A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

18 December 2011

18 DEC.

**Political Video:

Gene Sperling: Keystone Won't Be Decided In 60 Days
"This Week" Debate With George Will, Paul Ryan, Barney Frank & Reich
Gingrich: Liberal Des Moines Register Endorsing Romney "Indicates Who The Conservative" Is
"Meet The Press" Panel Examines 2012 Election
Mitt Romney: Obama Is "The Great Divider"
Bachmann: Obama "Acting Like We're In A Banana Republic"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Iraq Withdrawal
Robert Reich: "Taxes Are Not Being Paid At The Top"

17 Dec.

Obama "Very Pleased" By Two-Month Extension Of Payroll Tax Cut
Grayson: GOP Wants To Throw "Old, Sick And The Poor" In The Street
Flashback: Obama Vows To "Reject" Attempts To Tie Keystone To Payroll Tax Cut
Meghan McCain: Gingrich's Treatment Of Bachmann "Obviously" Sexist
Obama Touts Iraq Pullout In Weekly Address: Time To Rebuild America
Obama: My Administration Has Supported Israel More Than Any Other
Ron Paul On Bachmann: "She Hates Muslims"
Irony: Chuck Todd Outraged Rep. West Used A Nazi Comparison
Barrasso Gives GOP Weekly: Time For Obama To "Embrace" Oil Pipeline
Obama: Fourth Best President In History Due To Foreign Policy Achievements
Coulter: Gingrich's Idea To Challenge Judges Is "Outrageous"
O'Reilly On Newt Gingrich, Power And Judges



"When the Man Comes Around" by Johnny Cash - Grooveshark


"Redemption Song" by Bob Marley - Grooveshark

"Redemption Song" by Johnny Cash - Grooveshark

"Redemption Song" by Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros - Grooveshark


"Dreadlock Holiday" by 10cc - Grooveshark

"It Takes A Lot to Laugh, It Takes A Train to Cry" by The Radiators - Grooveshark


The Coming Of the U.S. Holocaust - YouTube

Bankers Rule The World: "The Network Of Global Corporate Control" | Before It's News

2012 Prophecy Inside Great Pyramid of Giza - YouTube

VirtueOnline - News - Theology, Research ... - Scroll fragments could 'shed light' on Old Testament text

OpEdNews - Diary: WTC 7 - The Case for Free Fall

Psychologists Explain 911 Denial - YouTube

Fall of the Republic: The New Bill of Non Rights | Before It's News

Rise of Constitutional Militarism | Before It's News

Indefinite Detention: Political Washington Abolishes Due Process Protections | Before It's News

Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law - YouTube

4 Part/Surviving The Matrix – Close of Season 2011 – Max Igan |

Joining the Dark Side: Darth Vader’s Stranglehold on America |

Four ways Monsanto threatens the environment and public health |

The Trial of Bradley Manning – Rule of Law or Rule of Intimidation, Retaliation and Retribution |

Police State Front: Your Children Belong to the State |


"Bob Dylan, Roger McGuinn, Tom Perry, Nel Young, Eric Clapton, George Harrison / My Back Pages" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark


Obama Orders ‘Arctic Death Camps’ Built To Hold American Traitors


Prison » US “Withdrawal” In Iraq Paves Way for US-Israeli Strike on Iran

Prison » Indefinite Detention: Political Washington Abolishes Due Process Protections

Prison » Canadian judge rules SSRI antidepressants like Prozac can cause children to commit murder

Experts say antidepressant drugs cause suicides instead of preventing them

Can Prozac Cause Kids to Kill? A Canadian Judge Has Ruled it Can « CCHR International

Prison » Physicians Oppose Mandatory Flu Vaccine for Health Workers

Prison » Highly Toxic Mercury Present in Processed Foods, Yet FDA Does Nothing

Asia Times Online :: The war is pronounced dead

Prison » How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted the U.S. on Troop Withdrawal

Prison » The Holocaust of Truth Has Led To The Death of Political Authority

Prison » Congress Declares ‘Offensive’ War on the Internet in NDAA

Newt Gingrich says he'd defy Supreme Court rulings he opposed -

Prison » Class Warfare Blowback: Majority Of Americans Want Obama Out

House cybersecurity bill would establish federal overseer - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Prison » Florida airport could be first in US to ban naked body scanners

Prison » Four ways Monsanto threatens the environment and public health

Coming soon: Ubiquitous surveillance from Big Brother's wayback machine


+Fox Full Debate : Commentators Ignoring Ron Paul Again - YouTube

Ron Paul on Fox Post Debate Spin Room w/ Sean Hannity 12-15-11 - YouTube


AFP: The “GinGrinch” Steals Christmas


3 Part Video/Fractional Reserve Banking


Homeland Security surveillance plane helped Jamaican police carry out atrocity «

AFP: Plans to Replace U.S. Workers with Robots Advance Rapidly «

Ezra Levant with Marc Lemire: freedom of speech - YouTube

Santelli Balances the U.S. Budget.flv - YouTube

Cyber-security bill would create 'federal big brother' to govern the internet, fearful experts warn | Mail Online


+Do You Own Your Children? « REALITY BLOG


First video how to become Free - YouTube

Freedom Basics #1 - YouTube


+GET OUT OF JAIL CARD Part 1 - YouTube


JAIL CARD part 3 - YouTube


MUZU TV - The Free Music Video Site(U.K.)


Prison » The End Game Approaches


Fractional Reserve Banking Commentary 1 - YouTube

FRB Commentary 2: Deposit Insurance - YouTube

FRB Commentary 3: Big Picture - YouTube


*2:19;30/EndGame - YouTube

*1:40:09/DebunkThis! - YouTube

*2:41:01/Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined - YouTube

*2:24:19/Fall of the Republic - YouTube

*1:53:40/The Obama Deception - YouTube

*1:42:17/Fabled Enemies - YouTube


*Prison » Ron Paul’s ‘Tea Party’ money bomb approaches $4 million goal

20 MIN./Ron Paul & Joe Rogan on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno - YouTube

Italian police investigate discovery of bullets sent in the post to Mario Monti and Silvio Berlusconi by left wing terror group | Mail Online


'07/(11pg.)The Corrupt Business Of Child Protective Services.


Proof! The Feds Did The Oklahoma City Bombing! 1/2 - YouTube

Proof! The Feds Did The Oklahoma City Bombing! 2/2 - YouTube


Ron Paul Attacked Again & Feds Frame Dairy Farmers: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Darth Vader Choke Weapons! Internet Kill Switch, Obama's Watergate, & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube


2011-12-12 Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Info Wars Nightly News 2011 12 13 - December 13th 2011 Alex Jones Prison Planet TV - YouTube

Info Wars Nightly News 2011 12 14 - December 14th 2011 Alex Jones Prison Planet TV - YouTube

Info News 2011-12-15 Thursday - YouTube

Info Wars Nightly News 2011 12 16 - December 16th 2011 Alex Jones Prison Planet TV - YouTube


*The Radiators - Like Dreamers Do (Official Music Video) - MetaCafe.Com/Video


+When CIA works for Mossad « Zionist Outrage

PressTV - Obama: Our funding for Israel historical

Israel announces new 'depth' command for long-range military operations - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Report: Iran 'blinded' CIA spy satellite - Israel News, Ynetnews

Putin dubs McCain 'nuts', says US drones, commandos killed Gaddafi — RT


Joe Rogan endorses Ron Paul for president... "the only guy that makes any sense" - YouTube


Ron Paul Heros Exit from Tonight Show Dec 16, 2011 - YouTube


20 MIN./Ron Paul & Joe Rogan on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno - YouTube


If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count - Fox News - YouTube

Conservatives Put Out New Anti-Obama Ad –

FBI considered a sting aimed at Newt Gingrich in 1997 - The Washington Post

Morris Rant - Judaism is Just a Front - YouTube

City in Mexico begins countdown to winter solstice of December 21, 2012 | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Have Yourself a very Merry Apocalypse. Smoking Mirrors

Elementary teacher writes the word 'STUPID' across a boy's head in permanent marker calling it a 'just a joke' | Mail Online

Mississippi mayor’s gay sex shop purchase billed to city -

Jesus and the Cherry Tree « Mantiq al-Tayr

Political Washington Abolishes Due Process Protections

Media Blackout on Idaho Power Smart Meter Incidents Involving Guns « OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

One can of cola = one hour's run: Exercise labels could be 'more effective than calorie counts' | Mail Online

Fars News Agency :: Whistleblower Discloses Saudi King's Secret


Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Mini-Nukes, Flying 'Terminators,' and 8 More Air Weapons That Will Blow You Away | Danger Room |

California Passed Law Eliminating Parental Informed Consent and Knowledge for Vaccination | Organic Baby University

What If War Was Outlawed? « The PPJ Gazette

Boulder County farmers organize at eleventh hour to fight GMO ban - Boulder Daily Camera - "My Shangri-la" - The Last Outpost of Femininity

'Brain-Eating Amoeba' Deaths May Be Linked To Tap Water Use In Neti Pots, Louisiana Officials Warn


Medvedev on US: ‘If they continue to push us around, we’ll push back’ — RT - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Britons go pill crazy

Daily dose of Vitamin B 'can fight memory loss and help protect against Alzheimer's' | Mail Online

Video: Israeli-Italian aerial drill - Israel News, Ynetnews

Vet Says Soldiers Are Starting to Wake Up to Gov't Lies - YouTube

Gaddafi got the blame - And he did nothing wrong - Thomas C Mountain - YouTube

Activist Post: The Carrier IQ Conspiracy


**Harvard's 1869 Entrance Exam


Iran says arrests another CIA spy | Reuters

How US can improve its image in Pakistan? | Opinion Maker

Did The ECB Just End The Euro Crisis?

TARP To Cost The U.S. Nearly Double The Initial Estimates: CBO

US pension fund seeks answers over News Corp hacking - Telegraph

One in five American women 'has been raped' - Americas - World - The Independent

Toddlers singing Twinkle Twinkle banned from making gestures 'in case it offends deaf people' | Mail Online

Protestors cry foul over proposed G8, NATO restrictions | WBEZ

The Daily Bell - Fearfully, the US Treasury's Secret, 75-Year-Old Fund and Its Dark History Has Been Exposed? ...

MF Global and the great Wall St re-hypothecation scandal

How Harvard Beats The Market, and How You Can Too - Yahoo! News

Omar Baddar: Is Michele Bachmann a Compulsive Liar or Just Clueless?

Ron Paul nailed Gingrich on Freddie Mac; Gingrich should donate the money to homeless vets - The Hill's Pundits Blog

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe - Why Satanists Fail


"Beware Of Darkness - Eric Clapton" by Eric Clapton - Grooveshark

"Wah Wah - by Eric Clapton & Band - Grooveshark


+ The Death of Rights Enshrined on Bill of Rights Day Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama's Power Grab Within NDAA Bill & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» A Clockwork Orange: Can Government Control Humanity to Save It? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alex Jones Reviews Stanley Kubrick's 1971 Film, A Clockwork Orange - YouTube

» Seven Days in May: How a Military Takeover of Government Might Look Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alex Jones Reviews John Frankenheimer's 1964 Film, Seven Days in May - YouTube

» Indefinite Detention: Political Washington Abolishes Due Process Protections Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted the U.S. on Troop Withdrawal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AFP: Internet architects oppose US online piracy bills

» Don’t Be Fooled: The Horrible Anti-Internet Bill Is NOT Being Shelved Until Next Year Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

House cybersecurity bill would establish federal overseer - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

» Explaining to a 5-Year Old Why the Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to U.S. Citizens on U.S. Soil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Four ways Monsanto threatens the environment and public health Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Flame Retardant Chemical Banned in Europe and Japan Used in U.S. Soda for Decades Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Big Sis Orders ICE To Prepare For Mass Influx of Illegals & More - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» Propaganda Alert: Judge Rules Iran Connected To 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Judge Rules Iran Connected To 9/11 - YouTube

+Prison » Proof The OKC Bombing Was An Inside Job

Mozilla Firefox Start Page

Covergirl ad banned by U.S. watchdog in first major step to restrict 'misleading' use of Photoshop in beauty campaigns | Mail Online

- What the nanny saw: Housekeeper's stunning images of 1950s Chicago show working class America in a new light | Mail Online

Military Contractors Funded Detention Bill -

Highly Toxic Mercury Present in Processed Foods, Yet FDA Does Nothing -

Physicians Oppose Mandatory Flu Vaccine for Health Workers -

FBI considered a sting aimed at Newt Gingrich in 1997 - The Washington Post

Alan Greenspan: Failed To Predict Bubble Popping... And Failed In Predicting Home Taping Would Kill Music | Techdirt

Witnesses grilled as Manning hearing resumes | The Raw Story

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe -

Green bulbs’ folly—Michael A. Walsh -

7 Nations on Neocon Hit List | American Free Press

Jerry Sandusky Story - The Case of the Missing D.A. ( NBC Dateline TV 2011.12.16) - 12160 - Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network

Press TV talks to James Morris on CNN Republican Debate (Ron Paul on Iran) - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Newt Gingrich vs Ron Paul on Predicting the Economic Collapse

Revolutionary Politics : Right Now Ron Paul Is Scaring The Republican Establishment In A Very Profound Way!

National Organization for Marriage takes aim at Ron Paul | The Raw Story

Iowa newspaper backs Mitt Romney? Weird GOP race gets a little weirder. -

Bachmann to Huckabee: I don't hate Muslims but Iran hates Jews & Americans - Fox News

Gingrich causes a stir with vow to ignore courts

+ Sherrie Questioning All: Why did Drudge only have the Indefinite Detention information up for ONE DAY ONLY on 12/15/11 after it was passed? Drudge Controlled Alternative media?

eBook Readers Live in a Different Universe of Books | Disinformation

Is Journalism the Drug Industry's New Lackey?

Activist Post: Pharmaceutical Company Raises Drug Price from $10 to $1,500 Per Dose


**Conspiracy to Rule the World


Renegade Ron: Paul is a gadfly, not a contender | New Hampshire OPINION01

Romney wins endorsements from Bob Dole, Iowa newspaper -

Activist Post: US "Withdrawal" In Iraq Paves Way for US-Israeli Strike on Iran

Did The Fed Quietly Bail Out A Bank On Tuesday? | ZeroHedge

NASA Shuts Doors, Pulls Plug on Shuttle Discovery | |

Perry 'double-dipping' raises questions

Mystery Mitt Romney donor comes forward - Maggie Haberman -

Activist Post: Prediction: Your Standard of Living is Going Down in 2012

Big Corn, Big Sugar in bitter fight over ‘corn sugar’ | The Raw Story

Audio:James Evan Pilato On Project Censored Top 25 Censored Stories of the Year

Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann go head-to-head - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : 'Accusing Iran of 9/11 echoes Iraq scenario'

“The Science of 9/11” Sets Benchmark for College Breakthroughs:Thank you A&E |

Refreshing News: US Election 2012: Mitt Romney and the 'money shot'

Police State Front: Your Children Belong to the State

Podcast Show #71;The Boiling Frogs Presents Rick Rozoff

Gallup: Under Obama, Growing Percentage See Big Government as 'Biggest Threat' in America's Future; Fewer See Big Business as 'Biggest Threat'

Rev. Franklin Graham: Mideast Furor Threatens US, Christians

30,000 Islamists in Pakistan Protest Against US

US Diplomats Face Huge Challenge in Iraq

Senate Democrats Cave on Pipeline, Pass Tax Cut

Gallup: Gingrich Leads in Iowa by 4 Points

Huntsman Gets Two NH Newspaper Endorsements

Romney Assails Obama for Not Working With GOP

Gingrich Would Force Judges to Justify Rulings

Bachmann: Obama Multiplies Debt, Lags on Jobs

Boehner Opposes Senate Payroll Tax Bill

Rev. Franklin Graham: Mideast Furor Threatens US

Expert John Fund: ID Laws Don’t Stifle Black Vote

Liberal Iowa Paper Backs Romney for President

CNN's Piers Morgan to Be Grilled in Hacking Probe

Tea Party Mixed on 2012 WH Support

Barney Frank: Obama Would Easily Defeat Gingrich

Gingrich Says Freddie Money Went to Overhead

Former Czech President Havel Dies at 75

Brutal Egypt Crackdown Continues for 3rd Day

IMF Chief: Crisis May Propel 1930s-Style Depression

Officer Testifies on Soldier's Access to Secrets

Diamond Ring Put in Salvation Army Kettle in Fla.

Michael Jackson House Contents Sell for $1M

Manning's Status as Gay Soldier Is Key to Defense

Wash Post: Candidates' Personal Lives Matter

Huntsman Success May Rely on Independents

652 Dead, 808 Missing in Philippine Floods

Dr. Chauncey Crandall: Sleep Is a Key to Cardiac Health

12 Months to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History

Obama Message Often Lost in Washington Grind

US Court Claims Iranian 9/11 Link

No, The U.S. Is Not Leaving Iraq

Blair: Iraq Linked To Al-Qaida

US Plans "Shock And Awe" Blitzkrieg In Iraq

‘Part of a Global Program of World Militarization’

From The Archive Howard Zinn: The Myth of American Exceptionalism

The Trial of Bradley Manning

Don't Be Fooled: The Horrible Anti-Internet Bill Is NOT Being Shelved Until Next Year - informationliberation

If China Attacks America (JUST IMAGINE) - YouTube

Alan Greenspan: Failed To Predict Bubble Popping... And Failed In Predicting Home Taping Would Kill Music - informationliberation

WTF is SOPA ? aka The American Government trying to ruin the internet - YouTube

From Mind Control to Superstardom: The Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night”

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Still Bringing Illuminati Symbolism to Kids

Opening Sequence of “Poland’s Next Top Model”: Symbolism Overload

Therapist ‘Brainwashed’ Woman Into Believing She Was In Satanic Cult

Recent Charges of Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood Just Tip of Iceberg, Experts Say

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (video)

Quinn signs Sears-CME tax breaks into law

Havel, leader of "Velvet Revolution," dies |

Fake Withdrawal? 'US won't leave Iraq oil to Iran' - YouTube

Romney attacks Obama over US troop withdrawal from Iraq

Arab Officials: Syria's Assad to Sign Peace Plan Soon

Indonesia Says 217 Asylum Seekers Missing After Boat Sinks

Thousands protest against 'rigged' Russia polls

Protests spread in troubled Kazakh oil region

Iraq's Government Totters as US Exits

Israel Begins Second Part of Prisoner Swap

Ministers at WTO split over US push for pacts

SKorea Urges Japan Action on 'Comfort Women'

'Dingo Ate My Baby' Case to be Reopened

Taliban ready to open political headquarters: Afghan negotiator

NY Woman Doused in Accelerant, Torched in Elevator


Romney: Obama is 'Great Divider,' Doesn't Get How Economy Works

House GOP demands new payroll tax cut bill

Officer testifies that Army private had to be trusted to keep government secrets

Gingrich: Gov't branches should rule 2 out of 3

Feds on the hunt for possible Yucca Mountain replacement

Michelle Bachmann Says Repeatedly: 'I Don't Hate Muslims'

Ron Paul Takes Swipes At Rivals on 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno'

Michelle Obama Gets Marine Ball Invite, RSVPs Yes

Alleged FAMU Hazing Murder Stirs Florida's Tense Racial Past

Congress delays enfocement of light bulb rules

Still no cause of death for Shannan Gilbert

Protesters set up camp at Obama offices

US Finds Pervasive Bias Against Latinos by Arizona Sheriff

SEC brings attention to prosecutions

Ex-Notre Dame walk-on Daniel 'Rudy' Ruettiger settles SEC suit

OPEC Raised Exports in October on Higher Global Demand for Oil

China Property Prices Decline

Victoria's Secret cotton unravels kids' lives

Android app surpasses iPhone on Facebook

Internet Explorer: Microsoft plans 'silent' updates

Twitter stalking is protected free speech, judge rules

Saturday Night Live 712 (Se 37 Ep 10) Jimmy Fallon - Opening Monologue - YouTube

Piers Morgan to Appear Before British Press Inquiry

Amy Winehouse to be Honored by VH1 Divas

Tina Fey, Amy Poehler & Tracy Morgan Join Jimmy Fallon on a Cameo-Crazy Saturday Night Live - E! Online

‘Sherlock Holmes’ wins box office race, but Hollywood still needs holiday miracle to salvage 2011 - NY Daily News

As Permafrost Thaws, Scientists Study the Risks

NASA discovers black hole with `heartbeat`

Blue moons? Kepler opens habitable world hopes

Inexplicable Particle: Why Even I'm a Higgs Bozo

Fermilab begins work on new research center

We can't wait until 2020 to cut emissions

Smoking linked to skin cancer in women

Invasive Biomedical Research on Chimps Not Needed

Obama to let states decide benefit levels under health law

At 100 years old, an Ohio doctor is still in

Gay marriage 'improves health'

Publishing of pink Bible halted due to Planned Parenthood connections

Coast to Coast AM

*Time Travel And John Titor - YouTube

- Time, Time Travel, & Voodoo - Lionel Fanthorpe - YouTube

- Lucifer, P.A.N. And Time Travel - Aaron Donahue - YouTube

16.12.2011 - 1/4 - Psychic Abilities & Christmas Symbolism - YouTube

16.12.2011 - 2/4 - Psychic Abilities & Christmas Symbolism - YouTube

16.12.2011 - 3/4 - Psychic Abilities & Christmas Symbolism - YouTube

16.12.2011 - 4/4 - Psychic Abilities & Christmas Symbolism - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM: 12.12.2011 - Crop Circles And 2012 - YouTube

Space & Faith Brother Guy Consolmagno Vatican Observatory CoastoCoast am 13.122011 - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.14 - Paranormal Immersion - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.15 - Cyber Attacks - Annunaki Evidence - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.16 - Psychic Abilities & XMas Symbolism - YouTube


**Dr. William F. Pepper/10 Part:MLK Assassination Conspiracy Trial


Strange Times -


Speed of light captured on new camera - Telegraph

Sun Rips Tail From Comet During Solar Close Encounter | Sungrazing Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) | Comet Lovejoy Survives Pass Through Sun's Atmosphere |

Download Knowledge Directly to Your Brain, Matrix-Style | Popular Science

Two-Foot-Tall Woman Crowned 'World's Shortest' | Guinness World Records Crowns New 'Shortest Living Woman' | LiveScience

Mars probe to crash to Earth in January - Technology & science - Space -

The real Fantastic Voyage? Researchers create mini camera that can 'swim' in human body | Mail Online

Lie detector confirms Roswell testimonies - Unexplained Mysteries

Video: 'Magnetic' Georgian man sticks 50 spoons to his body - Telegraph

The girl who is allergic to her tears -

Nanotechnology May Lead To The End Of Laundry - Forbes


*Audio:Terence McKenna with Art Bell


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Government ban on incandescent bulbs burning out?;Rep. Michael Burgess says DOE can't move forward on prohibition

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Congressman praises House extension of tax break;Rep. Pearce also says 16,000 IRS agents de-funded

Taxpayers to Washington: Live within your income

Judge asks for evidence of Ahmadinejad's torture program

Fort Hood's 'workplace violence'

Taxpayers to Washington: Live within your income

College challenges Obamacare for violating religious rights

Obama bans daughters from Facebook - because he doesn't want strangers prying into family affairs | Mail Online

Channel 4: We'll screen shocking images of violence and child abuse that proves Syrian torture policy | Mail Online

America¿s cocaine habit may be funding Middle East terror gangs | Mail Online

Town of 100 in shock as family, including baby and two young children, are found shot dead | Mail Online

Not just a stroppy toddler: Doctors find new syndrome which makes children unable to cope with ANY demand | Mail Online

Paying a ‘Sports Tax,’ Even if You Don’t Watch - CNBC

Vatican guide: The pope’s pornographic bathroom - Slate Magazine

Desensitizing the Tyranny Detector

Christopher Hitchens and the Meaning of Life

The Corporate Psychopaths Among Us

The American Jewish Dilemma

The Evangelical Case for Newt Gingrich

A Humanitarian Catastrophe at Ashraf Spells Political Catastrophe for the White House

English Needs No Protection

The Lone Politician Who Stood against Japanese Internment

A Not-So-Bright Idea Placed on Hold

The explosive growth of federal subsidies

Why Gingrich is not a 'conservative's conservative'

McCarthy Counters NR Editors' Gingrich Attack

Downstate Illinoisans rebelling against Chicago domination

What CBS left on the cutting room floor in Obama '60 Minutes' interview

Egypt's authorities in bloody crackdown on protestors

Tea Partiers for Huntsman?

House GOP not on board Senate payroll tax bill

An American's nightmare in a Mexican hospital

Scintillating Chutzpah: Obama at Reform Judaism's Confab

Are America's Best Days Behind Us?

We Need Not Repeat 1776

World War II and the Genesis of ObamaCare

OWS and the Constitutional Right to Peaceable Assembly

A Reluctant Embrace of Newton Leroy Gingrich

Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class

How the Free Market Can Cure Health Care

SEAL Target Geronimo : Fact or Fiction?

Review: Throw Them All Out by Peter Schweizer

Fast and Furious, the U.S. and Mexico

America’s Awful Rowing Toward God

The Convenient Myth of Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment

Should We Intervene in Syria?

Iraq War: Great Achievement, or “Dumb”?

New Study Predicts the Death of Newspapers in Five Years

TechnoFile’s Most Interesting Tech Products of 2011

Obama uses troop return as campaign propaganda

Employment Imbalance

House GOP wastes year: No significant EPA riders in budget omnibus

Lies, Damned Lies & Enviro-Fraud

Anyone But Obama

Christ and Capitalism

Testing the waters of economic liberty - The Washington Post

The long con -

Romney on Obamacare: "Repeal the Bad and Keep the Good" -

Help Wanted -

America Goes Back To The Factory (And It’s A Good Thing) | Via Meadia

Most Americans don't buy Obama's class warfare rhetoric | Washington Examiner

U.S. leaves Iraq - but don't call it victory

Exclusive: Iran hijacked US drone, says Iranian engineer (Video) -

BBC News - Beijing orders new controls on 'Weibo' microblogs

RIM's Year of Misery -

UMG claims "right to block or remove" YouTube videos it doesn't own

Bing, Yahoo Now Neck & Neck In US Search Market Share

GPL, copyleft use declining faster than ever | ITworld

SOPA tweet triggers political explosion, delays vote - CBS News

Repressing Democracy, With American Arms -

Why the Arab Spring Is Here to Stay - The Daily Beast

The Giant of The 21st Century Begins To Awake | Via Meadia

China's land grab is undermining grassroots democracy | Tao Ran | Comment is free |

Doyle McManus: Not much 'victory' at end of Iraq war -

RealClearPolitics - And Was the Mission Accomplished?

The Young Generation Behind Russia's Protests -

Creating tension to expel Jews - JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

Does India’s Democracy Need a Reboot?: Choudhury - Bloomberg

Keeping the Arab Spring alive - The Washington Post

Truth is being murdered in Putin's bloody Russia | Observer editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

Obama and Iran - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

The Astonishing Collapse of MF Global

Morgan Ricks: A Former Obama Advisor On How To Really Fix Wall Street | The New Republic

Our leadership is dire, but we mustn't despise government | Jeffrey Sachs | Comment is free | The Guardian

It's time to write off the charitable tax deduction -

How long until the solar industry revives? - Fortune Tech

How Did World War II End the Great Depression?: Echoes - Bloomberg

For Law Schools, a Price to Play the A.B.A.’s Way -


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*18 Dec.

American Minute for December 18th

December 18th in History

Today in History: December 18

December 18 Birthdays in History

December 18 Events in History

December 18th This Day in History

This Day in History for 18th December

Today in History: December 18

Today in History for December 18th - YouTube


**News Videos: Manning’s Status As Gay Soldier Key To Defense

Playwright, Dissident, President Vaclav Havel Dies

17th/Last U. S. Troops Leave Iraq

Obama’s New Ad Labels End Of Iraq War As ‘Promise Kept’

Coulter: Newt’s Views On Judges ‘Outrageous’

Cain Releases Bible-Reading Christmas Message With Wife

Elizabeth Smart Publicly Shares Details Of Kidnapping For First Time

Jeb? David Brooks Says Bush III Candidacy Still Possible

Flashback: Romney Wanted To ‘Keep The Good, Repeal The Bad’ On Obamacare

Ron Paul Claims Bachmann ‘Hates Muslims’

Obama: Only Three Other Presidents Outrank Me

Senate Leaders Reach Last-Minute Accord

Soldier Who Captured Saddam: Iraq Is A Success Story

Dem Rep Mike Honda: ‘We Didn’t Know What The Hell Was Going On’ When We Passed Obama Stimulus

16th/Pelosi: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will Create 600,000 Jobs

Andrea Tantaros To Trump: ‘The Apprentice Is More Important Than’ The Country?

Carney Defends FLOTUS’ ‘Extravagant’ Travel

Judge Gives Bonds House Arrest, Then Delays It

Hoyer Urges Support For Spending Bill Even Though None ‘Have Read It’

Tea Party Hero Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt

SEC Charges Ex-Fannie, Freddie CEOs With Fraud

Flatulent Whoopi Lets One Rip On ‘The View’

Caught On Video: Vandals Destroy Christmas Display

Child Services Worker Arrested For Sexting Teen Boy On Facebook

Iowa Radio Host Nails Matthews: ‘You’re Clearly Working For The Re-Election Of Barack Obama’

Chinese Authorities Manhandle Christian Bale For Attempting To Visit Anti-Abortion Dissident

‘Morning Joe’ Panel Laughs In Obama Defender’s Face

RIP Christopher Hitchens

15th/America’s Got Howard

Dennis Miller: Negative Newt Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

Romney Flashback: Mass Healthcare Law Means ‘No More Free Rides’

In Memoriam: Vaclav Havel (1936-2011)

Court: Iran and Hizballah Helped Al-Qaeda in 9/11 Attacks

The Iraq War Did Not End on December 17, 2011–But the Peace May Be Over Soon

Full-Speed Ahead for Obama-Sanctioned ‘Taliban Embassy’ in Qatar

Islamic World Tells Clinton: Defamation of Islam Must be Prevented– in America

+Sunday Crib Sheet: Media Picks Its Candidate, CJR Irony

More Turmoil At The New York Times As CEO Retires Unexpectedly

Selective Editing: CBS News Omits Embarrassing Obama Boast from TV Interview

60 Minutes Broadcast Edits Out Laughable Obama Claim as 4th Best President |

Cartoon:UI: Gong!

NewsBusted: Occupy Wall Street Is The Biggest Story of 2011?

Warren Buffett Buys Omaha World-Herald

MSM Ignores The GOP Primary Debate’s Single Fast And Furious Question

Libertarianism Is Crony Capitalism’s Nightmare

House GOP Revolts Over Senate Payroll Tax Bill

Sundays with Sherrod: J Street’s Favorite Senator

Cartoon:Hamlet on Wry.

Are Some ‘Tea Party’ Politicians Just Politicians After All?

Author D.J. Waldie on Being a ‘Partisan of Suburban Places’

Romney Declares Himself ‘Ideal’ Tea Party Candidate

Economic Growth Requires Tax Reform, Simplification

Holocaust Denier Norman Finkelstein Feted at #OccupyBoston

Majority Leader Cantor Pledges to Revive, Expand Ban on Congressional Insider Trading

American Elements Announces Top Five ‘Endangered Elements’ That Will Gravely Affect U.S. Manufacturing

Senate Approves 2-Month Payroll Tax Cut, Keystone Pipeline


Bill Ayers and #OccupyHarrisburg

Oldman Hits His Stride with ‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy’

Meryl Streep Is Our Finest Actress? Think Again

‘The Descendants’ Co-Star Matthew Lillard – From Shaggy to Oscar-Bait Filmmaking

‘Work It’: Bullying GLAAD Goes On Another Censorship Rampage

ReelzChannel Names ‘Top Ten’ Controversial Movies

Box Office Slump Hits Christmas?: Weekend’s Big Sequels Underperform

‘Iron Lady’ Co-Star Says Film Gave Her New Appreciation for Thatcher

Commie Muppets, Occupy Wall Street, and Slate’s Breathtaking Hypocrisy

Syria nearer to sign Arab plan, crackdown continues

Tea partyers not keen about GOP presidential field

US online holiday sales climb 15 percent to $30.9B

Nokia CEO says to keep headquarters in Finland: TV

Next wave of GPS promises stronger signals

Pakistan: 30,000 Islamists protest against US

Iraq war veterans serving in Obama White House

New oil leak found in Brazil: officials

Clinton calls on Belarus to free prisoners

Mixed emotions for Iraq vets in the White House

Officer testifies on soldier's access to secrets

NC soldier, 23, was last US troop killed in Iraq

Libyan students in US worry about returning home

Bradley Manning hearing told of lax security at military intelligence unit

Ministry of Defence set to cull top jobs, according to leak

Burma's military junta accused of torturing and killing ethnic rebels

Qatar sees Syria signing Arab peace deal

The Xmas factor: what's the best Christmas song ever?

Communist party tested by village protests

Egypt's Brotherhood says it took 40% in latest vote

America Is Disgraced by Geithners Agitation for Currency Dilution in Europe

Bid to evict StPaul's protest camp begins athigh court

Angelina Jolie inflames new ethnic emotions in Bosnia with her debut as film director - Telegraph

Multimillionaire Tax Cheat Willie Nelson: 'Those at the Top Get Their Share at the Expense of the 99 Percent' |

Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

+50-State Blog Round-up

Administration Announces States Can Decide Their Own Minimum Health Care Benefits

Ron Paul on Bachmann and Santorum's Hatred for 'Gay People and Muslims'

Hannity and Luntz Flog False Depiction of Newt Gingrich as Historian

Tea Party Leader Flees CBS Cameras After Handgun Arrest

As Unemployment Runs Out, Disability Applications Go Up

The Duck of Minerva: Gingrinch

Creationist abuse of cuttlefish chitin : Pharyngula

Why Is Tucson's KVOA Treating Hate Group Leader Glenn Spencer as a Legit News Source?

Shutdown Deal Cuts Winter Heating Aid For Low-Income Families, Boosts Defense Spending

One People Flash Mob - Occupy

Federal Judge Smacks Down Republican Assault On Unions In FAA Reauthorization

Taxing Millionaires in California

'Tens Of Thousands' Of Jobs From Keystone XL Pipeline? Not Exactly

Scott Walker Blames Unions and Government for All of Society's Ills

Scott Walker Shuts Down Cancer Screenings Through Planned Parenthood

Wyden Snatches Defeat from Jaws of Victory on Medicare



National Organization for Women (NOW)

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