A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

16 December 2011

16 DEC.



Is Lashkar-e-Taiba The Next Al-Qaeda?
'Disturbing Signs' Of Armed Clashes In Syria Suggest Death Toll Will Grow
Post-Iraq Pullout, What's Next?
Putin Rejects Any Redo Of Fraud-Tainted Vote
France's Chirac Convicted Of Corruption
Prokhorov On His Campaign For Russian President
Bootleg Liquor Kills 143 People In India
What Is The Biggest Foreign Policy Story Of 2011?
Raw Video: Egyptian Police, Protesters Clash
Japan Says Fukushima Now In Cold Shutdown.
Withdrawal From Iraq
2011 Transatlantic Trends: Immigration Survey Highlights
Campaign 2012: The Global Economy
Iran Linked To 9/11 Attacks


15 DEC.

Israel's New Neighborhood
Crack In The Euro Treaty Pledge Appears
Are We Leaving Ourselves Vulnerable In Iraq
Mission In Afghanistan Winding Down?
Vice President Biden On Lessons From Iraq
Obama Marks End Of Iraq War
Political Crisis Deepens In Papua New Guinea
Bahrainis Call On UN To Hear Plea
Anwar's Sodomy Trial Ends, Verdict To Come
Raw Video: U.S. Forces-Iraq Flag Retired
UK Must Become More Economically Relevant To India
Stories From The Arab Spring: Will Democracy Take Hold?
Clinton On Russia's Protests
U.S. Defense Secretary Visits Turkey



S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt Romney
Pelosi: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will Create 600,000 Jobs
Maddow: What Has The Republican Party Learned About Pre-Emptive War?
O'Reilly: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are "Totalitarians"
Chris Matthews And Simon Conway Have Testy Exchange Over Bias

15 DEC.

"Ending Spending" Launches Iowa Ad
"Ending Spending": GOP Candidates On Federal Spending
Rove American Crossroads Video: "Let's Get This Done"
Santorum Web Ad: "A True Conservative"
Bachmann: Gingrich Trying To "Buy" The Tea Party Vote
Gingrich: Obama's Decision On Keystone Pipeline Is "Utterly Irrational"
Chris Wallace: "Two Big Winners Were Michele Bachmann And Rick Perry"
Liberal Talker Bill Press To Tim Tebow: "S.T.F.U."
Rick Perry: "I Hope I Am The Tim Tebow Of The Iowa Caucuses"
Romney Responds To Gingrich: "Not Every Business Succeeds"
Bachmann: Court Shouldn't Be "The Final Arbiter Of Law"
Gingrich, Bachmann Spar Over Freddie Mac: Have Facts Before You Accuse
Jon Corzine Gets Served At Capitol Hill Hearing
Ron Paul On His Electability: "Anybody Up Here Could Beat Obama"
Carney Dodges Question About Iranian Terrorist Visiting White House
Obama: "I Want To Be A Really Good Two-Term President"
Gingrich Explains Why He Believes He Is Conservative And Electable
Juan Williams: Establishment Has Their Knives Out For Gingrich
Gingrich: When People Say I'm Not A Conservative, You Have To Wonder What Planet They're On
Giuliani On Romney: "I Have Never Seen A Guy Change His Positions So Many Times"
Rasmussen Polls: Romney Leading Among Likely Voters In Iowa
Romney Web Ad: "Praise"
Home Depot Founder: I Couldn't Start Home Depot Today
O'Reilly: Leftist Objections To Voter ID Laws Are A "Crock"
Press: The Longer The Primary Goes, The Stronger The GOP Will Be
"Special Report" Panel On Budget, Tax Battles
Gingrich Ad: "We Deserve Solutions"
Joan Walsh: Mitt Romney Is Tone Deaf





"Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure - Grooveshark

"Black Friday" by Steely Dan - Grooveshark


"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"I'll Be Home for Christmas" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"Christmas Song" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark


Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (1/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (2/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (3/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (4/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (5/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (6/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (7/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (8/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (9/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (10/11)

Republican Presidential Debate Sioux City Iowa December 15, 2011 (11/11)

*Republican Presidential Debate; Sioux City Iowa

Romney Regains Stride; Gingrich Shows Old Newt At Sioux City Debate : It's All Politics : NPR

The Final Republican Presidential Debate of 2011

Republican Debate: Newt Gingrich Toughens Stance on Immigration | Fox News Latino

Did Michele Bachmann fight her way back into the GOP race? -

Finally: Fast and Furious Comes up as GOP Debate Topic - Katie Pavlich

Paul, Bachmann spar over Iran and nuclear threat -

Ron Paul strongly defends anti-war policies | Reuters

The questions Fox News should have asked at GOP Iowa debate but didn't - New York Political Buzz |

Obama takes center stage at GOP debate - Houston Chronicle

Romney Regains Stride; Gingrich Shows Old Newt At Sioux City Debate : It's All Politics : NPR

Would a Ron Paul Win in Iowa Hand the Election to Obama? - Interviews - Hannity - Fox News


**Full Transcript: ABC News Iowa Republican Debate - ABC News


2012 Primary Debate Schedule(

Presidential Primary Debates and Forums, '11-'12(

*GOP Presidential Debate Calendar (

Ron Paul

James Campion: The Ron Paul Factor

Strassel: Why Ron Paul Can't Win -

David Frum's Unpersuasive Critique of Libertarianism - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

gamrConnect Forums - Ron Paul did something amazing last night


Republican Debate Smackdown: Ron Paul vs. Michele Bachmann - The Hollywood Gossip

Ron Paul’s inaccurate definition of ‘bankruptcy’ - The Washington Post

Washington Post fact-checker gives his opinion on Ron Paul |

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Ron Paul Eviscerated Gingrich

Government Forcing Psychotropic Drugs On Children

Ron Paul dominates Newt Gingrich in Cedar Valley Tea Party straw poll | The State Column

Did Ron Paul Slay The Gold Bull?

Ron Paul: Holder should be ‘fired,’ criminally charged for Fast and Furious

Video - CNN/ Ron Paul: I'm no isolationist


**Ron Paul Highlights at the Fox News Iowa GOP Debate - YouTube


Ron Paul 'Americans Are Coming Around To Liberty' - YouTube

MSNBC: Ron Paul The Dark Horse - YouTube

Ron Paul on CNN's Situation Room 12/14/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul's Plan: Tell the Truth - YouTube

Ron Paul on Fox News America Live 12/15/11 - YouTube


Ron Paul Ad - Newt Gingrich Serial Hypocrisy 60 second - YouTube

Newt Gingrich: Selling Access - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad - Plan - YouTube

New Ron Paul Ad - BIG DOG - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad - Consistent - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad - Life - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad - Secure - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad - He Served - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad TRUST - YouTube

Ron Paul Conviction Ad - YouTube


*1:19:07 / Ron Paul: The Movie - YouTube

1:155:14/For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty - YouTube

1:19:29/Ron Paul: The Preservation of Liberty (Remastered) - YouTube

1:02:06/Ron Paul 2012: No End In Sight - YouTube


The Ron Paul DVD Project @


"Men Who Love Women Who Love Men" by Steve Goodman - Grooveshark

"It's a Sin to Tell a Lie" by Steve Goodman - Grooveshark

"Watchin' Joey Glow" by Steve Goodman - Grooveshark

"Souvenirs" by Steve Goodman - Grooveshark


"Paradise" by John Prine - Grooveshark


2012:Ron Paul Revolution(


Clip Syndicate Video: Ron Paul Surges in Polls Before Debate


Ron Paul 2012 Polls(

Ron Paul Polls @ Facebook


Iowa Debate: Republican Winners and Losers - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

GOP candidates go after Obama in last Iowa debate | Iowa Caucus 2012


**Ron Paul MONEYBOMB -- TODAY (December 16, Friday) - YouTube


Ron Paul to Sean Hannity: You're Missing the Point - YouTube

Video Update: Ron Paul Highlights from Final GOP Debate before Iowa - Sioux City, Thursday 12/15/11 | Ron Paul 2012 | Peace . Gold . Liberty


The Joy Of Banking Quiz | Video Rebel's Blog


No War for Israel in Syria and Iran ! - YouTube

Same Old Spring: 'US training & arming rebels in Syria' - YouTube

Secret papers shed light on killings as troops pull out

Last Post in Iraq: This Is The Death Knell Of The American Empire | Veterans Today


Ron Paul is the real threat to Obama in 2012 - San Francisco Sunset District Libertarian |

Ron Paul And The Tea Party Can't Save You: 2012 National Defense Act Is 'Terrifying'

Revolutionary Politics : MSNBC: Ron Paul The Dark Horse


Writer Christopher Hitchens dies at age 62 –

Paul Brandeis Raushenbush: When an Atheist Dies: Religious Reflections on Christopher Hitchens' Death

Writer Christopher Hitchens Dies At 62 : NPR

Christopher Hitchens: 1949 - 2011 - YouTube


Christopher Hitchens Online Directory(


World News: Christopher Hitchens: 13 unforgettable quotes -


Revolutionary Politics : Tens Of Thousands Of Children Sexually Abused By Dutch Catholic Church

'Tens of thousands' of children victims of child sexual abuse at the hands of paedophile priests in the Netherlands since 1945 | Mail Online


Activist Post: The Carrier IQ Conspiracy

NDAA's CIA, military targeted killings of innocent Americans - National Human Rights |

Activist Post: Who Watches the Watchers? The Future of Regulation

Banksy wades into Catholic church sex abuse scandal with new sculpture | Art and design | The Guardian

BBC News - Internet Explorer: Microsoft plans 'silent' updates

phoenix comet emerges - YouTube

Refreshing News: Republican Iowa debate: Republicans mock Obama's pleas to return US drone

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

President Obama Kills The Bill of Rights, Hands Americans A Bill of Lies

poorrichards blog: The Government as Lawbreaker, Again

Activist Post: Congressional Tyranny, White House Surrender

Refreshing News: Homeless man's decision to return $3,300 changed his life


**Ron Paul Goes Off On Going To War With Iran - 12160

Ron Paul on CNN's Situation Room 12/14/11 - YouTube

Audio:Obama and the FAKE Veto of the NDAA Indefinite Detention Bill Explained

Chris Wallace: Iowa ‘won’t count’ if Ron Paul wins | The Raw Story

Ron Paul Interview W / Megyn Kelly on Fox News 12-15-11 - 12160

Revolutionary Politics : John King - Ron Paul Is For Real, Bank On It




Indefinite Detention: 'Architecture of fascist state' - YouTube

Putin dubs McCain 'nuts', says US drones killed Gaddafi - YouTube

Activist Post: The Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear


**Final Vote Results for H R 1540 ; Roll Call 932


Revolutionary Politics : DHS: Using Cash Not Credit Cards Is Highly Suspicious & Weird

Revolutionary Politics : The U.S.'s March Toward Totalitarianism?

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - "Police Watch Out...You are Protecting the Wrong Guys!"

Sherrie Questioning All: U.S. is Breaking International Humanitarian Laws Now - Every D.C. official is now an International Criminal for the 1031 Indefinite Detainment Bill

poorrichards blog: Two More Reasons to Say 'Thanks' Before Waving Good-Bye to the US

Ignatious O'Reilly: Newt Gingrich is an 'Invented' Person -- Don't Panic! Lighten Up! --

Activist Post: Congress Authorizes Offensive Military Action in Cyberspace

Thomas Kean: "aftershocks" from planes caused collapse of WTC Building 7 - YouTube

Activist Post: Cashless Voice Recognition System Now Being Converted to Analyze Behavior

poorrichards blog: American Genocide: What The Public Schools Don't Teach

Sherrie Questioning All: Senate discussing Indefinite Detainment once more - Graham on floor right now 12/15/11 - Said U.S. right to Kill "Terrorist" U.S. citizens also!

You're a Mean One, Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Refreshing News: US Election 2012: Republican presidential hopefuls pledge to outlaw abortion

Newt Gingrich: Big Spender - ABC News

Gingrich and Adelson Forge Alliance –


Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S. | USAHM Conspiracy News


Is Obama Building a Bunker Under The White House? | USAHM Conspiracy News


A List of 116 Dead Scientists… Assassinated? | USAHM Conspiracy News


Could A Computer Virus Infect The Human Mind? | USAHM Conspiracy News


**Activist Post: Activist Art: David Dees 2012 Calender Set For Release


Activist Post: ‘Cause Labeling’ Threatens Future of Humankind

Activist Post: Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Crops Leading to Mental Illness, Obesity

U.S. to leave Iraqi airspace clear for strategic Israeli route to Iran - Washington Times

British town grows all of its own vegetables, witnesses improved civic life and reduced crime as a result

Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial | World news | The Guardian

Activist Post: US panel urges protection of humans in research

Activist Post: Monsanto’s Carcinogenic Roundup Herbicide Contaminating Water Supply

Activist Post: Ron Paul Trends At No. 1 On Yahoo! Dec 16th, 2011

Activist Post: Take Action Against Genetically Modified Foods Right Now

Activist Post: Flame Retardant Chemical Banned in Europe and Japan Used in U.S. Soda for Decades

Activist Post: The End of America: House and Senate pass final version of NDAA

Congressional Tyranny, White House Surrender - The Nader Page

"You Can't Pepper Spray A Mental Awakening" M.O.C. #94 - YouTube


One Hundred Million Dollar Penny - YouTube


Ron Paul 2012(


Ron Paul Highlights at the Fox News Iowa GOP Debate - YouTube

Candidates go for last words in final debate before Iowa caucuses -

Ron Paul furious over indefinite detention act — RT

Ron Paul calls for criminal charges against Eric Holder. - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

Unanimous - YouTube

Has FOX News become for Romney, what MSNBC is for Obama? « Larry Sinclair

Bachmann: Rivals' 'money is changing hands' -

The Real Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Mark Levin, Ron Paul Hater, Put in His Place - YouTube

Ron Paul and the GOP Primary | Tom Woods


H.R.3261 -- Stop Online Piracy Act/112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Controversial Internet Piracy Act ‘SOPA’ Grinds Forward As Amendments Voted Down | TPM Idea Lab

The Stop Online Piracy Act - advantages and disadvantages for your business - AGBeat


We Who Dared to Say No to War | Thomas E. Woods. Jr. - YouTube


*History Of The Bill Of Rights Explained - Audio


Fox News Fail: Graphic Displays President Obama In GOP Hopefuls Poll (PHOTO)

Obama Gives the Thumbs-Up on Detention of Domestic Terror Suspects as New World Order Set to Gain Ground :

FEMA Imprisonment - Obama Announces Proplonged Detention - YouTube

In Less than 24 Hours Congress Could Vote to Change the Internet Forever :

Outrage! Author of 'stimulus' linked to companies it helped

Not Natural Born -- TRUTH MATTERS - YouTube

Iraq: U.S. troops out, U.S. hotels in -

BBC: We Fake It All The Time

U.S. News - Casket photo sparks Air Force investigation, outrage

Iran to transfer nuclear production across series of secret facilities - Telegraph

Emboldened Hamas renews call for the end of Israel - Middle East - World - The Independent

Syria Coverage Update: BBC Reporter was detained & Prevented from Covering US-NATO- Syrian Operations in Turkey!

Syria: open warfare has begun - Telegraph

Household electricity bills skyrocket –

Fracking Has Formerly Stable Ohio City Aquiver Over Quakes - Bloomberg

What Is The Best Country In The World For Americans To Relocate To In Order To Avoid The Coming Economic Collapse? | Pakalert Press

Fracking investigation finds toxic emissions at drill sites - News - Binghamton University - Pipe Dream - Binghamton University news, sports, opinion, arts & entertainment –

Pentagon criticized for lax contractor oversight | Reuters

Iran official: We tricked the U.S. surveillance drone to land intact - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Crashed drone was looking at Iran nuclear sites – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

The American Wall

U.S. News - 'Dismal' prospects: 1 in 2 Americans are now poor or low income

Illinois Debtors Thrown In Jail: Lisa Madigan Working To Stop Debt Collector Arrest Warrants - Illuminati Signal New Mind Control Technology

Economist: True Fed Exposure $29 Trillion

Swedish professor links Israel to Norway massacre - Israel News, Ynetnews

House Lawmakers Pass Defense Bill « VOA Breaking News

VIDEO:Covered 'UFO' Hauled On Flatbed Thru Small Kansas Town


*IMAGES/Inside the U.S. embassy in Iraq |


North Korean border guards flee to China - Telegraph

Pakistan to impose Nato transit tax following 'friendly fire' troop deaths | World news |

UN-backed invasion of Somalia spirals into chaos - Africa - World - The Independent

House of Representatives passes $662bn defence bill | World news |

Illegal FBI Spying On Community Groups

Goon Squad: "Vampires do not live on Vampires" What Benjamin Franklin said about the Money Masters

Poll: Most Americans want payroll tax extension | World news | The Guardian

Sorry we could not find the page you were looking for.

Has there ever been a time when so many politicians were both stupid and dishonest? | Mail Online

Victoria's Secret: Luxury underwear made from cotton picked by 'abused child slaves' | Mail Online

Sweden strangling: 10-year-old boy confesses to killing four-year-old - Telegraph

France's faulty breast implants scandal | Life and style | The Guardian

Frankenmoth: Health fears over plans to release millions of GM insects designed to destroy pests | Mail Online

Supernova explosion gives a glimpse of how ingredients for life are created | Science | The Guardian

Vet Says Soldiers Are Starting to Wake Up to Gov't Lies - YouTube

Firearm Sales Way Up During Holiday Season « CB - Flash Player Installation

Removing and Replacing A Smart Meter With A Safe Analog Meter - YouTube

*On 9/11 A Small Pool Of Kerosene Did What? | Before It's News

Check Out The Stunning Views From The New World Trade Center Tower

Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer? | Before It's News

2012 Pole Shift - Mayan and I Ching predictions - YouTube

Obama To Arrest Sheriff Arpaio? | Before It's News

10,000 BC Old Alien Painting Found In A Cave In Val Camonica, Italy | Before It's News

10,000 BC old Alien painting found in a cave in Val Camonica, Italy 17. Dec 2011 - YouTube

Exciting New Evidence Uncovered Could Be the Site of Biblical Sodom | Before It's News

7 Predictions For The Year 2011 From 1931 Visionaries

VirtueOnline - News - Theology, Research ... - Scroll fragments could 'shed light' on Old Testament text

2012 Prophecy Inside Great Pyramid Of Giza | Before It's News

2012 Prophecy Inside Great Pyramid of Giza - YouTube

Ron Paul: Will the Federal Reserve Allow Him Into The White House? | Before It's News

The Quantified Self - Reason Magazine

Perry: Holder Should Resign For Not Knowing About Fast And Furious | Floyd Reports

Perry: Holder Should Resign For Not Knowing About Fast And Furious - YouTube

The NDAA Bill - Power Snatch & Grab - Martial Law and the end of the Republic - YouTube

Bankers Rule the World: "The Network of Global Corporate Control" | Before It's News

Army says coup memo attempt to hurt Pakistan: reports | The Raw Story

Iraq: An Army of Soldiers to be Replaced by an Army of Businessmen at Oil Price

Indefinite Military Detention Measure Passes On Bill Of Rights Day

The end of America: House and Senate pass final version of NDAA | End the Lie - Independent News

Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial | World news | The Guardian

Congress Authorizes Offensive Military Action in Cyberspace -

Explaining to a 5-Year Old Why the Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to U.S. Citizens on U.S. Soil -

Rise Of The Beast System: 11 Ways That Amerika Is Becoming More Like North Korea -

House passes defense bill on detainees, Iran, Pakistan | Reuters

U.S. to establish new fund supporting NGOs in Russia | StratRisks

DNA Hackers: Synthetic biology weaponized virus, zero-day exploit to infect your brain? | StratRisks

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Still Bringing Illuminati Symbolism to Kids

Opening Sequence of “Poland’s Next Top Model”: Symbolism Overload

Obama: Troops Bear Burden of Success in Iraq War

Panetta, Dempsey to Mark End of Iraq Mission

Islamists Look to Extend Gains in Egyptian Elections

Egyptian Protesters, Military Police Clash in Cairo

Pakistan Army Chief: Memo Scandal Attempt to Lower Morale

Wikileaks Suspect Appears in US Military Court

Republican Frontrunner Gingrich Defends 'Electability' in Last Debate

Provocative British-Born Author Christopher Hitchens Dead at 62

Venezuela Extradites Drug Kingpin to US

'Carlos the Jackal' Sentenced to Life in Prison

Fermilab Scientists Optimistic About Finding Higgs Boson Particle

Hubble Captures Rebellious Star Behavior

Cenk Uygur and Robert Greenwald on the End of the Iraq War - YouTube

The Death of Rights Enshrined on Bill of Rights Day | Old-Thinker News

Panetta Says Iraq Debacle 'Worth the Price'

Secret Haditha Massacre Docs Founds in Iraqi Junkyard

Congress OKs Bill Codifying Indefinite Detention

Paul Argues for Peace, Not War in GOP Debate

Obama to Sign Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

The Myth of Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Iraq War Formally Ends, but Violence Continues

*ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 15, 2011

BFP Syria Coverage Update: Russia’s New Draft Resolution on Syria & My Eventful RT Interview

PressTV - US deploys secret operatives in Iran

Tea Party bigwig arrested for gun possession | Mail Online

Sheriff’s Arpaio’s Office Targeted Latinos, U.S. Says -

Rod Blagojevich a substance abuser? He seeks treatment in prison. -

Thieves arrested after pocket dialing 911 and bragging about what they stole, where they were selling it and even what car they were in | Mail Online

Malcolm X's daughter jailed for failing to repay $55,000 she swindled from elderly friend | Mail Online

Iraq Celebrates US Army Withdrawal

Operation Iraqi Freedom

War Corporatism: The New Fascism

‘Journalism, Not Truth, Is The First Casualty of War’

Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

Putin Accuses US In Murder Of Gaddafi

Military Given Go-ahead To Detain US Terrorist Suspects Without Trial

Congressional Tyranny, White House Surrender

"Life, Liberty, & Indefinite Detention Without A Trial"

Bradley Manning Deserves a Medal

A Reckoning With Reality

Democrats May Drop Millionaire Tax In Payroll Tax Fight

US Census Shows 1 In 2 People Are Poor Or Low-income

Assad’s sect members come under attack in Syria

UN’s Ban Increasingly Shows Hawkish Side

Israel forms special ops command; experts eye Iran

In advance of NATO/G-8, Chicago to increase fines for resisting arrest

Ohio landlord claims ‘White Only’ pool sign is ‘historical’ | The Raw Story

Iranian engineer claims simple GPS hack took U.S. drone down | The Raw Story

Assange request for appeal granted, set for Feb 1 | The Raw Story

Police departments could soon have easier access to airborne drones: report | The Raw Story

Indian student named world’s shortest living woman | The Raw Story

Amazon Big Brother patent knows where you'll go - CBS News

Russian newspaper founder shot dead in North Caucasus | World news |

Wal-Mart Heiress’s Art Museum a Moral Blight: Jeffrey Goldberg - Bloomberg

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

Congress overturns incandescent light bulb ban - Washington Times

Obama Caves in, Agrees He Is All-Powerful - informationliberation

The US Farce of the Drone - informationliberation

What is Laissez-Faire?

Brin says SOPA puts U.S. on par with oppressive nations | Digital Media - CNET News

Teens Giving Up Smoking and Drinking in Exchange for Pot - National - The Atlantic Wire


*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 15th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 14th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 15th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 14th, 2011


The “GinGrinch” Steals Christmas | American Free Press

Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers | American Free Press

Documents Reveal Israel Stole Uranium from U.S. Stockpiles In 1950s and 1960s | American Free Press

The Terror War on Iran | American Free Press

J. Edgar Hoover Was Much Worse Than New ‘Tell-All’ Movie Depicts | American Free Press

Globalists Want to Extract More from U.S. Middle-Class | American Free Press

Major Gunmakers Gobbled Up by Cerberus | American Free Press

WEB EXCLUSIVE: True Freedom in New Modes of Living | American Free Press

Gunter Spens: USA Police State Worse Than East Germany – Infowars Nightly News |

Celente’s Trends Proven Accurate; What Will 2012 Bring? |

Facebook, Information Age, Technology, NDAA, GOP Race |

Former Ambassador: ‘US to control Iraq oil always’ |

Orwell and Beyond: Legislating Tyranny in America – Stephen Lendman |

Sirhan’s Attorneys Say There’s New Evidence |




Frank Gaffney: Obama administration bowing to "international Muslim mafia" - YouTube

Will The Great Pyramid's Secret Doors Be Opened? | Fox News

Offerings Discovered at Base of Teotihuacan’s Pyramid of the Sun

The science of warp - Science -

Life-like cells are made of metal - life - 14 September 2011 - New Scientist

The Way to Occupy a Bank is to Own One

Protecting Mother Earth, Supporting Local Farms, Growing Your Own Food

Bankers Rule the World: "The Network of Global Corporate Control"

Class and Capitalism in the Gulf

VIDEO: NATO Troops on Syrian Border

Obama at Fort Bragg: A hypocritical embrace of a criminal war

VIDEO: Former Ambassador: 'US to control Iraq oil always'

The Justification to Wage War: Libya and UN Security Resolution 1973

Iraq War "ends" with a $4 trillion IOU

Citing Auto Bailout, Gays in Military, Health Care, Obama Claims ‘Vision That Is Truest to Our History’

Rush 'Not Convinced' Newt-Bashing National Review 'Has That Much Impact'

William F. Buckley Jr’s Nephew Fires at National Review

Pelosi: Extending Unemployment Benefits Would Create ‘600,000 Jobs’

Dem Congressman: ‘Federal Presence’ in Local Communities ‘Performs a Life-Saving Kind of Function’

Planned Parenthood Offers Tips For Pro-Abortion Conversation Around ‘Holiday Table’

Republicans Propose Bill to Treat Mexican Drug Cartels as 'Terrorist Insurgency'

Dept. of Labor: Public School Teachers Are Highest Paid State Workers; Compensation Doubles the Average in Private Industry

Dem Senators Say 1st Amendment Doesn't Protect 'Fraudulent Speech'; Bill Would Outlaw Misleading Election Info

Speaker: Will Keep XL Pipeline In Tax Bill

SEC Charges Ex-Fannie, Freddie CEOs with Fraud

Women ‘Disproportionately Impacted’ by Climate Change, Liberal Activists Say

Religious Tolerance Resolution Backed by Obama Administration Aligns With Islamic Bloc’s Interests

Accused Penn State Higher-Ups Face Perjury Hearing

Legal Ethics Expert: Kagan Must Recuse from Obamacare Case

Romney, Gingrich, Huntsman Debate On Illegal Immigration

Ex-CIA operative ordered to trial for belting minister

Outrage! Author of 'stimulus' linked to companies it helped

See another beneficary of 'stimulus' tax dollars

The day habeas corpus died

Time's 'Person of the Year': Dishonest and delusional

The fantasies of Iraq hawks

Was the mission accomplished?

GOP voters offered no choice for victory

Shocking truth about Lowe's and 'All-American Muslim'

About those self-evident truths

Importing monstrous morals

A diagnosis that kills

God doesn't care about politics or football

Lowe's cows to the lunatic fringe

No, Malcolm X is not baby Obama's daddy

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Buddy Roemer considering 3rd-party bid;Ex-Louisiana governor still waiting for invite to any GOP debate

WND RADIO WND Exclusive NTSB's cell-phone ban: 'Loss of liberty';Policy analyst: Another 'heavy-handed approach' by federal government

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Decorated Iraq veteran: 'This is a tragic day;Sgt. David Bellavia blasts Obama for withdrawal, possible terrorist release

Sheriff Joe to Obama: I'll keep doing my job

Santorum: Our soldiers deserve much better than this

Iran hijacked US drone, engineer claims - World news - Christian Science Monitor -

Carney Dodges Question About Iranian Terrorist Visiting White House | RealClearPolitics

MSNBC Apologizes for Mitt Romney-Klan Report | Reuters

US election 2012: Mitt Romney's life as a poor Mormon missionary in France questioned - Telegraph

William F. Buckley Jr’s Nephew Fires at National Review |

U.S. Jewish conservatives target Obama for treating Israel 'like a punching bag' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Alternative Nativity Scene Set Up At Capitol - Politics News Story - WISC Madison

Atheists get Santa Monica's Nativity display space

3 arrested in $90 million Medicare fraud scheme - Houston Chronicle

Karl Rominger, Sandusky Lawyer, Suggests Accused Penn State Coach Was Teaching Hygiene Habits

BBC News - Rape affects almost 20% of US women, study says

Wolf Dad is China’s new parenting guru and he’s even harsher than Tiger Mom | Mom Houston | a blog

As D.C. Deliberates Europe’s Impact, Goldman Warns of Big Risks to U.S. | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Relentless optimism of ugly men makes up for unappealing looks - Telegraph

Alice Cooper buying Bible for Gaga |

*16 Dec.

American Minute for December 16th

December 16th in History

This Day in History for 16th December

December 16 Events in History

Today in History: December 16

December 16th This Day in History

Today in History: December 16

Today in History for Dec. 16 - YouTube


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


The Beatles Place ; Beatles History (


Beatlesarama Radio

Beatles Radio


Republican Establishment Fears Conservative Campaign

Pope’s Visit Could Signify New Approach in Cuba

Younger Voters May Be Souring on Obama

Perry Channels Tebow, but Bachmann Scored First

Iowa Rep. Steve King Defends Ariz. Sheriff Arpaio

Gingrich: FBI Mulled Sting on Then-Speaker

Romney Lived in a 'Palace' During Missionary Days

Ron Paul: I 'Cannot Conceive' of Third-Party Run

Romney: Illegal Immigrants Should Have to Leave

Electability Key Issue in Debate Ahead of Iowa Voting

Paul, Bachmann Spar over Iran and Nuclear Threat

GOP Candidates Criticize Judicial System

Gingrich Defends Freddie Mac Work

Romney Defends Time in Business World

Congress Overturns Incandescent Light Bulb Ban

Obama Attacked for Lifting Terror Law Veto Threat

AP Poll: More Than Half Say Obama Should Lose

Lawmakers Reach Deal to Avert Gov't Shutdown

WikiLeaks Espionage Case Goes to Court

Slain Agent's Kin: Officials 'Criminally Liable'

Study: Contact Lens Wearers Endanger Own Eyes

Penn State Study: Beef Can Lower Cholesterol

GOP Candidates' Greatest Hits: Debate Zingers

Gingrich, Bachmann Spar Over Tea Party Votes

Obama's Science Policy Disappoints Base

Washington Post: Obama Spokesman 'misleading'

National Review: Gingrich Isn’t the One

TV Debates Setting Viewership Records

Russia Slams Kyoto Protocol

Witness: Reflecting on Iraq as US Troops Withdraw

US Military Marks End of its War in Iraq

Doubts, Fears Nag Iraqis as US Pulls Out

Even Wealthy Worry If They'll Retire — Survey

1 in 2 People Poor or Low Income? Not So Fast

Dr. Chauncey Crandall: Sleep Is a Key to Cardiac Health

Loud Music Makes You Drink More

Ron Paul Rocks the Debate!

The Government as Lawbreaker, Again by Andrew P. Napolitano

The Exodus Begins by Fred Reed

Where Is My Money? by Gerald Celente

Greenbackers Smear Ron Paul by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

The Dangerous Supreme Court by Kevin R. C. Gutzman

Some Car Q&A by Eric Peters

And Was the Mission Accomplished? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Activist Post: 10 Ways the War on Drugs is a Wild Success

Rise of the Beast System: 11 Ways That Amerika Is Becoming More Like North Korea

10 Holiday Gifts for a Healthy Lifestyle | Mark's Daily Apple

Watch Out: These Foods Seriously Mess With Your Health by Joseph Mercola

AP-GfK Poll: More than half say Obama should lose - Politics Wires -

AP-GfK Poll: Obama re-election odds roughly 50-50 - Yahoo! News

Anonymous donors pay strangers' Christmas layaway accounts | Detroit Free Press |

Ex-Con Finds, Returns Cash-Filled Wallet

Cash & burn -

"Barefoot Bandit" faces sentencing for 2-year crime spree - Yahoo! News

Mike McQueary takes stand against Penn State administrators - NCAA Football -

Penn State Nittany Lions' Mike McQueary: I told Joe Paterno I saw Jerry Sandusky, boy - ESPN

Baby Jesus found, after pic posted to Facebook -

Westford Students Told To Leave The Christmas C - Flash Player Installation

Justice Department: Arizona Sheriff Arpaio violated federal law - Washington Times

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: 'Don't ... use me as a whipping boy' [updated] -

Homeland Security limits ties with Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio -

House cybersecurity bill lets DHS monitor private sector threats - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Ex-Freddie, Fannie CEOs Sued Over Loans - Bloomberg

Jim Sciutto announces that he’s leaving ABC News after 13 years told be Chief of Staff and Senior Policy Advisor to Gary Locke -

Christopher Hitchens Takes on Nietzsche: Am I Really Stronger? | Culture | Vanity Fair

Deaths from brain-eating amoeba linked to sinus remedy for colds | Mail Online

Cambridge Restaurant’s Food Is So Hot, You Have - Flash Player Installation

Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Candidates Stake Iowa Debate On Electability, Leadership | Fox News

90-year-old jailed over unsightly property | AccessNorthGa

Rush Limbaugh Goes “On The Record” with Greta Van Susteren [FULL] 12/14/2011

Limbaugh: One In Two Are Now Poor. Obama Has Not Failed.

Limbaugh: Newt And Romney Childishly Using Class Warfare Against Each Other

Limbaugh: First Family Early Kwanzaa Celebration – Parody

Rush: GOP Establishment Has Succeeded In Splitting The Conservative Vote

Rush Limbaugh Reacts To Iowa GOP Debate

Rush: GOP Establishment Look At Conservatives Like A Bunch Of Tebow’s

Limbaugh: So Many People Disappointed Nikki Haley Endorsed Romney

Rush: Ron Paul Is Running Left Of Obama On Iran

Debbie Schlussel: HUH?: Asheville, NC Residents Pay For “Holiday” Billboards Welcoming Muslims, Aliens

Debbie Schlussel:Dearbornistanistan Muslims Indicted for Marriage Fraud, Bank Fraud Ring; More Restaurant Jihad

Obama Didn't Get the 'Truce' Memo

A Simple National Energy Independence Strategy

Obama's Job Description

Not All 'Protesters' Created Equal

Obama and the Financial Criminals

Spy v spy on the drone

GOP scores temporary victory in light bulb controversy

Congress 'exhausted' so everyone compromises and goes home for Christmas

Americans rejecting class warfare - Gallup

Hopes for peaceful, united Libya up in the air

Young Voters are Waking up to Reality

SEC sues former Fannie and Freddie execs

Deepwater Horizon: The National Academy of Engineering Report

Christopher Hitchens Is Dead. Dammit.

How Bachmann Can Defeat Obama

Obama's New Nationalism More Sukarno Than Teddy Roosevelt

Occupy Wall Street: the Id of the Liberal Elite

How to Shut Down the Welfare State

Whose ego, Newt's or Obama's?

The Department of Labor vs. America's Farm Kids

Why a Tea Party conservative now supports Ron Paul... including his foreign policy .

Ron Paul's Shot at Victory

Ron Paul Attacked Over Newsletters


The Minimum Wage Debate

The Minimum Wage Debate II


Obama Welcomes You to a Death Camp for Down Syndrome

Climategate Bombshell: Did U.S. Gov't Help Hide Climate Data? | Fox News

George Soros, Godfather Of The Left Gives $550 Million To Liberal Causes | Fox News

Gingrich takes fire from rivals in debate - Washington Times

Gear galore left in Iraq as last troops pull out - Washington Times

Tea-party leader shocked by arrest on gun charges

Simon Wiesenthal Center: Time to clean up the discourse - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The Associated Press: Feds rebuke immigration tactics of Arizona sheriff

Outrage! Author of 'stimulus' linked to companies it helped

Exclusive: Iran hijacked US drone, says Iranian engineer -

Indiana Democratic Party Head Resigns As Fraud Probe Heats Up | Fox News

Terrorist attack survivors outraged by White House guest - Washington Times

Exclusive: Regulators know where MF Global funds went - Yahoo! News

Connecticut GOP Blasts Non-Citizen Voting Proposal As 'Publicity Stunt' | Fox News

Are Hollywood Stars Enabling Sexual Predators By Not Naming Names? | Fox News

Preparing for martial law

Lies, Damned Lies & Enviro-Fraud

Recovering the Spirit of Reagan

New Energy For Israel

Christian Bale is a Hero for Trying to Visit Chen Guangcheng

‘Disappearing’ dissenters in Obama’s new Amerika

Venezuela, Iran Linked to Alleged Cyberattack Plot

Obama: a Wrecking Ball Swinging Against Civilization

Fmr. Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton to pursue fraud charges against Climategate scientists

Bill of Rights Day: Are Our Freedoms in Jeopardy?

Archaeologists May Have Found Original Offering at the Center of the Pyramid of the Sun | Video |

Air Force Investigating Photo of Airmen Posing With Open Casket |

Limbaugh Rips Obama’s View Of America: ‘Thinks Of It As Criminal, Guilty’ | Video |

Center on Education Policy Says Half of All Public Schools Fail Federal Standards, Arne Duncan Blames ‘No Child Left Behind’ |

Jerry Sandusky Lawyer Says He Was Teaching Pers - Flash Player Installation

Palestinian Authority Releases Music Video Lauding Yasser Arafat | Video |

John McCain Scorns Barack Obama | Video |

Jesse Jackson Jesus was an Occupier | Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Mock Wisconsin Nativity Includes Darwin, Einstein | Freedom From Religion Foundation |

‘Offensive’ Tweet Temporarily Halts House Judiciary Committee SOPA Hearing |

Cars So Popular, They’re Hard to Get |

‘Super Tense Moment’ Occurs When Jon Corzine is Served Papers During His Hearing Recess | Video |

CNN Video: ‘Batman’ Star Christian Bale ‘Roughed Up’ by Chinese Guards |Chen Ghuangcheng | Video |

Jon Stewart Joins the Anti-Gingrich Chorus: ‘Republican Voters, Don’t Do This | Video |

Bill Press Calls Tells Tim Tebow to Shut Up About Jesus |

The View From the New World Trade Center |

Chris Matthews Has A Problem Being Called A ‘Democrat’ | Video |

Jake Tapper and Jay Carney Have ‘Testy’ Exchange at Press Briefing | Video |

Raytheon Seeking Patent to Make Riot Shields ‘Noisy’ for Crowd Dispersal |

‘Dear Vlad, is it Something I Said?’: John McCain Responds to Putin’s Tirade |

Limbaugh Rips Obama’s View Of America: ‘Thinks Of It As Criminal, Guilty’ | Video |

John McCain Scorns Barack Obama | Video |

Gingrich’s Conservative Credentials Targeted During Fox GOP Debate |

Newt Gingrich Proposes Eliminating Some Courts | Video |

Perry compares himself to Tim Tebow |

Gingrich and Bachmann Spar Over Newt’s $1.6 Million Dollar Lobbying Fees | Video |

GOP Candidates Spar in Fox News Dabate | Gingrich, Bachmann, Romney Fact Check | Video |

Beck and O’Reilly Disagree on Gingrich | Video |

Warning to Gossipy Grunts: Darpa's Eyeing Your E-Mails | Danger Room |

Tunnels Swallow Conventional Wisdom on China’s Nuclear Strategy | International | World | Epoch Times

Drug Cartels Spare No Expense, Make Tunnels High Tech (video) | Singularity Hub

'Dream' Space Telescope for Military Could Spy Anywhere on Earth | DARPA Satellites | Membrane Optical Imager for Real-Time Exploitation | InnovationNewsDaily

Chuck Todd Flips the Bird on Live Television Triggering Right's Latest Feigned Outrage for the Day

Santorum: Obama 'Doesn't Deserve Credit' for Getting Bin Laden

Jesse LaGreca on Time Magazine's Choice of the Protester as Their 'Person of the Year'

McCain on Iraq Withdrawal: 'We Risk Losing Everything That We Gained'

Bob Plain: 'Nowhere in America Needs to be Occupied More than the Motor City'

Chris Wallace: A Ron Paul Win Will Discredit the Iowa Caucuses

What's the Difference Between Newt Gingrich and God?

When Will Culture Warriors Find Their Rainbow Connection?

Perry: 'I'm the Tim Tebow of the Iowa Caucuses'

Gingrich: Abolish 'Anti-American' Ninth Circuit Judges

Someone's Polling New Hampshire To See Whether Republican Voters Are Interested In Jeb Bush

In California, 67% of Voters Support Millionaires Tax

Ghoulish Professional Christians Waste No Time Capitalizing on Hitchens' Death

Hot Air, Just The Facts, Please

"NDAA Gives POTUS ANY POTUS Broad Powers To Throw US Citizens In Jail For SUSPECTED Terrorist Ties!" - YouTube

MUST WATCH! IMPORTANT NDAA VIDEO! TAKE ACTION NOW! (National Defense Authorization Act) - YouTube

Keiser Report: Möbius Strip of Fraud (E223) - YouTube


+ Fractional Reserve Banking «

Iraq Invasion Mastermind Antes Up On Iran Attack «

AFP: Scope of Fed’s Financial Swindle is Appalling «

Barb Adams: Is the North American Plate Being Pushed? «

AFP: Plans to Replace U.S. Workers with Robots Advance Rapidly «


Ron Paul on Fox Post Debate Spin Room w/ Sean Hannity 12-15-11 - YouTube


**Video: Fox News GOP Debate in Iowa, Dec. 15 «


*2:39:50/Fox Full Debate : Commentators Ignoring Ron Paul Again - YouTube


BBC News - Eroding taboos see lemurs end up on dinner tables

Mysterious signal knocks out power to 40 garage doors |

Santa Claus Sightings – Readers Recall Their Santa Claus Sightings

Cryptomundo » Cryptozoologist of 2011: Mark Murphy

Apollo: In the Event of Disaster | Mysterious Universe

Found Coins May Unveil a Lost Viking : Discovery News

BBC News - Supermassive black hole will 'eat' gas cloud

Will The Gods Of Old Be Returning In Full Force Soon? | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

Jorge Santini, Mayor Of San Juan, Baffles Public With Astoundingly Strange Christmas Photo

VIDEOS: Gunter Spens: USA Police State Worse Than East Germany – Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+ The Death of Rights Enshrined on Bill of Rights Day Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Tea Party Diva Haley Endorses Republicrat Romney Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is Operation GLADIO on the rebound in Europe? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DHS Aircraft Aided In Massacre Of 73 Civilians Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Republican Tea Party Diva Bachmann Attacks Ron Paul on Iran During Iowa Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul’s Constitutionalist, Anti-War Stance Supported By U.S. Troops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Celente’s Trends Proven Accurate; What Will 2012 Bring? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» California regulators frame Organic Pastures and force raw milk shut down over fabricated E. Coli scare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» America’s Future: Russia and China Use Copyright Laws to Crush Government Criticism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» China Keeps Slapping America In The Face And America Just Keeps Taking It Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Nightly News: Former East German Officer Gunter Spens, Passage of NDAA, Sheriff Mack’s SPLC Lawsuit Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fox News' Chris Wallace Has an Anti-Ron Paul Agenda - Yahoo! News

» MTV runs advert opposing Obama’s NDAA bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!



» SPLC Admits Lying About Sheriff Mack, Lawsuit Pending Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russian humanitarian convoy blocked at Kosovo border Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Vladimir Putin calls John McCain 'nuts' in outspoken attack - Telegraph

» Michelle Bushman Trots Out The Oldies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Iran to Display Numerous Captured Israeli and U.S. Drones Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s Depression Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hidden Industry Dupes Social Media Users Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Council on Foreign Relations and the “Grand Area” of the American Empire Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MPAA Head Chris Dodd on Online Censorship Bill: China's the Model | The Weekly Standard

» Let’s Impeach Eric Holder Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial | World news | The Guardian

Newscow - Funky-shaped aircraft passes through Cowley

UFO in Cowley County (Dec.13, 2011) part1 - YouTube


Ron Paul Campaign Ad: Ron Bless America - Conan O'Brien on TBS - YouTube


Oral Flu Vaccine On the Horizon?

» Illegal alien charged in Texas middle school shooting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bennet bill seeks visas for illegal immigrants studying math, science - The Denver Post

CT mayor wants illegals to vote |

Al Qaeda Rebranding Itself to Boost its Image - Forbes

» Thomas Kean Claims “Aftershocks” From Planes Brought Down WTC 7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s NDAA Veto: Mere Political Theater Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Indefinite Detention: 'Architecture of fascist state' - YouTube

Inside Wukan: the Chinese village that fought back - Telegraph

» Founder Of $30 Billion Hedge Fund Says Euro Banks Insolvent, Euro Situation Much “Worse Than 2008″ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» First they ignore, then they laugh: Comedian Conan O’Brien mocks Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

George Takei Asks Star Trek, Star Wars Fans to Unite in Fight Against ‘Twilight’ [Video]

Wayne Madsen: Holder's Fast & Furious was Designed to Destablize Mexican Government 1/2 - YouTube

Wayne Madsen: Holder's Fast & Furious was Designed to Destablize Mexican Government 2/2 - YouTube

Corzine Busted, CT Mayor Wants Illegals Vote & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

American Rights At Work Releases Holiday Gift Guide | Crooks and Liars

Three myths about the detention bill -

Prison » Ron Paul’s Constitutionalist, Anti-War Stance Supported By U.S. Troops

Prison » Ron Paul: ‘Anybody Up Here Could Beat Obama’

Prison » China Keeps Slapping America In The Face And America Just Keeps Taking It

Prison » Celente’s Trends Proven Accurate; What Will 2012 Bring?

Obama's Wall Street Guy Jon Corzine Served With Papers - YouTube

Russia seizes radioactive material bound for Iran | The Australian

Prison » Turkish military on war preparedness after Syrian Scud Ds moved to border

Swedish professor links Israel to Norway massacre - Israel News, Ynetnews

Prison » ‘West looks over Syria shoulder to Iran intervention’

'West looks over Syria shoulder to Iran intervention' - YouTube

Prison » US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border

US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border - YouTube

Prison » President Obama Kills The Bill of Rights, Hands Americans A Bill of Lies

Prison » Big Sis Orders ICE to Prepare for Mass Influx of Illegals & More: Infowars Nightly News

Prison » Iowa Radio Host Nails Matthews: ‘You’re Clearly Working for the Re-Election of Barack Obama’…

Spending bill blocks light bulb standards - Darren Samuelsohn -

Prison » Wayne Madsen: Holder’s Fast & Furious was Designed to Destablize Mexican Government

Ron Paul gains ground, further stirring Republicans | Reuters

Brian Terry Family | Criminal Charges | Fast and Furious | The Daily Caller

Courthouse News Service

Prison » Saga of 12-year-old foster boy reveals state’s psychiatric drug abuse of children

Fukushima reactors finally brought under control - Telegraph

Vint Cerf: SOPA means 'unprecedented censorship' of the Web | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Prison » California regulators frame Organic Pastures and force raw milk shut down over fabricated E. Coli scare

Prison » Thousands Of Birds Fall Out Of The Sky In Southern Utah

Prison » IPCC declares itself above the law

Prison » Justin Trudeau Calls Peter Kent “Piece Of Shit” In The House of Commons For Skipping Global Warming Confab

Alex Jones Reviews John Frankenheimer's 1964 Film, Seven Days in May - YouTube

Ron Paul Hannity Post Fox Debate Interview - YouTube

SOPA Will Cost Jobs! The NYT Should Talk to an Economist, not the Chamber of Commerce | MyFDL

Wyden-Ryan is not a compromise proposal - The Washington Post

Turning Medicare Into Obamacare | Mother Jones

Paul Ryan’s Medicare Compromise - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Republican presidential debates: Location, location, location! - The Washington Post

How Politically Toxic is OWS? « Commentary Magazine

Brewer Stands Up for the 10th Amendment by Asking a Federal Judge to Overturn Her State's Medical Marijuana Law - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Wall Street, Main Street, And Wages After The Bailouts | The New Republic

Benjamin Healey: Subsidies for Renewable Energy: American as Apple Pie

Keystone Blue-Collar Blues - Larry Kudlow - National Review Online

Review & Outlook: The Keystone Ultimatum -

Campaign 2012: The Candidates on Energy Policy - Council on Foreign Relations

A bogus report on fracking—Robert Bryce -

Facebook Commits to Green Energy -- But Can It Deliver? - Forbes

Just How Many Jobs Would The Keystone Pipeline Create? : It's All Politics : NPR

RealClearTechnology- Reuters - Technology - Dec 15, 2011 - Analysis: Can Zynga break free from Facebook?

5 Moves Microsoft Must Make In 2012 - Windows - Microsoft news - Informationweek

Why Google TV will win — Online Video News

Tech Has Saved the Postal Service for 200 Years—Today, It Won't - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

With Siri TV, Apple Will Dismantle the TV Networks - Ben Elowitz - Voices - AllThingsD

BBC News - Driverless car: Google awarded US patent for technology

RealClearTechnology- Gadget of the Week: Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Why Buying a Cheap Smartphone Isn’t So Dumb Anymore | Techland |

100 tablets to choose from, and you can name just one -- iPad

Would You Pay $20 A Month For Spotify? | Fast Company

Facebook Timeline: What You Need To Know

Inside search engines' war on bad results - tech - 15 December 2011 - New Scientist

One password to bring them all and on Windows 8 bind them

Toward Silent Computing - Marc Weidenbaum - Technology - The Atlantic

My Take: The case for including ethics, religion in science class – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Einstein Got It Wrong, Can You Do Better?

Brain-Eating Amoeba Fatalities Linked to Common Cold Remedy | Does Your Tap Water Contain Deadly Amoebas? | Neti Pots | Life's Little Mysteries

Megavirus, the biggest known virus

Wound-Treating Jelly Regenerates Fresh, Scar-Free Skin | Popular Science

Nanotechnology May Lead To The End Of Laundry - Forbes

The Curious Wavefunction: Truth and beauty in chemistry

Scientists Discover Second-Oldest Gene Mutation

Alien Planets With No Spin May be Too Harsh for Life | Extrasolar Planets & Search For Life | Exoplanets, Kepler Spacecraft |

Report: Harmful Chimpanzee Research Not Worth the Pain | Wired Science |

The Electric Mole Rat Acid Test - Science News

Thinking about giving birth at home? Look at the evidence on safety

The American Spectator : Hitch-62

Do atheists feel guilty for not believing in God? | Alexander Chancellor | Comment is free | The Guardian

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: The Beginning of the Mystery (and the Nature of the Church's Mission)

The Star of Bethlehem Discovered?, Christian News

On Religion - A One-Man War on American Muslims -

Five Social Media Trends that are Reshaping Religion | Culture | Religion Dispatches

A Private Matter: Vanderbilt Vets Student Ministries | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

A Politics of Two Advents | First Things

Jon D. Levenson: The Meaning of Hanukkah -

Jim Wallis: The Real War On Christmas... By Fox News

Meet the Financial Wizards Working With Occupy Wall Street | Mother Jones

David Malpass: And the Crisis Winner Is? Government -

G.O.P. Monetary Madness -

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Clean-Energy Obsession Alienates Hard Hats

Hypocrisy Proves Bipartisan in Payroll Tax Debate: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

YOUNG: Economics and politics battle over budget - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - Communist Muppets and Capitalist Self-Loathing

Why Do Takers Obama and Gingrich Attack Makers Like Romney? - Forbes

Realtors admit sales data bogus since 2007 -

CITY FOCUS: Fallout over MF Global's mislaid $1.2bn client pot | This is Money

RealClearMarkets - Finance Now Exists For Its Own Exclusive Benefit

I called the right stock-market moves in 2011 - Howard Gold's No-Nonsense Investing - MarketWatch

5 reasons to ignore top 10 stock lists | Abnormal Returns

The 2012 Crossing Wall Street Buy List | Crossing Wall Street

So When Should You Default on Your Mortgage? - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

Time Magazine's Choice For Person Of The Year Points To 20%+ Equity Gains In 2012 | Business News |

Kass: 10 More Reasons to Buy American - TheStreet

The Center of the Nuclear Black Market

Michael Weiss: Is The International Community Finally Getting Serious About Stopping Assad? | The New Republic

The wages of appeasement - The Washington Post

Mary Dejevsky: History's verdict on George Bush may be kinder - Mary Dejevsky - Commentators - The Independent

The Restoration Doctrine - Richard N. Haass - The American Interest Magazine

An Unstable, Divided Land -

Running Out of Time for Afghan Governance Reform | Foreign Affairs

Strassel: Why Ron Paul Can't Win -

Leading article: A far from triumphant end to the war in Iraq - Leading Articles - Opinion - The Independent

EDITORIAL: Victory in Iraq - Washington Times

End for U.S. Begins Period of Uncertainty for Iraqis -

Alarm Grows in Congress, U.S. Intelligence, Over Iran’s Latin America Threat - The Daily Beast

Can the world live with a near-nuclear Iran? -

Over There: The Occupiers, Seen from Europe | World Affairs Journal

Hitler's Greatest Blunders

Battle of the Bulge Heroes

Boston Review — Alfred F. Young: The People and the Patriots (Boston Tea Party, American Revolution)

The Boston Tea Party, 1773

The Situation in American Writing: George Saunders | Full Stop

'Moneyball' politics can't save Rick Perry's campaign - Washington Times

Only 126 Shopping Days Until Yom HaShoah | The Jewish Week

Thomas Fleming: Review of Richard Borkow's "George Washington’s Westchester Gamble, The Encampment on the Hudson and the Trapping of Cornwallis" (The History Press, 2011) | History News Network

'How the Dog Became the Dog': Review -

Autobiographical comics | Books | Primer | The A.V. Club

Kids Hate Classic Books Through Hilarious Tweets at #worstbookever « PWxyz

RealClearPolitics - GOP Rivals Take Their Swings at Gingrich

Rev. Al Sharpton: Eric Holder Is Correct: Let the Federal Gov. Stop the Racism of Individual States

Eric Holder excuses voter fraud—Michael A. Walsh -

Energy is the issue on which Obama can be beaten |

Middle East on the brink of war: Peter Goodspeed analysis | Full Comment | National Post

A Formal End to the Iraq War -

Defense bill goes the wrong way on handling terrorism suspects -

Last Post in Iraq: this is the death knell of the American empire | George Galloway | Comment is free | The Guardian

Who Are the 1 Percent? | The Nation

The American Spectator : The Real Sleeping Giant

RealClearPolitics - Younger Voters Disenchanted With Obama?

RealClearPolitics - Keystone Blue-Collar Blues

G.O.P. Monetary Madness -

Walter Shapiro: Brokered Conventions, Last-Minute Comebacks, And Other Crazy Ways The GOP Could End Up With A Nominee | The New Republic

Perry & Bachmann in Iowa | RedState

Paul Begala: Newt’s Shameless Chutzpah Saves Him in Fox Debate - The Daily Beast


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Julian Robertson: Printing Money Not the Answer

15th)Real Clear Markets - Video - Rattner: Europe Nowhere Near Solution

Real Clear Markets - Video - Housing Even Worse Than We Thought?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Investors Flip Farmland for Cash, Not Crops

Real Clear Markets - Video - Cramer: Trading Gold, Oil in Deflation Panic


14th)Transcripts:President & Mrs. Obama on the End of the War in Iraq

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

Panel on Congressional Tax, Budget Battles

Press Conference with Sec. Panetta and Pres. Karzai


Krauthammer: Killing Osama bin Laden Is the Exception that Proves Obama’s Appeasement Rule

AUDIO:China’s Hidden Threat

Remembering Christopher Hitchens: Debate With George Galloway on Iraq War, 2005 – Open Thread

‘Lowe’ Blow: Controversy Over All-American Muslim

Marines Promoted Inflated Story for Medal of Honor Recipient

China’s Navy Is All Grown Up

Budget Cuts Hitting Border Security

ABC World News Reports On Illegal Gun Sales … In NYC

Benjamin Netanyahu Rejects the New York Times

+Friday Crib Sheet: NBC Catfight And Elements Of Style, Rap Style

Coolidge, Not Klan: Romney Invokes Long Tradition of Loving his Country

RIP Christopher Hitchens

The ‘D’ Word: NPR Pouts Over America Not Losing the War In Iraq

New York Times Freelancer Implicated in Radiohead Concert Hoax to Promote Occupy Wall Street

Journalism Professor Slams Iowa, Gets Facts Wrong; Plays Hero and Victim

Times Tries to Fabricate News with ‘Zany’ Mitt Comment, Lazy Joan Walsh Takes Bait

Lib Talker Bill Press To Tim Tebow: ‘S.T.F.U.’

Wis. Election Official Belittles GOP Lawmakers via Twitter

Remembering Christopher Hitchens: Dramatic Reading of Tom Lehrer’s “Christmas Song”

AUDIO:The Real Purchasing Power of an American Family

Big Labor’s Big Campaign Spending

SEC Files Suit Against Ex-Freddie, Fannie Chiefs

Deal Reached on Omnibus Spending Bill, 2 Month Extension of Payroll Tax Cut

BigFraud: Eric Holder Is in Denial

It’s Not Just Blue States Looking at Tax Hikes for Cigarettes in 2012

Fast and Furious: Can Holder, ATF Agents Be Prosecuted?

‘Occupy Iowa Caucus’ Headed by Former Democratic Politician

In Memoriam: Christopher Hitchens, 1949–2011

Europe’s Collapse and the Green Movement with James Delingpole

Scott Walker: Public Sector Unions and Big Government Destroy Jobs for Young People

Indefinite Detention: Cracking Freedom’s Foundation

Indiana School District Blocks Charter School Competition

Breaking: Copy of ATF Email Wanting More Gun Control in Wake of Fast and Furious

+Daily Call Sheet: ‘Burn Notice’ Season Finale, Bundy Sale, and Tweet Of the Year!

‘Young Adult’ Review: Theron’s Prom Queen Prowls for Old Flame

‘Shame’ Review: Solid Character Study of Two Fractured Siblings

‘Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked’ Review: Set Out the Rodent Traps

Christopher Hitchens Flips Off Bill Maher’s Audience: ‘None of You Is Smarter Than’ George W. Bush

‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’ Review: A Classic Brilliantly Told

Box Office Predictions: ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Faces Off With ‘Chipmunks’ and Batman?

‘Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows’ Review: Moriarty Makes Bromance Sequel Soar

‘Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol’ Review: Pixar Vet Delivers Best ‘Mission’ Yet

‘Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows’ Review: An Elementary Sequel Beneath the Source Material

‘Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol’ Review: Calculated for Maximum Entertainment

Writers Guild Loves Occupy Wall Street … Until It Starts Interrupting TV Show Productions

Trailer Talk: ‘Ghost Rider’ Sequel Soups Up The Action

Louis C.K.’s Gamble Could Shake Up Comedy Scene

‘Two and a Half Men’ Star Holland Taylor Slams Palin, Bachmann as Jokes

The Roots as ‘America’s Band?’ Why Trashing a Congresswoman Yields Kudos

Judge denies testing of alleged White House shooter

'Barefoot Bandit' pleads guilty in Wash. court

Manning lawyer asks hearing officer to step aside

Charges dropped against Minn. smoke shop owner

Bill banning minors from tanning beds stalls

U.S. states to weigh in on basic health coverage

2 centuries after New Madrid quakes, what's next?

Penn St. coach: I saw molestation and reported it

Tens of thousands of children abused in Dutch Catholic institutions, report says

Doctor gets 4.5m compensation over hospital 'plot' to get rid of her

Desmond Tutu urges Trinity Church to allow Occupy protester camp

Former lovers of undercover officers sue police over deceit

Russian journalist gunned down in violent republic of Dagestan

Ministry of Defence police face up to 1,500 job cuts

'Downed US drone was on surveillance mission'

Man accused of 1966 murder of Yolande Waddington to face trial

China tightens controls on microblogs

Stars Pay Tribute To Hitchens

Downey, Jr. Laughs Off Some Like It Hot Remake Rumours

Wynton Marsalis named CBS' cultural correspondent

Trump Eyes Run as 'Americans Elect' Presidential Candidate - Yahoo! News


GOP Debate Reaction: Part I

GOP Debate Reactions, Part II


16-Dec-11 World View

15-Dec-11 World View

14-Dec-11 World View

13-Dec-11 World View

12-Dec-11 World View

11-Dec-11 World View

10-Dec-11 World View

9-Dec-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS:Tea Party Hero Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt

Chinese Authorities Manhandle Christian Bale For Attempting To Visit Anti-Abortion Dissident

‘Morning Joe’ Panel Laughs In Obama Defender’s Face

RIP Christopher Hitchens

Flatulent Whoopi Lets One Rip On ‘The View’

SEC Charges Ex-Fannie, Freddie CEOs With Fraud

Caught On Video: Vandals Destroy Christmas Display

Child Services Worker Arrested For Sexting Teen Boy On Facebook

Iowa Radio Host Nails Matthews: ‘You’re Clearly Working For The Re-Election Of Barack Obama’

Students Suspended For ‘Tebowing’

*15th/Gingrich: Bachmann Doesn’t Have Facts Right, Bachmann: Yes I Do

Santorum Challenges Romney On Same-Sex Marriage

Romney Pushes Back Hard On Flip-Flop Charge

Newt: I’d Drop Lawsuit Against Arizona Illegal Immigration Law On Day One

Romney: Illegals Need To Get In Back Of Line Behind Legal Immigrants

Santorum: Obama Has Ignored Threats And Insulted Our Allies

Perry: Holder Should Resign For Not Knowing About Fast And Furious

Perry Praises 10th Amendment In Defense Of Texas Energy Policy

Bachmann: Obama Put Reelection Above American Jobs

Gingrich: ‘I’m Very Concerned About Not Appearing To Be Zany’

Perry: Obama Has Most Muddled Foreign Policy I Can Remember

Newt Rips The UN

Ron Paul Unhinged: We Killed A Million Iraqis

Norway Experiencing Butter Shortage

Romney Flashback: Mass Healthcare Law Means ‘No More Free Rides’

Corzine Served With Papers

Worker Fights Off Robber With Coffee Pot

Alleged Wikileaks Source To Appear In Court

RNC Links Obama Economic Policies With Corzine Fiasco

Dennis Miller: Negative Newt Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

America’s Got Howard

Rush: Obama Has ‘Chip On His Shoulder’ About America

14th/Trump Slams Rosie/Lawrence O’Donnell: ‘Same Last Name, Same Bad Ratings’

Bob Beckel Criticizes ‘Progressive’ Rabbi For ‘Bigotry’ Against Tim Tebow And Christians


Bears' Hurd due for bond hearing on drug charges

US withdrawal in Iraq rolls into final act

Sun finally sets on US mission in Iraq 15.12.11 - YouTube

Russian customs seizes Iran-bound radioactive metal

Police Clash With Egyptians Protesting Military Rule

WTO approves Russia's membership after marathon

Supreme Court Grants Assange Right to Appeal

Carlos the Jackal given second life sentence for terrorist attacks - video

Russian opposition bracing for new weekend rallies

Ex-Playboy model joins Russian Parliament

France v Britain: a history of cross-Channel slanging matches

Pakistan's 'memogate' bodes ill for Zardari

Libya: Kadhafi Killing Could Be War Crime - ICC Prosecutor

US welcomes Russian shift on Syria at UN Security Council but won’t back draft resolution - The Washington Post

At Manning Hearing, Investigator Refuses Recusal

Ariz. Sheriff Responds to Immigration Report - YouTube

Penn State coach describes sexual assault in shower

GOP candidates blast Ron Paul over Iran policy. Is one side crazy?

"Barefoot Bandit" faces sentencing for 2-year crime spree

Tale of the tape: Romney has had most face time in GOP debates

House passes spending bill to avert government shutdown

Bonds not likely to get jail time

9 States Win Early Learning Grant Competition

EPA nearing tougher restrictions on power plant emissions

Founder of Internet Fears 'Unprecedented' Web Censorship From SOPA

Cook County Sheriff: No hint suspect would turn violent

Congress flips dimmer switch on light bulb law

AP-GfK Poll: More than half say Obama should lose

Former Professor, Oklahoma Teacher Held in Child Porn Case

Music legend Phil Spector expected to appeal murder conviction to high court

Mass. man not guilty in Conn. student killing

Justice Dept. says Seattle Police Department used excessive force and violated Constitution - The Washington Post

SEC Sues Former Fannie, Freddie Executives

Facebook Timeline: 9 things you need to know

FBI Contacted Phone Monitoring Firm About Software

Carrier IQ: Which wireless carrier is the biggest user?

Safest Small Cars For Under $20000

Christopher Hitchens' first loyalty was to the truth

Madonna Chats With Anderson Cooper About Golden Globes Nominations

Howard Stern On 'America's Got Talent' Has Fans Curious

Christian Bale Roughed Up In China

Brian Wilson, Beach Boys to Tour for First Time in 46 Years

Connecting the Dots: Finding Patterns in Large Piles of Numbers

The Paw Print: Higgs Bosons- In Space?

Loophole Inserted in Climate Accord Augurs US-China Clash

LHC: Higgs boson 'may have been glimpsed'

Black Hole to Destroy Gas Cloud

Boris Chertok, Engineer With Russian Space Program, Dies at 99

Hunting Wolves Out West: More, Less?

Wild monkeys to help detect radiation from crippled Fukushima nuclear plant

New NASA Rover Studying Space Radiation En Route to Mars

NASA SDO - Lovejoy's Journey around the Sun - YouTube

Preemie: Baby born the size of a soda can 'a fighter,' parents say

New Mexicans help stop chimp research - YouTube

US Limits Use of Chimpanzees in Medical Research

Robotic Assist Gets Stroke Patients Walking

Why a Christian Group Pulled Pink Bibles for Breast Cancer Awareness

Lauren Scruggs' Mom Says: Lauren Was In 'Excruciating' Pain Last Night

Smoking linked to skin cancer in women

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