A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

04 December 2011

4 NOV.

**Political Video:

RNC Chairman Priebus: Obama "Has Been A Disaster For This Country"
Ron Paul: "I'd Like To Think Of Myself As The Flavor Of The Decade"
Gibbs: Romney "Will Say Virtually Anything To Get Elected"
"Reliable Sources" Panel On Herman Cain And The Press
GOP Sen. Coburn On Gingrich: "I Find His Leadership Lacking"
"This Week" Roundtable: One Month To Iowa
Barney Frank: GOP Field Like "Wizard Of Oz," Calls Perry The Scarecrow
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On 2012: Is The GOP Field Too Weak?
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Gingrich, Flip-Flopping


3 DEC.

Obama Tells Congress To "Step On The Gas" In Weekly Address
Perry: "My Purpose Was Never To Be President Of The United States"
Mark Levin On Unemployment Numbers And The Shrinking Workforce
Herman Cain: "I Am Suspending My Campaign"
Beckel And Bolling Duke It Out Over Unemployment
Sen. Snowe Gives GOP Weekly On Balanced Budget Amendment
Rep. Ryan On The Correlation Of Private Investment And Low Unemployment
"Special Report" Panel On Congressional Insider Trading
Bill O'Reilly On The Problem With Saying "Merry Christmas"



Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association (

Bluegrass: (

Bluegrass Unlimited(

Nechville Musical Products(

Old-Time Music(


Hot Tuna / Dar Williams

Steve Earle / Allison Moorer/ Anais Mitchell – Part 1

Steve Earle / Allison Moorer / Anais Mitchell – Part 2

Dan Hicks & The Hot Licks / Vienna Teng

Railroad Earth / The Travelin’ McCourys at the Britt Festival

Loretta Lynn / Chuck Mead

Jackie Greene / Meklit Hadero

The Tedeschi Trucks Band / Joseph Arthur

eTown ‘On-The-Road’ Live Radio Show Taping with The Jayhawks and Justin Townes Earle

Abigail Washburn / Jimmie Dale Gilmore with The Wronglers

Ray LaMontagne & The Pariah Dogs / JJ Grey & Mofro

eTown Live Radio Show Taping With Big Head Todd and The Monsters and Nicole Atkins

Tori Amos / Loudon Wainwright III

Indigo Girls / Tim O’Brien – Holiday Show

Los Lobos / SHEL

Shawn Mullins / Cloud Cult


The Vault / etown(


GOLDMAN: This Is What The World Will Be Like In 2012 And 2013

The Deception of Media (Video)

Could scientists reverse global warming? The U.N. discusses plans to reflect the sun to cool the earth | Mail Online

Exclusive: MF Global mixed funds, transferred abroad - Yahoo! News


Gunny & Glock - Wrong Diner - Extended Version - YouTube


Man arrested at Large Hadron Collider claims he's from the future | CNET UK


John Titor - Time Traveler(

The Story of John Titor(


Obsessed & Scientific / 25:07


Who Owns Whom?

Woolly mammoth to be brought back to life from cloned bone marrow 'within five years' | Mail Online

CELAC - A Washington-Controlled OAS Alternative

Justice Department reveals false statements over flawed Operation Fast And Furious | Mail Online - A Guide to Casual Sex - Psychedelics - Masonic Attack on Christianity? - The Illuminati Mentality

New Horizons Becomes Closest Spacecraft to Approach Pluto - NASA Science

Rense & Texe Marrs - Kosher Candidates Put Israel First - YouTube

Herman Cain Ends Campaign:Decision Was Made Tuesday As Reported Here « Larry Sinclair

Cain suspends presidential bid -

The Western Plan to Dismantle Syria

Keiser Report: Hang Paulson! (E218) - YouTube


Freedoms Greatest Hour of Danger is NOW!!! - YouTube

America Lurches Toward Full-Blown Tyranny

Chicago's citizen surveillance the most extensive & integrated in US | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Jefferson Madison Gallatin their arguments verbatum against the Sedition Act of 1798 - YouTube

Exclusive - MF Global mixed funds, transferred abroad | Reuters

Unintentionally hilarious EU video celebrates the 'success' of the euro – Telegraph Blogs

Event Horizon Chronicle: Food Crisis 101: Planting Tomorrow's Meals Today

A President Who Greets His People Without Barriers

Joe Pressil: Dude, Where's My Semen? - Houston News - Hair Balls

Will The Jews Let Ron Paul Win? | Real Zionist News

Why Russia is backing Syria | David Hearst | Comment is free |

U.S. News - 84-year-old woman: I was strip searched at JFK

Florida teen detained by TSA for design on her purse | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

Israel: Agents, Assets and Sayanim | jeff-goodall

Sayanim | Criminal State

What Ia A Sayanim.? Bet Most Of You Know One!! Video

White House Threatens Veto Of Indefinite Detention Bill

poorrichards blog: The Military Occupation of America By The Bankster-Owned Traitors

Overlooking The Obvious

War With Iran By George Galloway (Must Watch) - YouTube

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

How Ron Paul Wins Iowa

poorrichards blog: Zionist lobbies demonizing Ron Paul


Rockefeller On World Domination - YouTube

Senator Jay Rockefeller- Internet should have never existed! - YouTube


Lawmakers propose SOPA alternative: Fight online pirates ‘like WikiLeaks’ | The Raw Story

PROTECT IP Act Breaks the Internet


House stages cheerleading session for Internet censorship bill | The Raw Story


Bill Text 112th Congress (2011-2012) H.R.3261.IH


stop online piracy act posts on CNET


BillText-PROTECTIPAct.pdf « LegionNET




Airplane Clips: Lloyd Bridges - YouTube


Grounded! Almost half of RAF's Typhoon jets unable to fly because they don't have the spare parts to fix them | Mail Online

Activist Post: 20 Examples of the Obama Administration Assault on Domestic Civil Liberties

M of A - CIA Fake Vaccination Really Kills Children

M of A - CIA Fake Vaccination Will Kill Children

Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

The entire United States is now a war zone: S.1867 passes the Senate with massive support | End the Lie - Independent News

May'11/Newt Gingrich Wants You To Know He Is A Very Important Person | Political Correction

Afghan human rights situation ‘still critical’ 10 years on | The Raw Story


**Cartoon from 1934 ; CHICAGO TRIBUNE


*CARTOONS:Political Graffiti (


6 Shocking Revelations About Wall Street's "Secret Government" -

How The U.S. Will Become A 3rd World Country (Part 1) | ZeroHedge

The Deception of Media and Surprise Prediction at End - YouTube

'Fast And Furious' Whistleblowers Struggle Six Months After Testifying Against ATF Program | Fox News

Postal Service Looks To End Overnight Mail Delivery | Fox News

Iran says oil would go over $250 if exports banned | Reuters

Update: Occupy Wall Street Launches Hunger Strike Against Trinity Church; Demands Use of Vacant Lot | The New York Observer

American Enterprise Institute Admits The Problem With Iran Is Not That It Would Use Nukes | Political Correction

Refreshing News: Republican presidential candidates grilled one month before Iowa caucus

Refreshing News: Russia: Putin in poll test, violations cited

The Military Occupation of America By The Bankster-Owned Traitors

Activist Post: 9 Huge Blows to the Catastrophic War on Drugs -- Will We Have Sane Drug Policy Some Day?


+Ron Paul - Huckabee Presidential Forum - YouTube


The Escapist : Forums : Religion and Politics : GOP Mike Huckabee Presidential Forum Play By Play


Full Video: Huckabee Presidential Forum | The Right Scoop

Video: Watch the entire Huckabee GOP Presidential Forum « 2012 Election Central

Huckabee Presidential Forum | MRCTV


Candidates Respond to State Attorneys General at Huckabee Forum - Fox News


A Republican Presidential Forum On Manufacturing - YouTube


poorrichards blog: Radiation From Cell Phones and WiFi Are Making People Sick -- Are We All at Risk?

Ohio Paul Supporters Urgently Needed for Delegate Petition Signatures - 12160

The Origin of Palestine - YouTube, Cognitive Infiltration, and Obama appointee Cass Sunstein |

Amnesty International Urges Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia to Bring George W. Bush to Justice - 12160

New Border Deal to Allow US Police Officers to Operate in Canada - 12160

The Failure to Investigate 9/11 Has Bankrupted America

Refreshing News: Girl aged 10 brings her mother back to life thanks to 'Grey's Anatomy' techniques

Ron Paul camp: Donald Trump debate 'beneath the office of the Presidency' - Alexander Burns -

Prison » Herman Cain ‘suspending’ US nomination race

Prison » Ron Paul Slams Trump, Joins Huntsman In Sitting Out ‘Circus-Like’ Debate

Prison » Ron Paul Polls a Strong Second in Des Moines Register Survey


Chinese Gov. Official: 'US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China' Paul Watson Reports - YouTube

Max Keiser: "The United Europe of Goldman Sachs" 1/2 - YouTube

Max Keiser: "The United Europe of Goldman Sachs" 2/2 - YouTube

Dr. Jerome Corsi: World War 3 is About to Begin! 1/2 - YouTube

Dr. Jerome Corsi: World War 3 is About to Begin! 2/2 - YouTube

The New Amerika: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition 1/4 - YouTube

The New Amerika: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition 2/4 - YouTube

The New Amerika: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition 3/4 - YouTube

The New Amerika: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition 4/4 - YouTube

DOJ Labels OKC Bombing Investigators as Terrorists! Andrew Griffin Reports 1/2 - YouTube

DOJ Labels OKC Bombing Investigators as Terrorists! Andrew Griffin Reports 2/2 - YouTube

Gen. Hamid Gul: The Sum of All Fears 1/2 - YouTube

Gen. Hamid Gul: The Sum of All Fears 2/2 - YouTube

Mancow: Obama Has Turned America into a "Criminal Enterprise" 1/2 - YouTube

Mancow: Obama Has Turned America into a "Criminal Enterprise" 2/2 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is "Clinically Insane!" 1/4 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is "Clinically Insane!" 2/4 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is "Clinically Insane!" 3/4 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: Obama is "Clinically Insane!" 4/4 - YouTube

Stewart Rhodes: Senate Has Declared War on American People 1/3 - YouTube

Stewart Rhodes: Senate Has Declared War on American People 2/3 - YouTube

Stewart Rhodes: Senate Has Declared War on American People 3/3 - YouTube

GCN's Ted Anderson: Massive Financial Looting by The Mafia Banking Cartel 1/2 - YouTube

GCN's Ted Anderson: Massive Financial Looting by The Mafia Banking Cartel 2/2 - YouTube

Corporate Criminals Run Our Lives: Alex Jones Thursday Edition - YouTube

Former Gov. Gary Johnson: Phony Capitalism, The System is Up for Sale 1/2 - YouTube

Former Gov. Gary Johnson: Phony Capitalism, The System is Up for Sale 2/2 - YouTube

Secret U.S. Canada Border Deal Hides GMO Takeover: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

The Republic is Over!! Alex Jones Friday Edition - YouTube

Americans Stripped of All Rights Under Section 1031 of The NDAA 1/3 - YouTube

Americans Stripped of All Rights Under Section 1031 of The NDAA 2/3 - YouTube

Americans Stripped of All Rights Under Section 1031 of The NDAA 3/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Military Calls on 'Indefinite Detention' Bill Passing Senate! 1/2 - YouTube

Alex Takes Military Calls on 'Indefinite Detention' Bill Passing Senate! 2/2 - YouTube

Journalist Nomi Prins: No Matter What, The Banksters Always Win 1/2 - YouTube

Journalist Nomi Prins: No Matter What, The Banksters Always Win 2/2 - YouTube

Bob Chapman: Debt Will Grow As Little Gets Accomplished 1/4 - YouTube

Bob Chapman: Debt Will Grow As Little Gets Accomplished 2/4 - YouTube

Bob Chapman: Debt Will Grow As Little Gets Accomplished 3/4 - YouTube

Bob Chapman: Debt Will Grow As Little Gets Accomplished 4/4 - YouTube

Terrorist Congress Declares War on American People - YouTube

Pepe Escobar: The Shadow War in Syria - Infowars Nightly News 1/2 - YouTube

Pepe Escobar: The Shadow War in Syria - Infowars Nightly News 2/2 - YouTube


* :Player


Obama's Draconian EPA Tax, Paulson's Inside Jobs & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Paulson's Trillions, TSA Whistleblower, 103 Yr Old Almost Evicted & More: Nightly News - YouTube

The Senate Assaults American Rights with NDAA Bill: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Powell Longs for Lapdog Media: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Pepper Spray Cop, Drones, HPV Vaccines & More: Infowars Nightlyl News - YouTube

Senators Clash Over Terrorist Detainee AMDT: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube


Double colored mutated chrysanth | Fukushima Diary


Refreshing News: Christmas trees around the world (11Pics)




Prison » David Icke – The One Party State

+2 VIDEOS:Prison » The Coming War With Pakistan

Prison » ‘West tries to redraw map & split Syria from Iran’

Prison » PBS News Hour Special On TSA Body Scanners

U.S. Drug Agents Launder Profits of Mexican Cartels -

No indication drone in Iran was shot down - U.S. official - Yahoo!

Prison » U.S.-Canadian Border Deal to Streamline GMO Approval: Confirmed

Prison » The Constitution Is Dead: The Gradual Transition towards an Orwellian Police State

Prison » Here comes Ron Paul in Iowa

Prison » Mitt Romney Is A Total Disaster And There’s A Simple Explanation Why

Prison » The US Is Sending 4 Of These State Of The Art Destroyers To Join The Contested European Missile Shield

Prison » The Real War in Iran, China’s Threat, CDC Molestation Scandal & More: Infowars Nightly News

Prison » We Are All Terrorists Now: Infowars Nightly News

Eurozone debt crisis: it's fiscal union or bust, says Pimco - Telegraph

Prison » STEVE KEEN: The Best We Can Hope For Is Japanese Style Stagnation

Steve Keen on BBC HARDtalk [good sync] - YouTube

Arrests of illegal migrants on U.S.-Mexico border plummet - The Washington Post

Initiative would let illegal immigrants work in Calif. legally - Comments

Prison » Fast food nutrition facts – mystery ingredients are industrial chemicals

Sirhan Sirhan, assassin of Robert F.Kennedy, launches new campaign for freedom 42 years later - Telegraph

Justice Withdraws Inaccurate 'Fast And Furious' Letter It Sent To Congress : The Two-Way : NPR

» Are Americans in Line for Gitmo? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Unvaccinated hospital employees required to wear face masks during flu season Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Slams Trump, Joins Huntsman In Sitting Out ‘Circus-Like’ Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jerry Sandusky reveals shocking new details in Penn State sex abuse scandal | Mail Online

Putin party support wanes in Russia vote - Yahoo! News

Revealed: true cost of the Christmas toys we buy from China's factories | World news | The Observer

American horror theatre: 'A hand slams into my neck and wrenches me through the darkness' | Travel | The Observer

Children of welfare incur debts of parents |

Iran: US Drone Shot Down in East, State TV Reports | World News | Sky News

» Money and the Blame Game: Seeing Beyond ‘Occupy Movements’ and ‘End The Fed’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

How Microchipped Jerseys Are Changing Hockey Fans' Experience

WikiLeaks details surveillance industry

BioWar : Elite develop Genetically engineered weapons to eliminate ethnic and racial groups pt1.avi - YouTube

GEN | Insight & Intelligence™: From Russia with Drugs and Vaccines, as Federation and Big Pharma Drive Partnerships

Could scientists reverse global warming? The U.N. discusses plans to reflect the sun to cool the earth | Mail Online

» Exposed: Food manufacturers, not the FDA, have self-approved thousands of food chemicals in widespread use today Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Constitution Is Dead: The Gradual Transition towards an Orwellian Police State Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is the war on terror a complete hoax? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Speaking in Paris, Napolitano's Focus is "Lone Wolf" Terrorism - Chicago Homeland Security |

McCain: By Any Measurement, Things Have Gotten Worse in the U.S. Under President Obama - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

» Senator Olympia Snowe Called for New World Order back in 1996 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Proof!1996 Olympia Snowe Mentioned about needing a New World Order (at 34sec) - YouTube

Legal for U.S. Govt to Execute Citizen's Abroad? - YouTube

Beagle Freedom Project - Second Rescue - June 8, 2011 - YouTube

They tried to make the world forget his name - Nikola Tesla the greatest Inventor of all time - YouTube

Uncle Sam Wants You! – To Join The U.S. ‘Gestapo’ | The New World Reporter

Halfpasthuman - a delicate balance

Activist Post: Case Study in Corporatocracy: Monsanto, Big Pharma, and the FDA Used Key Players to Approve rBGH

Crossing Police Lines: US cops defect to OWS - YouTube

The Deception of Media and Surprise Prediction at End - YouTube

BioWar : Elite develop Genetically engineered weapons to eliminate ethnic and racial groups pt1.avi - YouTube

BioWar : Elite develop Genetically engineered weapons to eliminate ethnic and racial groups pt2.avi - YouTube

Activist Post: 5 popular but harmful drugs that can be replaced with marijuana

Activist Post: Foreclosure fraud whistleblower found dead

Activist Post: Genetically Modified Chocolate to Consume 70% of Global Cocoa Supply

Activist Post: Is Having It All Enough? An Accolade to Preppers with a Purpose


PART 1: The Journey to Jekyll Island

PART 2: The Name of the Game is Bailout

PART 3: Protectors of the Public

PART 4: Home, Sweet Loan

PART 5: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

PART 6: Building the New World Order

PART 7: The Barbaric Metal

PART 8: Fool's Gold

PART 9: The Secret Science

PART 10: The Mandrake Mechanism

PART 11: The Rothschild Formula

PART 12: Sink the Lusitania!

PART 13: Masquerade in Moscow

PART 14: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

PART 15: The Lost Treasure Map

PART 16: The Creature Comes to America

PART 17: A Den of Vipers

PART 18: Loaves and Fishes and Civil War

PART 19: Greenbacks and Other Crimes

PART 20: The London Connection

PART 21: Competition is a Sin

PART 22: The Creature Swallows Congress

PART 23: The Great Duck Dinner

PART 24: Doomsday Mechanisms


China Not Obliged To Besiege Iran

Africa Lies Naked to Euro-American Military Offensive

Satire: A Farewell from Herman Cain - My Final Thoughts

Done deal: Russia supplies cruise missiles to Syria

Rejecting Apology, US May Lose Pakistan as Client

Deadly Attack on Pakistani Base Due to US 'Errors'

Obama's War: US Casualties in Afghanistan Soar

Congress Endorsing Military Detention, a New AUMF

Obama's War Record Should Appall Progressives

Biden Ticks Off Arabs for Gag on Free Speech

Saudi Report: Women Driving Spurs Premarital Sex

Radical Sect Stages More Attacks in Northern Nigeria

Egypt's Islamists Take Commanding Lead in Elections

Gingrich: Life Doesn't Begin at Conception Because That Would 'Open Up ... Very Difficult Questions'

Herman Cain: 'I Am Suspending My Presidential Campaign;" Will Endorse Candidate Who Is Not Obama

Bill's Response to Draft Hillary Write-In Campaign: He ‘Absolutely’ Supports Obama’s Reelection

Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military

Obama: Christ Is ‘Manifestation of God’s Love’

Sessions: Foreign Lawsuits against States’ Immigration Policies ‘Baffling’

Farmers Worry New Labor Rules Will End Teen Jobs

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Symbolic Pics of the Month (12/11)

“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

Toxic Levels of Arsenic Found in Popular Juice Brands

Therapist ‘Brainwashed’ Woman Into Believing She Was In Satanic Cult

Robert Kennedy’s Assassin Claims He Was Under Mind Control

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine

Global Warfare: Where will Obama Strike Next? "Preplanned Wars" will lead to "Preplanned "Results"

World War III: The Launching of a Preemptive Nuclear War against Iran

VIDEO: Al Qaeda and the Global War on Terrorism

The Constitution Is Dead: The Gradual Transition towards an Orwellian Police State

Western Hemisphere: 33 Latin American countries to form a New Bloc. U.S. and Canada not invited

Gingrich Surges in Iowa as Candidates Compete for Cain Supporters

Bachmann: Former Cain Backers Moving Her Way

Newt Accepts Newsmax ION Debate With Trump

Gingrich: Let Neighborhood Boards Deal with Illegals

GOP Field Praises Cain's Efforts

McCain: Billions in US Aid to Pakistan in Jeopardy

McCain: Hispanic Vote 'Up for Grabs'

RNC's Priebus: Cain Exit May Have Big Impact

Gingrich: 8 Years of Obama Will Be 'Disaster'

Obama Defends American Faith amid GOP Critique

Romney, Gingrich Focus of GOP Race with Cain Exit

Romney Promises to 'Earn It' in New Hampshire

Cain Train: From Silver Bullet to Train Wreck

Issa: ATF Should Merge Under FBI

Calif. Lawmakers Propose Sanctuary for 1 Million Illegals

Putin party suffers big decline in Russia: exit polls - Yahoo! News

Russian election monitors complain of state harassment | World news | The Guardian

Russian voters deal Putin an election blow | Reuters

Russia's ruling party wary as nation votes

Clinton criticism sparks Israeli anger

Mindy McCready's 5-year-old son found 'hiding in a closet' with mom | The Music Mix |

Sandusky: Paterno never spoke to me about suspected misconduct: report -

Mother says son was suspended for calling teacher ‘cute’ - News Story - WSOC Charlotte

Ron Paul pans Donald Trump as false GOP deity - POLITICO Live -

Ron Paul: ‘I’d like to think of myself as the flavor of the decade’ - Election 2012 - The Washington Post




COMMON CENTS: Saturday Night Live spoofs President Obama:


*2:19:00/Star Wars Begins - The Complete Documentary (2011) - YouTube

Obama's America. Malazy. - YouTube

Justice Dept. details how it got statements wrong

Justice Department Reveals Origins of False Gun Letter To Grassley : Roll Call News

Issa says Holder ouster is up to White House - Washington Times

Man Found Dead At Texas 'Occupy' Camp | Fox News

The Anti Empire Report: Some Thoughts That OCCUPY My Mind


Paul Jamiol @ TheZoo(


Bikers are Animals by Paul Jamiol(

bikers are animals paul jamiol - YouTube


Bikers Inner Circle(


Leonard Cohen: “Show me the Place”

US Media: Distorters of Reality & Gravediggers of Truth

Remy: Missing You - The Incandescent Light Bulb Song - YouTube

Marc Faber: Gloom, Doom & China - YouTube

'Prophet Of God' Claims Mysterious Manuscript's Code Has Been Cracked


pt 1/4 Meltdown - - YouTube

pt 2/4 Meltdown - - YouTube

pt 3/4 Meltdown - - YouTube

pt 4/4 Meltdown - - YouTube


HAre Homo Sapiens Part Alien?

The Death of Freedom On The Internet

Survival Refrigeration Without Electricity - Food Storage - YouTube

How To Choose the Perfect Survival Knife

10 Super Coupon Tips For Grocery Shopping

Debris From Japanese Tsunami to Reach U.S. Shores Any Day Now - Ross and Burbank Show - YouTube

Was America founded with seeds of the occult?

Global Rebellion: The Coming Chaos?

We Are 5 Minutes From Exponential Armageddon

The White Album | TechCrunch

Massive Oklahoma Sinkhole Appears Overnight

Massive Oklahoma Sinkhole appears overnight - YouTube

Is Donald Trump an Agent for President Obama? - CafeMom

Ron Paul On CNN's State Of The Union 12/04/11 - YouTube

X-Treme Food Stamp Challenge--a dark secret


Could The U.S. Government Start Reading Your Emails? | Fox News

GT | Newsroom - Georgia Tech Helps to Develop System That Will Detect Insider Threats from Massive Data Sets

DARPA Scanner To Search E-mail For "Insider Threats" | ThirdAge


Raytheon Company: Raytheon SureView


Wikileaks doc show govt use trojans software bugs on mass scale


The Bomb Buried In Obamacare Explodes Today-Hallelujah! - Forbes


*Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


Gates Foundation Grants ALEC A Hefty Sum For 'Education Reform'

President Announces $4 Billion Program For Energy Retrofits

Ron Paul: 'It Wasn't Lack of Regulation That Caused the Enron Scandal'

Health Insurers Now Have To Take Their Medicine

TEPCO: Fukushima Meltdown May Have Bored Most of The Way Through Floor

The War of the Words

Podcast: Ancient Rome and Your Conservative Relatives, also Zappa

#OccupyYourHomes: Homeowners Facing Foreclosure Speak Out

Massachusetts AG Files Suit Against Big Banks

British Drillers: Trust Us, Fracking Only Causes Minor Earthquakes!

Report: Israel Occupation Forces, Bahraini Guards Used To Train American Cops Against Domestic Disturbances

UN Envoy Wants To Know: Why Aren't Feds Protecting Human Rights Of Occupy Demonstrators?

GOP Debate Pulls the Trump Card - Fox News Video - Fox News

abc - how to be a millionaire - YouTube


WND RADIO WND Exclusive How to pay for payroll tax cuts;Rep. Kelly rejects 'temporary' solutions, says millionaire surtax non-starter

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Jobs report: 'Headed in right direction';Diana Furchtgott-Roth sees holiday bump, biz owners need incentives to hire

WND RADIO WND Exclusive The real death panels;Rep. Phil Roe: Obamacare's cost-saving measures will deny care for patients


Government eyes turning bugs into spies

Mayor: Freedom of speech is over

Newt misleading voters on Fairness Doctrine?

Candidates Respond to State Attorneys General at Huckabee Forum - Fox News

Ron Paul Turns Down Donald Trump's Debate Invitation - Forbes

DREAM Act not in suicide notes - San Antonio Express-News

'Israel biggest loser from Brotherhood Egy... JPost - Middle East

U.S. Spent $200M on Egypt Election

Egypt Brotherhood says won't impose Islamic values - Israel News, Ynetnews

'Post-Assad Syria would drop special Iran ... JPost - Middle East

'Jew-hate stems from conflict' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Desperate Top Obama Official Leans on Israel - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Arab Group: Kotel Belongs to Islam - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Japan Quake Lifted Seabed 16 Stories—Largest Recorded

Norway won't let child have 'foreign' name - The Local

Do Nice Guys Finish Last? | Wired Science |

Piracy Pays for Itself, Swiss Government Says - Reviews by PC Magazine

Elvis' Swedish 'daughter' sues Presley estate - The Local

What's the worst song in the history of rock? And will The Muppets change your answer? | Houston Music |

The Gospel Trail: Walki... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Site of Jacob's Dream Discovered - Features - News - Israel National News

1,000 Places To See Before You Die: Your Most Desired Vacation Destination

Top 5 disappearing places | Wanderlust - Yahoo! News

Daytime TV Clips & Recaps: GMA, Today Show & More | Yahoo! TV

Pope Benedict XVI's astronomer: the Catholic Church welcomes aliens - Telegraph

The failure of the tea party

Gingrich and the Clinton impeachment

Newt misleading voters on Fairness Doctrine?

Mayor: Freedom of speech is over

Any defiance could hurt Blagojevich at sentencing

Cook County seldom brings campus felony sex crimes

Herman Cain Launching Website, Will Endorse Candidate Soon

Police Arrest 'Occupy Portland' Protesters After They Refuse to Leave Park

Aging Pearl Harbor attack survivors passing on the baton

Critics: 'Tough' sheriff botched sex-crime cases

Questions swirl around $6 billion nuclear lab

Senate Democrats Plan New Payroll-Tax Measure

Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman dump on Donald Trump's invite to GOP debate

Ron Paul Proclaims He's 'Flavor of the Decade'

McCain: Hispanic Vote Up For Grabs in 2012

Elderly woman says she was strip searched by TSA

Long line forms overnight to get tickets for Obama's Osawatomie visit

House passes bill to end public election funding

Barney Frank: Newt Gingrich 'Would Be A Weak Candidate, He Would Lose Heavily'

Huntsman Campaign Gets Aid From Group Tied to Father

Geezer Bandit robs his 16th bank- but this time leaves without all his money and covered in dye | Mail Online

Pastor at Ky. church says he plans to nullify congregation’s vote banning interracial couples - The Washington Post

Holder lashes out at The Daily Caller while refusing to address growing calls for his resignation

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Endorses Rick Perry

Are Americans in Line for Gitmo?

Soldier Field gets partial facelift

Unclear whether Iran shot down drone, a US official says

'Putin's party still the boss with under 50%' - press sec - YouTube

Madam secretary, only 'talk' can save Afghanistan

Latin and Caribbean leaders forge new bloc

Congo opposition rejects early poll results

Refiners Prepare for Iran Oil Embargo

Panetta tells Israel, Palestinians to 'get to the damn table'

Yemen: 28 killed in 3 days of fighting in Taiz

No Fly Zone: Iran shoots down US drone - YouTube

Dozens arrested at Russia Election Day protests - YouTube

Time of reckoning for the euro zone

Ten years later, insiders press a different view of Enron

MF Global woes ripple into heartland

Postal cuts to slow delivery of first-class mail

Carrier IQ: Blame operators, not us

Families to rent toys for Christmas - YouTube

Oh, for the Good Old Days of Rude Cellphone Gabbers

Goodbye 'Jetsons' Car: Aptera Runs Out of Gas

Hybrids and electric vehicles

Facebook faces music


Dare you rent toys online for your kids this Christmas?


Toygaroo (


Report: Most of Us Go Online for No Apparent Reason

Are Pro-Life Groups Behind Apple Siri's Abortion Problem?

Toyota and Subaru: Car Clone Wars?

Former Miss USA Arrested on DUI Charges

Clinton flies home to fete Kennedy Center honorees

Angelina Jolie graces heavyweight current affairs bible, Newsweek, with movie star pose | Mail Online

Steve Buscemi Helps Spoof Penn State Sex Scandal, Miley Cyrus on Saturday Night Live - E! Online

Dev Anand - Telegraph

Nation mourns Dev Anand's death - YouTube

High Level Of Waste In Health Spending, Says Medicare And Medicaid Boss

Obama Says He Will Seek More Money for AIDS Programs

Insight: Stem cell therapy poised to come in from the cold

Bone Marrow Donors Can Be Paid

Billy Graham has 'good night' at hospital

Missing East Coast dog turns up in Yuba County

Report: Food stamps redeemed for Starbucks treats

Study: Fruits, vegetables and other foods with anti-oxidants reduced stroke risk

Foster Kids Get More Psychiatric Drugs

Police: Man dropped marijuana in son's lunch box

The Doors - A Lifetime of Listening to Five Mean Years - By Greil Marcus - Book Review -

'Fahrenheit 451' goes digital. Is Ray Bradbury mellowing? -

The British (Bible) Invasion: KJV 400-Year Anniversary Rolls On | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Is Firefox Doomed?

YouTube gets its biggest makeover ever -

The Weekend Interview with David Gelernter: Rethinking the Digital Future -

RIM Takes $485M Hit Over Unsold PlayBook Tablets | News & Opinion |

While you’re up, print me a solar cell - MIT News Office

Kodak's long fade to black -

Firefox faces uncertain future as Google deal apparently ends | ZDNet

Need a new bone? 3D printers could jumpstart the healing process | ExtremeTech

Comcast and others sell $3.6 billion spectrum to Verizon - Dec. 2, 2011

Thatcher on the Edge of Madness - November 30, 2011 - The New York Sun

That heroic Ed Murrow: The myth endures « Media Myth Alert

Political Islam poised to dominate the new world bequeathed by Arab spring | World news | The Observer

Mission Sort Of Accomplished in Iraq | Via Meadia

Israel has responsibilities as a U.S. ally - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Debasing Nazism | The National Interest Blog

Patrick Cockburn: Fragile Iraq threatened by the return of civil war - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Iran Showed Al Qaeda How to Bomb Embassies | The Weekly Standard

Iran’s First Great Satan Was England -

Latin and Caribbean leaders forge new bloc - Americas -

How to Build on Success Against AIDS in Africa - Forbes

The farce of Russian elections - The Washington Post

gulfnews : Syria requires political solutions

Five million people | The Japan Times Online

Be Frank: law stinks -

Campaign 2012: He Is Herman Cain - Forbes

Germany: a reason why fiscal union and ECB funny money won't happen - Telegraph

Jonathan Blitzer: Has The Euro Crisis Killed Off Social Democracy For Good? | The New Republic

Know What You’re Protesting - Economic View -

What's so awful about the 1%? -

RealClearMarkets - They Are Not the 99%

Definition of American Dream has Changed After Great Recession | Moneyland |

Why India Should Stop Fearing Walmart - Global Spin -

Better Facebook? Better Comments? Buttons We Need - Forbes

The Junking of the Postal Service -

Be a Jerk: The Worst Business Lesson From the Steve Jobs Biography - Tom McNichol - Business - The Atlantic

As a Market Predictor, a Trusty Guide Falters -

Secrets of the Bailout, Now Revealed -

Printable version: Instead of New Deal, workers get raw deal

Eurozone crisis: the US has to ride to the rescue once again - Telegraph

The New Newt | The Weekly Standard

What Really Killed Herman Cain's Campaign - The Daily Beast

The GOP’s front-runners: Bad and worse - The Washington Post

Dubious future in Muslim heartland - Chicago Sun-Times

RealClearPolitics - At Pentagon, COIN Losing Currency

RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Mark Landsbaum: Global warming alarmists try again | global, warming, climate - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Way Down in the Hole

Britain’s Failed Experiment, Repeated -

Herm, we hardly knew ye -

Newt’s War on Poor Children -

WOLF: Candidate in the cross hairs - Washington Times

China’s dark power - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

Why Is Russia Supporting Syria’s President Bashir Assad? - The Daily Beast

RealClearReligion - Opinion, News, Analysis

Global industry CO2 output rising even in weak economy: study

New Chemical Elements Honor Livermore Lab and Russia's Flerov Lab

NASA: Kepler telescope discovers strange new planet

Algae helps explains Antarctic ice sheet formation

Japan, Russia see chance to clone mammoth

NASA slip-up could lead to life on Mars?

Wasps Wired to Recognize Each Other's Faces

Space News: Total eclipse of the Moon

Alien planet rolling over, forces others to do same

Company hopes to convert carferry from coal to gas

Growing a greener Christmas tree

Scenes of the Occupation

The Lessons of Cain

The Ethics of Eric Holder

Harry Potter and the Islamization of America

The Righteous Israeli

Stop Iran's Mullahs and Support the Iranian People

You Can't be Pro-Obama and Pro-Israel

Sexually Exploited Female Movie Stars?

Rick Perry and Sharia, and Robert Spencer

Ndamukong Suh loses control again and clobbers innocent tree

Iran says 'students' occupied British embassy in support of '99%'

Iran says it shot down US drone

Thousands of 'honor' attacks in Great Britain last year

Some OWS LA protestors say they might need therapy

Here comes Ron Paul in Iowa

The real losers in the Egyptian election

The curious views of Howard Gutman on anti-Semitism

Our off the books economy

Obama Throwing Israel Under the Bus Again

The Ultimate Green Power: Crematorium Heat

George Mason on How Governments Can Become Oppressive

Newt: The Civil Warrior

Obama's Success in a Failed Country

How Not to Criticize American Health Care

Profile of a Navy SEAL

The OWS Zero-Sum Game Fallacy

Obama Support of “Arab Spring”—Clear Marxist Values Leading to Sharia Law Revolution

Be careful who you choose as the Republican nominee

Charlie Sheen Takes Top Spot on 25th Annual List

How Many Individual Mandates?

Marxism Works While the Messiah Vacations

The Obama Man’s Coming to Get You!

Eating the rich

Obama Resolves the Republican Debates

Spending More has Never Worked!

We kill them coming in and going out

Fed Banking and the Euro zone

Interference of the Tortious Kind This Way Comes

Presidential race 2012: imperfect conservatives need not apply

The Isolationist delusion

Barack Obama: Enron’s Heir

Herman Cain grassroots forum switches to Ron Paul

Ron Paul Now Clearly Second Man In Iowa's Three Man Race

Santorum: the GOP dark horse, and rural America

ObamaCare: It Doesn't Work in Japan, and It Won't Work Anywhere Else

OCCUPY WALL STREET The American left's Tet Offensive against capitalism!

Debbie Schlussel:Rima Fakih: “Devout” Muslim Hezbo Miss USA Arrested for Drunk Driving; Lies About It

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS VIDEO: “Sesame Street” Debuts in Afghanistan

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 2nd, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 2nd, 2011

2 PART:The CHANGE Your Founders Believed In – Republic of Missouri |

The Constitution Is Dead: The Gradual Transition towards an Orwellian Police State |

‘Moderate and Fair’: Muslim Brotherhood Claims it Won’t Force Islamic Values on Egypt After Big Election Win | Video |

AP: Obama Defends His Faith in America Amid Republican Criticism |

Obama Looks to Channel Teddy Roosevelt With Speech on Paying ‘Fair Share’ |

Anderson Cooper Slams Ed Schultz | Video |

Ron Paul: I‘m the ’Flavor of the Decade’ | Video |

SNL: Herman Cain on Why He Dropped Out of the Presidential Race | Herman Cain Saturday Night Live | Video |

SNL: Barack Obama Complains He Has No Power | Saturday Night Live Obama | Video |

Pakistani Actress Veena Malik Under Fire For Nude FHM Indian Magazine Cover Shot |

German City Koblenz Evacuates Half its Residents to Defuse Massive World War II Bomb | Video |

Buddy Roemer tells Jon Huntsman to ‘quit bitching’ |

‘Whore’ Pregnancy Card Cause Stir, What Do You Think? |

Romney Calls for Holder Resignation |

Christie Brinkley Owes IRS $571K |

Mark Levin Will Back Either Bachmann or Santorum |

Glenn Beck Responds to Angel Adams’ Statement That People Should Pay |

What's so awful about the 1%? -

My Way News - WikiLeaks' chief in vital extradition court fight

Slain teen basketball star part of growing girl gang problem -

New York Times Spins Fast And Furious Document Dump In Favor Of DOJ

Dead Movement Walking: Top Ten New Media Moments That Brought Down #OccupyWallStreet

Sirens Go Off At NBC, But Not Over Fast And Furious Or Solyndra

Sound Bite For The Day: “More Smarter”

Senate Hearing Recalls Religious Liberty Lost for Health Professionals

Sexual Assault Reported at OccupyHartford

Sundays with Sherrod: Union Reform is Unchristian

New York Times : Time to Ban Profit-taking Inside Congress

US Dollar Triumphs Over Europe

Where Your Rights End & Mine Begin

We Are All Missing the Point in the Current Political Debate

OccupyLA Arrestees Feel Traumatized, May Seek Therapy

OccupyRichmond Stands Up for Local Tea Party

‘Fast and Furious’ Not Holder’s First Controversy Involving the Murder of an American Citizen

Fast and Furious: Holder Sweats as More Lies Uncovered by Feb. 3rd Memo

Global Warming Alarmism on Thin Ice?

Character Actor Spotlight: Stephen Dillane

The Conservatism of Film Critic Pauline Kael

What Shoulda Won? 1998 Academy Awards

When Regis Met Reagan

Grading Television’s Female Police Officers

Time of reckoning for the euro zone

Shock waves from MF Global collapse felt on farms

Germany ready to shift on ESM bondholder losses: sources

Italian government approves new measures

GOP rivals hope to court Cain supporters

Activists: US-born Syrian blogger arrested

AP Interview: Haiti leader says Venezuela aid key

McCain: Hispanic vote 'up for grabs'

Lawmaker urges tying Pakistan aid to cooperation

Madam secretary, only 'talk' can save Afghanistan

France and Germany look set to fudge it yet again

Livni defends Clinton's criticism of Israel democracy

Merkel, mistrust and the markets

Hamas quietly scales back presence in Syria

Russian electors deliver blow to Putin's party

Vladimir Putin set to lose majority amid complaints of electoral violations

Giant pandas touch down in Edinburgh

US-China trade ties: A heated exchange

Laugh-In actor Alan Sues dies at age 85 | Reuters

Yahoo Shuts Down 4 Entertainment Blogs (Updated) | The Wrap Media

The Kennedy Center Dis-Honors - Washington Times

Garrison Keillor says he's reevaluating retirement

Justice Dept. details how it got statements wrong

Brian Williams Celebrates Seven Years As ‘NBC Nightly News’ Anchor - TVNewser

MSNBC’s ‘The Ed Show’ Rips Off Yahoo! News UPDATE: Producers Apologize - FishbowlDC

*4 Dec.

American Minute for December 4th

Today in History: December 4

December 4th This Day in History

December 4 Events in History

December 4th in History

This Day in History for 4th December

Today in History: December 4

Today in History for Dec. 4 - YouTube


Ron Paul Interview On The Kudlow Report Talking Newt Ad - YouTube


Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy - YouTube


The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-03-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-03-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 12-03-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 12-03-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 11-26-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 11-26-11 Hr 2


Egypt Election Results In, Islamists Win

Obama Seeks Recovery Through China’s Now-Collapsing Economic Model

BREAKING: Iran Claims It Shot Down U.S. Spy Plane

Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Favoritism Will Lead to War in the Middle East

France Follows Britain, Withdraws from Iranian Embassy

**News Videos

**NEWS VIDEOS:Down To Two?

Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett: Herman Cain Announcement Was ‘Bizarre,’ ‘Cruel’ To Supporters

New Documents Raise More Questions For Eric Holder’s Justice Department

Trump To Moderate GOP Debate

Anderson Cooper To Ed Schultz: Bring It, Bitch

85-Year-Old Claims She Was Strip Searched At JFK, TSA: It Never Happened

Man Found Dead At #OccupyDenton

Sandusky: ‘I’m Attracted To Young People’

3rd/‘Santa’ Jailed for Throwing Rock

Cain Out

Into The Fray: Jesse Watters Goes Christmas Toy Shopping

Rush Takes Manhattan

2nd/Little Girl Plays ‘Sweet Child ‘O Mine’ On Guitar

TSA Freaks Out Over Gun Design On Purse

SEC May Not Prosecute Congressmen For Fear Of Budget Cuts

House Passes Bill To End Taxpayer Financing Of Presidential Campaigns

Labor Sec: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will ‘Put People Back To Work’

Victory Lap: Obama Lauds Positive Jobs Report

Unemployment Drops To 8.6%

Man Catches Thief, Ties Hands And Feet

Iranian Diplomats Ousted

Dem Rep. Does Crossword Puzzle On House Floor

Betrayal: Democrats Grill Fannie-Freddie CEOs At Hearing

Markos: People ‘Want A Class War’

Romney Skewers Newt: ‘Self-Aggrandizing Statements… Aren’t Going To Win An Election’

Cain Confirms He Gave Money To Alleged Mistress

Sarkozy: EU Treaty Will Restore Budget Discipline

Report: Possible Plea Deal For Jerry Sandusky

1st/New WikiLeaks ‘Spy Files’ Show Global Surveillance Industry

Obama Confuses England And Great Britain

Ecuador Volcano Prompts Evacuations

Penn State Holds Town Hall Amid Abuse Scandal

Miller Time: Bye Bye Barney Frank

Gingrich: GOP Race Is Becoming ‘Newt Vs. Not Newt’

30th/Homeless Lady With 15 Kids: ‘Somebody Needs To Pay For All My Children’

29th/India Offers Cars To Lure Sterilization Volunteers

Trump To Obama: ‘You Are Doing One Hell Of A Lousy Job’


4-Dec-11 World View

3-Dec-11 World View

2-Dec-11 World View

1-Dec-11 World View

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