A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

10 December 2011

10 DEC.

: First it is ridiculed.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.




Hanukkah at the White House - YouTube


Ron Paul Interview Today With Megyn Kelly 12/09/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul's Loyal Supporters Are Getting Ready To Shock The World In Iowa

Why Ron Paul Will Win Iowa - Forbes

Ron Paul to expand campaign efforts to five new states | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

If the 2012 election were decided on Twitter, Ron Paul would be our next president | The Cutline - Yahoo! News


Exam boards investigation: how the exam boards 'compete to be easier' - Telegraph

The Enemy of Humanity is going to their Grave. Visible Origami

Teen suspended over Facebook comments

Exxon's deal with the Kurds inflames Baghdad - Middle East - World - The Independent

Spanish royal family hit by fraud scandal | World news | The Guardian

The Crucible Of Freedom

Legal U.S. gun sales to Mexico arming cartels - CBS News

How Mexico's drug cartels profit from flow of guns across the border | World news |

Gun control off the table as Congress feels heat from influential NRA | World news |

Wal-Mart launches corruption probe into workers - Telegraph

Nasa admits losing hundreds of moon rock samples - Telegraph

Nasa rover finds 'strongest' evidence yet of water on Mars - Telegraph

Goldman Sachs whistleblower threatened with the sack | Business | The Guardian

Farm dust bill approved in House - The Hill's Floor Action

Exam boards: We now work in exam factories, say teachers - Telegraph

48 Percent Of U.S. Billionaires Are Jewish - cached - 110510

Jon Corzine Hearing, Where Were The Tough Questions? - Forbes

Hundreds of NASA's moon rocks missing: audit - FRANCE 24

1. More US Soldiers Committed Suicide Than Died in Combat | Project Censored

Russian Deputy FM says no military components exist in Iran's nuclear program - Trend

Risk of Israel/U.S. strike on Iran has tripled: Barclays Capital | Reuters

'Cameron Is a Coward': European Politicians Slam British EU Veto - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

: European Pesticides in Waterways

Anti-Neocons • View topic - 17 yr old builds nanno particle that kills cancer stem cells

Monsanto PR Firm Reportedly 'Ended' by Anonymous | Natural Society

States Must Fight Legal Fiction Called 'Anchor Babies'

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Oath Keepers Alert: Federal Agents Demand Customer Lists From Mormon Food Storage Facility

Lobbyists Have Wrote US Laws That Have Set Up The Biggest Robbery In World History, And It Could Happen Literally Any Day : politics

Six Zionist Companies Own 96% Of American Media

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist


**Fl# 93: Mark Bingham - 9/11 "Lets Roll" HERO Proven a Fraud! - Let's Roll Forums

**NEW: 9/11 LINKS Directory - Victim Fraud, Media Fraud, WTC Fraud - Let's Roll Forums

+Exploring Possibilities for Constructing the Victims--How Many Types Were There? - Let's Roll Forums

9/11 Flight 93 Passenger Uprising Theory Discounted - LA Times - Let's Roll Forums

9/11 Flight 93: - Who Was 'Let's Roll Hero' Mark Bingham When 'His Picture, Profile And Obituary Were Ready To Go 13 Days Before September 11th'? - David Icke Website


*Remember September 11, 2001 - (


Time Magazine: "Ron Paul's Army Eyes An Iowa Caucus Upset" GREAT! | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

Despite Surge in Polls, Ron Paul Remains Underdog - YouTube

Ron Paul Vs. Donald Trump: 2011.12.04 - YouTube

Ron Paul: Foreign Policy & Israel - YouTube

Ron Paul on Fox News 12/9/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul Hit Piece Or... How The MSM Brainwashes Voters - YouTube

Rand Paul on Ron Paul's Campaign Strategy - YouTube

Ron Paul - Fox News Reports Surging Ahead In Iowa - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview Today With Megyn Kelly 12/09/2011 - YouTube

Will Ron Paul Be The Last Man Standing...According To Polls It Suggests A POSSIBILITY! - YouTube

Ron Paul: People Are Sick & Tired of Big Government - YouTube

Paul More Republican than Other Candidates

Ron Paul Packs the Great Hall in Countdown to Caucus - Urbandale, IA Patch

Ron Paul launches "Big Dog" ad in Iowa, New Hampshire - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Ron Paul and Barack Obama: Tweet More, Talk Less

Guest list: Ron Paul on ‘Meet the Press’; Rick Perry on ‘Fox News Sunday’; Michele Bachmann on ‘Face the Nation’ – The TV Guy – Orlando Sentinel

In Third White House Bid, Paul's Message The Same | Fox News

Media Bias Against Ron Paul

Limbaugh: Ron Paul's foreign policy disastrous, slam on Bush 'Democrat talk' - Spokane Conservative |

Ron Paul: U.S. money won't help Israel

Ron Paul vs Newt Gingrich on Fidelity - A Matter of Consideration Before the Iowa Caucuses

Ron Paul emphasizes individual liberties in speech at Iowa State - Iowa State Daily: News

Ron Paul Surges In Iowa Polls : NPR

Ron Paul Compares His Rivals to Shih-Tzus - ABC News

Battered GOP Field Only Helps a Surging Ron Paul - The Bradenton Times - Free News for Bradenton, FL and Manatee County

2012 Endorsement: Ron Paul For President :: :: FITSNewsFITSNews

Representative Ron Paul Sits Down with ABC5 - A - Flash Player Installation

Ron Paul talks about war, debt and drugs at ISU | Iowa Caucuses


White middle class not in Obama’s base -

Rand Paul ‘not even sure’ Trump’s a Republican - The Hill's Video


Jon Stewart: What Candidate Won The ‘Tuches Kiss-Off’ At The GOP Jewish Forum? | Mediaite

Bursting the Malachi Martin Bubble

"Bullying" is Another Illuminati Psy-op - Ten Lies about the Smolensk Crash - Poles Dispute Smolensk Crash Story


Upton Sinclair and Timothy McVeigh


+Seventeen Techniques for Truth

911 / SITES




*6 PART:America's Dreyfus Affair ; The Case of the Death of Vincent Foster


+July 17, 2003/WorldNetDaily: U.S. attorney saysFoster probe fixed

SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 : Foster death report sees professional 'hit' Court unseals 511-page document charging obstruction of justice


* Introduction & Summary of Contents




Authorities arrive at the scene -

+ Overview

Evidence of knowledge of the death before the official time of notification

Evidence that the OIC concealed the disappearance of photographs

Evidence that the OIC covered up the absence of the official mouth entrance wound & head exit wound, and the existence of a neck wound

Evidence that the OIC covered up that Mr. Foster did not fire or own the gun found at the park

Evidence contradicting the official claim that Mr. Foster drove to the park

Other Anomalies

Inferences to be drawn from the facts

State of Mind

Investigative history



Endnote 34


*511 pages/Full Report....

*647 pgs/Exhibits :

143 pg./Death Report


+Photographs of Fort Marcy Park,

+Photographs of Fort Marcy Park

Photographs & illustrations of guns


Transcript: 911 Call to the Park Police

AUDIO: 911 call


Heartache of 1,639 people buried in LA common grave... because their family have forgotten about them | Mail Online

Film – Route 181 – Majdal Yaba « Kawther Salam


**US Department of the Army Civil Disturbance Plan “GARDEN PLOT”

**Civil Disturbances Support Plan, Coast Guard (COGARD GARDEN PLOT)

'09/Why is National Guard recruiting for 'internment' cops?


'09/H.R. 645 [111th] -


'09/Prison » New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps In U.S.



Operation Garden Plot - Martial Law Against American Citizens - Video

Garden Plot / CONPLAN 2502 (Civil Disturbance Operations)


Terrorism Incident Response

REX 84 & the Operation Garden Plot - YouTube

Operation garden plot bill - YouTube

'09/ Operation Garden Plot Documents Published Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Operation Garden Plot@

Concentration Camp Locations

Friends of Liberty - FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders

**FEMA Concentration Detention Camps

Location of FEMA Concentration Camps


+Map of Active U.S. FEMA Camps: Is There One Near You? - 12160



The US Army Now Offers A Prison Guard Specialty Securing ‘Civilian Detainees’ :

National Guard Ad for FEMA Prison Camp Positions - YouTube


**1:55:467/7: Crime and Prejudice - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : The Vote That Changed The World! - End Corporate Rule

The Saving American Democracy Amendment - YouTube

US seeks to restrict internet freedom in America - YouTube


Ron Paul on WOI-TV ABC 5 Iowa News 12/08/11 - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : How to get Ron Paul Elected! Step by Step!

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul on Fox News - "Big Government is Coming to an End"

Rand Paul on CNN 12/09/11 - YouTube

30 MIN./Ron Paul: "FED is immoral" - speech at the CATO - YouTube


Get Internet Access When Your Government Shuts It Down |

Congressman claims Tea Party, NRA “manufactured” Fast and Furious « Hot Air

Calif. prison psychologist accused of faking rape | Weird News | Idaho Statesman

Attorney General Holder vows not to quit in gun sting case | The Raw Story

Chinese Internet Users Relish Irony Of SOPA's Great Firewall Of America | Techdirt

AIPAC Economic Warfare Also Targets US by Grant Smith --

Obama Pushes To Change Provision On Military Custody For Terror Suspects | Fox News

30 Major U.S. Corporations Paid More to Lobby Congress Than Income Taxes, 2008-2010 - International Business Times

Refreshing News: GOP State Representative Beats Mentally Disabled Son, Kicks Him In Ribs Outside Restaurant

The Incarnations of China | Veterans Today

poorrichards blog: The Face of the Killer Who Is Your President

Activist Post: Scientists demonstrate Matrix-like learning with no conscious effort

Activist Post: Insane McCain, Obama’s Grand Chessboard, and Russia’s Color Revolution

Lone Star Watchdog: We Are Seeing An Empire Ready To Implode?

Emails expose watchdog's dollar deals — RT

HP sued over security flaw in printers | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

Censorship foes roll out antipiracy plan, say stop “butchering the Internet” |

Get Internet Access When Your Government Shuts It Down |

Rangel renews call for military draft - The Hill's Floor Action

Obama: The “Trust-Buster” Who Never Busted a Trust :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [gd]

poorrichards blog: Taxing the 1%: Why the top tax rate could be over 80%

$$$ - $ITE

U.S. National Debt Clock :(


*Code of the Ancients & the DNA Repair


*Holy City Bible Code

Free forum : Truth Seekers(




» John Corzine Spills His Guts to Alex Jones Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Texas Expands Its Navy in War Against Population Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Army Post Jobs for FEMA Camps, DHS Shuts Down Blog & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

You're the Wrong One, Mr. Gingrich - YouTube

Interview: DARPA's ADAMS Project Taps Big Data to Find the Breaking Bad - YouTube

Activist Post: The PRODIGAL Son of DARPA's Warrantless Surveillance Net

» This Christmas Season, Give (Up) Your Guns, Get a Giftcard Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Valley police exchange guns for gift cards

Mystery Company Is Rapidly Acquiring U.S. Gun and Ammo Manufacturers

» New visa proposal could open the door for further abuse of our laws Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Texas Expands Its Navy in War Against Population - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Lord Christopher Monckton: The Coming New International Climate Court 1/2 - YouTube

Lord Christopher Monckton: The Coming New International Climate Court 2/2 - YouTube

» UN Conference Calls for Worldwide Genocide Against Poor: Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The US Army Now Offers A Prison Guard Specialty Securing 'Civilian Detainees'

» Tip: National Guard Unit Stands Down After ‘Firing on Americans’ Questionnaire Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Tyrannical “Health Standards” Of The New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

California officials vow to crack down on underground economy -

» People Really, Really, REALLY Hate the TSA! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» TSA Recruiting ‘Junior Officers’ at Airports Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church

» Army Posts Job for “Internment Specialist” Following KBR Call for FEMA Camp Subcontractors Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gingrich: Palestinians Are An ‘Invented’ People Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Pakistan to redefine terms of cooperation with US, NATO: Gilani

Blogger not eligible for media shield law, hit with $2.5M judgment

Google unveils 'Find My Face' facial recognition - Dec. 9, 2011

Stewart Rhodes: Feds Demand Customer Lists From Storable Food Facility 1/2 - YouTube

Stewart Rhodes: Feds Demand Customer Lists From Storable Food Facility 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » Fed Interest in Food Storage Facility Connected to FEMA Executive Order 10999

Michele Bachmann Declines Debate Hosted By Donald Trump! And Then There Were TWO! - YouTube

Prison » Preppers Are Now Considered To Be Potential Terrorists?

Prison » Existence of Military Detention Centers Signals America’s Descent Into Martial Law

Rand Paul: Newt Gingrich Is Part of the Washington Establishment I Was Sent to Fight - YouTube

Prison » Hallmark now distributing vaccine shot compliance cards targeting newborns across America

Prison » Napolitano Jokes With CFR Elitists Over Drudge “Big Sis” Moniker

International Security Partnerships and Our Shared Responsibility: A Conversation with Janet Napolit - YouTube

Prison » Army Posts Job for “Internment Specialist” Following KBR Call for FEMA Camp Subcontractors

Prison » The Financial Crisis Was Entirely Foreseeable

Ron Paul's hopes boosted in Iowa by youth vote | World news | The Guardian

Sesame Street Muppet Pitches Government Dependence: Free Food at School |

Prison » Scientists demonstrate Matrix-like learning with no conscious effort

Prison » DHA used in infant formula products comes from genetically modified algae


ATF Plotted to Use Fast And Furious To Demonize 2nd Amendment: Alex Jones Thursday Edition 1/2 - YouTube

ATF Plotted to Use Fast And Furious To Demonize 2nd Amendment: Alex Jones Thursday Edition 2/2 - YouTube

Why Is The U.S. Government Looking More & More Like A Police State? (Change We Can Believe In!) - YouTube


What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe - Business Analysis & Features - Business - The Independent

IMAGE:Eurozone Masters

Escobar: US can’t launch Arab Spring in Russia «


2012 Primary Debate Schedule (


Republican presidential candidates' debates called 'the ultimate in reality television' |

Can Gingrich Stay Positive? Will Romney Go Negative? A Preview of Saturday’s ABC / Yahoo Iowa debate - ABC News

GOP Candidates Sharpen Their Knives For Debate Night In Iowa (The Note) - ABC News

Saturday Night Fight Card: GOP Establishment v. Newt Insurgency - In The Aggregate – Arizona's political blogs

With Race Heating Up, Republicans Set To Square Off In Pivotal Iowa Debate - ABC News

Televised debates making an impact (and adding some color) | | The Bulletin

ABC's Republican presidential debate crucial for Iowa caucuses |

Some GOP candidates call for balanced-budget amendment - The Daily Iowan


*Podcast Show #70;The Boiling Frogs Presents Richard Moore


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 9, 2011


War on Syria Cover-Up Update: Who is Breaking the Blackout?


Fox News' Bill O'Reilly attacks journalist - YouTube

Bill O'Reilly on his ''Umbrella'' Incident - YouTube


Republican Candidates Blast Obama At Jewish Forum

Gingrich Calls For Joint Operations’ With Israel To Attack Iran’s Nuclear Program

Pakistan Army Believes NATO Attack Planned: Reports

Top US General Worries About Euro, Potential Unrest

An Idiot’s Overview Of Why Western Capitalism Is Crashing

Sanders Offers Constitutional Amendment to Strip Corporations of "Free Speech"

Which country's debt is 1000% of GDP? - YouTube

Fed Interest in Food Storage Facility Connected to FEMA Executive Order 10999 |


*The Alex Jones Show – December 9th, 2011


*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 9th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 9th, 2011


**1:19:07/Ron Paul: The Movie - YouTube


Plans to Replace U.S. Workers With Robots Advance Rapidly | American Free Press

Lieberman Wants to Use ‘Terrorism’ as Back Door to Internet Censorship | American Free Press

Scope of Fed’s Financial Swindle Is Appalling | American Free Press

Man Says He Has Proof He’s Been ‘Chipped’ | American Free Press

7 Nations on Neocon Hit List | American Free Press

Republican hopeful Ron Paul claims the Bush administration was GLEEFUL after 9/11 terrorist attacks | Mail Online

Corn effect: Food prices likely to stay high –

Pakistan Taliban Commander Confirms Peace Talks With Government

Obama Urges Congressional Approval of Consumer Guardian Nominee

US Policy on Gays Draws Strong, Mixed, Reactions

US Soldiers Close Bases, Head Out of Iraq

Argentina's President Sworn In for Second Term

Pope to Visit Cuba, Mexico

EU Treaty Has Long Road Ahead

Soviet Union's Collapse Two Decades Ago Deeply Affected Africa

NASA: Earth's Prehistoric Record Warns of Nearing Rapid Climate Change

Paleontologists Find Biggest Dinosaur in North America

The National Defense Authorization Act Opens the Door to a Police State

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (video)

Toxic Levels of Arsenic Found in Popular Juice Brands

Recent Charges of Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood Just Tip of Iceberg, Experts Say

Therapist ‘Brainwashed’ Woman Into Believing She Was In Satanic Cult

Robert Kennedy’s Assassin Claims He Was Under Mind Control

Visible Proof That Oswald Was Innocent by Ralph Cinque

Visible Proof That Oswald Was Innocent - YouTube

*Audio: Heil Obama! The Fascist American State;Lew Rockwell’s presentation to Casey Research Summit in Phoenix, AZ

Why Do So Many People Automatically and Angrily Condemn Historical Revisionism? by Robert Higgs

Deluge by Immanuel Velikovsky

Another Neo-Greenbacker Central Banking Scheme by Michael S. Rozeff

Remember WHAT About Pearl Harbor? by Jack Kenny

Lessons in Manliness from Dante | The Art of Manliness

Internal DOJ Email: Kagan Was Brought Into Loop on Mark Levin’s Obamacare Complaint

Media Scrutiny Of Republicans’ Religion Dwarfs Coverage Of Dems’ Faith

Left, Obama Escalate War on Banks into Dangerous Territory

Holder Scolds Congress for ‘Inappropriate Rhetoric’ in Fast and Furious Investigation

Gingrich’s ‘Principled Conclusion’ on the Individual Mandate Has Changed Over Time

Reid Says House Bill on Payroll Tax Extension Is Dead in the Senate

Pentagon Says Sodomy/Bestiality Repeal 'Fails to Rise to Level of News'; But Former Chief Army Prosecutor Says 'Yes it Does'

Palestinians Upset by Gingrich Remark That They Are an 'Invented People'

Rapper 50 Cent Releasing Fitness Book, Food Guide

Steve Jobs to Be Remembered With Statue -- in Hungary

As Obama Stumps and Vacations, Average US Household Loses $21K

White House Rejects Republican Payroll Tax Proposal

Immigration Is a Top Issue for Voters

Gingrich Must Hustle to Catch Obama in Election

Gingrich: If They're Afraid of Trump, How Will They Handle Obama?

Gingrich to Debate in Iowa as Front-Runner

Gingrich Closing Gap in New Hampshire

Gingrich Fuels More Mideast Conflict-Palestinians

Penn State Hires Lanny Davis for Scandal Probe

Police Open Sex Abuse Probe into AAU's Dodd

Va. Tech Gunman Called Quiet; Went to Small School

Gingrich's Rise Puzzles Critics of His Record

Chavez Cancels Trip to Argentina and Brazil

Buffett Taps Farmer Son as Successor

Soros Takes on Corzine's European Bond Bet

2008 Computer Breach Brings New Cybersecurity

Author Schweizer: Pelosi Made Killing Off IPO

Romney: Muslims a Peace-Loving Religion

Former NH Sen. Bob Smith Lends Newt Support

Santorum Lands Big Iowa Endorsement

Perry Flubs Name, Number of Supreme Ct Justices

Fed: Average Household Lost $21K in 3rd Quarter

Cain: I'm Not Ready to Endorse GOP Hopeful

Sarbox Holds Back Growth 10 Years After Enron

Good Education Is Important, But Not as Vital as a Job



+ Is @AttackWatch all watched up? | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Gingrich campaign says Romney appears 'desperate'

"Putin Out," Russian protesters chant -

Pa. Man Fakes Mom's Obit to Get Time Off | NBC Philadelphia

NASA clears SpaceX for trial run to space station | Reuters

Charlotte Prepping for Occupy Wall Street at DNC -- Daily Intel

Will Occupy Wall Street Upend Obama’s Presidential Election? -- New York Magaizne

The Saturday Profile - Blogger Aleksei Navalny Rouses Russia -

Police: 13-Year-Old Girl Charged After Allegedl - Flash Player Installation

Satellite Images Suggest Something Happened At Iranian Nuclear Facility -- But Was It An Explosion? | Fox News

Croc Boom At Turkey Point Boosts Species « CBS Miami

Hollywood shootout: Gunman calmly targeted drivers, pedestrians -

Hollywood Rampage Caught on Video | NBC Los Angeles

» UN Calls For Eco-Fascist World Government At Durban Summit Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Donald Trump looks into canceling GOP debate he's set to host - NY Daily News

N.J. man dies from penis enhancing injection, authorities say; woman charged with manslaughter |

Woman caught making meth inside S. Tulsa Walmart - FOX23 News

Junk Food-Powered Car Sets New Record « CBS Connecticut

Rove's Hit Job for Scott Brown: The Year's Most Ridiculous Attack Ad

Villagers Successfully Pulled Out All The Stops To Weaken For-Profit College Reforms

Pastor Moralizes About Bachmann Working Outside the Home

Hannity: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead 'Thanks to George Bush'

Craft Link Kenya: Making More Than A Handbag

Was Chris Paul Trade to Lakers Blocked Because of Union Activism?

New Organizing Institute Launches 2,012 for 2012 Local Candidate Recruitment Campaign

Youth Delegate Abigail Borah Interrupts Climate Speech Says 2020 Is Too Long To Wait

The Epic Failure of Republican Trickle Down Economics

Elder Poverty and a GOP Sucker Punch - NOW Will Democrats Pledge to Defend Social Security?

Perry's Wardrobe Malfunction: Wore Iconic Celluloid Gay Cowboy Jacket in Video Denouncing Homosexuality

Patrick Meighan, Writer for Family Guy Arrested at Occupy LA


News Corpse » Fox News Shrink Keith Ablow Offers His Psycho Analysis Of President Obama:


New World Order Plan to Kill 90% of the Worlds Population - THIS IS REAL NOT SCIENCE FICTION!! - YouTube

World Domination From Denver Airport? : Discovery News

Jerusalem Markings From Ancient Past Stump Archeologists

7 Deadly Myths Now Manipulating Your Mind | Before It's News


Detainment Camps Going Live: FEMA Seeking Subcontractors to Provide “Temporary Camp Services” In All 50 States | Before It's News

= = =

*KBR ;Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements


Evidence Of Lost Continent Of Mu Found? Sunken Islands Could Cause Tectonic Shift In Gondwana Story | Before It's News

9/11 Drone photo by NYPD shows inside job. R.I.P CIA FBI thanks NYPD 2011 | Before It's News

Drone photo by NYPD shows inside job. R.I.P CIA FBI thanks NYPD 2011 - YouTube


World News - Some see Twin Towers blast in architect's design


12/9/2011 -- FEMA camps on 72 hour notice AND military authorized to arrest = VERIFIED - YouTube

+FEMA Camps On 72-Hour Notice; Military Authorized To Arrest - Verified | Before It's News

+Bill Text Versions 112th Congress (2011-2012) S.1867

+GovTrack: Cloture vote on S. 1867


Moon Turn Blood Red Dec 10 2011 - YouTube

Dirty Barry ~ The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - YouTube

Filmmakers Reveal New Info About OKC Bombing | Before It's News

George Soros writing Egypt's New constitution | Before It's News

Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine | Before It's News

ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated – Every Last One of Them | Sovereign Independent

Rush: Did The ChiComs Jam Satellite Tether For Downed US Drone In Iran?

Rush Caller Jamaican Immigrant Hates What This Country Has Become And Can’t Believe That People Don’t See It.

Rush: Obama Confuses Hanukkah With Kwanzaa

Limbaugh: Bill Clinton Taught ChiComs How To Fire ICBM’s


*1:32:24/Obama Rothschilds Choice (Full Movie) Americas Jewish President.mp4 - YouTube


**Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


The Futile Demonstrations in Russia

Science Boxes in Barbara Boxer

Obama's Not Changing His Spots

One-off Democracy: When the First Election is the Last

The Case for Ron Paul

Turning Off Reality TV Politics

Fast and Furious Victims' Voices Live On Through Their Families

Newt: A Menace to Society?

There's Nothing Funny about Democrats

Kill Bin Laden

Crucifying Santa

Big protests against Putin in Russia

Reason #1067 why Ron Paul should never be elected president

Muslim Brotherhood to 'review' Egytp-Israel accords

Proposed South Korean towers resemble WTC collapsing

Texans stand up in defense of nativity scene

A Profile in Courage, Determination, and Dedication

Climate change...120,000 years ago

GOP elites, the base, and the GOP brand

Michael Barone calls out Obama

Is Gallmann's Memoir the Source for Obama's?

Government of The Elites, By The Elites and For The Elites

Newt's Different Approach to School Vouchers

Hezb'allah: Rise of a Non-State Spying Machine

I am sorry, But I can no longer defend the Republican Party

Ron Paul Warns of Coming Global Meltdown

Sheriff in Hood's Clothing

Debbie Schlussel:Kristallnacht 2011: Belgian Jewish Girl Says “I Got Used to Being Called Dirty Jew by Muslims”

Debbie Schlussel:HUH? Wall St. Journal Columnist: “US Must Vaccinate Your 8 Yr Old b/c Muslims Marry 11-Yr-Olds”

When ‘Gone with the Wind’ premiered in Atlanta

Who is Responsible for Muslim Violence?

Scandal and insanity at Penn State, Durban and the IPCC

Rubin backhands Israelis

Report: Gingrich Cosponsored 1989 Climate Change Bill With Pelosi!

Can anyone figure out President Obama’s job creation strategy??

Killing Bin Laden: What Didn’t They Tell Us, and Why?

Dems blame Bush for Operation Fast and Furious with lies

Occupy hopes to shut West Coast ports Monday; union balks

Soros Takes on Corzine’s European Bond Bet

Former Hill allies call out Gingrich - Washington Times

Criticism of Islam Could Soon be a Crime in America » Publications » Family Security Matters

Obama: More jobs in jobless benefits than Keystone | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Yemeni man Rageh Almurisi who stormed cockpit door on San Francisco-bound flight declared incompetent to stand trial -


*8th)Transcripts: Obama's Statement on the Consumer Protection Bureau

AG Holder's Testimony on "Fast and Furious"

Rep. Darrell Issa on AG Holder's Testimony

Panel on Holder and Corzine's House Testimony

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Reporters Discuss Obama's 2012 Campaign


**9th)Real Clear Markets - Video - EU Presses on With Treaty Changes

8th)RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Real Clear Markets - Video - I'm Moving to China for a Better Job!

Real Clear Markets - Video - Obama's "Godfather" Speech


Dr. Joel Hoffman: Five Mistakes in Your Bible Translation

Her.meneutics: Why Identifying as a Republican—or Democrat—Can Be Idolatrous

The ABC of not slurping soup - Telegraph

RNS Feature: "Companies pull ads from Muslim reality TV show"

Brian Calle: Brown counting on the 1 percent to save California | state, income, tax - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Just Who Are Those Keynesians We're So Often Referring To? - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - Too Much Regulation Is Killing Jobs

Occupy Wall Street on Your Street | The Nation

Review & Outlook: The Talented Mr. Gensler -

An Unthinkable Risk at a Brokerage Firm -

The Intelligent Investor: How Small Investors Can Get Stomped -

Jon Corzine’s Congress testimony—Charles Gasparino -

Could Google Reveal Secret Spy Drone Lost In Iran? | Fox News

The condescending UI | The Verge

How safe is your Facebook profile –

Spotify Radio vs. Pandora: Hands-on showdown

20 Most Anticipated Tech Products of 2012 | PCWorld

What would a Bill Gates comeback look like? - Big Tech - Fortune Tech

Is There A Future For Social TV?

Twitter, Facebook, Google+: Three-way brand page shootout | Rafe's Radar - CNET News

How to read a circuit schematic | ExtremeTech

The Physics of Great White Sharks Leaping Out of the Water to Catch Seals - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Moon Express Inc. has plans to mine the lunar surface -

2012 Apocalypse Fears Unfounded, NASA Says | Myths 2012 World Will End | 2012 Mayan Calendar, Planetary Alignment & Nibiru |

Young Einstein is a modern myth › Opinion (ABC Science)

The Science of Taste Or: Why Dry-Aged Meat Is So Damned Delicious

Don't rely on Dr Google for health information on the wild, wild web

How to Act Like a Psychopath without Really Trying [Excerpt]: Scientific American

The earth mother of all neolithic discoveries - Europe - World - The Independent

Princeton University - Nighttime images help track disease from the sky

Sound and vision work hand in hand, UCLA psychologists report / UCLA Newsroom

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Use NMR to Determine Whether Gold Nanoparticles Exhibit "Handedness"-Mellon College of Science - Carnegie Mellon University

What if there is no Higgs boson? - physics-math - 09 December 2011 - New Scientist

Cosmic Log - Watch the total lunar eclipse, wherever you may be

Hundreds of NASA's moon rocks reported missing –

BBC News - Nanoparticle hollowing method promises medical advances

Iran Could Have the Bomb By February 2012

Asia Times Online :: Bear nettles the eagle, dragon smiles

On the Front Line with Syria's Free Army - By Justin Vela | Foreign Policy

Why Iran remains defiant on the nuclear bomb - The Washington Post

Commentary: Understanding Egypt's Islamist Turn | The National Interest

Was Russia Behind Stuxnet? | The Diplomat

RealClearWorld - India's Rise Puts China on Edge

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: In Egypt and Russia, a Tale of Two Elections

Commentary: Opportunity amid the Crisis with Pakistan | The National Interest

Everything You Know About Education Is Wrong - Jordan Weissmann - Business - The Atlantic

Reality and a Campaign Add Edge to Obama’s Zigzags -

Statist Delusions - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

In Osawatomie, Obama Embraces New Populist Moment | The Nation

The Weekend Interview with Senator John Cornyn: 'We Need an Election' -

RealClearPolitics - Unsustainable Debt, Unsustainable Gridlock

The Ghost of Boyfriends Past -

The Continued Decline of the Religious Right

Lucas Tomlinson: The Band of Brothers Takes to the Gridiron -

Review & Outlook: The NLRB's Boeing Sham -

More unsupported hysteria over fracking | Washington Examiner

Obama's thin gruel at Osawatomie | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

GOP, don't play politics with Obama's ambassador confirmation -

Bobby, We Hardly Know Ye | The Weekly Standard

Keystone pipeline as GOP poison pill - Keystone XL pipeline -

Marc Hartzman's Facebook Substitute, 'The Anti-Social Network,' Calls For Privacy

America Magazine - Rocks of Ages

The Worst Book Ever is ‘Microwave for One’ « PWxyz

History News Network:Hitler's Plan to Attack America

Hitler Declares War on the United States

RealClearHistory - Did U.S. Racism Pave Way for Pearl Harbor?

Wallis Simpson, the Nazi minister, the telltale monk and an FBI plot | UK news | The Guardian

Was Wallis Simpson all woman? New evidence speculates about her sexual make-up | Mail Online

Edward VIII's Coronation portrait uncovered - Telegraph

Chiang Kai-shek’s Legacy to Freedom in Taiwan

Obama And Teddy Roosevelt: Both Progressives, Both Clueless About The Economy - Forbes

Nov. 15, 1864: Sherman’s March to the Sea Changes Tactical Warfare | This Day In Tech |

Apollo 17

Pertti Ahonen Reviews Edith Sheffer's "Burned Bridge: How The East And West Germans Made The Iron Curtain" | The New Republic

Book Review: Rome | Whispering City | Bernini -

The GOP Payroll Tax Cut/UI Extension Proposal | RedState

House Dems Decry Budget Cuts, Entitlement Reform as ‘Heartless,’ ‘Un-Christian’ - By Betsy Woodruff - The Corner - National Review Online

The Dodd-Frank news you don’t hear: It’s moving forward - The Washington Post

Income inequality for dummies « The Enterprise Blog

It’s Hard to End Subsidies for Millionaires | FrumForum


**NEWS VIDEOS: Obama Whines: ‘We’ve Been Spending The Last Three Years Cleaning’ Bush’s Mess Up

White House Refuses To Approve Job Creating Pipeline

Iraq Widow Says Husband’s Remains In Landfill

James Cameron Sued For ‘Stealing’ Avatar Idea

9th/Sununu On Newt: ‘His Mind Isn’t So Hot, His Discipline And Commitment Are Terrible’

Allegations Of Fraud Emerge In WI Recall Effort

Sen. Hutchison: Obama Is Using Occupy Movement To Create ‘Envy’

Sesame Street Muppet Promotes Government Entitlement Programs

Obama Delegate Heckled At Durban Climate Change Conference

#OccupyHarvard Vacant

Eric Cantor Slows Down STOCK Act Passage

Florida AG Bondi Pranks Daily Show Reporter

#OccupySacramento Protester Stays In Tree

Gloves Off: Mitt Slugs Newt With Tough New Ad

Hanukkah At The White House: ‘I’ve Got A Soft Spot For Justice Ginsburg’

American Hostage In Iran Pleads For Freedom

Proud Papa Jon Voight Attends Angelina Jolie’s Directorial Debut

VA Tech Gunman Said To Be Dead

NATO Fuel Tankers Attacked

Cameron: Block On EU Treaty Change ‘A Good Decision’

Ryan Seacrest Rumored To Replace Matt Lauer

Breitbart: Union Bosses Are Exploiting #Occupy Protesters

King Confronts Corzine About Personal Risk

Rep. Johnson Makes Corzine Squirm With Questioning

Congress Accuses Obama Admin Of ‘Political Correctness’ For Ft. Hood ‘Workplace Violence’ Label

Andrew Breitbart #Occupies Red Eye

8th/Michael Moore Wants Conan As President

Iranian TV Airs Footage Of Captured US Drone

Putin Slams Clinton For Encouraging Protesters

NBC’s Matthews Calls Gingrich ‘Nasty’ Looking, ‘Dogs Walk Away When They See Him’

Pope Lights ‘Tree’ Using Computer

7th/Perry: ‘I’ll End Obama’s War On Religion’

Obama Admin: Ft. Hood Shooting ‘Workplace Violence’

Exclusive Sneak Peek: Coulter Rocks Gay Reality TV, ‘Gays Have Got To Be Pro-Life!’

6th/Santorum: I’ll Cut $5 Trillion In First 100 Days

City Displays Skeleton Santa Nailed To Cross


Appellate court reverses Lake County murder conviction

Blago gone, but the sell-out goes on

Former gov's corruption case changed a lot of other lives

What's next in technology for Chicago's business scene?

Lady Gaga Rocks Z100's Jingle Ball 2011 (PHOTOS)

Lady Gaga: "White Christmas" - Z100 Jingle Ball Madison Square Garden New York, NY 12/9/11 - YouTube

Lady Gaga Fears She'll Die Like Lady Diana

Why Lady Gaga is homeless

Thousands Gather in Russia to Protest Legislative Elections

Russia protests: Arrests made in St Petersburg - YouTube

DR Congo police chief: four dead in poll unrest

Taliban Leader Claims Peace Talks Going On With Pakistan

Plane crashes into Philippine slum killing 12

Loss of plane peels back layer in US-Iran spying

Video Revives Mystery of Missing Former FBI Agent

World Marks Human Rights Day

US: Kabul attack won't spawn sectarian violence

Virginia Tech killings a mystery

Occupy Boston timeline

Occupy Boston Eviction (Boston Globe) - YouTube

Campaign Countdown: 24 Days Till Iowa

Suspect Identified in Hollywood Shooting

Supreme Court will hear case on Texas redistricting controversy

Obama demands vote on consumer watchdog

Iowa's religious conservatives up in air on 2012

Man Condemned To Death In Conn. Home Invasion

Jay-Z says President Obama can raise taxes as Congress debates over extending payroll-tax cut - NY Daily News

Rick Perry flubs Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s name, misstates number of justices - NY Daily News

Warren Buffett Wants Farmer Son At Berkshire Helm, In A Way

Corzine's Loss May Be Soros's Gain

Natural Gas: How Low can you Go?

SEC Puts Falcone, Harbinger in Its Sights

Policy changes needed to sustain Kenya growth - IMF

Gold Advances as Investment Demand Gains on Dollar's Decline

Twitter simplifies in bid to engage more users

Google's Opt-in Facial Recognition Avoids Facebook's Missteps

Goodbye Textbooks, Hello iPad

Hands On with Google's Currents Newsreader App

Colleges Buying Up .xxx Sites to Thwart Porn

Hef says he'll release Lohan 'Playboy' issue early

Jennifer Aniston Named Sexiest Woman of All-Time

Mindy McCready's Ex-Boyfriend: She Often Does Things I Can't Explain

Behind The Scenes Of The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

'Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows' review

Film director charged with fraud in Massachusetts

Lady Gaga’s ‘White Christmas’ is naughty, nice and includes an offer for Santa Claus - NY Daily News

Jerry Robinson, comic book legend and creator of Batman nemesis, the Joker, dead at 89 - NY Daily News

Study: Greenland faces land crisis as global warming heats up

Lunar Eclipse 2011: Moon Gets Completely Consumed by Earth's Shadow

Higgs boson hunters scent their elusive quarry at the LHC

Rats Show Empathy And Altruistic Behavior, New Study Claims

SpaceX poised to make history with space station docking

Gypsum deposit on Mars provides definitive evidence of water

NOAA chief connects the climate change dots

Head butts and waggle dances: How honeybees make decisions

Delaware case widens hunt for moon rocks

How to Spot a Moon Around an Exoplanet

CGI hackers discover secret of rainbows

Russian scientist apologizes for failed Mars moon mission

Fighting Poor Recycling in Other Countries

Monstrous black holes found

Gene Therapy Used to Treat Hemophilia B

Nasty germs lurking in raw cookie dough, scientist warns

The scent of a man? It could be an STD, say scientists

Abortions do not increase chances of mental illness, says survey

Fund-raiser set for woman injured by propeller blades

CDC declares Listeria outbreak from cantaloupes "over"

Sugar Cereals Like Honey Smacks, Captain Crunch & Froot Loops Worse Than A Twinkie

Origins of blood stem cells unlocked

Health department: Not too late for flu shot

Year's last total lunar eclipse charms enthusiasts

Photos: O.C. readers capture lunar eclipse

WND RADIO WND Exclusive NLRB backs down in fight over Boeing project;Rep. Wilson: Obama administration actually tried to eliminate jobs

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Missing paperwork raises suspicions about Kagan;Former judge says unlikely she's qualified to hear Obamacare case

Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists

Jack Abramoff - The Colbert Report - 2011-08-12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'


How do GOP wannabes stack up? Find out here!

Diamonds, Krugerrands found in Salvation Army red kettles

The Right (and Wrong) Way to Die When You Fall Into Lava | Wired Science |

Higgs boson particle close to being found says CERN | Mail Online

How to Create a Strong Password (and Remember It) - Yahoo! Finance

Christianity Today Entertainment Blog: Upcoming Elvis Biopic to Focus on Faith

Letters from Captain Scott's ill-fated polar expedition on display for the first time | Mail Online

Campaign aims at Macy's open-door dressing room policy

'Gay' indoctrination in bull's-eye of new campaign

Judge hands Ahmadinejad defeat in torture injury claim

Obama's abortion at 7-Eleven plan

Exposing journalistic tricks

Could Obama botch Mideast any worse?

Naturalizer Newt: Gingrich's shifting views on immigration

Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists

GOP record on illegals: 25 years of broken promises

Peace on Earth, now buy a gun

Obama's 'gay' importation program

Wasn't Sandusky 'born that way'?

Occupy our ovaries

Prophetic women

Land of the envious and home of the victim

Obama doesn't measure up to either Roosevelt

The climate-change con artists

Missing the signs

Who's it to be? Teddy No. 1 or Teddy No. 2?

Muslim Brotherhood's American headquarters

Every knee shall bow? Many atheist scientists take their kids to church | Deseret News

Southern Baptists study possible name change -

New license plate for Texas: ‘One State Under God’

Osama Bin Laden's Wives to Go Free - ABC News

Japan megaquake shifted gravity satellite orbits - environment - 07 December 2011 - New Scientist

DNA: The next big hacking frontier - The Washington Post

Did the Left-Wing Entertainment Media Help Kill ‘The Muppets’?

9/11 Widow Blasts Alec Baldwin

Why Businessmen Wear Black Hats in Today’s Movies

Critics Play the Race Card on New Comedy ‘The Sitter’

‘The Debt’ Deserves a Second Life on Blu-ray

Liberal ‘Law and Order’ Shut Down by Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Red Cross Meddles in Video Games, Claims Virtual War Crimes May Inspire Real Thing

Jay-Z Latest Celeb Begging for Obama Tax Increases

More Left-Wing Muppet Madness: ‘Sesame Street’ Pitches Dining on Government’s Dime

50 Best Albums of 2011: Adele, '21' | Rolling Stone

Rosie O'Donnell: Newt Gingrich 'Should Read a History Book' |

Hollywood shootout: Man shot in face is music industry executive -

Tanning Tax Takes a Toll as Dozens of Minnesota Salons Fold

Why Is the White House Ignoring For-Profit Colleges?

Are Underage Women Being Exploited at Occupy Protests?

Sending Mixed Messages, Obama’s NLRB Drops Wrongful Prosecution of Boeing

Remy’s Incandescent Light Bulb Song

Book Review: Armstrong Williams’ ‘Reawakening Virtues’ a Moral Manifesto in a Money-Obsessed Election Season

Cartoon: Third World

Congressmen Take Action on Ethanol

Audio:Newt Gingrich on Entitlement Reform, the Federal Reserve and the Eurozone

Boeing Cuts Deal with Union; NLRB Drops Complaint

Obamnesty is Here!

Weekly Standard : Lies, Damned Lies, and ‘Fact Checking’

Correcting Tommy Christopher, Again

Media Finally Outraged Over Christmas Censorship – When It Involves the Word ‘Gay’

NewsBusted: Does Obama Need to ‘Finish the Job’?

Romney Conference Call Takes Questions From Leftist Outlets, Ignores Conservatives *UPDATED*

Sources: ABC Dumping Amanpour from Struggling Sunday Show

HuffPo Ad Hominem Alert: Alec Baldwin Insults Another Company In Post- Planetrum Rant

‘Five Days in August’ – The Real Story of Iran’s 1953 Uprising

Palestinians: Violence and Terrorism in Region Caused by… Newt Gingrich

Audio:“They Called Us Christian Sons of Dogs”

Wake from the Fantasy: Palestinians Do Not Want Peace

Britain Rejects New Treaty to ‘Save’ Euro

Cynthia Farahat Testifies to Congress on Jihad and the War on Egypt’s Coptic Christians

Incumbent President of Congo Likely to Win Reelection, Opponent Alleges Fraud

The ‘Apartheid Wall’ Is a Potent Aphrodesiac: Jewish Birthrates on the Rise in Israel

Gingrich's attack on Palestinians draws fire

Noriega returns to Panama after 22 years

Postal Service plant closures will be 'a mess'

Sky-watchers get rare treat: total lunar eclipse

Pakistan Taliban commander confirms peace talks

Loss of plane peels back layer in US-Iran spying

Ga. farmers out to bring back homegrown olive oil

Small plane crash in Oklahoma kills 2

Lawmaker presses Clinton on US-OIC talks

China says already part of effort to help Europe

Conference in overtime on future of climate talks

Another governor disgraced, a trust violated

'Turkey's Gul skips event to avoid Barak'

Shechtman awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry in Stockholm

US envoy Hale set to arrive in J'lem for talks

Durban climate change talks: false text diverts race to reach deal

Russians come out in force to protest against alleged electoral fraud

Hamas, Islamic Jihad say they want to keep truce

Palestinians tell Gingrich to learn history after 'invented people' claim

Obama says did not 'overpromise' on US economy

Herman Cain considering media gig - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

'Daily Show' Alum Mo Rocca Promoted to 'CBS Sunday Morning' Correspondent | TheWrap TV

Newt Year in Jerusalem -

2011-12-09 Infowars Nightly News

The Myth of Multiple Personality Disorder

Bible Accounts Supported by Dead Sea Disaster Record?

Schadenfreude Explained: Why We Smile When Others Fail | LiveScience

Device Guides Firefighters Lost in Smoke : Discovery News

Cryptomundo » The Top Cryptozoology Books of 2011

Alien Planet Warps Its Solar System | Exoplanets & Alien Star Systems | Beta Pictoris Star Debris Disk |

Artist Spots Hidden Images Of Animals In Mona Lisa (VIDEO)

BBC News - Cern scientist expects 'first glimpse' of Higgs boson

Short Sharp Science: Rare twin rainbows simulated in 3D

Make no bones about it, this is Britain¿s scariest cave! Photographer captures eerie skull in rock face of remote diving spot | Mail Online


Hinesight for Foresight(

Unexplained TV Photo Gallery(

Department of Psychology (


Ron Paul Says George Bush Administration Used 9/11 to Invade Iraq | Video |

Newt Gingrich: Palestinians are an ‘Invented’ People, Peace Process ‘Delusional’ | Video |

Donald Trump On Opie and Anthony Discusses Book ‘Time To Get Tough, Making America #1 Again’ | Video |

Barack Obama Speaks About Poverty in Memphis, Blames George Bush Administration | Video |

Megyn Kelly Interviews Trump on His Hair — Actually Touches It | Video |

Rush Limbaugh Interviews Jamaican |

Barack Obama Osawatomie Speech Mirrors Weather Underground Bill Ayer’s Publication |

DC Residents Warned of Fake Fender Benders Leading to Carjackings | Video |

Obama: ‘I Didn’t Overpromise’ on the Economy | Video |

Charles Krauthammer on Obama: ‘More a Hugo Chavez Than He is a Teddy Roosevelt’ | Video |

Palestinians Respond to Gingrich‘s ’Invented’ People Remark: ‘Most Racist Statement I’ve Ever Seen’ | Video |


10-Dec-11 World View

9-Dec-11 World View

8-Dec-11 World View

*10 Dec.

American Minute for December 10th

Today in History: December 10

December 10 Events in History

December 10th This Day in History

This Day in History for 10th December

Today in History: December 10

December 10th in History

Today in History for December 10th - YouTube


China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

Lobbyists Have Wrote US Laws That Have Set Up The Biggest Robbery In World History, And It Could Happen Literally Any Day : politics

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Oath Keepers Alert: Federal Agents Demand Customer Lists From Mormon Food Storage Facility

Is Christiane Amanpour on Her Way Out of This Week?


Obama Claims Some Tyrannical Powers That Even Hitler and Stalin Never Claimed

poorrichards blog: Who will watch the watchdog?

poorrichards blog: Bloggers Are A Little Less Under The Constitution?

Rupert Murdoch Lobbies Congress To Restrict Internet :

The US Army Now Offers A Prison Guard Specialty Securing 'Civilian Detainees'

poorrichards blog: The U.S.’s 0% Folly

TCF bank penalizes kid with $4.85 in his account by charging him $234.95 in fees in two weeks - Boing Boing

Photo Shows Stuxnet as Perfect Match to Iranian Network

PressTV - Divide widening between US rich, poor

FEMA Camps Activating: Shepard Ambellas On Ground Zero :

The Jewish Channel Exclusive Interview With Newt Gingrich Excerpt: "Invented Palestinian People" - YouTube


The Manning Report – 9 December 2011

Dec. 9, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-09, Friday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-08, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-07, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-06, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-05, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-04, Sunday

12/09 The Mark Levin Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, December, 09, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

Redding News Review 12-09-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-09-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-09-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-10-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-10-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-09-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-09-11 Hr 2


**World Video:

9 Dec. Re-Imagining A Global Ethic
Barroso: The Euro Is Irreversible
Afghanistan Blast Witness Shares Story
Analyst: Euro Leaders Must Compromise
Clinton: Concerned About Russia, Hopeful About Europe
Obama: Ask Bin Laden About My Foreign Policy
Israeli Strikes Kill Three In Gaza
Raw Video: Iranian TV Shows Alleged U.S. Drone
Raw Video: NATO Fuel Tankers Attacked
New Treaty To Save Euro But Move Causes EU Split
Missing U.S. Man Pleas For Help
Australian Fugitive Sparks Massive Manhunt
President Obama And Prime Minister Harper
Can The EU Summit Stem The Crisis?
Newt's Choice: Amb. John Bolton

**Political Video:

Obama Presses GOP On Consumer Watchdog Agency In Weekly Address
Boehner Gives GOP Address On Keystone: Obama's Policies "Aren't Working"
RCP's Alexis Simendinger On "Washington Week"
Perry Forgets Sotomayor's Name, Calls Her "Montemayor"
RCP's Simendinger: Kansas Speech Was Beginning Of Obama's Campaign

9 Dec.

Obama: "We've Been Spending The Last Three Years Cleaning" Bush's Mess Up
Trump: Bachmann Was Interested In Making Me Vice President
Sununu: Gingrich Has A "Congenital Problem"
Romney Web Video Slams Gingrich For Criticism Of Ryan Plan
Obama: Frustration With Republican Gridlock Is "Off The Scale"
Chuck Todd Giddy Over Obama's Use Of The Osama Card
Bashir: "Excrementitious Matter Flows" When Trump Opens His Mouth
MSNBC's Ed: Obama Should Play The "Ask Osama" Card All The Time
Warren: Karl Rove Is Smearing Me With His "Kitchen Sink" Strategy
Rand Paul: Gingrich "Goes Against Everything That The Tea Party Stands For"
O'Reilly On His Encounter With An "Occupy" Protester
Romney In 1994: Contract With America "A Mistake"
Alter: Gingrich Sets "New Indoor Records For Hypocrisy"
Levin: Why Aren't Righty Outlets Applying Conservative Test To Romney?
"Special Report" Panel On High-Profile Capitol Hill Testimony
"Daily Show" On Which GOP Candidate Loves Jews More
Milbank: Gingrich Is A "Bomb-Thrower"


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