A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

08 December 2011

8 DEC.



8 Dec


Aung San Suu Kyi On Burma
10 Years After the Start Of The Afghanistan War
Ambivalence Over Euro's Future in Its Birthplace
Overcoming USAID's Challenges
Gorbachev Calls For New Election After Protests
China Execution Sparks Protest
Geithner Confident Ahead Of EU Summit
Tripoli: 'Militias Go Home' Plea
U.S. Man Jailed For Monarchy Insult
Raw Video: Pope Lights 'Tree' Using Computer
Assad: Deaths Were 'Individual Mistakes'
Gingrich: I'd Help Israel Fight Iran


7 Dec.

Ending The War On Drugs
Potential For A Civil War In Syria?
Countdown To Save The Euro
CEO On Euro Crisis: 'Seeking Certainty'
Afghanistan Bombings Undermine Taliban
West Will Not Abandon Afghanistan After 2014
Derailing Iran's Nuclear Program
Outrage In Yemen
Inside The Free Syrian Army
Soldiers Prepare For Exit From Iraq
UN Chief Doubts Climate Deal Likely
Thousands Flee Indonesia Volcano
Greece Passes 2012 Austerity Budget
How Could Iran Use U.S. Drone Technology?



8 Dec.

Obama Asked About Appeasement; Says "Ask Osama Bin Laden"
Dem PAC Ad: Reagan Wanted Higher Taxes On Millionaires
DNC Web Video: "Mitt Through The Ages"
Holder Grilled At Hearing On Fast And Furious
O'Reilly: Obama Is Blaming The Bad Economy On Wealthy Americans
Finney: Gingrich Is A "Vindictive Person"
"Special Report" Panel On The Politics Of Keystone XL
Corn: President Obama Has Been Tough

7 Dec.

RCP's Tom Bevan On Tea Party's Rise, GOP Field (Part II)
Rudy Giuliani: Romney Has The "Burden" Of Explaining His Flip-Flops
Krauthammer: Obama Has A Talent For Alienating Allies, Appeasing Foes
Christie To Obama: "Get Out Of Your Chair"
Sarah Palin: "Barack Obama Is A Phony"
Black Dem Congresswoman: GOP "Turning The Clock Back To Days Of Jim Crow"
Panetta To Israel: "Get To The Damn Table" With Palestine
Romney: Obama Has Pursued A Foreign Policy Of "Appeasement"
Jarrett: Obama Focuses On "What Is Good For The American People"
Mass. Dem Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren Flubs Red Sox Question
Newt Gingrich: John Bolton Will Be My Secretary Of State
Peter King: Gingrich Can't Control Himself, "Too Self-Centered"
Howard Fineman Likens Newt Gingrich To A Bomber
Bill Clinton On Hillary: "I Don't Know What The Future Holds"
Trump: Romney Wants My Endorsement "Badly"
Christie Takes Down Man Who Asks If Town Hall Questions Are Planted
Moore: "Wall Street Has Their Man And His Name Is Barack Obama"
Carney: Obama's Speech "Wasn't An Election Speech"
"Daily Show" Makes Fun Of Trump Debate
Hume: May Not Be The Best Thing For Gingrich To Win Iowa
Romney Ad Touts "Steadiness And Constancy"
Perry Ad: "I'll End Obama's War On Religion"
Huntsman Web Video: "Mitting Image"
RCP's Tom Bevan On Tea Party's Rise, GOP Field
"Special Report" Panel: Will Gingrich Get The Nomination?
Fineman: Gingrich Has Failed In Leadership Positions
O'Reilly: Obama Will Get Stronger As The Economy Improves
Milbank: If Romney Loses, He Would Lose With "Dignity"



Blagojevich Sentence: Former Governor Begins Bleak Countdown To Prison

Gauen: Does Blagojevich's punishment fit crimes?

Second day of Blagojevich sentencing -

District Judge James Zagel « Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Quotes from Judge James Zagel on Blagojevich -, NewsCenter17, StormCenter17, Central Illinois News-

Blagojevich gets jail--but first, a book signing; Trent Lott’s regrets (read-this roundup) - In the Loop - The Washington Post

U.S. News - Former prisoners: Blagojevich faces rude awakening

Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich Will Find a Routine in Prison: Scott Fawell

What prison will Blagojevich go to? -

Blagojevich apologetic in his address to judge - Chicago Tribune

History of the Federal Judiciary:Zagel, James Block

Biographical Data for Judge James B. Zagel

Democrats See a Two-Horse G.O.P. Race, Adding a Whip

Postal Service cuts could interfere with elections, delay ballots

US News & World Report | News & Rankings | Best Colleges, Best Hospitals, and more

Obama Speech: One step closer to the end of capitalism? – Glenn Beck

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda :

PJ Media » Gunwalker’s Cousin: ‘Moneywalker’?

12 Very Disturbing Examples Of Radical Social Engineering By The U.S. Government

» UBS On Euro Break Up: Buy Gold, Tinned Goods and Guns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Costly Ambition: 'With sanctions on Iran oil, US chokes own economy' - YouTube


Celebrity Attorney Gloria Allred “I do not know Larry Sinclair,” Really? « Larry Sinclair

Manning wants Obama and Clinton as witnesses — RT

As experts consider possible link to tainted surgical instruments... Is Alzheimer's caused by a brain infection? | Mail Online

New black holes 'so big nobody believed them for 20 years' - Telegraph

Kepler-22b could be inhabited - Science - News - The Independent

The Heart of Darkness in the Power of Light

Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011 | Natural Society

Suspected Prostitute Discarded; Actions of Emergency Responders Questioned - YouTube

Powerful Profile of a Flu Vaccine Victim - YouTube

Feds to allow use of Medicare data to rate doctors

ABC exclusive: Defiant Assad denies ordering bloody crackdown | Newsmakers - Yahoo! News

Johnny Doe says Tim Geithner is a slimy, lying, scum sucking piece of corrupt trash! - YouTube

Top 1% Doubled Income In Last 30 Years - CBO Report - YouTube


+Ratio Of CEO Pay To Average Worker


Idiot's Guide | Opinion Maker

Idiot's Guide;An idiot’s overview of why Western capitalism is crashing | Opinion Maker

Library of Congress to store tweets based on Twitter deal

Rense & Joseph P Farrell - Heading For War? - YouTube

Revised textbooks spark row in Japan - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Mysterious Jerusalem carvings leaves Israeli archaeologists baffled - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


**Recovering the Lost World, A Saturnian Cosmology -- Jno Cook


Mayans Never Predicted World To End In 2012?

Today in History for Year 3114 BC

What Really Happened in 3100 BC - and Where Are We Headed Now

One Reed Publications: 2012

The Maya Astronomy Page(

THE DRESDEN CODEX – the book of Mayan astronomy



The Moon and its Weeks in Ancient Mexico*

Quetzalcoatl and the Sexual Secrets of the Toltec Astrologers

NEWS - Bursting the Malachi Martin Bubble

FDR, Pearl Harbor and the U.N. by John V. Denson

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: The Apocalyptic Rabbi

The Clock of Giza (1/2) - YouTube

The Clock of Giza (2/2) - YouTube

Activist Post: The Orwellian 'Non-Lethal' War Waged Against Peaceful Citizens

The American Heart Association Lies About TransFat

France Takes Stand Against GMOs, Monsanto Despite End of Ban | Natural Society - Black Woman Defends "Racism"

U.S. News - Sandusky rearrested in Pennsylvania

Saudi Prince Calls for Kingdom to Acquire WMDs at Oil Price

Why The UK Trail Of The MF Global Collapse May Have "Apocalyptic" Consequences For The Eurozone, Canadian Banks, Jefferies And Everyone Else | ZeroHedge

In Past Week Americans Pull The Most Money From Stock Market Farce Since US Downgrade, Despite Market Surge | ZeroHedge

Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wall Street Money Machine « WEB OF DEBT BLOG

God save the oil cartel subsidies and to hell with the poor! « The PPJ Gazette

The Road to Tyranny: Let Me Count the Ways

U.S. News - US adds more billion-dollar disasters to 2011 list

Corporate America Is Sitting On The Solution To The Jobs Crisis: Report

Joe Biden "Jokes" About Bringing Hundreds Of Millions Of US Taxpayer Dollars To Bailout Greece | ZeroHedge

PressTV - Britain and allies used WMD on Libya

Waiting For The Other Boot To Fall

How the world's first cyber 'super weapon' attacked Iran - and now threatens the world | Mail Online

Nano Chemtrails House Reprimands, Penalizes Speaker

Cancer 'Caused By Obesity And Bad Diet' - Yahoo!

Leading article: Exactly what journalism should be - Leading Articles - Opinion - The Independent

Revelations: How lobbyists' tentacles spread throughout the Government - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Cancer patients to face welfare tests during chemotherapy, charities warn | Society | The Guardian

Mexican presidential front-runner struggles to name three books - Telegraph

Are we facing the death of email? - Features - Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

US warns of bioweapon threat from gene assembly | World news | The Guardian

Russian election: police, troops and youth groups stifle anti-Putin protests | World news |

Britain's new man in Washington Sir Peter Westmacott is brother-in-law of $290m fraudster | Mail Online

US to use foreign aid to promote gay rights | World news | The Guardian

Saudi Arabia commissions gold-leaf train | World news |

Iran war: Mystery explosions at nuke sites fuel fears covert conflict is under way | Mail Online

ABC exclusive: Defiant Assad denies ordering bloody crackdown | Newsmakers - Yahoo! News

Obama FDA Considers Putting Morning-After Pill on Supermarket Shelves | The Weekly Standard

Why Is Pesticide Used As An Ingredient In Infant Formula? | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Activists Protest Company's Plan To Test Monkeys | Care2 Causes

Up for sale online: A NASA rocket engine that can also be used to build missiles | Mail Online

Sherrie Questioning All: Email I just Sent out to My State Representatives - Linking Halliburtons Document - Army Advertisement etc - Imploring them to Protect the Citizens!

Tensions Escalate As Syria Pipeline Destroyed - Video | ZeroHedge

FOX fakes Moscow protest with footage of Athens clashes - YouTube

Russia: Hillary Clinton refuses to back down from Vladimir Putin row - Telegraph

Vladimir Putin accuses Hillary Clinton of inciting protests - Telegraph

Activist Post: Patented Gene Sequences Make up Over 20 Percent of the Human Genome

FBI's new definition of rape ensnares TSA agents as serial rapists

Activist Post: US Feigns Concern Over "Freedom of Speech"

The Real History of 'Corporate Personhood': Meet the Man to Blame for Corporations Having More Rights Than You | | AlterNet

Activist Post: 10 Ways the War on Drugs is a Wild Success

Inside Job Rating Agencies - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Federal Reserve Explained - Why We Need To End The Fed


**Rethinking John Lennon's Assassination(


**Rethinking John Lennon’s Assassination The FBI’s War on Rock Stars By Salvador Astucia, April 2004


Revolutionary Politics : Gingrich 'I'll Help Israel Attack Iran'

John Bolton Admits All Of These Wars Are For Oil - YouTube

Bolton: Spend More On Weapons, Cut Veterans Health Care And Retirement | ThinkProgress

AFP: Remains of 274 US troops dumped in landfill: report

AllGov - News - Food Stamp Fraud Targeted, but Not Bank Fraud

Why No Financial Crisis Prosecutions? Ex-Justice Official Says It’s Just too Hard - ProPublica

Criminal Probes into Financial Crisis - Law Blog - WSJ

Obama administration targeting food stamp fraud as program reaches record highs - The Federal Eye - The Washington Post

John Bolton jokes about nuking Chicago, entire CPAC audience erupts in laughter. | ThinkProgress

Daily Kos: Horrifying, personal John Bolton story


New KBR Document Confirms FEMA Camps Soon to be Activated Nationwide :


+Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 - FEMA

+FEMA Strategic Plan


(copy)Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 - FEMA

(copy)FEMA Strategic Plan


North American Union - Phase One - December 07, 2011 - YouTube


Activist Post: Coming of Age in a Post-9/11 World

FEMA plans on suspension of the US constitution exposed during Iran contra hearings. - YouTube

Bilderberg’s Roman Circus: Italian junta effectively outlaws cash | End the Lie - Independent News

'Goldman Sachs dictatorship - Hitler's dream' - YouTube

Occupation Nation: US cops serve & protect the 1% - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Protests Spread - The Top 10 Everything of 2011 - TIME

Defense giant ditches Microsoft’s cloud citing Patriot Act fears | ZDNet


The International: Oil, Drugs, Guns & Kissinger Associates :


Secret creation of the Federal Reserve Cartel - YouTube


The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part I: The Eight Families « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Federal Reserve Cartel – Part II: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild | The Global Realm

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part III: The Roundtable & The Illuminati « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Federal Reserve Cartel Part IV: A Financial Parasite |

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part V: The Solution :: New World Order Blog


Hartmann: Fukushima...Has the China Syndrome now officially begun? - YouTube

Idiot's Guide | Opinion Maker

Dick Cheney admits Flight 93 was shot down - YouTube

Inhofe to climate conference: Nobody’s listening any more |

Eight Warning Signs Of Junk Science

EXCLUSIVE: At House hearing Thursday, Corzine expected to plead the Fifth -

Activist Post: Color Revolution for Russia?

Activist Post: The Evolution of Revolution: Occupy Your Home

HSBC staff were told to target lone, elderly customers | Mail Online

UBS' Advice On What To Buy In Case Of Eurozone Breakup: "Precious Metals, Tinned Goods And Small Calibre Weapons" -

Corzine: No clue where MF Global clients' missing money went - Trustee’s Lawyer Voices Doubt on Return of Assets - 12160

All Hail The United States Of Germany? The Rest Of Europe Is Facing Either German Domination Or Financial Collapse -

The Untouchables: Elite immunity in the age of imperialism -

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Ron Paul: America is in a Box... I'm Not in a Box, I'm Just Telling The Truth - YouTube

+ Dramatic Pictures From The Attack On Pearl Harbor

Ron Paul: I'm Reluctantly Doing the Media's Job in Exposing Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Candidates For The Presidency Are Idiots ... Except Ron Paul | Maritime Magazine | A Man Most Ordinary (the story of Clifton Stewart)

"By Imbeciles Who Really Mean It": Lost Verities and Dirty Hippies

Leon Panetta is Full of Sh*t

poorrichards blog: Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?

Revolutionary Politics : Government Gone Wild - The Story of Spending

Revolutionary Politics : DEA Laundering Money For Mexican Drug Cartels

Revolutionary Politics : Gingrich: Gov. Should Allow Terror Attacks To Remind People How Much We Need Them

Activist Post: Does the Indefinite Detention Bill Foretell Future?

1newsjunkie: Occupy Our Homes: Far From Wall Street, Protesters Find A New Focus

70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor and the September 10th, 1945 Issue of TIME Magazine |

Gingrich struggles with state deadlines for filing - Washington Times

Activist Post: Why Is Pesticide Used As An Ingredient In Infant Formula?

Mother produced child pornography using own children - National Law Enforcement |

In Kenya, Prostitutes Rely on Regular Clients for Loans and Aid - Ideas Market - WSJ

Newt Gingrich: Lockheed Martin Manchurian Candidate :

+The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs


John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project - (


C.P. Roth: My Visit With John Lennon at the Dakota, 1978

Dec. 8: John Lennon Shot, Killed 1980 - ABC News

Did John Lennon predict his own death; Stamp Out the Beatles; & the other 5th Beatle, my dad | 89.3 KPCC

Beatle John Lennon Threatened in Extortion Plot, Says FBI - ABC News

John Lennon’s spirit still soars, Yoko Ono declares

John and Yoko, as Never Before Seen: New Photos from the Famous ‘Bed In’

John Lennon’s Bad Theology | First Things

RIP John Lennon: No Country Does Assassination Like America | People | Sabotage Times

Hollywood Memorial Set For John Lennon, Who Died 31 Years Ago Today | Radar Online

Imagining the real John Lennon | New Hampshire Public Radio

Yoko Ono pays tribute to John Lennon on the 31st annivesary of his death - Telegraph


* The Global Information Network


U.S. one bill away from totalitarian rule -

Wall Street Buys Up Guns -


**U.S. military bases around the world: graphic | News | National Post


Ron Paul Ad - Consistent - YouTube

Ron Paul: Israel "Our Best Friend" | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Two More New Hampshire Reps Endorse Ron Paul | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

NBC-Marist Survey: Ron Paul Strongest against Obama » Revolution PAC


**ronpaul's Channel - YouTube


Freedom Atlas(


Jon Corzine-style deals banned by CFTC - Josh Boak -

Search continues for MF Global's missing money - Dec. 6, 2011

In MF Global's Wake, Regulators to Audit All Futures Firms -

MIT study with major corporate “advisers” promotes centralized control of power grid | End the Lie - Independent News


Newt Gingrich is Not a Conservative | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Newt Gingrich is Not a Conservative (Pt. 2) | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Newt Gingrich is Not a Conservative (Pt. 3) | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Newt Gingrich is Not a Conservative (Pt. 4) | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Newt Gingrich is Not Conservative (Pt. 5) | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Newt Gingrich is Not a Conservative (Pt. 6) | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Newt Gingrich is Not a Conservative (Pt. 7) | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Newt Gingrich is Not a Conservative (Pt. 8) | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee


The Laura Ingraham Show - Ron Paul: Newt Gingrich is not a conservative - YouTube

SA@TAC - Newt Gingrich is Not a Conservative - YouTube


*1:17:20/Doug Casey - Is This the End of Western Civilization (Capitalism & Morality Seminar 2011) - YouTube


Jim Rogers on Freedom Watch 12/06/11 - YouTube

The Right to Resist: Will Michigan Repeal the "Rapist Doctrine"? - informationliberation

The Golden Age of Government Is Just Beginning - informationliberation

'Occupy' Protesters Listed As Domestic Terrorists - informationliberation

A Look at the True Collectivist, Socialist and Communist Nature of Today's Conservatives - informationliberation

Video - Assad Interview;Syria's Assad Denies Ordering Deadly Crackdown

A Revolution Against Resistance?

Israel Lawmaker Wants to Force Palestinians to Swear "Zionist" Oath

Facebook security 'glitch' reveals Mark Zuckerberg's private photos | Mail Online


There’s No Place Like Home…To Buy Locally Produced Food | American Free Press


Local Harvest(


*ArticlesBFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 7, 2011


NATO Update: Georgia’s Entry to NATO Could Lead to War

US in Talks to Rebuild Libyan Army

Russia Warns of Nuke Race as Missile Talks Stall

Egypt Junta Condemns Incoming Parliament

War Drums Are Beating for Iran, but Who's Playing Them?

A Dangerous New McCarthy?

Obama's Indefinite Detention Powers

Rep. Peter King: Terrorists Infiltrating Military

Pentagon Conducts Budget War Games

The Untouchables by Justin Raimondo --

Washington’s Secret Wars by Philip Giraldi --

Pro-Business vs. Pro-Market: What’s the Difference? by Ivan Eland --

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (video)

Recent Charges of Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood Just Tip of Iceberg, Experts Say

Therapist ‘Brainwashed’ Woman Into Believing She Was In Satanic Cult

Palin Endorses Trump Debate, Urges Candidates to Join

Gingrich: GOP, Romney 'Weak' to Decline Trump Debate

Reed's Faith & Freedom Coalition Backs Trump Debate

Trump on Debate: 'I Know the Issues Better'

Tea Party Express Loves Trump Debate, Says GOP Candidates Must Attend

Dick Morris Urges Romney to Join Trump Debate

Trump Debate: Hannity Says, 'I'll Be There'

Norquist: Why I'm Backing Trump Debate

Rep. Issa: Holder 'Weak and Flawed'

Iowa Poll: Gingrich Best Prepared for President

Gingrich: We Have Enough Money to Repay Debt

Reagan Aide: Hopefuls Should Join Trump Debate

Drones Watching Iran's Nuclear Weapons

'1941' Excerpt: America Fights for Life After Pearl

Former CIA Chief Hayden: Redirect Pakistan Support

PBS programs favorites of both parties

Sandusky Charged With Additional Crimes

Jim Rogers: ‘Become a Farmer. Finance is Finished’

Fever Is Your Friend

Cereals Pack More Sugar Than Cookies

Muslim Brotherhood’s Tactics of Deception

Ron Paul Wrong to Brush Off Trump Debate

Total Eclipse of the Moon - NASA Science

Rush Limbaugh: Obama publicly 'outed' himself

VIDEO: Russia Slams Clinton Over Election Criticism

BREAKING NEWS: Downed CIA Stealth Drone Marks Another Step Towards America's War On Iran

VIDEO: Italy's Welfare Minister In Tears Over Austerity Sacrifices

The Militarization of the American Police, the Shredding of Our Constitutional Rights

The End of Reset: Towards the New Cold War. "The New World Order to be built on the Wreckage of Russia"

The Nixon Administration and the Indian Nuclear Program, 1972-1974

Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism: Audacity, More Audacity in Formulating an Alternative to the Existing System.

PETA Rebukes White House for 'Flippantly' Dismissing Question on Senate's Vote to Legalize Bestiality in Military

‘On What?’--McCain Says He Didn’t Know Defense Bill He Approved Repealed Military Ban on Sodomy, Bestiality

Sen. Lindsey Graham Says He Didn't Know Defense Bill He Approved Lifts Military Ban on Sodomy and Bestiality

White House--Laughingly--Declines to Comment on Senate Vote to Repeal Military's Ban on Sodomy and Bestiality

Obama Refused to Make Decision on Pipeline, But Insists He’s ‘All In’ for Domestic Energy Production

Obama: Limited Gov't That Preserves Free Markets 'Doesn't Work. It Has Never Worked'

Obamacare Showers Millions of Dollars on School Health Clinics

Hillary Clinton: ‘Religious Beliefs’ Are ‘Standing in the Way of Protecting Human Rights of LGBT People'

Citing the 'Humanity of Unborn Babies,' Republican Introduces Bill to Ban Abortions Based on Race and Gender

Hoyer: Dems Better than GOP Because Dems Made Twice as Many Laws

Rep. Paul Ryan on Transparency: ‘The Books are Cooked in Washington’

HHS Secretary Stops 'Plan B' from Going to Girls Under 17 Without Parental Permission

Gingrich’s 1998 Jerusalem Visit a Reminder of Mideast Sensitivities Facing GOP Candidates

Sandusky Jailed on New Child Sex Abuse Charges

Barbara Walters Sees 'Disconnect' in Syria's President

Obama Once Again Issues Jerusalem Embassy Waiver on a Friday, to Minimize Publicity

Rights Group: More U.S. Companies Covering Cost of Gender Reassignment Surgery

Jurors Say Judge Was Right to Give Blago 14-Year Prison Sentence

GOP Filibusters Halligan Court Nomination, Sen. Schumer Warns Of 'Chaos'

Limbaugh: Obama's Speech 'Filled With Deceit,' 'Breathtaking In Its Divisiveness'

It Was Only $1.5 Trillion, Fed Chair Says Of Secret Bailouts

Ending Marriage, Dashing Hopes: Barack Obama And Hillary Clinton Speak

Rush: Obama 'Is Running for Re-Election as a Socialist'

Obama: Limited Gov't That Preserves Free Markets 'Doesn't Work. It Has Never Worked'

Gov. Christie: Obama 'Way Late To The Game Of Leadership In America'

Future Health IT Networks Will Include ‘Interventions’ – Such As Text-Message Reminders to Patients |

Limbaugh: Ron Paul Has Nothing To Do With The Tea Party

Limbaugh: Every Bit Of Stated Opposition From Republicans About Republicans Is Personal.

Limbaugh: Obama Kansas Speech Was Sickening

Must See GBTV: Beck Gingrich Interview

Mark Levin: How Many Future Presidents Will Compare Themselves To Obama?

Rush on Obama Kansas Speech: “Communist Leaders Around The World Give This Speech Constantly”

Limbaugh to Obama: “You Have Just Outed Yourself. You Have Nothing But Contempt For This Country”

Rush: NYT Upset Over Big Government… In China.

Limbaugh: Fast And Furious Was All Part Of An Obama Scam

Limbaugh: Eric Holder Is Participating In A Scheme To Undermine The Constitution

New evidence shows tabloid spied on Murdoch critic

Va. Tech: Police officer shot near campus

Putin harks back to Cold War 20 years on

BOOM! Obama Just Played The Bin Laden Card

Campaign 2012 - Democrats See 2-Horse Race Between Romney and Gingrich -

Voters Flee Democratic Party in Key Swing States - ABC News

Holder Suggests 'Fast And Furious' Guns Will Be Used In Crimes For 'Years To Come' | Fox News

Terrorists said to be infiltrating military - Washington Times

Bill Clinton On Hillary: "I Don't Know What The Future Holds" | RealClearPolitics

Hillary Campaign Conspicuously Emerges - Washington Whispers (

'MythBusters' hosts: Sorry about that cannonball - Houston Chronicle

Jon Corzine to tell House panel he was ‘devastated’ by MF Global bankruptcy - The Washington Post

Mystery Smell Aboard a Plane Makes 5 Flight Attendants Ill: Cops | NBC Miami

Montgomery County Man Admits Stealing Cemetery Urns, Selling For Scrap « CBS Philly

Sword Swiped From Lincoln’s Tomb Recovered « CBS St. Louis

Sen. Boxer to climate-change deniers: ‘You are endangering humankind’ - The Hill's E2-Wire

The Curse of the Coffee, Tea and Beer Drinkers by Bill Sardi

Castor Oil Packs – An Old Remedy That Still Works by Margaret Durst

How Agriculture Ruined Your Health (and What to Do About It) | Mark's Daily Apple

The Used Car Checklist by Eric Peters

The Man in the Doorway Was Oswald by Ralph Cinque

Just Another Day in the USA by Ron Holland

HeadLie: Withdrawing Your Money From Banks Will Make the Recession Worse by Mac Slavo

It All Started After His Assets Were Seized by Simon Black

+Listen ; Interview with Mark Nestmann

Newt Gingrich: Copying Off the Smart Kid's Paper by Thomas Eddlem

Government Assets by Jim Davies


Gerald Celente: 'IT'S FASCIST. CAN'T YOU SEE IT?" - Part ONE - YouTube

Gerald Celente: 'IT'S FASCIST. CAN'T YOU SEE IT?" - Part TWO - YouTube


Activist Post: Tyrannical "Health Standards" Of The New World Order

Activist Post: Biological attacks 'are serious security challenge'

Activist Post: Anti-Monsanto Article Surpasses 80,000 Facebook Shares, Among Most Shared in 2011

Activist Post: Patented Gene Sequences Make up Over 20 Percent of the Human Genome

Prison » Confirmed: ATF Plotted to Use Fast And Furious To Demonize Second Amendment

We need both Fighters and healers in the truth movement - YouTube

Activist Post: US military a prime 'target' for home-grown terrorists

Activist Post: Naturally Maximize Your Health, Mental Clarity with Vital Nutrients

Americans leaving US in record numbers — RT

+"Moon Rock" Contained Blood Vessels | Before It's News


Glenn Beck on the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory James Meigs debunked media lies - YouTube

Evidence of overlaid images, sound dubbing, and digital imagery used in Televised footage of 9/11 Trade Tower events | Before It's News


911 AMATEUR part1 - YouTube

911 AMATEUR part2 - YouTube

911 AMATEUR part3NEW - YouTube















TV Fakery on 9-11 - YouTube


The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 1 (Pharaoh & Dajjal)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 2 (911 Hidden in Hollywood)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 3 (Age of Awesome Deception)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 4 (No Planes on September 11)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 5 (The Plane Myth)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 6 (Hidden in PLANE Sight)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 7 (9/11 TV Fakery)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 8 (Video Trickery)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 9 (The stage is set)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 10 (The Biggest Fraud)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 11 (Selling a Lie)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 12 (The Grand TV Illusion)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 13 (Appearance vs. Reality)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 14 (All the World's a Stage)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 15 (The Spider's Web)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 16 (The Illuminati and the New World Order)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 17 (The Owl and Satan)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 18 (Skull & Bones, Nazism and Zionism)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 19 (NSA and the Nexus between Zionism & Romanism)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 20 (Sex Kitten Programming)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 21 (The Cat)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 22 (The Handler and the Butterfly)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 23 (Switching, Triggers and Victims)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 24 (Monarch Programming)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 25 (A Zionist World)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 26 (How Television Really Works)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 27 (How TV Changes Our Mindset)

The Illuminati & Dajjal Part 28 (Wikileaks : War Through Deception )


Digital Imaging Used in TV Broadcasts of 9/11 Trade Tower Events - Short Inspiring Stories by Bill Woollam

Wag The Dog - War on terror, 9/11 Mossad, CIA , CNN & Hollywood - YouTube

The Great 9/11 Magick Trick? an article by Doug Yurchey

Government Official: ETs Walk Among Us | Before It's News

Ark of Covenant 'To Be Revealed' After Leaking Roof In Ethiopian Chapel | Before It's News

Mysterious Planet-Size Object Spotted Near Mercury | Before It's News

Amazing huge cloaked UFO next to Mercury MUST SEE!!! - YouTube

Chimps 'trade' just like humans - and some even indulge in 'the oldest profession' | Mail Online

Psychopathy: A Misunderstood Personality Disorder: Are Psychopathy Born Or Made | Before It's News

Obama’s Pseudo-Neo-Marxism | Before It's News

Arpaio Gets Death Threats Over Obama Investigation | Before It's News

Obama Offers Plan For U.S. To Be Global LGBT Sex Cop | Before It's News


*Info Wars Nightly News 2011 12 07 - December 7th ...


C2CAM - 2011.12.07 - Chemtrail Agendas



China Prepares, Portugal Pension Theft, Gingrich's Geoengineering Plan - YouTube

Gov. Activates FEMA Camps, Gingrich Loves Torture, TSA Grope Granny & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Is Ron Paul Positioned To Become The Republican Leader Of The 2012 Race For The Presidency? - YouTube

Prison » Could FBI’s New Definition of Rape Outlaw TSA Pat Downs?

Prison » Cancer? No Thanks: Half Of Americans Want X-ray Body Scanners Scrapped

Prison » Ron Paul Revolution Enters Crucial Countdown To Iowa

Prison » Forbes Op-ed Gives Glowing Endorsement of Ron Paul

Prison » Foment OWS Terror, Open Camps?

Prison » US Deploys Yet Another Warship To The Middle East

Prison » The Militarization of American Police Started At Least 30 Years Ago

» MF Global Swindle: House Committee Not Likely to Play Hardball with Corzine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» What Is The Best Country In The World For Americans To Relocate To Avoid The Coming Economic Collapse? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Moore: “Wall Street Has Their Man And His Name Is Barack Obama” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bob Woodward says sitting next to Al Gore is 'taxing, unpleasant’ -

» Using Arable Land for Bio-fuels: Carbon Credits in the ‘Valley of Death’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Tyrannical “Health Standards” Of The New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» City Council of Montana city illegally enforces UN Agenda 21 on taxpayers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S., Microsoft to meet Chinese Web regulators - Washington Times

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church

Mexico's war on drugs blights resort of Acapulco | World news | The Guardian

» Blago Judge Seriously Out of Touch with Reality Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Federal Judge Rules Bloggers Are Not Journalists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Oregon judge rules bloggers aren't journalists | Digital Media - CNET News

» New visa proposal could open the door for further abuse of our laws Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DC court: Iran showed al Qaeda how to bomb embassies - The Long War Journal

Inside Romania's secret CIA prison - Europe - World - The Independent

» When Is Government-Sponsored Violence and Murder Legitimate? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 12/7/11 - YouTube


Alex Jones: Total control grid designed to predict the future

Is the Fed Bankrupting the U.S.? - YouTube

Massachusetts Suing 5 Largest Banks Over Allegations They Violated Foreclosure Laws - YouTube

'Goldman Sachs dictatorship - Hitler's dream' - YouTube

Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 12/7/11 - YouTube

Smart Establishment Writer Justifies Occupy Movement

OWS "Gone Underground"

Gun Sales are a Sign of Things to Come



**What in the World Are They Spraying ? (Full Length)


Truth Media Productions(


Craig Shirley’s – highlights from the 1980 campaign (Part 1)

Craig Shirley’s – highlights from the 1980 campaign (Part 2)


Debbie Schlussel:Baba Wawa Softpedals Her Friends, Syria’s Assads; Calls Them “Intelligent, Thoughtful, Lovely”

Debbie Schlussel:Illegal Aliens Get Major Dictionary to Change “Anchor Baby” Def (Editor is Gay Activist)

Debbie Schlussel:OUTRAGE: UK Judge Frees Muslim Gang Who Kicked Woman’s Head b/c They’re “Not Used to Drinking”

Osawatomie Obama’s Waterloo

Who is Responsible for Muslim Violence?

Salute Her While She Sinks

Obama Support of “Arab Spring”—Clear Marxist Values Leading to Sharia Law Revolution

Be careful who you choose as the Republican nominee

Barack Hussein Obama compares himself to Theodore Roosevelt

Connecting the Feckless Foreign Policy Dots

Paranormalist President

Occupy Wall Street and First Amendment Rights

Rod Blagojevich’s Day of Infamy!

Pearl Harbor, WWII, and a Lesson for Today

Palin Endorses Trump Debate, Urges Candidates to Join

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Archaeologists stumped by ancient markings found under Jerusalem - The Washington Post

Michele Zagaria: Mafia boss captured after Italian police bulldoze into secret bunker | Mail Online

Feds sued for hiding details of Haditha attack

NBC newsrooms get fresh leftist invasion

UN Urged To Control the Weather! Leaders call on UN to 'find solutions' to extreme weather or 'life as we know it will come to an end' | Climate Depot

Savage: Here's what America will look like if Obama wins

'Osawatomie Obama' launches assault on facts and history | Washington Examiner

NASA Mars Rover Finds Mineral Vein Deposited by Water - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

500 million-year-old super predator had remarkable vision

US military pays SETI to check Kepler-22b for aliens • The Register

Experts stumped by ancient Jerusalem markings - Technology & science - Science -

WLOS ABC 13 News :: Top Stories - Sunshine Simple Generator

BBC News - Antarctic's hidden world revealed

NASA vows $8.8 bn space telescope on track for 2018

Silver Screen Saucers: Spielberg's 'E.T.' came close to being a horror

Are Psychopaths “Brain Damaged”? | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Cryptomundo » Museum Showcases Expanded Quarters


*The Alex Jones Show – December 6-7th, 2011 |


2 Parts:Journalist Wayne Madsen: NDAA Detention Bill is Ultimate Act of Treason! |

Ron Paul’s Loyal Supporters Are Getting Ready To Shock The World In Iowa |


Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Fukushima Radiation Continues To The US 1/3 - YouTube

Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Fukushima Radiation Continues To The US 2/3 - YouTube

Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Fukushima Radiation Continues To The US 3/3 - YouTube

Dr. Bill Deagle MD w/ Jeff Rense - Fukushima Report 1/3 - YouTube


*ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street and The Fed – 12-8-11 |


Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 7th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 7th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Though The Matrix’ – December 6th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 5th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 6th, 2011


The Illuminati IV - Brotherhood of the beast - VOSTFR (1).avi

The Illuminati IV - Brotherhood of the beast - VOSTFR (2).avi

The Illuminati IV - Brotherhood of the beast - VOSTFR (3).avi

The Illuminati IV - Brotherhood of the beast - VOSTFR (4).avi

The Illuminati IV - Brotherhood of the beast - VOSTFR (5).avi

The Illuminati IV - Brotherhood of the beast - VOSTFR (6).avi

The Illuminati IV - Brotherhood of the beast - VOSTFR (7).avi

The Illuminati IV - Brotherhood of the beast - VOSTFR (8).avi

The Illuminati IV - Brotherhood of the beast - VOSTFR (9).avi


Hamza Yusuf - Dajjal & the New World Order (1 of 4) - YouTube

Hamza Yusuf - Dajjal & the New World Order (2 of 4) - YouTube

Hamza Yusuf - Dajjal & the New World Order (3 of 4) - YouTube

Hamza Yusuf - Dajjal & the New World Order (4 of 4) - YouTube


Grassley Calls for Top Justice Official's Resignation Over Gunrunning Operations

Gingrich: John Bolton will be my secretary of state

President Obama won't go to Hawaii while payroll tax is in limbo

California's healthcare spending per person among lowest in U.S.

Despite $5 billion investment, Obama’s green-car revolution sputters

Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence'

Radical Elizabeth Warren opens lead on Sen. Scott Brown

Chris Christie campaigns for Romney in Iowa

Romney says little about his years as Mormon leader

Feds use video surveillance to catch people engaged in workers’ comp fraud

Eyeing 2012, White House Presses Europe on Debt

Eric Holder to get 'Fast & Furious' grilling from GOP

GOP itches for fight with Obama over pipeline

Text messages show attitudes and frustrations of officers assigned to patrol Occupy Denver protests

Obama's contraceptive coverage decision could erode his standing with religious voters

MF Global CEO Jon Corzine: ‘I simply do not know where the money is’

Sarah Palin says she won't endorse before Iowa, praises Gingrich

Denied Food Stamps, Laredo Woman Shoots Children, Kills Self

Romney Lies About Obama 'Taking over 100 Percent' of Health Care

The GOP is Occupied with Amending the Constitution

Obama's Populism Meets the Ghost of Teddy Roosevelt

In '02 Romney Supported Roe v Wade Decision and Spending State Funds For Abortion Services

O'Reilly: Will Obama Reach Out to Blacks by Going on Soul Train?

Our Local Police Departments Are Using Military Gear Because The US Government Is Giving It Away

Rep. Tipton's Staffer Tells Unemployed Constituents They're Lazy and Milking The System

Senator Bomb-Bomb-Iran McCain to Putin: Dictators All Over the World, Including Russia...Are a Bit More Nervous

8-Year-Old to Bachmann: 'My Mommy's Gay But She Doesn't Need Any Fixing'

Mitt Romney Won't Participate in Trump Moderated Debate - Claims Schedule is Already Full

Everybody Hates Newt Romney

Channeling the Trustbuster

President Obama Threatens Veto Over Keystone XL Pipeline

Amateur Hour: Did James O'Keefe Target Media Matters' Eric Boehlert?

Woman Who Attacked ObamaCare Now Grateful After Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Bill O'Reilly: There's No Question That Mr. Stewart is Going to Hell for Criticisms on Fox's 'War on Christmas'

» Huntsman Flips Back On Climate Change Liberal Values

Everything Possible Happens: The Official Republican Party Platform for 2012 - Send In The Clowns

Gingrich: John Bolton As Secretary Of State; Romney: Maybe Rudy Giuliani As Attorney General « Alan Colmes' Liberaland


*Transcripts:6th/Obama's Speech on Economic Fairness

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with 2012 Candidate Mitt Romney

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett

Interview with Senator Sherrod Brown

Panel on Gingrich's Polling Surge


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Obama's "Godfather" Speech

7th)Real Clear Markets - Video - Jim Rogers: Abolish the Fed

Real Clear Markets - Video - Ben Stein: OWS Are Insignificant Punks

Real Clear Markets - Video - D.C. Has Nerve Telling EU What to Do

Real Clear Markets - Video - Will the Market Rally Continue?

6th)Real Clear Markets - Video - S&P Euro-Zone Downgrade Sends Chill

Real Clear Markets - Video - Tony Blair: 'Final Decision' Point Nears for Euro

Real Clear Markets - Video - Metallica Delays Tour Due to Debt Crisis

Real Clear Markets - Video - Europe Still Eye of Storm


A new Pearl Harbor? -

Pearl Harbor: A Day of Infamy - Jim Lacey - National Review Online

JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIA Admiral (retd) J G Nadkarni on the navy's role in case of war

Gustaf V of Sweden - Reference

Lightning strikes of aircraft rarely disastrous - World news - Americas -

Former New England Patriots kicker John Smith forever linked to John Lennon - ESPN

Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon — Two Marks - Updated — Crime Library on

John Lennon's last day.. as told by the people who were with him -

Book Review: Rome | Whispering City | Bernini -

Rhiana Maidenberg: My Children Can't Read

The American Conservative » The Art of Gore

Book Review: China in Ten Words -

Henry Hitchings: The Language Wars: A History Of Proper English | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

Monocolumn – Hollywood names get lost in translation in Finland [Monocle]

Magnificent Obsession | Helen Rappaport | Review by The Spectator

A Figure of Biblical Proportions: A Review of Stern: The Man and His Gang | First Things

BOOK REVIEW: 'Soft Target' - Washington Times

Booksellers Unhappy With Amazon’s Latest Moves

Transforming U.S. Energy Innovation

Using Public Lands to Accelerate Energy Innovation

Can we drill our way to energy independence? | The Colorado Independent

Bill Gates envisions nuclear future for China | Companies |

Oiling up the gears for a new Cold War - CBS News

“Green” Jobs and Real Jobs

New Study: Solar Grid Parity Is Here Today : Greentech Media

Worldwide Nuclear Energy Generation Falls in 2011 | International | World | Epoch Times

Massive Battery System Captures Wind Power | The Energy Collective

The Energy Report - Deck The Barrels! - Commodities & Futures

Obama takes Politically Practical Approach to Climate Change | EnergyBiz

America is losing the green energy race - The Washington Post

Big Numbers: North America's Fossil Inventory | The Energy Collective

2012 Outlook: Transitioning Into A "Post-Leveraged" World

Humans Are Awful at Predicting Their Own Behavior | The Big Picture

Anaemic recovery risks America's appetite for degrees – Telegraph Blogs

T.J. Rodgers: Subsidizing Wall Street to Buy Chinese Solar Panels -

RealClearMarkets - Five Big Lies In Obama's Fairness Speech

Capitalism Isn't Corporatism or Cronyism - Forbes

Why We All Should Welcome Bernanke’s Complaints: Matthew Winkler - Bloomberg

Curb Your Enthusiasm About The Latest Unemployment Report - Forbes

Workers need more income, and more power - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

Wanted: Blue-Collar Workers by Joel Kotkin, City Journal Autumn 2011

What’s worse than an apocalypse?

Can Turtles Fly?: Warren Buffett's Evolution and his Three Investment Styles

Payroll tax holiday is Trojan horse - The Ralph Bristol Show

Don't Join Stock Market Exodus - TheStreet

RealClearMarkets - We Pay for 'Free' Health Care, Obama Gets the Thanks


*RealClearTechnology- Google in 2011


Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP Act, a pair of bills that threaten Internet freedom. - Slate Magazine

Windows 8: Dead Before Arrival? - Forbes

10 Tech Wins of 2011 | PCWorld

Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide

Where Are They Now? RWW's Most Promising Companies Since 2004

Sick of smudges on your screen? Get a candle | ExtremeTech

Edmodo, Facebook for classrooms, lands $15 million, top advisors -

Why Use Google+: It's What You Know, Not Who You Know

Netflix Sharing on Facebook May Be Coming to the U.S. | Techland |

How the world's first cyber 'super weapon' attacked Iran - and now threatens the world | Mail Online

Will You Live Forever—or until Your Next Software Release—by Uploading Your Brain into a Computer? | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Isn’t it ironic: Google Wallet “closed” on the airwaves Google lobbied the FCC to keep “open” – SplatF

What Went Wrong With Gmail? - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Who Needs Firefox Anyway? | ConceivablyTech

Surfer tackles massive wave with jet-propelled WaveJet surfboard

How The "Internet Of Things" Is Turning Cities Into Living Organisms | Fast Company

The Self-Limiting Success of Iran Sanctions

Grand Strategy for the U.S. Navy (pdf)

Globalisation has turned on its Western creators - Telegraph

Ultraconservative Islamist Party Reshapes Egypt's Politics - The Daily Beast

Does Israel matter in 2012? - By Scott Clement | Foreign Policy

Asia Times Online :: Iran prepares to strike back

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: Islamists face the test of incumbency

Israel is losing its 'base' in the democratic West - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

North Korea swing toward China not good news for U.S. -

Could War Flare Again Between Iraq and Kuwait? at Oil Price

Harper’s deal to do a deal -

Commentary: How the U.S. Will Pay for the Euro Crisis | The National Interest

The American Conservative » Freedom Means War

Playing With Fire: Obama's Risky Oil Threat to China | The Nation

RealClearWorld - Fox News North Takes on Canada

The Health Risks Of Being Left-Handed -

Why our minds have probably evolved as far as they can go

The Empathy Test: Why Nobody Cares About Horse Slaughter - James McWilliams - Life - The Atlantic

The Army's Latest Innnovation: A Sandwich That Stays Fresh for Two Years | Popular Science

Could the Dead Sea Completely Vanish? | Climate Change & Water Resources | Middle East Water Woes & Drought | LiveScience

Oblivious Supreme Court poised to legalize medical patents

Will Birds Abandon a Chick if a Human Has Touched It? | If You Touch a Baby Bird Will its Mother Really Abandon It? | Animals | Life's Little Mysteries

Get Your Own LHC Killer (BYOB)

Why Is Art So Damned Expensive? - The Daily Beast

A Sci-Fi Perspective on 'Monster' Black Holes - Blog

MSU News Service - New study reveals North America's biggest dinosaur

World's first super predator had remarkable vision

Researchers discover that changes in bioelectric signals cause tadpoles to grow eyes in back, tail

News: Researchers develop one of the world’s smallest electronic circuits

Rumors Erupt Over Higgs Boson Discovery : Discovery News

The Myth of Multiple Personality Disorder

Out-of-body experience: Master of illusion : Nature News & Comment

How to Picture the Size of the Universe | Wired Science |

Who Are You Calling Liberal?

GEORGE WEIGEL: Coercing consciences

RealClearReligion - Quit Thinking School Prayer Is Banned

Doug Bandow: Hungary Threatens Religious Liberty

Why Religious Freedom Must be a Top Priority | Policy in Public | Cardus

Vatican university hosts unusual tattoo conference - Yahoo! News

Catholic University president: Don't trample religious freedom -

Gingrich dared to speak truth on teens' work ethic -

Illinois: State Of Embarrassment - Forbes

Michael Tomasky: Obama Finally Seizes the Moment in His Kansas Speech - The Daily Beast

Obama In Osawatomie - HUMAN EVENTS

Huntsman Targets Wall Street Behavior to Draw Contrast to Romney - Businessweek

Conservatives Are Gunning for Eric Holder | Mother Jones

Robert Reich: The Most Important Economic Speech of His Presidency

RealClearPolitics - Obama vs. Capitalism

Blagojevich sentence has message for all politicians -

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Rx: Bad News for Middle Class

RealClearPolitics - Obama & the Case for Progressivism

In Kansas Speech, Obama Embraces Progressivism | The Progressive

RealClearPolitics - Oil-Rich America?

Henninger: Obama's Godfather Speech -

RealClearPolitics - What the GOP Electorate Is Thinking as Voting Grows Near

Can federal watchdogs squeezed for funding prevent future MF Globals? - The Washington Post

Political Animal - Senate GOP kills consumer watchdog nomination

Why the middle class matters so much in 2012 - The Washington Post

Too Late For Another GOP Hopeful? Yes. « Commentary Magazine

The Continued Decline of the Religious Right

Kathleen Sebelius finally does something right « Hot Air

Analyzing Egypt’s “Wondrous” Transformation

BREAKING: Pakistan Strikes Back, Rockets Reportedly Fired at NATO Tankers

Putin: Russian Protesters Have Been Brainwashed by Hillary Clinton

The Politics of Hate: Iran Already Waging Unconventional War on America, Saudi Arabia

SHOCK REPORT: Air Force Dumped Ashes of at Least 274 Troops in Landfill

S&P European Downgrade Warning and the Chances of Yet Another Perfect Storm

Mark Kirk: Obama Admin Watering Down Iran Sanctions

Four Letters to Remember During This Newt-Bashing Fad: I-R-A-N

Secretary Clinton Resets the Russian ‘Reset’

Court Decision on Military Uniforms in Porn Picks Away at Order and Discipline

Infamy: LIFE Presents Rare and Unseen Photos from Pearl Harbor

Federal Judge Hits Blogger with $2.5m Charge For “Not Being A Journalist”

+Thursday Crib Sheet: Time ’s Story Of The Year, Chris Matthews Admits The Obvious

Shorter Politico Front Page: What ‘Fast and Furious’?

Eric Boehlert Claims He Was Target Of O’Keefe Sting To Huffington Post, Has Zero Proof

Credit Where It’s Due: CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson Reports ‘Fast and Furious’ Docs Reveal Gun Control Push

NewsBusted: Is Mitt Romney A RINO?

Credit Where It’s Due: Politico ’s Ben Smith Exposes Media Matters, CAP as Anti-Israel Democrat Orgs

Lawsuit Adds Fuel to Debate Over Superintendent Compensation

Audio:Robin Hood Tax Would Hurt the Little Guy More Than Big Banks

GOP Blocks Cordray Nomination to CFPB

VIDEO: 62 Arrested as Occupy DC Hits K Street

Obama Advisor Corzine: ‘I Simply Don’t Know Where the Money Is’

Ruckus in the Ohio Republican Party

Spencer Bachus Cancels Vote on Insider Trading Ban

Documents: ATF Used ‘Fast and Furious’ to Make Case for Gun Control

Obama Administration Labels the Fort Hood Massacre as a Case of Workplace Violence

Chicago Professor’s Communist #Occupy Speech Reveals Selfish Union Agenda

Craig Shirley: How Pearl Harbor-and December 1941-Made America a Global Power

‘Occupation’ Is Not ‘Speech’: #OccupyBoston, #OccupyDenver Lose in Court

BREAKING: Senator Grassley Calls for Assistant A.G.’s Resignation from Senate Floor over ‘Fast and Furious’

Is the Joke on the SEIU or Us?

Judicial Watch Sues Obama Administration for Solyndra Records

+Daily Call Sheet: Sad Alec Baldwin, Hitchcock Had Issues, Craig Not a ‘Solace’ Fan, ‘Dark Knight 4 & 5′?

Spur-of-the-Moment?: ‘Rolling Stone’ Interview Contradicts ‘Jimmy Fallon Show’ Drummer’s Post-Bachmann Debacle Statement

Rosenberg’s ‘Imam’ Book Series: Imagining a World With a Nuclear Iran

Comedy Central Goes Back to the Faux News Well for Upcoming Show

What’s ‘Happening’ to Will Smith’s Once-Golden Career?

‘Sons of Guns’ Weapons Expert Will Hayden: My ‘Undying Gratitude’ for the U.S. Military

‘Tora! Tora! Tora!’ Blu-ray Review: Epic Filmmaking Worthy of Its Subject

Michael Moore Stops Lying Long Enough to Call Obama Wall Street’s Man

IMF must play its part in any euro solution

Clinton responds to Putin, says concerns 'well-founded'

Corzine 'stunned' by MF Global collapse

Sandusky released on bail after sex abuse charges

Revel hires TV chef to open 3 casino eateries

Va. Tech locks down campus as police officer shot

Disneyland hotel workers ratify OK 5-year contract

Obama answers appeasement charge: 'Ask bin Laden'

Clinton warns tech business not to help tyrants

AP Enterprise: Rules ignored in Craigslist case

Pilot identified in Vegas tour helicopter crash

USDA creates board for Native American farmers

Jon Stewart Rips Obama Over Indefinite Detentions (Video) | TheWrap TV

Stephen Hunter: Soft Target | Power Line

NBC: Obama Casting Himself As 'Protector' of 'Middle Class Under Republican Assault' |

First '99%', Now the 'Robin Hood Tax': NYTimes Reporters Celebrate Another Leftist Idea |

Chicago Tribune Omits Blagojevich's Party Affiliation in Breaking News Story on Sentencing |

Syria President Bashar al-Assad tells Barabra Walters he did not order bloody crackdown -

Holder Hearings Part One: Rep. Issa Strikes a Blow and Rep. Sensenbrenner Says Holder Could Face Impeachment

Holder Hearings Part Two: Rep. Issa Confirms Holder Is under Oath, Yet Holder Changes His Story Again


8-Dec-11 World View

7-Dec-11 World View

6-Dec-11 World View


Indefinite-detention measure greatest threat to civil liberties

Could Obama botch Mideast any worse?

Anti-Semitism 2.0

The most 'electable' GOP candidate

Could even Reagan save America?

Democratic bribery!

Soetoro INS file challenges Obama narrative

What's in your bug-out bag?

What if freedom were temporary?

5 phases of a disastrous presidency

Cain: From problem solver to victicrat

Obama on income inequality – he's right!

You're not a hero, Jack, you're a felon

How about a no-bribery pledge?

Archaeology of World War II - Archaeology Magazine

The top ten online dating lies - Telegraph

Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cop

Feds grab jailed border agent's prison commissary funds

Court to decide abortion-suicide links

Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists

NBC newsrooms get fresh leftist invasion

Could Obama botch Mideast any worse?

Exposing journalistic tricks


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Checks and balances' to rein in Obama;Rep. Gibbs: Time for Congress to better scrutinize regulation push

Donald Trump now casts even more doubt on Obama

Korn: Obama's an Illuminati puppet - Patrick Gavin -

U.S. Military to Rescind Policy Banning Bibles at Hospital | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Gay half-sister of Republican Gingrich backs Obama - Yahoo! News

Bin Laden not at Qaeda helm before raid: US source – The Express Tribune

Left 'speechless' as Sebelius overrules FDA on access to morning-after pill - The Hill's Healthwatch

Warning: Smoking can make your nipples fall off - KTXL

U.S. News - Alleged victim says cries for help from Sandusky basement went unheeded

U.S. Spy Plane Shot Secret Video of Jamaican 'Massacre' | Danger Room |

Charge for cash transactions proposed

*8 Dec.

American Minute for December 8th

December 8th This Day in History

Today in History: December 8

Today in History: December 8

This Day in History for 8th December

December 8 Events in History

December 8th in History

Today in History for December 8th - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:Issa Grills Holder On ‘Fast & Furious’

Rep. Gohmert Asks Holder For DOJ Documents Provided To Terrorist Groups

King Confronts Holder About ‘Fast & Furious’ Weapons

#OccupyChristie: NJ Gov Mocks Protesters After Iowa Speech Disruption

Five Killed In Tour Helicopter Crash In Nevada

Sandusky Posts Bail In Latest Sex Abuse Charges

GOP Candidates Unite In Defense Of Israel

Obama, Harper Announce New Border Deals

NBC’s Matthews Calls Gingrich ‘Nasty’ Looking, ‘Dogs Walk Away When They See Him’

Attorney: Sandusky Says He’s Innocent

Jesse Watters Ambushes RI Governor Over ‘Holiday Tree’

Pope Lights ‘Tree’ Using Computer

7th/DA: Staute Of Limitations In Syracuse Basketball Sex Abuse Case Has Passed

RIP Harry Morgan, 1915-2011

2000 Pound Bomb Dropped On Taliban

Perry: ‘I’ll End Obama’s War On Religion’

62 Arrested As Occupy DC Hits K Street In DC

Christie To Obama: Get Out Of Your Chair

Exclusive Sneak Peek: Coulter Rocks Gay Reality TV, ‘Gays Have Got To Be Pro-Life!’

Obama Admin: Ft. Hood Shooting ‘Workplace Violence’

Elizabeth Warren Flubs Red Sox Question Along With Rest Of Democratic Field

Obama Voter Fraud Case Heats Up In Indiana

Blago Sent To Slammer For Fourteen Years

Mexico Claims Gadhafi Son Tried To Enter Country

Afghan President Says Attack Came From Pakistan

‘Mythbusters’ Cannonball Hits Family Home, Van

$210M Settlement Reached In West Virginia Mine Explosion

Capitol Tree Lit With 10,000 Lights

6th/GOP Congressman: Obama Wants Us To ‘Hold Hands And Jump Off The Cliff’ With Europe

Kindergartners Sing The Ramones’ ‘Judy Is A Punk’

Santorum: I’ll Cut $5 Trillion In First 100 Days

City Displays Skeleton Santa Nailed To Cross

Deadly Attacks On Shiites In Iraq, Afghanistan

5th/World’s Most Expensive Pile-Up

Santorum To Palin Voters: I’m Your Guy

Chuck Todd Receives Embarrassing Smackdown At Hands Of Donald Trump

4th/Anderson Cooper To Ed Schultz: Bring It, Bitch

US Judge Tips Samsung-Apple Patent War In Samsungs’ Favor


Dec. 7, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 7 December 2011

2011-12-08.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

.2011-12-07.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-07, Wednesday

12/07 The Mark Levin Show

Redding News Review 12-07-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-07-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-07-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-07-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-07-11 Hr 2

The Kevin Trudeau Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, December, 07, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

The Michael Savage Show 12/07/2011

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