A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

05 December 2011

5 DEC.

Carrier IQ Admits Holding ‘Treasure Trove’ of Consumer Data, But No Keystrokes | Threat Level |

Pentagon Preps Afghans for Trillion-Dollar Treasure Hunt | Danger Room |

Land Destroyer: Egypt: ElBaradei Outed by Own Movement as Western Stooge

Deception | Mantiq al-Tayr

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Israel the Monster of Fear, Death and Destruction for Palestinian Children

Assange on mass surveillance: 'You are all screwed!' - YouTube

Obama Fundraiser and Ambassador Blames Israel for Anti-Semitism (Updated) | The Weekly Standard

Farage: How Dictatorships Begin: State of Emergency, Democracy is Suspended, The Unelected Rule - YouTube

9/11 Newt Gingrich Recommended A Homeland Security Agency Led By FEMA In March 2001 - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Ron Paul On Iran And Israel

Fox News Has a RARE Moment of Truth about Ron Paul! - YouTube

Putin suffers a poll setback amid claims of electoral fraud - Europe - World - The Independent

Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman refuse to attend Donald Trump-led 'circus' debate | Mail Online - Let's be Realistic about Ron Paul

The Republicans' Farcical Candidates: A Club of Liars, Demagogues and Ignoramuses - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

PressTV - UN censures US protester crackdown

U.S. Postal Service Faces Bankruptcy, Plans Cuts To Slow Delivery Of First Class Mail

Gerald Celente: 'IT'S FASCIST. CAN'T YOU SEE IT?" - Part TWO - YouTube

Jack Abramoff Reveals Shocking Facts on Political Lobbying

The terrorists have won

Religion In A Nutshell - YouTube

X-37B: Mission Of Mysterious Boeing Space Plane Extended (PHOTOS)

Gaddafi's death for Satan's bankers - YouTube

What do Holocaust Deniers believe? - YouTube

Child porn seizure may be largest in U.S. history

Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook - YouTube

pdf/NASA - April, 1981...EMF Interactions With Human Body

The Case For Pearl Harbor Revisionism - pdf

U.S. Drug Agents Launder Profits of Mexican Cartels -

All patients to be barcoded by 2013 - Telegraph

The True Costs of Privacy Invasion -

A dead heat - crematorium to sell power for National Grid - Telegraph

Computer Vision Syndrome

PressTV - Iran military downs US spy drone

Stories from the Old City: 'We are not living like human beings' - Middle East - World - The Independent

FDR and the Pearl Harbor attack

Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack - Telegraph

The annual 'War on Christmas' shows how a faith that once united America now divides it – Telegraph Blogs

Revealed: true cost of the Christmas toys we buy from China's factories | World news | The Observer

Was Rick Perry's famous 'oops' disaster down to medication he was taking for back pain? | Mail Online

Dowd: Confusion Gingrich's trademark - Times Union

David Icke - would you believe it? - Telegraph

Sirhan Sirhan, assassin of Robert F.Kennedy, launches new campaign for freedom 42 years later - Telegraph

The Whistle Blower As Hero | Opinion Maker

Inside the shell of Gaddafi's gleaming city - Africa - World - The Independent

Congresswoman accuses Blackwater founder of “intimidation” over Indy article | Guy Adams | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

Gold - Gold RUSH: Another country'scentral bank is buying up massive amounts of gold

More Than The Chessboard

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook

Splatter-Casting the Undulations of the Apocalypse. Smoking Mirrors

Pakistan: Where Politics and Corruption are the same | Opinion Maker

Mini-masts in the home to beat Wi-Fi signal overload | Technology | The Observer

Russians will use Olympics to flood Britain with spies, claims Liam Fox | Mail Online

Behind a wall of secrecy, parents who lost their children are now in jail - Telegraph

Millions of taxpayers money spent on tackling climate change abroad - Telegraph

Animal test firms given your NHS data - Telegraph

Plasma could cure the common cold - Telegraph

BBC's Man in Greece became psychotic and believed he was Jesus after yellow fever jab | Mail Online

Self-harm figures soar in a generation under pressure - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Nexeon tips magic dust into our batteries - Business Analysis & Features - Business - The Independent

Pesticide firms must be held to account for bee poisoning | Alison Benjamin | Environment |

America's Weak Jobs Report

White House Threatens Veto Of Indefinite Detention Bill

poorrichards blog: The Military Occupation of America By The Bankster-Owned Traitors

Overlooking The Obvious

Exclusive: MF Global mixed funds, transferred abroad - Yahoo! News

Could scientists reverse global warming? The U.N. discusses plans to reflect the sun to cool the earth | Mail Online

The Deception of Media : Information Clearing House

War With Iran By George Galloway (Must Watch) - YouTube

Activist Post: US Meddling in Russia: In Their Own Words

Activist Post: The Evil That Is Democratic Thought

Europe Bailout News: Is the World Spinning Out of Control? | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: France Takes Stand Against GMOs, Monsanto Despite End of Ban

Activist Post: Mainstream Propagandists: A Tale of Depravity

Activist Post: US, Israel covert war against Iran suspected: report

Activist Post: Iran downs US drone, threatens reprisal: reports

Activist Post: 10 Signs You Might Be a Slave

Activist Post: Police surround 'Occupy DC' site in Washington

John Bush And Matthew Medina Arrested For Not Complying With Unlawful Orders - YouTube

Activist Post: BOMBSHELL: US Caught Meddling in Russian Elections!

Color Revolution for Russia? « Blog

Activist Post: World War 3: A Natural Resource War

Powerful eruptions occurring at Ecuador volcano | The Raw Story

Obama’s 2012 Theme Song: “I Fought The Law, And The Law Won”! « Terrible Truth

U.S. Government Now Asserts More Power Than Hitler or Stalin -

Ron Paul Refusing To Attend Debate Hosted By Donald Trump -

U.S. Drug Agents Launder Profits of Mexican Cartels -

Iran says oil would go over $250 if exports banned | Reuters

Analysts say Russia could deliver deathblow to Nato -

A new law in Wisconsin will force protesters to pay for the police's so-called "protection." -

The Fruits of Globalization: Regression, Destitution, Domination -

6 Shocking Revelations About Wall Street's "Secret Government" -

Opening Sequence of “Poland’s Next Top Model”: Symbolism Overload

Therapist ‘Brainwashed’ Woman Into Believing She Was In Satanic Cult

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

Newt Gingrich joins Trump's country club

Trump Warns of Obama Tipping Point That May Destroy America

The Anti Empire Report: Some Thoughts That OCCUPY My Mind

US-NATO Aggression against Pakistan

Study Documents Desperate Conditions Facing the Unemployed in America

THE CLOCK IS TICKING: "Shadow War" Heating Up. War With Iran: A Provocation Away?

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). Challenge to US Hegemony in Western Hemisphere?

Misreading the Fight over Military Detention: The Obama Regime Has No Constitutional Scruples

Global Warfare: Where will Obama Strike Next? "Preplanned Wars" will lead to "Preplanned "Results"

VIDEO: Condoning Torture: Republican Party is a Gestapo Party

Western Hemisphere: 33 Latin American countries to form a New Bloc. U.S. and Canada not invited

Defense Minister: Pakistan Has Nuclear Arms, Can Defend Borders Against NATO

VIDEO: The Fed Grants $7.77 Trillion in Secret Bank Loan

VIDEO: Al Qaeda and the Global War on Terrorism

US Begins Vacating Pak Airbase After Eviction

Russia's Ruling Party Sees Crumbling Majority

Manning Wants Obama, Clinton as Witnesses

Voters Oust Governments In Croatia, Slovenia

Diplomats Discuss Afghan Transitions, Transformation

Gasoline: The next big U.S. export - Dec. 5, 2011

Fed may give loans to IMF to help euro zone: paper | Reuters

Mysterious blasts, slayings suggest covert efforts in Iran -

My Way News - Madonna to perform at halftime of Super Bowl

Arrests of illegal migrants on U.S.-Mexico border plummet - The Washington Post

Hacking Hysteria a Precursor to Censorship? | American Free Press

Rep. Murtha Exposed as Political Crook | American Free Press

Bankers Annexing Europe | American Free Press

Phony FBI Terror Plots Garner Increased International Scrutiny | American Free Press

New World Order Lobby Promoting Gingrich | American Free Press

Rick Santorum Talks Daughter Bella (VIDEO)


Picture: Gun Company USAAmmo Compares Obama to Hitler and Stalin

Obama’s Dictatorship is almost complete

Mystery company buying up U.S. gun manufacturers

Freedom Group (Cerberus) Acquires Barnes Bullets « Daily Bulletin

How Freedom Group Became the Gun Industry’s Giant -

Black Friday Best-Seller: Guns - ABC News

Debunkers George Soros - Freedom Group : George Soros’ Gun Grab?

George Soros' Evil Plan of Buying Up American Gun and Ammunitions Companies- Fiction!


Remy: Missing You - The Incandescent Light Bulb Song - YouTube

China Not Obliged To Besiege Iran

The Rebirth of Social Darwinism

6 Shocking Revelations About Wall Street's "Secret Government" | | AlterNet

U.S. Drug Agents Launder Profits of Mexican Cartels -

Scientists call for dumping radioactive soil into sea - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun


Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 1 of 6 - YouTube

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 2 of 6 - YouTube

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 3 of 6 - YouTube

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 4 of 6 - YouTube

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 5 of 6 - YouTube

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 6 of 6 - YouTube


Obama Issues Ron Paul “Kill Order” As Russia Prepares For War

Obama Regime Warns All Americans: “IF YOU FIGHT US YOU WILL DIE!”

Does Donald Trump Realize He Just Made a Complete Ass of Himself? by Mark R. Crovelli

The GOP Is Useless by Paul Gottfried

Gun Sales Surge on Black Friday: Over 129,000 Background Checks Flooded the FBI by Mac Slavo

Guns Sales Surge on Black Friday 2011 - Over 130,000 Guns Sold! - YouTube

Blind Obedience to the State: The Sheep Are Now Ready for Slaughter! by Gary D. Barnett

18 Crazy Facts Which Show That No Nation on Earth Is More Doped Up on Prescription Drugs Than America Is

Misunderstanding Capitalism by Bill Bonner

Can a few AA batteries relieve pain, gout and depression? The answer will shock you | Mail Online


Are Federal Reserve Notes Taxable? | Independent American News

Activist Post: Is the World Spinning Out of Control?

64th Anniversary: War, Ethnic Cleaning Unleashed | Intifada Palestine

Refreshing News: Minutes Before Execution, Chinese Women Face Death With A Smile

Refreshing News: 'Supercomputers’ that can predict the future

poorrichards blog: 14000 abandoned wind turbines in the USA..Duke of Edinburgh: They are “absolutely useless”

poorrichards blog: Will The Internet Reformation Lead To A Global Political Reformation?

poorrichards blog: Are Americans in Line for Gitmo?

And Some Wonder Why Americans Are So Dumbed Down? | Common Dreams

Gerald Celente: Run, “You Can’t Trust Anybody & The Entire System Is Collapsing” (NYSEARCA:GLD, NYSEARCA:SLV, NYSEARCA:AGQ, NYSEARCA:GDX, NYSEARCA:ZSL, NYSEARCA:IAU) | ETF DAILY NEWS

Bill Black- Prosecute Bank Fraud - YouTube

More People Realizing That The FBI's 'Big Wins' Are In Stopping Its Own Made Up Terror Plots | Techdirt


Prosecuting Wall Street, pt. 1 - YouTube

Prosecuting Wall Street, pt. 2 - YouTube


Gaddafi's Green Book - In Praise of - YouTube

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: #USA #Government #Power #Hitler #Stalin U.S. Government Now Asserts More Power Than Hitler or Stalin


+50 PG./The Georgia Guide Stones


'Prophet Of God' Claims Mysterious Manuscript's Code Has Been Cracked



*Holy City Bible Code

Free forum : Truth Seekers/(



Many Underground Command Centers Now Destroyed

HAre Homo Sapiens Part Alien?

Low Vitamin D Levels May Contribute To Development Of Type 2 Diabetes | Before It's News

OCCUPY WITH ALOHA: Makana at the APEC Dinner, Hawaii - YouTube

Inspiration and Chai;REGRETS OF THE DYING

Obama to America: ‘Keep Christ’s Words Not Only in Our Thoughts, But Also In Our Deeds’

Bill Clinton Says Obama's 'Doing The Right Things,' 'Going To Be Re-Elected'

315,000 People Giving Up Hope Of Finding A Job Isn't 'Improvement'

Bill's Response to Draft Hillary Write-In Campaign: He ‘Absolutely’ Supports Obama’s Reelection

Gingrich Backpedals; Says: 'Life Begins At Conception;' Supports 14th Amendment Protection from Conception

LGBT Advocates Urge ABC to Be ‘Respectful of All Gender Identities’

Herman Cain: 'I Am Suspending My Presidential Campaign;" Will Endorse Candidate Who Is Not Obama

Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military

Obama: Christ Is ‘Manifestation of God’s Love’

Gingrich: Life Doesn't Begin at Conception Because That Would 'Open Up ... Very Difficult Questions'

Obama Once Again Issues Jerusalem Embassy Waiver on a Friday, to Minimize Publicity

Supreme Court: NYC Ban on After-School Worship Services Stands

Sen. Marco Rubio Has Book Deal for Memoir

Early Monroe Photos Sell for over $300K at Auction

Hillary Clinton Cites Serious Concerns in Russia Voting

Could Iran’s Terror-Sponsoring General Become Its Next President?

Farmers Worry New Labor Rules Will End Teen Jobs

Cuts to First-Class Mail to Slow Delivery in 2012

Trump: Romney 'Doesn't Get the Traction' in Race

Former President Bill Clinton Absolutely Supports President Obama For A Second Term

Occupy DC Protesters Arrested As Structure Torn Down

Rep. Smith: Denial Of HHS Grants Proof Of 'The Obama Administration Bias Against Catholics'

Some Democratic strategists worry about Gingrich’s potential appeal

Congress could add almost $200 billion to the federal ledger this month

Harry Reid set to offer a “compromise" payroll tax cut plan on Monday

Fed up federal workers to feast on free food

White House opens offensive to confirm Richard Cordray as consumer agency head

Chinese climate negotiators raise possibility of global warming pact by 2020

Rep. Frank likens Republican field to characters from 'The Wizard of Oz'

Iran says it downed U.S. stealth drone; Pentagon acknowledges aircraft downing

U.S. Begins Pulling Drones From Pakistan Air Base

Police dismantle Occupy shelter, arrest 31

Death at Texas 'Occupy' Camp Suspected to be Drug-Related

Trash from Occupy L.A. not recycled

McCain: Hispanic vote 'up for grabs'

Many have little to no savings as retirement looms

Cuomo Pushes New Tax Rates for Big Earners

Florida farmers warn of impending crisis if undocumented workers taken away

Connecticut Governor Orders Investigation Into 'Possible Fraud' in Post-Hurricane Food Aid Program

D.C. council member accused of using public funds for personal gain

Newt Gingrich claims Iowa lead in Des Moines Register poll

Sen. Coburn: Gingrich 'brilliant,' but lacking in leadership

To increase black presence in N.J. State Police, recruiters turn to churches

Muslim Brotherhood top winner in Egyptian election

Obama White House steps up outreach to black voters

Trump suggests his endorsement will be key

Investors going for sin stocks: Tobacco, alcohol, gambling

Facing bankruptcy, U.S. Postal Service to announce $3 billion in reductions

Former Miss USA Arrested on Drunk Driving Charge in Michigan

Budget cuts, supercommittee failure hit D.C.-area hotels

Televangelist Eddie Long taking time off after wife files for divorce

Mexico's President Calderon says drug cartels threaten democracy


*Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


The Origin of Palestine - YouTube


America Lurches Toward Full-Blown Tyranny |

Fake Terror! FBI Informants Supplied & Paid 300K to Entrap Americans! 25 Yrs in Prison! - YouTube

70 Years of Lying About Pearl Harbor | War Is A Crime .org

poorrichards blog: Walking Guns and Laundering Drug Money – The “War” on Drugs is Doing Just Fine

The Israelification of American domestic decurity

Gingrich & The Susan Smith Case | | AlterNet

In "Occupy" Era, GOP Frontrunner Thinks Poor People Are Lazy Criminals Who Don't Know Any Better | Political Correction


9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: The Media Created Grand Illusion of Gingrich.

iTunes could not back up iPhone because...: Apple Support Communities

War With Iran By George Galloway (Must Watch) - YouTube

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend? - 12160

Gofer and Trout: Questions on Two Flights Out of Andrews AFB on 9/11 |

Refreshing News: 1.8 ton British Second World War bomb defused in Germany

Lone Star Watchdog: Do Not Let Our US Senators Who Voted for S1867 Return Home With Honor

Drone Drill: 'Iran wants a bigger game' - YouTube

France and Germany agree new rules

Protester shaves year-old beard with new Belgian government

Santo elected to Hall of Fame by veterans panel

Child "sexters" uncommon, study finds

Analysis: "Cold War" with Iran heats up across Mideast

Scientists find monster black holes, biggest yet

World pledges long-term help to Afghanistan

Oil price climbs to $102 a barrel on Europe hopes

Haiti is a future tourist destination, says president

Comcast to start selling Verizon mobile early 2012

Despite Alleged Voter Fraud, Putin’s Party Barely Holds Majority in Russian Elections

Democrat Logic: Israel to Blame for Anti-Semitism and Its Own Isolation

The Army’s Unarmed MEDEVAC Policy: Not Dumb, Just Crazy

Egypt Election Results In, Islamists Win

Obama Seeks Recovery Through China’s Now-Collapsing Economic Model

Editorial Cartoonist Depicts Republicans As Child Rapists

-Monday Crib Sheet: Fox Claims Facebook Snub, Eason Jordan Returns

Another Liberal Talk Radio Failure; San Fran Lib Station Replaced With Conservative Talk

Sound Bite For The Day: Smoke And Fire

New York Times Spins Fast And Furious Document Dump In Favor Of DOJ

Dead Movement Walking: Top Ten New Media Moments That Brought Down #OccupyWallStreet

Sirens Go Off At NBC, But Not Over Fast And Furious Or Solyndra

Sound Bite For The Day: “More Smarter”

Will You Be Able to Protect Your Family if Politicians Destabilize Society?

Obama Administration Violating ACORN Funding Ban According to New Audit

CARTOON:Wanting Still Another 4, Hope and Change Are Out the Door

Indoctrination Outrage: California Teacher Uses Media Matters’ Anti-Fox News Article in ‘World History’ Class

Police Descend on OccupyDC

Cain’s Missteps Doomed His Campaign

RockPort Capital: Crony Capitalism Goes Green

The Government Is Expropriating Private Wealth at a Rapid Rate

Senate Hearing Recalls Religious Liberty Lost for Health Professionals

Sundays with Sherrod: Union Reform is Unchristian

Alec Baldwin, Political Fence Mender?

Andrew Klavan: ‘J. Edgar’ Critics Give Gay Love Subplot a Pass

Madonna Comes Full Circle with Super Bowl Gig

‘Edwin Drood’ – A Mystery That Shouldn’t Be Missed

‘Seven Days in Utopia’ Author David Cook: Hollywood Neophyte Keeps the Faith

‘Chillerama’ Blu-ray Review: Clumsy Ode to Horror’s Golden Age

Character Actor Spotlight: Stephen Dillane

The Conservatism of Film Critic Pauline Kael

Neil Patrick Harris apologizes for 'Live!' slur - MSN TV News

11 Children's Movies With Political Agendas? You Betcha, Say Conservatives Gallery - The Hollywood Reporter

Eva Longoria blasts Newt Gingrich - CLICK -

Alec Baldwin: Romney/Gingrich ticket could win - CLICK -

SNL takes its shot at White House impotence | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Obama hones populist message to push economic agenda | Reuters

David Gregory: Newt Gingrich’s Comments On Poor People Are ‘A Grotesque Distortion’ | Mediaite

Shirky: Many news orgs must choose between ‘radical restructure and outright collapse’ | Poynter.


5-Dec-11 World View

4-Dec-11 World View

3-Dec-11 World View


+(5th)*Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Journalism


TEPCO: Fukushima Meltdown May Have Bored Most of The Way Through Floor

Health Insurers Now Have To Take Their Medicine

Ron Paul: 'It Wasn't Lack of Regulation That Caused the Enron Scandal'

President Announces $4 Billion Program For Energy Retrofits

Gates Foundation Grants ALEC A Hefty Sum For 'Education Reform'

Ron Paul: I'm the 'Flavor of the Decade'

Barney Frank Casts GOP Candidates for 'The Wizard of Oz'

Tom Coburn Calls Newt Gingrich's Leadership 'Lacking'

Reince Priebus Refuses to Say Whether GOP Candidates Should Attend Trump Moderated Debate

Candy Crowley Asks Who are the 315,000 Not Looking for Work

Dr. Donald Berwick On Up With Chris Hayes: 'Right Now, We Ration People, Not Care'

TEPCO: 45 Tons Of Radioactive Water May Have Reached Pacific Ocean

The Economy Killing Patriot Act?

White House Report Highlights Critical Need For CFPB Director

Daily Mail: George Bush Cancels Switzerland Trip Over Potential Torture Arrest

Prairie Weather: Racial injustice. Again. Still.


"Cosmik Debris" by Frank Zappa - Grooveshark

"Stink-Foot" by Frank Zappa - Grooveshark


Man ordered to pay wife for lack of sex |

Scuba diver breaks world record for longest saltwater dive in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea

My Way News - WikiLeaks' chief in vital extradition court fight

Stopping 'superbugs' in their tracks - JPost - Health & Science

Washington woman missing for 18 years calls police, ends cold case - KTXL

Wheeled target robots delivered to U.S. Army¿ they are so clever they even scatter for cover | Mail Online

Wife didn't have to tell husband she had AIDS before marrying him, rules court | Mail Online

Only one in 10 know what Ctrl-F does |

$2 trillion sunstorm coming, NASA warns

Poll: Barack Obama rising with Jews - in Israel - Mackenzie Weinger -

Obama defends American faith amid GOP critique - Yahoo! News

Thousands tell government to leave statue alone

Newt misleading voters on Fairness Doctrine?

Brokenhearted but not broken

Justice Dept. details how it got statements wrong - Yahoo! News

Feds allow arsenic in apple juice?

The failure of the tea party

The Cain self-delusion

Bonfire of the vanities

Choosing collapse

Michele Bachmann's 2nd surge

Lex naturalis

It'll take more than a border fence

Why doesn't Obama know this?

Occupy the ACLU!

Abramoff indicts politics as usual

Snow White and the 7 dwarfs

1% is an example, not a U.S. problem

Gingrich's contradictions on 'climate change' run deep

Gingrich and the Clinton impeachment

*5 Dec.

American Minute for December 5th

This Day in History for 5th December

Today in History: December 5

December 5 Events in History

December 5th in History

December 5th This Day in History

Today in History: December 5

Today in History for December 5th - YouTube




*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Rogoff: EU Needs a Constitution


The New North Dakota: Shale Booming in Colorado

Economic Framework for Green Infrastructure Development

Transforming the Global Energy Sector

Which Banks Are Bankrolling Climate Change?

An unfair fight for renewable energies - The Washington Post

President Obama Announces a Plan to Invest Nearly $4 Billion in Energy Efficiency - Ecocentric -

Green NGO measure would raise costs to consumers | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Inside America's Energy-Export Boom: 10 Key Insights - Forbes

Oil scene: Crude realities hit energy markets - Arab News

A Drug That Wakes the Near Dead -

Where does my beer come from? | Science Codex

Bacteria convert wastewater chemicals into toxic form | UNSW Newsroom

Penn State Live - Rise of atmospheric oxygen more complicated than previously thought

Why Do Some People Never Forget A Face? - Association for Psychological Science

Scientists to bring mammoth back to life from cloned bone marrow

Woolly Mammoth Will Be Cloned Like Dolly the Sheep - Blog

RealClearScience - My Pursuit to Crown a 'King of Milks'

Lab-grown glands, eyes and brain parts | Mo Costandi | Science |

Global Warming Quiz: Science, Economics And Non-Hippie Solutions

RealClearMarkets - The Financially Driven Erosion of Scientific Integrity

The Shard's bleeding edge: anatomy of a 21st century skyscraper

Measuring a Tiny, Yet Mighty, Black Hole : Discovery News

Dark Energy, Accelerated Expansion, and Energy Conservation: Does it all make sense? : Starts With A Bang

Postal Service to test lockers, following Amazon’s lead - GeekWire

BBC News - Who is the real Mark Zuckerberg?

'Yahoo hasn't done anything in the past 10 years to set the internet alight' | Technology | The Guardian

E-mail Reveals Your Closest Friends - ScienceNOW

Khan Academy Blends Its YouTube Approach With Classrooms -

Microsoft Research applying spam-fighting techniques to attack HIV | The Verge

A conversation with Zipcar’s CEO Scott Griffith — Cleantech News and Analysis

Facebook acquires Gowalla to boost Timeline team - Dec. 2, 2011

Nanoparticle electrode for batteries could make large-scale power storage on the energy grid feasible, say Stanford researchers

Calif. Programmers Win $50K in Pentagon’s Un-Shredding Contest - ABC News

parislemon • Microsoft As The Firefox Savior?

Central Banks & Their Arsenal Bullets

RealClearMarkets - Europe's Predicament Is Similar to Ours

A Hayseed Economist Responds To The Times' Bill Keller - Forbes

Jobs Report Shows Structural Unemployment Is the Real Problem - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets - The Unemployment Decline: Good or Bad News?

Michael Lewis: Advice From the 1%: Lever Up, Drop Out - Bloomberg

Book Review: Judge Andrew Napolitano's "It Is Dangerous To Be Right When The Government Is Wrong" - Forbes

Big Oil Companies Are Shifting Their Focus Back to the West -

The Regulatory Thicket by Iain Murray and David Schoenbrod, City Journal Autumn 2011

Tom Stevenson: be defensive, and remember that this too shall pass - Telegraph

Secrets of the Bailout, Now Revealed -

The End of Growth in the United States |


China and 1999 « Interloper

Coping With a Nuclearizing Iran (PDF)

Sunnis and Shiites Head Toward a Showdown in Iraq - The Daily Beast

Building a stable Iraq - The Washington Post

China: soft or crash landing? | The Japan Times Online

Russia's Voters Have Spoken: Anybody But Putin - Forbes

Madam secretary, only ‘talk’ can save Afghanistan -

Beyond the Border: noise and promise - The Globe and Mail

O'Grady: Chávez's 40-Year Plan to Conquer Vice -

Afghanistan: What comes next | The Economist

Pakistan has to be part of plans for Afghanistan - The National

RealClearPolitics - Democrats Dare Not "Abandon" the White Working Class

The Comeback Kid of 2012 -

Why Herman Cain Failed to Salvage His Presidential Campaign - The Daily Beast

Iowa Republican Caucus: The Myth of Organization - Matthew Dowd -

RealClearPolitics - Where Windbags Dare to Outlaw Plastic Bags

This Is a Big Deal -

Is Suburbia Doomed? Not So Fast. - Forbes

Mark Landsbaum: Global warming alarmists try again | global, warming, climate - Opinion - The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - At Pentagon, COIN Losing Currency

Secrets of the Bailout, Now Revealed -

Jesse Jackson Jr.; ethics; Senate seat -

Trump’s Sideshow Debate - The Editors - National Review Online

Eric Holder’s Fast & Furious lies—Michael A. Walsh -

Climategate (Part II) | The Weekly Standard

Michael B. Mukasey: The ObamaCare Recusal Nonsense -

GOP Rejects Know-Nothings, Opts For Candidates Who Understand Public Policy - The Daily Beast

Send In the Clueless -

This is how we choose a president? | Hugh Hewitt | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Opinion: Wall St. plays Occupy White House - Joel Kotkin -

The Rise and Fall of MF Global Chief Jon Corzine - The Daily Beast

Robert Kuttner: Why Corzine Won't Do Time

The insider-outsider divide over Newt Gingrich | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Why Obama Can’t Play Teddy Roosevelt « Commentary Magazine

Forget Hope. Obama Has A New Strategy For 2012

The Lessons of Prohibition - Reason Magazine

Digital History

Flight 19

The Bermuda Triangle, A chronological database of disappearances in the triangle

Dominican Republic History by

Obscuring the Past: Intelligence Agency Destroyed Files on Former SS Members - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Korean War Timeline

The World Football League played its only championship game 35 years ago this week, and Page 2 unearths the details. - ESPN

December 1941: Twelve days that began a world war - Reviews -

What’s So Funny About Tablets, Love, And A Bookless World? | TechCrunch

Publishers Gild Books With ‘Special Effects’ to Compete With E-Books -


Is the bookstore dead? | Los Angeles | Jewish Journal

Till debt us do part -

What’s wrong with angry commenters? - Slate Magazine

WORLD Magazine | On the job | Tim Dalrymple | Dec 03, 11

Eddie Long Takes Break from New Birth Pulpit | Religion Dispatches

Naughty or Nice: Religious rights group rates businesses by how often they mention Christmas - South Florida

Cults in Culture: Unitarian Universalist – A Multiple Choice Religion (Part 6), Christian News

New political plan, 7 7 7 – Thou shalt not commit adultery | Eye of Faith

'Jew-hate stems from conflict' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Secularist Ireland: Catholic World Report

RealClearReligion - How the Birth Control Fight Started

G. Elijah Dann: Kentucky Fried Bible Reading: Is Interracial Marriage Immoral?

Ministry Matters; Articles | The End... or the Beginning?


Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-04, Sunday

Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3


Terrorist Congress Declares War on American People - YouTube

» Alex Jones on Coast to Coast: NDAA the End of Our Republic Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


2:33:32/C2CAM - 2011.12.04 - Ancient Aliens - YouTube


» Is Your Child Getting Enough Fluoride? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


60 MIN./Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water - YouTube


» Iowa Poll: Only Ron Paul Can Beat Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Ron Paul Ad - BIG DOG - YouTube

» New paedophilia and bestiality scandal compromises the CDC Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Protesters March Against Bill That Could Designate Them Terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Donald Trump Dismisses Ron Paul as “Joke Candidate” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul on foreign aid to Israel CNN Las Vegas Debate 10/18/2011 - YouTube

» The Evil that is Democratic Thought Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

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GOP ….

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Harold Ford Jr. Calls Newt Gingrich a 'Serious Thinker'

NY regulators: insurers improving life payouts

Gingrich meeting with Trump, running ad in Iowa

Gingrich camp: No Cain endorsement on Monday

Supreme Court rejects worship at public school appeal

2nd elderly woman objects to TSA search at JFK

Enron’s Collapse and the Death of the Private Sector

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - 'Military's taken over the Country'

British government shows they have no real interest in solar or green jobs | USAHM Conspiracy News

Carrier IQ: Your Phone’s Secret Recording Device | USAHM Conspiracy News

Aliens Behind World Government? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Alternet proves it is behind the curve and that Alex Jones was right | USAHM Conspiracy News

New Images of Mars: Published By NASA | USAHM Conspiracy News

Has a War With Iran Already Begun? - Michael Hirsh - International - The Atlantic

US and Israel 'involved in covert war against Iran' - Telegraph

Israeli-Style Justice

French PM calls for an end to 'Germanophobic' comments that liken Angela Merkel to Hitler | Mail Online

Fascism In America

The Evil that is Democratic Thought

Gary McKinnon's mother pleas, 'do your duty,' as MPs vote on unfair US-UK extradition laws | Mail Online

THIRD Central Park carriage horse collapses in - Flash Player Installation

Carbon dioxide emissions show record jump | Environment |

Literacy fears as four million children don't own a single book | Mail Online

Put down that Diet Coke! Low calorie substitutes might actually fool your body into GAINING weight | Mail Online

Putin Defies Jewry’s Schemes In Syria | Real Zionist News

Articles and Information - ACTION ALERT: Urge your senators to defund EPA

More On Church-Going

New Gingrich and his sleazy ways: A history lesson - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Mystery company buying up U.S. gun manufacturers | Full Page

Study documents desperate conditions facing the unemployed in America

Pelosi: I’ll reveal information on Gingrich 'when the time is right' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Gun Owners Take On Newt Gingrich | Mother Jones

Facing bankruptcy, US Postal Service plans unprecedented cuts to first-class mail next spring - The Washington Post

Malls stop tracking shoppers' cell phones - Nov. 28, 2011

GOP Supercommittee Member Admits Bush Tax Cuts Didn't Create Jobs, Can't Explain Why | ThinkProgress

The Trickle Becomes a Flood? by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers


Radley Balko: SWAT Raids, Stun Guns, And Pepper Spray: Why The Government Is Ramping Up The Use Of Force

Be Frank: law stinks -

Newt-Onian Foreign Policy by Thomas DiLorenzo

Gingrich Can't Wait For World War III - CBS News

Activist Post: Reality Report With Danny Panzella: Indefinite Detention, Wall Street's Private Army, and Big Brother Banksters

Treason in the US Senate - YouTube


2:38:55/C2CAM - 2011.12.03 - Government GPS Spying - YouTube





Europe Bailout News: Is the World Spinning Out of Control? | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

The Fed Bails Out Europe, Nigel Farage Speaks the Truth, China Will Protect Iran, World War 3 & More: Weekly News Wrap-Up | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Holding the EU together by Money Printing and Force | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Economy is So Good People are Living in Cars | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Harvard Professors Search for Alien Life | News | The Harvard Crimson

The most shoplifted items of the season | Fashion - Yahoo! Shine

"Yeti" Crabs Farm Food on Own Claws—A First

Lair of the Beasts: Keep Out! -

China's consumers emit more than US for the first time - environment - 04 December 2011 - New Scientist

Scientists describe new species of crab that "farms" methane vents

BBC News - Europe ends calls to stranded Mars probe

Autonomo Concept Is Half Car, All Driver | Autopia |

More Military Dogs Show Signs of Combat Stress -

The end of the world not happening - for now says expert - Telegraph

Mysterious Manuscript's Code Has Been Cracked, 'Prophet Of God' Claims | Fox News

Cosmic Log - 'Arsenic life' debate still percolates

Toads predict earthquakes: Official • The Register

Search for God Particle is nearly over, as CERN prepares to announce findings - Telegraph

BBC News - Engineers pioneer use of 3D printer to create new bones

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Former CNN Chief Heads Up Newsmax ION Presidential Debate

Congressional Backers Sticking with Romney For Now

Trump: I’m Not Running for President, I’m Backing GOP Candidate

Gingrich Meeting with Trump, Running Ad in Iowa

Jewish Republicans: Ron Paul 'Extreme'

McCain: Billions in US Aid to Pakistan in Jeopardy

Gingrich, Romney Demand Envoy's Firing

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Bachmann, From Waterloo to WH Contender

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Home Fitness Equipment Gets 'Smarter'

Once the Quiet Gnome, Newt is Now Prince of Tides

Cain Campaign Taught America Many Lessons

Government's Comprehensive Campaign Against Job Creation

Russian Vote Criticized

Inside Story - Wind of change in Russia? - YouTube

Afghanistan anti-corruption pledge at Bonn summit

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange allowed to continue extradition fight

Ivory Coast's Gbagbo Before International Court

Obama to Zardari: Nato raid not deliberate attack

How to pamper a panda

Tehran's foreign schools shut after embassy attack

Seoul to Send $5.7 Million in Aid to North Korea

Rep. Joe Walsh to decide today which district he'll seek re-election in

Dawn Patrol: Drunken driver hits deputy; advice for Blagojevich

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is a locavore when it comes to the artwork hanging in his City Hall office -

Where will Cain's supporters go now?

GOP rivals hope to court Cain supporters - YouTube

Supreme Court to weigh: Can man sue Secret Service agents in Dick Cheney case?

Austin, Texas high school lockdown ends

Democrats drop plan to give tax cut to employers

Supreme Court rejects worship at public school appeal

Man pleads to firearm charge in militia case

Missing Detroit Toddler: Police Search Father's Home

Fire destroys Buddhist temple, injures monk

Report: White House Begins Push To Confirm Cordray

Woman accused of trying to cut off husband's penis

Is any college president worth $4.9 million?

Boy, 9, Suspended from School for Sexual Harassment After Calling Teacher 'Cute'

Powerball jackpot winners donate $1 million

Merkel, Sarkozy Favor Treaty Change

Post Office Aims to Save Billions With Reductions in Workforce, Delivery Time

Regulator Approves 'MF Global Rule'

Holiday Spending: Just How Important Is Free Shipping to Online Shoppers?

US Factory Orders Decline, Service Sector Slows

Summary Box: Human rights watchdog Global Witness quits blood diamonds regulator

Apple: Kindle Fire Could Help iPad Sales

Xbox upgrades aim to be 'future of TV'

Gowalla folding into Facebook starting today

Dell: We're not backing away from Android

Don't write off Mozilla-Google revenue deal as dead

Gas Prices Fall As Price of Oil Rises

Magid: Facebook should thank FTC for privacy settlement

Power Grid Needs Protection From Cyber Attack, But How?

The iPad's other life: Medical device extraordinaire

Intel Has Android ICS Running on Smartphones, Tablets

Facebook going public could create thousands of jobs

Miss USA + DUI + Missing Tweet = Big Headache for Ex-Beauty Queen Rima Fakih

ShowBiz Minute: Sheen, Madonna, Box Office - YouTube

Madonna Super Bowl playlist: What should she sing during the halftime show?

Streep, Diamond among Kennedy Center honorees

Brooke Mueller's partying caught on video; Did Sheen pay bail?

Mindy McCready Due in Court After Authorities Find Her Hiding in Closet With Son

Astronomers Find Biggest Black Holes Yet

Kepler 22-b: Earth-like planet confirmed

China throws climate talks into confusion

Names Proposed for 2 New Elements on Periodic Table

End of space shuttle program gives way to space exploration

'Jurassic Park'-like attraction to open in New Jersey next year

18 Huge New Alien Planets

Renewable Energy Project Moves Into Real-World Phase

NASA probe now closer than ANY OTHER spacecraft to Pluto

Wasp queens that share their nests can recognize faces, researchers discover

Japan, Russia see chance to clone mammoth

With New Data We Can Stop the Teen Sexting Panic

Stem Cells Show Promise For Repairing Damaged Hearts

ADHD study uncovers genes tied to disorder: What's next?

Should everyone be required to purchase health insurance?

Male Circumcision a Forgotten Key in AIDS Prevention

Study Finds How Child Abuse Changes the Brain

Chocolate helps you grow? EU sifts the evidence

Calif. teen takes $100K national science prize

Pneumonia-stricken Billy Graham improving, hospital says

Va. inmate appeals dismissal of sex change lawsuit

5 Ways to Keep Your Baby Healthy

Up to One-Third of Health Spending Is 'Waste,' Former CMS Head Tells NYT

219-pound boy shows growing problem of extreme obesity

**News Videos

**News Videos:4th/Newt Flashback 2003: I’m An Eisenhower Republican, Government Has To Lead On Healthcare

Bachmann Accuses Newt Of ‘Influence-Peddling’ In Washington

RNC Chairman Priebus: Obama ‘Has Been A Disaster For This Country’

Report: Cain To Endorse Newt

Anderson Cooper To Ed Schultz: Bring It, Bitch

U.S. Personnel Evacuating Pakistan Base

Federal Post Office Cuts To Slow Delivery Of First-Class Mail

US Judge Tips Samsung-Apple Patent War In Samsungs’ Favor

New York Faces Crime At Stalled Construction Sites

85-Year-Old Claims She Was Strip Searched At JFK, TSA: It Never Happened

Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett: Herman Cain Announcement Was ‘Bizarre,’ ‘Cruel’ To Supporters

Man Found Dead At #OccupyDenton

Down To Two?

New Documents Raise More Questions For Eric Holder’s Justice Department

Trump To Moderate GOP Debate

Sandusky: ‘I’m Attracted To Young People’


Ron Paul Ad Hits Iowa, NH: "Big Dog"
Gingrich Iowa Ad: "Rebuilding the America We Love"

4 DEC.

RNC Chairman Priebus: Obama "Has Been A Disaster For This Country"
Huckabee Hosts Presidential Forum
Will: "Entrepreneurial Charlatans" Like Cain Are "Disrespectful" To The Process
Axelrod: Jobs Plan Includes Making "Smart Investments" In "Jobs Of The Future"
GOP Sen. Coburn On Gingrich: "I Find His Leadership Lacking"
Bachmann Says Cain Supporters Will "Come Home" And Vote For Her
Gibbs: Romney "Will Say Virtually Anything To Get Elected"
Barney Frank: GOP Field Like "Wizard Of Oz," Calls Perry The Scarecrow
Ron Paul: "I'd Like To Think Of Myself As The Flavor Of The Decade"
"Reliable Sources" Panel On Herman Cain And The Press
"This Week" Roundtable: One Month To Iowa
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On 2012: Is The GOP Field Too Weak?
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Gingrich, Flip-Flopping

3 DEC.

Perry: "My Purpose Was Never To Be President Of The United States"
Herman Cain: "I Am Suspending My Campaign"
Obama Tells Congress To "Step On The Gas" In Weekly Address
Mark Levin On Unemployment Numbers And The Shrinking Workforce
Beckel And Bolling Duke It Out Over Unemployment
Sen. Snowe Gives GOP Weekly On Balanced Budget Amendment
Rep. Ryan On The Correlation Of Private Investment And Low Unemployment
"Special Report" Panel On Congressional Insider Trading
Bill O'Reilly On The Problem With Saying "Merry Christmas"

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