A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

27 December 2011

24-27 DEC.








Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-26, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-25, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-23, Friday


Rense & Rosa Koire - Agenda 21 Eco Terror War - YouTube

Destroying the Black Culture - Thomas Mountain - YouTube

U.S. to cut three quarters of National Guard troops on the border in cost-cutting measure | Mail Online

Halfpasthuman - the 'played' is the thing

USDA Deregulates Monsanto Soybean Trait - Farm Chemicals International

The speculative scrum driving up food prices | Frederick Kaufman | Global development |

You Are The Battlefield | Before It's News

Jonathan Kay: Three reasons why Winnipeg’s Human Rights Museum is doomed to failure | Full Comment | National Post

Iowa Novel Influenza Testing Paradox

The GOP's Iowa Chaos | National Memo | Breaking News, Smart Politics

+Potbelly Globalists Want You Dead – The Kissinger Report :

The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadmap" to World War III

Did Congress Just Endorse Rendition for Americans? | Mother Jones

CIA and Russian Protesters | Opinion Maker

+The Drone

Fars News Agency :: Former IRGC Cyber War Commander: Iran Can Make Drones More Advanced than RQ-170

New Hampshire Herald « Larry Sinclair

Jews, Zionists Behind Armenian Genocide Holocaust

A $2.5 Million Libel Judgment Brings The Question: Are Bloggers Journalists? | Fox News

Agenda 21 Total Surveillance Smart Cities are HOT Investments | Farm Wars - What is the REAL Jewish World Population?

Interest Rates in a Gold Coin Standard by Gary North

'Birthers' vow to appeal Obama ruling on right to be president -

Does Airport Security Really Make Us Safer? | Culture | Vanity Fair

A multi-trillion dollar scheme that will end in tears - YouTube

Incredible pictures of Comet Lovejoy taken by Space Station commander | Mail Online

'Building blocks of life' found on Pluto's surface | Mail Online

Amateur astronomer captures image of sun with old tin tea caddy - Telegraph

Large Hadron Collider finds new particle - Telegraph

Scared of the dentist? New painless cavity drill could be on the market in two years | Mail Online

Sandra Baker finds autistic son Christopher was STUFFED IN A BAG by school workers | Mail Online

You dumb f***! How callous police mocked critically injured accident victim as he lay close to death | Mail Online

Bracelet reveals amazing craftsman's skill from 7500BC (so good it couldn't be bettered today) | Mail Online

How Goldman Sachs sees 2012 | Business | The Guardian

British-registered ship caught taking arms to China - Europe - World - The Independent

John Kampfner: How did Obama end up appeasing the neocons? - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

+The Obama administration’s top 10 foolish quotes of 2011 – Telegraph Blogs

'If Jesus were to come this year, Bethlehem would be closed' | World news |

Uncle Jang emerges as real power in North Korea - Asia - World - The Independent

Christmas lights 13 houses set to Little Drummer Boy - YouTube

The Iraq War Why won't the government tell us the truth about Iraq?

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - I Am Dying To See This Film

Between Two Worlds--2011 documentary-Snitow-Kaufman Productions - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Mohamad at Eton


+The Ancient Origins Of Christmas


The Origin of Christmas (Part 1 of 7)

The Origin of Christmas (Part 2 of 7)

The Origin of Christmas (Part 3 of 7)

The Origin of Christmas (Part 4 of 7)

The Origin of Christmas (Part 5 of 7)

The Origin of Christmas (Part 6 of 7)

The Origin of Christmas (Part 7 of 7)


Roy Tov – Jerusalem’s Ripped Veil

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Nietzsche, Hitchens & God

101 Ways to Screw Palestinians « Mantiq al-Tayr

Keiser Report: Capitalism Without Capital? (E226) - YouTube

Activist Post: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to be Released in the US for the First Time

Activist Post: Viruses and the GM Insect "Flying Vaccine" Solution

'10/Activist Post: Bill Gates Funds Approval of GM Mosquitoes to Combat Dengue

USDA - USDA Announces Biotechnology Regulatory Actions

- It was four years today that Obama friend/lover was murdered « Larry Sinclair

“The Solution Is Always Simple” « Terrible Truth

Paul facing scare tactics and "racist" smears. - YouTube

Poppy Bush “Endorses” Jeb Bush for 2016 – Er… Mitt-Rom 2012 : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


**Lyndon LaRouche Emergency Broadcast


+1,100-year-old Mayan ruins found in North Georgia | The Raw Story

Planetary Fragmentation

The Destruction Of Christmas And The Truth


*JFK Files May Shed Light On Witness Death


The Harold Weisberg Archive:(


Enron, Taliban & Warburg: The Untold Story :

Naples shopkeepers rise up against Camorra mafia - Telegraph

Deepening Global Financial Trouble

The Billionaire Casino Mogul Behind Newt Gingrich : Information Clearing House

Ural celebrates 70th anniversary with retro M70 bike and sidecar | Hemmings Blog: Classic and collectible cars and parts

Official: Ford-licensed 1967 Mustang convertible body shell announced | Hemmings Blog: Classic and collectible cars and parts

Portland, Oregon, December 1973 | Hemmings Blog: Classic and collectible cars and parts

OpEdNews - Quicklink: Paint-on Solar Cells

The Economic Solutions Of Vampires

What Gary North is not telling you about Interest « Realcurrencies's Blog

U.S. Retirement Assets Declined by $1.4 Trillion - DailyFinance

+Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Future Release in US | Natural Society

FEMA Makes Preparation For UFO Attack - YouTube

Facebook is run by CIA !!! - YouTube

Six Billion Dollar Subsidy for Dirty Corn Ethanol Defeated | Common Dreams

Iran starts building a nuclear weapon: US and Israel tighten cooperation

US missiles 'hit Iranian village' | Mail Online

The Official Site of Aloha Wanderwell

Florida Cops strip man naked then pepper spray him repeatedly until he died - YouTube

On the Road to Shambala through the Portal of 2012. Visible Origami

A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning. - YouTube

US 'wastes' billions on Sesame Street for Pakistan and the effect of cocaine on birds' sex lives | Mail Online

Video: Wild gorillas groom photographer in rare encounter - Telegraph

*!! RED ALERT !! Emergency Broadcast : On The Brink of Ww3 - YouTube

Arab World Update - 2 Seconds to Midnight - YouTube

The Champion of Painkillers | Common Dreams

The fantasy world of psychiatry and psychotropic drugs « The PPJ Gazette

FDA Targets New Supplements While Allowing Harmful GMOs | Natural Society

Activist Post: Smart Meters Make Themselves At Home . . . by Force

Merry Christmas America, Now Give Us Your Money - Love, EPA. - Forbes

Cesium measured from 5000 meters deep in the ocean | Fukushima Diary

Compensation for Fukushima Residents: Gift Certificates? | EX-SKF

Roy Tov – Nazi Bolivia: A Plea for Public Action

Add vitamin D to Scotland's food – experts | UK news | The Guardian

Hep B vaccine for those with diabetes -

Fight continues for academic freedom in the US | The Electronic Intifada

Libyan 'heir to the throne' returns home - Telegraph

Unesco cuts funding for Palestinian youth magazine over Hitler praise - Telegraph

Syria: Up to 40 dead as two bomb explosions rock Damascus - Telegraph

Syria's Homs under a military siege, activists say -

Fed’s Once-Secret Data Compiled by Bloomberg Released to Public - Businessweek

WXIX 19 (CIN) Ben Swann on Anwar Al-Awlaki and the Constitution - YouTube

Russian protesters back on the streets of Moscow over Putin vote-rigging claims | Mail Online

Ron Paul No Racist: NAACP Austin President

Ron Paul uses non-profit groups to evade campaign finance disclosure laws | Capitol Hill Blue

Raw footage shows Ron Paul DIDN'T storm out of CNN interview over racist newsletters... the interview was simply done | Mail Online

US Election 2012: Donald Trump switches from Republican to independent - Telegraph

Ben Swann Reality Check: Obama Administration Demanded Power to Detain US Citizens - YouTube

Set Your Doomsday Clock to 11:51 | Veterans Today

Mentally ill flood ER as states cut services - Yahoo! News

Seafood Over Safe Limit for Carcinogens, FDA Says Eat Anyway | Natural Society

Security in H5N1 Bird Flu Study Was Paramount, Scientist Says -

Conservatives pay lip service
to the Constitution

-: Audio Gunderson Thinks Melted Core Will Hit Groundwater

The Terrible Truth About Facebook - YouTube

Jury Refuses to Convict Anyone for Marijuana Possession!

Ron Paul: Damn It, Don't Ask Bout My Racist Writings. - YouTube

Turmeric: The Return of The Divine Mother as Healing Herb | GreenMedInfo | Page | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Research: Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer Without Killing You | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Sexual activity between teenage girls is higher then ever before, claims new research | Mail Online

Low Dose Aspirin for Heart Attack Protection is Dangerous | Natural Society

Activist Post: Research: Pineapple Enzyme Superior to Chemotherapy in Treating Cancer

Giant shrimp raises big concern as it invades the Gulf - Houston Chronicle

HSBC: The World’s Dirtiest Bank :

News: FDA Won’t Act Against Ag Antibiotic Use | Wired Science |

Rense & Texe Marrs - The Plan - Die America Die - YouTube

Whistleblower Advice: Medical Power of Attorney « O'Finioan's Blog

70% of Chinese feel happy in 2011|Chinese Media|

Ё-mobile hybrid to get sporty makeover — RT

Novel Under 10 Flu Cases In United States Approach 100%

Sustained trH3N2 Transmission In West Virginia - Christ's Gospel: Unity With God

Pope decries commercial glitter of Christmas | World news |

My 2 Cents: No Room At The Inn - - Ok - Flash Player Installation

Stop teaching about the holocaust so that children see Germany in a better light, says Lord Baker - Telegraph

A country full of hate - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

North Korea versus the United States: Who are the Demons? | Pakalert Press

Spoiling For A Fight With Syria And Iran

Who is behind mystery spy devices dropped over Syria? «

US Government Plans to Buy $500 Million Smallpox Vaccine

Uncut Ron Paul Interview - CNN Gloria Borger - YouTube

Raw footage shows Ron Paul DIDN'T storm out of CNN interview over racist newsletters... the interview was simply done | Mail Online

Obama Called "Skinny, ghetto crackhead" on Fox - YouTube

+Understanding The Hegelian Dialectic And Its Genesis

World's 1st hotel on aircraft carrier to open|China|

Apple has plans to use hydrogen in batteries allowing iPhones and iPods to hold a charge for WEEKS | Mail Online

Event Horizon Chronicle: Vorticular Madness Of The Dark Magicians

Gingrich, Perry disqualified from Va. primary ballot - Virginia Politics - The Washington Post


+BBC News - In pictures: Stonehenge marks winter solstice


Merry Christmas, 1956 | Hemmings Blog: Classic and collectible cars and parts

U.S. Army uniforms to include Muslim headscarves, turbans?

+Food Grade Activated Charcoal is an Excellent Detox Agent | Natural Society

The Arab League: There Comes the ‘G’ Word Again

Pakistan US Relations Determinant: Money, Money, Money …

Video: My RT Interview on the Arab League in Syria & More

Back Story on Syria: Sibel Edmonds & Journalist Pepe Escobar

North Korea opens doors to South for Kim's funeral - Asia - World - The Independent - Soros' Hand Seen in Anti-Putin Protests

Obama's spin doctor bruises hacks with 'nastygrams' - Americas - World - The Independent

Study shows how scientists can now 'read your mind' | Mail Online - Chanukah Doesn't Cut It


51MIN./Astromythology - YouTube

58MIN./The Age of Transitions (full length documentary) - YouTube

Jordan Maxwell -Basic Slideshow Presentation (Hidden Symbols) [1:57:32]


+ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 23, 2011


Michael Jackson tells clearly why they killed him......He went against Sony and the Devil - YouTube

Vatican throws light on history as it opens secret archives - Telegraph

Church leaders urge Britons to turn away from 'beastly ways' | World news | The Guardian

The Horse Latitudes of Interim. Smoking Mirrors

Al-Qaida leadership almost wiped out in Pakistan, British officials believe | World news |

Iran ready to expand military links with Iraq - Telegraph

We should scour the moon for ancient traces of aliens, say scientists | Science | The Guardian

Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa 'was buried in cement at General Motors' HQ' | Mail Online

Germany to compensate Jews who fled the Nazis in the Soviet Union - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama Year Three - Continuing His Rogue Agenda

Russian vs US Elections

America Held Hostage!

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Sausages and fines keep workers on right path — RT

The IRS & DOJ Are Grabbing New Powers In The Hunt For Revenue - Business Insider

'2012: What’s in Store...’ — RT

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Asa Winstanley-UK charity with Mossad links secretly denounced anti-Zionist Jews to government

Finland says ship can sail again, without missiles -

4409 -- SANTA encounters the STATE - YouTube

Rene Guenon - Democracy Has No Dignity - YouTube

From bald eagle to red dragon - Pakistan changes ally - YouTube

Newly recovered court files cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce -

'Ron Paul wishes Israel didn't exist' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Obama: The Conservative In 2012 | National Memo | Breaking News, Smart Politics

Ron Paul simply can't be allowed to win Iowa | Shreveporttimes | - Gay Adoption Satire is Exhilarating

: EPA approves alternatives for super-greenhouse HFC refrigerants

Tom Martin sues LSE's Gender Institute for teaching sexism - YouTube

The Current State Of Free Energy Technology

Electric Universe 2012—The Human Story - YouTube

Rothschilds Setting 'Memorial Days' For Zionist Holocausts

Man Escapes Death As Satellite Fragment Crashes Through His Roof

The False Flags That Stole Christmas | Pakalert Press

Surveillance System Tags, Tracks And Follows - YouTube

Montanans Launch Recall of Senators Who Approved NDAA Military Detention. Merry Christmas, US Senate - Salem-News.Com

+Overlooked Language In NDAA


The Rise Of FEMA – Police State 4 | Pakalert Press


*2:20:39/Police State 4: The Rise Of FEMA - YouTube


Is Obama “Body” man Reggie Love being paid by White House & Obama for America? « Larry Sinclair

Christmas Memories From The Birthplace of Jesus

China denies link with missiles seized in Finland

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Internet Killed Israeli PR (fun watch)


Casey/Art and Colour(



The War on Christmas - New HD version - YouTube


After Demanding Patriot Missiles as Protection from Iran, Israel Sells Secret US Technology to China | Get Smart News

CNN Poll: Ron Paul Most Popular Republican Amongst Non-Whites - 12160

Refreshing News: Barack Obama's family tips to get re-elected

John Boehner and the real meaning of "leading from behind" - Opening Shot -

Revolutionary Politics : Noam Chomsky in Defense of Ron Paul

The Companies Pushing SOPA Are The Same People Who Distributed The Piracy Software - YouTube

Ron Paul Newsletters: Ad Urging Subscription Warned Of 'Race War'

Rare Exports: The Official Safety Instructions @ Vimeo

Revolutionary Politics : When the President Can Kill Whoever He Wants, He is A KING Not a President!

Sherrie Questioning All: Email sent out by Roger Weigand (Trader Rog) to David Morgan (Silver-Investor) - Something Odd is happening with the Banks in Europe and exchanges Today 12/24/11.

Revolutionary Politics : NOW IS TIME FOR LIBERTY - VOTE RON PAUL IN 2012!

Revolutionary Politics : The Globalization of War

Lone Star Watchdog: History Shows Illegal Detentions and Dictatorships are Nothing New to America

Santa vs Jesus (It's comedy don't flip out now thumpers) - YouTube

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Christimas, Hidden History WARNING SPOLIER

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Santa Vs Jesus....winner Santa.

Ron Paul Walks Out CNN Persistent Questions NEW - YouTube

Uncut Ron Paul Interview - CNN Gloria Borger - YouTube

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Yet another anti-white film

Poor Richard's blog: Santa Claus the Magic Mushroom

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Newest War by Deception! Merry xmas

Activist Post: The American Fascist Sandwich: Indefinite Detention and Internment Camps

"Big Brother" Cameras Come to Columbus Ohio - 12160

Ron Paul Talks 9/11, Iran, and Cookbooks On His Last Tour Stop Before Christmas - ABC News

Newt Gingrich Compares His Failure To Make The Virginia Ballot To The Pearl Harbor Attack | ThinkProgress

Gingrich’s Ballot Miss Could Shake Voters’ Confidence -

WOULD JESUS BE IN THE 99%? « Desertpeace

Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration - YouTube

Is Ron Paul too conservative for Rush? - Detroit Conservative |

Ron Paul & Joe Rogan on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno - YouTube

GOP fears Ron Paul presidency | The News Star |

Poor Richard's blog: The Perfect Heist: Why Government Theft Continues To Go Unnoticed

Poor Richard's blog: Biofuels production is not our wisest use of limited land resources

Fed’s Once-Secret Data Compiled by Bloomberg Released to Public - Businessweek

US Judge Rules Iran Responsible for 9/11 -- News from

The fantasy world of psychiatry and psychotropic drugs « The PPJ Gazette

Newt Gingrich's history of bigoted remarks | Media Matters for America

Thousands of 'deadly' seed bracelets recalled after Eden Project gift shop reveals they are made from beans twice as fatal as RICIN | Mail Online

Gingrich, Santorum, Bachmann Fail to File Full Slates of NH Delegates « New Hampshire Journal

"Spin" Ron Paul victory would threaten the establishment's con game

Ron Paul Is Not Bought And Paid For, He’s A Libertarian For Limited Government, The Constitution, Sound Money, Large Cuts To Wasteful Federal Spending, End Of Military Adventurism... | Before It's News




Revolutionary Politics : War Declared on the Constitution - NDAA TYRANNY

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : G. Edward Griffin: The Collectivist Conspiracy

Stratfor Hacked, 200GB Of Emails, Credit Cards Stolen, Client List Released, Includes MF Global, Rockefeller Foundation | ZeroHedge

Baby formula probe widens beyond Enfamil | Reuters

Activist Post: Mosquito Bioweapons: The History of Testing Inside the United States

Activist Post: 2011 - Year of the Dupe

The Nasty Truth About the Online Retailers You Probably Used for Your Holiday Shopping | Economy | AlterNet

Refreshing News: Hackers 'steal US data in Christmas-inspired assault'

+Ron Paul: 16 Eye Opening Things You Don’t Know

Ron Paul Foreign Policy - YouTube

"A Corporation Is Not A Person!" Senator Sanders Offers A Constitutional Amendment! - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : PROOF Ron Paul NOT RACIST!

Ron Paul Took Credit For Controversial Newsletters In 1995 Interview (VIDEO)

More on the Holocaust Deception - YouTube

Israeli Army Radio instructed to call West Bank by biblical ‘Judea and Samaria’

US State Dept Official Ignores Israeli Human Rights Abuse in Speech «

Breaking: Patriot Missiles Seized, Sold To China by Israel (Updates) | Veterans Today

Activist Post: 6 Ways Parents, Society and the Educational System Foster Psychopathic Behavior in Kids

Why is the U.S. Doubling Its Protection Against this Non-existent Health Enemy?

Refreshing News: Obama’s campaign seeks to surpass $200 mn

Unrelenting Global Economic Crisis: A Doomsday View of 2012

The IRS & DOJ Are Grabbing New Powers In The Hunt For Revenue - Business Insider

Dick Morris: Ron Paul 'Terrifying,' Romney's 'Apostasies'

Possible Ron Paul Iowa Win Drives NeoCons to Apoplexy

Iran: Naval drills for global energy security - YouTube

They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer, an excerpt

Politics and the challenge of perception > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

The US “Homeland Battlefield” > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

Poor Richard's blog: Thud of the Jackboot

Poor Richard's blog: Fascism is Our Guardians’ Plan for Capital Control

US Blaming Iran for 9/11: Unbelievable! | My Catbird Seat

Poor Richard's blog: 'Israel prime culprit in 9/11 attacks'

Richard Geldard: The Bain of Romney's Existence

Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab - YouTube

Refreshing News: Vatican throws light on history as it opens secret archives

+Poor Richard's blog: The Four Companies That Control the 147 Companies That Own Everything

Ron Paul Now The true and only Frontrunner In Iowa ... The Media is getting desperate - YouTube

One Hundred Million Dollar Penny - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Mike Huckabee : Ron Paul CAN'T win Nomination , calls Obama a Patriot!

Daily Kos: Montanans Launch Recall of Senators Who Approved NDAA Military Detention. Merry Christmas, US Senate

The Press Room:Media "Distortions"

Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse

Poor Richard's blog: One Nation Under The Drone: The Rising Number Of UAVs In American Skies

The Terrible Truth About Facebook - YouTube

Yemen Opposition Slams US Ambassador’s Statement Encouraging Crackdown -- News from

US 'to give Israel extra aid for rocket system' - Yahoo! News

News: FDA Won’t Act Against Ag Antibiotic Use | Wired Science |

Money and Politics in the Land of Oz by Quentin Taylor


**Satire:Ron Paul's Racism in Action


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


**SOPA Supporters



*1:25:00/G. Edward Griffin: The Collectivist Conspiracy - YouTube


Rand Paul on Ron Paul's principled leadership. - YouTube

PressTV - Iran wishes Christians a Merry Xmas

President Ali Saleh: A Yemenie War Criminal in Obama’s Court | Intifada Palestine

Christine Lagarde: dangerous situation for world economy - YouTube

Morris rant - DPRK and Rene Guenon - YouTube

Rene Guenon - Democracy Has No Dignity - YouTube

Thierry in Syria Update and The Mercenaries Paymasters - YouTube

An inconvenient truth, Al Gore Exposed by Lord Monckton Climategate , a clip from Apocalypse? No! - YouTube

Poor Richard's blog: Better than Obama: Why the Establishment is Terrified of Ron Paul

Poor Richard's blog: The Bombing of Damascus: Terror, Lies, Human Rights and Mass Media "Conspiracy Theories"


Ron Paul | Why the establishment really fears Ron Paul | The Daily Caller

Poor Richard's blog: Selling the Drug War for $3 Billion? How the Pentagon Will Privatize an International War on Drugs

Activist Post: Common Chemicals BPA and Phthalates May be Damaging Your Arteries

Israeli Tree Campaign "Judaizes" Expropriated Land - YouTube

Activist Post: USDA Steps Back and Gives Monsanto More Power Over GMO Seeds

Ex-Aide Says Ron Paul Is a 9/11 Truther & Isolationist Who Thinks U.S. Shouldn't Have Fought Hitler | The Weekly Standard

Activist Post: Did the Alternative Media Force US Gov't to Block Deadly Bird Flu Study?

Paul plays better than Perry on national stage | Rick Perry 2012 Campaign for President– News and updates

Poor Richard's blog: Fanatic Rabbi Who Teaches “Goyim Slavery” Comes to US

POLITIOCRACY: Ron Paul, Racism & The Uneducated Masses

Sayanim — Israeli Operatives in the U.S. | Veterans Today

China tests 500 kmph super high-speed train | Reuters

Iraq's Sadrists call to dissolve parliament - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Poor Richard's blog: Recall Those in Congress Who Voted for the NDAA

Paul sparks passion in Granite State -

Refreshing News: Conan O’Brien’s Harvard Lampoon Prank Did Not Involve Paris Hilton

Illegal in Canada and Europe. More than taboo part 1 of 2 - YouTube

Illegal in Canada and Europe More Than Taboo Part 2 of 2 - YouTube

Poor Richard's blog: China SaysThis About IRAN ~ UH OH!


**Blue Team Red Team Identification On Battle Field America | Video Rebel's Blog


Refreshing News: Backstage: Ron Paul

Refreshing News: The Wisdom Of Trees (Leonardo Da Vinci Knew It)

Refreshing News: Dallas shooter was dressed as Father Christmas

Rep. Paul says defense bill assures ‘descent into totalitarianism’ - The Hill's Ballot Box

CIA Asset Susan Lindauer.. Can Now Speaks 10 years after 9/11 | Intifada Palestine

Al Qaeda in Iraq says it was behind Baghdad blasts - CBS News

Congress Is Getting Richer While You're Not

Locals Say Ron Paul is a Front-runner for a Reason

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Anti-Neocon of the year award for 2011

Deadly riots challenge Kazakhstan stability - Yahoo! News

The Humble Libertarian: Eric Dondero is a Leftist and a Leftist Lover

Overthrow Inc.: Doing what the CIA used to do, and making it seem progressive « Aletho News

McDonald's close all their stores in Bolivia, making Bolivia the only Latin- American free McDonald's.

Thierry in Syria Update and The Mercenaries Paymasters - YouTube




Sears and Kmart to close 100-120 stores | News - Home




**H.R. 4646 [111th] - Summary: Debt Free America Act (

House Bill 4646 to be passed after elections : Dr. Leonard Coldwell Debt Free America Act

Congressman Chaka Fattah : Debt Free America Act


**Genome News Network -


* Videos: Prison » Mind-Reading Machines Are Here


Prison » The Two Koreas, 1950–2008: An Unplanned Experiment in Economic Systems, the Carbon Footprint and Human Well-Being

Prison » FDA Targets ‘Unproven’ New Supplements While Allowing Harmful GMOs

Prison » Amish Dairy Farmer Selling Raw Milk Won’t Be Cowed by FDA

Natural gas issue affecting 1,600 homes |

Total Despotism in America with Constitutional Lawyer Bruce Fein 1/2 - YouTube

Total Despotism in America with Constitutional Lawyer Bruce Fein 2/2 - YouTube

Christianity May Be Eradicated in Iraq and Afghanistan, Says Chair of U.S. Religious Freedom Commission |

Prison » Cyber War Against U.S. – China Involved In “The Greatest Transfer of Wealth In the History of the World”

Prison » War Woe: Suicide kills more US soldiers than combat

Prison » Corporate-State Media Creating a Fool’s Paradise

Prison » Upon Release of Martial Law Documents, The Plan For America’s Destruction Becomes Apparent

Prison » 2012 – end of the world or time for change?

Prison » Mark Steyn: Ron Paul’s Support of Constitution is “Stunted Parochialism”

Prison » Gingrich Labels Ron Paul’s Entire Support Base As “People Who Want To Legalize Drugs”

Dutch Lab Creates Killer Flu, Al-Qaeda Origins & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Louisiana State Rep Demands Troops on The Streets: Infowars Nightly News 1/2 - YouTube

Louisiana State Rep Demands Troops on The Streets: Infowars Nightly News 2/2 - YouTube


Prison » Preparing to Attack Iran with Nuclear Weapons: “No Option can be taken off the Table.”

+30 min./President Barack Obama - 2011 URJ Biennial Plenary - YouTube


Qatar builds Sunni intervention force of Libyan, Iraqi terrorists against Assad

Obama to ask for debt limit hike: Treasury official | Reuters

Prison » Republican Tea Party Supports Loser Michele Bachmann

Ron Paul's Poll Numbers Continue to Surge in Iowa (12-26-11) - YouTube

Prison » Iran Rejects Court Ruling It Worked with Al-Qaeda in 9/11 Attack

Accusing Iran of 9 11 echoes Iraq scenario - YouTube

Prison » Ron Paul: The NDAA Repeals More Rights

Prison » Why Neo-Cons Hate Ron Paul’s Honest Foreign Policy

Prison » America’s farmlands to be carpet-bombed with Vietnam-era Agent Orange chemical

Prison » Mobile fluoride vans to target communities that voted to remove chemical from public water supply

Prison » Did the Alternative Media Force US Gov’t to Block Deadly Bird Flu Study?

PressTV - 'US spy drone crashes in Afghanistan'

Prison » The Worst Time Of The Year?

Prison » China, slave state where the family is outlawed, and the rich breed in secret

CNN tells masses 'Communism has been good for women' - YouTube

'Speculation of Israel's nuclear... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Prison » ‘Time to separate Syrian civilians from insurgents!’

Prison » Saudi Highschool Textbook: Jews Need to Be Exterminated and Homosexuals Should Be ‘Put to Death’

Iran says it warns off foreign helicopter near naval maneuvers -

Prison » New Year Prediction: Israel and U.S. Will Attack Iran

Prison » Gold: How High Is Up? US$5,000? Confiscation?

Prison » Global Depression – A Directed Phenomenon …

Prison » World’s Second And Third Largest Economies To Bypass Dollar, Engage In Direct Currency Trade

Romney leads, Paul rises in N.H. poll -

Seven shot dead at Texas Christmas gathering | World news |

Prison » Romney on ObamaCare in 2010: “Repeal the Bad, and Keep the Good”

Prison » Green is the new Red – how animal rights activists are being targeted like ‘commies’ from the 1950′s

Prison » Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints

Prison » Weather Was Worse With Less CO2 In Atmosphere

Prison » Stratfor Hacked, 200GB Of Emails, Credit Cards Stolen, Client List Released, Includes MF Global, Rockefeller Foundation

Prison » Big Brother Cab: Taxi CCTV to spy on passengers

Big Brother Cab: Taxi CCTV to spy on passengers - YouTube

Prison » Surveillance System Tags, Tracks And Follows

Surveillance System Tags, Tracks And Follows - YouTube

OKC Officer Terry Yeakey's Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out 1/3 - YouTube

OKC Officer Terry Yeakey's Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out 2/3 - YouTube

OKC Officer Terry Yeakey's Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out 3/3 - YouTube

» Why Neo-Cons Hate Ron Paul’s Honest Foreign Policy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Unrelenting Global Economic Crisis: A Doomsday View of 2012 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Christmas Truce of 1914 - YouTube

» A Very Scary Christmas And An Incredibly Frightening New Year Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Lugar: Paul not in sync with mainstream GOP -

Lugar says country can't afford Ron Paul's foreign policy views - YouTube

Nomination of Chuck Schumer’s brother-in-law Kevin McNulty to federal judgeship stumps New Jersey observers -

» US media pretend OWS no longer exists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Debunking The Anti-Paul Messages : Personal Liberty Digest™

9 people shot in downtown Chattanooga on Christmas morning |

Japan drops ban on military exports | World news |

Pentagon Finds No Fault In Its Ties to TV Analysts -

BBC film Tony Blair obituary even though former PM is just 58 years old | Mail Online

» Two Thirds of U.S. Foreign Aid is Really Military Aid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» UK War On Free Speech Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Largest protest since collapse of Soviet Union rocks Russia - Europe - World - The Independent

Scores killed in deadly bomb attacks at churches in Nigeria - Africa - World - The Independent

» Occupy Wall Street Finally Gets Even with Wall Street (satire) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Occupy Wall Street Finally Gets Even with Wall Street (satire) - YouTube

Bill for basket of essentials soars 43 per cent in ten years | Mail Online

» Capital One Accused of Illegally Suing Bankrupt Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alex Takes Calls from Police on FEMA's (COG) Takeover Plan for All Americans 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Police on FEMA's (COG) Takeover Plan for All Americans 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Police on FEMA's (COG) Takeover Plan for All Americans 3/3 - YouTube

FBI Complicit in OKC Bombing Terror Attack: K9 Unit Police Officer Tells All! 1/3 - YouTube

FBI Complicit in OKC Bombing Terror Attack: K9 Unit Police Officer Tells All! 2/3 - YouTube

FBI Complicit in OKC Bombing Terror Attack: K9 Unit Police Officer Tells All! 3/3 - YouTube

» Panetta is Raising the Specter of Preemptive War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

One Nation Under The Drone: The Rising Number Of UAVs In American Skies | TPMMuckraker

The Daily Bell - Former President Bill Clinton Calls for a Return to "Big 3" News Networks?

» Obedience to Authority: Milgram & Stanford Prison Experiments Ask Why Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Aaron Dykes Reviews Milgram & Stanford's Experiments on Obedience to Authority - YouTube

The Secret Lives of Killer American Drones | Mother Jones

Inception becomes reality: People can teach themselves new skills in dreams | Mail Online

» Discover the doomsday seed vault’s secrets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Pentagon gets the go-ahead for offensive cyberwars — RT

Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals

+Video:Prison » OKC Officer Terry Yeakey’s Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out

» Don’t look now, but even cops in Fargo are arming for battle against terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Hails Bradley Manning As ‘True Patriot’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paul: Bradley Manning is a patriotic hero - YouTube

IBM predicts it will be making 'mind-controlled' PCs within five years | Mail Online

» Jonah Goldberg Admits: Political Power Is All That Matters to Neocons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hunting, speed traps and the rise of pernicious laws that criminalise the law-abiding | Mail Online

» ATF Loosens Restrictions on Gun Sales to Foreigners Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: An Independent America: Voters leaving Republican, Democratic parties in droves

Russian push to investigate Libyan civilian deaths 'cheap stunt' – US — RT

» Indiana AG puts immigration policy on hold until AZ rulings Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Parts of S.C. immigration law blocked by federal judge - Politics Wires -

French expats to get their own MPs | World news | The Guardian

DHS Spent $9.8M to Store $44M of Steel It Bought But Did Not Use to Build Mexico Border Fence |

» Is Qatar fueling the unrest in Saudi Arabia? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - Qatar fueling unrest in Saudi Arabia

California Shop Owner Fined $400,000 for Hiring Undocumented | Fox News Latino

Iran Denies US Accusation of Harboring Al-Qaida Financier | News | English

'Euro - the EU's suitcase without a handle' - YouTube

Keiser Report: Merry X-Max & Happy New GIABO! (E227) - YouTube

John Galt's Speech from 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand - YouTube

Atlas Shrugged's Makers Speak! Q&A w producers & actor - YouTube

How the Democrats Stole Christmas

Injured Global Economy Ponders Coming Challenges

Ron Paul: The NDAA Repeals More Rights

Josh Tolley: TSA Check Points Create Terrorist Targets

George Butler: The Gift

America’s farmlands to be carpet-bombed with Vietnam-era Agent Orange chemical

Race On To Cover Up Details Of Lab Created Killer Bird Flu


+30 min./The American Dream By The Provocateur Network - YouTube

*2:00:00/Zeitgeist - The Movie - YouTube


*Artcles: Natural News Headlines – December 25-26th, 2011 |


Obama Year Three: Continuing His “Rogue Agenda” – Stephen Lendman |

The Globalization of War - GRTV Backgrounder - YouTube

Harry Reid and the Mythical Millionaire Job-Creator – Peter Schiff |

+Audio Page: CounterSpin: Joe Torres on News for All the People, Amy Alexander on Uncovering Race |

American Patriot Ron Paul Endorsement from Ken O’Keefe |

Bradley Manning: Hero, or Traitor? – Prof. Marjorie Cohn |

New non-GMO ‘super’ broccoli contains extra cancer-fighting nutrients, but less vital sulfur |

The Economic Lessons of Bethlehem – Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. |

Adherence to the Oath - YouTube

+Obama Unconstitutionally Claims Unconstitutional War Powers in a Signing Statement – David Swanson |

FEMA Guide: Space Aliens Could Attack U.S. | Before It's News

Time Travel Coming, American Physicist Declares | Before It's News

Roswell - New Witness Comes Forward - C2C Radio 22 Dec. 2011 | Before It's News

UFO's And Aliens Contact (Full Documentary) | Before It's News


*1:50:00/Ufo's and Aliens Contact (Full Documentary) Very Good Info Not To Be Dismissed - YouTube


Why Survival on the Earth's Surface May be Difficult in the Coming Years | Before It's News


**The Code: By Carl Munck | Before It's News

The Code: By Carl Munck - YouTube


25,000 Year Old Pendant May Be Oldest Found On Iberian Peninsula | Before It's News

Jesus's True Birth Date | Before It's News

There Are Far Too Many Problems With The Official 9-11 Story. Period. | Before It's News

Breaking News: Nikola Tesla Testifies at NY Grand Jury on 9/11 | Before It's News

Dec. 23, 1970: World Trade Center Tops Out | This Day In Tech |

Press TV - Proof Israel Did 9/11 by Alan Sabrosky Pt 1 - YouTube

Press TV - Proof Israel Did 911 by Alan Sabrosky Pt 2 - YouTube

+President Obama Announces Intent to Nominate Two Individuals to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System | Before It's News

The Real Reason Martial Arts At Fault For Decline Of America! | Before It's News

FEMA Makes Preparation For UFO Attack - YouTube

200 Amazing Photos Of Mars: Pyramids, Towers, Cities, Ruins, UFO's, Water And More... | Before It's News

mars pyramids..towers..cities..ancient ruins..ufos..water..extrestrial..200 amazing photos. - YouTube


FEMA Pulls Document On The Coming Lockdown | Before It's News

» Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


SOW1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW3 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW4 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW5 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW6 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW7 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW8 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW9 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW10 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

SOW11 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!


Cronyism in America -

Cronyism in America - YouTube

Obama to ask for debt limit hike: Treasury official | Reuters

The calm before the student loan bubble bursts – For-profits make up 9 percent of student enrollment yet produce 27 percent of all private loans. The inevitable pop of the student loan bubble.

A Run On The Global Banking System—How Close Are We? -

Former ATF chief blames agents, supervisors and top aides for Fast and Furious -

BBC News - Intel and Kraft's iSample vending kiosks study shoppers

Merry Monsanto -- Military Industrial Agriculture -

In Iraq, the new Saddam Hussein flexes his muscles -

PressTV - 'US spy drone crashes in Afghanistan'

Video:9/11: We Know Who, We Know Why | Before It's News

Can Congress make small businesses hire 6 million unemployed?

Intervention is a really sound policy

Politics and Common Sense

A Paul GOP nomination for President is Obama's dream opponent!

Obama condemned for rewriting online gambling rules - and announcing it at Christmas so no one notices | Mail Online

The Salafist party's plan for the Pyramids - cover them in wax | Mail Online

California To Ban Police From Towing Cars Of Unlicensed Drivers | Fox News

Republican Lawmakers Question AARP'S Tax-Free Profits From Product Endorsements | Fox News

Obama still likes MF Global cash -

Iran says ready to expand military links with Iraq

Rich couple beat Chinese one-child family law by secretly having EIGHT babies | Mail Online

Tea Party Texan blames 'failure to communicate' for payroll tax debacle - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Russian Meridian satellite crashes into street named after cosmonauts | Herald Sun

Fire hazard fears over compact fluorescent lamps | Mail Online


Savage's interview with Donald Trump 1

Savage's interview with Donald Trump 2


Ben Nelson retiring from Senate - John Bresnahan -

In What May Be Final Turn In GOP Roller Coaster, Will Santorum Get Chance At Ascent? | Fox News

Rep. Paul says defense bill assures ‘descent into totalitarianism’ - The Hill's Ballot Box

Growing wealth gap between members of Congress and those they rule, survey reveals | Mail Online

Iran begins naval drills in Strait of Hormuz - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Obama to ask for debt limit hike: Treasury official | Reuters

Cenk Uygur Cuts Off Peter Schiff's Mic Then Kicks Him Off The Show! - YouTube

End Of The Road Documentary Trailer. Total Collapse Of World Economy. - YouTube

Jeffrey Tucker, "Government is based on Coercion not Cooperation" - YouTube

Iran and the Strategic Encirclement of Syria and Lebanon

The Real 'Invented' People

Doors of Perception

Manning Prosecution Lays Basis for Terror Charge Against Assange

Bradley Manning: Traitor or Hero?

Occupy vs. Nihilism: All or Nothing at All

A Doomsday View of 2012

We Are The Terrorists

6 Questions For Noam Chomsky

Russia's Putin Accuses Opposition of Lacking Goals, Leaders

Sadrists Call for New Elections in Iraq

China, South Korea Hold Talks on North

Conspiracy Warnings Fly on Anniversary of Bhutto Assassination

US Presidential Candidates Struggle Ahead of Iowa Caucus

Street Cams Can Now Tag, Track and Follow Individuals (video)

Demonizing the Enemy: Preparing Americans and the World for an All Out Attack against Iran

Building Another Pretext to Wage War on Iran: US Court Holds Tehran Responsible for the 9/11 Attacks

The World Of Free Energy

The Bombing of Damascus: Terror, Lies, Human Rights and Mass Media "Conspiracy Theories"

Panetta is Raising the Specter of Preemptive War: Avocates of a "Hot War with Iran" Take Some Heavy Media Hits

Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse

Media Disinformation: Vaclav Havel and Kim Jong Il: Two Icons, Two Deaths, Two Worlds

Social Crisis in America: Uniting Occupy and Labor Over Health Care

The Victorian Age, the Imperialist Mindset and Neo-liberal Corporate Capitalism

Iraq "After" the War: What is Iraq's Future? What are America's Intentions?

Bradley Manning: Who Are The Real Traitors?

Preparing for the next Anglo-American Oil War: Somalia is the Next Target

Obama Unconstitutionally Claims Unconstitutional War Powers in a Signing Statement

China-US Relations: Washington's Asia Strategy Could Destabilize the Entire Asian Pacific Region

Iranian Lawmaker: 'These War Games Are a Warning to the Western Countries'

Whose Country Is It, Anyway?

Gullible Americans

Outside Groups Spending Millions on Ads in Massachusetts' U.S. Senate Race

Spielberg, Clooney, Hanks Give Maximum Contributions to Obama’s Reelection Bid

Consumers Paid More for Food in 2011, CPI Data Show

Mexican Drug Cartels Build Their Own National Radio System

‘Respected Comrade’ Kim Jong-un Declared ‘Sun of the 21st Century’

Robert De Niro Has Another Baby at 68

Britain's Prince Philip Leaves Hospital After Heart Procedure

Putin Says He Wants Clean Presidential Vote

Egyptian Court Bans Military 'Virginity Tests' on Female Detainees

Soldier Who Survived Attack in Afghanistan Shot at His Homecoming Party in Calif.

GOP Candidates Making Final Dash Through Iowa

Navy Biofuel Deal is 'Cost Prohibitive,' 'Another Solyndra,’ Critics Say

Mrs. Romney: Character 'Makes a Huge Difference' in a Candidate

Romney Looking Beyond the Primary to the General Election

After Protests Over Stoning Sentence for Adultery, Iran May Hang Woman Instead

Obama Administration Spending Millions to ‘Better Connect’ People With an Urban Park

175 Languages Spoken Here: Obama's Housing Dept. Expands Services for Non-English Speakers

Nigerians Fear More Attacks After Muslim Terrorists Kill 35 Catholics at Christmas Mass

Nigerian Attacks Deplored as ‘Un-Islamic,’ But Polls Show Millions of Muslims Do Not Reject Suicide Bombings

Man Returns $10,000 He Found at Airport Because It's 'The Right Thing to Do' |

Jewish Child Sex Predators Protected by U.S. Gov’t | American Free Press

+Lesher provides great insight into the community’s practices and history in this 39-minute interview.

Tough choice looms on 9/11 health lawsuits - Yahoo! News

Woman accused of sending fake WMDs to politician shot dead after attacking police officer | Mail Online

Obama Wins Most Demand for Debt of U.S. Presidents Since Before First Bush - Bloomberg

Did Nixon have a gay affair with a Mafia fixer? Forget Watergate. A new book claims America's most corrupt President hid a far more personal scandal... | Mail Online

Ron Paul's Pro-Life Credentials Questioned By Personhood USA

Eric Dondero, Former Ron Paul Aide, Addresses Newsletters

Elizabeth Warren, Scott Brown Targeted By Super PACs

Wikipedia Ditching GoDaddy Over SOPA, Jimmy Wales Says

Intelligence firm Stratfor reels after data breach. What did hackers get? -

Obesity risk tied to mom-child bond -

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions by Margaret Durst

Government Drones by Gary North

American Wealth Eroding by Bill Sardi

Ron Paul as a Stooge for Adolph Hitler by Walter Block

The New Republican Primary Rules Make It Possible for the Republican Establishment To Steal the Nomination From a Candidate They Don’t Like

Whose Country Is It, Anyway? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Prison » Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints

How To Avoid Living in a Police State by Simon Black

Facebook and YouTube in Hitwise's top 10 most searched-for terms 2011 | Mail Online

The Economic Lessons of Bethlehem by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

9 Underground Economies - And Greece | Macro Outlook |

A Simple Plan to Keep Your Assets Safe From an Out-of-Control Government by Terry Coxon

Overseas Radio Network to Launch with P.T. Freeman as Host

Welcome Back Grok: 30 Days of Self-Discovery by Mark Sisson

Video Released of Arpaio's Goons Allegedly Murdering Inmate - informationliberation

10 Economic Myths That Need To Be Corrected - informationliberation

Tougher drug laws mean nearly 1/3 arrested by age 23 | The Raw Story

While Drafting SOPA, the U.S. House Harbors BitTorrent Pirates - informationliberation

Why "Safe Harbor" Laws Are Disastrous For Free Speech - informationliberation

The Only Gun Control That Can Save Liberty! - informationliberation

2011 in Review: The Year Secrecy Jumped the Shark - informationliberation

US Report on Pakistan Attack Blames NATO

What's Wrong With Nonintervention?

2012: Revolution or Devolution by Kelley B. Vlahos --

Number of Fla. voters who’ve requested absentee ballots soars

Republican Lawmakers Question AARP'S Tax-Free Profits From Product Endorsements

Pro-Life Group Sues for Documents on U.S. Funding of New Hampshire Planned Parenthood

Latino leaders demand Sheriff Joe Arpaio's resignation

Obama enjoys jump in approval ratings after tax fight with GOP

Wealth gap grows between Capitol Hill, constituents

Ex-aide calls Rep. Ron Paul's foreign policy views 'pure lunacy

Unions, business groups on watch for recess appointments to labor board

Court documents suggest Gingrich sought first divorce, not his ex-wife

Obama not only says 'God,' but also 'Christmas,' 'Christians'

Va. Tech feels pressure over suicidal students

Al Qaeda Front Group Claims Baghdad Blasts

New laws: No caffeine in beer, shark fins in soup - Washington Times

No-glasses 3-D technology to showcase at CES 2012

TSA screenings aren't just for airports anymore -

Daniel Craig: Pols are 'sh**heads' - Tim Mak -

Israeli Firm Allot Communications Ltd Under Fire for Selling Spyware to Iran | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Activist Post: USDA Steps Back and Gives Monsanto More Power Over GMO Seeds

Activist Post: The transparency problem: the government will not tell you why it’s legal to kill you

Activist Post: Did the Alternative Media Force US Gov't to Block Deadly Bird Flu Study?

Activist Post: The American Fascist Sandwich: Indefinite Detention and Internment Camps

Activist Post: Common Chemicals BPA and Phthalates May be Damaging Your Arteries

Surveillance System Tags, Tracks And Follows - YouTube

Do Black Americans Believe Ron Paul Is Racist? - YouTube

Activist Post: Why Many Vitamin Studies are Absolutely Worthless

Obama and the War Criminals - YouTube


Activist Post: David Versus Monsanto - 52min Documentary


David Versus Monsanto - 52min Documentary - YouTube

**David Vs Monsanto - YouTube

**David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations -- Full Video! - YouTube


Total Collapse of the World Economy - End of the Road Trailer

"There Will Never Be Another Ron Paul in Human History." We MUST Act NOW! - YouTube

Activist Post: Psychological Preparedness

Why the Middle East Peace Process Is a Farce

The Economic Factors Behind Arab Spring Revolutions and Why Mubarak Was Right

Daily Call Sheet: Van Halen Unites, Colorization is Evil, and the Next Christmas Classic

Denis Leary Mocks Islam in Charlie Brown Spoof; Fascistic Left Predictably Freaks Out

Russell Simmons: From Occupy Wall Street to… St. Barths?

Top 10 Films of 2011 (Plus One Thrilling ‘Mission’)

‘The Artist’ Review: Timeless, Classic and Beautiful

‘Trust’ Review: Clive Owen Renews License to Make Poignant Screen Dramas

‘And So it Goes: Kurt Vonnegut: A Life’ Review – Author Reflected on the Madness All Around Him

‘The Darkest Hour’ Review: Neither Horrific Nor Entertaining

Box Office Analysis: Many Christmas Casualties

New York Times : Domestic Box Office Attendance Drops 11% Over Two Years

‘Straw Dogs’ Blu-Ray Review: Hollywood Praises Beta Males and Slams the South… Again

Hollywood Reporter: The Grinch Has Stolen Christmas

Five Offbeat Christmas Cult Classic Movies

Top 15 Christmas Moments in TV and Film

‘It’s a Wonderful Life’: The Stories Behind the Yuletide Classic (Part 1)

‘It’s a Wonderful Life’: The Stories Behind the Yuletide Classic (Part 2)

Bing and Bowie: A Christmas Miracle


27-Dec-11 World View

26-Dec-11 World View

25-Dec-11 World View

24-Dec-11 World View

23-Dec-11 World View


Red Letter Media Eviscerates ‘Indy 4’s’ Awful Storytelling and Left-Wing Politics

Volokh Conspiracy: James Garner Set An Example of Manliness

Stephen Colbert: Satirist or Desperate Attention-Whore?

Sinead Oconnor | O'connor Ends Marriage After 18 Days | Contactmusic

Louis Vuitton wants all copies of 'Hangover 2' pulled - Entertainment - Movies -

'Anonymous' plans for 'violent revolution'

You wouldn't expect George Soros' tentacles here, or would you?

Obama's new manufacturing czar a globalist activist

GOP candidates on stage to discuss life

Former aide: Ron Paul would like Israel to vanish

Sheriff Joe 'suspicious' of motive behind Obama attacks

State Supreme Court deciding if politician 'ineligible' for office

Doctor-prescribed overdose ruled illegal

Time to support Arpaio's posse

Is this the dreaded 'civilian national security force'?

If Reagan were a candidate in 2012

Congress Gets Richer as Voters Struggle

Florida Proposal Could Put Vouchers Back on 2012 Statewide Ballot

US to Hit Debt Ceiling in January

Memo: Gingrich Praised RomneyCare

Will the Last Job Creator to Leave California Please Turn Off the Lights?

It’s the Math, Stupid!: Seven Devastating Facts About 2012

Americans Deserve the Best: Top Ten Republican Candidates for President in a Brokered Convention

EXCLUSIVE: Ron Paul in 2009–‘I Wouldn’t Risk American Lives’ to End the Holocaust

Gingrich Sparks Discussion on the Proper Role of the Supreme Court

Gingrich’s Amnesty Plan Has ‘Undocumented’ Loophole

VA GOP Changed Ballot Access Rules Last Month

Iowa Caucus Up for Grabs

Solyndra: Politics Dominated Obama Energy Programs

Virginia’s GOP Isn’t for Lovers of Newt or Perry

Balancing the Budget: It’s Entitlements Stupid

Rep. Steve King’s Family Bible & His Fight Against Discrimination, Racism & Reparations

Occupy’s ‘Anonymous’ Hackers Break Into Stratfor

America is in denial about its fiscal future

Time to support Arpaio's posse

Whose country is it, anyway?

Where is Kim Jung Un hiding Daddy?

Scholars reject Thomas Jefferson sex affair

Random thoughts

Steve Jobs' last words: 'Oh wow!'

Ron Paul wishes Israel didn't exist

Obama: The conservative in 2012

I told you so regarding debt limit

White House’s Relations With Media Turn Nasty

+Tuesday Crib Sheet: Politifact Defends, Argentina Seizes Control Of Media

The Media And Low Self-Esteem: A Recipe For Electoral Disaster

NewsBusted: Chevy Volt, a Car for Idiots?

WaPo Intentionally Buries Their Own Solyndra Story into Christmas Dead Zone

Bias: Media Excoriates GOP Over Wealth, Silent On Obamas’s Tone Deafness

Cartoon:UI: Defend the Crown

Progressives Attempt To Hijack Story Of Christmas

DNC Shares Media Talking Points, NatGeo On King James - Big Journalism

Twitter Accused of Breaking U.S. Law as Jihadist Groups Tweet Terror Messages ‘24/7′

OWS’ Reaction to TIME’s ‘Person of the Year’

NewsBusted: How Does Obama Differ from Tim Tebow?

Attacks on Ron Paul: Mainstream Media Bait-and-Switch

Media Forgets To Mention Judge Who Blocked S. C. Immigration Law Is Obama Appointee

Confederate Yankee: Think Progress Creates Fraudulent ‘Tea Party is Racist’ Video

WaPo : Journalists Complain White House Overly Combative

‘The Five’ Rises on Fox News, in Glenn Beck’s Shadow -

Disgraced ex-journalist fights for CA law license

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Happy Holidays

Winston Churchill: Christmas Message, 1941

Since Romney Is Willing to Consider a VAT, Should Libertarians and Conservatives Be Willing to Consider Him?

The New Conservative Europe

Gingrich Also Disqualified from Virginia ‘Super Tuesday’ Primary

Eric Holder Blocks South Carolina Voter ID For Racial Reasons

Rick Perry Disqualified from Virginia Primary Ballot

Dems Target For-Profit Colleges, May Enrich Crony Wall Street Traders

The Tea Party and Washington: Year One How to Save a Treehouse from a Zoning Board

Banking Crisis Will Spark Deflationary Spiral

The Left’s War on the Second Amendment Continues as Gun Sales Skyrocket

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Iraq War in retrospect: 'We Got Him!';Commander recalls combat operations, capture of Saddam

Finally! The untold facts on all Senate candidates

Woman disgusted with Ron Paul's book as gift

Poor GOP leadership makes Obama more dangerous

Rep. Paul says defense bill assures ‘descent into totalitarianism’ - The Hill's Ballot Box

Whose country is it, anyway?

Obama's new plan for stuffing ballot boxes

Behold, the second Adam

Don't abandon conservative message

A Christian nation must defend Christians

The reality of Muslim reality TV

8900-year-old wood found in Lake Huron | WOOD TV8

Ricky Gervais in Twitter spat with Christians after saying he doesn't believe in God | Mail Online

Hating sprouts might all be in the genes - Telegraph

Kim Jong Un Named ‘Supreme Leader’ of North Korea

Egyptian Youth Disillusioned: Was Life Any Worse Under Mubarak?

Exposing the Palestinian Narrative Gingrich-Style

With the Iraq War Over, Americans Wonder Whether It Was Worth It

US – Taliban Talks May Lead to Gitmo Detainees’ Return to Afghanistan

Teens Post Pictures Of Loot On Facebook - Pittsburgh News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh

Worrying survey reveals kids think Christmas is Simon Cowell's birthday and Santa's reindeer have celebrity names - Gasp! - 3am

Middle school teacher who had sex with student sentenced to prison - South Florida

Rich Chinese couple's octuplets spark anger, inquiry - Yahoo! News

Military to help with undersea tire dumps off Fort Lauderdale - South Florida

#Occupycalypse Now, Part I: OWS Rises to Power

#Occupycalypse Now, Part II: What If OWS Comes to Ruling Power?

Children twice as likely as adults to have a betting problem | Mail Online

*27 Dec.

American Minute for December 27th

December 27 Events in History

December 27th in History

This Day in History for 27th December

Today in History: December 26

December 27th This Day in History

Today in History: December 27

Today in History for Dec. 27 - YouTube


PM welcomes rabbis' condemnation of haredi violence

Haniyeh in Egypt slams Israel for 'Judaization' of J'lem

'US urging Egypt to maintain peace with Israel'

IRNA: Iran warns could stop oil flow if sanctions

US citizen starts trial in Iran on spying charges

As Iraq War ends, no parade for troops is imminent

More trouble for Gingrich as Iowa campaign quickens

Obama approval back in positive territory: Gallup

SEC seeks emergency halt to Citigroup fraud case

Start with these steps to improve finances in 2012

Analysis: Green groups find success fighting shale oil boom

U.S. extradites woman suspected of Bosnia war crimes

Archie Bunker Puts The Christ In Christmas

Scene of 9-year-old girl's killing a haven for sex offenders

New pro-Gingrich super PAC ad blasts "liberal Republican establishment"

Syrian Tanks Withdraw as Arab Monitors Arrive to Stem Violence

Fireplace embers sparked deadly Conn. blaze

Extremists' jeers at 8-year-old the last straw for Israelis

Chief Putin ally moved to non-political post

Search For Ayla Reynolds; Reward Generates 100 New Leads

Egyptian court bans virginity tests on female detainees

Shaheed Benazir's death anniversary observed

US citizen goes on trial in Iran on spying charges

After Nigeria's Church Bombings: The Advent of Christian-Muslim Conflict?

Echoes of Summer Violence in London Stabbing

Barack Obama Hillary Clinton top most admired poll

Gingrich: Couldn't vote for Ron Paul for president

Obama Picks Bipartisan Pair for Fed

Gingrich Account of Divorce Disputed by Aides

The Republican crack-up

Oil price climbs amid Iranian threat

Company to Close at Least 100 Sears, Kmart Stores

Morgan Stanley May Eliminate 580 Jobs in New York City

Lawsuit May Clarify Who Owns Twitter Followers - MediaJobsDaily

Hackers say to publish emails stolen from Stratfor

SOPA debate puts GoDaddy in hot water over domain transfers

Mark Zuckerberg vacations in Facebook-blocked Vietnam

The Worst CEO's of 2011

Invasive black tiger shrimp prove a genuine threat to Gulf shrimp populations

Van Halen posts video on website announcing 2012 tour; tickets go on sale in Jan.

Rapper's death underscores danger of sitting on long flights

Lady Gaga's Ex-Assistant Claims the Singer's a Money Monster!

Abstract painter Helen Frankenthaler dies at 83

'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol' has Tom Cruise in role of box office hero

Former SNL writer Joe Bodolai found dead

Report: Maria Shriver may be re-thinking Arnold divorce

Dick Clark To 'Rockin' His 40th New Year's Eve

NASA's latest mission to moon hits final phase

Bright Venus & Moon Thrill Skywatchers This Week

New plants are found, starry skies abound

Searching for a boson...

Research shows link between climate and biodiversity

2011: A Year of Transition for Human Spaceflight

NASA Finds A Holiday Wreath In Space

New ATLAS particle part of “everyday mass”

Russian Space Program Suffers Another Failed Launch

Ohio EPA proposes rules on debris landfill liquids

SETI to Scour the Moon for Alien Footprints?

Mom's Lack of Attachment to Toddler Linked to Teen Obesity

Cat Allergy Depends on When You Get the Cat

Should scientists create deadly viruses? Yes, says bioethicist

New York City Life Expectancy Rises to 80.6 Years, Above National Average

Condoms In Porn Measure Qualifies For The Ballot

HIV Treatment Is Prevention

Man pleads not guilty to liposuction charges

The EPA Gets It Right, But Watch Out for the Republicans

Conservatives Furious That Obama, Like Bush, Issued Kwanzaa Message

Eric Bolling Asks if There's Some Way to Get Sarah Palin 'Somehow Some Buzz in Iowa'

War Vets Help Rebuild and Revitalize A Baltimore Neighborhood

Senator Ben Nelson Won't Seek Reelection

Newt's History Of Exploiting Pearl Harbor

Auto Rescue Highlights Obama's Public Good, Romney's Private Gain

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Continues Attacks on Unemployed


C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #50 The Letter Carrier Joe Walsh Yelled At Gets the Last Word

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #49 Jon Stewart Mocks GOP Reaction to Gaddafi's Death

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #48 GWB On Family Guy

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #47 Billo's Making a List and Checkin' It Twice

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #46 Oregon Tea Party Breaks Up MoveOn Picnic

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #45 Rep Paul Ryan Runs Away From Angry Constituents

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #44 Fox News Shocked by Their Own Poll

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #43 Fox Nation and the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #42 Bush Monologues 2007

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #41 Jack Kingston Admits Ryan Plan Ends Medicare As We Know It

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #40 Romney Whines That Federal Employees Make More Money Than He Does

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #39 Rachel Maddow Teaches An Affordable Care Act Lesson

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #38 Newt Rule: IOKIYAR

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #37 Comedian At Palin Event: 'Special Needs' Liberals Aren't Lovable Like Trig

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #36 Billo Says Tides Prove the Existence of God

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #35 Police Use Bulldozers to Break Up Occupy Richmond

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #34 SNL Pans Bachmann For Her SOTU Tea Party Response

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #33 GOP Audience Boos Gay Soldier

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #32 Donald Trump Booed as He Arrives at White House Correspondents' Dinner

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #31 Ben Stein Blows GOP Talking Points on Taxing the Rich

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #30 Shawna Forde's Minuteman Militia Tries to Spark a Revolution

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #29 Bill Maher Likens GOP to Meth Addicts

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #28 Healthy Eating is not a Republican Ideal

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #27 CNBC Reporter to Scarborough: 'You Are the Problem' for Mocking Protests

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #26 Jon Stewart Explains What Happened to Rick Perry During His Bizarre Speech

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #25 Herman Cain Quotes Pokémon

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #24 Maher Tells Media To Be Honest About Income Disparity

C&L's Top 50 Videos of 2011: #23 Fox Business Doesn't Want Scientific Facts To Get In The Way


Court Files Cast Doubt on Gingrich Version of First Divorce

Oops! DOJ Says South Carolina Voter ID Law Discriminates

Republicans: A House Divided

Tom Brokaw Finds It 'Disheartening' That Wyden/Ryan Medicare Plan Hasn't Gotten More Coverage

Ron Paul's Book as Christmas Gift Makes Republican Girl Cry

The Spin Surrounding Newt's Failure To Get on the Virginia Ballot

Kathleen Parker Uses Recent Gallup Poll to Minimize American's Concerns Over Income Inequality

SEC Announced Latest Chump Change Settlement With GE Funding The Friday Before Christmas. Hmmm...

The Freedom To Oppress: Why Ron Paul's Old Racist Newsletters Matter

Inspector General: Nothing Wrong With NYPD, CIA Partnership

A Clear and Present Danger: Tom Clancy and Occupy Xbox

Nocera: Those Who Spread Lies About The Crash Make It Impossible To Address The Real Problems Behind It

Newstalgia Thousand Yard Stare - 1986 In Review. | Newstalgia

Vagabond Scholar: Psychohistorians versus Pseudo-Intellectuals

DownWithTyranny!: The Noah Diaries 2011 (7): "It's important to remember, no one was hurt at Three Mile Island" (Lamar Alexander)

Martin Luther King: A Christmas Sermon On Peace - 1967 | Newstalgia

Democrats, Republicans losing ground on voter affiliation « Hot Air

Robert Creamer: Why GOP Collapse on the Payroll Tax Could be a Turning Point Moment

Does Cutting the Payroll Tax Endanger Social Security? | Mother Jones

The 7 most illuminating economic charts of 2011 « The Enterprise Blog

Obama’s surprisingly good 2011 - The Washington Post

This Holiday Season, The DHS Would Like To Remind You That It's Not A Huge Waste of Money - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

A GOP Dilemma: Oppose Obama or Oppose Tax Cuts? | Mother Jones

Obama nominates Stein and Powell to the Fed - The Washington Post

Treasury official: Obama to ask for a debt limit hike « Hot Air

Inequality Divides Members of Congress and Their Constituents | FDL News Desk

Why Does the Wealth Gap Between Congress and Voters Matter? - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

President Obama and the Spread of Security Theater - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Whatever the Role of Fannie and Freddie in the Financial Crisis, They Need to Go | Cato @ Liberty

No Surprise this Christmas: Washington's Wasteful Spending Continues

Iraq’s Legacy is Still Being Written | FrumForum

Charles Krauthammer Gets Payroll Tax Extension Very Wrong | Capital Gains and Games

Now for the Fallout on Payroll Deal « Commentary Magazine

Will Democrats revive millionaire surtax? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The myth of proportional representation in the GOP primaries - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : The Trouble With Nontraditional Campaigns

Joel Rubin: Obama's Smart Red Lines on Iran

Who Is Really Responsible for the Housing Crisis? - Barney Frank - Business - The Atlantic

The Defeatism of Depression -

2 Energy Themes for 2012 and Beyond (NOV)

Evaluating Earth's Energy Budget

Keep gas drilling out of state parks

2011 in Energy: The Year of... | The Energy Collective

2011 in energy and environmental policy - The Washington Post

Energy Industry Trends to Watch in 2012 | Industry Leaders Magazine

How to Grow Green Energy? | EnergyBiz

Coal's Power: Coal energy output outstrips gas, nuclear combined

EPA curb, at last, on coal emissions is welcome

Generating electricity and jobs |

On the environment, a "good" Obama and a "bad" Obama -

America's Massive Energy Potential Awaits, Mr. President - Forbes

Energy Prices Soared in 2011 - Energy Intelligence (

EPA power plant rule has greens pro-Obama - Erica Martinson -

The EPA's Mercury Madness -

What's the Gospel in Seven Words? | The Christian Century

RealClearReligion - Exorcise the Deathless Faith in Alger Hiss

The Heavens Proclaim the Glory of the Lord | Crisis Magazine

Rev. Dean Snyder: The Magi

Does Doctor Who feature a god for our times? | Stephen Kelly | Comment is free |

Jack Mintz: A country too big to fail | FP Comment | Financial Post

Puzder: Job Creation Is Price for New U.S. Health Law - Bloomberg

Pine River Hedge Fund's Strategy for Mortgage Securities -

Survival is the new revival following this most difficult of years - Telegraph

Mark Cuban on Why You Should Never Listen to Your Customers |

The super rich just don't get it - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Bank bailouts: Why are we helping banks and demanding austerity for everyone else? - Slate Magazine

What investors are hoping to find under their trees - The Washington Post

How to make a fortune after 50 | Reuters

Revolution Through Banking? | The Nation

Did Our Founding Fathers Believe in Free Markets?

Understanding the Iraq Crisis

Territorial Issues in Israeli-Palestinian Talks

Kim Jong-il dead: Will history’s first nuclear regency end with a whimper or a bang? | Full Comment | National Post

Obama’s Borrowed Success - Michael Barone - National Review Online

The Region: Obama preaches, dicta... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

The World According to Ron Paul - By Michael A. Cohen | Foreign Policy

China’s Frustrated Iran Diplomacy | The Diplomat

Dealing With China’s Troubles -

Note to Newt (Part II): Rethinkin... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Why Russia No Longer Emulates the United States | Opinion | The Moscow Times

What will happen to Kurds?

Rubin Reports » Tunisia: There’s Still Hope for Democracy Because The Majority Doesn’t Want Islamism

Faster, Please! » Why Tyrants Fall

Pakistan on the Precipice - Shahid Javed Burki - Project Syndicate

Russia's Protest Movement: Big, Angry, and Preparing for the Worst - Jeffrey Tayler - International - The Atlantic

Leading article: The goal of freedom that is shared across the world - Leading Articles - Opinion - The Independent

We all have a stake in China’s real estate bubble - The Washington Post

The colder war: U.S., Russia and others are vying for control of Santa’s back yard - The Washington Post

Was the Arab Spring a Victory for Extremism?: Jeffrey Goldberg - Bloomberg

Iraq Back on the Brink: Maliki's Sectarian Crisis of His Own Making - The Daily Beast

Obama’s Muddled Thinking on Afghanistan « Commentary Magazine Next Stop Tehran

Will Hizbullah Get Syria’s WMD if Assad Goes Down? - The Daily Beast

God's far from dead in the global South - The Globe and Mail

Won't Get Fooled Again - By Julia Ioffe | Foreign Policy

gulfnews : The statesman in Obama holds sway

Commentary: A New Hezbollah in Iraq? | The National Interest

Why No One Has The Guts To Challenge Putin - Worldcrunch - All News is Global

How Downed U.S. Drone Helps China | The Diplomat

Cancers' Sugar Cravings Could Be a Therapy Target

Anti-Cancer Drugs May Also Fight Antibiotic Resistance

Mammal Evolution Tracks with Climate Change

Electricity Sparks New Life Into Indonesia's Corals : Discovery News

Particle physics is at a turning point : Nature News & Comment

RealClearScience - RealClearScience's Top 10 Stories of 2011

Doh! Top Science Journal Retractions of 2011 | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Virus | Marijuana & Crime | Autism & MMR Vaccinations | LiveScience

National Geographic's UFO hoax over Connecticut mall

What is snot? And why do some people eat it? - Boing Boing

When the moon is full, sink your teeth into a p-value | Nathan Green's S word | Science |

The Science of Mysteries: Instructions for A Deadly Dinner | Speakeasy Science

Leap seconds and the problem with the global time standard - Slate Magazine

Star of Bethlehem: a star, comet ... or miracle? - Technology & science - Space - -

Weekend Diversion: The Physics of Santa Claus : Starts With A Bang

'27 Club' of dead rockers is a myth › News in Science (ABC Science)

Brain size predicts Alzheimer's-like changes | COSMOS magazine

Tiniest of Spiders Are Loaded With Brains, Researchers Find -

The ferrets whose eyes were wired to be ears

The Top 10 Words of 2011

Why You Are Very Special - Blog

Dot-dash-diss: The gentleman hacker's 1903 lulz - tech - 27 December 2011 - New Scientist

How The Government Has Caused America's Obesity Problem @PolicyMic | Cameron English

Looking at the New Demography |

Better luck next year » Scienceline

Liquor&Spice, White Supremacy + Autism


*26th)Transcripts: Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Analysts on Romney's Iowa Effort

Panel on Political Turmoil in Iraq

25th/Guests: Senator Richard Lugar, Condoleezza Rice

23rd/Obama on the Payroll Tax Cut Agreement

Shields and Brooks on the Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Panel on AG Holder's Race Comments

22nd/Obama's Remarks on the Payroll Tax Cut

Interview with Pres. Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with Senator Chuck Schumer

Interview with Representative Allen West

Panel on Outbreak of Violence in Iraq

21st/Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with Pres. Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview with Senator Chuck Schumer

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Representative Chris Van Hollen

Analysts Debate New EPA Rules

Panel on U.S. Aid to Saudi Arabia

20th/Obama's Remarks on the Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Interview with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Senator Chuck Schumer

Guests: Senator Stabenow and Representative McDermott

Interview with Representative Tom Reed

Panel on the Race in Iowa

19th/Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Interview with Representative Allen West

Interview with Representative Trey Gowdy

Panel on the Future of North Korea

Interview w/White House Economic Advisor Gene Sperling

18th/Guests: Speaker Boehner, Rep. Bachmann and Gov. Haley

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Guests: Sperling, Blunt, Menendez and Huntsman

Guests: Representatives Paul Ryan and Barney Frank

17th/Obama's Remarks on the Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Press Conf. With Secretary Panetta and the PM of Libya


Will a Reelected President Obama Face More Gridlock in 2013? - The Daily Beast

The Weekend Interview with Mitt Romney: On Taxes, 'Modeling,' and the Vision Thing -

Remember the Republican Alamo -

KUHNER: Ron Paul's moment - Washington Times

The Year in Review for the American Middle Class - David Rohde - Business - The Atlantic

The Way The World - And Free-Market Economics - Works - Forbes

The Next Russian Revolution? -

Editorial: Teachers union’s circus act doesn’t help kids - Chicago Sun-Times

Time to end Washington's banana republic budgeting | Washington Examiner

EPA curb, at last, on coal emissions is welcome

Michael Kinsley: Wal-Mart, the demon du jour -

Ben Kingsley Nails the Modern Movie Malaise

Denis Leary Stirs Outrage as Charlie Brown Converts to Islam (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

‘Final Destination 5′ Blu-ray Review: If Only the ‘Final’ Part Rang True

Affordable Care? New Obamacare Fee Coming to Health Insurance in 2012

NYT: Breitbart Editor’s Book Sparks ‘Renewed Attention’ to Insider Trading

Another Record-Breaking Federal Register? Federal Regulations Surge in 2011

‘Moderate’ Dem Ben Nelson Will Retire from Senate

Nashville Media Reports OWS Fight On Christmas Day

WaPo on Faith: ‘Christmas Means the Redistribution of Wealth’

New Report Accuses Both Obama and Republicans of ‘Intellectual Vacuum’ on Iranian Influence in Iraq

Iran Seeks Death for American Accused of Spying

Rare Asian bird takes "wrong turn," lands in Tennessee

Slain Ind. girl's grandfather was sex offender

Hackers say to publish emails stolen from Stratfor

'Survivor' producer to face trial for wife's murder

FARC rebels to release six hostages

Faint cry of help heard on 911 call in Texas Christmas massacre

Sexual assaults rise at US military academies

Christmas blaze in Connecticut was accidental

In love as in equities, we are fooled by randomness

Far too soon to write off America

Putin ejects Kremlin 'puppet master' after protests

NHS cuts have affected patient care say four out of five doctors

Agency: Egypt detains man over gas pipeline blasts

in the spotlight: Back to the Grindstone

Putin's Halcyon Days Are Over


**News Videos:Newt Flashback 2008: A Passionate Advocate For Individual Mandate

Senator Ben Nelson Announces Retirement

Iowa Congressman King: ‘I Have Not Come To The Conviction’ To Endorse

Ron Paul: 9/11 Prompted ‘Glee’ In Bush Administration

Betty White’s ‘Monday Night Football’ Opening

Clerk Knocks Out Armed Robber, Forces Him To Clean Up Blood

Japan’s Tsunami Debris Begins To Hit US Coast

Newt’s History Lesson: Christmas Day 1776 – ‘Victory Or Death’

Romney Releases New Ad In Iowa

CNN: Newt’s First Wife Didn’t Want Divorce

Flashback 1995: Ron Paul Brags About Survival Newsletters

Dick Morris: Paul Is ‘Most Liberal’ GOP Candidate

Chaos: Multiple Fights Overrun Mall Of America

Military Wives Create Fastest-Selling Single In Britain In Three Years

Family Finds Five-Foot Buck In Home

26th/TSA Agent Confiscates Cupcake

GoDaddy Pulls Support From SOPA

Occupy Protesters Fight On Christmas Day

AOL/HuffPo’s Fineman On Gingrich’s ‘Megalomania’

Awkward Family Holiday Photos

Kwanzaa At The Apollo Theatre

Sen. Lugar: Tea Party Candidates Killed Chances For Senate Majority

Huckabee: Romney Would Win Iowa Today

Kim Jong’s Last Video

25th/Rep. Pence Gives GOP Weekly On Christmas

Iranian Woman To Face Death By Stoning Or Hanging

Operation Patriot Care Package

NFL Touchdown Of The Year

Awkward: Weatherman Throws Fit During Live Report

Incoming: Metal Spheres Crash From Space Into Namibia

Palestinian Christians Celebrate Christmas

Nativity Scene Shines In Vatican City

Netflix CEO Takes Massive Pay Cut For Company’s Woes

Christmas Characters Take To The Water

Linus’ Christmas Monologue

Midnight Mass In Bethlehem

President Ronald Reagan’s Christmas Address, 12/23/1981

23rd/Man Allegedly Restrained To Chair And Pepper-Sprayed To Death By Police

Terror In Damascus: 40 Dead In Twin Blasts In Syrian Capital

High School Basketball Game Ends In Ugly Brawl

Real-Life George Bailey?

Postal Service Santa Goes Rogue To Spread Holiday Cheer

22nd/Housing Market Worse Off Than Estimated

NASA Finds Earth-Sized Planets Beyond This Solar System


RealClearPolitics - A Country in Denial About Its Fiscal Future

Campaign 2012's Harsh Economic Backdrop -

RealClearPolitics - Why Ohio Is the Most Muddled Swing State Ever

RealClearPolitics - Obama Succeeds Abroad When He Follows Bush, Clinton

RealClearPolitics - Presidential Race in Iowa Quieter Than in the Past

Republicans May Be Dealing Obama a Winning Hand: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg

Dozen states prove pivotal to White House race - Washington Times

Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs - The Washington Post

William Galston: A User’s Guide To The 2011 Iowa Caucuses And New Hampshire Primary | The New Republic

Can Ron Paul win the Iowa caucuses? | Iowa Caucuses

Putin’s Children -

Al-Qaida leadership almost wiped out in Pakistan, British officials believe | World news |

The Region: Obama preaches, dictators sneer

The Candidates and Repeal | The Weekly Standard

Everything You Want to Know About Mitt Can Be Found at Harvard « Commentary Magazine

Statement from fmr. Ron Paul staffer on Newsletters, Anti-Semitism | Right Wing News

Countrywide Congress: Name 'em! - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Medicare and Mediscare -

Race in Iowa remains 'remarkably fluid'

The American Spectator : The Case for a Conservative

Ace of Spades HQ:Ron Paul: I Wouldn't Risk US Troops to Stop the Holocaust

Comment: Holder’s Legacy : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - Why Americans Support Voter ID Laws

The PJ Tatler » Ron Paul: Bush Admin was ‘Gleeful’ Because of 9-11

Response To Paul Starr: Why The Individual Mandate Made Sense, As Policy And As Politics | The New Republic

Midlife Crisis Economics -

RealClearPolitics - A Brainpower Revolution

WaPo: Hey, there were a lot of politics going on green-tech boondoggles « Hot Air


Merry Christmas to All Cutting Through the Matrix Listeners, 2011. Alan Watt Composition: "Alegría en el Dolor", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2011 Alan Watt.


The Manning Report – 27 December 2011

The Manning Report – 26 December 2011

23rd Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-24-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-24-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-26-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-26-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-27-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-27-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 12-24-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 12-24-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-23-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-23-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-23-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 12-25-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-25-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-25-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 12-26-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-26-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-26-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 12-27-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-27-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-27-11 Hr 3

The Kevin Trudeau Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show 24th/

The Kevin Trudeau Show23rd

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, December, 23, 2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 26th

The Michael Savage Show 12/26/2011

The Michael Savage Show 12/23/2011

The Michael Savage Show 12/22/2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-23-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-23-11 Hr 2

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-27, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-26, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-25, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-23, Friday

12/26 The Mark Levin Show

12/23 The Mark Levin Show


Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS VIDEO: How Long ‘Til CAIR Puts a Fatwah on Denis Leary?

Debbie Schlussel:Dumbed Down USA: Occupy Wall Street Trash Now Smithsonian Exhibit

Debbie Schlussel:MUST WATCH VIDEO: My New Hero, Derek Mothershead

Debbie Schlussel:Weird: Mannheim Steamroller’s Creepy Leader

Debbie Schlussel:Ron Paul Refuses to Disavow Stormfront, Other Anti-Semitic, Racist Groups Openly Campaigning for Him

Debbie Schlussel:Ex-Ron Paul Aide to Schlussel: “He HATES Israel,” Banned Sympathy for 9/11 Victims/Support for US Military, Upset We Fought Nazis

Debbie Schlussel:Remember Her? Muslim Jew-Hater Jameela Barnette Dead After Trying to Murder Cop

Debbie Schlussel:“Tolerance”: After HAMAS Canceled Christmas; Murder of Christianity in the Muslim World

Debbie Schlussel:Holiday Islamo-Cheer: Muslim Nazis Wish Me a “Merry Christmas, You F—in Jew”

Obama's Poverty Politics

Is Obama's bump in approval from tax fight with GOP?

Green is the New Brown

The Cognitive Primary

Sen. Lieberman Launches Fast and Furious Investigation

It's good to be one of the '1%,' right Nancy Pelosi?

Subpoena Judges? Yes, Indeed

Newt and the Judges

Obama's Sterilized Society

North Korean Concentration Camps Will Outlive Kim Jong-il

Great news: Muslim Brotherhood says 'Hamas is our role model'

Siobhan Reynolds, pain patient advocate, killed in plane crash

Americans Elect: An Obama Trojan Horse?

Court files show Gingrich lying about first divorce

Chuck Schumer's brother in law offered federal judgeship

The Turn of China

Origins of the Palestinian Identity

Obama's Stealth Betrayal of Israel?

Israel: Some Basic Facts

Obamacare and the Ratchet Theory of History

The Democratic Party's War against Promotions

Why Atheists Love Christmas

The Jews, the Communists, and the Democratic Party

A Different Kind of Hope and Change

Jesus: The True American Dream

Christmas: A Cosmic Revolution

We Know More About Jesus's Birth Than Obama's

The Roots of Liberalism and Conservatism

Iran: Negotiating with the Devil

The Danger of a New Medical Care 'Bioethics'

A World without Schoolteachers

Herman Cain: A Final Word

Herman Cain is a good man, but he wasn't a serious candidate for President of the United States.

Obama's Post Recession Job Record in Historical Context

Obama's green energy program 'infused with politics at every level'

Obamabots programmed to propagandize their families over the holidays

Go Daddy learns valuable lesson in customer service

Obama condemns 'senseless' bombings: No names, please

Is the Shroud of Turin authentic?

Assad puts Homs under seige

Ebenezer Scrooge the Philanthropist

Pope decries commercialization of Christmas

Iran to host Occupy Wall Street cartoon festival

Foreign Affairs author: 'Time to Strike Iran.'

Blue and White Christmas

The material and the spiritual

Ronald Reagan's 1981 Christmas Address

Massive protests in Russia against Putin

'Resurgent' Constitutional government can save America

Obama to ignore 20 policy riders in omnibus funding bill

2012 Promises to be an Especially Difficult Year for Israel

How to Control Spy Software

Trump registers as independent

Ron Paul forecast 'race war' in ad for newsletter

Gay sailors' 'first kiss' more titillation than news

Politifact defends 'Lie of the Year' selection

Obama's Ego

Obama Claims He Only Lies About Little Things

Rezko Gets A Holiday Pass On A Multi-million Dollar Scam

Unions Are the Political Dinosaur in the Room

Why the Republicans need to pick Gingrich, despite his past failings

Media Whips Up Phony Iowa Primary Frenzy

The Paul Pot and the Paulestinians

Patriot Alert: Obama Seeks Another $1.2 Trillion!

Between Responsible and Irresponsible Isolationism

One Thing to Know About ‘Fast and Furious’

The US Department of INJustice

Green Jobs Debacle

The 2012 Check List for America’s Survival

Star of Bethlehem, Hebrew Astronomy, & Christmas: A Scientific Perspective

Islamists ‘Celebrate’ Christmas

Top Ten Fairy Tales Spun by Barack Obama in 2011

Is the Tea Party About to Get Knocked Out?

Toasting the Chemistry of Champagne; New Year’s Eve Video from the American Chemical Society

EPA misrepresents mercury rule benefits

Top 10 Education Stories of 2011

2012’s State of the World

Chronic Lapses in the Preparedness of Local Governments for Emergencies

Security Cam Catches Gold Store Clerk Pummeling Would-Be Robber

Want to Know What You Need to Survive a Violent Citizens Revolution? Anonymous Has a Guide

Have You Seen Denis Leary’s Parody Showing Charlie Brown Converting to Islam & Becoming a Jihadist?

Too Soon? BBC Begins Filming Interviews for Tony Blair’s Obituary

Girl Scouts Book Refers Readers to Liberal Group Media Matters to Clear Up ‘Media Misinformation’

Is China’s New GPS System Better Than Ours?

Family Captures Deer Terrorizing Their Home on Christmas Eve

Facebook Post Helps Save Captive Mother and Son

Muslim Woman Accused of Mailing Fake WMD & Anti-Semitic Packages to Politicians Killed By Police

Nancy Pelosi Allegedly Celebrated Christmas in a $10,000-Per-Night Hawaiian Hotel Suite

Watch House GOP Members Calls on IRS to Investigate AARP Tax-Exempt Status

Fact Check: Harry Reid‘s Claim That ’Millionaire job Creators…Don’t Exist’ Thoroughly Debunked

Gingrich‘s ’06 Memos Praised Romney’s Health Care Plan: ‘The Most Interesting Effort’

Here’s a Super-Secret Cold War Spy Satellite Program — Revealed!

Watch Woman Cry Tears of Disgust Over Receiving Ron Paul Book for Christmas — Staged?

Strange ‘Nodding Syndrome’ Spreading Among Ugandan Children and Teens

Snakes on a Plane: Man Tries to Take 247 Live Reptiles and Other Animals on Transatlantic Flight

Does Electronic Device Use During Takeoff and Landing Really Matter?

It’s Official: Obama Reelection Campaign Will Highlight his ‘Defense of the Middle Class’

Ex-Aide to Ron Paul Makes Stunning Claims About Old Boss: Anti-Israel, 9/11 Truther, Doesn’t Believe U.S. Had Any Business Fighting Hitler

Woman Ditches Hollywood Glam for This Tiny, 400-Square-Foot Houseboat

Islamist Anjem Choudary’s Christmas Message: If Jesus Were Alive Today He Would Be Muslim and Implement Sharia Law

Shock Vid: Girl Riding an Electric Bike Collides With a Massive Truck — and Survives!

The American Cities That Added (And Lost) The Most Jobs

Religious Discrimination? Will the Supreme Court Take Up the ‘Candy Cane Case?’

Radical Islamic Attack in Nigeria Spawns Fears of More Anti-Christian Violence

Rapper to Tattoo Artist Who Inked Name Across Woman’s Forehead: ‘F–king A–hole’

Incredible Footage of Comet Lovejoy from Space and Time-Lapse Video of View from Earth

The Blaze‘s Official Recap of This Year’s Atheist-Led ‘War on Christmas’

Watch GOP Senator: Tea Party Challenges ‘Killed Off’ Chances for Republican Majority in Senate

Mystery Solved? White House Says Bo the Dog Was Never in Hawaii

Hawaiian Residents Kept Awake by Invasive Frog Croaks as ‘Loud as a Jet Airplane’

Plenty of Gold and Myrrh — But Frankincense Could Be Going Extinct

Do You Know the Real History of ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’?


Antisec Movement - Wikipedia

**Political Video:

Rep. Steve King: "I Have Not Come To The Conviction" To Endorse Yet
Nebraska Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson Won't Run In 2012
Halperin: "Most Likely Outcome" Is Romney Winning Iowa
Pro-Gingrich Super PAC Ad Hits "Liberal Republican Establishment"


26 Dec.

CNN Digs Into Newt's Past: First Wife Didn't Want Divorce
Gingrich: Christmas Day 1776 - "Victory Or Death"
Krauthammer: "It's Hard To Make A Parody Of Newt And The Way He Imagines Himself"
Ron Paul Takes Credit For, Explains The Ron Paul Survival Report
Obama: One Thing I'd Like To Change About Myself Is ... Learn An Instrument
Perry Iowa Ad: "Part-Time Congress"
Two Women, One Pregnant, Brawl At Occupy Nashville On Christmas
Romney Iowa Ad: "Conservative Agenda"
Baby Sticks Hand In And Grabs Obama's Mouth; President Laughs It Off
RCP's Tom Bevan On Gingrich, Perry Failing To Qualify For VA Ballot
Charles Lane: Ron Paul Has The "Foreign Policy Views Of Jeremiah Wright"


25 Dec.

George Will Warns: "Don't Count The President Out"
Sen. Dick Lugar: Tea Party "Killed Off The Republican Majority"
Tom Brokaw: Country Is Ready For "Yes" And Not For "No"
Thomas Friedman: "The Wealthy Have To Pay More"
Mike Huckabee: Romney Will Win Iowa


24 Dec.

Rep. Pence Gives GOP Weekly On Christmas: Help Families In Need
Obamas Talk Christmas In Weekly Address: Ask "How Can I Give Back?"
Evan Thomas: "Excellent Chance" Israel Attacks Iran And US Drawn In This Year
Michelle Obama: Not "Confined" At WH; I Get To Travel The World
Bill Whittle: Three Years Under Obama
Obama Arrives In Hawaii For Christmas Vacation



Gingrich: Ron Paul "Fundamentally Wrong On National Security"
Krauthammer: "Unbecoming" & "Cowardly" Of Holder To Use Race Card
Obama: "Being Detached Or Spock-Like" Is A Misconception About Me
Gingrich Offers To Address NAACP Convention
"Special Report" Investigates Ron Paul's Controversial Newsletters
Rick Perry Doesn't Qualify For Virginia Primary Ballot; Gingrich Out
Romney: If I'm President You'll Have A Job, You Won't If Obama Wins
Obama: "I Think There's A Laziness In Me"
Michelle Obama: "Practical" To Put Myself Highest On My Priority List
Obama Thanks Congress For Payroll Tax Cut: "Keep Working Without Drama"
NYC Forces "Roll Your Own Cigarette" Store To Close For Tax Purposes
Perry Ad: "President Of Honor"
Barack Has No Pet Peeves Of First Lady; Michelle: "My List Is Too Long"
Ron Paul Rants On Trilateral Commission Conspiracy Theories
"Special Report" Panel On Sectarian Violence In Iraq
Shrum: Romney Will "Say Anything Just To Become President"
Joan Walsh: Republicans Suffer From "Obama Derangement Syndrome"
Rove: Complaining About Attacks "Makes You Sound Like A Whiner"
Mark Levin Talks 2012 On "Imus In The Morning"

**World Video:

Beyond Our Means
Bloodshed Continues In Syria
Christmas Massacre In Nigeria
What's Ahead For Euro Markets In 2012?
Iran-Iraq Alliance Unlikely
Yemen's President Seeks Medical Treatment In U.S.
This Year In Politics
Nigerians Pray For Bombing Victims.
Italians Arrested In Brazil Drug Bust
China Tests 500 kmph Train
Britain's Prince Philip Leaves Hospital
Pakistani Media And Anti-Americanism
North Korea In Transition
Tabler: 150 Monitors In Syria Not Enough


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