A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

19 December 2011

19 DEC

**Political Video:

Gingrich Super PAC Web Ad: Newt Is A Proven Conservative Leader
Carney Defends Biden: "The Elimination Of The Taliban Not The Issue"
Des Moines Register Explains Romney Endorsement: He's "Refreshing"
Mitt Romney In 1994 On Campaign Finance Reform
Barney Frank To Obama: "Things Would Have Been Worse Without Me" Not A Winning Slogan
Palin "Doesn't Know Yet" If Any Candidate Qualifies For Endorsement
Wasserman Schultz: GOP Wants To "Jam Middle Class Right At The Holiday Season"
WH Blames "Tea Party Revolt" For Likely Rejection Of Payroll Tax Cut
Staged? North Koreans Extremely Emotional Over Kim Jong-Il's Death
Schumer: Dealing With Boehner Like "Trying To Nail Jello To The Wall"
Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America
Rep. Barney Frank: "Solyndra Was A Mistake"
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il Dead

18 Dec.

Chuck Todd Fawns Over Obama's Libya Strategy, Pokes Fun At Perry
"This Week" Debate With George Will, Paul Ryan, Barney Frank & Reich
Gingrich: Liberal Des Moines Register Endorsing Romney "Indicates Who The Conservative" Is
Boehner On Pipeline: Obama "Just Kicking The Can Down The Road"
Mitt Romney: Obama Is "The Great Divider"
Gene Sperling: Keystone Won't Be Decided In 60 Days
SNL: Jesus Tells Tim Tebow To Tone It Down
Robert Reich: "Taxes Are Not Being Paid At The Top"
Bachmann: Obama "Acting Like We're In A Banana Republic"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Iraq Withdrawal
Kathleen Parker: "Everybody's Going To Say I'm An Obama-Lover. Whatever."
"Meet The Press" Panel Examines 2012 Election

**World Video:

U.S.-Japan Alliance And Maritime Security Challenges
Business Growth In Iraq After Troop Removal
Kim Jong-il And Havel
Raw Video: 'Blue Bra' Girl Brutally Beaten By Egypt Military
North Korea After Kim Jong-il
China's Role In North Korea's Leadership Transition
Preditor Video Shows Last U.S. Convoy Leaving Iraq.
Egyptian Security Forces Disperse Protesters
Havel, Czech Playwright And President, Has Died
Former IMF Boss Strauss-Kahn Speaks In Beijing
Kim Jong Un Remains Heir Apparent In North Korea
Was Durban Doomed?
Kim Jong-il's Death Announced On State TV
Haass: Kim Jong-il Was 'Tactically Brilliant'

18 Dec.

Kim Jong-il's Death Announced on State TV



Mexican ex-officials work for US intelligence: report - Yahoo! News

West Poised to Exploit Potential Korean Crisis -

Bankers Rule The World:“The Network Of Global Corporate Control” -

All “reasons” for war on Iran are “emperor has no clothes” obvious lies -

Debt-Free United States Notes Were Once Issued Under JFK And The U.S. Government Still Has The Power To Issue Debt-Free Money -


911 Portuguese in 14 mins - YouTube

War, War Veterans, History & USA Foreign Policy - YouTube

112 People Arrested Across Europe in Crackdown on Child Porn :

Activist Post: Banned in 27 Countries, Monsanto’s rBGH Inhabits Many U.S. Dairy Products

Revolutionary Politics : Newt Gingrich vs Ron Paul on Predicting the Economic Collapse

Lady Gaga Voted AP Entertainer of the Year

S. Korea Calls for Calm Following Kim Jong Il Death

World Reacts To Kim Jong Il Death

North Korean Heir Apparent an Enigma

From Mind Control to Superstardom: The Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night”

Activist Post: Soldiers, Sheep, SMS Walls & Google Censorship

Joe Rogan on The War Pigs! - YouTube

The Trial of Bradley Manning - Rule of Law or Rule of Intimidation, Retaliation and Retribution

Failed Tea Party Politician Posts Facebook Page Calling For Obama Assassination

The Pictures From Egypt That Have Shocked A Nation

Barney Frank Zings George Will, Paul Ryan on Marijuana Legalization

David Gregory Allows Michele Bachmann to Lie About the Debt Incurred Under Obama Administration

Rep. Barney Frank Makes A Compelling Case For The Liberal Vision Of Big Government

Romney Admits His Plan Would Only Cut $167 for Middle Class

Jesse Ventura calls out NWO plans on "The View" - YouTube

Joe Rogan & Duncan Trussell Rip Newt Gingrich! - YouTube

Conspiracy Of Science -- Earth Is In Fact Growing | Before It's News

Conspiracy Of Science -- Earth Is In Fact Growing 2011 - YouTube

Christopher Hitchens and the Meaning of Life

Limbaugh On Jeb Bush WSJ Piece ‘Capitalism And The Right To Rise’

Limbaugh: Kim Jong Il Is Now Kim Jong Dead

Kim Jong Il through the years -

Pagan wins 'family life' human rights case - Telegraph

Ten Commandments come to Times Square - Washington Times

» The Effect of Fluoride on the Pineal Gland Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Questions Persist as to US Arms Treaty Compliance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mexican ex-officials work for US intelligence: report

Kim Jong II Dies: The North Fires A Missile & Their Stock Market Is Crashing… | USAHM Conspiracy News

Julian Assange could be handed over to US, supporters claim | USAHM Conspiracy News

“Mystery” Signals Kill Garage Door Openers. | USAHM Conspiracy News

TSA Agent Lets Rapper Keep His Weed? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Anonymous Attacking Creators Of Indefinite Detention Bill | USAHM Conspiracy News

The founder of a Russian newspaper that investigated government corruption has been shot dead | USAHM Conspiracy News

Orwell was Right – Big Brother Is Alive And Well | USAHM Conspiracy News

Attorney General Eric Holder Managed An FBI OP That Provided Explosives To Timothy McVeigh | USAHM Conspiracy News

Massive ‘UFO’ Object Being Transported Across The US | USAHM Conspiracy News

Ron Paul’s Iowa Win: Hackers Threaten to Disrupt Caucus Vote

New Bio-Bulbs Could Help You Sleep : Discovery News

10 Things Our Kids Will Never Worry About Thanks to the Information Revolution - Forbes

The IBM 5 in 5: Our Forecast of Five Innovations That Will Alter the Tech Landscape Within Five Years « A Smarter Planet Blog

The Top 10 tech trends for 2012 -

YouTube Says Universal Had No ‘Right’ to Take Down Megaupload Video | Threat Level |

Boomers vs. Millennials: The Fight of a Generation (or Two) - Kirk Victor - Business - The Atlantic

Corzine Another Victim of the Alpha-Male Curse: William D. Cohan - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Can Ron Paul Win New Hampshire?

The Astonishing Collapse of MF Global

Bankers Rule The World:“The Network Of Global Corporate Control” -

Debt-Free United States Notes Were Once Issued Under JFK And The U.S. Government Still Has The Power To Issue Debt-Free Money -

Rense & Emord - TSA - 10 Years Of True Terror And Counting - YouTube

You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy - YouTube

Proof! The Feds Did The Oklahoma City Bombing! 1/2 - YouTube

Proof! The Feds Did The Oklahoma City Bombing! 2/2 - YouTube

+ Presidential Frontrunner Warns Martial Law Being Established in America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Priest Nearly Arrested at Council Meeting for Exercising First Amendment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» North Koreans: The Most Enslaved People On Earth Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Defector: Rumors Circulating Kim Jong-Il Was Assassinated Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul’s Iowa Win: Hackers Threaten to Disrupt Caucus Vote Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Rise of Ron Paul Proves That The Establishment Media is Not All Powerful Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name of ‘Sustainable Development’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

EXCLUSIVE: EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name Of 'Sustainable Development' | Fox News

Blame Bush, Blame Obama, But Don’t Look Behind The Curtain : Personal Liberty Digest™

» The coal in Newt and Mitt’s stocking: Ron Paul (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

N. Korea test-fires short-range missiles: report - Yahoo! News

UMG claims "right to block or remove" YouTube videos it doesn't own

AFP: Internet architects oppose US online piracy bills

» Questions Persist as to US Arms Treaty Compliance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Four ways Monsanto threatens the environment and public health Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Homeland Security Plan: Mass Immigration to Trigger Martial Law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


6 Parts/Prison » Red Alert: Classical Tyranny and Usurpation


Prison » West Poised to Exploit Potential Korean Crisis

Prison » Ron Paul’s Iowa Win: Hackers Threaten to Disrupt Caucus Vote

Prison » Adam Kokesh: Arrested in my underwear at a TSA checkpoint

Fed to embrace global banking rules: report | The Raw Story

Sweating Bullets: Body Scanners Can See Perspiration as a Potential Weapon | Florida Center for Investigative Reporting

Everybody pirates: RIAA, Homeland Security caught downloading torrents | ZDNet

The End Game Approaches – Tony Cartalucci |

A Clockwork Orange: Can Government Control Humanity to Save It? |

Presidential Frontrunner Warns Martial Law Being Established in America – Aaron Dykes |


**Anti-Terrorist Manuals, under NDAA any patriot can be detained; no court trial |


I'm the fourth best president in American history ~ Barack Obama - YouTube

Ron Paul Is Now the Republican Frontrunner - Washington's Blog

Ron Paul Takes Lead In Iowa, GOP 'Frightened' - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Takes The Lead In Iowa! "So let's Talk About Everyone EXCEPT RON PAUL!"

The Assassination of Cpl. Pat Tillman, USA | Veterans Today

Gadaffi Murder. NATO WAS THERE. PROOF! 25.10.11, NATO Crimers In Libya - YouTube

Gingrich Falling? It's An Old Story This Race - 2012 Decoded

Imagine Ron Paul - YouTube

Putin Accuses US In Murder Of Ghadafi. | nsnbc

How Pay-Pal Squeezes Merchants with Unfair and Likely Illegal Business Practices | Investigations | AlterNet

North Korea is not so Isolated - Harpal Brar - YouTube

'Blind eye on Egypt as Syria stays in sight' - YouTube

Homes of War: Israel settlements set Palestine on fire - YouTube

Video: RT crew caught in rubber bullet and tear gas attack - YouTube


This should piss off the entire world!!!! - YouTube

911 Portuguese in 14 mins - YouTube

War, War Veterans, History & USA Foreign Policy - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Mainstream press sniggers at Ron Paul’s antiwar message

Revolutionary Politics : Hillary Clinton accidentally admits that the CFR runs this nation. Wow.

My Way News - Killing of bin Laden voted top news story of 2011

poorrichards blog: US: The Fight to End Corporate Personhood Heats Up

The International: The Offshore Petroleum Standard :

112 People Arrested Across Europe in Crackdown on Child Porn :

Military Contractors Funded #NDAA Detention Bill - 12160

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-il Dies During Train Ride :

Newt Gingrich’s assault on ‘activist judges’ draws criticism, even from right - The Washington Post

Activist Post: Soldiers, Sheep, SMS Walls & Google Censorship

poorrichards blog: SOPA cyber-piracy bill would create 'federal big brother' to govern the internet, fearful experts warn

Activist Post: Banned in 27 Countries, Monsanto’s rBGH Inhabits Many U.S. Dairy Products

U.S. Policies Motivate Iran to Obtain a Nuclear Weapon | Veterans Today

poorrichards blog: Coming soon: Ubiquitous surveillance from Big Brother's wayback machine

Activist Post: Top 10 Most Important Health Freedom Stories of 2011

Gingrich On The Palestinians: 'These People Are Terrorists' | ThinkProgress

Newt Imagines Iran Has Nukes Under Mosques -- News from

American Research Group

OpEdNews - Article: Ron Paul takes lead In Iowa, Newt Gingrich falls off cliff

+Handy Reference Guide to Obama’s Gaffes and Goofs « Blonde Gator

Nine Years' Hard Scientific Evidence Disproving Government's 9/11 Theory And People Are Still Either Completely Oblivious To It Or In Denial! (Same Thing...) | Before It's News

Revolutionary Politics : Right Now Ron Paul Is Scaring The Republican Establishment In A Very Profound Way!

Revolutionary Politics : Newt Gingrich vs Ron Paul on Predicting the Economic Collapse


+Jerry Sandusky Story - The Case of the Missing D.A. ( NBC Dateline TV 2011.12.16) - 12160


Wiretap mosques, Romney suggests - The Boston Globe

SEC accuses Fannie, Freddie execs of fraud -

Activist Post: Prediction: Your Standard of Living is Going Down in 2012

The Rules and Those who Make ...and Break Them. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Green bulbs’ folly—Michael A. Walsh -

7 Nations on Neocon Hit List | American Free Press

Big Corn, Big Sugar in bitter fight over ‘corn sugar’ | The Raw Story

Three myths about the detention bill -

poorrichards blog: The End Game Approaches

Iran Hysteria: 'Israel wants US to attack first' - YouTube


CIA Spy Satellite Blinded by Iran

US Court Claims Iranian 9/11 Link

Video:Noam Chomsky: The Myth of the Liberal Media


How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted the U.S. on Troop Withdrawal

Blair: Iraq Linked To Al-Qaida

US Plans "Shock And Awe" Blitzkrieg In Iraq

‘Part of a Global Program of World Militarization’

Video:From The Archive Howard Zinn: The Myth of American Exceptionalism

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il Dead

Maliki Detains VP as Political Crisis Escalates

Manning Defense Reveals Chaos at Iraq Base

Secret US-Taliban Talks Reach Turning Point

Amid Escalations, US Drone Pilots Face 'Burnout'

What if They Ended a War and Nobody Cared?

Bradley Manning Trial Raises Question: Why Is So Much Classified?

The False Monolith of Political Islam

When the Bubble Bursts

Iran TV Airs Alleged US Spy 'Confession'

Kim Jong-Il: a Reclusive Leader in a Hermit State

Manning Showed Warning Signs Before WikiLeak

Will the SOPA Bill Kill the Internet?

Hezbollah Terrorist Handed Over to Iraqis by U.S. May Face Only Minor Criminal Charge

Gallup: Under Obama, Growing Percentage See Big Government as 'Biggest Threat'

North Koreans Urged to Rally Around Kim Jong-il’s Son and Heir Following Dictator’s Death

New EPA Pollution Rules May Force Shutdown of Dozens of Coal-Fired Power Plants

Lady Gaga Voted AP Entertainer of the Year

Democratic Senators Call on Sebelius to 'Explain the Science' Behind Plan B Decision |

S. Korea Calls for Calm Following Kim Jong Il Death

World Reacts To Kim Jong Il Death

North Korean Heir Apparent an Enigma

Israel Releases 550 Palestinian Prisoners

US Troops Leave Iraq, Ending Almost 9 Years of War

Gorbachev's Domestic Reforms Led to End of Soviet Union

From Mind Control to Superstardom: The Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night”

China Keeps Slapping America In The Face And America Just Keeps Taking It

Wall Street Insider: President Obama’s Plan To Unionize The American Military | Newsflavor

NASA's Landsat finds problems under Yellowstone's Old Faithful

Suddenly, everyone is talking about the End of the World | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Activist Post: Cashless Voice Recognition System Now Being Converted to Analyze Behavior

Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution - YouTube

This is no game. This is no tv show. This is war. - YouTube

Activist Post: Soldiers, Sheep, SMS Walls & Google Censorship

Joe Rogan on The War Pigs! - YouTube

Activist Post: 5 Ways Obama Covertly Intimidated and Attacked Legal Medical Marijuana in 2011

Activist Post: Top 10 Most Important Health Freedom Stories of 2011

Activist Post: Questions Persist as to US Arms Treaty Compliance

Glenn Greenwald: Obama Had Indefinite Detention Inserted Into Defense Authorization Act - YouTube

Damning the Damnable Jane Harman

Police State Front: Your Children Belong to the State

The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadmap" to World War III

New Photos Released of Iraq Atrocity, With Documents and Video

The North American Homeland Security Perimeter: A Threat to Canada's National Sovereignty

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted the U.S. on Troop Withdrawal

The Trial of Bradley Manning - Rule of Law or Rule of Intimidation, Retaliation and Retribution

VIDEO: Accusing Iran of being Behind 9/11. Pretext to Wage War on Iran?

The End of Canada as a Sovereign Nation State? Canada, the US and the “Security Perimeter”

Protecting Mother Earth, Supporting Local Farms, Growing Your Own Food

Bankers Rule the World: "The Network of Global Corporate Control"

Class and Capitalism in the Gulf

Boehner, House to Reject Payroll Tax Bill: 'It's Time to Stop the Nonsense'

Boehner, House Republicans Demand Spending Cuts for Payroll Tax Bill

Supreme Court Sets Full Week for Obamacare

The Hill Poll: Obama Won’t Win Re-Election

Gingrich Hit by Backlash Over Courts Comments

Bill Clinton to Be on 'O'Reilly Factor' for First Time

Palin: No Enthusiasm Yet, So No Endorsement

Kim's Death Muddles Obama's NKorea Tack

Obama Issues Order to Boost Women’s Role in Security Issues

Dr. Blaylock: Flu Shot Promotes Alzheimer's

Cancer Breakthrough May Revolutionize Treatment

GOP Candidates: Faith Should Guide President

North Korea's Neighbors on Alert

Dr. Russell Blaylock Warns: Don't Get the Flu Shot — It Promotes Alzheimer's

Tea Party Budget Is the Only Way to Save America

Misbegotten Constitutional Principle Stifles Competition

» Presidential Frontrunner Warns Martial Law Being Established in America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

GOP will take off the gloves if Ron Paul wins Iowa | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Look, no hands! Italian driver caught on two phones

Walter Reed accidentally bans Bibles | Washington Examiner

Failure to protect Egyptian historic sites could trigger foreign intervention, warn experts

Government statistical agency helping NC Democrat | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Program To Stimulate Foreign Investment Plan For Low-Income Areas Turns Into Cash For Visas

O'Reilly: Romney, Gingrich Will 'Say Anything' to Win

CRS Report: Movie Industry Demands SOPA While Enjoying Record Profits

Former Czech President Vaclav Havel, World Intellectual and Leader Of The Velvet Revolution, Has Died

Failed Tea Party Politician Posts Facebook Page Calling For Obama Assassination

The Pictures From Egypt That Have Shocked A Nation

Who Does George Will Think Paid Elders' Medical Costs Before Medicare?

Gingrich: Capitol Police Could Arrest ‘Radical’ Judges

Barney Frank Zings George Will, Paul Ryan on Marijuana Legalization

David Gregory Allows Michele Bachmann to Lie About the Debt Incurred Under Obama Administration

Rep. Barney Frank Makes A Compelling Case For The Liberal Vision Of Big Government

Romney Admits His Plan Would Only Cut $167 for Middle Class

Hateful words at William K. Wolfrum Chronicles? Stop blaming William K. Wolfrum « Politics « William K. Wolfrum Chronicles

This Is So Gay: "What Is Truth?" Said Jesting Pilate

Jesus is the reason for the season… « Margaret and Helen

+Who Owns News Media Networks? - Woollam | Before It's News

Space Planes, Psyops, Secret Prisons: 9 Secret Military Programs You Shouldn’t Know | Before It's News

Jesse Ventura calls out NWO plans on "The View" - YouTube

Joe Rogan & Duncan Trussell Rip Newt Gingrich! - YouTube

Standing Up For Unpopular Truths About 9/11 Comes At A Personal Cost | Before It's News

Conspiracy Of Science -- Earth Is In Fact Growing | Before It's News

Conspiracy Of Science -- Earth Is In Fact Growing 2011 - YouTube

Charleston Voice: Jon Corzine Threatened With Death By JP Morgan's CEO Jamie Dimon

Globalists Want to Extract More from U.S. Middle-Class | American Free Press

Major Gunmakers Gobbled Up by Cerberus | American Free Press

'Star Wars' Chosen As Religion In Czech Republic On New Census

How a scientific equation can predict whether a song will be a chart hit | Mail Online

Files on Manning's computer linked to WikiLeaks site | Reuters


**(Full Movie) "The Police State" Conspiracy -Jesse Ventura - YouTube


Ron Paul Takes Swipes At Rivals on 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' - Forbes

Christopher Hitchens: Death of a Wasted Wordsmith by Gary North

Send in the Drones: The Predator State Goes Domestic by William Norman Grigg

Oblivion, the 51st State | The Survival Mom™

Obama’s Latest Speech by John Brennan

A History Of Wall Street Crime And Punishment: The 10 Most Intriguing Cases | Business News |

Gold Market Update 12/18/11 by Clive Maund

Me? Competitive? I can't help it – I'm almost 50 | Society | The Guardian

Obama administration is ignoring a petition forgery scandal unfolding in South Bend, Ind.

Travis Air Force Base will not remove holiday Nativity display

Payroll tax cut extension in doubt amid House Republican uproar

Keystone supporters furious over Chiquita’s no-oil-sands pledge

Sheriff Joe Arpaio to cooperate with Justice Dept. probe

Army Pressed on Why it Kept Trusting Bradley Manning

U.S. military and Taliban using Twitter to wage war with each other

Transgender immigrant finds new life, protection in D.C.

Congress' bill may slow switch to efficient light bulbs

Ron Paul goes on Jay Leno, accuses Michele Bachmann of hating Muslims

Mexico looks to U.S. for voters; Expatriates can cast ballot for president

President Obama's sales pitch to gay voters

Obama urged to back gay marriage

$4.5 million gift to support National Zoo panda efforts

Callista Gingrich: A force behind the scenes for Newt

The Hill Poll: Obama more likely to lose than win again, say voters

U.S. farmers aim to bring back homegrown olive oil

Gambler wins $1 million jackpot at A.C. casino


* Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


PART 1: The Journey to Jekyll Island

PART 2: The Name of the Game is Bailout

PART 3: Protectors of the Public

PART 4: Home, Sweet Loan

PART 5: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

PART 6: Building the New World Order

PART 7: The Barbaric Metal

PART 8: Fool's Gold

PART 9: The Secret Science

PART 10: The Mandrake Mechanism

PART 11: The Rothschild Formula

PART 12: Sink the Lusitania!

PART 13: Masquerade in Moscow

PART 14: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

PART 15: The Lost Treasure Map

PART 16: The Creature Comes to America

PART 17: A Den of Vipers

PART 18: Loaves and Fishes and Civil War

PART 19: Greenbacks and Other Crimes

PART 20: The London Connection

PART 21: Competition is a Sin

PART 22: The Creature Swallows Congress

PART 23: The Great Duck Dinner

PART 24: Doomsday Mechanisms

PART 25: A Pessimistic Scenario

PART 26: A Realistic Scenario


Freedom Force International - (


Remap referendum faces tight timetable

Judge calls effort to get new trial for Blagojevich 'harebrained'

Madigan sues 3 local firms over mortgage modifications

Home First Illinois: State Puts $15 Million Toward Affordable Housing For Disabled

Cops: 8 years after arrest, man returns to Riverside and is busted again

Charges filed in Gold Coast cab theft

Kim Jong-il's death brings end to era of cruelty, mystery

Life after North Korea's Kim Jong-il - YouTube

Czechs mourn "Velvet Revolution" leader Havel

Arrest Order for Sunni Leader in Iraq Opens New Rift

Obama offers condolences, help to Philippines

Syria signs Arab League deal to allow observers in

Poll: Palestinians have doubts about outcome of reconciliation talks

Eleven more bodies recovered after Russian drilling rig capsizes

Secret US-Taliban talks reach turning point

Iraq issues arrest warrant for Sunni VP

Major protest in Kazakh oil region after riots

WTO members urged to salvage Doha negotiations

Spain's Rajoy Lays Out Economic Plan

A depressing reality about Egyptian politics

Osborne confirms banks must ringfence retail banking

Strauss-Kahn sees 'growth crisis' in Europe

Australia to aid Indonesia asylum boat search

Iranian blogger slams 'spy' confessions

Probe of prosecutors urged after DNA reverses Texas murder case

Wrongfully imprisoned man wants ex-DA investigated

Police: FBI Join Search for Missing Baby Girl - YouTube

Ron Paul thrashes Mitt Romney, wins 2nd Iowa poll

Top Senate Dem Insists on 2-Month Payroll Tax Cut

Violent Crimes in US Fell 6.4% Over 6 Months, FBI Reports

Handyman Charged in Elevator Arson Death

100000 cables found on a computer used by Bradley Manning, investigator says

Mom of missing Maine toddler sought sole custody

Jurors Get Case in NC Student Body President Death

Spurning Governor, Florida A&M Declines to Suspend President

Accused White House shooter ordered held

Huntsman's long-shot campaign hinges on South Carolina

Commentary: The Endlessly Insulting Style of Newt Gingrich

SOPA vote rescheduled for this week, attempts silent passage

Ex-Bloomberg Consultant Sentenced to Up to 4 Years for Theft

Fraud Settlements in US Government Cases Exceed $3 Billion

Obama inks US action plan promoting women and peace

Saab declares bankruptcy as GM blocks Chinese deal

Saudi prince invests $300 million in Twitter

U.S. Homebuilder Confidence Rises to Highest Level This Year

Study warns of health and environment hurdles to uranium mining in Virginia

MF Global Judge Considering Nine Investor Suits Against Ex-Chief Corzine

More daily Facebook users on Android than iPhone

Report: Apple discusses the future of TV

Using Social Media to Teach: Keep It Transparent, Open and Safe

IBM's Five Predictions for the Next Five Years

Suit challenging Facebook's 'like' ads gets judge's OK to proceed

Facebook threatens other Mark Zuckerberg

Google+ to receive new features soon

Tattooed Heroine Metes Out Slick, Punitive Violence

Paul McCartney announces new album of cover songs

Warren Hellman Is Dead at 77; Investor and Music Festival Founder

Ecosystems shift as climate changes

Just how scary is permafrost thaw?

Failed Russian Spacecraft Headed Back to Earth

NASA Satellite May Have Found The Smallest Known Black Hole

Inexplicable Particle: Why Even I'm a Higgs Bozo

Quantum dot and 'dark state' tech in solar cells could boost efficiency

Station Crew Set to Launch to a New Home for the Holidays

Want an edge in your fantasy football league? New Harvard data kit may help

'No danger of earth exploding'

NASA Probe of Asteroid Could Provide Clues to How Planets Formed

Number of youth arrested skyrockets; 41% in cuffs by age 23: study

Neti pot risks, gay marriage benefits and pet obsessions

Under health reform, coverage will depend on where you live

One of separated Siamese twins dies in Chile

Same-sex marriage boosts gay men's health, study suggests

Websites make weight-loss wagering easy

Carver College of Medicine dean Paul Rothman to head Johns Hopkins Medicine

Obama’s spiteful week-before-Christmas message

EU: banana bureaucracy

A Deficiency of Decency

Preparing for martial law

Leaving Iraq

A Big ‘No’ For Hypocrisy And Hypocrites

America’s Awful Rowing Toward God

A new strategy to feed the world

Speak Not of Evil

Permafrost paranoia

New Study Predicts the Death of Newspapers in Five Years

Debbie Schlussel:Kim Jong-Il: Now “So Ronery” in Hell

Did Pelosi Commit Blackmail?

The Hitman Cometh: America to be 'War Zone'

Ron Paul's Foreign Policy Exposed

Neuter Obama

Hamas High School in Florida?

Tea Party: Only with Courage Will We Defeat the Giants

Harvard's Deep Green Pockets

'A Monstrous, Ramshackle, Stinking Machine'

The Agony of Victory, The Thrill of Outcome

Syria inks deal to allow Arab League monitors into the country

EPA's next big thing

Gingrich: Congress can send Capitol Police to arrest 'rogue' judges

Egypt's Islamists do even better in second round of voting

North Korean Communist dynasty goes into its third generation

Holder's 'State-of-Mind' Defense Wasn't Adequate for Scooter Libby

The Days are Long but the Years Are Short

Rats in the Kitchen: A Parable

Desensitizing the Tyranny Detector

Christopher Hitchens and the Meaning of Life

The Corporate Psychopaths Among Us

The American Jewish Dilemma

A Humanitarian Catastrophe at Ashraf Spells Political Catastrophe for the White House

English Needs No Protection

Limbaugh On Jeb Bush WSJ Piece ‘Capitalism And The Right To Rise’

Limbaugh: Kim Jong Il Is Now Kim Jong Dead

Kim Jong Il through the years -

Last American Troops Leave Iraq Marking End Of War | Fox News

CNN star Piers Morgan faces questions over past

America¿s cocaine habit may be funding Middle East terror gangs | Mail Online

Kosovo leader speaks softly, carries big hope - Washington Times

Pagan wins 'family life' human rights case - Telegraph

Ten Commandments come to Times Square - Washington Times

Video: Last U.S. Troops Roll Out of Iraq |

This is the X-Ray of a Man Who Shot Himself in the Neck With a Nail Gun |

Tom Emmer Claims Hamline University Discriminated Against Him | Liberal Bias |

Horrific Video: Arabs Surround Jewish Man, Beat Him With Rocks | Video |

Mitt Romney Fox News Sunday | Video |

Update: Man Smelling of Gasoline Arrested in Wo - Flash Player Installation

Santa in UNICEF Ad ‘I don’t do poor countries’ | Video |

60 Minutes Edits Out Obama‘s Claim That He’s the Fourth Best President | Video |

‘I Think There’s Somebody in My House’: Teen Calls 911 From Bedroom as Intruders Ransack Her Home | Video |

Rick Perry Tells Bisexual Teen He Opposes Gays in Military Because ‘Homosexuality is a Sin’ | Video |

U.S. Air Force Drone Operators Experience High Stress From Long Hours, Staff Shortages and Monotony | Video |

Bill O‘Reilly Says Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy Views Disqualify Him | Video |

Kim Jong Il Dead | Video |

Three Men Kayak Over Noccalula Falls’ 90-Foot Drop Unharmed | Video |

Thousands Rally to Support Texas Nativity Scene Against Atheist Attacks | Video |

50 Facts About The U.S. Economy That Will Shock You |

VP Biden’s Jaw-Dropping Gaffe: ‘The Taliban, Per Se, Is Not Our Enemy’ |

Protesters React to Nativity Scene Placed at Occupy D.C. | Video |

Internet Kill Switch = Death of Free Speech on the Web: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» Priest Nearly Arrested at Council Meeting for Exercising First Amendment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Defector: Rumors Circulating Kim Jong-Il Was Assassinated Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

EXCLUSIVE: EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name Of 'Sustainable Development' | Fox News

» The Effect of Fluoride on the Pineal Gland Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Questions Persist as to US Arms Treaty Compliance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mexican ex-officials work for US intelligence: report

Candidate for Montana Attorney General, Jim Shockley, Holds Shocking View of the Constitution | Liberty Defense League

Council urges civility, threatens priest with police removal | Pensacola Digest

Father Nathan Monk at Pensacola City Council - YouTube

» Presidential Frontrunner Warns Martial Law Being Established in America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Kim Jong II Dies: The North Fires A Missile & Their Stock Market Is Crashing… | USAHM Conspiracy News

Julian Assange could be handed over to US, supporters claim | USAHM Conspiracy News

“Mystery” Signals Kill Garage Door Openers. | USAHM Conspiracy News

TSA Agent Lets Rapper Keep His Weed? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Anonymous Attacking Creators Of Indefinite Detention Bill | USAHM Conspiracy News

The founder of a Russian newspaper that investigated government corruption has been shot dead | USAHM Conspiracy News

Orwell was Right – Big Brother Is Alive And Well | USAHM Conspiracy News

Attorney General Eric Holder Managed An FBI OP That Provided Explosives To Timothy McVeigh | USAHM Conspiracy News

Massive ‘UFO’ Object Being Transported Across The US | USAHM Conspiracy News


*Transcripts:Guests: Representatives Paul Ryan and Barney Frank

Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Guests: Speaker Boehner, Rep. Bachmann and Gov. Haley

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

17)Press Conf. With Secretary Panetta and the PM of Libya

16)Interview with Mitt Romney & Governor Haley

Panel on the Accusations Against Fannie & Freddie

Shields and Brooks on the Legacy of Iraq

15)Interview with Senator John McCain

Secretary Panetta at the Iraq End of Mission Ceremony

14)President & Mrs. Obama on the End of the War in Iraq

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

Panel on Congressional Tax, Budget Battles

13)Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Interview with Representative Steny Hoyer

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Panel on the Campaign Ramp Up in Iowa

The Supreme Court's Election Year Docket

12)Press Conference with Pres. Obama & PM al-Maliki

Roundtable on the Iraq Drawdown

Analysts Discuss the Latest in the GOP Race

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Interview with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

Secretary Clinton With Britain's FM

11)Interview with President Barack Obama

Guests: Rand Paul; Sens. Durbin and Graham

Guests: Rick Perry and Senate GOP Ldr. McConnell

Guests: Michele Bachmann and Rep. Steve King

Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman


Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-18, Sunday

World Crisis Radio 12-17-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 12-17-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-17-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-17-11 Hr 2


Keiser Report: Exotic Pet Banking Fraudsters (E224) - YouTube

Ron Paul & Joe Rogan on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno - YouTube

A Message to Police and Military - YouTube

Professor Warren Debunks A Few Healthcare Myths - YouTube

'Total chaos under nuke cloud - what's next for North Korea?' - YouTube

New Poll: Ron Paul Leads In Iowa, Gingrich Imploding

Defector: Rumors Circulating Kim Jong-Il Was Assassinated

Presidential Frontrunner Warns Martial Law Being Established in America

Sheriff Mack: The Polimagicians and Gun Control

Bradlee Dean: Then There was Elena Kagan…

Ron Paul’s Iowa Win: Hackers Threaten to Disrupt Caucus Vote

Has John Boehner lost control? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Did the GOP “Kill” the Keystone XL? « Commentary Magazine

The GOP could accidentally delay the Keystone XL Pipeline - The Washington Post

It’s a date: Supreme Court to hear Obamacare arguments March 26, 27, 28 « Hot Air

Political Animal - The nature of the ‘stalemate’

Gingrich's Court-Sacking Plan: When Two Out of Three Is Bad - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Dempsey: GOP's Insistence On 'Divergence Or Control Of The Generals' Is 'Offensive' | ThinkProgress

Pelosi Keeps Proving that Big Govt Pay$ - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

Bill Schneider: The GOP's Long and Winding Road

Capitalism: The way back to prosperity | Questions and Observations

SOPA Markup Re-Scheduled for Wednesday | FDL News Desk

Will Obama Back an Iran Oil Embargo? « Commentary Magazine

First-time home buyers could pay the price for payroll tax cuts - The Washington Post

NTSB Misled Public On Cellphone ‘Toll’ | Cato @ Liberty

The Impeachment Trial of President William Jefferson Clinton

Hitchens at War | The Weekly Standard

Washington at Valley Forge []

Letter from Prague: Exit Havel : The New Yorker

Vaclav Havel, Czech leader of '89 'Velvet Revolution,' dead at 75 -


First Indochina War

My regrets over Hong Kong by Lady Thatcher - Telegraph

Investing In The Power Grid Will Create Jobs

The Future of the Nuclear Suppliers Group

Why the Water Industry is Promoting Shale Development

Energy battles set to rage into 2012 - The Hill's E2-Wire

Coal to Gas Move Bumpy | EnergyBiz

Opinion: Rethink renewable energy mandates - Grover G. Norquist and Patrick Gleason -

We Can't Turn NRC Into Reality TV Show, Must Focus on Our Nuclear Safety - Power Engineering

Phaseout of standard light bulb causes confusion

The Bulb Is Saved - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online

American Industry and EV Battery Safety | The Energy Collective

How long can Obama delay Keystone XL pipeline call? - Darren Samuelsohn -

No Credible Case Against Keystone - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online

After oil spill, don't shortchange gulf - Tampa Bay Times

Oye! Times | The Future of Oil - 2010 to 2035 | Oye! Times

2011: Renewables, Year in Review | Foreign Policy Blogs

Rewire Connecticut's electrical system: Rewire Connecticut's electrical system -

The Other Side of the Holiday « Monday Morning Music Ministry by Rick Marschall

Speaking Kim Jong-il of the dead » GetReligion

Christianity goes global as world's largest religion – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Arab Spring stretches the “Islamist” tag to its limits | FaithWorld

Christian morality has the capacity to bring all things to account | Mark Vernon | Comment is free |

The American Spectator : On Vaclav Havel -- and Chris Hitchens

God didn’t kill Christopher Hitchens -

Ministry Matters| Articles | Why the Church Should Listen to Lady Gaga

WORLD Magazine | Forgive us our debt | Warren Cole Smith | Dec 17, 11

How Christians Ought to "Occupy" Wall Street (and All Streets)

Two December births to celebrate: Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith | Deseret News

Hold your fire! Let's call a truce in the war on Christmas |

My Way News - Pope heads into busy Christmas season tired, weak

Why young couples aren't getting married -- they fear the ravages of divorce | Science Codex

Geologists Find Source of Stonehenge’s Inner Stones | Wired Science |

Ancient texts tell of war ... and bar tabs - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Your Next Suture Could Be Made of Shrilk, a Superstrong Synthetic Insectoid Material | Popular Science

New Bio-Bulbs Could Help You Sleep : Discovery News

Crowd dynamics: The wisdom of crowds | The Economist

Make a penny disappear with water

Physics World reveals its top 10 breakthroughs for 2011 -

How to make the Slowest Slow-Motion Video Ever! : Starts With A Bang

Is Jupiter Eating Its Own Heart? - ScienceNOW

Neanderthals built homes with mammoth bones - Telegraph

BBC News - Uninformed 'vital for democracy'

Ringling Bros.: Why we're good for elephants [Blowback] -

End the circus of cruelty -

In science, reputations matter – but they aren't always deserved | Philip Ball | Comment is free | The Guardian

Outer space? Kinda been there, Dad … -

Bristol University | News from the University | Intelligent Systems Laboratory

Vanderbilt University Medical Center - Cholesterol-lowering drugs may reduce mortality for influenza patients

Abandoning Realism to Preserve It « Commentary Magazine

Ruth Franklin: Five Books I Wish I Had Written About This Year | The New Republic

Richard L. Brandt: One Click: Jeff Bezos And The Rise Of | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

Is Slate's Amazon-defending blogger really a 'moron'? -

Christopher Hitchens’ death: David Corn on sharing a tiny office with Hitchens. - Slate Magazine


WSJ: Apple discussing voice-powered TV, enhanced AirPlay, iCloud DVR service | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence

Is the new grinch? - GeekWire

10 Things Our Kids Will Never Worry About Thanks to the Information Revolution - Forbes

The IBM 5 in 5: Our Forecast of Five Innovations That Will Alter the Tech Landscape Within Five Years « A Smarter Planet Blog

The Top 10 tech trends for 2012 -

Can You Learn To Code In One Day? We Sent A Non-Nerd To Find Out | Fast Company

Travel safe: Data security on the road and off it | ExtremeTech

LED LCD vs plasma vs LCD | TV and Home Theater - CNET Reviews

Red: The Camera That Changed Hollywood - Technology Review

Aerial Drones May Be Vulnerable to Sabotage Because of GPS - The Daily Beast

Apple Moves Forward With TV Plans -

Google releases opt-in ‘Find My Face’ facial recognition tool - The Washington Post

Scott Hanselman's 2011 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows - Scott Hanselman

YouTube Says Universal Had No ‘Right’ to Take Down Megaupload Video | Threat Level |

Will Your College Survive? | TechCrunch

Senator Al Franken asks about Carrier IQ, the companies answer: the complete breakdown -- Engadget

The 60-Something Entrepreneur: Can a Start-Up Pay For Retirement? - Darren Dahl - Business - The Atlantic

Crisis Unfolds in Iraq | The Weekly Standard

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

Kim Jong Il: The Passing Of A Tyrant And The Ensuing Power Struggle - Forbes

The Intellectual and Politics - Vaclav Havel - Project Syndicate

Meryl Streep Film and EU Debates Bring Maggie Thatcher's Moment - The Daily Beast

Is Egypt becoming another Pakistan?

Will China Break? -

Rubin Reports » Coming War Threat: Terrorists Developing a Safe Haven in Egypt to Attack Israel

Newt Gingrich, Prophet of Nation Building | Danger Room |

KJI won't take his nukes to the grave

Obituary - Kim Jong-il, North Korea’s Enigmatic Strongman -

What If Kim Jong Il's Successor Isn't Ready? - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

Asia Times Online :: South Korea is the key

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -A hard head makes a soft behind

The No. 1 Problem of the Chinese Economy - Forbes

A Two-Ocean Navy No More? | The Diplomat

BBC News - 2011: The year when a lot happened

Hope in a Dying Soviet Mentality | Opinion | The Moscow Times

What Comes After Kim Jong-il | The Diplomat

A Look Ahead to the Week In the Markets

Economic Outlook for 2012: Make or Break


**Lehman Trader Goes Mad, Geithner Saves Citi: Top Business Books - Bloomberg


Will China Break? -

France finally realizing what a bad deal euro was - Marsh on Monday - MarketWatch

Why Fertilizer Is a Better Buy Than Gold

Boomers vs. Millennials: The Fight of a Generation (or Two) - Kirk Victor - Business - The Atlantic

Corzine Another Victim of the Alpha-Male Curse: William D. Cohan - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - The Eclipse of Keynesianism Proceeds

Riding High-Speed Rail to a U.S. Recovery: John Rosenthal - Bloomberg

Why Has the Recovery Been So Slow? -

Jeb Bush: Capitalism and the Right to Rise -

Don’t Tax the Rich. Tax Inequality Itself. -

Social Security As Legal Plunder? Not So Fast - Forbes

IMF Bazooka Is Between Meaningless, Dangerous: Simon Johnson - Bloomberg

Scary times for stocks: Be careful out there - The Buzz - Dec. 19, 2011

European “Bank Walk” Turning into a Jog: Run Next? | Via Meadia

Decline of Democratic Control and Faith in Market Capitalism? | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - Gingrich Is Running for President in Unorthodox Way

Ending race-based admissions - Opinion - The Boston Globe

For Law Schools, a Price to Play the A.B.A.’s Way -

Christopher Hitchens: 'I wish I'd done more of everything' - Telegraph

Wonkbook: Payroll tax shenanigans, plus the most important regulation you've never heard of - The Washington Post

Works and Days » ‘When the Legend Becomes Fact, Print the Legend’

Bill Clinton's lessons for Obama -

RealClearPolitics - Tea Partiers Not Happy With State of GOP Race

RealClearPolitics - Newt's Constitutional Confusions

Obama’s Intractable Poll Problems | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Political Animal - The nature of the ‘stalemate’

Eric Holder Claims Racism Responsible for Fast and Furious Criticism | The Weekly Standard

Under Partisan Fire, Holder Soldiers On -

The Good, the Bad, and Repeal | The Weekly Standard

The Death of Dr. Evil - Michael Hirsh -

Jeb Bush: Capitalism and the Right to Rise -

RealClearPolitics - Bye-Bye Keynes?

Mark Schmitt: Finally, Republicans Find Their New Welfare Queens | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Can Ron Paul Win New Hampshire?

RealClearPolitics - Newt and the Revenge of the Base

CURL: One president, please, with a side of Rice - Washington Times

Opinion: New Hampshire voters should draft Hillary - Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen -

RealClearPolitics - A Democrat Reaches Across the Aisle on Medicare

Fallen heroes deserve dignity - San Antonio Express-News

Kim Jong Il: Farewell, earthlings | The Economist

The long con -

The Astonishing Collapse of MF Global

Still Frozen - Ronald Brownstein -

The Pungent Aroma of Paranoia -

PLA sends soldiers to North Korean border: human rights center -

Swedes arrested for butter smuggling - Telegraph

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe » Homeland Security: Paying with Cash?:

Google Wallet Stores Some Payment Card Data In Plain Text - Dark Reading

Mexican ex-officials work for US intelligence: report - Yahoo! News

West Poised to Exploit Potential Korean Crisis -

Bankers Rule The World:“The Network Of Global Corporate Control” -

All “reasons” for war on Iran are “emperor has no clothes” obvious lies -

Debt-Free United States Notes Were Once Issued Under JFK And The U.S. Government Still Has The Power To Issue Debt-Free Money -

Tens of thousands of Pakistanis rally against U.S. | The Raw Story

I'm the fourth best president in American history ~ Barack Obama - YouTube

Zionist Psychopaths - YouTube

DAVID ICKE - THIS WORLD IS UTTERLY INSANE!!! (Viewer Discretion Advised) - YouTube

Rense & Emord - TSA - 10 Years Of True Terror And Counting - YouTube

You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy - YouTube


**Barack Obama's 32 Month Report Card


MF Global bankruptcy-On the Edge with Max Keiser-12-16-2011 - YouTube

What Famous Men Have To Say About Jews, Part 1

What Famous Men Have To Say About Jews, Part 2

What Famous Men Have To Say About Jews, Part 3

Roswell, UFOs, White Sands and fifty foot pistachios: A drive through New Mexico | Washington Times Communities

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know

Yonhap says North Korea conducts missile test | World news | The Guardian

Kim Jong-il dead: North Korea's nuclear weapon stockpile - Telegraph

Video: Kim Jong-il death sparks hysterical outpouring of grief in North Korea - Telegraph

Kim Jong-il: double rainbows, fear of flying and Godzilla – 10 things you might not know - Telegraph

Kim Jong Il: Revered at home; remembered outside as repressive -

North Korea’s ‘Dear Leader’ Dictator Kim Jong Il Dies; Son May Take Over - Bloomberg

Debka: Whoever hacked the drone, hacked the CIA — RT

AFP: Iran TV shows 'CIA spy' speaking of alleged mission

Prepare For A Jewish Police State | Real Zionist News

Gingrich: Send U.S. Marshals to compel ‘radical’ judges to explain rulings - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Gingrich’s Health Care Policy History at Odds With G.O.P. -

Strange But True: Mitt Romney Spent The Vietnam War In A French Palace | National Memo | Breaking News, Smart Politics

Jon Huntsman: The Courage to Lead the RINO Charge | The Gateway Pundit

Anonymous declares cyber war on Congress over indefinite detention act — RT


EPA finalizes tough new rules on emissions by power plants - The Washington Post

Cyber-security bill would create 'federal big brother' to govern the internet, fearful experts warn | Mail Online

Empire fights back: DOJ to audit reporter's emails - National Conservative | - Getting Sex Under Control

Mercury Present in Processed Foods, Yet FDA Does Nothing | Natural Society


The Rules and Those who Make ...and Break Them. Reflections in a Petri Dish

“Obama History” Mystery Buffs: Sniff Here « Terrible Truth

Elites Launch Another Dystopian Mindbender | Before It's News

Coming soon: Ubiquitous surveillance from Big Brother's wayback machine

A Review of the Book, "From Sovereign to Serf" - The Dollar Vigilante Blog -

High school prank has blindfolded students make out with their parents | Mail Online

Radfem Hub: the underbelly of a hate movement | A Voice for Men

The harsh reality is that the EU has already failed | Deborah Orr | Comment is free | The Guardian

BBC accused of routine 'fakery' in wildlife documentaries - Telegraph

The BBC's myth-makers serve up a double helping of propaganda - Telegraph

Big Corn, Big Sugar in bitter US row on sweetener - Yahoo!

Not just a stroppy toddler: Doctors find new syndrome which makes children unable to cope with ANY demand | Mail Online

Junk food giants criticised for targeting children online - Telegraph

'I Just Made Love' app lets you tell the world where and when - and thousands already have | Mail Online

+Images:Flash floods in southern Philippines – in pictures | World news |


+Do You Own Your Children? « REALITY BLOG


Cyber-security bill would create 'federal big brother' to govern the internet, fearful experts warn | Mail Online

Pornography is replacing sex education - Telegraph

Denmark taxes fatty products - Telegraph

Wilcock, Death Threat, Dog and Pony Show, Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh no . . . « O'Finioan's Blog

Speed of light captured on new camera - Telegraph

‘Ex-Iranian deputy defense minister strongly resisting in Israeli jail’ - Tehran Times

PressTV - Obama: Our funding for Israel historical

When CIA works for Mossad

Fars News Agency :: Whistleblower Discloses Saudi King's Secret

Mini-Nukes, Flying 'Terminators,' and 8 More Air Weapons That Will Blow You Away | Danger Room |

What If War Was Outlawed? « The PPJ Gazette - Feckless Young Primed for Surrender - "My Shangri-la" - The Last Outpost of Femininity

'Brain-Eating Amoeba' Deaths May Be Linked To Tap Water Use In Neti Pots, Louisiana Officials Warn


Medvedev on US: ‘If they continue to push us around, we’ll push back’ — RT

If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count - Fox News - YouTube

Ron Paul & Joe Rogan on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno - YouTube

Ron Paul Heros Exit from Tonight Show Dec 16, 2011 - YouTube

Joe Rogan endorses Ron Paul for president... "the only guy that makes any sense" - YouTube

Conservatives Put Out New Anti-Obama Ad –

+Stunning Images Of 1950s Chicago


*Harvard's 1869 Entrance Exam


Activist Post: The Carrier IQ Conspiracy - Why Satanists Fail

Ron Paul Highlights at the Fox News Iowa GOP Debate - YouTube

Ron Paul: Strike against Iran would risk a repeat of 'useless' Iraq war -

Obama Approves Draconian Police State Law

R.I.P. America

"Those Things In The Bill Of Rights Are Being Taken Away From ALL Of Us!" Congressman McDermott - YouTube

Database on the risks of genetically engineered crop plants | Farm Wars

Morris Rant - Judaism is Just a Front - YouTube

Political Washington Abolishes Due Process Protections

City in Mexico begins countdown to winter solstice of December 21, 2012 | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Media Blackout on Idaho Power Smart Meter Incidents Involving Guns « OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

One can of cola = one hour's run: Exercise labels could be 'more effective than calorie counts' | Mail Online

Jesus and the Cherry Tree « Mantiq al-Tayr

One in five American women 'has been raped' - Americas - World - The Independent

Daily dose of Vitamin B 'can fight memory loss and help protect against Alzheimer's' | Mail Online

Ron Paul nailed Gingrich on Freddie Mac; Gingrich should donate the money to homeless vets - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Is Israel Attacking America?

Protestors cry foul over proposed G8, NATO restrictions | WBEZ

Vet Says Soldiers Are Starting to Wake Up to Gov't Lies - YouTube


**Real Clear Markets - Video - ECB's Draghi Admits Euro Vulnerability


Calif. teen sentenced for killing gay student

Singer Etta James terminally ill

Mexico City closes world's largest trash dump

Big quakes no more likely than in past: study

US: Too early to judge impact of Kim's death

Horse pulling a cart dies on Bourbon Street

Brazil oil spill may affect sensitive area

Scent makers sweeten the smell of commerce

Harley offers voluntary layoffs in Wisconsin

Stone lion resumes post in Spain's Alhambra

Iraq issues arrest warrant for Sunni vice president

US special forces in Central Africa for LRA rebel hunt

Feds issue warning to unconventional sperm donor

Officer: Pa. cellar, captives smelled like 'death'

Russia lauds Syrian decision to admit Arab monitors

ECB warns of global contagion risks

Kim's death is watershed moment for N Korea

Republicans defy temporary fix on US stimulus deal

Death could trigger wider Sino-US power play

Kim Jong-eun takes power in N Korea

Vandals defame Muhammad in 'price-tag' attack

Abbas, Mashaal scheduled to meet again in Cairo

Are You Ready for ‘Sarah Palin’s Alaska’ Season Two?

Kim Jong Il Loved Hollywood and Movies (Except ‘Team America’)

Shatner’s Reinvention Tour Hits Broadway in 2012

-Daily Call Sheet: New James Garner Tribute Site, The Truth About the Box Office Blues, and ‘Lost’ Ruined Everything

Barack the Vote: MTV Comes to Obama’s Rescue with Renewed Youth Vote Push

Etta James Terminally Ill, Doctor Asks For Prayers

Blue Christmas: Only Bright Spot at Box Office Is Tom Cruise

Jamie Bell on ‘Tintin’ Role: Dancing to a Very New Tune

‘Then Again’ Review: Keaton’s Memoir More than a ‘La Dee Da’ Affair

Oldman Hits His Stride with ‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’

Meryl Streep Is Our Finest Actress? Think Again

‘The Descendants’ Co-Star Matthew Lillard – From Shaggy to Oscar-Bait Filmmaking

In Election Year Maneuver, Sebelius Eases ObamaCare Burden on States

Supreme Court Sets Aside Three Days for ObamaCare Arguments

Eric Holder Answers Fast and Furious Charges by Calling Accusers Racists

Insider Emails Reveal ‘Crusty’ Occupiers Want to Stay Warm & Work with Child-Destroying Union

Audio:Returning the Risk of Economic Freedom

A Time for Choosing: Rick Perry for President

Nation Reporter: ‘Deep Racism’ at the Heart of Food Stamp Reform

Pelosi Economic Advisor Also a Business Partner

Ohio GOP Chair Attacks Governor Kasich’s Staff

Stopping Online Piracy – One Way or Another

Rep Judy Chu (D-CA) Praises Attorney General Eric Holder, Ignores L.A. Voter Fraud

Right to Work: A Basic American Freedom

Libertarianism Is Crony Capitalism’s Nightmare

House GOP Revolts Over Senate Payroll Tax Bill

Sundays with Sherrod: J Street’s Favorite Senator

Cartoon:Hamlet on Wry.

Are Some ‘Tea Party’ Politicians Just Politicians After All?

Sound Bite Of The Day: Firestarter

Progressive Media Meeting With Obama

Shocking: Yale Librarian Picks All Lefty Quotes For ‘Best Of’ List

This is What Totalitarianism Looks Like, and CNN Seemed Rather Dazzled by It All

+Monday Crib Sheet: Whoopi Defends Romney, Facebook Prepares For Publicity Suit

Saudi Prince Buys Massive Stake In Twitter

The New York Times Paints Holder As A Victim Of Fast And Furious

KNBC Challenges AP Poverty Numbers

Sunday Crib Sheet: Media Picks Its Candidate, CJR Irony

This is What Totalitarianism Looks Like

Copenhagen Muslims Attack Hare Krishna Temple

North Korea Announces Kim Jong Il Has Died

In Memoriam: Vaclav Havel (1936-2011)

Court: Iran and Hizballah Helped Al-Qaeda in 9/11 Attacks

The Iraq War Did Not End on December 17, 2011–But the Peace May Be Over Soon

Full-Speed Ahead for Obama-Sanctioned ‘Taliban Embassy’ in Qatar

Islamic World Tells Clinton: Defamation of Islam Must be Prevented– in America


*Audio:Bill Gertz: Year in Review


Kim Jong Il Death Explodes on Twitter; Hollywood Weighs In - The Hollywood Reporter

2012 GOP Lawmaker Endorsements for President -

Army is pressed on why it kept trusting Manning

David Zurawik: NBC Hiring Chelsea Clinton a 'Journalistically Bankrupt Decision' |


+19-Dec-11 World View


**News Videos:North Koreans Weeping Hysterically Over Death Of ‘Dear Leader’

Gingrich On Judicial Activists: Cuff ‘Em!

White House Blames ‘Tea Party Revolt’ For Tension Over Payroll Tax Cut

Flashback: CNN Gushes Over North Korea

Sarah Not Ready To Endorse

Insane Soccer Riot In Colombia

Maria Conchita Alonso Slams ‘A**hole’ Sean Penn Over Support For Chavez

Barney Frank: ‘Solyndra Was A Mistake’

#OccupyDenver Trashes Downtown Civic Center

Bi-Sexual Teen Confronts Perry Over DADT

George Will Demolishes Robert Reich: ‘You Are A Pyromaniac In A Field Of Straw Men’

In Praise Of Free Enterprise: Romney Makes His Case On Fox News Sunday

Chuck Woolery Takes On Obama’s Class Warfare

Obama: No Other President Has Done More For Israel’s Security

Dingo Baby Case Reopened

Man Says He Set Woman On Fire Over Debt

Newscaster Fights Tears Over Kim Jong Il’s Death

Tahrir Square Horror

18th/North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Il Dead

CBS Sportswriter: ‘If Tebow Had More Class He’d Just Kill Dogs Or Get Drunk And Run Over Somebody’

‘Conservative’ David Frum: Forget The Deficit, Keep Borrowing And Spending

Manning’s Status As Gay Soldier Key To Defense

Playwright, Dissident, President Vaclav Havel Dies

17th/Elizabeth Smart Publicly Shares Details Of Kidnapping For First Time

Cain Releases Bible-Reading Christmas Message With Wife

Obama’s New Ad Labels End Of Iraq War As ‘Promise Kept’

Coulter: Newt’s Views On Judges ‘Outrageous’

Ron Paul Claims Bachmann ‘Hates Muslims’

16th/Tea Party Hero Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt

Andrea Tantaros To Trump: ‘The Apprentice Is More Important Than’ The Country?

Flatulent Whoopi Lets One Rip On ‘The View’

Chinese Authorities Manhandle Christian Bale For Attempting To Visit Anti-Abortion Dissident

SEC Charges Ex-Fannie, Freddie CEOs With Fraud

Judge Gives Bonds House Arrest, Then Delays It

15th/RNC Links Obama Economic Policies With Corzine Fiasco


Farmers’ Almanac 2012 Weather Forecast: Wetter Than Normal | USAHM Conspiracy News


Farah mugged by media for 'birther stunt'

U.S. Dept. of Defense's war on religion, Part 1

Let reason prevail

The Eurocrisis comes to America

The reality of Muslim reality TV

Bah, humbug!

A glimpse of 2012 America

Obama is a traitor!

Don't any of you corporations pay taxes?

Obama admin: Citizens don't trust gov't enough

Stunning! What Iowa GOP poll reveals about Obama

Obama boasts to CBS: I'm 4th best president

Catholic student 'bullied, humiliated' by teacher

Major voting bloc now says Nobama!

Taxpayers to Washington: Live within your income

Fort Hood's 'workplace violence'

The day habeas corpus died

Pornography is replacing sex education - Telegraph

Promiscuous Britain: One in 4 young women admit they had sex below the age of 16 - more than twice as many as their mothers | Mail Online

Chinese City Seeks Burqa Ban - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Not just a stroppy toddler: Doctors find new syndrome which makes children unable to cope with ANY demand | Mail Online

Toddlers singing Twinkle Twinkle banned from making gestures 'in case it offends deaf people' | Mail Online

Housing Recovery Held Back by Web of Government Roadblocks - US Business News - CNBC

'Whatever' voted most annoying word

Happiest time is 1.55pm on Christmas Day - Telegraph

Ninety floors... and counting: The breathtaking views from One World Trade Center (and there's still 14 storeys to go) | Mail Online

Vatican guide: The pope’s pornographic bathroom - Slate Magazine

Scientists create world's smallest steam engine - The Local

Obama boasts to CBS: I'm 4th best president

Gingrich Collapses in Iowa as Ron Paul Surges to the Front - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

BBC News - Wikileaks case: Soldier Bradley Manning had 'gender issues'

Iranian spy in U.S. military?

CNN star Piers Morgan faces questions over past - Yahoo! News

Founder of Internet fears 'unprecedented' Web censorship

Christopher Hitchens: God's favorite atheist?

Georgia birthers challenge Obama's placement on ballot

Obama's Private Attorney Files Motion to Dismiss in Farrar v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Ballots with Obama's name facing more legal challenges


*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Outrage! Aaron exposes rank corruption in ‘stimulus’ funding « Klein Online

Former CIA director on Iraq withdrawal, capture of U.S. spy drone « Klein Online

Did Christopher Hitchens hate God? « Klein Online

Jackie Mason rips Gingrich: ‘He should hold debate with himself’ « Klein Online

American Minute for December 19th

December 19th in History

Today in History: December 19

December 19 Events in History

December 19th This Day in History

This Day in History for 19th December

Today in History: December 19

Today in History for December 19th - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM: 17.12.2011 - Jordan Codices - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.18 - Rock & Roll and the Paranormal - YouTube

Art Bell - Ghost Investigators (GIS) 2002-07-03 on Coast to Coast AM C2C - YouTube

Lab Sabotage: Some Scientists Will Do Anything to Get Ahead | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Mysterious "white web" found growing on nuclear waste

From the Shadows: Return of the Wicked Priest

Anthropology of the Weird | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Lair of the Beasts: The Dogman of Michigan -

The Australian Air Force & the flying saucer mystery | weirdaustralia

Speed of light captured on new camera - Telegraph

Sun Rips Tail From Comet During Solar Close Encounter | Sungrazing Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) | Comet Lovejoy Survives Pass Through Sun's Atmosphere |

Download Knowledge Directly to Your Brain, Matrix-Style | Popular Science

Two-Foot-Tall Woman Crowned 'World's Shortest' | Guinness World Records Crowns New 'Shortest Living Woman' | LiveScience

Mars probe to crash to Earth in January - Technology & science - Space -

The real Fantastic Voyage? Researchers create mini camera that can 'swim' in human body | Mail Online

Lie detector confirms Roswell testimonies - Unexplained Mysteries

Nanotechnology May Lead To The End Of Laundry - Forbes

Found Coins May Unveil a Lost Viking : Discovery News


Strange Times - (


**Dr. William F. Pepper:MLK Assassination Conspiracy Trial - Part 1 of 10


*William Pepper - An Act of State The Execution of MLK / 2:17:39


WIlliam Pepper, Sirhan's lawyer talks to CNN part1 - YouTube

WIlliam Pepper, Sirhan's lawyer talks to CNN part2 - YouTube


Tell Washington Guaranteed Civil Rights Should Not Be Subject to Political Calculus

Havel the Dissident: A Legacy Worth Claiming


Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul and The National Defense Authority Act

Jim Grant: "Central Banks Are Insolvent" - Home - The Daily Bail

Smattering Of Awareness That The “Crown” Really Exists | Veterans Today

Obama Takes Money From Americans, Gives it to Israel and Brags About It! | Veterans Today

Soldiers, Sheep, SMS Walls, & Google Censorship – Volatile Dependencies :

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