A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

28 December 2011

28 DEC.






Infowars Nightly News for Monday, December 19, 2011 (FULL) - YouTube

President Ron Paul Channel Presents 2011-12-20 Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Wednesday,December 21,2011 (FULL) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News - Thursday Dec 22 2011 - YouTube

12-23-2011 Infowars Nightly News with guests Don Browning, Holland Van den Nieuwenhof - YouTube

President Ron Paul Channel Presents 2011-12-26 Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday,December 27,2011 (Full) - YouTube


C2CAM - 2011.12.04 - Ancient Aliens - Alex Jones NDAA Concerns - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.18 - Rock & Roll and the Paranormal - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.19 - Environmental Activism - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.20 - Spiritual Intervention - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.21 - Secret Door XIII - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM (C2C AM) 22.12.2011 - YU55, ETs, & Roswell - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.23 - Christmas Folklore & Open Lines - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.24 - Dream Insights & Hypnosis - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM (C2CAM) 25.12.2011 - Lunar Anomalies - YouTube

C2CAM - 26.12.2011 - Extraterrestrial encounter - YouTube


Solar Activity & the Universe - David Sereda - YouTube


Lizard Man, Reptoids, & Mutilations - YouTube


Obama to Raise Debt Ceiling, China Jails Blogger, GMO Corn & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube


Jason Bermas: Government Turning Bugs into Spies 1/2 - YouTube

Jason Bermas: Government Turning Bugs into Spies 2/2 - YouTube


Alex Covers The Full Spectrum Biological/Eugenics Program Against Humanity 1/2 - YouTube

Alex Covers The Full Spectrum Biological/Eugenics Program Against Humanity 2/2 - YouTube


Caller Talks About Chloramine Coming to Pennsylvania Water Systems - YouTube


Chloramine - Wikipedia

Chloramine Facts -

Chloramine Info Center(


Alex Takes Calls on The Banker Takeover of America 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Banker Takeover of America 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Banker Takeover of America 3/3 - YouTube


Alex Takes Calls on Gov Collapsing Economy by Design 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on Gov Collapsing Economy by Design 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on Gov Collapsing Economy by Design 3/3 - YouTube


Gerald Celente: Money Junkies and The Coming "Bank Holiday" 1/2 - YouTube

Gerald Celente: Money Junkies and The Coming "Bank Holiday" 2/2 - YouTube


Congress Funds More TSA Checkpoints, GMO Mosquitos & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube


NASA - The Hidden Truth - Nick Redfern - YouTube

Moon Hoax Theory - Bart Sibrel - YouTube

Space Roundtable - Richard Hoagland - Buzz Aldrin - YouTube


Art Bell C2CAM - Comets & Electrical Energy - 2004.12.12 - YouTube


Cosmology & Time Travel - Sean Carroll - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM: 02.10.2012 - Time Travel, Prophecy, & the Bible - YouTube


(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P1

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P2

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P3

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P4

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P5

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P6


Ancient Alien Visitations P1 - YouTube

Ancient Alien Visitations P-2 - YouTube

Ancient Alien Visitations P3/3 - YouTube


Apollo 14 And Extraterrestrials - Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell - YouTube

Coast to Coast AM 11.17.2011 Part 1 of 4 - YouTube

Coast to Coast AM 11.17.2011 Part 2 of 4 - YouTube

Coast to Coast AM 11.17.2011 Part 3 of 4 - YouTube

Coast to Coast AM 11.17.2011 Part 4 of 4 - YouTube


Pyramids, Planets & the Bible - Chuck Missler - YouTube


Steven Gibbs :


The NDAA Repeals More Rights

Do Black Americans Believe Ron Paul Is Racist? - YouTube

The Empire Attacks Ron Paul | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

GOP will take off the gloves if Ron Paul wins Iowa | JAMES EDWARDS

John Nichols: Out, damn Newt: 5 reasons why Gingrich is headed for footnote status

'2012: What’s in Store...’ — RT

EXCLUSIVE: Under Industry Pressure, USDA Works to Speed Approval of Monsanto's Genetically Engineered Crops | Truthout

Ignore This Deficiency... And Become 3 Times More Likely to Die?

Dr Chris Busby on Sky: Fallujah, Fukushima and Radiation - YouTube

Obama Set to Request $1.2 Trillion Increase in Debt Limit -

Activist Post: Obama Nominates Carlyle Group Partner to The Federal Reserve

Ben Swann Reality Check: Obama Administration Demanded Power to Detain US Citizens - YouTube

Alternative Media Forced US Govt to Block Bird Flu Study | Natural Society

Be a HERO and Help STOP SOPA Now!! I'll tell you How! This Video that Must Be SHARED! - YouTube

SOPA is the end of us, say bloggers - Tim Mak - - Endgame: Return to the Gold Standard?

Half of America In Poverty? The Facts Say It's True | Common Dreams

Debate Persists on Deadly Flu Made Airborne -

Growing wealth widens distance between lawmakers and constituents - The Washington Post

China Insolvency Wave Begins As Nation's Biggest Provincial Borrowers "Defer" Loan Payments | ZeroHedge

Scientists test sick Alaska seals for radiation - Technology & science - Science -


+ Water Fluoridation And Crime In America - PDF



Farmers Wanted for Monsanto Expose! | Farm Wars

'Unbelievable' rise in weapons permits | The Des Moines Register |

Anonymous - Survival Guide for Citizens in a Revolution.pdf - PDF Archive

12 Simple Steps for Going Green in 2012 | Common Dreams

Why Many Vitamin Studies are Absolutely Worthless | Natural Society

Activist Post: Dow's Deadly Harvest: The Return of Agent Orange

Giant House of Death on the Prairie - Taki's Magazine

Page not found | Homeland Security News Wire

Russia test-fires two nuclear missiles - Times Of India

Nuclear sub narrowly avoided collision in Strait of Juan de Fuca, newspaper reports -- Port Angeles Port Townsend Sequim Forks Jefferson County Clallam County Olympic Peninsula Daily news

Halfpasthuman - Destiny

The American Fascist Sandwich: Indefinite Detention and Internment Camps | Pakalert Press

Pentagon Finds No Fault In Its Ties to TV Analysts -

A Tale of Two Squares and Two Movements | Opinion Maker

Americans Shoplifted $1.8 Billion Worth of Stuff This Christmas - National - The Atlantic Wire

Mexico’s cartels build own national radio system - The Washington Post

Congress calls on Twitter to block Taliban - Telegraph

Madness: Even School Children Are Being Pepper-Sprayed and Shocked with Tasers | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Iso Rabins, San Francisco's Famed Forager, Targeted By Department Of Health

Naama Margolese, Israeli Girl, Bullied By Jewish Ultra-Orthodox Extremists (VIDEO)

Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline: A PTV Talk | Opinion Maker

Australian built Mack Road Train with 113 trailers 1.474km - YouTube

Keep your mitts off my tax returns, says Romney - Americas - World - The Independent

Virginia HOT Lanes

Warps and Woofs, Woo Woo and Wiffenpoofs. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Bad holiday sales leads to Sears, Kmart store closings - Dec. 27, 2011

Sears to Close Stores Amid Continued Sales Struggles -

Gonzalo Lira: A Run On The Global Banking System—How Close Are We?

Twin Nasa spacecraft swing into orbit to look inside moon's core | Mail Online

Japan drops ban on military exports | World news |

Faster than a speeding bullet: China unveils new super-speed train that can hit 300mph (... 100mph quicker than its bullet trains) | Mail Online

Bioterror scare: Killer flu recipe will go viral? — RT

Pakistani leader warns of conspiracy amid scandal | World news | The Guardian

Over 30 Birds Mysteriously Die on Montgomery Co. Road | | Lexington, Kentucky

1,000 metal thefts every week as growing 'menace' blights Britain - Telegraph

'Four out of five' bottles of Italian olive oil debased - Telegraph

The Yeti, a severed finger from Nepal, and movie star James Stewart | Mail Online

Scientists amazed after five migrating cuckoos fitted with GPS trackers meet up in the same spot in Africa | Mail Online

Top Japan official: Very strong possibility there is nuclear fuel outside containment vessel (VIDEO) «

Australia floods derail train | Video |

Surveillance System Tags, Tracks And Follows - YouTube

Morris rant - DPRK and Rene Guenon - YouTube

Family suing city of Snyder, claiming they were prohibited from performing CPR on man » Abilene Reporter-News

Unarmed 54-Year-Old Bloodied In Raid | New Haven Independent

Ex-Indy Officer Won't Go to Jail For Arsons |

China Daily USA launches 'The Year of Chinese Enterprises'|Home|

Kim Jong-un meets South Korean delegation in Pyongyang | World news |

Thierry in Syria Update and The Mercenaries Paymasters - YouTube

Syrian NGOs Working Directly With British Government | End the Lie - Independent News

Video: Iran flex military muscle in strategic naval drills - Telegraph

Netanyahu Rejects Peace

Clashes erupt between police and ultra-Orthodox Jews near Jerusalem - Telegraph

Why The Establishment Is Terrified Of Ron Paul

Rene Guenon - Democracy Has No Dignity - YouTube

From bald eagle to red dragon - Pakistan changes ally - YouTube

Rothschilds Setting 'Memorial Days' For Zionist Holocausts

Electric Universe 2012—The Human Story - YouTube

The Current State Of Free Energy Technology - Gay Adoption Satire is Exhilarating

: EPA approves alternatives for super-greenhouse HFC refrigerants

Ron Paul simply can't be allowed to win Iowa | Shreveporttimes |

Obama: The Conservative In 2012 | National Memo | Breaking News, Smart Politics

Overlooked Language In NDAA

Montanans Launch Recall of Senators Who Approved NDAA Military Detention. Merry Christmas, US Senate - Salem-News.Com

The Rise Of FEMA – Police State 4 | Pakalert Press

Sausages and fines keep workers on right path — RT

Terry Holt: We Could Never Buy Ron Paul

Ron Paul defends blacks - YouTube

Ron Paul Versus CNN Gloria Borger And Her DC Lobby Husband | Culture of Life News


+Ron Paul Ad - Washington Machine - YouTube


Iowa GOP moving vote-count to 'undisclosed location': to prevent a Ron Paul victory. - 12160


Ron Paul Says Watch The Vote - Iowa Caucus 2012 (READ DESCRIPTION) - YouTube


Pt.1 PROOF Rigged Election - Watch the Vote 2012 - Iowa Caucus - YouTube

Pt.2 PROOF Rigged Election - Watch the Vote 2012 - Iowa Caucus -FOR RON PAUL! - YouTube


Video; Seal Team 6, 911 And Virginia Tech Actors Exposed | Video Rebel's Blog


TrueLeaks - David Horowitz calls Ron Paul "A little Satan" - YouTube

+FiveThirtyEight: 2012 Iowa Republican Caucus Projections - Election 2012 -

Rhonda-Paul Strikes Again! - YouTube

Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online

Activist Post: Is Fukushima Radiation Responsible for Mysterious Alaskan Seal Deaths?

Activist Post: Is GoDaddy trying to thwart the anti-SOPA boycott?


Activist Post: How to Stop the Resurgence of Agent Orange in Your Food Supply -- Vital Activism

Revolutionary Politics : 9/11 Tower Collapses: Physicist Steven Jones

Revolutionary Politics : "Ron Paul Is Incorruptible!" Doug Wead

SNL Writer Who Committed Suicide (?) Was a Strong Critic of Israel and Fan of What Really Happened « Revolt of the Plebs

Sherrie Questioning All: WTF?! Video - Today Show 12/28/11 - Chuck Todd "Who ever Comes in Second and not named Ron Paul in Iowa is the REAL Winner" MSNBC site - has "Paul Bearers" under Ron Paul's profile to subliminally affect people's thoughts of Paul.

Anti-Neocons • - Why did the US really invade Afghanistan?

Interview with Retired Surgeon David Halpin (Dr David Kelly case) - YouTube

The Case of Dr. David Kelly: The Coverup Continues | Global Research TV

Activist Post: Big Brother Pays Off as Predictive Behavior Technology Targets Shoppers

NDAA 2012 torture of Americans, or arrest the 1%’s criminals: your choice - National Nonpartisan |

One Hundred Million Dollar Penny - YouTube

Activist Post: Biometrics Without Borders


++FEMA National Continuity Program - Picasso Dreams


Revolutionary Politics : While Average Americans Are Becoming Poorer Members Of Congress Are Getting Richer & Richer!


Roy Tov – Cast Lead II Announced by Gen. Gantz

Putin : Protesters Are Receiving Their Funding From The West | Veterans Today

Gerald Celente: 12 Trends for 2012 | The Digital Glebe

Mainstream media: dumbing it down - YouTube

Activist Post: Dow's Deadly Harvest: The Return of Agent Orange

Penny for your thoughts: Canada shipping Weapons Grade Uranium to.......

Gingrich cuts number of stops on Iowa bus tour in half |

GOP: ‘Condi Rice for first Black VP’ | Rehmat's World

Activist Post: Wall Street Journal "Determines" Russian Election a "Fraud"

Cool Crack: Mother with no prior offenses sentenced to TWELVE YEARS in prison for $31 marijuana offense

Pawnbroker Albemarle & Bond to create 300 jobs - Telegraph

Mitt Romney Won’t Release Tax Returns :: :: FITSNewsFITSNews

Poor Richard's blog: The Old Man And The Sea – 2011

Israel , Rival Groups of Clerics In Massive Fight in Church at Jesus' Birthplace in Bethlehem - YouTube

Latest SPD Dashcam Video Has New Calls For Seattle's Police Chief's Resignation - YouTube


How Banks Cheat Taxpayers | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

No Fear: Memory Adjustment Pills Get Pentagon Push : Federal Jack

U.S. terror watch list streamlined, updated instantaneously : Federal Jack

Government Says It Can Assassinate or Indefinitely Detain Americans on American Soil Without Any Due Process of Law

"A Corporation Is Not A Person!" Senator Sanders Offers A Constitutional Amendment! - YouTube

New Information Discredits “Racist” Media Smear Campaign Against Ron Paul

CIA Involved In Occupy Wall Street Crackdown? :




Joe Bodolai: Former Saturday Night Live writer leaves online apology before suicide | Mail Online


Revolutionary Politics : TV pundit: Ron Paul supporters have no business participating in Republican primary

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul 2012 - Principles Over Party


*Cannabis - Weed - Pot - Marijuana - Kills Cancer cells finds UCLA research and others - YouTube


AIPAC leader admits how they control politics - YouTube

Opie & Anthony - Patrice Oneal's conspiracy theories - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : "Pentagon Will Tell You Cyber Attacks Rapidly Moving Up The Scale Of Threats They Worry About"

Revolutionary Politics : Democrats Abandon Obama For Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Town crier for radical ideas now taken seriously - 12160

The Truth is a Valuable Commodity | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


*HOW TO bypass Internet Censorship, a tutorial on getting around filters and blocked ports


Black Americans DO NOT Believe Ron Paul Is Racist : Federal Jack

The Assassination of Cpl. Pat Tillman : Federal Jack

Unlimited Military Detention of Americans To Become Law: To Hell With Freedom! by Gary D. Barnett

UK Cyber Crime Unit Conducts Massive Cyber Raid - SCMLA 2 (Los Angeles, CA) - Meetup

While Drafting SOPA, the U.S. House Harbors BitTorrent Pirates | TorrentFreak


Obama Year Three: Continuing His "Rogue Agenda"

TheAntiTerrorist's Channel - YouTube

Did Bankers Deliberately Crash MF Global to Crash Gold and Silver Prices? | The Underground Investor

Activist Post: Why Many Vitamin Studies are Absolutely Worthless

Panetta is Raising the Specter of Preemptive War: Avocates of a "Hot War with Iran" Take Some Heavy Media Hits

Ron Paul is not the only victim of the media - YouTube

The Empire Smokes Crack « Revolt of the Plebs

Poor Richard's blog: SOPA is the end of us, say bloggers

American's Journey: Predictions on Iraq: Does Wolf Blitzer = Nostradamus?


Welcome To The Third World —

Welcome To The Third World, Part 2: Real Lives —

Welcome to the Third World, Part 3: Disappearing Pensions —

Welcome To The Third World, Part 4: Boomers Reap What They’ve Sown —



Woman who threatened Rep. Peter King shot to death by police | The Raw Story


Infowars Nightly News Ron Paul After Christmas Special - YouTube


Alex Takes Calls from Police on FEMA's (COG) Takeover Plan for All Americans 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Police on FEMA's (COG) Takeover Plan for All Americans 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Police on FEMA's (COG) Takeover Plan for All Americans 3/3 - YouTube


» Ron Paul Hails Bradley Manning As ‘True Patriot’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Iran Promises to Close Down Oil Route If Sanctions Imposed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Smear Attacks Have No Effect, Ron Paul Still On Course To Win Iowa Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Tide Is Turning Against SOPA And We Might Actually Succeed In Stopping It Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» RECALL: Montanans Organize to Remove Senators Who Voted For Traitorous Detainment Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Obama Nation: Even More Debt And Even More Store Closings Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» You Won’t Believe How Corrupt, Lazy And Stinking Rich Our Congress Critters Have Become Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Biden: Obama Administration Asked Jon Corzine for Advice on Economy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Why Neo-Cons Hate Ron Paul’s Honest Foreign Policy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

2012: The Year Of Living Dangerously : Personal Liberty Digest™

» Is Qatar fueling the unrest in Saudi Arabia? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - Qatar fueling unrest in Saudi Arabia

Iowa GOP moving vote-count to 'undisclosed location' -

Ron Paul’s House record stands out for its futility and tenacity - The Washington Post

» Ron Paul: The NDAA Repeals More Rights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US media pretend OWS no longer exists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Nomination of Chuck Schumer’s brother-in-law Kevin McNulty to federal judgeship stumps New Jersey observers -

Lugar: Paul not in sync with mainstream GOP -

Lugar says country can't afford Ron Paul's foreign policy views - YouTube

Obama signs legislation for Sept. 11 medal to be displayed in Pa., where Flight 93 crashed - The Washington Post

Global News, Trials of 9/11 just keep on | 7DAYS

» Iran Rejects Court Ruling It Worked with Al-Qaeda in 9/11 Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Don’t look now, but even cops in Fargo are arming for battle against terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Guantanamo to reduce inmate rights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Israeli schoolgirl’s story highlights growing violence by Jewish religious extremists - The Washington Post

Ethiopia jails Swedish journalists on terrorism charges | World news |

BBC film Tony Blair obituary even though former PM is just 58 years old | Mail Online

» Two Thirds of U.S. Foreign Aid is Really Military Aid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Jonah Goldberg Admits: Political Power Is All That Matters to Neocons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hunting, speed traps and the rise of pernicious laws that criminalise the law-abiding | Mail Online

» ATF Loosens Restrictions on Gun Sales to Foreigners Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: An Independent America: Voters leaving Republican, Democratic parties in droves

Bill for basket of essentials soars 43 per cent in ten years | Mail Online

» Occupy Wall Street Finally Gets Even with Wall Street (satire) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Capital One Accused of Illegally Suing Bankrupt Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US to fly high-tech surveillance craft along border - El Paso Inc.: Texas


» Iran vows to counter ‘US covert war’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


'11/Pentagon Finds No Fault In Its Ties to TV Analysts -


'05/Bush administration propaganda efforts come under increased scrutiny

'05/Bush Shows No Remorse for Fake Newscasts

'05/Buying of News by Bush's Aides Is Ruled Illegal

'06/ Bush PR costs taxpayers $1.6 billion


» Are you allergic to fluoride? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals

» China, slave state where the family is outlawed, and the rich breed in secret Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Monsanto Launches Phony ‘GMO Co-Existence’ Protests Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Big Brother Pays Off as Predictive Behavior Technology Targets Shoppers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Panetta is Raising the Specter of Preemptive War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Big Brother Cab: Taxi CCTV to spy on passengers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The IRS & DOJ Are Grabbing New Powers In The Hunt For Revenue - Business Insider

Faster than a speeding bullet: China unveils new super-speed train that can hit 300mph (... 100mph quicker than its bullet trains) | Mail Online

Sensors which monitor cells' health developed - Science - News - The Independent

Activist Post: Mosquito Bioweapons: The History of Testing Inside the United States

The Secret Lives of Killer American Drones | Mother Jones

Prison » Alex Jones On The Full Spectrum Biological/Eugenics Assault Against Humanity

Oil price falls after US warns Iran over threat to close Gulf supply route | Business | The Guardian


+Videos: Prison » Mind-Reading Machines Are Here


Prison » USDA Steps Back and Gives Monsanto More Power Over GMO Seeds

Prison » Weather Was Worse With Less CO2 In Atmosphere

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

Prison » Stratfor Hacked, 200GB Of Emails, Credit Cards Stolen, Client List Released, Includes MF Global, Rockefeller Foundation

Prison » Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to be Released in the US for the First Time

Prison » Department of Homeland Security Using Fake Facebook and Twitter Accounts to Monitor Posts Containing Certain Keywords

Prison » Green is the new Red – how animal rights activists are being targeted like ‘commies’ from the 1950′s

Prison » Surveillance System Tags, Tracks And Follows

Prison » Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints

Prison » Escobar: Syrian rag-tag bands & tanks to face investigation

PressTV - Iran tests advanced missiles, torpedoes

Iran could easily block vital oil route, admiral warns - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » Kim Jong-il funeral: Hysteria as cortege moves through Pyongyang snow

PressTV - 'US spy drone crashes in Afghanistan'


Prison » ‘Time to separate Syrian civilians from insurgents!’

Prison » Saudi Highschool Textbook: Jews Need to Be Exterminated and Homosexuals Should Be ‘Put to Death’

Pat Buchanan | Ron Paul Victory | Iowa Caucuses | The Daily Caller

Prison » In the Categories Which Matter Most, Ron Paul Will Treat Minorities Better than Obama

Romney leads, Paul rises in N.H. poll -

Prison » Romney on ObamaCare in 2010: “Repeal the Bad, and Keep the Good”

Prison » Ron Paul’s “Disgruntled” Staffer and the Press Smear of Ron Paul

Prison » MSM Pushing Turnaround for Economy

Prison » The BBC’s Sorry Journalism

Prison » Why the U.S. Should Bring Down the Curtain on Airport “Security Theater”

Prison » China, slave state where the family is outlawed, and the rich breed in secret

Prison » Wall Street Mulls Suicide by Tactical Allocation

Obama to ask for debt limit hike: Treasury official | Reuters

Prison » Gold: How High Is Up? US$5,000? Confiscation?

Prison » Global Depression – A Directed Phenomenon …

Prison » World’s Second And Third Largest Economies To Bypass Dollar, Engage In Direct Currency Trade


+Videos:Prison » OKC Officer Terry Yeakey’s Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out


Raw footage shows Ron Paul DIDN'T storm out of CNN interview over racist newsletters... the interview was simply done | Mail Online

Uncut Ron Paul Interview - CNN Gloria Borger - YouTube

'Euro - the EU's suitcase without a handle' - YouTube

Atlas Shrugged's Makers Speak! Q&A w producers & actor - YouTube

John Galt's Speech from 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand - YouTube

Keiser Report: Merry X-Max & Happy New GIABO! (E227) - YouTube

7 Questions: Ron Paul

Injured Global Economy Ponders Coming Challenges

Ron Paul: The NDAA Repeals More Rights

Dr. Daliah: Mouth Bacteria Starting to Outsmart Flouride

Race On To Cover Up Details Of Lab Created Killer Bird Flu


+30 min./The American Dream By The Provocateur Network - YouTube

**Zeitgeist - The Movie - YouTube


World Crisis Radio 12-24-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 12-24-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-27-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 12-27-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-27-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 12-27-11 Hr 4

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-27-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-27-11 Hr 2


Economic Freedom(

The Globalization of War - GRTV Backgrounder - YouTube


*Articles:Natural News Headlines – December 25-26th, 2011 |


Cronyism in America - YouTube


TEPCO says it 'no longer owns' Fukushima fallout | The Australian

Wall Street Mulls Suicide by Tactical Allocation -

You Won’t Believe How Corrupt, Lazy And Stinking Rich Our Congress Critters Have Become -

Tougher drug laws mean nearly 1/3 arrested by age 23 | The Raw Story

US to fly high-tech surveillance craft along border - El Paso Inc.: Texas


FBI Complicit in OKC Bombing Terror Attack: K9 Unit Police Officer Tells All! 1/3 - YouTube

FBI Complicit in OKC Bombing Terror Attack: K9 Unit Police Officer Tells All! 2/3 - YouTube

FBI Complicit in OKC Bombing Terror Attack: K9 Unit Police Officer Tells All! 3/3 - YouTube


Harry Reid and the Mythical Millionaire Job-Creator - YouTube

Courthouse News Service:Grandma Says Teacher Snapped Pictures After Elementary Student Hanged Himself

The Many Benefits of 9/11 - informationliberation

J.P.Morgan Chief Economist Tells Lies to Help His Firm and Harm Ron Paul - informationliberation

Why US Support for Sadistic Tyranny in Bahrain Continues - informationliberation

2011 in Review: The Year Secrecy Jumped the Shark : GSM networks vulnerable to hacking: Researcher

New video surveillance system tags, tracks and follows - YouTube

EPIC - EPIC Sues DHS Over Covert Surveillance of Facebook and Twitter

Ten plotlines you'll find in science fiction - over and over again » Power Over Ethernet

Activist Post: The American Fascist Sandwich: Indefinite Detention and Internment Camps


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 27, 2011


The Arab League: There Comes the ‘G’ Word Again

Pakistan US Relations Determinant: Money, Money, Money …

Justifying War with Iran

Reaffirmation or the End of U.S. Exceptionalism?

The Man Who Prevented World War III

Ron Paul is not anti-Semitic but is anti-Israel

Why the Establishment is Terrified of Ron Paul

A Run On The Global Banking System—How Close Are We?

Half of America In Poverty? The Facts Say It's True

Under Obama, an emerging global apparatus for drone killing - The Washington Post

Obama nominates a Republican and a Democrat to the Fed - The Washington Post

Facebook to Lead 2012’s U.S. Internet IPOs - Bloomberg

Anonymous hackers to publish U.S. security firm's 2.7m client emails... providing a 'smoking gun for number of crimes' | Mail Online

After Only 2 Qualify for Presidential Primary, Virginia GOP Chair Says State Should Change Election Law

Virginia Must Change Its Election System

The Year in Obama Scandals -- and Scandal Deniers

North Korea's New Leader Leads Snowy Funeral Procession for His Father

Maine Fishermen Expect Record Prices for Scallops

U.S. Police Fatalities Up 13 Percent in 2011 to 173

Second Look: Rick Santorum Attracting Larger Crowds in Iowa

Perry Explains Recent ‘Transformation’ of His Views on Abortion

Gingrich Asks If Romney Is ‘Man Enough,’ Says Ron Paul Is ‘Totally Outside the Mainstream’

Romney Compares Gingrich Campaign to 'Lucy' Sitcom

Afghanistan Signs Its First Oil Contract – With China

U.S. Catholic Bishops: Obamacare Rule Puts Catholic Employers in ‘Untenable Position,’ May ‘Severely Curtail’ Health Care Services

‘Take Time to Be A Dad Today,’ Says Obama Administration’s Fatherhood Web Site

Military Wives Turn to Bible for Marriage Advice

‘Batman’ Actor Attempts to Visit Persecuted Pro-Life Activist in China

Iranian Lawmaker: 'These War Games Are a Warning to the Western Countries'

Polls Indicate Ron Paul Is a Serious Contender in Iowa

U.S. Government Has Spent $682,570 to Study 'Shrimp On A Treadmill'

Pro-Life Group Sues HHS to Force Release of Documents on Planned Parenthood Funding

U.S. Prods Karzai to Accept Taliban Office in Gulf State of Qatar

Former U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter Gets Laughs at Philly Comedy Club

Christian Bale And CNN Attempt To Meet Pro-Life Activist In China

Arizona Schools' Mexican-American Studies Program Ruled Illegal; Promotes Racial Resentment |

Nigerian Attacks Deplored as ‘Un-Islamic,’ But Polls Show Millions of Muslims Do Not Reject Suicide Bombings |

175 Languages Spoken Here: Obama's Housing Dept. Expands Services for Non-English Speakers |


*John Denson talks to Lew Rockwell;Two Important Works On War Revisionism


War as a Lifestyle by Butler Shaffer

Is Ron Paul Out of Date? No. by Walter Block

The Many Benefits of 9/11 by John Brennan

The NDAA Repeals More Rights by Ron Paul

A Longitudinal Family of Mankind by Paul Rosenberg

What Government Really Is by Bill Bonner

The 20 classic films children should see - Telegraph

The Yeti, a severed finger from Nepal, and movie star James Stewart | Mail Online

Using the First Amendment to Opt Out of This Potentially Damaging Procedure by Joseph Mercola

TSA screenings aren't just for airports anymore -

IBM Predicts Mind-Reading Machines on Their Way

Arab League Monitors Visit Flashpoint Syrian Cities

Russia Slams US for Human Rights Abuses

U.S. Will Not 'Tolerate' Disruption of Vital Oil Strait Traffic

Is Putin Showing Weakness in Face of Opposition Movement?

Street Cams Can Now Tag, Track and Follow Individuals (video)

This is No Game. This is No TV Show. This is War (video)

KNIGHT: Our Trojan Horse president - Washington Times

Obama Skips Christmas Statement But Issues Statement for Fake Holiday Kwanzaa - The Tree Of Liberty

The U.S. Government is Run by Liars, Like Their Drones Federal Employees Will Crash :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

We should scour the moon for ancient traces of aliens, say scientists | Science | The Guardian

Saudi Official: Gulf Arab States Can Offset Iran Oil

Oil Hovers Above $101 Amid Iran Tensions

US Official: We Won't Tolerate Iran's Blocking Strait

Backgrounder: Past Winners of Iowa Caucuses

Obama Won't Cite China as Currency Manipulator

Law Gives Govt Workers Option to Boost Pensions

Sexual Assault Reports Rise at 3 Military Academies

Johnson Announces Libertarian Run for President

Paul Returns to Iowa as Rivals Eye His Supporters

Paul's Surge Prompts New Look from GOP Voters

Former Paul Aide: Staff Pressured War Position

Paul: Defense Bill Marks 'Descent Into Totalitarianism'

General: Improve US Coordination with Pakistan

US Fifth Fleet Won't Allow Hormuz Disruption

Roger Altman: Growth in 2012 to Be Painfully Slow

Iran Navy Chief: Closing Gulf 'Really Easy'

7 Simple Weight-Loss Habits for 2012

Teen Obesity Linked to Poor Mom-Child Relationship

Former Ron Paul Aide: He's Anti-Israel

Economist Laffer Endorses Gingrich

Billy Graham Makes 'Most Admired' List 65th Time

Pelosi's $10,000-a-Night Vacation

Santorum: I'll 'Go Home' If Last in Iowa

Gingrich Sharpens Attacks on Romney, Paul

Democrats in Turmoil over Nelson Retirement

Perry Challenges Exclusion from VA Primary Ballot

A New Perspective on the Death Penalty

Freedom Declines as Government Expands

Menial Jobs Better Than No Jobs

200 Amazing Photos Of Mars: Pyramids, Towers, Cities, Ruins, UFO's, Water And More... | Before It's News

mars pyramids..towers..cities..ancient ruins..ufos..water..extrestrial..200 amazing photos. - YouTube


Zecharia Sitchin: Under The X-Ray - The Anunnaki Enigma Documentary | Before It's News

Zecharia Sitchin - Under the X-Ray - The Anunnaki Enigma Documentary Part 1 - YouTube


Time Travel Coming, American Physicist Declares | Before It's News

The Satanic 9/11 Ritual - Bill Cooper - Illuminati Agenda 2012 | Before It's News

(MUST SEE) The Satanic 9/11 Ritual - Bill Cooper - ILLUMINATI AGENDA 2012 - YouTube

There Are Far Too Many Problems With The Official 9-11 Story. Period. | Before It's News

2011 Obama corruption ties, Rezko Levine Blagojevich Cellini Frawley, Fitzgerald and Justice Department protect Obama, 2011 review | Before It's News

Obama Signing Statement Says He isn’t Bound by 20 Provisions of General Spending Bill | Before It's News

+5 Secret Search Engines Way Better Than Google | Before It's News

Who Brought the Slaves to America by Walter White Jr. 1968 | Before It's News

The Chemistry Of Champagne: New American Chemical Society Video | Before It's News

Obama told by Military you're no longer Commander-in-Chief | Before It's News

Obama told by Military you're no longer Commander-in-Chief, also convicted to be impeached - YouTube

BEN FULFORD TELLS IT LIKE IT IS - DEC 20 2011 | Before It's News

International Premium 2011 Dec 20 Extract; Benjamin Fulford English Message 日本語cc - YouTube

Activist Post: Why Many Vitamin Studies are Absolutely Worthless

Activist Post: How the Gov't will Justify Torture of US Citizens Under NDAA

Obama and the War Criminals - YouTube

Economy Turning Around? MSM Pushing Turnaround for Economy | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: WWIII Countdown: CFR declares "Time to Attack Iran"

WWIII Countdown: CFR declares "Time to Attack Iran" - SCG News 12-27-11 - YouTube

Activist Post: Debris Field The Size Of California From Japanese Tsunami Begins To Litter West Coast

Debris Field The Size Of California From Japanese Tsunami Begins To Litter West Coast - YouTube

I-40 in Arkansas Being Used as Military Staging Point for Future Event? :

Activist Post: Yoga Proven to be a Viable Solution for Back Pain

Activist Post: The Truth About War With Iran

Big Brother Cab: Taxi CCTV to spy on passengers - YouTube


*Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News



* 1:50:00/ Ufo's and Aliens Contact (Full Documentary) Very Good Info Not To Be Dismissed - YouTube


UFO's And Aliens Contact (Full Documentary) | Before It's News


Court Files Cast Doubt on Gingrich Version of First Divorce

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Continues Attacks on Unemployed

Auto Rescue Highlights Obama's Public Good, Romney's Private Gain

Newt's History Of Exploiting Pearl Harbor

Senator Ben Nelson Won't Seek Reelection

War Vets Help Rebuild and Revitalize A Baltimore Neighborhood

Eric Bolling Asks if There's Some Way to Get Sarah Palin 'Somehow Some Buzz in Iowa'

Conservatives Furious That Obama, Like Bush, Issued Kwanzaa Message

Report: Japan's Response To Fukushima Disaster Was A Mess

Dick Lugar: Tea Party Cost Republicans the Senate in 2010

Rep. Van Hollen: Drug Tests For Unemployed 'Insulting'

Romney, Newt and Mandates Sitting in A Tree

Wanna Know Why Congress Doesn't Care About the 99 Percent? Because They're the 1 Percent.

Santorum: 'Send a Message to the Man' by Voting for Me

Taste of Chicago shortened to 5 days

Man charged after gas station shooting

Police shoot, kill knife-wielding man on Southeast Side

Illinois congressional races take shape

Chicago's 2011 was all wet

Chicago has a problem with missing money

Two people killed, 5 others injured in shooting at Church’s Chicken - Chicago Sun-Times

In N. Korea, huge crowds at Kim's funeral march

South Koreans celebrate Kim death - YouTube

"Nothing frightening" seen in Syria protest hotbed

Netanyahu: Israel will fight harassment of women in the public sphere

Activist Hazare Ends Fast in Mumbai

Argentine leader urges unity, cancer surgery nears

Path Is Cleared for Yemeni Leader to Get Care in US

China fires railway heads, punishes dozens after deadly crash

Islamists in Egypt's tourist spots win surprise support

Zardari issues rallying cry for democracy in Pakistan amid coup fears

Airport X-ray surprise: Poisonous snakes

Karzai Grabs Local Forces

Police: 7 hurt in Islamic school attack in Nigeria days after church blasts

Ethiopia jails two Swedish journalists for aiding rebels

Egypt’s ousted leader Hosni Mubarak back in court as trial resumes after 3-month break - The Washington Post

'Most admired' list: Gingrich up, Palin down; Obama, Clinton still No. 1

Iowa GOP caucus 2012: Ron Paul takes the lead

Rick Perry hopes jogging can help get him back in the race

Autopsies Show Connecticut Family Died of Smoke Inhalation

How the Iowa caucuses work

Vigil honors slain 9-year-old Ind. girl

Arkansas Police Search for Missing Mother of 3 After Car Found Burned

Texts show Texas Christmas Day shooting timeline

US police fatalities up in 2011: report

Johnson quits Republican presidential race to run as Libertarian

Flights delayed and diverted as wind gusts up to 50 mph impact holiday travelers

2 dead, 5 wounded at South Side restaurant

Rival Clergymen Clash at Bethlehem

Ben Nelson's Retirement Hurts Senate Democrats' 2012 Chances

Women accused of faking injuries to collect from State Fair funds

Helicopter that crashed in Florida gave no distress signal

Mega Millions lottery player wins $206 million (but not in LA)

European Bank Worry: Collateral

Wall Street drops as focus shifts to cloudy 2012

Less than a quarter of companies to hire in 2012: CareerBuilder

Sears Canada falls after Sears says US stores to close

US State, Local Pensions Drop 8.5 Percent as Stocks Slide

McDonald's, IBM, Pfizer On Track To Finish As Year's Highest Dow Performers

Windows Phone upgrade plans: First Tango, then cash

Hacked security firm warns of more cyber attacks - YouTube

Internet Anonymous Hack on Stratfor Produces Over 50000 Credit Card Numbers

Occupy Facebook: A new social network for the 99 percent

Apple Wants To Offer Subscription TV Packages, Analyst Says

Who's dumping Go Daddy to protest SOPA?

Mom and Baby Rescued After Facebook Status Update

China Activates Homegrown GPS System

Muppets now 'Hangout' on Google+

Zuckerberg Holiday Vacation Highlights Vietnam's Unofficial Facebook Status

Sinead O'Connor's 16-day marriage not as rare as you think

Sinead O'Connor says marriage is over after 16 days - YouTube

Cheetah, Primate Actor from 'Tarzan' Films, Dies

'Forrest Gump,' 'Bambi' and More Added to National Film Registry

'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol' has Tom Cruise in role of box office hero

'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' star lashes out at Will Smith

Dick Clark: Rockin' it on New Year's since 1972

Joe Bodolai's regret-filled suicide note goes viral

Heavy D's cause of death revealed

SETI to Scour the Moon for Alien Footprints?

Johnny The Turtle Is Released After 10K Mile Journey

Sun Storms May Slam Earth Wednesday

NASA to place twin probes in Moon orbit as you snog beneath mistletoe

Bright Venus & Moon Thrill Skywatchers This Week

Toxic Russian Mars Probe to Hit Earth in January

2011: A Year of Transition for Human Spaceflight

OEPA to regulate liquid runoff from construction material landfills

New ATLAS particle part of “everyday mass”

The Large Hadron Collider has been recreated in Lego

Washington's big dig aims to clean up "nation's river"

NASA Probe Snaps Amazing Photos of Saturn Moons - Space News

Mystery of incident that inspired Hitchcock's 'The Birds' solved?

Rare Asian bird takes "wrong turn," lands in Tennessee

Venezuela offers free surgery to remove faulty French breast implants

LA May Vote on Mandatory Condom Use for Porn Stars

2012 delivers health-care changes

Debate Persists on Deadly Flu Made Airborne

Planning to quit smoking? You may need some help with that

Injured model is 'making remarkable strides'

Florida v. HHS takes health care reform to high court

Preventative care isn't always free - even when insurance companies say it is

California Man Accused of Impersonating Surgeon Pleads Not Guilty

Smoking during pregnancy may damage children's blood vessels

Sources of Debris in Artificial Hips

Occupy Facebook: A new social network for the 99% | ZDNet

Occupy Geeks Are Building a Facebook for the 99% | Threat Level |

Alleged HIV-spreader targeted victims - YouTube

School goes ballistic when boy eats pizza into this shape

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Depressing': Debt, blame and 2012;Larry Sabato recaps year in politics, dissects Obama's re-election campaign

Rabbis get biblical on same-sex lovin'

Bunker buster bombs from US may be defective - JPost - Defense

Muslim Mafia vs. 1st Amendment

Islamic honor killing in Texas: "Santa" who murdered family on Christmas morning was Muslim who didn't like his daughter dating a non-Muslim - Jihad Watch

Poor GOP leadership makes Obama more dangerous

Sheriff Joe 'suspicious' of motive behind Obama attacks

Defence hunting foreign troops with citizenship for service | The Australian

How arguing with your mother is a good thing and stops teens going off the rails | Mail Online

Children twice as likely as adults to have a betting problem | Mail Online

Worrying survey reveals kids think Christmas is Simon Cowell's birthday and Santa's reindeer have celebrity names - Gasp! - 3am - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | World News :: Mikhail Gorbachev tells Putin to quit as demos grow

Divers spot remains of rare World War II plane on ocean floor - South Florida

Special delivery! Woman gives birth to baby girl under Christmas tree as she wraps presents | Mail Online

The Yeti, a severed finger from Nepal, and movie star James Stewart | Mail Online

A libertarian year ahead?

Does Constitution allow Supremes to hide from us?

Ron Paul: Sign the marriage pledge

The liberals' conservative

Washington Post doesn't get it

Gullible Americans

Reading political tea leaves

That's not the last of the string beans!

Why a health-care mandate is necessary

Obamacare's real price: America's job creation

Vatican throws light on history as it opens secret archives - Telegraph

“Pure for God” Seal Found in Temple Mount Excavation | JewishPress - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Wives enjoy company of their girlfriends over their husbands

'Politicians are s***heads and backstabbers,' says Bond star Daniel Craig | Mail Online

Ricky Gervais in Twitter spat with Christians after saying he doesn't believe in God | Mail Online

$132m Sovereign superyacht comes with a built-in limousine |

Loud iPods most common cause of hearing damage (and irritate fellow passengers) | Mail Online

*28 Dec.

American Minute for December 28th

December 28 Events in History

Historical Events on 28th December

This Day in History for 28th December

Today in History: December 28

December 28 Birthdays in History

December 28th in History

December 28th This Day in History

Today in History for December 28th - YouTube


What's this? Iran losing terrorists?

'Anonymous' plans for 'violent revolution'

Saving America in 3 easy steps

Time to support Arpaio's posse

Debbie Schlussel:Our “Moderate” Muslim Neighbors: Jihadist Outs US Muslim Terrorists, NY Daily News Redacts Names

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS VIDEO: How Long ‘Til CAIR Puts a Fatwah on Denis Leary?

Welcome to Establishment Fear-Mongering 101

Just In Time for Christmas, Hanukka and Ramadan, A Story of Prejudice

Unions Are the Political Dinosaur in the Room

Soros’ Latest Israel Project

Redefining Conservatism?

Why the Republicans need to pick Gingrich, despite his past failings

Media Whips Up Phony Iowa Primary Frenzy

The Paul Pot and the Paulestinians

The US Department of INJustice

Deadly Virus

Green Jobs Debacle

The 2012 Check List for America’s Survival

Is the Tea Party About to Get Knocked Out?

Ron Paul Under Fire for Praising Accused Traitor

Ron Paul's Shovel Ready Foreign Policy

An Anarchist on Ron Paul

Can Congress make small businesses hire 6 million unemployed?

Like monkeys, pigeons can put numbers in order

Spying on the Saucer Seekers | Mysterious Universe

Cryptomundo » How Much More Mysterious Can A Mystery Animal Get?

Toaster makes Jesus image - every slice | Orange UK

Was Uffington White Horse really a unicorn? - Telegraph

Local Residents Spot Bigfoot In West Virginia

Happy Christmas: Forget the 3 Wise Men, DOZENS flocked to see Jesus | Mail Online

Neuroscientists identify a master controller of memory - MIT News Office

Antidepressant, talk therapy fail to beat placebo | MNN - Mother Nature Network

What are the Great Pyramids really made of?

Inception becomes reality: People can teach themselves new skills in dreams | Mail Online

Was the Star of Bethlehem a Star, Comet … or Miracle? | Christmas Star & Historical Skywatching Stories | Three Wise Men & Birth of Christ |

BBC News - Elephant's sixth 'toe' discovered

The Gargoyles of Chile | Mysterious Universe

Robert Heinlein's predictions for the Year 2000 (from 1952)

Inside the Pentagon's Alt-Medicine Mecca, Where the Generals Meditate | Danger Room |

Maillardet Automaton Inspired Martin Scorsese’s Film ‘Hugo’ -

Bees Appear to Experience Moods: Scientific American

Evolution of Angels: From Disembodied Minds to Winged Guardians

12 Most Anticipated Space Missions of 2012 | Spaceflight Calendar 2012 | Year in Space Launches |

Cryptomundo » Pangboche Yeti Finger Found: DNA Results Given

H.P. Lovecraft’s Invisible Library « Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog

Doe attacked by golden eagle - Telegraph

Salad-bar strategy: The battle of the buffet - physics-math - 27 December 2011 - New Scientist

Time for a change? Scholars say calendar needs serious overhaul

SETI to Scour the Moon for Alien Footprints? : Discovery News

Barack Obama's Always 'Helpful' Never 'Hurtful' Lies

Throw 'Em All Out...And Good Riddance!

America's Greatness Will Defeat Obama

The Moral Hazard of Promoting Homeownership

Becoming Zimbabwe: When Nations Regress

Who is 'The Press' in the First Amendment?

Bachmann vs. the 'Fact-Checkers': Did Iran Threaten Nuclear Attack on U.S.?

Syria hiding detainees from Arab League monitors

Guess what irks some liberals about Kim Kardashian?

The NGOs that stole Christmas

War tocsin sounding in Iran

Bill Maher's ugly narrow mind

Poverty comes to suburbia

NY Times staffers near mutiny as paper continues to slide into oblivion

Hamas leader: Goal is 'eliminating all of Israel'

Obama's Poverty Politics

The Cognitive Primary

Subpoena Judges? Yes, Indeed

Newt and the Judges

Obama's Sterilized Society

North Korean Concentration Camps Will Outlive Kim Jong-il

‘Inexcusable’: Rep. Peter King Demands Answers After Americans Detained & Held By Iraqi Forces

Babysitter Tells Cops He Beat Indiana Girl With Brick, Dismembered Her With Hacksaw

As Iraq War Ends, No Large-Scale Parade for Troops Planned

Egyptian Court Bans Military ‘Virginity Tests’ on Female Detainees

Obama Goes Snorkeling! Plus – First Family Releases Green Sea Turtles to Open Ocean

Conservatives, Bloggers Stepping Up to Speak Out Against SOPA

President of Iran Pushing Government-Approved Clothing for Women

A ‘Trash Amp’ For Your iPhone, Solar Chargers For Your Tablet… 2011‘s Coolest ’Green’ Products

Have You Seen Denis Leary’s Parody Showing Charlie Brown Converting to Islam & Becoming a Jihadist?

Fox News Host Claims TSA Tore Off Fox Logo & ‘Sliced Up’ His Bag

Teen Succumbs to Cancer After Stopping Treatment to Deliver Healthy Baby Boy

‘Weigh and Win’: Coloradans Offered Cash Incentive for Losing Weight

Tarzan‘s ’Cheetah the Chimp’ Dies at Extraordinary Age of 80

Starting Salaries for Fed Workers Higher Than They Have Been in Years

Hundreds of Occupy Activists Gather in Iowa to Plot ‘Anti-Caucus’ Distruptions

Watch Animal Control Struggles to Remove 13-Foot Burmese Python Pulled from Florida Family’s Pool

Security Cam Catches Gold Store Clerk Pummeling Would-Be Robber

Watch Yes, This Really Is Ex-Sen. Arlen Specter Cracking Sex Jokes At a Philly Comedy Club Last Night

See Christian Priests Attack One Another With Brooms at Jesus’ Suspected Birthplace

Report: Tell-All Book Says Weiner Wanted Sexual Encounter With Another Man

Which Keywords on Twitter Get the Government’s Attention?

‘Put on Your Big Boy Hat and Wait It Out’: Email Exchange Reveals Horrible Customer Service by Marketing Firm

Beck Reveals Why We‘re Living in ’The Most Dangerous & Most Exciting Era of Our Lifetime’

Former SNL Actress Victoria Jackson: ‘Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Our Highest Positions in Gov’t’

Want to Know What You Need to Survive a Violent Citizens Revolution? Anonymous Has a Guide

‘He’s Superman’: Marine Survives Shooting By Plugging His Bullet Wounds With His Fingers

Was the Santa Claus Killer‘s Christmas Day Massacre an ’Honor Killing?’

‘The One We’ve Been Looking For’: See Ron Paul’s Epic New Ad

These Are Some Of The Biggest Product Flops of 2011


**Anonymous Survival Guide for Citizens in a Revolution


MF Global chief missing $1.2B is financial adviser to EPA - Washington Times

Felony charges filed against UC and a UCLA chemistry professor after fatal laboratory fire -

Two claim Gingrich lobbied in '03 | The Des Moines Register |

Former Paul aide offers odd defense of ex-boss's tolerance - Washington Times

The Salafist party's plan for the Pyramids - cover them in wax | Mail Online

Barack Obama and michelle Obama mark the week of Kwanzaa, an African American holiday. by Andrew Malcolm -

In family horror, some Canadians see culture clash - World news - Americas -


Gnostic Media -

Graham Hancock Website: (


*26th)Transcripts :Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Analysts on Romney's Iowa Effort

Panel on Political Turmoil in Iraq


Context-Challenged L.A. Times : Television Proves Americans Okay With Adultery!

Hollywood’s Mean Girls: When ‘Feminist’ Actresses Attack Female Conservatives

Top 5 Worst Films of 2011: From a Super-Dud to Sandler’s Sorriest Effort to Date

Pork TV: How Millions in Stimulus Funds Created an Online Video with 5K Hits

Ben Kingsley Nails the Modern Movie Malaise

Correction Request: FishbowlDC’s Peter Ogburn Misquotes Michelle Fields

FishBowlDC’s Peter Ogburn’s Sexist Attacks On Michelle Fields

WaPo Gives Obama Credit for Bush Drone Program

+Wednesday Crib Sheet: O’Keefe Honored, Pentagon Vindicated

Politicos Top 10 Political Blunders: Mostly GOP Blunders?

Nashville Media Reports OWS Fight On Christmas Day

WaPo on Faith: ‘Christmas Means the Redistribution of Wealth’

White House’s Relations With Media Turn Nasty

The Media And Low Self-Esteem: A Recipe For Electoral Disaster

The History of Predator Drones: From One Man’s Basement to the War on Terror

Ron Paul’s Unlearned Lessons from Vietnam, Part 1: Trading with the Enemy

Hanukkah in a Soviet Concentration Camp: Remembering, and Defeating, the Evil of Communism

Audio: Putin Not Interested in the Appearance of Democracy

On British Sovereignty in Europe and Liberal Confusion

New Report Accuses Both Obama and Republicans of ‘Intellectual Vacuum’ on Iranian Influence in Iraq

Iran Seeks Death for American Accused of Spying

START Success Story? Russia Builds and Tests New ICBM Missiles, Submarines

Why the Middle East Peace Process Is a Farce

New Law Creates More Charter Schools for Michigan

Occupy Wall Street = Obama ‘08 Supporters, Says ‘Occupy the Iowa Caucuses’ Leader

OccupyIowa: Protesters Meet, Plan Caucus Events

‘Let’s Go All the Way’: Rep. Sean Duffy’s Fight to RESTRICT Insider Trading

Make Way for the Indian-American Politicos

US Communist Leader: ‘Progressive Change Is Closer than We Think’

Hanukkah in a Soviet Concentration Camp: Remembering, and Defeating, the Evil of Communism

How the Virginia GOP’s Shortsightedness Led to the Ballot Access Mess

Crackdowns on Consensual Sex, Veggies, and more! Nanny of the Year (2011)

Affordable Care? New Obamacare Fee Coming to Health Insurance in 2012

NYT: Breitbart Editor’s Book Sparks ‘Renewed Attention’ to Insider Trading

Another Record-Breaking Federal Register? Federal Regulations Surge in 2011

Boston Globe Calls for Ban on Congressional Insider Trading

Congress Gets Richer as Voters Struggle

Florida Proposal Could Put Vouchers Back on 2012 Statewide Ballot

US to Hit Debt Ceiling in January

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Again Top Most Admired List

Bozell Column: 2012, A Year of Media Savagery |

Top 10 media transitions of 2011 - Dylan Byers -

Movie crowds dip to 16-year low as apathy lingers - Yahoo! News


28-Dec-11 World View

27-Dec-11 World View

26-Dec-11 World View

25-Dec-11 World View

24-Dec-11 World View


Legislation aims at grants from Neb. AG's office

Oklahoma baby is 3rd sickened by rare bacteria

Forrest Gump, Hannibal Lecter join film registry

Now or never for workers as "Elvis" the croc strikes again

Nelson says leaving Senate doesn't mean retirement

6 years later, Katrina victims fight FEMA debts

Abortion, immigration changes among new 2012 laws

Romney, Gingrich spar as Iowa contest looms

Ex-Republican Johnson launches third party 2012 bid

SJC confirms Cape Wind-National Grid power deal

Google Technology Makes Reporting Child Sexual Exploitation Easier

Argentine leader's cancer forces her to delegate

Successful Italian bond sale cuts its borrowing costs as it happened

Violence in second Syrian city ahead of Arab League monitors' visit

Greek economic crisis turns tragic for children abandoned by their families

Oxford Street murder: 11 freed on bail

Israel 'will launch significant Gaza offensive sooner or later'

Care for elderly in 'absolute crisis', charity warns

Stephen Lawrence trial: jury warned not to let emotion influence verdict

'Syria releases 755 detained in anti-Assad revolt'

Bombardier wins 188m rail contract

'Not enough invested in child abuse prevention'


**NEWS VIDEOS:Going Rogue: Independent Group Runs Palin For President Radio Ads In Iowa

Update: Scientists Defend $682,570 Taxpayer Funded ‘Shrimp On A Treadmill’

Don’t Mess With Firefly! How SciFi Fans Made A Campus Safe For Free Speech

Paul: Hamas Was Started By Israel

Marine Shot Three Times In Robbery Plugs Bullet Holes With Fingers

Flashback: Ron Paul Says ‘Bilderbergers’ Control World’s Banks, Natural Resources

New York Times Study: Congressmen Are Richer Than Average Americans

Chicago Pastor ‘Occupies’ Rooftop To Stop Violence

Screaming, Crying During North Korean Dictator’s Funeral

Gingrich Bus Rolls Into Eastern Iowa

North Korean Gulag Survivor Describes Life In Political Camps

Up To 120 Sears, Kmart Stores To Close

27TH/Denis Leary’s Charlie Brown Jihadist Christmas Special

Clerk Knocks Out Armed Robber, Forces Him To Clean Up Blood

Senator Ben Nelson Announces Retirement

Iowa Congressman King: ‘I Have Not Come To The Conviction’ To Endorse

Betty White’s ‘Monday Night Football’ Opening

Ron Paul: 9/11 Prompted ‘Glee’ In Bush Administration

Newt Flashback 2008: A Passionate Advocate For Individual Mandate

Japan’s Tsunami Debris Begins To Hit US Coast

CNN: Newt’s First Wife Didn’t Want Divorce

Flashback 1995: Ron Paul Brags About Survival Newsletters

Dick Morris: Paul Is ‘Most Liberal’ GOP Candidate

Chaos: Multiple Fights Overrun Mall Of America

Military Wives Create Fastest-Selling Single In Britain In Three Years

Newt’s History Lesson: Christmas Day 1776 – ‘Victory Or Death’

Romney Releases New Ad In Iowa

Family Finds Five-Foot Buck In Home

26TH/TSA Agent Confiscates Cupcake

GoDaddy Pulls Support From SOPA

Awkward Family Holiday Photos

Kwanzaa At The Apollo Theatre

25TH/Iranian Woman To Face Death By Stoning Or Hanging

Incoming: Metal Spheres Crash From Space Into Namibia

Netflix CEO Takes Massive Pay Cut For Company’s Woes

Christmas Characters Take To The Water

Awkward: Weatherman Throws Fit During Live Report

Palestinian Christians Celebrate Christmas

Nativity Scene Shines In Vatican City

Midnight Mass In Bethlehem

22ND/NASA Finds Earth-Sized Planets Beyond This Solar System


Time To Expect Higher Electricity Prices

Evaluating Earth's Energy Budget

Analyzing African Climate Finance Initiatives

Energy not there in Iowa - Alex Guillen -

Solar opportunity or new trade war?

Another Green Industry Failure - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online

State of fearful climate science | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Death and Toxins: How Krugman Botched His Mercury Commentary | Institute for Energy Research

Mercury, madness and the E.P.A.: The essential role of government |

2 Energy Themes for 2012 and Beyond (NOV)

For Start-Ups, Sorting the Data Cloud Is the Next Big Thing -

Avionics: Mythology at 10,000 metres | The Economist

Dot-dash-diss: The gentleman hacker's 1903 lulz - tech - 27 December 2011 - New Scientist

Can Apple Become the Next Big Content Creator?

Unintended - but Predicted - Consequences of Electronic Health Record Usage Grows - IEEE Spectrum

Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online

Top 10 most bizarre tech stories of 2011 -

Apple May Hurt Shareholders With Patent War - Bloomberg

Friedrich Kittler and the rise of the machine | Stuart Jeffries | Comment is free |

BBC News - China GPS rival Beidou starts offering navigation data

How 4G Will Change the Way We Drive | PCWorld

"Reverse robocall" campaign lets citizens phone-blast SOPA supporters

In 2011: How Technology Shaped Health and Fitness

When Your Twitter Account Becomes Your 401K | Betabeat — News, gossip and intel from Silicon Alley 2.0.

USPTO rejects Oracle’s patent claim on Google Android | 9to5Google | Beyond Good and Evil

How The Government Has Caused America's Obesity Problem @PolicyMic | Cameron English

Under pressure: raising Venice above water (using... water?)

Is dark energy changing over time?

And so I'm where, exactly? : Starts With A Bang

Why elderly are 'middle-of-the-road' drivers - Telegraph

Green Glow Shows RNA Editing in Real Time | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Mystery behind Hitchcock's 'The Birds' solved? –

Enigmatic fossils are neither animals nor bacteria : Nature News & Comment

Are Full-Body Scanners Dangerous? - Blog

Archaeology Magazine's Top 10 Discoveries of 2011

Time for a Change? Johns Hopkins Scholars Say Calendar Needs Serious Overhaul « News from The Johns Hopkins University

A new theory emerges for where some fish became four-limbed creatures | Media Relations

Targeted blocking of necroptosis prevents fatal condition septic shock

American Friends of Tel Aviv University: Childhood Hypersensitivity Linked to OCD

Doh! Top Science Journal Retractions of 2011 | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Virus | Marijuana & Crime | Autism & MMR Vaccinations | LiveScience

Better luck next year » Scienceline

Looking at the New Demography |

North Korea Remains a Threat to Americans

Iraq a Model? Be Careful of What You Wish For | If 2011 Was a Turbulent Year for Obama’s Foreign Policy, 2012 Looks Set to Be Worse | Global Spin |

Does Nigeria's Taliban have the West in its sights? - Telegraph

Why attacking Iran is still a bad idea | Stephen M. Walt

U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure - The Daily Beast

How to Save Iraq From Civil War -

The Next al-Qaeda? Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Future of Terrorism in South Asia | World Affairs Journal

Libya still under arms - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

Is the Embargo Doomed? A Fight Over the Future of Cuban American Politics - Anya Landau French - International - The Atlantic

RealClearWorld - Riots, Language and Britain's Globalized Underclass

China abroad: Sun Tzu and the art of soft power | The Economist

Why isn’t the West reacting to China’s crackdown? - The Washington Post

Religious extremists threaten democracy in Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Faster, Please! » Why Tyrants Fall

2012 Economic Outlook: Why Things Are Better Than We Think - The Daily Beast

Wall Street Meets Reality -

Jenkins: The Fannie and Freddie Hate Storm -

Why the Left Is Losing the Argument over the Financial Crisis — The American Magazine

Welcome to Forbes

What Really Frightens the Oil-Rich Arab Monarchies: Noe & Raad - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - Let's Make Social Security Pay Its Own Way

Why the Hype Surrounding Renewable Energy Is Just That - Forbes

Can a Christian be a libertarian? - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Private Owner of Washington's Letter –

Roger Housden: Hitchens: Arch-Fundamentalist?

Charismatic movement growing quickly worldwide – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The Cardinal, The Klan and The Governor | NBC Chicago

Top 2011 Religion Stories That Weren’t | Culture | Religion Dispatches

Salt Lake City Arts & Entertainment - Books: Tales of A Peculiar People

The Weakness of Tyranny | First Things

Compassion CEO: Church Is Always One Generation From Going Extinct, Christian News

What's the Gospel in Seven Words? | The Christian Century

Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community

Where Things Stand In Iowa | The New Republic

Why the “Establishment” Opposes Gingrich « Commentary Magazine

Is Obama ready to make recess appointments? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

What Obama's done right -- and wrong | Shadow Government

America may have left Iraq, but al Qaeda has not « The Enterprise Blog

The Slippery Slope of Drone Warfare | Mother Jones

SOPA Threatens Free Speech and Jeopardizes Internet Security

Ace of Spades HQ: Ron Paul: I Wouldn't Risk US Troops to Stop the Holocaust

Washington’s year of drama leaves little done regarding debt - The Washington Post

Economic Downturn Took a Detour at Capitol Hill -

Frank Rich on the Republican Party’s Enraged Populist Movement -- New York Magazine

In Praise of the House | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - An Iowa Caucus Primer: How the Process Works

7 Reasons Why Mitt Romney's Electability Is A Myth - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

The PJ Tatler » Ron Paul: Bush Admin was ‘Gleeful’ Because of 9-11

Job Creation Is Price for New U.S. Health Law: Andrew Puzder - Bloomberg

Response To Paul Starr: Why The Individual Mandate Made Sense, As Policy And As Politics | The New Republic

Midlife Crisis Economics -

Obama enjoys jump in approval ratings - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

RealClearPolitics - A Brainpower Revolution

WaPo: Hey, there were a lot of politics going on green-tech boondoggles « Hot Air

RealClearScience - RealClearScience's Top 10 Stories of 2011

China Rail Fail: 42% Spending Cut in Bullet Train Meltdown | Via Meadia

The American Spectator : The Case for a Conservative

Comment: Holder’s Legacy : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - Why Americans Support Voter ID Laws

Editorial: No hard times in Congress | congress, pay, bavaro - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Mr. Paul’s Discredited Campaign -

Yemen’s leader should not receive a U.S. visa - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - A Libertarian Year Ahead?

Diversity, Inc. - National Review Online

Time is right to confront Sheriff Arpaio's bias

Joe Arpaio: We're enforcing the law –

Ron Paul is Crazy, Part 4,018,663 | RedState

Morning Jay: Farewell 2011, You Will Not Be Missed | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - What 2010 Census Tells Us About 2020 Reapportionment

Iowans Care About Jobs, Size of Government and the Deficit - Room for Debate -

Repo Men - Kevin D. Williamson - National Review Online

BOOK REVIEW: 'Admiral Nimitz' - Washington Times

‘Death Comes to Pemberley’ by P. D. James - Review -

The Shadow World: disconcerting but necessary tome on arms trafficking - The National

Pablo Mancini: Data Journalism: Facts Are Sacred

In the Words of E. B. White - The Barnes & Noble Review

Book Review: A Brief History of Thought -

'Tolstoy: A Russian Life' by Rosamund Bartlett: Book review -

Judith Flanders on Life in the Victorian Age | FiveBooks | The Browser

The Deadliest Tsunami in History?

Indonesia girl back with family after 2004 tsunami

Tsunamis: When Will We Learn? - The Daily Beast

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Speaking truth to power | The Economist

The Man Who Got Russia Right - By Susan B. Glasser | Foreign Policy

I miss hating the Soviet Union - Life stories -

History and Lessons of a Failed Company – Montgomery Ward

Montgomery Ward to Close Its Doors - New York Times

The Pledge of Allegiance


Dec. 27, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, December, 27, 2011

The Manning Report – 27 December 2011

12/27 The Mark Levin Show

12/26 The Mark Levin Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 23rd

The Kevin Trudeau Show

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 26th/

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2



Pro-Paul PAC Video: If China Attacks America (Just Imagine)
Gingrich: Paul's Views Outside "Mainstream Of Virtually Every Decent American"
Gingrich Ad: "We Can Create Millions Of Jobs Right Now"
Romney Press Secretary: "Everything He Did Was As A Conservative"
Gingrich Iowa Ad: "Winning The Argument"
Paul Ad: "The Washington Machine Is Strangling Our Economy"
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Running On The Economy We Have Today
Matthews: Gingrich's Numbers "Just Keep Dropping"
Schultz: "It Would Be Hard To Find A Worse Democrat" Than Ben Nelson
RCP's Erin McPike On Santorum And Paul In Iowa

27 Dec.

Nebraska Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson Won't Run In 2012
Halperin: "Most Likely Outcome" Is Romney Winning Iowa
Rep. Steve King: "I Have Not Come To The Conviction" To Endorse Yet
Pro-Gingrich Super PAC Ad Hits "Liberal Republican Establishment"


The Future Of U.S.-Egypt Relations
Can Arab League Monitor Syria?
Could Christianity Be Eradicated In Iraq, Afghanistan?
Few Libyan Families Untouched By Tragedy
U.S. In Dilemma Over Saleh's Visa Request
Jon Huntsman Discusses China
No 'Dramatic' Solution For Eurozone Crisis
U.S. Officials Blame Drone Crash On Mechanical Failure
Iran Says American Could Face Death Penalty
Raw Video: North Korea Funeral Procession
The Cost Of Supplying NATO
Russian Ship Freed From Antarctic Ice
Lava Floods Kill Three In Indonesia
U.S. Protecting Iranian Dissidents In Iraq?

27 Dec.

Beyond Our Means
Bloodshed Continues In Syria
Christmas Massacre In Nigeria
What's Ahead For Euro Markets In 2012?
Iran-Iraq Alliance Unlikely
Yemen's President Seeks Medical Treatment In U.S.
This Year In Politics
Nigerians Pray For Bombing Victims.
Italians Arrested In Brazil Drug Bust
China Tests 500 kmph Train
Britain's Prince Philip Leaves Hospital
Pakistani Media And Anti-Americanism
North Korea In Transition
Tabler: 150 Monitors In Syria Not Enough


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