A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

13 December 2011

13 DEC.




11 Dec.

Interview with President Barack Obama
Guests: Rand Paul; Sens. Durbin and Graham
Guests: Rick Perry and Senate GOP Ldr. McConnell
Guests: Michele Bachmann and Rep. Steve King
Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman
Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum
Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

9 Dec.

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum
Interview with Senator Rand Paul
Panel on Eric Holder's Testimony
Shields and Brooks on Gingrich's Surge

8 Dec.

Obama's Statement on the Consumer Protection Bureau
AG Holder's Testimony on "Fast and Furious"
Rep. Darrell Issa on AG Holder's Testimony
Panel on Holder and Corzine's House Testimony
Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman
Reporters Discuss Obama's 2012 Campaign

7 Dec.

Press Conference with President Obama & PM Harper
Interview with 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich
Interview w/Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann
Sens. Brown and Hutchison Debate Consumer Protection
Interview with Obama Advisor David Plouffe
Interview with House Budget Chair Paul Ryan
Interview with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney
Panel on the Politics of Keystone XL

6 Dec.

Obama's Speech on Economic Fairness
Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich
Interview with 2012 Candidate Mitt Romney
Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman
Interview with Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett
Interview with Senator Sherrod Brown
Panel on Gingrich's Polling Surge

5 Dec.

Guest: DNC Chair & Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Interview with Senator Richard Lugar
Gingrich's Path to the Nomination
Panel on the White House & the Middle East

4 Dec.

Guests: Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann and Sen. McCain
Guests: Michele Bachmann; Sens. Conrad & Coburn
Guests: Rick Santorum and Barney Frank
Guests: RNC Chairman Priebus & Obama Advisor Axelrod
Guests: Reince Priebus and Robert Gibbs

**Political Video:

Perry Ad: "Politically Correct"
Brit Hume: Gingrich's Attack On Romney "A Staple Of The Left"
Cheney: Obama Should Have Destroyed Drone "With A Quick Airstrike"
O'Reilly: Voters Will Face A "Stark" Choice In 2012
Romney In 2002: "My Views Are Progressive"
Vanden Heuvel: GOP "Out Of Touch" With State Of Economic Pains
"Special Report" Panel On Iraq Drawdown
Robinson: GOP Candidates' Message Won't Play Well With Blacks, Latinos

12 Dec.

Newt Gingrich: Romney "Has The Establishment" Behind Him
Reid: "Millionaire Job Creators Are Like Unicorns" ... They "Don't Exist"
Trump On Debate: "I Am Going To Show Up"
Dem Sen. Joe Manchin: "No Excuse" For Democrats Not Producing A Budget
Krauthammer: Newt's Attack On Romney Is "What You'd Expect From A Socialist"
Dick Cheney: Don't "Underestimate" Newt Gingrich
Ron Paul On Third Party Run: "I'm Not Going To Rule Anything Out"
Matthews: Romney "Wants To Be Civilized" While Newt Is A "Troglodyte"
Gingrich Bets $10 Romney Will Not Return Money He Made From "Bankrupting Companies"
Todd On Romney: "Moderates Don't Win Republican Primaries These Days"
Larry Sabato: Chris Christie Could Jump In Race In February
DNC Chair Denies Unemployment Has Gone Up Under Obama
Newt Gingrich And Jon Huntsman Participate In Lincoln-Douglas Style Debate
Obama On U.S. Drone Captured By Iran: "We've Asked For It Back"
Romney: 10K Bet "Outrageous Number To Answer An Outrageous Charge"
Gay Vietnam Veteran Grills Romney On Marriage Rights
Wasserman Schultz: Obama Inherited Bad Economy "Thanks To GOP Policies Under Bush"
Newt Gingrich Responds To Glenn Beck
Ron Paul Web Ad: Newt Gingrich Is Selling Access
RCP's Bevan, Conroy, Cannon And Trende On GOP Debate, 2012
Ron Paul: Romney, Gingrich "Support The Status Quo"
RNC Web Ad On Obama: "He'd Rather Raise Taxes"
DNC Web Video: Romney Out Of Touch "Ten Thousand Times Over"
Perry Web Video Slams Romney For $10,000 Bet
Sen. McConnell Expects Payroll Tax Cut Deal With Obama

**World Video:

Strategic Challenges In The New Middle East
The Chinese Navy's Possible Port Of Call In The Seychelles
Grading Obama On Iraq Drawdown Plans
What Is Future Of U.S., Iraqi Relations
Cameron Defends Euro Decision Before Parliament
Russia Told To Clean Up Its Act By OECD
Dick Cheney Chats U.S. Politics And Policy
Eurozone Pact Fails To Restore Confidence
Clinton, UK Foreign Minister Discuss Euro Crisis
Obama Asks Iran To Return Downed Drone
Russians Protest Against Political Corruption
UN Rights Chief Says 5,000 Dead In Syria
Rival Tribes Exchange Gunfire South Of Tripoli
The Syrian Regime Has Reached The Point Of No Return
Burning Bridge: Russia's Longest Span Ablaze

12 Dec.

Yemen's Awakening?
Chinese Executions Exposed By Rare Photos
Israel's Closing Window To Strike Iran
Increased U.S. Drone Strikes Questioned
Eurozone Leaders Are Tackling The 'Heart Of The Problem'
Three Women Share Nobel Peace Prize.
U.S. Vacates Pakistan Airbase.
Iran Says It Will Not Return U.S. Drone
Medvedev Orders Probe On Alleged Election Fraud
U.S. Hostage, 14, Escapes In Philippine Jungle
Occupy Moscow
A Plan To Save The Eurozone
Campaign 2012: Arab Revolutions
The Egyptian Revolution Is Unfinished
Huntsman On China's Currency Manipulation



"Ruby Tuesday" by Rolling Stones - Grooveshark

"Tuesday's Gone" by Lynyrd Skynyrd - Grooveshark

"Tuesday Afternoon" by The Moody Blues - Grooveshark

"Tuesday's Dead" by Cat Stevens - Grooveshark

"Sweet Tuesday Morning" by Badfinger - Grooveshark


+2:53:00/C2CAM - 2011.12.11 - Billy Meier's ET Info - YouTube

+2:33:00/C2CAM - 2011.12.04 - Ancient Aliens - Alex Jones NDAA Concerns - YouTube


Rense & Celente - Criminals Own The Government - YouTube

Talk-show host offers Newt Gingrich $1 million to drop out - Yahoo! News

Russian protesters distracted by 'UFO' during Moscow demo against Vladimir Putin | Mail Online

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch - Tea Party Silver - Silver Snowball: Agenda 21 ends your property rights.

Blackwater 3.0: Rebranded ‘Academi’ Wants Back In Iraq | Common Dreams - Satanic & Nazi Symbols on New German ID Card - How Kulture is Contrived - Bursting the Malachi Martin Bubble - "Bullying" is Another Illuminati Psy-op

Scavenging Soros: Market Speculator Buys Up $2 Billion of MF Global’s Debt | Video |

Ron Paul is striking chords with Iowa GOP voters | McClatchy

Newt Gingrich's 'mind boggling' tax plan - Dec. 12, 2011

The TSA is out of control - YouTube

Ten TSA Outrages - Charles C. W. Cooke - National Review Online

TSA Responds to Passenger Outrages: Underwear Search Should 'Never' Happen - ABC News

Dozens of rightists break into IDF base in West Bank, wound officer - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Time readers name Erdogan their 'person of the year' - Israel News, Ynetnews

+poorrichards blog: Fast, Furious and Outrageous

Ex-CIA Agent Gives The Answer to S. 1867 and the Tyranny! - YouTube

Rense & Roland Thomas - Anti-Radiation Superfood - YouTube

Newt Gingrich: Selling Access - YouTube

*Ron Paul Highlights at the ABC News / Yahoo Iowa GOP Debate

New 9/11 Eyewitness Evidence of Bombs at WTC - YouTube

2012 Armageddon Redux

BATR News: Ron Paul End the Empire Save the Republic

BATR News: The Fraud in the Capital Markets

BATR News: The Pretext for a North American Homeland Security Perimeter

BATR News: Proof Obama will sign NDAA 1031 Citizen Imprisonment Law in a few days

New World Order Plan to Kill 90% of the Worlds Population - THIS IS REAL NOT SCIENCE FICTION!! - YouTube


* Totalitarian Collectivism(



Journal Inquirer > Archives > Chris Powell > Suspend habeas corpus and enact martial law?

A Dangerous Woman - Indefinite Detention At Carswell

OWS Now Classified As 'Terrorist' Group Along With Al-Qaeda

What Insurers Could Do With Your 'Social Media Score' - DailyFinance


Made in America: What's In Your Home? - YouTube

Made in America: Manufacturing Worker - YouTube


The call to release Nikola Tesla's Research-Jan. 7th 2012 - YouTube

Organic Gardening 101 | How to Start an Organic Garden | Natural Society

Sherrie Questioning All: Senator Levin revealed - It was Obama who required the Indefinite Detainment Bill INCLUDE U.S. Citizens as part of the wording!

The Chosen Criminal Elite - YouTube





Nuclear knowhow, S300 are Iran's price for Russian, Chinese access to US drone

Human Transmission of Multiple Novel Influenza Constellations

Paul Drockton: Mormons, Homosexuals and Pedophiles

SOPA, the NDAA, and Patent-Trolling: Why Americans Need a Civil Liberties Caucus - Forbes

Scientists develop weight-loss chewing gum -

Study: Salt Reduction Programs Increase Heart Disease > Hawaii Free Press > Articles Main

CIA Caught Hoaxing Iran Nuke Site 'Explosion' Story

News Desk: Newt, the Jews, and an “Invented” People : The New Yorker

Wall Street Propagandists Scramble To Cover US Ties to Russian Protesters - David Icke Website

Testimony in nuclear plant damages case hints to cover-up - Israel News, Ynetnews

American Jews: “We can be racialists in the Diaspora” | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

SilverDoctors: Jim Willie: JP Morgan Crashed MF Global to Avert COMEX Failure, European Derivatives Implosion

Jon Corzine - A Romance With Risk That Brought On a Panic - CNBC

Report: Syria arms missiles with chemical warheads

The Journey Out and the Journey In. Visible Origami


Vatican Observatory(


A Significant Portion of Mars Could Be Friendly to Life, New Models Suggest | Popular Science

Russian protesters distracted by 'UFO' during Moscow demo against Vladimir Putin | Mail Online

Alexandra Holzer: Dracula's Castle 2012: Investigating Vampires With Supernatural Southerner! (PHOTOS)

Imagining 2076 - Connect Your Brain to the Internet -

Space worms: The key to human survival on Mars? - The Week

2012 Apocalypse Fears Unfounded, NASA Says | Myths 2012 World Will End | 2012 Mayan Calendar, Planetary Alignment & Nibiru |

Rats display human-like empathy and will help rodents in distress - Telegraph

How to Act Like a Psychopath without Really Trying [Excerpt]: Scientific American

Rest Your Fears: Big Earthquakes Not on the Rise | Japan Earthquake & Tsunami | Mega-Earthquakes Not Rising | Earthquake Clusters & Earthquake Triggers | LiveScience

Is covert technology used to create balls of light in the sky? | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

PM to travel to Africa to study infiltrator issue - Israel News, Ynetnews

Netanyahu to visit Africa in bid to stem illegal migration to Israel - YouTube

Anti-African Rally in Tel Aviv - YouTube


Newt Gingrich Wants the Constitution to Die: The Video | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Newt Gingrich & the Tofflers - A Love Story - YouTube

Cool Crack: Dishonest Fox News Charts

Activist Post: 2012 Armageddon Redux

Video of the US RQ-170 Sentinel Spy Plane Landing in Iran - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Drone home: Iran rejects returning 'war booty' to US

Revolutionary Politics : Critics Question State Department's "Private Army" Of "Contractors" Or Mercenaries Or Paid Murders

» UN Calls For Eco-Fascist World Government At Durban Summit Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. Drone Crashes In Seychelles, Air Force Investigating | Fox News

U.S. Proposes Unmanned Border Entry With Mexico | Fox News

The Naked Emperor at The Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Smoking Mirrors

Gary Johnson: Gingrich ‘proposed the death penalty for marijuana’ | The Raw Story

+9/11:Israel did it - WikiSpooks

Satire:History according to Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Jon Stewart celebrates ‘miracle’ of GOP candidates fighting over ‘who loves Jews more’ - 12160

World Of Mysteries: iPhone Recorded Granny Shooting Her Son-In-Law

Banking - the Greatest Scam on Earth - YouTube

BREAKING: US Troops Deploying on Jordan-Syria Border - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Suspend habeas corpus and enact martial law?


60 min./How the West Went Bust (Episode 1 - BBC) - YouTube

60 min./How The West Went Bust (Episode 2 - BBC) - YouTube


1newsjunkie: Shocking new video exposes more Newt abuses

Dr. Seuss Christmas Song (Mr. GINGRInCH) - 12160

Refreshing News: Facebook status leads police to Indiana murder-suicide

Ron Paul on Meet The Press. - YouTube

+Activist Post: 12 Things You Can do to Fight the Internet Blacklist Bill

Activist Post: Once called Blackwater, firm changes name again

Lone Star Watchdog: 19 Signs a Major Push back against Tyranny in America is on the Horizon.

FBI Rejects Freedom of Information Act Request About Carrier IQ - Slashdot

HOUSTON Police Place Tent Over Restrained Protesters and Gas Them.flv - YouTube

Bolton: Russia may have helped Iran down spy drone

Patriot Act - South Park Style - YouTube

Man in wheelchair shot dead by Visalia police |

Police: Man in wheelchair shot dead after attack on Visalia officer | Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advance-Register |


**Illusion of Choice(W/ENLARGER TOOL)


Frugal Dad(


SWAT Team Raided House Of Man Who Was Already In Jail; Family Can Sue For 'Faulty Warrant,' Court Rules

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente on US - 'Economic Martial Law...Fascism Has Come'

Revolutionary Politics : BLACKWATER 3.0

9-11 Plot—’Made in Israel’ - World Affairs - China Forum

Lone Star Watchdog: The Character of Ron Paul is What Attracts People Young and Old Alike

Revolutionary Politics : U.S. Police Using Predator Drones To Help Solve Local Crimes

Fars News Agency :: Iranian Commander: Downing Hi-Tech Drone Means US Technological Feebleness

Iran Shrugs off US Request to Return Spy Drone - ABC News

Downed U.S. drone "Iran's property": defense minister - Xinhua |

Ahmadinejad: Iran has 'been able to control' U.S. drone -

Higgs boson: scientists close in on 'God particle' | Science |

Dershowitz: Israel Has Legal Right to Attack Iran - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

96% of Congressmen Agree: Bad Legislation Is Easier To Craft In Secret | Techdirt

Revolutionary Politics : Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel agrees with Ron Paul

Newt Gingrich: Selling Access - YouTube


Tom Lehrer - The Vatican Rag - YouTube

Tom Lehrer - Poisoning Pigeons in the Park - with intro - YouTube

Tom Lehrer - The Masochism Tango - YouTube

Tom Lehrer - We Will All Go Together When We Go - YouTube

Tom Lehrer - When You Are Old And Gray - YouTube


Iran says it's recovering data from US drone - Yahoo! News

Why Is Eric Cantor Blocking the Congressional Insider Trading Act?

poorrichards blog: America: The Government That Fears Its Own Must Fall

The unreality of the US presidential campaign

If Fed Decides to Ease Again, Price Could Hit $1 Trillion - US Business News - CNBC

Obama strips Americans' rights in NDAA bill, proclaims human rights week - National Human Rights |

The Land of Anti-Gold Propaganda

Google chairman says online piracy bill would 'criminalize' the Internet - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Candidate Gingrich vows fidelity to wife | Reuters

Newt Unleashes His Tetrodotoxin at the Palestinians | Intifada Palestine

Likud's perfect candidate: Newt Gingrich

This Rick Perry Ad Is Causing A Civil War Between Gay Republicans - Business Insider


*Infowars Nightly News for Monday,December 12,2011 (FULL) - YouTube


Alex Jones 2011-12-12 Monday - YouTube


The Secrets of Fat Loss and Super Health Revealed. 1/3 - YouTube

The Secrets of Fat Loss and Super Health Revealed. 2/3 - YouTube

The Secrets of Fat Loss and Super Health Revealed. 3/3 - YouTube


Jon Stewart CHANTS Ron Paul 2012 "Newt Bad Idea/Media Influence" - YouTube


+Prison » This Could Be Part Of The Reason Iran Is So Darn Defensive




Tinned goods, gold & guns: UBS meets Alex Jones? - YouTube

Prison » Ron Paul Just Nabbed Iowa’s Biggest Youth Endorsement

Ron Paul 2012: Why He is Right on Foreign Policy - International Business Times

Glenn Beck: I’d Vote For A Ron Paul Third Party Candidacy Over Newt Gingrich | Mediaite

+Prison » 10 Ridiculous Things That Make You a Terror Suspect

New version of SOPA copyright bill, old complaints | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Prison » 17 Signs That The European Financial System Is Heading For An Implosion Of Historic Proportions

Prison » 35 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education Has Become A Giant Money Making Scam

Prison » False Rumor That Strait of Hormuz Was Closed Sends Oil Prices Skyrocketing

Prison » Paul Unleashes The Truth On Newt

Prison » Sheriff’s Department Sponsors Secret Meeting On Small Government ‘Terrorists’

Airport scanners: Broward may request ban on security scanners -

Prison » US Special Forces Mass On Syrian Border

Prison » The U.S. Hands the Terrorists a Big Win

Libyan activists demand transparency from National Transitional Council | World news | The Guardian

Prison » EPA to Disperse $1M in “Environmental Justice” Grants

Post-Revolt Tunisia Can Alter E-Mail With `Big Brother' Software - Bloomberg

Prison » No Mandatory Mental Health Screening for Children!

Canada first nation to pull out of Kyoto protocol | Reuters

Prison » Oxfam—Betraying its Roots and Sabotaging its Own Mission

» Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: FAQ # 7: Squibs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+Urgent Action in New York - Occupy Building 7

» False Rumor That Strait of Hormuz Was Closed Sends Oil Prices Skyrocketing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Real Unemployment Rate Near 20% - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» Improving Upon the Occupy Movement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hezbollah names CIA spies in Lebanon | World news | The Guardian

Google tells Nasa: we'll save your hangar – if we can park our jets in it - Americas - World - The Independent

Obama And The Failure Of Capitalism : Personal Liberty Digest™

BBC News - 'Cleansed' Libyan town spills its terrible secrets - International News, Photos, Videos, Graphics, World

» Protesters Arrested At Goldman Sachs HQ? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» How Will Change Come About? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NTSB recommends ban on driver cell phone use -

Poll: Little love for big gov - MJ Lee -

Police to test laser that 'blinds rioters' - Telegraph

BBC News - FBI says hackers hit key services in three US cities

Info no go: Wikipedia threatens strike over US piracy bill — RT

» Epilepsy Foundation warning shows that television, movies can reprogram brain neurology Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church

Justice Kagan Recuses Herself From Case Involving Arizona Immigration Law |

Obama plans to cut Guard force along the border - Houston Chronicle


A Prairie Home Companion (

+A Prairie Home Companion: Old Shows


+50 MIN./The Life Of The Buddha (BBC Documentary) - YouTube


poorrichards blog: FDA Refuses To Monitor AK Fish - Ocean Currents Don't Lie


» Sheriff’s Department Sponsors Secret Meeting On Small Government ‘Terrorists’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Paul Unleashes The Truth On Newt Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy - YouTube

Newt Gingrich: Selling Access - YouTube


Keiser Report: World Currency War I (E222) - YouTube

"First There Was Pepper Spray! Then TWO Flash Bang Grenades!" - YouTube

Reality Check: Has the Patriot Act thwarted 42 terror attacks? - YouTube

Gov. Jan Brewer on Border Issues: "We Have an Out of Control, Arrogant Federal Government" - YouTube

Drone-Spotting: Google exposes secret US base in Nevada - YouTube

Google unEarths image of secret US drone base in Nevada — RT

Josh Tolley: A GOP Chairman Joined GOP to Support Ron Paul

A GOP Chairman Actually Joined GOP In Order to Promote Ron Paul - New Trend! - YouTube

Jake McMillan: Justice, Furiously and Fast!

Your Phone is Watching You

FBI: Carrier IQ files used for "law enforcement purposes" | Muckrock

Drones Officially Take Flight For Domestic Law Enforcement

Domestic Drones Coming Soon - YouTube

Ron Paul Has A Ceiling Of Support! Al Gore - YouTube

(3 Part Video)Prison » Pharmacist Reveals Amazing Nutrition & Weight Loss Secrets The Establishment Tries To Hide

35 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education Has Become A Giant Money Making Scam -

US-Funded "Activist" Becomes President of Tunisia -

Bruce Krasting: The latest gimmick to fund the payroll tax cut - stupidity

Bank Of International Settlements Calls for Hyperinflationary Depression? -

AREA 51…..


Area 51(/


The EyeOpener- Spotlight: Kazakhstan

Is Al Jazeera a Distant Cousin of the New York Times?!

They Never Learn by Justin Raimondo --

US Ambassador to Pakistan: Get Over It

Gingrich, Huntsman 'Duel' in Hawkish Foreign Policy Debate

UN Panel Told Muslim-West Relations Back at 9/11 Low

Gingrich's Electromagnetic Pulse Warning Has Skeptics

Remembering His-Story - Iran Attack Next?

Say NO to the Use of the Military against Peaceful Protest in the United States

Canadian Mining Companies Make the Big Move into Afghanistan

America's Covert War Against Iran. Do 'All Options' Mean Nukes?

VIDEO: Consensus 9/11: Challenging the Official Story

Media Lies: Syria's President Bashar Al Assad Sets ABC News Senior Propagandist Barbra Walters Straight.

Newt Gingrich's Invented History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

VIDEO: US Covert Ops may be First Phase of War on Iran

Prisoners in their own Land: The Struggle and Resistance of Serbs in Kosovo

VIDEO: FOX Fakes Moscow Protest with Athens Clashes

Secret US-French drone base in Libya?

Activist Post: Ron Paul Supporters to Collect 10,000lbs of Food for Charity

Activist Post: Drones Officially Take Flight For Domestic Law Enforcement, Heralding a New Level of the Police State

BE YOUR OWN LEADER: The Pretext for a North American Homeland Security Perimeter

Activist Post: Facebook page removed after uploading video exposing obviously skewed Barbara Walters interview with Assad

US and European Economic Crisis: Signs of Disintegration | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: EPA Admits Fracking Causing Groundwater Pollution

Activist Post: The Spirit of Revolution

Activist Post: In a World of Violence and Oppression, Peace and Freedom are Extremist Views

Activist Post: Verizon ‘maliciously’ sends civil emergency alert to New Jersey cellphone users

Activist Post: 4 Ways to Naturally Purify the Air in Your Home

Activist Post: She Has Lived -- An Incredible Obituary

Alone in the Wilderness (video)

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (video)

Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved - YouTube

MUST SEE!!! DISCLOSURE!!! NEW Ancient Mayan artifacts found! - YouTube


+College Mate: Obama Was an “Ardent” “Marxist-Leninist”


Part 1. The Untold UFO War in Antarctica

Part 2. The Untold UFO War in Antarctica

Part 3. The Untold UFO War in Antarctica


Where Does Money Come From

Christians, Jews banned from Temple Mount in Jerusalem

The Iranian Army Says It Will 'Practice' Shutting Down The Strait Of Hormuz

The earth mother of all neolithic discoveries - Europe - World - The Independent

Exciting New Archaeological Evidence Uncovered could be the Site of Biblical Sodom

The Arkansas City Traveler > News > Alien invasion? Strange object travels through Cowley County

World War 3: A Natural Resource War :

Evidence Of Lost Continent Of Mu Found? Sunken Islands Could Cause Tectonic Shift In Gondwana Story | Before It's News

DNA: The next big hacking frontier - The Washington Post

The Missing Fast and Furious E-mails - Frank Miniter - National Review Online

State Dept. Aims to Denounce ‘Offensive Speech’ While Upholding Free Expression

Trumka: ‘I Pay More than My Fair Share’ of Taxes

Extending Payroll Tax Cut Threatens Social Security ‘As We Know It,’ Trustee Warns

Economic Fairness

Senate GOP Unites Behind Strong Balanced Budget Amendment

Google Guru More Concerned Over Climate Change Than Internet Takedown

Obama Hails ‘New Iraq,’ But Ignores Persecution of Christians and Other Religious Minorities

Senate Again Refuses to Confirm Obama's Controversial Ambassador to El Salvador

DNC Chair Falsely Claims Unemployment Has Not Increased Under Obama

ND, SC Had the Highest Percentage of Alcohol-Related Traffic Fatalities in 2010

Facebook Gets Into Suicide Prevention

Obama Calls on Iran to Give Back Downed U.S. Drone

Gingrich: 'Unconstitutional' Insurance Mandate 'Started As Conservative Effort to Stop Hillarycare'

Santorum: ‘You Either Care About Social Security and You Want to Fund It – Or You Don’t’

Hungry Muppet Pitches Government Assistance: Free Food at School

Gingrich: 'Unconstitutional' Insurance Mandate 'Started As Conservative Effort to Stop Hillarycare' |

'Republicans Around the Country' Like My Ideas, Obama Says |

Arab League's Capitulation!

A Win For Democracy And War With Iran

How The CIA Got Away With Murder

Indefinite Detention of American Citizens

Poor, Plack, and Jailed Under FBI 'Entrapment' Tactics

Depression and Democracy

Gallup: Swing States Falling for Gingrich, Romney Over Obama

Rush: Gallup Poll Must Have WH 'Panicking'

Obama's Stepmom Becomes British Citizen

Ailes Autobiography Could Fetch $4 Million

Cheney: Don't Underestimate Gingrich

George Allen: Va. 'Key' to GOP Taking White House

Lieberman Joins Cheney, Slams Obama on Drone

Trump: Right Leader Can Save America

Gallup: Romney, Gingrich Beat Obama in 12 States

Romney: Newt's the Front-runner

Santorum: I'm Looking Forward to Trump Debate

Giuliani: Gingrich May Be Stronger Than Romney

Gingrich Takes 'Personal Fidelity' Pledge

Gingrich, Huntsman Have 'Sophisticated' NH Debate

Cain to Make 9-9-9 Into ‘Movement’

Obama Seeks to Leverage $1T Spending Bill

Issa Wants Answers on 'Occupy' Camping in D.C.

States Can't Keep Up With Services Demands

Promising Vaccine Attacks Cancer Tumors

Romney, Clinton Bids Have Eerie Similarities

Have Studies Overestimated Cellphone Crash Risk?

Independent Run by Paul Could Guarantee Obama's Re-election

Republicans Choose Gingrich at Their Peril

Gingrich Shares Much With TV's 'Big Bang Theory'

Newt Gingrich a Genuine Conservative

Romney's Elitist Background Exposed by $10,000 Bet

Police State Mercenaries Ruin More Lives Than They Protect - informationliberation

The news you're not supposed to know...

**2:20:00/AE911Truth Experts Speak Out - YouTube

PURCHASE this DVD: -- 9/11 TRUTH is the ultimate Anti-War message -- Support the dedicated work of Architect, Richard Gage, ...

Feds may reduce number of Guard troops at U.S. border

Poll: President Obama trails in swing states

Former commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps accompanied Iraqi PM to White House on Monday

Eric Holder wades into debate over voting rights as presidential election nears

Household electricity bills skyrocket

Erratic GOP field, shift in economy give Obama campaign reasons for hope

No charisma: Chelsea Clinton makes broadcast debut on NBC’s ‘Rock Center’

Cheating by online students a concern

Texas approves 'One State Under God' license plate featuring crosses

House, Senate negotiators strike deal on defense bill

Panetta Says He Will Travel to Libya

'Occupy' Protesters Say They Will Continue Port Blockades, Protests

Dem calls GOP jobless benefits bill 'heartless'

White House: Nuke commission infighting won't jeopardize nuclear safety

State Department warns that GOP plan could scuttle Keystone pipeline

Dutch firm apologizes for building design resembling 9/11 attack


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 12, 2011


Obama's Silent Complicity in the Egyptian Crackdown | Before It's News

Lindsey Williams: U.S./NATO to Insite War with Iran by Sept/Oct of 2012 1/4 - YouTube

Lindsey Williams: U.S./NATO to Insite War with Iran by Sept/Oct of 2012 2/4 - YouTube

Lindsey Williams: U.S./NATO to Insite War with Iran by Sept/Oct of 2012 4/4 - YouTube

Secret Handshakes Of The Illuminati | Before It's News

+Alien Base Confirmed Inside Moon Crater | Before It's News


Who Wrote The Reptilian Agenda? | Before It's News

DAVID ICKE - The Reptilian Gods..Shapeshifters & Genetic Hybrids - YouTube

Secret Gates Of The Great Pyramid 'To Be Opened In 2012', Says British Company | Before It's News

10 Things You Can Sue People For Doing Online | Before It's News

Big Question for 2012: Was There Ever Life on Mars? : Discovery News

Obamacare Written by Amateurs, Reform Law Must be Completely Revamped Says Physician Group | Before It's News

- Obama's dream of nationalization of the USA is here .... | Before It's News

Obama Antichrist Revelation? Santorum Birth Issue Too. Trump Spy? | Before It's News

Founder of Speaks With The Post & Email | Before It's News


Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012(


Hunt On For Who Killed Honey Bees, Florida 'Video' | Before It's News

Barack Has A Record | Before It's News

3 Things You'll Need When The Banking System Collapses | Before It's News

Sexual Cues, All It Takes Is A Smile (For Some Guys) | Before It's News

God particle glimpsed, but not discovered

Sandusky Trial: Preliminary hearing waved

Border crossing forces cut, transferred to air surveillance

.xxx domains debut

'US to control Iraq oil always' — RT

Holder to wade into debate over voting rights - The Washington Post

Illinois Debtors Thrown In Jail: Lisa Madigan Working To Stop Debt Collector Arrest Warrants

FCC set to crack down on loud TV commercials –

Eastman Kodak fights for its future –


*1:18:27/ Governor Huntsman Debates Newt Gingrich At The Lincoln-Douglas Debate - Manchester, NH - YouTube


The Gingrich-Huntsman Debate: A New Way to Bash Mitt Romney -- Daily Intel

Gingrich, Huntsman’s friendly foreign policy debate – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs


Report From Egypt by Eric Margolis

Constitutional Neoconmen by Thomas DiLorenzo

Catholics, Libertarians, Ron Paul, and Secession: Interview with Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Ron Paul and the Environment by Walter Block

Changing Views on Growth and Economic Recovery by Bill Bonner

Euro Crisis Destabilizing the Dollar by Ron Paul

Blowfish hangover pill: We have created the ultimate cure (just in time for Christmas) | Mail Online

Secret agenda: 20 classic spy movies - Friday Night Seitz -

Confessions of a Light Bulb Addict » Publications » Family Security Matters

Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine: Lower Your Salt Intake? No Way!


* Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


The Page by Mark Halperin | Axelrod Sets Sights on Gingrich

My Way News - Obama calls on Iran to give back downed US drone

Google chairman says online piracy bill would 'criminalize' the Internet - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

MPAA Head Chris Dodd on Online Censorship Bill: China's the Model | The Weekly Standard

Driver was texting in Missouri traffic pileup - Yahoo! News

Cops: Mom Breaks Into Nearly 30 Homes After Dropping Kids Off At School « CBS Washington

Military to practise blocking Straits of Hormuz - International -

NTSB recommends full ban on use of cell phones while driving -

Broward Considers Airport Body Scanner Ban « CB - Flash Player Installation

Cashier Fired For Receipts Labeled ‘Ching’, ‘Ch - Flash Player Installation

Fire Destroys Several Units At Gloucester City - Flash Player Installation

Frozen Planet scandal: Sir David Attenborough defends fake polar bear footage -

Chelsea Clinton makes broadcast debut on NBC’s ‘Rock Center’ - The Washington Post

Reporter Chelsea Clinton? Time will tell

Chelsea Clinton makes NBC News debut -

How newspaper 'truce' kept owners out of headlines - Press - Media - The Independent

Poll: Little love for big gov - MJ Lee -

Internet piracy bill: A free speech 'kill switch' - The Hill's Congress Blog

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS VIDEO: “What the Hell Happened to US?!”

Debbie Schlussel:Support Lowe’s for Dropping Ads from Hezbollah / Iran’s “All-American Muslim”

Debbie Schlussel:You Stay Classy: The Response I Got For Tweeting About Alec Baldwin

Rush Was Right: Hurricane Predictors Admit They Can’t Predict Hurricanes

OWS Not the Party Crashers but the Party Faithful

The UN Climate Change Summit in Durban

Will Mitt’s Big Bet be a Deal-Breaking Campaign Faux Pas?

Fear of a Lonely Planet

Green Bubblings

Why Would Obama Veto Job Creation?

Why Are Jews Liberal?

Gingrich Is Smarter than the News Media

Time Mag: Occupy Wall Street The Number One Story of 2011?

Obama Welcomes You to a Death Camp for Down Syndrome

The Minimum Wage Debate

Will This Year's Ron Paul Tea Party Money Bomb Match 2007?

San Francisco's Minimum Wage Hike

The New Agenda for America... are you listening GOP candidates?

Ron Paul Lands Punches in ABC Debate

Children of the 2012 Republican Presidential candidates - NY Daily News

Obamacare costs 100,000 jobs in January « Don Surber

German police raid homes of six men over 1944 Nazi massacre - Times LIVE

MF Global execs in dark over customer funds -

Mitt Romney: Islam is not an inherently violent faith | Iowa Caucuses

Back to an electric future for cars -

Imprisoned Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein fingers others at Miami deposition - Miami-Dade -

Chavez Nativity creates controversy in Venezuela | Reuters

Santorum: The ‘Cancer’ of Radical Islam Must be Confronted |

North Korea Threatens Shouth Korea Over Aegibong Christmas Display |

Rick Perry ‘Strong’ Ad Sparks Several Spoofs – See Them Here | Video |

Some Experts Allege That Evangelicals for Romney Is Connected to the Campaign |

Career Criminal Kills NYPD Hero Cop | Video |

Denied FOIA Request Raises Questions If FBI Uses Carrier IQ Information in Investigations | Carrier IQ Admits Bug Tracks Some Text Messages |

The Most Dangerous Cities in the World |

Flashback of Romney in 2002: ‘My Views Are Progressive’ | Video |

Broadcaster Publishes Photos of Chinese Prisoners Before Execution | Video |

Ready for Life ‘Off the Grid’?: GBTV Launches Reality Show ‘Independence U.S.A.’ | Belcastro family | Video |

Predator Drones Surveilling Americans For Arrest On U.S. Soil |

Scarborough Says He‘d Take ’Long Look’ at Ron Paul Over Gingrich | Video |

Eric Bolling Kicks Atheists Off of His Show For Making Anti-Jesus Comments | Video |

Video of Afghanistan Bombings That Destroy Taliban Operatives | Video |

San Francisco Raises Minimum Wage Above $10 | Video |

Gingrich Flashback: ‘Progressive’ FDR Was ‘Greatest President of the 20th Century’ (Plus – SEIU’s Andy Stern Is Visionary Union Leader!) | Video |

Michael Savage Offers Newt Gingrich One Million Dollars to Drop Out of Race |

Saudi Arabian Woman Beheaded Under Shariah Law for Practicing Sorcery |

Is the Vocal Fry a New Growing Trend Among Young U.S. Women or Has It Been Around All Along? | Video |

DARPA Funded Project to Develop Smaller, Cheaper Thermal Imaging Devices for Smartphones | Video |

American Jews Slam President Obama on His Devotion to Israel | Video |

How Much Does Someone Need to Earn to be ‘Rich’? This Recent Poll may Surprise You |

Television Show Preferences Divided Along Party Lines: Where Do You Fall? |

Canada Bans Islamic Niqab & Burqa When Taking Citizen Oath | Video |

Infrared Saunas May Offer Health Benefits | Video |

Rappers Release 'Film the Police' Video in Solidarity With Occupy Movement

Paul Krugman is Now Using the 'D Word'

The Young Elected Officials: Inspiration...Sublime Inspiration

Anti-Gay GOP Politician Donating Sperm to Lesbian Couples

Fundraising Time: Wacky NRA CEO Says Obama Will Take All The Guns If Reelected

Red State Update: President Newt, Strong Rick Perry, $10,000 Bet

Gary Johnson Reminds Voters Gingrich Proposed the Death Penalty for Marijuana

Government Employees Union Launches 'Explain It To Me, GOP' Campaign

Gingrich: 'I Don't Want to Pay People 99 Weeks to Do Nothing'

Lowe's Pulls Ad From TLC's 'All American Muslim'

Substandard, Unsafe Work On Marcellus Shale Pipeline Goes Unregulated In Pennsylvania

Did You Know President Obama and Congress Already Raised Taxes On the Rich?

Fox News Shocked by Their Own Poll Saying Obama Likely to Win

British Company Working On Laser To Be Used To Temporarily Blind People

Rick Perry Hecklers in Ames: 'Why Do You Hate Gays so Much?'

Frum: Fox News Creates an 'Alternative Knowledge System'

Updated: Fox News Sunday: Mitch McConnell Admits CFPB Hostage-Taking

Man-Made Avian Flu Virus More Deadly Than Scientists Expected In Mutations

Bark Bark Woof Woof: The Necessity of Invented Narratives

Beautiful Day Rule: Trying not to judge, but it's tough...

KIKO'S HOUSE: Romney Made Hundreds Of Millions Firing Workers, Not Creating Jobs

No More Mister Nice Blog

The Reaction: Rand Paul slams Newt, says he's "not even a conservative"

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Intensity of fire indicates Newt is the person to beat';Human Events' Gizzi says Gingrich is 'skilled debater'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Professor of politics: Debates helping Gingrich;'This was just geared to him personally'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive GOP: Stifle green regs to create jobs, avoid power outages;Report says Obama plans would cripple coal energy industry.

Donald Trump to tap his wallet for probe of 'forged' document?

Paedophiles trawl dating sites to get at kids of lonely mums |

Life possible on 'large parts' of Mars: study - Yahoo! News

Constitutional expert: Here's what 'natural born citizen' means

Christians, Jews banned from Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Breitbart learns hard way about GOProud

Is Newt wrong about 'Palestinians'?

Obama's terrorist attack on our children's minds

A controversial question from 'notorious' reporter

Will gridlock rescue Obama?

Obama's '60 Minutes' interview: Lying or self-delusion?

Gingrich: Inspiring – and disturbing

My response to adultery-and-politics issue

David Cameron's finest hour

We don't like the future we see

Our democracy is in danger

Is Bill Gates dealing with the devil?

Another stealth maneuver for gov't control of Internet


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


BigDawg Spotlight: ‘Operation Jelly Bean’ – Answering the Call in the ‘Spirit’ of Bipartisanship

Daily Call Sheet: Bane Said What?, ‘Dragon Tattoo’ Review, and Why ‘Voyager’ Blows

Trailer Talk: ‘G.I. Joe: Retaliation’ Once Again Avoids Being American-ey

Box Office Revenue Down 4%, Attendance Down 5%

‘Essential Killing’ Review: A Republican Plays a Jihadist!?

Joe Rogan on Miley Cyrus: ‘She’s Delusional’

No More Cruise Control Should ‘Ghost Protocol’ Underperform

Korn’s Surprising ‘Path of Totality’

Todd Palin Ready for His Close Up?

Here We Go Again: Oscar Hopeful ‘My Week with Marilyn’ Slammed as Inaccurate

-Daily Call Sheet: Sexiest Actresses of All Time, Vigilante News, and a Promise From James Bond

Gov. Palin’s Plan to End Insider Trading

Union Disenfranchises Workers in Contract Vote

The EPA Rap Sheet: State-by-State List of Harmful Effects from New Coal Power Regulations

AUDIO: Can Newt’s ‘Not Mitt’ Momentum Win Him the GOP Nomination?

California’s Anti-Business Policies Impoverish All But the Top 25% of Wage Earners

IRS Targets Arkansas Businessman in Dispute with Sen. Mark Pryor’s Family

Police Clear OccupyBaltimore

Gallup: Fear of Big Government at Near-Record Levels

Communist Economist John Case Praises Obama’s Osawatomie Speech: ‘The President Took a Great Step Forward’

New Video Punctures Myths about Great Depression, Exposes Damaging Impact of Statist Policies

Reid: ‘Millionaire Job Creators Are Like Unicorns…They Don’t Exist’

Congress Finalizes $1+ Trillion Spending Plan Why Obama’s Stimulus Failed-A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland

Let’s Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment Now

Comcast/NBC Merger Yields Fruit for the Progressive Media

Newt: If Elected, I Won’t Cheat on My Wife

Obama’s ‘Green’ Initiatives: It Pays (BIG) to Be an Obama Bundler.

$2,500 to Sup with Ayers and Dohrn–How Much for Dinner with Manson?

Split emerges over China's real estate policies

Mother and sons found dead in Pudsey had been stabbed

Education minister wants field trips to W. Bank site

New Israeli envoy to Egypt visits Foreign Ministry

Hamas reconfigures engagement with Syria

Cern cautions on 'God particle' discovery

Media Matters Uses Incomplete Quote, Weak Survey To Bash Fox News

+Tuesday Crib Sheet: Chelsea’s Debut; Crocodile Tears From The Press Set

Fast AndFurious Watch: No Coverage From NBC Nightly News In All of 2011

Evolution of a JournOlist: Politico’s Ben Smith Jumps to BuzzFeed

ABC World News Continues To Ignore Fast And Furious

Gingrich and the Imaginary Palestinians

-Monday Crib Sheet: “Resist We Much” Hits Primetime; Are You A Racist If You Like Newt?

Media Matters Blames Christians For Poverty

Congress Freezes $700 Million in Aid to Pakistan

John Kerry Meets With Muslim Brotherhood In Egypt, ‘Welcomes’ Results Of Election

Iowa State University Lecturer To Students: Don’t Send Gifts To American Soldiers Overseas, They Don’t Deserve Them

AUDIO:Rep. Gohmert: Holder Has Broken the Law

Russian Students Forced To Take Political Exam….Same Day As Planned Anti-Putin Protests

What Is An Ex-Iran Guard Commander Doing At The White House?

“We’ll See How the Iranians Respond”: Obama Asks for Return of Crashed U.S. Drone

New Jersey Nets Owner Prokhorov to Challenge Putin for Russian Presidency

Gingrich’s Fresh Hope

The Only Way to Save Defense: Defeat Obama in 2012

Selling Our Soul to Save Our Economy

NATO: Pakistan talking again to US-led coalition

Target shooters, trespasser questioned in shooting

US: State intervention has grown in China economy

Early Alexander Graham Bell recordings played

Exclusive: Cuba targets military firm in corruption probe

Obama on 2012: 'We're going to win this thing'

US: State intervention has grown in China economy

New giant plane to launch people, cargo into orbit

Corzine says he never authorized "misuse" of money

S&P says more bonds at downgrade risk on euro zone crisis

Morgan Stanley settles with MBIA over mortgages

Senators demand answers on missing MF Global money

Target shooters, trespasser questioned in shooting

MGM film studio remade with a low-profile and a focused strategy -

Gary Busey Endorses Newt Gingrich - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Charlie Sheen accidentally tweeted his personal phone number while trying to direct message Justin Bieber to call him -

Poll: Little love for big gov - MJ Lee -

Green bulbs’ folly—Michael A. Walsh -

Gingrich bashes, employs media to get ahead - Washington Times

Hezbollah identifies undercover CIA officers


13-Dec-11 World View

12-Dec-11 World View

11-Dec-11 World View


Chelsea Clinton Finally Embraces Her Celebrity

Chelsea Clinton exits shadows with US television job

What is the Higgs boson and why is it important?

Scientists claim glimpse of 'Higgs' particle - YouTube

The search for the Higgs boson : Inside the Large Hadron Collider

Meter company sends city $13.5 million bill for disabled parking

Mayor Emanuel gives Sara Lee a big, wet and sloppy $6.5 million TIF kiss

Officers track iPhone thief with GPS app

Man shoots Christmas shoppers in Belgium, kills three |

Medvedev Announces First Session of Russia's New Duma

Syria crackdown has killed 5000 people, UN says

Iran demands US apology for drone flight

Syria Gas Pipeline Attacked, State Blames 'Terrorist' Group

Lawmakers freeze $700 million to Pakistan, ties strained

Pakistani police rescue chained students from seminary

Abbas raises Palestinian flag at Unesco headquarters – video

South Korea to Get Tough on Illegal Chinese Fishermen

Afghanistan Plan Would Reduce NATO Combat Role

Yemen 'to release detained protesters'

Arab Spring films revive days of Egypt, Tunisia revolt

Half-Filled School Bus Crashes in China, Killing 15 Children

Dowlers confused by voicemail claims

Attorney: Hearing Waive Not Guilt Admission - YouTube

Sandusky vows to 'fight for four quarters'

2 helicopters crash during training at Wash. Army base, killing 4 soldiers ...

New Ron Paul attack ad: Will it slow Newt Gingrich's momentum?

Police: Remains are believed to be those of Shannan Gilbert

Partisan Fight Slows Payroll-Tax Cut, Spending Measures

NTSB recommends full ban on use of cell phones while driving

Obama beseeches supporters to stick with him

Will Rick Perry's blunt talk work?

Homeless children at record high in US. Can the trend be reversed?

Wisconsin faces lawsuit as civil rights groups cry foul over new voting rules

Darrell Issa: Occupy trashed stimulus project

1-800-REALITY number that Jerry Sandusky lawyer quips about turns out to be a gay phone-sex line - NY Daily News

Texas investigators try to figure out who may have shot 2 students trying out for basketball - The Washington Post

Police give details about Florida A&M band hazing as 3 members arrested in severe beating - The Washington Post

NYC police says 4 suspects face murder charges in officer’s death, 5th man also in custody - The Washington Post

Iranian Official Threatens Military Drill Sealing Off the Strait of Hormuz

Bernanke's Legacy at Fed: Still a Lagging Indicator

Fed killing bonds? Buy dividend stocks

SEC Sues Security Investor Protection Corp. Over Stanford Claims

FDIC Reaches $64 Million Settlement With WaMu Ex-Officials

Wall Streeters Offer Employment to 'Occupiers'

As Kindle Fire Faces Critics, Remedies Are Promised

Is the FBI Using Carrier IQ for Domestic Surveillance?

Google Maps create 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami archive

Google's Motorola Mobility takeover delayed

The Technology Of The Year: Flash Memory

A Rare Apple Compromise

Universities block triple-X domain names

Seoul Towers Invite 9/11 Criticism

Google Doodle a fitting tribute to Robert Noyce

'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' hitting theaters one day early

"Artist", "Hugo" pile up nominations ahead of Oscars

Seth Rogen to Host Independent Spirit Awards

Group opposed to Muslim TV show hit by 'terrorist hackers'

Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane" Oscar up for auction

Slain music producer remembered as kind, 'God-fearing'

‘Two and a Half Men’ producer Chuck Lorre says he was willing to quit the show during Charlie Sheen storm - NY Daily News

Cancer Screening May Be Overdone in Older Adults

As more women see combat, more female vets are suffering from PTSD

Tiniest Babies in US Have Thrived, Researchers Find


**NEWS VIDEOS:MSNBC’s Scarborough Praises Beck

Cheney: Don’t Underestimate Newt

Writer/Director Randall Wallace: The Man Who Could Save Hollywood

Thieves Caught Stealing Christmas Yard Decorations

Romney Keeps Focus On Obama’s Failures

Analysis: SCOTUS To Rule On AZ Immigration Law

#OccupySeattle Forces Multiple Arrests

Record Exec Dies After Hollywood Shooting

Lowe’s Pulls Ads From ‘All-American Muslim’

12th/Obama Claims He Never ‘Overpromised’ – Judge For Yourself

Newt: FDR Was The ‘Greatest President’ Of The 20th Century

Dem Senator: ‘No Excuse’ For Democrats Not Producing A Budget

Krauthammer: Newt’s Attack On Romney ‘What You’d Expect From A Socialist’

Breastfeeding Woman Accused Of Indecent Exposure

American ‘Institutionally’ Kidnapped In Nicaragua – Needs Our Help

Reid: ‘Millionaire Job Creators Are Like Unicorns…They Don’t Exist’

#OccupyPortland Protesters Clash With Unions On ‘Shut Down The Ports Day’

DNC Chair: Unemployment Didn’t Go Up Under Obama

Obama’s ‘Green’ Crony Capitalism Under Fire

Supreme Court Takes On State Immigration Laws

Britain’s Cameron Says EU Veto In National Interest

Online Piracy Bill: Internet Censorship In Disguise

Chiefs Fire Coach Todd Haley

Obama: We’ve Asked Iran For Drone Back

NBC News Panel: Obama Sees Democracy As ‘Stumbling Block To His Greatness’

14-Year-Old Escapes Terrorist Captors After Five Months As Hostage

Newt Flashback 2008: ‘I Did Fair Amount Of Work With Freddie Mac’

Obama: ‘I Didn’t Overpromise’ To Fix Economy

Perry: Romney’s $10,000 Bet Shows He Is ‘Out Of Touch’

11th/U.S., India And China Agree To Another Meaningless Climate Deal

Reid Calls NRC Investigation ‘Witch Hunt’

Deadly Blast In Afghanistan

Ryan Braun Tests Positive For PEDs

Still Not Over It: Alec Baldwin Uses SNL To Trash American Airlines

10th/White House Refuses To Approve Job Creating Pipeline

Push Back We Much: SNL Skewers Al Sharpton

Rosie Attacks Newt’s Intelligence

9th/Obama Delegate Heckled At Durban Climate Change Conference


Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall 1/3 - YouTube

Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall 2/3 - YouTube

Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall 3/3 - YouTube


A Nightmare of a Dream Team | The Weekly Standard

Ailes on Ailes: Fox News Chief Is Writing an Autobiography -- Daily Intel

History News Network

The American Spectator : Harry Morgan -- Grownup

Tony Iommi with T. J. Lammers: Iron Man | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

David Guterson Overwrites His Way to Win Bad Sex in Fiction Award - The Daily Beast

Literary Review - Britain's best loved literary magazine

Nanking Atrocities - Confessions

War and reconciliation: a tale of two countries | The Japan Times Online

Nanjing Massacre-Chpt.VI: Rob Gray

The Horror - Magazine - The Atlantic

Saddam capture mystery -

New Book: Saddam Resisted at Capture - Washington Whispers (

Britannia Biographies: Sir Francis Drake

Battle of the River Plate, 13 December 1939

December 13, 1977: A Night that Will Never Be Forgotten in Evansville, Indiana « Licensed to Blog

The Daring Escape of The Texas 7 — Kenedy, Texas — Crime Library on

Review of The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II

The New Atlantis » The Case for Enhancing People

Meet the Internet’s newest boy genius — Tech News and Analysis

What Is a Household Robot? - IEEE Spectrum

RealClearTechnology- Reuters - Technology - Dec 13, 2011 - Microsoft co-founder Allen launches space project

Speed of Light Lingers in Face of M.I.T. Media Lab Camera -

Busted: BitTorrent Pirates at Sony, Universal and Fox | TorrentFreak

British scientists hope to introduce quantum-dot TVs as soon as 2012

How to protect your kids from cyberbullies | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Apple in 2011: Huge momentum, and a tragic loss | Apple Talk - CNET News

Hidden Industry Dupes Social Media Users - Technology Review

Quad-core Smartphones With High-res Screens Will Take Over in 2012 | PCWorld

Eric Schmidt Says You’ll Own a Google TV Sooner or Later - John Paczkowski - News - AllThingsD

Hiding in plain sight | asymco

Clive Thompson on the Future of Printed Books | Magazine

One Million Apps, and Counting -

Newt Gingrich Is Bizarrely Terrified of a Fake Sci-Fi Weapon

The Volt Administration - Mona Charen - National Review Online

MILLOY: Time to leash Obama's EPA - Washington Times

POWER Act Contains Bad Energy Policy

Elizabeth May: Kyoto Withdrawal: There Must Be a Political Price to Be Paid

ANALYSIS | Farewell Kyoto Protocol, you did your job - Technology & Science - CBC News

For U.S. Renewable Energy, 2012 Will Be a Bad Year - TIME

Japan's nuclear meltdown shouldn't close U.S. plants –

Energy: 2011 in Review | Foreign Policy Blogs

DRIESSEN: American resources for U.S. recovery - Washington Times

How Investor's Are Crushing Big Oil

Making the Green Climate Fund a Reality

Air Quality Difficult to Gauge in Dustier American West -

The End of the War in Iraq?

Saudi Arabia in the New Middle East

Confidence in Democracy, Capitalism Fall in Russia

Arrests in Iraq Raise Concerns About Maliki -

Newt Gingrich's idiotic comments about the Palestinians make him sound like a crank – Telegraph Blogs

RealClearWorld - A Political Realignment in Japan?

President Obama’s too-rosy vision of postwar Iraq - The Washington Post

Iraq Can Lead the Arab World If It Gets Oil Policy Right: View - Bloomberg

Iran responsible for 1998 U.S. embassy bombings - The Washington Post

Will Jews be scapegoats for Iran atta... JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

Worldview: A troubling U.S.-Israeli divide -

O'Hanlon: Withdrawing from Iraq a "reasonable gamble" – Global Public Square - Blogs

Mideast Sectarian Strife Is Symptom of Weak States: Noah Feldman - Bloomberg

Air France 447 Flight-Data Recorder Transcript - What Really Happened Aboard Air France 447 - Popular Mechanics

Original manuscript of Newton's laws of motion now online

CAM: Taxpayer money spent on studies with questionable scientific value -

Psychedelic gecko highlights diversity hotspot › News in Science (ABC Science)

Why cows like to chew over things together | Education | The Guardian

Fear of snakes? This could be why | COSMOS magazine

BBC News - Resistant bed-bugs 'from tropics'

Sorry! Orange Juice Will Not Cure Your Cold - Blog

Babies born with no eyes: Scientists identify genetic cause | Science Codex

Intestine crucial to function of immune cells, research shows

World's smallest frogs discovered in New Guinea

BBC Nature - Bloodless erections for big birds, say researchers

Scandinavians’ Strange Holiday Lutefisk Tradition | People & Places | Smithsonian Magazine

Future of Technology - Robots pop popcorn, make sandwiches

Myths about religious freedom abroad - The Hill's Congress Blog

Kari Ansari: A New Lowe for Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Muslim countries target free speech — with help from the U.S. -

A Humanist Bible? » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

American privilege rots an empire from within - Caixin Online - MarketWatch

The man who predicted the European debt crisis - The Washington Post

Pierpaolo Barbieri: The Rumors Of The Euro’s Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated | The New Republic

Our decade from hell will get worse in 2012 - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

10 Favorite Stocks for 2012 -

Why You Should Buy Japanese Stocks -

Doing well by doing good - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

The Limits of Bigger Penalties in Fighting Financial Crime -

Blinded by the ‘animal spirits’ myth | Features | Fundweb

Why Unemployment Is Worse Than You Think — The American Magazine

RealClearMarkets - What Is Rich and Poor In America?

Occupy Wall Street And The Myth Of The 99% - Forbes

Wall Street is its own worst enemy -

Five things Wall Street won’t tell you | Big Read | Investing | Financial Post

For Obama campaign, reasons for optimism - The Washington Post

In U.S., Fear of Big Government at Near-Record Level

RealClearPolitics - A Brokered GOP Convention? Don't Bet on It

Gingrich Vs. Obama: American Exceptionalism Vs. The Reconquest Of America By Europe - Forbes

Jon Huntsman's Path to Victory -

Opinion: Obama or Clinton better for blacks? - L. Douglas Wilder -

Arrest Bill Clinton! - The Washington Post

Jonathan Macey: Congress's Phony Insider Trading Reform -

Review & Outlook: The Cellulosic Ethanol Debacle -

Don't be Scrooge: Congress should extend unemployment benefits

Editorials | Senate Republicans ignore U.S. consumer financial protection — again | Seattle Times Newspaper

Air of desperation in Democrats' attempts to roll back voter laws |

Doyle McManus: President Obama sides with the 99% -

CURL: Election 2012 by the numbers (take 2) - Washington Times

Obama’s 2012 Reelection Strategy: Blame the Republicans - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets - Exactly What Is Crony Capitalism, Anyway?

RealClearPolitics - Obama's New Focus on Democracy, Human Rights

Islamism: 21st century Communism - JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Michael Tomasky: After Saturday Night’s Debate, Is It the End of Mitt? - The Daily Beast

Five myths about Ron Paul - The Washington Post

Annual Deficit Will Absolutely Top $1 Trillion in 2012 | RedState

Daily Kos: House votes on payroll tax extension plan today

Romney Says Obama Was "only President" To Cut Medicare. That's Hypocritical -- And Flat-out False. | The New Republic

The Trouble With Debates (II) -

The Political One Percent of the One Percent - Sunlight Foundation


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Is Europe's Crisis Infecting the Global Economy?

12th)Real Clear Markets - Video - iPad 3 on the Way?

Real Clear Markets - Video - In 2012, Cash May Be King, But Equities Take Crown

Real Clear Markets - Video - Neel Kashkari: Bailing Out Europe

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Euro Is Saved? Yeah Right.

*13 Dec.

American Minute for December 13th

December 13th in History

December 13 Events in History

December 13th This Day in History

Today in History: December 13

This Day in History for 13th December

Today in History: December 13

Today in History for Dec. 13th - YouTube


The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, December, 12, 2011

12/12 The Mark Levin Show

13TH Jesse Peterson Radio Show

12TH Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-12, Monday

The Manning Report – 12 December 2011

The Michael Savage Show 12/12/2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-12-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-12-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-12-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-12-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-12-11 Hr 3

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