marriage — Scientology to Blame?

hollow earth strange photos. - YouTube

Blue Beings From The Inner Earth | Before It's News

Top 10 Crooked American Politicians‏ | Before It's News

Divers discover ANCIENT UFO under the Sea. - YouTube

UFO crash landing SOVIET KGB cover up ALIENS - YouTube

Peter Schiff - The Real Crash Americas Coming Bankruptcy | Before It's News

28 min./Peter Schiff - Cambridge House Live - June 4, 2012 - YouTube

+Why Healthy People Avoid These Dangerous Foods | Before It's News

6 Signs Your Body Is Telling You Something and Why Not To Ignore It

Coffee Lowers Risk Of Most Common Form Of Skin Cancer | Before It's News

8 Exercises To Improve Your Mental Health | Before It's News

Why Cancer Rate Increases With Age (It's Not What You Think) | Before It's News

Aspartame and MSG: 2 Food Additives You Should Avoid

Mosquitoes -- How We Smell Is Why They Bite, Research Shows | Before It's News

Global Gun Control Talks Heat Up, United Nations To End America's 2nd Amendent Right | Before It's News

Secrets of Cemetery of Giant Rocks -- Secret History --

Naked Mole Rat May Hold The Secret To Long Life | Before It's News

Bugarach, France — Spaceship to Save Thousands Before Doomsday | Socyberty

Sexting Alert: New Study Says 30 Percent of Teens Send Nude Pics to Each Other [POLL] | LimeLife

10 Weird Laws That Are Now In Effect | LimeLife

Is The Sun Burning Out? Massive Dark Spot On The Sun In Latest Solar Images Provide More Questions Than Answers | Before It's News

A Stealth Coup d'État in the United States - English

In the Wake of World War II: The European Atrocity You Never Heard About

Covert US Op: The Paraguayan Coup

The Electoral Victory of Political Islam in Egypt

Egypt: Interpreting the Coup

BANK FRAUD: The Big Losers in the Libor Rate Manipulation

China Seen by Africans as Partners, America and Europe Seen as Predators

Health Care: Victory for Obamacare, A Defeat for the American People

European and US Governments Encourage Bank Manipulation and Fraud to Cover Up Insolvency

The Obama Defection: Former Supporters Lambaste The President

Iran: A Target of State-sponsored Terrorism "Made in America"

Crushing Interest Rate Swaps and LIBOR Manipulation

Europe: An Emergency Program to Resolve the Economic and Social Crisis

Moscow and Beijing: Cowardice or Duplicity Towards Iranian, Syrian Allies?

Towards Global Government:? Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Corporate Escape From Accountability

Financial Coup d’Etat in Europe: Government by the Banks, for the Banks

The New Financial Aristocracy

America's Covert War of Terror: A Journey into Moral Depravity

Balochistan: Crossroads of Another US Proxy War?

Obama Planning More War: Who's next? Syria? Iran? Both Countries are Targetted

Mainstream Economics is a Cult

Parliament: the Mother of all Deceptions

GRTV: Silent Revolution: North Korea Gets Intimate with China

GRTV: The First Casualty? War, Truth & the Media Today

GRTV: Enemies in Deed: US Drones and Demands Hit 'Ally' Pakistan

How the Corporate Media is Snookering You on Syria

How The Press Uses Julian Assange's Private Life To Conceal the Real Triumph of WikiLeaks

Video Shows Aftermath Of US Drone Strike In Pakistan

Son Of Liberty Born and raised in America

Clusterfuck Nation Strange Jubilee

Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"

8,733,461: Workers on Federal 'Disability' Exceed Population of New York City |

rBST - Monsanto's Cloned Growth Hormone Contaminates US Milk

The Evolution Of An American Society Through Psychology | The Future Tense

Secret Service shuts down ‘fire Eric Holder’ protest |

Know Your Secret Societies | Ghost Theory

Hour of the Time » An Illuminati Outline of History

Philippines May Ask U.S. for Air Surveillance | Defense News |

Swedish pastor exposed as Stasi spy - The Local

Chinese Cyber Attacks Are Looting U.S. Private Sector | Security Debrief

The Underclass by Walter E. Williams

6 Things To Never Forget Now That the Supreme Court Has Approved Obamacare by Charles Goyette

It May Be More Than Just a Fender Bender | Eric Peters Autos

CRIME, GUNS, AND VIDEOTAPE: IPhone and IPad Video Journalism is for You Too!

The ‘Right to Health Care’ by Scott Lazarowitz

When Governments Spend Wealth Instead of Building It by Bill Bonner

Selfish Ignorant Citizens Produce Selfish Ignorant Politicians

George Carlin - Voting - YouTube

17 Reasons To Be EXTREMELY Concerned About the Second Half of 2012

Everyday People and the American Revolution by John W. Whitehead

Diet, Doctor- and Drug-Avoidance Can Help You Live Longer by Joseph Mercola

6 Ways to Prepare For Going Off-Grid

Turning Crops, Animals And Even Babies Into Genetic Monsters - What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

All libertarians are conspiracy theorists - YouTube

Twitter Ordered to Turn Over Data on Occupy Protester

Conference to Discuss if Geo-Engineers Are Playing God with Our Weather

Police kicked to the curb after unlawfully entering private property

SJPD attempt to raid our garage sale... they are kicked to the curb! - YouTube

UN Conference to Strip 2nd Amendment During Month Long Attack in NY

Trans Pacific Partnership: Corporate Escape From Accountability

Congress rethinking their approval of expanding domestic drone usage?

Australians Desert the Carbon Tax

Culture,Truth, Division and End of Alt Media - YouTube

Kicking The Can Down The Road: Europe Still Headed for the Greatest Financial Crisis Since the Great Depression

12 Incredible Obamacare Quotes That Show How The U.S. Healthcare System Is Headed For Disaster

There Never Was a Good War or a Bad Peace - YouTube


+Obamacare: Delivering Affordable Health Care - YouTube

**Video - Obama Reacts to Health-Care Ruling; How Patients Are Affected by Health-Care Decision -


Obama For America TV Ad - "Believes" - YouTube

Fast and Furious II - YouTube

President Obama's Middle-Class Promise Gap - YouTube

Uncle Sam Sheds A Tear on 4th of July - YouTube

GARY JOHNSON Ask Any Country That's Tried Govt. Healthcare - YouTube

Unpatriotic Debt - YouTube

DONT TAX ME NO MORE! Supreme Court Awakens American People | Politics and Economics Right Side News

CNBC: Senator Rubio Comments on Supreme Court's Decision on ObamaCare - YouTube

Obama Goes Toe-To-Toe With Stephanopoulos On "Tax Increases" - YouTube

Report of Investigation Fast & Furious: The Path to the White House | Homeland Security Right Side News

New START: Same Baseless Arguments | Homeland Security Right Side News

Alleged CIA Report That Predicts End of Israel by 2022 | Israel Right Side News

Alleged CIA report predicts end of Israel by 2022, and PA TV host prays for it to be true - YouTube

Checking the APA's Findings on Homosexual Parenting | Culture Wars Right Side News

Food Safety Regulations That Kill | Health and Education Right Side News

Lies We Can Believe In | RSN Pick of the Day Right Side News

70% of U.S. Military Fatalities in 11-Year Afghan War Have Occurred on Obama's Watch

Biden: ‘Nothing Has Been Asked’ of Millionaires ‘In This Horrific Recession’

Rep. Steve King on Immigration Lawsuit Against Obama: ‘I’m Not Bluffing’

White House Sends Peas to Elementary School As Thank You for Planting Michelle’s Garden

Kenyan Church Attacks Prompt Warnings of Collaboration Among Terror Groups

Forget hot dogs, glut means cheap lobster prices

Texas AG: Presidents ‘Must Be More Committed’ to Constitution in Their Supreme Court Picks

Gallup: Only 6 Percent of Americans Say Health Care is the Top U.S. Problem

UNESCO Decision Declaring Jesus’ Birthplace ‘Endangered’ Ignored Advice of Experts, Church Leaders, and U.S.

Clinton: Fear of Regional War Prompted Russia to Back Syrian Transition Plan

Anderson Cooper: 'The Fact Is, I'm Gay'

Custody, images at stake in Cruise-Holmes divorce

Poverty Porn and the New Primitivism

Rush: Chief Justice Roberts 'Now Run by the American Media'

The Underclass

John Roberts Makes His Career Move

Flashback: Former White House Economic Adviser Denied Individual Mandate Was a Tax

Boehner on Obamacare: ‘It Has to be Ripped Out and We Need to Start Over One Step at a Time’

China, Iran’s Biggest Oil Customer, Gets Last-Minute Sanctions Exemption From Obama Administration |

Another Forced Abortion Case Reported as Abuses Under China’s ‘One Child’ Policy Get More Attention |

Michelle Obama: There is ‘No Place Better’ Than Church to Talk About Political Issues |

Ed Meese on Obamacare Ruling: ‘The People Will Rise Up’ |

Rep. Steve King Says Obama Is Governing Like a 'King' |

Flashback: Former White House Economic Adviser Denied Health Care Mandate Was a Tax |

Pelosi: Individual Mandate Isn’t a Tax: ‘No, It’s Penalty, No, It’s a Penalty, It’s a Penalty’ |

WH Chief of Staff: It's a Penalty, 'Doesn't Matter' What SCOTUS Called It |

Politico Hypes Ex-Conservative 'Wonder Boy' Who Is Now an 'All Grown Up' Liberal |

Krauthammer: If Obama's Low on Money He Should 'Call It a Tax' and Get Supreme Court to Uphold It |

CBS's O'Donnell Lets Schumer Defend ObamaCare, Challenges Coburn's Criticism |

N.Y. Democrat tied to ‘anti-Semitic’ group

Hero general: Obama following Castro’s plan

Obama Civilian Security - YouTube

Marxism in America - Lt. Gen. Ret. W. G. Jerry Boykin Video - YouTube

WHY OBAMA LIES: The truth finally comes out

IRS steps up scrutiny of tax-exempt political groups - Yahoo! News Canada

Judge issues ruling in Obama-eligibility case

‘The Divine Secret’ of life finally unveiled

Obamacare, the Supreme Court and you

South Carolina preschool teacher who threw teen sex, pot parties avoids jail time - NY Daily News

College asks ‘millions’ to read U.S. ‘birth certificate’

Actor Andy Griffith Dies in North Carolina, TV Station Says

Find Out What You Are, Not Who | Before It's News

The nation's birth certificate

The death of personal responsibility

Boehner mustn't be allowed to fail us again

Roberts breathes new life into 'the Great Destroyer'

John Roberts betrayed his oath

What if they flipped off Obama?

VOX DAY: Conservatives and forced consumption

J. FARAH: Who Romney should pick for VP

The power of liberal intimidation

TOM TANCREDO: Who shall defend the Constitution?

Obama's war on religious expression

This year’s drought drives corn, soybean prices higher

Obama mulling further cuts to U.S. nuclear arsenal

Rangel’s Democratic opponent claiming voter suppression in contested primary

Pew: Public confused on health care ruling

'Fire Holder' protesters miffed after demonstration cut short over unattended bag

GOP critical of Navy's 'Great Green Fleet', $26 a gallon fuel

House to prohibit IRS from implementing healthcare law

Republicans find killing healthcare law not as easy as it sounds

After Ruling, Roberts Makes a Getaway From the Scorn

Romney breaks with GOP, says mandate is a penalty, not a tax

Homeless man busted for allegedly renting out vacant house on Craigslist

Deportations already halted, as Obama’s amnesty edict set in motion

Congressman who led Solyndra charge wants probe into Massachusetts wind farm

130 lawmakers sent Obama a letter expressing opposition to UN arms treaty

Supt. McCarthy says he plans to hire 450 to 500 Chicago Police officers

Tribune columnist Clarence Page under review for unauthorized paid speech

Human Rights Watch: Syria running 27 torture centers

Obama's 5-point lead over Romney in Gallup poll largest since April

Muslim Brotherhood's rise sparks concern democracy will be fleeting in Egypt

Chicago's 911 Center's dispatch system crashed Monday night

Federal judge strikes state law that barred physicians from discussing gun ownership with patients

Wearing perfume? You're not allowed in here

N.J. ACLU unveils 'stealth' app allowing citizens to secretly record police

Minority leader: Odds long to undo health care law

Obama hates Bain, but loves Bain-backed Staples |

Nicolas Sarkozy's home raided by French police | World news |

US election: Barack Obama begs donors for more as Mitt Romney rakes it in - Telegraph

Rep. Allen West: Obama Wants Americans To "Be His Slave" | RealClearPolitics

Agents remove 41,000 marijuana plants from 40-acre site in San Diego County -

After fleeting Supreme Court victory, Obama remains the amateur | Fox News

Two plane hijackers 'beaten to death by passengers' in China |

Espaillat Compares Election to Florida; Vows to Go to ‘Final, Final Round’ | Politicker

Romney accuses Obama of 'vicious lies' on Bain Capital | Fox News

Poll: Romney Claims Slight Edge in 15 'Battleground' States - Yahoo! News

Detroit to be hit by flesh and brain-eating zombie apocalypse (but only if live-action terror theme park is pushed through) | Mail Online

8,733,461: Workers on Federal 'Disability' Exceed Population of New York City |

19 children found living alone in sweltering house - WSMV Channel 4

Ex-FBI Employee Claims She Saw Angels at Flight 93 - ABC News

'Zombie' attack Indianapolis video: David Martin fights off cops, stun gun shocks in 'ninja' attack

Man high on bath salts 'strips naked and attacks police officers on golf course saying that he wants to eat their faces' | Mail Online

Study Finds 80 Percent Of 10-Year-Old Girls Have Been On Diet « CBS Seattle

Flavor Is the Price of Tomatoes’ Scarlet Hue, Geneticists Say -

Nip and Tuck; Back and Forth

The Health Care Mandate Is A Tax.

Punishing the Wealthy, Punishing the Healthy

Debbie Schlussel/Remember Andy Griffith for His Good Acting, NOT His Role as ObamaCare Pimp

Debbie Schlussel/Funny VIDEO: America’s Brilliant College Grads Said What?

Debbie Schlussel/Evelyn Garcia: Florida Dem Official Resigns After Anti-Israel Diatribe, Called Israel “Concentration Camp”

Debbie Schlussel/Snakes on a Plane: Chinese Passengers Give a Tutorial on How to Treat Islamic Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel/Yitzhak Shamir, Z”L*: Israeli PM Was Hero, Said “Anti-Semitism is Poles’ Mother’s Milk” – Family Murdered by Poles

Roberts switched views to uphold health care law - CBS News

The Inside Story on How Roberts Changed His Supreme Court Vote on Obamacare - Forbes

Magazine - Roberts's Rules - The Atlantic

Kurt Mix Counter-Attacks the DoJ

Opinion of SCOTUS falls following Obamacare decision

Sweet: Pro-gun group turns the tables on gun control advocates

Why do Republicans pick such lousy Supreme Court justices?

Six Weeks That Saved America

Why So Many People Think Obama Is a Muslim

And Now On to the Conventions and November

Government Wins Even ObamaCare Ruling's 'Silver Lining'

The Naked Left

The Movie on Health Care That Obama Doesn't Want You to See

When Everything's Been Said

The Supreme Court Is Not Our Friend

Forget Immigration. It's Big Government Hispanic Voters Want.

Is Obama's Support Weaker Than Poll Numbers Appear?

Roberts Hands a Poisoned Chalice to the President

Still Struggling with the Roberts-as-Hero Theory

The Logic of Justice Roberts

Obama's Healthcare Conquest

Have We Reached the New Tipping Point?

The Constitutionality of the ObamaCare Tax

ObamaCare, Social Justice, and Administrative Overhead

Obama Not the Only One Playing the Blame Game

We are true Americans, and we will not submit

An Unjust Law is No Law at All: Why Obamacare Must Fall

No Surprise; Obama and Backers’ Petty Minds Blame Racism for Failures

Remembering the Gettysburg Reunion of 1913

The Future Of Medicine Under Obama Universal Coverage for Health (O.U.C.H.)

What Just Happened to the Rule of Law?

Lies We Can Believe In

Even If You Love The Idea Of Obamacare, Consider This

Roberts Rules, now it’s the People’s Turn

Obama’s Constitutional Crisis


Alex Jones Show: Monday (7-2-12) Harry Dent - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Sunday (7-1-12) - Full Show - - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Friday (6-29-12) Leslie Manookian - YouTube

Frank Serpico on Alex Jones Show (6-29-12) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Monday (7-2-12) Matthew Stein - YouTube

No Agenda Show: Sunday (7-1-12) - YouTube


**Mars, Energy & Mind Uploads - July 2, 2012 - YouTube


*10 pg./Reality is a shared hallucination - Howard Bloom




How the Discovery of the Higgs Boson Could Break Physics | Wired Science |

$2.2 million expedition to find wreckage of Amelia Earhart’s plane begins in Hawaii - The Washington Post

Ben Hansen reveals stunning UFO footage captured in Florida |

Red Crucifix sighting in 774 may have been supernova - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph

Fly decapitates ants, lives in their heads - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

We DON'T all see the same colours say scientists as they claim one person's red is another's blue | Mail Online

McConnell Ready to Cut-and-Run from Repeal?

Exclusive - The Vetting - Obama Praised Private Equity When He Needed Cash

Media to Obama: Feel Free to Keep Lying About Romney's Outsourcing

Elizabeth Warren: My Aunt Bea Was White Before She Was Indian

Obama Co-Chair Eva Longoria: There Is No Way Women Can Vote Republican

Private Org Plans To Save Earth From Asteroids

Farewell, Personal and Medical Privacy; ObamaTax is Here

How to Win a Glowing Profile In Politico: Betray Right, 'Swing Left'

More Scorn for Chief Justice Roberts as Details of Obamacare Switch Leak

Conservatives to Mitt: Quit Now If You Won't Fight Obamatax!

President Readies Obamacare Handouts to Soften Repeal Support

Obamacare: Don't Get Mad, Get to Work

No Bounce: Poll Shows SCOTUS Ruling Did Not Help Obama

'Ted' Star Mila Kunis Makes Graffiti for Obama

Alec Baldwin Shares Gruesome Murder Fantasies, Quits Twitter (Again)

Mexico’s New President Has Ties to Cartels

CA Considers Bill to Legalize More Than Two Parents

Rep. Adams and the Politics of SWAT-ting Calls

WaPo Backs Off Claim Romney Outsourced Jobs

CNN Contributor: Fast & Furious Deaths 'Collateral Damage'

Obama Immigration Directive Not Enough for Boston Globe

CNN Rushes to Point out Romney Once Liked 'Healthcare Mandates'

America's 'Generation Y' Not Keen on Driving

'Madea's Witness Protection' Review: Too Many Calories in Light Comic Dish

Secret Service Shut Down Fast and Furious Protest

Politico Reporter Rips Southern City as Anti-Gay

Report: WH 'Bullied' Offshore Wind Farm Opponents Despite Safety Risks

Judge Orders Twitter To Hand Over Occupy Protestor's Tweets

UK 'Independent' Uses Staged Anti-Israel Protest Photo

Laffer Curve Wreaks Havoc in UK

'Robertscare' Nightmare: Supreme Court Upholds Individual Mandate

Mexico’s New President Has Ties to Cartels

NY Times: 'The Avengers' Just a 'Bunch of White Dudes'

Romney's Critical Mistake Labeling Obamacare A Mandate

Tax Versus Penalty: What the Romney Campaign Should Have Said

Yale Professor’s Impassioned Plea for American Exceptionalism

Netanyahu Kills Critical Committee, Coalition Threatened

Elizabeth Warren: My Aunt Bea Was White Before She Was Indian

'To Rome with Love' Review: Allen's Latest Even Better than 'Paris'

Visa Recipient's Group Signed Bin Laden's Declaration of War on America

Unemployment in Europe Hits Records

New Ad Hits Obamacare Tax

Flashback: Obama Ad Slammed Clinton 'Penalty' For Not Buying Insurance

Tavis Smiley And Cornel West Slam Obama, Valerie Jarrett

Spitzer: We Let Tea Party 'Steal Our Thunder'

Furious T-Mobile Customer Rips Apart Entire Store On Camera

Bachmann Cannot Answer If She's Being Vetted For VP

West: 'Every American Should Be Mandated To Buy A Glock 9mm'

It's the Structure, Stupid: The Farce of Roberts' Obamacare Decision

Affordable Care Act: Is the Fix in?

Did Justice Roberts Invalidate Obamacare?

World View: Worldwide Economic Slump Deepens and Accelerates

Texas Atty Gen on SCOTUS Obamacare Decision: 'The American People Lost'

Eric Holder Cries To The Washington Post

Farewell, Personal and Medical Privacy; ObamaTax is Here

Al-Qaeda Plot to Blow Up US Planes Uncovered

Wounded Warrior: The Band of Pseudo Bronies Donation Drive

TV Legend Andy Griffith Dead at 86

Obama Administration Already Granting Amnesty

Media to Obama: Feel Free to Keep Lying About Romney's Outsourcing

WaPo Fact Checker: Since Obama Didn't Mean What He Said, Romney's a Liar

Politico Declares Obama's Bald-Faced Student Loan Lie 'a Bit of Hyperbole'

McConnell Ready to Cut-and-Run from Repeal?

Fired Politico Reporter Blames 'Self-Appointed Watchdogs' At Breitbart

Sheriff Confirms Andy Griffith Has Died, Says Actor Has Been "Laid To Rest"

Does Mitt Romney need to shake up his campaign staff?

Obama For America TV Ad - "Believes" - YouTube

Air Force resuming tanker flights following deadly crash

California bill would allow a child to have more than two parents

Meet the health care 'thing' that is a tax

Could Kelly Ayotte be Romney's running mate?

Twitter must turn over information about protester's posts

Illinois clerks get OK to defend gay marriage ban

Rangel rival challenging primary results

Kodak given all-clear to sell its patents

Governor Christie Says He’s Happy Supreme Court Shut Down Obamacare ‘Extortion’ on Medicaid - ABC News

Adam Lee Brown, HIV-positive sex offender, assaulted boy, 10, at Wendy's bathroom, Portland police say - Crimesider - CBS News

America’s most offensive congressman -

Human Rights Watch: Torture inflicted at 27 Syrian sites [Video]

Assad regrets downing of Turkish jet

Clinton: Pakistan to Reopen NATO Supply Lines

Mexican left threatens to challenge election results

Tehran to host conference on women and Islamic awakening next week

Kenyan Muslims, Christians Vow To Prevent Violence

Police raid ex-president Sarkozy's home in funding probe

Planned China Metals Plant Scrapped

Gay marriage, adoption allowed in France from 2013

Libya frees international criminal court legal team accused of spying

Russia's 'Potemkin village' on the Pacific

Goodall sanctuary chimps who mauled Texas student allowed to live

Zimbabwe targets foreign banks

Barclays Tries to Stem Fallout as Chief Executive Resigns

US Auto Sales Top Estimates as GM, Ford Gain

IMF Lowers US Growth Projections to 2 Percent

US manufacturing shrinks for first time in 3 years

GM exploring return to paid Facebook advertising

Need a Debit Card? Look for Debit Card Photos on Twitter

Could health care ruling help Republicans win big?

More Than Half of US Latinos are Political Independents

Barrasso Argues for Repeal of Health Care Law

Could Ron Paul pull an upset at Republican convention?

Nokia Accuses Google's Nexus 7 Of Patent Infringement

Facebook To Fix Smartphone Email Snafu

Does your PC have touchscreen display? You need Microsoft Touch Pack for Windows 7

6 Ways Google Can Secure its Social Future

Twitter: This year so far we have ratted out 948 users to the US govt

Andy Griffith, Folksy TV Sheriff From Mayberry, Dies at 86

Did Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Split Over Scientology? - YouTube

Post-Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes changes her mood in local Whole Foods

Old image of Chuck E. Cheese given the pink slip for hipper looking mascot

Kelly Clarkson shoots down 'lesbian' rumors

Mel Gibson's Step-Mom Files For Restraining Order -- Mel is TERRORIZING Me!

'Psycho' remake heading to TV

How does the Higgs Particle give things mass?

"We've observed a new particle": leaked video reveals Higgs confirmation

NASA: Curiosity's Seven Minutes of Terror - YouTube

"Beautiful" Squirrel-Tail Dinosaur Fossil Upends Feather Theory

Expedition to find Amelia Earhart begins in Honolulu

NASA mourns tragic death of retired astronaut Alan Poindexter

Mermaids aren't real, US agency affirms

NASA reveals Orion space capsule with first flight set for 2014

NASA unveils cosmic skyrocket for Fourth of July

Searching for an ancient syphilis DNA in newborns

Solar Flare's Red Glare: Sun Unleashes Early Fourth of July Fireworks

'A pretty tomato comes at a cost in flavor'

Move over, black widow — there's a new spider in town

Bark beetles may add to intensity of wildfires

Will the world end in 2012? Newly discovered Mayan text says it's unlikely

These space portals are hidden in Earth's magnetic field

Flesh-eating bacteria victim in 'high spirits' in rehab

President George W. Bush in Kabwe, Zambia - YouTube

FDA Approves OraSure's Over-The-Counter Home HIV Test

Birth timing may be tied to later school woes

Is This Teen Angst or an Uncontrollable Anger Disorder?

'Highless' marijuana grown by Israeli firm

Women with cats may have higher suicide risk due to feline fecal parasite

Hitting Your Kids Increases Their Risk of Mental Illness

Methadone cited in 30 percent of painkiller deaths - CDC

Grandma's Pot Cookies Land Toddler in Hospital

Does coffee reduce the risk of skin cancer?

Bush travels to Zambia, Botswana to raise cancer awareness

Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse blood transfusions after cardiac surgery at no greater health risk - HealthPop - CBS News

Google sees advantage in making new gadget in USA | Reuters

Adobe: Web standards match 80 percent of Flash features | Internet & Media - CNET News

Abundance – The Future is Better Than You Think | Singularity Hub

Why Google Plus isn't dead -- well, yet -

Don’t Doubt Google’s People Skills - SlashGear

Nokia's 'Contingency Plan': 5 Possible Company-Saving Scenarios | Gadget Lab |

BBC - Future - Technology - Flywheels move from steam age technology to Formula 1

Apple Siri Versus Google Jelly Bean: Voice Search Showdown | PCWorld

How many speakers is enough? - TechHive Beta Blog

Conquering Retirement: Fix That Password—Now! -

The Declaration of Internet Freedom: how the net’s minutemen plan to protect the future | The Verge

Opinion: YouTube is now a TV platform, but when will it start acting like one? | Digital Trends

Orwellian telescreens for clueless hipsters – Mic Wright – The Kernel

It Only Took the Army 16 Years and 2 Wars to Deploy This Network | Danger Room |

Careful, Twitter — remember what happened to MySpace and Digg — Tech News and Analysis

Eric Holder Is Eric Holder’s Worst Enemy - By Victor Davis Hanson - The Corner - National Review Online

Casey B. Mulligan: Medicaid Expansion and Jobs -

Obama’s new three-front war on ObamaCare « Hot Air

An Affordable Care Act Glitch Puts One Of The Law’s Key Provisions In Limbo | TPMDC

Political Animal - Unknown Romney Health Plan Polls Poorly

The truth about Medicaid’s cost to states, in three charts

The Smug Indifference of the Liberal Classes to the Threat of Losing the Medicaid Expansion in Red States | FDL News Desk


RealClearPolicy - Opinion, News, Analysis and Videos

Keith Hennessey: A Strategy to Undo ObamaCare -

Tea Party Govs Say 'No' to Medicaid Expansion | The Nation

David Frum on How We Need to Learn to Say No to the Elderly - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

The Democratic Virtues of John Roberts -

After The Supreme Court, Higher Cost and Unrealistic Timeline Will Force Major Changes – Health Affairs Blog

Obama and Romney’s camps do not want to argue about whether Obamacare is a tax or a penalty. - Slate Magazine

How High Design Can Help the Homeless - Housing - The Atlantic Cities

About The Dodd-Frank Act, George Washington Would Be Turning Over In His Grave - Forbes

n+1: Death by Degrees

International - Shadi Hamid - The Real Reason the U.S. Should Consider Cutting Military Aid to Egypt - The Atlantic

Mexico’s Next Chapter -

West claims moral purpose to justify its interventions - The National

What kind of PRI will rule Mexico? -

RealClearWorld - Is Geography Destiny?

Egypt Policy Shows How Well Obama Has Managed America’s Decline - The Daily Beast

The Truth About Online Schooling | RealClearPolicy

No Fracking Way: The Natural Gas Boom Is Doing More Harm Than Good | RealClearPolicy

Why the Arctic Is So Important | RealClearPolicy

A Taxing Distinction for ObamaCare | RealClearPolicy

Real Clear Markets - Video - Europe Is Ruining My Summer

Real Clear Markets - Video - Billionaire Catsimatidis Bullish on JPM, Mitt Romney

Real Clear Markets - Video - Housing Bottom in Sight? Don't Get Your Hopes Up

Real Clear Markets - Video - Economy Creating Stressful Work Environment

Real Clear Markets - Video - Dueling Governors: Florida vs. Texas

Real Clear Markets - Video - El-Erian: Markets `Rightly Rewarded' Europe

Civil War Battle of Gettysburg Robert E. Lee

Siege of Vicksburg, 19 May-4 July 1863

Declaration of Independence - A History

RealClearWorld - Most Daring Hostage Rescues - Most Daring Hostage Rescues

The Day He Retired

Richard J. Evans Reviews R.M. Douglas's "Orderly And Humane" | The New Republic

Came the Hero - NR / Digital Articles - National Review Online

A strong U.S. economy is the first key to effective foreign policy -

President Obama Basks In Supreme Court Win, But Unemployment, Economy Will Decide Election by Andrew Malcolm -

Black-Ops Fixers, CIA Assassins, and Families That Control Global Finance -- New York Magazine

NFIB is Wrong on Obamacare: The ACA Should Actually Help Small Business - Slate Magazine

John Roberts: Rarely Has Such A Smart Judge Written Such A Bad Opinion - Forbes

Opposing view: Don't rely on refinancing –

Humble Student of the Markets: Are market expectations too low? How to Game Obamacare (And Eventually Collapse It)

Wood Takes a Thrilling Turn in Roller Coaster Design -

All Dinosaurs May Have Had Feathers - Science News

RealClearScience - Why Cats Aren't Vegetarians

Food, Modified Food | Innovations

The Brewing Crisis in Science | Hoover Institution

Physicists and Geneticists Team Up to Build a Galactic Dark-Matter Detector out of DNA | Popular Science

Whose world is it, anyway? – Starts With A Bang

Don't Become a Fireworks 'Fail' - Blog

DNA Sequenced for Parrots' Ability to Parrot | Duke Today

Breaking the Skin Barrier : Northwestern University Newscenter

Congress isn't qualified to investigate CDC –

How presidential elections are impacted by a 100 million year old coastline | Deep Sea News

The Science of Staring - Arts & Lifestyle - The Atlantic Cities

RealClearReligion - America's Other Manifest Destiny

Israel’s Holocaust Museum Softens Criticism of Pope Pius XII -

Pope John XXIII: Conserver of Tradition | First Things

RealClearReligion - Penn State's Catholic Problem

In on the Joke of the Bible | Christianity Today

Mormon Studies Attracts More Scholars and Attention -

Mormon group quits LDS Church en masse | The Salt Lake Tribune

Orthodox: Before Hipster Was “Hip”

Senseless gospel: Douglass Key blogs the lectionary | The Christian Century

Our least Christian president –

Jack Rakove Reviews Michael Lind's "Land Of Promise: An Economic History Of The United States" | The New Republic

The Wilson Quarterly: Book Reviews: A Genius for Languages by Nathalie Lagerfeld

Gareth Roberts: Shada | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

Tom Alderman: Some Writers Should Be Seen and Not Heard

No Animals We Could Name – Ted Sanders | Full Stop

The Claremont Institute - Abandoning the Constitution

BOOK REVIEW: The End of Energy | Public Interest Report

The Extreme Weather Is Making It Harder To Ignore The Global Warming Predictions -

Global warming in our own backyard -

Judges Take On Climate Skeptics

Will Shale Gas Be the Single Solution to America's Energy Challenges? - Forbes

Is The Natural Gas Rally Coming To An End? - Seeking Alpha

Iran, Oil, and the Politics of Sanctions - Energy and Environment Experts

We were wrong on peak oil. There's enough to fry us all | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

EIA - Annual Energy Outlook 2012

Can President Obama Name ONE Clean Energy Success? - Heritage Action for America

Accounting for Climate in Ranking Countries’ Carbon Dioxide Emissions » American Scientist

Interior Finalizes Plan to Make All Highest-Resource Areas in the U.S. Offshore Available for Oil & Gas Leasing

Business - John Hudson - Energy Independence Is a Farce - The Atlantic

EDITORIAL: Obama's war on guns and oil - Washington Times

A Look at 12 New Technologies that Could Change the Biofuel Industry (Part 2)

Keith Hennessey: A Strategy to Undo ObamaCare -

An American mandate: The Founders would be appalled | New Hampshire opinion01

E-mails complicate view of Paterno’s role in Sandusky scandal - The Washington Post

Joe Paterno’s Lying in Jerry Sandusky Abuse Case Further Taints His Legacy - The Daily Beast

Leonard Pitts Jr.: On facts, lies and Sarah Palin -

After fleeting Supreme Court victory, Obama remains the amateur | Fox News

High Court Gives Obama and Romney Some Explaining to Do - Bloomberg

Roberts’ health care switch: Gasoline on the fire - Jennifer Haberkorn and Darren Samuelsohn -

Court jolts snoozing tea party | The Detroit News |

Roberts Ruling: What Health Care Decision Means for U.S. | Swampland |

The Real Nixon, Revealed in a Work of Fiction | RealClearPolitics

The Obama Foreign Policy - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

John Roberts, a Conservative Liberals Can Love - Bloomberg

After Ruling, Roberts Makes Getaway From the Scorn -

The GOP’s world of pain -

Romney Campaign Declaring Cease Fire on Health Care - 2012 Decoded

A Hanging Curveball for Mitt | The Weekly Standard

Obama has a lot more campaign money than Romney - The Insiders - The Washington Post

Health Care Politics Go Into Extra Innings | RealClearPolitics

Instant America | Infographics | RealClearTechnology

**Book Review Sites

New Books Network —



*Transcripts/Sunday:Interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner

Interview w/Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

Guests: Rep. Paul Ryan and Jack Lew

Interview with White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew

29th/Interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

Interview with Representative Jason Chaffetz

Shields and Gerson on the Health Care Ruling

28th/Obama's Remarks on the Health Care Ruling

Interview with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Senator Cornyn & Rep. Hoyer on the Health Care Ruling

Interviews with Sen. Barrasso & Rep. Altmire

Panel on 2012 and the Health Care Ruling

27th/Reps. Chaffetz & Quigley on "Fast and Furious"

Interview with Representative Ron Paul

Interview with Representative Michele Bachmann

Reporters Discuss the Latest in Congress

26th/Analysts on Campaign Fundraising and Super PACs

Interview with Representative Darrell Issa

Interview with Fmr. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

Panel on Tensions Between Syria & Turkey

25th/Rep. Gonzalez and Gov. Brewer on Immigration

Analysts Discuss Ruling on Arizona's Immigration Law

24th/Guests: Senator Marco Rubio & Rep. Darrell Issa

Guests: Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Drier, Rep. Gutierrez

Representatives Issa & Cummings on Fast And Furious

Interview with Representative Darrell Issa

Guest: Texas Governor Rick Perry

*Speeches and Transcripts/2nd:Secretary Salazar Talks Arctic Drilling Plan in Norway

What Iranian Oil Sanctions Mean for Global Markets

* Interviews, Testimony & Speeches/2nd:AMA President on the Health Care Court Decision

29th/Mitt Romney's Reaction to Supreme Court Ruling

President Obama's Speech on Supreme Court Decision

*History: June 30 – July 3

American Minute for July 3rd

American Minute for July 2nd

American Minute for July 1st

American Minute for June 30th

July 3rd in History

July 2nd in History

July 1st in History

June 30th in History

July 3 Events in History

July 2 Events in History

July 1 Events in History

June 30 Events in History

Today in History: July 3

Today in History: July 2

Today in History: July 1

Today in History: June 30

Today in History: July 3

Today in History: July 2

Today in History: July 1

Today in History: June 30

July 3rd This Day in History

July 2nd This Day in History

July 1st This Day in History

June 30th This Day in History

This Day in History for 3rd July |

This Day in History for 2nd July |

This Day in History for 1st July |

This Day in History for 30th June |

Today in History for July 3rd - YouTube

Today in History for July 2nd - YouTube

Today in History for July 1st - YouTube

Today in History for June 30th - YouTube


The Manning Report – 2 July 2012

The Manning Report – 29 June 2012

The Manning Report Video Version – 28 June 2012

The Manning Report – 28 June 2012

July 2, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

June 29, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN




Kevin Trudeau Show

07/02 The Mark Levin Show

06/29 The Mark Levin Show

06/28 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-02, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-01, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-29, Friday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 3rd

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 2nd

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 29th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 29th

David Duke Show 3rd

David Duke Show 2nd

David Duke Show 29th

Paul Drockton Show 29th p1

Paul Drockton Show 29th p2

The Bob Tuskin Show 29th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 2nd

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 29th

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