A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

17 December 2011

17 DEC.




Scripture Scholars, Ancient and Modern

Warnings from Heaven Suppressed


**Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist;The War of Antichrist against the Church and Christian Civilization

Comments on the Eclipse of the Church and the White Smoke of October 26, 1958

+ Audio @ Conspiracy Pen Pal.Com


+Crises in the Catholic Church -- 1958 to Present


89 pgs./Why the “Conciliar Church” cannot be the Catholic Church and why the new “Mass” cannot be the True Mass


Secrets of the Federal Reserve @


+Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation Remarks in Congress


+The Money Myth Exploded

+Crises in the Catholic Church -- 1958 to Present


Discovery of America(

Researching Criminal Zionism(


*The Barnes Review;Article Archive Page


ConspiracyPenPal Newsletter;It Wasn't Arabs by Edgar J. Steele


Rense & Celente - Criminals Own The Government - YouTube

China trims holdings of US Treasury debt

Chemical Weapons Countermeasures Deployed Around U.S. | Global Security Newswire | NTI

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

Obama Approves Draconian Police State Law

R.I.P. America

"Those Things In The Bill Of Rights Are Being Taken Away From ALL Of Us!" Congressman McDermott - YouTube


Regulators sue former top Fannie, Freddie execs - Yahoo! Finance

Jon Corzine Threatened With Death By Jamie Dimon | The Political Coffeehouse

Voice biometrics: the next generation lie detectors | Homeland Security News Wire

‘Carbon dioxide has zero effect on global warming’ — RT

Database on the risks of genetically engineered crop plants | Farm Wars

No War for Israel in Syria and Iran ! - YouTube

Ron Paul Highlights at the Fox News Iowa GOP Debate - YouTube

Ron Paul: Strike against Iran would risk a repeat of 'useless' Iraq war -

U.S. to leave Iraqi airspace clear for strategic Israeli route to Iran - Washington Times

Hawaii Residents Sue Over Dust from Seed Company

Activist Post: The Carrier IQ Conspiracy - Why Satanists Fail

BVO Flame Retardant Chemical in US Sodas | Natural Society

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Vet Says Soldiers Are Starting to Wake Up to Gov't Lies - YouTube

Somalian Pirates Have a Mafia Protecting Them - Thomas C Mountain - YouTube

US wants war in Africa - Kenya invades Somalia - Thomas C Mountain - YouTube

Gaddafi got the blame - And he did nothing wrong - Thomas C Mountain - YouTube

Suspected WikiLeaks source appears in court - Yahoo! News

Ron Paul nailed Gingrich on Freddie Mac; Gingrich should donate the money to homeless vets - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Omar Baddar: Is Michele Bachmann a Compulsive Liar or Just Clueless?

Credit ratings agency Fitch downgrades Barclays, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs and five other banking giants | Mail Online

Protestors cry foul over proposed G8, NATO restrictions | WBEZ

The Daily Bell - Fearfully, the US Treasury's Secret, 75-Year-Old Fund and Its Dark History Has Been Exposed? ...

MF Global and the great Wall St re-hypothecation scandal

Did The ECB Just End The Euro Crisis?

How Harvard Beats The Market, and How You Can Too - Yahoo! News

On a Journey of Magnificent Quest. Visible Origami

Spending bill blocks light bulb standards - Darren Samuelsohn -

Sniffer dogs get it wrong four out of five times |

Department of Health & Hospitals | State of Louisiana

Russia seizes Iran-bound radioactive material | Reuters

Vladimir Putin calls Russia's protesters 'paid agents of the west' | World news |

Russia offers tougher draft resolution on Syria to UN security council | World news |

Iran to exhibit US and Israeli spy drones | World news |

Fitch downgrades credit ratings on Barclays, Goldman Sachs and four more global banking giants | Mail Online

New US budget impasse risks federal shutdown - Americas - World - The Independent

US threatens tariff war with China | Business | The Guardian

34% of factories to move activity abroad - Israel Business, Ynetnews

David Canterbury, 33, fights off Taser police armed with toy LIGHTSABER | Mail Online

Video: Police rescue students from 'torture dungeon' in Karachi - Telegraph

Will Iraq's 1.3 million refugees ever be able to go home? - Middle East - World - The Independent

IMF warns that world risks sliding into a 1930s-style slump | Business | The Guardian

Million-Dollar Nurses Show California’s Struggle to Cut Payroll - Bloomberg

Bayer: Threshold met for $750 million rice deal | World news | The Guardian

Bigger doses of penicillin needed for today's bigger children: doctors - Telegraph

Esc and Ctrl: Jon Ronson investigates Twitter bots - video | Comment is free |

Could hackers develop a 'computer virus' to infect the human mind? | Mail Online

Rare white rainbow lights up the North Pole... but on closer inspection the phenomena is actually a ghostly fog bow | Mail Online

Dingoes show 'unbelievable intelligence' - Telegraph

Fallujah : Iraqis burn US flags to celebrate troop withdrawal - Illuminati Signal New Mind Control Technology

Economist: True Fed Exposure $29 Trillion

One Hundred Million Dollar Penny - YouTube

Iraq war ends with a $4 trillion IOU - MarketWatch

Bashar Assad: 'They want to overthrow me for my friendship with Russia' - English

Christopher Hitchens quotes: the writer's most memorable bons mots | Books |

Candidates go for last words in final debate before Iowa caucuses -

Supercomputer runs biggest ever simulation of the universe¿ it took 20 days | Mail Online

Ron Paul calls for criminal charges against Eric Holder. - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

Unanimous - YouTube

Ron Paul furious over indefinite detention act — RT

Bachmann: Rivals' 'money is changing hands' -

Books | Tom Woods


* Can You Pass Harvard's 1869 Entrance Exam? (We Bet Not) - Culture - GOOD


+VIDEOS:Ron Paul Goes Off On Going To War With Iran - 12160


Revolutionary Politics : MSNBC: Ron Paul The Dark Horse

Ron Paul And The Tea Party Can't Save You: 2012 National Defense Act Is 'Terrifying'

Press TV Talks to James Morris on Republican CNN debate about Ron Paul on Iran – Salem-News.Com

Ron Paul is the real threat to Obama in 2012 - San Francisco Sunset District Libertarian |

Same Old Spring: 'US training & arming rebels in Syria' - YouTube

Activist Post: Ron Paul Trends At No. 1 On Yahoo! Dec 16th, 2011

Ron Paul: Strike against Iran would risk a repeat of 'useless' Iraq war -

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul vs. Michelle Bachmann on Iran Fox Iowa Debate 12-15-11

poorrichards blog: Lew Rockwell On Economic Terror, the Police State and the Rise of Ron Paul

poorrichards blog: Ron Paul calls for criminal charges against Eric Holder.

Revolutionary Politics : "Those Things In The Bill Of Rights Are Being Taken Away From ALL Of Us!" Congressman McDermott

Revolutionary Politics : What If Government Had No Intention Of Keeping You Safe But Only Of Using Your Fears To Curb Freedom

Revolutionary Politics : Why Won't The Government Tell Us The Truth About Iraq?

Revolutionary Politics : Our Wise Overlords Are Just Here to Serve Us | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.

Revolutionary Politics : Predator Drones "Police Departments All Over America Want To Use This Technology" Jay Stanley ACLU

Skeptical Eye: Michele Bachmann's Dangerous Lies

Michele Bachmann warns that Hezbollah could be planning missile site in Cuba - New York Daily News

Giuliani: 'I Jumped Up Out Of My Chair And Cheered' When Gingrich Said Palestinians Are An 'Invented People' | ThinkProgress

Climategate Bombshell: Did U.S. Gov't Help Hide Climate Data? | Fox News

SEC Charges Ex-Fannie, Freddie CEOs With Fraud | Fox News

poorrichards blog: Republican Candidates Can’t Run From Iraq War: Jonathan Alter

Wayne Madsen: Holder’s Fast & Furious was Designed to Destabilize Mexican Government : Federal Jack

How the economic crisis began with free trade |

Sherrie Questioning All: Video and Transcript - Confirmed Senator Graham DID Say "Terrorist U.S. Citizen or Not Can Get KILLED!"

poorrichards blog: Set Your Doomsday Clock to 11:51

YayaCanada: Letter to Santa from the military/industrial cabal

Activist Post: Celente’s Trends Proven Accurate; What Will 2012 Bring?

Loyal to the Bank of America :

U.S. Government Committed Treason against Citizens - Indefinite Detainment PLUS Rights to Kill - YouTube

Swedish prof 'insinuates' Israel tie to Breivik attack - The Local

poorrichards blog: President Obama Kills The Bill of Rights, Hands Americans A Bill of Lies


Have You Ever Seen The TSA Catch A Terrorist At The Airport? Nope. Ever Read A News Report Of The TSA Catching A Terrorist? Nope. Ever Heard Of An Air Marshall Stopping A Terrorist In-Flight? Nope. | Before It's News

New Hampshire Republicans Accuse Gingrich Of Illegal Robo-Calls | Fox News

President Obama Kills The Bill of Rights, Hands Americans A Bill of Lies

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Activist Post: Congressional Tyranny, White House Surrender

IRAN-DRONEGATE: Washington’s Acrimony over the Downed Top Secret Spy Drone | Intifada Palestine

BBC News - Internet Explorer: Microsoft plans 'silent' updates

Activist Post: Who Watches the Watchers? The Future of Regulation

Activist Post: The End of America: House and Senate pass final version of NDAA

NDAA's CIA, military targeted killings of innocent Americans - National Human Rights |

Activist Post: The Carrier IQ Conspiracy


'Tens of thousands' of children victims of child sexual abuse at the hands of paedophile priests in the Netherlands since 1945 | Mail Online

Banksy wades into Catholic church sex abuse scandal with new sculpture | Art and design | The Guardian

Revolutionary Politics : Tens Of Thousands Of Children Sexually Abused By Dutch Catholic Church


Smugglers rumbled with Swastika clad cocaine - Home - ShortList Magazine


Survival Tenet #1 | The Survival Podcast

Survival Tenet #2 | The Survival Podcast

Survival Tenet #3 | The Survival Podcast

Survival Tenet #4 | The Survival Podcast

Survival Tenet #5 | The Survival Podcast

Survival Tenet #6 | The Survival Podcast


Survival Podcast(

The Berkey Guy's Blog(


- The Joy Of Banking Quiz | Video Rebel's Blog


Ron Paul first choice for SD GOP, says poll | The Daily Republic | Mitchell, South Dakota

New Photos Released of Iraq Atrocity, With Documents and Video | War Is A Crime .org


Ron Paul: The Tonight Show or Campaign Rally? :: Liberty Maven


+PART 1 - YouTube

PART 2 - YouTube

tPART 3 - YouTube

PART 4 - YouTube


Why Every President Sucked: (

How To Vanish /


Chicago Rally to Thank Obama for Supposedly Ending War in Iraq Turns Up 30 Speakers and 10 Audience Members | War Is A Crime .org

Article: Military's Tenacious Enemy

Revealed: bankers' secret meetings with ministers - UK Politics - UK - The Independent


+ '73 Logo: Catholic Church Archdiocesian Youth Commission


Rick Santorum's 12 Most Offensive Statements | ThinkProgress

Zogby: GOP Race Will All Come Down to Florida

Activist Post: Congress tries to pull a fast one: SOPA markup not delayed until 2012 after all

Republican Presidential Primaries: Iowa No GOP Crystal Ball - The Daily Beast

Activist Post: Congress Declares 'Offensive' War on the Internet in NDAA


+Watch Ron Paul on the Tonight Show w/Jay Leno nbc - 12160


Preparedness or Paranoia? - YouTube

Banking - the Greatest Scam on Earth - YouTube

U.S. military acknowledges abuse by Afghan militias it trains

U.S. Abandons Toxic Burn Pits as it Withdraws from Iraq and Afghanistan

Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge (Warning Graphic) : Federal Jack

The Ed Show: Republicans worry about Ron Paul's surge - 12160

Fitch Downgrades 8 Global Banks Including BNP, SocGen, BofA, Deutsche, And Morgan Stanley | ZeroHedge

The Jews Go To War (With Themselves) – An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine

Gerald Celente - Yahoo Finance - the Moral of MF Global - 14 December 2011 - YouTube

Indefinite detention Act voids US Constitution - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Bankers are the dictators of the West

Radfem Hub: the underbelly of a hate movement | A Voice for Men

Russia seizes Iran-bound radioactive material - YouTube

Newt Gingrich Threatens to Purge Federal Courts | Mother Jones

House Majority Leader: Palestinians Need to Prove They ‘Deserve’ Statehood -- News from

Banking - the Greatest Scam on Earth - YouTube

Bachmann On Muslims In 2005: 'Not All Cultures Are Equal' | ThinkProgress

‘US compels Russia to retaliate’ — RT

Michele Bachmann Endorses Call for Anti-Muslim Inquisition | Diplomacy

Prime Minister Cameron: UK should assert its Christianity to prevent ‘moral collapse’ | The Raw Story

Activist Post: Highly Toxic Mercury Present in Processed Foods, Yet FDA Does Nothing

California Passed Law Eliminating Parental Informed Consent and Knowledge for Vaccination | Organic Baby University

BBC News - Rare gene links vitamin D and multiple sclerosis


Lone Star Watchdog: A Christmas Carol: Charles Dickens Classic, A Warning to the Money Junkies.

+ Hemp: It's All About The History

+ U.S. terror watch list streamlined, updated instantaneously | Homeland Security News Wire

Dear Congress, It's No Longer OK To Not Know How The Internet Works | Motherboard


**Trials Of Henry Kissinger( 1:19:41 )


"The Trials of Henry Kissinger" A Documentary (The film focuses on Christopher Hitchens' charges against Kissinger as a war criminal ) - 12160


Strassel: Why Ron Paul Can't Win -

Lone Star Watchdog: Rush Limbaugh Insults Ron Paul About Foriegn Policy and Iran.

Rick Perry: God Commands Us to Support Israel | Mother Jones

Rick Perry: Israeli Settlements Are Legal 'And I Support Them' | ThinkProgress

Newt Gingrich: ignoramus, cheat, cynic or all three? > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

Huntsman Says He'd Launch A Ground Invasion To Prevent Iran From Getting Nukes | ThinkProgress

Rick Perry Supports Israeli Attack On Iran, Even If It Sparks Regional War | ThinkProgress

Fact Checking Bachmann's Claim That Iran Is A 'Few Months' From The Bomb | ThinkProgress

Most of Newt Gingrich's Twitter Followers Are Fake

Newt Gingrich: Being gay is a choice for some - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Watch the Growth of Walmart and Sam's Club Across America | FlowingData


Ron Paul 2012 Forums -(


*52 min./The Lightbulb Conspiracy (Full Length - English Subtitles) - YouTube


Thermite and the WTC Collapses

Inside Facebook · Tracking Facebook(

9/11 this footage was aired only once and never seen again ????????? - YouTube

Vint Cerf: SOPA means 'unprecedented censorship' of the Web | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

U.N. Says Death Toll In Syria Has Surpassed 4,000 : The Two-Way : NPR

'Anthrax isn't scary at all compared to this': Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions should never have been created, warns frightened scientist | Mail Online

Brain DNA 'changes through life' - Science - News - The Independent

Human ancestors mated with more than Neanderthals - CBS News

Hundreds Of Giant Aliens Unearthed Near African Village | Pakalert Press

Spotted Horses in Cave Art Weren’t Just a Figment, DNA Shows -

Out of Chaos, Order: Now IMF Seeks Collective, World Bail-Out of Europe -

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

Russian newspaper founder shot dead in North Caucasus | World news |

Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Crops Leading to Mental Illness, Obesity -

Rise Of The Beast System: 11 Ways That Amerika Is Becoming More Like North Korea -

The 5 Secrets of Happy Marriages | Before It's News

+WEEKLY ADDRESS: Honoring Those Who Served in Iraq, as the War Comes to An End | Before It's News

....KultLeader...: ......pedophiles...walt disney...pepsi...coke........

Mars Anomaly: Strange Artifact Caught By Rover Spirit | Before It's News

MARS ANOMALY - Strange artifact caught by rover Spirit - YouTube

10,000 BC Old Alien Painting Found In A Cave In Val Camonica, Italy | Before It's News

10,000 BC old Alien painting found in a cave in Val Camonica, Italy 17. Dec 2011 - YouTube

Antarctica's Biggest Mysteries: Secrets of a Frozen World ? Antarctic Mysteries & Antarctic Research ? Antarctica ? Climate Change | LiveScience

2012 agenda | Before It's News

Obama Running From Birth Certificate Annoys Media | Before It's News

Obama Insisted on Indefinite Detentions of Citizens | Before It's News

Obama Insisted on Indefinite Detentions of Citizens - YouTube

Comment: Is China the New Spy Superpower? «

IRA spy in Garda was open secret, says agent - The Irish Times - Thu, Dec 15, 2011

Trial announced for Swiss nuclear smugglers said to be CIA agents «


*Podcast Show #71;The Boiling Frogs Presents Rick Rozoff


*ARTICLES: BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 16, 2011


The American Empire in Latin America

A Hypocritical Embrace of a Criminal War

Why Do They Hate Us?

Banker Occupation and Europain

The Terror War on Iran | American Free Press

Georgia Birthers Challenge Obama's Placement On Presidential Ballot

If China Attacks America (JUST IMAGINE) - YouTube

If China Attacks America (JUST IMAGINE) - informationliberation


+Ron Paul Highlights at the Fox News Iowa GOP Debate - informationliberation


DHS Aircraft Aided Massacre Of 73 Civilians In Jamaican Drug Raid - informationliberation

Three myths about the detention bill - informationliberation

House cybersecurity bill would establish federal overseer - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Megaupload Video Reinstated, Universal Says “You Can’t Touch Us” | TorrentFreak

Congress overturns incandescent light bulb ban - Washington Times

Just Who Is Ignorant About Money? by William L. Anderson

Thanks, But I’ll Take the Constitution as My 'Passenger Advocate' by Becky Akers

Road Trip … Or Moon Shot? by Eric Peters

Lessons I Learned From Poker Altucher Confidential

Unlimited Military Detention of Americans To Become Law: To Hell With Freedom! by Gary D. Barnett

What If Ron Paul wins Iowa? | Ana Marie Cox | Comment is free |

Fascism for Dummies by Pete Kofod

Setting Yourself Up to Win: A Body By Science Approach | Mark's Daily Apple

Citing Auto Bailout, Gays in Military, Health Care, Obama Claims ‘Vision That Is Truest to Our History’

Republicans Propose Bill to Treat Mexican Drug Cartels as 'Terrorist Insurgency'

Dem Senators Say 1st Amendment Doesn't Protect 'Fraudulent Speech'; Bill Would Outlaw Misleading Election Info

Election Expert John Fund: Voter ID Laws Don’t Suppress Black Vote

Congress Clears $1 Trillion Budget Measure

Sheriff Arpaio Fires Back at Obama Rights Charges

Gingrich Says Rivals' Criticism Taking a Toll

Santorum Pursues Iowa Old-Fashioned Way

Issa: We'll Lose on Web Piracy Bill 'in Worst Way'

Obama: My Commitment to Israel Is Unshakable

Nobody Breaks From Pack in GOP Debate

Divided US Lawmakers Muster Modest Tax Deal

House Passes $1T Budget Bill, Avoids Shutdown

Penn State Officials Must Face Perjury Trial

Romney Predicts Tea Party Will Turn on Gingrich

Huntsman Success May Rely on Independents

Obama's Science Policy Disappoints Base

Obama Message Often Lost in Washington Grind

GOP Race Has More Drama than Reality TV

GOP Candidates Should Make Case for Core Beliefs

12 Months to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History

Source: Congress to Approve Keystone Pipeline Provision in Budget Deal | The Weekly Standard

Don King’s Turkey Giveaway Canceled After Truck - Flash Player Installation

Police Say Car Burglars Targeting Busy N. Texas - Flash Player Installation

Fort Worth Facing An ‘Act Of God’ Over Street L - Flash Player Installation

Obama's release their first Christmas card in two years | Mail Online

Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Dr Ron Paul Joe Rogan Man Love Moment on Jay Leno Dec 16 2011 - YouTube

Obama's Watergate, Domestic Drones, New Riot Shields & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Alex Warns of Obama's Internet Kill Switch: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

US court claims Iranian 9/11 link - YouTube

Joe Rogan & Duncan Trussell on the National Defense Authorization Act - YouTube

Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law - YouTube

The OKC Bombing Story with Film Makers James Lane and Holland Van den Nieuwenhof 1/2 - YouTube

The OKC Bombing Story with Film Makers James Lane and Holland Van den Nieuwenhof 2/2 - YouTube

If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count - Fox News - YouTube

Prison » Don’t Be Fooled: The Horrible Anti-Internet Bill Is NOT Being Shelved Until Next Year

Beijing orders microbloggers to register real names

Prison » Proof The OKC Bombing Was An Inside Job

Prison » Panetta Channels Albright: A Million Dead Iraqis Worth It

Panetta: Iraq mission "has become real" - YouTube

Prison » ‘Fog of pre-war over Syria’

'Fog of pre-war over Syria' - YouTube

Prison » War Without End, Amen: The Reality of America’s Aggression Against Iraq

Prison » Ron Paul: ‘Anybody Up Here Could Beat Obama’

Prison » Class Warfare Blowback: Majority Of Americans Want Obama Out

House cybersecurity bill would establish federal overseer - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Prison » Iowa Radio Host Nails Matthews: ‘You’re Clearly Working for the Re-Election of Barack Obama’…

UMG claims "right to block or remove" YouTube videos it doesn't own

Coming soon: Ubiquitous surveillance from Big Brother's wayback machine

Media Whores and Late Night Clowns Attack Ron Paul, Paint Gingrich as Savior - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Military & Police on Where They Stand with NDAA 1/2 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls from Military & Police on Where They Stand with NDAA 2/2 - YouTube

Gunter Spens: USA Police State Worse Than East Germany - Infowars Nightly News 1/3 - YouTube

Gunter Spens: USA Police State Worse Than East Germany - Infowars Nightly News 2/3 - YouTube

Gunter Spens: USA Police State Worse Than East Germany - Infowars Nightly News 3/3 - YouTube


**Fox Full Debate : Commentators Ignoring Ron Paul Again - YouTube


Ron Paul on Fox Post Debate Spin Room w/ Sean Hannity 12-15-11 - YouTube



AFP: Plans to Replace U.S. Workers with Robots Advance Rapidly «

Fox News' Chris Wallace Has an Anti-Ron Paul Agenda - Yahoo! News

» MTV runs advert opposing Obama’s NDAA bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Michelle Bushman Trots Out The Oldies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» China Keeps Slapping America In The Face And America Just Keeps Taking It Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hidden Industry Dupes Social Media Users Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Council on Foreign Relations and the “Grand Area” of the American Empire Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Could hackers develop a 'computer virus' to infect the human mind? | Mail Online

Big Sis Orders ICE To Prepare For Mass Influx of Illegals & More - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» Is Operation GLADIO on the rebound in Europe? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!




Alex Jones Reviews John Frankenheimer's 1964 Film, Seven Days in May - YouTube

South Carolina has first human rabies case in 50 years | Reuters

Someone's Polling New Hampshire To See Whether Republican Voters Are Interested In Jeb Bush

In California, 67% of Voters Support Millionaires Tax

Ghoulish Professional Christians Waste No Time Capitalizing on Hitchens' Death

Hot Air, Just The Facts, Please

Ron Paul: Greatest Danger With Iran is We'll Overreact and Get Into Another 'Useless War' Like Iraq

White House Blasts Wyden-Ryan Plan As 'Undermining' Medicare

In California, 67% of Voters Support Millionaires Tax

Romney's 'Impoverished' Home In Paris Was Really A Palace

Ex-Freddie, Fannie Chiefs Sued by SEC

The 99% Tide is Rising

Seasons Greetings From DOJ: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Rebuked for Abusing Civil Rights in Arizona

Don't Miss the First Ever Occuthon!

Newt Gingrich: End Marriage Muddle!

Wyden Snatches Defeat from Jaws of Victory on Medicare

Scott Walker Shuts Down Cancer Screenings Through Planned Parenthood

Scott Walker Blames Unions and Government for All of Society's Ills


d r i f t g l a s s: RIP Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens Dead at 62 Facts That Republicans Have A Hard Time Grasping: No. 1 In A Series

Outrage! Author of 'stimulus' linked to companies it helped

See another beneficiary of 'stimulus' tax dollars

Judge asks for evidence of Ahmadinejad's torture program

Ex-CIA operative ordered to trial for belting minister

The day habeas corpus died

Fort Hood's 'workplace violence'

Obamanomics or Reaganomics?

Obama is a traitor!

Ron vs. Mitt: Conviction vs. chameleon

Fort Hood's 'workplace violence'

Memorizing the Declaration of Independence

Our returning warriors

Rejoice, Zechariah!

What Christmas cannot do

Absurdity on the left coast

The wages of appeasement

Christopher Hitchens: Reason in revolt

Homosexuality argument really just a 'straw man'?

U.S., China embroiled in trade spat over chicken feet - The Washington Post

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Government ban on incandescent bulbs burning out?;Rep. Michael Burgess says DOE can't move forward on prohibition

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Congressman praises House extension of tax break ;Rep. Pearce also says 16,000 IRS agents de-funded

Are Americans really to be jailed at Gitmo?

College challenges Obamacare for violating religious rights

Sen. Rubio heads list of potential GOP running mates

Brandon Bishop, stepfather, admits he savagely beat stepdaughter, two, because 'she was a princess who needed to toughen up' | Mail Online

112 arrested in online child porn swoops in 22 European countries | Mail Online

Facebook timeline feature: Mixed reaction to latest changes | Mail Online

Revealing the Habits of Copyright Advocates -


ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Scintillating Chutzpah: Obama at Reform Judaism's Confab

Army MEDEVAC Choppers Travesty

Are America's Best Days Behind Us?

We Need Not Repeat 1776

World War II and the Genesis of ObamaCare

OWS and the Constitutional Right to Peaceable Assembly

A Reluctant Embrace of Newton Leroy Gingrich

Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class

How the Free Market Can Cure Health Care

SEAL Target Geronimo : Fact or Fiction?

Review: Throw Them All Out by Peter Schweizer

Fast and Furious, the U.S. and Mexico

Occupying China

Credit agency says euro deal 'beyond reach'

British Police Raid Climategate Blogger's Home

Peter Hitchens on the death of his brother Christopher

Rep. Ellison on hunger strike in solidarity with Occupy activists

Did Department of Energy conspire to hide global warming data?

Senate leaders agree on short term payroll tax cut

Michelle Antoinette's Hawaii hat trick

TARP cost estimates go up - again

A Nuclear Primer for Ron Paul

Dozens hurt in Cairo protests against police brutality

Bin Laden death voted top story of the year

Occupy Wall Street: the Id of the Liberal Elite

How to Shut Down the Welfare State

The Department of Labor vs. America's Farm Kids


16th)Debbie Schlussel:Arab Muslim Boycott Jihad Against Lowe’s Begins Tomorrow

Debbie Schlussel:FOX Family Values: Rupert Murdoch’s Porno Flick is a Real “Shame”

Debbie Schlussel:Meet Hezbollah’s Used Car Dealers (I Warned MI Cops, FBI Years Ago)


Ron Paul Hammers Bachman on Iran

My 2011 "Top Ten"

Ron Paul's Shot at Victory

Ron Paul Attacked Over Newsletters

Recess Appointments by the President: What Our Constitution Really Says

Sticker Shock…II

Merry Politically Correct X-Mas from Obama

Ron Paul in a Landslide?

Spirit over Steel: a chronology of the Second World War

Preparing for martial law

Electricity Prices Soar in United States and Elsewhere

Light bulb ban NOT repealed

Lies, Damned Lies & Enviro-Fraud

The Stop Online Piracy Act: Yet Another Stealth Maneuver to Control the Internet

Know Your Enemy

Sodomy, Bestiality Bans Will Stay in Military Law Books |

Bill Press Calls Tells Tim Tebow to Shut Up About Jesus |

Berkeley Home Made From Car Parts and Tree Bark | Video |

Rush Limbaugh Blasts Ron Paul on Iran | Video |

Have You Seen Herman Cain’s New Christmas Video Where He Reads the Bible With His Wife? | Video |

Ten Commandments to Be Displayed in NYC’s Discovery Times Square | Video |

‘I Told Her I Would Stay’: Hero Police Officer Crawls Under Bus to Hold Trapped Woman’s Hand | Video |

Mississippi Mayor Greg Davis Reveals He is Gay…After Visiting Gay Sex Shop on City’s Dime | Video |

House GOP Delays Light Bulb Ban Enforcement Until October |

The Next Ann Coulter? 20-Year-Old Pundit’s Blog Exposing Welfare Abuse Is a Hit | Christine Rousselle | Video |

Beck and O’Reilly Disagree on Gingrich | Video |

Ron Paul on Michele Bachmann: ‘She Hates Muslims’ | Ron Paul Tonight Show Bachmann Santorum | Video |

Senate Passes Two-Month Payroll Tax Cut, Keystone Oil Pipeline Provision |

America¿s cocaine habit may be funding Middle East terror gangs | Mail Online

Peter Figoski Scholarship Fund tops $500,000 -

AP-GfK Poll: Americans about evenly split on whether Obama should be voted out of office - The Washington Post

Gingrich takes fire from rivals in debate - Washington Times

George Soros, Godfather Of The Left Gives $550 Million To Liberal Causes | Fox News

Stabenow was begging for Corzine cash | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

The Associated Press: Ariz. prosecutor wants immigration checks restored

Brain-Eating Amoeba Fatalities Linked to Common Cold Remedy - Yahoo! News

Reality TV is taking girls into the slutter gutter -

The Savage Four-Door Convertible Supercar | Fox News


Jesse Richards -

Secret Peace(


*15th)Transcripts:Interview with Senator John McCain

Secretary Panetta at the Iraq End of Mission Ceremony

14th)President & Mrs. Obama on the End of the War in Iraq

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

Panel on Congressional Tax, Budget Battles

Press Conference with Sec. Panetta and Pres. Karzai


The U.S. withdrawal from Iraq marks the end of American supremacy - The Washington Post

The harsh reality is that the EU has already failed | Deborah Orr | Comment is free | The Guardian

Isolated? No. Now the whole world's our oyster | Mail Online

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: The End of the Obama Bounce?

Joseph Hammond | A Fresh Look At Islamist Politics - The Vote Is Mightier Than The Sword | The European Magazine

The Botched Ballot - By James Traub | Foreign Policy

China Base a Threat to India Navy? | The Diplomat

Iraq: The end of a high-cost, low-gain war -

Middle East on the brink of war: Peter Goodspeed analysis | Full Comment | National Post

Syrian President Bashar Assad is fast losing allies -

Are the Peasants Revolting? Occupy Wall Street’s Foreign Policy | World Affairs Journal

Yes, Obama May Call Iran Strike | The Diplomat

RealClearPolitics - In Iraq, a Man of the Shadows

Charles Kupchan for Democracy Journal: Grand Strategy: The Four Pillars of the Future

Why Obama Can't Close Guantanamo | Foreign Affairs

Why is Bill Gates selling nuclear tech to China? - Ideas@Innovations - The Washington Post

Facebook Commits to Green Energy -- But Can It Deliver? - Forbes

Renewable Energy Adoption and the Increasing Cost of Electricity in the U.S. | Renewable Energy News Article

How Viable is Tidal Power for the Future? at Oil Price

Solar Cells Capture Lost Energy - ScienceNOW

Hitchens: Not a Nice Man | Politics & Media |

R.I.P. Joe Simon, comics legend and co-creator of Captain America | Books | Newswire | The A.V. Club

Monocolumn – Not everyone wants a book for Christmas [Monocle]

The Acceptance of Absurdity | edited by John Saumarez Smith and Jonathan Kooperstein | Review by The Spectator

Lev Raphael: Does A Christmas Carol Really Need to be Rescued?

Christopher Hitchens’ death: The novelist Julian Barnes on a memorable conversation he had with Hitch. - Slate Magazine

Christopher Hitchens, As I Knew Him - Forbes

WWW.WAFFEN-SS.NO "Jochen Peiper"

Mary Dejevsky: History's verdict on George Bush may be kinder - Mary Dejevsky - Commentators - The Independent

Pearl Harbor: Scapegoating Kimmel and Short | Aliens | Project Bluebook 1951-69

BBC ON THIS DAY | 17 | 1983: Christmas shoppers remember Harrods bomb

Christopher Hitchens: 'the consummate writer, the brilliant friend' | Books | The Guardian

History News Network

General Grant's Infamy

Five Social Media Trends that are Reshaping Religion | Culture | Religion Dispatches

Paul Brandeis Raushenbush: When an Atheist Dies: Religious Reflections on Christopher Hitchens' Death

Christopher Hitchens Has Died, Doug Wilson Reflects | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

The American Spectator : Heeding Archbishop Gomez

Vayeishev: "They went that-a-way!" » Sabbath and Holidays » Jewish Ideas Daily

Breaking: Author of Hebrews discovered! » GetReligion

Why the Modern President Can’t Belong to a Church | Swampland |

The Atheists' Gift to Christmas

RNS Feature: "On Dec. 25, Atheists celebrate a different birthday"

When Seconds Count: Catholic World Report

The American Spectator : Hitch-62

Do atheists feel guilty for not believing in God? | Alexander Chancellor | Comment is free | The Guardian

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: The Beginning of the Mystery (and the Nature of the Church's Mission)

The Star of Bethlehem Discovered?, Christian News

On Religion - A One-Man War on American Muslims -

Cosmic Log - The top ancient mysteries of 2011

BBC News - Japan PM says Fukushima nuclear site finally stabilised

Mysterious "white web" found growing on nuclear waste

Comet Lovejoy Survives Fiery Plunge Through Sun, NASA Says | Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) | Kreutz Sungrazing Comets | LiveScience

Art and science collide at Pasadena gallery -

Why Can’t Linda Carswell Get Her Husband’s Heart Back? - ProPublica

The effect of the Foo Fighters on the human body and seismic activity | Forensic Scientist

"Contagious" Yawning Occurs More Among Loved Ones

Christoper Hitchens claimed drinking helped his writing. Is that true? - Slate Magazine

Science and the Chattering Classes — The American Magazine

Translating Calorie Counts into Exercise Equivalents Leads to Healthier Choices | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Scientists Discover Second-Oldest Gene Mutation

Blood test might predict how well a depressed patient responds to antidepressants

Close family ties keep cheaters in check, study finds | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

Bacterial protein 'mops up' viruses found in contaminated water supplies

Where do lab animals come from? And how guilty should we feel about them?

NASA building high-tech 'comet harpoon' | COSMOS magazine

3 Things the Higgs Boson can teach you about physics - Boing Boing

Drone-Ethics Briefing: What a Leading Robot Expert Told the CIA - Patrick Lin - Technology - The Atlantic

Expect a Netflix Bidding War to Erupt in 2012 - SlashGear

Blog: Why You Need Home Automation, by Steven Castle - Electronic House

How HP and Open Source Can Save WebOS | PCWorld Business Center

The future of film: Difference engine: Going to the movies again? | The Economist

How PC Makers Can Stave Off Obsolescence | Gadget Lab |

How SOPA 2.0 Sneaks In A Really Dangerous Private Ability To Kill Any Website | Techdirt

Just how successful is Louis C.K.’s indie video experiment? – SplatF

Google's Android Update Alliance Is Already Dead | Jamie Lendino |

Brainlink gives your TVs, gadgets, and robots a new brain | ExtremeTech

On heels of new funding and global expansion, car service Uber launches in D.C. today | VentureBeat

Why the US is sending oil overseas - 1 - commodity investing - MSN Money

Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? (With Reference to Wodehouse’s Lead Pipe, Saint Willibrord’s Shuffle, Munch’s Scream and Sarah Bloom Raskin’s Sink), Dec. 16, 2011 - Richard Fisher Speeches - News & Events - FRB Dallas

Peter Foster: Cut government, promote growth | FP Comment | Financial Post

The world needs more crazy billionaires - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Americans Must Get Back to Starting Businesses - Businessweek

Testing the waters of economic liberty - The Washington Post

Economics focus: One nation overdrawn | The Economist

Kinder Morgan’s Big Bet on Drilling Boom -

New global hot spots for investors - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Inconvenient Income Inequality -

Behind the Primaries -

RealClearPolitics - AP-GfK Poll: More Than Half Say Obama Should Lose

Newt Leads GOP Out Of Debate Wilderness | Fox News

President Obama Faults Republican 'Lurch Into Extremes' for Divisiveness in DC - ABC News

Christopher Hitchens’ death: David Corn on sharing a tiny office with Hitchens. - Slate Magazine

Eight Answers from Paul Ryan -

Steve Forbes: The GOP’s Man in 2012 -- In These Times

Garry Kasparov on Vladimir Putin – Global Public Square - Blogs

The American Spectator : The Gospel According To Wright

Eric Holder's continued obfuscation on Fast and Furious | Opinion Blog |

Review & Outlook: Gingrich of Freddie Mac -

Washington would force impossible choices on the shivering poor -

What Is Christmas? Don't Ask A Catholic -

AP Poll: Obamacare support hits record low of 29% | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Ron Wyden, Useful Idiot -

Rush: Remember when National Review was the voice of conservatism? « Hot Air

Our leadership is dire, but we mustn't despise government | Jeffrey Sachs | Comment is free | The Guardian

A Very Beatable President | The Weekly Standard

The Anxious Generation - Ronald Brownstein -

A Deliberative Convention | The Weekly Standard

William Galston: Why Obama’s New Populism May Sink His Campaign | The New Republic

Allysia Finley: The Chicago Expulsion Act of 2011 -

Ryan Streeter: How to succeed by merit | The Indianapolis Star |

The marriage gap presents a real cost - The Washington Post

The real Fantastic Voyage? Researchers create mini camera that can 'swim' in human body | Mail Online

Lie detector confirms Roswell testimonies - Unexplained Mysteries

Video: 'Magnetic' Georgian man sticks 50 spoons to his body - Telegraph

The girl who is allergic to her tears -

Welcome to Forbes

Mysterious signal knocks out power to 40 garage doors |

Apollo: In the Event of Disaster | Mysterious Universe

Found Coins May Unveil a Lost Viking : Discovery News

AP Newsbreak: Neighbor saw woman shoot at baby

Gingrich says rivals' criticism taking a toll

Man adjust to new life after 3 decades in prison

Obama welcomes tax cut deal

Obama wants payroll tax extended for entire year

Five people dead in apparent murder-suicide in Illinois town

Truck thieves take millions in electronics

Palestinian textbooks debate reaches US campaign

Gingrich says Freddie money went to overhead, not him

Killing of bin Laden voted top news story of 2011

After long wait, key Penn State witness took stand

Romney raises doubts about Gingrich in South Carolina

Senate OKs $1T budget bill, payroll tax cut

US Senate passes $1 trillion spending bill

Death toll in Egypt clashes rises to nine

Cradle of Arab Spring celebrates first anniversary

'Abbas is Fatah's only Palestinian presidential candidate'

Man hurt in stabbing near J'lem; terror suspected

Protest couple targets of persecution campaign by Vladimir Putin

Erdogan slams France for Armenian 'genocide' law

Ban reporting on UK riots young offenders, says children's commissioner

British fishing industry lands controversial EU deal

Senate extends payroll tax cut; measure heads to House

Arabs may ask Security Council to adopt Syria plan

‘Work It’: Bullying GLAAD Goes On Another Censorship Rampage

ReelzChannel Names ‘Top Ten’ Controversial Movies

Box Office Slump Hits Christmas?: Weekend’s Big Sequels Underperform

‘Iron Lady’ Co-Star Says Film Gave Her New Appreciation for Thatcher

Commie Muppets, Occupy Wall Street, and Slate’s Breathtaking Hypocrisy

All-American Muslim Says Advertisers Are Right to Boycott ‘All-American Muslim’

Trailer Talk: ‘Haywire’ – Hollywood’s Newest Action Heroine?

Will Hollywood Rally to Christian Bale’s Side Following Skirmish Involving Chinese Activist?

Islamic World Tells Clinton: Defamation of Islam Must be Prevented– in America

Audio : Bill Gertz: Year in Review

WikiLeaks Suspect Makes First Court Appearance

GOP Debate Round-Up: Foreign Policy, National Security and Immigration

Krauthammer: Killing Osama bin Laden Is the Exception that Proves Obama’s Appeasement Rule

Audio : China’s Hidden Threat

Majority Leader Cantor Pledges to Revive, Expand Ban on Congressional Insider Trading

American Elements Announces Top Five ‘Endangered Elements’ That Will Gravely Affect U.S. Manufacturing

Senate Approves 2-Month Payroll Tax Cut, Keystone Pipeline


Bill Ayers and #OccupyHarrisburg

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Loyal Democrats

From Time to Trains, Government Is No Innovator

In Smith and Wesson We Trust

Eating Our Own & Providing Strategy for Obama

SEIU Corruption Flies Below the Radar

Wis. Election Official Belittles GOP Lawmakers via Twitter

Remembering Christopher Hitchens: Dramatic Reading of Tom Lehrer’s “Christmas Song”

Audio : The Real Purchasing Power of an American Family

GOP Debate Reaction: Part I

GOP Debate Reactions, Part II

Warren Buffett Buys Omaha World-Herald

MSM Ignores The GOP Primary Debate’s Single Fast And Furious Question

‘Poverty Figures May Be Wrong, Journalists May Have Misunderstood Census Data’

Fishbowl DC’s Peter Ogburn Launches Bizarre Sexist Attack On Michelle Fields

Media Matters, Desperate to Deflect From Charges of Antisemitism, Trumps up Attack on Big Journalism

ABC World News Reports On Illegal Gun Sales … In NYC

Benjamin Netanyahu Rejects the New York Times

'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' Trailer Arriving Next Tuesday! |

'At Last' singer Etta James terminally ill

AP-GfK Poll: Obama re-election odds roughly 50-50

The Results Are In: The Best of the Worst Media Bias Quotes of 2011 as Picked by Our Readers |

How President Obama's Economic Message Could Backfire in 2012

Al Franken: Why I Voted Against the National Defense Authorization Act

The Defense Authorization Bill: Still Troubled | Cato @ Liberty

GOP uses purse strings to rein in Dodd-Frank - The Washington Post

Ezra Klein Then and Now on Health Care Exchanges | FDL Action

SEC Charges Reinforce Case for Eliminating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Christopher Hitchens: The world’s most articulate unbeliever - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

The Overrated Endorsement

Political Animal - What the NDAA does

Sen. Bernie Sanders: America Must Not Back Down on Sustainable Energy

Millionaire Tax Would Punish the Biggest Job Creators

The Problem With Means Testing Social Security | Mother Jones

The Doc Fix: A Lesson in How Government Doesn't Work - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine


17-Dec-11 World View

16-Dec-11 World View

15-Dec-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS: Obama: Only Three Other Presidents Outrank Me

Ron Paul Claims Bachmann: ‘Hates Muslims’

Senate Leaders Reach Last-Minute Accord

Dem Rep Mike Honda: ‘We Didn’t Know What The Hell Was Going On’ When We Passed Obama Stimulus

Flashback: Romney Wanted To ‘Keep The Good, Repeal The Bad’ On Obamacare

Soldier Who Captured Saddam: Iraq Is A Success Story

16th/Flatulent Whoopi Lets One Rip On ‘The View’

Andrea Tantaros To Trump: ‘The Apprentice Is More Important Than’ The Country?

Judge Gives Bonds House Arrest, Then Delays It

Pelosi: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will Create 600,000 Jobs

Carney Defends FLOTUS’ ‘Extravagant’ Travel

Hoyer Urges Support For Spending Bill Even Though None ‘Have Read It’

Tea Party Hero Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt

SEC Charges Ex-Fannie, Freddie CEOs With Fraud

Caught On Video: Vandals Destroy Christmas Display

Child Services Worker Arrested For Sexting Teen Boy On Facebook

Students Suspended For ‘Tebowing’

Iowa Radio Host Nails Matthews: ‘You’re Clearly Working For The Re-Election Of Barack Obama’

Chinese Authorities Manhandle Christian Bale For Attempting To Visit Anti-Abortion Dissident

‘Morning Joe’ Panel Laughs In Obama Defender’s Face

RIP Christopher Hitchens

15th/Gingrich: Bachmann Doesn’t Have Facts Right, Bachmann: Yes I Do

Santorum Challenges Romney On Same-Sex Marriage

Romney Pushes Back Hard On Flip-Flop Charge

Newt: I’d Drop Lawsuit Against Arizona Illegal Immigration Law On Day One

Romney: Illegals Need To Get In Back Of Line Behind Legal Immigrants

Santorum: Obama Has Ignored Threats And Insulted Our Allies

Perry: Holder Should Resign For Not Knowing About Fast And Furious

Perry Praises 10th Amendment In Defense Of Texas Energy Policy

Corzine Served With Papers

Worker Fights Off Robber With Coffee Pot

RNC Links Obama Economic Policies With Corzine Fiasco

Dennis Miller: Negative Newt Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

America’s Got Howard

Norway Experiencing Butter Shortage

*17 Dec.

American Minute for December 17th

This Day in History for 17th December

December 17 Birthdays in History

Today in History: December 17

December 17 Events in History

Today in History: December 17

December 17th This Day in History

December 17th in History

Today in History for December 17th - YouTube


Dec. 16, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN 1

Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN 2

Dec. 15, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 16 December 2011

The Manning Report – 15 December 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, December, 16, 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show 16th

The Kevin Trudeau Show 15th

12/16 The Mark Levin Show

12/15 The Mark Levin Show

16th Jesse Peterson Radio Show

15th Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-16, Friday

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-15, Thursday

The Michael Savage Show 12/16/2011

The Michael Savage Show 12/15/2011

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 16th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1 16th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1 15th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 16th 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-15-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-15-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-16-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-16-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-17-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-17-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 12-10-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 12-10-11 Hr 2


Obama Touts Iraq Pullout In Weekly Address: Time To Rebuild America
Obama "Very Pleased" By Two-Month Extension Of Payroll Tax Cut
Irony: Chuck Todd Outraged Rep. West Used A Nazi Comparison
Barrasso Gives GOP Weekly: Time For Obama To "Embrace" Oil Pipeline
Grayson: GOP Wants To Throw "Old, Sick And The Poor" In The Street
Obama: Fourth Best President In History Due To Foreign Policy Achievements
Ron Paul On Bachmann: "She Hates Muslims"
Coulter: Gingrich's Idea To Challenge Judges Is "Outrageous"
O'Reilly On Newt Gingrich, Power And Judges
Flashback: Obama Vows To "Reject" Attempts To Tie Keystone To Payroll Tax Cut

16 DEC.

Dem Congressman On $1 Trillion Spending Bill: "Not One Of Us Has Read Every Page In This Bill"
WH's Carney Confronted Over First Lady's "Extravagant" Jet Travels
S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt Romney
Pelosi: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will Create 600,000 Jobs
Jon Stewart Warns Supporters Of Newt Gingrich: "Don't Do This"
Maddow: What Has The Republican Party Learned About Pre-Emptive War?
Chris Matthews And Simon Conway Have Testy Exchange Over Bias
O'Reilly: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are "Totalitarians"


16 DEC.

Is Lashkar-e-Taiba The Next Al-Qaeda?
'Disturbing Signs' Of Armed Clashes In Syria Suggest Death Toll Will Grow
Post-Iraq Pullout, What's Next?
Putin Rejects Any Redo Of Fraud-Tainted Vote
France's Chirac Convicted Of Corruption
Prokhorov On His Campaign For Russian President
Bootleg Liquor Kills 143 People In India
What Is The Biggest Foreign Policy Story Of 2011?
Raw Video: Egyptian Police, Protesters Clash
Japan Says Fukushima Now In Cold Shutdown.
Withdrawal From Iraq
2011 Transatlantic Trends: Immigration Survey Highlights
Campaign 2012: The Global Economy
Iran Linked To 9/11 Attacks

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