A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

29 December 2011

29 DEC.



"M T A" by Kingston Trio - Grooveshark


John Titor - Time Traveler(

The Story of John Titor(


+John Titor Archive: Interview with a time traveler

John Titor 1 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 2 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 3 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 4 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 5 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 6 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 7 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 8 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 9 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 10 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 11 of 12 - YouTube

John Titor 12 of 12 - YouTube


John Titor Hoax Debunked and Identity Revealed - Hoaxhunter - YouTube




History Channel The Universe - Time Travel / Full Documentary - YouTube

The Quantum Mechanics of Time Travel - YouTube

TimeTravel Experiments, Parallel Universes, Stargates, 2012 and New Revelations (44:04)

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P1

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P2

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P3

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P4

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P5

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P6

(C2CAM)Time Travel-Steven Gibbs-P...

(Art Bell) Time Technology & Research-P1 - YouTube

(Art Bell) Time Technology & Research-P2 - YouTube

(Art Bell) Time Technology & Research-P3 - YouTube

(Art Bell) Time Technology & Research-P4 - YouTube

(Art Bell) Time Technology & Research-P5 - YouTube

(Art Bell) Time Technology & Research-P6 of 6 - YouTube

Ancient Alien Visitations P1

Ancient Alien Visitations P-2

Ancient Alien Visitations P3/3

Timetravel to 2749 ( Montauk Project & Philadelphia Experiment ) : 34:09


Project Pegasus, Life on Mars and Time Travel - Andrew D. Basiago, Disclosure Movement - YouTube

DARPA & TIME TRAVEL Andrew D. Basiago Coast to Coast am - YouTube

The Universe - Time Travel Full Documentary - YouTube

Time Travel - 08-15-11 - YouTube



2012: Year of the World Government — RT


The Book of Revelations *Full Movie* - YouTube


WWIII Countdown: CFR declares "Time to Attack Iran" - SCG News 12-27-11 - YouTube

The NDAA Repeals More Rights

Paul Drockton: CFR Orders Up WWIII

Got Missiles? :: Hudson New York

Obama seeking to assassinate "US citizens" he labels as terrorist - YouTube - Illuminati Will Burst China's Bubble

Ron Paul Winning Google Trends

Urgent Notice! Watch the Vote 2012 - Iowa Caucus from your computer! | Ron Paul 2012 | Peace . Gold . Liberty

Michele Bachmann chair defects to Ron Paul -

Bob Chapman - Ron Paul in danger of being assassinated - YouTube


What Ron Paul Believes: USA, Canada, And Mexico Will Merge | TPM2012

Ron Paul Putting The Charges Against Him In Their Proper Context… :

Putin ejects Kremlin 'puppet master' after protests | World news |

Do Black Americans Believe Ron Paul Is Racist? - YouTube

GOP will take off the gloves if Ron Paul wins Iowa | JAMES EDWARDS

The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - Japanese Magician Invited to Kim Jong-il's Funeral

Mayo Clinic plans to sequence patients' genomes to personalise care | Science | The Guardian

Scientists test sick Alaska seals for radiation - Technology & science - Science -

Looking after your teeth 'could reduce risk of pneumonia' | Mail Online


+ 45 min./Dr Chris Busby on Sky: Fallujah, Fukushima and Radiation - YouTube


Chavez: Is U.S. behind bout of cancer? -

Bill for basket of essentials soars 43 per cent in ten years | Mail Online

Debris Field The Size Of California From Japanese Tsunami Begins To Litter West Coast :

Thousands of North Koreans gather for Kim Jong Il memorial -

Do Jews Rule America? | Real Zionist News

*Why Don't We Hear About Soros' Ties To Over 30 Major News Organizations? | Fox News

MF Global chief missing $1.2B is financial adviser to EPA - Washington Times

Fluoride Supplements Shown to Have No Benefits, Only Dangers | Natural Society

Chemicals BPA and Phthalates May be Damaging Your Arteries | Natural Society

The High Cost of Failing Artificial Hips - - Vegan diet provides many health benefits

Newt Gingrich’s Bipolar Mother Kit Gingrich and His Difficult Childhood - The Daily Beast

USA in decline while the war machine rages on - YouTube

GoDaddy not only helped write #SOPA they are also exempt from it. Scumbags. |

How Zionism infiltrated the US [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW] | Veterans Today

Pentagon: Iranian Disruption Of Oil Route 'Will Not Be Tolerated' | Fox News

Israel, U.S. discuss triggers for military strike on Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Ron Paul Supporters, Including Veterans, are “Indecent” according to Newt Gingrich | Combat Veterans for Ron Paul 2012

The Corbett Report | Arab League in Syria: A pre-ordained conclusion

National Nonpartisan Articles, National Nonpartisan News |

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Alexander Baron: Gilad Atzmon wipes Israel off the map

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Lauren Booth/Press TV: Plight of Palestinian families in exile-Diaspora (Must Watch)

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Charlie Dershowitz talks about Israel being a 'model'..

Documents Reveal Israel Stole Uranium from U.S. Stockpiles In 1950s and 1960s | American Free Press

Welcome to the United Food Stamps of America and the Greatest Depression. - YouTube

US Dollar Domination – Just Another Footnote In History

*Activist Post: Obama Nominates Carlyle Group Partner to The Federal Reserve

Ben Swann Reality Check: Obama Administration Demanded Power to Detain US Citizens - YouTube


+ Water Fluoridation And Crime In America - PDF


Scientists hopeful in fight to stop bat die-off | The Republic

Iran seeks death penalty for American 'CIA spy' - Telegraph

Newt Gingrich aide compares Virginia failure to Pearl Harbor - Telegraph

Anonymous hackers to publish U.S. security firm's 2.7m client emails... providing a 'smoking gun for number of crimes' | Mail Online

Wrecking America's Postal Service

Gaza - Remembering Cast Lead

Roy Tov – Cast Lead II Announced by Gen. Gantz

New Arab TV network goes to Bahrain - Middle East - World - The Independent

'Virginity tests' on Egypt protesters are illegal, says judge | World news |

Chinese Central Banker Declares That 'Gold Is The Only Safe Haven Left'

Gas pipeline plan given green light by Turkey - Europe - World - The Independent

Nervous banks place record €411bn with ECB as eurozone woes continue - Telegraph

Motorists are targets of latest crime trend – fuel theft | UK news | The Guardian

Australian military 'to recruit British troops laid-off in UK cuts' - Telegraph

Dow's Deadly Harvest: The Return of Agent Orange | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

EXCLUSIVE: Under Industry Pressure, USDA Works to Speed Approval of Monsanto's Genetically Engineered Crops | Truthout

Be a HERO and Help STOP SOPA Now!! I'll tell you How! This Video that Must Be SHARED! - YouTube

SOPA is the end of us, say bloggers - Tim Mak -

vitamin d can cut your risk of dying by fifty percent - Endgame: Return to the Gold Standard?

Half of America In Poverty? The Facts Say It's True | Common Dreams

Farmers Wanted for Monsanto Expose! | Farm Wars

Seeds of Deception(

Your Milk on Drugs

Grateful Dead Ripple on Ukulele- cover by Rebecca - YouTube


** cookhealthyfast's Channel - YouTube


* Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


Tattoo removal on the increase in Spain in the battle for jobs | World news |

21 No Thanks for Everything - YouTube

Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online

Almost all mobiles are 'open' to new attack that lets hackers remote-control phones to make calls and send texts | Mail Online

2012 Mirrors 1099 AD

2011 - The Year That Shook The World


The Illusion of Time { Σn } - YouTube

The Detailed Universe: This will Blow Your Mind. - YouTube


Paul Drockton: Oathkeepers and Martial Law

Paul Drockton: Radicalizing Dissent

SNL Writer Who Committed Suicide (?) Was a Strong Critic of Israel and Fan of What Really Happened « Revolt of the Plebs

John Nichols: Out, damn Newt: 5 reasons why Gingrich is headed for footnote status

TSA to start searching ground transportation — RT

Video: U.S. Special Ops Team Crosses the Border into Mexico; Escorted by Mexican Military : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Paul Drockton: Mormons, Homosexuals and Pedophiles

Paul Drockton: Tavistock and False Prophecies

No Fear: Memory Adjustment Pills Get Pentagon Push | Danger Room |

Iowa GOP moving vote-count to 'undisclosed location' -

What Is The Business Model For Mars? - YouTube

The Empire Attacks Ron Paul | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Heavenly Wine and the Purpose of Demonstration. Visible Origami


*58 min./The Age of Transitions (full length documentary) - YouTube


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 27-28th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 28th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 27th, 2011


Pt.1 PROOF Rigged Election - Watch the Vote 2012 - Iowa Caucus - YouTube

Pt.2 PROOF Rigged Election - Watch the Vote 2012 - Iowa Caucus -FOR RON PAUL! - YouTube

Why Neo-Cons Hate Ron Paul’s Honest Foreign Policy |

Alex Covers The Full Spectrum Biological/Eugenics Program Against Humanity 1/2 - YouTube

Alex Covers The Full Spectrum Biological/Eugenics Program Against Humanity 2/2 - YouTube

Patrick Henningsen Reports on Syria Conflict and Al-Qaeda Forces Continue Bombing Iraq 1/2 - YouTube

Patrick Henningsen Reports on Syria Conflict and Al-Qaeda Forces Continue Bombing Iraq 2/2 - YouTube

Wall Street Journal “Determines” Russian Election a “Fraud” – Tony Cartalucci |

» TSA ‘Spot Searches’ Expand To Union Station Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines

Former Alaska Man Reveals Timeline from Weatherman to Convicted Terrorist | Alaska Dispatch


SOPA is the end of us, say bloggers - Tim Mak -

Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online

I-40 in Arkansas Being Used as Military Staging Point for Future Event? |

Syria Update: US Government Gives Green Light to MSM

MF Global – “Self-Regulation” Actually Worked


*Articles: BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 28, 2011

*Articles: :BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 27, 2011


Ron Paul's "Disgruntled" Staffer and the Press Smear of Ron Paul

Is Ron Paul a Racist?

The Daily Bell - The BBC's Sorry Journalism

Do Black Americans Believe Ron Paul Is Racist? - YouTube

Pat Buchanan | Ron Paul Victory | Iowa Caucuses | The Daily Caller

» Smear Attacks Have No Effect, Ron Paul Still On Course To Win Iowa Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Kelly Clarkson Endorses Ron Paul - Presidential Race 2012 | Gossip Cop

2012 Presidential Matchups - Rasmussen Reports™

ROBERT REICH: Get Ready For A Obama-Clinton Presidential Ticket

Tournament of Roses to Occupiers: You Can't March in Our Parade |

Obama's new tax on the poor: Internet gambling by states -

This Is CNN: Woeful Ratings, Just Not as Woeful as Last Year - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

Obamas enjoy multicourse tasting menu - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Joseph W. McQuaid: Ron Paul is truly dangerous | New Hampshire OPINION01

Rove: Political Predictions for 2012 -

Samoa to skip Friday, lose December 30th 2011 forever -

Romney: I Would Vote for Ron Paul Over Obama

Official: Saudi Women Can Vote, Run for Office Without Male Approval in 2015

‘Vote Rogue’: Iowa Ad Campaign Urges Voters to Caucus for Sarah Palin

These Are 11 Things That Could Be More Expensive in 2012

NASCAR Driver Kasey Kahne Bashes Public Breastfeeding After Supermarket Encounter

Occupy Protesters Arrested Outside Romney Iowa Campaign Office

Watch Chief Arab League Observer of Syrian Crackdown Has His Own Questionable Human Rights Record

Bachmann Iowa Chair Defects to Ron Paul…Hours After Appearing With Her at Campaign Stop

These Are Some Of The Biggest Product Flops of 2011

‘Uh-oh’: Toddler Playing With Parent’s Smartphone Buys Multiple $100 Apps

NY Times Admits to Sending Spam Discount Email to Over 8 Million People…After First Denying It

Oops: This Air Force Picture Might Have Announced the U.S.-Saudi F-15 Deal Before It Was Official

NASCAR Driver Apologizes for ‘Offensive’ Tweets About Public Breastfeeding

1,100-Pound Crocodile Snatches Lawnmower From a Park Worker!

Open Wide: New Studies Say Your Mouth Holds Early Indicators of Cancer, Pregnancy

DNA Analysis Debunks Long-Held Belief on ‘Yeti Finger’

Security Cam Catches Woman Trying to Steal Case of Beer by Shoving It Up Her Dress

Could War With Iran Actually Be Cheaper Than Peace? Here Are the Numbers

Watch Dick Morris Calls Ron Paul ‘The Most Liberal, Radical Left-Wing Person to Run for President’

College Football Player Saves Choking Man’s Life by Performing Heimlich

15-Year-Old Behind Blaze Story on Girl Scouts Speaks Out: ‘We Were So Deceived’

Ex-Stripper Sues Police Chief for ‘Violating Her Constitutional Rights’

Can You Predict How the Story Ends in This Stunning Photo?

NKorea Caught Doctoring Photo of Kim Jong Il’s Funeral — Can You Spot the Difference?

Daily Call Sheet: The Rise of VOD, Sequels Make ALL the Money, and Blu-Ray News

The 10 Best Terrible Songs of 2011

Top 10 Breakout Stars of 2011

Big Movie Flashback: ‘Zodiac’ (2007)

Can CW Comedy ‘Poseurs’ Escape GLAAD’s Glare?

BH Interview: ‘Dolphin Tale’ Actor Nathan Gamble on Getting to Know His Aquatic Co-Star

Daily Call Sheet: National Film Registry Chooses, Cheetah Dies, and Links Galore

Top 5 Country Albums of 2011

Movie Crowds Dip to 16-Year Low

Context-Challenged L.A. Times : Television Proves Americans Okay With Adultery!

Hollywood’s Mean Girls: When ‘Feminist’ Actresses Attack Female Conservatives

Top 5 Worst Films of 2011: From a Super-Dud to Sandler’s Sorriest Effort to Date

Pork TV: How Millions in Stimulus Funds Created an Online Video with 5K Hits

Ben Kingsley Nails the Modern Movie Malaise

MF Global Chief Who Oversaw Missing $1.2 Billion Also Top EPA Financial Adviser

VA GOP Will Require ‘Loyalty Oath’ to Vote in Primary

Can Romney Win the South? and Other Questions As the Republican Primary Race Prepares to Go Southern

Occupy-Linked Hacker Group Anonymous Releases Survival Guide For Violent Revolution

Occupy Wall Street Gets Big ‘Up Twinkles’ from Third World Revolutionaries

EXCLUSIVE: Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter: ‘My Mom Wants to Leave Congress’’s Most-Viewed of 2011: Remy, Peter Schiff, Matt Damon & More

Democrats Waging War Against Laws that ‘Target’ Illegal Immigrants

What to Look for in Iowa and Beyond

The Colorado Model & the Left’s Stratagem for Turning Red States to Blue

Will an Open Primary Sink Romney in New Hampshire?

Who Is Going to Bail Out China?

The Breitbart ‘Ambiguous Entity of the Year’: The Tent of the Unknown Rapist

New Law Creates More Charter Schools for Michigan

Occupy Wall Street = Obama ‘08 Supporters, Says ‘Occupy the Iowa Caucuses’ Leader

OccupyIowa: Protesters Meet, Plan Caucus Events

Margaret Thatcher and the Jews: The Iron Lady Was a Great Friend to the People of the Old Testament

Putin Makes Non-Committal Gesture Toward Opposition Protesters

The Institute of Egypt Set Ablaze in Cairo

*Audio:Bolton: Kerry’s ‘LOST’ Treaty Will Damage U.S. Sovereignty

The History of Predator Drones: From One Man’s Basement to the War on Terror

Ron Paul’s Unlearned Lessons from Vietnam, Part 1: Trading with the Enemy

Hanukkah in a Soviet Concentration Camp: Remembering, and Defeating, the Evil of Communism

*Audio:Putin Not Interested in the Appearance of Democracy

What a cheek! Russia criticises U.S. for its human rights abuses | Mail Online

Santorum who? Republican candidate gets timely poll surge | Reuters

Paul gets front-runner's welcome in Iowa

ROBERT REICH: Get Ready For A Obama-Clinton Presidential Ticket

99 Percent? Top 25 Occupy Wall Street Backers Worth Over $4 Billion |

Mitt Romney Claims He'll Cut Off Funding for PBS, Says He Wants Advertisements on 'Sesame Street' (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

A Bad Way To Argue For Libertarian-Christianity

- Thursday Crib Sheet: Denver Post Corrects, North Korean Media Doctors Photos

Washington Post Misunderstands Chart, Plays Class Warfare

Left-Leaning Girl Scouts Promotes Soros, SEIU Funded Media Matters For America *UPDATED

Media Matters Remains Delusional About Operation Fast And Furious

Is The MSM Hiding A Christmas Honor Killing?

FishBowlDC’s Peter Ogburn’s Sexist Attacks On Michelle Fields

Correction Request: FishbowlDC’s Peter Ogburn Misquotes Michelle Fields

WaPo Gives Obama Credit for Bush Drone Program

Wednesday Crib Sheet: O’Keefe Honored, Pentagon Vindicated

CNN Mocks GOP Race, Asks What Sitcom It Is Most Like |

China rare earths move unlikely to buoy prices

'Stuxnet weapon has at least 4 cousins'

Peres: It's still possible to make peace with Palestinians

China plans to put astronaut on the moon

77 new drugs are added to 2012 health basket

Web post prompts fears of online anti-Semitism in Rome

Kim Jong-eun appears before Pyongyang crowds

Alibaba hires US lobby firm in Yahoo bid

Fischer: Israel can maintain growth in 2012

A life alone for Saudis born out of wedlock

Titanic artifacts up for auction in NY in April

Oil falls below $99 per barrel

Russia shuts down nuclear submarine reactor after fire: Ifax

Euro falls to 15-month low against dollar

US crude oil supplies grow by 3.9 million barrels

Netflix and Gap lag in customer satisfaction online

BP money buys sports towels, Xmas lights, jingles

Book: Petraeus urged to quit over Afghan drawdown

Feds ordered Wis. gov to lift program cap

Jobless claims rise but labor market healing

Pending home sales rise to 1.5 year high

US natural gas supplies shrank last week

Fixed mortgage rates end year above record lows

U.S. to announce sale of fighter jets to Saudi Arabia

Stocks rise as unemployment claims remain modest

Navalny, Russia's protest hero, fights oil company


29-Dec-11 World View

28-Dec-11 World View

27-Dec-11 World View


Anonymous Releases Survival Guide for Violent Protests |


*15 Pg./Anonymous - Survival Guide for Citizens in a Revolution

NEWS Best Movies of 2011


Debbie Schlussel:FUNNY VIDEO: Kim Jong Un Delivers Eulogy @ Kim Jong Il Funeral

Debbie Schlussel:Just As I Predicted, Muslims Attack Denis Leary Over Islamic Charlie Brown Video

Debbie Schlussel:Our “Moderate” Muslim Neighbors: Jihadist Outs US Muslim Terrorists, NY Daily News Redacts Names

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS VIDEO: How Long ‘Til CAIR Puts a Fatwah on Denis Leary?

+Notes on the Economy - December 2011

An Anarchist on Ron Paul

Ron Paul's Shovel Ready Foreign Policy

Dick Lugar: Tea Party Cost Republicans the Senate in 2010

Rep. Van Hollen: Drug Tests For Unemployed 'Insulting'

Romney, Newt and Mandates Sitting in A Tree

Wanna Know Why Congress Doesn't Care About the 99 Percent? Because They're the 1 Percent.

Santorum: 'Send a Message to the Man' by Voting for Me

Notable Death of the Year: RIP Austerity Economics, 1921-2011

Expected Low Turnout In Iowa?

NYT Tracks Gun Crimes Committed By NC Carry Permit Holders

Romney: 'Very Serious Error' to Block Voter Photo ID Laws

Animation: Donald Trump Might Still Run??!? (Actual Audio)

DOJ Aggressively Investigating Police Brutality

Scott Walker A Hypocrite on Out-of-State Spending on Wisconsin Elections

Mitt Romney's Big Promises - and Bigger Lies

Indiana State Sen. Jim Tomes (R) Comes Out Against Mitch Daniels' Right-to-Work Agenda

Noahpinion: The liberty of local bullies

The Best Reason to Oppose Ron Paul - Ed Brayton - Dispatches from the Culture Wars -

Twitter is Hilariously Ruining Everything [Infographic] | Geekosystem

Best Books;'11

Best Books Of 2011: Mysteries, Cookbooks, Science Fiction, Teen Lit, Historical Fiction, More : NPR


Books 2011


**News Videos:Santorum: No Difference Between Paul And Obama Administration

NBC News’ Todd To Gingrich: ‘What’s Your Relationship Like With Your Ex-Wives?’

Santorum’s Turn: Surging Candidate’s Social Positions Attacked By NBC News

Eric Bolling Takes On Hunstman

Bolton: If You’re Thinking Of Voting For Ron Paul, ‘Think Again’

NBC News’ Ed Schultz: Tea Party Republicans Are Like ‘Sewer Rats’

Perry: Don’t Replace A Democrat Insider With A GOP Insider

Gutfeld: Who’s The Best Candidate Against President Obama

Bill Whittle: Three Years Under Obama

Romney: I’d Vote For Paul Over Obama

Bachmann: ‘I Intend To Be America’s Iron Lady’

Kim Jong Un Declared ‘Supreme Leader’

Apple Archives Document Company History

Germany Builds Church Out Of Ice And Snow

Tech Savvy Toddler Buys $200 Worth Of Apps On Parent’s Phone

28th/Breitbart: ‘Occupy The Caucus’ Is Part Of Organized Left’s Efforts To Re-Elect Obama

NRA News: Obama Released Statement Saying He Can Use Taxpayer Money For Gun Control Ads

Newt: I’ll Only Release Positive Ads

Romney: Gingrich Like ‘Lucille Ball At Chocolate Factory’

Priests Brawl In Bethlehem’s Church Of Nativity

Pro-Paul PAC Video: If China Attacks America

Update: Scientists Defend $682,570 Taxpayer Funded ‘Shrimp On A Treadmill’

Flashback: Ron Paul Says ‘Bilderbergers’ Control World’s Banks, Natural Resources

Don’t Mess With Firefly! How SciFi Fans Made A Campus Safe For Free Speech

Going Rogue: Independent Group Runs Palin For President Radio Ads In Iowa

Marine Shot Three Times In Robbery Plugs Bullet Holes With Fingers

Paul: Hamas Was Started By Israel

Gingrich Bus Rolls Into Eastern Iowa

North Korean Gulag Survivor Describes Life In Political Camps

Screaming, Crying During North Korean Dictator’s Funeral

Chicago Pastor ‘Occupies’ Rooftop To Stop Violence

Up To 120 Sears, Kmart Stores To Close

27th/Japan’s Tsunami Debris Begins To Hit US Coast

Military Wives Create Fastest-Selling Single In Britain In Three Years

Newt Flashback 2008: A Passionate Advocate For Individual Mandate

Clerk Knocks Out Armed Robber, Forces Him To Clean Up Blood

Chaos: Multiple Fights Overrun Mall Of America

Denis Leary’s Charlie Brown Jihadist Christmas Special

26th/TSA Agent Confiscates Cupcake

GoDaddy Pulls Support From SOPA

Awkward Family Holiday Photos

Kwanzaa At The Apollo Theatre

25th/Netflix CEO Takes Massive Pay Cut For Company’s Woes

Incoming: Metal Spheres Crash From Space Into Namibia

Awkward: Weatherman Throws Fit During Live Report

Iranian Woman To Face Death By Stoning Or Hanging

Palestinian Christians Celebrate Christmas

23rd/Real-Life George Bailey?

Postal Service Santa Goes Rogue To Spread Holiday Cheer

22nd/Housing Market Worse Off Than Estimated


The Most Important Gadgets Of 2012 | TechCrunch

Our Last Christmas In The Old America | Before It's News

+ Time Travel Coming, American Physicist Declares | Before It's News

Best Marijuana Argument Ever: Given By Superior Court Judge James P. Gray - YouTube


Scour The Moon For Ancient Traces Of Aliens,Say Scientists | Before It's News

+The Satanic 9/11 Ritual - Bill Cooper - Illuminati Agenda 2012 | Before It's News


(MUST SEE) The Satanic 9/11 Ritual - Bill Cooper - ILLUMINATI AGENDA 2012 - YouTube


**Ufo's and Aliens Contact (Full Documentary) Very Good Info Not To Be Dismissed - YouTube


Proof Of The Coming Merger Of Canada, Mexico & USA | Before It's News

Obama-Corzine Were Wrong - YouTube

+ Diet, Nutrient Levels Linked To Cognitive Ability, Brain Shrinkage | Before It's News

High Speed Train Made Of Plastic Reinforced With Carbon Fiber Can Hit 500 Km/H | Before It's News

Super Sex Tips for 2012

What Were the Most Illegally Downloaded Films of 2011?


5 Secret Search Engines Way Better Than Google | Big Oak SEO Blog







2011: The Year in Civil Liberties by John W. Whitehead --

Obama Secretly Preparing for Syria Intervention

Predictions for 2012

A Tale of Two Cities: Weimar and Washington

Revolution or Devolution

The American Conservative » Would Ron Paul Have Stopped the Holocaust?

The Pentagon and its Sock Puppets | StratRisks

Street Cams Can Now Tag, Track and Follow Individuals -

Surveillance System Tags, Tracks And Follows - YouTube

US House of Representatives: Internet pirates - Boing Boing

Wall Street Mulls Suicide by Tactical Allocation -

Department of Homeland Security Using Fake Facebook and Twitter Accounts to Monitor Posts Containing Certain Keywords -

You Won’t Believe How Corrupt, Lazy And Stinking Rich Our Congress Critters Have Become -

UFO's And Aliens Contact (Full Documentary) | Before It's News

The Isolationist/Protectionist Song - YouTube

UK to close borders, evacuate expats if euro collapses - YouTube

Bugs may be resistant to genetically modified corn - informationliberation

Michele Bachmann chair defects to Ron Paul -

On Eve Of Net Boycott, Dump GoDaddy Exodus Begins | Fox News

6 years later, Katrina victims fight FEMA debts - Yahoo! News

Is Ron Paul Out of Date? No. - informationliberation

Do Gingrich and Huckabee Prefer President Obama to Ron Paul? - informationliberation

No longer just theories: The top 10 conspiracy facts of 2011

Snapshots of Washington’s essence -

Gold Bubble Seen by Soros on Brink of Bear Market: Commodities

Virginia GOP requires loyalty oath from voters

‘Occupy’ interrupts Paul: ‘Why do you hate gays?’

U.S. eyes first criminal charges over BP spill

Japanese robot aims to replace factory workers

U.S. carrier spotted in Iran wargames zone

Cancer-causing toxin discovered in Chinese cooking oil

Red meat lovers have more kidney cancer

Elderly who eat better stay mentally sharp: study

Spanish king’s son-in-law faces corruption case

Romney Takes Swipe at Ron Paul on Iran Nuke Policy

War is God

Congress, Obama Codify Indefinite Detention

Recall: Montanans Organize to Remove Senators Who Voted For Traitorous Detainment Bill

Vote Obama If You Want A Centrist Republican For US President

Department of Homeland Security Using Fake Facebook and Twitter Accounts to Monitor Posts

The Book of Jobs

Occupy Wall Street: How Cash Has Corrupted Congress

F-16s intercept small plane near D.C. - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Ron Paul's Racist, Homophobic Newsletters Gain New Life On Twitter

Rick Santorum's Two-Step Plan To End Poverty

Several new state laws set for 2012 –

Why Christmas holidays are most popular time of year to conceive (so THAT'S why most common birthday is September 16) | Mail Online

Did Cheetah from 1930s Tarzan flicks die? - Yahoo! News

A Call for Peace: Say NO to America's Military Adventure

Neoliberalism and Political Dissent in Turkey

Taiwan: Another Asian Fukushima Imminent?

Shifting Ground for Vital Resources

Government of the Rich, by the Rich and for the Rich

America Threatens China: What Lies Behind the U.S. "Return to Asia" Strategy?

Obama’s Global Murder, Inc.

War on Venezuela: Washington’s False Accusations Against The Chavez Government

Revolution in Solar Energy Technology? Cheap Quantum Dot Solar Paint

Grim Economic Prospects for 2012: Social Upheaval, Bank Defaults and Financial Chaos

Wrecking America's Postal Service

A Fool's Paradise Revisited News, Social Media, Television and the "Anti-Mirror"

Spinning the News from "Reliable" NGO Sources: London-based "Syrian Observatory" Consorting Directly With British Government

+VIDEO: The Case of Dr. David Kelly: The Coverup Continues

The World Of Free Energy

Privatisation: Leading Canada's Public Healthcare to the "Free-market Guillotine"

China-US Relations: Washington's Asia Strategy Could Destabilize the Entire Asian Pacific Region

Homeland Security's Covert Surveillance of Facebook and Twitter

How to Build the Perfect Soldier (HUNGRY BEAST) - YouTube


+Drug Shortages: Current Drugs


Top 12 Threats to Watch in 2012 » Publications » Family Security Matters

40 Hard Questions That The American People Should Be Asking Right Now 40 Hard Questions That The American People Should Be Asking Right Now – The Economic Collapse

Radio Zeta: How Mexico's Drug Cartels Stay Networked | Danger Room |

Obama, Holder among 'most corrupt politicians'

Is Constitution optional in Obama administration?

Report: 173 law enforcement officers killed on duty in 2011 -

Suspicious Activity Reports From U.S. Malls Being Processed By Police State Fusion Centers

FEMA calls for increased disaster preparedness | Times-News

The Justice Department Condones Perjury ... Again

Victoria Jackson Says Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated American Government | Video |

The IRS & DOJ Are Grabbing New Powers In The Hunt For Revenue - Business Insider

USDA Approves Monsanto’s Drought Resistant Corn Amidst Skepticism

WTF is SOPA ? aka The US Government Trying to Ruin the Internet (video)

Street Cams Can Now Tag, Track and Follow Individuals (video)

Imagine There’s No Rockwell (.com) by Brian Wilson

The Case for Austerity by Andrew P. Napolitano

Ron Paul’s Support Is Much More Widespread Than Reported by John Keller

US Dollar Domination – Just Another Footnote in History by Mac Slavo

US Justice Department Logic: Bernanke Is a Domestic Terrorist by Simon Black

How to Create a Life Plan in 5 Easy Steps | The Art of Manliness

Oath Keepers Launches Effort to Recall Members of Congress

Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine: Time for a New Year's Resolution

Devil Deals by Bill Bonner

Dear Mark: Salt and Blood Pressure | Mark's Daily Apple

Activist Post: How to Stop the Resurgence of Agent Orange in Your Food Supply -- Vital Activism

Big Brother Cab: Taxi CCTV to spy on passengers - YouTube

Activist Post: Has Drug-Driven Medicine Become A Form of Human Sacrifice?

Activist Post: Iraq: Invasion Ends -- Neo-Colonial Rule Begins

Activist Post: DSM – The ‘Psychiatric Bible’ Responsible for Over Medicating the Population

CIA sifts social media sites - YouTube

Iran Rejects US Warning Against Closing Strait of Hormuz

Turkey Says Airstrikes Targeted Suspected Militants

North Korea Hails Kim Jong Un as 'Supreme Leader'

Nigerian Christians Dismayed by President’s Security Response

Kenya Schools Decline in English, Ki’Swahili Language Skills

China Lays Out Ambitious 5-Year Plan to Explore Space

As Caucus Nears, Republican Candidates Woo Iowa Voters

Immigration Remains Hot Topic in US Politics

Reports Say US Online Sales Jump, Car Sales Improve

Brazil Overtakes Britain as World's 6th Largest Economy

US Sees Growing Problem With Prescription Drug Abuse

‘None’ Beats Obama in Gallup’s ‘Most Admired’ Survey

U.N. Urged to Support Oppressed North Koreans After Flying Its Flag at Half-Staff During Kim’s Funeral

Bachmann Loses Her Iowa Campaign Chairman to Ron Paul

Romney, His Confidence Growing, Plans to Spend Caucus Night in Iowa

Obama to Beam Live Address to Iowa Dems Next Tuesday Night

Petraeus Almost Quit Over Obama’s Afghan Troop Drawdown, Biography Says

After Only 2 Qualify for Presidential Primary, Virginia GOP Chair Says State Should Change Election Law

Church Made of Ice and Snow Opens in Bavaria

Running Strong, Ron Paul Questions U.S. Troop Presence in S. Korea, Japan, Germany

Spend the Night With Mitt in NH for Just $1

Thousands of Titanic Artifacts Headed to Auction in New Year

Puffing Up a Dead Dictator: N. Korean Media, Foreign Leaders Offer Effusive Praise for Kim

In Up and Down Year for Cable News, Fox Dominates

China Accelerates Space Race: Plans Call for Manned Ships, Space Labs, Space Stations

Afghanistan Signs Its First Oil Contract – With China

Pro-Life Group Sues HHS to Force Release of Documents on Planned Parenthood Funding

Just 4 Months Later, Vermont Set to Reopen Last Highway Destroyed by Hurricane Irene

Gingrich 3Q Fundraising Strong, But His Poll Numbers Are Falling

Second Look: Rick Santorum Attracting Larger Crowds in Iowa

2012: A Year of Media Savagery

Virginia Must Change Its Election System

Why We Need More Farmers In Congress

America's Big Loser in 2011: Americans

'Occupy' The Rose Parade Calls For Support

Romney Compares Gingrich Campaign to 'Lucy' Sitcom

Gingrich Asks If Romney Is ‘Man Enough,’ Says Ron Paul Won't Be Taken 'As A Serious Person'

North Korean TV Coverage Of Kim Jong-il Funeral

Jazz Musician Sam Rivers Dies at 88 |

Former U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter Gets Laughs at Philly Comedy Club |

175 Languages Spoken Here: Obama's Housing Dept. Expands Services for Non-English Speakers |

Newsmax 2012 Campaign Special: Newt Gingrich Will Continue the Reagan Legacy

Ron Paul and His Bigots

Lobby Group Provides Access to Obama White House

Menial Jobs Better Than No Jobs

Iowa's Caucus Chaos Plays Into Obama's Hands

Team Obama Redefines the Enemy

Freedom Declines as Government Expands

InsiderAdvantage Poll: Gingrich Surges, Tied with Romney, Paul

Gingrich Dismisses Paul as 'Protest Candidate'

Pelosi's Daughter: Mom Wants to Quit Congress

Newsmax, Mike Reagan: Gingrich Will Continue Reagan Legacy

Gingrich: Bernanke Should Resign

Huntsman: Iowans Pick Corn, NH Picks Presidents

Steve King: Gingrich 'Brilliant Man,' Better Candidate Than Romney

Rick Perry Backs Abortion in Some Cases

Book: Petraeus Almost Quit Over Afghan Drawdown

Bolton: Iran's Strait of Hormuz Threat Is a 'Bluff'

Trump: China 'Laughing at Us' Over Currency Call

Richardson: NKorea Grief Is 'Choreographed'

Rick Perry Backs Abortion in Some Cases

Dick Morris: Ron Paul More Liberal Than Obama

Bachmann Iowa Chairman Quits Campaign

Wildmon: Gingrich Will Defend Religious Freedom

Gingrich: Border Fence Will Be My Priority

Economist Laffer Endorses Gingrich

Gingrich: Border Fence Will Be My Priority

North Korea Calls Kim Jong Un 'Supreme Leader'

Pew Poll: Hispanic Voters Favor Obama by Wide Margin

US Official: We Won't Tolerate Iran's Blocking Strait

Saudi Official: Gulf Arab States Can Offset Iran Oil

Candidates' Favorite Super Hero: Superman

Iowa Caucuses Primer: Here's How They Work

Elizabeth Dole Endorses Romney

Super PAC for Bachmann Is Now for Romney

Palin Backers' Ad Urges Iowans: 'Vote Rogue' for Her

Gingrich’s Super PAC Ramps Up Rhetoric

China Reveals its Space Plans up to 2016

General: Improve US Coordination with Pakistan

Soros Sees Gold Prices on Brink of Bear Market

Iranian Commander: US Can't Tell Us 'What to Do'

Liberty Trading's Cordier: Gold Set to Soar 20%

Stephen Roach: India Worries Me More Than China

Study: Diet Nutrients Boost Brain Power

Red Meat Lovers Get More Kidney Cancer

Enjoy a Hangover-Free Holiday

Well-Nourished Elderly Stay Mentally Sharp: Study

Docs Plan to Treat Traumatized Children in Virtual World

Is Mitt Romney too rich? New photo compares millionaire candidate to 'Wall Street' movie villain Gordon Gekko | Mail Online

Exclusive: Romney Family Investment Group Partnered With Alleged Perpetrators Of $8 Billion Ponzi Scheme | ThinkProgress

Mystery Mitt Romney donor comes forward - Maggie Haberman -

Romney would up defense aid to Israel - JPost - International

Wiretap mosques, Romney suggests - The Boston Globe

Revolutionary Politics : Climate Change: Mitt Romney Flip-Flops on Climate Change

Romney: Islam Is a Peace-Loving Religion

Mitt Romney Won’t Release Tax Returns :: :: FITSNewsFITSNews

Mitt Flop Romney vs Mitt Flop Romney - YouTube

Mitt Romney on Islamic Jihad - YouTube

Retirement Deal Keeps Bain Money Flowing to Romney -

Covering Their Tracks: Firm Linked To Ponzi Scheme Erases Tagg Romney From Website | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's Dream World: Cutting Billions Out Of Medicaid Will Not 'Hurt The Poor' | ThinkProgress

JP Morgan Targeted For MBS Lawsuits, Romney Would Raise SS & Medicare Eligibility Age, Why Ron Paul Wants To Eliminate The Department Of Education (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Romney & Obama Agree on Iran: Keep Up Aggression, Impede Peace « Blog

U.S. presidential hopefuls attack Ron Paul for objection to Iran nuclear strike - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Richard Geldard: The Bain of Romney's Existence


** Under Occupation: 9/11 Reality - FULL MOVIE - YouTube


US Spies could be Tracking you on Twitter & facebook « Pyramidion

Obama’s global Murder, Inc.

Massive fire engulfs Russian nuclear submarine at Arctic shipyard; no leaks or casualties - The Washington Post

Video of US carrier filmed from Iran plane during drill in Persian Gulf - YouTube

Gingrich Says Ron Paul Can’t Win Iowa, Calls Him a 'Protest Candidate'

In eroding civil liberties, Barack Obama finishes what George Bush began: James Gill |

Obama Secretly Preparing for Syria Intervention -- News from

In Telethon, Israeli Military Chief Pushes New Gaza Invasion -- News from

Dead Wrong: Colin Powell's UN Speech - YouTube

Syria - "peaceful demonstrators" opening fire on a bus full of civilians - YouTube

Obama named America's most admired man - despite recent approval ratings hitting an all-time low | Mail Online

Breaking: Patriot Missiles Seized, Sold To China by Israel (Updates) | Veterans Today

Crackdown: USA « Revolt of the Plebs

World Of Mysteries: Newt Gingrich has vowed to create a presidential commission to end the separation of church and state on the first day of his administration

Robert Scheer: Marginalizing Ron Paul - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig

Rick Perry Sues Over Exclusion From Virginia Primary Ballot - Businessweek

Iowa’s Weather Could Make Tougher Paul’s Quest for Caucus Win - Businessweek

Predictions 2012: Before And After The Worldwide Spring Offensive And Election Day | Video Rebel's Blog

Ron Paul: Codger, crank or more? -

Mossad chief: Nuclear Iran not necessarily existential threat to Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The 6 Weirdest Things That Are Ruining Your Memory |

Sherrie Questioning All: CNN setting it up for the Election Fraud about to be committed in Iowa? Proof, They have Lied and have used fake polls before. Now everyone is using their "Romney is surging and ahead in Iowa Poll" I challenge Iowa to video tape the count they plan on doing in secret

+The smallest V-12 engine in the world - YouTube

Blitzkrieg der Wunderbar, Together we Are. Smoking Mirrors

+Bachmann Chairman Resigns, Endorses Ron Paul on Live TV - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : CNN Does ANOTHER Hit Piece On Ron Paul!

Revolutionary Politics : US WARS FAR FROM OVER

Revolutionary Politics : This is What Ron Paul is Up Against!

Iran to block Strait of Hormuz if oil export at risk - YouTube

Hacker group Anonymous hits security firms - YouTube

Obama asks Congress to raise debt ceiling - YouTube

The Compassion of Dr. Ron Paul - YouTube

Obradovich: Steadily rising Paul sticks to his record | The Des Moines Register |

Poor Richard's blog: Ron Paul Supporters, Including Veterans, are “Indecent” according to Newt Gingrich

Defending Ron Paul against common but silly assumptions - YouTube

7 of the Nastiest Scams from Wall Street Banksters - YouTube

Fed Secretly Bailing Out Europe - YouTube

C-SPAN Video - Ron Paul Veterans Rally in Des Moines - 12160


*50 min./Ron Paul speech at Salute to Veterans Campaign Rally 12-28-11 - YouTube


Refreshing News: US elections 2012: Republicans campaign in Iowa

Prensa Latina News Agency - US: Outraged Popular Movement Occupies Iowa Caucus

The Wall of Hate - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Is Ron Paul Right About The Drug War Being Racist?

Ex-Goldman Sachs Analyst: "Major War" Coming End Of 2012 - YouTube

Welcome to the United Food Stamps of America and the Greatest Depression. - YouTube

Poor Richard's blog: Freedom Loving Americans Headed To FEMA Camps

Revolutionary Politics : Fox News finally says Ron Paul is a frontrunner 12/28/11

Banned Ron Paul Video That FOX Refused To Re-Air - YouTube

Congress, Obama Codify Indefinite Detention by Sheldon Richman

New Guantanamo Commander Seeking to Diminish Detainee Rights Further -- News from

Poor Richard's blog: The Israeli Defense Firm That Tallies The Iowa Caucus – Christopher Bollyn

Can the MSM pull the plug on Ron Paul? - YouTube


Obama Nominates Carlyle Group Partner to The Federal Reserve -


The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed - Part 1 of 5 - YouTube

The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed - Part 2 of 5 - YouTube

The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed - Part 3 of 5 - YouTube

The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed - Part 4 of 5 - YouTube

The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed - Part 5 of 5 - YouTube


The Carlyle Group(



Academi(Xe,Blackwater) :

U.S. Training Center - (


You Are Not Your Costume « 99 Percent Space

Afghanistan signs ‘$7 bn’ oil deal with China | The Raw Story

The Leading Cause of Breast Cancer? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Poor Richard's blog: How the Zionist Media Steals from Gentiles

The Obama Nation: Even More Debt And Even More Store Closings -

Demonizing the Enemy: Preparing Americans and the World for an All Out Attack against Iran

Grim Economic Prospects for 2012: Social Upheaval, Bank Defaults and Financial Chaos

Libya’s NTC Has Yet to Deal With Militias -- News from

Poor Richard's blog: Maybe that war with China isn't so far off

Poor Richard's blog: A Run On The Global Banking System—How Close Are We?

Poor Richard's blog: The U.S. Government is Run by Liars, Like Their Drones Federal Employees Will Crash

"There Will Be Violence, Mark My Words"

FOX News - World - Latest Headlines - Venezuelan President Chavez Hints U.S. Could Be Behind Cancers Affecting South American Leaders - Page 1 of 2

Free Syrian Army Commanded by Military Governor of Tripoli | Intifada Palestine

Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state is 'on the brink' -

Poor Richard's blog: Dazed Lemmings Can't Bridge The Reality Gap

16 Trillion Dollar Bailout The Federal Reserve Handed To The Too Big To Fail Banks

40 Hard Questions That The American People Should Be Asking Right Now

New Information Discredits “Racist” Media Smear Campaign Against Ron Paul

World Of Technology: Keeping Students From the Polls

World Of Technology: Former opponents discuss Ron Paul’s racist newsletters

Refreshing News: US downsizing top-heavy ranks in military


+ Perception : Range ; Sight/Sound


New Year’s Resolutions For Climate Scientists | Real Science

Debris Field The Size Of California From Japanese Tsunami Begins To Litter West Coast - YouTube


Metabolic Modulation of Glioblastoma with Dichloroacetate



Infowars Nightly News for Wednesday,December 28,2011 (Full) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News - 2011 Dec 27 - YouTube


Ancient Weapons & Stargates - YouTube

DARPA's Futuristic Projects - YouTube

C2CAM: 27.11.2012 - Ancient Civilizations & Cataclysms - YouTube


Prison » SOPA: Endgame Is Total Internet Censorship

Prison » Sopa Would DESTROY Jobs and the Economy … So Why are Unions Supporting It?

Prison » Why We Must Stop SOPA

SOPA opponents may go nuclear and other 2012 predictions | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Users Threaten Boycott As GoDaddy Announces Support For SOPA | TechWeekEurope UK

2 Videos: Prison » Alex Jones On The Full Spectrum Biological/Eugenics Assault Against Humanity

Prison » TSA ‘Spot Searches’ Expand To Union Station

Prison » TSA confiscates cupcakes and candy, allows man to walk through checkpoint with sword

*Prison » Paul Vows To Unite Occupy And Tea Party Movements

+Prison » CNN Poll Fundamentally Flawed: Romney Is Not Leading Paul In Iowa

Prison » NY Times Attacks Ron Paul For Living in the Real World

Prison » Bailing Out European Banks: Bernanke and Fed Deceived Congress

+Prison » 40 Hard Questions That The American People Should Be Asking Right Now

Prison » Alex Jones: US government spies on everybody


Alex Jones: US government spies on everybody - YouTube


Col. Craig Roberts: FBI Confiscated OKC Bombing Footage, Refuses To Turn it Over! 1/2 - YouTube

Col. Craig Roberts: FBI Confiscated OKC Bombing Footage, Refuses To Turn it Over! 2/2 - YouTube


Prison » Saber-rattling in Persian Gulf Escalates

Prison » 2012: World On the Brink

Prison » Iraq: Invasion Ends – Neo-Colonial Rule Begins

Prison » Should Syria help US figure out OWS?

Prison » Escobar: Syrian rag-tag bands & tanks to face investigation

PressTV - Iran tests advanced missiles, torpedoes


Jason Bermas: Government Turning Bugs into Spies 1/2 - YouTube

Jason Bermas: Government Turning Bugs into Spies 2/2 - YouTube


Prison » Ron Paul Is The Only Presidential Candidate Who Gets It

Prison » The Puzzling Case of Stratfor and Anonymous

Prison » Netanyahu, Iran, And The Nightmare of History

Prison » Ron Paul’s “Disgruntled” Staffer and the Press Smear of Ron Paul

Prison » You Won’t Believe How Corrupt, Lazy And Stinking Rich Our Congress Critters Have Become

OKC Officer Terry Yeakey's Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out 1/3 - YouTube

OKC Officer Terry Yeakey's Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out 2/3 - YouTube

OKC Officer Terry Yeakey's Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out 3/3 - YouTube

Prison » Financial Troubles For Many Nations In The New Year

Prison » Wall Street Mulls Suicide by Tactical Allocation

Prison » Gold: How High Is Up? US$5,000? Confiscation?

Prison » Global Depression – A Directed Phenomenon …

U.S. jobless claims rise 15,000 to 381,000 - Economic Report - MarketWatch

Prison » Merkel Economic Advisor Does Not Exclude Eurozone Break Up

Obama to ask for debt limit hike: Treasury official | Reuters

Prison » In the Categories Which Matter Most, Ron Paul Will Treat Minorities Better than Obama

Rep. Ron Paul tops VA primary ballot - wtvr

Gingrich's Childish Paul Slam Backfires, Montanans Recall Senators & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Pat Buchanan | Ron Paul Victory | Iowa Caucuses | The Daily Caller

Romney leads, Paul rises in N.H. poll -

Prison » Romney on ObamaCare in 2010: “Repeal the Bad, and Keep the Good”

Prison » Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints

Prison » The Tide Is Turning Against SOPA … And We Might Actually Succeed In Stopping It

Prison » Green is the new Red – how animal rights activists are being targeted like ‘commies’ from the 1950′s

Prison » Suspicious Activity Reports From U.S. Malls Being Processed By Police State Fusion Centers

Prison » Homeland Security to Hold Secret Meeting on Domestic “Extremist” Threats

Prison » Final blog of SNL writer reveals desire for 9/11 Truth and prediction of Martial Law in America

Prison » Department of Homeland Security Using Fake Facebook and Twitter Accounts to Monitor Posts Containing Certain Keywords

Prison » Surveillance System Tags, Tracks And Follows

Surveillance System Tags, Tracks And Follows - YouTube

Prison » Big Brother Cab: Taxi CCTV to spy on passengers

Big Brother Cab: Taxi CCTV to spy on passengers - YouTube

Prison » Dow’s Deadly Harvest: The Return of Agent Orange

Prison » USDA Steps Back and Gives Monsanto More Power Over GMO Seeds

Prison » Weather Was Worse With Less CO2 In Atmosphere

Rootworm beetle is developing resistance to GM corn's defenses, say scientists | Mail Online


Infowars Nightly News: BPA & GMO Damage - YouTube


Alex Takes Calls on The Banker Takeover of America 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Banker Takeover of America 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Banker Takeover of America 3/3 - YouTube


Ron Paul On FEMA Camps! - YouTube


The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-28-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-28-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-28-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-28-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 12-28-11 Hr 4

The Alex Jones Show 12-29-11 Hr 1


*Illinois/Emerald Ash Borer Beetle (EAB) (



Today in Beatles History - (

Breakfast With The Beatles(

Breakfast With The Beatles(

Beatle Brunch Radio Show (


Videos:Prison » OKC Officer Terry Yeakey’s Death was an Inside Job: OKC Witness Speaks Out

Videos:Prison » Jason Bermas: Government Turning Bugs into Spies

'Euro - the EU's suitcase without a handle' - YouTube

Keiser Report: Merry X-Max & Happy New GIABO! (E227) - YouTube

John Galt's Speech from 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand - YouTube

Atlas Shrugged's Makers Speak! Q&A w producers & actor - YouTube


The American Dream By The Provocateur Network - YouTube

Zeitgeist - The Movie - YouTube


‘I Am Not Anti-Semitic’ – A Response from Ron Paul

Bradlee Dean: Public schools are teaching what?

The extraordinary life of Arthur Owens who became Britain's first double agent in World War II | Mail Online

Seals with damaged flippers and hair loss 'are being killed by radiation from Fukushima plant', biologists warn | Mail Online

2012: The Year Of Living Dangerously : Personal Liberty Digest™

Obama administration secretly preparing options for aiding the Syrian opposition | The Cable

» Guantanamo to reduce inmate rights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama signs legislation for Sept. 11 medal to be displayed in Pa., where Flight 93 crashed - The Washington Post

The Constitution Killer |

» Jonah Goldberg Admits: Political Power Is All That Matters to Neocons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hunting, speed traps and the rise of pernicious laws that criminalise the law-abiding | Mail Online

Arizona gets fourth unmanned drone to patrol US-Mexico border | The Republic

Mark Steel: Just because you're an atheist doesn't make you rational - Mark Steel - Commentators - The Independent

Slime that can 'think' its way through a maze could turn our idea of intelligence upside down | Mail Online

» Are you allergic to fluoride? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals

» China, slave state where the family is outlawed, and the rich breed in secret Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online

» Big Brother Pays Off as Predictive Behavior Technology Targets Shoppers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Spying on Americans rising rapidly as warrantless use of undercover police, drones increases Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Firefox Add-On Bypasses SOPA DNS Blocking Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Philip Hensher: A warship in the Thames is taking security too far - Philip Hensher - Commentators - The Independent

Occupy protester 'banned' from flight home for Christmas - News & Advice - Travel - The Independent

Anonymous hackers to publish U.S. security firm's 2.7m client emails... providing a 'smoking gun for number of crimes' | Mail Online

Brian Basham: Beware corporate psychopaths – they are still occupying positions of power - Business Comment - Business - The Independent

John Kampfner: Brazil's success heralds the new world order - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

» Saber-rattling in Persian Gulf Escalates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ofcom Censors Iranian State Television Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Nomination of Chuck Schumer’s brother-in-law Kevin McNulty to federal judgeship stumps New Jersey observers -

Lugar: Paul not in sync with mainstream GOP -

Debunking The Anti-Paul Messages : Personal Liberty Digest™

» Japan drops decades-old ban on military exports Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Japan drops ban on military exports | World news |

Videos:Prison » FBI Confiscates OKC Bombing Footage, Refuses To Turn Over

Gold Bubble Seen by Soros Ends Bull Year on Bear Market Brink: Commodities

George Soros Dumps Gold Holdings

Kremlin's Concessions Don't Appease Russia's Opposition: Jeffrey Tayler

Putin's Ambitions for Urals Seen in Rotterdam Tanks: Freight

Russian Opposition Leader Demands New Elections

Strait of Hormuz

North Korea Declares Kim Jong-un Supreme Leader

Egypt's Forces Raid Offices of US and Other Civil Groups

Syria monitors visit Damascus amid continuing violence

Civilian Deaths Claimed in Turkish Airstrike

Gaza and Israel: Unlikely Trade Partners

US arms sale to Saudis: Jobs and a message to Iran

Moscow protest for jailed activist passes off peacefully

Afghan policemen killed in Helmand by roadside bomb

Church bombings are declaration of war, say Nigerian Christians

Rival Monks Brawl While Cleaning Bethlehem Church

Chavez: Is U.S. responsible for Latin American leaders' cancer?

New premier seeks mandate in close Jamaica election

Seven 'terrorists' shot dead in China

Q&A: Armenian genocide dispute

Anti-whaling activists Sea Shepherds hindered after ship severely damaged by wave | Mail Online

Ron Paul takes heat as Iowa caucuses loom

Candidates turn negative in multimillion dollar Iowa television ad blitz

Santorum's Self-Limiting Strategy

Santorum Says Sharp Contrast Needed - YouTube

'I am shooting people': Texas Christmas killer heard on 911 call

Iowa GOP voters focus on national economy, not state's

State Supreme Court upholds abolition of redevelopment agencies

'Idol' Clarkson backs Ron Paul, stirs Twitter tempest

Was 2011 a good year? More Democrats than Republicans say 'yes.'

US population to near 313 million on New Year's, Census says

'Just talk to me,' mom of missing Maine tot begs dad

Rick Perry's abortion view at odds with wife?

Authorities Search Two Counties for Missing Arkansas Mother

Still Standing, Gingrich Says “We're Doing Just Fine” in Iowa

Huntsman cracks Iowa corn, but a tobacco kiss might be more appropriate

Suspect questioned in Church's Chicken shootings

Huntsman calls Ron Paul "unelectable" because of racist newsletters

New York Muslims to snub Bloomberg breakfast in surveillance protest

How Gary Johnson Could Play New Mexico Spoiler

Federal Judge Awards $17.8 million to family in Marine F 18 Crash

California man pleads not guilty to attempted murder in shooting of Afghanistan war vet - The Washington Post

Fixed mortgage rates end year above record lows

Gulf Lease Sales Will Reduce US Oil Dependence, Agency Finds

Monti declares Italy back from brink

Alibaba Taps Lobbying Firm

Small Businesses Eye Tablets, Especially the iPad

Fannie, Freddie fee rise from payroll tax set

Windows Phone 7 Critics Need to Take Time to Actually Use It

STRATFOR Offers Members Free Identity Protection - YouTube

Verizon Wireless: Yep, that'll be $2 to pay your bill online

Is A Naked Danica Patrick Working To Quell GoDaddy Boycott Efforts?

Four Reason Google+ Keeps Growing Despite Critics

LulzSec hacks

Google's iPad Killer Ready in 6 Months, Says Eric Schmidt

Website suit: Ex-worker took Twitter followers when he left

Apple Archives Stored in Secret Stanford Warehouse

Google, Facebook rule as top sites in 2011: Nielsen

China GPS rival Beidou starts offering navigation data

Sinead O'Connor explains 'wild ride' that scared 4th husband away

Texas Teen Leaves Behind Inspirational Video After Christmas Death

Fast Five, Harry Potter and Thor Among Most Pirated Movies of 2011

Beverly Hillbilly actress settles lawsuit over doll

Mitt Romney: Big Bird will have advertisements. Elmo's not tickled.

China push to put astronaut on the moon

Study says evolution theory all wet

NASA Moon Probes to Enter Orbit Over New Year's

Smokin' hot island rises up from depths of the Red Sea

Sun Storms May Affect Radios, Cell Phones

PHOTOS: This year's highlights from Saturn

OEPA to regulate liquid runoff from construction material landfills

Going green: 12 simple steps

Infamous 'yeti finger' flunks DNA test

Early whale migration creates excitement

End of shuttle program named AP's 2011 Top Story

Russian officials rattled by breach at rocket plant

Comet Lovejoy and a scene from space

Scientists actually have decent reason to suggest searching photos moon for alien artifacts | ITworld

How Your Diet May Affect Your Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Unhealthy Eating as Occupational Hazard

2011: The year in health

Bill curbing cough-medicine sales to minors becomes law next week

Breastfeeding moms stage "nurse-in" protests at Target stores

Breastfeeding Mothers Stage Nurse-Ins at Target Stores - YouTube

The Fat Trap

Legal fight expected over ballot measure on porn actor condom use

Medical Journal Details 3 Full-Face Transplants

Protecting babies from neurotoxins

Hangover Patch: Really?

Eating disorders can last well beyond teen years

Obese old people are more likely to suffer a severe fall

The Associated Press: Worst year in decades for endangered elephants

Obama Administration Awards $15,069,869 to Illinois for Enrolling Eligible Children in Health Coverage - Aledo, IL - Aledo Times Record

Breast implant maker admits he used non-approved silcone gel but insists material was non-toxic - NY Daily News

Mom of missing Aurora boy remains a mystery to police

Man shot, killed in apparent carjacking in Waukegan

Clean-up under way for major diesel spill in Fox River

'Just Go With It' is Redbox's most-rented film of 2011




*28th) Transcripts : Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Perry

Analyst on the Campaign Ads in Iowa

Interview with Senator Kelly Ayotte

Interview with Rep. Louie Gohmert


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Rogers: No Reason for Optimism In Much But Ag

28th)Real Clear Markets - Video - Pimco: 'Global Game of Hot Potato'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Kass: Market to Hit All-Time High in 2012

Real Clear Markets - Video - Safe Fiscal Bets Fading Away?

27th)Real Clear Markets - Video - What's Ahead for Stocks in 2012?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Higher Treasury Yields In 2012?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Should You Buy a Home in 2012?


2012: Terra incognita | SmartPlanet

6 Tired Arguments the Energy Sector Needs to Purge in 2012 - TheStreet

2012 Looks Promising for Energy Investors - Business - Motley Fool -

Will Congress Let Us Keep Creating American Jobs? | Fox News

Natural Gas - The U.S.'s 21st Century Energy Form? - International Business Times

How to make the end of 2011 and the corn ethanol tax credit the beginning of real alterantives to oil | Nathanael Greene's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC

EPA rolls the dice on cellulosic biofuels - The Barrel

10 places you could have made money in 2011- MSN Money

10 surprises for 2012 - Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch

Housing, stocks, gold and oil: Hot or not in 2012? - Analysts and experts give their take (1) - FORTUNE

NY Times Advertisement

Occupy Wall Street: How Cash Has Corrupted Congress - The Daily Beast

The Perils of 'Bite-Size' Science

Why Are Some Chromosomes Fragile?

10 Science Stories That Made Us Blush in 2011 | Sex & Orgasm Research | Embarrassing Scientific Studies of the Year | LiveScience

The Best of Starts With A Bang: Top 10 for 2011 : Starts With A Bang

Astrobiology Magazine

Will the Next War Be Fought Over Water? | Re-Envision | Big Think

How Social Media Is Ruining Your Mind | Singularity Hub

Could Obesity Change The Brain? : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Did Darth Vader have a low sperm count?

What lies ahead for 2012? -

2011 Was the Year of the Restless Sun | The Sun & Solar Cycles | Solar Flares & Coronal Mass Ejections |

BBC News - Deep-sea creatures at volcanic vent

How Beavers Helped to Build America : Discovery News

Five Open Source Technologies for 2012 | PCWorld Business Center

2012 And The Technology Blahs | Fox News

Processors: What to Expect From CPUs in 2012 | PCWorld

Issues for 2012 #3: Who Gets to Define Your Online Identity? - ReadWriteCloud

What is LTE? | ExtremeTech

3 startups that showcase the future of chips — Tech News and Analysis

REED HASTING'S NIGHTMARE: How Netflix Could Collapse Next Year

Google+ off to better-than-expected start - Dec. 28, 2011

Why We Should All Give Google+ The Finger | TechCrunch

Google+ Growth Appears to Accelerate - Liz Gannes - Social - AllThingsD

For Google+, User Count Is A Journey Not A Race | TechCrunch

Carrier IQ takeaway: You don't control your phone - Dec. 28, 2011

The new wave of US voter suppression | Amy Goodman | Comment is free |

Obama Gains Reputation as Distant in Washington -

Wary Hispanic voters favor Obama over GOP rivals - The Washington Post

Foreign policy could be the sleeper issue of 2012 | Philip Klein | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Eric Holder Blocks South Carolina Voter ID Law -

Old Ron Paul Video Warns of One-World Religion, UN Dictatorship | Mother Jones

Fred Barnes: The GOP's Answer to Union Money -

As Obama Fails to Lead, American Dream Is Called Into Question - US News and World Report

Henninger: The Ron Paul Vote -

The real problem in Iowa - Paul Ryan -

The dirty secret in Uncle Sam’s Friday trash dump - The Washington Post

Robert Reich: My Political Prediction for 2012: It's Obama-Clinton

Rove: Political Predictions for 2012 -

Rick Santorum, Closet Populist? | The New Republic

2011: The year of the abortion restrictions - The Washington Post

The Ever-Expanding Federal Reserve | Cato @ Liberty

2011, the year of Netanyahu's disappearing act - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Stop fretting about Beijing as a global policeman -

Komail Aijazuddin: What Are The Odds Of A Coup In Pakistan? | The New Republic

The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - Assault on Battery

BOOK REVIEW: 'The Woolsorters' Plague' - Washington Times

A Convenient Hatred: The History of Anti-Semitism | New York Journal of Books

Book Review: Borderless Economics -

Did Nixon have a gay affair with a Mafia fixer? Forget Watergate. A new book claims America's most corrupt President hid a far more personal scandal... | Mail Online

The (B)end of History - By John Arquilla | Foreign Policy

Wounded Knee Massacre: United States versus the Plains Indians

Lakota~WOUNDED KNEE: A Campaign to Rescind Medals: story, pictures and information -

300 reasons not to forget lessons of Wounded Knee

ANNEXATION | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

Historian claims Texas annexation led to Civil War | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Second great fire of London: Christmas 1940, the blitz of St Paul's Cathedral -

Taking the Christian out of the YMCA

Billy Graham Is Fourth Most Admired Man in 2011, Christian News

2012: The year when extremism self-destructs? - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Tony Blair: support liberals in Middle East or face Islamist regimes | Politics |

RealClearReligion - Christmas Under the Dull Luster of Consumerism | Christian, why Ron Paul?

The Pope’s Life of Jesus | TLS

New Book of Mormon study guide clear, engaging | Deseret News

Generational roadblocks | The Christian Century

In the face of church's change, new liturgy is really 'Whatever' | National Catholic Reporter

Is Christianity compatible with wealth? | Mark Vernon | Comment is free |

Increasing diversity redefining America's Jewry – In America - Blogs

Monsters and Mormons provides edgy chills and thrills | The Political Surf

Cronus, Chronos, and Christ | Religion Dispatches

Author Battles Against Bible Misinterpretation; Offers Reading Technique, Christian News

American atheists must define themselves, not be defined by the religious - The Spirited Atheist - The Washington Post

Military wives turn to Bible for marriage advice - Yahoo! News

Just what is Congress illegally downloading?

Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online

Weiner mistress claims he wanted to have a threesome with a man: report - NY Daily News

Savage: Paul, Gingrich 'destroying Republican brand'

Another look at Ayers-Obama connection

US Congress frees $40 million for Palestinians - Yahoo! News

Ron Paul : I Am the Most Pro-Israel Candidate - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News

Hanke-Henry Permanent Calendar proposes to make every year identical | Mail Online

Vatican throws light on history as it opens secret archives - Telegraph

“Pure for God” Seal Found in Temple Mount Excavation | JewishPress

Occupy Geeks Are Building a Facebook for the 99% | Threat Level |

Rabbis call Romney 'dangerous homosexualist'

Obama, Holder among 'most corrupt politicians'

What's this? Iran losing terrorists?

'Anonymous' plans for 'violent revolution'

Saving America in 4 easy steps

Muslim Mafia vs. 1st Amendment

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: 'We're enforcing law'

Saving America in 4 easy steps

The case for austerity

Only 1 candidate is right on 2 most important issues

A better idea for national defense

How the liberal minority rules America

Liberals, communists, faux conservatives – oh, my!

The chickens have hit the fan

Norman Lear's left-wing paranoia about 'the right'

Dishonorable lies and stolen valor

How did we get into this cultural mess?

Is Army Islamizing military by allowing hijab?

Equality must be legacy of Arab Spring

*29 Dec.

American Minute for December 29th

Today in History: December 29

December 29 Events in History

Today in History: December 29

December 29th This Day in History

December 29th in History

This Day in History for 29th December

Today in History for December 29th - YouTube


*Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


ABC News: Newt Gingrich In Free Fall
Perry Ad: "Fox"
Romney Ad: "Freedom And Opportunity"
Bachmann Accuses Iowa Co-Chair Of Taking Money To Join Ron Paul
Messina: Speculation About Billion-Dollar Campaign Is "Bulls---"
Al Sharpton: "It's Not About Obama, It's About Your Momma"
Chuck Todd Asks Gingrich: "What's Your Relationship Like With Your Ex-Wives?"
Huntsman: "Iowa Caucus Is Irrelevant"
Huntsman Ad: Can New Hampshire Voters Really Trust Ron Paul?
Michael Steele To Rove, Krauthammer: "Get Over It, This Is The Field"
Heilemann: If Romney Finishes Third, It Will Hurt Him Going Into NH
"Special Report" Panel On Global Hotspots
Maddow: A Year Into The GOP Race, Romney Is Still The Leader



Politico's Roger Simon: Oddly Enough, Iowans Read Campaign Literature
Michele Bachmann: "I Intend To Be America's Iron Lady"
Romney On Gingrich: "I Don't Know Why He's So Angry"
Krauthammer: "Embarrassing Candidates" Making Obama Look Presidential
Santorum: I'd Have To Take Antacid In Order To Vote For Ron Paul
Gingrich: "I Need You To Be With Us For The Next Eight Years"
Iowans Urged To "Vote Rogue" For Sarah Palin In Radio Ad
Perry: GOP Insider Replacing A Dem Insider Won't Change Anything
Romney: Health Care Mandate A "Conservative Principle"
Gingrich Ad: "We Can Create Millions Of Jobs Right Now"
Romney Press Secretary: "Everything He Did Was As A Conservative"
Gingrich: Paul's Views Outside "Mainstream Of Virtually Every Decent American"
Paul Ad: "The Washington Machine Is Strangling Our Economy"
Gingrich Iowa Ad: "Winning The Argument"
North Koreans Weep During Kim Jong Il Funeral Procession
Pro-Paul PAC Video: If China Attacks America (Just Imagine)
RCP's Erin McPike On Santorum And Paul In Iowa
Schultz: "It Would Be Hard To Find A Worse Democrat" Than Ben Nelson
Matthews: Gingrich's Numbers "Just Keep Dropping"
Krauthammer: Obama Will Be Running On The Economy We Have Today
Maddow: "Ron Paul Is Hated On The Fox News Channel"



'Face The Nation' Year In Review
Signs Of Improvement For Eurozone In Italy
Protests Amid The Inspections In Syria
China's Labor Unrest To Continue In 2012
Chilean Protesters Face Water Canons
Questions Surround Kim Jong-un's Intentions
Raw Video: North Korea Memorial For Kim Jong-il
Air Strike Kills 30 In Turkey
Orca vs. Sharks In New Zealand
Sights And Sounds: Looking Back At 2011
What A Year For The Euro
Looking Back At 2011
2012: Make Or Break For The Eurozone



The Future Of U.S.-Egypt Relations
Can Arab League Monitor Syria?
Could Christianity Be Eradicated In Iraq, Afghanistan?
Few Libyan Families Untouched By Tragedy
U.S. In Dilemma Over Saleh's Visa Request
Jon Huntsman Discusses China
No 'Dramatic' Solution For Eurozone Crisis
U.S. Officials Blame Drone Crash On Mechanical Failure
Iran Says American Could Face Death Penalty
Raw Video: North Korea Funeral Procession
The Cost Of Supplying NATO
Russian Ship Freed From Antarctic Ice
Lava Floods Kill Three In Indonesia
U.S. Protecting Iranian Dissidents In Iraq?

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