A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

21 December 2011

21 DEC.




The Global Energy Landscape
Obama's Foreign Policy Report Card
Fallout From Kim Jong-il's Death
American Accused Of Spying in Iran
Paul: Kim Jong-il Dead, U.S. Should Leave S. Korea
Iraq's Sunni VP Says He Is Ready To Face Justice
Protests End In Chinese Village After Promise Of Talks
Japan: Plan For 40-year Nuke Plant Cleanup
Raw Video: Czech Republic Mourns Havel
Raw Video: 150 Reported Dead In Syria
Homegrown Radicals And Al-Qaeda
India Still Prefers To Deal With Europe On A Bilateral Level
Deciphering North Korea's Transition
Will Kim Jong-il's Son Be Even Tougher?


20 Dec.

Defense Secretary Philip Hammond's First Public Speech
Huntsman: U.S. Needs To Watch Situation In North Korea
Reports: North Korea Conducts Missile Test
Romney On Iraq, Foreign Policy
Clinton: U.S. Has Interest In 'Peaceful, Stable Transition In North Korea'
Carney: Too Early To Tell Impact Of Kim's Death
Bachmann Says Ron Paul 'Dangerous,' Cites Kim Jong-il Death
Surprising Kim Jong-il Facts
U.S. Troops Safely Leave Iraq
Syria Allows Foreign Journalists Into Homs
Kim Jong-il's Death And North Korea's Succession Process
What's Next for North Korea?
North Koreans Weeping Hysterically Over The Death Of Kim Jong-il
World Reactions To Kim Jong-il's Death



RCP's Tom Bevan On Iowa Race, GOP Polls
Paul: "Whistleblowers" Like Wikileaks Are Heroes, Patriots
Iowa Man Calls Gingrich A "F***ing A**hole"
Milbank: Obama Has No Business Having Poll Numbers This High
Krauthammer: If Gingrich Doesn't Win Iowa, "He's The Loser"
Fineman: Republicans Don't Know When To Declare Victory


20 Dec.

RCP's Tom Bevan On Payroll Tax Fight, 2012 GOP Race
Fmr. Dem Gov. Doug Wilder To Obama: Drop Biden From 2012 Ticket
Christie To MSNBC's Mika: "You're Diving Deeply Into The Obama Tank"
Whoopi Goldberg: Communism Is "A Great Concept"
Bill Clinton On Obama, The Media, Newt Gingrich, The Economy And More
Carville: Political Gridlock Will End With "An Election"
Obama: Republicans Are Refusing To Cooperate In Payroll Tax Cut Deal
Gingrich On Negative Ads: "I Wouldn't Vote For The Guy They're Describing"
Clinton: Gingrich Doesn't Deserve All The Credit For Balancing Budget
Ed Rollins: Ron Paul Will Win Iowa Caucuses
Dem Congressman: GOP Giving "Lump Of Coal" To Middle Class, Seniors
Coulter: Gingrich Is The Sharron Angle And Christine O'Donnell Of GOP Field
Wasserman Schultz: GOP Not "Supportive Of Needs Of Middle Class"
Oops: NBC's Ann Curry Says "Semen" During Interview With Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton: Press Favored Obama Over Hillary
Walsh: Boehner Being Held Hostage By Tea Party Congressmen
Fineman: Gingrich Is Going Down "In A Hurry"
O'Reilly: Christmas Is Not A Word Anyone Should Be Ashamed Of
Special Report Panel On The Future Of North Korea



British Intelligence Report | Opinion Maker


Rally for Ron Paul outside the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, featuring the band Golden State. - YouTube

Project Mindwake: FBI Investigating Iowa Caucus Hacking Threat

Revolutionary Politics : "Will This Strategy Of Pretending Ron Paul Doesn't Exist Work For The Republicans?"

LOL BRILLIANT! Ron Paul as Neo.. KICKING Fox News Neocon's Asses! - YouTube

New Ron Paul Ad: Staying on the Right Path - YouTube

Explosive! New Ron Paul Video "Bombs" 1/2 - YouTube

Explosive! New Ron Paul Video "Bombs" 2/2 - YouTube

Who Leads the Attack On Ron Paul? – Tony Cartalucci |

» New Iowa Poll Shows Paul Accelerating Away From Romney Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul Hate From Establishment Republicans - YouTube

Busted! Ron Paul racist rant caught on tape! OMG! OMG! - YouTube

VIDEO - Ron Paul Rips Michele Bachmann On The Tonight Show: "She Really Hates Muslims" - Home - The Daily Bail

Ron Paul Interview On CNN's John King, USA - YouTube

RON PAUL vs ALI VELSHI "Why Don't You Look At Jon Stewart's Reports On The Bias Of The Media?" - YouTube


American's Journey: The Panic of the Puppetmasters


*9 Part/Video: Hacking Democracy Complete | Video Rebel's Blog


* Hacking Democracy (1:21:57)


No Fear: Memory Adjustment Pills Get Pentagon Push

Lone Star Watchdog: Ron Paul is Causing the Neo Cons Rino Republicans to Meltdown

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Is Changing The Republican Party (05/17/2011)

PressTV - Twelve biggest US lies of 2011

AP’s Kasie Hunt Pretends Iowa Frontrunner Ron Paul Doesn’t Exist :

Jackie Mason Rips Obama Over Hanukkah Celebration, Jewish Disrespect

Revolutionary Politics : DEA Laundering Money For Mexican Drug Cartels

poorrichards blog: The Return Of Debtor’s Prisons: Thousands Of Americans Jailed For Not Paying Their Bills

Activist Post: US hits 10 firms for links with Iran shipping

CORPORATE MEDIA FAILS AGAIN - AP 'Fact Check' Repeats Zombie Lies About Bank Bailouts - Home - The Daily Bail

The RIAA Pirated $9 Million Worth of TV Shows

New riot shields will suffocate protesters with sound waves — RT

Newt Gingrich Demands Mitt Romney Backers Pull Attack Ads -

Democracy In Action - YouTube

Tool time: Romney Wants to ban PACs?! - YouTube

Refreshing News: US Election 2012: predictions for a volatile year

Refreshing News: America is retreating from the world stage

Britain, the IMF, and the world's richest beggar – Telegraph Blogs

Proof that the U.S. Government does not represent the People

Spying on Americans rising rapidly as warrantless use of undercover police, drones increases

Top Iowa conservative asks Bachmann to drop out of presidential race - The Hill's Ballot Box

Breaking: Journalist Testifies: Piers Morgan Knew About Phone Hacking - YouTube

Jesse's Café Américain: Guess Where a Big Chunk of MF Global Customer Money Just Turned Up? At JPM London

Drone glitch a huge blow to US military - YouTube

Company Who Lobbied for the NDAA Indefinite Detention Bill Given 23 Million Dollar Contract for Night Raid Equipment :

Media OUTFOXED | Veterans Today

My Tram Experience: Anti-racist is a Code-word for Anti-white - YouTube


Details emerge in Eve Carson murder.

Government Says It Can Assassinate or Indefinitely Detain Americans on American Soil Without Any Due Process of Law

FOX Lies!! Irresponsible Media! Barack Obama Pastor Wright - YouTube

5 Dead, Including 2 Investment Bankers, In Small Plane Crash In New Jersey | Fox News

John Pilger answers Obama's claim that US military is "finest fighting force in history" - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Why The Globalist Agenda Is Backfiring

poorrichards blog: Hanukkah: A Celebration of Superstition Over Widsom

The Untold Story Of The Rise In Ammunition Prices | Media Caffeine

The United States Ranks “Below Average” for Social Justice | Media Caffeine - michaelrivero - Mike explains Private Central Banking

Veterans for Ron Paul: Jonathan Schaeffer - 12160

'Ron Paul Factor' to Help Obama's Re-Election - TheStreet

Will Ron Paul kill the caucuses? - Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns -

poorrichards blog: Growing Hunger and Homelessness in America

Activist Post: Is Poland's Premier Leading his Country into a New Slavery?

Fatal problems plague the F-22, the U.S.' costliest fighter jet -

poorrichards blog: The unpaid spies in the financial system

11 Companies On the Edge in 2012 - Rick Newman (

Racist Israeli Govt Adverts with News Article - YouTube

poorrichards blog: The Tools of America’s Future Police State

What if Ron Paul wins Iowa – and New Hampshire, too? -

poorrichards blog: Holding a Thumb to the Wind: America, Land of the Fearful, is No Place to Hitch-Hike

TSA screenings aren't just for airports anymore -

“President Obama Just Stated That He Can Have ANY American Citizen Killed!” Jonathon Turley . Constitutional law expert on CSPAN - 12160

Get a Medical Marijuana Card, Lose Your Second Amendment Rights - Reason Magazine

Newt Gingrich Captures Endorsement From, A Pro-Adultery Website (IMAGE) | Addicting Info

Kim Jong-il's body lies in state in glass coffin - YouTube

Ron Paul explains his opposition to the NDAA 12/19/11 - YouTube

David Icke Says Enough! - YouTube

Taliban are not our enemy, says Joe Biden as US to negotiate deal to end Afghanistan war | Mail Online


YouTube reveals most watched videos in 2011 - Telegraph

In Memory of Dear Leader Kim Jong-il - About DPRK - YouTube


Infomercial king Kevin Trudeau fined $38m for misleading Americans over 'natural cures' for deadly diseases | Mail Online


+Romney, Huntsman, Perry all kin to past presidents | McClatchy


US asks scientific journals to censor bird flu studies | World news |

Mutated vegetables | Fukushima Diary

Three myths about the detention bill -

Gingrich Grovels For The Jewish Vote | Real Zionist News

EXCLUSIVE: EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name Of 'Sustainable Development' | Fox News

RealClearMarkets - Exactly What Is Crony Capitalism, Anyway?

Celente - Top 12 Trends 2012

Aid Destroyed Detroit - Is Your Town Next?

Expected Explosion Of Novel Influenza In United States

FDA approves human trials for HIV vaccine | The Raw Story - Working at Nuclear Plant Feels Like NWO

Cigarette Butt in Liter of Water Can Kill Fish in Four Days | Natural Society

Actress confronts Sean Penn over Chavez: He calls Maria Conchita Alonso 'a pig!' | Mail Online

Hospitals refuse to see irradiated patients | Fukushima Diary

Outsider campaign spending, ads surge –

'How I liberated Libya' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Muslim Brotherhood Subsidiary :

British Intelligence Report | Opinion Maker

Have We Failed?

The truth behind the Greek Economic Crisis - YouTube

Immigration by the Numbers -- Off the Charts - YouTube

12/1/2011 -- Gingrich Amnesty - YouTube

Frosty Wooldridge -- Multiculturalism Assumes America Lacks a Unique Culture


177 PGS./The Arithmetic of Growth Calculation


9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview | Veterans Today

Forensic Examiner Found No Match of Cables on Manning’s Laptop to WikiLeaks’ | Threat Level |

FEMA Training document states U.S. founded on Terrorism | USWGO Alternative News

Journalism in these United States « Mantiq al-Tayr

Unless you are Jewish, you are nobody in Hollywood - YouTube

The Daily Bell - Nonsensical Insistence on Additional 'Bank Capital'

Smart Meters Interfering With Home Electronics | Pakalert Press

Psychologists Explain 911 Denial - YouTube

FEMEN 'tortured, left naked in forest' after KGB topless protest — RT

Candlestick Park: Blackout During 'Monday Night - Flash Player Installation

Couple Arrested In USA Empire For Asking Police Map Directions - YouTube

Growing Hunger And Homelessness In America

Kim Jong-il's successor to rule North Korea is publicly endorsed by China | World news | The Guardian

North Korea: 10 facts about one of the world's most secretive states | News |

WHO Issues Warning On Novel Influenza

Dutch laboratory creates 'mutant bird flu' sparking terrorism fears - Telegraph

Alarm as Dutch lab creates highly contagious killer flu - Science - News - The Independent

Leading article: A little biotech knowledge may be a catastrophic thing - Leading Articles - Opinion - The Independent

Canadians Challenge Central Bank In Court

Joe Biden’s mad solution for the euro debt crisis: a huge Obama-style bailout – Telegraph Blogs

Money Power World Rule

Britain defiant on IMF euro bail-out - Telegraph

Shooting during riots 'would inflame violence' - Crime - UK - The Independent

Turkey threatens France over stance on killing of Armenians by Ottomans | World news |

Italian study claims Turin Shroud is Christ's authentic burial robe - Telegraph

The End of the Bush-Cheney Disaster in Iraq | Opinion Maker

Silent Coup | Opinion Maker

U.S. Defense Secretary: Iran could get nuclear bomb within a year - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Gingrich Collapses in Iowa as Ron Paul Surges to the Front - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

I'm the fourth best president in American history ~ Barack Obama - YouTube

Sarah Palin On 2012 Presidential Run: 'It's Not Too Late'

The Little-Known, Inside Story About How Newt Became the Man He Is | News & Politics | AlterNet

The Corbett Report | Kim Jong-il is Dead


Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians | World news | The Observer

Banned in 27 Countries, Monsanto's rBGH In Dairy Products | Natural Society

The militarization of local law enforcement « The PPJ Gazette - The Significance of the Masonic Logo -

US youth crime revealed: THIRD of young adults arrested by 23 | Mail Online

CURL: One president, please, with a side of Rice - Washington Times

Prepare For A Jewish Police State | Real Zionist News

Mom’s hug revives baby that was pronounced dead - Parenting & Family -


VIDEO:What Famous Men Have To Say About Jews, Part 1

VIDEO:What Famous Men Have To Say About Jews, Part 2

VIDEO:What Famous Men Have To Say About Jews, Part 3


*Barack Obama's 32 Month Report Card


The gamer, the playboy and the young master: the next generation of Kims – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

US Police State wants right to lie! Freedom watch spotlight. - YouTube

Junk food giants criticised for targeting children online - Telegraph

Pornography is replacing sex education - Telegraph

Speed of light captured on new camera - Telegraph

Not just a stroppy toddler: Doctors find new syndrome which makes children unable to cope with ANY demand | Mail Online

Big Corn, Big Sugar in bitter US row on sweetener - Yahoo!

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know

Roswell, UFOs, White Sands and fifty foot pistachios: A drive through New Mexico | Washington Times Communities

High school prank has blindfolded students make out with their parents | Mail Online

A Review of the Book, "From Sovereign to Serf" - The Dollar Vigilante Blog -

Coming soon: Ubiquitous surveillance from Big Brother's wayback machine

Elites Launch Another Dystopian Mindbender | Before It's News

“Obama History” Mystery Buffs: Sniff Here « Terrible Truth

The Rules and Those who Make ...and Break Them. Reflections in a Petri Dish - Getting Sex Under Control

Mercury Present in Processed Foods, Yet FDA Does Nothing | Natural Society


GEAB N°60 is available! Global systemic crisis – USA 2012/2016: An insolvent and ungovernable country

Occupy Extreme and Establishment Moderate

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Victoria, Argentina: UFOs, Bridges and the Unexplained

Multiculturalism Assume America Lacks A Unique Culture

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Nahida Izzat: The Use of Character Defamation as a Political Tool

Ashkenazi Jews are Turkic Khazars. - YouTube

Plan B - How to loot nations and their banks legally

Twitter stake bought by Saudi billionaire | Technology |

Parents have to be on their guard as accusations of babies being shaken to death continue to grow | Mail Online

Scientists discover source of rock used in Stonehenge's first circle - News - Archaeology - The Independent

Debka: Whoever hacked the drone, hacked the CIA — RT

Kim Jong Il: Revered at home; remembered outside as repressive -

Kim Jong-il: double rainbows, fear of flying and Godzilla – 10 things you might not know - Telegraph

Zionist Psychopaths - YouTube

Rense & Emord - TSA - 10 Years Of True Terror And Counting - YouTube

DAVID ICKE - THIS WORLD IS UTTERLY INSANE!!! (Viewer Discretion Advised) - YouTube

You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy - YouTube

"I'm Not Holding Anyone Hostage!" Congressman Grimm On Payroll Tax Cut Extention - YouTube

OWS marks 3 months, defies critics & gains momentum - YouTube

Ron Paul on CNN w/ John King 12/20/11 - YouTube

Seattle Cops That Mocked Jogger Hit By Semi Truck Also Mocked Truck Driver - YouTube

Ron Paul on CNN American Morning 12/20/11 - YouTube

PR: Boehner Faces Revolt In The House Over Payroll Tax Cut «

South Korean Intelligence Chief Questions Timing Of Kim Jong-il’s Death «

Race On To Cover Up Details Of Lab Created Killer Bird Flu «

Prison » FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists

What Happens When Ron Paul Wins Iowa? - YouTube

Highest Court In Europe Rules ALL Airlines Flying Into Europe Must Pay For Their Carbon Emissions - YouTube

Official Calls For National Guard On Streets 'We Are At War In New Orleans' - YouTube

NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina - YouTube

Newt Called Out In Grocery Store - YouTube

Dec 20, 2011 General Martin Dempsey_Iran shouldn't miscalculate our resolve - YouTube

Will The Europeans Have To Sell Their Gold? - YouTube

Paul Craig Roberts: Manning was required to report crimes - YouTube

Sense & Censor Ability: Free speech preachers seek SOPA-powers - YouTube

Now, 90 congressmen have ‘no confidence’ in Holder or believe he should quit

Prison » What Happens When Ron Paul Wins Iowa?

Prison » Highest Court In Europe Rules ALL Airlines Flying Into Europe Must Pay For Their Carbon Emissions

Local Cops Ready for War With Homeland Security-Funded Military Weapons - The Daily Beast

Prison » Louisiana State Officials Call For Troops On Streets

Prison » New Iowa Poll Shows Paul Accelerating Away From Romney

Prison » “You’re a F_ing A_hole”: Iowa Man Confronts Gingrich

US General: We Can Successfully Attack Iran - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Prison » Govt. Says It Can Assassinate or Indefinitely Detain Americans on American Soil Without Any Due Process

Prison » Does This US And Israel Joint Missile Defense Drill Say Anything About Plans For Iran?

Prison » Ron Paul: Consistently Pro-life and Pro-liberty

Prison » AP Untruths?

Prison » Ron Paul’s Comments on Martial Law Are Super Significant

Prison » Syrian Rebels led by NATO-Libya, Al-Qaeda Commander, Obedience, Speculators & More

European Central Bank Makes Massive Loans to 523 Banks « VOA Breaking News

Prison » Will The Europeans Have To Sell Their Gold?

Prison » Paul Craig Roberts: Manning was required to report crimes

Prison » Spying on Americans rising rapidly as warrantless use of undercover police, drones increases

Prison » Genetically Modified HIV Vaccine Approved – Human Tests to Begin Shortly

Prison » 10 Ways the U.S. Gov’t Has Destroyed Its Own Declaration of Independence

Prison » The Political Exploitation of Grief And Death in North Korea, America, And Iran

Bankers Join Billionaires to Debunk ‘Imbecile’ Attack on Top 1% - Bloomberg

Secrecy defines Obama’s drone war - The Washington Post

Prison » Sense & Censor Ability: Free speech preachers seek SOPA-powers

Prison » Study: Antidepressant drugs actually cause many people to have worse depression


Mind reading machines on their way: IBM | The Raw Story

IBM System Monitors Food Supply Chains in China | PCWorld Business Center

*IBM Smarter Planet - Smart metering and beyond - United States

IBM during World War II - Wikipedia

Did IBM Help Nazis in WWII?

IBM Caused World War II

IBM and the Holocaust home

IBM Punch Cards in the U.S. Army

IBM Archives: Endicott chronology - 1941-1949


Lord Christopher Monckton: EPA, Thou Shalt Not Question The UN Climate Gods! 1/2 - YouTube

Lord Christopher Monckton: EPA, Thou Shalt Not Question The UN Climate Gods! 2/2 - YouTube


Hoppy Heidelberg: OKC Bombing was Designed to Get Clinton's Anti-Terrorism Bill Passed 1/2 - YouTube

Hoppy Heidelberg: OKC Bombing was Designed to Get Clinton's Anti-Terrorism Bill Passed 2/2 - YouTube

Proof! The Feds Did The Oklahoma City Bombing! 1/2 - YouTube

Proof! The Feds Did The Oklahoma City Bombing! 2/2 - YouTube

Oklahoma City Bombing RARE footage - YouTube

Oklahoma City Bombing Federal Surveillance Tapes Coverup - YouTube

Coverup in Oklahoma/ 1:47:57

OKC Bombing Revisited/ 1:07:40

OKLAHOMA CITY: What Really Happened? /1:16:25


+Ted Gunderson (ret FBI) - OKC Bombing - YouTube


VIDEO/Prison » Lord Christopher Monckton: EPA, Thou Shalt Not Question The UN Climate Gods!

What's in store for North Korea after death of Kim-Jong-Il? - Interview on RT - 19-Dec-2011 - YouTube


**The Alex Jones Show – December 20th, 2011


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 20th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 19-20th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 19th, 2011


Debt-Free United States Notes Were Once Issued Under JFK |

Who Really Controls the World? – Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran |

The Panic of the Puppetmasters |

HAITI: MINUSTAH Must Take Responsibility for Cholera Epidemic that Killed 7000 People

Will The Newly Created “Killer Bird Flu” Someday Be Used As A Bio-Terror Weapon To Reduce The Population? |

Blog: Palin, Jeb Bush, mulling presidential options?

Enter Tea Party Sarah, Ron Paul Spoiler |

Race On To Cover Up Details Of Lab Created Killer Bird Flu |

The North American Homeland Security Perimeter: A Threat to Canada’s National Sovereignty – Dana Gabriel |

Getting Worse: 40 Undeniable Pieces Of Evidence That Show That America Is In Decline |


+vintage everyday: Marilyn Monroe - The Lost LOOK Photos


Who Leads The Attack On Ron Paul? | Before It's News

Wes Clark - America's Foreign Policy "Coup" - YouTube

Tiny Black Hole With ‘Heartbeat’ Found | Before It's News

+The Family Of Jesus Christ Is Revealed | Before It's News

Man Builds Fairy Tale Home for His Family – For Only £3,000 | Gaia Health

“5 Things You Should Realize About Fear” | Before It's News

9/11 - Eyewitnesses Reported Multiple Explosions | Before It's News

OpEdNews - Diary: 9/11 - Eyewitnesses Reported Multiple Explosions

washamericom obama birth certificate super delegate unconstitutionality ?? | Before It's News

Obama birth certificate - YouTube

Blagojevich appeal process begins, Court filing December 20, 2011, Blagojevich prison sentence begins March 15 | Before It's News

A Conspiracy Theory: What's Making People Sick? | Before It's News

A Conspiracy Theory. What's Making People Sick? - Dec. 2011 - YouTube

Killer diseases are on the rise in Plymouth, says new report | This is Plymouth


+Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament Of George Harrison | Before It's News

FILM:Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament Of George Harrison @ Vimeo


Sinister Sites – Illuminati Pyramid in Blagnac, France | Before It's News


*1:54:49/The Net - The Unabomber. LSD and the Internet - YouTube


**Documentary Heaven; Documentaries Online


The Assassination of Julian Assange: The Whistleblower | Watch Free Documentary Online

Charleston Voice: The Fed and Banking Cartel May be Attacking Iran's Central Bank

Kepler opens habitable world hopes –

TV hosts 'To Cook And Eat Own Flesh' On Air | Before It's News

House rejects two-month payroll tax cut, demands negotiations with Senate as deadline looms. - The Washington Post

The Plan To Collapse Iran's Central Bank - YouTube

Charleston Voice: U.S. eyes Iran's central bank as sanctions target


**BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 20, 2011


The EyeOpener- The Manas Question: Drugs, Revolution & Terrorism on the Road to Afghanistan

For the Supposed ‘Islamic’ Turkish Government US-NATO Come Before Islam

2 Videos:Prison » Hoppy Heidelberg: OKC Bombing was Designed to Get Clinton’s Anti Terrorist Bill Passed

» Martial Law Attempt In Louisiana Echoes Ron Paul’s Warning Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America! - YouTube

Official Calls For National Guard On Streets 'We Are At War In New Orleans' - YouTube

» Louisiana State Officials Call For Troops On Streets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina - YouTube

» Syrian Rebels led by NATO-Libya, Al-Qaeda Commander, Obedience, Speculators & More Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Playing with fire: Obama's threat to China - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

» Free Syria Army Now Led by NATO-Libya Al Qaeda Commander Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Congress of Cowards Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Blame Bush, Blame Obama, But Don’t Look Behind The Curtain : Personal Liberty Digest™

» Retired General: ‘Burn Egyptian Protesters in Hitler ovens’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Egypt FM blasts US for interference Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Missile parts accused is victim of US entrapment, extradition appeal told | Law |

Pentagon says Iran concerned primarily with deterring attack | Milwaukee Story

» Restore the Use of the Bank of Canada for Canadians Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Christina Patterson: If you don't like capitalism, why not try North Korea? - Christina Patterson - Commentators - The Independent

» Firefox Add-On Bypasses SOPA DNS Blocking Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 10 Ways the U.S. Gov’t Has Destroyed Its Own Declaration of Independence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» First Amendment Under Attack: 18 Examples Of How They Are Coming For Our Free Speech Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hackers post cops' personal data to avenge Occupy movement - Washington Times

US tells scientists to censor flu research - Science - News - The Independent

» Hong Kong authorities slaughter 17,000 chickens in new bird flu scare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A little biotech knowledge may be a catastrophic thing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Kents Cavern: inside the cave of stone-age secrets - Telegraph

» Sweden legalizes and regulates cannabis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Glenn Greenwald -

Kobach says Kansas like California in dealing with illegal immigration

Federal agents to screen Arizona jail inmates -

Obama administration switches border security strategy before election year | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

» US long-term plan in Afghanistan laid bare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Standing up for unpopular truths about 9/11 comes at a personal cost Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» The Effect of Fluoride on the Pineal Gland Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fluoride and The Pineal Gland - YouTube


Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water - YouTube


» New Poll: Ron Paul Betters Other GOP Candidates Vs Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul is in The Fight of His Life, We Must Stand With Him! - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad: Staying on the Right Path - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad - The One you can trust - YouTube

Establishment Reverts Back to Pretending Ron Paul Doesn't Exist: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: American Government Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers -


**Full Text:Sustainability and the U.S. EPA


EXCLUSIVE: EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name Of 'Sustainable Development' | Fox News -Audio /re:EPA to Give itself Vastly Expanded Powers under "Sustainability"


+The World in 2052 /THE CLUB OF ROME (



Psychopathic Economics 101 | D Sherman Okst | FINANCIAL SENSE

The X-rated alternative to inadequate sex education - news - TES

Facebook timeline feature: Mixed reaction to latest changes | Mail Online

Really, Macy s? Men in women s fitting rooms? | Blogs |

Are Hollywood Stars Enabling Sexual Predators By Not Naming Names? | Fox News

Shamed hospital accused of leaving dying patients to starve - Telegraph

The idea of ideas: Newt Gingrich pitches ‘brain science’ on the trail | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Newt Gingrich is Newton Leroy McPherson

Unemployment Rate Actually 11.04 Percent?

The Evils of Tolerance and Charity

Is America Part of the New Tower of Babel?


Putting an End to the Ghost of Slavery

Putting an End to the Ghost of Slavery Pt. 2


**The Manning Report – 20 December 2011

**The Manning Report – 19 December 2011


World economy at a 'very dangerous juncture': IMF chief

MF Global Transfer Draws Scrutiny -

Getting Worse: 40 Undeniable Pieces Of Evidence That Show That America Is In Decline -

Does This US And Israel Joint Missile Defense Drill Say Anything About Plans For Iran? -

2 People Killed By Cop - YouTube

We Killed Your Daughter; You're Under Arrest - informationliberation

Flights for Those Who Refuse To Submit To Gate-Rape, Pedophilia, Voyeurism, and Theft Before Boarding - informationliberation

Bankers Join Billionaires to Debunk ‘Imbecile’ Attack on Top 1% - Bloomberg

The List Of Internet Censoring Countries The MPAA Thinks Provide A Good Example For The US - informationliberation

The RIAA Pirated $9 Million Worth of TV Shows

O'Reilly Shocked Military Run By Government - YouTube

Activist Post: Government’s War on Its Own People

Activist Post: Monsanto Admittedly Influences Colorado GMO Ban, Launches Phony ‘GMO Co-Existence’ Protests

Activist Post: Gingrich Skulking Behind Ron Paul Attacks

2012 Economic Outlook: Countdown to the End | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: Genetically Modified HIV Vaccine Approved – Human Tests to Begin Shortly

Oblivious Because of Mainstream Media | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Prison » Race On To Cover Up Details Of Lab Created Killer Bird Flu

The US is Blind to the Price of War

The Reality of America's Aggression Against Iraq

Bachmann: Iran Would Use Nuke Against United States, Israel

VIDEO:Huntsman Would Commit Ground Troops To Stop Iran

Noam Chomsky: The Myth of the Liberal Media

The Pretext for a North American Homeland Security Perimeter

The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadmap" to World War III

Destroying the American Dream...

Money Creation and the Bankruptcy of Major Banks: The Roles of the IMF, The European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve

Empire and the Lies of the Corporate Media: Are we Living in a Fool's Paradise?

An Unexpected Mortality Increase in the US Follows Arrival of Radioactive Plume from Fukushima, Is there a Correlation?

VIDEO: Against AFRICOM: Questioning the US Agenda in Africa

America's Delusional Democracy. Don’t Mute Newt

How the US Destroyed a Country. North Korea lost 30 % of its population as a result of US led bombings in the 1950s

Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and America's War in Afghanistan

VIDEO: Iraq Withdrawal is Smokescreen: Confronting Obama's Hypocrisy

"Godfather" of Colombian Army Intelligence Acquitted in Palace of Justice Case

Bank of Canada Challenged in Legal Action: "Restore the Use of the Bank of Canada for Canadians"

IRAQ: Maliki Government Issues ‘Terrorism’ Arrest Warrant Against Sunni Vice President

Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout

America's Orwellian Police State Goes Live: US Citizen Convicted of Providing ‘Material Support’ to Terrorists

Gaffney: EMP Attack on US Means 9 Out of 10 Dead Within 12 Months | MRCTV

Egypt Scoffs 'Foreign Interference' After Clinton Comments

Syrian Opposition Urges UN to Act After 'Massacre'

Thousands Pay Last Respects to Former Czech Leader

Tobacco Farming Negatively Impacts Zimbabwe's Indigenous Forests

First Earth-Sized Planets Spotted in Remote Constellation

From Mind Control to Superstardom: The Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night”

Jason Alexander on Britney Spears Engagement: “She Marries her Handler”

This is No Game. This is No TV Show. This is War (video)

Qaddafi Son Seif al-Islam Is Alive and Held by Rebels, Rights Group Says -

Fierce clashes in Cairo, Clinton voices outrage | Reuters

TSA finds throwing daggers hidden in book at Reagan-Washington National Airport - The Washington Post

Why 2012 could be the year of the third-party candidate -

Gary Johnson To Run As Libertarian, Quit Republican Primaries

BBC News - Homeless people die 30 years younger, study suggests

Are Guns & Ammo The New Gold? The Story Behind Why More Americans Than Ever Before Are Arming Themselves

Genome Sequencing Done on Gengis Khan Descendent --

IBM says 'mind control' possible in five years | DVICE

Hydrogel is the sci-fi cure you're looking for, heals third-degree burns | DVICE


The Alex Jones Show 12-20-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 12-20-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-20-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 12-20-11 Hr 4

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-19-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-19-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-20-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-20-11 Hr 2

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-19, Monday

12/20 The Mark Levin Show

12/19 The Mark Levin Show

Redding News Review 12-19-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-19-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-19-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 12-20-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-20-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-20-11 Hr 3

World Crisis Radio 12-17-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 12-17-11 Hr 2

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 21st

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 20th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 19th

The Kevin Trudeau Show 20th

The Kevin Trudeau Show 19th

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, December, 20, 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, December, 19, 2011

Dec. 20, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Dec. 19, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 12/20/2011

The Michael Savage Show 12/19/2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 20th

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 19th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 20th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 20th 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 19th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 19th 2

Paul Drockton Show 19th 1

Paul Drockton Show 19th 2


The Corruption of America

Trust Is Breaking Down Wholesale, Hoarding Has Begun | Before It's News


Healthy Eating Diets | Before It's News

Secret UFO or HAARP Base found on Google Earth in Philippine Sea 20° 25 32.21 N - 136° 04 52.15 E - YouTube

Democracy NOW! – Globalist Force Continuum Tool of Propaganda | Before It's News

The Corruption of America


*Audio:Resisting the State;Lew Rockwell talks to Brian Wilson


Open Letter to 'The Republican Establishment' – What the Military and Mainstream Knows About Ron Paul that You Should Learn by John Keller

The New Breed of Hero by John Brennan

The LCD by Eric Peters

Collective Action to Prolong a Depression by Bill Bonner

'Whatever' Reigns Supreme as Most Annoying Word for the Third Year in a Row by Meghan Keneally

5 Ways to Use Your Turkey Leftovers | The Art of Manliness

Study: Leafy Green Vegetables May Boost Your Immune Defenses | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog


**Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


DHS Spent $9.8M to Store $44M of Steel It Bought But Did Not Use to Build Mexico Border Fence

U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Pays Homage to Obama—But Not Jesus

White House: 'What Does $40 Mean to You?'

After Biden Says Taliban Is Not America’s Enemy, Taliban Lashes Out at U.S. ‘Occupation’ of Iraq

Iran Loses Support at U.N., But a Majority Still Unwilling to Denounce Abuses

GOP Senators Urge Obama Not to Make Recess Appointments to Labor Board

U.N. Adopts ‘Religious Intolerance’ Resolution Championed by Obama Administration

Feud Intensifies Between Romney, Gingrich

Labor Board Approves New Rules Making It Easier for Unions to Organize

Saudi Dairy Giant Spends $83M on Argentina Farms to Secure Animal Feed

Rebecca Black's 'Friday' Tops All Other YouTube Videos in '11

Orson Welles' Oscar for 'Citizen Kane' Sells for $861K

Prince Harry Says He Is Returning to Afghanistan

Report:Europe No Longer the Epicenter of Christianity

Gov’t Will Share Medicare Patients’ Data With New ‘Accountable Care Organizations’

Gallup: Under Obama, Growing Percentage See Big Government as 'Biggest Threat'

Sebelius: Obamacare Initiative Will 'Transform' Health Systems

The Year of Krugman Thuggishness

'Occupy' Using Drones To Spy On Police, Capture Video

Rush: First Lady's Menu Has Created 'Mafia' Selling 'Black Market' School Lunches

Flashback: Third-Ranking State Dep't Official Called Kim Jong-il ‘Smart, Capable’ and ‘Not a Lunatic’ |

Student Sues School District Over Punishment For Expressing His Religious Views Against Homosexuality |

Dem Congressman: ‘Federal Presence’ in Local Communities ‘Performs a Life-Saving Kind of Function’ |

Republican Senators Will Propose Cuts in Jan. to Offset Automatic Reductions to Defense Budget |

Military may get faster airport screening

GOP shuts down House on Dems' payroll-tax gambit - Washington Times

Leveson Inquiry: live - Telegraph

What does CNN do with Piers Morgan now? | Richard Adams | World news |

Hugo Chavez: Obama’s a ‘clown’ president - Mackenzie Weinger -

People more likely to lie when texting, study finds -

Cab Drivers Want Steep Fare Hike, Vomit Cleanup - Flash Player Installation

Exclusive: North Korea's military to share power with Kim's heir | Reuters

FCC official: 'Internet freedom' threatened - Washington Times

Local Cops Ready for War With Homeland Security-Funded Military Weapons - The Daily Beast

Deadline looming for claiming $77 million Powerball ticket won in Georgia |

Man Charged After Photo of Girl Bound by Tape Posted to Facebook | NBC Chicago

No Stocks Under Tree: Investors End Year Fleeing Equities For Bonds - Fast Money - CNBC - CNBC

Brazilian baby born with two heads: Dicephalic parapagus twins Emanoel and Jesus | Mail Online

Courage Campaign Asks Kim Kardashian to Endorse Millionaires Tax of 2012

Backers Are Hopeful Obama Will Support Tax On Financial Transactions

AFSCME Celebrates 75 Years With 'Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow' Campaign

Confused About NDAA and Detention Provisions? Here's an Explainer

Keystone XL Will Raise Oil Prices By Moving More Oil Out Of The US

AMW's John Walsh Speaks Out Against Police and Firefighter Cuts

John Boehner Kills the Payroll Tax Extension Because It Was Too Popular and Would've Passed

Fund Raiser: Occupy The Rose Parade Needs Money for Banners

Don't Blink: The DC Machine Is Killing Medicare Right Before Our Eyes

Top Ten Things Mitt Romney Would Like to Say to the American People

NYC Investigation Finds Illegal Gun Sales Are Thriving Online

The Rich, They Are Very Different - And Exceedingly Unaware Of Their Privilege

Will NLRB Continue to Deny Rights to Graduate Student Workers?

Gingrich Just the Latest Republican to Threaten Judges

SQUATLO RANT: PREPOSTERONE SUSPECTED (a brand new hormone on raging display...)

Fort Lauderdale will buy one-way tickets for homeless to leave city

EPA to unveil air pollution limits that Republicans say are threat to power grid

Coburn Releases 'Wastebook' Detailing More Than $6.5 Billion in 'Unnecessary' Spending

Prosecutorial review puts immigration cases in holding pattern

Chinese Computer Hackers Hit U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Perry forgets key provision of his tax plan

Romney: Obama Making 'Entitlement Society'

House Democrats try -- but fail -- to chastise Allen West for likening them to Nazis

Occupy Providence to vote Wednesday on leaving park

U.S. gov't asks scientists not to publish recipe for lab-bred bird flu

President Obama's Hawaii Christmas vacation dilemma

TSA Chorus (yes, you heard right) sings holiday songs at LAX

Retiring Arizona public employees get to cash in years of unused sick days

Fracking firm calls EPA move a threat to whole industry

Gingrich, Santorum score key endorsements

Calif. sues for answers from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac on housing meltdown

South Carolina election officials take steps to protect primary from hackers

Biden calls Iraqi prime minister after reports of renewed sectarian tensions

Arab Spring yields different outcomes in Bahrain, Egypt and Libya

European Court Approves Carbon Trade for Aviation

Televangelist Pat Robertson blasts 'SNL' skit on Tim Tebow, Jesus

Investigators: Amish girl's death a bizarre accident

Ron Paul becoming serious contender in Republican presidential race

States make daily life harder for illegal immigrants

Tom Vilsack wants to grow some respect for USDA

Bill Clinton believes Obama’s reelection chances are “a little better” than 50/50

Military Members May Get Faster Airport Screening

Using only its playlist, lost iPod is returned to its original owner

Frankincense threatened by conditions in Ethiopia

Sun-Times sale expected to be announced Wednesday

Glen Ellyn man, thought to be Gacy victim, found living in Oregon

Man charged after Facebook photo of girl bound in tape

Contempt charge in South Side blaze where 2 Chicago firefighters died

New possibilities for thousands of disabled nursing home residents

South Korea in furor over intelligence vacuum on Kim Jong il's death

Kim Jong-un greets foreign officials at memorial for Kim Jong-il - YouTube

Iraq's Zebari warns of foreign meddling amid crisis

White House increases pressure on Assad regime

Britain "concerned" about Falklands ship ban

Attack on Egyptian women protesters spark uproar

Chinese villagers in revolt win rare concession

Israel says EU 'losing credibility'

Freed From Jail, Russian Blogger Drives Anti-Kremlin Movement

Topless Ukraine Women Back After Belarus Dustup

Putin Seeks to Lure Entrepreneurs

Iran invites IAEA inspectors to visit its nuclear establishments

Vaclav Havel's body lies in state at Prague Castle

Turkey warns of reprisals if France passes genocide denial bill

'Abbas putting extremist murderers on pedestal'

South Sudan rebels to fight on after chief's death

Ukraine president says he won't aid Tymoshenko

Ethiopia convicts Swedish journalists of terrorism

Egyptian Islamists OK with Israeli peace treaty

Iraq PM warns Sunnis could be shut from power

White House increases pressure on Assad regime

Attack on Egyptian women protesters spark uproar

Mitt Romney waves off Gingrich's negative ad complaint

President Obama Speaks on the Payroll Tax Cut - YouTube

Protesters Interrupt Gingrich Endorsement Event

Newt Gingrich's 'Positive' Campaign Takes On Increasingly Angry Tone

8 U.S. soldiers charged in death of fellow GI

Obama calls Boehner, Reid on payroll tax cut

'Layaway Angels' Pay Off Family Accounts

Bradley Manning defence calls just two witnesses

2 Women Share 1st Kiss at US Navy Ship's Return

Mexican suspect faces charges in immigration agent killing

Gingrich Summer Slump Forces Catch-Up in Late Campaign Surge

Gary Johnson to run as Libertarian

Blagojevich appeals conviction, 14-year sentence

Two Iowa conservative leaders pick Rick Santorum, ask other candidates to merge

ECB Sees Record Refinancing Demand

Home-Sales Revisions to Hurt: More Distress in Market

Verizon Experiences Nationwide Data Outages

'Hobbit' trailer tantalizes fans

The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey - Trailer 1 - In Cinemas December 2012 - YouTube

David Copperfield outbid for Orson Welles' Oscar

Christian Bale should be embarrassed: Chinese official

00-who? Daniel Craig excels away from Bond

Lady Gaga 'So Happy' About Oscar Recognition

Online Options For Unwanted Christmas Gifts

Phone hacking rife at Morgan's Mirror, former employee says

Ratings: 'NCIS: LA' and 'SNL' Special Tie for First on Repeat-Loaded Night ...

Newly found planets are 'roasted remains'

Scientists Discover Two Earth-Sized Planets - YouTube

Humans, insects set to OBLITERATE frankincense supply

Complex molecules discovered on Pluto

Earth Has Other Moons, Astronomers Say

Rare wildlife caught by camera traps in Thailand

British scientists ID source of Stonehenge rocks

Security in Flu Study Was Paramount, Scientist Says


HPV Vaccination Efforts Most Effective If Aimed at Girls, Study Suggests

Preference for Salty Foods Shaped in Infancy

Eva Ekvall: Former Miss Venezuela dies of breast cancer aged 28

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?

Happiness Is Dropping, Twitter Study Shows

Nov. home sales up, earlier sales weaker –

Airline pilots to fly shorter shifts, get rest -

Real Reasons Bankers Don’t Like Basel’s Rules: Clive Crook - Bloomberg

Yahoo expands sharing through Facebook –

Mozilla launches Firefox 9, speeds up JavaScript - Computerworld

Facebook to Put Sponsored Ads in Timeline and Newsfeed in January 2012 - ABC News

IBM predicts 'mind-controlled' PCs within five years - The Economic Times

Don't Rule Out a Late GOP Candidate, Sabato Tells Newsmax

Sabato: Don't Rule Out a Late GOP Candidate

Boehner: Retroactive Tax Deal Not Good for Country

Coburn Lists 100 Cases of Wasteful Fed Spending

Bolton: Biden's Taliban Comment Was No Gaffe

Super PACs Are Driving Presidential Runs

Christian Leader Urged Bachmann to Quit

Ron Paul Faces Tough Fight Outside Iowa

Bill Clinton on O'Reilly: Keep Obamacare in Place

Perry: If Facts Are Correct, Ads Aren't Negative

Gingrich Vows Counterpunch to Negative Attacks

Dark Horse Paul Surging in Iowa and NH

Gov. Christie: Obama Has Not 'Stepped Up and Led'

Quinnipiac Poll: Gingrich Takes 5-Point Lead in Va.

IMF Chief: World Economy Hits 'Dangerous Juncture'

Actor Matt Damon Abandons Obama

Justice: Illegal Immigration Tops Federal Arrests

Study: Brain Size Predicts Alzheimer's Risk

Dad Faces Abuse Charges Over Facebook Post

Robo-Calls Pushing Hillary Clinton for President

Is Soda the Ideal Workout Drink?

Losing Weight Lowers Kids' Asthma Risk

Moms' Pesticide Exposure Tied to Kids' Infections

Fog of Obamacare Clouds Business Planning

Obama Administration Should Stop Playing Race Card

We Are Defined By Our Holiday Traditions


*Savage's interview Donald Trump, part 1

*Savage's interview Donald Trump, part 2


U.S. jumps to top of charity index - The Washington Post

Comics-reading NBA fan Kim Jong Un poised to take over North Korea and its nuclear arsenal -

Mystery calls again bring Hillary Clinton’s name into 2012 election conversation - The Washington Post

Number 3 at State Dept. on Kim Jong Il: Smart, Witty, Problem-Solver, Humorous, Engaged | The Weekly Standard

U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

U.N. Adopts ‘Religious Intolerance’ Resolution Championed by Obama Administration |

Obama threatened, called 'monkey' by ex-Carson council candidate -

‘He tied me up and chopped off my nose and lips’ - Emirates 24/7

Evidence Mounts Linking Acetaminophen and Asthma -

FedEx Delivery Man Throws Computer Monitor Over Fence Rather Than Take Screen To Front Door | Strange News | Sky News

BBC News - 'Tell loved ones they are overweight this Christmas'

Limbaugh On Jeb Bush WSJ Piece ‘Capitalism And The Right To Rise’

Limbaugh: Obama Cannot Win Reelection With White, Working Class Voters

Rush: Obama’s Approval Rating Will Rise and the Jobless Rate Will Drop – All Designed to Weaken Your Resolve.

Rush Limbaugh: 2012: A Referendum on Obama

Limbaugh: “Truly Bizarre” Democrat President Demands Cut in Social Security Funding

Limbaugh: Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Menu Forces Kids to Find Back-Alley Meals

Limbaugh: OWS Are Gearing Up For Romney. They Have Been From The Get-Go.

Rush Blasts Romney For Not Calling Obama A Socialist

China, Europe, Iowa and North Korea now face splendid opportunities

Is Ron Paul the Reincarnation of Grover Cleveland?

Meghan McCain and Ron Paul

Is Iowa small enough to make a difference?

Gingrich Plan Has Been Tried Before

Debbie Schlussel:Continuing Trial Defending Dearborn Non-Muslim Teacher

Debbie Schlussel:Chanukah WWII in the South Pacific: How America’s Combat Soldiers Celebrated on the Battlefield

Even Before Fast and Furious, They Had Guns on Their Minds

111 dead in Syria's largest one day bloodletting to date

The Power of Brainwashing Displayed in North Korea

Adolescent hackers publish cops' private data in 'retaliation' for OWS evictions

How Kim Jong Il starved his own people

Airline flight attendants reject union

A Diseased Economy Awaits the Correct Diagnosis

Egyptian women rally against abuse by military

Panetta says Iran will not be allowed to develop nukes

Harvard's Deep Green Pockets

Origins of the Palestinian Identity

Neuter Obama

Ron Paul's Foreign Policy Exposed

The Hitman Cometh: America to be 'War Zone'

Did Pelosi Commit Blackmail?

Gingrich and the Fear Factor

Obama's Chance at a Two-Term Presidency

Obama's Freeloader Economy

Obama Bids Adieu to Kim Jong-il

The Chicken Theory of Islamist Parties

Salvation Army Troop Withdrawal

Romney's Problem with Main Street

The Madness of Ron Paul

Gingrich and the Fear Factor

The EPA's Unconscionable War on Fracking

From Gang Rape to Sex Parties Trend of Teens Having Group Sex Experiences |

Bill Clinton to O’Reilly: Yes, the Press Favored Obama in 2008 | Video |

Gerard Butler Rescued From Calif. Mavericks’ Waves While Filming Movie About Surfer Who Died There | Video |

Whoopi Goldberg Calls Communism ‘a Great Concept’ | Video |

London’s New Hybrid Double-Decker Bus Runs Out of Juice on Highway Days After Unveiling | Video |

NASA Finds First Earth-Sized Planets Orbiting Star in Other Solar System | Video |

Yiddish Is Making a Comeback on American College Campuses |

Freed Palestinian Terrorist Says Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Who he Plotted to Kill Deserves to Die |

Mayan Villages Countdown to December 2012 Apocalypse While Tourism Booms |

IBM Thinks Mind Reading Devices, No Spam Is Just Five Years Away | Video |

How Much Did The Average American Family Spend On Gas in 2011? |

‘Merry Lunch Limbo’: ‘Bad Lip Reading’ Video of Newt Gingrich Called ‘Best One Yet’ | Video |

You Know Something? You’re a F–king A–hole Iowa Man Confronts Gingrich | Video |

TSA Discovers Daggers in Hallowed Out Book at Reagan Airport |

FDA Approves First Human Trials of HIV Vaccine Using a Killed and Modified Version of the Virus | Video |

Daughter of Russian Billionaire Dmitriy Rybolovlev Pays $88 Million for This NYC Apartment | Ekaterina Rybolovleva |

Gingrich Allegedly Tells Gay Man to Vote for Obama | Video |

White House Posts Countdown Clock to Target House GOP on Payroll Taxes |

FDA Issues Man Giving Away Sperm for Free on Website Cease and Desist Order |

WSJ Slams Republicans for Not Passing Payroll Tax Extension |

Want to See A Massive Gun Depot For Movies And TV in NYC? The Specialists | Rick Washburn |

Bachmann Confirms Bob Vander Plaats Asked Her to Drop Out of Race | Video |

Leland Vittert Interviews Gaza Suicide Bomber | Video |

Matt Damon Slams Obama’s Performance as President |

IT Specialist Catches Thief With Motion-Sensing Camera and Real-Time Photos | Video |

Glowing Halo Proves Location of Mount Sinai or Just an Optical Illusion? | Video |

Time Magazine‘s Joe Klein Says People Like Ron Paul Because He Won’t Send Troops to Fight for Israel |

Muslim College Student Vanishes Before Leaving Voicemail Message | Video |

Bachmann Says Ron Paul Would Be a Dangerous President | Video |

House Won’t Rebuke Allen West for Joseph Goebbels Nazi Propaganda Remark |

No Spin Zone? Romney Squeamish About Calling President Obama a ‘Socialist’ | Video |

Hugo Chavez: Obama is ‘a Clown’ and ‘an Embarrassment’ |

The 12 Days Of An Obama Christmas – Music Video |

Study Shows Potential for Pill to Improve Memory, Treat Alzheimer’s |

Maria Conchita Alonso Confronts Sean Penn Over Hugo Chavez | Communist A**hole’ | Video |

Highliner Crosses Yosemite Valley on Tight Rope With No Safety Measures | Video |

Department of Health and Human Services Ask Scientists Not to Publish All Genetic Info in Bird Flu Research |


*The Man Who Told the Internet He'd Come from the Future


Man swallows nail - three times | Orange UK

Medieval Knights May Have Had PTSD : Discovery News

Top Science Scandals of 2011 | The Scientist

Why We Feel Nostalgic During the Holidays | Holiday Psychology & Traditions | LiveScience

Kim Jong Il dead: 17 bizarre details about the Dear Leader's life -

Alarm as Dutch lab creates highly contagious killer flu - Science - News - The Independent

Space Travel: The Interplanetary Tours Reservation Desk | Wired Science |

Dutch TV-Show Hosts Appear to Dine on Each Other’s Flesh - ABC News

Dura-Europos, a Melting Pot at the Intersection of Empires -

Mysterious "white web" found growing on nuclear waste

The Australian Air Force & the flying saucer mystery | weirdaustralia

Investing In The Power Grid Will Create Jobs

Study exposes sugarcane ethanol's environmental flaw

Is Algae-based Biofuel an Energy Game Changer? - Technorati Green

Navy's Big Biofuel Bet: 450,000 Gallons at 4 Times the Price of Oil | Danger Room |

PistonHeads Headlines - Biofuel timebomb

Biofuels: the biggest driver of land-grabbing deals |

Who Will Be America’s Next Top Energy Innovator

The Dirty Truth about Clean Energy

Did the Federal Government Invent the Shale Gas Boom? | The Energy Collective

Why The Wind Industry Is Full Hot Air And Costing You Big Bucks | Fox News

Don't Give Up On The Promise Of Green Jobs - Forbes

How Will Renewable Energy Fare in 2012? at Oil Price

Why GOP embraced Keystone XL oil pipeline - Darren Samuelsohn and Darren Goode -

A new roadmap for coal - Fortune Features

Articles: The EPA's Unconscionable War on Fracking

Coal Interests Press On | EnergyBiz

Beaming Down Earth's Energy From Space : Discovery News

My Take: Kim Jong Il and the danger of deifying leaders – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The Gospel according to Hitchens - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

The Postmodern Pedophile « Public Discourse

Kim Jong-Il dead: When God wears a leisure suit | Full Comment | National Post

How to make atheism matter - Georgetown/On Faith - The Washington Post

Keep Christ out of this Christmas » GetReligion

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Could Christopher Hitchens be in heaven? - News with a Christian Perspective | Obscuring the meaning of ‘pro-life’

Jay Rubenstein: Crusade Vs. Jihad: Which Is Worse?

Selling that ol' time religion - News Blog - Rochester City Newspaper

The Turin Shroud is fake. Get over it – Telegraph Blogs

The Bible should be available to read in every Christian's native language | Eddie Arthur | Comment is free |

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | The Real Persecutor

Is the year’s best novel a western? -

HBO makes great TV from books - 'Sex and the City' -

Perfectly formed -

Charles McCarry on Ark - Between the Covers - National Review Online

The GOP Candidates Read Wacky Books - The Daily Beast

The Top Eight Books of 2011 That School Reformers Should Read | Dropout Nation: Coverage of the Reform of American Public Education Edited by RiShawn Biddle

Church withdraws charity Bibles over Planned Parenthood link | Books |

History News Network:Top 10 Myths About Thanksgiving

The fanatic, fraudulent Mother Teresa. - Slate Magazine

What really happened on Flight 103? | UK news |

Gadhafi's death renews Lockerbie questions –

Evil Ain't What It Used to Be - By Alan Wolfe | Foreign Policy

The Straight Dope: Did the Pilgrims land on Plymouth Rock because they ran out of beer?

General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book - Telegraph

The Claus von Bulow Case — Sunny — Crime Library on

BBC News | UK | Lockerbie pair 'could have survived'

Manuel Noriega Back in Panama for More Prison Time -

The Louisiana Purchase « Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

The Panama invasion revisited: lessons for the use of force in the post Cold War era.

Kim Jong Il, Dead At 69 - Forbes

HISTORY: American Volunteer Group (Flying Tigers)

20th December 1973 – Operation Ogre | Dorian Cope presents On This Deity

Best of NeXT Computer System Collection - Home Page

Inside the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry

India flaunts poverty of its moral leadership, brandishing an ad hoc, reactive nuclear policy | The Japan Times Online

The Life and Death of American Drones | The Nation

Kim Jong-un, Reformer? The Promise And Peril Of North Korea’s Succession Crisis | The New Republic

A Crisis of Confidence | Opinion | The Moscow Times

John Bolton: 'The Great Successor' -

How to Free North Korea - By Adrian Hong | Foreign Policy

gulfnews : Qatar can’t replace Saudi Arabia

Can Kim Jong-un be North Korea's Deng Xiaoping? | Isabel Hilton | Comment is free | The Guardian

North Korea’s Youthful New Leader Kim Jong-Un Faces Nuclear Test - The Daily Beast

PIPES: Tehran holds Obama re-election wild card - Washington Times

The Frankenstein of Tahrir Square - By Steven A. Cook | Foreign Policy

For Putin, it’s a matter of time

Will North Korea Become China’s Newest Province? -

Mexico’s election in 2012 most decisive in history - The Globe and Mail

Iraq: left to the wolves | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

How Kim Death Risks China Crisis | The Diplomat

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Dec 21, 2011 - Exclusive: N.Korea military backs Kim heir but will share power

The End, for Now -

Who Has North Korea’s Nuclear 'Football'? Few Have an Answer - Elaine M. Grossman -

No humble pie for opposing the Libyan war -

Solve the Pakistan problem by redrawing the map - The Globe and Mail

RealClearWorld - America Is Losing in Africa

The Climate Extremists - Bjørn Lomborg - Project Syndicate

Evita 'given lobotomy while dying of cancer' - Telegraph

Has Kim Jong-il brainwashed North Koreans? | Kathleen Taylor | Comment is free |

Breakthrough: A new drug that could cure everything from colds to HIV

Spiders’ Hundreds of Fine Hairs Are Hundreds of Ears | Wired Science |

In Great Lakes States, a Divide Over the Asian Carp -

Farms Are Keeping Endangered Species Alive | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation

For War Dogs, Life With PTSD Requires Patient Owners - Catherine Cheney - National - The Atlantic

DailyTech - New Solar Cell Gives Its "110 Percent" in Efficiency

Survival of frankincense threatened –

Friends & Frenemies: Why We Add and Remove Facebook Friends

A New Kind of Metal in the Deep Earth | Carnegie Institution for Science

New Take on Impacts of Low Dose Radiation « Berkeley Lab News Center

Researchers use light to measure cancer cells' response to treatment | Science Codex

The Psychology of Dictatorship: Kim Jong-Il | The Thoughtful Animal, Scientific American Blog Network

Life's Extremes: Democrat vs. Republican | Genetics & Political Views | Liberals & Conservatives | Political Ideology | LiveScience

A New Breed of Flu Shot to Avoid Getting Sick as a Dog -

Midwife Rituals: Anti-Science Or Just Symbolism?

A Pollution Fight Powered by Bioluminescent Sea Creatures -

Wild monkeys to help test radiation levels - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Scientist still wondering about snowflakes –

Taking Beauty's Measure - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Why you always have room for dessert | ScienceNordic

Ancient Artists and the Wonders of Chauvet Cave - Blog

Italian study claims Turin Shroud is Christ's authentic burial robe - Telegraph

Higgs Boson Might Yield Origins of Universe But Questions Remain - The Daily Beast

U.S. Says Details Of Flu Experiments Should Stay Secret : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Another mince pie? Scientists find the secret to a long, indulgent life - News - Food & Drink - The Independent

Though The Anti-China Rhetoric Says Otherwise, Most Of Our Goods Are Made Here -

10 biggest losers on Wall Street in 2011 - David Weidner's Writing on the Wall - MarketWatch

The Great Economic Divide Makes Everyone Poorer

Cleaning House: The Financial Crisis and the GSEs — The American Magazine

RAHN: Government spending jobs myth - Washington Times

Bankers Join Billionaires to Debunk ‘Imbecile’ Attack on Top 1% - Businessweek

The Republicans' Holiday Gift To President Obama - Forbes

Obama’s simplistic view of income inequality - The Washington Post

The Middle Class Wasn't Built By Government But By Individuals Acting Freely -

Invention Is the Mother of Economic Growth: Nathan Myhrvold - Bloomberg

Keystone XL: Liberal Histrionics Answered With Conservative Histrionics - Forbes

What Y2.012K means for investors - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

10 Wild (and Occassionally Mild) Business Predictions for 2012 - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

RealClearMarkets - The Slow, Agonizing Death of Europeanism

Why dividend darlings will burn you in 2012 - MarketWatch

7 companies on the ropes in 2012 - big names at risk - MSN Money

Is housing bouncing back? - The Washington Post

John Taylor: Want Growth? Try Stable Tax Policy -

Where’s Our Rosie? Why We Don’t Have Domestic Robots Yet | Techland |

Are We Immune To Viral Marketing? | Epicenter |

Why Zynga may not be as bad off as it seems - Fortune Tech

How Do You Gift-Wrap An MP3 File? : Discovery News

Top 10 tech breakthroughs of 2011 - Slideshow | ExtremeTech

3 Ways Google's Majel May Out-Chat Apple's Siri (And 1 Big Way It Could Remain Speechless) | Fast Company

Daniel Burrus: The Future of TV

Dumb Ideas Your Politicians Have About Technology

The Law of Online Sharing - Technology Review

Don't Break the Internet - Stanford Law Review

The Engadget Interview: ARM co-founder John Biggs -- Engadget

IBM: Mind reading is less than five years away. For real. | Geek Gestalt - CNET News

Cloud activity to explode in 2012 - Computerworld

Highlight Was Created in 12 Hours as an Apture Replacement

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Powering Forward: The Case for Renewable Energy Incentives » New Deal 2.0

Obama punting away victory in Afghanistan? - Right Turn - The Washington Post

13 questions that need to be answered if Wyden-Ryan is going to work « The Enterprise Blog

Some business lobbyists are starting to panic about the expiring payroll tax - The Washington Post

Political Animal - GOP scuttles bipartisan deal on middle-class tax cut

Will the next boomlet candidate be … « Hot Air

Gingrich's Campaign Finance Hypocrisy

Why We Should Expect Another Year of GOP Intransigence

Has Panetta’s Shift on Iranian Nukes Come Too Late to Do Any Good? « Commentary Magazine

Senate GOP to Obama: You better not make recess appointments to the NLRB « Hot Air

"Lie of the Year" - Democrats' Claims about Medicare Reform

The Hard Truth About Fact-Checking | The New Republic

Occupy AARP - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online

The ObamaCare Implementation Gauntlet - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Bill Schneider: The GOP's Long and Winding Road

Capitalism: The way back to prosperity | Questions and Observations

Will Obama Back an Iran Oil Embargo? « Commentary Magazine

First-time home buyers could pay the price for payroll tax cuts - The Washington Post

NTSB Misled Public On Cellphone ‘Toll’ | Cato @ Liberty

Political Animal - The nature of the ‘stalemate’

Dempsey: GOP's Insistence On 'Divergence Or Control Of The Generals' Is 'Offensive' | ThinkProgress

Tehran and Obama’s Reelection

In Egypt, Christians endure their ‘Kristallnacht’

The Nonsense of the Iraq War

The Bizarre, Twisted Cult Known as the ‘Democratic’ People’s Republic of Korea

Enforcing Existing Sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran

Speak Not of Evil: When Free Speech Becomes ‘Blasphemy’

Reform Judaism’s Leadership Demonstrates Its Support For Obama’s Anti-Israel Policy

MSNBC To GOP Rep: ‘Why Are You Protecting The 1%?’

Feeling The Heat: Wasserman Schultz Has Media Do Her Bidding Against Harrington

Sound Bite For The Day: ‘Is Fast And Furious Obama’s Watergate?’

Wednesday Crib Sheet: The Bills, NBC Reporter Gets Drunk With Sandusky Lawyer For Story

DOJ To Media Critics: You’re Not Racists, You’re LYING Racists

MacIver Responds To PolitiFact On Wisconsin Recall Signature Fraud

What’s Behind PolitiFact’s ‘Lie Of The Year?’

WSJ’s Bret Stephens Calls Out NYT’s Kim Jong-Il Obit: ‘O Dear Leader, If Only We Had Known You Better’

The Nation Blows The Dog Whistle On Food Stamps

Saudi Prince Buys Stake In Twitter: Leftist Narrative Hardest Hit

Fishbowl DC Threatens Retaliation Against The Bigs

Whoa: Mad Magazine’s Latest Cover

Sound Bite Of The Day: Firestarter

Your Obama Non-Apologist of the Day: Matt Damon

+Daily Call Sheet: ‘Fast & Furious’ Times Two, Spielberg Is Kinda Fresh, and 3D Wanes

‘Bad Santa’: A Christmas Classic for the Whole Family! Or Not…

Trailer Talk: ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ Reunites Old Friends

‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ Review: Fincher’s Dark Vision Brings Out Best in Larsson’s Saga

‘The Adventures of Tintin’ Review: Motion-Capture Cinema Comes of Age Under Spielberg’s Guidance

‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ Review: What’s All the Fuss About, Again?

Whoopi Goldberg on Communism: ‘On Paper It Makes Perfect Sense’

Romney Latest Politician to Enter Late Night Arena

‘Fright Night’ Blu-ray Review: The Original Still Has Bite

-HomeVideodrome: ‘Midnight in Paris’ Not a Clear Hit or Miss for Woody Allen

Top Five Christmas Films for Non-Christians

Unlike Hollywood, the Literary World Embraces Conservatism

‘War Horse’ Has Me Seriously Thinking About Skipping Christmas Dinner

‘Homeland’ Finale Review: Anti-American to the Core

Stephen King Helps Fellow Mainers, Doesn’t See Irony of Higher Tax Stance

-‘Holidays in Heck’ Review: A Kinder, Gentler O’Rourke

#OccupyBatman: ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Villainess(?) Spouts Obama Campaign Theme

Scientific Study: Occupy Protesters Driven by Self-Interest, Lack of Meaning, Fear and Control

AUDIO: A Dakota Christmas

Did TIME Really Symbolize the Fight for Freedom with the Image of a Dead-beat Credit-junkie?

Poll: Ron Paul Moves into First Place in Iowa

Sources on Pelosi’s Visa Stock Offering: Possible ‘Directed Order’ Paper Trail

WI Election Officials Choose Not To Make Checking For Recall Fraud Easier

Teachers Union President Deems Education Too ‘Complex’ for Tax-Paying Rubes

Will ‘Anonymous’ Hack the Iowa Caucuses?

O.W.S. Activist: ‘Police Rank and File Are Professional Class Traitors’ But We Should Attempt to Use Them Against the ‘1%ers’

The Problem with Both Payroll Bills

OccupyChicago Eyes Headquarters in Striking Distance of G-8/ NATO Summits

Remy: Grandma Got Indefinitely Detained (A Very TSA Christmas)

Frances Fox Piven: #Occupy Movement Must Bring About ‘Upheaval of Historic Dimensions’

Supreme Court to Consider AZ’s Illegal Immigration Law

NEA Throws Future Teachers Under the (School) Bus

Fast and Furious Update: Rep. Issa Tells Holder to Expect More Hearings

AUDIO:The Legacy of Kim Jong-il and the New North Korea

Two-Month Payroll Tax Holiday Cannot Be Implemented Properly

Obama Really Is Just Another Politician

Dr. Coburn Releases New Report on Wasteful Government Spending in 2011: "Wastebook 2011" - Press Releases - Tom Coburn, M.D., United States Senator from Oklahoma

FCC official: 'Internet freedom' threatened - Washington Times

Did Univision give GOP an early peek? - Ben Smith -

DWS in the Shark Tank, part two -

PolitiFact | Lie of the Year 2011: 'Republicans voted to end Medicare'

Obama urges Hill leaders to extend payroll tax cut

Michael Douglas' son gets 4 1/2 more years in prison

Dawn spacecraft beams back new images of asteroid

Suspect in Ohio Amish attacks to plead not guilty

Defense rests case in WikiLeaks military hearing

8 US soldiers charged in comrade's death

Mystery buyer acquires web address

U.S. troops charged over death of fellow soldier

Obama adviser: Congress inaction clouding U.S. outlook

Facebook to boost privacy after Irish probe

Congresswoman: NY soldier was harassed, assaulted

'IDF must be vigilant on northern front amid Syria unrest'

Iran says 5 of its citizens kidnapped in Syria




*19)Transcripts: Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Interview with Representative Allen West

Interview with Representative Trey Gowdy

Panel on the Future of North Korea

Interview w/White House Economic Advisor Gene Sperling

18)Guests: Speaker Boehner, Rep. Bachmann and Gov. Haley

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Guests: Sperling, Blunt, Menendez and Huntsman

Guests: Representatives Paul Ryan and Barney Frank

17)Obama's Remarks on the Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Press Conf. With Secretary Panetta and the PM of Libya


Real Clear Markets - Video - Turning Point in Eurozone Crisis?

**MARKET$ VIDEO$- 20th

Real Clear Markets - Video - What's Going On at Goldman Sachs?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Turning Point in Eurozone Crisis?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Short Euro Too Crowded?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Treasuries In a Bubble?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Should We Revive Glass-Steagall?


Real Clear Markets - Video - What's Going On at Goldman Sachs?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Short Euro Too Crowded?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Treasuries In a Bubble?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Should We Revive Glass-Steagall?


Real Clear Markets - Video - ECB's Draghi Admits Euro Vulnerability

Real Clear Markets - Video - Why the 1% May Also Be Working Until Age 80

Real Clear Markets - Video - Holland: Stocks 'Ridiculously' Cheap

Real Clear Markets - Video - Zillow CEO on Housing: "Not Good"


**NEWS VIDEOS:Peaceful: Occupy Protester Rushes Stage During Newt Speech

Rick Perry Takes On Fracking Myth

Romney Defends Super PAC Attacks

Milbank: Obama Shouldn’t Have Poll Numbers This High

AB Stoddard: House Republicans Acting On Principle, Not Politics

20th/Extended Cut: O’Reilly vs. Clinton

Ron Paul 1991: Nothing Changed Under Reagan, ‘No Difference’ Between Parties

Former Dem Gov. Doug Wilder To Obama: Take Biden Off The Ticket

Mourners Weep At Escalator Used By Kim Jong-il

Evangelize: Obama Campaign Releases Instructional Ad On Propagandizing Conservative Family Members

Egypt’s Women Protest In Cairo

World’s Largest Menorah Lit

Toys R Us To Stay Open 24/7 Through Christmas Eve

CNN’s Piers Morgan Grilled At British Phone Hacking Hearing

Pelosi On Payroll Tax Bill: ‘Remember Yogi Berra’

Boehner: ‘It’s Time For The President To Show Real Leadership’

Leadership: Obama Scolds House Republicans, ‘This Is Not A Game’

UNICEF Smears Santa As ‘One Percenter’

‘The View’ Takes On North Korea: US Should Get Out Of ‘Their Face,’ It’s Bush’s Fault

NBC’s Harry Smith Lectures Muslim Comic: ‘A Lot Of Americans Hate You’

Seattle Hippies Dress Up As ‘Bag Monsters’ For City Council Meeting

Desperate: Dem Rep Brings Lump Of Coal To House Floor, Scolds Republicans Over Tax Bill

MSNBC’s Roberts To NY Rep: Why Are You Protecting The 1%?

#OccupyDenver’s Latest ‘Peaceful’ Tactic: Arson

Talking Points: Joan Walsh Says Boehner Being Held Hostage By ‘Tea Party’ Congressmen

Chris Christie Mocks Mika On ‘Morning Joe’

Des Moines Register Explains Romney Endorsement

North Korean Party Mix

Jesse Jackson To Black Fathers: Forget Teaching Success, Teach Your Children To Fight

Kim Jong Il Lying In State

Brittany Murphy’s Mother Says ‘Black Mold’ Killed Her

Romney Performs Letterman’s Top Ten List

19th/Flashback: CNN Gushes Over North Korea

Story Of The Year? AP Votes Penn State Scandal Top Story

Dingo Baby Case Reopened

Man Says He Set Woman On Fire Over Debt

Tahrir Square Horror

Chuck Woolery Takes On Obama’s Class Warfare


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Do-nothing' Senate needs to watch 'Schoolhouse Rock!';Congressman: GOP wants to provide certainty in payroll taxes, Medicare rates

WND RADIO WND Exclusive N. Korea: 'Power struggle almost inevitable';John Bolton says regime change, reunification should be U.S. goals for Pyongyang

Ex-lesbian: Obama destroying traditional families

Court: School didn't violate Christian student's rights in gay counseling case |

Trump to Savage: I was right about Iraq

Santorum: 'I'm for income inequality'

Stunning! GOP poll reveals Iowa distrusts 1 candidate

Democrat firm advising Obama's communist Kenyan pal

Study Reveals Who Gets Late-Term Abortions | Reproductive Health, Pregnancy & Abortion | Roe v. Wade | LiveScience

Eating less 'can boost your brain and help you remember more', researchers claim | Mail Online

Testosterone Treatment Increases Muscle, Study Says, Adding to Debate | LiveScience

Virtual schools booming while states mull concerns - Washington Times

Why young evangelicals are leaving church -

Housing—Beware of the Big Bad Home Sales Revisions - CNBC

Tokyo takes a shine to crystal toilet - oddstuff |

Dry eyes? Steam them with a pair of electric goggles | Mail Online

Audio Page

+'Evil' audio – is it 'despicable' or 'life-changing'?


*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*21 Dec.

American Minute for December 21st:

Today in History: December 21

Today in History: December 21

December 21 Events in History

December 21st in History

December 21st This Day in History

This Day in History for 21st December

Today in History for Dec. 21 - YouTube


Penguins 'pray away the gay'

Obamacare abominations

Giving thanks for the vilified 1%

The Shariah assault

Hu's on 1st, Gates on 2nd

Don't look for the union label

Occupiers: Not heroes, just Marxists

Supreme Court shuns us common folk

China trade: Myths vs. reality

Critiquing the Sioux City debate

Republicans worship a Nazi Jesus

A time for choosing: Rick Perry for president

Obama boasts to CBS: I'm 4th best president

Soros fingered in Egypt unrest

Russia inspects missile bases, fears NATO attack

Hu's on 1st, Gates on 2nd



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