A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

22 December 2011

22 DEC.

Michael Savage : Audio






Pro-Perry Super PAC Ad Hits Gingrich, Romney
DNC Hits Romney On Bin Laden Death: "Any President, Mr. Romney? Really?"
Romney Says Yes To Deporting Obama's Uncle Omar
Cantor Invites Obama To Negotiations: "He Could Bring His Dog"
Wasserman Schultz: GOP Has "Callous Indifference" For Middle Class
Durbin Blames Senate Inability To Produce A Budget In 950 Days On Republicans
Gingrich Responds To Meghan McCain: By MSNBC Standards "She Is A Conservative Thinker"
Ingraham: "Success In Politics Requires That You Throw Some Elbows When Necessary"
Obama At Store Register: "Let's See If My Credit Card Still Works"
Klein: Boehner Has Lost Control Of The House Republicans
Krauthammer: Cutting Off Aid To Saudi Arabia Won't Solve the Problem
Dionne: Paul "May Have The Best Organization" In Iowa
Hoyer Erupts On House Floor Over Payroll Tax Cut As House Adjourns


21 Dec.

Ron Paul Walks Off From CNN Interview Over Controversial Newsletters
Trailer: "Game Change"
Gingrich: "Please Don't Turn America Into Massachusetts"
Schumer: "House Will Pass The Bipartisan Reid-McConnell Bill"
Rep. Scott Rigell: Merry ___ And Happy ___
Romney To Gingrich: "Obama's Hell's Kitchen" Will Be Tougher Than My Attacks
Iowa Man Calls Gingrich A "F***ing A**hole"
Gingrich: Romney "Defending The Right To Lie"
Paul: "Whistleblowers" Like Wikileaks Are Heroes, Patriots
Milbank: Obama Has No Business Having Poll Numbers This High
RCP's Tom Bevan On Iowa Race, GOP Polls
Krauthammer: If Gingrich Doesn't Win Iowa, "He's The Loser"
Fineman: Republicans Don't Know When To Declare Victory



What Have We Learned About Macroeconomics From The Crisis?
How Does North Korea Stay So Secretive?
Romney On The Big Issues
Bill Clinton On The Threat From Iran
Is Biden Wrong About The Taliban?
Potential Scenarios For North Korea Future
China And North Korea A Harsh Contrast
China Hackers Stealing U.S. Secrets, Jobs
McCain: 'We Are Paying A Heavy Price In Baghdad'
Thousands Of Czechs Mourn Vaclav Havel
Lockerbie Bombing Victims Remembered
France Warned Over Genocide Vote
Raw Video: Bombs Explode In Baghdad
Talking Technology In North Korea


21 Dec.

The Global Energy Landscape
Obama's Foreign Policy Report Card
Fallout From Kim Jong-il's Death
American Accused Of Spying in Iran
Paul: Kim Jong-il Dead, U.S. Should Leave S. Korea
Iraq's Sunni VP Says He Is Ready To Face Justice
Protests End In Chinese Village After Promise Of Talks
Japan: Plan For 40-year Nuke Plant Cleanup
Raw Video: Czech Republic Mourns Havel
Raw Video: 150 Reported Dead In Syria
Homegrown Radicals And Al-Qaeda
India Still Prefers To Deal With Europe On A Bilateral Level
Deciphering North Korea's Transition
Will Kim Jong-il's Son Be Even Tougher?



Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism - YouTube

Naomi Klein "The Shock Doctrine" & "No Logo" interview - YouTube The Rise of Disaster Capitalism The Rise of Disaster Capitalism - Watch Online


Two Four Star Generals Write New York Times Op-ed Against NDAA and Indefinite Detention of Americans :

Details of lab-made bird flu won't be revealed - Yahoo! News

Interview with Retired Surgeon David Halpin (Dr David Kelly case) - YouTube

Future Riot Shields Will Suffocate Protestors with Low Frequency Speakers

Police to test laser that 'blinds rioters' - Telegraph

Imagine Ron Paul - YouTube

Occupy Everywhere_ The Movement Against Corporate Power _ The New SchoolYouTube

Ron Paul And The Republican Future - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Activist Post: Gingrich Skulking Behind Ron Paul Attacks

Paulonomics: Ron Paul’s plans for taxes, spending and Social Security | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Cafferty : People In Iowa Are Rallying Around Someone Who Represents real change, REAL CHANGE! - YouTube

DAVID ICKE - THEY WANT TO TRIGGER WORLD WAR THREE (FINAL CUT)Viewer discretion is advised. - YouTube - One Woman's Answer to Sexual Chaos

Jimmy Lee Massey forced woman to watch him torture and dismember Carina Saunders | Mail Online 911 Mysteries 9/11 Mysteries - Watch Online Music of the Brain Music of the Brain - Watch Online

What About that Social Security No.? | Fellowship of the Minds

Obama has reason not to want his “personal life poked & prodded” « Larry Sinclair

Ron Paul Challenges Mindless Militarism - Reason Magazine

New Bill Authorizes Rendition of American Citizens Living within the United States to Other Countries for Torture

Alarm as Dutch lab creates highly contagious killer flu

FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists

Company Who Lobbied for the NDAA Indefinite Detention Bill Given 23 Million Dollar Contract for Night Raid Equipment :

Scientists say Turin Shroud is supernatural - Science - News - The Independent

Climategate Bombshell: Did U.S. Gov't Help Hide Climate Data? | Fox News

Vaccinations Bill Gates & Democracy - Thomas Mountain - YouTube

What Social Security Gets You: A Minimum-Wage Lifestyle - DailyFinance

E-Mail Clues in Tracking MF Global Client Funds - - Chevy Commercial Promotes Feminist Dementia

Cops Ready for War - Yahoo! News

More young people see opportunity in farming - Business - Careers -

The EyeOpener- The Manas Question: Drugs, Revolution & Terrorism on the Road to Afghanistan

Pak US Relations in Psychological Paradigm | Opinion Maker

US implores Iraqi leaders to resolve crisis - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Freeing the World to Death

Rioting arsonists could be shot by police, review finds - Telegraph

Political Tyranny of the Few | Opinion Maker

Could Iraq descend into a civil war again? (VIDEO) -

Mehanna verdict compromises First Amendment, undermines national security | ACLU of Massachusetts

One, Two, Three Just Like Clockwork

Zionist Psychopathy - YouTube

Frito-Lay sued for labeling its GMO-filled snacks as “All Natural” | Food Freedom

Activist Post: Monsanto Admittedly Influences Colorado GMO Ban, Launches Phony ‘GMO Co-Existence’ Protests

Nuke Expert/MD: Japan gov’t was lying through its teeth about Fukushima… and probably still is «

US military 'ready to engage in a conflict with Iran' - Telegraph

U.S. imposes sanctions against Iranian shipping firms - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Iran Admits Western Sanctions Are Inflicting Damage -

Fars News Agency :: Former IRGC Cyber War Commander: Iran Can Make Drones More Advanced than RQ-170

PressTV - Blix rebuts West's claims on Iran N-plan

Fars News Agency :: Capture of US Hi-Tech Drone Signifies Iran's Power in Electronic Warfare

Lawman Richard Mack Tells Sheriffs: You Can Fight NWO at County Level | American Free Press

Afghanistan and the trauma of war: Portraits show Marines before, during and after service | Mail Online

+Three Important Assassinations? Joseph Stalin, Leonid Brezhnev, Gus Weiss

With Indefinite Detention Measure, Has Congress Also Expanded Rendition of U.S. Citizens Abroad?

Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Mounting Storm of Anti-Latino Bias, Prisoner Abuse, Sex-Crimes Negligence

WATCH: Nursery school opens 25km from Fukushima meltdowns (VIDEO) «

North Korea: senior military figures pledge allegiance to Kim Jong-un | World news |

Orthodox Jewish millionaires consider segregated bus scheme - Telegraph

US urges Iran to free alleged CIA spy after TV confession | World news |

Auschwitz: The First Gassing. Rumor and Reality [515] - $16.00 : The Barnes Review, Home of the TBR Bookclub

Israeli Delegitimization

Hugo Chávez says Obama is 'a clown and an embarrassment' | World news | The Guardian

Morning Mix: President Jeb Bush? | Care2 Causes

Destroying The American Dream

Roundup Weedkiller: Is This Monsanto's New 'Agent Orange'? | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Expected Explosion Of Novel Influenza Clusters In United States

A year to go until end of the world: Mayan region plans year of celebrations - Telegraph

X-Men fan sentenced to 1 year in prison for leaking film online a month before general release | Mail Online

Google to unveil hi-tech 'Google glasses' that superimpose information on the world | Mail Online

Astronomers find Earth-sized planets in 'the Goldilocks zone' - Telegraph

Six in ten dementia sufferers not diagnosed - Telegraph

Baby with two heads born in Brazil: Dicephalic parapagus twins Emanoel and Jesus | Mail Online


**DCDave: Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression


Online PDF Converter(


Scientists to study psychological benefits of birdsong | Environment |

Kim Jong-il's body lies in state in glass coffin - YouTube

Three myths about the detention bill -

David Icke Says Enough! - YouTube


Celente - Top 12 Trends 2012

YouTube reveals most watched videos in 2011 - Telegraph

Ron Paul Surges in Polls, But Still Dismissed by Media - YouTube

Ron Paul Defended by Neil Cavuto Against media Establishment - YouTube

Defense Authorization Act Empowers Obama To Restart Bush's Rendition Program & Indefinite Detention - YouTube

Keiser Report: Victims of Banking Terrorists (E225) - YouTube

Ron Paul Walks Out On CNN Interview - YouTube

SBS: Obama, Congress Strip Constitutional Rights Of Americans

Martial Law Attempt In Louisiana Echoes Ron Paul’s Warning

Louisiana State Officials Call For Troops On Streets

New Poll: Ron Paul Betters Other GOP Candidates Vs Obama

New Iowa Poll Shows Paul Accelerating Away From Romney

The Battle Over The Payroll Tax Cut

Race On To Cover Up Details Of Lab Created Killer Bird Flu

RT's 10 that shaped 2011: Egypt Revolution - YouTube

Mexico the new war front for a war with Iran? - YouTube

CIA won't disclose involvement in crackdowns on #OWS - YouTube

'Syria rebels painted peaceful to whitewash intervention' - YouTube

poorrichards blog: FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists


+Ron Paul's Racism in Action


**1:19:07 / Ron Paul: The Movie - YouTube


poorrichards blog: What About that Social Security No.?


Washington Times Ad: Obama’s Social Security Number 042-68-4425 Fails E-Verify System | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Federal Govt’s E-Verify Shows Obama’s Social Security No. is Fraudulent | Fellowship of the Minds

About Obama’s Strange Connecticut Social Security No. | Fellowship of the Minds

Democrats Want to Keep Secret Obama’s Presidential Records | Fellowship of the Minds



+Activist Post: The Gift of Good Health: Where There Is No Doctor (Free Download)

E Book

*503 pg./Where There Is No Doctor...


Hesperian Health Guides(


Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-Up(

The Oklahoma City Bombing coverup(


Former Grand Juror Hoppy Heidelberg Reveals Gov Inside Job in OKC Bombing Case! 1/4

Former Grand Juror Hoppy Heidelberg Reveals Gov Inside Job in OKC Bombing Case! 2/4

Former Grand Juror Hoppy Heidelberg Reveals Gov Inside Job in OKC Bombing Case! 3/4

Former Grand Juror Hoppy Heidelberg Reveals Gov Inside Job in OKC Bombing Case! 4/4


Oklahoma City Bombing Federal Surveillance Tapes Coverup - YouTube


Jesse Trentadue on The Alex Jones Show"The OKC Cover Up"1/4 - YouTube

Jesse Trentadue on The Alex Jones Show"The OKC Cover Up"2/4 - YouTube

Jesse Trentadue on The Alex Jones Show"The OKC Cover Up"3/4 - YouTube

Jesse Trentadue on The Alex Jones Show"The OKC Cover Up"4/4 - YouTube


OKLAHOMA CITY: What Really Happened?/ 1:16:25


A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 with James Lane and Chris Emery 1/3 - YouTube

A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 with James Lane and Chris Emery 2/3 - YouTube

A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 with James Lane and Chris Emery 3/3 - YouTube


+The Alex Jones Show - Friday Edition, December 16th, 2011 12 16- Prison Planet TV - YouTube


Hoppy Heidelberg: OKC Bombing was Designed to Get Clinton's Anti-Terrorism Bill Passed 1/2 - YouTube

Hoppy Heidelberg: OKC Bombing was Designed to Get Clinton's Anti-Terrorism Bill Passed 2/2 - YouTube


Cover up in Oklahoma City Bombing - YouTube


NWO - Murder in the Heartland | Oklahoma City Conspiracy of 1995 - Timothy Mcveigh - YouTube


OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING Was An Inside Job! [False Flag] (excerpt from '9/11: The Road To Tyranny') - YouTube



Upton Sinclair and Timothy McVeigh


Prison » Hoppy Heidelberg: OKC Bombing was Designed to Get Clinton’s Anti Terrorist Bill Passed



Louisiana State Rep Demands Troops on The Streets: Infowars Nightly News 1/2 - YouTube

Louisiana State Officials Call For Troops On Streets!! - YouTube


Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports 1/3

Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports 2/3

Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports 3/3


Greg Hunter: First Amendment Under Attack at All Levels 1/3

Greg Hunter: First Amendment Under Attack at All Levels 2/3

Greg Hunter: First Amendment Under Attack at All Levels 3/3


Caller Angie Breaks Down Martial Law Scenario Under BFSA Program!


Prison » CNN Poll: Ron Paul Most Popular Republican Amongst Non-Whites

Prison » Ron Paul Polling In Top Tier In Nevada

Prison » Neocon Says Ron Paul Would Appease Hitler and the Nazis

Turkey recalls Paris envoy as lawmakers back genocide bill - FRANCE - FRANCE 24

Prison » Twilight Zone: USA Today Story About Ron Paul Leading In Iowa Headlined ‘Ron Paul Still Not in Lead’

Prison » CNN Lobs Veiled Charges of Racism at Ron Paul *Video*

Prison » Ron Paul Ad: Staying on the Right Path

BBC News - Finland 'finds Patriot missiles' on China-bound ship

Prison » Why Ron Paul Can Win

Prison » Loving Freedom Enough to Defy the NDAA

Prison » No end to hysteria: N. Korean kids crying over Kim Jong-Il

Prison » Injured Global Economy Ponders Coming Challenges

Prison » It’s Official: US Debt-To-GDP Passes 100%

Romney Says He'd Deport Obama's Uncle - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

Newt Gingrich Mic Checked by Occupy Wall Street Protesters at Iowa Capitol | Video |

Prison » Exclusive: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse

Facial recognition systems for Orange County, California | Homeland Security News Wire

Seattle’s New Ban on Plastic Bags ‘Pushes People to Less Environmentally Friendly Options’ |

Prison » Don’t look now, but even cops in Fargo are arming for battle against terrorists

Prison » Officials Warn of Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Amid Debate

Prison » The Two Koreas, 1950–2008: An Unplanned Experiment in Economic Systems, the Carbon Footprint and Human Well-Being

Prison » Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans

Prison » EU Courts Force Airlines into Carbon Trading Market

Prison » Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports


Dinosaur Media Heats up Ron Paul Smear Campaign - YouTube


Explosive! New Ron Paul Video "Bombs" 1/2 - YouTube

Explosive! New Ron Paul Video "Bombs" 2/2 - YouTube


» US long-term plan in Afghanistan laid bare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US Troops Guarded Terrorist Camp in Iraq Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Treasonous War Street Journal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Why The Globalist Agenda Is Backfiring | Before It's News

» Standing up for unpopular truths about 9/11 comes at a personal cost Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US attacks Afghanistan against Al-Qaeda, not Taliban: Biden | World | South Asian News Agency

Feds issue warning to unconventional sperm donor - Yahoo! News

» Sweden legalizes and regulates cannabis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Can the U.S. Government close social media accounts? - Glenn Greenwald -

» DHS Spent $9.8M to Store $44M of Steel It Did Not Use to Build Mexico Border Fence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Federal agents to screen Arizona jail inmates -

Obama administration switches border security strategy before election year | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

Mexican ex-officials work for US intelligence: report

Big Sis Orders ICE To Prepare For Mass Influx of Illegals & More - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Dutch Lab Creates Killer Flu, Al-Qaeda Origins & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Too late to contain killer flu science, say experts - Science - News - The Independent

» Government omnibus spending bill add-on puts incandescent light bulb ban on hold Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Congress overturns incandescent light bulb ban - Washington Times

» Flu shot fantasies: How influenza vaccines halt flu infections (even when they don’t) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hong Kong authorities slaughter 17,000 chickens in new bird flu scare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A little biotech knowledge may be a catastrophic thing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Banned in 27 Countries, Monsanto’s rBGH Inhabits Many U.S. Dairy Products Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Physicians Oppose Mandatory Flu Vaccine for Health Workers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Flame Retardant Chemical Banned in Europe and Japan Used in U.S. Soda for Decades Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Boy disciplined after waving gun-shaped pizza s - Flash Player Installation

» Spying on Americans rising rapidly as warrantless use of undercover police, drones increases Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Firefox Add-On Bypasses SOPA DNS Blocking Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

VIDEOS: Hoppy Heidelberg: OKC Bombing was Designed to Get Clinton’s Anti-Terrorism Bill Passed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+ Explaining to a 5-Year Old Why the Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to U.S. Citizens on U.S. Soil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Local police stockpile high-tech, combat-ready gear | America's War Within

Rioting arsonists could be shot by police, review finds - Telegraph

» 10 Ways the U.S. Gov’t Has Destroyed Its Own Declaration of Independence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» First Amendment Under Attack: 18 Examples Of How They Are Coming For Our Free Speech Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Don’t Be Fooled: The Horrible Anti-Internet Bill Is NOT Being Shelved Until Next Year Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rise Of The Beast System: 11 Ways That Amerika Is Becoming More Like North Korea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fractional Reserve Banking Commentary 1 - YouTube

FRB Commentary 2: Deposit Insurance - YouTube

FRB Commentary 3: Big Picture - YouTube

» Fractional Reserve Banking Explained Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Restore the Use of the Bank of Canada for Canadians Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s Depression Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» China Keeps Slapping America In The Face And America Just Keeps Taking It Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Britain's new year resolution: intervene in Somalia - Africa - World - The Independent

Boat laden with surface-to-air missiles stopped in Finland on its way to China | World news | The Guardian

» Former CIA Officer: ‘NATO’s War in Syria Not in US Interest’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Pentagon says Iran concerned primarily with deterring attack | Milwaukee Story

Missile parts accused is victim of US entrapment, extradition appeal told | Law |

Turkey warns of reprisals if France passes genocide denial bill | World news |

» Retired General: ‘Burn Egyptian Protesters in Hitler ovens’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Egypt FM blasts US for interference Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CNN Deliberate Insider Hit Job on Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul Walks Out On Interview With CNN Media Whore - YouTube

» The Corruption of America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DemocracyNOW supporting Ron Paul 2012 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DemocracyNOW supporting RON PAUL 2012 - YouTube

» A Congress of Cowards Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


+Exclusive: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Polling In Top Tier In Nevada Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Neocon Says Ron Paul Would Appease Hitler and the Nazis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CNN Poll: Ron Paul Most Popular Republican Amongst Non-Whites Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Twilight Zone: USA Today Story About Ron Paul Leading In Iowa Headlined ‘Ron Paul Still Not in Lead’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CNN Lobs Veiled Charges of Racism at Ron Paul *Video* Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Ad: Staying on the Right Path Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ross: Obama Prepared to Take Action Against Iran - Middle East - News - Israel National News

» If A Global Recession Is Not Looming, Then Why Are Bailouts Flying Around? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Rules Make It Possible For Republican Establishment To Steal Nomination From A Candidate They Don’t Like Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Tea Party Nation Scamster Disses Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NY Times Projects Ron Paul As Clear Favorite To Win Iowa Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Latest media talking point: ‘If Ron Paul wins Iowa it won’t count’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Poll: Ron Paul Betters Other GOP Candidates Vs Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Martial Law Attempt In Louisiana Echoes Ron Paul’s Warning Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul is in The Fight of His Life, We Must Stand With Him! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Who Leads the Attack On Ron Paul? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Govt. Says It Can Assassinate or Indefinitely Detain Americans on American Soil Without Any Due Process Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Getting Worse: 40 Undeniable Pieces Of Evidence That Show That America Is In Decline Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Nightly News: Erasing Ron Paul, Obeying Authority, and Hoppy Heidelberg on OKC Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Enter Tea Party Sarah, Ron Paul Spoiler Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Branstad’s Act Of Sabotage An Outrageous Attempt To Tamper With Election Process Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Race On To Cover Up Details Of Lab Created Killer Bird Flu Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» South Korean Intelligence Chief Questions Timing Of Kim Jong-il’s Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Effect of Fluoride on the Pineal Gland Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fluoride and The Pineal Gland - YouTube

Falkland Islands: Britain dusts off war plans as Argentina turns up the heat | Mail Online

BofA in $335M settlement over Countrywide loans - Yahoo! Finance

ECB to Lend Greater-Than-Forecast $645 Billion as Banks Line Up for Funds - Bloomberg


Japan predicts 40 years for nuke plant cleanup - CBS News

Internet Audio mp3 Player@AudioPal

BC Cancer Agency research finds genetic link between rare cancers | News | National Post


*1:59:50Derek Prince - Release From The Curse - YouTube


How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 1 of 10 - YouTube

How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 2 of 10 - YouTube

How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 3 of 10 - YouTube

How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 4 of 10 - YouTube

How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 5 of 10 - YouTube

How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 6 of 10 - YouTube

How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 7 of 10 - YouTube

How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 8 of 10 - YouTube

How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 9 of 10 - YouTube

How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince 10 of 10 - YouTube


Are Guns and Ammo the New Gold and Silver? by Mac Slavo


+How Money May Cause Economic Crisis by Peter Schiff


*1:10:31/"What About Money Causes Economic Crises?" with Peter Schiff - Ron Paul Money Lecture Series, Pt 3/3 - YouTube


Interest Rates in a Gold Coin Standard by Gary North

Your bank is not safe

The Real Illegal Immigration Problem by Jeff Berwick

In the Depths of Antiquity: Fraud and Suppression of Information in Archeology by Michael A. Cremo

Preface to The Jolly Roger Dollar by George F. Smith

Are You Poisoning Your Household With This Chore? by Joseph Mercola

Dry eyes? Steam them with a pair of electric goggles | Mail Online

How to Read a Cholesterol Test | Mark's Daily Apple

Russian President Proposes Political Reforms Amid Fraud Allegations

Lockerbie Bomber Says New Evidence Will Clear His Name

South Korea Will Allow Citizens to Send Condolences to North

US WikiLeaks Suspect's Hearing Set to Conclude Thursday

Wave of Bombings Across Iraqi Capital Kills 74

700 US Troops to Remain in Iraq as 'Trainers'

US Report: Attack on Pakistani Troops ‘Justified’

Did Congress Just Endorse Rendition for Americans?

Pvt. Manning and Imperative of Truth

We Shall Overcome

Americans will be transferred to foreign prisons under Indefinite Detention act — RT

McCain: Iraq 'Unraveling' Under Obama's Pullout Plan

US: Mistakes Led to Pakistani Raid That Killed 24

Bill Clinton: Iran's Nuclear Capability Is No Secret

McCain: Iraq 'Unraveling' Under Obama

McConnell Proposes Tax Compromise

Obama to Boehner: I Want 1-Year Payroll Tax Deal

Former Rep. J.C. Watts Endorses Gingrich

Gingrich: Romney Needs to Justify 'Misleading Ads'

Trump: Third-Party Candidate Can Beat Obama

Angry Ron Paul Walks Out on CNN Interview

Fitch: US Faces Downgrade Without Defict Cuts

Lieberman Launches Fast and Furious Probe

GOP Rep. Rigell Uses Humor to Dupe Greeting Ban

RNC Finances Back in Black Super PAC Aims to Embarrass Candidate

Gingrich: Sharia a 'Mortal Threat' to US freedom

Ill. GOP Activist Drops Challenge to Rep. Walsh

Exiting Gov. Barbour to Return to Lobbying Firm

US: Mistakes Led to Attack on Pakistani Soldiers

Wave of Bombings Across Iraqi Capital Kills 60

Investors Wary of Stocks, Pour Billions Into Bonds

Top Doctor: How to Avoid Catching the Flu During Holiday Travel

Baby Dies, Wal-Mart Pulls Infant Formula

Placebo Beats Drugs to Treat Depression

Single Gene Links Cancers

From Mind Control to Superstardom: The Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night”

What $40 Means to President Obama: Treats for His Dog

'Waa, No Pizza Night': Sad Stories Roll In at Request of Obama White House

Turbulence Ahead, As European Court Demands Climate Fee From U.S. Transatlantic Flights

Romney Says He Will Continue Obama's Policy of Having Homosexuals in Military

Bloodbath in Baghdad: Wave of Bombings Raises Questions About Security

Obama’s EPA Killing Jobs With New Pollution Rule, Coal State Senators Say

'Occupy' Using Drones To Spy On Police, Capture Video

Romney Says He Would Deport Obama's Uncle

Gingrich Plays Catch-Up in Virginia, Trying to Get on Primary Ballot

More Than 1 in 3 CBP Employees Are of Hispanic Origin

Three-Quarters of Americans View Banks Favorably, New Poll Finds

Deportation Threatens to Split Up Lesbian Couple; Immigration Officials Blame DOMA

Narcoballads Increasingly Popular in Mexico: Songs of Drugs and Decapitation

Student Sues School District Over Punishment For Expressing His Religious Views Against Homosexuality |

Obama puts his personal stamp on new EPA pollution rules; Republicans pounce

Straight couples opt for civil unions to show solidarity with gays

Lesbian couple share Navy's 'first kiss' homecoming honors

Senators ask labor secretary to withdraw ‘misguided’ child farming regulations

Ex-President Carter sends condolences to Kim Jong-un

Senate GOP worries tax standoff could cost them upper chamber

Eric Holder's Justice Dept. goes after Arizona's law-and-order Sheriff Arpaio

Karl Rove: Republicans should fold in payroll tax cut standoff

Little brown bats found that appear to resist disease that has devastated species

Ron Paul taps former patients for new antiabortion ad

Extremist Teachings Remain in Saudi Textbooks Despite Kingdom's Claims of Reform

Squatters say foreclosed homes beat homeless shelters

DHS Internal Report Claims Anti-Terrorism Program Now In Jeopardy

Sarah Palin criticizes Obama holiday card -- and the dog

U.S. Postal Service Tells Carrier to Stop Dressing Like Santa

Queen Elizabeth II doing her part to save on energy costs

Woman sues Maricopa County in 2009 birth

Census: More people moving to D.C.

Darrell Issa: California uncooperative in gas-mileage probe

Dad ‘feels awful’ for binding little girl with tape

VIDEO: End of Nations: Canada, the US and the "Security Perimeter"

Russia's Elections. Who is Calling the Shots at the Duma?

VIDEO: Money for Nothing: US Military Defense Industry Shows Vulnerabilities

North Korea: The Broad Geopolitical Implications of the Death of Kim Jong-il

Destroying the American Dream...

Money Creation and the Bankruptcy of Major Banks: The Roles of the IMF, The European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve

Top Legal Expert: “President Obama … Says He Can Kill [Any American Citizen Without Any Charge and] On His Own Discretion."

VIDEO: Against AFRICOM: Questioning the US Agenda in Africa

How the US Destroyed a Country. North Korea lost 30 % of its population as a result of US led bombings in the 1950s

Pentagon Chief: U.S. Can Launch "Preemptive" Strike on Iran

Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout

America's Orwellian Police State Goes Live: US Citizen Convicted of Providing ‘Material Support’ to Terrorists

America's Drone Wars in Africa: A Constellation of Secret Airstrips and Drone Bases

Quick Update: Payoff for Jordan’s Syria-Front Generosity, AntiWar.Com Status, RT Today


*ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 21, 2011


Not so much of the Shock and Awe:

NATO's Depraved Disregard for Libyan Civilian Casualties

America’s Growing Isolation

Gingrich’s Incendiary Example From Palestinian Textbook Was Bogus

Republicans Worship a Nazi Jesus

The False Equation: Religion Equals Morality

It's Official: US Debt-To-GDP Passes 100% - informationliberation

Mark Faber: "I Am Convinced The Whole Derivatives Market Will Cease To Exist And Will Go To Zero" - informationliberation

Does Airport Security Really Make Us Safer? | Culture | Vanity Fair

Convicted for words, not deeds - First Amendment -

Frustrated with Immigrants? Just Wait until They Leave by Fergus Hodgson

Company Who Lobbied for the NDAA Indefinite Detention Bill Given 23 Million Dollar Contract for Night Raid Equipment -

US Government Targets The Pirate Bay, Megaupload and Others - informationliberation

Remy: Grandma Got Indefinitely Detained (A Very TSA Christmas) - YouTube

Univision promoting war with Iran? - YouTube

A simple plan to keep your assets safe from an out-of-control government - Casey Research

Activist Post: Is This Humble Plant Capable of Alleviating Most Human Suffering?

Avoid WWIII ~ Speech to humanity - YouTube

Activist Post: Puppet Show Begins in Asia; Wall Street's Shinawatra and Aung San Suu Kyi pledge mutual support

RAP NEWS X - #Occupy2012 - YouTube

Activist Post: Reflections that Will Shape the Age of Change

Activist Post: White House hopeful Paul assails 'perpetual war'

Pot Patriotism Plus Jury Nullification Equals US vs. Heicklen | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

Activist Post: Controversial 'bird flu' edits move ahead

Hollowed Earth: Aliens Underground, Humans Above Ground | Before It's News

Michael Tsarion. Hollow Earth,2012,Alien Bloodline! - YouTube

New Invisibility Cloak. Not Only Invisible, But Also Inaudible. As If Nothing Was There | Before It's News

UFO on White House Xmas card: Not a hoax and proof of the cover-up - YouTube

UFO & Paranormal News

New Evidence Aliens Invading Our Solar System Now | Before It's News

9 Steps To Keep Your Assets Safe From An Out-Of-Control Government | Before It's News


The illusion of the Ego - ALAN WATTS - YouTube


Alan Watts Lectures and Essays(


Death Certificate Of Paper Dollar: Where To next? | Before It's News

Barack Obama-Pretender to the Presidency


Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports 1/3 - YouTube

Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports 2/3 - YouTube

Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports 3/3 - YouTube

Police State 4— Clip: Martial Law, FEMA Camps, and Forced National Service - YouTube


**FEMA: FEMA National Shelter System (NSS)















» Exclusive: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

National Continuity Programs (NCP) Program and Mission Support Services (PAMSS) [P.1-11of22]

7 DEC./Detention Camp Order Follows Preparations For Civil Unrest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


**Location of FEMA Concentration Camps

+FEMA Camp Locations - Google Maps

+FEMA Regions Map

+FEMA: Regional Operations


+Map of Active U.S. FEMA Camps:(W/EXECUTIVE ORDERS) |


The Alex Jones Show – December 21st, 2011

+The Alex Jones Show – December 20th, 2011


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 21st, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 21st, 2011


Ma Bell, Misunderstood: Capitalism destroys monopolies, government protects them - YouTube

Empire and the Lies of the Corporate Media: Are we Living in a Fool’s Paradise? – William Bowles |

US military: unconstitutional orders are unlawful; defend Americans, don’t NDAA “disappear” them - Washington's Blog

Facebook uses YOUR face to promote products to other users


Ron Paul On Top In Iowa Because Of Support From Poor

China, Europe, Iowa and North Korea now face splendid opportunities

Debbie Schlussel;Schmuck of the Year: NYTimes’ Thomas Friedman Stands By “Jews Bought Congress” BS

+Midweek Box Office: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Adventures of Tintin

Debbie Schlussel:Where Not to Eat: Chipotle CEO Allies w/ La Raza, Lobbies for Immigration Amnesty

Debbie Schlussel:“Holiday” Spending Money I’m Glad Was Stolen: Thieves You Can Root For

Rush Blasts Romney For Not Calling Obama A Socialist

Limbaugh: GOP Establishment Scared To Death Of Obama’s Class Warfare Campaign

URGENT: Newt Emails Rush: I Am With Boehner On Payroll Tax Fight. I Am Against Obama.

Limbaugh: Obama’s Vacation “Toughest Decision Of The Year” Made Me Cry

Merry Christmas From Rush Limbaugh 2011 – Silent Night

Ex-President Carter sends condolences to Kim Jong-un - Washington Times

How Kim Jong Il Starved North Korea - Jordan Weissmann - Business - The Atlantic

Holder Cites Race In Explaining Scrutiny Of Justice Department Actions | Fox News

Officials Plead Guilty In New York Voter Fraud Case | Fox News

Extremist Teachings Remain In Saudi Textbooks Despite Kingdom's Claims Of Reform | Fox News

Gender Comes to Climate Change

Palestine - Flag Flies, UNESCO Cries, Legality Dies

Between Responsible and Irresponsible Isolationism

The Obama Administration’s Islamist Whitewashing Campaign

Recess Appointments by the President: What Our Constitution Really Says

Spirit over Steel: a chronology of the Second World War

China, U.S. Warn Europe’s Green Fanatics of Global Trade War

Expect Higher Electricity Prices

Happening Silently: Islam Aggressive Invasion of America

Defending Liberty and Security in Wartime

Boston University Muslim Chaplin Raising Funds for Al Qaeda, Mass. Pols Embrace Him

Reminders of the Horrors of Communism

The Senate’s Awful Two-Month Payroll Tax Plan

This President is not a leader but a committed destroyer

How to have a Politically Correct Merry Christmas

Controlling guns, controlling people

Time to return America to the God Standard

Civilization marches on – backward

Newt's nutty ideas

Newt helped formulate Christmas

If Reagan were a candidate in 2012

Need a little Christmas?

The comeback of the light bulb!

The age of insanity

The perception of perfidy

The black Occupy protester – missing in action

The GOP's dangerous divide

Don't look for the union label

Stunning! GOP poll reveals Iowa distrusts 1 candidate

Obama boasts to CBS: I'm 4th best president

Soros fingered in Egypt unrest

West pressing Egypt military to curb rising Islamist power

Time to return America to the God Standard

Whoopi Goldberg: Communism Is 'a Great Concept' That 'Makes Perfect Sense' on Paper |

Lesbian vampire killer Tracey Wigginton set to be released from jail | Mail Online

Teenage boy testifies he had sex 30-40 times with 47-year-old Los Gatos mom - San Jose Mercury News

Federal Panel Asks Journals Not To Publish Details On Deadly Virus

America the Generous? Not According to the Media |

Man Eats Cocaine From Brother's Butt, Dies - Louisville News Story - WLKY Louisville

WaPo Features 'Sex Comedy' Novel for Teens With 'God As a Horny Guy Named Bob' |

U.S. market to list futures on next president - Yahoo! News

Northrop Grumman Identifies Craft Towed Through Kansas as X-47B Drone | Video |

KTLA Weatherman Henry DiCarlo Gets Angry Over Forecast | Video |

Homeless Man David Ivins Has Seizure After Brutal Attack | Video |

Christian Pastor Calls Rev. Franlkin Graham to Repent Over Mormon Comments | Video |

Italian Scientists Say Shroud of Turin May Be Authentic | Video |

Dutch Hosts Won’t Face Investigation for Cannibalism | Video |

Pen Retrieved from British Woman’s Stomach After 25 Years |

OnStar to Demonstrate In-Car Video and Streaming Technology at 2012 Consumer Electronics Show |

Mexican City Disbands Entire Police Force To Combat Corruption |

Frances Fox Piven Tries To Breathe New Life Into The Occupy Movement |

Gingrich Defends Activist Judge Comments: ‘Why do The American People Have to Tolerate an Anti-Religious Bigot?’ | Video |

Steny Hoyer Shouts on House Floor Over Tax Cuts Extension | Video |

Service With a Smile: FedEx Worker Caught on Tape Tossing Package Over Fence | Video |

Ron Paul Releases New Pro-Life Ad | Video |

Bachmann Confirms Bob Vander Plaats Asked Her to Drop Out of Race | Video |

Goodbye Blue Sky: European Court Backs Law Forcing ‘Emissions Trading Scheme’ On U.S. Airlines |

EPA to Power Plants: Clean Up or Shut Down

Tom Zeller Jr.: Keystone XL: The Persistent Illusion Of Jobs, Jobs And More Jobs

The New Politics of Energy :: Hudson New York

Are Biofuels the Best Use of Our Limited Land Resources? at Oil Price

How Not to Market Electric Cars - TheStreet

The Peak Oil Crisis: 2012 – Apocalypse Now? | Falls Church News-Press Online

Are Rising Oil Exports Good for America? - Energy Intelligence (

Rare Sight! See All 7 Planets in the Night Sky This Week | Solar System Planets & Skywatching Tips | How to Spot Planets in Night Sky |

Nicotine worsens processing ability | ScienceNordic

The FDA vs. Commercial Speech - Reason Magazine

Network Analysis Predicts Drug Side Effects - Science News

Rare Sight! See All 7 Planets in the Night Sky This Week | Solar System Planets & Skywatching Tips | How to Spot Planets in Night Sky |

The New Atlantis » The Case for Enhancing People

The Turin Shroud is fake. Get over it – Telegraph Blogs

'Mysterious Webs' on Nuclear Waste: 'Totally Awesome!' - Blog

Breeding Alcoholic Mice

Penn State Live - Mystery of Victorian-era poet's illness deciphered after 150 years

UNC Study Could Lead to Treatment for Angelman Syndrome — UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Self-healing electronics could work longer and reduce waste | News Bureau | University of Illinois

Notre Dame researchers develop paint-on solar cells // News // Notre Dame News // University of Notre Dame

The Psychology of Dictatorship: Kim Jong-Il | The Thoughtful Animal, Scientific American Blog Network

Scientist still wondering about snowflakes –

Taking Beauty's Measure - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Ancient Artists and the Wonders of Chauvet Cave - Blog

The Shoe Bomber's World - TIME

Freakonomics » Chapter 2

Bernhard Goetz Trial (1986-87)

Fundamentally Freund: Would the M... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Evita 'given lobotomy while dying of cancer' - Telegraph

Your Podcast Is Not Your Pastor, Says Christian Blogger, Christian News

Manure Makers, Yes; Catholics, No | Crisis Magazine

Christopher Hitchens: 'Non-Jewish Jew' –

Home > News & Updates > EVENT TRANSCRIPT: Mormonism and Politics: Historical and Contemporary Issues

Oy Vey! Yiddish Making A Comeback At Colleges

RealClearReligion - 2011 was the Year of Simplistic Sentiments

A very atheist Christmas - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Christmas, the Infinite, and the Finite | First Things

Hanukkah 2011: Why the Holiday Is So Popular in America | NewsFeed |

Kiss Your Cable Bill Goodbye With These HDTV Antennas | PCWorld

Beware the Facebook 'friend collector' -

BBC News - 2011 - The technology year

Some big thoughts on big data and cloud for 2012 — Cloud Computing News

Google+ Gets a Makeover: Is It Enough? - TheStreet

The Swiss Army Knife Goes Digital - Technology Review

The totalitarianism of technology – Ed West – The Kernel

2012 Predictions, Mobile Edition: Dan Rowinski

5 ways the cloud will change in 2012 - Fortune Tech

IBM's Top 5 Technology Predictions for the Next 5 Years - Yahoo! News

Just How Much Are Engineers In Demand? Very Much So - Forbes

If Spotify fails, blame the Internet’s grim economics | MediaFile

Charles McCarry on Ark - Between the Covers - National Review Online

The American Spectator : Ghostwriters Gone Wild

Jenna Weissman Joselit Reviews Stephanie Deutsch's "You Need A Schoolhouse" | The New Republic

I knew Christopher Hitchens better than you -

BOOK REVIEW: 'Buckley' - Washington Times

George McGovern’s Book of Un-Reckoning « Public Discourse

Of Saints and Caudillos: On Enrique Krauze | The Nation

Time for Secret Talks with China | The Diplomat

Commentary: The Future of U.S.-North Korea Relations | The National Interest

Larry Diamond: Iraqi Kurdistan Is Booming. Will It Ever Be A Separate State? | The New Republic

Latin America still growing, but fiesta is over - Andres Oppenheimer -

Iraq: What Remains by Christopher de Bellaigue | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Seoul-Beijing relations

Tread carefully on North Korea -

Iraq After the War: Maliki’s Attack on Sunni Leaders Suggests a Dark, Divided Future | Global Spin |

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: A U.S. withdrawal that isn’t quite one

Don't Extend The Ill-Conceived, Evil Payroll Tax Cut - Forbes

The Nation | The Nation

Review & Outlook: What Fannie and Freddie Knew -

SEC’s Fannie, Freddie Lawsuits Miss the Enablers: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

Through charitable giving, Americans are spreading the wealth -

RealClearMarkets - EPA Tries To Pull a Fast One

How Ron Paul Invests - Total Return - WSJ

20 Stocks with the Potential to Pop - CNBC

The Best Stocks for 2012 | The Reformed Broker

The New International Economic Disorder - Mohamed A. El-Erian - Project Syndicate

Stock Market and Investing: Five Things Investors Have to Worry About in 2012 - CNBC

Census Bureau Says Half of Americans Are Poor? Think Again.

A Game of Chicken That Democrats Can Finally Win | Mother Jones

The Senate Takes a (Payroll Tax) Holiday

Real Story Behind the Millennial Headlines on Obama | NDN

Lieberman launches Senate probe of Fast and Furious « Hot Air

The EPA to Oil- and Coal-Fired Plants: Cut Down or Shut Down - Erika Johnsen

Why Not Abolish Payroll Taxes Altogether Instead of Screwing Around With a Short-Term, Low-Percentage Cut? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Census: Last Year Had the Slowest U.S. Population Growth in 70 Years - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Why is the Government Saving Money by Driving Students Into Debt? » New Deal 2.0

Break up the banks — Charles Gasparino -

Noam Scheiber: How Are Dems Winning The Payroll Tax Cut Fight? | The New Republic

It's Time To Say Goodbye To The 'Both/And' Era Of Government - Forbes

Dorothy Rabinowitz: What Ron Paul Thinks of America -

Columnist Krugman Emerges In 2011 As Left's Main Intellectual Thug -

Michael Brune: The Keystone XL Pipeline Scam

Signs Point to Economy’s Rise, but Experts See a False Dawn -

RealClearPolitics - How Quick to the Exits in Afghanistan?

The End of the Chinese Dream - By Christina Larson | Foreign Policy

Payroll tax gridlock could actually be a plus –

Obama is achieving his goal of higher energy costs | Washington Examiner

Comment: Hitchens and Iraq : The New Yorker

The GOP's dangerous divide - Republican Party -

Romney doubles down on argument that state health mandate is 'conservative' - The Hill's Healthwatch

Scenarios for the 2012 Republican Primary - Page 1 - Matt Mackowiak - Townhall Conservative

Payroll tax tussle stinks of Tea | Ana Marie Cox | Comment is free |

John Taylor: Want Growth? Try Stable Tax Policy -

Obamacare | 2011 Year In Review | Health Care Law | The Daily Caller

Occupy The Rose Parade Fund Raiser Final Push!

Rep. Jan Schakowsky: The Republicans Are the Grinches Who Stole Your Christmas

That $335 Million BofA Settlement: The Good, The Bad, And The Very Ugly

Ron Paul Gets Testy With Gloria Borger Over Questions on Racist Newsletters

Occupy Wall Street: The Lego Set

McCain: Payroll Tax Standoff is Harming the Republican Party

Mr. One Percent Romney Defends Wall Street and Insurance Company Execs From Criticism by Obama

Amish Girl Driving Buggy Killed By Gun Fired A Mile Away

Software Developers Have Already Found A Way Around SOPA - And It Hasn't Even Passed Yet

Jeb Bush's 'Right to Rise' Falls Flat

More Villager False Equivalencies From Bob Schieffer: 'Forget Who is at Fault' for Gridlock Over Payroll Tax Bill

Politifact Lie of the Year? More Like Politifact Pander of the Year

Will Public Outrage Finally Force The President To Prosecute Outlaw Bankers?

Tamron Hall Slams Kingston for Saying Obama Should Invite Boehner and Reid Over for Eggnog and a Movie to Resolve Tax Deal

Gingrich Just the Latest Republican to Threaten Judges

The Fallacy of Reaganomics 1/3 ~ Politicalgates

The Reaction: I think it's fairly safe to say that Rick Santorum will be the 2012 Republican nominee for president

*22 Dec.

American Minute for December 22nd

December 22 Events in History

December 22nd This Day in History

This Day in History for 22nd December

Today in History: December 22

Today in History: December 22

Today in History: December 22

December 22nd in History

Today in History for December 22nd - YouTube


*20th)Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on the Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Interview with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Senator Chuck Schumer

Guests: Senator Stabenow and Representative McDermott

Interview with Representative Tom Reed

Panel on the Race in Iowa


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Raging ECB Debate Continues

21st)Real Clear Markets - Video - Turning Point in Eurozone Crisis?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Will Blackberry Make it to Xmas 2012?

Real Clear Markets - Video - 2012 "Grindingly Slow, Painful"?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Is EU Worth the Trouble?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Short Euro Too Crowded?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Deadlock: 'Reid's abdication of responsibility and duty';Rep. Tom Price: GOP ready to negotiate on Senate payroll bill

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'We need to protect innocent, unborn lives';Rep. Steve King discusses Preborn Non-Discrimination Act

Old Testament prophecy fulfilled before our eyes?

Russia inspects missile bases, fears NATO attack

Wave of bombings kills 69 across Iraqi capital - Washington Times

Abbas meets freed Palestinian prisoners in Ankara - Israel News, Ynetnews

Hamas: Form Army for the Liberation of ‘Palestine’ - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

‘I’m for income inequality,’ Santorum says | Iowa Caucuses


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


17 PG./A Kidnapped Santa Claus


L. Frank Baum Was a Woman « Blog of the Bizarre

The Occult Power of Goats

IBM Predicts Mind-Reading Machines on Their Way

Visions of Angels Described in Bible May Have Been Lucid Dreams | LiveScience


The Man Who Told the Internet He'd Come from the Future


Christmas Tree Folklore and History

The Twelve Days of Christmas - Urban Legends

Christmas Symbols, Folklore, Phobias by Brownielocks


‘A Serious Man’: The Must-See Faith-Based Film You Didn’t See

Trailer Talk: Ridley Scott’s ‘Prometheus’ Looks Like This Summer’s Must-See

+Daily Call Sheet: Downey Jr. Not an Indie Movie Fan, ‘Jaws’ on Blu-ray, and Oscar (Bad) News

‘The Artist’ Review: Ode to Classic Hollywood Crushes Soulless Modern Films

‘War Horse’ Review: A Bit Too Manipulative

BH Interview: ‘West Side Story’’s Evy Ortiz – Tackling a Timeless Romance with a 21st Century Spin

Box Office Predictions: ‘Mission’ Gets Accepted, Matt Damon Struggles Again.

Bringing John Hughes’ Movies to Life

Trailer Talk: HBO’s ‘Game Change’ Is All About Sarah Palin

Woody Guthrie’s 1942 New Year’s Resolutions: In the Greatest Generation, Even the Socialists Were Better

Your Obama Non-Apologist of the Day: Matt Damon

Ohio’s Major Conservative Blogs Agree: ORP Chairman DeWine Should Step Down

AUDIO: Corporate America’s Call for Immigration and Education Reform

The Failed Chevy Volt: A Microcosm of Obama’s Failed Presidency

Occupy vs. Homeless Shelter (Share the Christmas Wealth) *VIDEO

Paul, Polling, and the Iowa Caucuses

Help! The Democratic Party Has Been Taken Over by Religious Zealots!

The Occupy Movement Distracted Americans From the Real Crisis: White Collar Crime

Corruption in a California Congressional Redistricting?

BREAKING: Confessions of Perjury Inside DOJ

CARTOON:Do You Feel Like We Do.

Johnson Leaves GOP Primary: What If He Had Been Invited to More Debates?

Leftists Using Approved Student Group to Infiltrate Wisconsin High Schools

Insider Trading: Wiretaps for You, Profits for Congress

Florida’s False Choice: Taxpayers Being Duped into Choosing Between Education and Medical Care

In Praise of the Republican Field

Scientific Study: Occupy Protesters Driven by Self-Interest, Lack of Meaning, Fear and Control

AUDIO: A Dakota Christmas

Did TIME Really Symbolize the Fight for Freedom with the Image of a Deadbeat Credit Junkie?

+Thursday Crib Sheet: Ron Paul Ends Interview Over Newsletters, NYT Exec Exits

Media Matters Is Right There To Defend Eric Holder

You Apologize, Barney: Frank’s Breathless Piece In Politico

Fishbowl DC’s Latest Justification for Sexist Attack on Daily Caller Reporter More Desperate than Last One

When Will Brian Williams Report On Or Even Say ‘Fast And Furious?’

Krugman Excommunicates Politifact For Disagreeing With Him

MSNBC To GOP Rep: ‘Why Are You Protecting The 1%?’

‘Morning Joe’: ‘The press was in the tank for Obama’ [VIDEO]

Allen Stanford spends night under observation

New Jersey Gov. Christie does not rule out VP run

Tape placed around home of missing Maine toddler

Siemens fixing cyber bugs in industrial control systems

Wal-Mart pulls formula after baby dies in Missouri

Obama uses public pressure to push GOP on tax cuts

Hearing concludes for suspected WikiLeaks leaker Manning

Danish drug maker sells drug used in US executions

U.S. sets bounty for Iran-based al Qaeda financier

U.S. clears another hurdle toward nuclear renaissance

Janitor convicted of murdering NJ priest in 2009

Obama uses public pressure to push GOP on tax cuts

Prison official: Financier Stanford not suicidal

Judge allows AMR to continue plane purchases

US army transfers soldiers after comrade death

Judge blocks parts of South Carolina immigration law

China's family workshops struggle to keep apace

Partners grabbed for fresh Falklands dance

Boehner: Still 10 days to reach a deal on payroll tax break

Baghdad bombings leave at least 60 dead, nearly 200 injured

Ex-'Survivor' producer's extradition in wife's slaying is upheld

Sterling fails to get lift from higher GDP

Alec Baldwin drops idea of running for mayor of New York

Economic growth revised down but jobless claims hit 44-month low

Egypt Islamists want to stick to army vote timetable

AUDIO: Interview: Rick Santorum on Foreign Policy and American Leadership

Wave of Bombings Across Iraqi Capital Kills 60

Official Consensus on EMP Threat Ignored by New York Times

Jihadist Confesses to Cooperation Between Salafists and Egyptian State Security

AUDIO: Honoring America’s Highest Honor

Tom Friedman’s Losing Battle

Mitt Romney: We Should Not Have Invaded Iraq

Tehran and Obama’s Reelection


22-Dec-11 World View

21-Dec-11 World View

20-Dec-11 World View

19-Dec-11 World View

17-Dec-11 World View

16-Dec-11 World View

15-Dec-11 World View

14-Dec-11 World View

13-Dec-11 World View

12-Dec-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS:Ron Paul 1995: ‘I Put Out A Political Newsletter’ For Education

Cantor Implores Obama To Meet On Capitol Hill: ‘He Can Bring His Dog’

Romney To Newt: ‘Obama’s Hell’s Kitchen’ Will Be Tougher Than Me

Flashback 2009: David Ogden Announces New Efforts For ‘Project Gunrunner’, ‘Directed By the President’

Navy’s 1st Lesbian Homecoming Kiss

Bombs Explode In Baghdad

Housing Market Worse Off Than Estimated

No Prosecution From Fiesta Bowl Ticket Probe

NASA Finds Earth-Sized Planets Beyond This Solar System

Flashback 2005: Newt Thinks Puerto Rico Should Be A State

21st/Taking Heat: Ron Paul Walks Out Of CNN Interview

Gingrich To Gay Voter: If Redefining Marriage Is Your Singular Issue, Support Obama

Christmas Greetings From Callista Gingrich And Her Husband Newt

Dem Rep. Scolds Reporter For Calling Payroll Tax Cut Gridlock ‘Dog And Pony Show’

Newt: Romney Is ‘Defending The Right To Lie,’ Dishonest Like Obama

Romney On Iraq: In Hindsight ‘Obviously We Would Not Have Gone In’

Peaceful: Occupy Protester Rushes Stage During Newt Speech

Rick Perry Takes On Fracking Myth

Romney Defends Super PAC Attacks

Milbank: Obama Shouldn’t Have Poll Numbers This High

AB Stoddard: House Republicans Acting On Principle, Not Politics

20th/Extended Cut: O’Reilly vs. Clinton

‘The View’ Takes On North Korea: US Should Get Out Of ‘Their Face,’ It’s Bush’s Fault

Egypt’s Women Protest In Cairo

World’s Largest Menorah Lit

Ron Paul 1991: Nothing Changed Under Reagan, ‘No Difference’ Between Parties

Former Dem Gov. Doug Wilder To Obama: Take Biden Off The Ticket

Mourners Weep At Escalator Used By Kim Jong-il

Evangelize: Obama Campaign Releases Instructional Ad On Propagandizing Conservative Family Members


Dec. 21, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 21 December 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-21, Wednesday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 22nd

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 21st

12/21 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, December, 21, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 12/21/2011

The Michael Savage Show 12/20/2011

The Michael Savage Show 12/19/2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-21-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-21-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-21-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-21-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-21-11 Hr 3

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