A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

15 December 2011

15 DEC.


Marines Promoted Inflated Story for Medal of Honor Recipient

China’s Navy Is All Grown Up

Budget Cuts Hitting Border Security

Taliban Training In Pakistan

McCain on Obama and Iraq: ‘History Will Judge This President’s Leadership With Scorn and Disdain’

Belgian Nurse Who Saved American Soldiers During Battle of Bulge Honored 67 Years Later

Audio:Chinese Intelligence Has Penetrated American Security

Newt Brings Real Approach To Middle East Peace Efforts

Last F-22 Raptor Rolls Off Production Line


15-Dec-11 World View

14-Dec-11 World View

13-Dec-11 World View



Bachmann: Gingrich Trying To "Buy" The Tea Party Vote
Giuliani On Romney: "I've Never Seen A Guy Change His Positions So Many Times"
Giuliani On Romney: "I Have Never Seen A Guy Change His Positions On So Many Things"
Romney Web Ad: "Praise"
Gingrich Ad: "We Deserve Solutions"
O'Reilly: Leftist Objections To Voter ID Laws Are A "Crock"
Joan Walsh: Mitt Romney Is Tone Deaf
"Special Report" Panel On Budget, Tax Battles
Press: The Longer The Primary Goes, The Stronger The GOP Will Be


14 Dec.

MSNBC Likens Romney To The KKK For Saying "Keep America American"
Reid: Republicans "Obviously Want To Have The Government Shut Down"
Rush Limbaugh Interviewed By FOX News' Greta Van Susteren
Romney Says He Has The Experience, Temperament And Capacity To Lead
McConnell: Democrats Trying To Score Political Points With Shutdown
Sharpton: As A "Victim" Of Half-Truths, Romney Deserved An Apology
Obama Car Czar: We Never Said Taxpayers Would Get Bailout Money Back
Chris Matthews Greets David Axelrod: "This Is Called Friendly Territory"
Mitt Romney: Gingrich A "Very Wealthy Man"
Dem "Comfortable" With Letting Payroll Tax Cut Expire To Stop Pipeline
Obama: "Where Congress Is Not Willing To Act, We're Going To Go Ahead And Do It Ourselves"
Obama On Bad Economy: "We Didn't Create The Condition"
Dem Senator Rips Reid: "Combative" And Needs To "Stop With This Dead On Arrival" Language
NBC's Chuck Todd Flips The Bird On "Morning Joe"
Romney: "I'm Not Running As The Republican View Or A Continuation Of Republican Values"
Romney Web Ad: "Newt and Nancy"
Walsh: Some People Voted For Reagan Because Of Race
Krauthammer: Gingrich "A Victim Of His Own Creative Intelligence"
O'Reilly: Candidates Bank On Uninformed Voters
Milbank: Gingrich's Statements Are "Clever And Devious"



Israel's New Neighborhood
Crack In The Euro Treaty Pledge Appears
Are We Leaving Ourselves Vulnerable In Iraq
Mission In Afghanistan Winding Down?
Vice President Biden On Lessons From Iraq
Obama Marks End Of Iraq War
Political Crisis Deepens In Papua New Guinea
Bahrainis Call On UN To Hear Plea
Anwar's Sodomy Trial Ends, Verdict To Come
Raw Video: U.S. Forces-Iraq Flag Retired
UK Must Become More Economically Relevant To India
Stories From The Arab Spring: Will Democracy Take Hold?
Clinton On Russia's Protests
U.S. Defense Secretary Visits Turkey


14 Dec.

Panetta On Iraq And Afghanistan Prospects
Huntsman: China Is Our Competitor
Syrian Uprising Has Claimed Thousands Of Lives
Criticism Of Cameron's EU Stance Grows
India's Economic Dilemma
Russian Middle Class 'Finding Its Voice'
Baghdad Blast Kills Two Policemen
Honduran Troops Clash With Journalists
Attack In Belgian City Leaves 5 Dead, 122 Hurt
U.S.-Iraq Post-Withdrawal Relations
Liaquat Ahamed On The Eurozone Crisis
Iran Attempting To Reverse Engineer U.S. Drone
The Euro Is 'In Trouble'
Graham: Can America Afford the Foreign Policy We Need?
George F. Kennan: An American Life



15 Dec./GOP Debate

2012 Republican Presidential Candidate Positions Matrix

GOP Candidates Looking To 'Close The Deal' In Last-Chance Iowa Debate | Fox News

The Good, The Bad And Donald Trump At The GOP Debates | Fox News


2012 Primary Debate Schedule (


New Rasmussen Polls: Romney Leading Among Likely Voters in Iowa

John McCain: ‘There Are Still Big Problems in Iraq’

Not Again … Partial Government Shutdown Looming for Friday Night

Rudy Giuliani: Romney Needs to Stop Being Negative

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Declares Iraq War Officially Over

Marine Ilario Pantano Exonerated of Murdering Iraqi Prisoners; Runs for Congress in North Carolina

Should Jon Corzine Get Hard Time for His Alleged Role in the MF Global Scandal?

Frank Luntz Has the Pulse of the People After the GOP Debate

SNEAK PEEK: Rush Limbaugh Tells Greta Van Susteren That “Everything Obama” Is the Most Important Issue for Conservative Americans in 2012 Election

Atheists Sue Kentucky Over Anti-Terrorism Bill That Includes References to God

Rush Caller Elizabeth Praises ‘Two If By Tea’ YouTube Contest

Rush Limbaugh Goes “On The Record” with Greta Van Susteren [FULL] 12/14/2011

Rush Limbaugh Announces The ‘Two If By Tea’ YouTube Commercial Contest First Place Winners!

EPIC ‘Rush Was Right’: Obama Says Economy Was Worse Than We Knew

Ron Paul News

Paul's serious challenge in Iowa could rock the GOP race -

Ron Paul: The Alternative Candidate is a force to be reckoned with - The Washington Post

Ron Paul’s path in politics - The Washington Post

Did Ron Paul Slay The Gold Bull?

Reality Check: Are Ron Paul's views on Israel " - Flash Player Installation

Ron Paul dominates Newt Gingrich in Cedar Valley Tea Party straw poll | The State Column

Would a Ron Paul Win in Iowa Hand the Election to Obama? - Interviews - Hannity - Fox News

Jon Huntsman leapfrogs Ron Paul in New Hampshire, says poll -

Ron Paul gains ground, further stirring Republicans | Reuters

Ron Paul shows strength ahead of Iowa caucuses -

Pretending That Ron Paul Doesn't Matter Won't Make Him Go Away - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

16 Dec./Ron Paul @Leno

+ Ron Paul on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee


Ron Paul 2012(

Ron Paul @ Facebook

Congressman Ron Paul @ Facebook

Congressman Ron Paul(


Alex Jones 2011-12-14 Wednesday - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Wednesday,December 14,2011 (FULL) - YouTube


Space & Faith Brother Guy Consolmagno Vatican Observatory CoastoCoast am 13.122011 - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM: 14.12.2011 - Paranormal Immersion - YouTube


Sebelius Urges Patient Empowerment through Mobile Health Technology - Forbes

How Smartphone Apps and Social Networks Will Revolutionize Medicine - Forbes

Games That Solve Real Problems: Crowdsourcing Biochemistry - Forbes


Why Weibo Works Better Than Twitter - YouTube

How Innovation Works Is Surfing the Internet Wave in China - YouTube


(Google Translate)



Why China's Weibos Work Better Than Twitter - Forbes


Cancer treatment: New super vaccine better than 'wonder drug' Herceptin | Mail Online

BBC News - Supermassive black hole will 'eat' gas cloud

Will The Gods Of Old Be Returning In Full Force Soon? | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

Jorge Santini, Mayor Of San Juan, Baffles Public With Astoundingly Strange Christmas Photo

Apples fall from the sky over Coventry - Telegraph

'Hopping' Fish Suggests Walking Originated Underwater | African Lungfish & Distant Human Ancestors | Evolution of Walking & Primitive Fish | LiveScience

Trillion-Dollar Jet Has Thirteen Expensive New Flaws | Danger Room |

Aerospace dream team aims to launch people into orbit - space - 13 December 2011 - New Scientist

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: Humanoids at San Antonio de Areco (1975)

Norfork man recounts 'Bigfoot' encounter | The Baxter Bulletin |


+ C2CAM - 2011.12.04 - Ancient Aliens - Alex Jones NDAA Concerns - YouTube


Ron Paul on CNN w/ Wolf Blitzer 12-14-11 - YouTube


Iran, Besieged by Gasoline Sanctions, Develops GTL to Extract Gasoline from Natural Gas at Oil Price

Facebook Launches Suicide Prevention Effort | News & Opinion |

New data narrows hunt for 'God particle' - Business - News - The Independent

BBC News - FBI says hackers hit key services in three US cities

Info no go: Wikipedia threatens strike over US piracy bill — RT

» Oral Flu Vaccine On the Horizon? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Former Sen. Dodd, Now MPAA Head, Pushing Unconstitutional Online Piracy Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Allentown Dieruff Taser lawsuit: Allentown Dieruff Taser lawsuit -

Allentown police officer tases girl, 14, in the groin YouTube video | Mail Online

» Fractional Reserve Banking Explained Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fractional Reserve Banking Commentary 1 - YouTube

AFP: Once called Blackwater, firm changes name again

U.S. War in Iraq Declared Officially Over -

» Ordinary Iranians Prepare for War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pakistan: Defeating the Conspiracies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Vladimir Putin calls John McCain 'nuts' in outspoken attack - Telegraph

Hezbollah names CIA spies in Lebanon | World news | The Guardian

SAF stages complex war game in Arizona

» NDAA Gives Pentagon Green Light to Wage Internet War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Flip Flopper Obama: WILL NOT VETO DETENTION BILL Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s U-Turn On Indefinite Detention Bill a “Historic Tragedy” For Rights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Explaining to a 5-Year Old Why the Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to U.S. Citizens on U.S. Soil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to American Citizens on U.S. Soil - Washington's Blog

» Rise Of The Beast System: 11 Ways That Amerika Is Becoming More Like North Korea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» SPLC Admits Lying About Sheriff Mack, Lawsuit Pending Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Corzine Busted, CT Mayor Wants Illegals Vote & More: Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Corzine Busted, CT Mayor Wants Illegals Vote & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. McCain speak on Detainees on Senate Floor - 11/29/11 - YouTube

Proof Obama Will Sign NDAA 1031 Citizen Indefinite Detention Law in a Few Days - YouTube

Sen. Lindsey Graham on the NDAA, Indefinite Detention of American Citizens - YouTube

» ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Heads To Obama’s Desk As White House Drops Veto Threat Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to American Citizens on U.S. Soil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Iraq Invasion Mastermind Antes Up On Iran Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Big Sis Orders ICE To Prepare For Mass Influx of Immigrants Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cheney: Obama Should Have Attacked Iran to Destroy Drone Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DICK Cheney "Obama Should Have Done Airstrike In Iran To Destroy Downed Drone" - YouTube

» Thomas Kean Claims “Aftershocks” From Planes Brought Down WTC 7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Thomas Kean: "aftershocks" from planes caused collapse of WTC Building 7 - YouTube

» Ron Paul Outlines His Campaign’s “Secret Weapon” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America! - YouTube

» December 16: Ron Paul Moneybomb Launches Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A message from John Tate - Ron Paul Tea Party Money Bomb - YouTube

Prison » A Commercial U.S. Satellite Snapped This First Picture Of The Chinese Aircraft Carrier At Sea

Prison » 40 Members of Congress Protest ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill

+ Prison » Amid Surging Fear of Big Government, Americans Say Third Party Needed

Courthouse News Services:Sirhan’s Attorneys Say There’s New Evidence

Vladimir Putin: John McCain has blood on his hands - Tim Mak -

Prison » Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Crops Leading to Mental Illness, Obesity

Secret papers shed light on killings as troops pull out

US fears Iran on verge of 20% en... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Syrian rebels kill dozens of Assad's forces in fresh clashes - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » ‘Libyans don’t trust Western cronies ruling them’

'Libyans don't trust Western cronies ruling them' - YouTube

Prison » Indefinite Detention Hurts Our National Security and Increases the Risk of Terrorism

Prison » The Global War on Terror Is A 21st Century Witch Hunt

Prison » Child Poverty In America Is Absolutely EXPLODING – 16 Shocking Statistics That Will Break Your Heart

Prison » ‘Academi’ of War: Blackwater back in Iraq for a little greenback

'Academi' of War: Blackwater back in Iraq for a little greenback - YouTube

Iraq withdrawal: Hundreds in Fallujah burn U.S. flag to celebrate pullout | News | National Post

Prison » The Chinese Village Of Wukan Is Under Siege After Open Rebellion Against The Government

Top Iran official: We may move nuclear facilities to 'safer' locations - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » New documentary EXPOSES the real events that led to NATO intervention in Libya

Libyan Crisis: Events, Causes and Facts (Documentary) - YouTube

The Great Escape (Version Lite: Nigel Farage with Cooing Schulz) - YouTube

Bingo: George Soros Stands to Make Millions From his Purchase of MF Global Bonds |

Prison » The Collapse Of The Euro, The Death Of The Euro And The End Of The Euro

Prison » Roubini Asks of ‘Goldbugs’ on Twitter “Where is 2,000?” – Ignores Academic Research

Prison » Presenting The Three Unscripted Sentences That May Have Cost Jon Corzine His Freedom

MF Global Employee Indicated Corzine Knew Loans Were Made From Customer Accounts - YouTube

Ron Paul gains ground, further stirring Republicans | Reuters

Exclusive: Regulators know where MF Global funds went | Reuters

Prison » Faces of Gun Control: New Ad Compares Obama to Hitler, Stalin, Mao – Cites Genocide of 60 Million People

New Gun Company Advertisement Compares Obama to Hitler, Stalin « CBS Washington

The Daily Sheeple - News, Commentary, Headlies and Truth

Faces of Gun Control: Tyrants Responsible For Genocide of Over 60 Million People In 20th Century - YouTube

Arab uprising could spark unrest in UK: general | Reuters

Amazon Big Brother patent knows where you'll go - CBS News

Thousands Of Birds Fall Out Of The Sky In Southern Utah - YouTube

Prison » IPCC declares itself above the law

Justin Trudeau Calls Peter Kent "Piece Of Shit" In The House of Commons - YouTube

Prison » Rise Of The Beast System: 11 Ways That Amerika Is Becoming More Like North Korea

Prison » Maryanne Godboldo finally gets daughter back from state child abductors; all charges confirmed as unwarranted

Obama Campaign Collecting GOP Emails | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Prison » Want to end Mexican drug gang violence? Legalize drugs and the cartels will collapse

Prison » Alex Jones: Government using drones against Americans

Alex Jones: Government using drones against Americans - YouTube

Prison » Oxfam—Betraying its Roots and Sabotaging its Own Mission

New version of SOPA copyright bill, old complaints | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

George Takei Asks Star Trek, Star Wars Fans to Unite in Fight Against ‘Twilight’ [Video]

Courthouse News Service:Judge Lets Fracking Opponents Fight On

Wayne Madsen: Holder's Fast & Furious was Designed to Destablize Mexican Government 1/2 - YouTube

Wayne Madsen: Holder's Fast & Furious was Designed to Destablize Mexican Government 2/2 - YouTube

Paul vs Gingrich, Holder's UN Speech, Capsizing Island & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Max Keiser: JPMorgan Ordered Corzine to Pillage Personal Accounts at MF Global! 1/4 - YouTube

Max Keiser: JPMorgan Ordered Corzine to Pillage Personal Accounts at MF Global! 2/4 - YouTube

Max Keiser: JPMorgan Ordered Corzine to Pillage Personal Accounts at MF Global! 3/4 - YouTube

Max Keiser: JPMorgan Ordered Corzine to Pillage Personal Accounts at MF Global! 4/4 - YouTube

Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial | World news | The Guardian

Second Amendment up in smoke - Op/Ed - Pipe Dream - Binghamton University news, sports, opinion, arts & entertainment –

You don’t have ‘Constitutional Rights’ – Tenth Amendment Center

CT mayor wants illegals to vote |

Bennet bill seeks visas for illegal immigrants studying math, science - The Denver Post

Smashing Greater Central Asia-Part III | Opinion Maker

Gran Hermana: DHS debuts Spanish terror warning | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

The Drop Off - Spanish - YouTube

Meteorologist Piers Corbyn: Debunking More Climate Change Mumbo-Jumbo 1/2 - YouTube

Meteorologist Piers Corbyn: Debunking More Climate Change Mumbo-Jumbo 2/2 - YouTube

Gunter Spens: Military Must Refuse Unconstitutional Orders to Detain American Citizens 1/3 - YouTube

Gunter Spens: Military Must Refuse Unconstitutional Orders to Detain American Citizens 2/3 - YouTube

Gunter Spens: Military Must Refuse Unconstitutional Orders to Detain American Citizens 3/3 - YouTube


One Hundred Million Dollar Penny - YouTube


Ordained Minister Says Cops Punched Him In The Face While He Was On The Ground At Port Of Seattle - YouTube

Tea Party Money Bomb Message from Ron Paul - YouTube

Glenn Greenwald: Obama Had Indefinite Detention Inserted Into Defense Authorization Act - YouTube

SBS: Americans Fear Big Government More than Big Business

Ron Paul: Fast & Furious a Criminal False Flag

Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America

AFP: Scope of Fed’s Financial Swindle is Appalling

AFP: Plans to Replace U.S. Workers with Robots Advance Rapidly

Issa: Piracy bill would give Holder ‘broad new powers to police the Internet’

Your Phone is Watching You




Video:Covered 'UFO' Hauled On Flatbed Thru Small Kansas Town

IMAGES:Inside the U.S. embassy in Iraq |


Russia United - For The Time Being

Russia United ­ For The Time Being - Part 2


Activist Post: Are You Eating, Drinking and Breathing Monsanto's New Agent Orange? - Smolensk Crash Site Was Staged (Part One)

Netanyahu for President of America | Opinion Maker

US vs China: Rivals or Partners | Opinion Maker

We've Only Just Begun

USDA Conspires with Biotech Industry for Complete Deregulation of GMOs | Farm Wars

The Crown of Creation and the Da Vinci Toad. Reflections in a Petri Dish

MF Global bankruptcy: Exec says Corzine knew about missing money -

Was The "Collapse" Of MF Global Premeditated? A Conspiracy Theory Thought Experiment | ZeroHedge

US troops surround Syria on the eve of invasion? — RT

PressTV - Israel to boost cooperation with NATO

House Lawmakers Pass Defense Bill « VOA Breaking News

5 Quick Thoughts on the White House Decision Not to Veto Detainee Measure - Andrew Cohen - Politics - The Atlantic

How The Jews Stole Christmas | Real Zionist News

Tebow, the Rabbi and the Grand Mufti of Rhodes | Mantiq al-Tayr

Section 13: Internet hate speech review ends with no decision | News | National Post

Has FOX News become for Romney, what MSNBC is for Obama? « Larry Sinclair

Cenk Issues Ultimatum To Obama! VETO The Defense Authorization Act Or It's OVER! - YouTube

You don’t have ‘Constitutional Rights’ – Tenth Amendment Center

Roy Tov: War Declared on Barak

U.S. Congress freezes $700m in aid to Pakistan over failure to halt smuggling of homemade bombs into Afghanistan | Mail Online

Open Your Eyes, SWEDEN - YouTube

MF's Corzine said to know of customer fund misuse | Reuters

Mark Steel: Hands off our greedy bankers - Mark Steel - Commentators - The Independent

IMF slashes growth forecast for Greece | Business | The Guardian

Wave of panic cash withdrawals sweeps Latvia after false rumours of Swedbank bankruptcy hit social networks - Europe - World - The Independent

Legislating Tyranny In America

Ban drivers from using cellphones at the wheel, US urged | Technology |

Wisconsin faces lawsuit as civil rights groups cry foul over new voting rules | World news |

+7.3 magnitude earthquake hits Papua New Guinea - Telegraph

Google Street View offers haunting new vision of post-tsunami Japan | Mail Online

Secret gates of Great Pyramid 'to be opened in 2012', predicts British company | Mail Online

James Murdoch: I didn't read crucial phone-hacking email | Media | The Guardian

Eurosceptics are a 'bunch of insular snobs who seem to have a hard time restraining their inner-fascist', says the New York Times – Telegraph Blogs

Eurocrats no longer trouble to disguise their loathing for Britain – Telegraph Blogs

HMS York scrambled to Scotland in Russian fleet security scare | Mail Online

Human Rights Watch accuses Alabama of violating constitution | Law |

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen unveils commercial spaceship - Telegraph

'Fountains' of methane 1,000m across erupt from Arctic ice - a greenhouse gas 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide | Mail Online

Prunes are not a laxative, EU rules - Telegraph

Iran threatens to shut Straits of Hormuz with military manoeuvre | Mail Online

Newt Gingrich: Selling Access - YouTube

“Newty and The Donald” « The PPJ Gazette

Jon Stewart CHANTS Ron Paul 2012 "Newt Bad Idea/Media Influence" - YouTube

MTV Martial Law Commercial - National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867) - YouTube

America: The Government That Fears Its Own Must Fall | Veterans Today - Why Do the Illuminati Reveal Themselves?

Sherrie Questioning All: Explosive Interview Jim Willie "JP Morgan Crashed MF Global to Avert COMEX Failure, they stole all the accounts that were going to take delivery"

The Great Unheard Of Debate On Overpopulation

Obama seeks to leverage $1 trillion spending bill - Yahoo! News

The Engineered Euro Crash - William Engdahl on GRTV - YouTube

Guest Post: Plan B For "Breakup" | ZeroHedge

Feds push ahead to end farming and ranching in Siskiyou County « The PPJ Gazette

Vitamin D Newsletter

Nigel Farage: So-called 'populists' are actually democrats - YouTube


Ron Paul Ad - Consistent - YouTube

Is Ron Paul Peaking at the Right Time? - YouTube

Ron Paul and the Iowa Conspiracy : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Ron Paul: Government Shutdown Unlikely - YouTube

Ron Paul Gaining Steam in Iowa - YouTube

4um: Ron Paul Set to Take Iowa and NH


MTV Martial Law Commercial - National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867) - YouTube

Refreshing News: Barack Obama marks end of Iraq war, telling troops 'Welcome Home'

Refreshing News: US Election 2012: Ron Paul closes in on Newt Gingrich in Iowa

Romney campaigns with KKK slogan — RT

PressTV - Arsenic found in water near US plants

White House drops veto threat on defense bill -

The Obama Presidency. Minute by Minute | POLITICO 44 -

Lone Star Watchdog: To the Military:The Bill of Rights is Still The Highest Law of the Land.

Revolutionary Politics : What Is The Biggest Threat To Our Country? Big Government Or Big Business? (I'd Say War Profiteers)

Revolutionary Politics : 2012 Global REVOLT. A quick take on what's ahead...

Revolutionary Politics : Daniel Hannan: The E.U says F.U. to Every Member State

The Bankers’ New Gold

Lone Star Watchdog: The Bankers By Force Conquer Nations by Force Will Be Removed

Senators Who Love the Government But Hate America by Scott Lazarowitz

Lone Star Watchdog: Perhaps Our Future Lies In Philosophy

Obama Gives the Thumbs-Up on Detention of Domestic Terror Suspects as New World Order Set to Gain Ground :

In Less than 24 Hours Congress Could Vote to Change the Internet Forever :

Washington’s Secret Wars | Veterans Today

Activist Post: ‘Cause Labeling’ Threatens Future of Humankind

A brief history of False Flags | Set You Free News

Secret Military Documents, Straight From an Iraqi Junkyard -

Activist Post: Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Crops Leading to Mental Illness, Obesity

Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Secret Foreign Policy

Banking - the Greatest Scam on Earth - YouTube

Preparedness or Paranoia? - YouTube

Report: Most People Still Don't Trust Online Info | Fox News

McCain: US could lose gains without leaving troops -

MF'ing Bombshell! - Max Keiser: JPMorgan' DEATH THREAT Ordered Corzine to Pillage Personal Accounts - UPDATES - 12160

Activist Post: Monsanto’s Carcinogenic Roundup Herbicide Contaminating Water Supply

The Manufacturing of the War on Syria. | nsnbc

Is Obama A Traitor To The Human Race? | Video Rebel's Blog

Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial | World news | The Guardian

Sherrie Questioning All: CONgress passes Indefinite Detainment - Obama will not Veto it - LIED once more. MSM SILENT on Bill! The Nation has Fallen it has been destroyed from the Inside out by Domestic Terrorist

Newt, Mitt, Bibi and Vladimir -

One Hundred Million Dollar Penny - YouTube

No Child Left Behind Law: Half Of All U.S. Public Schools Fail Federal Standards


U.S. Poverty: Census Finds Nearly Half Of Americans Are Poor Or Low-Income

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The Mainstream Media is DEAD !

Does Newt Gingrich Really Want the Constitution to 'Die?' | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Jello Biafra - Martial law - YouTube

Libya on the verge of chaos and civil war - experts Alexander Vatutin

'Global warming phantom menace, Kyoto costs & hurts a lot' - YouTube

Nigel Farage: Bully Boys in Brussels Building Europrison - YouTube

'Man of Mass Destruction'? RT challenges Iraq War architect - YouTube


Rare Photographs Show Ground Zero of the Drone War | Danger Room |

America's War on Pakistan: Death From The Skies, NATO In Search of an Enemy

poorrichards blog: Should you leave the USA before the collapse? Words of wisdom from someone who tried

poorrichards blog: Dr. Strange: Newt Gingrich and Conservatism's Insane-Idea Industry

Gingrich Wants to Outlaw Sharia - YouTube

Hawaii Five-0 crew disgraceful to WWII Pearl Harbor survivors | Colorado's Morning News - Exclusive Station for the Broncos, Buffs & Rockies

Panetta, in Afghanistan, says ‘we’re winning’ - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Obama Raises The Military Stakes: Confrontation On The Frontiers Of China And Russia | Sabbah Report

Palestine before 1948 - YouTube

Breaking: VT Intel Report | Veterans Today


Christus Rex(


Index to Talmud Unmasked

The Truth About the Talmud


Vatican Observatory(

The Holy See(


**The Thirteenth Tribe The Khazar Empire and its Heritage By Arthur Koestler




DNA Hackers: Synthetic biology weaponized virus, zero-day exploit to infect your brain? | StratRisks

Ron Paul: Obama pushing ‘martial law,’ Holder should be ‘fired’ | The Raw Story

Christiane Amanpour to juggle both ABC, CNN gigs

Renewable energy to power tiny island completely

Time's 'Person of the Year': The Protester

Send In The Drones: The Predator State Goes Domestic - informationliberation

Consumers Don't "Create Jobs": Reisman vs. Blodget - informationliberation

Class and Capitalism in the Gulf

Obama at Fort Bragg: A hypocritical embrace of a criminal war

Obama administration backs bill authorizing indefinite military detention of US citizens

The Arab Spring and the "Unemployment Trap"

Orwell and Beyond: Legislating Tyranny in America

Occupy Wall Street: Poverty and Rising Social Inequality, Interrogating Democracy in America

Pentagon Plans Space Telescopes To Spy Anywhere On Earth

Congress Authorizes Pentagon To Wage Internet War

Putin Defends Parliamentary Election Results

Pakistan Downplays Proposed Freeze in US Military Aid

Islamists Look to Extend Gains in Egyptian Elections

Former French President Convicted of Corruption

U-2 Spy Plane Still Flying High

Physicists May Have Detected Elusive Higgs Boson Particle

Sungrazing Lovejoy Comet Could Shine in Daylight Skies | Science and Technology | English

McCain: Obama Deserves 'Scorn and Disdain' for Early Iraq Pullout

Romney Sharpens Attacks Against Gingrich

Norquist: GOP Foils Obama's Payroll Tax Cut Ploy

Cain Tells Walters He'd Like to Be Defense Secy

Giuliani Defends Gingrich

Ron Paul: I Can Take Iowa Caucuses

Rush: Obama 'Eminently Defeatable' in 2012

Poll: 80% of Independents Don't Trust Congress

Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party

Gingrich Critics Grow as His Standing Rises

Feds: Arpaio Violated Civil Rights

Cellphone Firm's Alleged Spyware Probed

Ex-Pentagon Official: Drone on Iran TV May Be Fake

Coin Group: Keep Presidents, Kill Paper Bills

Bill Bennett: Paul Could Take Third-Party Route

IMF’s Lagarde: Europe Debt Crisis ‘Escalating’

Flu Season Mild So Far -- Expert Urges: Don’t Get the Shot

12 Months to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History

Republican Establishment Fears Conservative Campaign

How the Debt Crisis Will End

Don't Count Ron Paul Out in Iowa

FDR Had 'New Deal' — Obama Has 'Bad Deal'

Gingrich’s Attack on Romney Is an Assault on Capitalism

Chelsea Clinton Decides to Lead a 'Purposefully Public Life'

Despite Plea from Obama Administration, Conference Committee Restores Military Ban on Sodomy, Bestiality

Legal Ethics Expert: Kagan Must Recuse from Obamacare Case

McCain Tweets Putin: ‘Dear Vlad, Is It Something I Said?’

Dept. of Labor: Public School Teachers Are Highest Paid State Workers; Compensation Doubles the Average in Private Industry

Report: Half of Schools Don't Meet Federal Achievement Standards; Duncan Blames 'No Child Left Behind'

Dem Senators Say 1st Amendment Doesn't Protect 'Fraudulent Speech'; Bill Would Outlaw Misleading Election Info

At 11th Hour, Senate Re-Authorizes US Religious Freedom Commission

Clinton: Every Gov't Has Duty to Protect People From Discrimination and Intimidation Motivated by Religion

DOJ Memo: Solicitor General Kagan ‘Substantially Participated’ in Obamacare-Related Case

Interior Secretary Salazar: Gulf Seafood Is Safe After Oil Spill

House Passes Defense Authorization Bill, Omitting Provision That Homosexual Activists Wanted

Howard Stern Named Judge of 'America's Got Talent'

US-Russia Ties Strained As Putin Presidency Looms

Michael Jackson's Daughter Says She Wants to Be an Actress

Obama: Only Johnson, FDR, Lincoln May Have Accomplished More (Possibly)

Rush to Boxer: 'How Many People Have You Killed With Your Stand On Abortion?'

Poverty Doesn't Make Thieves -- Liberalism Does

George Soros: Godfather of the Left Gives $550 Million to Liberal Causes

Claims That U.S. Religious Freedom Commission Has Been Too Focused on Christians Don't Stack Up |

Iowa Prof Says Iowans Are Uneducated Jesus Freaks Who Love Hunting and Don't Deserve Political Clout That Caucuses Bring |

Census Shows 1 in 2 People Are Poor or Low-Income, Boosting Culture of Dependency |

Social Security Trustee: Obama's Tax Plan Could 'End Social Security as We Know It' |

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Still Bringing Illuminati Symbolism to Kids

Opening Sequence of “Poland’s Next Top Model”: Symbolism Overload

Ban Ki-moon is Not Fit To Lead The UN or Speak For Humanity |

Will Nickels and Pennies Soon Disappear? - James E. Miller - Mises Daily

Ron Paul furious over indefinite detention act — RT

Presenting The Three Unscripted Sentences That May Have Cost Jon Corzine His Freedom |

House and Obama OK Forever-Prison Bill

Dictators Rely on D.C. Front Men

Tourism, Terrorism, and the American Economy

Refusal to Veto Detainee Bill a Historic Tragedy for Rights




Ban Online Terror Speech, Says New Study

The Democratic Delusion

Air Force Times /Casket photo sparks investigation at Lackland

The Cutting Edge News: Simon Wiesenthal Center Weighs in on Anti-Semitic Blogger Controversy

Putin defends election result, blames West - Yahoo! News

Putin Says His Foes Are Using Protests to Destabilize Russia -

Vladimir Putin lashes out at America for killing Gaddafi and backing protests - Telegraph

Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial | World news | The Guardian

» ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Heads To Obama’s Desk As White House Drops Veto Threat Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

APNewsBreak: Feds say Arpaio violated civil rights - Yahoo! News

The Dictator trailer: Megan Fox tells Sacha Baron Cohen she won't accept rubies for sex | Mail Online

Pair of Robbers Want Only iPhones, No BlackBerries | NBC New York

Exclusive: Iran hijacked US drone, says Iranian engineer -

Gingrich rise comes without big-name endorsements | Reuters

Bachmann: Rivals' 'money is changing hands' -

Harvard Poll: Young Voters Say Obama Will Lose - US News and World Report

The Council on Foreign Relations & the “Grand Area” of the American Empire

Syria Coverage Update: BBC Reporter was detained & Prevented from Covering US-NATO- Syrian Operations in Turkey!


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 14, 2011


President Obama Richly Deserves to Be Dumped

Newt Gingrich's Literal Embrace Of Yasser Arafat

Gerald Celente on Missing MF Global Money

The US Becomes Just Another Military Dictatorship

You Are Working For Criminals

The Haymarket Martyrs and Occupy Wall Street

FBI unhappy with defense bill’s detainee clause - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

SOPA: Washington Vs. The Web

Gaddafi's daughter seeks probe into his death - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Survey: More teens using synthetic drugs –

Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube

"Guantánamo Forever?" - Congress Passes $662 Billion Defense Bill, Aka The NDAA | ZeroHedge

Are evangelicals a national security threat? | Islamophobia Today eNewspaper

Pentagon spending bill includes sweeping detention measures - The Globe and Mail

Firearm Sales Way Up During Holiday Season « CB - Flash Player Installation

» Tyranny Runs Wild: Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear

The War Prayer by Mark Twain

MF Global's Fractional Reserves by Doug French

Two More Reasons to Say 'Thanks' Before Waving Good-Bye to the US by Jeff Berwick

Why You Should Vote for Ron Paul by Justin Ptak

Freedom Versus Order? Since When?! by Tony Pivetta

Ron Paul: A Hope for Americans by Saeed Qureshi

The US Farce of the Drone by Jack D. Douglas

Unpopular Cures for Unemployment and Economic Depression by Bill Bonner

Immune Building Tips – Stay Well This Winter! by Margaret Durst

David Icke - Fork in the Road_They Want to Trigger World War III.avi - YouTube

Activist Post: Legislating Tyranny In America

Activist Post: More Desecration Of Halifax Skies

Activist Post: A Non-Stick Cookware Released Toxin May be Damaging Your Health

Why Do We Feel We Can't Escape A System That We Created? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Why Do We Feel We Can't Escape A System That We Created?

Activist Post: Finding Comfort in Authoritarianism

"Life, Liberty, & Indefinite Detention Without A Trial" - M.O.C. #100 - YouTube

Activist Post: US panel urges protection of humans in research

+Third Eye – Pineal Gland | Before It's News

7 Amazing Fruits For Cancer Prevention | Before It's News

7 Amazing Fruits For Cancer Prevention | Before It's News

Ron Paul: Will the Federal Reserve Allow Him Into The White House? | Before It's News

Hanukkah and Christmas Overlapping: Hallelujah! | Psychology Today | Before It's News

Earth's Electromagnetic Vulnerability - YouTube



Sexual Health

Consumer Health News

Health On the Net Foundation

Fitness Magazine

Medical News Today: Health News - Official Website of Andrew Weil, M.D.

Mindconnection Smart Products Store

CMBI - Chinese Medical & Biological Informatics

Fluoride: Protected Pollutant or Panacea?

Food Processing news (food process, food equipment, food machinery)

GMO - Genetic Engineering

The Center for Food Safety

The True Food Network

Food Ingredients & Food Science

Organic Consumers Association

Vaccination Information Service


AxisofLogic - Activism News and Comments

Vitality Magazine

Environmental Health News

Beyond Health

Living and Raw Foods

Whole Truth Coalition

The Scientific and Medical Network

Dr. Brian O'Leary

Tooth Decay Cure

Dr. Ben Kim .com - Experience Your Best Health

Vaccine Truth

Non-GMO Shopping Guide

Breathing Problems: Basis for Chronic Diseases (Over 50 Studies)

American Heart Association

Discovery Health

Healthy People 2020 - Improving the Health of Americans

Covenant Health

Restore Health - Where Personalized Medicine Comes to Life

United States Department of Health and Human Services

WHO | World Health Organization

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

Physical Activity and Health Executive Summary

Puritan's Pride A to Z Search

WELCOA, Wellness Council Of America

ISMA - International Stress Management Association UK

Mayo Clinic

Men's Health Magazine

Healthy Culture


University of Vermont Frat Asks Members: Who Would You Like To Rape?

Planned Parenthood offers texts to teens seeking advice about sex

Paul Ryan joins with Democrat in new approach to preserve Medicare

Obama proposes overtime initiative for home health workers

Protesters take over Chicago School Board meeting

Survey: Teen pot use rises, alcohol use declines

Thursday's Iowa debate may be final faceoff for candidates before first vote

HUD's emergency mortgage aid program stumbled from the start

Healthcare law's critics welcome recent easing of rules

Terrorist attack survivors outraged by White House guest

2 arrested in theft of 6 cows near Wellington, Fla.

Obama will nominate two new members of the National Labor Relations Board

Ex-Pentagon official: Drone captured by Iran looks fake


*Labor News and Notes Round-Up


Chuck Todd Flips the Bird on Live Television Triggering Right's Latest Feigned Outrage for the Day

Top Congressional Blue Dog Dem Retiring; Blasts President Obama

AFL-CIO Launches Tweet-a-Thon Calling for Unemployment Extension

LAPD Threatens to Arrest Youth Group for 'Occupying' Local Library

Climate Change Conference Ends With ... Agreement To Talk About Climate Change

Mike Huckabee Lies About Plan-B Emergency Contraception While Promoting Anti-Abortion Movie

An Armed Society Is A Polite Society: Granny Shoots Son-in-Law Over Custody Fight

Don Blankenship Has Filed Papers to Open New Coal Mines

In New Hampshire, Romney Tells Gay Vietnam Vet 'Marriage Is Between A Man and A Woman'

Time Person of the Year: The Protester

Star Parker Plays Fox News Apologist For Those Poor Wealthy Folks Whose 'Portfolios Fell Apart'

Rep. Chris Murphy (D-CT) Calls Out Lowe's Bigotry

Dr. Strange: Newt Gingrich and Conservatism's Insane-Idea Industry

Zandar Versus The Stupid: When The Abyss Keeps Staring Back At You, Everything's An Abyss

Manifesto Joe's Texas Blues: Newt 'Boss Hogg' Gingrich And Child-Labor Laws

Newt Gingrich’s ‘Graveyard in the Closet’

In Chicago, some find public transit fares linked to school attendance

Ending 9 Years of Conflict, Panetta Formally Shuts Down US War in Iraq

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta marks the end of the US war in Iraq at flag ceremony - YouTube

Russian Internet revolution fuels protest

French convict former leader Chirac of corruption

Chinese Ambassador Meets With Dissident Leader in Myanmar

Taliban says US-led forces losing war in Afghanistan

Israeli Defense Minister in US for Talks on Iran's Nuclear Program

Pakistan President Zardari out of hospital

Rasmussen poll shocker: Gingrich tanks in Iowa, Romney now on top Giuliani: Newt's not a monster - YouTube

Feds: Ariz. sheriff's office promotes a 'culture of bias'

Obama to Congress: Don't leave without action on payroll

The Looming Death of the Death Penalty

Huntsman Surges in N.H. Poll

CDC: Startling data about sexual, physical violence

Hunger up in US cities, more to come: mayors

Republican Ryan backs new bipartisan Medicare plan

Vermont frat suspended for survey question on rape preference

House committee votes on SOPA today

Ron Paul's unusual contribution to campaign literature: a family cookbook

Small plane crashes in Phoenix; 1 dead, 1 hurt

Thousands of birds make crash landing in Utah

Obama Overstated Failing Schools Under US Law, Study Finds

Boxer to NRC members: Act 'like human beings'

US Stocks Gain on US Economic Data

Corzine to face questions about regulator contacts

OPEC Raises Crude Exports on Libyan Supply, Oil Movements Says

Facebook Pulls Back Curtain on 'Timeline'

Research Shows Hands-Free Phones Just as Risky

Google to Launch Siri Rival for Android

U.S. Smartphone Use on the Rise, With Android Leading the Charge

Carrier IQ Faces FTC Probe

Steve Jobs refused to talk philanthropy with biographer

Facebook, Google taking on social causes

Box Expands Filesharing Security Options

New shows nabbed most Golden Globes TV nominations

Woody Allen receives Golden Globe Directing nom - YouTube

Howard Stern -- I'm Worth Over $20 Million on 'America's Got Talent'

Ali Lohan Looks Increasingly Gaunt As Health Fears Grow

Barbara Walters to Kardashians: 'You Don't Have Any Talent!'

No real mystery in this 'Holmes'

American dean of Paris literary scene dies at 98

Joe Simon, who co-created Captain America and other comic book heroes, dies at 98

Katie Couric's Most Noteworthy Moments of 2011

NASA captures image of rare supernova

Animation of Objects Orbiting the Milky Way's Center [720p] - YouTube

LHC: Higgs boson 'may have been glimpsed'

Cosmic Black Hole Collision is Coming

Loophole Inserted in Climate Accord Augurs US-China Clash

What Should 'God Particle' Be Renamed? Physicists Weigh In

The most ancient black holes grew fat on cosmic fast food

Death-Diving Comet May Be Visible to Naked Eye

Microsoft Co-Founder Allen Aims for Orbit With Space Venture

NASA Builds Six-Foot Crossbow to Harpoon Comets

PASSINGS: Loren Miller Jr., Boris Chertok

Coal ash taints 20 US sites: report

Hubble snaps view of dazzling celestial 'snow angel'

Russian Icebreaker On Race to Rescue Whales

Photos: "Elvis Monkey," Cloning Lizard Among New Mekong Species

NASA's new rover begins work while on trip to Mars

World's Smallest Frogs Tinier Than a Penny

Brain stimulation may help some stroke patients

World's 3rd Smallest Baby Born in LA - YouTube

Group urges government to strictly limit chimp research

2.5 million young adults have added health coverage, US says

New Study Shows 1 in 9 High School Seniors Use Synthetic Drugs

Barely Half of US Adults Are Married – A Record Low

Palm-Sized Baby Among the World's Smallest

Model Lauren Scruggs' Left Eye Removed In Surgery: Family Says She's In Pain

Eight Reasons Obama Should Reverse His Mistake on Plan B

So True? So False? Did Kim Kardashian Pony Up Thousands For Elizabeth Taylor's Jewels?! - E! Online

Charlie Sheen tweets phone number by accident while trying to message Justin Bieber | Mail Online

MIT imaging system captures light itself, snaps pictures in less than two-trillionths of a second


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Senate rejects balanced-budget amendments;Sen. Lee details GOP proposal, rips Dem opponents of Keystone Pipeline

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Payrolls and pipelines: 'We need a Senate that will act';Rep. Bill Johnson: 'Irresponsible to have Americans taking home less in paychecks'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive U.S. to pay for 'damage' from carbon dioxide?;Leighton Steward: U.N.'s proposed climate fund 'makes no sense at all'


*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


No, Malcolm X is not baby Obama's daddy

Articles: JustiaGate: 'Natural Born' Supreme Court Citations Disappear


Outrage! Author of 'stimulus' linked to companies it helped

Santorum: Our soldiers deserve much better than this

Iowa: Romney 23%, Gingrich 20%, Paul 18% - Rasmussen Reports™

Ron Paul questions his own stamina in protracted nomination fight - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Trump's top political aide presses him to run

Trump Eyes Run as 'Americans Elect' Presidential Candidate - Yahoo! News

Unfavorable Views of Obama Reach a High, Although Gingrich Trails in Popularity - ABC News

The Simpsons holiday episode mocks shariah law in the U.S. | Believe It or Not | a blog

'You're-on-your-own economics'? Bring it on!

Newt: Speak bombastically and carry a tiny stick

Is Newt bipolar?

Newt: Rhetorical Rembrandt of the GOP

3 candidates – 1 fix

Republicans: Racist, sexist – and 'out of touch'

Obama's unwanted Christmas gift to America

Anti-Semitism comes full circle

The government as lawbreaker, again

A fearless journalist and a good man

The 10 greediest Americans of 2011

Public 'servants' living the high life

'Honor killing': Is it sanctioned by Islam?

Shunning Facebook, and Living to Tell About It - Yahoo! Finance

Gold drops nearly 5%, breaks 200-day average - Yahoo! Finance

China slaps tariff on US car imports

AFP: China challenges US car tariff critics to bring case to WTO

Ho, Ho No! The children who wished there was an escape Claus in Santa's grotto | Mail Online

Thousands suggest explanations for ancie... JPost - National News

President Obama’s campaign advisers reveal the outlines of his re-election strategy. It’s not pretty. - Slate Magazine

When Republicans don’t care about electability -

O misses ‘point’ -

Stop cheating Social Security -

Winnowing the Field - The Editors - National Review Online

William Galston: Seven Key Facts That Will Be Ignored By The Media But Will Determine The Iowa Caucuses | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Perry Seeking Second Look in Iowa

Commentary: 'Beware Arab Spring' -

Getting Detained and Gassed -

Obamacare: Leviathan Rising - Michael G. Franc - National Review Online

The Don James Campaign - Reid Wilson -

In a Tactical Shift, Romney Trains Sights on Gingrich -

Ryan to Gingrich: ‘This Is Not the 1990s’ - By Robert Costa - The Corner - National Review Online

Gingrich Faces Problems in Iowa « Commentary Magazine

Timothy Noah: Why Do Rockefeller Republicans Always Run The Dirtiest Campaigns? | The New Republic

McCaskill: Why don’t we give Republicans the pipeline? « Hot Air

Political Animal - No one cares about the Balanced Budget Amendment

Kirk Relies on Chinese Propaganda to Assess Uyghurs | The Weekly Standard

House Passes Ideological Payroll Tax Cut Legislation | FDL News Desk

How We'll Talk About the Affordable Care Act in the Fall

Study: High-skilled immigrants decrease poverty - The Washington Post

Political Animal - The GOP policy problem

OPEC desperately looking for a deal, any deal

The coming commodities bust (and who stands to win) - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Energy is the issue on which Obama can be beaten |

OXLEY: Solyndra debacle goes global - Washington Times

Breathe easy: 5 reasons to back the EPA's latest push to clean up our air - CBS News

Green bulbs’ folly—Michael A. Walsh -

How Much Do I Need? An Answer to the Most Common Question in Solar Power

Gas industry, lung association team up - Anna Palmer and Robin Bravender -

The Breakthrough Institute: A Clean Energy Deployment Administration

Christopher Sands: Why Can't We Build Great Projects Anymore?

How Chinese Innovation is Changing Green Technology | Foreign Affairs

Bluewater: What went wrong? | The News Journal |

Solar Energy From the Sahara Desert Could Power the World

Bringing Iraq to an Irresponsible End

Iraq and Public Opinion as Troops Return

Middle East on the brink of war: Peter Goodspeed analysis | Full Comment | National Post

Yes, Obama May Call Iran Strike | The Diplomat

Don't worry, America: China is rising but not catching up -

China's epic hangover begins - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - In Iraq, a Man of the Shadows

Are the Peasants Revolting? Occupy Wall Street’s Foreign Policy | World Affairs Journal

How Do You Prove Someone's a Witch in Saudi Arabia? - By Uri Friedman | Foreign Policy

Charles Kupchan for Democracy Journal: Grand Strategy: The Four Pillars of the Future

Hope for the future, if at a great cost - Telegraph

Euro crisis: Six lessons for the US | GlobalPost

This slump won’t end until 2031 - Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch

America’s Iraq achievements—Amir Taheri -

Krugman’s Austerity Alarms Miss Depression Lessons: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg

Is the government lying to us about the economy? - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

Does anyone have a good map to navigate the US in 2012? – Telegraph Blogs


RealClearMarkets - Payroll Tax: GOP Hands Obama Potential Victory

Worker-Owners of America, Unite! -

Economic Fairness -

Jon Corzine’s Crony Capitalism—Charles Gasparino -

Good as Gold? — The American Magazine

» The Most Dependable Wealth Managers In America I heart Wall Street.

FT Alphaville » Electoral maths: Presidential elections and the S&P 500

Cramer: Facing 10 Calamities - TheStreet

Where’s the fraud, Mr. President? | David Cay Johnston

Bruce Bartlett: Who Counts as Rich, Continued -

Eli Pariser: Beware Online 'Filter Bubbles'

Seven Ways to Get Yourself Hacked - Technology Review

Apps vs. the web: Are they enemies or allies? — Tech News and Analysis

The post-Google appocalypse | ExtremeTech

Google's post-PageRank future | ZDNet

A social-media addict tries to disconnect -

In Search of the Tech-Savvy Airport | PCWorld

Prohibition again: Why a well-intentioned car cellphone ban is doomed to fail | ExtremeTech

Help Me Search the World for the Next Big Tech Stories

The Biggest Tech Fails and Flops of 2011 | PCWorld

What Louis C.K. Teaches Us About the Power of the Web For DIY Content Distribution

Quantum PageRank Algorithm Outperforms Classical Version - Technology Review

The great reindeer slaughter | ScienceNordic

Could Galactic Cataclysms Be Recorded on the Moon? : Discovery News

Why Evolutionary Psychology Is Unlikely to Be Wrong | Psychology Today

Evolutionary Psychology Can't Be Wrong, Says Evolutionary Psychologist

A few simple checks would transform science reporting - opinion - 09 December 2011 - New Scientist

DailyTech - Use Meltdown-Proof Modular Nuclear Reactors, Says Top U.S. Scientist

Putting Economics On The Side Of The Environment | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation

Real Christmas Trees Save Water

BBC News - Eroding taboos see lemurs end up on dinner tables

Disaster looms for gas cloud falling into Milky Way’s central black hole

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - Business from technology

Complex sex life of goats could have implications for wildlife management - Durham University

Lets Talk: A Story of Interspecies Communication : Tomorrow's Table

'Hopping' Fish Suggests Walking Originated Underwater | African Lungfish & Distant Human Ancestors | Evolution of Walking & Primitive Fish | LiveScience

Spanking is on the decline. Why? - Slate Magazine

The truth hurts: LHC breaks supersymmetry's beauty - physics-math - 13 December 2011 - New Scientist

The Getty Family | J. Paul Getty III dies at 54; scion of oil dynasty - Los Angeles Times

Securing Liberty: The Purpose and Importance of the Bill of Rights

Bliss: 220 years later, Bill of Rights is the heart and soul of America

Stephen F. Cohen: Stalin’s Afterlife | The New Republic

China-Taiwan Relations - Council on Foreign Relations

The Occupation of Japan


South Pole Explorers Still Inspire Controversy | Current Affairs - ISNS

Samuel Helfont Reviews Stéphane Lacroix's "Awakening Islam" | The New Republic

The American Conservative » America vs. the Globe

Morgue Drawer Four | New York Journal of Books

| | Review by The Spectator


Lamb – Bonnie Nadzam | Full Stop

The Situation in American Writing: George Saunders | Full Stop

Francis Chan: Christians Not Praying How God Intended, Christian News

The American Spectator : Politico's Nuns' Story – Must We Believe in the Virgin Birth?

A Critique of the National Association of Evangelicals’ Nuclear Weapons 2011” Statement - Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD)

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Religious liberty held hostage in the Senate - News with a Christian Perspective

altcatholicah - Women in Media: Interview with Kathryn Jean Lopez

The Church of England's future grows ever more bleak | Nick Spencer | Comment is free |

Frank Capra's Miracle Woman | Movies & TV | Christianity Today

Joseph Smith was known as truthful | Deseret News

RealClearReligion - Why Frosty Doesn't Like Christmas

The Flawed Theology of Naughty and Nice Lists | What She Said

The Holiday Gaffes That Keep Giving -

The Higgs boson won't help us better understand what the universe is for | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |

Police raid in Pakistan finds chained students at religious school -

Matisyahu shaves beard, drama ensues - Celebritology 2.0 - The Washington Post

Rev. Dr. Mark D. Roberts: What Advent Has in Common With Occupy Wall Street

Vulture’s Utterly Moronic Twitter-Tribute to Alec Baldwin

Trailer Talk: ‘Expendables 2′ Promises More Bruce and Arnold

Video: TCM Remembers (2011)

Serkis Stands Alone in Motion-Capture Field

Last Night on ‘Glee’ – A Very ‘Glee’-ful Christmas Bungles Bible Verse, Gets Peace on Earth Right

Remembering Bert Schneider, Film Producer … Maker of Monkees

HomeVideodrome: Audiences Unjustly Put Stake Through Heart of ‘Fright Night’ Remake

Netflix vs. Blockbuster: An Argument for Brick and Mortar Rentals in the 21st Century

‘Iron Lady’ Review: A ‘Shameful and Cruel Piece of Political Revenge’

‘Point Blank’ Blu-ray Review: How Formulaic Action Stories Should Be Told

Daily Call Sheet: A Gift From the ‘L.A. Times,’ ‘Rise of the Apes’ Podcast, and the Ugly Truth Behind ‘Erin Brockovich’

The Tea Is Brewed: Gateway Grassroots Initiative

The Economy Through the Eyes of the Opposition

Obama Panics as Ryan, Wyden Offer Bipartisan Medicare Reform, Thwarting 2012 ‘Mediscare’ Campaign Strategy

AUDIO: Ted Cruz Wants to Save the Free-Market Economy

We Must Fight For the Voiceless Generations

Sen. Gillibrand Deserves Credit for Revised STOCK Act

Fast and Furious Update: A Timeline of When Holder and Company Shared Information

Singing Out for Romney

Dems Drop Millionaire Surtax Proposal

Insider Trading Ban Advances in Senate Over GOP Opposition

Communist Aligned Congressional Progressive Caucus Introduces Huge Government Jobs Bill – Includes Huge Defense Cuts

Austin: Successful Rally to Oppose AG Holder’s Attack on Election Reforms

The Tim Tebow-Hating Rabbi and Progressive Bigotry

Still No Justice For Brian Terry

Senate Dems Block Bill to Require Balanced Budget

‘The People’s Seat’ May Be in Jeopardy, and What We Can Learn From It

One Month Later, Ohio Voters Are Starting to Understand Why They Should Have Supported SB 5

Documents Reveal Coordination Between ACORN Affiliate and Justice Department Voting Section

Senator Schumer’s Dishonest Grasp of Fiscal History

Cokie Roberts, Please Provide One Example of a Republican Who Wants Economy to Get Worse

The AP’s “New Distinctiveness” Memo Points to Increased Risk of Bias

Thursday Crib Sheet: Fox’s ‘Obamaney,’ Ryan Seacrest for Matt Lauer?

Old Media Continues To Ignore And Bury Any Fast And Furious Developments

Shepard Fairey Recycles Harvard Square Mural of Muslim Woman on Time ‘Person of the Year’ Cover

Saint Joan Walsh: Hypocrite on Divorce

NewsBusted: Obama’s Hanukkah Disaster!

MSNBC Drops ‘KKK’ Distraction Bomb on Mitt Romney *UPDATED*

Time Magazine’s Desire For Total Irrelevancy Closer To Fruition With 2011’s ‘Person of the Year’

Racial Dog-Whistles Scream in L.A. Times Photo Accompanying Story About Violence at Venice Boardwalk

NPR, Miami Herald Smear Florida Charter Schools

Simon Wiesenthal Center Attacks Antisemitism at Media Matters and Center for American Progress

Chuck Todd Flips The Bird On National Television

Amazon selling over one million Kindles a week

Group urges gov't to strictly limit chimp research

US lawmakers race clock as shutdown looms

U.S. settlement reached in Chinese drywall case

Rubbermaid Commercial Products to expand in Va

Anti-suicide app aims to help soldiers

Plan would lift wages of home care workers

Obama: No reason government should shut down

Chiquita to stop use of tar sands oil

Suspected far-right radicals are indicted

WTO updates government procurement agreement

Chinese tycoon revives bid to buy land in Iceland

Plight of Greece's banks due to poor European leadership

Death sentences plunge in U.S.; Texas again No. 1 in executions

Petition filed to delay new prisoner release

Gary Busey withdraws Newt Gingrich endorsement | PopWatch |

Are Hollywood Stars Enabling Sexual Predators By Not Naming Names? | Fox News

Amber Heard urges other Hollywood stars to come out of the closet | Mail Online

Dana Carvey's Killer Obama Impression - Dana Carvey - Fox Nation

Dems drop millionaires tax in year-end dispute

The Magnificent Afghanistan by Johnny Punish

Journalist Nomi Prins:Jon Corzine Congressional Testimony Over MF Global Collapse

U.S. probing alleged cyberattack plot by Venezuela, Iran…

Gary Busey withdraws Newt Gingrich endorsement | PopWatch |

Are Hollywood Stars Enabling Sexual Predators By Not Naming Names? | Fox News

Amber Heard urges other Hollywood stars to come out of the closet | Mail Online

Dana Carvey's Killer Obama Impression - Dana Carvey - Fox Nation


*13thTranscripts:)Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Interview with Representative Steny Hoyer

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Panel on the Campaign Ramp Up in Iowa

The Supreme Court's Election Year Docket


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Housing Even Worse Than We Thought?

14th)Real Clear Markets - Video - Five Awkward CEO Testimonies

Real Clear Markets - Video - Gartman: Gold 'Bull' is Dead

Real Clear Markets - Video - Is Your Money Safe With a Brokerage?

13th)Real Clear Markets - Video - Did Obama Prevent a Depression?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Europe a Preview of What May Happen in US?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Barron's: Top Stocks for 2012


*NEWS VIDEOS:Team Bachmann Accuses Newt Of Buying Tea Party Votes

Unions Bully Teacher Who Publicly Supports Scott Walker

Congressman: Government Shutdown Threatened Seven Times This Year

Bachmann: Newt ‘King Of K Street’ Gingrich Is Big Government Liberal

Dennis Miller: Negative Newt Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

Rush: Obama Has ‘Chip On His Shoulder’ About America

Worker Fights Off Robber With Coffee Pot

Alleged Wikileaks Source To Appear In Court

New Yorker Washington Correspondent: DC Dems Want Gingrich To Be Nominee

RNC Links Obama Economic Policies With Corzine Fiasco

AP Asks, ‘Is #Occupy Over?’

Truck Smashes Into Store

Matthews To David Axelrod: ‘This Is Called Friendly Territory’

Norway Experiencing Butter Shortage

14th/Times Reporter To Romney: Are Americans Scared Of ‘Zany’ Newt Gingrich?

McCain On Iraq: ‘History Will Judge’ Obama’s Leadership ‘With Scorn And Disdain That It Deserves’

Romney Tweaks Newt On Tiffany’s Bill

Bob Beckel Criticizes ‘Progressive’ Rabbi For ‘Bigotry’ Against Tim Tebow And Christians

Disgusting: NBC News Accuses Romney Of Using KKK Slogan; Matthews Apologizes On Behalf Of Network

#OccupyPortland Mom Places 4-Year-Old Daughter On Train Tracks To Shut Down Port

Trump Slams Rosie/Lawrence O’Donnell: ‘Same Last Name, Same Bad Ratings’

Romney On Newt: ‘He Doesn’t Understand The Economy’

In The Know: Biden Says Iran Is ‘Less Feared’ Today

Dem Senator: Harry Reid Needs To Stop ‘Dead On Arrival’ Rhetoric

Theatrics: Boxer Claims ‘Poison’ GOP Payroll Tax Cut Bill Will Kill 8,100 People

Joan Walsh: People Voted For Reagan Because Of Race

Coulter: Romney Is ‘Most Conservative’ In GOP Field

Romney 2002: ‘I’m Not Running As…A Continuation Of Republican Values’

Former Obama Car Czar: We Never Expected Taxpayers Would Get Auto Bailout Money Back

New Evidence Raises More Questions About 2008 Election Fraud

Issa Confronts Administration For Allowing #OccupyDC To Camp In Tax-Payer Funded Park

Gun In Va. Tech Slaying Legally Bought

Horrific Hazing Incident At Florida A & M

Obama Can’t Give Straight Answer To ‘Hardcore Supporter’

13th/‘It’s Useless’: Canada Announces Withdrawal From Kyoto Treaty

Writer/Director Randall Wallace: The Man Who Could Save Hollywood

Record Exec Dies After Hollywood Shooting

Lowe’s Pulls Ads From ‘All-American Muslim’

12th/American ‘Institutionally’ Kidnapped In Nicaragua – Needs Our Help

Britain’s Cameron Says EU Veto In National Interest

Obama: We’ve Asked Iran For Drone Back

14-Year-Old Escapes Terrorist Captors After Five Months As Hostage

Obama’s ‘Green’ Crony Capitalism Under Fire

11th/U.S., India And China Agree To Another Meaningless Climate Deal

Reid Calls NRC Investigation ‘Witch Hunt’

Still Not Over It: Alec Baldwin Uses SNL To Trash American Airlines

10th/Push Back We Much: SNL Skewers Al Sharpton

White House Refuses To Approve Job Creating Pipeline

15 Dec.

American Minute for December 15th

December 15 Events in History

This Day in History for 15th December

December 15th This Day in History

December 15th in History

Today in History: December 14

Today in History: December 15

Today in History for Dec. 15 - YouTube


» Faux Conservatives Smear Ron Paul Ahead Of Iowa Run In Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fractional Reserve Banking Explained Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cancer Costs Forecast To Rise 62% By 2021 As More People Live Longer | UK News | Sky News

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church


Dec. 14, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 14 December 2011

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 15th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 14th

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-14, Wednesday

12/14 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, December, 13, 2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-14-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-14-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-14-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-14-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-14-11 Hr 3

Paul Drockton Show 13th 2

Paul Drockton Show 13th 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 13th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 13th

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 13th

The Michael Savage Show 12/14/2011

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