A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

07 December 2011

7 DEC.




Ending The War On Drugs
Potential For A Civil War In Syria?
Countdown To Save The Euro
CEO On Euro Crisis: 'Seeking Certainty'
Afghanistan Bombings Undermine Taliban
West Will Not Abandon Afghanistan After 2014
Derailing Iran's Nuclear Program
Outrage In Yemen
Inside The Free Syrian Army
Soldiers Prepare For Exit From Iraq
UN Chief Doubts Climate Deal Likely
Thousands Flee Indonesia Volcano
Greece Passes 2012 Austerity Budget
How Could Iran Use U.S. Drone Technology?

6 DEC.

Military Reform In Pakistan
Grading The White House On Egypt
Perceptions Versus Reality In The Russian Elections
Franco-German Master Plan For EU
At Least 22 Killed In Iraq Blasts
Putin’s Party Loses Support In Elections
Moscow Streets Protesters Confront Riot Police & Arrested
Raped Afghan Woman Forced To Marry Attacker
Mt. Gamalama Erupts, Thousands Flee
Clinton Calls Russian Election Unfair
Raw Video: Students, Police Clash In Greece
Villages Caught in the Crossfire of Sudan's Ongoing Battles
Non-Interventionism In U.S. Foreign Policy
What Would Deficit Limits Mean For Eurozone, Future Of Euro?


Carney: Obama's Speech "Wasn't An Election Speech"
RCP's Tom Bevan On Tea Party's Rise, GOP Field (Part II)
Romney Ad Touts "Steadiness And Constancy"
Perry Ad: "I'll End Obama's War On Religion"
Moore: "Wall Street Has Their Man And His Name Is Barack Obama"
Rep. Peter King: Gingrich Would "Be A Terrible Nominee"
Trump: Romney Wants My Endorsement "Badly"
Christie Takes Down Man Who Asks If Town Hall Questions Are Planted
RCP's Tom Bevan On Tea Party's Rise, GOP Field
Hume: May Not Be The Best Thing For Gingrich To Win Iowa
"Daily Show" Makes Fun Of Trump Debate
"Special Report" Panel: Will Gingrich Get The Nomination?
Fineman: Gingrich Has Failed In Leadership Positions
O'Reilly: Obama Will Get Stronger As The Economy Improves
Milbank: If Romney Loses, He Would Lose With "Dignity"

6 DEC.

Krauthammer: Obama Channeling FDR In Reelection Bid, Not Theodore
Gingrich: Obama "Wants To Get Equality By Bringing People Down"
Rush: Establishment Attacks Every Candidate Who "Gets Close To Romney"
Chris Matthews Calls Himself A "Progressive"
Trump: Karl Rove Should Give Me My Money Back
Newt Gingrich: I Would Fire Ben Bernanke
Romney Says No To Trump Debate
Obama: "This Isn't About Class Warfare, This Is About Nation's Welfare"
Obama Now Blames The Internet For Job Losses
Glenn Beck Grills Newt Gingrich In Interview On Past Positions
Obama: "We're Greater Together Than We Are On Our Own"
Wasserman Schultz: GOP Practicing "My Way Or The Highway" Politics
Obama: USA Facing "Make Or Break Moment" For Middle Class
Hume: Obama Would Prefer To Run Against Gingrich Over Romney
Ron Paul Rips Newt Gingrich For "Serial Hypocrisy" In New Ad
MSNBC's Goldie: People Should Be "Sick And Damn Tired" Of Cain
Scarborough: Gingrich "Not A Nice Human Being" And A "Terrible Person"
Trump Trashes "Hack" Karl Rove And "Boring" Krauthammer
Axelrod: Gingrich Behind Atmosphere Where Opponents Are "Enemies"
"Daily Show" On Herman Cain Dropping Out Of Race
Gov. Walker: Recall Proponents "Cross The Line" In Attacks On Family
Carney: Giving A "Fair Shake" Has "Animated" Obama Even Before He Was President
Rendell: Gingrich/Pelosi Ad Would "Shock" Iowa Conservatives
O'Reilly: Politicians Don't Watch How Our Money Is Spent
Krauthammer: "Obama Tried To Pander To The Arab Street"
Dionne: GOP Race Is Turning Into A Book Club
Sabato: Trump's Influence Is With The Media, Not Voters



Trouble" by Cat Stevens - Grooveshark

"Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll" by Ian Dury And The Blockheads - Grooveshark


Sex And Drugs And Rock And Roll (2010) Partea 1 -

Sex And Drugs And Rock And Roll (2010) Partea 2 -

Sex And Drugs And Rock And Roll (2010) partea 3 -


2:32:17/C2CAM - 2011.12.06 - Wartime UFOs - YouTube

1:45:36/Michael Tsarion. Atlanteans, Lemurians & Origins . C2C - YouTube


26 min./Tuesday 12-6-11 Infowars Nightly News-PreShow - YouTube

1:18:32/Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday,December 6,2011 (FULL) - YouTube

12-5-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones - YouTube


Pearl Harbor: 70 years on - YouTube

Attack on pearl harbor - YouTube


*1:46:13/Attack on Pearl Harbor: A Day of Infamy {1 of 2} - YouTube

*1:58:39/Attack on Pearl Harbor: A Day of Infamy {2 of 2} - YouTube

44min./FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy - YouTube

Hulu - Pure History: Prisoners Of War Betrayed - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Pure History: Secret Sub Attack On Pearl Harbor - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Pure History: Russian Submarine Disaster - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Pure History: Hitler's Warriors: Manstein the Strategist - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Pure History: Cold War Spies Behind Enemy Lines - Watch the full episode now.


China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

Obama Regime Warns All Americans: “IF YOU FIGHT US YOU WILL DIE!”


The American Film Company(


** Political Poll/Pick for GOP 2012 Nomination

Prison » Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S.

Taking Our Government Back - YouTube


*Clinton Turns to Naked Corporate-Fascism -


+The McCollum Memo: The Smoking Gun of Pearl Harbor

The Bones of Station H - YouTube



*Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor (1989) / 1:09:26


GOP Candidates to Trump Debate: You’re Fired - Walt Cronkite -

Refreshing News: US marks 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attacks


Lennon’s influence felt 31 years after death - Opinion - Indiana Statesman - Indiana State University

Watching The Wheels - John Lennon - YouTube


Ron Paul: The 45th President Of The United States - YouTube

Activist Post: Hundreds 'occupy' US Congressional offices

Occupy Wall Street Must Liberate America | Veterans Today

An idiot’s overview of why Western capitalism is crashing | Veterans Today

Battlefield US: Pentagon arms police departments with free heavy weaponry — RT

American police: To serve and protect (the 1%) — RT

The Next Frontier for Occupy: Protesters Take Over Vacant Homes, Rally to Protect Those Facing Eviction and Foreclosure - Occupy America Social Network

Fox News host calls Occupy Wall Street movement "domestic terrorists" - Orlando liberal |

Anarchy Chic: The Essential Riot Gear Shopping List | Motherboard

American's Journey: Pearl Harbor again and the New American Revolutionary War

US Army Preparing To Crush #OccupyWallStreet

‘Inhuman Microphone’ App Circumvents Occupy Wall Street’s Megaphone Ban - Occupy America Social Network

Spies and Provocateurs: Police Spying on Occupy Movement not Likely Limited to Los Angeles | This Can't Be Happening

#OccupyWallStreet Officially Classified As Terrorist Group Along With Al-Qaeda









The Rothschild Bloodline

The Rockefeller Bloodline


Newt Gingrich: Master of Disaster | Mother Jones, the Dallas, Texas news blog and Dallas, Texas information source for the DFW Metroplex. - DALLAS BLOG - Gun Owners Call Gingrich ‘Anti-Gun’ Politician

12160 - Resisting the New World Order: 'Serial hypocrisy': Paul leads Gingrich assault

Herman Cain Supporters Flock to Ron Paul - Yahoo! News

Did Newt Gingrich Break Georgia's Lobbying Law In 2004? | ThinkProgress

Gingrich fighting massive debt racked up in campaign’s extravagant early days - The Washington Post

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Gingrich's Megalomania

poorrichards blog: Iowa Blitz: Ron Paul Goes for Newt’s Throat

Conservatives Attack Newt Gingrich With a Vengeance - Robert Schlesinger (

Newt Gingrich Affair - Underage Newt Gingrich Affair with Teacher - Esquire

Newt Gingrich Cheated on His Wives for America -- Daily Intel

Newt Gingrich's Skeleton Closet

3 elderly women say TSA agents made them pull down pants, underwear | News - Home

Federal Court Rules Videotaping Police Is A First Amendment Right | PFPM

Burning Deceased Humans Will Produce Electricity |

FAA chief resigns after DWI arrest -

U.S. DEA agents admit laundering drug money, then claim they were testing how it works

Blog: DoJ lied about Fast and Furious in letter to Congress


Barbara Farris | Family Courts Allow Sexual Abuse for Profit in PORN (Part 1) : The Ellis County Observer

Barbara Farris | Family Courts Allow Sexual Abuse for Profit in PORN (Part 2) : The Ellis County Observer

Barbara Farris | Family Courts Allow Sexual Abuse for Profit in PORN (Part 3) : The Ellis County Observer


Top McCain aide: We might have stripped Palin of office | Jay Bookman

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - Even the Banks have Moved their Money out of the Bank!s

Gerald Celente: We're going into an economic 9/11 - YouTube

Jon Huntsman tacks to skepticism on climate - Juana Summers and Alex Guillen -

NBC Politics - Subpoena for ex-senator: first in 103 years

PressTV - Nuclear experts reject IAEA Iran report

After drone was lost, CIA tried a head fake - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Crippling Iran: questions for UK Foreign Secretary William Hague > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

U.S.'s Afghan Headache: $400-a-Gallon Gasoline -

Rush ballot in Israel's Likud linked to U.S. outlook | Reuters

Watching The Wheels Come Off The Green Machine - Forbes

Climategate Scandal Shatters Public Confidence In Green Agenda

US Attempts to Overthrow Russian Government! – Infowars Ireland

US Finds Bigger Threat In PEACEFUL Iran - YouTube

Costly Ambition: 'With sanctions on Iran oil, US chokes own economy' - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : "Shut Up. You Don't Get a Lawyer!": The Defense Authorization Act Guts Civil Liberties

US Defense Secretary Blames the Victim | Jerusalem Post - Blogs

Lone Star Watchdog: A Very Small Chance a Politcal Solution Will End the Federal Reserve Bank. It might Take Force to Do it

EU To Seize Control Over National Economies With Stroke of a Pen |

Firefighters watch couple's home burn to the ground (because they hadn't paid $75 subscription fee) | Mail Online

You want Jujubees with your Surround Sound 3D? Reflections in a Petri Dish

Wealthy couple who live in $1.2m home and drive a Jag have been claiming benefits for last eight years | Mail Online

Newt Gingrich denies his own book at Charleston campaign event - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

Daily Kos: Newt Gingrich buys million dollar* website and spam machine

Did Newt Gingrich Play a Part in Freddie Mac's Fundraising Scandal? - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

What do Holocaust Deniers believe? - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : RON PAUL DRAINS THE SWAMP!

Military buildup in S. China Sea amid tension | The Jakarta Post

Richard (RJ) Eskow: They're Sacrificing Us to Save Wall Street -- But "Occupy Our Homes" Could Change That

poorrichards blog: US rich dragging society into poverty

The Red Cross bans Christmas | Mail Online

ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them - Salem-News.Com

Activist Post: December 8: Mothers, Acting As ‘Agents,’ To Defy FDA Ban on Interstate Raw Milk Distribution

Brent Budowsky: What Ron Paul, Occupy Wall Street, Lech Walesa, Tahrir Square, Tiananmen Square and Many Tea Party People Have in Common

AFP: BP says Halliburton destroyed Gulf spill evidence

20 Signs That The Culture Of Government Dependence Has Gotten Completely And Totally Out Of Control -

Organ Gangs Force Poor to Sell Kidneys for Desperate Israelis | StratRisks

60 Minutes - Prosecuting Wall Street Fraud At Citigroup And Countrywide - DOJ On The Defensive -

Prosecuting Wall Street - CBS News

Hillary Clinton to meet Syrian opposition leaders in Geneva - Telegraph

Congresswoman accuses Blackwater founder of “intimidation” over Indy article -

Rep Schakowsky Speaks Out Against Private Military Contractors - YouTube

Saadi Gaddafi planned escape to luxurious home in trendy Punta Mita, Mexico | News | National Post

India to ban ‘offensive’ Internet material | The Raw Story

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Reichle v. Howards -


Military Bases(

Military Installation Guides 2.0(

Military Bases in the Continental US(

Listing of Major U.S. Military Bases(

The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases - Unified Command Plan(



Gingrich: Gov. Should Allow Terror Attacks To Remind People How Much We Need Them - YouTube

A Look at the True Collectivist, Socialist and Communist Nature of Today's Conservatives - informationliberation

Ron Paul: Why Elizabeth Warren is Wrong - YouTube

"Ron Paul Doesn't Even Think In Terms Of Israel" - YouTube

9 Examples Of Elderly Americans Being Strip-Searched Or Sexually Molested By TSA Agents At U.S. Airports - informationliberation

* MP3:Lew Rockwell Vs Statist Parasite;Ron Smith talks to Lew Rockwell

Chinese execution pictures: Women about to be executed for drug smuggling | Mail Online

More Americans Go Abroad for Economic Opportunities - US Business News - CNBC

NPR's domestic drone commercial - informationliberation

PolitiFact and the scam of neutral expertise -

Anti-Piracy Group Blackmails ISPs to Censor The Pirate Bay | TorrentFreak

The Pentagon Is Offering Free Military Hardware To Every Police Department In The US

The Secret History Of America The Greatest Conspiracy On Earth | Before It's News

Government Official: ETs Walk Among Us | Before It's News

New Rules For Crossing The U.S. Canadian Border - YouTube


ILLUMINATION Part 1 The Sun is a Stargate

ILLUMINATION Part 2 The Sun is a Stargate (cont'd)

ILLUMINATION Part 3 Doomsday (2012)

ILLUMINATION Part 4 Crop Circles (2012) Return of Quetzalcoatl

ILLUMINATION Part 5 Shadow Government

ILLUMINATION Part 6 Shadow Government (cont'd) [Censored for Mobile Phones & TV]

ILLUMINATION Part 7 Reptilians & Ancient Nuclear (ORION) Wars



History Channel, After Armageddon .. 1/9 - YouTube

History Channel, After Armageddon .. 2/9 - YouTube

History Channel, After Armageddon .. 3/9 - YouTube

History Channel, After Armageddon .. 4/9 - YouTube

History Channel, After Armageddon .. 5/9 - YouTube

History channel, After Armageddon .. 6/9 - YouTube

History Channel, After Armageddon .. 7/9 - YouTube

History Channel, After Armageddon .. 8/9 - YouTube

History Channel, After Armageddon ... 9/9 - YouTube


How Google Do Mobile Search | Before It's News

Hundreds of Alien Worlds Come Into View (Infographic) | NASA Kepler Mission & Earthlike Planets | Alien Worlds & Habitable Worlds to Support Life | LiveScience


Obama Says Capitalism Has Never Worked | Before It's News

Unusual Uses for 9 Pantry Items | Before It's News


Newt Gingrich pt 1

Newt Gingrich pt 2


Free Market Under Siege: Obama Says “It’s A License To Steal” | The Freedom Bunker

The crazy Tea Partiers still haven’t killed anyone | The Freedom Bunker


*President Obama Speaks on the Economy - YouTube

+Full text of Barack Obama's speech in Osawatomie, Kansas | World news |

Obama's speech hit all the right points -


Playing With Fire Obama’s Risky Oil Threat to China

How Iran Acquired A Stealth Drone

Israel Stole Uranium from U.S., Report Will Show

George W. Bush Fears Arrest - Cancels Visit To Switzerland

It's Your Choice, Europe: Rebel Against the Banks or Accept Debt-Serfdom


Rod Blagojevich offers no apologies at sentencing hearing -

Ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich tells judge he has made 'terrible mistakes' | New Orleans

Ex-Gov. Blagojevich Awaits His Punishment - YouTube

Rod Blagojevich sentencing: Ex-governor awaits his fate -


*ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 6, 2011

*ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 5, 2011


The EyeOpener- Terror in the Caucasus: US Sponsored, EU Hosted & Turkey Channeled

Hail! NATO Expands, Again!

Pearl Harbor attacked: A witness remembers, 70 years later - The Washington Post

Flu Research Dangers Unreported | American Free Press

Texas Welfare Office Shooting: Mom Denied Food Stamps For Months, Shoots Own Kids

How the world's first cyber 'super weapon' attacked Iran - and now threatens the world | Mail Online

CIA, NATO Lied to Press About Lost Drone

Kenya to Deploy Ground Troops to Mogadishu

Guilty Plea in FBI Infiltrator's Case Against Ann Arbor Militia

Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?

Seventy Years of Infamy

A Speed Bump for Pentagon's Information Ops

A New Arms Race Looms Between Russia and US

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (video)

Recent Charges of Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood Just Tip of Iceberg, Experts Say

Opening Sequence of “Poland’s Next Top Model”: Symbolism Overload

Toxic Levels of Arsenic Found in Popular Juice Brands

Therapist ‘Brainwashed’ Woman Into Believing She Was In Satanic Cult

Robert Kennedy’s Assassin Claims He Was Under Mind Control

Activist Post: Accepting FEMA Camp Prisons for Illegal Immigrants Justifies them for Americans

Activist Post: The Orwellian 'Non-Lethal' War Waged Against Peaceful Citizens

Activist Post: Joe Arpaio: America’s toughest sheriff or America’s worst sheriff?

Activist Post: EPA Finds Monsanto’s GMO Corn Ineffective, Creating Resistant Rootworms

Activist Post: Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011

Activist Post: Is threat of home-grown US terror suspects overblown?

Activist Post: MIT study with major corporate “advisers” promotes centralized control of power grid

National Defense Authorization Act - Indefinite Detention Bill - Senate Bill 1867 | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: Fight on money laundering coordinated with Mexico: US

Activist Post: Biological attacks 'are serious security challenge'

Activist Post: Tyrannical "Health Standards" Of The New World Order

Activist Post: Anti-Monsanto Article Surpasses 80,000 Facebook Shares, Among Most Shared in 2011

Activist Post: PS - The Post Office Is Sinking

Activist Post: Widespread Smart Phone Spying is 'Unprecedented breach of digital privacy': Lawyers

Activist Post: Cosmic Sabotage? Phobos-Grunt probe mysteriously disabled

Prison » Newt Gingrich: Let Mad Scientists Terraform The Planet


Gingrich: GOP, Romney 'Weak' to Decline Trump Debate

Gingrich Surge Throws Curve at Obama Campaign

Fact Check: Obama Kan. Speech Had 'Suspect Data'

Gallup: Gingrich Soars to 37%, Romney Sinks

McCain Likely to Endorse Romney

Steve Forbes: Perry Has 'Chance to Move Up'

Luntz: Gingrich Surging Because of 'Message'

CPAC’s ACU Endorses Trump Debate, Says GOP Candidates Should Attend

Rep. Steve King Backs Trump 'America' Debate

Polls Vault Gingrich to Top: Iowa, 33%; SC, 38%

Grover Norquist Endorses Trump Debate

'1941' Excerpt: America Fights for Life After Pearl

Ind. Gov. Daniels Says State Found Untouched $300M

Gingrich Looks to Surge to Rekindle K Street Clout

Geithner Sees Encouraging Progress in Europe

Roubini: Eurozone Shocks May Spark US Recession

OTC Morning-After Pill for Teens?

Presidents Don't Age Faster

Campaigns Turning More to Web to Link With Voters

Citigroup Facing Ire of Judge Who Is Taking on Wall Street

Obama Empowering Muslim Brotherhood in Middle East

Government's Comprehensive Campaign Against Job Creation

Scholars Failed to Predict the Arab Spring

Left's 'Ministry of Truth' Specializes in Doublespeak

Obama: Limited Gov't That Preserves Free Markets 'Doesn't Work. It Has Never Worked'

Obama: Limited Gov't That Preserves Free Markets 'Doesn't Work. It Has Never Worked'

Hillary Clinton: ‘Religious Beliefs’ Are ‘Standing in the Way of Protecting Human Rights of LGBT People'

Women's Rights Group: Biden's China Statements Undermined Moral Credibility Of U.S.

Union Workers Come to Washington to ‘Demand Justice’

GOP Filibusters Halligan Court Nomination, Sen. Schumer Warns Of 'Chaos'

Obama Seeks Protection for Homosexuals Abroad

Official: Applause, Hooting, Hollering After Clinton’s Plea for Gay Rights

Citing the 'Humanity of Unborn Babies,' Republican Introduces Bill to Ban Abortions Based on Race and Gender

Religious Freedom Commission Prepares to Shut Its Doors

White House--Laughingly--Declines to Comment on Senate Vote to Repeal Military's Ban on Sodomy and Bestiality

Biden Rhapsodizes on Arab Revolutions: ‘A Terrible Beauty Is Born’

Obama Invokes Teddy Roosevelt: ‘We Are Greater Together Than We Are on Our Own'

Union Workers Come to Washington to ‘Demand Justice,’ ‘Show Congress What Democracy Looks Like’

Clinton Warns of Bioweapon Threat from Gene Technology

Global Campaign to Free Detained Chinese Activist Is Helping, U.S. Lawmakers Are Told

Alec Baldwin Kicked Off LA Flight

U.N. Human Rights Chief Urged to Shun NGO Accused of Links to Gaddafi Regime

Ending ‘Racial Isolation' in Schools Is Crucial, Obama Administration Says

Gallup: Real 99 Percenters Twice as Likely to be Conservative as Liberal

Hoyer: Dems Better than GOP Because Dems Made Twice as Many Laws

Republicans Thwart Vote On Activist Judge With Controversial 2nd Amendment, Terrorism Stances

Ixnay on Cordray: Not Another Obama Czar

Loathing Conservative Christian Candidates

Limbaugh: Obama's Speech 'Filled With Deceit,' 'Breathtaking In Its Divisiveness'

Limbaugh: Conservative Media Attacks Newt Gingrich

Limbaugh: Newt Screws Up Obama’s Occupy Wall Street Anti-Romney Strategy

Limbaugh: Regime Covered Up Chevy Volt Danger

Limbaugh: Ron Paul Has Nothing To Do With The Tea Party

Limbaugh: Every Bit Of Stated Opposition From Republicans About Republicans Is Personal.

Limbaugh: Obama Kansas Speech Was Sickening

Must See GBTV: Beck Gingrich Interview

Mark Levin: How Many Future Presidents Will Compare Themselves To Obama?

Rush on Obama Kansas Speech: “Communist Leaders Around The World Give This Speech Constantly”

Limbaugh to Obama: “You Have Just Outed Yourself. You Have Nothing But Contempt For This Country”

New Muppets Movie Accused of Brainwashing Kids | Video |

Mitt Romney Awkward 1994 Interview With Ken Cole | Video |

Amare Staudemire Teaches Hebrew, Jake Gyllenhaal Talks Afikoman |

‘Senseye’ Follows Eyes’ Pupils to Perform Actions | Video |

Baggage Handler Fired For Refusing to Load ‘Emaciated’ Dog |

Columnist George Will Says Trump ‘Hijacking’ Republican Party | Video |

Walter Reed Medical Center Bans Bibles Then Changes Policy | Video |

Chris Matthews Talks About Barack Obama and Republicans Reign of Terror | Video |

Biden To Greece: U.S. ‘Standing With You In Solidarity,’ Jokes About Bailout |

Trump Gets Heated in Chuck Todd Interview | Video |

Saudi Student Sells $7 Million Dinosaur to American | Video |

NASA Confirms First Earth-Like Planet in Habitable Zone of Its Star | Video |

How Bad is Congressional Insider Trading? Details Revealed by Glenn Beck and Peter Schweizer | Video |

Japan Has Some Crazy Long Slides That Put U.S. Playground Equipment to Shame | Video |

Facebook Glitch Exposes Mark Zuckerberg’s Own Private Photos |

Watch Live: Obama Gives Class Warfare Speech | Video |

Bachmann Calls Newt Gingrich Frugal Socialist | Video |

Revealed: How Countrywide Crashed the Housing Market and got Away With it | Video |

Severed Thumb Replaced With Big Toe as Success for British Man | Video |

Tony Perkins Says Jesus Rejected Collectivism & Liked Free Market |

Michael Moore Interviewed by CNN’s Piers Morgan, Discusses Net Worth | Video |

Obama Gaffe? Greets Texas in Kansas Speech | Video |

Rick Santorum Talks About Donald Trump Moderated Debate |

Military Atheist Leader Complains About Pre-Combat Prayer |

Mythbusters Misfires Cannonball into Calif. House and Minivan | Video |

Jimmy Fallon Tells Brian Williams Bachmann Flap Embarrassed Him | Video |

Parents of Fashion Editor Lauren Scruggs, Injured After Walking Into Plane Propelle, Speak | Video |

UConn Implements Pledge of Allegiance Amid Debate at Sporting Games | Video |

Presidents Live Longer Than You Might Expect |

Marc Lamont Hill to O’Reilly: Poor White Janitors Are the Only Ones at Columbia Who Vote Republican | Video |

Jay Carney Fields Question on Bestiality from Lester Kinsolving | Video |

The States That Give the Most in Money and Benefits to Their Residents |

Bachamnn Responds to White House Bestiality Question | Video |

Mob of 50 Teen-Aged Girls Beats Down Two NYC Cops |

National Defense Authorization Act - Indefinite Detention Bill - Senate Bill 1867 | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

The Twelve Days of Fascism by Robert Hawes

Fatwa Permits Mujahideen to Kidnap, Imprison, and Have Sexual Intercourse with Infidel Women

BBC News - Undersea mountains march into the abyss

Kepler-22b a 'Super-Earth' that could hold life: NASA

Strange emissions by sun are mutating matter… | Project World Awareness

Working with Jesus : The BLOOD that SPEAKS!

Conspiracy theory confirmed: bankers do want to rule the world - National Finance Examiner |

Issa Launches Probe Of Alleged DEA Laundering Operation In Mexico | Fox News

The most shoplifted items of the season | Fashion - Yahoo! Shine



If You Go to Church, Heed This Warning by Joseph Mercola

10 Health Benefits of Xylitol | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Christmas Books by Thomas Sowell

The Golden Age of Government Is Just Beginning by Mark R. Crovelli

Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement by Paul Gottfried

Newt Gingrich Is No Libertarian by Murray N. Rothbard

An Exchange of Empires by Gary North

*AUDIO:One Clear Choice;Charles Goyette talks to Lew Rockwell

Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor? by Patrick J. Buchanan

FDR, Pearl Harbor and the U.N. by John V. Denson

THE CLOCK IS TICKING: "Shadow War" Heating Up. War With Iran: A Provocation Away?

President of Côte d'Ivoire to Stand Trial in the International Criminal Court

No People No Problem: "The Baltic Tigers" False Prophets of Economic Austerity

The European Debt Crisis: Unstable Currency Markets.

A New Cold War in Asia? Obama Threatens China

BOMBSHELL: US Caught Meddling in Russian Elections!

70 Years Ago, December 1941: Turning Point of World War II

Debt and Democracy: Has the Link been Broken?

The End of Reset: Towards the New Cold War. "The New World Order to be built on the Wreckage of Russia"

The Nixon Administration and the Indian Nuclear Program, 1972-1974

Using Arable Land for Bio-fuels: Carbon Credits in the ‘Valley of Death’

VIDEO: The Dangers of Nuclear War and Threats Against Iran

Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism: Audacity, More Audacity in Formulating an Alternative to the Existing System.

BREAKING NEWS: Downed CIA Stealth Drone Marks Another Step Towards America's War On Iran

Gingrich and Trump Announce Plan to Put Poor Kids to Work

What 'Occupy Our Homes' Could Change

Romney Campaign Admits Propaganda Ad Campaign

As Medicaid Cuts Take Hold, Suicide Rates Rise

Huntsman: Not Going to Kiss Trump's Ring or 'Any Other Part of His Anatomy'

Wingnuts Fight Back Against Imaginary Obama Plot To Take Their Guns

PolitiFact Finalist for 'Lie of the Year' Is 100 Percent True

Karl Rove Lashes Out at Donald Trump for Candidates Being 'Stuck' Going to His Debate

Rest of the World is Beating Us in Wireless Broadband Access

A School Board Member Takes High School Standardized Test and Learns a Valuable Lesson

Animation: Newt Gingrich Totally Gets Occupy Wall Street (Actual Audio)

Paul Ryan Wins Politico's Health Care Policymaker of the Year

AFL-CIO Launches 'Share Your Story' To Document Unemployment Crisis

Denied Food Stamps, Laredo Woman Shoots Children, Kills Self

Romney Lies About Obama 'Taking over 100 Percent' of Health Care

The GOP is Occupied with Amending the Constitution

Obama's Populism Meets the Ghost of Teddy Roosevelt

Breast Cancer, PPACA, and a Change of Heart About President Obama | Angry Black Lady Chronicles

The BRAD BLOG : Clear Channel to Replace Green960, San Francisco's Only AM Progressive Talk Station, With Glenn Beck, Other RWers as Election Year Begins

Mike Stark has a bit of fun w/Rush Limbaugh - YouTube

Obama's Class Warfare May Backfire as Big Business and Workers Team Up - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama's food stamp epidemic - Shut Up & Blog

The Daily Bell - Obama Pondering National Police Force ... Again?

My Way News - Israelis reject Clinton remarks on their democracy

Is Privacy Dead?

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Obama's Number-One Violation of the Constitution

When Governments Go Rogue

Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield


Basic Military Map Symbols(

Appendix:Glossary of military slang - Wiktionary

Urban Dictionary: military slang

Starting a Fitness Routine - Military Fitness -


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 6th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 5th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 5th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 6th, 2011


70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor and the September 10th, 1945 Issue of TIME Magazine – Brian Romanoff |


*Time Magazine Sep 10th, 1945 - Pearl Harbor Pages


Beware of artificial food coloring chemicals in pickles - it's what makes them appear more yellow

Facebook Buys, Kills, Gowalla

Is Ron Paul Positioned To Become The Republican Leader Of The 2012 Race For The Presidency? - YouTube

Will The Internet Reformation Lead To A Global Political Reformation? |

NAACP Taking Complaints About U.S. Voter Laws to United Nations

Landmark immigration ruling could pave way for gay partners to avoid deportation

Rep. Darrell Issa launches congressional investigation into DEA

McCain preparing to play kingmaker in 2012 GOP race

In new TV ad, Perry says, 'As President, I'll end Obama's war on religion'

Obama invokes Teddy Roosevelt in Kansas; argues for economic ‘fairness’

Penn State president wants to place less emphasis on football

U.S. military personnel, military bases, a growing terrorist target, lawmakers warn

Fla. Senate installs panic buttons for lawmakers and their staff

MTV Reality Shows Primarily Use Women to Trash Women, Study Shows

Nationwide campaign seeks lapsed Catholics' return to fold

Keystone Pipeline a make-or-break issue for environmental groups, GOP lawmaker says

High school quarterback's 'play of his life' negated due to rule about celebration

Obama: Wealth gap defining issue for Americans

GOP senator says support for Obama Iran policy 'has collapsed'

Arapahoe ex-sheriff bonds out of "own jail" in meth case

New .xxx domain for porn debuts to mixed feelings

Erin Andrews sues Marriott for $10 million over peephole video

EMILY's List donors hear of Republican Party's 'war on women'

Republicans remain skeptical of extending payroll tax cut without spending cuts

Pearl Harbor survivors can return to their ships after death

U.N.’s Botched Computer-System Overhaul: A Major 'Failure' of Ban Ki-Moon's Management

Facebook Flaw Means Anyone Can See Private Photos

Massachusetts Runaway Teens Found at Occupy Newark Camp

Lady Gaga meets with top Obama aide on bullying

Obama orders U.S. diplomats to increase efforts to fight LGBT discrimination abroad

Female student who once lived in Texas may be whipped for driving in Saudi Arabia

6 N.J. Motor Vehicle clerks indicted for selling fake driver's licenses

White House policy on online privacy will be released "in a matter of weeks," official says

Jon Corzine subpoenaed in MF Global scandal

Pam Anderson Doesn't Hold Back! - YouTube

NPN Email Alert: Hate Law Flexes Power in Amish Arrests

The Heart of Darkness in the Power of Light House Reprimands, Penalizes Speaker

Romney staff spent nearly $100,000 to hide records - Yahoo! News

Germany agrees to pay pensions to thousands of Holocaust victims | Mail Online

Nano Chemtrails

Call to Action: Researchers Needed for Non-GMO Seed Project! | Farm Wars - "Bullying" is Another Illuminati Psy-op

Merck—Too Big to Prosecute? | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

BC First Nations Unite To Ban Export Of Tar Sands Oil | Care2 Causes

To: One And All - ending taxation for a prosperous future

Chavez heralds new regional alliance - YouTube

Breaking News - US set to use army to put down protests - YouTube

Agenda 21 for Public Officials YouTube - YouTube

Bush's Secret Paraguay Land Grab - YouTube

King Cobras in Afghanistan | Opinion Maker

Navy training mine washes ashore on Miami Beach - Yahoo! News

House Passes Bill to Curb U.S. Rules Costly for Businesses - Businessweek

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church

President Obama’s Top 10 Constitutional Violations | Hawaii Reporter

50 of 87 Green turtle’s eggs were deformed | Fukushima Diary

The Occult Magic of the Jewish Cabala -by Texe Marrs

China's Hu urges navy to prepare for combat - Yahoo! News

Iran Developing Nuclear Weapons

Experts: Iran’s capture of drone not worrisome - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

War drums are beating for Iran. But who's playing them? | Terry Jones | Comment is free | The Guardian

Global Financial Collapse: What makes it tick? — RT

Euro Crisis Uncertainty: Anxious Greeks Emptying Their Bank Accounts - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

PressTV - Police equate Occupy LSX with al-Qaeda

George Soros: Global Financial System In 'Self-Reinforcing Process Of Disintegration'

Radley Balko: SWAT Raids, Stun Guns, And Pepper Spray: Why The Government Is Ramping Up The Use Of Force

BBC News - Everyone 'to be research patient', says David Cameron

Iran's Revolutionary Guards prepare for war - Telegraph

Exclusive - EU thinks twice about Iran oil ban | Reuters

Roy Tov: Israel Camouflages Jerusalem

Russia Bashing

Britain and US express 'concern' over Russia election - Telegraph

Tomgram: Michael Klare, A New Cold War in Asia? | TomDispatch

Extradition row: Gary McKinnon’s mother attacks ‘ludicrous’ disparity with US - Telegraph

Revealed: Karzai's secret plans to cling on to power in Afghanistan - Asia - World - The Independent

NAACP warns black and Hispanic Americans could lose right to vote | World news |

The EU and an insult to our intelligence | Mail Online

John Kampfner: In the economic storm a new world order is being born - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Leading article: Evidence of a lobbying industry out of control - Leading Articles - Opinion - The Independent

The Independent | World News | Latest World News and Events

The Muppets film 'brainwashing children against rich' - Telegraph

Your Anon News • It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like…Nazi Germany?

Obama Doesn't Know His Own Birth Date! - YouTube

Senate Bill 1867 | Cancer Truth

The Language Of Defiance

Prosecuting Wall Street, pt. 1 - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Prosecuting Wall Street, pt. 2 - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Prosecuting Wall Street - CBS News - Teen Girls 'Prefer' Devil to Jesus

Recent Charges Of Sexual Abuse Of Children In Hollywood Just Tip Of Iceberg, Experts Say | Fox News

Guantánamo for US citizens? Senate bill raises questions -


Newt Gingrich - Flip Flop Collection - YouTube

The Constitution Is Dead: The Gradual Transition towards an Orwellian Police State

Paul Drockton: Tavistock and False Prophecies


Bodybuilding, Health and Fitness(


*Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


Twilight Film Inducing Seizures? China's Slave Labor, TEPCO & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall - YouTube

» 9/11 Newt Gingrich Recommended A Homeland Security Agency Led By FEMA In March 2001 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

9/11 Newt Gingrich Recommended A Homeland Security Agency Led By FEMA In March 2001 - YouTube

+U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century, Hart-Rudman Commission

» Detention Camp Order Follows Preparations For Civil Unrest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Obama Pondering National Police Force … Again? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NBC News Content To Be Provided By Billionaire Obama, MoveOn Donors Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The California Family Courts Sexual Abuse Industry Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mitt Romney Aides Paid $97,000 To Erase Governorship Records

» Using Arable Land for Bio-fuels: Carbon Credits in the ‘Valley of Death’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gorbachev calls for Russian elections to be declared void | World news |

» Moore: “Wall Street Has Their Man And His Name Is Barack Obama” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bob Woodward says sitting next to Al Gore is 'taxing, unpleasant’ -

China's Hu urges navy to prepare for combat - Yahoo! News

» Bernanke’s Trillion Dollar Honey Pot Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fed Faces New Scrutiny for Trillions in Assistance to Banks After Crisis | PBS NewsHour | Nov. 29, 2011 | PBS

Fed Faces New Scrutiny for Trillions in Assistance to Banks After Crisis - YouTube

» Claim: Bill Clinton Collected $50K Per Month From MF Global Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Corzine to face Congress on MF Global - Business News - Business - The Independent

Mobile euthanasia teams planned for Holland | Mail Online

Cancer patients to face welfare tests during chemotherapy, charities warn | Society | The Guardian

Are we facing the death of email? - Features - Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

School turns heating off to ‘save planet’ | The Sun |News

Nano Chemtrails

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church

» FDA Ponders Move After Reports of Arsenic in Apple Juice Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Library of Congress to store tweets based on Twitter deal

Bill Gates Going Nuclear With China

» New visa proposal could open the door for further abuse of our laws Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Illegal Border Crossing Arrests Nosedive to Lowest Level in 40 Years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DC court: Iran showed al Qaeda how to bomb embassies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The President & the Generals | The Weekly Standard

Craigslist job adverts 'lured unemployed to their deaths' - Americas - World - The Independent

» Sen. Jay Rockefeller Quips About World Domination, Bilderberg Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

China Prepares, Portugal Pension Theft, Gingrich's Geoengineering Plan - YouTube

**6 Parts:Prison » NDAA’s World Wide Declaration of War on The People: Alex Jones Sunday Edition

While in Congress, Gingrich co-sponsored 418 bills with Pelosi

Prison » Detention Camp Order Follows Preparations For Civil Unrest

Prison » NBC News Content To Be Provided By Billionaire Obama, MoveOn Donors

Prison » Ron Paul’s Loyal Supporters Are Getting Ready To Shock The World In Iowa

Prison » North Korea may soon be able to strike USA with ultimate doomsday weapon

Russia taking steps to counter Western missile deployment: military chief

Mikhail Gorbachev calls for Russian elections to be annulled - Telegraph

Prison » 12 Very Disturbing Examples Of Radical Social Engineering By The U.S. Government

Prison » 20 Signs That The Culture Of Government Dependence Has Gotten Completely And Totally Out Of Control

Prison » Could the Tea Party becoming back around, full circle, to Ron Paul?

Prison » The Orwellian ‘Non-Lethal’ War Waged Against Peaceful Citizens

Prison » Euro Last Chance? ‘Mer-Kozy’ race against downgrade

The Muppets film 'brainwashing children against rich' - Telegraph

Obama: Limited Gov't That Preserves Free Markets 'Doesn't Work. It Has Never Worked' |

Prison » Obama Pondering National Police Force … Again?

Prison » Tyrannical “Health Standards” Of The New World Order

Prison » Does the Indefinite Detention Bill Foretell Future?

ATTENTION PREPPERS - Having More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist - YouTube

Pepper Spray, Tasers, and LRADs — What's Behind the Explosion of 'Less Lethal' Weapons for Crowd Control? | News & Politics | AlterNet

Critics of SOPA copyright bill ready counterattack | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Prison » Understanding Arctic Experts

Occupy Congress Kicks Into Overdrive! - YouTube

Judge Rules Police Cannot Ban Protesters From State Capital Without Due Process - YouTube

Occupation Nation: US cops serve & protect the 1% - YouTube

DEA Laundering Money For Mexican Drug Cartels - YouTube

Gingrich Advocates Trashing Fourth Amendment and Bill of Rights «

Ryan Dernick: Public Servants Insider Trading in Congress «

Josh Tolley: Is Newt Ushering In President Ron Paul? «

Detention Camp Order Follows Preparations For Civil Unrest «

No Wonder America’s Founders Distrusted Standing Armies «

Alex Jones: Total control grid designed to predict the future - YouTube


**Film:Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length - YouTube


Last Ten Blog Posts from Dr. Kaku’s Universe (Big Think Blog) : Welcome to Explorations in Science with Dr. Michio Kaku


BBC News - Antarctic's hidden world revealed

NASA vows $8.8 bn space telescope on track for 2018

Silver Screen Saucers: Spielberg's 'E.T.' came close to being a horror

Are Psychopaths “Brain Damaged”? | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Cryptomundo » Museum Showcases Expanded Quarters

Real Mayan Apocalypse May Have Been Their Own Fault | Mayan Civilization Collapse & Drought & Deforestation | 2012 Mayan Doomsday & Historical Apocalypse | LiveScience

NBC newsrooms get fresh leftist invasion

U.S. gov't wants softer Iran sanctions - senator | Reuters

Democratic senator demands probe of $443m no-bid contract for top Dem donor — EDITORIAL -

President Zardari suddenly leaves Pakistan -- is he on the way out? | The Cable

Obamacare ‘Bomb’ Set to Blow Up Private Health Care System? | The Weekly Standard

Why a Newt Gingrich Candidacy Would Doom the Tea Party - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Director of federal drone program targeted in ethics investigation -

Ex-P.G. County Executive Johnson sentenced to more than 7 years - Washington Times

World’s Oldest Dog Dies at Age 26 - ABC News

Now Three Grandmas Say They Were Strip-Searched at JFK - ABC News

Pearl Harbor veterans remember how paradise suddenly turned into hell - Washington Times

The Richmond Tea Party Audit and the First Amendment

Obama, Tax-Cutting Friend of Working Americans

The Ultimate Devastating Price of Government Dependency

Obama Drafts the Tea Party into the Occupy Wall Street Mob

Why the left thinks Buffett isn't about $$$

A Message from Dems Every GOP Primary Voter Should Hear

Assad's stupendous nose growth

Gorbachev calls for new elections

Plan B: Barack Obama and the Morning After Pill

Is Pakistani president on the way out?

'Pay no attention to that man behind the teleprompter'

White House mum on Senate bill allowing military personnel to engage in bestiality

It's Official: Huffington Post Says There's a Capital Strike

'A date which will live in infamy.'

ATMs v. Obama's Economic Ignorance

Occupy San Francisco, a Photo Essay

Beck-Gingrich Interview Highlights European-Conservative Worldview

The Chicago Tribune Reveals the Democrat 2012 Pitch to Independents

Chelsea Clinton's Baggage. No, Not Them.

Vampire Government: How the Left is Sucking the Life out of the Private Economy

America's Bureaucracy of Truth

Debt and Taxes: Settled Science

Debbie Schlussel:Remember Pearl Harbor, 70 Years Ago Today

Debbie Schlussel:Funny VIDEO: Donald Trump GOP Presidential Debate

Debbie Schlussel:Steve Jobs, In His Own Words, On (NOT) Being an Arab, Muslim

Debbie Schlussel:Interesting VIDEO: Extreme Penny Hoarders Cash in on Copper in Obamaconomy

Gun Sales are a Sign of Things to Come


Herman Cain grassroots forum switches to Ron Paul

Ron Paul Now Clearly Second Man In Iowa's Three Man Race

Santorum: the GOP dark horse, and rural America

ObamaCare: It Doesn't Work in Japan, and It Won't Work Anywhere Else

‘Watchmen’ Creator Joins Occupy Comics

Harry Morgan, Colonel Potter on ‘M*A*S*H,’ Dies at 96

+Daily Call Sheet: ‘Grown Ups’ Sequel, Best TV Shows on Netflix, and Khaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn!!!!

Stern Stunt Shows Former ‘King of All Media’ Desperate for Press, Relevance

BREAKING: American Airlines Releases Statement: Alec Baldwin Rude to Crew, Used ‘Offensive Language’ *UPDATED*

Hollywood’s Reaction to 9/11 Lacked Unity of World War II-era Films

-‘Hummel’s Cross’ and the Triumph of the New Publishing Democracy

-‘Soft Target’ Book Review: Avenge Santa Claus!

-HomeVideodrome: ‘The Help’ Strikes a Safe, Non-Preachy Balance on Race

Conan O’Brien Keeps the Faux Fox News’ ‘Communist Muppets’ Meme Alive and Kicking

Howard Stern Says Herman Cain Will Be Guest on his SiriusXM Show Wednesday

Fallon Sorry for Bachmann Song Slam, Still Won’t Apologize On His Own Show

Lady Gaga, Chart-Topping Chanteuse, Preeminent Anti-Bullying Expert?

+Daily Call Sheet: December’s Must-See Movies, ‘A Christmas Story’ and More George Lucas Bashing

Are The Muppets Brainwashing Kids Against Big Oil and Promoting a Liberal Agenda? Fox News Thinks So

Valerie Jarrett gushes about Lady Gaga - CLICK -

Seventy Years Later

Media Bias: Same Basic Scenario, Polar Opposite Reporting From The Mainstream Media

+Wednesday Crib Sheet: What Dems And GOP Watch, Soros Moves In On NBC

Jose Antonio Vargas: Being An Illegal Alien Made Me A Better Reporter

Screencap Of The Day: “Celebrity Apprentice: Politician Edition”

Networks Not Interested in Jeremiah Wright Now Target GOP With Religion

Credit Where It’s Due: CBS Discovers US Arming Mexican Drug Cartels In New Program

Mitt Romney Heads To Fox For First Sunday Show Interview Since 2010

Judicial Watch Sues Obama Administration for Solyndra Records

AUDIO:Blue Collar Intellectuals

Police Clear OccupySanFrancisco; 70 Arrested

SEIU Sends #OccupyCongress to Invade the Hill

Radical Group Free Press & the Murky World of ‘Media Reform’ Enforcers

Union Radicals Harass Teacher Who Dared to Support Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

The Welfare State Neutralizes Opponents by Making Them Dependent on Government

What Does Sec. of State Clinton Know About Fast and Furious (and El Paso)?

Federal Government Pepper Sprays (Non) Occupiers!

Spencer Bachus’ Whitewash

President Obama’s Inane Payroll Tax Campaign Ploy

NAACP Whines To UN; Stop States From Checking Voters’ IDs

Tea Party Recall Verification Effort in Wisconsin Starts Strong

OccupyAustin Expected to Cost Taxpayers Over $1,000,000

All About Sol: The Tentacles of Obama’s Green Cronyism Reach Beyond the Department of Energy

AUDIO:Medicare Has Spent a Quarter-Billion Taxpayer Dollars on Penis Pumps

Richard Cordray’s ‘Heroes’ Occupy Banks and Private Homes

Schweizer: Key Steps to Ending Congressional Insider Trading

Democratic senator demands probe of $443m no-bid contract for top Dem donor — EDITORIAL -

Library of Congress to receive entire Twitter archive -

Listen:Library of Congress to receive entire Twitter archive


Infamy: LIFE Presents Rare and Unseen Photos from Pearl Harbor


+WWII: The Pictures We Remember - Photo Gallery - LIFE


Social Media Spurs Anti-Putin Protests: Citizen Journalists Expose United Russia Voter Fraud

Virtual Window Smashing? New U.S. Diplomatic Website Blocked by Iran

Dustoff Helicopters: Violating Geneva Conventions in Afghanistan

AUDIO:America’s ‘Soft Target’: Stephen Hunter Discusses Terrorism’s Permanence

Russian Elections Foment Anti-Putin Protests, Clashes with Police

Middle East Studies Failed to Predict and Address the “Arab Spring”

Obama Sends Ambassador Ford Back to Syria, Chooses Engagement with Hostile Regime Once Again

An Ally No More: Egypt No Longer Reliable for Anti-Terror Assistance

Medvedev warns West against criticising Russian politics

Sandusky arrested on new sex abuse charges

Justice Dept looking into e-book sales practices

Actor Harry Morgan of TV comedy 'M*A*S*H' dies, 96

DA: Syracuse statute of limitations has passed

Gorbachev calls for retake on Russian elections

Payday loan companies face tougher regulation over high interest rates

Court rules Yaakov 'Jack' Teitel fit to stand trial

Plot to smuggle Muammar Gaddafi's son into Mexico 'foiled'

Drop in China's local land sales poses threat to growth


7-Dec-11 World View

6-Dec-11 World View

5-Dec-11 World View


*Transcripts:5th/Guest: DNC Chair & Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Interview with Senator Richard Lugar

Gingrich's Path to the Nomination

Panel on the White House & the Middle East

4th/Guests: Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann and Sen. McCain

Guests: Michele Bachmann; Sens. Conrad & Coburn

Guests: Rick Santorum and Barney Frank

Guests: RNC Chairman Priebus & Obama Advisor Axelrod

Guests: Reince Priebus and Robert Gibbs


Blagojevich gets 14 years in prison for corruption

With Last Word, Blagojevich to Ask for Mercy - TIME

Rod Blagojevich: shamed governor swells the ranks of the Illinois corrupt | World news |

Ex-governor to prison in Obama senate seat scam

CRIMES /6 Dec.

+ (6th) *Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Journalism


CUCCINELLI: Better health through consumer choice - Washington Times

Next Year's Big Bout: Real Obama vs. Fantasy Obama | Mother Jones

Could Hillary Clinton be Obama's ace in the hole? -

Robert Reich: The Most Important Economic Speech of His Presidency

RealClearPolitics - Obama vs. Capitalism

Obama Takes Cues from Occupy

The American Spectator : Organizing the Takers Against the Makers

Fewer Veterans to Remember Pearl Harbor Day -

HURT: Newt vs. Mitt: A study in contrasts - Washington Times

Bedbugs Make Really Familiar Bedfellows : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

US presidents live longer aging in office -

Dead Fossils Tell the Best Tales - ScienceNOW

Poisoned from the inside | ScienceNordic

Brain Evolution at a Distance | The Scientist

String-theory calculations describe 'birth of the universe' -

Why Do You Exist? | Psychology Today

News - University of Exeter - Females choose sexier friends to avoid harassment

Does the RNC Really Not Want to Attack Obama? - By Jonah Goldberg - The Corner - National Review Online

Obama the faux class warrior | Questions and Observations

Will Obamacare Spell the End of Employer Insurance? | Mother Jones

Why We Should Never Have Messed Around with the Payroll Tax | FDL Action

China Moving Ahead with Military Modernization

Steve Jobs on iTunes: The Unpublished Interview | PCWorld

Interactive ebooks take on fiction novels — Tech News and Analysis

Google Wraps Internet Explorer in Chrome Clothing | Wired Enterprise |

The TouchFire Chronicles: Still Life With Engineers | TechCrunch

The Internet's Best 404 Error Pages

Galaxy Nexus + data plan + VoIP support = free calls! — Mobile Technology News

Creating Artificial Intelligence Based on the Real Thing -

How the Internet Is Ruining Everything -

BBC News - Silicon rival MoS2 promises small, low-energy chips

Swiss Government Declares Downloading for Personal Use Legal | WebProNews

Living Earth Simulator will simulate the entire world | ExtremeTech

Transforming the Global Energy Sector

Jon Huntsman’s climate flop? - ComPost - The Washington Post

Solyndra Casts Shadow on Renewable-Energy Grants - Olga Belogolova -

A visual representation of renewable energy growth in the U.S. | Grist

Renewable Energy: The Key To Liberty - The Demos Blog - PolicyShop

Iran Threatens $250 Oil, But U.S. Can Call Its Bluff? -

Could War Flare Again Between Iraq and Kuwait? at Oil Price

Big Oil: Oil, natural gas supply abundant due to technology - Dec. 6, 2011

The Saleri Doctrine: An Oil Man Seeks US Energy Independence

High Oil Prices Are Here to Stay - Business - Motley Fool -

The Range Fuels failure : Biofuels Digest

Slow-starting Renewables Tariff Delivers a Boom | Leonardo ENERGY

Johnny Depp Sings About Jesus Getting Drunk, Angers Christians - ABC News

Elaine Howard Ecklund, Ph.D.: Some Atheist Scientists With Children Embrace Religious Traditions

Catholic church should allow nuns to take contraceptive pill to reduce mortality rate, say scientists | Society | The Guardian

What We Forgot About Pearl Harbor –

Vatican university hosts unusual tattoo conference - Yahoo! News

Who Are You Calling Liberal?

Catholic University president: Don't trample religious freedom -

Perry TV Ad: I Can Defend Faith from Obama’s “War on Religion" - Fox News

Over 20,000 Sign Petition Over Banned Bibles at Military Hospital, Christian News

Occupy the Bible: Why Jesus is not a ‘free-marketer’ - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Bethany Blankley: Mormonism is Not Christianity

A Star of David on your Christmas tree? | David Gibson: Sacred and Profane

Pope Benedict is still not doing enough in the fight against Aids | Jon O'Brien | Comment is free |

55% Say U.S. Should Never Have Been Involved in Iraq

The Case for Nation Building

Egypt, the Beginning or the End? -

Obama’s Pacific Pivot - Joseph S. Nye - Project Syndicate

Cold War returns to Mideast - Winnipeg Free Press

The Afghan exit strategy is fraught with peril - The Globe and Mail

Why Doesn't South Korea Defend The United States? - Forbes

David Rivkin and Charles Stimson: Obama and the Hezbollah Terrorist -

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

Plan for Afghanistan - The Times of India

Rubin Reports » Egypt: We’ve Heard What the Majority Thinks

The President & the Generals | The Weekly Standard

Trickle-Down Economics - By Charles Kenny | Foreign Policy

10 Dividend Stocks For Ultimate Stock Pickers

It’s accountability time for banks and Wall Street - The Washington Post

8 stocks that soared in down market - how to invest - MSN Money

Obama wants tax cuts but admits confusion over paying for them by Andrew Malcolm -

The Payroll Tax Holiday Is a Bad Bipartisan Idea — The American Magazine

RealClearMarkets - Eight Reasons Public School Teachers Aren't Underpaid


Asia Times Online :: The true costs of Keynes

Super Rich vs. 99%: Class war will explode - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Tiny Tax on Financial Trades Gains Advocates -

Keli Goff: Six Tips for Writing the Perfect Piece of Hate Mail

Adam Kirsch Reviews Vasily Grossman's "Life And Fate" | The New Republic

Will You Live Forever—or until Your Next Software Release—by Uploading Your Brain into a Computer? | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Five myths about Pearl Harbor - The Washington Post

Japan prepares to attack Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor Attack: U.S. Marines at Pearl Harbor

Prologue: Selected Articles

LYONS: Lessons never learned - Washington Times

Marcus Tullius Cicero

PSA Flight 1771

A Tormented Life -- A special report; A Long Slide From Privilege Ends in Slaughter on a Train - New York Times

State of Delaware - Delaware History

History of USS Arizona

BOOK REVIEW: 'December 1941' - Washington Times

Richard Evans Reviews Sean McMeekin's "The Russian Origins Of The First World War" | The New Republic

December 1941: Twelve days that began a world war - Reviews -


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Jim Rogers: Abolish the Fed

6th)Real Clear Markets - Video - S&P Euro-Zone Downgrade Sends Chill

Real Clear Markets - Video - Tony Blair: 'Final Decision' Point Nears for Euro

Real Clear Markets - Video - Metallica Delays Tour Due to Debt Crisis

Real Clear Markets - Video - Europe Still Eye of Storm


**NEWS VIDEOS:Obama Goes All-In With Class Warfare

Rush Limbaugh: ‘Ron Paul Has Nothing To Do With The Tea Party’

Dem Rep Equates Federal Immigration Raids With Kidnapping

Congressman: Did We Get Bernie Madoff? ‘Is He In Jail?’

‘Mythbusters’ Cannonball Hits Family Home, Van

Mexico Claims Gadhafi Son Tried To Enter Country

Afghan President Says Attack Came From Pakistan

Christie Flattens Guy Over ‘Planted Question’ Challenge

$210M Settlement Reached In West Virginia Mine Explosion

Insider Trading Witness: Studies Show Disturbing Pattern Within Congress

Hundreds #Occupy US Congressional Offices

Capitol Tree Lit With 10,000 Lights

6th/Obama: It’s Great To Be Back In Texas… Er… Kansas

Barney Frank Admits: I Paid No Attention To Congressional Insider Trading While Chairman

Dem Rep Whines About Congressional Insider Trading Bill

Schweizer: Key Steps To Ending Congressional Insider Trading

More Syringes Found In Walmart Clothing

Schweizer Criticizes Media Over Coverage Of Insider Trading

Krauthammer: Trump Debate Is a ‘Joke’

Santorum: I’ll Cut $5 Trillion In First 100 Days

Romney Slams Obama’s Hawaii Vacation

Kindergartners Sing The Ramones’ ‘Judy Is A Punk’

Deadly Attacks On Shiites In Iraq, Afghanistan

Clinton Calls Russian Election Unfair

Jackson Browne Serenades #OccupyDC

Congressman: Holder’s Handling Of Fast And Furious ‘Somewhere Between Deception And Flat-Out Lying’

GOP Congressman: Obama Wants Us To ‘Hold Hands And Jump Off The Cliff’ With Europe

5th/Christie: Media ‘Prejudiced’ Against Fat People

European Central Bank: Fix Our Economy On Your iPhone

World’s Most Expensive Pile-Up


"Don't Try To Lay No Boogie-Woogie" by Long John Baldry - Grooveshark


12-07Jesse Peterson Radio Show

12-06.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show

12/06 The Mark Levin Show

The Manning Report – 6 December 2011

Dec. 6, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, December, 05, 2011

Redding News Review 12-05-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-05-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-05-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 12-06-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-06-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-06-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 12-05-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 12-05-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-05-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 12-05-11 Hr 4

The Alex Jones Show 12-06-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 12-06-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-06-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 12-06-11 Hr 4

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-05-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-05-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-06-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-06-11 Hr 2

The Michael Savage Show 12/06/2011


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Obama dividing Americans based on economic class';Rep. Huelskamp warns of impending 'single largest tax increase in history'


*Articles: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Bill Gates Talking With China To Develop Nuclear Reactor « CBS Seattle

Federal rewrite of labor laws causing a flap down on the farm - Washington Times

Pakistani Star Veena Malik Suing Magazine For 'Nude' Cover Photo | Fox News

For Zuzu of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ it wasn’t such a wonderful life afterward - The Washington Post

Pearl Harbor at 70: A survivor remembers

Imagine a Muslim Tim Tebow

How about a no-bribery pledge?

Why isn't there more anti-Semitism in America?

The moral way to pay

10 years to Greece

How to get tossed from a GOP meeting

Man-on-boy pedophiles are not gay!

George Orwell's man in the White House

*7 Dec.

American Minute for December 7th

Today in History: December 7

December 7th This Day in History

This Day in History for 7th December

December 7th in History

December 7 Birthdays in History

Today in History: December 7

Today in History for December 7th - YouTube

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