A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

12 December 2011

12 DEC.


Grateful Dead Radio



Yemen's Awakening?
Chinese Executions Exposed By Rare Photos
Israel's Closing Window To Strike Iran
Increased U.S. Drone Strikes Questioned
Eurozone Leaders Are Tackling The 'Heart Of The Problem'
Three Women Share Nobel Peace Prize.
U.S. Vacates Pakistan Airbase.
Iran Says It Will Not Return U.S. Drone
Medvedev Orders Probe On Alleged Election Fraud
U.S. Hostage, 14, Escapes In Philippine Jungle
Occupy Moscow
A Plan To Save The Eurozone
Campaign 2012: Arab Revolutions
The Egyptian Revolution Is Unfinished
Huntsman On China's Currency Manipulation


Obama On U.S. Drone Captured By Iran: "We've Asked For It Back"
RCP's Bevan, Conroy, Cannon And Trende On GOP Debate, 2012
Wasserman Schultz: Obama Inherited Bad Economy "Thanks To GOP Policies Under Bush"
DNC Chair Denies Unemployment Has Gone Up Under Obama
Newt Gingrich Responds To Glenn Beck
Perry Web Video Slams Romney For $10,000 Bet
Ron Paul Web Ad: Newt Gingrich Is Selling Access
DNC Web Video: Romney Out Of Touch "Ten Thousand Times Over"
Romney: 10K Bet "Outrageous Number To Answer An Outrageous Charge"
Ron Paul: Romney, Gingrich "Support The Status Quo"
Sen. McConnell Expects Payroll Tax Cut Deal With Obama

11 Dec.

Perry: Romney's $10,000 Bet Shows He Is "Out Of Touch"
President Obama Talks Economy And 2012 On "60 Minutes"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On What Candidates Haven't Discussed Yet
"This Week" Roundtable On ABC's Saturday Night Debate, Iowa
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Last Night's Debate, Gingrich
Glenn Beck: Supporting Gingrich Over Obama "Must Be About Race"
SNL Mocks Al Sharpton And MSNBC Show



What does your phone number spell?(


"Monday Morning" by Fleetwood Mac - Grooveshark

"I Don't Like Mondays" by The Boomtown Rats - Grooveshark

"Come Monday" by Jimmy Buffett - Grooveshark

"Monday Monday" by The Mamas & the Papas - Grooveshark

"Blue Monday" by Fats Domino - Grooveshark

"Stormy Monday" by T-Bone Walker - Grooveshark

"Manic Monday" by Bangles - Grooveshark


Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-11, Sunday


Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3



Search Engine(


Ron Paul Highlights at the ABC News / Yahoo Iowa GOP Debate

Ron Paul Proposes Interesting Salary For Himself As President

Sherrie Questioning All: Senator Levin revealed - It was Obama who required the Indefinite Detainment Bill INCLUDE U.S. Citizens as part of the wording!

Made in America: What's In Your Home? - YouTube

Made in America: Manufacturing Worker - YouTube

The call to release Nikola Tesla's Research-Jan. 7th 2012 - YouTube

Organic Gardening 101 | How to Start an Organic Garden | Natural Society

Carlson School of Management Flash Mob, Deck the Halls - YouTube

Tanja Hols, Janitor In German Library, Finds Historic Coins Possibly Worth Millions


Visualizing Radiation in Red Dots | EX-SKF


Witness - Tendenko: Surviving the Tsunami - YouTube


57 MIN./Surviving the Tsunami - YouTube


Fukushima Prefecture's Latest "Decon" Technology: Leaf Collector | EX-SKF


Plutonium brings no real chance of prosperity - The Mainichi Daily News

Violence At The Door Of President Abbas, Video « Kawther Salam

Aggression Is Closing On Syria | Intifada Palestine

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: The United States of Denial

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Netanyahu lies through his teeth

The Chosen Criminal Elite - YouTube

North Korea is not so Isolated - Harpal Brar - YouTube

CNN 'WAR' Subliminal Mind Control In 'World Report' Logo - Pic

Jerusalem-Altar of Sacrifice - YouTube




Pilots For 9/11 Truth(


Paul Drockton: Mormons, Homosexuals and Pedophiles

Paul Drockton: Radicalizing Dissent

Paul Drockton: Tavistock and False Prophecies

Paul Drockton: Utah Illuminati Hammered by Windstorm

Mystery Babylon and the Coming Darkness. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Our Mysterious and Variable Sun |

BFP Exclusive- Developing Story: Hundreds of US-NATO Soldiers Arrive & Begin Operations on the Jordan-Syria Border

The CIA's most secret prison revealed — RT

C.I.A. Leaves Pakistan Base Used for Drone Strikes -

SOPA, the NDAA, and Patent-Trolling: Why Americans Need a Civil Liberties Caucus - Forbes

Iran demands Afghanistan explanation about U.S. drone - Tehran Times

Fars News Agency :: Iran to Respond to "Battlefield 3" with "Attack on Tel Aviv" Computer Game

What Is 'Security'?

Microsoft Can Remotely Kill Purchased Apps | News & Opinion |

Teen Sex May Affect Brain Development, Study Suggests | Fox News

The world's smelliest frogs are a treasure trove of antibiotics

Telegraph | Error 404 | Sorry, the page you have requested is not available

Tearful Egyptian PM: Economy ‘worse than anyone imagines’ - The Globe and Mail

Wild monkeys to carry forest fallout monitors | The Japan Times Online

Congressman Edward Markey - Dec. 9, 2011: New Report Details Conspiracy to Delay, Weaken US Nuclear Safety in Wake of Fukushima

Testosterone Pit - Home - Sarkozy: “The Risk That Europe Will Explode”

Overhead Bin - 'Strip search' claims prompt call for advocate at US airports

Ron Paul: Gingrich taking Freddie Mac money 'immoral' - The Hill's Video

US election 2012: Mitt Romney 'out of touch' after he bets Rick Perry $10,000 during debate - Telegraph

Palestinians tell Gingrich to learn history after 'invented people' claim | World news |

Iran refuses to hand back US drone - Telegraph

Police employ Predator drone spy planes on home front -

Patrick Cockburn: Wars without victory equal an America without influence - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Stuck in the Chimney | Opinion Maker

HUNTING THE HUNTER: LEARNING FROM IRAN | Opinion Maker - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Does this picture spell doom for wind power?

Keeping out of the sun 'is bringing rickets back' as cases increase fivefold in 14 years | Mail Online

Ron Paul says Bush was thrilled with 9/11 — RT

CIA spy plane loss exposes covert US-Iran conflict | The Salt Lake Tribune

Activist Post: The Norwegian Bilderberger Scam

Dr. Don Huber Talks about Genetically-Engineered Foods - How Kulture is Contrived

Morris Rant - The Fed's Aims are Deviance & Assimilation - YouTube

Natur-Med Hot Springs and Health Resort

Rocket car fulled by Coke and Mentos breaks distance record travelling 239 feet | Mail Online

Cancer 'timebomb' fear linked to chemical used in paint and dye industry | Society | The Observer

Google satellite images expose America's military secrets? | Mail Online

Shockingly Unshocking: Two Congressional Staffers Who Helped Write SOPA/PIPA Become Entertainment Industry Lobbyists | Techdirt

Revolutionary Politics : Busted! Fox News CPAC Ron Paul Video Deception

Smart Meter Man Chased Off Property, Cambria, California - YouTube

US and European Economic Crisis: Signs of Disintegration | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Sherrie Questioning All: Explosive Interview Jim Willie "JP Morgan Crashed MF Global to Avert COMEX Failure, they stole all the accounts that were going to take delivery"

Activist Post: EPA Admits Fracking Causing Groundwater Pollution

New 9/11 Eyewitness Evidence of Bombs at WTC - YouTube

Activist Post: The Spirit of Revolution

Eviction Addiction: OWS vs drones, LRADs & undercover agents - YouTube

BREAKING: Reports Claim US Troops Deploying on Jordan-Syria Border :

The Vote Heard Round the World -- The Video - YouTube

Anti-Neocons • Ex-chief of Fukushima nuclear plant has cancer: TEPCO

Mike Rivero on Islam and Muslims - YouTube

Afghan History Suppressed: Part I: Islamists, Heroin and the CIA :

The choice for US voters in November 2012: ruin the Republican Party or the USA > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

Press freedom-Double Standards-12-10-2011 - YouTube

Boy slept for up to 19 HOURS a day after reaction to flu jab | Mail Online

Pakistan to down American drones, US promises more strikes — RT

Getting America Out of War: Imran Khan Interviewed by Sir David Frost | Veterans Today

Huge potentially inhabited water lake found on Jupiter moon • The Register

Police employ Predator drone spy planes on home front -

Activist Post: In a World of Violence and Oppression, Peace and Freedom are Extremist Views

Activist Post: Drones Officially Take Flight For Domestic Law Enforcement, Heralding a New Level of the Police State

PressTV - Global currency war escalates over Euro

How Low Can US Candidates go Pandering for Money … | Intifada Palestine

Facebook Page Removed After Uploading Video Exposing Obviously Skewed Barbara Walters Interview With Assad :

Wall Street Propagandists Scramble To Cover US Ties to Russian Protesters -

America's "Democratic Dictatorship": The Defense Authorization Act will Destroy The Bill of Rights

Corruption and Crony Capitalism in Washington is worse than many realize | MyFDL

World War 3: A Natural Resource War :

Media Spin: O’Reilly Technically Assaults Man, Then Claims Assault By OWS :

Revolutionary Politics : Is Newt Gingrich Slamming Palestinians To Win Over Evangelical Voters?

Revolutionary Politics : Iran Pre-war: 'Israel is an American military base'


How Secure Is My Password?(


Mitt Romney Has ‘Heated’ Exchange With Bog Garon on Gay Marriage |

Big Man Throws Scottish Passenger Off Train | Video |

Climate Conference Deal Delays Emission Reduction Enforcement Until 2020 | Video |

How Much Does Someone Need to Earn to be ‘Rich’? This Recent Poll may Surprise You |

NY Times Takes a Look at Megyn Kelly |

Kagan Recuses Herself From Arizona Immigration Case |

Naked Man Tackled by Police Dog After Stealing Hummer Limo | Video |

Homeowner’s Association Steals Family’s Virgin Mary Statue | Video |

Travel Chanel Decides Not to Air Krampus Christmas Cartoon | Video |

Scavenging Soros: Market Speculator Buys Up $2 Billion of MF Global’s Debt | Video |

Occupy Protestors Plan Port Shutdown From Anchorage to San Diego |

Obama on 60 Minutes | Video |

Police Believe Paul Kim Violently Beat Parents’ Son With Their Permission |

AP Fact Check: Plenty to Question in GOP Debate |

Caught on Camera: Tanker Explodes at Gas Station | Video |

French far-right group has message in menu |

Netanyahu to Host Regular Bible Study Groups in Official Israeli Prime Minister’s Residence |

US to Open an Unmanned Border Crossing With Mexico |

Teachers Upset Over Lamont School District Elementary Students Reciting Pledge of Allegiance in Both English and Spanish | Video |

Chinese Hacks Can be Traced Back to 12 Groups |

Iran Says It Won’t Return Captured U.S. Spy Drone |

Paterno Hospitalized |

Most Expensive Road in the World: Severn Road Hong Kong |

Lawmakers Push for Passenger Advocates at Airports During TSA Security Screenings |

Opposition grows to Occupy's port shutdown plan

Help Rand Paul Defeat Obama's Million Rifle Ban! - National Association for Gun Rights

After Perry attack, Obama displays Christian faith | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Mitt Romney: Islam is not an inherently violent faith | Iowa Caucuses

Males Exposed to BPA Plastic Less Attractive to Females. |

Back to an electric future for cars -

85 busted as Brooklyn district attorney’s Project Tzedek targets child-sex predators in Orthodox Jewish community -

Sharpton’s civil-rights group juggling tax woes -

Setai South Beach Penthouse Sells for $21.5M; Shatters Multiple Records | South Beach Condos Blog

Newt Gingrich: Selling Access - YouTube

Movie audiences shrink below post-Sept. 11 level

Democrats encouraged about Obama in 2012

Police employ Predator drone spy planes on home front -

Obama to slash National Guard force on U.S.-Mexico border - Washington Times

U.S. Proposes Unmanned Border Entry With Mexico | Fox News

Billionaire Prokhorov to Challenge Putin - Bloomberg

Police to test laser that 'blinds rioters' - Telegraph

Friends say Hollywood shooter had tough breakup - Yahoo! News

Media-shy Chelsea Clinton explains her new role as television journalist for one of America's biggest networks - Telegraph

Taliban recapture U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl after 3 days on the run | Mail Online

Obama: 'It Doesn't Really Matter' Who GOP Nominates - George E. Condon Jr. -

Pants on the Ground! School Hands Out Belts to Stop Sag | NBC Miami

Supreme Court to decide Arizona immigration law | Reuters


Wonkbook: The real unemployment rate is 11 percent - The Washington Post

New Romney website hits Gingrich as 'unreliable' - Washington Times

Michelle Obama breaks jumping jacks record - New Orleans News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - FOX 8 Live WVUE-TV Channel 8

Xavier and Cincinnati basketball players brawl on court | Mail Online


+Unreliable Leader(


*1:3:12/Eustace Mullins - Secrets of The Federal Reserve (FULL) - YouTube


poorrichards blog: Everything Happening Now Was Planned Before 9/11

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "Wise Thing To Do Is To Follow Our Founders & Not Pretend We Know Who The "Bad People" Are


Revolutionary Politics : Proof Israel Did 9/11 by Alan Sabrosky Pt 1

Revolutionary Politics : Proof Israel Did 9/11 by Alan Sabrosky Pt 2


Revolutionary Politics : Congressman Eric Cantor Blocking Vote On Congressional Insider Trading Bill


O'Reilly Leaving Newt Fundraiser - YouTube

Bill O'Reilly on his ''Umbrella'' Incident - YouTube


Video: All Pay Homage to Ron Paul - "Freedom brings people together!" | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

If Silver Goes Down All Hell Will Break Loose In The Physical Market: Silver Investment Update - YouTube

Warning - 'We Control Americans' A Hoax Quote?


RFK: An Open And Shut Case - Robert Joling 1 of 3 - YouTube

RFK: An Open And Shut Case - Robert Joling 2 of 3 - YouTube

RFK: An Open And Shut Case - Robert Joling 3 of 3 - YouTube


*37 MIN./The Ethical Case Against Intellectual Property (by David Koepsell) - YouTube


Holder may be holding on to private emails about Fast and Furious

Pakistan: NATO Blockade May Last for Several Weeks -- News from

No One Telling Who Took $586B in Fed Swaps - Bloomberg

Dire Consequences As Global Growth Grinds To A Halt - Forbes

Gingrich’s Electromagnetic Pulse Warning Has Skeptics -

Lindsey Graham: Consumer Protection Bureau 'Is Something Out Of The Stalinist Era'

Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011 by NaturalSociety |

7 Bizarre Trends That Predict an Economic Collapse |

Russian billionaire and Nets owner to run for president

Gingrich surges in South Carolina and Florida - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Obama Meets Maliki to Chart Broad Shifts in Iraq -

Gunman’s Family Apologizes - The Daily Beast

BBC News - Higgs boson: Excitement builds over 'glimpses' at LHC

World's smallest steam engine comes to life | TG Daily

208 species discovered — in just one year - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

Home invasion suspects nabbed with help of iPhone

Whooping cough cases increasing across Chicago area

Long wait may be over for Rivera family

Chicago Traffic New master plan emerges to transform Union Station

Putin recalculates as politics makes a comeback in Russia (video)

Panama's Noriega back home behind bars. - YouTube

Noriega begins serving time in Panama

Egypt Islamists offer vision for sin-free tourism

Iran Almost Done Decoding US Drone

Ex-French PM Villepin Runs for President

Newt Gingrich doubles down on assertion that Palestinians are an 'invented people'

S. Korea to light 3 huge Xmas trees in defiance of North

Pakistan PM: President may be out for 2 weeks

Kidnapped 14-year-old Filipino-American is free

Peru Will Hire Consultants to Review Newmont Gold Project

Occupy activists on West Coast try shutting down ports

GOP debate in one minute - YouTube

High Court to Decide on Arizona Immigration Law

Obama's Take on Wall Street Prosecutions

Suspect faces murder charges in shooting of NY police officer

Huntsman's Campaign Doesn't Seem to Have Much Money

Ex-Naval Officer Gets Prison Time for 9-11 Fraud

Giffords' Former Intern Takes School Board Seat

Gun from passenger's bag in Atlanta airport accidentally fired

Texas Department Regroups After Blaze Destroys Station

At least 1 hurt in gas explosion in Skokie building

Ex-Mo. deputy charged after shootout with police

San Francisco Boosts Minimum Wage

Time-off ploy that doesn't work: memorial ad for mom who's alive

Ex-Ind. utility chief indicted over ethics flap

How to Pay For the Payroll Tax Cut

Conroy’s exit from US Senate race increases odds that Elizabeth Warren avoids primary - Metro - The Boston Globe

Glenn Beck Abandons Tea Party: Says Supporting Gingrich Over Obama "Must Be About Race" | Ology

US Stocks Fall on Moody's Review

200 Occupy protesters threatened with arrest at Port of Long Beach

Gold set for largest fall in three months

Oil prices fall near $98 on EU concerns

US trustee objects to Lehman's hiring of Gleacher for Archstone deal


U.S. Training Center - (


Blackwater (Xe) @

Xe Watch:

Blackwater Watch(


Trying to overcome Blackwater: the case file on ACADEMI CEO Ted Wright – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

Blackwater 3.0: Rebranded 'Academi' Wants Back In Iraq | Danger Room |


One Million Mobile Apps, and Counting at a Fast Pace

Google's Opt-In Facial Recognition Avoids Facebook's Missteps

Google doodle honors Silicon Valley pioneer Robert Noyce

'Steve Jobs' tops Amazon's list of 10 best-selling books of 2011

Men in Black 3 Trailer in the Wild—Here's What We Learned...

Lohan Parties in Hawaii After Losing Purse

Lowes In Hot Water Over Pulling Advertising From TLC's All American Muslim

Justin Bieber Joins President Obama For 'Christmas In Washington'

Mindy McCready Put Son Through a 'Nightmare,' Says Ex

Michael Jackson Memorabilia Up For Auction

The Problem with HBO's 'Luck'

Meryl Streep Covers 'Vogue' January 2012

'Lost' Doctor Who episodes from 1960s returned to BBC

Lindsay Lohan tells Playboy she's learned from her mistakes

Miley Cyrus - "The Climb" Live (CNN Heroes) - YouTube

Psychedelic gecko found in SE Asia - YouTube

Higgs Boson: What is it, and why is everyone so excited about the 'God Particle?'

SpaceX to Make ISS Endeavor in February 2012

Greenland 'lurched upward' in 2010 as 100bn tons of ice melted

NASA Has Lost Hundreds of Its Moon Rocks, New Report Says

Few scientists would back up Rick Perry's global warming claims

Gypsum deposit on Mars provides definitive evidence of water

The United States as an Arctic Actor

U.S. FDA Will Rule on Emergency Contraceptives by Tomorrow, Lawyer Says

Newt Gingrich's changing stance on health-care mandates (Fact Checker biography)


*1:36:13/The Silent Revolution of Truth HD UFO Film - UFOs and Prophecies from Outer Space - YouTube


** - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts - Home

**They Fly UFO Blog Billy Meier Plejaren Contactee BEAM


**The Michael Horn Show on USTREAM: Michael Horn is the: Authorized American Media Representative The Billy Meier Contacts

**Archived LIVE Videos of The Michael Horn Show on USTREAM, page 1 of 2 - Captured live broadcasts and Streaming Video re-airings


+2:35:05/Coast To Coast AM: 11.12.2011 - ET Messages: Billy Meier's ET Info - YouTube


2:41:00/Coast To Coast Am: 10.12.2011 - Free Will & the Brain - YouTube

40 min./INFOWARS.COM - The Coming Cashless Society with Writer John B. Wells. - YouTube

2:35:00/C2CAM - 2011.10.30 - The Cosmic War - YouTube

1:57:00/Coast to Coast AM - Stephen Quayle: Angel Wars (Secret Forces Aligned Against Humanity). - YouTube

2:36:00/C2CAM - 2011.10.28 - Satanism & Black Magic - YouTube

2:34:36/C2CAM - 2011.11.13 - WWII Secrets - YouTube

2:38:00/Coast To Coast AM 9-11-2011 Show - Unraveling 9/11 with Journalist Russ Baker - YouTube


2012 Apocalypse Fears Unfounded, NASA Says | Myths 2012 World Will End | 2012 Mayan Calendar, Planetary Alignment & Nibiru |

Rats display human-like empathy and will help rodents in distress - Telegraph

How to Act Like a Psychopath without Really Trying [Excerpt]: Scientific American

Rest Your Fears: Big Earthquakes Not on the Rise | Japan Earthquake & Tsunami | Mega-Earthquakes Not Rising | Earthquake Clusters & Earthquake Triggers | LiveScience

Is covert technology used to create balls of light in the sky? | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

NASA Has Lost Hundreds of Its Moon Rocks, New Report Says | Apollo Program & NASA Moon Missions | Moon Rocks, Lunar Samples & Astromaterials |

Google+ rolling out facial recognition feature

Bunyips, serpents & other creatures lurking beneath our waters | weirdaustralia

Conflicting Indicators on Gulf of Maine Cod Stocks -

Conspiracy Calls: Paranoid Telephonic Bugs and MIB Surveillance | Mysterious Universe

President Obama On 60 Minutes: Recovery ‘Will Likely Take More Than One President’ | Mediaite

Glenn Beck: The Tea Party Supporting Gingrich Over Obama ‘Must Be About Race’ | Mediaite

George Will Newt Gingrich | Newt Gingrich Mitt Romney | Video | Mediaite

At Length: John Bolton discusses nuclear Iran | The Right Scoop

DNC Chair: Unemployment has not gone up under Obama | The Right Scoop

RNC Ad: Obama worried about his job, not yours | The Right Scoop

John Bolton on the greatest misconception that Democrats have about Republicans | The Right Scoop

Newt in 2006 backs up claim that Palestinians are invented | The Right Scoop

About time: SNL mocks Al Sharpton on MSNBC show | The Right Scoop

Rick Perry on Fox News Sunday | The Right Scoop

Michele Bachmann takes on Newt/Romney | The Right Scoop

CBS: 75% believe country headed in wrong direction | The Right Scoop

Ron Paul "Wise Thing To Do Is To Follow Our Founders & Not Pretend We Know Who The "Bad People" Are - YouTube

Eviction Addiction: OWS vs drones, LRADs & undercover agents - YouTube

'EU uses euro collapse threat to blackmail taxpayers' - YouTube

Keiser Report: Gold-for-Bonds & Debts-for-What?! (E221) - YouTube

Establishment Tea Party Activist Supports Romney Presidential Bid

Economic Elites Strip Away European Sovereignty

Prison » Syria’s Bashar Assad Speaks to Western Press


46 min./Full Interview President Bashar al-Assad with Barbara Walters from ABC News - YouTube


'Syria intervention proxy attack on Iran' - YouTube

Marc Morano: World Government Built on Eco-Fascism to Control All - YouTube

Ron Paul "Wise Thing To Do Is To Follow Our Founders & Not Pretend We Know Who The "Bad People" Are - YouTube

Prison » Report: Iran To Practice Closing Strait Of Hormuz

No One Telling Who Took $586B in Fed Swaps - Bloomberg

Prison » Poll: Ron Paul sits in top-tier in South Carolina, Florida

Prison » Obama Administration Demanded Power To Indefinitely Detain U.S. Citizens

Scavenging Soros: Market Speculator Buys Up $2 Billion of MF Global’s Debt | Video |

Prison » S. African activist slams UN’s ‘Green Climate Fund’

Prison » Doomed to Fail: Wrecking Europe’s Monetary System to Fix It

Prison » Drones Officially Take Flight For Domestic Law Enforcement

US vacates air base in Pakistan: officials

Prison » Obama Raises the Military Stakes: Confrontation on the Borders with China and Russia

Prison » Rand Paul Warns GOP Voters: Gingrich, Romney Are Not Conservatives

OECD detects world economy slowing down | The Raw Story

US protests boost sales and fears of sonic blaster - Americas - World - The Independent

Gingrich: 'Unconstitutional' Insurance Mandate 'Started As Conservative Effort to Stop Hillarycare' |

Lawmakers Push for Passenger Advocates at Airports During TSA Security Screenings |

Some depressed people do worse on drugs: study | The Raw Story

Police to test laser that 'blinds rioters' - Telegraph

Prison » Epilepsy Foundation warning shows that television, movies can reprogram brain neurology

Top China official urges more 'forceful' web controls

GOP DEABATE: 12/10/12

Watch the full ABC Republican Debate | The Right Scoop

*FULL ABC/Yahoo Republican debate - 12/10 - YouTube


Ron Paul Has A Ceiling Of Support! Al Gore - YouTube


Lord Christopher Monckton: The Coming New International Climate Court 1/2 - YouTube

Lord Christopher Monckton: The Coming New International Climate Court 2/2 - YouTube


*film:Fall of the Republic - YouTube

*film:Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined - YouTube


» S. African activist slams UN’s ‘Green Climate Fund’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Administration Demanded Power To Indefinitely Detain U.S. Citizens Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Proof Obama will sign NDAA 1031 Citizen Imprisonment Law in a few days - YouTube

» Report: Iran To Practice Closing Strait Of Hormuz Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russian Protesters Encounter Surveillance UAV

» Establishment Tea Party Activist Supports Romney Presidential Bid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Goldman Sachs dictatorship: Hitler’s dream Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'Goldman Sachs dictatorship - Hitler's dream' - YouTube

The Daily Bell - BIS Calls for Hyperinflationary Depression?

Iran ready to clone US drone — RT

Video of the US RQ-170 Sentinel Spy Plane Landing in Iran - YouTube

TSA thought woman's back brace was a money belt | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

» How Will Change Come About? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » This Is What Your ATM Will Look Like During a Bank Panic *Video*

Prison » Spencer Ackerman Says Pakistan is “Schizophrenic About Terrorism.” So is America.

Congress hits a new low in approval ratings, poll finds -

Bank Of International Settlements Calls for Hyperinflationary Depression? -

Scavenging Soros: Market Speculator Buys Up $2 Billion of MF Global’s Debt | Video |

The Pretext for a North American Homeland Security Perimeter -


Auto World 12-11-11 Hr 1

Auto World 12-11-11 Hr 2

Auto World 12-11-11 Hr 3

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 12-09-11

The Doc Love Show 12-10-11

12-10-11 Dr Daliah Show Podcast

The Easy Organic Gardener 12-11-11

Herb Talk 12-10-11

Herb Talk 12-03-11

Home Talk 12-10-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 12-10-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 12-10-11 Hr 3

Korelin Economics Report 12-10-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 12-10-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 12-10-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 12-10-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 12-11-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 12-11-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 12-11-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 12-11-11 Hr 4

Radio Liberty 12-09-11 Hr 1

Radio Liberty 12-09-11 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 12-10-11 Hr 1

The Tech Night Owl Live 12-10-11 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 12-10-11 Hr 3

Travelers 411 12-10-11 Hr 1

Travelers 411 12-10-11 Hr 2

Travelers 411 12-10-11 Hr 3

World Crisis Radio 12-10-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 12-10-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-10-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-10-11 Hr 2


Ron Paul Lands Punches in ABC Debate

Ann Coulter's Liberal Love Affair

Ron Paul Warns of Coming Global Meltdown

Ron Paul vs Newt Gingrich on Fidelity - A Matter of Consideration Before the Iowa Caucuses

I am sorry, But I can no longer defend the Republican Party

Credit-Default Swaps ARE Insurance

Sheriff in Hood's Clothing

Debbie Schlussel:Jihad: Shooter in Hollywood Rampage Yelled “allahu Akbar” – Terrorist Attack

Debbie Schlussel:Newt Gingrich Absolutely Right About Invented “Palestinians” But. . .: The Debate & Grover

Our First Liberty

Is Colin Powell a Republican?

The Rich Are Not Conservative

That 'Conscience Thing'

The Differences between Corporate Greed and Government Greed

Islamists, Dictators, and Bad Choices

The Incontrovertible Inconvenient Truth about Israel

Voter Fraud for the Complete Idiot

Attorney General Milo Minderbinder

Is Job Loss Economically Damaging?

Americans Elect: Early Dirty Tricks

President Obama Unfairly Defines 'Fairness'

Scott Walker recall supporter brags 'I think I signed about 80 times'

Gingrich or the Palestinians; One of Them is Delusional

If you don't sweat the presidency, you'll get four more years of Obama

The frightening real goals of an invented people

OWS port shut down plan appears to be a failure

'God Particle' glimpsed at Hadron

The Iran War. Get Used to It.

Gingrich's Citizenship Problem

Newt's Rise: It's the Persuasion, Stupid

A Shameful State Department Initiative

Romney: Guilty of Wealth

Actually, Health Care Costs Are Under Control

Don't Sweat the Presidency, Focus on Congress

Michele Bachmann Fights Like A Girl

The Twelve Days of Durban

Washington Post converts to conservation?

The Prince Of Peace

WAPO Slanders U.S. Military in Iraq

Mortgage Meltdown

Court: Process more important than EPA health claims

The wind turbine syndrome has become pandemic.

The Prisoner

America’s Communist President

Silencing the Watchdogs of Religious Freedom: Durbin’s War on the USCIRF

Iran Conducting Anti-U.S. Operations in Latin America

Obama can cure the deaf, dumb, and blind

Occupy DC is peaceful, nonviolent, & transparent - YouTube

Police Face No Punishment After Flash-Banging & Severely Burning Innocent Mother In Illegal No-Knock Raid - informationliberation

Police State Mercenaries Ruin More Lives Than They Protect - informationliberation

MPAA Boss: If The Chinese Censor The Internet Without A Problem, Why Can't The US? - informationliberation

A Fast and Furious String of Government Failures - informationliberation

Taxation by Citation - informationliberation

Blago's Saga - informationliberation

Obama Gets Real - informationliberation

BE YOUR OWN LEADER: The Pretext for a North American Homeland Security Perimeter

Activist Post: Facebook page removed after uploading video exposing obviously skewed Barbara Walters interview with Assad

US and European Economic Crisis: Signs of Disintegration | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: EPA Admits Fracking Causing Groundwater Pollution

Activist Post: Australia Embraces Technocracy with Biometric Employee Time and Attendance System

Activist Post: Survival and The Survival Knife: Everything You Need to Know and More

Activist Post: A Dangerous Woman -- Indefinite Detention at Carswell


+College Mate: Obama Was an “Ardent” “Marxist-Leninist”


The Excavator: Existence of Military Detention Centers Signals America's Descent Into Martial Law

Preppers Are Now Considered To Be Potential Terrorists?

Interview: Jim Sinclair on Gold and the World Financial System | Ron Hera | FINANCIAL SENSE

» UN Calls For Eco-Fascist World Government At Durban Summit Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

27. Your Indoctrination | Don't Tread On Me

DNA: The next big hacking frontier - The Washington Post


Obama, Iraqi PM Announce 'New Relationship'

Obama Raises the Military Stakes: Confrontation on the Borders with China and Russia

America's Covert War Against Iran. Do 'All Options' Mean Nukes?

#Occupy4Children: The Illegal and Immoral US-led invasions against the World's Children

Washington's Alliance with "Moderate Islam": Containing Rebellion, Defending Empire

Doomed to Fail: Wrecking Europe's Monetary System to Fix It

Fall 1941: Pearl Harbor and The Wars of Corporate America

America's "Democratic Dictatorship": The Defense Authorization Act will Destroy The Bill of Rights

Joe Biden Drafted the Core of the Patriot Act in 1995 … Before the Oklahoma City Bombing

Secret US-French drone base in Libya?

Is Al Jazeera a Distant Cousin of the New York Times?!

Breaking-BFP Video Report: US Troops Deploying on Jordan-Syrian Border

Syria: The Not So Long Ago Cherished US Partner in Intelligence, Rendition & Torture Operations

Wars Without Victory Equal an America Without Influence

The Real Definition of Terrorism

Bankers are the Dictators of the West

So What Shall We Ruin in November 2012?

Americans' Net Worth Plummets as Corporations Stockpile Cash

Why Is Eric Cantor Blocking the Congressional Insider Trading Act?

The Most Important News Story of the Day/Millennium

The Goal is Not to Occupy it is to End Corporate Rule

Must we Permit the US Military to Detain Americans Without Trial?

Rare Photographs Show Ground Zero of the Drone War | Danger Room |

Moon Express Inc. has plans to mine the lunar surface -

Police employ Predator drone spy planes on home front -

Supreme Court to decide Arizona immigration law | The Raw Story

Harvard lawyer: SOPA is unconstitutional | The Raw Story

Tea party group compares Obama to a skunk | The Raw Story

Anti-gay GOP politician donates sperm to lesbians | The Raw Story

Former Gov. Granholm predicts surge for Ron Paul | The Raw Story

Life possible on ‘large parts’ of Mars: study | The Raw Story

Japan launches new spy satellite | The Raw Story

Man Says He Has Proof He’s Been ‘Chipped’ | American Free Press

Plans to Replace U.S. Workers With Robots Advance Rapidly | American Free Press

Lawman Richard Mack Tells Sheriffs: You Can Fight NWO at County Level | American Free Press

No One Telling Who Took $586B in Fed Swaps - Bloomberg

Blundering SWAT team staged dawn raid on a suspect who was already in jail | Mail Online

Analysis: Loophole in blood diamond monitoring scheme exposed | Reuters

Book from Hitler’s library pulled from auction | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Tiniest babies are growing up healthy despite odds - Yahoo! News

Chewing gum before tests improves scores | Mail Online

They Never Learn by Justin Raimondo --

The US national security smokescreen | Nancy Goldstein | Comment is free |

Terrorists as Warriors: The Fatal Confusion at the Heart of the 'War on Terror' by Andy Worthington

Indefinite Detention of American Citizens: Coming Soon to Battlefield U.S.A. | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

A 'New START' to an arms race between the US and Russia? -

U.S.-listed firms told to reveal Syria, Iran links: FT - Yahoo! News

Overhead Bin - 'Strip search' claims prompt call for advocate at US airports

Alone in the Wilderness (video)

The National Defense Authorization Act Opens the Door to a Police State

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (video)

Pakistan Denies Holding Talks with Taliban

Report: Slower Growth for Major Economies

Justice Kagan Recuses Herself From Case Involving Arizona Immigration Law

Santorum: ‘You Either Care About Social Security and You Want to Fund It – Or You Don’t’

'Republicans Around the Country' Like My Ideas, Obama Says

Internal DOJ Email: Kagan Was Brought Into Loop on Mark Levin’s Obamacare Complaint

DNC Chair Falsely Claims Unemployment Has Not Increased Under Obama

Rush To GOP: 'Nobody Ever Won Anything Defending;' 'Talk To Herman Cain'

U.N. Development Agencies Accumulate Billions -- and Keep Spending a Secret

Obama argues for second term in ‘60 Minutes’ interview

GOP Leader Claims Dem Support for Payroll Tax Cut, Pipeline Package

Bolton: Iranian Jamming Technology Could Be Worse News Than Downed Drone

Oprah, Louis Farrakhan visit Haiti

Cell phone-sniffing dogs find N.J. prisoners orchestrating crime from behind bars

Shooting for the moon — to mine it | Aftermath News

The Mob Goes Green – Organized Crime Profits With New Jersey Recycling | Aftermath News

Rep. Ted Poe: Holder Should Resign for Fast and Furious Debacle

Hill Poll: GOP, Conservatives Pick Gingrich Over Romney

Thatcher Open to State Funeral

Gingrich Is Historian Who Embraces High Tech

Romney: Gingrich Should Return Freddie Mac Money

Poe: Holder 'Dodged Questions' on Fast-Furious

Evangelicals Become Huge Base for Gingrich

Rove Group Ads Target Obama's Solyndra Loan

Supreme Court to Review Ariz. Immigration Law

Trump: I Represent 'Millions'

China Backs Huge Data-theft Network Targeting U.S.

Ill. Democrats Try to Foil Union Pension Abuse Bill

Christopher Ruddy: Gingrich Genuine Conservative

Bachmann: I'm Running Against 'Newt-Romney'

Dr. Kenneth Beer: Use the Laser and Throw Away the Razor

UN Climate Fund Will Keep Developing World Poor

Newt Did Very Well in Debate — Again

Independent Run by Paul Could Guarantee Obama's Re-election

The Lunacy of Soviet Communist Central Planning by Gary North

*Detainment Camps Going Live: FEMA Seeking Subcontractors To Provide 'Temporary Camp Services' In All 50 States by Mac Slavo

Taxation by Citation by John Brennan

Is Wendy McElroy Still a Libertarian? No; She Opposes the Ron Paul Candidacy by Walter Block

My Platform If I Were Vice-President of the United States Altucher Confidential

Doing Foreign Policy by Justin Raimondo --

Blago’s Saga by Becky Akers

No More Compact Trucks… For US by Eric Peters

Tolstoy on War and State by Vasko Kohlmayer

Stand Up, Kick Off Your Shoes and Eat Some Dirt | Mark's Daily Apple

What you do in bedroom private? Not to Obama

Transgender lessons for pupils aged five: Classes will 'overload children with adult issues', say critics | Mail Online

DNA: The next big hacking frontier - The Washington Post

Bible Scholar Brent Landau Asks “Who Were the Magi”? – Bible History Daily

Air Quality Difficult to Gauge in Dustier American West -

Wal-Mart starts corruption probe - Telegraph

Learning skills like characters on The Matrix set to become a reality, say scientists | Mail Online

Explorers Say They've Found Pieces of Noah's Ark - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Thousands suggest explanations for ancie... JPost - National News

Is the Lion Man a Woman? Solving the Mystery of a 35,000-Year-Old Statue - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Obama's nightmare of a 'dream team'

GOP creating fuel for Obama

Is Newt wrong about 'Palestinians'?

The truth about 'Palestine'

Welcome to 'Liars Central': Washington, D.C.

Rezko, Blago and political machines

Is Bill Gates dealing with the devil?

Dear Cain supporters: Stay tuned

Breaking the law: Illegal or matter of opinion?

Science for the birds

Net neutrality will not kill jobs

Peace on Earth, now buy a gun

Constitutional expert: Here's what 'natural born citizen' means

Rodeo clown: Bullying about more than just homosexuality

Naturalizer Newt: Gingrich's shifting views on immigration

Is Newt wrong about 'Palestinians'?

Obama's abortion at 7-Eleven plan


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


FEMA Camps On 72 Hour Notice And Military Authorized To Arrest = Verifed | Before It's News

12/9/2011 -- FEMA camps on 72 hour notice AND military authorized to arrest = VERIFIED - YouTube


Secret Handshakes Of The Illuminati | Before It's News


Evidence Of Lost Continent Of Mu Found? Sunken Islands Could Cause Tectonic Shift In Gondwana Story | Before It's News

Cosmic Pattern Recognition - YouTube

9/11 Flight 93 Shanksville Mayor Eyewitness "No Airplane!" - YouTube

TRUCK RUNS 100 % on WATER ! but totally independent is a big word. - YouTube

Who Wrote The Reptilian Agenda? | Before It's News

Elephant Disappearance Caused The Rise Of Modern Man, Vanished From Middle East 400,000 Years Ago | Before It's News

Spiders With Brains In Their Legs Give New Meaning To Thinking On Your Feet | Before It's News

Hollywire's Biggest Crushes of 2011! | Before It's News

New Facebook Page Focuses on All Things WeeGeneration | Before It's News

Seventh Generation for the Wee Generation | Facebook


+10 Effective Ways To Complain About A Company Online | Before It's News


+Your Personal Brand Is Not About You | Before It's News

+90 Tiny Tips To Build Your Personal Brand | Before It's News


**Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & their Mind Control (Fritz Springmeier)

+The 13 Illuminati Satanic Bloodlines(

IBM and the Holocaust@

The Illuminati / Satanic Bloodlines by Fritz Springmeier(




*4:05:11/World System and the Illuminati (Fritz Springmeier) - YouTube


What is the Divine Plan for Life? – Part 1/2 | The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario

What is the Divine Plan for Life? – Part 2/2 | The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario


The Old Paradigm of Duality is Giving Way to the New Paradigm of Unity | The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario

Archangel Metatron: The Divine Man | The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario


**Propaganda Techniques to Sway Viewers | The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario


+Dark Handbook of Psyops Against Lightworkers | The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario


Rick Perry Hecklers in Ames: 'Why Do You Hate Gays so Much?'

Frum: Fox News Creates an 'Alternative Knowledge System'

Updated: Fox News Sunday: Mitch McConnell Admits CFPB Hostage-Taking

Wisconsin Activists to Stand Up to Gov. Scott Walker's Assault on Free Speech

Man-Made Avian Flu Virus More Deadly Than Scientists Expected In Mutations

Graham Calls Consumer Protection Bureau 'Something Out of the Stalinist Era'

Chris Hayes: The Curious Case of Plan B

Santorum Asks for 'Any Help' from Palin

Liz Cheney: Obama About to Snatch Defeat from Victory in Iraq

Jon Huntsman: Yes, There Is Overwhelming Scientific Evidence For Man-Made Climate Change

Perry Wants Constitutional Amendment for Prayer in Schools

Newt's Sister: 'Don't Know' Whether He Believes The Anti-Gay Things He Says

Donald, Don't Cancel Your Debate Show!

Vox Verax: Gingrich no ‘man of principle’

The Pretext for a North American Homeland Security Perimeter – Dana Gabriel |

White House Unveiling Plans on Getting Schools, Community Boards and Leaders (Churches) to “Spy for Homegrown Terrorist” |

The PRODIGAL Son of DARPA’s Warrantless Surveillance Net |

Mysteries Of The Universe: If There Was Ever A Must Read | Before It's News

* Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


**Real Clear Markets - Video - In 2012, Cash May Be King, But Equities Take Crown


In Decline, Putin's Russia Is On Its Way to Global Irrelevance - The Daily Beast

A new mirage in the Iraqi desert - The Washington Post

The moment of truth - JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

A coloured revolution in Moscow? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Playing with Fire in the Middle East | The Mark

The End of Old Europe: Why Merkel's Triumph Will Come at a High Price - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Shockingly Unshocking: Two Congressional Staffers Who Helped Write SOPA/PIPA Become Entertainment Industry Lobbyists | Techdirt

Facebook Is Making Us Miserable - Daniel Gulati - Harvard Business Review

The Twitter fraudsters | Analysis | Features | PC Pro

Welcome to Forbes

Here's Why The New Path Will Make You Want To Delete Facebook

Google Currents: Hands-On With Google's Digital News App | Fox News

Is Apple using patents to hurt open standards?

Why Spotify can never be profitable: The secret demands of record labels — Tech News and Analysis

Why Google+ will become Google's only product - Computerworld

Book Review: Rome | Whispering City | Bernini -

The real legacy of Bush v. Gore. - Slate Magazine

Going After Gore | Politics | Vanity Fair

US presidents live longer aging in office -

Nazi Memorabilia Boom: 'The People Want Souvenirs' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Leona Helmsley, the notorious Queen of Mean — Tax-Fraud Troubles — Crime Library on

Dead at 106: Oldsmobile, the nation's oldest car company - Apr. 29, 2004

Pertti Ahonen Reviews Edith Sheffer's "Burned Bridge: How The East And West Germans Made The Iron Curtain" | The New Republic


+71 PG./The Unbearable Rightness of Bush v. Gore


Barry Gewen Reviews Ned O’Gorman's "Spirits Of The Cold War" | The New Republic

Barbara Mossberg: I'm Nobody! Who Are You?

Book Review: Extra Virginity by Tom Mueller - Businessweek

Literary Review - Britain's best loved literary magazine

Pastors Double-Dare the IRS | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Newt Gingrich Pushes Faith-Based Charities At A Time When Church, State Often Work Together On Welfare

The myth that religion is more about practice than belief | Julian Baggini | Comment is free |

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Don't like nativity scenes? Here's an idea - News with a Christian Perspective | Who said Johnny Depp will go to hell?

As USCIRF Faces Possible Closure, Funding Divides Religious Freedom Experts | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Religious Belief Or Mental Illness? | Culture | Religion Dispatches

Global priest shortages, faith and reason in the U.K. and a loss in Ohio | National Catholic Reporter

American Friends of Tel Aviv University: Beating Superbugs with a High-Tech Cleanser

Late-term abortion and fetal development: My debate with Ann Furedi. - Slate Magazine

What babies learn before they're born -

Life's Extremes: Pathological Liar vs. Straight Shooter | Why We Lie | Honesty & Asperger's Syndrome | LiveScience

Can A Man Give Birth? Sure, To Kidney Stones

Fecal Transplants: They Work, the Regulations Don’t | Wired Science |

Controversial Turkish Internet Censorship Program Targets Evolution Sites - ScienceInsider

How much like Earth is Kepler's new planet? How we'll find out! : Starts With A Bang

First ancient proteome revealed : Nature News & Comment

Are Daddy Longlegs Really the Most Poisonous Spiders In the World? | The Grandaddy Longlegs Myth | Life's Little Mysteries

Study shows rats help pals escape › News in Science (ABC Science)

Humans Should Rethink Contempt for Rats - Blog

Rare gene variant implicates vitamin D in multiple sclerosis - University of Oxford

Gene therapy achieves early success against hereditary bleeding disorder

National Pride Brings Happiness—But What You’re Proud of Matters - Association for Psychological Science

RealClearMarkets - Exactly What Is Crony Capitalism, Anyway?

The Class Warfare We Need — The American Magazine

Daniel Yergin: America's New Energy Security -

The Irrational, Non-Economic Exuberance Underlying Hydraulic Fracturing - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - Fed Bashing Has Gone Too Far

American Airlines, Bankruptcy, and the Housing Bubble : The New Yorker

Streetwise: Reasons to Rally? -

102 Minutes With Nicolas Berggruen -- New York Magazine

Bernie Madoff’s Lasting Shadow, 3 Years After His Arrest -

The real problem with media ‘fact checking’ « The Enterprise Blog

Why Romney’s Not Closing the Deal « Commentary Magazine

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Gingrich Attacks Romney From the Far Left

Political Animal - Gingrich discovers the potency of Bain

Could Mitt and Newt tear each other down? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Were the Debates a Mistake?

Arizona’s Immigration Law Gets its Day in Court | FrumForum

Newt Gingrich, Intellectual | Mother Jones

Playing with fire: Obama's threat to China - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Escaping the Oil Curse - Jeffrey Frankel - Project Syndicate

Politifact: US gas versus Saudi oil: Not so much -

Editorial: Who said green was easy? Solyndra, Volt shouldn't discourage public investment in alternative energy | Detroit Free Press |

The Geopolitics of Climate Change: Will China Become the Green Superpower? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Doyle McManus: President Obama sides with the 99% -

CURL: Election 2012 by the numbers (take 2) - Washington Times

Obama’s 2012 Reelection Strategy: Blame the Republicans - The Daily Beast

Mr. Corzine Goes to Washington, With No Pull: William D. Cohan - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Obama's New Focus on Democracy, Human Rights

Martin Peretz: How Obama Is Mishandling The Violence Wracking The Muslim World | The New Republic

Why Islamists Are Better Democrats - TIME

Islamism: 21st century Communism - JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Vladimir Putin, Democracy, and Activism in Russia : The New Yorker

Will Congress Ban Corruption in Its Midst? -

Back To Work - Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy - By Bill Clinton - Book Review -

Obamacare- The Way of the Dodo - Page 1 - Michael F. Cannon - Townhall Finance

Don't pretend we know what causes climate change | World | News | Toronto Sun

Romney’s Gaffe Helps Gingrich Stay on Top « Commentary Magazine

Could a Dark Horse Win? - Brian Bolduc - National Review Online

GOP hopefuls guided by Social Darwinism

Government, AT&T ask judge to stay merger fight

Protests boost sales and fears of sonic blaster

Tea party group drops depiction of Obama as skunk

US, Muslim governments address religious tolerance

Obama demands Iran return downed US drone

Summary Box: Spanish king's son-in-law distanced

Protesters block some gates at western US ports

Obama heralds end of divisive Iraq war

Attacks on medical staffers often disregarded

New Israeli ambassador to Egypt lands in Cairo

Republicans put boots on the ground in Iowa

Untangling the Web: The new gatekeepers

Final vote on 'Grunis Bill' postponed

Mikhail Prokhorov, Russia's third richest man, to challenge Putin

Leveson launches spin-off inquiry into hacking of Milly Dowler's voicemail

'Israel's rivers could take 100 years to restore'

'Barak's assessment on Iran was correct'

Hanoi Jane ‘Scared’ of GOP Candidates

Trailer Talk: ‘Men In Black 3′ Looks Like More of the Same, Until…

Another Horrible Weekend at the Box Office

Fathom Brings Culture Lovers Back to the Theater – The Movie Theater

Video Game Depicts Occupy Wall Street Types as Terrorists

Gibson’s Upcoming ‘Vacation’ a Return to Action Form

‘Stephen King’s Bag of Bones’ Review: Creepy, Terrifying Until the Ordinary Ending

Baldwin Does Damage Control – Of Sorts – On ‘SNL’ for American Airlines Incident

We’re Here: Conservatives and Libertarians in the Entertainment Industry

Obama’s ‘Green’ Initiatives: It Pays (BIG) to Be an Obama Bundler.

$2,500 to Sup with Ayers and Dohrn–How Much for Dinner with Manson?

AUDIO:David Cameron’s Controversial Veto of EU Treaty

Supreme Court to Review Arizona Immigration Law

I’ll Bet You $10,000 that Romney Lost the Nomination Saturday Night

Gallup: Ethics Ratings for Congress at Historic Lows

Protesters Set to Occupy West Coast Ports

European Central Bank Research Shows that Government Spending Undermines Economic Performance

Political Ideology in the Garden of Eden

Cartoon:The Red Pill.

Obama: ‘I Didn’t Over Promise’…‘I Don’t Control the Weather’

Sundays with Sherrod: Ted Kennedy’s Faith

Gingrich and The Imaginary Palestinians

+Monday Crib Sheet: “Resist We Much” Hits Primetime; Are You A Racist If You Like Newt?

Media Matters Blames Christians For Poverty

Santorum ‘Fact-Checks’ CNN on Obama’s ‘Appeasement’

Power of New Media: Russian Protesters Embarrass Medvedev on Facebook

Markets, Credit Ratings Agencies Show Little Confidence in New Eurozone Deal

Israel Delays Demolition of Broken Bridge to Prevent Islamic Violence

Special Delivery! Racist Messages Meant to Intimidate Austrians out of Viennese Housing

Muslim Brotherhood Begins Exerting Influence in Post-Mubarak Egypt

Santorum ‘Fact-Checks’ CNN on Obama’s ‘Appeasement’

Number of Anti-Putin Moscow Protesters Reaches Tens of Thousands

GOP Debates: Jane Fonda 'Scared' Of Republican Candidates (VIDEO)

Russell Simmons blasts Lowe's for pulling 'Muslim' ads | Inside TV |

Jennifer Aniston named 'Sexiest Woman of All Time' -

Boston Critics: ‘The Artist,’ Martin Scorsese, Brad Pitt, Michelle Williams –

Occupy London's Xmas Party with 3D and Thom Yorke - YouTube

Not the Catholic Church? NYT Ignores Shocking Hollywood Pedophilia Charges |

President Hu: China to focus on expanding imports

Holder Hearings Part One: Rep. Issa Strikes a Blow and Rep. Sensenbrenner Says Holder Could Face Impeachment

Holder Hearings Part Two: Rep. Issa Confirms Holder Is under Oath, Yet Holder Changes His Story Again

Holder Hearings Part Three: Impeachment Is Not Enough, Holder Needs to Be Handcuffed

Holder Hearings Part Four: What Is Fast and Furious? Depends Upon What the Meaning of ‘Is’ Is


12-Dec-11 World View

11-Dec-11 World View

10-Dec-11 World View

*12 Dec.

American Minute for December 12th

Today in History: December 12

Today in History: December 12

December 12 Events in History

December 12th in History

This Day in History for 12th December

December 12th This Day in History

Today in History for December 12th - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS: NBC News Panel: Obama Sees Democracy As ‘Stumbling Block To His Greatness’

Newt Flashback 2008: ‘I Did Fair Amount Of Work With Freddie Mac’

Posing As #Occupy Protesters, Unions Invade Target Store And Scream At Christmas Shoppers

14-Year-Old Escapes Terrorist Captors After Five Months As Hostage

Obama: ‘I Didn’t Overpromise’ To Fix Economy

Perry: Romney’s $10,000 Bet Shows He Is ‘Out Of Touch’

Obama: ‘Least Ethical Behavior On Wall Street’ Was Legal

Santorum Hammers Obama On Middle East Appeasement

11th/Breitbart: Coward, Liar, Thief Beck Is Dead To Me After Calling Tea Party Racist

U.S., India And China Agree To Another Meaningless Climate Deal

Still Not Over It: Alec Baldwin Uses SNL To Trash American Airlines

Trump On Osama Kill Order: ‘Who Wouldn’t Make That Decision?’

Reid Calls NRC Feud Investigation ‘Witch Hunt’

Ryan Braun Tests Positive For PEDs

AZ Hosts ‘Machine Gun Santa’

Matt Lewis: Perry Campaign Is Frustrating For Supporters

Breitbart: Why I’m Leaving GOProud

Congressional Staffers Fired For Partying On the Job

Deadly Blast In Afghanistan

Trump To Wolf: ‘I Know You Like The President, Although Less Than Some Of The Folks At MSNBC’

Strong Quake Shakes From Mexico City To Acapulco

Police Evict #OccupyBoston

NFL Rules Under Fire After Starters Play With Concussions

Griffin Wins First Heisman Trophy For Baylor

10th/Push Back We Much: SNL Skewers Al Sharpton

Et Tu, Beck? – Part III: Erratic Multimedia Star Pulls Race Card Against Tea Party!

BasketBrawl: Ugly Rumble Mars End Of College Basketball Game

Tebow Makes Call To Boy Battling Cancer

White House Refuses To Approve Job Creating Pipeline

Iraq Widow Says Husband’s Remains In Landfill

James Cameron Sued For ‘Stealing’ Avatar Idea

Rosie Attacks Newt’s Intelligence

9th/Obama Delegate Heckled At Durban Climate Change Conference

Allegations Of Fraud Emerge In WI Recall Effort

VA Tech Gunman Said To Be Dead

King Confronts Corzine About Personal Risk

Rep. Johnson Makes Corzine Squirm With Questioning

Proud Papa Jon Voight Attends Angelina Jolie’s Directorial Debut

Florida AG Bondi Pranks Daily Show Reporter

Hanukkah At The White House: ‘I’ve Got A Soft Spot For Justice Ginsburg’

Congress Accuses Obama Admin Of ‘Political Correctness’ For Ft. Hood ‘Workplace Violence’ Label

8th/Pope Lights ‘Tree’ Using Computer

7th/$210M Settlement Reached In West Virginia Mine Explosion

Obama Admin: Ft. Hood Shooting ‘Workplace Violence’

Perry: ‘I’ll End Obama’s War On Religion’

6th/GOP Congressman: Obama Wants Us To ‘Hold Hands And Jump Off The Cliff’ With Europe

5th/World’s Most Expensive Pile-Up

**Gop Debate Clips

**GOP Debate: Romney Challenges Perry On Truthfulness: ‘Wanna Bet $10,000?’

Bachmann: I’m The True Conservative Not ‘Newt Romney’

Newt Promises 0% Capital Gains, 12% Corp Tax Rate

Romney: Newt Wants To Mine Rocks On The Moon

Romney On Job Creation

Paul’s Job Plan: End The Fed

Romney Defends Mass Health Care Law On 10th Amendment Grounds

Newt Hits Romney: You’d Be Career Politician If You Hadn’t Lost To Teddy Kennedy

Romney Hammers Newt On Controversial Remarks: ‘I’m Not A Bomb Thrower’

Perry: Obama Is Problem In Middle East, Not Newt

Perry: If You Cheat On Your Wife, You’ll Cheat On Your Business Partner

Newt: Marital Fidelity Is Important Issue

Outsider Perry: Washington DC Is The Problem

Newt Defends ‘Invented Palestinians’ Remark: These People Are Terrorists

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