A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

09 December 2011

9 DEC.


"Horse To The Water" by Jools Holland & Sam Brown - Grooveshark

"I'll See You In My Dreams - Joe Brown - Grooveshark

"Old Brown Shoe" by Gary Brooker - Grooveshark

Holder: "Nobody at the DOJ has lied"



Re-Imagining A Global Ethic
Barroso: The Euro Is Irreversible
Afghanistan Blast Witness Shares Story
Analyst: Euro Leaders Must Compromise
Clinton: Concerned About Russia, Hopeful About Europe
Obama: Ask Bin Laden About My Foreign Policy
Israeli Strikes Kill Three In Gaza
Raw Video: Iranian TV Shows Alleged U.S. Drone
Raw Video: NATO Fuel Tankers Attacked
New Treaty To Save Euro But Move Causes EU Split
Missing U.S. Man Pleas For Help
Australian Fugitive Sparks Massive Manhunt
President Obama And Prime Minister Harper
Can The EU Summit Stem The Crisis?
Newt's Choice: Amb. John Bolton

8 DEC.

Aung San Suu Kyi On Burma
10 Years After the Start Of The Afghanistan War
Ambivalence Over Euro's Future in Its Birthplace
Overcoming USAID's Challenges
Gorbachev Calls For New Election After Protests
China Execution Sparks Protest
Geithner Confident Ahead Of EU Summit
Tripoli: 'Militias Go Home' Plea
U.S. Man Jailed For Monarchy Insult
Raw Video: Pope Lights 'Tree' Using Computer
Assad: Deaths Were 'Individual Mistakes'
Gingrich: I'd Help Israel Fight Iran


Trump: Bachmann Was Interested In Making Me Vice President
"Daily Show" On Which GOP Candidate Loves Jews More
Romney In 1994: Contract With America "A Mistake"
Warren: Karl Rove Is Smearing Me With His "Kitchen Sink" Strategy
Romney Web Video Slams Gingrich For Criticism Of Ryan Plan
Bashir: "Excrementitious Matter Flows" When Trump Opens His Mouth
"Special Report" Panel On High-Profile Capitol Hill Testimony
Alter: Gingrich Sets "New Indoor Records For Hypocrisy"
O'Reilly On His Encounter With An "Occupy" Protester
Milbank: Gingrich Is A "Bomb-Thrower"

8 DEC.

Eugene Robinson: Obama Not An Appeaser, He's An Assassin
MSNBC's Michael Eric Dyson Defends "Hustlers": "Working Extremely Hard"
Rep. Issa: Government Used Fast And Furious To Limit Second Amendment Rights
Perry Hits Gingrich, Romney On Health Care In Ad
Carney Asked About Obama's Vacation, Plays Bush Card
Holder Admits More People Will Die From Fast And Furious
Corzine: I Don't Know Where The Money Is
Romney PAC Ad: Obama Wants Gingrich To Be The Nominee
Obama: More Jobs Created By Unemployment Insurance Than By Keystone
Obama Asked About Appeasement; Says "Ask Osama Bin Laden"
Ron Paul: "I Have To Expose" Gingrich
Holder: "Lying" To Congress Depends On "State Of Mind"
Dem PAC Ad: Reagan Wanted Higher Taxes On Millionaires
DNC Web Video: "Mitt Through The Ages"
Holder Grilled At Hearing On Fast And Furious
Finney: Gingrich Is A "Vindictive Person"
"Special Report" Panel On The Politics Of Keystone XL
O'Reilly: Obama Is Blaming The Bad Economy On Wealthy Americans
Corn: President Obama Has Been Tough



The Secret History of America The Greatest Conspiracy On Earth

The International: Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger Associates :

The American Spectator : FDR's Class Warfare: A Tutorial For Obama

Fireworks as Issa compares Holder to Nixon's AG | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Independent Media for Independent Minds -

Shootings at Virginia Tech occur soon after hearing ends connected to 2007 massacre - The Washington Post

Shooting at Va. Tech reopens wounds from 2007 –

Food Stamp Fraud Targeted, but Not Bank Fraud -

Why No Financial Crisis Prosecutions? Ex-Justice Official Says It’s Just too Hard - ProPublica

Criminal Probes into Financial Crisis - Law Blog - WSJ

Obama administration targeting food stamp fraud as program reaches record highs - The Federal Eye - The Washington Post

The Untouchables: Elite immunity in the age of imperialism -

Soros 'makes $2bn bet' on MF Global’s eurozone debt

GOP lawmaker: AG Holder could be impeached over gun-tracking program -

Obama marks Hanukkah early, says he never needs an excuse for a good party. by Andrew Malcolm -

Perry to Skip Trump Debate - Fox News

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Ron Paul wins Twitter election - 12160

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul 'Gingrich Is A Flip-Flopper'

Revolutionary Politics : Obama Straight Out Lied During His Press Conference! TYT Kaspar

Rupert Murdoch Lobbies Congress To Restrict Internet

Revolutionary Politics : Your Tax Dollars, War On Terror Profiteering & Obama's Crony Capitalism


Judyth Vary Baker: Cancer As A Bio-Weapon : Federal Jack


*1:41:28/Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (12-07-2011) Judyth Vary Baker: Cancer As A Bio-Weapon - YouTube


Refreshing News: Family Guy writer is arrested during Occupy LA protest. His account of the arrest makes for a harrowing read

Activist Post: Monsanto PR Firm Reportedly ‘Ended’ by Anonymous

Shocking Charts And Statistics That Prove That America Is No Longer A Wealthy Nation

Occupation Nation: US cops serve & protect the 1% - YouTube

No Western Government Has Ever Claimed The Power To Do This, Not even Hitler. - YouTube

American Veterans, Consigned to the Garbage Heap | Veterans Today

Treason in the US Senate - YouTube

Gerald Celente: 'IT'S FASCIST. CAN'T YOU SEE IT?" - Part ONE - YouTube

Gerald Celente: 'IT'S FASCIST. CAN'T YOU SEE IT?" - Part TWO - YouTube

Turns out the ‘Government Sachs’ conspiracy theorists were right all along - 12160

Please Help Me Laugh This One Off The Stage | Video Rebel's Blog

Broker exposes depth of Corzine theft from MF Global investors | Intrepid

Our American Defense Dept – Where Is It When You Really Need It | Veterans Today

Defense Authorization Act Will Destroy Bill of Rights | Veterans Today

Sherrie Questioning All: White House Unveiling Plans on Getting Schools, Community Boards and Leaders (Chruches) to "Spy for Homegrown Terrorist"

Sherrie Questioning All: ALERT***Tennessee**** - Oath Keepers Confirmed - Federal Government Demanding List of purchasers of Bulk Food at Mormon Community Food Storage and going Door to Door to inspect for Preparedness in Nashville***

Sherrie Questioning All: My daughter's Social Studies Assignment this week - She HAD to take a picture of what food we had in the Pantry, Freezer and Fridge along with a picture of her family!


**List of countries by military expenditures - Military

+List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


poorrichards blog: Hair Is An Extension Of The Nervous System Why Indians Keep Their Hair Long

From Occupation to “Occupy”: The Israelification of American Domestic Security | Veterans Today

Activist Post: Human Rights Agency Addresses Biological Weapons Convention in Geneva, Switzerland

Some of our moonrocks are missing: Nasa admit to losing more than 500 space samples brought since the Apollo missions | Mail Online

Quarter Billion in Taxpayer Cash on Penis Pumps... - Penis Pumps - Fox Nation

Activist Post: The PRODIGAL Son of DARPA's Warrantless Surveillance Net

Bill O’Reilly Hit a Man With His Umbrella Outside a Newt Gingrich Fund-raiser -- Daily Intel

Is Newt Gingrich nuts? Consider the symptoms. - Slate Magazine


Activist Post: Invasion of the Vein Scanners for Cashless Society

Near Field Communication: 6 Ways It Could Change Our Daily Lives

Near Field Communication: The Quick and Dirty Guide


*NFC Forum : (

Fujitsu ; Biometric Products / PalmSecure Palm Vein Authentication : (


Fujitsu's PalmSecure takes high-speed, contact free biometric readings -- Engadget

Fujitsu intros PalmSecure PC Log-In Kit for small businesses -- Engadget

*Cities With the Highest and Lowest Unemployment -


* nf6c5)/Raw database of Monsanto employees and associates, released by Anonymous




Jim Sinclair - Why Financial System is Imploding & What to Do

Prison » Forbes Op-ed Gives Glowing Endorsement of Ron Paul

Ron Paul Interview on ABC News 12/8/2011 - YouTube

Ron Paul on Israel: Zionism is Based on Independence and Self-Reliance - YouTube




**Rethinking John Lennon’s Assassination The FBI’s War on Rock Stars , By Salvador Astucia/ April 2004


BeatleLinks -Internet Resource Guide(


Ron Paul's Loyal Supporters Are Getting Ready To Shock The World In Iowa

S.1867 the end of the Constitution and America as we know it - Madison Ruppert of End the Lie on RBN - YouTube

Virginia Tech shooting: Police officer and father of five shot dead | Mail Online

National Guard Ad for FEMA Prison Camp Positions - YouTube


**Map of Active U.S. FEMA Camps: Is There One Near You? - 12160


The US Army Now Offers A Prison Guard Specialty Securing ‘Civilian Detainees’ :

National Guard Ad for FEMA Prison Camp Positions - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : The "Fishy" Foundation of the Euro. Goldman Sachs and Greece

Newt Gingrich's Long History Of Influence Peddling Byeond Freddie Mac

World Bank creating poverty (BBC Newsnight) - YouTube

A Voice In The Wilderness: Boatload of Lies Capsizing

Federal Reserve: Household worth plummets - MJ Lee -

Frustrated States and Immigration: How Some States Are Bypassing Federal Immigration Oversight :

Lone Star Watchdog: The Money Junkies Are Not Invincible, Untouchable From Public Discontent or Facing Justice

Activist Post: Corzine can't explain missing MF Global funds

VP Biden says he called Jon Corzine for advice - YouTube

Activist Post: Poland Joins Ranks of Grassroots Anti-Monsanto Activism

Revolutionary Politics : "How Is It That You & Secretary Napolitano NEVER Discussed Fast And Furious?" Congressman Chaffetz

Breaking News: Feds Falsely Censor Popular Blog For Over A Year, Deny All Due Process, Hide All Details... | Techdirt

+ah, mephistophelis.: This Lunar Eclipse The 'Impossible' Appears Real In Rare Astronomical Event

Revolutionary Politics : Krugman vs Ferguson - Stimulus v Austerity prt 1

Revolutionary Politics : Krugman v Ferguson Stimulus v Austerity prt 2

Revolutionary Politics : 'Goldman Sachs dictatorship - Hitler's dream'

poorrichards blog: What Is The Best Country In The World For Americans To Relocate To In Order To Avoid The Coming Economic Collapse?

poorrichards blog: ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them

poorrichards blog: Wall Street Buys Up Guns

The Militarization of the American Police, the Shredding of Our Constitutional Rights

Jon Corzine's Relationship With CFTC Chair Gary Gensler Probed | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

Activist Post: Naturally Maximize Your Health, Mental Clarity with Vital Nutrients

The CIA's most secret prison revealed — RT

Activist Post: US military a prime 'target' for home-grown terrorists

Air Force to purchase Brazilian planes - Obama nixes more jobs | The SUA Blog | Stand Up America US

Gingrich: John Bolton will be my secretary of state - Washington Times

Newt Gingrich: U.S. should consider clemency for Jonathan Pollard - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

UN Nominee Called 'Serial Abuser' - CBS News

Videos: Anonymous And Bernanke Mutual Declarations Of War | Video Rebel's Blog

Gingrich: Gov. Should Allow Terror Attacks To Remind People How Much We Need Them

poorrichards blog: Washington’s Secret Wars

poorrichards blog: Shut Up and Teach! The Perversion of Free Speech on Campus

Hide the decline - satire on global warming alarmists - YouTube

This 1940s Hollywood Actress Made Wi-Fi Happen

Chinese 2,485 year tree ring study shows natural cycles control climate, temps may cool til 2068 « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

John Lennon Bring On The Lucie Freda People - YouTube

Colbert: Trump debate headed down a ‘gold-plated crapper’ | The Raw Story


*Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist



She's Alive... Beautiful... Finite... Hurting... Worth Dying for. - YouTube

VIDEO:Iran Says 'Brought Drone Down' Under Iranian Control

Corzine: 'Simply don't know' where money is –

Iran shows off captured US drone - Telegraph

Iran displays captured US drone ! - YouTube

Iran state television displays 'downed U.S. surveillance drone' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


*PDF/Solicitation For Contract Building Camps For 300-1,000 People


White middle class not in Obama’s base -

Obama Raises The Military Stakes

Government Official: ETs Walk Among Us >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

The fix was in: a scoop confirmed -

Merkel, Sarkozy to Europe: shelve your sovereignty, save the euro -

German Politician: Euro Downgrade Is an American Plot | The Weekly Standard

Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wall Street Money Machine « WEB OF DEBT BLOG

The Many Faces Of Torture

That is the Jewish Grandmotheriest Argument I Have Ever Heard for Indefinite Detention | NationofChange

Activist Post: MIT study with major corporate “advisers” promotes centralized control of power grid

Should Homeland Security control the electrical grid? Maybe | The Digital Home - CNET News

Geoengineering: Destroying the Atmosphere - Rosalind Peterson - YouTube

Activist Post: Coming of Age in a Post-9/11 World

Why Ron Paul Will Win Iowa - Forbes

Ron Paul to expand campaign efforts to five new states | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Attorney General Holder vows not to quit in gun sting case | Reuters

Activist Post: 10 Ways the War on Drugs is a Wild Success

Food Freedom Movement Grows in Utah – Tenth Amendment Center Blog

America Awakening: Is Rush Right? Will America Continue To Be Fooled?? « Larry Sinclair

Voyager 1 Updates Solar Electron Flux | - Ten Lies about the Smolensk Crash


Bible Prophecy Blog(


Bonn Conference: Global Shame | Opinion Maker

How to Make an ATM Spew Out Money - YouTube

Newt Gingrich's gay sister backs Obama for 2012 | World news |

Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011 by NaturalSociety -- PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields | Natural Society

Activist Post: Tyrannical "Health Standards" Of The New World Order

Wikipedia founder attacks Bell Pottinger for 'ethical blindness' - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Exposed: How lobbyists put positive spin on child labour (video) - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Is this an alien spacecraft parked next to Mercury? | Mail Online

Nasa's Voyager 1 on course to enter interstellar space | Science |

Growth of the climate change sceptics: 37% now think claims are exaggerated | Mail Online

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER ON OBAMA: I’d Kick His Ass Into The F-cking Dirt… - The Ulsterman Report

White House looks to more international prevention effort on bio-weapons | Government Security News

The Soldier Field fiasco -

More Than 90 Deaths Reported as Hospital in India Burns

Putin Political Hit Hurting Russia Investment Case - Funds

Hamas contacting Arab states to stop 'Israeli aggression'

Downed US drone: How Iran caught the 'beast'

UN's Ban Ki-moon visits Mogadishu; wants progress

Missing ex-FBI agent Robert Levinson in hostage video: 'Help me' (Video)

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari will return home 'soon' after suffering ...

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood suspends co-operation with military leadership

Serb Dinar Gains on Investment Outlook, Trumping EU Concern

Same Gun Killed Officer and Man at Virginia Tech

Newt Gingrich: Talking 'crazy' or 'crazy like a fox'?

Loaded-Up Payroll Tax-Cut Bills Set to Collide in Congress

Holder to GOP critic: 'Have you no shame?'

Couple killed in helicopter crash were celebrating

Second child dies after Laredo food stamp office shooting

Barry Bonds should get 15 months in prison, prosecutors say

VIDEO: Coffman called to answer for Perry's anti-gay ad

Anti-incumbent mood reaches record high

Turnout is critical variable in Iowa caucuses

Ring a Virtual Bell: Patch Joins the Salvation Army's Online Red Kettle Campaign

Friends mourn death of former Georgia Senate Democratic Leader Robert Brown

Bloomberg: NYC didn't prevent Occupy news coverage

Herman Cain considering media gig

Suspect in Rutgers Case Rejects New Plea Deal

Is The Santa Claus Rally For Real?

American Soldiers' Remains Sent to a Landfill

Republicans block Obama's consumer nominee

Mother Of Missing Florida Woman Michelle Parker Said She Fears Daughter May Be Dead | Fox News

Wall Street gains after EU deal, but more stress seen

Questions Emerge On EPA's Wyoming Fracking Study

Corzine's 'Intent' Was to Head Off Possible Claims: Lawyers

Exxon Mobil predicts surge in hybrid vehicles

Occupy Wall Street occupies 'Law & Order' set

Wheat, Soybeans, Corn, Plunge as USDA Boosts Forecasts for Global Reserves

Zite intelligent mobile mag hits iPhone

DOJ To File Withdrawal Motion Or Seek Stay In AT&T/T-Mobile Case

Google's Schmidt Hints at Plans for Android Dominance

Twitter Joins Facebook, Google, Launches 'Brand Pages' for Marketers

Google+ Gingerly Rolls Out Facial Recognition

Trend tracking: Google Games the Systems

Nicole Scherzinger 30 Minute Crying Session After 'X Factor' Elimination

Alec Baldwin off Twitter after American Airlines feud - YouTube

To 'Sherlock Holmes' director Guy Ritchie, it's elementary

Alec Baldwin blames 9/11 security rules for flight ruckus

Spotify gets makeover, Pandora-like radio stations

Rats to the Rescue

Total Lunar Eclipse This Weekend—Last One Until 2014

Head Butts & Waggle Dances: How Honeybees Make Decisions

NASA: Anyone seen all the moon rock we've lost?

Fundamental Glossary For The Higgs Broadcast

Lead From Old US Batteries Sent to Mexico Raises Risks

Deforestation Is Undercutting Africa's Climate Resilience

Mars Opportunity rover uncovers best evidence yet of water on planet

Ancient Super-predator had High-powered, Dangling Eyes

Researchers find more evidence of quantum processes at work in photosynthesis

Study: Abortion doesn't raise mental illness risk

Ancient beds designed to ward off insects add to evidence modern man evolved in Africa - The Washington Post


*Info Wars Nightly News 2011 12 08 - December 8th 2011 Alex Jones - YouTube


*C2CAM - 2011.12.08 - The Living Universe - YouTube


Ron Paul with ABC News' Jonathan Karl 12/07/11 - YouTube

Marc Faber: Dissolve the EU - YouTube

Break-EUp? UK rejects Merkozy fiscal power grab - YouTube

Why Is The U.S. Government Looking More & More Like A Police State? (Change We Can Believe In!) - YouTube

Keiser Report: Economics is the New Rock'n'Roll (E220) - YouTube


President Obama calls for renewal of New Nationalism (1 of 2) - YouTube

President Obama calls for renewal of New Nationalism (2 of 2) - YouTube


New Nationalism and the Entitled State «

Bush Press Secretary Calls Ron Paul “Nuts” Following 9/11 “Glee” Comments «

Obama Administration Launches Major Anti-terror Propaganda Offensive «

» Ron Paul Dominates Favorable Twitter Election Coverage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Infowars Nightly News: Fast & Furious, the Second Amendment, and Corzine’s Testimony Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» MF Global Swindle: House Committee Not Likely to Play Hardball with Corzine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Corzine apologizes for collapse of MF Global | The Raw Story

U.S., Microsoft to meet Chinese Web regulators - Washington Times

Mystery Company Is Rapidly Acquiring U.S. Gun and Ammo Manufacturers

Gerald Celente: John Corzine Pleads The 5th Before Congress! 1/3 - YouTube

Gerald Celente: John Corzine Pleads The 5th Before Congress! 2/3 - YouTube

Gerald Celente: John Corzine Pleads The 5th Before Congress! 3/3 - YouTube


ATF Plotted to Use Fast And Furious To Demonize 2nd Amendment: Alex Jones Thursday Edition 1/2 - YouTube

ATF Plotted to Use Fast And Furious To Demonize 2nd Amendment: Alex Jones Thursday Edition 2/2 - YouTube


John Corzine Knows Nothing, ATF's Real Motive & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» Claim: Bill Clinton Collected $50K Per Month From MF Global Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» UN Calls For Eco-Fascist World Government At Durban Summit Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» John Corzine Knows Nothing, ATF’s Real Motive & More: Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» “Merkozy” Letter to EU: Now Is the Time to Strip Countries of Sovereignty Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

You're the Wrong One, Mr. Gingrich - YouTube

Moscow sees ‘no military component’ in Iran’s nuclear program | World | RIA Novosti

Bob Woodward says sitting next to Al Gore is 'taxing, unpleasant’ -

» Tyrannical “Health Standards” Of The New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Risk of Israel/U.S. strike on Iran has tripled: Barclays Capital | Reuters

Mobile euthanasia teams planned for Holland | Mail Online

Stallman: Facebook IS Mass Surveillance — RT

Stallman: Facebook IS Mass Surveillance - RT 111202 - YouTube

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church

Are we facing the death of email? - Features - Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

Bill Gates Going Nuclear With China

Nano Chemtrails

Facebook Buys, Kills, Gowalla

Mexico's war on drugs blights resort of Acapulco | World news | The Guardian

Canada News: Border deal fuels concerns in Canada -

» U.S.-Canadian Border Deal to Streamline GMO Approval: Confirmed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Blago Judge Seriously Out of Touch with Reality Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama FDA Considers Putting Morning-After Pill on Supermarket Shelves | The Weekly Standard

» When Is Government-Sponsored Violence and Murder Legitimate? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

McCain: By Any Measurement, Things Have Gotten Worse in the U.S. Under President Obama - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Testosterone Pit - Home - Sarkozy: “The Risk That Europe Will Explode”

The President & the Generals | The Weekly Standard


China Prepares, Portugal Pension Theft, Gingrich's Geoengineering Plan - YouTube


**Videos:Prison » NDAA’s World Wide Declaration of War on The People: Alex Jones Sunday Edition


Prison » Art Cashin Explains Why Obama Is “Terrified” By A European Collapse

Prison » “Le Snub” – New Cold War In Eurozone Confirmed: Sarkozy Gives Cameron The “Cold Shoulder”

House Republicans look to 'strip' TSA screeners of their 'officer' title - The Hill's Floor Action

Prison » Bomb Explodes At Italian Revenue Collection Agency In Rome, One Wounded

Prison » David Cameron Torpedoes Huge EU Treaty Deal, And He Absolutely Made The Right Call

Prison » Ron Paul Has A Major Secret Weapon To Win The Republican Race

Prison » Foment OWS Terror, Open Camps?

Prison » 12 Very Disturbing Examples Of Radical Social Engineering By The U.S. Government

Prison » 20 Signs That The Culture Of Government Dependence Has Gotten Completely And Totally Out Of Control

Which country's debt is 1000% of GDP? - YouTube

Video Shows Alleged Navy Vet Beaten After Spraying Anti-Japanese Graffiti On Car | Video |

Hitler hears about the eurozone downgrade - YouTube

Prison » Gingrich Cosponsored 1989 Climate Change Bill With Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change - YouTube

Prison » Americans leaving US in record numbers

Prison » Bloggers Are A Little Less Under The Constitution?

Prison » The Militarization of American Police Started At Least 30 Years Ago

U.S. Military Program Arming Local Police Expands

Prison » DHA used in infant formula products comes from genetically modified algae

How researchers can shut down your mobile phone while you're driving | Mail Online



» Tip: National Guard Unit Stands Down After ‘Firing on Americans’ Questionnaire Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Could FBI’s New Definition of Rape Outlaw TSA Pat Downs? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» MF Global Swindle: House Committee Not Likely to Play Hardball with Corzine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Stewart Rhodes: Feds Demand Customer Lists From Storable Food Facility 1/2 - YouTube

Stewart Rhodes: Feds Demand Customer Lists From Storable Food Facility 2/2 - YouTube


JACL Director Floyd Mori: NDAA Bill is A Move Back to The Dark Ages 1/2 - YouTube

JACL Director Floyd Mori: NDAA Bill is A Move Back to The Dark Ages 2/2 - YouTube


Lindsey Williams: U.S./NATO to Insite War with Iran by Sept/Oct of 2012 1/4 - YouTube

Lindsey Williams: U.S./NATO to Insite War with Iran by Sept/Oct of 2012 2/4 - YouTube

Lindsey Williams: U.S./NATO to Insite War with Iran by Sept/Oct of 2012 3/4 - YouTube

Lindsey Williams: U.S./NATO to Insite War with Iran by Sept/Oct of 2012 4/4 - YouTube


ATF Plotted to Use Fast And Furious To Demonize 2nd Amendment: Alex Jones Thursday Edition 1/2 - YouTube

ATF Plotted to Use Fast And Furious To Demonize 2nd Amendment: Alex Jones Thursday Edition 2/2 - YouTube


Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall - YouTube

Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall 2/3 - YouTube

Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall 3/3 - YouTube


Patrick C. Dew: Sociologist Shows MSM's Intentional Obscuring of Ron Paul 1/2 - YouTube

Patrick C. Dew: Sociologist Shows MSM's Intentional Obscuring of Ron Paul 2/2 - YouTube


KBR Seeks Sub-Contractors to Run FEMA Camps 1/3 - YouTube

KBR Seeks Sub-Contractors to Run FEMA Camps 2/3 - YouTube

KBR Seeks Sub-Contractors to Run FEMA Camps 3/3 - YouTube


Webster Tarpley: Psychotic US-UK Ruling Elites Push Russia, China to Brink 1/3 - YouTube

Webster Tarpley: Psychotic US-UK Ruling Elites Push Russia, China to Brink 2/3 - YouTube

Webster Tarpley: Psychotic US-UK Ruling Elites Push Russia, China to Brink 3/3 - YouTube


Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is "Clinically Insane!" 1/4 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is "Clinically Insane!" 2/4 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is "Clinically Insane!" 3/4 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is "Clinically Insane!" 4/4 - YouTube


Blagojevich attorneys consider prison and appeal -

Robert Blagojevich’s tears for his brother: ‘It’s just grossly unfair’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Harsh sentence for Rod Blagojevich: Did his fight reflexes cause him harm? (VIDEO) -

Fawell: Blagojevich's time will be tough -

Airline ribs Blagojevich with 'seat-selling sale' -

Appeal is Blagojevich's last hope to cut sentence

Blagojevich Was Railroaded And Why It Matters. - Democratic Underground

Dirty Celebrities » Blog Archive » Illinois ex-governor Blagojevich sentenced to 14 years


Straight Dope Message Board (


**The Alex Jones Show – December 7-8th, 2011


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 8th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 8th, 2011


Was Obama Calling 911? |

Penn State, FEMA Cramps, Newt Stamps - New World Next Week - YouTube

$203,150 purse sold at Dallas auction house

Coca Cola Formula on display in Atlanta

Coca Cola Secret Formula Put on ‘Display’

Coca-Cola Is Taking Secret Recipe Fetishism To A Ridiculous New Level

Limbaugh: GOP Primary Voters Are Finally Telling Establishment ‘We’re Not Doing It Your Way This Time’

Limbaugh: Eric Holder Is Participating In A Scheme To Undermine The Constitution

Rush: Did The ChiComs Jam Satellite Tether For Downed US Drone In Iran?

Rush Caller Jamaican Immigrant Hates What This Country Has Become And Can’t Believe That People Don’t See It.

Rush: Obama Confuses Hanukkah With Kwanzaa

Credit-Default Swaps ARE Insurance

Debbie Schlussel: HILARIOUS VIDEO: Parody of Baba Wawa Interview w/ Her Assad Pal

Debbie Schlussel:HUH? U.N. Says U.S. Bin Laden Assassination Spreads Polio

Debbie Schlussel:Meet the Muslim Brotherhood’s New PR Man, NY Times’ Nicholas Kristof

Debbie Schlussel:New Newt Gingrich Global Warming Book to be Released in 2013

Debbie Schlussel:Obama “Hanukah”: Hmmm . . . Why Didn’t Barack do Ramadan Iftar Dinner 2 Wks B/f Ramadan?

Obama’s Osawatomie Outing Circa 2008

Ending entitlements

The NAACP Sics The UN On Our Sovereign States

The Loons are Running the Asylum

Border Expertise

Osawatomie Obama’s Waterloo

Barack Hussein Obama compares himself to Theodore Roosevelt

Connecting the Feckless Foreign Policy Dots

I-69 Corridor

Obama: Capitalism and Liberty Don’t Work

Michael Moore: I Have Been Part of the 1% [Video]

Media Promote Global Tax as Financial Crisis Deepens

A Plot To Undermine The Right To Bear Arms

The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal

Obama Support of “Arab Spring”—Clear Marxist Values Leading to Sharia Law Revolution

Be careful who you choose as the Republican nominee

Occupy Wall Street and First Amendment Rights

Is Gallmann's Memoir the Source for Obama's?

Government of The Elites, By The Elites and For The Elites

Newt's Different Approach to School Vouchers

Hezb'allah: Rise of a Non-State Spying Machine

Moral Equivalence in the New Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Obama echoes Pelosi - Unemployment benefits create jobs

Crony Capitalism, Dare-Devil Bernanke Style

A Hillary grudge match with Bam?

Holder Claims Former DAG Had No Knowledge Of 'Operational Tactics'

Drone wars

The LGBT Agenda and the 2012 Presidential Election

Arabs are blaming the usual suspects

Record number say most congressmen do not deserve re-election - Gallup

EPA Fracking Report and Energy Politics

Romney's ham-handed assault on Gingrich

American Taxpayers getting off easy

Chicago Tribune Federal Wiretap Leaker Stands By Blago

Obama's Brinksmanship on Iran

Newt's Teflon Suit?

Newt and the Governing Class

Obama's Kansas Declaration

The Second Coming of JC: That Would Be Carter, Not Jesus

Obama's Dream for Iran Becoming a Nuclear Nightmare

Obama, Tax-Cutting Friend of Working Americans

Obama Drafts the Tea Party into the Occupy Wall Street Mob

Why the left thinks Buffett isn't about $$$

A Message from Dems Every GOP Primary Voter Should Hear

Will Cain — Blaze Video Essay: Can the Government Force Fat People to Join Weight Watchers? |Obamacare | Commerce Clause | Video |

Wisconsin Launches Winter Tourism Campaign Sparking Mitten Envy |

HHS Overrules FDA on Selling Morning-After Pill Without a Prescription |

Islamic Cleric Bananas Cucumbers Too Sexual |

How Bad is Congressional Insider Trading? Details Revealed by Glenn Beck and Peter Schweizer | Video |

Research Team Captures First 3D Image of Sprite Above High Midwestern Lightening Storm | Video |

Cockroach Species with Grasshopper-like Legs Jumps 50x Its Own Length | Video |

The States That Give the Most in Money and Benefits to Their Residents |

Former CBC Chair: GOP ‘Turning the Clock Back to the Days of Jim Crow’ With Voter ID Laws | Barbara Lee Jim Crow | Video |

Scientists Say Catholic Nuns Should Take Birth Control |

Air Force Dumps Cremated Remains into Virginia Landfill |

Army Creates Soldier-Approved MRE Sandwich With Two-Year Shelf-Life |

Corzine: Don‘t Know Where Firm’s Missing Money Is |

Holder Testifies Before Congress | Guns Could Show up for ‘Years to Come’ | Video |

Virginia Tech Reports Shots Fired & Issues Alert | Video |

Atheists Demand Nativity Scene in Texas Be Torn Down | Freedom From Religion Foundation | Video |

‘Reprehensible’: Bachmann and O’Reilly Respond to 8-Year-Old Boy Confronting Her on Gay Rights | Video |

Obama Says ‘Ask bin Laden’ Whan Asked About Appeasement | Video |

These are the Best Run Companies in America |

UBS: Which Countries are at Greatest Risk of Default? |

Is This Object Next to Mercury a UFO? | Video |

Bomb Explodes in Tax Collection Office in Rome |

Ann Coulter Says Gay Babies Would Be Aborted by Liberal Yuppies | Video |

Mike Huckabee Hosts New Pro-Life Film — ‘The Gift of Life’ | Video |

Santa Monica Atheists Nudge Out Nativity Display |

Aptera Motors Employees Destroy Electric Car Chassis With Forklifts | Video |

Florida Cheer Coach Nicole Zivich Fired | Video |

South Korea Residential Building Design Looks Eerily Like The Collapsing Twin Towers |

Alien Planet Warps Its Solar System | Exoplanets & Alien Star Systems | Beta Pictoris Star Debris Disk |

Artist Spots Hidden Images Of Animals In Mona Lisa (VIDEO)

BBC News - Cern scientist expects 'first glimpse' of Higgs boson

Short Sharp Science: Rare twin rainbows simulated in 3D

Make no bones about it, this is Britain¿s scariest cave! Photographer captures eerie skull in rock face of remote diving spot | Mail Online

WLOS ABC 13 News :: Top Stories - Sunshine Simple Generator

Experts stumped by ancient Jerusalem markings - Technology & science - Science -

US military pays SETI to check Kepler-22b for aliens • The Register

500 million-year-old super predator had remarkable vision

NASA Mars Rover Finds Mineral Vein Deposited by Water - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Obama's America: Progress Is Poison - YouTube

Ron Paul "Biggest Danger We Face Today Is Starting A War Against Iran Over A Weapon They Don't Have" - YouTube

Jon Stewart on the Coming Imprisonment of American Dissidents Terrorists - informationliberation

Faber on Outlook for Equities, Euro, China - informationliberation

Marc Faber - Financial Sense Newshour - 07 Dec 2011 - YouTube

Hornberger's Blog - The U.S. Government Loved the Iraqi People to Death

Video:Iran Airs Footage of Downed US Drone

Video:George Galloway On Iran Attack

The Neocons Have Finally Snapped

New Latin American and Caribbean Bloc Defies Washington

Fix Was In: Bloomberg Mag Seconds a Scoop

Obama: The “Trust-Buster” Who Never Busted a Trust

7 Nations on Neocon Hit List | American Free Press


*Articles : BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 8, 2011


Was Obama Calling 911?

NATO Update: Georgia’s Entry to NATO Could Lead to War

House of Mirrors Part I- Mystical Covert Agendas

House of Mirrors Part II- Living the Fantasy

House of Mirrors Part III- Making the Irrational Rational by turning the Empirical into the Lie & the Fantasy into the Truth

House of Mirrors Part IV- The Twilight Lords

Demise of the Euro: Part of a Long-term Plan for a Global "Super-currency" controlled by the Banksters

The Destruction of Canada's Family Farm

Downed Drone in Iran Reveals Broader Covert War

Obama Brags About Killing Osama, Threatens Iran

Clinton Defies Putin on Missile Defense

Gingrich Would Pick Bolton as Secretary of State

America the Battlefield: The End of the Rule of Law

The Real Trouble With the Defense Authorization Bill

What if Freedom Were Temporary?

Freedom Means War

Satellite Images Reveal Secret Nevada UAV Site

Bin Laden Not at Qaeda Helm Before Raid

Rep. Rangel Renews Call for Military Draft

Doing Foreign Policy by Justin Raimondo --

White House unveils new strategy to combat homegrown terror

Gingrich and U.S. Jewish mogul Adelson forge firm alliance - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Buddy Roemer among those struggling for a slot in GOP presidential race - The Washington Post

Man gets life in prison for killing wife on cruise ship -

Washington’s Secret Wars by Philip Giraldi --

Pro-Business vs. Pro-Market: What’s the Difference? by Ivan Eland --

» Tyrannical “Health Standards” Of The New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

SETI Back On Track After US Military Funding - Space News - redOrbit

Man Craps In Pants & Sends Underwear to Obama | Before It's News

Deconstructing Obama's New Brand | Before It's News

Seven Million Tons Of Earth Soil On Mars! | Before It's News

I Have No Confidence In A President That Has Confidence In This Attorney General! Congressman Issa - YouTube

Congressman Issa : I Have No Confidence In A President That Has Confidence In This Attorney General | Floyd Reports

The Top 30 Global Geopolitical Hot Spots for 2012 | ZeroHedge

Psychologists Explain 911 Denial - YouTube

9\11 The Luckiest Man Alive! - YouTube

Video Of Terror: 100,000 To Die At The London Olympics... | Before It's News

100,000 to Die at the London Olympics ? - YouTube

Antichrist Type and Shadow Found in President’s Treatment of Hanukkah | Before It's News


Wilkerson: New Military Powers the Road to Tyranny

Eurocrisis Solutions for Whom?

Military to Gain Power of Indefinite Detention in Senate Bill


Army slashing 8,700 jobs as budget cuts begin - The Federal Eye - The Washington Post

Thieves Stealing Cooking Oil From North Shore Restaurants « CBS Boston

MF Global's Corzine: I did not intend to break rules | Reuters

Corzine 'stunned' that MF Global couldn't find missing funds -

Corzine's Loss May Be Soros's Gain -

White House unveils new strategy to combat homegrown terror

Sesame Street Muppet Pitches Government Dependence: Free Food at School |

Holder: "Nobody at the DOJ has lied" | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

House Republicans look to 'strip' TSA screeners of their 'officer' title - The Hill's Floor Action

'Lying,' Holder Says, 'Has to Do With Your State of Mind' | The Weekly Standard

Proposed S. Korean Towers Resemble Exploding World Trade Center | The Weekly Standard

Marion Barry biopic in development with Eddie Murphy as star - The Reliable Source - The Washington Post

Gingrich Is Inspiring—and Disturbing -

EU Divided on New Deal to Save Eurozone

UN Chief Urges Somalia to 'Seize Moment'

Moscow Braces for Anti-Putin Rally

Weakening Currency Adds to India’s Economic Woes

US Troops Leave Iraq with Job Concerns

Obama Responds to Criticism of US Foreign Policy

Hundreds Hold Prayer Vigil for Unemployed on Capitol Hill

US Attorney General Faces Critics Mexico Gun Operation

Noriega to be Extradited to Panama Sunday

Clinton to High-Tech Firms: Don't Aid Web Repression

Holder Scolds Congress for ‘Inappropriate Rhetoric’ in Fast and Furious Investigation

Obama Administration Welcoming Islamic Group to Washington for Discussion on ‘Tolerance’

PETA Rebukes White House for 'Flippantly' Dismissing Question on Senate's Vote to Legalize Bestiality in Military

EPA Spending Another Million Dollars of Taxpayer Money on 'Environmental Justice' Grants

Obama Refused to Make Decision on Pipeline, But Insists He’s ‘All In’ for Domestic Energy Production

Gingrich’s ‘Principled Conclusion’ on the Individual Mandate Has Changed Over Time

Reid Says House Bill on Payroll Tax Extension Is Dead in the Senate

Putin Slams U.S. Over Election Criticism

Rapper 50 Cent Releasing Fitness Book, Food Guide

Gingrich’s 1998 Jerusalem Visit a Reminder of Mideast Sensitivities Facing GOP Candidates

Rep. Paul Ryan on Transparency: ‘The Books are Cooked in Washington’

King: ‘Al Qaeda and Its Affiliates Continue to See Aviation’ in U.S. as ‘Prime Target’

Christie: Obama ‘Has Been on the Bench’

Limbaugh on Fast & Furious: 'Nixon Could Only Dream Of This Kind Of Stuff'

Holder, Blago, Richardson: Triangle of Sleaze

Marco Rubio vs. Rand Paul

Left, Obama Escalate War on Banks into Dangerous Territory

NYU To Offer Class On Occupy Wall Street

HHS Secretary Stops 'Plan B' from Going to Girls Under 17 Without Parental Permission |

DHS IG: Border Patrol Agent Training, Weapons ‘Have Not Kept Pace with Increased Violence’ They Face |

Transgender woman suing ICE, alleges abuse at immigration detention center

GOP wants to reduce total number of weeks unemployed workers are eligible for benefits

Rep. Allen West apologizes to America for Congress' failure to cut spending

Romney supporters slam Gingrich’s leadership skills, vanity

Ron Paul: 'Glee' in administration after 9/11

Obama: More jobs from payroll tax package than Keystone approval

States expand lucrative pensions to more jobs

Three congressional staffers canned after tweets reveal drinking on the job

House passes bill to black EPA from regulating 'farm dust'

Muslim Cleric's Warning: Cucumbers Too Sexy for Women

Holder Suggests 'Fast and Furious' Guns Will Be Used in Crimes for 'Years to Come'

Fox News Poll: Romney Bests Gingrich in Matchups Against Obama

Unprecedented Boom Has Jobs Looking for People in North Dakota

Gingrich to GOP Hopefuls: Trump Debate Good Test to Beat Obama

Gingrich Closing Gap in New Hampshire

Santorum Defends Trump Debate, Blasts Critics

Palin Endorses Trump Debate, Urges Candidates to Join

Obama Answers Appeasement Charge: 'Ask Bin Laden'

Dick Morris Urges Romney to Join Trump Debate

Obama Cheers ‘Whole Bunch’ of Iraq Homecomings

Bayer Corp: Research Schools Failing Minorities

No Quick Green From Electric Cars

Ron Paul Launches Move for Campus Vote

What's in the New Deal to Save the Euro?

23 EU Nations Agree to New Treaty to Save Euro

Soros Takes on Corzine's European Bond Bet

Lawyers: Corzine ‘Intent’ Was to Head Off Claims

S&P Studying ‘Implications’ of EU Summit

Campaigns Turning More to Web to Link With Voters

Obama Failed to Endorse Own Deficit-Reduction Recommendations

Muslim Brotherhood’s Tactics of Deception

Paul More Republican than Other Candidates

Fever Is Your Friend

FDA Approves Hangover Pill

Vitamin D Doesn't Cut Heart, Cancer Risk

What if Freedom Were Temporary? by Andrew P. Napolitano

Some Questions That Donald Trump Might Ask by Thomas DiLorenzo

Had Enough? by Lawrence Lepard

Theological Schizophrenia by Laurence M. Vance

Gerald Celente Forecasts Economic Martial Law

Is Uncle Sam Reading Your Email? by Kyle Gonzales

It Can and Is Happening Here by Jeff Berwick

“Buying U.S. Government Bonds at This Stage is a Terrible Mistake” – Jim Rogers

The National Defense Authorization Act Opens the Door to a Police State

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (video)

Recent Charges of Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood Just Tip of Iceberg, Experts Say

Toxic Levels of Arsenic Found in Popular Juice Brands

Therapist ‘Brainwashed’ Woman Into Believing She Was In Satanic Cult

Robert Kennedy’s Assassin Claims He Was Under Mind Control

Girlie Cars of the Recent Past by Eric Peters

What Is the Best Country in the World for Americans To Relocate to in Order To Avoid the Coming Economic Collapse?

Doctor Warns: Eat This and You’ll Look 5 Years Older by Joseph Mercola

Promo: Give the Gift of Preparedness by Bernie Carr

Aliens Behind World Government? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Mayan Tablet Decoding Rules Out 2012 Apocalypse | USAHM Conspiracy News

Obama – Product of Illuminati Breeding Program? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Scientific Facts Related to the Bird Deaths | USAHM Conspiracy News

Contagion: A Future Plan For A Deadly Pandemic? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Patrick Meighan, Writer for Family Guy Arrested at Occupy LA

Color of Change Launches Campaign Against ALEC-Inspired Voter ID Laws

MIchael Moore Wants Matt Damon - or Conan - for President

Radioactive Cesium Found In Powdered Baby Formula Made In Japan

Elizabeth Warren Takes the Lead in Massachusetts Senate Race as Rove's Group Tries to Smear Her as Being Close to Wall Street

Obama Derangement Syndrome: Kill Obamacare, Let Bin Laden Go Free

31 Things I Miss About John Lennon 31 Years Later

Colbert Announces His 'Serious, Classy Republican Debate' This January

Chris Christie Heckled by #OWS Protesters at Campaign Rally For Mitt Romney in Iowa

Mitt Romney Isn't Made Of Clear Plastic

Gingrich: 5-Year-Olds Working Is an 'Education in Life'

Sebelius Overrules FDA, Won't Allow Plan B To Be Sold To Young Teens Over The Counter

Toys For Tots: Requests For Toys Far Outstripping Supply This Year

'Banker Gangs' Are Still On the Loose and the Justice Department Still Won't Come Clean

Bill O'Reilly: There's No Question That Mr. Stewart is Going to Hell for Criticisms on Fox's 'War on Christmas'

Woman Who Attacked ObamaCare Now Grateful After Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Amateur Hour: Did James O'Keefe Target Media Matters' Eric Boehlert?

President Obama Threatens Veto Over Keystone XL Pipeline


Juanita Jean's | Okay, This Is The Part That Hacks Me Off

Between 2008 And 2010, 30 Big Corporations Spent More Lobbying Washington Than They Paid In Income Taxes | ThinkProgress


Ron Paul: The 45th President of the United States - YouTube

Activist Post: White House targets domestic extremism

FirstEnergy Tells Public One Thing, NRC Another; Nuke Plant Damage More than Previously Admitted | Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich

Activist Post: 10 Ways the War on Drugs is a Wild Success

S.1867 the end of the Constitution and America as we know it - Madison Ruppert of End the Lie on RBN - YouTube

Activist Post: US military a prime 'target' for home-grown terrorists

Activist Post: Naturally Maximize Your Health, Mental Clarity with Vital Nutrients


Activist Post: True equality is the end of double standards

Activist Post: Invasion of the Vein Scanners for Cashless Society

Ron Paul: The 45th President of the United States - YouTube

DHA used in infant formula products comes from genetically modified algae

Activist Post: Getting Prepared Month 3: Special Foods, Fire Drills and Home Safety

Change For A Dollar - YouTube

WND RADIO WND Exclusive GOP vs. EPA: Big fuss about farm dust;Rep. Tipton: One-size-fits-all rule would kill rural jobs

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Sensenbrenner floats impeachment of Obama admin. officials as ‘Fast and Furious’ response

Woman says she performed sexual acts on married Newt in 1977, thinks voters simply must know

Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists

'Gay' indoctrination in bull's-eye of new campaign

Holder: 'There Are E-Mails That We Have Not - And Will Not - Produce' On Fast and Furious |

Holder Suggests 'Fast And Furious' Guns Will Be Used In Crimes For 'Years To Come' | Fox News

The American Spectator : ACORN Visits Obama White House

Voters Flee Democratic Party in Key Swing States - ABC News

Woman says she performed sex acts on married Newt in 1977

Terrorists said to be infiltrating military - Washington Times

Rush Limbaugh: Obama publicly 'outed' himself

ACORN visits the White House

Who's it to be? Teddy No. 1 or Teddy No. 2?

Channeling Teddy Roosevelt

1913 N.Y Times blasts TR's 'super-socialism'

Exposing journalistic tricks

The most statist president ever

The terrible T's: Tyranny and tolerance

The shocking Arab love for Hitler

Too many government secrets!

The symphony of creation

5 ways for OWS to keep sticking it to capitalists

What if freedom were temporary?

Christmas really DOES make us crazy! How 'festive hormones' wreak havoc upon stress, fatigue and happiness levels | Mail Online

‘Daily Show’ reporter asks governor to pee in a cup - Political Currents -

Annie Stensrud: Was bumbling news anchor drunk on air? Female presenter slurs words in bizarre broadcast | Mail Online

WATCH: Video of Strauss-Kahn leaving scene of alleged N.Y. rape - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Madam who ran gang that forced hundreds of women to work as prostitutes in China metropolis executed by lethal injection | Mail Online

NYT: New Orleans struggles to stem homicides - US news - The New York Times -

Married teacher 'lured student to car during football game where she showed him condoms and had sex with him' | Mail Online

Kuwait: 15 Years for Blasphemy - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Bill aims to silence mosques - Israel News, Ynetnews

Families Struggle to Delete Loved Ones' Online Presence After Death - ABC News

Michelle Duggar miscarries: 19 Kids and Counting star loses baby 20 | Mail Online

Higgs boson particle close to being found says CERN | Mail Online

Scientists map Mariana Trench, deepest known section of ocean in the world - Telegraph


*The big list: Female teachers with students

*9 Dec.

American Minute for December 9th

Today in History: December 9

Today in History: December 9

This Day in History for 9th December

December 9 Events in History

December 9th This Day in History

December 9th in History

Today in History for December 9th - YouTube


Cynthia Farahat Testifies to Congress on Jihad and the War on Egypt’s Coptic Christians

Incumbent President of Congo Likely to Win Reelection, Opponent Alleges Fraud

The ‘Apartheid Wall’ Is a Potent Aphrodesiac: Jewish Birthrates on the Rise in Israel

Drone Crash in Iran Could Reveal Our Security Secrets

Audio: Rep. Todd Akin Discusses Defense Spending Cuts in Wake of Supercommittee’s Failure

Iranian TV Shows Images of Downed U.S. Drone, No Damage Visible

AudioAmerica’s Unknown War: Jeffrey Scott Explains Drug Smuggling Tunnels Under U.S. Border

Analyzing Egypt’s “Wondrous” Transformation

BREAKING: Pakistan Strikes Back, Rockets Reportedly Fired at NATO Tankers

Church confirms pope to visit Cuba in spring

Another Obama Donor Complains About Washington’s Regulatory Overreach

Man Says He’s Signed Recall Forms 80 Times; ‘I’m Gonna Cheat to Get Scott Walker Out of Here’

Sen. Mitch McConnell: Americans Don’t Approve of Anything Obama Has Done

An Important Election…Next Week

Taxpayer ‘Investments’ in Rural Broadband Come at a High Cost

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Not Worthy of Being Not Worthy

Obama Administration Reverses Bush Policy on Affirmative Action – Communists Approve

Connecticut Governor Schemes With SEIU to Unionize Day Care Providers & Others Without A Vote

Obama’s Osawatomie Speech Echoes Symbols of Occupy Wall Street, Abolitionism–and the Weather Underground

Cartoon: What It Means to Be in the Tank For Obama

Connecticut State Employees Fraudulently Filed for Food Stamp Benefits

Why Are U.S. Taxpayers Subsidizing a Paris-Based Bureaucracy to Help the AFL-CIO Push Obama’s Class-Warfare Agenda?

Capitol Crimes: Insider Trading and Congress

Occupy Geniuses: Cut Education Costs by Giving Free Stuff to Teachers

Time to Get Serious About Insider Trading in Washington

Holder Hearings Part One: Rep. Issa Strikes a Blow and Rep. Sensenbrenner Says Holder Could Face Impeachment

Holder Hearings Part Two: Rep. Issa Confirms Holder Is under Oath, Yet Holder Changes His Story Again

Holder Hearings Part Three: Impeachment Is Not Enough, Holder Needs to Be Handcuffed

Lawsuit Adds Fuel to Debate Over Superintendent Compensation

Audio:Robin Hood Tax Would Hurt the Little Guy More Than Big Banks

Protests Continue on Capitol Hill - Ben Terris -

US household wealth takes biggest hit since 2008

Obama celebrates Hanukkah at White House

Sen. Boxer to climate-change deniers: ‘You are endangering humankind’ - The Hill's E2-Wire

PATTERSON: Labor unions and communism - Washington Times

+Friday Crib Sheet: A Second Thought On The Cox/Obsidian Suit, O’Reilly Vs Protester

My Walkout Song For Questlove

TIME : Occupy Wall Street Is Their Number One Story Of 2011

Dead Movement Walking: Sympathizer at City & State Writes #OccupyWallStreet’s Obituary

JournOlism 101: A Day In The Life Of Politico’s Ben Smith

Federal Judge Hits Blogger with $2.5m Charge For “Not Being A Journalist” *UPDATED

+Daily Call Sheet: John Wayne Vs. Clint Eastwood, My Top Five Most Anticipated Films of 2012, and Blu-ray Sales Explode

‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’ Review: Serious, Sober and Soporific

‘Young Adult’ Review: Theron Gets Ugly – Again – For Darkly Comic Tale

Box Office Predictions: ‘New Year’s Eve’ Toots Its Horn, ‘Muppets’ Falls

‘New Year’s Eve’ Review: Rom-Com a Terrible Way to Start 2012

‘The Sitter’ Review: Slacker Comedy All Wrong for Engaging Hill

As Occupy Wall Street Clings to Life, Hollywood Rushes to Capture Movement on Film

PTC President Tim Winter: The ‘Snooki Effect’ Is Real – And Devastating

Korn on Obama: ‘You Built This House of Shame’

Carolla’s OWS Rant Draws Warning from Media Scribes

‘Trailer Talk’ – ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ – Joss Whedon’s Horror Yarn Yanked off the Shelf

Your Obama Apologist of the Day: Mary J. Blige (And Piers Morgan, Too)

Mayor Alec Baldwin? ‘30 Rock’ Star Can’t Even Manage His Own Twitter Account

Original Hooters in Florida gets a facelift

House GOP introduces bill renewing payroll tax cut

Six people killed in accidents as snow hits Illinois, Nebraska

Justice Dept wants to put off AT&T-T-Mobile trial

Suit seeks changes in CA public assistance program

Ford recalls 129,000 sedans; wheels may fall off

Va. Tech gunman changed clothes after shooting cop

Qaeda says holding 5 hostages, including French "spies"

"Chavez Nativity" creates controversy in Venezuela

'Terrain altered near Iran nuclear site'

Joseph Kabila's election victory sparks fears of violent backlash

Hamas contacting Arab states to stop 'Israeli aggression'

Former information commissioner: we were right not to prosecute newspapers

UN to Syria: Admit our humanitarian relief teams

China's love affair with blogging wanes

Corzine's Testimony Came With Plenty of Caveats

" Jon Corzine : Boom & Bust": Bloomberg Television

Corzine blames predecessors for MF Global's fall

Morning Examiner: The know-nothing administration

Steve Jobs, Jon Corzine Among 2011's Biggest CEO Departures

Putin accuses US of stoking election unrest - YouTube

Joe Walsh backs away from Randy Hultgren duel, will run in 8th district

Blagojevich attorneys consider prison and appeal

Ex-FBI agent pleads with US to meet kidnappers' demands in video

Gingrich: Palestinians Are an 'Invented' People

Virginia Tech shooter killed himself: police

Donald Trump to moderate GOP debate. But what if nobody shows up?

Then and now: A lot the same for Gingrich

Occupy Boston deadline passes without eviction

Officer found guilty of lying about post-Katrina shooting

Ron Paul's hopes boosted in Iowa by youth vote

Channeling Teddy Roosevelt

Accuser raises questions about Sandusky's wife

Blago Sentenced: He Joins the Justice Department's Smoke-and-Mirrors Show

Christmas tree alternatives: Steel, paper, even vinyl decals

Occupy Our Homes protests

Anarchists claim bomb at Italy tax office

HP: WebOS is Now an Open Source Project

$99 Ice Cream Sandwich Tablet Available, but Buyer Beware

Twitter Trades Simplicity for Sophistication

Google unveils 'Find My Face' tool for Google+

Facebook One-Ups Twitter with Site 'Subscribe' Button

Lindsay Lohan -- Playboy 'Freaking Out' Over Her Naked Photo Leak

'The Sitter': Lost Child of the R-Rated Comedy Renaissance

After Bachmann incident, Roots have to run songs by NBC

Celebrities misbehaving on flights

Jerry Robinson, comic book legend and creator of Batman nemesis, the Joker, dead at 89 - NY Daily News

Where to see Saturday's total lunar eclipse

Head butts and waggle dances: How honeybees make decisions

Six tips for surviving the Nobel prize festivities in Stockholm

Polar bear 'cannibalism' pictured

How to Spot a Moon Around an Exoplanet

Nasa rover finds 'strongest' evidence yet of water on Mars

16000 Eyes: The Vision of a Cambrian Superpredator

FDA: Stronger Labeling Needed for Newer Contraceptives

Raw cookie dough dangerous to eat, study warns

Lauren Scruggs Tragedy: Propeller Accident Victim Takes First Steps

Botched buttocks injections, but this time not in Florida

Why Working the Night Shift May Boost Your Risk of Diabetes


9-Dec-11 World View

8-Dec-11 World View

7-Dec-11 World View

6-Dec-11 World View

5-Dec-11 World View

4-Dec-11 World View

3-Dec-11 World View

2-Dec-11 World View

1-Dec-11 World View


+ (9th) *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Government


Savage: Here's what America will look like if Obama wins


*(7th)Transcripts:Press Conference with President Obama & PM Harper

Interview with 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview w/Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann

Sens. Brown and Hutchison Debate Consumer Protection

Interview with Obama Advisor David Plouffe

Interview with House Budget Chair Paul Ryan

Interview with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney

Panel on the Politics of Keystone XL


**Real Clear Markets - Video - EU Presses on With Treaty Changes

8th)Real Clear Markets - Video - Trump: We Need to Become Rich Again

Real Clear Markets - Video - Consumers Paying for New Debit-Card Law

Real Clear Markets - Video - I'm Moving to China for a Better Job!

Real Clear Markets - Video - Obama's "Godfather" Speech

7th)Real Clear Markets - Video - Jim Rogers: Abolish the Fed

Real Clear Markets - Video - Will the Market Rally Continue?

Real Clear Markets - Video - D.C. Has Nerve Telling EU What to Do

Real Clear Markets - Video - Ben Stein: OWS Are Insignificant Punks


It’s Hard to End Subsidies for Millionaires | FrumForum

Rep. Sandy Levin: Slashing Federal Unemployment Insurance by 40 Weeks

A plain blog about politics: The Return of Debate-A-Rama

Income inequality for dummies « The Enterprise Blog

The Dodd-Frank news you don’t hear: It’s moving forward - The Washington Post

Are the bankers to blame for our woes? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

RealClearMarkets - Newt the Supply-Side Sizzler: Will Mitt Romney Follow?

Tim Noah: Jon Corzine And The End Of Democrats’ Love Affair With Wall Street | The New Republic

Obama Channels Hugo Chavez, Shows Why He Can't Lead On The Economy - Forbes

Michael Levi: Energy, Security, and Climate » The New Conventional Wisdom Of Oil

Calafia Beach Pundit: Good news: income tax receipts are booming

IMF must play its part in any euro solution -

Globalisation has turned on its Western creators - Telegraph

Want To Invest In The U.S.? Team Obama Says No Thanks - Forbes

Don't Spend 2012 Hiding in Cash -

Iran Could Have the Bomb By February 2012

Bashar al-Assad Isn't Going Anywhere (Voluntarily) - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

Leon Aron: What Russia’s Election Was Really About | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Turkish Alliance

The Importance Of Sanctioning Iran's Central Bank - Forbes

Newt Gingrich's dangerous, self-aggrandizing foreign policy - The Week

The Sick Man of Pakistan - By Shamila N. Chaudhary | Foreign Policy

The Trick to Sabotaging Iran | The Diplomat

Mexico, a Country in Crisis, Needs a Fix the Size of the Marshall Plan - The Daily Beast

Beyond the Border a game changer? Hardly - The Globe and Mail

Don’t blame U.S. for the changes in Latin America - Other Views -

A Duma That Thinks a Lot Like Putin | Opinion | The Moscow Times

A gap between US ideals and regional policy - The National

Is Christopher Hitchens about to convert? « » Print The Daily Caller

Silver Bells and Atheist Billboards | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

John Lennon’s Bad Theology | First Things

Her.meneutics: The God of Awkward Virgins

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Church on Christmas morning? Of course - News with a Christian Perspective

Book Talk: Martin Sheen narrates Dalai Lama's book | Reuters

Lynne Hybels: A Common Friend to Arabs and Jews

Blessed Virgin Mary: A Mother Not Just for Catholics

What About Moderate Muslims? | FrontPage Magazine

Labeling Of Biotech Foods Is Unnecessary And Unconstitutional - Forbes

E-Cigarette Bans Are Absurd @PolicyMic | Cameron English

Cabbies' Brains Have More 'Navigation' Gray Matter | London Taxi Drivers & Changing Brain Structure | LiveScience

Non-coding RNAs Halt Cell Death | The Scientist

Emergency contraceptives over the counter: Are they more dangerous than other drugs? - Slate Magazine

Can Quantum Mechanics Solve 'Missing Socks' Mystery? - Blog

Oldest known mattresses kept the bugs away | COSMOS magazine

Princeton University - Nighttime images help track disease from the sky

Backpacks, not the bombs inside, key to finding DNA | MSU News | Michigan State University

Sound and vision work hand in hand, UCLA psychologists report / UCLA Newsroom

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Use NMR to Determine Whether Gold Nanoparticles Exhibit "Handedness"-Mellon College of Science - Carnegie Mellon University

Despite Occasional Scandals, Science Can Police Itself - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Empathy Test: Why Nobody Cares About Horse Slaughter - James McWilliams - Life - The Atlantic

The Cyber Security Industrial Complex - Technology Review

Worms Can Pass a Trait Down for 100 Generations…Without Using DNA | 80beats | Discover Magazine

RealClearTechnology- Reuters - Technology - Dec 08, 2011 - Reading is alive and increasingly electronic

Reality check: Is Eric Schmidt’s Android optimism bravado or bull?

Exploring Some Implications Of Driverless Cars | TechCrunch

The Biggest Tech Companies' Single Biggest Failures of 2011 - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic

2012: Siri Is a Stunner, Amazon Is Amazin' and Security Gets Spendy - Arik Hesseldahl - News - AllThingsD

Game changer: how Kinect could run your home

RealClearTechnology- Gadget of the Week: Xbox 360

Facial recognition software spots family resemblance - tech - 07 December 2011 - New Scientist

What would a Bill Gates comeback look like? - Big Tech - Fortune Tech

Twitter launches major redesign | Geek Gestalt - CNET News

Home Thermostats, Wallflowers No More -

Transforming U.S. Energy Innovation

High Oil Prices Could Wipe Out the Tax Cut

Eliminating uncertainty in the regulatory climate - Other Views -

Debunking the Myth That America Is Running Out of Energy - Energy Intelligence (

Cuba Drilling Florida Straits: Washington should talk directly to Havana to guard against environmental disaster -

Another Failed Energy Loan - Robert Bryce - National Review Online

Obama's Electric Car Dream Short-Circuits -

Feed-in Tariffs: Just Another Renewable Energy Subsidy

Justice, safety and America's coal-mining industry -

Pipeline and payroll tax politics - Right Turn - The Washington Post

EPA must stop playing in the dust | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Solar Powered: AOL Energy Year In Review

Goldwater, the John Birch Society, and Me « Commentary Magazine

Trial of Adolf Eichmann – The Station Master at Treblinka

'Adolf Eichmann is a historical figure to me.' Ricardo Eichmann speaks to Suzanne Glass about growing up the fatherless son of the Nazi war criminal hanged in Israel - Life & Style - The Independent

Princess Diana, Princess of Wales: Diana`s Separation

First World - Primary Documents - Sir Edmund Allenby on the Fall of Jerusalem, 9 December 1917

So it begins: Woodward, Bernstein, and excess in run-up to Watergate’s 40th « Media Myth Alert

Rudy Tomjanovich Kermit Washington John Feinstein's The Punch | Hardwood Paroxysm

Book Review: Rome | Whispering City | Bernini -

Jesse Kornbluth: In Praise of Shorter Classics: I Cut 13,000 Words From A Christmas Carol. And I'll Do It to More.

How to Dispel Your Illusions by Freeman Dyson | The New York Review of Books

Ronin Ro: Prince: Inside The Music And The Masks | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

‘Ajax Dilemma’ Looks at Fundamental Fairness -

Do Democrats Face More Trouble From Occupy Wall Street? : Roll Call Politics

Gingrich Surges, Obama in Trouble in Swing State Polls - Steven Shepard -

How Obama’s Cool Demeanor Will Help Him Run Against a Frantic G.O.P. Field | Politics | Vanity Fair

Obama’s economic plan? Back to the ’70s! « The Enterprise Blog

The Horserace for December 8, 2011 | RedState

Barack Obama, Political Hack « Commentary Magazine

Political Animal - Meet Spike Dolomite Ward

Just As We Suspected, The Fast And Furious Program Was A Gun-Control Plot After All -

Blagojevich sentence has message for all politicians -

Obama’s Campaign for Class Resentment - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

All the G.O.P.’s Gekkos -

RealClearPolitics - Parties United in Grilling Corzine Over Missing Funds

Eric Holder stonewalls on—Michael A. Walsh -

When Obama Music Ends, Class Warfare Begins: Michael Kinsley - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Newt the Supply-Side Sizzler

RealClearPolitics - Politics as Reality TV

RealClearPolitics - No Need to Rush Primary Process

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » 2012 REPUBLICAN RACE: THE FIELD MAY NOT BE CLOSED

RealClearPolitics - Turnout Is Critical Variable in Iowa Caucuses

+RealClearTechnology- The Evolution of the Geek


The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-08-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-08-11 Hr 2

The Manning Report – 8 December 2011

Redding News Review 12-08-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-08-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-08-11 Hr 3

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 9th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 8th

Kevin Trudeau Show

12/08 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-08, Thursday

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, December, 08, 2011

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

Dec. 8, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 12/08/2011


**NEWS VIDEOS: Eric Cantor Slows Down STOCK Act Passage

Allegations Of Fraud Emerge In WI Recall Effort

Sen. Hutchison: Obama Is Using Occupy Movement To Create ‘Envy’

Gloves Off: Mitt Slugs Newt With Tough New Ad

Andrew Breitbart #Occupies Red Eye

Obama Delegate Heckled At Durban Climate Change Conference

#OccupyHarvard Vacant

Florida AG Bondi Pranks Daily Show Reporter

#OccupySacramento Protester Stays In Tree

Hanukkah At The White House: ‘I’ve Got A Soft Spot For Justice Ginsburg’

American Hostage In Iran Pleads For Freedom

Proud Papa Jon Voight Attends Angelina Jolie’s Directorial Debut

VA Tech Gunman Said To Be Dead

NATO Fuel Tankers Attacked

Cameron: Block On EU Treaty Change ‘A Good Decision’

NBA Owners, Players Approve New Labor Deal

Ryan Seacrest Rumored To Replace Matt Lauer

Breitbart: Union Bosses Are Exploiting #Occupy Protesters

King Confronts Corzine About Personal Risk

Rep. Johnson Makes Corzine Squirm With Questioning

Congress Accuses Obama Admin Of ‘Political Correctness’ For Ft. Hood ‘Workplace Violence’ Label

8th/Iranian TV Airs Footage Of Captured US Drone

Putin Slams Clinton For Encouraging Protesters

Holder: ‘Nobody In The Justice Department Has Lied’

Holder: ‘Fast & Furious’ Was ‘Reckless’ And More People Will Die From Operation

Attorney General Attempts To Explain ‘Unacceptable Tactics’ In ‘Fast & Furious’

Pope Lights ‘Tree’ Using Computer

Michael Moore Wants Conan As President

NBC’s Matthews Calls Gingrich ‘Nasty’ Looking, ‘Dogs Walk Away When They See Him’

Obama: ‘Ask Osama Bin Laden Whether I Engage In Appeasement’

Virginia Tech Announces Police Officer Shot Near Campus

7th/$210M Settlement Reached In West Virginia Mine Explosion

2000 Pound Bomb Dropped On Taliban

Exclusive Sneak Peek: Coulter Rocks Gay Reality TV, ‘Gays Have Got To Be Pro-Life!’

Obama Admin: Ft. Hood Shooting ‘Workplace Violence’

6th/City Displays Skeleton Santa Nailed To Cross

Santorum: I’ll Cut $5 Trillion In First 100 Days

GOP Congressman: Obama Wants Us To ‘Hold Hands And Jump Off The Cliff’ With Europe

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