A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

05 July 2012

4-5 July'12


The Alex Jones Show Wednesday July 04 2012 Hour 1

The Alex Jones Show Wednesday July 04 2012 Hour 2

The Alex Jones Show Wednesday July 04 2012 Hour 3

The Alex Jones Show Wednesday July 04 2012 Hour 4


Alex Jones: Why We Have July 4, 1776 - YouTube

DHS List Patriots as Terrorist - YouTube

Prison » Homeland Security Report Lists ‘Liberty Lovers’ As Terrorists

Prison » Liberty Lovers Mourn This Independence Day, but Hope Remains

Lamenting The Lost Legacy Of Independence Day - Forbes

+Prison » 70 Reasons To Mourn For America

50 min./Manufacturing A President with Journalist Wayne Madsen - YouTube

Prison » Are You A Slave Of The System?

Prison » Can Americans Escape the Deception?

Prison » TN Rep. Marsha Blackburn Seeks to Put TSA in Their Place

Iran 'ready to fire missiles at US bases' | World news |

Prison » Blackout looming: Thousands to lose Internet access as FBI shuts down servers

Prison » Romney Declares Independence From Advisors: Calls Mandate “Tax”

Prison » Guarding Opium Plants “For Our Freedom”

Guarding Opium Plants "For Our Freedom" - YouTube

Prison » Syrian Hacktivists Launch Al-Jazeera Cyber Attack

West Trying to Find Asylum for Assad in Russia - Newspaper | World | RIA Novosti

Saudis are buying nuclear-capable missiles from China

The Saudis are buying nuclear-capable ballistic missiles from China - YouTube

Nicolas Sarkozy predicted police would come looking for him - Telegraph

Japan Panel: Fukushima Crisis 'Man-Made' | World | RIA Novosti

Prison » NATO warships move into Mediterranean Sea: Report

Prison » The Socialization Of America Is Economically Impossible

DHS List 'Liberty Lovers' As Terrorist! - YouTube

Prison » A Benefit of The Western Economic Crisis: The End of Irrational Consumerism

Prison » Harvard Senior Fellow: Peak Oil Is History

Asia Times Online :: Welcome to 'democraship'

Prison » Troops In Door To Door “Wellness Checks” In Virginia, Ohio

Prison » UN Conference to Strip 2nd Amendment During Month Long Attack in NY

Prison » World’s First Genetically Modified Babies ‘Created’ in US

Prison » They Are Turning Our Crops, Animals And Even Our Babies Into Freakish Genetic Monsters

Prison » 5 Million Test Tube Babies Since 1978, Paving Way for Genetically Modified Babies

Prison » Adverse Drug Reactions Cover-Up? 80,000 Drug Files Go ‘Unreported’ by Big Pharma

Prison » Big Pharma Bribery: Top Celebrity Doctors Paid by GlaxoSmithKline to Push Drugs

Prison » GlaxoSmithKline admits to criminal pharma fraud in 3 billion dollar case

Prison » NC Museum of Natural Sciences holds ‘Biotechnology Day’ for children with presentations by Monsanto

Prison » Fukushima Woman: Many are aborting their babies

Prison » Nobel prize winner — Ivar Giaever — “climate change is pseudoscience”

Prison » Higgs boson discovery leads to FDA-approved ‘mass reduction’ weight loss therapy (satire)

Prison » The Higgs boson ‘God Particle’ discovery explained in the context of conscious cosmology

Prison » What Happens If Record Heat And Crippling Drought Cause Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The United States?

Grassley releases another document showing possible Fast and Furious cover-up

Why More And More Americans Are Abandoning Their US Citizenship - Business Insider

Prison » Obamacare’s Many Victims

Prison » Congressman Set to Sue Obama Over Immigration Directive

A Code Of Conduct, For Drones? : All Tech Considered : NPR

DNC Chair Praises IRS for Collecting Medical Fee/Tax - YouTube

Gun groups up in arms about Google’s new anti-firearms policy

Albany police pull out of agreement to purchase armored vehicle with UCPD and BPD - The Daily Californian

New Jersey residents get an app that lets them keep a spy eye on the police - NY Daily News

The Secret of Wall Street's Hedge Fund Hyena Success - YouTube

Barclays Brawl: 'Elite manipulated market, UK laws only give slap on wrist' - YouTube

Prison » The Biggest Financial Scam In World History

Prison » Meet Anthony Browne: The New Head Of The British Bankers Association

Prison » Food Stamp Diet: Eat Right and Get Fit!

Food Stamp Diet - Gov Spends $3 Million To Promote Eating Right and Getting Fit With EBT Card - YouTube

+(Videos) / Prison » Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters”

Prison » TSA Demands Bizarre New Power To Test Drinks Purchased In Airports

China's Fleet of 'Ghost' Ships Signals Worsening Slowdown - CNBC

+Prison » Is Wal-Mart Destroying America? 20 Facts About Wal-Mart That Will Absolutely Shock You

Prison » ACTA La Vista Baby: Internet Censorship Treaty Overwhelmingly Defeated

35 min./The New America Under Agenda 21 with Activist Rosa Koire - YouTube

Prison » UN Climate Kingpins: Don’t Inform The Masses, Intoxicate Them With Fiction

Tom Cruise, the bankable kook

Katie Holmes Speaks On Tom Cruise Divorce

Katie Holmes Hinted at "New Phase" Before Filing for Divorce

Tom Cruise -- Thinks Katie Holmes is Using Suri as a Weapon in Divorce

'Amazing Spider-Man': 12 Burning Questions For The Sequel

Madonna Breaks Crying Down During "Like a Virgin" Performance

Alec Baldwin Returns to Twitter With New Handle; Reignites NYC Mayoral Run Talk

Train derails, bridge collapses near Northbrook-Glenview border

Less Taste — more flavor? City's leaner Taste of Chicago looking to satisfy

George Zimmerman bond expected Thursday

Three kids dead after yacht capsizes off Long Island, New York

Obama, Romney brace for new jobs report Friday

+Obamacare RIP: John Roberts Cannot Save You

Ann Romney says woman being eyed for husband's ticket

What would George Washington think?

One year after Casey Anthony verdict, attorney's book offers new insights

Mom arrested for allegedly leaving 19 kids alone in hot Kentucky home

500000 still without power in US

Excessive Heat Warning Remains in Effect

Tragedy on the 4th of July: 3 children electrocuted in Missouri, Tennessee; 3 children drown in Iowa - NY Daily News

Final Air France crash report says pilots failed to react swiftly

France-Brazil crash report: Faulty data misled pilots


WikiLeaks: The Syria Files (Press Conference) - YouTube

WikiLeaks Releasing Trove of Syria Documents



Russia says no plan to offer Syria's Assad asylum

Libya: from bloody uprising to elections

Iran: We can destroy US bases 'minutes after an attack'

As Arafat polonium mystery swirls, a look at the radioactive element’s deadly properties - The Washington Post

Ann Romney blasts Obama's 'let's kill' strategy

Obama continues campaigning

Biden visits Scranton for Fourth of July

Voter ID law may affect more Pennsylvanians than previously estimated

Gov. Snyder disappoints GOP allies, vetoes voter ID rules

NC Rep. Kissell bucks Democratic party with Holder, health care votes

Rep. Paul Ryan remains silent on vice presidential buzz

Ex-wrestling CEO McMahon again challenged by GOP establishment in retry for Senate seat - The Washington Post

Cruz Rallies Conservatives to Fight for Constitution, Warns against Voting for Moderates | Town Square Buzz

Service Industries in US Grew Less Than Forecast in June

German economists denounce summit decisions

Ailing Britain's central bank turns money taps back on

Apple Preps for Smaller Tablet

Are You Infected With DNSChanger Malware?

Would Apple iGlass Be Better Than Google's Glasses?

Cisco Changes Privacy Policy in Cloud Connect Service

DARPA Seeks More Efficient Robots

The elusive particle: 5 Implications of finding Higgs Boson

UVic Plays Important Role in 'God Particle' Discovery - YouTube

Planet-Forming Disk Vanishes Into Thin Air

Centuries-old map of 'America' discovered at German university

Jet-ski accident claims US hero

Older Bees Reverse Brain Aging with Youthful Tasks

What's Causing Unusually Hot Temperatures in US?

For the First Time, A Snapshot of A Single Atom's Shadow

NASA unveils its Orion deep-space capsule (pictures)

'Hidden portal' found in Earth's magnetic field

ScienceCasts: Hidden Magnetic Portals Around Earth - YouTube

Desert Evenings: Venus and Jupiter light up sky of July mornings

Naked Mole Rat Offers Clue to Long Life

Cambodian children dying from mysterious illness - YouTube

Coffee May Lower Risk of Basal Cell Skin Cancer, New Study Suggests

The Girl Who Can't Feel Pain

'Cat ladies' more likely to commit suicide, scientists claim

FDA cracks down on unapproved painkillers

POLL: Is Spanking Ever A Good Idea?

Diseases from animals hit over two billion people a year

Flesh-eating infection victim Aimee Copeland recovering in rehab with positive outlook - HealthPop - CBS News

Obama Presides Over Naturalization Ceremony -

Obama speaks at troop naturalization ceremony. Can immigrants join US military? -

President Obama Speaks at a Naturalization Ceremony - YouTube

Mitt Romney’s full interview with CBS This Morning

Awesome – North Carolina defunds Planned Parenthood

Michelle Malkin: Etch-a-sketch is hanging over Romney’s head after his flip-flop on individual mandate

Allen West on Obama/slave comment: I’m not going to shy away from things that need to be said

Full Video – Mitt Romney’s 4th of July speech

What the world owes America – by Joshua Treviño

Mitt Romney: The best of America

IRS whistleblower blows the roof off IRS tax fraud

Mark Levin: I’d rather fight with Mitt Romney as president than give Obama a 2nd term!

Mark Levin: Where is MSM to complain about Obama’s vacation while East Coast fries during major power outage?

Krauthammer: This is the third ‘summer of recover’ in a row that isn’t recovering – three strikes and you’re out

Edward Meagher: A Veteran's Story - YouTube

Rural Americans for Obama - YouTube

Chief Justice John Roberts Escapes To Malta [PHOTO] - Business Insider

Feds Look to Fight Leaks With 'Fog of Disinformation' | Danger Room |

United Arab Emirates seeks to recruit 3000 Colombian soldiers: Report - Colombia news | Colombia Reports

Saudis are buying nuclear-capable missiles from China

The Saudis are buying nuclear-capable ballistic missiles from China - YouTube

Robert Diamond, Chief Executive of Barclays, Resigns -

Monsanto’s Cloned Growth Hormone rBST Still Contaminates US Milk -

Bank Of America And Countrywide: "It Was The Worst Deal In the History Of American Finance, Hands Down!" -

Death of the Birds and the Bees Across America -

Barclays’ Libor Scandal: Prison Will Remedy -

How Barclays manipulated the libor rates - YouTube

U.S. Favorite al-Maliki Persecuting His Enemies -

Mexico declares emergency over new bird flu outbreak -

Julian Assange, Infinite Justice Barack Obama, his mother, and the CIA

What Killed Yasser Arafat? Tests Hint at Possible Arafat Poisoning

Gingrich Speaks At Rally For Iranian ‘Terror’ Group

How the Israel lobby erodes US sovereignty

The Longest War Overcoming Lies and Indifference

Some Outrageous Facts about Inequality

PublicServants.mp4 - YouTube

The Birth of Sedition - informationliberation

General Motors Stock At 2012 Low, Lifting Loss Taxpayer Losses To Nearly $35 Billion by Andrew Malcolm -

The Impossibility of Limited Government and the Prospects for a Second American Revolution - informationliberation

Kim Dotcom: Joe Biden Ordered the Megaupload Shutdown | TorrentFreak

Barack Obama, His Mother, and the CIA

+ Gold and Silver Crossword

+Audio Page:Who’ll Rule Us? The Crips or the Bloods?;Jesse Ventura talks with Lew Rockwell

- Financial Collapse End Game, Operation Twist Deception, Infinite QE :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

What Does it Mean to Be Fat-Adapted? | Mark's Daily Apple

+Audio Page: Just Do the Opposite of What the Government Says;Mark Sisson talks to Lew Rockwell

Modern Medicine Needs To Abandon Many Ineffective Therapies; Example – $25 Billion of Heart Drugs Don’t Prevent Cardiovascular Death! by Bill Sardi

Complete Disaster Non-Preparedness: DC Grocery Stores Out of Food, Gas Unavailable, Grid-Down as Summer Heat Rages by Mac Slavo

Co-Enzyme Q10 – You Need It! by Margaret Durst

Can Americans Escape the Deception? by Paul Craig Roberts

On Class Warfare by Barry Lyndon

Do You Know What Freedom Is?

Zombie Americans have forgotten why 4th of July is a holiday!!! - YouTube

Who Killed Yasser Arafat? by Justin Raimondo --

What Happens If Record Heat and Crippling Drought Cause Widespread Crop Failures Throughout the United States?

When Americans Understood the Declaration of Independence by Thomas DiLorenzo

Supreme Errors by Peter Schiff

Radio Free Delingpole XVI: buying Britain's gold back – Telegraph Blogs

The Real Problem is the 16th Amendment

Ethan Bearman: Shocking Tax in Health Care Law

God Particle ‘Discovery’ Exposes a Faithless Church

NEA Supports Social Justice; Opposes Conservatives & Republicans

Record Number On Disability; America Has Become Europe

Economy Makes Obama Vulnerable But Romney Cannot Exploit It

Audio/Smoke-Filled World July 3, 2012

* Smoke-Filled World Podcasts/Podcast Archive

US Military Deaths in Afghanistan at 1,896 -

Weather Gods | American Free Press

‘I WANT YOU’: Uncle Sam Hiring Criminal Hackers | American Free Press

U.S. Military Perfecting ‘Thinking’ Killer Drone | American Free Press

Obamaniacal Tendencies . . . President Gone Power Mad? | American Free Press

Congress Bows Before Top Banker | American Free Press

Intrigue on the High Court | American Free Press

Ex-Commerce chief Bryson won't face charges over car crashes | Reuters

Roberts wrote both Obamacare opinions -

Barclays blames 'senior Whitehall figures' for Libor scandal as Bob Diamond resigns - live | Business |

Dimon Faces Image ‘Nightmare’ With JPMorgan Energy Probe - Bloomberg

BBC News - Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for IVF 'is safe'

Eating 40% less food could extend your life by 20 years, claim scientists developing treatment for 'disease' of ageing | Mail Online

BBC News - No evidence of mermaids, says US government

Number of people claiming federal disability insurance payments is now HIGHER than New York City's entire population of 8.25 million | Mail Online

Three NSA Whistleblowers Back EFF's Lawsuit Over Government's Massive Spying Program | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Twitter report: US leads government interference list — RT

Companies see spike in cyberattacks on critical infrastructure systems - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Ex-Commerce chief Bryson won't face charges over car crashes | Reuters

Roberts wrote both Obamacare opinions -

Barclays blames 'senior Whitehall figures' for Libor scandal as Bob Diamond resigns - live | Business |

Dimon Faces Image ‘Nightmare’ With JPMorgan Energy Probe - Bloomberg

BBC News - Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for IVF 'is safe'

Eating 40% less food could extend your life by 20 years, claim scientists developing treatment for 'disease' of ageing | Mail Online

BBC News - No evidence of mermaids, says US government

Number of people claiming federal disability insurance payments is now HIGHER than New York City's entire population of 8.25 million | Mail Online

Twitter report: US leads government interference list — RT

Companies see spike in cyberattacks on critical infrastructure systems - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

I’m A Sloppy Chip. Are You? Altucher Confidential

The EyeOpener- Sentient World Simulation: Meet Your DoD Clone

Sentient World Simulation: Meet Your DoD Clone - YouTube

Donald Rumsfeld Returns to Georgia

Symbolic Pics of the Month (07/12)

Activist Post: 6 Ways to Prepare For Going Off-Grid

The secret to swimming faster? Spread your fingers - forked hands speed you through the water far quicker | Mail Online

When to Wear Dress Socks (or when to wear no socks or white socks) | The Art of Manliness

'The mob learned from Wall Street': Eliot Spitzer on the 'cartel-style corruption' behind Libor scam - YouTube

British soldiers in LSD trial - YouTube

Bank of England Allegedly Secretly Instructed Barclays To Manipulate Libor Interest Rates - YouTube

Bob Diamond tells judge why Barclays bought Lehman - Telegraph

Refreshing News: Tiny Bubbles Explain Puzzle about Light from Sound

Who's Who at Wikileaks?

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): More Power to Corporations to Attack Nations

Buy A J P Morgan Get Out Of Jail Business Card | Video Rebel's Blog

+70 Reasons To Mourn For America - 12160

The Problem with the USA is Evident | _

Moody's downgrades Barclays' credit rating outlook from 'stable' to 'negative' over resignations concerns | Mail Online

Tony Robinson asks if bankers are human - YouTube

Invisible Satanic UFO Pyramid London 2012 - YouTube

Joel Cleve Miller Convicted: Former Marine Guilty Of Having Chrome-Plated AK-47 From Iraq

Barclays Scandal update 4th July 2012 Bob Diamond comes under more fire from MP's - YouTube

Read the political satire banned by Facebook and Daily Kos

Barclays Scandal update 4th July 2012 Bob Diamond comes under more fire from MP's - YouTube

Fair Warning, At The Altar of The Black Robe :

Small Business Assault for Obamacare :

Nicolas Sarkozy 'knew police would come looking for him' - Telegraph

**WAR ON HEALTH - The FDA's Cult of Tyranny - YouTube

U.N. Arms Trade Treaty = They want YOUR guns! - YouTube

De-industrialising Europe through global warming alarmism - Roger Helmer - YouTube

Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail! - Home - The Daily Bail

Cenk Uygur, Matt Taibbi, Why isn't Wall Street in jail? - YouTube

Missile Installations Added at Olympics to Protect the General Populace :

Congressmen Warn Obama on UN Arms Treaty | _

.:Middle East Online::The Future of Egypt-Israel Peace:.

BBC News - Android smartphones 'used for botnet', researchers say

Is American Medicine a War Crime | _

Activist Post: Researchers Show DHS How Hackers Can Redirect Drones With GPS

Monsanto's Roundup: Good or Bad?

Nutritional supplements prove better than toxic drugs

Activist Post: The Socialization Of America Is Economically Impossible


Frank Marshall Davis @


| Terrorist Gathering Nationwide in the United States has DHS Going Code Red.(Humor and Satire) |

What If Ben Were One of Us? - 10 Zen Monkeys


Head - 1 - Vìdeo Dailymotion

Head - 2 - Vìdeo Dailymotion

Head - 3 - Vìdeo Dailymotion

Head - 4 - Vìdeo Dailymotion

Frank ZAPPA's 200 Motels (Full Film) - YouTube


Hulu - Pi


The Magic Christian (1,969) - 1 - YouTube

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 2 - YouTube

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 3 - YouTube

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 4 - YouTube

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 5 - YouTube

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 6 - YouTube

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 7 - YouTube

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 8 - YouTube

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 9 - YouTube




Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poison - YouTube

Why Thomas S. Roche Dreams of a Zombie Apocalypse - 10 Zen Monkeys

Happy Dependence Day! Preamble to the 1977 Soviet Constitution Slightly Modified to American Standards by Bill Buppert « America First

Repeal and REPLACE Obamacare? Anti-Obamacare Movement Being Subverted by Romney « America First

Bob Diamond says banks across the world were fixing interest rates in the run-up to the financial crisis - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

The Commentator - Time for an economic Nuremberg for the last Labour government

9 big banks give U.S. their 'living wills'

A Declaration Of Independence From The United Nations - 12160

Death of the US Constitution: Can Americans Escape the Deception?

Patrick Fitzgerald's Legacy: Letting Rove And Cheney Go

Food Prices To Rise As Harvest Dries Up | Before It's News

Dark economic clouds gather anew over Obama campaign | Reuters

The Declaration of Total Dependence upon The Spawn of Satan. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Melinda Gates Admits: “Stop People’s Lives From Existing” | _

Monsanto’s Cloned Growth Hormone rBST Still Contaminates US Milk -

Your vitamin B-12 could contain cyanide

Blood and Feathers

Navy Decides Against Using Image Of Muslim Woman For Target Practice | ThinkProgress

Cost of Keeping Government Secret Rises to $11 Billion -- News from

Activist Post: Do You Know What Freedom Is?

Activist Post: Dietary Supplement Scaremongering by the FDA

Is American Medicine a War Crime | Veterans Today

Activist Post: Are You A Slave Of The System?

Another media lie about Ron Paul | _

Could Ron Paul Win the Nomination at RNC? | _

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Global Coalition of Big Business Actors

GLOBAL WARFARE: U.S. Marines Deployed Worldwide, From the Black Sea To Africa And Beyond

GRTV: The Destabilization of Pakistan

The 7/7 London Bombings: Documents Prove that the Official Story Cannot be True

GRTV: US Targeting Independent Governments

"Fictitious Enemies" and "Combat Scenarios": The Pentagon and NATO Rehearse for War against Russia?

The Electoral Victory of Political Islam in Egypt

Killer microchip! Big Brother will roll it out... - YouTube

US Will Sign Gun Control Treaty on July 27! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! - YouTube


Ancient shul, Samson mosaic found in Gal... JPost - National News

Alleged killer Jonathon Stenberg auditioned for movie role |

Goodbye Private Property Rights in the United States | Shenandoah

'We're going to destroy everything before we apply Sharia in this city'

'Britain's Atlantis' found at bottom of North sea - a huge undersea kingdom swamped by a tsunami 5,500 years ago | Mail Online

Chinese hackers use India’s own thumb drives against them | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Solar Power: How to use the Sun to Survive Off the Grid or in a Collapse

Worried Obama Spending Millions to Hype Jobs Record

Judge Sets Zimmerman Bond at $1 Million

Pentagon Plans $40M Upgrade at Guantanamo

House Report: Countrywide Issued 'Hundreds' of Discounts for Influence

Romney Settles It: Health Care Mandate Is a Tax

Herman Cain’s TV Network Makes its Debut on Web

Litterbugs Beware: You Could Be on Candid Camera

Provision Allowing IRS to Lift Passports Cut from Highway Bill

Tar Heel Democrats Run From Home-State Convention

Al-Qaida-Inspired Group Claims Dozens of Attacks Across Syria

Hopeful Signs Emerge for Struggling Jobs Market in Glimmer of Hope

Headaches: New Treatments Your Doctor May Not Know About

Dinosaurs Had Feathers, New Fossil Discovery Shows

Twitter Releases Government Requests for User Data

Justice Roberts' Obamacare Rationale

Long Live 'Wild West Cowboy Capitalism'

Roberts Revives the 'Great Destroyer'

41 MIN./Billy Corgan Speaks Out Against the NWO - YouTube

Special Message From Dr. Paul on Audit the Fed - YouTube

Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist – Chuck Baldwin |

DNC Chair: Non-Compliance With Obamacare Will Not Be Tolerated |

Obamacare, the Great Swindle – Mike Adams |

The Supreme Court And Natural Law |

I Want The Earth: Plus Five Percent - YouTube

Activist Post: IARPA: US Government Spies on Us Through Vimeo and YouTube

Study: watching terrorist attacks on TV linked to increased pain in chronic pain sufferers

UN Biosafety Guidelines Responsible for Infected Mosquitoes

Obama and IBM Create Massive Data Mining Initiative

What Happens If Record Heat And Crippling Drought Cause Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The U.S?

**End the Lie Radio with Madison Ruppert - Episode 22 - YouTube

Zombie Americans have forgotten why 4th of July is a holiday!!! - YouTube

You Might Be A Terrorist (BOSS137) - YouTube

Confirmed: CERN discovers new particle likely to be the Higgs boson - YouTube

Media PSYOP to Justify NATO Invasion? 'Crimes Against Humanity' Cited in Report on Syria's Torture Network

Arpaio Finds Man Who Forged Obama's Birth Certificate | Before It's News

BREAKING! Arpaio FINDS MAN who forged Obama Birth Certificate! - YouTube

Benjamin Fulford 7-3-12…”Has Revolt Started In America? Also, Why The Moonies And Nazis Tried To Kill This Writer Last Week” | Before It's News

+New consulting firm created to help Libertarian candidates | Before It's News

The Demise of Health Insurance

**What Barack Obama Has Done His First Term (List) | Before It's News

How to make MONEY Off the Grid!

22 MIN./Gerald Celente Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog July 4, 2012 - YouTube


Sunglasses India introduces Night Vision Driving Sunglasses – A Boon for Motorists, Bikers and Motorcyclists | Before It's News



Toward An Alternative To Antibiotics To Fight Bacterial Infections? | Before It's News

Vitamin A And Type 1 Diabetes | Before It's News

US Army Builds 'Mysterious Artificial Island' In Atlantic Ocean | Before It's News

Rebuilding Poplar Island - YouTube

I'll bark when I want to God Dammit! (bark collar testing) - YouTube

THE BS: Bark Less - Wag More

Why Healthy People Avoid These Dangerous Foods | Before It's News

Robot Vision: Muscle-Like Action Allows Camera To Mimic Human Eye Movement | Before It's News

Manufacturing Productivity | Before It's News

Aliens Spotted In California | Before It's News

Aliens Spotted In California - YouTube

Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ | Before It's News

Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ - YouTube

3/11 Was Japan's 9/11. It's All Documented Folks! | Before It's News

Illuminati Subliminal in Hair-Care Ad (2012) "Fallen Angel DNA"? "Death of Christianity"? - YouTube

Are There Extra Dimensions, The Latest Answers From CERN | Before It's News

CERN The ATLAS Experiment Movie - YouTube

Jerome Friedman on Extra Dimensions. - YouTube

What Are The Implications Of This Newly Discovered Particle? Why Should Non-Physicists Care About This? | Before It's News

‘Alien Love Bite’ Eve Lorgen on her upcoming book The Dark Side of Cupid | Church of Mabus

Corvis Nocturnum: I. Lucifer: Anton LeVay’s Church Of Satan: 666 History of the Devil | Church of Mabus

'Reptilian breeding zoo' UFO Interview with Art Greenfield on the reptoid agenda - Panama City Paranormal |

The Law Says Obama Is Guilty Of A Felony!? | Before It's News

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”

Obama's worst-kept secret - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Obama's Second Term Tax Plans! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! - YouTube

Stamp Sized Electronic Tattoo For Newborns to Monitor Their Health | Before It's News

How This Worm Fights Colon Cancer; Supports Study | Before It's News

First Photo Of Shadow Of Single Atom | Before It's News

Why Healthy People Avoid These Dangerous Foods | Before It's News

Robot Vision: Muscle-Like Action Allows Camera To Mimic Human Eye Movement | Before It's News

Manufacturing Productivity | Before It's News

Aliens Spotted In California | Before It's News

Aliens Spotted In California - YouTube

Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ | Before It's News

Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ - YouTube

3/11 Was Japan's 9/11. It's All Documented Folks! | Before It's News

Illuminati Subliminal in Hair-Care Ad (2012) "Fallen Angel DNA"? "Death of Christianity"? - YouTube

Are There Extra Dimensions, The Latest Answers From CERN | Before It's News

CERN The ATLAS Experiment Movie - YouTube

Jerome Friedman on Extra Dimensions. - YouTube

What Are The Implications Of This Newly Discovered Particle? Why Should Non-Physicists Care About This? | Before It's News

‘Alien Love Bite’ Eve Lorgen on her upcoming book The Dark Side of Cupid | Church of Mabus

Corvis Nocturnum: I. Lucifer: Anton LeVay’s Church Of Satan: 666 History of the Devil | Church of Mabus

'Reptilian breeding zoo' UFO Interview with Art Greenfield on the reptoid agenda - Panama City Paranormal |

The Law Says Obama Is Guilty Of A Felony!? | Before It's News

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”

Obama's worst-kept secret - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Obama's Second Term Tax Plans! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! - YouTube

Stamp Sized Electronic Tattoo For Newborns to Monitor Their Health | Before It's News

How This Worm Fights Colon Cancer; Supports Study | Before It's News

First Photo Of Shadow Of Single Atom | Before It's News

Why Healthy People Avoid These Dangerous Foods | Before It's News

Robot Vision: Muscle-Like Action Allows Camera To Mimic Human Eye Movement | Before It's News

Manufacturing Productivity | Before It's News

Aliens Spotted In California | Before It's News

Aliens Spotted In California - YouTube

Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ | Before It's News

Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ - YouTube

3/11 Was Japan's 9/11. It's All Documented Folks! | Before It's News

Illuminati Subliminal in Hair-Care Ad (2012) "Fallen Angel DNA"? "Death of Christianity"? - YouTube

Are There Extra Dimensions, The Latest Answers From CERN | Before It's News

CERN The ATLAS Experiment Movie - YouTube

Jerome Friedman on Extra Dimensions. - YouTube

What Are The Implications Of This Newly Discovered Particle? Why Should Non-Physicists Care About This? | Before It's News

‘Alien Love Bite’ Eve Lorgen on her upcoming book The Dark Side of Cupid | Church of Mabus

Corvis Nocturnum: I. Lucifer: Anton LeVay’s Church Of Satan: 666 History of the Devil | Church of Mabus

'Reptilian breeding zoo' UFO Interview with Art Greenfield on the reptoid agenda - Panama City Paranormal |

The Law Says Obama Is Guilty Of A Felony!? | Before It's News

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”

Obama's worst-kept secret - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Obama's Second Term Tax Plans! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! - YouTube

Stamp Sized Electronic Tattoo For Newborns to Monitor Their Health | Before It's News

How This Worm Fights Colon Cancer; Supports Study | Before It's News

First Photo Of Shadow Of Single Atom | Before It's News

Why Healthy People Avoid These Dangerous Foods | Before It's News

Robot Vision: Muscle-Like Action Allows Camera To Mimic Human Eye Movement | Before It's News

Manufacturing Productivity | Before It's News

Aliens Spotted In California | Before It's News

Aliens Spotted In California - YouTube

Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ | Before It's News

Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ - YouTube

3/11 Was Japan's 9/11. It's All Documented Folks! | Before It's News

Illuminati Subliminal in Hair-Care Ad (2012) "Fallen Angel DNA"? "Death of Christianity"? - YouTube

Are There Extra Dimensions, The Latest Answers From CERN | Before It's News

CERN The ATLAS Experiment Movie - YouTube

Jerome Friedman on Extra Dimensions. - YouTube

What Are The Implications Of This Newly Discovered Particle? Why Should Non-Physicists Care About This? | Before It's News

‘Alien Love Bite’ Eve Lorgen on her upcoming book The Dark Side of Cupid | Church of Mabus

Corvis Nocturnum: I. Lucifer: Anton LeVay’s Church Of Satan: 666 History of the Devil | Church of Mabus

'Reptilian breeding zoo' UFO Interview with Art Greenfield on the reptoid agenda - Panama City Paranormal |

The Law Says Obama Is Guilty Of A Felony!? | Before It's News

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”

Obama's worst-kept secret - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Obama's Second Term Tax Plans! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! - YouTube

Stamp Sized Electronic Tattoo For Newborns to Monitor Their Health | Before It's News

How This Worm Fights Colon Cancer; Supports Study | Before It's News

First Photo Of Shadow Of Single Atom | Before It's News

How to Disappear so that No One can find YOU!

The Best Roofing Materials for Off-Grid Homes!

How to make a quick, safe knife sheath out of cardboard and duct tape - American Preppers Network

'A shining city on a hill'

Obama's Social Security Number challenged

Awake yet?

Why Obama's numbers aren't in the tank

Don't be fooled – it's Satan's government

Smoking: An indulgence, not a liberty

Prayer or Prozac?

J. FARAH: The meaning of independence

P. GELLER: The leftist thugs' war on free speech

N. HENTOFF: Another Obamacare tax –– on medical devices

Democrats to blacks: Stay angry!

More eerie ‘ghost cities’ popping up

Obama told to back off U.N. gun treaty

Iran: We’ll destroy 35 U.S. bases if attacked

Trump: Obama will start Iran war to win election

‘Israel … will turn into ashes within seconds’

Moscow Cuts Odds on Assad's Survival: '10%' - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Efforts to implement ObamaCare law raise concerns of massive government expansion | Fox News

Watch Sheriff Joe’s next big press conference

Abramoff: Roberts’ decision opens doors for lobbyists

A vast new federal power to 'tax'

J. FARAH: The nation's birth certificate

Roberts breathes new life into ‘the Great Destroyer’

John Roberts makes his career move

The death of personal responsibility

Romney: Health care mandate is a tax - First Read

Office says Rep. Jackson being treated for 'physical and emotional ailments' -

Obamacare taxes: ‘Massive transfer of wealth’

FBI agent: I saw angels at 9/11 crash site

See why Earth is uniquely suited for life

Ancient Galilean synagogue reveals Samson mosaic

Mosaic in Israel shows biblical Samson -

30-year mortgage rates dip to 3.62%; 15-year at 2.89% -

Photographer’s crusade: Doomed shelter dogs | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post

Obama Thanks Those Who Have Defended the 'God-Given Right' to Life

The John Roberts Doctrine: Stopping at Red Lights is Optional

The ‘Jedi Mind Trick’ of the Obamacare Tax

The Mob Presses on John Roberts

Obama's Swiss Cheese Campaign

The Worst Ruling Since Dred Scott

Where CNN Conducts an Interview, MSNBC Has a DNC Strategy Session

Twitter helps find dog that took train to Dublin

Gallup: Only 6 Percent of Americans Say Health Care is the Top U.S. Problem

GAO: ‘Little is Known’ About Effectiveness of Gov’t Jobs Programs for Disabled

Pakistani Gov’t Under Fire Over Agreement to Reopen NATO Supply Lines

As U.N. Finalizes Arms Trade Treaty, Opponents Warn of Global Gun Grab

At Least 57 U.S. Soldiers Killed By Afghan National Security Forces

HHS Tab for ‘Preservation and Maintenance’ of Native American Languages for 2011: $13,242,720

Biden: ‘Nothing Has Been Asked’ of Millionaires ‘In This Horrific Recession’

Flashback: Former White House Economic Adviser Denied Individual Mandate Was a Tax

Rep. Steve King on Immigration Lawsuit Against Obama: ‘I’m Not Bluffing’

Pelosi: Individual Mandate Isn’t a Tax: ‘No, It’s Penalty, No, It’s a Penalty, It’s a Penalty’

Didn't Send Your Child to War? Send Money Instead, Fund-Raisers Say

Romney, GOP Still Debating 'Tax vs. Penalty' Question

Obama Admin Allots $1.8 Million to Place Women in Carpentry, Welding Jobs

Thousands of Veterans Sign Up for Federal Job Education Program

Consumers Asked to Pay More for Milk to Save New England Dairy Farms

Amid GPS Boom, Nostalgia for Paper Maps

Signers of Declaration of Independence Paid the Price of Freedom With Personal and Financial Sacrifice

Murder of Student Stokes Fears of Egypt's Islamists

Attorney: Casey Anthony Rejected Early Plea Deal

Defining the Left: 'Humanity is OK, But 99% of People Are Boring Idiots' |

Bill Moyers Marks July 4 By Repeating Myth That Jefferson Sired Children With His Slaves |

Joan Walsh on GOP: 'White Older Base That Doesn’t Quite Understand the Way Healthcare Works' |

Limbaugh: Who Cares If It's A Tax or a Penalty -- It's a Bad Law and We're Stuck With It |

Another Forced Abortion Case Reported as Abuses Under China’s ‘One Child’ Policy Get More Attention |

UNESCO Decision Declaring Jesus’ Birthplace ‘Endangered’ Ignored Advice of Experts, Church Leaders, and U.S. |

Cuba's Raul Castro visiting trading partner China

Vatican posts $19 million deficit, worst in years

Vatican gets report card on financial transparency - Yahoo! Finance

Lawyers Have Already Drafted 13,000 Pages of Regulations for New ObamaTax Law | The Gateway Pundit

Jindal: Obamacare ruling paves way for Michelle Obama Tofu Tax mandate |

Obama silent while spokesman denies mandate is a tax |

Obama Lawyer Laughed at In Supreme Court - Obamacare - Fox Nation

Obama: Health care law 'is here to stay' -

Obama begins Rust Belt tour, assisted by popular senators - The Washington Post - Smoke from Western Wildfires Reaches Atlantic Ocean

Mexico recounts votes from over half of polling booths | Reuters

Ann Romney: Obama's whole campaign strategy is "let's kill this guy" - CBS News

Seattle Occupy group drops $5,000 from hotel to protest money in politics | World news |

HBO Plans Roger Ailes Project From Joe Scarborough And Mika Brzezinski

Shameful: Aaron Sorkin, Left celebrate Independence Day by slamming America; Update: Chris Rock joins in: ‘Happy white peoples independence day’; Don Cheadle laughs along; Zach Braff piles on | Twitchy

Bus driver says caffeine made him grope girls | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Woman accused of smoking Blizzard on maternity ward - - Altoona, PA | News, Sports, Jobs, Community Information - The Altoona Mirror

4 killed, 20 wounded in separate overnight shootings

200 witnesses saw Philadelphia toddler shot, but none will talk

AP survey: Next president faces high unemployment

Sweden to offer prostitutes sick pay

With Keystone in limbo, VFW helps vets get work on Canada's section

In Ohio, Obama to announce trade suit against China on autos

Marine Corps band plays Romney song on White House lawn

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder vetoes voter ID bills

Pakistan reopens supply routes after rare apology from Clinton for NATO airstrike

Colorado's tab for Medicaid expansion could be hundreds of millions in first few years

Schools work to raise awareness of human sex trafficking

WSJ to Romney: Do something, you're losing ground

Obama presses Congress on immigration at naturalization ceremony

In four key swing states, voters are anxious, divided and debating big questions

ID law could impact 10 percent of Pennsylvania voters

Texas town rethinking ordinance limiting flags on veterans' graves after outcry

Rep. Henry Cuellar joins growing list of Dems skipping the Democratic National Convention

AME church blasts Holder contempt vote

Fast and Furious: Grassley presses Holder on ‘false letter’

Ex-felons need voting rights restored, group says

Lights go dim on another Obama-supported energy project

Colorado buried under smoke from Wyoming, Utah wildfire

Romney changes tune: Health care law is ‘a tax’

Romney gets in line with GOP, calls health-insurance mandate a tax

Oregon allows food stamp applicants to deduct medical marijuana costs from their income

Hotel offers guests the Bible on Kindle ereaders


Infowars Nightly News 2012-07-03 Tuesday - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-07-03 Tuesday - YouTube

Alex Jones Show Complete (Commercial Free) Wednesday July 4th 2012 - Rebroadcast - YouTube


Crackhead Olympics - YouTube

50 MIN./Manufacturing A President with Journalist Wayne Madsen - YouTube

» Electronic Cigarette Causes Huge ‘Terror Scare’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

M6 Terror Incident: Bus Passengers Questioned by Police - YouTube

» The Fog Of Infowar: DARPA Wants To Bust Whistleblowers With “Disinformation Technology” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alex Jones: Why We Have July 4, 1776 - YouTube

» When Americans Understood the Declaration of Independence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Olympics Whistleblower Fears For Safety, Reveals Identity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Whistleblower Reveals Himself: Warns of False Flag at Olympics - YouTube

» All Signs Point to the Possibility of a Staged Terror Event at London 2012 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Lou Collins Radio Show: Olympic Whistleblower Reveals Identity & Safety Fears - YouTube

**How Much Is The Obamacare Penalty Tax? - Business Insider

» Food Stamp Diet: Eat Right and Get Fit! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Food Stamp Diet - Gov Spends $3 Million To Promote Eating Right and Getting Fit With EBT Card - YouTube

Syrian insurgents throw man from window for being pro-government - YouTube

» Andy Griffith, Domestic Terrorist? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Andy Griffith Vs. the Partiot Act - YouTube Kenya: Iran Plotting to Attack Israel in Kenya - Israeli PM

Arafat's widow calls to exhume his body - What Killed Arafat? - Al Jazeera English

The next big Supreme Court controversy: same-sex marriage | Constitution Daily

The National Memo » States With Most Obesity Oppose Obamacare The Most

» British physicist: WiFi radiation similar to that of microwave weapons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

WiFi Is Not Safe For Kids - YouTube

WiFi In Schools Causes Cancer - YouTube

Wireless Networks - Genetic Mutation - YouTube

Fukushima nuclear disaster was 'man-made' says damning new report | Mail Online

» The Higgs boson ‘God Particle’ discovery explained in the context of conscious cosmology Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Google to offer Project Glass to consumers by 2014

Project Glass: One day... - YouTube

Maya archaeologists unearth new 2012 monument with 'end date' of Dec. 21, 2012

» New Socialist French Nanny State Mandates Breathalyzers in All Cars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Supreme Court Helps Obama Fulfill Dreams from His Communist Mentor

Russia debates internet blacklist -

» Carpool lanes in Los Angeles turned into toll roads Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ACTA La Vista Baby: Internet Censorship Treaty Overwhelmingly Defeated Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Reality Check: President Obama and Mitt Romney Don't Have Opposing Views On Healthcare? - YouTube

Is the American Governmental System plagued by "Un-Americanism?"

It's All About The Swing States

Undecideds usually go against incumbent; good news for Romney

Why Did Barack Obama Let Terry Lakin Go to Jail?

How Statists Are Getting Away with It

The 2010 Census, Obama-Style?

If the GOP Cavalry Doesn't Come

John Roberts v. ObamaCare: An Apologia

SCOTUS and the Collapse of States' Sovereignty

Pandering to the Black Voter

Will malware knock you offline on Monday?

Wikileaks starts publishing 2 million Syria emails

Big Brother set to use eminent domain powers to rip off investors and line the pockets of Obama backer

Iranian General's Hare-brained Chutzpah

Another 'green on blue' shooting in Afghanistan

Who's in charge of the Romney campaign?

Obama versus Romney on national debt and national security

Ever Wonder Why We Even Bothered?

OWS and the One Millionth: Right Feelings, Wrong Target

Preserving Our Pledge of Allegiance

The Citizenship War

Why So Many People Think Obama Is a Muslim

Government Wins Even ObamaCare Ruling's 'Silver Lining'

The Movie on Health Care That Obama Doesn't Want You to See

The American Revolution Comes to a Pitiful Close

Journalists Who Broke Fast and Furious Story File Ethics Complaint with DC Bar

ObamaCare: Tax versus Penalty

Can the states unravel ObamaCare?

Trusting Obama?

Did Roberts write both Obamacare decisions?

This Is What Happens When Public Services Go Private - Lifeguard Fired!

Megyn Kelly Tsk-Tsks That Half Of All Americans Are 'Dependent' On Government Programs - Like Social Security and Medicare

A Veteran's Story

Sorry Wolf, But Democrats Don't Have Any Equivalent to Allen West

Romney Calls Mandate a Tax, Throws Fehrnstrom Under the Bus

Dems Break Fundraising Record

Romney's Desperate Need for Counterspin Captures

Tammy Duckworth: Joe Walsh is 'an Extremist Loudmouth for the Tea Party'

It's Time For A Serious National Conversation About Global Warming - And How To Pay For The Consequences

Rush Limbaugh's Newest Moment of Misogyny: Women's Vote Screwed Up The Country

Romney’s Quiet Rooms: Where All the Money’s Hidden?

NYPD Targets Pair For Filming Stop and Frisk On Residents of Color

Vanity Fair Pulls Back Dark Curtain Hiding Mitt Romney's Offshore Bank Accounts

Mitt Romney's Campaign Fails Venn Diagram Class

Tea Party Report: Poor Right-Wingers Don't Want That ObamaCare, Nuh-Uh

Japanese Turn Out For Rare Public Demonstration Against Restarting Nukes

Jennifer Granholm on Republican Governors Turning Down Medicaid Dollars: 'Good Luck With That'

Apology NOT Accepted, Billo

Ezra Klein: No, 'Obamacare' is Not the 'Largest Tax Increase in the History of the World'

The TPP Isn't Really A Trade Agreement. It's An International Corporate Coup.

Rep. Joe Walsh: Double-Amputee Tammy Duckworth Not a 'True' Military Hero

Rick Perry's Revisionist History: Texas Turned Republican Because It Became "More Affluent"

28 MIN./The Coming is Upon Us - Translation: Reza Kahlili (Author of "A Time To Betray") - - YouTube

Donald Trump tells Greta that Obama will start war with Iran to win reelection.

+2008 Obama: Health Care Should "Never Be Purchased With Tax Increases On Middle Class Families." - YouTube

+President Obama Tells Judas Stephanopoulos Health Insurance Mandate IS NOT Tax Increase - YouTube


An Independence Day that rallied patriots to the cause

Lies We Can Believe In

The Not So Affordable Obamacare Taxes

An Unjust Law is No Law at All: Why Obamacare Must Fall

The Future Of Medicine Under Obama Universal Coverage for Health (O.U.C.H.)

A Country of Free Men or Free Things

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”

We are true Americans, and we will not submit

Roberts Rule of Odor

Obama crack cocaine boast to black voters « Klein Online

Jackie Mason’s hilarious take on Obamacare ruling « Klein Online

New York Democrat Rangel Accused of Suppressing Hispanic Vote

Why Does Obama Continue to Deny Us Oil Our Economy Needs to Run?

Romney Declares Independence From Advisors: Calls Mandate 'Tax'

Google Chooses Communist-Oriented ‘This Land Is Your Land’ July 4th Theme

What They Fought For

Chris Rock: 'Happy White Peoples Independence Day'

LA Times Cheerleads for Obama … Again

Obama Pushes DREAM Act at July 4 Naturalization Ceremony

African-American Christian Coalition Can’t Get Meeting With Obama

Biden Thinks Job Creators Are Worthless

'1776': America, the Musical

Obama Won’t Vacation in Martha’s Vineyard

Lasers Replace Fireworks In July 4th Celebrations

Independence Day: Are You Ready for November?

Young Krohn Veers Left, Finds Acceptance from School and Peers

My Path: From Flower Child to Patriot

Senator Grassley Reveals Damaging Fast & Furious Memo

To 'Poppy' on Independence Day: an Excerpt from My Grandfather’s WWII Memoir

'Tex the T-Rex' Patriotic E-Book a Hit with Children

HBO, MSNBC Team Up to Target Fox News' Roger Ailes

New Romney Ad: The Best Of America

WH Holds Naturalization Ceremony For July 4th Celebration

Santelli: The Pursuit Of Happiness

Bob Beckel Makes Awkward Joke Attacking Dana Perino

Archbishop Chaput: Government Cannot Give or Take Away True Freedom

The Great Dissent Part I: Four Justices in Obamacare Make Case for Constitutional Conservatism

World View: Pakistan's Taliban Threatens Terrorist Attacks on NATO Trucks

Congressman: American Schools Should Be Modeled After Madrassas

Blaming Israel For Yasser Arafat's Death Eight Years Later

Elizabeth Warren: Victim of 'Right-Wing Smear Machine'?

Obama Must Fight on Home Turf as Romney Hits Blue States

Smear Romney! Axelrod Tweets Media Its Marching Orders

Obama Spokesman: We Disagree With SCOTUS On Obamacare Ruling

Former Politico Reporter Pled Guilty to Assaulting Ex-Wife

Jindal and Pawlenty Vow: Romney's Gonna Come Out Swinging

Report: Obama Could Sign Anti-Gun 'Arms Trade Treaty' with UN by August

Judge Sets Zimmerman Bond At $1 Million

Media Ignores Obama Tax Confusion

Exclusive - Paul Ryan: We Win, We Repeal

Joe with Joe: Obama Campaign E-mail Offers Coffee With Biden

Zimmerman Released on $1 Million Bail

California Municipalities May Seize Private Property To Redo Mortgages

Netanyahu Sends July 4th Message To US

Senator Grassley Reveals Damaging Fast & Furious Memo

Calvin Coolidge's '150 Anniversary of the Declaration of Indepedence' Speech

1776: Independence Did Not Come in a Day

Obamaland: Atlantic Pushes for ‘National Vacation Policy’

Heavily Democrat Hamptons: Too Many Immigrants Here

Patriotic Necessity Leads to American Invention

July 4th: Take a Moment to Remember How Much We've Lost

Media, Obama Coordinate Romney Smear With Pro-Occupier's 'Vanity Fair' Article

Rush To Conservatives: Stop Arguing Semantics, Start Fighting Obamacare

Endangered Species: White, Working Class Democrats

Bloomberg Exclaims During Speech: 'Who Wrote This Sh*t?'

Exclusive - The Vetting - Obama Praised Private Equity When He Needed Cash

Our President Is No Patriot

Democrat's Mistaken Vote on Fracking Overrides Veto

Exclusive - McConnell Vows Obamacare Repeal 'Will Be Job One'

Interview: Robert Heyer, Chairman of the Brian Terry Foundation

WaPost Accuses GOP Congressman of Saying Something He Never Said

Fired Politico Reporter Blames 'Self-Appointed Watchdogs' At Breitbart

U.N. Says Hundreds of Millions Smoking Pot

Gwen Stefani Latest Celeb to Open Home to Fill Obama's Campaign Coffers

Oliver Stone: Mexico Needs Drug War for Economic Survival

BH Interview: Woody Allen Mourns Loss of Leading Man Roles

Elizabeth Warren: My Aunt Bea Was White Before She Was Indian

Al-Qaeda Plot to Blow Up US Planes Uncovered

Obama Administration Already Granting Amnesty

How to Win a Glowing Profile In Politico: Betray Right, 'Swing Left'

Conservatives Beating Bill Nye the Global Warming Guy, But Obama Soon to the Rescue

*2nd/Transcripts:Interview w/DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Here's How to Cut Fossil Fuels & Create 570K U.S. Jobs

Oil price slide – easy come, easy go? | Global Investing

Iran, Oil, and the Politics of Sanctions - Energy and Environment Experts

Is Peak Oil Really a Thing of the Past? : TreeHugger

John Farrell: No, Natural Gas Is Not America's Future

Solar: Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Energy Independence - Forbes

National - James Fallows - What We Learn When the Lights Go Out, #1 - The Atlantic

Rare Earth Metals Future May Hinge On China | Earthtechling

Going green pays off! - JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

Is The Natural Gas Rally Coming To An End? - Seeking Alpha

Iran, Oil, and the Politics of Sanctions - Energy and Environment Experts

Bill McKibben on the Global Warming Hoax - The Daily Beast

Wind Energy CO2 Emissions Reductions are Overstated | The Energy Collective

Eric Schmidt’s Irrational Optimism - Bloomberg

Locus Online Perspectives » Cory Doctorow: Music: The Internet’s Original Sin

How the Border Patrol uses tech to combat smugglers | Road Trip - CNET News

Author Claims Electric Vehicles Are a Green Illusion | Autopia |

BBC - Future - Technology - Google Glass and the rise in outsourcing our memories

The Future Of Twitter Is Nothing You've Seen Before

Could A Smart Grid Curb Blackouts? : Discovery News – A Study of Future Trends and Predictions by Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » Turmoil Ahead for the Automotive Industry

Patent trawler aims to predict next hot technologies - tech - 03 July 2012 - New Scientist

The Pyro-Technology Behind Those Fireworks | PCWorld

Google sees advantage in making new gadget in USA | Reuters

Abundance – The Future is Better Than You Think | Singularity Hub

Netflix just became cable’s biggest TV network — Online Video News

Bill Gates Microsoft Surface - Business Insider

On Email Issue, Facebook Concedes You May Not Be "Confused" After All

CEO of Poker Site Full Tilt Is Arrested -

Google Maps Goes Indoors in the UK

Microsoft’s Downfall: Inside the Executive E-mails and Cannibalistic Culture That Felled a Tech Giant | Blogs | Vanity Fair

The Biggest Firework of them all: The Higgs! – Starts With A Bang

Higgs boson: Prof Stephen Hawking loses $100 bet - Telegraph

Dark matter’s tendrils revealed : Nature News & Comment

If You Want More Higgs Hype, Don’t Read This Column | Cross-Check, Scientific American Blog Network

Hormones dictate when youngsters fly the nest - University of Leeds

New study maps hotspots of human-animal infectious diseases and emerging disease outbreaks | Science Codex

Wood Takes a Thrilling Turn in Roller Coaster Design -

BBC News - Higgs boson-like particle discovery claimed at LHC

When Ice Cream Attacks: The Mystery Of Brain Freeze : NPR

Blaming the Brain for Chronic Back Pain - ScienceNOW

Video Games or TV: Which is Worse? - Blog

RealClearScience - Monkey See, Monkey Learn from Humans

RealClearReligion - About That God Particle...

The Roberts Opinion - George Weigel - National Review Online

A very young Judeo-Christian tradition -

RealClearReligion - America's Other Manifest Destiny

Falling Oil Prices Present a Great Opportunity - An Interview with Jim Rogers

A Carbon Tax, Sensible for All -

So That Freedom May Live, Obamacare Must Die - Forbes

Mandate Not the Only Health Tax Republicans Backed - Bloomberg

Monetary policy: Is the Fed pushing on a string? | The Economist

RealClearMarkets - Earmark Ban Backfires, and Trade Policy Pays the Price

Real Clear Markets - Video - Central Banks Keep Fireworks Flying

Real Clear Markets - Video - Get Ready For Taxmageddon


Local wars blur al Qaeda's threat to West | Reuters

Political Implications of the Arab Spring, 18 Months On - SPIEGEL ONLINE

International - Moran Stern - The Unlikeliest Peace: Why Israel and Hamas Have (Mostly) Stopped Fighting - The Atlantic


Balancing forces in the Pacific

American Foreign Policy Must Take Into Account Dueling Irans - Forbes

Power shifts outstrip reforms | The Japan Times Online

Arafat’s death - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

What Does Morsi Mean for Israel? -

Mexico’s Camelot - Mario Loyola - National Review Online

Dukakis, Kerry ... Romney? | The Weekly Standard

Mitt Romney isn’t going to shake up his staff. Should he? - The Washington Post

Romney’s Personal Mandate Problem « Commentary Magazine

Romney’s Latest, Greatest Twist On The Individual Mandate | Swampland |

Look, up in the Sky! It's a Tax! It's a Penalty! It's a Stupid Argument over Semantics!

Better late than never? « Hot Air

Political Animal - Resistance To Medicaid Expansion Not About the Money

Is wishful thinking about the economy the key to Obama’s reelection chances? | Power Line

Why Are Tools of War Being Deployed in American Skies? - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Jared Bernstein and Chuck Marr Discuss How Tax Reform Could Become a Trap | RealClearPolicy

Tyler Cowen's Predictions for Health Care | RealClearPolicy

Carney: Obama's subsidies: Private profit, public risk |

Immigration: He Who Is Without Sin « Public Discourse

Cap'n Transit Rides Again: The high cost of cheap on-street parking

RealClearMarkets - Middle Class Wealth: It's Not As Bad As It Looks

Leaks Galore! More on the Inside Story of John Roberts' Obamacare Supreme Court Flip-Flop - Forbes

A Carbon Tax, Sensible for All -

Why Americans should work less – the way Germans do | Dean Baker | Comment is free |

Henninger: ObamaCare's Lost Tribe: Doctors -

What Life Was Like in 1776 -

The Downside of Liberty -

Lamenting The Lost Legacy Of Independence Day - Forbes

Supreme Court Hypocrisies - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Nancy Pelosi’s Tireless Obamacare Push Vindicated by Supreme Court Ruling - The Daily Beast

Roberts, Blankenhorn, and the Power of Liberal Intimidation | RealClearPolitics

Physicists Find Elusive Higgs Boson Seen as Key to Universe -

Snapshots from four key swing states reveal an anxious mood - The Washington Post

Obama's Campaign Strategy is Paying Off After Health-Care Ruling : The New Yorker

Romney's VP Short List: It May Be Down to Four | RealClearPolitics

A Carbon Tax, Sensible for All -

Roberts' Rules of Meddling -

The Founders' True Spirit | RealClearPolitics

The Other Big Case the Supreme Court Got Right - Bloomberg

Obama's 'American story' faces fresh scrutiny | Fox News

Eric A. Posner Reviews Edward Conard's "Unintended Consequences" | The New Republic

The American Spectator : Who Is Reading Whom?

Black Sox Scandal....

Battle of Wagram, 5-6 July 1809

Richard J. Evans Reviews R.M. Douglas's "Orderly And Humane" | The New Republic

George Custer: An American embarrassment -

Came the Hero - NR / Digital Articles - National Review Online

*4-5 July

American Minute for July 5th

American Minute for July 4th

Today in History: July 5

Today in History: July 4

This Day in History for 5th July |

This Day in History for 4th July |

July 5th This Day in History

July 4th This Day in History

Today in History: July 5

Today in History: July 4

July 5th in History

July 4th in History

Today in History for July 5th - YouTube

Today in History for July 4th - YouTube


Mike Master Reveals Flaw on Judge Roberts Decision on Obamacare - YouTube

Obama and Obamacare are Uncontitutional - YouTube

Obama's Secret Powers Unveiled - YouTube

Michelle Obama's "All this for a damn flag" shown at three different speeds - YouTube

Beautiful Minds: Stephen Wiltshire - StumbleUpon

CHASING UFOs: ". . . The Most Paranoid and Absurd Pieces of Supposedly Non-Fiction TV That I Have Ever Seen"

Fresh Water is Literally the Strongest Medicine - YouTube

Scientologist spies allegedly deployed against Katie Holmes - Telegraph

Fast And Furious Confession From Obama Part-1 - YouTube

Fast And Furious Confession From Obama Part-2 - YouTube

Bizarre fish with scary-looking teeth throw scare into lake community

Fish With Teeth Found in Ill. Lake (Creepy) - YouTube

Did Penn State coach Joe Paterno help cover up Jerry Sandusky sex abuse? -

"Elektable" Ron Paul Short Film - YouTube

Activist Post: 6 Ways to Prepare For Going Off-Grid

Activist Post: DARPA & Raytheon Create AI Wiki to Database Events and People

RNC Names Convention Platform Leadership | Sinclair News.Net

America's Malignant Political Monopoly » Google Was Secretly Planting Cookies on Millions of iPhone Browsers

Feds Look to Fight Leaks With 'Fog of Disinformation' | Danger Room |

How too much time on Facebook can cause depression in teenage girls | Mail Online

PressTV - The Talmud and double standards

CBS: Roberts switched vote on health care

DHA/ARA-Enhanced Baby Formula Shown to be Toxic

Causes of Stress at Work - Need for 24/7 Contact, Email Overuse

Test Tube Babies Paving Way for Genetically Modified Babies

CHASING UFOs: ". . . The Most Paranoid and Absurd Pieces of Supposedly Non-Fiction TV That I Have Ever Seen"

Beautiful Minds: Stephen Wiltshire - StumbleUpon

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce: Inside Scientology's Sea Org which Suri faced joining | Mail Online

Horse Racing Discovers New Drug Problem, One Linked to Frogs -

Underground & Undersea Bases -

Drilling for gas in cemeteries is new facet of fracking debate |

Fixing Power Outages: It’s Complicated | ZenHaven

A Steiner BioDynamic Farm is More Than Organic - Jennie Part 1 - YouTube

BioDynamic Farming is sustainable - Jennie Shows Us More Part 2 - YouTube

Biodynamic Farm - Dairy & Sacred Spaces Jennie - Part 3 - YouTube

Lavrov in Geneve was talking for all the SCO - Pepe Escobar - YouTube

Bedaquiline: Approval Sought For First Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Medicine

Discovery sheds light on flu infections | News | News and events

'Britain's Atlantis' found at bottom of North sea - a huge undersea kingdom swamped by a tsunami 5,500 years ago | Mail Online

Infographic of the Day: How Bad Is U.S. Health Care? | Fast Company

Food Prices To Rise As Harvest Dries Up | Before It's News

Freedompalooza 2012 | Sinclair News.Net

The Downside of Liberty -

Footage shows brand new Angolan city designed for 500,000 lying empty | Mail Online

VIDEO | Alan Alda is Trying to Find the Next Carl Sagan

'Black boxes' to monitor all internet and phone data - Channel 4 News

PressTV - US Homeland Security allocates $9.7m to Jewish nonprofits

The Paradigms They Are A-Shiftin’ « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

FAILURE | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Roy Tov – Arafat’s Assassin is…

Yasser Arafat 'poisoned with Polonium' - Telegraph

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Y! Big Story: Lesser known truths about Fourth of July - Yahoo! News

Patriotism vs Nationalism – The Deliberately Blurred Line « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

July 4th The Opposite of Independence | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Celestial Triangle With Venus And Jupiter: Beautiful Sunrise Sky Show In Early July | ZenHaven

What is the Higgs Boson? | ZenHaven

Black Market for Body Parts Spreads in Europe -

Scientists Develop Spray-On Battery | ZenHaven

Senior Vice Minister Is Displeased with Ooi Protesters Who Blocked His Land Route to the Plant | EXSKF

First-ever home HIV test kit approved in US — RT

Why Should Nuclear Loan Guarantees Cost Less Than Student Loans? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Mainstream Scientists Say Human Populations Should Live in UN Mega-Cities

“Everygreen” CIA Owned Airline: Dropping Poison On You And Your Family |

Eating 40% less food could extend your life by 20 years, claim scientists developing treatment for 'disease' of ageing | Mail Online

Midwest ranchers, lawmakers protest EPA flyovers - Yahoo! News

Divine in-SPIRE-ation! New crop circles likened to architecture of Westminster Abbey are first to take holy theme | Mail Online

Indisputable Evidence Of Intelligent Life 3.8 Billion Years Ago

And finally, the IRS gets audited!

Major banks say they are ready to go under — RT

Saudis are buying nuclear-capable missiles from China

Obama's worst-kept secret - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Romney Blatantly Lies About Investment in Aborted Fetus Disposal Firm

Romney losing ground to Obama without support from Paul Nation - Manchester Independent |

Roberts wrote both Obamacare opinions -

Activist Post: Do You Know What Freedom Is?

7 Top Health Risks for Men Over 40 | Yahoo! Health

Genetic Evidence that Antioxidants Kill Cancer

A Topically Applied Skin Lotion That Modifies Your Genes | Popular Science

Bees Hold Secret to Slowing Aging Process and 'Reversing Time'

Are Cows Still Being Forced to Cannibalize?

BBC News - Mexico faces partial recount in presidential election

Ocean of Noise | Features | North Bay Bohemian

IHA - The Eyes Tell The Story Of A Horse's Pain

Homeland Terrorism Department and the terrorists who run it « The PPJ Gazette

Obama Censors the Declaration of Independence | Sinclair News.Net

Obama’s Social Security Number challenged

Devvy - Americans & Career Politicians Make A Mockery Of Independence Day

ObamaCare…Chief Justice Roberts Is A Traitor | Real Jew News

Sakamoto: “Mankind cannot live in this world with nuclear energy”


China's Hu Welcomes Cuba's Castro
Shlomo Ben Ami on the Campaign Against Arafat
Pakistan Satisfied with Clinton's Sorry
New Threats from Iran to Israel, U.S.
Zarate: Apology to Pakistan Will Help but Won't Heal the Distrust
Pakistan: Ally, Adversary or Conditional Partner?
Mood Criticizes Empty Talk on Syria in 'Nice Hotels'
Palestinians Eye Arafat Exhumation on Poison Claim
Clashes Hit Ukraine Amid Language Law Crisis
Air France 447: Final Report on What Brought Airliner Down
Enrique Pena Nieto Ready for the Challenges of President
At Least 11 Dead in Chilean Crash
Mohammed Rashid on his Relationship with Arafat


Obama Holds Naturalization Ceremony At WH To Celebrate July 4th
Romney: Individual Mandate "Is A Tax"
Melissa Harris Perry Talks Slavery, Imperialism In Segment On July 4th

Chris Christie: I'd "Answer The Call" If Asked To Be Vice President
Krauthammer: This Is Third "Summer Of Recovery" In A Row; "Three Strikes And You're Out"
Ingraham To Romney: "Get Out There On The Trail And Get Off The Jet Ski"
Dem Rep.: "Some People Call It A Recession, I Think It's A Depression"
Rick Santelli: The Pursuit Of Happiness
Valerie Jarrett On ObamaCare Being A Tax: "We Will Take It Any Way We Can Get It"
Limbaugh: Romney Must Make This Election About Obama
GOP Rep. Gowdy: "If I Was Inspector General I Would Plan For A Very Long Day On Capitol Hill"
Dem Convention Chairman On Dems Skipping: "A Lot About Nothing"
RCP's Bevan On Obama Campaign's Romney Strategy, GOP VP Choices
Joan Walsh: Romney Campaign In A "World Of Pain" Right Now
Mark Levin: "Roberts Threw The Door Wide Open On The Constitution"
O'Donnell: SCOTUS Ruling On Medicaid Is Most Important Part
Obama Swing State Ad: Outsourcer Romney vs. Obama The Insourcer
Robinson: Obama Has Clean Hands, Allies Attack Romney's Bain Record
Napolitano: ObamaCare Ruling Gives "Power On A Platter" To Congress
O'Reilly: Roberts' Ruling Is A "Conservative Decision"
Charles Krauthammer: Justice Roberts Was "Intimidated" By The Left
"Special Report" Panel On Bain Attacks Against Romney


Euro's Downfall Inevitable Without Funding Plan
Dynamic Shifts in Georgian Politics
Will Sanctions Break Iran?
Confronting Iran
Deal Imminent to Re-open Border?
Pena Nieto Looks to the Future
Aquino Talks South China Sea Row
Iran Test Fires Missiles Capable of Striking Israel
Torture in Syria Widespread Says Human Rights Group
British Queen Begins Scotland Visit
Thousands Flee Japan Floods
Russia's Tank Ballet Showcases Vehicles at Controversial Expo
Assessing U.S. Strategy in Iran, Syria






July 3, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-04, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-03, Tuesday

The Manning Report Video Version – 3 July 2012

The Manning Report – 3 July 2012

The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday July 03 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday July 03 2012 Hour 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday July 04 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday July 04 2012 Hour 2

World Crisis Radio Saturday June 30 2012 Hour 1

World Crisis Radio Saturday June 30 2012 Hour 2

07/04 The Mark Levin Show

07/03 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/04/2012

The Michael Savage Show 07/03/2012

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