A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

20 December 2011

20 DEC.




Wasserman Schultz: GOP Not "Supportive Of Needs Of Middle Class"
RCP's Tom Bevan On Payroll Tax Fight, 2012 GOP Race
Oops: NBC's Ann Curry Says "Semen" During Interview With Bill Clinton
Walsh: Boehner Being Held Hostage By Tea Party Congressmen
Special Report Panel On The Future Of North Korea
Fineman: Gingrich Is Going Down "In A Hurry"
O'Reilly: Christmas Is Not A Word Anyone Should Be Ashamed Of

19 Dec.

Perry: Wall St. Bailout "Single Biggest Act Of Theft In American History"
Carney Defends Biden: "The Elimination Of The Taliban Not The Issue"
Romney: Obama Not A Socialist, But A "Big Government Liberal Democrat"
Sarah Palin: "Not Too Late" To Jump In Race For Presidency
Mitt Romney In 1994 On Campaign Finance Reform
Rep. West: WH's Sperling "An Idiot Repeating Very Weak Talking Points"
Krauthammer: Senate Payroll Tax Bill "An Abomination," "Worst Ever Crafted By Man"
Wasserman Schultz: GOP Wants To "Jam Middle Class Right At The Holiday Season"
Axelrod: "Screwing Up The Economy" Is The Republican Strategy
WH Blames "Tea Party Revolt" For Likely Rejection Of Payroll Tax Cut
Des Moines Register Explains Romney Endorsement: He's "Refreshing"
Staged? North Koreans Extremely Emotional Over Kim Jong-Il's Death
Barney Frank Wears Revealing Shirt On House Floor
Gingrich Super PAC Web Ad: Newt Is A Proven Conservative Leader
Schumer: Dealing With Boehner Like "Trying To Nail Jello To The Wall"
Barney Frank To Obama: "Things Would Have Been Worse Without Me" Not A Winning Slogan
Palin "Doesn't Know Yet" If Any Candidate Qualifies For Endorsement
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il Dead
Rep. Barney Frank: "Solyndra Was A Mistake"
Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America


Defense Secretary Philip Hammond's First Public Speech
Huntsman: U.S. Needs To Watch Situation In North Korea
Reports: North Korea Conducts Missile Test
Romney On Iraq, Foreign Policy
Clinton: U.S. Has Interest In 'Peaceful, Stable Transition In North Korea'
Carney: Too Early To Tell Impact Of Kim's Death
Bachmann Says Ron Paul 'Dangerous,' Cites Kim Jong-il Death
Surprising Kim Jong-il Facts
U.S. Troops Safely Leave Iraq
Syria Allows Foreign Journalists Into Homs
Kim Jong-il's Death And North Korea's Succession Process
After Kim Jong Il: What's Next for North Korea?
North Koreans Weeping Hysterically Over The Death Of Kim Jong-il
World Reactions To Kim Jong-il's Death

19 Dec.

U.S.-Japan Alliance And Maritime Security Challenges
Business Growth In Iraq After Troop Removal
Kim Jong-il And Havel
Raw Video: 'Blue Bra' Girl Brutally Beaten By Egypt Military
North Korea After Kim Jong-il
China's Role In North Korea's Leadership Transition
Preditor Video Shows Last U.S. Convoy Leaving Iraq.
Egyptian Security Forces Disperse Protesters
Havel, Czech Playwright And President, Has Died
Former IMF Boss Strauss-Kahn Speaks In Beijing
Kim Jong-un Remains Heir Apparent In North Korea
Was Durban Doomed?
Kim Jong-il's Death Announced On State TV
Haass: Kim Jong-il Was 'Tactically Brilliant'



Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 1 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 2 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 3 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 4 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 5 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 6 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 7 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 8 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 9 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 10 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 11 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 12 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 13 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 14 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 15 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 16 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 17 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 18 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 19 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 20 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) - YouTube

Area 51: UFOs & Aliens - 1 of 6 - YouTube

Area 51: UFOs & Aliens - 2 of 6 - YouTube

Area 51: UFOs & Aliens - 3 of 6 - YouTube

Area 51: UFOs & Aliens - 4 of 6 - YouTube

Area 51: UFOs & Aliens - 5 of 6 - YouTube

Area 51: UFOs & Aliens - 6 of 6 - YouTube

Underground Cities for 2012 Survivors? - YouTube

Underground Cities for 2012 Survivors? Part 2 - YouTube


gulfnews : A turning point in North Korea?

Pentagon Pressure May Have Delayed Obama Apology To Pakistan -

Uncle Jang, the real power behind Kim the younger

What does Russia really think about Vladimir Putin? - Europe - World - The Independent


Radio MP3's:

Online Bible : King James /(

KJV Bible ; mp3 (


The Great Pyramid Tunnel Mistery


The Enterprise Mission - Great Pyramid Tunneling

Hall of Records


Larry Hunter Giza and Pyramids OLDER Part 1 - YouTube

UFO Congress Backroom Interviews 2: Larry Hunter - YouTube


**Hacking Democracy - Full Length - YouTube


Secret Combination More Logos - YouTube

Mish Shedlock "Markets don't Malfunction, Bureaucrats Malfunction!" - YouTube

Ron Paul

poorrichards blog: Ron Paul Is Now the Republican Frontrunner » Contributions from American Expatriates to Ron Paul’s Presidential Campaign

Ron Paul Vindicated on ISRAEL (Zionism Reality Check) - YouTube

4um: If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count - Fox News

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : IOWA GOP FEARS RON PAUL VICTORY!

Ron Paul: The Only Adult 2012 Presidential Candidate | Video Rebel's Blog

Will the media let Ron Paul question US foreign policy? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Who would you like to be Ron Paul's vice president?

MSM: Ron Paul's Iowa Lead Downplayed - YouTube

Can Ron Paul win Iowa? Yup. - The Washington Post

What Ron Paul Supporters Must Do To Win the Iowa Caucus:

Why conservatives must adopt Ron Paul’s foreign policy

Ron Paul losing me, again

Ron Paul Attacked for Views on Health Care - ABC News

Ron Paul, Kim Jong Un, and the Iowa GOP caucus - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Ron Paul: A Modern-Day Pat Paulsen - International Business Times

Ron Paul Supporter Jules Manson Calls For Obama Assassination | News One

Politics Blogs & News Posts – ABC News

Ron Paul, the Betty White of GOP politics? - ComPost - The Washington Post

Get ready for Ron Paul's 15 minutes - CBS News

Newt Gingrich fades, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul rise, say polls -

Andy Ostroy: What Our Young Folks Need to Know About Ron Paul

Ron Paul's Youth Movement - Ken Walsh's Washington (

Ron Paul and God

Ron Paul and the Rise of the New Tertium Quids - HUMAN EVENTS

Paul Floods Iowa And N.H. TV Airwaves - The Central Coast News Story - KSBW The Central Coast

Why Doesn't the Tea Party Love Ron Paul? - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Ann Coulter: I Would Prefer Ron Paul Over Newt Gingrich | Ology

Watch: Bill O'Reilly dismisses Ron Paul for his anti-American foreign policy | Death and Taxes

Ron Paul Is Becoming A Polished, Yet Principled Candidate

Ron Paul’s un-electability will be his undoing - The Insiders - The Washington Post

Ron Paul Tells Jay Leno That Michele Bachmann Hates Muslims And Rick Santorum Hates Gays And Muslims - YouTube

Ron Paul Argues For Ending Marijuana Prohibition On “The Tonight Show” | THE Weed Blog

Ron Paul: oil company shill | World War 4 Report

Letter: Paul stands for the troops | Concord Monitor

Ron Paul knows what he's doing - The Lakeland Times - Minocqua, WI

GOP preemptively discredits Ron Paul’s Iowa Caucus win | My third existential crisis!

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Paul in FIRST Place

Ron Paul's Iowa surge triggers GOP anger at his supporters (VIDEO) | Washington Times Communities

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk: European Bailout Will Make Crisis Far Worse 12/19/11


Gerald Celente Predictions for 2012 - 'Protesters' (Dec-2011)(FINANCE & ECONOMICS series) - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich - "We don't have the RIGHT or the MONEY to Rule the World!"

Revolutionary Politics : 9/11 : Trauma and Denial, Why People Resist the Truth

Activist Post: 10 Ways the U.S. Gov't Has Destroyed Its Own Declaration of Independence

poorrichards blog: Private Property Now Subject To Seizure

Gerald Celente - Sneak Peak of the Top Trends for 2012

HMRC let big firms off £25bn in taxes: As families are chased for every penny | Mail Online

Activist Post: Fed 'to embrace global banking rules'


Exclusive: Romney Family Investment Group Partnered With Alleged Perpetrators Of $8 Billion Ponzi Scheme | ThinkProgress

Allen Stanford Amnesia Claim 'Not Credible,' Prosecutors Say

Activist Post: FDA Escalates War Against Amish Dairy Farmers

Afghan Night Raids and nearly 1 Million Contractors - YouTube

The Palestinian Identity-The Real Deal-12-18-2011 - YouTube

Mitt Romney's Dream World: Cutting Billions Out Of Medicaid Will Not 'Hurt The Poor' | ThinkProgress

Major Romney Donors Help Enrich Romney Family Through Joint Financial Relationships | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's Blind Trust Not So Blind - ABC News

In Rick Santorum's World, Scary Muslims Are All the Same | Mother Jones

Santorum Blames Gays for Marriage Decline | Care2 Causes

Michele Bachmann’s mistakes pile up - The Washington Post

Republicans Worship a Nazi Jesus

Plan B - How to loot nations and their banks legally

Obama criticises Venezuela's ties to Iran - World - NZ Herald News

U.S. Income Inequality Higher Than Roman Empire's Levels: Study

No War for Israel in Syria and Iran ! - YouTube

Politician speaks of Obama assassination, author lumps racism and Ron Paul - Tampa Bay Social Issues |

Michael Tomasky: Get Ready for Santorum Time in the GOP Campaign - The Daily Beast

Kirk: Illinois will matter in GOP primary -

First Read - Gingrich's daughter defends father on campaign trail

Will Jeb Bush Get In The Race? | Ology

Documents Reveal Israel Stole Uranium from U.S. Stockpiles In 1950s and 1960s | American Free Press

VIDEO - 60 Minutes Edits Out Obama‘s Claim That He’s the Fourth Best President In U.S. History - Home - The Daily Bail

The Silver Rush at MF Global - Yahoo! Finance

Romney would raise age for Social Security and Medicare in cost-cutting plan - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Covering Their Tracks: Firm Linked To Ponzi Scheme Erases Tagg Romney From Website | ThinkProgress

Christmas and the ancient winter festivals of light around the world

The 2011 Astrotheology Calendar - YouTube

The Illuminati Choice for 2012

Analysis: Kim Death Complicates Obama's North Korea Nuclear Quandary

‘Hundreds’ of North Korean Nuke Scientists in Iran - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Romney Proposes National ID Card


The.Georgia Guidestones - A Warning 07:54


History Channel-Secret Societies(David Icke) DANIEL PIPES speaks BOLLOCKS!! 41:17


Operation Northwoods

MKULTRA documents

439 pg./Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures


The MIAC Report '09

10 pg./Rightwing Extremism Report

75 pg./Information Operations 2025

10 pg./From Psyop to Mindwar by Michael Aquino

+90 pg./PNAC; Project for the New American Century

34 pg./Civilian Inmate Labor Program

28 pg./The Limits to Growth


Globalists Want to Extract More from U.S. Middle-Class | American Free Press

SOPA Anti-Porn Amendment Rejected By Bipartisan Coalition

Bias in Ron Paul’s Newsletters Draws New Attention -

Enrica Cotellessa-Pitz pleads guilty to role in Madoff fraud - The Washington Post


*Power of Prophecy program by Texe Marrs;Die, America, Die!—Texe Marrs Discusses His Newest Documentary


How the War on Terror Has Militarized the Police - Arthur Rizer & Joseph Hartman - National - The Atlantic

The militarization of local law enforcement « The PPJ Gazette

The North American Homeland Security Perimeter: A Threat to Canada's National Sovereignty

How The Jews Stole Christmas | Real Zionist News


+Barack Obama's 32 Month Report Card


DAVID ICKE - THEY WANT TO TRIGGER WORLD WAR THREE (FINAL CUT)Viewer discretion is advised. - YouTube


*The house of Rothschild - the Money's prophets - full 56min - YouTube

NEWS - The Significance of the Masonic Logo - Bursting the Malachi Martin Bubble


*508 pg./False Dawn by Lee Penn

- - Satanic Forces Behind Ecumenicalism


Gorbachev on the “New World Order” circuit again | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

Farah Calls Ted Pike a Lying Anti-Semite (Oct 2011) - YouTube

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu AGREES WITH RON PAUL - YouTube

Digital Deception - Can You Trust What You See? - YouTube

Occupy Extreme and Establishment Moderate

US Police State wants right to lie! Freedom watch spotlight. - YouTube

The gamer, the playboy and the young master: the next generation of Kims – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

North Korea is not so Isolated - Harpal Brar - YouTube

'North Korea a pawn in great global game' — RT

Mom’s hug revives baby that was pronounced dead - Parenting & Family -

Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians | World news | The Observer

The Corbett Report | Kim Jong-il is Dead

Gingrich Collapses in Iowa as Ron Paul Surges to the Front - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

U.S. Defense Secretary: Iran could get nuclear bomb within a year - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout -- WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Mexican ex-officials work for US intelligence: report

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Victoria, Argentina: UFOs, Bridges and the Unexplained

Plan B - How to loot nations and their banks legally

Concerns about ice and snow falling from world's tallest tower - Telegraph

A Movement that was triggered in Tunisia | Opinion Maker

Parents have to be on their guard as accusations of babies being shaken to death continue to grow | Mail Online

Kim Jong Il: Revered at home; remembered outside as repressive -

Kim Jong-il: double rainbows, fear of flying and Godzilla – 10 things you might not know - Telegraph

Zionist Psychopaths - YouTube

Rense & Emord - TSA - 10 Years Of True Terror And Counting - YouTube

DAVID ICKE - THIS WORLD IS UTTERLY INSANE!!! (Viewer Discretion Advised) - YouTube

Multiculturalism Assume America Lacks A Unique Culture

CDC Requests Increased Influenza Testing In All States

No Fear: Memory Adjustment Pills Get Pentagon Push | Danger Room |

GEAB N°60 is available! Global systemic crisis – USA 2012/2016: An insolvent and ungovernable country

Testimony links Manning, stolen U.S. cables, WikiLeaks' Assange -

US Homeland Security beefing up presence in NM -

Projections & Perspectives

Perry Gets Texas State Pension on Top of Governor’s Salary - Bloomberg

CURL: One president, please, with a side of Rice - Washington Times

Prepare For A Jewish Police State | Real Zionist News

WARNING: UN to control US elections - United States Patriots Union

The Little-Known, Inside Story About How Newt Became the Man He Is | News & Politics | AlterNet

Sarah Palin On 2012 Presidential Run: 'It's Not Too Late'

I'm the fourth best president in American history ~ Barack Obama - YouTube

New Pictures Of US Atrocity In Iraq, With Documents and Video

The US is Blind to the Price of War

The Reality of America's Aggression Against Iraq

Video:Huntsman Would Commit Ground Troops To Stop Iran

Noam Chomsky: The Myth of the Liberal Media

The Pretext for a North American Homeland Security Perimeter

The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadmap" to World War III

How the US Destroyed a Country. North Korea lost 30 % of its population as a result of US led bombings in the 1950s

The "Official End" of the Bush-Cheney Disaster in Iraq?

VIDEO: Iraq Withdrawal is Smokescreen: Confronting Obama's Hypocrisy

"Godfather" of Colombian Army Intelligence Acquitted in Palace of Justice Case

Obama, Congress Ratify Social Spending Cuts

America Just Says No to the Rule of Law

Washington's Greater Middle East Agenda: War

IRAN-DRONEGATE: Empires Don't Apologize: Iran in the Imperial Crosshairs

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted the U.S. on Troop Withdrawal

US Sponsored Trilateral Asian Alliance: U.S., India, Japan To Hold First Trilateral Meeting: China Targeted

America`s Global Warfare. Military Redeployment to Asia and The Pacific Threatens China

IRAQ: Maliki Government Issues ‘Terrorism’ Arrest Warrant Against Sunni Vice President

Pentagon Chief: U.S. Can Launch "Preemptive" Strike In Iran


| Illuminati News | Resistance: The Debra Hunter Pitts Testimony [Part 1]

| Illuminati News | The Debra Hunter Pitts Testimony [Part 2]

| Illuminati News | The Debra Hunter Pitts Testimony [Part 3]


*'04-'06/WING TV /Archives(


**(Videos&Info)Learn Austrian Economics by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.


Foreign Drivers License Protects Families by Bill Rounds

How To Use A Foreign Driver's License To Protect Privacy - YouTube

*Sir Isaac Newton's handwritten notes about laws of motion and gravity go online | Mail Online

Man for All Seasons by Bill Bonner

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Maybe I Need a New Doc by Craig White

Activist Post: The Phases of an Empire

Keeping Your Home Secure in a Technological World | Ready Nutrition

Stocking up for Doomsday: As economists predict meltdown, meet the families ready for the worst | Mail Online

Safe and Natural Alternatives to Aspirin by Margaret Durst

Prison » Kim Jong Il may be dead, but his illustrious great spirit lives on in police state USA

Prison » Defector: Rumors Circulating Kim Jong-Il Was Assassinated

Prison » The Rise of Ron Paul Proves That The Establishment Media is Not All Powerful

Prison » The Military Co-option Of Media And Entertainment: Video

This is no game. This is no tv show. This is war. - YouTube

Prison » Fake Withdrawal? ‘US won’t leave Iraq oil to Iran’

Fake Withdrawal? 'US won't leave Iraq oil to Iran' - YouTube

Prison » Video Explanation Of How The ESM Is Europe’s Uber-TARP On Steroids


Fed to embrace global banking rules: report | The Raw Story

Prison » Sense & Censor Ability: Free speech preachers seek SOPA-powers

Sense & Censor Ability: Free speech preachers seek SOPA-powers - YouTube

Prison » Sir Richard Branson: ‘Time to end the war on drugs’

Time to end the war on drugs - Richard's Blog -

Sweating Bullets: Body Scanners Can See Perspiration as a Potential Weapon | Florida Center for Investigative Reporting

Prison » South Korean Intelligence Chief Questions Timing Of Kim Jong-il’s Death

Prison » Curveball Redux: IAEA Lies to Push Case for Attacking Iran

Prison » Iowa Governor: If Ron Paul Wins, Ignore It And Look At Who Finishes Second

Senate will vote next month on Protect IP copyright bill | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Prison » Dinosaur Media Heats up Ron Paul Smear Campaign

Dinosaur Media Heats up Ron Paul Smear Campaign - YouTube

Prison » Homeland Security Issues FEMA Camp Activation


Prison » Stocking Up For Doomsday: It’s Not Just For “Crazies” Anymore

Prison » First Amendment Under Attack: 18 Examples Of How They Are Coming For Our Free Speech

Prison » Beware the Coming Bailouts of Europe

Prison » America`s Global Warfare. Military Redeployment to Asia and The Pacific Threatens China

Prison » 10 Ways the U.S. Gov’t Has Destroyed Its Own Declaration of Independence

Hugo Chávez says Obama is 'a clown and an embarrassment' | World news | The Guardian

Prison » North Korea: The Most Bizarre Country On Earth Is Now Even More Unstable

Prison » The Political Exploitation of Grief And Death in North Korea, America, And Iran

Prison » Is It a Prison Planet? … One Out of Three Now Face Arrest in US

Prison » Kim Jong-il is Dead & Chinese Citizens Fight for Liberty: Infowars Nightly News

Kim Jong-il is Dead & Chinese Citizens Fight for Liberty: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Humanitarian Intervention? Female Protesters Brutally Beaten, Stripped in Egypt

Bankers Seek to Debunk Attack on Top 1% - Bloomberg

Prison » If You Think Capitalism Is Bad, Check Out What’s Happened To North Korea

If You Think Capitalism Is Bad, Check Out What's Happened To North Korea

Secrecy defines Obama’s drone war - The Washington Post

EXCLUSIVE: EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name Of 'Sustainable Development' | Fox News

Prison » Kim Jong Il may be dead, but his illustrious great spirit lives on in police state USA

Rioting arsonists should be shot by police, review finds - Telegraph

Prison » US Senators want to TORTURE and Detain US citizens: Infowars Nightly News

US Senators want to TORTURE and Detain US Citizens: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Sense & Censor Ability: Free speech preachers seek SOPA-powers

Sense & Censor Ability: Free speech preachers seek SOPA-powers - YouTube

Mind reading machines on their way: IBM | The Raw Story

Prison » Study: Antidepressant drugs actually cause many people to have worse depression

Everybody pirates: RIAA, Homeland Security caught downloading torrents | ZDNet

Scientists discover source of rock used in Stonehenge's first circle - News - Archaeology - The Independent

Video Page

**Power of ProphecyTV: Videos(



*JFK Articles(


CAFR1 - Government's Wealth Exposed(


Keiser Report: Victims of Banking Terrorists (E225) - YouTube

If Silver Goes Down All Hell Will Break Loose In The Physical Market: Silver Investment Update - YouTube

Fake Withdrawal? 'US won't leave Iraq oil to Iran' - YouTube

Death to Pennies - YouTube


TAB: Ronald Reagan Compromise and Victory

Presidential Frontrunner Warns Martial Law Being Established in America

Sheriff Mack: The Polimagicians and Gun Control

TAB: Stolen Liberty – SOPA and SB 1867

» US long-term plan in Afghanistan laid bare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Debka: Whoever hacked the drone, hacked the CIA — RT

» All “reasons” for war on Iran are “emperor has no clothes” obvious lies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Holocaust of Truth Has Led To The Death of Political Authority Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Propaganda Alert: Judge Rules Iran Connected To 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Judge Rules Iran Connected To 9/11 - YouTube

Can the U.S. Government close social media accounts?/Glenn Greenwald -

Candidate for Montana Attorney General, Jim Shockley, Holds Shocking View of the Constitution | Liberty Defense League

Alarm as Dutch lab creates highly contagious killer flu - Science - News - The Independent

Kents Cavern: inside the cave of stone-age secrets - Telegraph

» Questions Persist as to US Arms Treaty Compliance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Four ways Monsanto threatens the environment and public health Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Could hackers develop a 'computer virus' to infect the human mind? | Mail Online

» Fukushima Safety Level Is Not Safe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fukushima Safety Level NOT SAFE! - YouTube

» A little biotech knowledge may be a catastrophic thing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Banned in 27 Countries, Monsanto’s rBGH Inhabits Many U.S. Dairy Products Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Effect of Fluoride on the Pineal Gland Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water - YouTube

Fluoride and The Pineal Gland - YouTube

AFP: Internet architects oppose US online piracy bills

Missile parts accused is victim of US entrapment, extradition appeal told | Law |

Pentagon says Iran concerned primarily with deterring attack | Milwaukee Story

Exclusive: Secret U.S., Taliban talks reach turning point | Reuters

The speculative scrum driving up food prices | Frederick Kaufman | Global development |

Playing with fire: Obama's threat to China - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

» Free Syria Army Now Led by NATO-Libya Al Qaeda Commander Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Did the UK just leave the EU? Bilderberg decided six months ago that she’s in forever | End the Lie - Independent News

» First images of Kim Jong-Il body in glass coffin in North Korea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

First images of Kim Jong-Il body in glass coffin in North Korea - YouTube

» British Propaganda Aims at Triggering Syrian Genocide Channel 4 makes Goebbels proud Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

(6 Videos) Red Alert: Classical Tyranny and Usurpation – Alex Jones Sunday Edition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Congress of Cowards Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Barack Obama’s big government vacation: the president adds nearly $4 million to the national debt with his lavish Hawaiian holiday – Telegraph Blogs

EXCLUSIVE: EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name Of 'Sustainable Development' | Fox News

Blame Bush, Blame Obama, But Don’t Look Behind The Curtain : Personal Liberty Digest™

» Debt-Free United States Notes Were Once Issued Under JFK Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FDA Escalates War Against Amish Dairy Farmers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Curveball Redux: IAEA Lies to Push Case for Attacking Iran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» South Korean Intelligence Chief Questions Timing Of Kim Jong-il’s Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 10 Ways the U.S. Gov’t Has Destroyed Its Own Declaration of Independence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 14,000 U.S. Dead in 14 Weeks After Fukushima Meltdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Iowa Governor: If Ron Paul Wins, Ignore It And Look At Who Finishes Second Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» First Amendment Under Attack: 18 Examples Of How They Are Coming For Our Free Speech Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US Senators want to TORTURE and Detain US citizens: Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US Senators want to TORTURE and Detain US Citizens: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» Dinosaur Media Heats up Ron Paul Smear Campaign Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dinosaur Media Heats up Ron Paul Smear Campaign - YouTube

» Homeland Security Issues FEMA Camp Activation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Beware the Coming Bailouts of Europe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Kim Jong Il may be dead, but his illustrious great spirit lives on in police state USA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Nightly News: Ron Paul Viral Music Video, the Death of Kim Jong-il, and More Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Homeland Security Moves to Man FEMA Camps Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gingrich-Linked Propagandist Recycles Debunked “Racist” Ron Paul Smear Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Explosive! New Ron Paul Video "Bombs" 1/2 - YouTube

Explosive! New Ron Paul Video "Bombs" 2/2 - YouTube


Internet Kill Switch = Death of Free Speech on the Web: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Barack Obama’s big government vacation: the president adds nearly $4 million to the national debt with his lavish Hawaiian holiday – Telegraph Blogs

» A little biotech knowledge may be a catastrophic thing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alarm as Dutch lab creates highly contagious killer flu - Science - News - The Independent


**Infowars Nightly News for Monday, December 19, 2011 (FULL) - YouTube


C2CAM - 2011.12.18 - Rock & Roll and the Paranormal - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.19 - Environmental Activism - YouTube


America`s Global Warfare. Military Redeployment to Asia and The Pacific Threatens China -

US Refuses Karzai Plea to End Deadly Night Raids

Manning Hearing Moves Into 'Secret' Sessions

Maliki Govt. Issues 'Terrorism' Warrant for Sunni VP

The Truth About the New Detainee Policy

Siemens Hires Former US Afghanistan Commander McChrystal

Rights Groups Accuse Europe of CIA Flights Coverup

Manning Case Takes a Strange Turn

Nuke Talks Uncertain After Kim's Death

Mystery Surrounds Son Set to Succeed Kim Jong Il

With Kim's Death, Some See Window for Change in North Korea

The Return Of Debtor's Prisons: Thousands Of Americans Jailed For Not Paying Their Bills | ThinkProgress

This New Military Satellite Will Watch The Ground Like Nothing Else Ever Before

O-Christmas Tree, O-Christmas Tree… U.S. Capitol tree honors Obama but not Jesus - New York NY |

Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield

Paul McGuire -- The Coming World War, Apocalypse Now and Nukes Going off in America?

WMAL Exclusive: Cuba Actress Calls Sean Penn 'Communist A**hole,' He Calls Her a 'Pig' - YouTube

CNN Poll: President’s approval nearing 50% – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Secrecy defines Obama’s drone war - The Washington Post

Leveson inquiry: Piers Morgan gives evidence - live | Media |

Morgan refuses to name McCartney voicemail source - Yahoo!

In Kim Jong-il Death, an Extensive Intelligence Failure -

Number 3 at State Dept. on Kim Jong Il: Smart, Witty, Problem-Solver, Humorous, Engaged | The Weekly Standard

N. Korea state TV shows 'indescribable sorrow'

My Way News - Mystery surrounds son set to succeed Kim Jong Il

Gingrich wins Tea Party Patriots straw poll – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Obama 'concerned' about rights in Venezuela

POTUS has Coffee with Progressive Media Stars - ABC News

Man Eats Cocaine From Brother's Butt, Dies - Greenville News Story - WYFF Greenville

Metro meltdown: Hundreds stuck after equipment malfunction | Kytja Weir | Capital Land | Washington Examiner

Missing $4,155? It Went Into Your Gas Tank This Year - US Business News - CNBC

From Mind Control to Superstardom: The Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night”

This is No Game. This is No TV Show. This is War (video)

Senator Harry Reid Moves To Approve PROTECT IP And Begin Censoring The Internet - informationliberation

5 Ways Obama Covertly Intimidated and Attacked Legal Medical Marijuana in 2011 - informationliberation

Why Ron Paul's Surge Is Making Them Nervous - informationliberation

US To Give North Korean Regime Massive Handouts So They Can Stay In Power - informationliberation

O'Reilly Shocked Military Run By Government - YouTube


'08/ » U.S. Researchers Trying to Create Pandemic Avian Flu


Exclusive: Iran hijacked US drone, says Iranian engineer (Video) -

A Never Before Seen Optical Trick Creates Ultra-Secure Cash | Fast Company

Thousands of rare documents burned in Egypt clash -

Find My Car Smart app uses Bluetooth 4.0 to help iPhone 4S owners do the obvious -- Engadget

Tip for Bad Guys: Burn, Don't Shred - Businessweek

'09 » Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury

Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury


Hoekstra: North Korea Is Unpredictable, Belligerent

LIGNET: North Korea Risk Status Rises

McCain: Kim Jong Il in a 'Warm Corner in Hell'

Franklin Graham: Kim's Death an Opening for US

Romney Tells O'Reilly: Obama Is a Failure

Richardson: Kim's Death Breeds 'Uncertainty'

Huckabee: Gingrich Court Remarks 'Uncomfortable'

Romney's Top 10 on Letterman: 'It's a Hairpiece'

Ed Koch: Gingrich Gets Israel Right

Biden: Taliban Is Not Enemy of US

Video Shows Vicious Egyptian Attacks on Innocent

Hezbollah Denies US Money-Laundering Charges

Brothers Sentenced to Prison for NC Terror Ring

Mass. Man Guilty of Conspiring to Help Al-Qaida

Google Invests $94 Million in Calif. Solar Farms

Strict Dieting May Stop Brain's Aging

Choosing To Track, Not Treat, Prostate Cancer

Iowa Republicans Fear Paul Victory

Romney: 'Get Rid' of Super PACs

Romney: I'm Most Qualified to Revive Economy

McCain Says Kim Jong Il in a 'Warm Corner of Hell'

Oil Jumps $3 on US Home Data, Supply Fears

JPMorgan: Payroll Tax-Cut Fuels Economic Growth

How to Stop Kids From Giving You the Flu

Stop Holiday Weight Gain Now

Gov. Corbett Can’t Have It Both Ways in Penn State Case

Fight for Palestinian State Will Be Waged on U.S. College Campuses

Fog of Obamacare Clouds Business Planning

Obama Administration Should Stop Playing Race Card

Kim Jong Il's Son Pays Last Respects at Open Casket

Amnesty: UN Did 'Nothing' to Protect Civilians in Sudan's Abyei

Syria Sets Death Penalty for Terrorist Arms Smugglers


Former Prisoner Berenson Leaves Peru for US

+Siemens & Halske

German Industry and the Third Reich: Fifty Years of Forgetting and Remembering

Siemens History Site - Company development 1933-1945

Siemens - Wikipedia

Siemens in the News

Siemens Hires McChrystal In Bid For More Influence With US Government

Society of Interventional Radiology Foundation Receives Support From Siemens Medical - PR Newswire -

Russian Railways orders high speed trains from Siemens - Rail News from

Siemens launches 10 more value-based products - The Economic Times

Siemens Receives Order to Modernize Casting-Rolling Mill in Germany

Other Semen in the News….

California man warned to stop donating sperm or face prison

The Associated Press: Fertile sperm donor draws criticism from FDA, docs

Trent Arsenault, Sperm Donor, Gets Cease Order From The FDA (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

San Diego Source > News > Sperm donor's baby-making days may soon be over

If You Give a Shit!

Diarrhea Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment on

Diarrhea Treatment

Health Tips & Articles: How to Stop Diarrhea: Treatment and Cures

How to Stop Diarrhea - Life123


Vancouver Gigapixel Project » (


'10 flashback:Free the internet, says Hillary Clinton – Telegraph Blogs


+Barney Frank Wears Revealing Shirt On House Floor | RealClearPolitics

Barney Frank - "Banking Queen" w/ caption - YouTube


For the Supposed ‘Islamic’ Turkish Government US-NATO Come Before Islam


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 19, 2011


U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Pays Homage to Obama—But Not Jesus

Gallup Polls Show Obama's Policies Are Out Of Vogue With Most Americans

‘Second Period of Islamic Power’

China Trade: Myths vs. Reality

U.N. Adopts ‘Religious Intolerance’ Resolution Championed by Obama Administration

Gov’t Will Share Medicare Patients’ Data With New ‘Accountable Care Organizations’

Federal Gov't Spending Millions in Storage Fees for 'Extra Steel' That Could Be Used to Extend SW Border Fence

86 House Republicans Vote Against $1 Trillion-Plus Megabus Bill

House Republicans Rebel Against Democrat-Controlled Senate Bill, Want Year-Long Payroll Tax Cut

‘Progressive’ Church Offers Christmas Billboard Showing Virgin Mary With Pregnancy Test

North Korea Sealed Its Border With China Before Announcing Kim’s Death

Gallup: Under Obama, Growing Percentage See Big Government as 'Biggest Threat'

Republican Senators Will Propose Cuts in Jan. to Offset Automatic Reductions to Defense Budget

Power Plant Closures Will Cost American Towns Jobs and Taxes

Report:Europe No Longer the Epicenter of Christianity

Number of Coptic Christians in Egypt Is Far Less Than Media Estimates, Report Says

Sebelius: Obamacare Initiative Will 'Transform' Health Systems

Will Hezbollah Terrorist Face Justice? WH: 'We Take This Matter Extremely Seriously'

Hezbollah Terrorist Handed Over to Iraqis by U.S. May Face Only Minor Criminal Charge |

New Cookbook: Eating Like a Supreme Court Justice |

Dem Congressman: ‘Federal Presence’ in Local Communities ‘Performs a Life-Saving Kind of Function’ |


**vintage everyday: Marilyn Monroe - The Lost LOOK Photos


Space Planes, Psyops, Secret Prisons: 9 Secret Military Programs You Shouldnt Know | Before It's News

Sweden Legalizes Cannabis: US Lost 'War On Drugs' | Before It's News

15 Scientific Facts About Creativity | Before It's News

Insider Reveals 21st Century Illuminati Agenda | Before It's News

New Evidence For Complex Molecules On Pluto's Surface Discovered By SwRI Researchers | Before It's News

Is There A Peodophile Ring on You Tube - YouTube


Watch These Videos and You'll Never Believe Your TV News Again! | Before It's News


**Continuous Audio Player@the real news

*Continuous Video player@the real news


**The Alex Jones Show – December 19-20th, 2011


++Anti-Terrorist Manuals, under NDAA any patriot can be detained; no court trial |


America Just Says No to the Rule of Law – David Kerans |

“Godfather” of Colombian Army Intelligence Acquitted in Palace of Justice Case |

DFO covers up disease in wild salmon – day one of explosive testimony at the Cohen Inquiry into ISA virus |

Homeland Security Moves to Man FEMA Camps |

The Military Co-option Of Media And Entertainment: Video |

This is no game. This is no tv show. This is war. - YouTube

Feinstein Introduces Due Process Guarantee Act

Paul’s Raw Milk Freedom Pitch Reflects Offbeat Bid on Rise - Businessweek

Oblivious Because of Mainstream Media | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Prison » Race On To Cover Up Details Of Lab Created Killer Bird Flu

Activist Post: Is Poland's Premier Leading his Country into a New Slavery?

Elites Launch Another Dystopian Mindbender | Before It's News

Activist Post: Fed 'to embrace global banking rules'

Activist Post: 5 Ways Obama Covertly Intimidated and Attacked Legal Medical Marijuana in 2011

Activist Post: Consumers Tricked into Buying Toxic Supplements as Sales Soar

Activist Post: Unprecedented Lawsuit Reveals Bizarre Worldwide Banking Connections

Activist Post: Top 10 Most Important Health Freedom Stories of 2011

Activist Post: Questions Persist as to US Arms Treaty Compliance

Glenn Greenwald: Obama Had Indefinite Detention Inserted Into Defense Authorization Act - YouTube

The Pictures From Egypt That Have Shocked A Nation

Failed Tea Party Politician Posts Facebook Page Calling For Obama Assassination

Former Czech President Vaclav Havel, World Intellectual and Leader Of The Velvet Revolution, Has Died

CRS Report: Movie Industry Demands SOPA While Enjoying Record Profits

O'Reilly: Romney, Gingrich Will 'Say Anything' to Win: UPDATED

Program To Stimulate Foreign Investment Plan For Low-Income Areas Turns Into Cash For Visas

Havel the Dissident: A Legacy Worth Claiming

Tell Washington Guaranteed Civil Rights Should Not Be Subject to Political Calculus

Nearly One-Third of Youth Arrested By Age 23

Occupy Iowa Caucus Launches

Asked if He Might be Compared to Gordon Gekko, Romney Calls Obama 'The Great Divider'

Reconnecting McDowell: A New Paradigm For Education Reform

60 Minutes: Another Good Reason to Occupy Foreclosed Homes?

Courage Campaign Asks Kim Kardashian to Endorse Millionaires Tax of 2012

Backers Are Hopeful Obama Will Support Tax On Financial Transactions

AFSCME Celebrates 75 Years With 'Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow' Campaign

Confused About NDAA and Detention Provisions? Here's an Explainer

AT&T Drops Bid To Buy T-Mobile

Keystone XL Will Raise Oil Prices By Moving More Oil Out Of The US

Discovery could lead memory-enhancing pill out of realm of science fiction

Testosterone Treatment Increases Muscle, Study Says, Adding to Debate | LiveScience

Study Reveals Who Gets Late-Term Abortions | Reproductive Health, Pregnancy & Abortion | Roe v. Wade | LiveScience

Drugs Hidden in Cans of Kidney Beans, Police Say -

Virtual schools booming while states mull concerns - Washington Times

Tokyo takes a shine to crystal toilet - oddstuff |

U.S. market to list futures on next president - Yahoo! News

Vatican guide: The pope’s pornographic bathroom - Slate Magazine

Housing—Beware of the Big Bad Home Sales Revisions - CNBC


Say goodbye to 'WorldNetDaily' on Jan. 1, 2012


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Major players in battle over Communism ;Rep. Dana Rohrabacher discusses legacies of Vaclav Havel, Kim Jong-Il

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Pro-Muslim lowdown on Lowe's;Brigitte Gabriel: Boycott ploy to boost ratings-challenged TV show

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Real Medicare reform on horizon? ;Grace-Marie Turner hails bipartisan, free-market plan


Stunning! GOP poll reveals Iowa distrusts 1 candidate

Obama's legacy of broken promises – in Kenya

Democrat firm advising Obama's communist Kenyan pal

Barack Obama Slammed By Jackie Mason for Belittling Hannukah (Audio) - The Hollywood Reporter

In Kim's death, an extensive intelligence failure

A bronx fourth grader dies after choking on his lunch at school -

Iran, Syria already asking North Korea for missiles

Occupy's next move: Hillary in 2012?

Hu's on 1st, Gates on 2nd

Accomplishments: Gingrich vs. Romney

Which candidates not to trust

Ron Paul losing me, again

The year's big winner: Islam

Punishment for occupiers? Hard labor

China celebrates 10 years of outwitting America

Why Thomas Friedman abetted anti-Semitism

Obama and Holder's worn out race card

GOP found its new welfare queens

The Eurocrisis comes to America

Did Nancy Pelosi commit blackmail?

White House Stands by Biden Statement That Taliban Isn't U.S. Enemy

Poll: Americans don't like what they see in 2012 race

House Republicans intent on killing Senate payroll tax cut deal

White House sticks to secrecy as the death toll in drone strikes surges

Patients overwhelmingly favor access to doctors' records on their health

EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name of 'Sustainable Development'

GOP House freshmen hit Senate Republicans for support of tax bill

Pro-Keystone Senate Democrats push House to approve payroll-tax bill

ICE agents to do Maricopa County jail screening

Darrell Issa wants to hear more from Holder

Another oops moment as Perry comments on North Korea’s ‘Kim Jong the Second’

First permit OK'd for oil drilling in Alaska National Petroleum Reserve

After death of N. Korea’s Kim Jong Il, ‘it is scary how little we really know’

Denver cops clear Occupy Denver; protesters set shelters aflame, then take to streets

Secret Santas paying off layaway balances spread holiday spirit and cheer at Denver Kmart

Supreme Court to hear arguments in March on healthcare law

Student gets 21 years for shooting gay classmate

Ron Paul panic seizes Iowa establishment

Anonymous group is making robocalls advocating for a Hillary presidential run next year

Rick Perry’s family tree includes Sam Houston, Harry Truman; Bushes related to Romney, Huntsman

N.J. gay couple fight for custody of twin 5-year-old girls


** Cooking and Recipes


The Truth EXPOSED pt1

The Truth EXPOSED pt 2a

The Truth EXPOSED pt 2b

The Truth EXPOSED pt 2c

The Truth Exposed Part 3A

The Truth Exposed part 3b

The Truth EXPOSED! part 3c

*20 Dec.

American Minute for December 20th

December 20 Events in History

Today in History: December 20

December 20th This Day in History

This Day in History for 20th December

December 20th in History

Today in History: December 20

Today in History for Dec. 20 - YouTube


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Obama Orders ‘Arctic Death Camps’ Built To Hold American Traitors


**(Full Movie) "The Police State" Conspiracy -Jesse Ventura - YouTube


Poll: Americans unhappy with 2012 choices –

Why Has the Recovery Been So Slow? -

John Bolton: 'The Great Successor' -

An Inconvenient Truth -

GOP unhappiness with field fuels buzz for Jeb Bush | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

NATION: Postal Service should adapt, not angle for a bailout | Breaking News | - The Press-Enterprise

Nearing the end of decadence: We've had enough of Lil Wayne, the Kardashians and other 'celebrities' - NY Daily News

RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Works and Days » ‘When the Legend Becomes Fact, Print the Legend’

Political Animal - The nature of the ‘stalemate’

Eric Holder Claims Racism Responsible for Fast and Furious Criticism | The Weekly Standard

Enforcing Existing Sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran

Speak Not of Evil: When Free Speech Becomes ‘Blasphemy’

Reform Judaism’s Leadership Demonstrates Its Support For Obama’s Anti-Israel Policy

20-Dec-11 World View

The Demise Of A Dictator

This is What Totalitarianism Looks Like

NEA Throws Future Teachers Under the (School) Bus

Fast and Furious Update: Rep. Issa Tells Holder to Expect More Hearings

Audio:The Legacy of Kim Jong-il and the New North Korea

Two-Month Payroll Tax Holiday Cannot Be Implemented Properly

Obama Really Is Just Another Politician

Bureau of Labor Statistics Gave Insider Information to Democrat Governor

The Brutal Economic Impact of North Korean Statism

New FCC Regulations Highlight How Stupid Liberals Think We All Are

LICENSING GONE WILD: Five Months in Jail for Unauthorized Talking

Pelosi’s Longtime Financial Relationship with Investor Untouched by STOCK Act

White House Blames ‘Tea Party Revolt’ for Tension over Payroll Tax Cut

DOJ Conspiring with ACORN-Connected Project Vote?

‘Edujobs’ Dollars to Pay for Teacher Bonuses?

In Election Year Maneuver, Sebelius Eases ObamaCare Burden on States

Supreme Court Sets Aside Three Days for ObamaCare Arguments

Eric Holder Answers Fast and Furious Charges by Calling Accusers Racists


**News Videos:Desperate: Dem Rep Brings Lump Of Coal To House Floor, Scolds Republicans Over Tax Bill

MSNBC’s Roberts To NY Rep: Why Are You Protecting The 1%?

#OccupyDenver’s Latest ‘Peaceful’ Tactic: Arson

Chris Christie Mocks Mika On ‘Morning Joe’

Romney Performs Letterman’s Top Ten List

Talking Points: Joan Walsh Says Boehner Being Held Hostage By ‘Tea Party’ Congressmen

Des Moines Register Explains Romney Endorsement

North Korean Party Mix

Brittany Murphy’s Mother Says ‘Black Mold’ Killed Her

Jesse Jackson To Black Fathers: Forget Teaching Success, Teach Your Children To Fight

Kim Jong Il Lying In State

Axelrod: ‘Screwing Up’ The Economy Is GOP Strategy

Palin: ‘Not Too Late For Folks To Get In’ GOP Race

Romney Takes Aim At Obama, Newt

19th/Barney Frank Lets It All Hang Out On House Floor

Coulter: Newt Wouldn’t Do Well In A Debate Against Obama

Congressman On Senate Payroll Tax Bill: ‘It’s Not Gonna Happen’

Newt 2007: Increase The State Department By 50%

Ivory Tower Brokaw Predicts Class Warfare

Boehner On Payroll Tax Bill: ‘Stop The Nonsense’

Story Of The Year? AP Votes Penn State Scandal Top Story

Jake Tapper Presses WH On Biden’s ‘Taliban Is Not Our Enemy’ Remark

Sarah Not Ready To Endorse

Insane Soccer Riot In Colombia

Gingrich On Judicial Activists: Cuff ‘Em!

Maria Conchita Alonso Slams ‘A**hole’ Sean Penn Over Support For Chavez

White House Blames ‘Tea Party Revolt’ For Tension Over Payroll Tax Cut

Barney Frank: ‘Solyndra Was A Mistake’

#OccupyDenver Trashes Downtown Civic Center

North Koreans Weeping Hysterically Over Death Of ‘Dear Leader’

Flashback: CNN Gushes Over North Korea

Obama: No Other President Has Done More For Israel’s Security

Dingo Baby Case Reopened

Man Says He Set Woman On Fire Over Debt

Tahrir Square Horror

Chuck Woolery Takes On Obama’s Class Warfare

In Praise Of Free Enterprise: Romney Makes His Case On Fox News Sunday

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