A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

29 June 2012

29 June'12; The Aftermath....

Alex Jones

The Alex Jones Show 2012-06-28 Thursday - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-06-27 Wednesday - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News Complete (Commercial Free) Wednesday June 27th 2012 - Tony Farrell - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (6-28-12) Joel Gilbert & Dr.Joel Wallach - YouTube


Olympics 2012 Conspiracies & The BBC - YouTube

This Election Just Became About Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

GOP governors vow to ignore Obamacare |

Health care ruling: Eric Cantor: House will vote on repeal on July 11 -

DNC Executive Director: ‘It’s Constitutional. Bitches.’ | Mediaite

Romney: Supreme Court Ruling on Health Law Wrong - YouTube

Prison » Obamacare is now the Obama Tax

Prison » Elderly To Be Euthanized Under Obamacare?

Prison » 17 Reasons To Be EXTREMELY Concerned About The Second Half Of 2012

Prison » 15 Reasons Why The Obamacare Decision Is A Mind Blowing Disaster For America

Prison » “Turn In Your Guns At Your Local Church”

Prison » Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision hands federal government unlimited power to force you to spend 100% of your paycheck on things you don’t even want

Dr. Joel Wallach: IRS to Garnish Wages from Medical Tax Violators - YouTube

Prison » Report: More People Killed By Bees, Drowning In Bath Than From Terrorism

Prison » Michael Moore Celebrates Obamacare Law Written by Insurance Companies

Michael Moore "There's No Going Back Now!" - YouTube

Prison » Napolitano: Obamacare Ruling Will Drive Libertarians To Romney

Prison » Olympics 2012 Conspiracies & The BBC

Prison » Department of Defense Caught Lying About Use Of Domestic Spy Drones

Syrian tanks amass near Turkish border, re... JPost - Middle East

Saudis forces mass on Jordanian, Iraqi borders. Turkey, Syria reinforce strength

US-Russia push Syria solution, Assad vows to ‘annihilate terrorists’ — RT

7/7 Whistleblower Fired For Exposing False Flag - YouTube

Prison » TSA’s New ‘Celebrity Free Pass’: Jeff Lewis vs. Beyonce

Prison » NATO Member Turkey Harboring Terrorist Army

Is The Olympics The Next 9/11? Whistleblower Speaks Out! - YouTube

Jesse Ventura to Military Personnel: "Remember Your Oath!" - YouTube

The Real Billy Corgan: Down The Rabbit Hole. - YouTube

Supreme Court health care ruling: Rubio: IRS to 'come after' uninsured -

CNN's 'Humiliating' Obamacare Screwup Causes Near Mutiny In Newsroom - Business Insider

Prison » Mainstream media, medical journals pushing ADHD drugs for six-year-olds

Prison » Drugs You Don’t Know About: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Tainting the Water Supply

Prison » Big Banks Have Become Mafia-Style Criminal Enterprises

Keiser Report: Ground Zero of Financial Terrorism (E195) - YouTube

Secret Govt Slush Funds Right Under Our Noses: Carl Herman Reports - YouTube


**The True Origins of Barack Obama with Director Joel Gilbert - YouTube


The Drone War Begins - YouTube


**Articles/ ( ) Primer on Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Napolitano: Obamacare Ruling Will Drive Libertarians To Romney Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Court decison is end of Obama error - Krauthammer and the Judge - YouTube

» Department of Defense Caught Lying About Use Of Domestic Spy Drones Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DAVID ICKE - MIND a World Full of Repeaters! - YouTube

» The Obamacare Precedent: The Second Amendment is Next Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 15 Reasons Why The Obamacare Decision Is A Mind Blowing Disaster For America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision hands federal government unlimited power Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Supreme Court's Obamacare decision hands federal government unlimited power to force you to spend 100% of your paycheck on things you don't even want

» The Nazi-fication of America? FedGov Can Surely Do What It Wants Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Supreme Court isn’t the LAST step of opposition… the Declaration of Independence is Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 13 Reasons Why The Revolution Might Start with Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Supreme Court upholds Obama’s health-care law - The Washington Post

» America On Fire: Why Is The Number Of Wildfires In The United States Increasing? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Can The World Survive Washington’s Hubris? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bisphenol A exposure linked to brain tumor diagnosis. — Environmental Health News

Download PDF ; The relationship between urinary bisphenol A levels and meningioma in Chinese adults

» DeMint: ‘Obamacare’ Still Unconstitutional — States Should Refuse To Implement It Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Government Employees in Black Robes Side With Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, Michigan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI (Original edit) - YouTube

» The Court Says a Penalty Is Not a Tax and Is a Tax Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» “Disable the purveyors”: Is US secretly liquidating dissidents? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» U.S. Border Patrol Agents Are Being Trained To Run Away And Hide If Someone Starts Shooting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Texas college hacks drone in front of DHS — RT

World's first GM babies born | Mail Online

» Where are all the dead bodies from swine flu? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Is it time to consider locking up bankers? – Telegraph Blogs

Wash Trading by High-Frequency Firms Said to Face U.S. Scrutiny - Bloomberg

Oklahoma chosen as test site for drones |

» Flashback: Neurosurgeon Told Death Panels Will Decide Who Deserves Surgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Neurosurgeon calls Mark Levin about Obamacare - YouTube

» Half of German teenagers unable to distinguish between democracy and dictatorship Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obamacare is now the Obama Tax -

Federal Reserve Mulling New Gold Regulation; ‘May be biggest event in gold market since US dropped gold standard’ | StratRisks

Savage Living – El Infiltrator

Gold Bug Game Changer: US Treasury, FDIC And Federal Reserve Mulling New Gold Regulation -

Obamacare Complicated? Check Out The Flow Chart - Home - The Daily Bail

Panetta pleads for missile defense dollars - » Google Was Secretly Planting Cookies on Millions of iPhone Browsers

How a Lone Grad Student Scooped the Government and What It Means for Your Online Privacy - ProPublica

House holds Holder in contempt over 'Fast and Furious' documents - Washington Times

Top CIA Spy Accused of Being a Mafia Hitman | Danger Room |

Supreme Court upholds Obama’s health-care law - The Washington Post

Supreme Court Upholds Mandate as Tax -

OBAMA CARE APPROVED – IRS to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance -

Mutated pests are quickly adapting to biotech crops in unpredicted and disturbing ways

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Individual Mandate a ‘Tax?’ Romney Given a Major Issue «

Obama in 2009: "Absolutely Not a Tax Increase" - YouTube

Jim Brown: Justice Roberts Building a Legacy on Healthcare!

Dr. Daliah: Health Care Ruling ‘Huge Blow’ to ‘All Americans’

Obama Fundamentally Transforming America


**Coast to Coast AM - June 28 2012 - Gobekli Tepe & Baltic Sea Mysteries - YouTube


Changing face of Burt: Frail Reynolds spotted arriving in LA | Mail Online

Inside Jenny McCarthy's 'sophisticated' Playboy shoot: Blonde bombshell channels Old Hollywood as she poses topless | Mail Online

Mila Kunis says in Glamour interview she's relieved to weigh 123 pounds once again | Mail Online

Oldest pottery hints at cooking's ice-age origins - life - 28 June 2012 - New Scientist

Physicists produce highest man-made temperature: 7 trillion degrees -

A Distant Planet Whose Atmosphere Was Blasted Away by Solar Flares

Sasquatch researchers face unwilling peers : Sports Yakima

Scientists Invent Particles That Will Let You Live Without Breathing

Barclays is just the tip of the iceberg: How many other banks will be drawn into Libor scandal? | Mail Online

| 13 Reasons Why The Revolution Might Start with Obamacare. |

34 lawmakers – including Speaker of the House John Boehner – got inside information during the 2008 financial crisis – and immediately changed their investment portfolios - 12160

Notes From A Small Island: The 'Land of Israel' Myth

Romney uses healthcare ruling to motivate voters against Obama -

Media wars: Question more - YouTube

Keiser Report: Zombie Bank Apocalypse (E307) - YouTube

Nigel Farage: Van Rompuy, Barroso worst people in EU since 1945 - YouTube


Exclusive Undercover Reporter Infiltrates Security Firm to Expose London Olympics - REUPLOAD - YouTube

Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE) - YouTube

Russia 'retains right' to pre-emptive strike on missile shield — RT

Twitter Considers ‘Hate Speech’ Censorship Policy - 12160

USDA suggests food stamp parties to increase participation | The Daily Caller

Obamacare dissent suggests Roberts switched sides | Times 247

Supreme Court Decision Facilitates Austerity Measures | _

Must See Obamacare Song: Boyfriend With Health Benefits - Home - The Daily Bail

Ron Paul’s Statement on Supreme Court Obamacare Decision | _

Abe Foxman in Search of Enemies | Veterans News Now

More Proof Obama Made A SECRET Deal With PhRMA To Keep Drug Prices Inflated - Home - The Daily Bail

How Much Is the Obamacare ‘Tax’? | _

I Hereby Secede by Roger Young

Activist Post: Top DNA Researcher Says Patenting Human Genes is "Lunacy"

BO and the Supremes Take Another Step Forward Into Totalitarianism by Jack D. Douglas

Supreme Court's Obamacare decision hands federal government unlimited power to force you to spend 100% of your paycheck on things you don't even want

William Shatner Drops His Pants at LAX Airport - Mainpage :: News :: Travel Today News

Activist Post: 17 Reasons To Be Extremely Concerned About The Second Half Of 2012

Socialist Unity at the Top Fails to Divide the American People | _

Free SLO - Georgia: Poster Child For Agenda 21 Style Creeping Regional Government

All Animals are Equal but Some are More Equal than Others | _

FLASHBACK - 20% of Obamacare waivers are gourmet restaurants, nightclubs, hotels in Nancy Pelosi’s district - Home - The Daily Bail

Account Suspended

ObamaCare Decision Means Feds Will Continue to Cull Gun Owner Information | _

9/11 Explosive Evidence Film & US Tour :

AOL On - Synthetic Drugs Leading To Violent Behavior

GARY JOHNSON The Vote For Freedom Is Never Wasted - YouTube

Girl Who Can Start Fire With Her Brain Mystifies Scientists | ZenHaven

11-Year-Old Viet Girl Can Set Things On Fire With Her Mind! - YouTube

House Dems' campaign chief urges candidates to steer clear of convention | Fox News

Organ transplants could be in illegal immigrants' future - Chicago Tribune

1918 Flu Caused by Vaccines | Swine Flu Expose |

Event Horizon Chronicle: Of Meat Puppets & Biological Robots

How To Simply Clean The Inside Of The Body - Ayurveda - YouTube

Cynthia McKinney - We define the system, the system does not define us! - YouTube

ESA - Space Science - Exhumed rocks reveal Mars water ran deep

‘The Price of Everything | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Are Americans Really This Stupid?

Are Noctilucent Clouds Space Chemtrails? « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

Space scavenger attack: Pentagon builds cannibal satellite (VIDEO, PHOTOS) — RT

Drug War Ending Should Be a “Left, Right and Center” Concern

Genetic Evidence that Antioxidants Kill Cancer


Case Worker Reveals What Really Goes On At The Welfare Office - Business Insider

Poll: Most prefer Obama to deal with ... alien invasion

How Ford Calculates Driver Workload to Dial Back Distractions | Autopia |

Cloud looms over Obamacare decision

Court Backs E.P.A. Over Emissions Limits Intended to Reduce Global Warming - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Bank for International Settlements on Big Banks

Where do We Go from Here? | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Scientists Uncover Evidence in Siberia's Century-Old Meteorite Mystery [Tunguska Event]

Voyager 1 poised to cross solar frontier into interstellar space - Telegraph

PressTV - 'New student movement challenging student debt'

Danish Farmer Reverses Illnesses in pigs by reverting to a GM-free diet | Farm Wars

Big companies 'let off by HMRC' | UK news | The Guardian

PressTV - Saudi military on state of high alert on king's order

Barack Obama Orders Illicit Assassinations Via Drones | State of the Nation 2012

Talk of the town

Supreme Court upholds health care law - NBC Politics

Obamacare survived the Supreme Court. Other challenges still ahead.

Devvy - Supreme Court Ruling On Obamacare Is Insane

Federal Health Care Nullification Act – Tenth Amendment Center

ACU Chairman Al Cardenas On Supreme Court Decision

Nobody Wins: High Court Backs ‘Obama/RomneyCare,’ Leaves Public on Life-Support | This Can't Be Happening

Living Outside The Dialectic: The Green Virgin - Pachamama

Life Without Laws | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Attorney General Eric Holder found in contempt of Congress

Wild Elephants gather inexplicably, mourn death of “Elephant Whisperer” | Delight Makers

BPA produces changes in behaviour and gene expression

Nature May Soon Overcome Monsanto as 'Super Rootworms' Destroy Crops

Causes of Water Pollution - GMO Farming, Glyphosate Big Contributors

HCG Ultra Diet Drops: Do they really produce a weight loss miracle? | The Health Coach

China’s Shenzhou-9 crew returns to Earth — RT

Cassini Finds Likely Subsurface Ocean on Saturn Moon - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Facebook just changed your default email without your consent: here’s how to opt out | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Did Rand Paul even read the GMO labeling amendment before voting NO? | Farm Wars

Electoral Calculus Guarantees An Obama Defeat In November | State of the Nation 2012

Rachel Maddow - GOP forcing Ron Paul Supporters to sign 'loyalty oaths' to Mitt Romney - YouTube

George Will: Supreme Court gives conservatives a consolation prize - The Washington Post

Pelosi: 'Now, Teddy can rest' -


**Supreme Court Obamacare Opinions (PDF)


Top Obama lawyer admits 'Obamacare' is unconstitutional? — RT

Court Ruling Boosts Romney's Coffers, Repeal Message | RealClearPolitics

Romney Election Fraud Tactics Exposed - Romney URGED to Resign - YouTube

Supreme Court gives ‘Obamacare’ green light, but strikes down Medicaid expansion — RT

Dems walk; vote goes forward

Why is SOCOM Lying About Domestic Drone Activities? | Public Intelligence

Americans Are Being Prepared For Full Spectrum Tyranny

The Funny and Facetious Jon Stewart on 'Fast and Furious' « Blog

SCOTUS & Eric Holder: Its political pimpin’ pimpin’, man! « The PPJ Gazette

Are Americans Not Submissive Enough? - informationliberation

The Manufactured Debate Over Obamacare - informationliberation

Man Eats Uranium, Drinks and Swims In Reactor Water, Ignites Plutonium In His Bare Hand - informationliberation

The Nuclear Scare Scam | Galen Winsor - YouTube

Megaupload Search Warrants Ruled Illegal by High Court | TorrentFreak

How Long Does Your ISP Store IP-Address Logs? | TorrentFreak

Ron Paul on the 'Supreme' Court Edict - informationliberation

Government Employees in Black Robes Side With Government - informationliberation

Gingrich: Obamacare Repeal 'Defining Issue of Fall Campaign'

Dick Morris: Court Decision Could Come Back to Haunt Obama

McConnell: Court Blew Obama’s Cover By Declaring Healthcare Overhaul a Tax

Sen. Paul to Newsmax: Obamacare Remains Unconstitutional, Despite SCOTUS Ruling

Bill McCollum: War Against Obamacare 'Has Just Begun'

Sen. Lee to Newsmax: The Court 'Let This One Go'

Meese to Newsmax: SCOTUS Ruling Creates ‘Ambivalence’

5 'Obamacare' Senate Democrats Targeted for Defeat

Rep. Issa Gears Up for Civil Case Against Holder

Romney Ad Uses Hillary to Hit Obama

GOP Leaders Rally Around Obamacare 'Tax on the Middle Class'

Palin: Congress Should 'Rescind' Obamacare Mandate Tax

Gallup: Healthcare Not Top Concern for Most Americans

Terry’s Mother: Democrats’ Walkout on Holder Vote ‘A Disgrace’

Politico: Adelson Promises $10 million for Koch Brothers Causes

Romney Pulls in $4.2 Million Since Obamacare Decision

Limbaugh: Supreme Court Makes Itself Ultimate Death Panel

Ron Paul Plans Rally Ahead of Republican Convention

Two Republicans Say ‘No’ to Criminal Contempt for Holder

States Up Against Deadlines to Enact Obamacare

Rep. Stupak: Democrats Would Have Voted for Healthcare ‘Tax’

Jim Rogers: ‘Financial Armageddon’ Can’t Be Stopped

Peter Madoff Pleads Guilty, Blaming Brother for Landmark Fraud

The Healthcare Decision Is Good in the Short Term, Questionable in the Long Term

Obama Now Officially the Taxer-in-Chief

Obamacare Is Centerpiece of President’s Shell Game

Supreme Court is De Facto Legislature

Cheers to Chief Justice John Roberts

Obamacare Ruling Has Major GOP Upside

The U.S. & Syria: Facts You Should Know

The Wake-Up May Be Too Late

Worth It'? Or a War Crime? How to remember the British terror bombing of German civilians

Obamacare Wins, We Lose

The American People Are Angry

Social Networking, Military Expeditions and America's Holy Crusade

Why Honest Journalism Matters and Can Make a Difference

U.S. Military Expansion In Africa Aimed At China

GRTV: Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land

GRTV: Monsanto's Seedy Legacy

Obama’s October Surprise: Largest War Games in US-Israeli History

GRTV: We define the system, the system does not define us!

GRTV: The First Casualty? War, Truth & the Media Today

Don't Seek Education, Seek Knowledge by Jeff Berwick

Can the World Survive Washington’s Hubris? by Paul Craig Roberts

I Do Not Consent To Be Governed

I Hereby Secede - YouTube

The Danger of Political Rhetoric by Thomas Sowell

Clinton to Pressure Russia on Syrian Crisis

PressTV - Iran will set rules of the game in case of military engagement: IRGC

Japan Selling Radioactive Seafood and Restarting Nuclear Reactors

FTF Films: Victim Mentality - YouTube

The American People Are Angry - YouTube

NATO Member Turkey Harboring Terrorist Army

Study Disproves CDC's Primary Justification for Vaccination

Mitt Romney's 13 Globalist 'Working Groups' Exposed

Take Back Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, Say World Leaders

GMO Farming, Glyphosate Significant Causes of Water Pollution

Report: Nature May Soon Overcome Monsanto as ‘Super Rootworms’ Destroy Crops

+Audio Page/Mark Levin Eviscerates the Obamacare Ruling

Roberts jokes about trip to 'impregnable' fortress

Did Justice Roberts change his Obamacare vote at the last minute? - ABC News

Michael Savage: Roberts Epilepsy Medication Affects His Cognition | RealClearPolitics

York: Roberts' dodge at heart of Obamacare decision |

Dem Rep: Now Let's Unionize Doctors

Holder controversies could weigh on Obama in 2012 race | Fox News

Analysis: Republicans vow to take Holder to court | Reuters

House could arrest Holder with inherent contempt power - Washington Times

Darrell Issa Puts Details of Secret Wiretap Applications in Congressional Record : Roll Call News

Obama campaign: It's a penalty, not a tax -

Madonna's Daughter Lourdes Strikes Seductive Pose in Iconic Cone Bra - Hollywood Reporter

Roberts Facing Medical Option on 2nd Seizure -

Moore: "No Going Back," On The Path "Toward Universal Healthcare" | RealClearPolitics

How To Patch a Hole in Your Drywall by Ethan Hagan

This Exercise Can Cause a 7-Fold Surge of Heart Problems by Joseph Mercola

Activist Post: Survival Reading – Books for the Summer Book Bag

Using Oregano Oil for Common Problems | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

In Praise of Proliferation? by Justin Raimondo --

Israel Fears Rise of US-Supported Jihadists in Syria -- News from

The Mercury - Obama gives a lift to al Qaeda

US plans bid to retrieve Arab dictators' assets - Yahoo! News

Lynne Stewart’s 10-Year Prison Sentence Is Upheld -

Mexican drug cartels work to sway local vote - Yahoo! News

**Celente: The 2nd American Revolution STARTS NOW! - YouTube

- ObamaCare Will Inflict Vast Array of Tax Increases | Before It's News

Of Royal Bondage and the Hierarchy of Blood | Before It's News

The Hemp Conspiracy: Why U.S. Hemp Farming Was Banned | Before It's News

Obama Now Legally Authorized To Seize All U.S. Resources | Before It's News

**Episode #153 - Obama Now Legally Authorized To Seize All U.S. Resources - YouTube

Milky Way Struck By Small Galaxy 100 Million Years Ago, Still Rings Like A Bell | Before It's News

Evidence Of Life On Mars Could Come From Martian Moon | Before It's News

Object Equals 500 Trillion Suns, Astronomers Can Hardly Believe Their Eyes | Before It's News

Skin Cells Create Stem Cells In Huntington Disease Study | Before It's News

Mesolithic Cavemen In Spain Reveal Northern European Genome | Before It's News

Inventor Jailed To Suppress Engine Design | Before It's News

Inventor Jailed - YouTube

The 7 Paranormal Wonders Of The World | Before It's News

The Shock Heard Around the World May Save America | Before It's News

Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, And Alito Say Roberts Decision Illegal: “We Cannot Rewrite the Statute to Be What It Is Not” | Before It's News

Dissent scolds SCOTUS for “vast judicial overreaching” |

Mark Of The Beast | Before It's News

Earliest Known Animal Found, Slug Like Creature Appeared 585 Million Years Ago | Before It's News

What Drove Us to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day?

Elderly To Be Euthanized Under Obamacare? | Before It's News

Inside Jenny McCarthy's 'Sophisticated' Playboy Shoot: Blonde Bombshell Channels Old Hollywood As She Poses Topless | Before It's News

Chief Justice Roberts: It's Not A Tax, It Is A Tax; It's Law, But It's Not 'Unlawful' to Break It

White House Statement on Obamacare Mandate Tax Contradicts Supreme Court Ruling

Next Battle: Catholic Bishops Unanimous ‘In Our Vigorous Opposition to This Unjust and Illegal Mandate’

Denver Post: Colo. Solar Panel Maker That Got $400M Federal Loan Guarantee Goes Bankrupt

China, Iran’s Biggest Oil Customer, Gets Last-Minute Sanctions Exemption From Obama Administration

Archbishop Gomez of L.A.--in Spanish-Language Column--Says Attacks on Religious Liberty in U.S. Driven by 'Anti-Christian' Forces

Rep. Gohmert: ‘It’s Time for the American People to Get Outraged’

Pelosi on Obamacare: I Knew Ted Kennedy ‘Would Go to Heaven and Help Us Pass the Bill’

Justice Kennedy: ‘In Our View, The Entire Act Before Us Is Invalid In Its Entirety’

Obama, Romney Take Opposite Views on Supreme Court’s Health Care Ruling

No Mention of ‘Tax’ in Obama Reaction to Supreme Court Obamacare Decision

Tempers Flare at U.N. Human Rights Council As Speaker Criticizes Cuba and Aspiring Member Venezuela

'I Love Lucy' actress Doris Singleton dead at 92

Aspire: Magic Johnson's Channel for Black Families

Following Anti-Jewish Tirade, U.N. Slammed for Co-Hosting Event With Iran

Pro-Lifers on Obamacare Ruling: ‘Abortion Is the Greatest Social Injustice’

21 Dems Break Ranks to Vote with GOP on Holder Contempt Citation

Rep. Ruppersberger: ‘I Didn’t Tell My Constituents It Was a Tax’

Ginsburg: A 'Practical, Altogether Reasonable, Solution'

'Incredible Irony': Court Has 'Declared Obama to Be a Monumental Liar'

Coulter Column: The Biggest Scandal In U.S. History

HBO's Arrogant ‘Newsroom'

Judicial Watch President: "Call It 'Robertscare'"

Pelosi Questions ‘Coincidence’ Of Contempt Vote, Holder’s Refusal To Defend Laws

If The Amish Are Exempt From Obamacare Tax, Why Isn't My Religion?

Supreme Court Forces U.S. To Take A Giant Step Toward A Totalitarian Socialist Government

Obama, Romney Square Off on Supreme Court's Health Care Ruling

Obama on Individual Mandate: 'Absolutely Not a Tax Increase'

Justice Roberts: Individual Mandate Is a Tax; 'Not Our Role to Forbid It, or to Pass Upon Its Wisdom' |

Ginsburg, Sotomayor Concur: ‘Minimum Coverage Provision Is a Proper Exercise of Congress’ Taxing Power’ |

Scalia/Kennedy/Thomas/Alito: Commerce Clause Doesn't Give Government the Power 'To Regulate All Private Conduct' |

Scalia to Ginsburg: Sorry, Health Care Market Is an 'Unwanted Suite of Products' for Many |

Rep. Allen West: ‘Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness Got Struck Down’ by Supreme Court |

Matthews Lauds 'Bold' Hero' John Roberts for Beating Back 'Right-Wing Fever Swamps' |

CBS's O'Donnell Touts Obama's Law Professor Past Before Court's ObamaCare Decision |

Media Gush Over Chief Justice 'On the Side of History' With 'Clever Lawyering' |

Tonight Show Airs Mock Video of Obama Dancing in White House After Healthcare Ruling |

Russia won’t allow threats against it – Putin — RT

B92 - Info - Russian envoy travels to Kosovo, accuses K. Albanians

China begins armed patrols of disputed islands | Times 247

J.P. Morgan loss may reportedly hit $9 billion - Market Extra - MarketWatch

DERIVATIVES: Bank downgrades trigger billions in collateral calls | Ticker | IFRe

Olympic Missiles: Residents Expected To Start Legal Bid Against MoD Plans | USEC IM UK Edition

The strange new world of Nanoscience, narrated by Stephen Fry - YouTube

In Health Care Ruling, a Pyrrhic Victory -

The Supreme Court’s Fine Print: Behind the Health Care Law, a Conservative Victory? | TIME Ideas |

Supreme Court health care ruling: Where states stand - CBS News

Obama Gives “Total Power” To Clinton As Nano Apocalypse Nears

“Wisconsin will not take any action to implement Obamacare,” Gov. Walker says

Analysis: Victory for Obama now, but what of election?

Fed appeals court: NYC taxis needn't be wheelchair accessible

Editorial: A Moderate Ruling With Risks Ahead

Democrats demand House reprimand Issa over 'Fast and Furious'

Conservative Va. AG Cuccinelli finds solace in aspects of ruling

BACHMANN op-ed: Onward to repeal Obamacare

Democrats all in favor of Roberts’ deciding vote

Obama urges country to move on after health care victory

How health care law survived, and what's next

Zimmerman to ask judge for release on bail, again

Dems grapple with feelings about Roberts court after health decision

Sunscreen forbidden at schools and camps

KRAUTHAMMER: Why Roberts did it

GEORGE WILL: Conservatives' consolation prize: Restricting the Commerce Clause

Insurance companies hail the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act

Pottery 20,000 years old found in a Chinese cave

Ruling secures for Obama a larger place in history

John Roberts recasts his legacy with health care decision

For President Obama, health care win just first step

Ken Cuccinelli, on second thought, likes Supreme Court health-care decision

U.S. ambassador to Kenya resigns post after ‘differences’ with Washington on priorities

Holder legal wrangling could last past election

Barack Obama fooled on Supreme Court ruling by CNN, Fox News

Poll: Health care not big problem

Eric Holder told staff not to 'BS' him on guns, report says

Rush Limbaugh: SCOTUS is a ‘death panel’

Arizona voting-law request rejected

With a rough landing, Chinese astronauts return safely to Earth

China's Shenzhou-9 spacecraft returns to Earth - YouTube

Flavor Is Price of Scarlet Hue of Tomatoes, Study Finds

Oldest Impact Crater on Earth Discovered

World's most powerful rocket launches secret US satellite

Q and A: Saturn's moon Titan hosts a hidden ocean

Like Your Electricity? Thank the Fungi

Scientists create spray-on battery paint

Higgs boson rumours fly as Cern prepares to announce latest results

Novel mineral found in 1969 meteorite from Mexico

Robot Will Beat You At Rock-Paper-Scissors Every Time [VIDEO]

Did our ancient ancestors really eat tree bark?

'End of era' inscriptions discovered in Guatemala

Hoops-playing robot reported stolen from Riverside students

How Super-Tornadoes Heat Up Sun's Atmosphere (Infographic)

Overtime Work in Pregnancy May Affect Baby's Size

'Smoking vaccine' blocks nicotine in mice brains

States Face a Challenge to Meet Health Law's Deadline

Not All Calories Equal, Study of 3 Diets Shows

2 cups of coffee may shield heart (but more won't)

Why Women Who Fear Childbirth Spend More Time in Labor

40 Billion Reasons Why US Hospitals Love Justice Roberts

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes seek divorce: report

Lamb Of God's Randy Blythe Detained For Manslaughter In Prague

'Journeys' goes along for the ride with Neil Young

Sex Tape Scandal, Aaliyah Not Mentioned In R. Kelly's New Memoir

Peter Madoff pleads guilty, faces 10 years

Google drops in on own party

10 Cool Windows 8 Metro Apps

Google Compute Engine Targets Microsoft, Amazon

Could Facebook be testing a 'Want' button?

Poll: Americans split on health care decision

White House claims ObamaCare fine a 'penalty,' despite court calling it a 'tax'

The Reality of Repealing Obama Health Care Law

Chief Justice Roberts, 'Obamacare' and Constitution-worship

Hospitals Are Big Winners In Supreme Obama Care Ruling

U.S. Rep Lloyd Doggett Reacts to Supreme Court Health Care Ruling - YouTube

Obama accused of "distraction" ahead of Colorado wildfire trip

Hillary Clinton attacks Obama in latest Romney ad

Health care ruling incites duel between big-name governors

Santorum: Romneycare 'hasn't worked in Massachusetts'

Health care decision's big winner? Chris Christie. Seriously

Joe Biden to campaign with convention-skipping Claire McCaskill

Many questions following health care ruling

Alaska lawmakers differ on impact of Supreme Court health care decision

Washington state Dems celebrate health care ruling

Emanuel praises Obama for health care reform

House passes student loans, highway jobs bill

Romney Raked It In Yesterday

Egypt's Mursi takes symbolic oath to people

Clinton Endorses Russian Civic Activists Before Syria Talks

Republicans: Et tu, John Roberts?

The week in tech: 5 must-know things –

George Zimmerman's Dad Testifies Voice Howling for Help Was His Son - ABC News

Midway closed nearly 4 hours after outage cuts power to runway lights -

Man charged with assaulting 4-year-old Michigan boy found dead on Indian Reservation | Fox News

Millionaire's Apparent Courtroom Suicide Under Investigation - ABC News

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange defies British police -

President al-Bashir feels heat from 'Sudanese Spring' -

Student critically hurt in chimp attack at Goodall sanctuary

Burmese Government Demands Opposition Use 'Myanmar'

North Korean defector/refugee returns home! - YouTube

Rand Paul: ‘The battle starts today’

Ruling awakens ‘revolutionary fervor’

Health care decision: House GOP to renew repeal effort - Jake Sherman and Manu Raju and Seung Min Kim -

Virginia AG sees ‘liberty’ in Obamacare ruling

Michael Savage: Roberts affected by medication

Time for Americans to dust off their guns?

Five great hoaxes that have fooled the world - Telegraph

Calif. teen, teacher face sodomy accusations - NY Daily News

McDonald's Employee Tells All (But Actually Likes His Job) On Reddit

Arabic Facebook Users Demand: 'Insha'Allah' Button - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Obamacare ruling = GOP landslide?

Contemptuous government

Bullied 'jail bus' lady: Fearful fatty, not a hero

Arizona decision leaves U.S. naked to our enemies

Romney: Don't miss the Israel opportunity

The iniquity of homosexual child porn

John Roberts to the rescue!

E. RUSH: The Obama administration: Imploding in private?

J. CASHILL: Obama biographers bury Commie Davis

C. MCMILLAN: Indict Obama, Biden and Holder

A. COULTER: The biggest scandal in U.S. history

J. FARAH: Shocker! Americans would vote for atheist

Rating and ranking our presidents

Did Nora Ephron liberate or debase women?

MOLOTOV: Privileged to be black

J. FARAH: Arizona case: End of state sovereignty

B. PRELUTSKY: Lil' Barry and his perverted Uncle Frank

Did Roberts flip? Clues suggest court initially had the votes to strike down ObamaCare | Fox News

Pelosi: Calling Obamacare a Tax Is Just “Washington Talk” That Americans Don’t Really Care Much About (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Contempt vote puts Eric Holder, US Attorney in uncharted territory | Fox News

John Roberts saves Obamacare: How does George W. Bush feel right now? - Yahoo! News

Supreme Court upholds Obama's health care overhaul - Washington Times

Obama hails ruling as win for 'middle class'; justices hand tax issue to GOP - Washington Times

Abound Solar to Suspend Operations, Will Seek Bankruptcy - Businessweek

Breaking: LightSquared founder, Obama ally Falcone sued by SEC for fraud

White House lobbies House to scrub Holder contempt vote - Washington Times

KUHNER: Obama's socialist designs - Washington Times

The establishment of the SECESSION CLOCK, set at 6PM.

When a Tax is Not a Tax and a Marriage is not a Marriage

Global Citizen Democrats and Obama Fight Hard for Illegal Immigrants

Obamacare: 'Things are now up for Grabs'

The Chief Justice Done Good

SCOTUS Exposes the ObamaCare Tax Lie

Justice Roberts Pleads: 'Lie to Me'

America Fades, the World Gets Darker

Holder's Contempt: Who Owns the Government?

History in the Making: The Decline of America

Only 43.7 Percent of Gulf 'Oil Spill' Was Actually Oil

Reagan Foretold: The Day Freedom Died in America

'Botched' Reporting

The ObamaCare Ruling and the Danger of Taxing Inaction

Another solar company, another bankruptcy, another loan guarantee leaving taxpayers holding the bag

Legal scholars weigh in on Obamacare decision

Democratic three word summaries of Obamacare decision

Roberts' Gauntlet

Holder Laughs at Contempt Vote while Terry Family Still in Pain

Poets on the Bench

MLK's Dream Realized

Gingrich: Obamacare 'Defining Issue of Fall Campaign'

Powered by Hate: Racist Content from Dreams from My Father

The Road to Hell

The White House Fast Food Soap Opera

The Specious Logic of the Left

Did Justice Roberts Trade Votes with Justice Kennedy?

Time to Start the Real Health Care Debate

Sex Slavery and Juvenile Justice

While We Were Sleeping

The Pelican Brief with a twist

The Future Of Medicine Under Obama Universal Coverage for Health (O.U.C.H.)

America Is NOW A Socialist Police State

Efforts to develop new drugs that hopefully will never be used

ObamaCare Ruling: The Semantics of Lib Spin

Greens Have Been Trumped

FDA shouldn’t order costly GMO labels just to satisfy scientific illiterates

Crossing the Border - Making Family Travel Affordable

Join the Fight to Repeal Obamacare

Allen West Signs on to Troopathon!

Birth of U.S.S.A.

Rush On SCOTUS Ruling: We Were Defrauded, Defrocked, And Then We Were Teased And Mocked

Limbaugh on SCOTUS Ruling: “Mother Of All Judicial Activism”

Limbaugh Sickened: “There Is NO WAY Obamacare Gets Anywhere Close To Being Law In This Country”

Mark Levin Reacts To SCOTUS Ruling: Obamacare Decision ‘Absolutely Lawless’

Sean Hannity Reacts To SCOTUS Decision On Obamacare: “I Am Energized”

Limbaugh: We Are Now Governed By A Monstrous Assault On Our Personal Liberty And Freedom

Beck Reacts to SCOTUS Decision on Obamacare: I Haven’t Been This Angry in a Long Time

Limbaugh: Chief Justice Roberts Is Establishing His Legacy

Limbaugh: Our Freedom Of Choice Just Met Its Death Panel

Limbaugh: The Anti-Obama Vote Will Be Loaded For Bear

Rush Reacts To SCOTUS Decision On Obamacare: Largest Tax Increase In The History Of The World

Health care ruling: What it means for you - Yahoo! News

Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000

Axelrod Hawks Epileptic Daughter to Raise Campaign Cash for Obama

SCOTUS ObamaCare Decision Polls Poorly in FL, CA

Obama Super Donor Still Obsessed With Palin Kids' Sex Life

Obamacare Decision: What Long-Run Victory?

Congressional Black Caucus Walks out on Contempt Vote

Report: Kennedy Visibly Angry over Decision

ObamaCare Decision Wakes Sleeping Conservative Giant

AP Reporter: SCOTUS Audience Sighed with Relief When Obamacare Was Upheld

Obama Thrown by False Reports on Health Decision

Full Repeal of ObamaCare Is Now on the Ballot

Flashback: Obama Opposes Roberts' Nomination to SCOTUS

McConnell: Obamacare Never Would Have Passed if Sold as a tax

Foul-Mouthed Dem Officials Celebrate ObamaCare Ruling, 'Mother******s!!'

Obama: 'The Highest Court In The Land Has Spoken'

Podesta: States Will Conform

Why Is Sec. Clinton Giving Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to Muslim Brotherhood?

Florida Judge Smacks Down Holder's Challenge to Non-Citizen Voter Roll Purge

Poll: Americans Favor Obama to Defend Against Space Aliens

‘We’ll Be Better Off’: President Obama Calls Supreme Court Decision a Victory for All American People

Chris Matthews Fawns Over John Roberts: ‘Moral’ and Did ‘Better’ Job Than Solicitor General

Communist Party: Obama‘s Reelection is ’Absolutely Essential’

Flashback Video: ‘Absolutely Reject That’ — Obama, HHS Sec., & Budget Director All Say Mandate Not A Tax

TX Lawmakers Vow to Fight Obamacare, Ron Paul Explains Why Bureaucrats Will Call the Shots

Sen. Coburn Repudiates Chief Justice: Did Not ‘Enforce the Constitution’ Today, ‘Is On The Wrong Side’ In Ruling

These Are the 5 Reasons ‘Teavangelicals’ (Tea Partiers + Evangelicals) Will Matter in November

How Do Medical Professionals Feel About the Supreme Court’s Health Care Decision?

‘Take Yes For An Answer’: Did Nancy Pelosi Just Admit the Individual Mandate Is a Tax?

Limbaugh Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling: The IRS Has Just Become Obama’s Domestic Army

Imperfect Crime: Thief Gets Head Trapped Under Garage Door

‘Judgment Day’: House Finds Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress (Including Numerous Dems)

‘Politics Over Public Safety’: Holder Blames Bush and Attacks Issa in Reaction to Contempt Charges

William Shatner Has TSA Mishap That Ends with Him Being…Pantsless

‘Shame on You’: Democrats Blame ‘Evil’ Republicans & the NRA for Fast and Furious Fallout

‘Science Fiction Fans, You‘re Welcome’: Army Controls Lightning Bolts With Lasers

‘I Will Not Compromise When It Comes to the Truth’: Watch Rep. Gowdy Throw Down the Gauntlet for Democrats During Contempt Vote

Treasure Hunters Find a Trove of Ancient Coins After 30 Years of Searching — But Will They be Able to Keep the Stash?

‘Miss Holocaust Survivor’: Beauty Pageant for Women Who Survived Hitler’s Genocidal Rampage Sparks Controversy

Watch This First Ever MRI Footage of a Baby’s Birth

Pelosi Angered By ‘Unconscionable’ & Unconstitutional Decision Yesterday…to Place Holder in Contempt

‘An Issue of Liberty’: Judge Allows Mother of Obese Child to Move States…For Now

Just-Convicted Arsonist Drops Dead in Court — And Shock Video Shows He Might Have Poisoned Himself

Gov’t Waste: Michigan Using Tax Dollars to Fight Drunk Driving With — ‘Interactive Urinal Communicators’?

See New Yorkers Trip & Fall on a Tricky Subway Step in This Hilarious Video Montage

Members of Gulf Cartel Behead Five Rival Zetas With Machetes… On Camera

Check Out the NYPD’s New Terrorism-Fighting Helicopter

Five Reasons Why the Obamacare Decision Might Not Be As Bad As You Think

Christian Student Expelled Over Her Views on Homosexuality Loses Lawsuit Against GA University

Whatever You Do, Do Not Watch This Video of a Stomach-Turning Track Injury

‘Stop interrupting me!’: Conservative Author Katie Pavlich Goes Toe-to-Toe With NYT Columnist Over Obamacare

Strap Yourselves in: Jim Rogers Explains Why We Are Going to Have ‘Financial Armageddon’

Cenk Uygur: Fast and Furious Program as You Know It is a Myth

Rand Paul: Just Because SCOTUS Says It's Constitutional, 'Doesn't Make It So'

Okay, Bill O'Reilly: Time to 'Apologize for Being an Idiot'

Health Care Ruling First Impression: Twisted Path to Correct Destination

CNN, Fox News Blow Health Care Ruling

Bachmann Rails Against Activist Court After Health Care Ruling

Behind the GOP's 20-Year Campaign to Kill Health Care Reform

Rove Devastated: Health Care Ruling Is a 'Boost' for Obama

GOP: Boldly Offering Solutions to Our Nation’s Symptoms

New Tea Party Theory: Kindergarten Leads To Higher Crime Rates

Rep. Jean Schmidt Has a 'When Harry Met Sally' Moment Outside Supreme Court

The Craven 17

Wingnut Ex-Militia Blogger Calls for Armed Insurrection Over SCOTUS Ruling on Health Care Law

Did Justice Roberts Change His Vote At Last Minute?

Next Up: Will Republican Governors Refuse The Medicaid Expansion?

Jon Stewart Mocks CNN and Fox for Blowing Their Coverage of the Health Care Ruling

CNN Questions Whether Fast & Furious Actually Happened

Holder: Vote Politically Motivated

Congressional Black Caucus Walks out on Contempt Vote

GOP Frames Contempt Vote Around Justice for Brian Terry

Issa Sets Record Straight On Fast & Furious Facts

Clyburn: Contempt Vote 'Evil'

Gowdy Responds To Partisan Attacks: 'Politics Be Damned'

Today's SCOTUS Decision Dooms Obama's Reelection

Pelosi Trashes the Uninsured: 'Free Riders'

ABC: 30 Seconds on Holder Contempt; Full Segment on Airport Baggage Auction

Chinese Mother Punished for Telling Media About Forced Abortion

Obamacare's 'Birth Tax' Will Require Amendment to Fix

Ann Curry Forced Out As 'Today Show' Co-Host

Only You Can Stop Obamacare Now

Exclusive -- Border Patrol Agent's Brother Kent Terry, Jr Reacts to CBC Walkout

ABC News Spins For Obama: 'Almost Impossible' For Romney To Repeal

World View: Tensions Escalate as Turkey's Army Masses on the Border with Syria

'Ted' Review: Profane Teddy Bear Delivers Funniest Film of Year

Election 2012: Romney versus Obama and the Largest Tax Hike in History

Top Ten Takeaways from the Obamacare Decision

How the Media Convinced Justice Roberts To Be 2012's Kathleen Parker

Obamacare Decision: What Long-Run Victory?

Tea Partiers Unite: Repeal and Replace Obamacare!

Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000

Conservative TX Senate Candidate Ted Cruz Smacks Dewhurst For Refusing To Sign Repeal Pledge UPDATE: Signed

Fortune Flat Out Lies About Fast & Furious

Congressmen Release Statements On Contempt Vote

GOP Governors to Ignore Obamacare Ruling, House to Repeal it, Tea Party to Win in November

Ben Smith Tips Media's Hand: Now That Obama's Won, Health Care Debate Is Over

TEA Party Reloads After Obamacare Decision

Initial Polls Show Public Opposes Roberts Ruling on Obamacare

Michael Moore: We’re on Path to Universal Healthcare

Giggling Dem Rep: Now Romney's 'Got Nothing' 'He's Empty' It's 'Over'

Alec Baldwin's Latest Public Meltdown: 'Shut The F**K Up' 'Leave My Neighbor Alone'

NAACP Demands End to Lotto Because It's Racist

Protester Celebrates Obamacare Ruling By Screaming 'F*** You, Mitt Romney' Outside The Supreme Court

SCOTUS ObamaCare Decision Polls Poorly in FL, CA

Virginia Democrats Organize Protestors Who Do Not Know What They Are Protesting

Obama Super Donor Still Obsessed With Palin Kids' Sex Life

Obama's Political Promise Fulfilled, Opponents' Passion Reignited

Oliver Stone: Smoking Pot Kept Me Human In Vietnam

Axelrod Hawks Epileptic Daughter to Raise Campaign Cash for Obama

NBA Scandal: Warrior's Head Coach Extorted For $200K by Stripper Over Nude Pics


The Manning Report – 28 June 2012

June 28, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 06/28/2012

06/28 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Jun-28, Thursday




The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday June 28 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday June 28 2012 Hour 2

Friday, June 29nd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Friday, June 29nd, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

American Minute for June 29th

Today in History: June 29

June 29th in History

Today in History: June 29

This Day in History for 29th June |

June 29 Events in History

June 29th This Day in History

Today in History for June 29th - YouTube


Live Free Or Die Radio with Lee Rogers 28th

Live Free Or Die Radio with Lee Rogers 27th

Live Free Or Die Radio with Lee Rogers 26th

The Bob Tuskin Show with Bob Tuskin 28th

The Bob Tuskin Show with Bob Tuskin 27th

The Bob Tuskin Show with Bob Tuskin 26th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 28th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 27th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 26th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 25th

Redding News Review Sunday June 24 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Sunday June 24 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Sunday June 24 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Monday June 25 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Monday June 25 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Monday June 25 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Tuesday June 26 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Tuesday June 26 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Tuesday June 26 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Wednesday June 27 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Wednesday June 27 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Wednesday June 27 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Thursday June 28 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Thursday June 28 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Thursday June 28 2012 Hour 3

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 25th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 26th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 27th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 28th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 29th

Kevin Trudeau Show 21st

Paul Drockton Show 25 1

Paul Drockton Show 25 2

Paul Drockton Show 26 1

Paul Drockton Show 26 2

Paul Drockton Show 27 1

Paul Drockton Show 27 2

David Duke Show 25th

David Duke Show 26th

David Duke Show 27th

David Duke Show 28th

David Duke Show 29th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 25th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 26th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 27th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 28th


**Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on the Health Care Ruling

28th/Interview with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

28th/Senator Cornyn & Rep. Hoyer on the Health Care Ruling

28th/Interviews with Sen. Barrasso & Rep. Altmire

28th/Panel on 2012 and the Health Care Ruling

*Transcripts:Reps. Chaffetz & Quigley on "Fast and Furious"

27th/Interview with Representative Ron Paul

27th/Interview with Representative Michele Bachmann

27th/Reporters Discuss the Latest in Congress

*Transcripts:Analysts on Campaign Fundraising and Super PACs

26th/Interview with Representative Darrell Issa

26th/Interview with Fmr. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

*Transcripts:Rep. Gonzalez and Gov. Brewer on Immigration

25th/Analysts Discuss Ruling on Arizona's Immigration Law

+Sunday/Guests: Senator Marco Rubio & Rep. Darrell Issa

+Sunday/Guests: Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Drier, Rep. Gutierrez

+Sunday/Representatives Issa & Cummings on Fast And Furious

+Sunday/Interview with Representative Darrell Issa

+Sunday/Guest: Texas Governor Rick Perry


David Axelrod: Health Care Reform Is A "Free Market System"
Paul Ryan: ObamaCare Will "Blow A Hole Through The Deficit" Even More Than Thought
Axelrod On Whether Mandate Is A Tax: "Whatever You Call It..."
Jon Stewart Rips Media Coverage Of SCOTUS Health Care Decision
RCP's Tom Bevan On Political Impact Of Health Care Ruling
Thom Hartmann: "Justice Antonin Scalia Needs To Be Impeached"
Judge Napolitano: Roberts Didn't Make The "Constitutional Decision"
RNC Web Ad: Just Another Broken Promise
Moore: "No Going Back" On The Path "Toward Universal Healthcare"
Maddow: Democrats Have A Second Chance To Sell Health Care Law
O'Reilly: "A Lot Of Doctors Are Going To Opt-Out"
Fineman: Had Court Struck Down Law, Obama's Chances Would Be "Close To Nil"
"Special Report" Panel On The Politics Of The Health Care Decision

Rethinking Europe
Annan Tries Another Peace Plan for Syria
Is Afghanistan Ready to Handle its Own Security?
What Does Space Mission Mean for China?
Tough Times Ahead for the Euro
EU Agrees Growth Pact, Italy Spain Demand Help
Grand Eurozone Deal to Help Italy and Spain
Mexico Prepares for Elections
Chinese Astronauts Land
Hu Inspects Troops in Hong Kong
Bangladesh Floods Kill Many
10 Questions for Anne-Marie Slaughter
Future of the Eurozone at Stake


Pelosi On ObamaCare: "The Best Is Yet To Come"
Sarah Palin: We Won't Recognize America If Obama Is Reelected
Mark Levin On ObamaCare Decision: "Absolutely Lawless"
Krauthammer: Roberts "Concocted This Finesse" To Save Court's Reputation
Krauthammer On Roberts: "He Got The Cake And He Ate It Too"
Beck On ObamaCare: GOP Are "Cowards," "This Destroys Bush's Legacy"
Pelosi Bungles Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's Name On House Floor
Michelle Obama: "No Place Better" Than Church To Talk Politics
Glenn Harlan Reynolds: The Higher Education Bubble Is Going To Burst
Michael Savage: Roberts Epilepsy Medication Affects His Cognition
Toure On ObamaCare Opposition: "Statistics Lie All The Time"
Holder: Contempt Vote Culmination Of "Politically-Motivated Investigation"
Rush Limbaugh: "Our Freedom Of Choice Just Met Its Death Panel"
Al Sharpton On Fast And Furious Critics: "They Can't Handle The Truth"
Obama: Decision "Victory For People All Over This Country"
Romney: "If We Want To Get Rid Of ObamaCare, We're Going To Have To Replace Obama"
Rubio: Health Care Now "Singular Issue" In Campaign
Boehner & Cantor Weigh In On Supreme Court Decision
Pelosi On Calling ObamaCare A Tax: "Take Yes For An Answer"
RNC Web Ad: The Final Verdict
Reid: Pleased SCOTUS Put Rule of Law Ahead of Partisanship
Ed Schultz: ObamaCare Decision Helps Mitt Romney
McConnell On ObamaCare: "Sold To The American People On Deception"
Flashback: Obama: Mandate Is Not A Tax
Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Mandate
Schultz: It Would Be "A Travesty" If Supreme Court Overturns Health Care Law
Williams: Federal Gov't Encouraging More To Sign Up For Food Stamps
"Special Report" Panel Predicts Supreme Court Ruling On Health Care Law
Klein: The Court Is Helping Elect Republicans

Combating Piracy
Crisis in Syria Worsening
Will Sanctions by the International Community Impact Iran?
Could the U.S. Have Done More with Less in Afghanistan?
Syria in a 'State of War'
Erdogan Says Turkey Can Teach Syria a Lesson
Mongolians Cast Their Ballots
Floods Hit Southern China
Queen Visits Titanic Exhibit Following Historic Handshake
Suu Kyi Plants Tree in Paris
Kelly Ayotte: Threats to Our Country Have not Receded
Escaping Obama's Better War
The Complex System of Humanity
Should the U.S. Get Involved with Syria?



Solyndra redux: Abound Solar files for bankruptcy after Obama guarantees federal loans

Mascoma Creates Three Green Jobs, Secures Additional $80 Million from DoE - Staff

Shell - Solutions for 7 Billion - The Atlantic

Iran Worried? Obama Guts Sanctions « Commentary Magazine

A Secular Change In The Oil Market - Seeking Alpha

US Crude Oil Exports Could Make Sense Says EIA Head

Raymond J. Learsy: Harvard's Amazing Study Questions Today's High Oil Prices

Poll: We know how to save energy, but don't | Bucyrus Telegraph Forum |

Scientists make over Edison battery in boost for energy | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Real Clear Markets - Video - Europe Biggest Threat to Obama?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Gross: U.S. Still 'Cleanest Dirty Shirt'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Obama Gets a Big Boost

A Taxing Distinction for ObamaCare | RealClearPolicy

Henry Aaron Discusses the Court's Decision | RealClearPolicy

Jared Bernstein and Lawrence Mishel Discuss Inequality | RealClearPolicy

Kauffman Sketchbook - "A Rising Tide" | RealClearPolicy

'Unintended Consequences' Author Ed Conard on Bain Capital, Economics and Obama's Record | RealClearPolicy

Brown v. Board of Education - Top 10 Controversial Supreme Court Cases - TIME

Why the Court Said No by David Cole | The New York Review of Books

Military History Online - Was Hitler right to invade Russia in 1941?

The road to Stalingrad - Army Group South part 5.

National Defense Highway System

The Korea Times : [The Dawn of Modern Korea] (233) Collapse of Sampoong Department Store

George Custer: An American embarrassment -

Why Roberts saved Obamacare - NY Daily News

John Roberts’s Betrayal | The American Conservative

Who will pay the ObamaCare uninsured tax? | Keith Hennessey

Roberts health care opinion, Commerce Clause: The real reason the chief justice upheld Obamacare. - Slate Magazine

Roberts Chooses Restraint Over History on Obamacare - Bloomberg

Glint of Bedrock - The New York Sun

7 Reasons the Fed Should Raise Interest Rates…

Simon Johnson: Three More Governance Questions for the Federal Reserve -

The Housing Market: Is It Really Getting Better? | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

One Woman’s Voice and Story – and a Message for Israel | JewishPress

Jewish and Muslim groups condemn German circumcision ruling - Telegraph

Religion News Service | Politics | Law & Court | Supreme Court health care defeat may be a win for religious opposition

Book outlines questions and answers about Mormons

What The Rebbe Taught | The Jewish Week

Jim Wallis: The U.S. Supreme Court: Health Care, Immigration, Juvenile Justice and More

Islamist Critiques the Free World Needs to Use - Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD)

RealClearReligion - Welcome to the Cult of Government

Pinterest: The Next Social Frontier for Music

Google+ Creators: Stop Calling It a Social Network

Has Twitter done with mobile ads what Google and Facebook can’t? — Tech News and Analysis

Will the Retina Display Influence Web Design? - Technology Review

Tech in Teaching: The Gear That’s Changing How Kids These Days Learn

Your E-Book Is Reading You -

Does Google Have Any Social Skills at All?

On YouTube, Amateur Is the New Pro -

Opinion: The Nexus Q and Google TV have already lost the war for the living room | Digital Trends

How NASA Helped Open-Source Cloud Take Off

Clouds for People, or the Consumerization of the Cloud - Anil Dash

Media store wars: iTunes vs Amazon vs Google Play — Mobile Technology News

How to Make Anything Disappear | Light | DISCOVER Magazine

So what will you do with your extra second tomorrow night? - Science - News - The Independent

Why does hot water freeze faster? And other cracking science mysteries | Philip Ball | Comment is free |

Tides of Titan reveal underground ocean › News in Science (ABC Science)

For drivers with heavy eyelids, good roads can kill | ScienceNordic

"Publish or Perish" by Iain Chalmers | Project Syndicate

New Brain-Machine Spelling Device Could Help the Paralyzed Communicate: Scientific American

Can Evolution Make the Next Generation of Computer Chips? | Surprising Science

Scientific knowledge should trump “belief” | Open Parachute

Disease-in-a-Dish: Converting Skin to Brain Cells - Blog

RealClearScience - Organic LEDs Boost Efficiency

Skepticblog » Diagnosis by Applied Kinesiology

Study calls for drug trial patients to receive more information about effects of placebos :: University of Southampton

FYI: Could Drugs Like "Bath Salts" Be Causing An Outbreak of Cannibalism? | Popular Science

Should you wipe away your sweat, or does that keep you from cooling down? - Slate Magazine

How to Kill a Parasitic Worm Living Inside of You

Americans favor Obama to defend against space aliens: poll - Yahoo! News Canada

Yes, Exercise Can Help You Lose Weight - Blog

Bite me: why mosquitoes love some and leave others | ScienceNordic

Wellcome Trust will penalise scientists who don't embrace open access | Science |

Do You Own The Space Above Your House? - Mental Floss

RealClearScience - Stuttering Symptoms Classified by Brain Activity

Supreme Court Health Care Decision: Joe Klein on How to Fix Obamacare | Swampland |

McDonnell, Jindal Reveal Romney's Strategy for Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

The future of healthcare will hinge on the election - The Maddow Blog

Political Animal - The ObamneyCare Tax Increase

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : It's Not Spin, It's A Tax

What's the Limit on Congress's Power to Tax?

Did deeming the individual mandate a tax promote the democratic process? | Power Line

Was the Roberts health-care ruling really a ‘substantial victory’ for limited government? | AEIdeas

Reading the Tea Leaves in the Supreme Court Opinions

Welcome To The Roberts Court: How The Chief Justice Used Obamacare To Reveal His True Identity | The New Republic

Anthony Kennedy's Swing Vote Days Are Long Gone | Mother Jones

Mexico's election and why we should care | Shadow Government

PRUDEN: The court's gift to Mitt Romney - Washington Times

Welcome To The Roberts Court: How The Chief Justice Used Obamacare To Reveal His True Identity | The New Republic

Supreme Court ACA ruling: Yes, this is a BFD -

Obama Has a Good Day -

Today's SCOTUS Decision Dooms Obama's Reelection

Rev. Al Sharpton: The Good Shall Triumph in the End: Lessons From Health Reform and Contempt Charges

Supreme Court Keeps Health Care Law on Life Support - Rasmussen Reports™

Obama's Great Achievement | RealClearPolitics

The New and Even Worse Obamacare - Yuval Levin - National Review Online

It's All Up to the Voters Now | RealClearPolitics

John Roberts’ ruling is a big win for Barack Obama, but the president is looking to move on - Slate Magazine

CURL: Roberts to the rescue for Romney - Washington Times

Supreme Court -

The Chief Justice's Gambit | RealClearPolitics

Chief Justice John Roberts Pulls Off One Of The Great Constitutional Finesses Of All Time -

A Confused Opinion -

Michael Moore: More Than a Victory, the Decision Today Was a Mandate for Us to Act

Health Care Ruling Re-Energizes Tea Party : Roll Call News

A substantial conservative win | commerce, mandate, court - Opinion - The Orange County Register

The Real Winners -

Obama's poll tax – Telegraph Blogs

More Swing State Storm Clouds for Obama and Romney - 2012 Decoded

Review & Outlook: The Roberts Rules -

Supreme Court’s ruling is good for the country - The Washington Post

The Obamacare law is constitutional, now make it affordable -

Editorial: Supreme Court ObamaCare ruling benefits millions –

Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Law, 5-4, in Victory for Obama -

Obamacare Supreme Court Ruling: John Roberts Changes His Legacy - The Daily Beast

It Now Falls to Congress | RealClearPolitics

Roberts the Swing Vote: Court Upholds Most of Health Care : The New Yorker

Obama's Middle-Class Vulnerability - US News and World Report

The Supreme Court’s Surprise « Commentary Magazine

Can We Now Start Talking About The Law? | The New Republic

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