A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

06 December 2011

6 DEC.



**Political Video:

Gov. Walker: Recall Proponents "Cross The Line" In Attacks On Family
Glenn Beck Grills Newt Gingrich In Interview On Past Positions
Wasserman Schultz: GOP Practicing "My Way Or The Highway" Politics
Ron Paul Rips Newt Gingrich For "Serial Hypocrisy" In New Ad
Trump Trashes "Hack" Karl Rove And "Boring" Krauthammer
Axelrod: Gingrich Behind Atmosphere Where Opponents Are "Enemies"
Carney: Giving A "Fair Shake" Has "Animated" Obama Even Before He Was President
Scarbrough: Gingrich "Not A Nice Human Being" And A "Terrible Person"
"Daily Show" On Herman Cain Dropping Out Of Race
Sabato: Trump's Influence Is With The Media, Not Voters
Krauthammer: "Obama Tried To Pander To The Arab Street"
Rendell: Gingrich/Pelosi Ad Would "Shock" Iowa Conservatives
O'Reilly: Politicians Don't Watch How Our Money Is Spent
Dionne: GOP Race Is Turning Into A Book Club

5 DEC.

Romney To Obama: "Hands On Doesn't Mean Getting A Better Grip On The Golf Club"
Rove: Trump Debate "Could Do A Lot Of Damage To Somebody"
GOP Congressman: Obama Wants Us To "Hold Hands And Jump Off The Cliff" With Europe
Newt Responds To Pelosi: Thanks For The Early Christmas Gift
Trump: We Should Have Taken The Oil In Libya And In Iraq
Chris Matthews: Obama's "Smile Is Worth A Million Bucks"
Wasserman Schultz: GOP Field "Desperate To Do Anything, Say Anything" For Votes
Sabato On GOP Race: "Good Chance This Will Be A Long-Term Battle"
Obama: "Terrible Mistake" Not To Extend Unemployment Benefits
Gingrich: Trump "A Genuine American Icon"
Axelrod On The Attack: Gingrich The "Godfather Of Gridlock"
Fireworks: Donald Trump Slams Chuck Todd: "Tell The Truth!"
Andrew Klavan: Wall Street On Trial
WH Reporter Asks Carney About Bill Legalizing Bestiality In Military
Karl Rove Tells RNC Chairman To Stop Trump Debate
Ron Paul Ad Hits Iowa, NH: "Big Dog"
Gingrich Iowa Ad: "Rebuilding the America We Love"
Huntsman: People Are Starting To Take "A Second Look"
Rep. Clyburn: Gingrich Will Say "Almost Anything"



Military Reform In Pakistan
Grading The White House On Egypt
Perceptions Versus Reality In The Russian Elections
Franco-German Master Plan For EU
At Least 22 Killed In Iraq Blasts
Putin’s Party Loses Support In Elections
Moscow Streets Protesters Confront Riot Police & Arrested
Raped Afghan Woman Forced To Marry Attacker
Mt. Gamalama Erupts, Thousands Flee
Clinton Calls Russian Election Unfair
Raw Video: Students, Police Clash In Greece
Villages Caught in the Crossfire of Sudan's Ongoing Battles
Non-Interventionism In U.S. Foreign Policy
What Would Deficit Limits Mean For Eurozone, Future Of Euro?

5 DEC.

Central Banking In An Age Of Improvisation
British Ambassador To Iran On Embassy Attacks
Syrian Sanctions Against Turkey
Biden Urges Tougher Iran Sanctions
Ultra-conservatives Ahead In Egypt Election?
Irish PM Warning In Nation Address
Afghan Shi'ite Muslims Mark Ashura
Egyptians Vote In Run-off Poll
Putin's Party Suffers Election Blow
Ferrari Fleet Ruined In Pricey Japan Pile-up
Sarkozy, Merkel To Meet For Eurozone Debt Talk
Goodbye Euro?
Pakistan's Future In Question
Fareed Zakaria's Take On Pakistan



4 DEC.

Guests: Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann and Sen. McCain
Guests: Michele Bachmann; Sens. Conrad & Coburn
Guests: Rick Santorum and Barney Frank
Guests: RNC Chairman Priebus & Obama Advisor Axelrod
Guests: Reince Priebus and Robert Gibbs

2 DEC.

Obama and Clinton on the Better Buildings Initiative
Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul
Interview with Senator Rand Paul
Shields and Brooks on Gingrich's Rise
Secretary Panetta's Speech at the Saban Center

1 DEC.

Obama's Remarks on World AIDS Day
Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain
Interview with Senator Claire McCaskill
Interview with Representative Barney Frank
Panel on Obama's Israel Policy

30 NOV.

Obama's Jobs Speech in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich
Interviews with Senator Barrasso and Gene Sperling
Interview with Reps. Ryan and Van Hollen
Guests: Senator Casey and Representative Frank
Panel on the Gingrich/Romney Race
Interview with Senator Rand Paul
Interview with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney
Interview with White House Advisor David Plouffe

29 NOV.

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Perry
Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann
Interview with Representative Barney Frank
Panel on the Latest Disputes with Iran

28 NOV.

Cain Confronts Allegations From Another Woman
Interview with Newt Gingrich & Rep. Tim Scott
Union Leader Publisher on Endorsing Gingrich
Panel on Rep. Barney Frank's Retirement
Rep. Connie Mack Announces Run Florida Senate Seat

27 NOV.

Interview with Senator Chuck Schumer
Interview with Senator Pat Toomey
Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain
Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

25 NOV.

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics
Interview with Anita Perry



$$$ - Truth Will Set You Free


Wall Street’s Failed 1934 Coup » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Activist Post: Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011

Occupy Wall Street targets Congress: 99% vs. 1% | Washington Times Communities

Newt Gingrich - Flip Flop Collection - YouTube

Mitt Romney - Flip Flop Collection - YouTube

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church

Occupy Congress on Jan. 17: ‘Largest Occupy protest ever’ - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Gingrich: Gov. Should Allow Terror Attacks To Remind People How Much We Need Them - YouTube

The Worst In The World – The U.S. Balance Of Trade Is Mind-Blowingly Bad

Obama Nothing New, Lost Hope and He Kept the Change! - YouTube

US already in covert war with Iran? - YouTube

Gheen Outs Graham: "Come out of that closet, Lindsey!" - YouTube

More on the Holocaust Deception - YouTube

Ron Paul: The 45th President Of The United States - YouTube

Activist Post: NY Times: DEA Launders Mexico Drug Cartel Profits

Activist Post: NASA Confirms Its First Planet in Habitable Zone of Sun-like Star

BBC: Politicians Exploiting Neuroscience To Manipulate The Masses

Caught on camera: top lobbyists boasting how they influence the PM - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Pay gap growing faster in UK than any of the world's richest countries | Mail Online

Both Parties Should Be Scared of the Occupy Movement |

West Coast port shutdown announcement - YouTube

December 6th, Occupy Wall Street Goes Home – Occupy Our Homes! |

How powerful is U.S. drone in hands of Iranian gov't? - YouTube

+Pay Your Income Tax: 1943 Disney Propoganda - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Keep It Simple Occupy America With Three Clear Demands Americans Can Rally Behind

US double standard: Gaddafi bad, Karimov good - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Found: Planet that's just like Earth - Times Of India

Is the war on terror a complete hoax? Paul Craig Roberts reveals how social engineers infected America with mass paranoia

BBC News - Everyone 'to be research patient', says David Cameron

PressTV - Police equate Occupy LSX with al-Qaeda

Lone Star Watchdog: Newt Gingrich, Our Modern Day Benedict Arnold. The Phony Patriot Who WIll Betray America Again and Again

Revolutionary Politics : Laura Ingraham gets destroyed by Ron Paul !!!

Ron Paul Defends The 99 Percent: 'It's A Very Healthy Movement' | ThinkProgress

Newt Blames Affair On Working Too Hard - Stephanie Miller w/ Cenk - YouTube

Misreading the Fight over Military Detention: The Obama Regime Has No Constitutional Scruples

Over 46 Million Americans On Foodstamps For The First Time Ever | ZeroHedge

All Take No Give: UK/US post 9-11 extradition injustice - YouTube

Paul to Congress: “Someone Who Has Guns, Ammunition, 7 Days of Food” Can Be Considered a Potential Terrorist :

The Eight Families’ Rigged Oil Game :

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda :

Ask Obama To Veto Indefinite Military Detention of AMERICAN CITIZENS :

Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy - YouTube

poorrichards blog: The Pentagon Is Offering Free Military Hardware To Every Police Department In The US

Justice Department involved in new corruption scandal, says watchdog group - National Law Enforcement |

Child poverty rises for second year as ministers admit failure on target | Mail Online

Child poverty is higher in working families than in jobless households, study shows | Mail Online

BIG DOG - New Ron Paul Ad - YouTube

Lamar Smith Tries To Defend SOPA; Suggests That Infringement Is The Equivalent Of Child Porn | Techdirt

poorrichards blog: Obama Wants to Veto the Indefinite Detention Bill Because It Would Hold the U.S. to the Geneva Convention

Activist Post: Misreading the Fight Over Military Detention: Obama Regime Has No Constitutional Scruples

Activist Post: The Evil That Is Democratic Thought

The Evil that is Democratic Thought

+Activist Post: US Meddling in Russia: In Their Own Words

Activist Post: Ted Gunderson: A Man to Remember

Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans - Forbes

Microsoft Kinect Spy System » The Unmarked Van - keeping an eye on the people keeping an eye on us

Newt Gingrich and his sleazy ways: A history lesson - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Mystery company buying up U.S. gun manufacturers | Full Page

Study documents desperate conditions facing the unemployed in America

Activist Post: The US's Education Bubble

YayaCanada: Goldman Sachs & Hive Consciousness

Activist Post: The Orwellian 'Non-Lethal' War Waged Against Peaceful Citizens

Activist Post: Is threat of home-grown US terror suspects overblown?

Activist Post: Accepting FEMA Camp Prisons for Illegal Immigrants Justifies them for Americans

poorrichards blog: The Fall Of The Texting Empire

Psychiatrist calls for lithium to be added to water - The Irish Times - Fri, Dec 02, 2011

Claim: Clinton Collected $50K Per Month From MF Global - HUMAN EVENTS

Activist Post: The Pentagon’s 1033 program: giving free military equipment to police departments around the U.S.

Institute of medicine safety report confirms vaccine dangers

13 Reasons Why Newt Will Never Be the GOP Nominee | Mother Jones

Gaddafi daughter calls for new revolt | Al Bawaba

PressTV - 'US turns CIA into Israel's servant'

Refreshing News: Iran capture of stealth drone ' a concern'

Archaeologist rebuts Jewish claims about their alleged temple | Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

Is The Fate Of Mitt Romney's Presidential Campaign In The Hands Of A Reuters FOIA Request? | ZeroHedge

poorrichards blog: The US's Education Bubble

The Silver Bear Cafe:Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

Architect of the Housing Bubble, Barney Frank, Bows Out |

Joe Lieberman Wants “Terrorist” Label on Blogs

A Revolution Against Resistance? | Intifada Palestine

Newt Gingrich Wants Bush To Blow Up Iran's Only Gas Refinery

Ron Paul excluded from Republican Jewish Coalition forum | World news |


*3:29:19/The Money Masters - Full - YouTube


Israel Behind Much Of Militarized Brutality Of US Police


AUDIO: The many faces of Newt Gingrich – Part 1 « Klein Online

AUDIO: The many faces of Newt Gingrich – Part 2 « Klein Online


Donald Trump to moderate presidential debate for some reason

Ron Paul blasts Donald Trump: ‘I didn’t know that he had an ability to … anoint people’

White House denies reports Obama knew of ‘Fast and Furious’ in 2010

TheDC Morning: Obama knew, cartels slew?

President Obama’s top 10 constitutional violations

Pro Libertate: The Making of a Prison Society

All patients to be barcoded by 2013 - Telegraph

Activist Post: 10 Signs You Might Be a Slave

Sen. Kirk ∞ All Your Rights Allmost Gone

Cover-up: The news stories media don't want you to see ...

Newt misleading voters on Fairness Doctrine?

The American Spectator : Rand's Rebellion

Activist Post: FBI to Expand Domestic Surveillance Powers as Details Emerge of Its Spy Campaign Targeting Activists (Video)

Your Anon News • It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like…Nazi Germany?

Your Anon News • list of Internet Service Providers that are blocking

Jeff & Jeffrey Smith - GMOs...Know What You're Eating! - YouTube

An exigent judiciary: Nothing supreme about Indiana’s Black Robed Mafia « The PPJ Gazette

Obama Doesn't Know His Own Birth Date! - YouTube

Surprise! Obama can't remember his birthday

Will Media Question Obama Like They Did Herman Cain? « Larry Sinclair

Senate Bill 1867 | Cancer Truth

The Truth About Factory Farming and Beef Slaughterhouses - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Do Not Let Our US Senators Who Voted for S1867 Return Home With Honor

Gingrich: Gov. Should Allow Terror Attacks To Remind People How Much We Need Them - YouTube

Saving Gold Old reliable stands tall in crisis atmosphere

George Soros: Global Financial System In 'Self-Reinforcing Process Of Disintegration'


Prosecuting Wall Street, pt. 1 - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Prosecuting Wall Street, pt. 2 - 60 Minutes - CBS News


Behind the financial crisis: A fraud investigator talks - 60 Minutes Overtime - CBS News

Recent Charges Of Sexual Abuse Of Children In Hollywood Just Tip Of Iceberg, Experts Say | Fox News - Teen Girls 'Prefer' Devil to Jesus

The 'rules' for four kinds of casual sex: What’s the difference?

Guantánamo for US citizens? Senate bill raises questions -


+The Real Reason for Obama's Threat to Veto the Indefinite Detention Bill (Hint: It's Not to Protect Liberty)



Pelosi: I’ll reveal information on Gingrich 'when the time is right' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

'60 Minutes' Blows The Lid Off Congressional Insider Trading - YouTube

Paul Drockton: Tavistock and False Prophecies

BBC's Man in Greece became psychotic and believed he was Jesus after yellow fever jab | Mail Online

Ferrari Graveyard: Video of 14 supercar pile-up in Japan - YouTube

Insight: Stem cell therapy poised to come in from the cold | Reuters

The 1% Wants Your Vitamins

NPN Email Alert: Amish Arrests Reveal Hate Law Bias Against Christians

DEBKAfile: Israel and Syria brace for regional war between mid-Dec. 2011 and mid-Jan 2012

The Constitution Is Dead: The Gradual Transition towards an Orwellian Police State

No, America's unemployment rate is not 8.6 percent — RT

Minister: China Wants to Invest in US Roads, Rails - ABC News

charleshughsmith's Blog - Chris Martenson

Mass. sues over 'robo-signing' –

New EPA rules will lead to blackouts, Kansas utilities claim | McClatchy

Page not found « CBS New York

Initiative would let illegal immigrants work in Calif. legally

Discovering the Electric Sun – Part 1 |

Israeli-Style Justice

Robert Kuttner: Why Corzine Won't Do Time

Fascism In America

Gary McKinnon's mother pleas, 'do your duty,' as MPs vote on unfair US-UK extradition laws | Mail Online

The Language Of Defiance

Putin Defies Jewry’s Schemes In Syria | Real Zionist News

Russian elections: Hillary Clinton worried about fraud as Vladimir Putin clings on to power | Mail Online

BP says Halliburton destroyed Gulf spill evidence - Yahoo! News

The Associated Press: Questions swirl around $6 billion nuclear lab

Up to One-Third of Health Spending Is 'Waste,' Former CMS Head - Yahoo! News

Mexico drought is worst in 70 years

Dr. Sebastian Pflugbeil “Tokyo is on the path of Kiev” | Fukushima Diary

US starts vacating Shamsi airbase in Pakistan - Times Of India

New Ron Paul Ad - BIG DOG - YouTube


Scientific UFO evidence out of Norway

Kepler Confirms First Planet in Habitable Zone of Sun-like Star - NASA Science

UFO News: Florida Panhandle Object Enhanced -... | Gather


National UFO Center ;George Filer(


The Mythicist Position | What is Mythicism? - YouTube

Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection - YouTube

Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube

Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ (Part 2 of 2) - YouTube

There's lots of evidence for Jesus! - YouTube

Sun of God? - YouTube

Easter - Christian or Pagan? - YouTube


+Holy City Bible Code


Free forum : Truth Seekers(


Ron Paul: Oligarchs’ “Operation Briar Patch” « deadeyeblog

'Prophet Of God' Claims Mysterious Manuscript's Code Has Been Cracked | Before It's News

The Secret History Of America The Greatest Conspiracy On Earth | Before It's News

HAre Homo Sapiens Part Alien?

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - YouTube

Pelosi Not Sitting on Trove of Gingrich Secrets - ABC News

Freedom's Lighthouse » Newt Gingrich Fires Back at Pelosi Threat: “I Want to Thank Speaker Pelosi for what I Regard as an Early Christmas Gift” – Video 12/5/11

Revising History: Why There Have Been No Prosecutions | Before It's News

Obama Threatened With Arrest! Bush Blackmail Update! | Before It's News

A Very Horny New Dinosaur, Spinops Sternbergorum, Announced Nearly 100 Years After Discovery | Before It's News

10 Reasons Why Farmers Markets Are Better Than Supermarkets | Before It's News

Ancient Bread Recipe Proves To Be Best For Mold Resistance | Before It's News

Psychologists Explain 911 Denial - YouTube


Guest Post: Building Your Vehicle Survival Kit in 10 Easy Steps | Before It's News

A List Of 115 Dead Scientists… Assassinated? | Before It's News

Donald Trump on Fox News: No Hospital Records For Obama's Mother - 12/5/11 - YouTube

Monsanto’s Roundup Spawns Superweeds Consuming Over 120 Million Hectares | Before It's News

European regulators set sights on Carrier IQ, rootkit scandal goes international -- Engadget

Obama, Clinton sought for testimony in WikiLeaks case | The Raw Story

**Rod Blagojevich

Blagojevich sentencing, Patrick Fitzgerald sentencing memorandum reveals much, Blagojevich prosecution delayed, Obama protected, Live coverage | Before It's News

Blagojevich sentencing begins after ex-gov arrives away from media glare -

After Crime, Punishment Awaits Ex-Gov. Blagojevich - ABC News

Blagojevich hoping shame lightens sentence - CBS News


**Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News



2:37:45/C2CAM - 2011.12.05 - Lie Detector Secrets - YouTube



Largest black hole discovery sheds new light on their development - Telegraph

Real Mayan Apocalypse May Have Been Their Own Fault | Mayan Civilization Collapse & Drought & Deforestation | 2012 Mayan Doomsday & Historical Apocalypse | LiveScience Science | Updated: Asteroid YU55 “Puzzling Structures”: Equatorial Ridge and Tall, “Pointy” Hill? With mp3 interview.

Earth in balmy 2080 - environment - 05 December 2011 - New Scientist

BBC News - Cores reveal when Dead Sea 'died'

Harvard Professors Search for Alien Life | News | The Harvard Crimson

Page Not Found - Yahoo!

"Yeti" Crabs Farm Food on Own Claws—A First

China's consumers emit more than US for the first time - environment - 04 December 2011 - New Scientist

Scientists describe new species of crab that "farms" methane vents

The end of the world not happening - for now says expert - Telegraph

*Nick Redfern Talks Contactees

Science Fiction Secrets: From Government Files and the Paranormal

Contactees: A History of Alien-human Interaction

Who Was The Spirit Cave Man?


*2:33:32/C2CAM - 2011.12.04 - Ancient Aliens - Alex Jones NDAA Concerns - YouTube


2011-12-05 Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Alex Jones 2011-12-05 Monday - YouTube

Alex Jones 2011-12-04 Sunday - YouTube


» Twilight Film Inducing Seizures? China’s Slave Labor, TEPCO & More: Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Twilight Film Inducing Seizures? China's Slave Labor, TEPCO & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Alex Jones: Total control grid designed to predict the future - YouTube

Revealed: true cost of the Christmas toys we buy from China's factories | World news | The Observer

Jerry Sandusky reveals shocking new details in Penn State sex abuse scandal | Mail Online

» New paedophilia and bestiality scandal compromises the CDC Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A Republican Chooses Not to be Ridiculous: Ron Paul Trumps Trump | The Nation

» Fear Of Second Obama Term Spurs Record Gun Sales Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Newt Stinks, But…, And Other Thoughts : Personal Liberty Digest™

Children of welfare incur debts of parents |

Is Ron Paul Positioned To Become The Republican Leader Of The 2012 Race For The Presidency? - YouTube

Analysis of the Ron Paul Campaign and the **28 PG./2012 GOP Primary Race: Are the Media Purposefully Ignoring Ron Paul? By: Patrick C. Dew

+ US Big Business Sides with Iran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Stallman: Facebook IS Mass Surveillance — RT

Stallman: Facebook IS Mass Surveillance - RT 111202 - YouTube

» 9/11 Newt Gingrich Recommended A Homeland Security Agency Led By FEMA In March 2001 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

9/11 Newt Gingrich Recommended A Homeland Security Agency Led By FEMA In March 2001 - YouTube

*U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century, Hart-Rudman Commission

Rockefeller On World Domination - YouTube

» Newt Gingrich: Let Mad Scientists Terraform The Planet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Iran Reportedly Prepares for Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Most Trusted Candidate, Tied In Second With Romney Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» No Wonder America’s Founders Distrusted Standing Armies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Five things you can do right now to help stop the economic plundering of our world Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

No happy ending: the end of Obama's Hollywood romance - Americas - World - The Independent

» Yemen Accuse US Client State Qatar of Sparking Civil War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Claim: Bill Clinton Collected $50K Per Month From MF Global Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Blocking oil exports would 'double prices' - Middle East - World - The Independent

Hillary Clinton to meet Syrian opposition leaders in Geneva - Telegraph

» Stallman: Facebook IS Mass Surveillance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Police face years of public disorder, former Met chief warns | UK news |

» NASA finds its first habitable zone planet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Civil Disobedience for Natural Food Moms in Midwest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

California lawmaker wants to add to the “patchwork of immigration laws” - National Immigration Reform |

Craigslist job adverts 'lured unemployed to their deaths' - Americas - World - The Independent

Greenpeace penetrates French nuclear plant - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Fed may give loans to IMF to help euro zone: paper | Reuters

Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall - YouTube

Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall 2/3 - YouTube

Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall 2/3 - YouTube

Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall 3/3 - YouTube

Possible Obama 2nd Term Spurs Record Gun Sales: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Police & Military Complying with NDAA 1/4 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Police & Military Complying with NDAA 2/4 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Police & Military Complying with NDAA 3/4 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Police & Military Complying with NDAA 4/4 - YouTube

Prison » Accepting FEMA Camp Prisons for Illegal Immigrants Justifies them for Americans

Prison » Paul Goes On Newt Attack As Yet Another Iowa Poll Shows Surging Support

Ron Paul Ad - Newt Gingrich Serial Hypocrisy 60 second - YouTube

3 elderly women say TSA agents made them pull down pants, underwear | News - Home

TSA Humiliate Old Lady At Airport 2011 - YouTube

Prison » Ron Paul Most Trusted Candidate, Tied In Second With Romney

Prison » Could the Tea Party becoming back around, full circle, to Ron Paul?

Prison » The Orwellian ‘Non-Lethal’ War Waged Against Peaceful Citizens

Tweets: Ron Paul takes first in OK straw poll |

Prison » One Third Of Americans Already Done With All Holiday Shopping

Exclusive: Many Americans already done with holiday shopping | Reuters

Prison » Possible Obama 2nd Term Spurs Record Gun Sales: Infowars Nightly News

AFP: BP says Halliburton destroyed Gulf spill evidence

Romney staff spent nearly $100,000 to hide records | The Raw Story

Prison » US Confirms That A Sentinel Drone On A Top Secret Mission Went Down Near Iran

Dozens dead in rare attack on Shiite mosque in Kabul - The Washington Post

Nasa’s Kepler space telescope finds 'new Earth' - Telegraph

Prison » Bringing the ‘War on Terror’ Home

'Saudi Arabia may join nuclear arms race' - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Muppets film 'brainwashing children against rich' - Telegraph

Prison » The Chart That Proves The Fed’s Policies Have Been A Failure

Pepper Spray, Tasers, and LRADs — What's Behind the Explosion of 'Less Lethal' Weapons for Crowd Control? | News & Politics | AlterNet

AFP: Is threat of home-grown US terror suspects overblown?

Prison » The Pentagon Is Offering Free Military Hardware To Every Police Department In The US


Prison » Understanding Arctic Experts

Arctic sea ice is melting at its fastest pace in almost 40 years | Environment | The Guardian

ssmi1_ice_ext.png (PNG Image, 1667x1250 pixels) - Scaled (54%)

Scientists call for dumping radioactive soil into sea - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Keiser Report: 'Feckless parents' vs Reckless banks (E219) - YouTube

Fukushima 45 ton radioactive water leak poisons ocean - YouTube


NASA Finds First Planet In 'Habitable Zone' Outside Solar System - YouTube

Ron Paul Predicts Terrorist Attacks in 1997, 1999, and 2001 - YouTube

PR: Can Ron Paul Win Iowa?

TAB: A Militia Story: Freedom Under Attack

Secret U.S.-Canada Border Deal Hides GMO Takeover

Canada-US Border Deal Threatens Sovereignty - YouTube


+Video of the Mike Huckabee Presidential Forum

+Huckabee Presidential Forum | MRCTV


Matthews Smears 'Reign of Terror' Republicans Who 'Tear Down Statues' | MRCTV

Limbaugh: Republican Establishment Doesn’t Think Obama Can Be Beat

Limbaugh Has Fun Defending Trump Moderating GOP Debate

Rush: Media Invested In Tim Tebow Failing. It’s The Same Thing With Palin, Ergo It’s Trump’s Turn.

Limbaugh: The Absolute Absurd Stupidity On The Republican Side Is Enough To Cause Me To Pull My Hair Out

Rush Limbaugh: Tim Tebow’s Love Of Jesus Christ Makes People Nervous And Uncomfortable

Biden Rhapsodizes on Arab Revolutions: ‘A Terrible Beauty is Born’

Gingrich: 'House Should Immediately Condemn' Pelosi If She Uses Ethics Panel Materials Against Me

'Being A Mormon, I Know He Doesn't Lie,' Trump Says Of Huntsman

Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?

GOP Debate Moderator Trump 'Friends' With Newt and Mitt, Will Endorse Candidate

Bill Clinton Says Obama's 'Doing The Right Things,' 'Going To Be Re-Elected'

Atheist Leader Complains About U.S. Troops Praying Together Before Combat Mission

Gallup: Real 99 Percenters Twice as Likely to be Conservative as Liberal

Iowa Poll: 24% Say Ron Paul Is ‘Most Principled’ Candidate; 17% Say Bachmann; 14% Say Romney

Ending ‘Racial Isolation' in Schools Is Crucial, Obama Administration Says

Vietnam Benefiting From Closer Ties With U.S. Despite ‘Continued and Worsening Crackdown’ on Dissent

Gingrich Fires Back At Pelosi: Go Ahead And Violate House Rules

Trump: Paul and Huntsman Have No Chance For Nomination

FAA Chief on Leave After Drunken Driving Arrest; Police Won't Release His Blood Alcohol Count

U.N. Human Rights Chief Urged to Shun NGO Accused of Links to Gaddafi Regime

Amanda Knox Seeking Book Deal After Her Release From Italian Prison

Rosie O'Donnell Engaged to Girlfriend

New Charles Dickens Coin Honors Author on 200th Birthday

Trump: ‘I’m a Very Serious Person’

Wisconsin Company Reverses One-Way Flow of Shoes From Asia

Romney to Be Endorsed by Former Vice President Dan Quayle

Obama's Recess-Appointed Ambassador to El Salvador Accused of Showing 'Blatant Disregard' for Salvadoran Culture |

Supreme Court: NYC Ban on After-School Worship Services Stands |

Full Interview: Newt Gingrich on the Glenn Beck Show | The Right Scoop

The Hilda Solis “Miracle” – less than what was claimed | The Right Scoop

Bachmann: Newt Gingrich is a frugal socialist | The Right Scoop

Obama on Christ: He grew up to become a leader with a servant’s heart | The Right Scoop

Levin to GOP: Here’s how you beat Obama on the payroll tax | The Right Scoop

Bachmann on illegal immigration on the BillO show | The Right Scoop

Rush: GOP establishment makes me want to start cursing! | The Right Scoop

Prop-aganda: Carney employs twin countdown clocks during press conference | The Right Scoop

Newt: Rebuilding the America we love | The Right Scoop

Van Jones to Occupy: Be for the 100%, not against the 1% | The Right Scoop

Supreme Court: NYC Ban on After-School Worship Services Stands |

Romney Slams Obama's 'Golf-in-Sun' Vacation

Clinton's Book Tops NY Times Best-Seller List

Rep. Steve King Backs Trump's 'America' Debate

Grover Norquist Endorses Trump Debate

Trump: I’m Not Running for President

Trump: Newsmax/ION TV Debate Will Be Real Deal

Bachmann: Romney, Gingrich Both Have 'Flaws'

Grassley: Justice 'Deceitful' on Fast and Furious

Gov. Walker: Recall Backers 'Cross the Line'

McCain, Graham, Press Full Review of Pakistan Ties

Fed Considers Bailout for Eurozone to Quell Crisis

Crisis: S&P Targets Europe for Massive Downgrade

Obama Prods GOP on Payroll Tax Cut

US Officials: Lost Drone Belonged to CIA

Secy Clinton Urges Probe Into Russia Vote 'Fraud'

Issa to Probe Report on US, Drug Cartel Laundering

New York Man Accused of 150 Fake 911 Calls

ADL 'Disturbed' By Envoy's Anti-Semitic Portrayal

Ex-Gov. Blagojevich's Sentencing Hearing to Start

Biologists Monitor Crocodiles at Fla. Nuclear Plant

Christian Leader: Depp to 'Burn in Hell' for Blasphemy

Geithner: Fed Not Providing IMF Funds

Antioxidant-Rich Diet Cuts Stroke Risk

Citigroup Facing Ire of Judge Who Is Taking on Wall Street

Obama Empowering Muslim Brotherhood in Middle East

Scholars Failed to Predict the Arab Spring

Left's 'Ministry of Truth' Specializes in Doublespeak

Government's Comprehensive Campaign Against Job Creation

National Guard deployment on U.S.-Mexico border has unclear results

FDA weighs putting Plan B morning-after pill on drugstore shelves

The Prenatal NonDiscrimination Act would ban abortions done on the basis of gender or race

Issa expands Fast and Furious probe to include alleged money laundering

Gingrich emerges as clear front-runner in Iowa

Rep. King’s fourth Muslim-American radicalization hearing to focus on military

Obama tries to channel Teddy Roosevelt with speech in Kansas

Report: Income inequality among working Americans has risen 25%

Labor group launches website to showcase stories of the unemployed

Illinois sequestration project is first in U.S. for man-made CO2

200 Bears Killed on First Day of New Jersey Black Bear Hunt

Ariz. prison inmates say their medical care is delayed or denied

Medicare chief's controversial exit creates squabbles among Democrats

Jerry Brown to take tax hike plan straight to voters

Drone that crashed in Iran may give away U.S. secrets

Recent charges of child sexual abuse in Hollywood may be tip of the iceberg

Fashion Magazine Editor Walks Into Plane Propeller

Romney: Obama's idea of 'hands on' is 'getting better grip on golf club'

Jon Huntsman: I won’t kiss Trump’s ring

North Korea making missile able to hit U.S.

Federal officials reject latest appeal to move HHS offices to Prince George’s

Congress rapping up one of its least productive sessions in recent memory urges Google to quit Chamber of Commerce

Jackson Browne performs for Occupy Washington - The Reliable Source - The Washington Post

Why Congress is warming up to ban on insider trading

SEC Freezes Assets Of 4 Chinese Citizens Charged With Insider Trading

Jon Corzine's troubles build after MF Global bankruptcy

Jon Corzine -style deals banned by CFTC

Rep. Jackson Jr. Battles Blagojevich-Era Claims As Report Surfaces | Fox News

Ethics Committee Extends Investigation into Jesse Jackson Jr.

As Blago awaits sentence, trouble remains for Jesse Jackson Jr. – 'Word' on the Web: a digital version of 'Word on the Street' -

Felser, Jackson face last-minute campaign problems |

Priest, 80, robbed and beaten at South Side church rectory

Organizations gather food, money for Loaves & Fishes

Key dates in Blagojevich case

Cop investigates murder scene — and finds his stepson dead

Twin Bombings Tear Through Afghan Shi'ite Holy Day

Shias targeted in deadly Afghan shrine blasts - YouTube

Large-Scale Killings Reported in Restive Syria City

Egypt's Islamists Compete for Votes in Runoff Elections

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah makes rare public appearance

Pakistan pulls out of liaison posts; US concerned

Clinton Raises Russian Election Concerns at OSCE

Saudi Arabia may need nuclear weapons to fend off threat from Iran and Israel, says prince | Mail Online

Trump Narrows Down GOP Field as Endorsement Talk Heats Up

Muharram: Thousands of Muslims in Mumbai take out processions

Emir dissolves Kuwait's parliament

US, China to discuss Myanmar after Clinton trip

Tadic tells Kosovo Serbs to implement border deal

Settlement Unveiled in Mining Disaster

News Wrap: Democrats Introduce New Plan to Extend Payroll Tax Cuts - YouTube

Obama to channel Roosevelt's 'New Nationalism'

Clinton: Gay Rights Equal to Women's Rights

Former Pr. George's exec Jack B. Johnson is sentenced to 7 years

Marshal: Escapee is 'not Houdini;' will be caught

8-Year Old Boy Leaves Michele Bachmann Speechless on Gay Rights

Herman Cain Remains Defiant After Suspending 2012 Presidential Campaign

Fashionista's arm severed, eye gouged by plane propeller

Man accused of tossing daughter in car seat into stream

NYPD Facebook Group Reveals Contempt For West-Indian Day Parade

Attorneys see challenges in federal probe of sex allegations against former Syracuse coach - The Washington Post

Euro declines; S&P warning weighs ahead of EU summit

Who Killed the Postal Service?

Geithner: Fed Not Providing IMF Funds

Bank of America settles mortgage suit for $315 million

Bank of America, Big Banks Target of Foreclosure Protest

Corzine Rebuffed Internal Warnings on Risks

Dodge Dart channels Alfa Romeo spirit for 2012

Power in Numbers: China Aims for High-Tech Primacy

StumbleUpon makes itself over again

IBM scientists unveil Racetrack memory chip prototype

Protip For Facebook Stalkers: A Shortcut For Seeing Who Someone Interacts With Most - Forbes

Find Out Whether Carrier IQ Is on Your Phone in a Single Tap | Fox Business

Rosie O'Donnell gives Michelle Rounds a diamond ring

What can we expect from Madonna's Super Bowl performance?

9 New Clips From Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows

Does Hollywood face a child-molestation crisis in casting?

Amanda Knox hires prominent lawyer for book deal negotiations

Fox accuses the Muppets of brainwashing kids

Many Earths out There? Nearly All Kepler Planets May Be the Real Deal

Kepler-22b planet just like Earth discovered - YouTube

Scientists find monster black holes, biggest yet

How to Picture the Size of the Universe

Last of the space shuttle commanders retires from NASA

People Will Virtually Kill One to Save Five

Scientists Rediscover Rarest US Bumblebee

NASA probe enters unexplored territory at solar system's edge

HCG may be the key to losing weight - YouTube

Eating rice may raise arsenic levels

Higher Arsenic Levels Found in Those Who Eat More Rice

A growing number of registered nurses in California, US

Top 10 Healthiest States in the Nation

CDC Urges Flu Shots Before Holiday Rush Spreads Illness

With New Data We Can Stop The Teen Sexting Panic

Study: More evidence links specific genes to ADHD

Change in Fitness More Important Than BMI Over Time

Parents Unaware of Children' Weight, Study Says

HHS Secretary Sebelius Discusses mHealth-Healthcare Industry Link at Summit


Punishment awaits ex-Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich for trying to hock Obama seat, other counts - The Washington Post

Rod Blagojevich sentencing: Does he deserve at least 15 years in prison? -

Blago judge sides with prosecutors on key sentencing issues - Chicago Sun-Times

On Rod Blagojevich's Sentencing Day, Some Comparisons to Jim Thompson - Felsenthal Files - December 2011

Blagojevich sentencing, remap fight put Ald. Mell at eye of storm - Elgin Courier News

Kass talks about today's Blagojevich hearing -

#Blagojevich sentencing hearing Tuesday, Wednesday - Lynn Sweet

Lawyer Blames Blago for Ethics Complaint Alleging She Showed Off Her Implants - News - ABA Journal

List of Blagojevich convictions, max sentences | Washington Examiner

Blagojevich Faces Sentencing Hearing -


Beat Back Barack

52 dead in bombing at Afghan Shia shrine

Were safety issues with the Chevy Volt battery suppressed?

Iran's Rev Guards preparing for war

France and Germany agree on new rules for euro zone

DoJ lied about Fast and Furious in letter to Congress

Sex and the candidates

Debt and Taxes: Settled Science

Government Gone Wild

Gingrich and Romney on Jihad

Can Gingrich Make It to the Nomination?

America's Bureaucracy of Truth

Vampire Government: How the Left is Sucking the Life out of the Private Economy

Chelsea Clinton's Baggage. No, Not Them.

O's Legacy: Unemployment Rate Now Meaningless

The Chicago Tribune Reveals the Democrat 2012 Pitch to Independents

Newt Gains Two More 'Endorsements'

Environmental Justice

Obama Support of “Arab Spring”—Clear Marxist Values Leading to Sharia Law Revolution

Be careful who you choose as the Republican nominee

Marxism Works While the Messiah Vacations

The Obama Man’s Coming to Get You!

Iron Curtain begins Descending onto the United States of America

The Winter of Our Economic Discontent

Throwing Good Money After Bad

Can We Keep Our Republic?

The Pathetic State Of Science Journalism

Obama clones self as Community Organizer

DOE’s Renewables Failures: They Keep Going and Going and Going…

Illegal Aliens, In-State Tuition and the Law

Identity politics is alive and well in Obamanation

Obama Appointed Ambassador Says Israel At Fault for Muslim Anti-Semitism

Agenda 21 and the Threat in Your Backyard

Hilary Clinton to speak at UN while human rights agency gives podium to “Gaddafi Human Rights Prize”

Prophecy 2012: America in the Valley of Decision

At the Table with Barry, Leon and Howard

Sleeping Giant

Gun Sales are a Sign of Things to Come


Herman Cain grassroots forum switches to Ron Paul

Ron Paul Now Clearly Second Man In Iowa's Three Man Race

Santorum: the GOP dark horse, and rural America

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Hezbollah Comes to MMA Fighting Boxing Ring

Debbie Schlussel:Interesting VIDEO: Extreme Penny Hoarders Cash in on Copper in Obamaconomy

Debbie Schlussel:Steve Jobs, In His Own Words, On (NOT) Being an Arab, Muslim

Debbie Schlussel:Funny VIDEO: Donald Trump GOP Presidential Debate

NASA Confirms First Earth-Like Planet in Habitable Zone of Its Star | Video |

Christian Music Group Emerges From L.A. Pastor’s Efforts | {la}godMusic |

Johnny Depp Angers Christian Groups Over Babybird Song About Jesus |

Saudi Student Sells $7 Million Dinosaur to American | Video |

Christie Address | Video |

Natalie Johnson Fired from Macy‘s for Refusing Cross Dressing Customer to Use Women’s Fitting Room |

Carrier IQ Comes Out About What Information It Does and Does Not Log on Smartphones |

Chris Matthews Talks About Barack Obama and Republicans Reign of Terror | Video |

Michael A. Walsh Writes Op-Ed On Fast and Furious Document Dump |

World’s First Race of the Cellular Kind: Bone Marrow Cells Take All | Video |

Trump Gets Heated in Chuck Todd Interview | Video |

Baggage Handler Fired For Refusing to Load ‘Emaciated’ Dog |

Bernie Fine Accuser Zach Tomaselli Admits to Molesting a Teen Boy |

Grayson Thomas Talks About Barack Obama Looking Like News Anchor Chris Schauble | Video |

Chicago Convict Wrecked By MMA Fighter He Attempted to Mug | Anthony Miranda |

Japan Has Some Crazy Long Slides That Put U.S. Playground Equipment to Shame | Video |

Bachmann Confronted by 8-Year-Old Elijah About Gay Mommy | Video |

NAACP Claims Voting Regulations Will Hurt Blacks & Hispanics | Video |

Claudia Landeen School in Stockton, California Bans Santa & Christmas Trees | Video |

Bachmann Calls Newt Gingrich Frugal Socialist |

Obamacare ‘Bomb’ Set to Blow Up Private Health Care System? | The Weekly Standard

President Clinton’s connection to ill-fated MF Global revealed -

Congreessional Inquest Brings More Justice Dept. Lies About 'Fast And Furious' To Light -

U.S. Military Sources: Iran Has Missing U.S. Drone | Fox News

Honour Attacks: Research Reveals Scale Of Violence Against Women Accused Of Shaming Families | UK News | Sky News

'Carter' is new GOP epithet for Obama - Washington Times

U.S. Military to Rescind Policy Banning Bibles at Hospital | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Skeletal horses abandoned in Texas after worst ever drought ravages crops, leaving desperate owners unable to afford hay | Mail Online

WND RADIO WND Exclusive America and the Euro crisis: 'Why do we care?';Rep. Campbell: 'U.S. affected mightily'' by fiscal calamity on other side of Atlantic

Donald Trump now casts even more doubt on Obama

Michele Bachmann: I'm on the 'right side' - Tim Mak -

Cain left with millions after withdrawing from presidential race - Washington Times

Ron Paul pans Donald Trump as false GOP deity - POLITICO Live -

The mind-boggling Ron Paul

Fries with that? Fast-food giant chokes on Obamacare

Childhood disorder steps up study of infections' link to mental illness -

Unfit for duty: How Florida's rogue police officers remain on the street |

Mena and women agree on music-based dating site Tastebuds that Nickelback songs ruin any hope of romance |

The top ten online dating lies - Telegraph

Site of Jacob's Dream Discovered - Features - News - Israel National News

- Only one in 10 know what Ctrl-F does |


ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


The failure of the tea party

Newt misleading voters on Fairness Doctrine?

Look who's behind D.C. chaos plot

Donald Trump now casts even more doubt on Obama

Free speech? Put a plate on it

George Orwell's man in the White House

Herman Goldwater

What does adultery have to do with leadership?

Dick Scaife's GOP-Trump debate

Did FDR provoke Pearl Harbor?

Why National Popular Vote is a bad idea

The best books for Christmas

Reclaiming Margaret Sanger's legacy

Choosing collapse

Rand Paul prevents war with Russia

Donald Trump Presidential Debate - YouTube


**Real Clear Markets - Video - S&P Euro-Zone Downgrade Sends Chill

5th/Real Clear Markets - Video - Rogoff: EU Needs a Constitution

Real Clear Markets - Video - Regulation Plague Killing Jobs?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Treasury Market Next Bubble to Pop?

Real Clear Markets - Video - What Christmas Will Really Cost

*6 Dec.

American Minute for December 6th

Today in History: December 6

December 6th in History

Today in History: December 6

December 6 Events in History

December 6th This Day in History

This Day in History for 6th December

Today in History Dec. 6 - YouTube


FEULNER: Tapping our energy potential - Washington Times

Romney & Gingrich: Two Climate Change Flip-Floppers

New Studies Show That Carbon Emissions Rose by a Record Amount in 2010 - Ecocentric -

The Gas Price Paradox: Don't Celebrate Cheaper Oil - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Incredible Events In The History Of Nova Scotia: The Halifax Explosion -- A Story Of Shattered Lives

Great American History Thirteenth Amendment-

The Anatomy Of A Disaster - An Analysis of Two 1917 Halifax Explosion Blast Cloud Photographs - 1

Lone gunman: The Ecole Polytechnique massacre was a freak tragedy. So why is every man made to feel guilty for it?

Jacob Jones

Guernica / Errata

The Simpletons - Reason Magazine

Lamberto, Lamberto, Lamberto | New York Journal of Books

Richard Evans Reviews Sean McMeekin's "The Russian Origins Of The First World War" | The New Republic

Getting to Carnegie Hall -

| | Review by The Spectator

The return of the published epic - The National

The Book Bench: Know Thy Elf : The New Yorker

Power in Numbers - China Aims for High-Tech Primacy -

Tim Cook's first 100 days as Apple CEO -

The Clicker's Moment: After 60 Years, TV Remotes Get Zapped With Makeovers | Fast Company

Can Mozilla survive without Google?

Gadgets Won't Move the Needle at Microsoft, Say Pros - Fast Money - CNBC - CNBC

Nano Paint Could Make Airplanes Invisible to Radar - Technology Review

IBM Goes to the Racetrack With Super-Speedy Memory | Wired Enterprise |

Glasses emit personal sound and smell - tech - 04 December 2011 - New Scientist

How Google's 'Panda' update put some websites on endangered species list | Technology | The Guardian

Twitter trends changing live TV - Telegraph

India Asks Google, Facebook to Screen User Content -

Apple, Motorola, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile latest to be sued over Carrier IQ tracking

Revealed: Apple’s internal policies on employee social networking, speculating on rumors, leaking, blogging, and more | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence

AppleInsider | Inside iPhone 4S US mobile data: AT&T vs Sprint vs Verizon

In defense of 'mindless' Web browsing –




Will You Live Forever—or until Your Next Software Release—by Uploading Your Brain into a Computer? | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network


The Physics of why the e-Cat's Cold Fusion Claims Collapse : Starts With A Bang

Burning Deceased Baby Boomers Could Generate Electricity | Will Corpses Someday Power Televisions in the U.S.? | Crematories Install Electric Turbines | Life's Little Mysteries

The chimpanzee who sees sounds : Nature News & Comment

Derek Boogaard - A Brain ‘Going Bad’ -

Another Cognitive Benefit for Musicians, Athletes - Miller-McCune

Science Takes the Magic out of Dragons - Blog

Defensive measures: toward a vaccine for Ebola | ASU News

Opal offers fast, lasting remedy for uranium contamination at nuclear sites, say Stanford researchers

ESA Portal - Mountains and buried ice on Mars

Materials Research Society

Study: Vaccines & Hand-Washing Can Reduce Prejudice Against Immigrants, the Obese & Crack Addicts | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Our Microbiomes, Ourselves -

Harnessing The Sun's Heat For Power By Mimicking The Greenhouse Effect | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation

The Fitness of Physical Models - Miller-McCune

BBC News - Antarctic's hidden world revealed

Palaeontology: The hare and the tortoise | The Economist

The World’s Muddiest Disaster | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

Containing and Deterring a Nuclear Iran

Coping With a Nuclearizing Iran (PDF)

An Insider Analysis of Pakistan's 'Memogate' - The Daily Beast

Israel says I told you so as islamists romp in Egyptian elections - Global Spin -

Israeli drones in Gaza: How to occupy territory without troops - Slate Magazine

Putin’s Brezhnev Syndrome - Pierre Buhler - Project Syndicate

Egypt's election: Islamists and democracy in Egypt -

A clear message of Russian dissatisfaction with Mr. Putin - The Washington Post

Afghanistan: the lost decade | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

America's Second Chance and the Arab Spring - By Kenneth M. Pollack | Foreign Policy

BusinessDay - GIDEON RACHMAN: Little choice but to respect Egypt’s ballot box

RealClearWorld - Egypt and the Idealist-Realist Debate in U.S. Foreign Policy

Russia’s political order shakes - The Globe and Mail

How Israel Can Stop Alienating American Jews: Jeffrey Goldberg - Bloomberg

Our World: An ally no more - JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Iran Developing Nuclear Weapons

Power Plays in Afghanistan: Laying the Groundwork for Civil War - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

America's Shadow State in Pakistan - The Daily Beast

Asia Times Online :: Is Kim her next challenge?

Newt Gingrich's Catholic Conversion Is Part Of A Larger Spiritual Shift In His Life And Politics

Why Bother Going to College? | Crisis Magazine

Ministry Matters™ | Blog | 7 Ways to Spend Christmas

The Jewish Week | Features | The Jewish Week | The hidden gospel of socialism

The American Spectator : You're Starting to Creep Me Out, First Family

A strong Islamist showing in Egypt's election need not be cause for panic | Issandr El Amrani | Comment is free |

Study: 1 in 5 Atheist Scientists Attend Church With Family, Christian News

RealClearReligion - Think Before You Tweet

Christian Piatt: Jesus' Moment Of Atheism

Colbert’s chaplain on humor vs. mockery » GetReligion

The Evil Inclination » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

How Should a Pastor's Confession of Sin Be?, Christian News

Alan Reynolds: Tax Rates, Inequality and the 1% -

Leon Cooperman Lashes Out in Letter to President Obama -

Kass: The Upshot - TheStreet

GM should buy back U.S. taxpayers’ shares - The Washington Post

Terence Corcoran: The dark side of green energy | FP Comment | Financial Post

Here’s the real scoop on that jobless rate -

How to make ‘zillions’ on Wall Street - Portfolio Insights by Brett Arends - MarketWatch

The Rise and Fall of MF Global Chief Jon Corzine - The Daily Beast

Why Laptops are an Endangered Species | Benzinga

There Is No 'New Normal' Economy - Total Return - WSJ

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Have We Avoided A Recession? - December 4, 2011

Prepare for a different financial landscape | Mohamed El-Erian

How Congress Can Derail the Improving Economy

What's so awful about the 1%? -

The End of Stagnation and the Coming Innovation Boom — The American Magazine

Investors map out fraught 2012 with nowhere to hide | Reuters

Obama’s Aloof Behavior With GOP Could Hurt Agenda : Roll Call News

The case for Jon Huntsman’s conservatism « The Enterprise Blog

Sunday Reflection: The higher ed bubble is bursting, so what comes next? | Glenn Harlan Reynolds | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Gingrich was for cap-and-trade and lots of other things - Right Turn - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - A Strong Candidate Isn't Needed to Beat a Weak Incumbent

Not eight years: Time’s up for Obama | New Hampshire OPINION01

Clean-energy policies create jobs, and Congress should take note - Editorials - The Boston Globe

Much Lauded 'Arab Spring' Turns To Bitter Winter As Islamist Regimes Take Power -

Breast cancer, health insurance and an apology to President Obama -

Now it's 'Obama the irrelevant' | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Obama Follows Roosevelt's Populist Path to Kansas

RealClearPolitics - Tea Partiers' Purity Hurting GOP

Presidential shake up | Nealz Nuze |

President Obama's road to reelection runs through Pennsylvania -

Dr. Berwick’s Pink Slip -

RealClearPolitics - China's Future Up in the Air

RealClearPolitics - Democrats Dare Not "Abandon" the White Working Class

Forget Hope. Obama Has A New Strategy For 2012

RealClearPolitics - The Welfare State's Reckoning

Send In the Clueless -

Michael B. Mukasey: The ObamaCare Recusal Nonsense -

Eric Holder’s Fast & Furious lies—Michael A. Walsh -

Bloody Czech wedding as drunk bride, groom exchange blows

After crime, punishment awaits ex-Gov. Blagojevich

Republicans block Obama nominee for judgeship

Republicans block Obama appellate court nominee

Feds unveil $210M settlement in W.Va. mine blast

Geithner doesn't see Fed funding IMF euro response

US launches 'virtual' embassy for Iran

Lawyer: 6 Sandusky accusers to testify next week

Administration pushes to weaken Iran bank sanction

Anglo American: jam today, more tomorrow?

Syria claims Turkey aiding 'terrorist' infiltrators

Russian police and troops clash with protesters in Moscow

US high speed rail

At least 55 dead in Kabul suicide attack on Shia pilgrims

Fox Business Warns Parents: Beware Left-Wing Messaging In ‘The Muppets’

Bill Cosby Has Tim Tebow Fever

- ‘Cowboys and Aliens’ Blu-ray Review: Dry, Dusty, Disappointment

Hollywood Unhappy with Obama? Don’t Believe It.

Comedian Pablo Francisco: Pop Culture Fair Game for Globe-trotting Impressionist

Product Placement Gone Wild!

- ‘Conan the Barbarian’ Blu-ray Review: Brutal, Bloody, B-Movie Fun

+Daily Call Sheet: Box Office Analysis, Spielberg’s Biggest Mistakes, ‘Swamp Loggers’ Returns

Trailer Talk: ‘The Woman in Black’ – Radcliffe Takes Post-’Potter’ Plunge

Huffington Post Headline Puts ‘Communist’ in Fox News’ Mouth

Does Hollywood Face a Child-Molestation Crisis in Casting? | The Wrap Media

Child sex abuse scandal rocks Hollywood

Blog: Hollywood's dirty little secret: Child sexual abuse

Recent Charges Of Sexual Abuse Of Children In Hollywood Just Tip Of Iceberg, Experts Say | Fox News

Hollywood Manager Confirms Your Worst Fears About Child Actors And Pedophilia

’24′ Heating Up For Spring Start With Kiefer Sutherland In Jack Bauer Mode –

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Report: Pedophilia Rampant in Hollywood

An Ally No More: Egypt No Longer Reliable for Anti-Terror Assistance

Enforce Existing Laws Against Iran: Obama’s New Get-Tough Policy Is Weaker than Current Measures

Obama’s Egypt Policy, A Predictable Fiasco

Obama’s Friend Erdogan To Give Hamas $300 Million

Will Freedom Drown in the Tidal Wave of Islamic Revolution?

AUDIO:Christian Adams: DOJ Helping Enforce Racial Discrimination in Guam Elections

Biggest Jewish Defense Agency Supports Radical Muslim School, Lets Jews Twist in the Wind

Dick Durbin May Block Religious Freedom Commission’s Renewal to Buy Prison He Wanted for Gitmo Detainees

Despite Alleged Voter Fraud, Putin’s Party Barely Holds Majority in Russian Elections

Democrat Logic: Israel to Blame for Anti-Semitism and Its Own Isolation

EU seeks to save the euro, but S&P isn't convinced

Senators call for full review of Pakistani ties | Reuters

Dear Newsmax, Eason Jordan? Really?

+Tuesday Crib Sheet: NYT Goes After Gingrich College Records, Romney Fights With Media

NY Times’ Editorial on Unemployment Unintentionally Condemns Liberalism

‘Racist’ Is the New ‘Birther’: Don’t Take the New York Times’ Bait, Conservatives

Indoctrination Outrage: California Teacher Uses Media Matters’ Anti-Fox News Article in ‘World History’ Class

Sound Bite For The Day: Anderson Cooper Owns Ed Schultz

Editorial Cartoonist Depicts Republicans As Child Rapists

Romney’s Self-Imposed Media Bubble - By Greg Pollowitz - Media Blog - National Review Online

Radio's Audience Continues to Grow

On CBS, Joe Klein Sneers Newt Is Doomed: He 'Cannot Stand Prosperity' |

Coming soon: Chelsea Clinton’s TV debut - CLICK -

Schweizer: Key Steps to Ending Congressional Insider Trading

Communists Work on a New Improved, Pro-Obama ‘Occupy’ Movement

Minneapolis Citizens Demand a New Teachers Contract That Addresses Student Needs

Fix It: Washington’s Broken Political Class

Union Bosses Win, Ohio Workers Get Fired

BREAKING NEWS on Fast and Furious: Holder Adds Money Laundering to Gun Smuggling

Government Motors Pays University of Chicago Students to Test Drive

‘You’ve Been Gored’: UN Climate Change Convention

Wife of Wisconsin State Employee Suggests Gov’s Wife, Sons be Raped

Of Windmill Pushers and Pinwheel Hats: Wind Lobby Blows Hard to Keep its Welfare Intact

Wisconsin Tea Party Groups Solicit Volunteers from Across the Country for Online Recall Signature Verification Project

Dick Durbin May Block Religious Freedom Commission’s Renewal to Force Feds to Buy Prison He Wanted for Gitmo Detainees

Senator Pat Toomey On Why the Super Committee Failed and What We Do Now

Superintendent Compensation Receiving Much-Needed Scrutiny

AUDIO:Enron’s Collapse and the Death of the Private Sector

Will You Be Able to Protect Your Family if Politicians Destabilize Society?

Obama Administration Violating ACORN Funding Ban According to New Audit

Reagan shooter says he is safe to release

Issa expands Fast and Furious probe to include alleged money laundering -

Accused, Spencer Bachus offers anti-‘insider’ bill - Mackenzie Weinger -


**NEWS VIDEOS: Congressman: Holder’s Handling Of Fast And Furious ‘Somewhere Between Deception And Flat-Out Lying’

Schweizer: Key Steps To Ending Congressional Insider Trading

Romney Slams Obama’s Hawaii Vacation

Clinton Calls Russian Election Unfair

More Syringes Found In Walmart Clothing

Kindergartners Sing The Ramones’ ‘Judy Is A Punk’

Schweizer Criticizes Media Over Coverage Of Insider Trading

Krauthammer: Trump Debate Is a ‘Joke’

Santorum: I’ll Cut $5 Trillion In First 100 Days

City Displays Skeleton Santa Nailed To Cross

Deadly Attacks On Shiites In Iraq, Afghanistan

Jackson Browne Serenades #OccupyDC

GOP Congressman: Obama Wants Us To ‘Hold Hands And Jump Off The Cliff’ With Europe

5th/Christie: Media ‘Prejudiced’ Against Fat People

Newt: Pelosi Revealing Ethics Info Is A Violation Of House Rules

Newt: My Ideas On Work Are Being ‘Distorted’

Fourth Grader Suspended For Calling Teacher ‘Cute’

European Central Bank: Fix Our Economy On Your iPhone

Chuck Woolery Launches The #UnOccupyWallStreet Movement

Santorum To Palin Voters: I’m Your Guy

#OccupyDC Arrested For Building Illegal Clubhouse

Axelrod On Gingrich: ‘Godfather of Gridlock’

World’s Most Expensive Pile-Up

Afghan President: We Need Help ‘For Another Decade’

Gingrich Explains Backing Of Trump-Hosted Debate

Coburn On Newt: ‘I Found His Leadership Lacking’

Teacher Makes 3rd Graders Write School Board To Protest Budget Cuts

Chuck Todd Receives Embarrassing Smackdown At Hands Of Donald Trump

4th/Bachmann Accuses Newt Of ‘Influence-Peddling’ In Washington

Newt Flashback 2003: I’m An Eisenhower Republican, Government Has To Lead On Healthcare

Sandusky: ‘I’m Attracted To Young People’

US Judge Tips Samsung-Apple Patent War In Samsungs’ Favor

3rd/‘Santa’ Jailed for Throwing Rock

Into The Fray: Jesse Watters Goes Christmas Toy Shopping

Rush Takes Manhattan

Cain To Make ‘Major Announcement’ Today

2nd/Man Catches Thief, Ties Hands And Feet

Report: Possible Plea Deal For Jerry Sandusky

Little Girl Plays ‘Sweet Child ‘O Mine’ On Guitar

1st/Penn State Holds Town Hall Amid Abuse Scandal

Miller Time: Bye Bye Barney Frank

Rick Santorum Says He Is Praying For Herman Cain

Billy Graham Admitted To Hospital

30th/Homeless Lady With 15 Kids: ‘Somebody Needs To Pay For All My Children’

29th/India Offers Cars To Lure Sterilization Volunteers

UK Embassy Under Siege In Iran

27th/Ice Sculptors Create Nativity Scene


6-Dec-11 World View

5-Dec-11 World

4-Dec-11 World View


+ (6th) -*Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Journalism


Huntsman: Not Going to Kiss Trump's Ring or 'Any Other Part of His Anatomy'

As Medicaid Cuts Take Hold, Suicide Rates Rise

Romney Campaign Admits Propaganda Ad Campaign

What 'Occupy Our Homes' Could Change

Issa expands Fast and Furious probe to include alleged money laundering -

Accused, Spencer Bachus offers anti-‘insider’ bill - Mackenzie Weinger -

poorrichards blog: The Pentagon Is Offering Free Military Hardware To Every Police Department In The US

Your Anon News • It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like…Nazi Germany?

I Agree With Newt

Save America, Remove Obama : Border deal fuels concerns in Canada

US agents laundered drug money: report - Yahoo! News

Violent video games alter brain function -

» Activist Boasts of Communist Leadership in Occupy Movement – Links to Re-election of Obama - Big Government

A dead heat - crematorium to sell power for National Grid - Telegraph

All patients to be barcoded by 2013 - Telegraph

PressTV - 'UK, US devising arms to wipe out races'

US awards a $300 million fuel contract to a secretive company — RT

Alcohol substitute that avoids drunkenness and hangovers in development - Telegraph

18 Crazy Facts Which Show That No Nation On Earth Is More Doped Up On Prescription Drugs Than America Is


Dec. 5, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 5 December 2011

12/05 The Mark Levin Show

2011-12-06.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-12-05Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-05-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-05-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-03-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-03-11 Hr 2

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Redding News Review 12-05-11 Hr 2

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The Alex Jones Show 12-05-11 Hr 1

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The Alex Jones Show 12-05-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 12-05-11 Hr 4

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The Michael Savage Show 12/05/2011

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