A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

14 December 2011

14 DEC.




*34 pg./2012 Republican Presidential Candidate Positions Matrix




**World Video:

Panetta On Iraq And Afghanistan Prospects
Huntsman: China Is Our Competitor
Syrian Uprising Has Claimed Thousands Of Lives
Criticism Of Cameron's EU Stance Grows
India's Economic Dilemma
Russian Middle Class 'Finding Its Voice'
Baghdad Blast Kills Two Policemen
Honduran Troops Clash With Journalists
Attack In Belgian City Leaves 5 Dead, 122 Hurt
U.S.-Iraq Post-Withdrawal Relations
Liaquat Ahamed On The Eurozone Crisis
Iran Attempting To Reverse Engineer U.S. Drone
The Euro Is 'In Trouble'
Graham: Can America Afford the Foreign Policy We Need?
George F. Kennan: An American Life


13 Dec.

Strategic Challenges In The New Middle East
The Chinese Navy's Possible Port Of Call In The Seychelles
Grading Obama On Iraq Drawdown Plans
What Is Future Of U.S., Iraqi Relations
Cameron Defends Euro Decision Before Parliament
Russia Told To Clean Up Its Act By OECD
Dick Cheney Chats U.S. Politics And Policy
Eurozone Pact Fails To Restore Confidence
Clinton, UK Foreign Minister Discuss Euro Crisis
Obama Asks Iran To Return Downed Drone
Russians Protest Against Political Corruption
UN Rights Chief Says 5,000 Dead In Syria
Rival Tribes Exchange Gunfire South Of Tripoli
The Syrian Regime Has Reached The Point Of No Return
Burning Bridge: Russia's Longest Span Ablaze


**Political Video:

Romney Web Ad: "Newt and Nancy"
Romney: "I'm Not Running As The Republican View Or A Continuation Of Republican Values"
Obama On Bad Economy: "We Didn't Create The Condition"
Obama: "Where Congress Is Not Willing To Act, We're Going To Go Ahead And Do It Ourselves"
NBC's Chuck Todd Flips The Bird On "Morning Joe"
Dem Senator Rips Reid: "Combative" And Needs To "Stop With This Dead On Arrival" Language
Krauthammer: Gingrich "A Victim Of His Own Creative Intelligence"
Milbank: Gingrich's Statements Are "Clever And Devious"
O'Reilly: Candidates Bank On Uninformed Voters
Walsh: Some People Voted For Reagan Because Of Race


13 Dec.

Trump: Republicans "Very Worried" That I Will Run As An Independent
Vice President Biden On Iran: "They Are Less Feared"
MF Global Employee Says Corzine Knew Funds Were Taken From Customer Accounts
Boxer: "Poison Pill" In GOP Payroll Tax Bill "Will Kill 8,100" People For Christmas
Coulter: Romney The "Most Conservative" Candidate In GOP Field
Rand Paul: Democrats Unwilling To Compromise On Payroll Tax Cut Bill
George Allen: "Virginia Is Key" To A Republican Victory In 2012
Romney Surrogate Jim Talent: Gingrich "An Unreliable Leader"
Ed Henry Tells Carney "The American People Don't Want You To Play Games Here In Washington"
Cheney: Obama Should Have Destroyed Drone "With A Quick Airstrike"
Mark Levin Offers Michael Savage $100,000 To Drop His Radio Show
Romney In 2002: "My Views Are Progressive"
Should Drug Tests Be Required To Receive Unemployment Benefits?
Perry Ad: "Politically Correct"
Brit Hume: Gingrich's Attack On Romney "A Staple Of The Left"
Trump Drops Out Of Newsmax Debate Due To "Conflict Of Interest"
Robinson: GOP Candidates' Message Won't Play Well With Blacks, Latinos
"Daily Show" Takes On Mitt Romney's $10,000 Bet
O'Reilly: Voters Will Face A "Stark" Choice In 2012
Santorum: Obama's Objective Was To Take Over The Economy
Vanden Heuvel: GOP "Out Of Touch" With State Of Economic Pains
"Special Report" Panel On Iraq Drawdown



Webopedia: Online Computer Dictionary (


Extraordinary Intelligence(


43 MIN./Walt Disney UFO Documentary: Full Uncut Version - YouTube


Info Wars Nightly News 2011 12 12 - December 12th 2011 Alex Jones - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday,December 13,2011 (FULL) - YouTube


Vatican Observatory(






C2CAM - 2011.12.12 - Crop Circles & 2012 - YouTube

Nature of Luck Ellen Witehurst CoastoCoast am 12.122011 - YouTube

Alien Abduction- Physical Evidence - Derrel Sims - YouTube


In Iowa, Paul closes to within one point of front-runner Gingrich

Newt Gingrich: Selling Access - YouTube

Ron Paul on Meet the Press 12/12/11 - YouTube

Newt Gingrich vs Ron Paul on Predicting the Economic Collapse - YouTube

Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America! - YouTube

Ron Paul climbing the polls - YouTube

Ron Paul Crushes Gingrich In New Ad - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview Tuesday December 13, 2011 - YouTube

Ron Paul Packs The House At New Hampshire Town Hall! - YouTube

Jon Stewart CHANTS Ron Paul 2012 - Newt Bad Idea - Media Influence - YouTube

Ron Paul- A shift in Consciousness (share with 10 friends) - YouTube

Joe Scarborough supports Ron Paul over Newt - YouTube

Front Runner Ron Paul Blasting Through Media Bias - YouTube

"I Think Ron Paul Could Win Iowa!" Joan Walsh Salon - YouTube

Glenn Beck: I'll Support Ron Paul Over Newt Gingrich (12-13-11) - YouTube


“Newty and The Donald” « The PPJ Gazette

MTV Martial Law Commercial - National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867) - YouTube

America: The Government That Fears Its Own Must Fall | Veterans Today - Why Do the Illuminati Reveal Themselves?

The Great Unheard Of Debate On Overpopulation

The Menace Of The Jewish-Run State | Real Zionist News

Truth About Jewish Gay Dictator Mustafa Kemal Exposed: Freemason Ataturk was a Doenmeh Zionist Jew - Secret Jews of Turkey (Doenmeh) | Masonic Dictator Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Was Jewish

Israeli law is powerless in the settlements - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

'Israel seeks to entangle US in Iran war' - Salem-News.Com

'US to control Iraq oil always' — RT

Japanese Engineer: "There Was a Nuclear Explosion in Reactor 3 in Addition to a Hydrogen Explosion" | EX-SKF

Iran claims to extract data from U.S. drone - The Washington Post

Iran ready to clone US drone — RT

Fars News Agency :: 90 US Drones Brought Down in 4 Years

US Attack on Pak Soldiers & Iran Downing Drone Explained - YouTube

Feds push ahead to end farming and ranching in Siskiyou County « The PPJ Gazette

Nigel Farage: So-called 'populists' are actually democrats - YouTube

Sherrie Questioning All: Explosive Interview Jim Willie "JP Morgan Crashed MF Global to Avert COMEX Failure, they stole all the accounts that were going to take delivery"

Obama seeks to leverage $1 trillion spending bill - Yahoo! News

The Engineered Euro Crash - William Engdahl on GRTV - YouTube

Iran threatens to shut Straits of Hormuz with military manoeuvre | Mail Online

Vitamin D Newsletter;The difference between a prophet and a madman

Electric Sun Answers Longstanding Puzzles |

Long-Sought 'God Particle' Cornered, Scientists Say - Yahoo! News


Video:Man And Machine


Ron Paul Unleashes The Truth On Newt « UnConstrained


*Ron Paul on the Alex Jones Show (12-13-11) - YouTube


2:33:32/C2CAM - 2011.12.04 - Ancient Aliens - Alex Jones NDAA Concerns - YouTube

Video Series

1. The Riddle - YouTube

2. Believe Nothing - YouTube

3. The Tea Cup - YouTube

4. Total Freedom - YouTube

5. The Pyramid - YouTube

6. I Think? - YouTube

7. What Are We Holding On To? - YouTube

8. The Shift - YouTube

9. Things That Cannot Go On Forever - YouTube

10. The Mathematically Inevitable Collapse - YouTube

11. The Largest Event In Human History - YouTube

12. The Great Depression Is The Best Case - YouTube

13. The Paths To Success - YouTube

14. Aware and Prepared - YouTube

15. Men Go Mad In Herds - YouTube

16. What You Really Fear - YouTube

17. Always Fed The Exception - YouTube

18. The Decision Matrix - YouTube

19. Stage 1. Denial - YouTube

20. Stage 2. Anger - YouTube

21. Stage 3. Bargaining - YouTube

22. Stage 4. Depression - YouTube

23. Stage 5. Acceptance - YouTube

24. Think Outside Of The Cell - YouTube

25. See The World Anew - YouTube

26. Question Everything - YouTube

27. Your Indoctrination - YouTube

28. The Key To Freedom - YouTube

29. Normalcy Bias - YouTube


Ariz. congressman files ‘no confidence’ resolution against Atty. Gen. Eric Holder

Corzine and 2 other MF Global execs aim to distance themselves from missing clients' money -

'Hopping' Fish Suggests Walking Originated Underwater | African Lungfish & Distant Human Ancestors | Evolution of Walking & Primitive Fish | LiveScience

Trillion-Dollar Jet Has Thirteen Expensive New Flaws | Danger Room |

Aerospace dream team aims to launch people into orbit - space - 13 December 2011 - New Scientist

Norfork man recounts 'Bigfoot' encounter | The Baxter Bulletin |

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: Humanoids at San Antonio de Areco (1975)

A Significant Portion of Mars Could Be Friendly to Life, New Models Suggest | Popular Science

Russian protesters distracted by 'UFO' during Moscow demo against Vladimir Putin | Mail Online

Alexandra Holzer: Dracula's Castle 2012: Investigating Vampires With Supernatural Southerner! (PHOTOS)

Imagining 2076 - Connect Your Brain to the Internet -

Space worms: The key to human survival on Mars? - The Week

2012 Apocalypse Fears Unfounded, NASA Says | Myths 2012 World Will End | 2012 Mayan Calendar, Planetary Alignment & Nibiru |

Rats display human-like empathy and will help rodents in distress - Telegraph

How to Act Like a Psychopath without Really Trying [Excerpt]: Scientific American

The favorite guns of the Republicans running for president

Newt's unconventional NH campaign senses momentum shift

Obama changes tone to reach military voters

Bachmann camp claims Gingrich trying to buy tea party support

TIME’s ‘Person of the Year’ selection about as annoying as you’d expect

Canada bans women from wearing Muslim veils during citizenship oath

Lady Gaga gets naked for Tony Bennett

Rep. Ben Quayle on Holder: 'I call for his immediate resignation'

What the media doesn't get about Romney's wealth

Does Newt Gingrich want the Constitution to 'die'?

The Muslim Cosbys

Does Holder have any shame?

Obamanomics is the opposite of idealism

Leaders block quick Senate vote on payroll tax

Top ten: TheDC's most 'disliked' YouTube videos [SLIDESHOW]

Issa: Piracy bill would give Holder 'broad new powers to police the Internet'

Oil drops below $99 ahead of OPEC meeting

Congresswoman: Occupy not dividing America [VIDEO]

Change you can believe in: Biden cuts waste by tossing coins

Sen. Boxer: GOP bill will kill 8,100 Americans

Counteroffer: Mark Levin offers Michael Savage $100k to drop his radio show [AUDIO]

Tea-party favorite O'Donnell endorses Romney

Obama delegates gov't waste to Biden, heads to fundraiser

Rifts in Congressional Black Caucus over Fast and Furious, Holder

Postal Service to delay cutbacks until mid-May

56th member of Congress calls for Holder's resignation

Top ten: Sexy snow bunnies [SLIDESHOW]

Sen. Graham envisions US military intervening in Syria

Calderon spokesman: Mexico unaware DOJ was passing laundered cash to cartels

AP IMPACT: PSU culture explained away Sandusky | World news | The Guardian

Rense & Celente - Criminals Own The Government - YouTube

Federal Energy Act of 2005 Made 'Smart' Meters VOLUNTARY

Talk-show host offers Newt Gingrich $1 million to drop out - Yahoo! News

Newburgh Four: poor, black, and jailed under FBI 'entrapment' tactics | World news |

Racism row erupts as Tea Party calls Barack Obama a skunk | Mail Online

London banks stunned by Britain's EU veto | Reuters

Terence Blacker: The new fad for fairy tales shows our retreat from complex reality - Terence Blacker - Commentators - The Independent

Canada pulls out of Kyoto protocol | Environment |

The cheek of it! BBC boss claims Press is using outcry over fakery to take revenge for his hacking inquiry coverage | Mail Online

Burqa wearing banned in Canada for those taking citizenship oath | World news | The Guardian

All pregnant women should take vitamin D, coroner says - Telegraph

Parents claim link between flu vaccine and narcolepsy - Telegraph

Four in ten drugs wrongly administered in hospitals - Telegraph

'No thanks, I'm driving': Rising number of middle-age people lie to avoid alcohol at parties | Mail Online

Newt Gingrich's 'mind boggling' tax plan - Dec. 12, 2011

Gary Johnson Outs Newt Gingrich? ‘Among 100 Million Americans Who Smoke Marijuana’ | Mediaite

Ron Paul Could Lead From Behind -

ABC News sets stage for questions on Obama “marital infidelity” « Larry Sinclair

Obama prepares to trim National Guard on U.S.-Mexico border | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

Admiral and Judge Advocate General Says Indefinite Military Detention Of U.S. Citizens Is A Win For Terrorists: "The Enemy Is Just Laughing Over This, Because They Will Have Gotten Another Victory"

Police to test laser that 'blinds rioters' - Telegraph

Pollution From China And India Affecting World's Weather

Critics Question State Department's "Private Army" Of "Contractors" Or Mercenaries Or Paid Murders - YouTube

McDonald's Spent $460,000 Lobbying in 3Q -

The Naked Emperor at The Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Smoking Mirrors

Ex-CIA Agent Gives The Answer to S. 1867 and the Tyranny! - YouTube

China says mulling Seychelles naval hosting offer - San Jose Mercury News

American Duplicity and New Realities | Opinion Maker

Life possible on 'large parts' of Mars: study

Chance lost to destroy downed drone: Cheney

Gingrich would end Fed’s emphasis on jobs, focus only on inflation | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

The EyeOpener- Spotlight: Kazakhstan


* Ron Paul vs Obama issue by issue - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : MSNBC Rachel Maddow - Ron Paul is the ONLY Non-War Choice


Revolutionary Politics : Framework for the American Police State

Revolutionary Politics : Growing Concerns About Police Using Predator Drones To Track Citizens Inside The U.S.

In Which I Turn Myself In For Indefinite Military Detention | Veterans Today

The Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to American Citizens on U.S. Soil

Child Poverty In America Is Absolutely EXPLODING

Artificial Sweetener Disease; a new breed of sickness

Ryan Dawson's Photos | Facebook

Activist Post: A Non-Stick Cookware Released Toxin May be Damaging Your Health

Occupy Endgame: law enforcement arrests 1%’s war & economic criminals - National Nonpartisan |

RIP Fed Dollar Swap Intervention: Central Bank Liquidity Injection Half Life Two Weeks | ZeroHedge

Activist Post: Why Do We Feel We Can't Escape A System That We Created?

Activist Post: Finding Comfort in Authoritarianism

Revolutionary Politics : Cavuto: That's why I admire Ron Paul, I hate them all

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente, "They are Robbing Celente to pay the Goldman Sachs Gang"

Refreshing News: Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen unveils commercial spaceship

This Is What Your ATM Will Look Like During a Bank Panic - YouTube


David Icke / They Dare Not Speak Its Name ... ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Presidential Assassinations and the Rothschilds

US Presidents Murdered By Rothschild Banksters


Revolutionary Politics : Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes

Revolutionary Politics : Joe Rogan - The American War Machine

Revolutionary Politics : Peter Schiff: "All the Speculators, all the Bankers...all the Financiers want Inflation"

Revolutionary Politics : BIG BROTHER ALERT - Shopping Malls Now Tracking Shoppers Through Their Cell Phones

Revolutionary Politics : Analyzing a Dollar Collapse

The Colbert Report Newt Gingrich thinks of new ways to make Americans afraid - 12160

1newsjunkie: ‘You’re fired!’ Trump bails on Newsmax debate

BLITZER’S BLOG: Ron Paul could surprise us – The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer - Blogs

Jon Stewart CHANTS Ron Paul 2012 "Newt Bad Idea/Media Influence" - 12160

Fox News Iowa: "Ron Paul; Supporters Open Office in Iowa" Great Video | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

1newsjunkie: Shocking new video exposes more Newt abuses

The Council on Foreign Relations and the “Grand Area” of the American Empire :

Lone Star Watchdog: The Ruse of the War of Terror is Now Becoming More of a Fraud to the People.

Indefinite Military Detention: Revised Defense Bill Still Gives President Authority To Lock Up Citizens

"The FBI Estimates That 80 Percent Of All Mortgage Fraud Involves Collaboration Or Collusion By Industry Insiders"

Google unEarths image of secret US drone base in Nevada — RT

Ground Zero of the Drone War By Spencer Ackerman

Admiral: Indefinite Military Detention Of U.S. Citizens Is A Big Win For Terrorists: “The Enemy Is Just Laughing Over This" | ZeroHedge

Secret trade report obtained by AIPAC and Israel compromised sensitive US industry secrets | Sabbah Report

Who Gave Permission To A Bankrupt MF Global To Sell Italian Bonds To JPM At A 5% Discount To Market Value? | ZeroHedge

Finally—Congress Begins to Wake Up about Genetically Engineered Food | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

Remembering His-Story - Iran Attack Next?

Something’s rotten in the heart Western governments | Sabbah Report

Environmental Scientist Caught Agreeing To Ignore Her Own Data, Make Up New Claims | Wizbang

'Fountains' of methane 1,000m across erupt from Arctic ice - a greenhouse gas 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide | Mail Online


History of Money, War—All damned Lies! Part One: | Veterans Today

poorrichards blog: Damned Lies, War and Money, Part two.


Climategate (Part II) | The Weekly Standard


Conspiracy Reality TV - Documentaries(


Membership Roster - Council on Foreign Relations(


New World Order(


poorrichards blog: Rwanda: The Pentagon's African Holocaust


+Audio:The Corbett Report; Interview – Cynthia McKinney about AFRICOM, the US military’s African Command


*24 min./Libyan Crisis: Events, Causes and Facts (Documentary) - YouTube


Blackwater mercenaries to return to Iraq -

Once called Blackwater, firm changes name

Fox News: Is U.S. Prepared for Electromagnetic Pulse Attack? -

10 Ridiculous Things That Make You a Terror Suspect -

35 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education Has Become A Giant Money Making Scam -

17 Signs That The European Financial System Is Heading For An Implosion Of Historic Proportions -

New Armed Stealth Drone Heads to Afghanistan (And Maybe Iran, Too) | Danger Room |

Was The “Collapse” Of MF Global Premeditated? A Conspiracy Theory Thought Experiment -

Short Sharp Science: Brain scans should not be used in court... for now

CAM: Taxpayer money spent on studies with questionable scientific value -

Massive Downward Revisions Imminent: National Association of Realtors Miscounted Millions Of Home Sales Over Last Five Years -

Obama Makes Navy Overpay For Green Jet Fuel -

Trillion-Dollar Jet Has Thirteen Expensive New Flaws | Danger Room |

Amazon Big Brother patent knows where you'll go - CBS News

Twenty Something Asks Facebook For His File And Gets It - All 1,200 Pages | threatpost

Second life: The questionable safety of life extensions for Russian nuclear power plants | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Hidden Industry Dupes Social Media Users - Technology Review

FBI holding Carrier IQ data for 'law enforcement purposes' | The Verge

Internet piracy bill: A free speech 'kill switch' - The Hill's Congress Blog

Rare Photographs Show Ground Zero of the Drone War | Danger Room |

Beyond Guantánamo, a Web of Prisons for Terrorism Inmates -

Moon Express Inc. has plans to mine the lunar surface -

Police to test laser that 'blinds rioters' - Telegraph

Police employ Predator drone spy planes on home front - - SITREP Situation Report | Newt, chieftain of the Cult of Electromagnetic Pulse Crazy

Charlie Sheen's new show picked up in Canada

NTSB: cell phone ban while driving necessary

Rooney Mara's 'Dragon Tattoo' release date bumped

Flu vaccine numbers up in children

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (video)

15,000 Troops in Afghanistan After 'Withdrawal'

Cheney Urges Attack on Iran to Destroy Lost Drone

Newt Gingrich on Iraq: A Timeline of Questionable Judgment

Did the Pentagon Help Strangle the Arab Spring?

Is a US Military Precedent Being Set in Africa?

US Probing Alleged Cyberattack Plot by Venezuela, Iran

Leaders Are Defiant, but Many Iranians Fear War

The Democratic Delusion by Justin Raimondo --

Quit Preaching and Lead by Example by Ivan Eland --

The Council on Foreign Relations & the “Grand Area” of the American Empire

European Markets – Relearning the AIG Lesson?


*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 12, 2011

*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 13, 2011


Ron Paul: Obama is pushing ‘martial law'

Chuck E. Cheese’s fined for child labor violations

ACLU sues Gov. Walker over voter ID law

Gender-bending male model stars in Dutch bra ads

Alleged ‘Anonymous’ hacker arrested for attack on Gene Simmons website

FCC turns down volume on loud TV ads

Obama on 2012: ‘We’re going to win this thing’

Hefty Gingrich debts a decades-long pattern

Movie executives see record profits, salaries despite piracy fear-mongering

Stewart: Family group just loves their stereotypes

O’Reilly surprised to learn U.S. gov’t. controls the military

Santorum: Obama ‘doesn’t deserve credit’ for bin Laden

Wikipedia Mulls Total Blackout to Oppose SOPA - informationliberation

Gallup: Romney, Gingrich Beat Obama in 12 States

Bill Clinton to Campaign for Obama

Cheney: Don't Underestimate Gingrich

Kinsley: Gingrich Right on 'Invented' Palestine State

Obama Aides Banking on Long, Tough GOP Race

Gingrich a Favorite in Fickle Southern States

George W. Bush Target of Extremists

Corzine Allegedly Knew Customers' Money Misused

Jessica Lynch Finishing Teaching Degree

Issa Wants Answers on 'Occupy' Camping in D.C.

States Can't Keep Up With Services Demands

Iowa Underdogs Go Door-to-Door

Studies Reveal Causes of Stillbirth

Cancer 'Cluster Bomb' Blasts Tumors

Trump Withdraws From Newsmax ION TV Debate

Ron Paul: There's No Medicare in Constitution

Rep Upton: Obama Pipeline Ploy Costing Jobs

Tea Party Favorite O'Donnell Endorses Romney

Franklin Graham: Dad Recovering Well

Perry's New Ad Targets 'Washington Insiders'

Biden Sticks Up for Romney on Mormon Faith

'Return-Free' System Creates Conflict of Interest for IRS

Gingrich’s Attack on Romney Is an Assault on Capitalism

Obama's '60 Minutes' Interview: You Can't Make this Stuff Up

Newt Gingrich: Liberals’ Nightmare

BBC News - Mystery kidney disease in Central America

LHC May Have Revealed First Hints of Higgs | Wired Science |

Police State Mercenaries Ruin More Lives Than They Protect - informationliberation

Swiss firm: Don't use our drugs for US executions - informationliberation

U.S. News - US calls for ban on in-car phone use ... even with Bluetooth

The Iraq Withdrawal and the Continuing Eruption of US Militarism

America's War on Pakistan: Death From The Skies, NATO In Search of an Enemy

IRAN-DRONEGATE: Washington's Acrimony over the Downed Top Secret Spy Drone

Orwell and Beyond: Legislating Tyranny in America

Occupy Wall Street: Poverty and Rising Social Inequality, Interrogating Democracy in America

Reform vs. Revolution Within Occupy

Instruments of Repression. Nation of Laws, The Immorality of Today's Government

America's Covert War Against Iran. Do 'All Options' Mean Nukes?

VIDEO: Consensus 9/11: Challenging the Official Story

Cyber war on US drones? Another spy craft crash, now in Seychelles

Basque Country to Legalize, Regulate Marijuana |

Activist Post: "Educate and Activate" - WAC Shows How it is Done

Why Do We Feel We Can't Escape A System That We Created?

Want to end Mexican drug gang violence? Legalize drugs and the cartels will collapse

Alex Jones: Government using drones against Americans - YouTube

Brzezinski: GOP, Post, Tea Party Are Ignorant - Washington Whispers (

Americans Want GOP to Offer Solutions, Not Cat Fights


*Audio:Cars, Greens, and Government;Eric Peters talks with Lew Rockwell


+Visible Proof That Oswald Was Innocent by Ralph Cinque

+More Visible Proof Oswald Didn't Do It by Ralph Cinque

Visible Proof That Oswald Was Innocent - YouTube

Visible Proof part 2 - YouTube


The Right To Resist: Will Michigan Repeal the 'Rapist Doctrine'? by William Norman Grigg

The Council on Foreign Relations and the 'Grand Area' of the American Empire by Andrew Gavin Marshall

A Budding Red-State Fascist by Laurence M. Vance

How to Throw an Awesome Holiday Party–Part I: Choosing a Party Theme | The Art of Manliness

How to Throw an Awesome Holiday Party–Part II: Guest Lists, Invitations, and Planning | The Art of Manliness

Senators Who Love the Government But Hate America by Scott Lazarowitz

David Cameron's Finest Hour by Patrick J. Buchanan

Eurozone Chaos by Richard Russell


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 13th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 13th, 2011


History according to Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Tinned goods, gold & guns: UBS meets Alex Jones? - YouTube

Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America! - YouTube

Gigantic Extraterrestrial Cube Hurls Toward Earth - A Mathematical Probability | Before It's News

Jesse Ventura - Secret Underground 2012 Base at Denver Airport - YouTube

Secret Gates Of The Great Pyramid 'To Be Opened In 2012', Says British Company | Before It's News

Cosmic Pattern Recognition - YouTube

Third Eye – Pineal Gland | Before It's News

936Hz Pineal Gland Activator - YouTube

Mercury and Fluoride - The Dumbing Down Of A Population - YouTube

Fluoride and The Pineal Gland - YouTube

Alien Base Confirmed Inside Moon Crater | Before It's News

Artificial E-Skin Possible With New Path To Flex And Stretch Electronics | Before It's News

3 Things You'll Need When The Banking System Collapses | Before It's News

Was Darwin Wrong About Emotions? | Before It's News

New Underwater Alien Species Discovered in New Zealand 2011 - YouTube

The Moon Matrix And Moon God Sin: Illumination Part 10 | Before It's News

GOP Presidential Candidates on Foreign Policy | Before It's News


Audio:95.1 FM The Bridge: Debunking the Big NIST Lie of Finding No Evidence for Explosions on 9/11 |

Frank deMartini, World Trade Center 1973-2001 - YouTube

No witnesses to this huge explosion 9/11 - YouTube

9/11 Firemen Witnesses Secondary Explosions In WTC Lobby - YouTube

FDNY describe the bombs planted in the World Trade Center - YouTube

9/11 Survivor Eyewitness Paul Lemos Says Bombs Exploded North Tower - YouTube

Firefighters for 9-11 Truth FDNY Explosion Radio Transmissions - YouTube

Firefighters Find Bombs On 9/11 - YouTube

WTC 7 is about to "blow up" - YouTube

Barry Jennings - 9/11 Early Afternoon ABC7 Interview - YouTube

NIST Explosions - YouTube

9/11 One of the witnesses - YouTube

9/11 Survivor Questions Official Story on local Fox News - YouTube


+9-11 Research: Oral Histories@


*Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


Debbie Schlussel: HILARIOUS VIDEO: “What the Hell Happened to US?!”

Debbie Schlussel: A Christmas VIDEO You’ll Only See From ONE Middle East Leader

Debbie Schlussel: HA! Jordan’s King Abdullah Tries to Hide Fact That He CAN’T Speak Arabic!

Debbie Schlussel: HAMAS, Hezbollah Give Halal Approval to “Simpsons” Episode on Sharia Threat

Obama Welcomes You to a Death Camp for Down Syndrome

The Minimum Wage Debate

Will This Year's Ron Paul Tea Party Money Bomb Match 2007?

The New Agenda for America... are you listening GOP candidates?

Rush Was Right: Hurricane Predictors Admit They Can’t Predict Hurricanes

Limbaugh: Romney Not Going To Bombast Obama

Rush Limbaugh: Chelsea Clinton Is A Statist In Training

The Silent Majority

Anyone But Obama

America’s Communist President

America’s Last Vestige of Freedom

OWS Not the Party Crashers but the Party Faithful

Cotton fabric cleans itself when exposed to ordinary sunlight

Your car may be hotter than you think: IBC releases annual list of top 10 stolen vehicles

The Truth About the Balanced Budget Amendment

Staying Alive as a Nation - American Pursuit of Greatness

A Medical Freedom Island in a Nanny State Sea

Gingrich, Obama, Beck and the “Progressive Party”

President’s delays on Keystone XL compromise American energy security, cost jobs and dollars

Stand Up America National Call to Battle Series “To Secure the Nation”

Why Would Obama Veto Job Creation?

Criminal Negligence at MF Global

Barack Has a Record

Why Washington Doesn't Create Jobs

Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class

Liberal History from Osawatomie Bam

Now you stay classy David Axelrod

National Driver Safety Initiatives

President Obama wants his toy plane back

Realtors overcounted home sales for last 5 years

Time Magazine 'Person of the Year.' The Protestor?

US stops minting $1 coins

Democrats Follow Obama Down the Low Road

JustiaGate: 'Natural Born' Supreme Court Citations Disappear

Newt Catapults into Lead in Racism Race

Obama is the Jobs Grinch

What Line Must Newt Gingrich Cross for Conservatives to Disown Him?

Islamic World Tells Clinton: Defamation of Islam Must be Prevented -- in America

Could hackers develop a 'computer virus' to infect the human mind? | Mail Online

Joseph Amendola, Jerry Sandusky's Lawyer, Gives Gay Sex Line Phone Number (VIDEO)

Barack Obama on economic crisis: 'We didn't know how bad it was' -

Islamist vision of 'sin-free' tourism raises alarm in Egypt -

My Way News - Hard-line Indonesian police shave punkers' mohawks

Academica: Florida’s richest charter school management firm - Cashing In On Kids -

Islamic Governments | Free Speech | State Department | The Daily Caller

'Occupy' Protesters Say They Will Continue Port Blockades, Protests | Fox News

Pacific Island sailors lost at sea for 33 days wash up on remote atoll | Mail Online

BBC News - Canada bans veils at citizenship oath ceremony

Imprisoned Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein fingers others at Miami deposition - Miami-Dade -

Hell hath no fury: 28 mobsters arrested after Mafia boss's girlfriend turns police informer | Mail Online

Wikipedia Considering Blackout in Protest to SOPA | Google Chairman Says Law Would ‘Criminalize’ Internet |

Glenn Beck Talks About Uncomfortable Elevator Ride With NYC Liberals | Video |

Global Warming Campaign Says the North Pole is Melting | Where Will Santa Live | David Suzuki Foundation | Video |

Ann Coulter Calls Gingrich Big Government Conservative on Hannity | Video |

New Haven, CT Mayor DeStefano Wants Illegals To Have The Right To Vote |

Chuck Todd Flips Middle Finger on MSNBC ‘Morning Joe’ | Video |

Time Person of the Year is ‘The Protester’ | Video |

Carrier IQ Says It Doesn’t Provide Metrics to FBI |

‘UFO’ Above Russian Protests Really a Camera Drone | Video |

Video of Trump’s Announcement Pulling Out of Newsmax Debate | Video |

Newt Gingrich Iowa Political Director Craig Bergman Calls Mormonism a Cult |

Glenn Beck Responds to Newt Gingrich Calling Himself a Realpolitik Wilsonian | Video |

GBTV: The Unrecognized Virtues of Owning Property | Video |

Video of Afghanistan Bombings That Destroy Taliban Operatives | Video |

Jewish Singer Matisyahu Shaves His Beard, Posts Pictures on Twitter |

Jane Fonda Tells Joy Behar That Her Rich Friends Want to Be Taxed |

U.K. Police Testing Laser That Would Temporarily Blind Rioters as a Form of Non-Lethal Crowd Control |

‘Deal With the Devil’: Baffled Chris Matthews Can’t Figure Out GOP Support for Gingrich | Video |

Has the War on Christmas Intensified This Year? | Video |

Iran Mocks Barack Obama Over Downed Drone |

‘Babyloid’ Robot Could Have Therapeutic Uses for Elderly | Video |

Did Federal Agents Raid a Mormon Food Storage Facility? |

Catholic Bishops Say Congress Has Moral Obligation to the Unemployed |

Blueseed Reveals Concept Designs for Floating Startup That Would Get Around Immigration Laws | Video |

Eric Bolling Kicks Atheists Off of His Show For Making Anti-Jesus Comments | Video |

Feds Recommending States Ban All Cellphone Use While Driving — Including Hands-Free |

Scarborough Says He‘d Take ’Long Look’ at Ron Paul Over Gingrich | Video |

Holiday ‘Puppy Adoption’ Ad for PRK Arms | Actually for Guns | Video |

Predator Drones Surveilling Americans For Arrest On U.S. Soil |

Second U.S. Military Drone Down, Suspicions Raised as to Why, How |

Ready for Life ‘Off the Grid’?: GBTV Launches Reality Show ‘Independence U.S.A.’ | Belcastro family | Video |

Jerry Sandusky’s Lawyer Accidentally Tells Reporters to Dial Gay Sex Line | Video |

Trump Pulls Out of Newsmax GOP Debate |

Obama Campaign Collecting GOP Emails | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Panetta, in Afghanistan, says ‘we’re winning’ - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Iraq withdrawal: Hundreds in Fallujah burn U.S. flag to celebrate pullout | News | National Post

Thousands of birds make crash landing in Utah - Today's Talker -

Wisconsin faces lawsuit as civil rights groups cry foul over new voting rules | World news |

Holder issues challenge to Texas on voter rights - Houston Chronicle

Holder calls for review of states' voter ID laws

Issa questions why Occupy DC allowed to camp at McPherson Square | Aubrey Whelan | Capital Land | Washington Examiner

MF Global execs don't know where $1.2B went –

Grand jury begins probe of Solyndra - Washington Times

Woman Crushed to Death By Midtown Elevator, 2 Others Injured | NBC New York

Shooting Doesn't Scare Drivers From In-N-Out | NBC Bay Area

Christiane Amanpour exiting as ‘This Week’ anchor to return to foreign reporting - The Washington Post

Dem lawmaker blasts ‘Professor Obama’ as arrogant, alienating - The Hill's Congress Blog

Confessions of a Child Janitor

Recession's Brief Dip in Income Inequality is Already Over

Eric Holder Signals Tough Scrutiny of Voter ID Laws

The Sandusky Court Appearance: Attorney's 800-Quip Backfires...Badly

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Insults Minimum Wage Workers

Bad Lip Reading: Rick Perry's 'Strong' Ad

Stephen Colbert Gives the Tip of His Hat to Bond Villain Gingrich

Thanks To The Pre-existing Condition Plan, Some People (Including Me) Get Help

Everyman Mitt Romney Speaking French...Well

Out of Control NYPD: 'I Have a Gun on Me, Okay?'

New USDA Program Will Allow Biotech Firms To Do Their Own Environmental Reviews

Cheney Calls for Air Strike on Iran Over Captured Drone

Introducing Newt Gingrich's 2-2-2 Plan

Rush Limbaugh: Hungry Children are 'Wanton Little Waifs and Serfs Dependent on the State'

Rappers Release 'Film the Police' Video in Solidarity With Occupy Movement

Paul Krugman is Now Using the 'D Word'

The Young Elected Officials: Inspiration...Sublime Inspiration

Is Ron Paul Poised to Win In Iowa? | The Moderate Voice

Simply Left BehindThe Non-Rapturist's Guide To The Galaxy: Power And Precedence

Ramona's Voices: Attention: The job opening is for POTUS. Dilettantes need not apply.

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid writers

Chilean Conjoined Twins Separated in 20-Hour Surgery

Conjoined twins separated in Chile - YouTube

Teen smoking at historic lows but marijuana use high: survey

About 2.5 million young Americans have coverage as a result, a report says

US Cracking Down on Medicare Painkiller Abuse

Some causes of stillbirth may be avoidable

Health Action: Ready to quit smoking?

Working Moms vs. Stay-at-Home Moms: Who's Happier?

New York Law Forbids Mail Order Pharmacy Mandates

Gov. Quinn on College Illinois! - YouTube

Protesters send CPS board members scurrying

Cook County wants to crack down on vacant buildings

Three Chicago properties listed on National Register of Historic Places

Police find 16000 counterfeit CDs, DVDs at West Side store

Playboy magazine moving operations to Los Angeles

Report: Cubs buy McDonald's land

Police investigating crash that killed boy, 10 - Chicago Tribune

Woman killed in New York elevator accident

Bellefonte residents overwhelmed by Sandusky case - YouTube

Mitt Romney continues feud with Newt Gingrich

Payroll tax cut bill stalled in the Senate

Senate rejects dueling balanced budget amendments

Fewer Americans than ever are getting married: poll

Lawyer Confirms No Plea Deal for Ex-Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky

Down the stretch, Perry launches a big push in Iowa

DNC Rapid Response to Romney's Letter to Obama

Report: Most People Still Don't Trust Online Info

Chris Christie to Obama: It's not good enough just to read off a teleprompter

UNC Student Asked Captors To 'Pray' With Her Before She Was Killed, According To Testimony | Fox News

Christine O'Donnell, ‘Not a witch’ Senate candidate, endorses Mitt Romney for president in 2012 - NY Daily News

Steve Wozniak: Steve Jobs' deal made me cry

Potential ban on electronics in car - YouTube

Google gives $40 million to fight slavery and other causes

Apple yanks app for fake IDs

Google ships Chrome 16, patches 15 vulnerabilities

New Facebook Feature Aims at Talking Suicidal Users Off the Ledge

Google Blocks Street View Shooter Game

TeleNav to offer Web-based HTML 5 navigation service

"Retina" MacBook Pros shipping next year? It's possible

Carrier IQ: What We Know So Far

Microsoft Climbs Into Enterprise Cloud With HP

Screen Actors Guild Award Nominations: Our Favorite Picks!

Elizabeth Taylor's jewelry fetches record $115 million at auction

Demi Moore: Changing My Twitter Name Is Not a Top Priority

Amy Winehouse Family Open To Biopic

Matt Damon explains why he’s not in ‘The Bourne Legacy,’ but would like to return for future movie in franchise - NY Daily News

Did they really detect the Higgs Boson?

Scientists at CERN find signs of 'god particle' - YouTube

World's Smallest Frogs Tinier Than a Penny

Leaproach or Roachhopper? Newfound Cockroach Can Jump 50 Body Lengths

'Arms Race' Exists Between Snakes and Humans

What's so special about Mars' Gale crater?

Physicists close in on 'God particle'

Russian Space Designer Boris Chertok Dies At 99

Photos: 208 species discovered in endangered Mekong region in 2010

Arsenic in water near coal-fired US plants: monitor

Researchers claim lower cost lithography technique

Walking Began Underwater, Strolling-Fish Discovery Suggests

NASA Develops a Comet Harpoon for Sample Collection

NASA Johnson Forges Alliance With Houston High-Tech Accelerator

Fermi shows that Tycho's star shines in gamma rays

Canada Pulls Out of Kyoto Climate Pact

'The whalers have won absolutely everything': veteran activist

IMF says Greece must move faster on reforms

Government Opens Gulf Of Mexico For Oil Business

Postal Service delays closings

Islamists pursue gains in Egypt's phased election

Obama speech at Fort Bragg marks end of Iraq war

Chained children in Pakistan: Not an uncommon treatment for addicts

China Calls Canada's Kyoto Protocol Withdrawal 'Regrettable'

Pakistan's Zardari to leave Dubai hospital, rest at home

Panetta, in Afghanistan, says, 'We're winning'

News of the World ex-head of legal says he held up key email to James Murdoch

Prince of Wales to visit Isle of Man

$150b investments likely in Saudi petrochemicals

Arab women filmmakers shine at Dubai festival

7.1-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Papua New Guinea

Belgian Gunman, Long in Trouble With Law, Killed Before Rampage -

Neighbours of Liege attacker, Nordine Amrani, express their shock at shooting in Belgium - YouTube


*12th)Transcripts:Press Conference with Pres. Obama & PM al-Maliki

Roundtable on the Iraq Drawdown

Analysts Discuss the Latest in the GOP Race

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Interview with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

Secretary Clinton With Britain's FM

11th)Interview with President Barack Obama

Guests: Rand Paul; Sens. Durbin and Graham

Guests: Rick Perry and Senate GOP Ldr. McConnell

Guests: Michele Bachmann and Rep. Steve King

Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Five Awkward CEO Testimonies

13th)Real Clear Markets - Video - Did Obama Prevent a Depression?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Barron's: Top Stocks for 2012

Real Clear Markets - Video - Europe a Preview of What May Happen in US?


**NEWS VIDEOS:Romney 2002: ‘I’m Not Running As…A Continuation Of Republican Values’

Coulter: Romney Is ‘Most Conservative’ In GOP Field

Corzine: ‘I’m Certainly Not An Accounting Expert’

Romney Slams Newt For Pelosi Global Warming Ad

Obama Can’t Give Straight Answer To ‘Hardcore Supporter’

Joan Walsh: People Voted For Reagan Because Of Race

Former Obama Car Czar: We Never Expected Taxpayers Would Get Auto Bailout Money Back

New Evidence Raises More Questions About 2008 Election Fraud

High School Uses Pepper Spray On Fighting Students

NBC News Flips America The Bird

Perry Claims ‘Momentum’ Heading Into Iowa

Issa Confronts Administration For Allowing #OccupyDC To Camp In Tax-Payer Funded Park

Gun In Va. Tech Slaying Legally Bought

Gutfeld Gets A Call From Trump

Horrific Hazing Incident At Florida A & M

13th/Trump May Run As An Independent If ‘The Wrong Candidate’ Is Nominated In GOP

‘It’s Useless’: Canada Announces Withdrawal From Kyoto Treaty

MF Global Employee: Corzine Knew

Trump: Why I Bailed

Lieberman: ‘We’ve Got To’ Pass Congressional Insider Trading Bills

AFL-CIO Trumka: ‘I Pay More than My Fair Share’ Of Taxes

Newt On Romney: He ‘Has The Establishment’ Behind Him

Ed Henry To Carney: ‘The American People Don’t Want You To Play Games’

#Occupy Protesters Use Children To Antagonize NYPD

Romney In 2002: ‘My Views Are Progressive’

Radio Wars: Levin Offers Savage $100K To Get Off Air

Thieves Caught Stealing Christmas Yard Decorations

Writer/Director Randall Wallace: The Man Who Could Save Hollywood

Romney Keeps Focus On Obama’s Failures

#OccupySeattle Forces Multiple Arrests

Record Exec Dies After Hollywood Shooting

Lowe’s Pulls Ads From ‘All-American Muslim’

12th/Obama’s ‘Green’ Crony Capitalism Under Fire

American ‘Institutionally’ Kidnapped In Nicaragua – Needs Our Help

Britain’s Cameron Says EU Veto In National Interest

Obama: We’ve Asked Iran For Drone Back

14-Year-Old Escapes Terrorist Captors After Five Months As Hostage

11th/U.S., India And China Agree To Another Meaningless Climate Deal

Reid Calls NRC Investigation ‘Witch Hunt’

10th/White House Refuses To Approve Job Creating Pipeline

9th/Obama Delegate Heckled At Durban Climate Change Conference


Our Outlook For Energy: A View To 2040

North American Energy Inventory

Busted: BitTorrent Pirates at Sony, Universal and Fox | TorrentFreak

Should We Fire the First Shot in a Cyberwar? - Technology Review

Shunning Facebook, and Living to Tell About It - CNBC

GPS III explained: Everything you need to know about the next generation of GPS

The ubiquity imperative: Why content needs to be everywhere — Online Video News

Meet the Internet’s newest boy genius — Tech News and Analysis

What Is a Household Robot? - IEEE Spectrum

Speed of Light Lingers in Face of M.I.T. Media Lab Camera -

Future energy: natural gas fracking--who blew up the 'bridge to the future'? - Energy and the Environment - AEI

Bill Ingebrigtsen: With Keystone pipeline delay, Obama chose politics over job creation -

Obama Makes Navy Overpay For Green Jet Fuel -

Why Is Crude Oil So Expensive? -

Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

The Volt Administration - Mona Charen - National Review Online

The Obama Administration’s Disconnect on Coal

MILLOY: Time to leash Obama's EPA - Washington Times

POWER Act Contains Bad Energy Policy

The Climate Extremists - Bjørn Lomborg - Project Syndicate

For U.S. Renewable Energy, 2012 Will Be a Bad Year - TIME

Daily Maverick :: Amundsen, Scott, Shackleton: gentlemen adventurers of Antarctic

Napoleon's Invasion of Russia 1812 : Clausewitz : Strategy :

Last man on the moon: ‘I don’t have a lot of confidence’ in commercial space | SciGuy | a blog

The Associated Press: Amundsen's South Pole feat remembered 100 years on

60 years on: Joe McCarthy assaults Drew Pearson « Media Myth Alert

Thomas Gladysz: Best Film Books of 2011 Are Biographies

touch of evil - / current issue

The Art of Asking Your Boss for a Raise – Georges Perec | Full Stop

The Cult of LEGO - The Barnes & Noble Review

Eric A. Posner Reviews Anita Allen's "Unpopular Privacy" | The New Republic

Is It True What They Say About Guys With Big Feet? - Mental Floss

The Large Hadron Collider, the Higgs, and Hope : Starts With A Bang

An Experiment That Solves The World's Most Important Question: How to Keep Toast from Landing Buttered-Side Down

Pornification of private parts: A new body dysmorphic disorder? -

Internet Compulsion Disorder: Should We Include It in the DSM? - Bill Davidow - Health - The Atlantic

Could Sirhan Sirhan Have Been 'Hypno-Programmed' to Assassinate Robert F. Kennedy? | RFK Assassination | Sirhan Sirhan Defense | Weird News | Life's Little Mysteries

South Pole Explorers Still Inspire Controversy | Current Affairs - ISNS

Super-Earths give theorists a super headache : Nature News & Comment

An Artist Reveals How He Tricks the Eyes | Streams of Consciousness, Scientific American Blog Network

Why Are Faster-than-Light Neutrinos Such a Big Deal? - Blog

High-Energy Physicists Set Record for Network Data Transfer - Caltech Media Relations

Quantum PageRank Algorithm Outperforms Classical Version - Technology Review

CERN physicists find hint of Higgs boson | Deep Tech - CNET News

Paul Allen’s Plan - Airplanes as Launching Pads for Rockets -


CultureLab: Severed heads line the route to uncanny valley

Sleeping With The Enemy: What You Get From Your Pet | Wired Science |

Asia Times Online :: Deep chill envelopes US-Pakistan ties

Don't let Voice of America broadcasts go static -

The Protests in Moscow Will Not Spark a Russian Spring - The Daily Beast

Can China Handle America’s Return? | The Diplomat

A New Home for Hamas? - By Houriya Ahmed and Julia Pettengill | Foreign Policy

Is Leon Panetta the Right Man to be Secretary of Defense? | Battleland |

See the veil for what it is

Tom Perriello for Democracy Journal: Humanitarian Intervention: Recognizing When, and Why, It Can Succeed

Syria: back to the future | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Why the U.S. still can't count on Iraq -

America’s Afghan Supply Problem | The Diplomat

Doing well by doing good - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

Was There a Madoff Inside of MF Global? - US Business News Blog - CNBC

Is Farmland the New Housing Bubble? | Wall St. Cheat Sheet

Obama Is An Awful Economic Historian - Forbes

The man who predicted the European debt crisis - The Washington Post


Why You Should Buy Japanese Stocks -

As Facebook Aims at Millions of Users, Some Are Content to Sit Out -

Markets pricing in new recession- MSN Money

Al Gore and David Blood: A Manifesto for Sustainable Capitalism -

Obama's Very Visible Hand Strangles Business - Forbes

The limits of our jobs debate - The Washington Post

RealClearMarkets - Modern Medicine Is Undergoing Idustrialization

The Shearing Heard 'Round the Hasidic World – Forward Thinking –

Alvin Plantinga’s New Book on God and Science -

Baptist Press - Air Force Academy dogged by anti-Christian pressure - News with a Christian Perspective

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Bandwagon Church

LDS Church, through Church News, praised Hitler, Nazi Germany | The Political Surf

Erasing the mainline: "younger, emergent progressives," the "evangelical left" and "red-letter Christians" | The Christian Century

Mark Oppenheimer: Why Are American Politicians Always Switching Religions? | The New Republic

Associated Baptist Press - Nativity scene dispute puts focus on Texas town

God Wants You to Work Harder, and to Stop Complaining | Culture | Religion Dispatches

Myths about religious freedom abroad - The Hill's Congress Blog

RealClearPolitics - Why Team Obama Is Bullish on Re-election in 2012

Anything Still Goes in Iowa - 2012 Decoded

Resurgent Republicans close gap in key states –

Obama Campaign Outlines Five Paths To Reelection

Obama's Stark Progressivism Gives Voters Choice Of The Century - Forbes

To gain workers’ votes, Gingrich slanders poor - Chicago Sun-Times

RealClearPolitics - A Brokered GOP Convention? Don't Bet on It

In U.S., Fear of Big Government at Near-Record Level

For Obama campaign, reasons for optimism - The Washington Post

Romney's 1994 Problem - 2012 Decoded

Opinion: Obama or Clinton better for blacks? - L. Douglas Wilder -

The Insidious Fine Print in the Spending Bill -

China-Based Hacking of 760 Companies Shows Cyber Cold War - BusinessWeek

Person of the Year Runner-Up: Paul Ryan - Person of the Year 2011 - TIME

RealClearPolitics - Job Creators Fighting Back

Why Conservatives Can’t Fix Poverty -- In These Times

The American Spectator : Our Marxist Wizard of Oz

Eric Trager: Where Did Nick Kristof Get The Idea That The Muslim Brotherhood Is Moderate? | The New Republic

What the Salafists Want: Egypt Faces a Hardline Islamic Future - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Jon Corzine’s Crony Capitalism—Charles Gasparino -

Ron Paul Rising -

RealClearPolitics - Newt's Past and Future Leadership

Swing State Poll Shows Obama’s Narrow Options | Fox News

Shayla Bennett: Understanding the Power of Your Vote «

AFP: Scope of Fed’s Financial Swindle is Appalling «

Your Phone is Watching You «

Alex Jones on drone drama and US war on Americans - YouTube

Growing Concerns About Police Using Predator Drones To Track Citizens Inside The U.S. - YouTube

'Global warming phantom menace, Kyoto costs & hurts a lot' - YouTube

Spain's Green Disaster a Lesson for America - - YouTube

You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy - YouTube

They're Waging War on The Free Market and Wealth: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition - YouTube

Confusion Caused by Military Drill Rattles Markets: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition - YouTube

» Ron Paul Outlines His Campaign’s “Secret Weapon” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America! - YouTube

» Michael Savage Pulls Offer to Pay Gingrich a Million Dollars to Drop Out of Race Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 40 Members of Congress Protest ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul: Fast & Furious a Criminal False Flag Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to American Citizens on U.S. Soil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

SAF stages complex war game in Arizona

New member Palestine raises flag at UNESCO

» Improving Upon the Occupy Movement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pakistan: Defeating the Conspiracies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


MPAA Head Chris Dodd on Online Censorship Bill: China's the Model | The Weekly Standard

Florida county will throw parents of truant kids in jail | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Iran, Besieged by Gasoline Sanctions, Develops GTL to Extract Gasoline from Natural Gas at Oil Price

Oral Flu Vaccine On the Horizon?

» Study confirms that many survivors of breast cancer chemotherapy treatments suffer from brain damage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Feds urge churches to peddle flu shots to members Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Second Amendment up in smoke - Op/Ed - Pipe Dream - Binghamton University news, sports, opinion, arts & entertainment –

You don’t have ‘Constitutional Rights’ – Tenth Amendment Center

Smashing Greater Central Asia-Part III | Opinion Maker

Gran Hermana: DHS debuts Spanish terror warning | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

The Drop Off - Spanish - YouTube

» Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: FAQ # 7: Squibs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Urgent Action in New York - Occupy Building 7

George Takei Asks Star Trek, Star Wars Fans to Unite in Fight Against ‘Twilight’ [Video]

» Should you leave the USA before the collapse? Words of wisdom from someone who tried Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church

» Fractional Reserve Banking Explained Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fractional Reserve Banking Commentary 1 - YouTube

» Kucinich: Protect Our Food Supply from Genetically Manufactured Crises Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MPAA Head Chris Dodd on Online Censorship Bill: China's the Model | The Weekly Standard

Microsoft admits Patriot Act can access EU-based cloud data | ZDNet

Sherrie Questioning All: Senator Levin revealed - It was Obama who required the Indefinite Detainment Bill INCLUDE U.S. Citizens as part of the wording!

Courthouse News Service:Judge Lets Fracking Opponents Fight On

Government Fearmongering Alerts to Go Live Thursday - YouTube

They're Waging War on The Free Market and Wealth: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition - YouTube

US death squads caught on video terrorizing Syrians - YouTube

Prison » Western-Looking Terrorists Caught On Video Terrorizing Syrians

Prison » Nigel Farage: Bully Boys in Brussels Building Europrison

Nigel Farage: Bully Boys in Brussels Building Europrison - YouTube

+Prison » Amid Surging Fear of Big Government, Americans Say Third Party Needed

Prison » Meteorologist Piers Corbyn: Debunking More Climate Change Mumbo-Jumbo

Meteorologist Piers Corbyn: Debunking More Climate Change Mumbo-Jumbo 1/2 - YouTube

Meteorologist Piers Corbyn: Debunking More Climate Change Mumbo-Jumbo 2/2 - YouTube

Courthouse News Service:Sirhan's Attorneys Say There's New Evidence

Prison » 40 Members of Congress Protest ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill

Prison » The Global War on Terror Is A 21st Century Witch Hunt

Prison » Child Poverty In America Is Absolutely EXPLODING – 16 Shocking Statistics That Will Break Your Heart

Prison » The Chinese Village Of Wukan Is Under Siege After Open Rebellion Against The Government

Prison » Iran propositions Saudis, seeks anti-US pact, offers nuclear cooperation

The Great Escape (Version Lite: Nigel Farage with Cooing Schulz) - YouTube

New 9/11 Eyewitness Evidence of Bombs at WTC - YouTube

Prison » Roubini Asks of ‘Goldbugs’ on Twitter “Where is 2,000?” – Ignores Academic Research

Prison » Presenting The Three Unscripted Sentences That May Have Cost Jon Corzine His Freedom

MF Global Employee Indicated Corzine Knew Loans Were Made From Customer Accounts - YouTube

Prison » Beck Suggests Tea Party Is Racist

Glenn Beck Suggests Tea Party Is Racist - YouTube

Prison » Faces of Gun Control: New Ad Compares Obama to Hitler, Stalin, Mao – Cites Genocide of 60 Million People

Faces of Gun Control: Tyrants Responsible For Genocide of Over 60 Million People In 20th Century - YouTube

Prison » Want to end Mexican drug gang violence? Legalize drugs and the cartels will collapse

Prison » ‘Global warming phantom menace, Kyoto costs & hurts a lot’

'Global warming phantom menace, Kyoto costs & hurts a lot' - YouTube

Chick-fil-A: Employee mocking Asians no reflection on company -

Pennsylvania priest arrested, accused of possessing child porn - Yahoo! News

Paedophiles trawl dating sites to get at kids of lonely mums |

Transgender lessons for pupils aged five: Classes will 'overload children with adult issues', say critics | Mail Online

Men-only Turkish baths banned due to 'inappropriate behaviour' - Europe, World News -

'One third of Chinese toys contain heavy metals' - Telegraph

Christmas Star Events Proven and Explained by Researcher Using Nasa Astronomy Computer Programs - Science News - redOrbit

Household electricity bills skyrocket –

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame snubbing red-state favorites

Auctioned art set to fetch £4.5m - And Finally -

Learning skills like characters on The Matrix set to become a reality, say scientists | Mail Online

Hillary: Opposition to sin like 'widow burning'

Breitbart learns hard way about GOProud

Christians, Jews banned from Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Obama to sidestep Congress to appoint this character?

Holiest site reopens to Jews, Christians

Who will be 'game-changer' in GOP endorsements?

Criticism of 'All-America Muslim' sparks vandalism, threats

Congress backtracks on plan to legalize bestiality

Voters: Yes, Mr. Obama, you are killing economy

Constitutional expert: Here's what 'natural born citizen' means

Hillary: Opposition to sin like 'widow burning'

Does Obama want a universal caliphate?

Who hates Rick Santorum?

Public 'servants' living the high life

The Christmas grinch revisited

What does being American mean now?

In defense of Japanese internment

Define 'fairness,' Mr. President

Job creators fighting back

Tort reform? It's unconstitutional

Obama headed for landslide?

Obama's terrorist attack on our children's minds

Why Tebow? Why now?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Congressman: Holder must resign;Rep. Gohmert blasts House Dems for defending AG instead of 'Fast and Furious' truth

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Justice won't follow the law' ;Rep. Gohmert: Supremes must allow Arizona to defend borders

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Major strategic blunder': Iraq exit strengthens Iran;Gen. Tom McInerney: Obama snatching defeat from jaws of victory

WND RADIO WND Exclusive GOP: Stifle green regs to create jobs, avoid power outages;Report says Obama plans would cripple coal energy industry.


Look who voters finally blame for financial mess

Unfavorable Views of Obama Reach a High, Although Gingrich Trails in Popularity - ABC News

Mitt Romney spars with Vietnam vet over gay marriage -

The Simpsons holiday episode mocks shariah law in the U.S. | Believe It or Not | a blog

Atheists get Santa Monica Nativity's display spaces in park -

AG Holder: Government Has ‘Responsibility’ to Automatically Register Citizens to Vote |

New Haven to propose allowing non-citizen immigrants to vote in municipal elections- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut

Lawsuit: 14 bomb-sniffing dogs on way to Afghanistan died in truck - Houston Chronicle

Sandusky Waives Hearing, Vows To Fight Sex Abuse Charges | Fox News

Guilty or not, Sandusky can keep Pa. pension -

REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK: Iran’s Supreme Leader suspects Ahmadinejad in assassination plot, say Arab sources « Klein Online


Why is media ignoring Obama eligibility? « Klein Online

Audience picks Top 10 Most spiked news stories « Klein Online

Did CNN just expose Occupy’s biggest lie? « Klein Online


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

DOJ Memo: Solicitor General Kagan ‘Substantially Participated’ in Obamacare-Related Case

House Republican Invites Homeless Kids to Testify: 'Children Living in Shabby Motels Deserve Help'

Dem Questions Constitutionality of Drug Tests For Unemployment Benefits

Social Security Trustee: Obama's Tax Plan Could 'End Social Security as We Know It'

Claims That U.S. Religious Freedom Commission Has Been Too Focused on Christians Don't Stack Up

Elena Kagan and Question 3

Newt Versus the Ruling Class

Levin: Justice Kagan Should Recuse Herself From Obamacare Case, Too

Rush: Chelsea's A 'Statist In Training,' Not An Aspiring Journalist

No Medicare in Constitution, Says Ron Paul

Google Guru More Concerned Over Climate Change Than Internet Takedown

Rep. Andrews: Bestiality, Sodomy Not ‘Relevant To One’s Conduct as a Military Officer or an Enlisted Person’

Obama, Getting Mileage Out of Iraq War's End, Heads to Fort Bragg Wednesday

Former POW Jessica Lynch Finishing Teaching Degree

NTSB Urging All States to Impose Total Ban on Cellphone Use While Driving

U.S. Ambassador Faults China on Human Rights

Record Prices for Elizabeth Taylor's Auctioned Jewelry

Trumka: ‘I Pay More than My Fair Share’ of Taxes

Obama Hails ‘New Iraq,’ But Ignores Persecution of Christians and Other Religious Minorities |

Silly: Senators gleefully distributed their holiday gifts in 'Secret Santa' exchange

Illinois’ prepaid college tuition program could require a $1.6 billion bailout from the state

Gingrich staffer resigns after Mormon comments

Too much alcohol linked to unsafe sex, study confirms

Issa: $400G in Stimulus Funds Stomped On at Occupy D.C. Park

Atheist messages displace California park's Nativity scenes

Obama campaign wants donors to give money to Obama on behalf of conservatives

Glenn Beck, Joe Scarborough tout a third party run by Ron Paul against Gingrich, Obama

Corzine: I Never Instructed Anyone to Misuse Customer Funds

More school hours don’t guarantee better test scores

Advocacy group's extreme weather map brings climate change home

Senators to Justice Department: Apologize to family of the late Sen. Ted Stevens

*14 Dec.

American Minute for December 14th

December 14 Events in History

Today in History: December 14

This Day in History for 14th December

December 14th in History

December 14th This Day in History

Today in History: December 14

Today in History for December 14th - YouTube


Tehran: We May Relocate Uranium Enrichment Facilities To A ‘Safer Place’

Egypt’s Hardline Islamist Future: Watch The Salafists

Pearl Harbor Survivors: ‘Hawaii Five-O’ Crew Was Rude And Disrespectful At Cemetery

Jessica Lynch: Eight Years Later

Audio:An Attack Is Imminent

Note From Ranger Prosser: Army Cares More About Afghan People Than Soldiers

Eurocrisis: Invite Great Britain To Join NAFTA

Euroland: Life Expectancy Going Down For Low-Income Germans

The View From The Tower

Summary Box: China slaps duties on US-made cars

Woman killed in New York elevator accident

Thousands of birds make crash landing in Utah

Obama marking end of Iraq war

Before Ponzi fall, Rothstein emails crow success

Vt. frat asks members: Who would you like to rape?

Helicopter not always better for stroke patients

FBI chief challenges Congress on terror detainees

Huntsman to ham it up with Letterman on Dec. 21

Senate rejects 2 balanced budget amendments

Putin loyalist resigns as parliament speaker

US returns looted Iraqi dishes

Obama welcomes home troops, marks end of Iraq war

Jitters over Europe drive the euro below $1.30

Kenya army: Somali villagers need food aid

Panetta said intel operations will go on

New Law: No Burka Allowed When Taking Citizenship Oath In Canada

Congress Freezes $700 Million in Aid to Pakistan

The ads were pulled, but the issue won't go away

Chinese villagers protest over custody death

'Iran may launch new uranium enrichment facility'

China money growth slows to decade low

Jewish group opens new front against Nazis

Reform movement leader steps down after 16 years

'IDF religious won't hear women sing? Use earplugs'

One in five children is obese by the end of primary school, NHS figures show

Europe needs a firewall to stabilise markets

Angela Merkel: Britain is still an important EU member

Simon Wiesenthal Center Attacks Antisemitism at Media Matters and Center for American Progress

Chuck Todd Flips The Bird On National Television

+Wednesday Crib Sheet: Trump Critiques, La Times Announces ‘Editor Transition’

Gingrich, Obama, Beck And The “Progressive Party”

Stephanopoulos To Replace Amanpour On “This Week”

Left-Wing Media Wages War on ‘War on Christmas’

Critics Slam Chelsea Clinton’s NBC Debut: “One Of The Most Boring People Of Her Era”

Audio: The Road to Fatima Gate

A Win for ‘Establishment’ Republicans in Senate Post

One Year Ago Today, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Was Killed With Fast and Furious Weapons

Sen. Lieberman: ‘No Evidence’ of Congressional Insider Trading

Ron Bloom, Obama’s Pinstriped Union Thug

Meet Tom Cotton: Farmer, Scholar, Lawyer, Warrior

‘Protester’ Named Time Magazine ‘Person of the Year’

Update: The Utter Failure of Government ‘Stimulus’

Holder’s Fraudulent Attack on Voter Fraud Laws

Ending the Global Drug War: Voices from the Front Lines

Illinois School Board Plays Hardball with Teachers Union, Saves District from Financial Ruin

Don’t Mess With West Texas Or Eastern New Mexico

Could New Insider Trading Law Make the Practice Worse?

Trump Says He Won’t Host Debate in Iowa

Wis. Election Officials Will Accept Mickey Mouse, Hitler Signatures on Recall Documents

Gov. Palin’s Plan to End Insider Trading

Union Disenfranchises Workers in Contract Vote

The EPA Rap Sheet: State-by-State List of Harmful Effects from New Coal Power Regulations

Daily Call Sheet: A Gift From the ‘L.A. Times,’ ‘Rise of the Apes’ Podcast, and the Ugly Truth Behind ‘Erin Brockovich’

Trailer Talk: Sacha Baron Cohen’s ‘The Dictator’ Trailer Kicks Off with Obama

AOL/Huffpo’s Breathless Headline: ‘Clooney Takes a Big Stand’

Adam Carolla Defends Mitt Romney Against Occupy-Style Groupthink

‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ Blu-Ray Review: In Which I Apologize to All Those Involved

Comedian Louis C.K. – Tracy Morgan’s Anti-Gay Rant Should Have Been a Teachable Moment

Obama Apologist of the Day: Jane Fonda

‘Fright Night’ (2011) Blu-ray Review: Entertaining, Sexy, and Scary

Jon Stewart Plays Comedian Card When Challenged by PolitiFact

Charge: ‘Hawaii Five-0′ Crew Members Disrespect Pearl Harbor Veterans

BigDawg Spotlight: ‘Operation Jelly Bean’ – Answering the Call in the ‘Spirit’ of Bipartisanship

+Daily Call Sheet: Bane Said What?, ‘Dragon Tattoo’ Review, and Why ‘Voyager’ Blows

Trailer Talk: ‘G.I. Joe: Retaliation’ Once Again Avoids Being American-ey

Box Office Revenue Down 4%, Attendance Down 5%

R.I.P. Bert Schneider –

Scorsese: 'Taxi Driver Would Have Made A Great 3D Film'

Norman Lear Attacks Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Karl Rove and GOP Presidential Candidates |

Piers Morgan Shills for Obama; President Has His 'Gander' Back |

Yemen holds six al Qaeda suspects | Reuters

China's Hu Reportedly Tells Navy To Get Ready For Military Combat | Fox News


14-Dec-11 World View

12-Dec-11 World View

11-Dec-11 World View


Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-13, Tuesday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 14

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 13

12/13 The Mark Levin Show

The Manning Report – 13 December 2011

Dec. 13, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, December, 13, 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-13-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-13-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-13-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-13-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-13-11 Hr 3

The Michael Savage Show 12/13/2011

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