A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

11 December 2011

11 DEC.


10 Dec.

RCP's Alexis Simendinger On "Washington Week"
Perry To Romney: "You Were For Individual Mandates, My Friend"
Perry Slams Obama Over Downed Drone: "This President Is The Problem"
Romney Wagers $10,000 Bet With Perry Over Individual Mandate
RCP's Tom Bevan On Gingrich, Iowa
Boehner Gives GOP Address On Keystone: Obama's Policies "Aren't Working"
Gingrich To Romney: "Only Reason You Didn't Become A Career Politician Is Because You Lost To Teddy Kennedy"
Newt Gingrich: Palestinians Are "Terrorists"
Obama Presses GOP On Consumer Watchdog Agency In Weekly Address
Bachmann: Views Of "Newt-Romney" Are Similar To Obama's Opinions
Romney To Gingrich On Palestine Comment: "You Don't Speak For Israel"
Perry Forgets Sotomayor's Name, Calls Her "Montemayor"
ABC News Asks Candidates About Fidelity At Iowa Debate
RCP's Simendinger: Kansas Speech Was Beginning Of Obama's Campaign
Gingrich: Palestinians An "Invented People"
Romney Hints At Gingrich Face-Off At Saturday's ABC Debate
Krauthammer: Obama "More Like Hugo Chavez Than He Is Teddy Roosevelt"
Obama: Will Take "More Than One President" To Fix Economy




**'This Week' Transcript: Jon Huntsman, Analysis of the ABC News Iowa Debate - ABC News


2012 Primary Debate Schedule (


**Complete ABC News Yahoo Republican Iowa Debate - YouTube

**ONLY Ron Paul's Highlights at the ABC News / Yahoo Iowa GOP Debate 12-10-2011 - YouTube


"Face the Nation" transcript: December 11, 2011 - CBS News

**GOP Debate News**

Press Pass - Post-show thoughts: Gingrich the frontrunner

Bachmann: Gingrich the "King of K Street" - CBS News

Clash of the frontrunners in Republican debate - YouTube

Graham: Gingrich has 'matured' -

Bachmann keeps hits on ‘NewtRomney’ - The Hill's Video

Gingrich Assailed By Rivals, Fires Back At Romney | Fox News

Republican debate in Iowa: Newt Gingrich unbloodied, unbowed - Alexander Burns -

Fact check: GOP debate in Iowa –

Newt Gingrich condemned for calling Palestinians 'terrorists' | World news |

23 Days To Go: Betcha Million Dollars! | Swampland |

Hey, Remember the ’80s? - Jim Tankersley -

Newt Gingrich emerges largely unscathed from debate as caucuses move ever closer - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Perry: Romney still backs required health coverage - CBS News

Analysis: For Gingrich, no bombast or apologies - CBS News

Democrats open up line of attack on Gingrich - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Poll: Good news for Gingrich and Obama in early states – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Santorum: Gingrich not a good leader -

US election 2012: Mitt Romney risks alienating struggling American voters with $10,000 bet remark - Telegraph

Top Moments From Republican Debate in Iowa | Fox News Latino

Perry: Romney's $10,000 bet was "out of touch" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Following his solid debate performance, can Newt Gingrich be stopped? -

Bill O'Reilly: Does Obama Want to Run Against Gingrich or Romney? - Talking Points - The O'Reilly Factor - Fox News

Arab League condemns Gingrich's Palestinian remark - CBS News

GOP rivals agree on one point: Cut taxes - CBS News

The Associated Press: A look at key moments in the Republican debate

Mitt Romney, the problem solver - The Washington Post

Rick Santorum: Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Are Too Much Like Obama On Big Issues

Bachmann slams Newt Gingrich -

Republican debate: 7 takeaways - Maggie Haberman -

Republican debate in Iowa: Mitt Romney gambles with $10k bet - Reid J. Epstein -

Debate Reverberates Going Into Final Stretch -

The Associated Press: Santorum likens Gingrich and Romney to Obama

Christie hits hard, early in campaign for Romney |

Jon Huntsman Accepts Mitt Romney's Bet On Mandates, Takes Aim At Donald Trump's 'Cojones' (VIDEO)

Ron Paul with ABC News' Jonathan Karl 12/07/11 - YouTube


Why Is The U.S. Government Looking More & More Like A Police State? (Change We Can Believe In!) - YouTube


New Nationalism and the Entitled State


President Obama calls for renewal of New Nationalism (1 of 2) - YouTube

President Obama calls for renewal of New Nationalism (2 of 2) - YouTube


How to Pay for Deficit - YouTube

CHART/2010 U.S.A. Income Statement......


+Ron Paul 2012 - All Of Ron Paul's Responses At The ABC Iowa GOP Debate - YouTube


BBC News - United Nations climate talks in Durban close with deal - YouTube

» Global Warming Hysteria: Pushing Rights of Nature at Durban Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» World Government Climate Deal Fails In Durban Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» UN Calls For Eco-Fascist World Government At Durban Summit Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Lord Christopher Monckton: The Coming New International Climate Court 1/2 - YouTube

Lord Christopher Monckton: The Coming New International Climate Court 2/2 - YouTube

» Durban: What the Media are Not Telling You Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dropping in Durban - YouTube


Marc Morano: World Government Built on Eco-Fascism to Control All - YouTube

» Wall Street Propagandists Scramble To Cover US Ties to Russian Protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Repeal of sodomy, bestiality ban sparks fight on Defense bill - The Hill's DEFCON Hill


* Visible Proof That Oswald Was Innocent Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Visible Proof That Oswald Was Innocent - YouTube

Visible Proof part 2 - YouTube


» US Army Now Offers A Prison Guard Specialty Securing ‘Civilian Detainees’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The US Army Now Offers A Prison Guard Specialty Securing 'Civilian Detainees'

Robert Fisk: Bankers are the dictators of the West - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

» How Will Change Come About? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Adrian Hamilton: A democratic disgrace crafted by cowards - Adrian Hamilton - Commentators - The Independent

Sherrie Questioning All: Senator Levin revealed - It was Obama who required the Indefinite Detainment Bill INCLUDE U.S. Citizens as part of the wording!

Proof Obama will sign NDAA 1031 Citizen Imprisonment Law in a few days - YouTube

House Republicans look to ‘strip’ TSA screeners of their ‘officer’ title - The Hill's Floor Action

» TSA Recruiting ‘Junior Officers’ at Airports Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» People Really, Really, REALLY Hate the TSA! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Warning: Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church

Long and tough road ahead for work to decommission Fukushima nuclear reactors - The Mainichi Daily News

Broker exposes depth of Corzine theft from MF Global investors | Intrepid

BBC News - Tweets cause US death row conviction to be overturned

4409 -- Beavis and Butt-head discover - YouTube

Prison » Ron Paul Has A Major Secret Weapon To Win The Republican Race

Prison » Shocking Charts And Statistics That Prove That America Is No Longer A Wealthy Nation

US election 2012: Mitt Romney 'out of touch' after he bets Rick Perry $10,000 during debate - Telegraph

Prison » Joe Biden Drafted the Core of the Patriot Act in 1995 … Before the Oklahoma City Bombing

Ron Paul Draws Big Crowds and Many Undecided Voters in Iowa - ABC News

Army Post Jobs for FEMA Camps, DHS Shuts Down Blog & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Preppers Are Now Considered To Be Potential Terrorists?

Prison » Existence of Military Detention Centers Signals America’s Descent Into Martial Law

Prison » Spencer Ackerman Says Pakistan is “Schizophrenic About Terrorism.” So is America.

In Iowa Debate Ron Paul Says Palestinians Are Not an 'Invented People' - Forbes

Gingrich stands by ‘invented’ Palestinians jab | The Raw Story

Prison » Gingrich: Palestinians Are An ‘Invented’ People

The Jewish Channel Exclusive Interview With Newt Gingrich Excerpt: "Invented Palestinian People" - YouTube

Prison » Ron Paul Warns of Coming Global Meltdown

Prison » The Financial Crisis Was Entirely Foreseeable

Texas Expands Its Navy in War Against Population - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Euro Zone: Euro Zone Agreement Only Partial Solution: IMF - CNBC

Global currency war escalates over Euro - YouTube

Rand Paul: Newt Gingrich Is Part of the Washington Establishment I Was Sent to Fight - YouTube

Prison » Facial Recognition No Longer “Too Dangerous” For Google

Prison » Scientists demonstrate Matrix-like learning with no conscious effort

Prison » Federal agents raid Mormon food storage facility, demand list of customers storing emergency food


*Fall of the Republic - YouTube

Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined - YouTube

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA - YouTube

EndGame - YouTube

The 9/11 Chronicles: Part One, Truth Rising - YouTube


Newt, Palestinians and the GOP debate: Transcript & commentary | Capital J | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Challenge Accepted - YouTube

RealClearPolitics - Romney Hits Gingrich for Criticism of Ryan Plan

The Associated Press: Panama's Noriega returning home to serve time

The Associated Press: Cardinal Foley, who led order in Jerusalem, dies

Gingrich Fends Off Attacks in Iowa GOP Debate, Cements Himself As New Frontrunner -- Daily Intel

Endless Republican Debate: The 'President Gingrich' Edition - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Lindsay Lohan's Playboy Photos -- The ONLY Non-Airbrushed Shot |

Obama to 60 Minutes: Unemployment Could Fall to 8 Percent | citydesk

Group Files Free Speech Lawsuit To Get Confederate Flag License Plate | Fox News

Lindsay Lohan in Hawaii -- Someone Stole My Purse!!! |

Alec Baldwin Mocks American Airlines Controversy on 'Saturday Night Live' - The Hollywood Reporter


**FULL MOVIE - 2012 The Online Movie - (2010) - YouTube



*Code of the Ancients & the DNA Repair


Islam and Christianity, Exposed. Osiris the Black God,HD - YouTube


2012 = 32= Gematria= 418= 13= FreeMason - YouTube

Symbolism OF Kabbalah - YouTube



Daniel Matt speak on Kabbalah and Zohar,HD - YouTube

TREE OF LIFE, the Darkside of eden - YouTube




Holy City Bible Code

Free forum : Truth Seekers(


"Watching The River Flow" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"Once In a Lifetime" by David Byrne - Grooveshark

"Wasted On The Way" by CSN - Grooveshark


Ron Paul says Bush was thrilled with 9/11 — RT

Dr. Don Huber Talks about Genetically-Engineered Foods

Morris Rant - The Fed's Aims are Deviance & Assimilation - YouTube

"If they do not do what you tell them, strike them." says SFPD while kettling OccupySF 2011-12-07 - YouTube

8 Dec./Indefinite military detention for U.S. citizens now in the hands of a secretive conference committee - Blog - OpenCongress


1949 Poem - Ode To The Welfare State



So What Shall We Ruin in November 2012? | Opinion Maker

Roy Tov: Obama the Provoker

Daily-Caller Reports Newts Sex But Ignores Obama « Larry Sinclair

Rape in the US military: America's dirty little secret secret | Society | The Guardian

Hail! NATO Expands, Again!

Land of the free, home of the hungry | Gary Younge | Comment is free |

Physical Impossibility Versus Reality

Paul Drockton: Radicalizing Dissent

Max Blumenthal: How Israeli Occupation Forces, Bahraini Monarchy Guards Trained U.S. Police For Coordinated Crackdown On “Occupy” Protests - By Max Blumenthal - The eXiled

Intention, Destiny and the Cartoon Dance of the Temporal. Smoking Mirrors

Top Five Regrets Of The Dying

Eccentric town, Todmorden, growing ALL its own veg | Mail Online

Learning skills like characters on The Matrix set to become a reality, say scientists | Mail Online

Lobbyists Have Wrote US Laws That Have Set Up The Biggest Robbery In World History, And It Could Happen Literally Any Day : politics

CIA spy plane loss exposes covert US-Iran conflict | The Salt Lake Tribune

Broker exposes depth of Corzine theft from MF Global investors | Intrepid

Jon Corzine: Caught Off Guard - - How Kulture is Contrived

Chinese 2,485 year tree ring study shows natural cycles control climate, temps may cool til 2068 « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

Natur-Med Hot Springs and Health Resort


Amid Sheriff-DofJ Warnings, Pullback on Grand Jury Investigation of IN Dairy Farmer; Raw Milk Freedom Riders Push Further on Interstate Milk Prohibition - Journal - The Complete Patient - The Business of Your Health

Bill Gates's Nuke Startup Flirting With More Than Just China - Forbes

EU treaty change: Nicolas Sarkozy snubs David Cameron with a swife body swerve | Mail Online

EU Treaty: new EU plan 'abuses power', say lawyers - Telegraph

Jim Sinclair - Why Financial System is Imploding & What to Do


+Strong Quake Shakes From Mexico City to Acapulco - ABC News


RFK: An Open And Shut Case - Robert Joling 1 of 3 - YouTube

RFK: An Open And Shut Case - Robert Joling 2 of 3 - YouTube

RFK: An Open And Shut Case - Robert Joling 3 of 3 - YouTube


RFK Assassination As It Happened (Part 1 of 3) - YouTube

RFK Assassination As It Happened (Part 2 of 3) - YouTube

RFK Assassination As It Happened (Part 3 of 3) - YouTube



The Ethical Case Against Intellectual Property (by David Koepsell) - YouTube

Google Launches 'Find My Face': Fun or Freaky?

BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11 - YouTube

Case Against Intellectual Property - YouTube

Palestine before 1948 - YouTube

Anti-Neocons - To all the morons who say Palestine never existed

Debunking the Israelite Myth: Ancient Egypt Knew No Pharaohs | Veterans Today

An exodus which was merely a myth | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

An Open Message to Police & Military - YouTube


Waiting for the Storm (


US Senator Kerry Meets With Egypt's Brotherhood - ABC News


*Refreshing News: Ron Paul Proposes Interesting Salary For Himself As President


*Anti-Neocons • Who is threatening who?


poorrichards blog: Jerusalem - Altar Of Sacrifice.. Video Zen Gardner

Pentagon provides military grade weapons to local police - YouTube

Army Post Jobs for FEMA Camps, DHS Shuts Down Blog & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Paul Craig Roberts: We have a republican party that is a Gestapo party - YouTube

Homeless Family Occupies Foreclosed Home in Brooklyn (Inside Story) - YouTube

Lawmaker: Lowe's 'bigoted' for pulling 'All-American Muslim' ads -

Revolutionary Politics : Newt Gingrich - You Can't Buy this Guy, He's Already Paid For!!!

Revolutionary Politics : Environmental Hysteria 1/2 - B@llshit!

Revolutionary Politics : Environmental Hysteria 2/2 - B@llshit!

Euro crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-12-09-2011 - YouTube

Apple touch-screen patent war comes to the UK - YouTube

One Lie After Another – And Now 911 | Veterans Today

David Roberts- The mosque of Omar at Jerusalem from Mount Moriah, Jerusalem 1839 | Veterans Today

Activist Post: Kucinich: Protect Our Food Supply from Genetically Manufactured Crises

Revolutionary Politics : Let's Dissolve The EU To Fix The Issues - Marc Faber - Fox Business News - 09 December 2011

Overview: Israeli Spying | Veterans Today

Occupy Suspects: Police brand campers a terror threat - YouTube

Max Keiser: Crazy Cameron suicidal with knife in Euro gunfight! - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Hit Piece Or... How The MSM Brainwashes Voters

Revolutionary Politics : This Is Why US Troops Support Ron Paul

poorrichards blog: The U.S.’s 0% Folly

poorrichards blog: 'Downloading' new skills into our brains like characters on The Matrix set to become a reality, say scientists

poorrichards blog: Heading Towards WWIII : This Is The Plan Of The Ruling Elete

poorrichards blog: Obama Raises the Military Stakes: Confrontation on the Borders with China and Russia

poorrichards blog: 'Pakistan to down intruding US drones'

Keeping out of the sun 'is bringing rickets back' as cases increase fivefold in 14 years | Mail Online

Author Schweizer: Pelosi Made Killing Off of Most In-Demand IPO in History

Activist Post: White House unleashes new terrorism propaganda campaign

Activist Post: Police State Mercenaries Ruin More Lives than They Protect

Lone Star Watchdog: Newt Gingrich, A Loser Who is a Legend in his own Mind

18 Newt Gingrich Quotes That Disqualify Him From Ever Being President | Addicting Info

Refreshing News: 10 of The Craziest Things Newt Gingrich Has Ever Said

Rich People DON'T Create Jobs: 6 Myths That Have to Be Killed for Our Economy to Live | Crack Two

U.S. presidential candidates slam Obama's Israel, Iran policy at Republican Jewish Coalition - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Warning - 'We Control Americans' A Hoax Quote?


PART 1: The Journey to Jekyll Island

PART 2: The Name of the Game is Bailout

PART 3: Protectors of the Public

PART 4: Home, Sweet Loan

PART 5: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

PART 6: Building the New World Order

PART 7: The Barbaric Metal

PART 8: Fool's Gold

PART 9: The Secret Science

PART 10: The Mandrake Mechanism

PART 11: The Rothschild Formula

PART 12: Sink the Lusitania!

PART 13: Masquerade in Moscow

PART 14: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

PART 15: The Lost Treasure Map

PART 16: The Creature Comes to America

PART 17: A Den of Vipers

PART 18: Loaves and Fishes and Civil War

PART 19: Greenbacks and Other Crimes

PART 20: The London Connection

PART 21: Competition is a Sin

PART 22: The Creature Swallows Congress

PART 23: The Great Duck Dinner

PART 24: Doomsday Mechanisms

Part 25: A Pessimistic Scenario


Russia election: Medvedev Facebook promise draws ire

Seven charged after Congo protest in London

New gun deaths on campus where by 32 were slain in 2007 renews legislative gun policy debate - The Washington Post

Study: Bone drug boosts breast cancer survival

Treatment for Blood Disease Is Gene Therapy Landmark

Abortion Does Not Raise Mental Health Risk in Women

Did The Obama Administration Throw The FDA Under The Bus?

Study: Greenland faces land crisis as global warming heats up

Total lunar eclipse is a rare treat

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

Total eclipse of the moon - YouTube

Bee swarms make decisions like humans

Higgs Boson: Rumors Erupt of 'God Particle' Announcement

How to Spot a Moon Around an Exoplanet

Record Number of Billion Dollar Weather Disasters for 2011

NASA Has Lost Hundreds of Its Moon Rocks, New Report Says

Gypsum deposit on Mars provides definitive evidence of water

Seeing double: Researchers find rainbow connection

Fighting Poor Recycling in Other Countries

Ancient beds designed to ward off insects add to evidence modern man evolved in Africa - The Washington Post

Google Currents: Hands-On With Google's Digital News App

Google's Integration of Google+ Into Gmail Is Right Touch

Goodbye Textbooks, Hello iPad

Lohan says posing nude gives her 'confidence'

SNL Digital Short with Andy Samberg and Kaite Perry Matt Damon Dec 10th 2011 - YouTube

Katy Perry Hosts Saturday Night Live, Alec Baldwin Takes More Jabs at American Airlines - E! Online

Lindsay Lohan dishes on past woes, sexuality and tabloids in Playboy - 12/11/2011 | Entertainment News from

Mindy McCready Says Son Was Beaten by Grandmother

Jennifer Aniston named 'Sexiest Woman of All Time'

Recommended: Lawmakers want passenger advocate at US airports

Mo. officials: Ex-deputy shot ex-wife, boyfriend

GOP Leader Claims Dem Support for Payroll Tax Cut, Pipeline Package

Graham says watchdog agency 'something out of the Stalinist era'

Huntsman: I won't pander

Rick Perry campaign clarifies context on Supreme Court count

Hollywood shootout: Music executive remains in critical condition

Rick Perry Defends Anti-Gay Ad 'Strong'

Lawmakers Split Over NRC's Jaczko

Breitbart Quits Advisory Board of GOP Gay Group Over Outing of Perry Pollster

'18 killed' in fresh Syria clashes, say opposition

US meets deadline to vacate Pakistan air base

Palestinians tell Gingrich to learn history after 'invented people' claim

Iran Says It Will Not Return US Drone

Egypt's Islamists try to calm fears over tourism

6.5 Quake in Mexico Kills 2

Karzai: Death Toll in Attacks on Afghan Shi'ites Rises to 80

Robert Mugabe says he will stand in Zimbabwe presidential elections

Juppe: Syria behind attack on French troops in Lebanon

Libyan militia, army clash near Tripoli's airport

Iran says EU will not impose oil sanctions

At Least 13 Die in Plane Crash in the Philippines

Medvedev orders Russia poll inquiry after protests

Russians turn out to demand end of Putin rule

Vladimir Putin wins China's support, peace prize

Russia's election turmoil is reminder, challenge

Noriega heads home to Panama - YouTube

6 shot in 4 overnight shootings

Catholic church to reopen after deadly 1958 fire

Attorney General Milo Minderbinder

Voter Fraud for the Complete Idiot

The Incontrovertible Inconvenient Truth about Israel

Islamists, Dictators, and Bad Choices

The Differences between Corporate Greed and Government Greed

That 'Conscience Thing'

Rashid Ghannoushi: John Esposito's Islamist in Tunis

The Rich Are Not Conservative

Is Colin Powell a Republican?

Our First Liberty

Debating the GOP Debate

Broadband satellite backed by Obama bundler a bust

Climate Change Debate about Global Wealth Redistribution

Malnourished Muppets and the Indoctrination of America's Children

Obama says he's not trying to redistribute the wealth

Occupy DC protestors arrested for attacking counter-protestor

Are the Palestinian people really 'invented' as Gingrich claims?

Medvedev says government will probe election rigging

The Futile Demonstrations in Russia

Science Boxes in Barbara Boxer

Obama's Not Changing His Spots

One-off Democracy: When the First Election is the Last

The Case for Ron Paul

Turning Off Reality TV Politics

Fast and Furious Victims' Voices Live On Through Their Families

Andy Stern, Authoritarian

Newt: A Menace to Society?

There's Nothing Funny about Democrats

Videos:Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Attacks Journalist (Then Tries to Get Police to Press Charges Against Him!) -

U.S. Worried IMF Loans To Europe Could Lead To Losses

Korean Twin Towers Mock 9-11 -

SOPA, the NDAA, and Patent-Trolling: Why Americans Need a Civil Liberties Caucus - Forbes

The National Defense Authorization Act Opens the Door to a Police State

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (video)

All Of Ron Paul's Responses At The ABC Iowa GOP Debate - YouTube

Republican Candidates Blast Obama At Jewish Forum

Gingrich Calls For Joint Operations’ With Israel To Attack Iran’s Nuclear Program

Pakistan Army Believes NATO Attack Planned: Reports

Confrontation on the Frontiers of China and Russia

An Idiot’s Overview Of Why Western Capitalism Is Crashing

"A Corporation Is Not A Person" Sanders Offers Constitutional Amendment to Strip Corporations of "Free Speech"

VIDEO: Earth... Alive, Beautiful, Finite, Hurting

The Great War Tour : America's "Repositioning" of Military Forces

Occupy is Not Just About Occupying: The Goal is Not to Occupy it is to End Corporate Rule

The New Arms Race: America to Wage War in Space, Cyberspace, Air And Sea Simultaneously

Demise of the Euro: Part of a Long-term Plan for a Global "Super-currency" controlled by the Banksters

The Chongryon: Japan's Continued Colonial-Style Discrimination against Koreans

VIDEO: US Government Ignores Imprisoned Palestinian Protester

On the Apparent Suicide of Georgia State Senator Robert Brown

NH Union Leader: Romney Shows He's 'Desperate' as Hopes Fade

Newt Praised After Key Iowa Debate

Newt Did Very Well in Debate — Again

NBC Poll: Gingrich Has Big Leads in SC, Fla.

Cato Economist Mitchell: Tax Holiday No Miracle Fix

Sen. McConnell Slams Holder on Fast and Furious

Bachmann: I'm Running Against 'Newt-Romney'

Perry Defends Rip on Romney, Individual Mandate

Santorum Likens Gingrich and Romney to Obama

Trump: I Represent 'Millions'

Santorum, Perry Say Marriage Matters

Gingrich Handles Fire From Rivals in GOP Debate

Gingrich, Romney Each Targeted by Rivals in Debate

Israel's Barak: Toppling Assad Would Be 'Blessing'

NYPD Facebook Probe Raises Free Speech Question

Police Open Sex Abuse Probe into AAU's Dodd

Ron Paul: Gingrich, Romney Represent Status Quo

Huntsman Predicts Strong Showing in NH Primary

Russia's Stunning Protests End With Hint of Change

Obama Failed to Endorse Own Deficit-Reduction Recommendations

Muslim Brotherhood’s Tactics of Deception

Paul More Republican than Other Candidates

Internal DOJ Email: Kagan Was Brought Into Loop on Mark Levin’s Obamacare Complaint


New World Order Plan to Kill 90% of the Worlds Population - THIS IS REAL NOT SCIENCE FICTION!! - YouTube


+Which Soft Drinks Do Not Have Fructose? | Before It's News


U.S. Cameraman has Proof 9/11 was a Lie - YouTube


Obama Accused Of Homosexual Harrasment By Multiple Sources | Before It's News

Obama Accused Of Sexual Harassment At Harvard Law Review | Conservative Talk


THOMAS TASCHINGER: Trump and Newt talk things over - Beaumont Enterprise


» ABC Iowa Debate: All Of Ron Paul’s Answers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


World News - Brazil: 50 tons of corn stolen from moving train

President Barack Obama visits with Navy Midshipmen in the stands in the first half of the 112th edition of the annual Army vs. Navy NCAA college football game at FedEx Field in Landover, Md., Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011. (AP Photo/Nick Wass) | View photo - Yahoo! News

Copper Thieves Targeting DISD Campuses « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

+10 things to follow if you have Diarrhea | Before It's News

Ron Paul: Gingrich Acted "Immoral" For Taking Freddie Mac Money - Daniel Doherty

Ron Paul: Gingrich taking Freddie Mac money 'immoral' - The Hill's Video

Perry: Romney still backs required health coverage - Politics & Elections News

Finally: SNL Roasts MSNBC Host Al Sharpton - Daniel Doherty

Slam of the Night: You'd Be a Career Politician if You Hadn't Lost to Ted Kennedy - Katie Pavlich

The Surprising Truth About Obama's 'War on Religion' - Steve Chapman - Townhall Conservative

The Global Depression/Recession Of 2012: Where The US And The World Are Headed | Macro Outlook |

A Fed Banker Wants to Break Up Some Banks -

Obama, Teddy Roosevelt, and the Politics of 'Fairness' - Forbes

What you need to feel rich: $150 000 a year- MSN Money

The Political Implications of Ignoring Our Own Ignorance — The American Magazine

Spam Works - Businessweek

Sex, Insider Trading and the First U.S. Financial Panic: Echoes - Bloomberg

Senator Wants Answers from DHS Over Domain Name Seizures | Threat Level |

Browser Study Sheds Light On Firefox's Insecurity (And Google Approves This Message) - Forbes

The end of social - O'Reilly Radar

No Copyright Intended -

Ambulances turned away as computer virus infects Gwinnett Medical Center computers |

Facebook’s other messages: mail you are probably missing - Slate Magazine

Knowing .NET » Blog Archive » Forbes is wrong about “Developernomics”

China’s Spies Are Catching Up -

China's future: democracy or revolution -

Revenge of the Sunnis - By Edward Luttwak | Foreign Policy

Obama’s Iran policy shifts to containment - The Washington Post

Gingrich and company share their Middle East delusions - The National

Patrick Cockburn: Wars without victory equal an America without influence - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

David Frum: Gazebogate represents the Americanization of Canadian politics | Full Comment | National Post

The Real Legacy of Nelson Mandela -

A Global Gay-Rights Crusade - The Editors - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Free-for-All Iowa Debate Highlights Fluid Race

The Next First (and Only) 100 Days -

Obama Takes Off the Gloves - Reason Magazine

Holder Puts Obama In A Double Bind | Fox News

RealClearPolitics - Is American Power in Decline?

Ron Paul, spoiler? - The Washington Post

A Nightmare of a Dream Team | The Weekly Standard

Pierce Stanley: Why Do Republicans Keep Claiming That Net Neutrality Will Kill Jobs? | The New Republic

U.S. Universities Feast on Federal Student Aid: Virginia Postrel - Bloomberg

Mr. Gingrich’s Attack on the Courts -

President Obama Would Rather Extend Jobless Benefits Than Create Real Jobs -

Why Americans no longer trust Washington | Washington Examiner

Syrian defectors regroup in Turkey, plot Assad's end

Andrew Lansley demands new inquiry into NHS regulator

Man shot dead as gunman opens fire on taxi in Irish Republic

Newt Gingrich condemned for calling Palestinians 'terrorists'

Putin and Medvedev try to calm Russian election outcry

Egypt denies 'Post' report of Hamas bases in Sinai

Pakistani Taliban spokesman denies peace talks

Analysis: U.S. focus on birth control may raise new concerns

Arab uprisings reshape map of US influence

Obamas walk to church across from White House

US commander defends night raids in Afghanistan

Undercover police spied on protesters at Occupy LA

NYPD Facebook probe raises free speech question

Hamas in Gaza says it's learning from Arab Spring

Cooking with grandma, the new luxury food kick

Insight: In farm auction frenzy, investors start to bow out

Actor Alec Baldwin mocks airline industry in SNL skit

CERN set to report probable Higgs sighting this week

Multiple blasts in Nigeria kill 1, wound 11

Syria behind attack on French troops in Lebanon: Juppe

‘Stephen King’s Bag of Bones’ Review: Creepy, Terrifying Until the Ordinary Ending

Baldwin Does Damage Control – Of Sorts – On ‘SNL’ for American Airlines Incident

We’re Here: Conservatives and Libertarians in the Entertainment Industry

‘Mr. Popper’s Penguins’ Blu-ray Review: Kids Might Forgive Formulaic Story

Did the Left-Wing Entertainment Media Help Kill ‘The Muppets’?

Obama: ‘I Didn’t Over Promise’…‘I Don’t Control the Weather’

Sundays with Sherrod: Ted Kennedy’s Faith

Patriots to Rally Tuesday as Holder Plans Major Announcement on Voting Laws

Independent Study: ObamaCare Health Insurance Exchanges Get a Grade of ‘F’

Spreading the Holiday Joy to Your Favorite Political Types

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Polls?

Obama War Room: Reverse Pollarity

Celebrate the Holidays the ‘You’ve Been Gored’ Way: Festive Ideas for Believers and Skeptics Alike

Why I’m Stepping Down from GOProud Advisory Council

SEC Shines the Light on Crony Capitalism

Tanning Tax Takes a Toll as Dozens of Minnesota Salons Fold

Why Is the White House Ignoring For-Profit Colleges?

Are Underage Women Being Exploited at Occupy Protests?

Sending Mixed Messages, Obama’s NLRB Drops Wrongful Prosecution of Boeing

Santorum ‘Fact-Checks’ CNN on Obama’s ‘Appeasement’

+Sunday Crib Sheet: Herman Cain Angles for a Media Job, Vargas Tossed from Romney Event

Media Finally Outraged Over Christmas Censorship – When It Involves the Word ‘Gay’

Cartoon:UI: Blinders

Credit Where It’s Due: New Media’s Newest Scalp

Weekly Standard : Lies, Damned Lies, and ‘Fact Checking’

NewsBusted: Does Obama Need to ‘Finish the Job’?

Number of Anti-Putin Moscow Protesters Reaches Tens of Thousands

Democracy Strikes Back Against Judicial Activism in Israel

‘Five Days in August’ – The Real Story of Iran’s 1953 Uprising

Kyle Smith's best movies of the year -

Charlotte Prepping for Occupy Wall Street at DNC -- Daily Intel

Capitol Crimes: Insider Trading and Congress

» Et Tu, Beck? – Part III: Erratic Multimedia Star Pulls Race Card Against Tea Party! - Big Government


+Obama Orders ‘Arctic Death Camps’ Built To Hold American Traitors


Newt's Sister: 'Don't Know' Whether He Believes The Anti-Gay Things He Says

#OccupyNOLA Successfully Disrupt Foreclosure Sales

Rick Perry - Weak, Man.

GOP Debate Audience Cheers Child Labor

More Than 25K Russians Occupy Moscow Streets to Protest Election Fraud

'Middle Class' Romney Tries to Bet Perry $10,000

Julianna Forlano's Ironic News Report: Gingrich Edition

Need A Reason To Not Sit Out The Vote? Gingrich Wants John Bolton as Secretary of State

Human Red Carpet for US Chamber of Commerce: Classic, Creative and Awesome

Bernie Sanders: 'A Corporation is Not a Person'

Is Christiane Amanpour on Her Way Out of This Week?

BOR: Answers to common questions about the Supreme Court's Texas redistricting ruling

Little Green Footballs - Mitt Romney Says All Muslims Aren't Violent Terrorists, Pamela Geller Freaks Right Out

Kirsten Powers: Newt Gingrich Is in Love With Himself - The Daily Beast


Virtually Speaking ; Online Radio by Jay Ackroyd @ Blog Talk Radio


+ C&L's Saturday Night Podcast Round Up | Crooks and Liars


d r i f t g l a s s(

Blue Gal(


11-Dec-11 World View

10-Dec-11 World View

9-Dec-11 World View


**Debate/GOP: Romney Challenges Perry On Truthfulness: ‘Wanna Bet $10,000?’

Bachmann: I’m The True Conservative Not ‘Newt Romney’

Newt Promises 0% Capital Gains, 12% Corp Tax Rate

Romney: Newt Wants To Mine Rocks On The Moon

Romney On Job Creation

Paul’s Job Plan: End The Fed

Romney Defends Mass Health Care Law On 10th Amendment Grounds

Newt Defends ‘Invented Palestinians’ Remark: These People Are Terrorists

Newt Hits Romney: You’d Be Career Politician If You Hadn’t Lost To Teddy Kennedy

Romney Hammers Newt On Controversial Remarks: ‘I’m Not A Bomb Thrower’

Perry: Obama Is Problem In Middle East, Not Newt

Perry: If You Cheat On Your Wife, You’ll Cheat On Your Business Partner

Newt: Marital Fidelity Is Important Issue

Outsider Perry: Washington DC Is The Problem

Perry On Immigration


Aliens Behind World Government? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Engineering the Eurozone Collapse - F. William Engdahl on GRTV - YouTube

Demise of the Euro: Part of a Long-term Plan for a Global “Super-currency” controlled by the Banksters |

Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wall Street Money Machine – Ellen Brown |

Videos/Low Wage Policy Will Lead To Disaster |

Consequences Will Follow Soon If the US Government Will Not leave Its People and the World Alone |


Ron Paul: People Are Sick & Tired of Big Government - YouTube


Sibel Edmonds, 2004: “Why Does Your Report Exclude This Information Despite all the Evidence?” |

An Open Letter to the 9/11 Panel - by Sibel Edmonds


*Sibel Edmonds - -










'06/American Prison Camps Are on the Way | Civil Liberties | AlterNet


Secret Military Codes Hidden In Road Signs!! (Tacmars) | USAHM Conspiracy News

U.S. Concentration Camps Exist!! | USAHM Conspiracy News

Concentration Camp Plans For U.S. Citizens | USAHM Conspiracy News

US Senate Declares The Entire US ”A Battleground” | USAHM Conspiracy News

WARNING – Martial Law 2011? | USAHM Conspiracy News

U.S. Concentration Camps, page 1

FEMA - Federal Emergency Mangement Agency, page 1


**NEWS VIDEOS:Trump To Wolf: ‘I Know You Like The President, Although Less Than Some Of The Folks At MSNBC’

Police Evict #OccupyBoston

Congressional Staffers Fired For Partying On the Job

Deadly Blast In Afghanistan

Strong Quake Shakes From Mexico City To Acapulco

NFL Rules Under Fire After Starters Play With Concussions

10th/Push Back We Much: SNL Skewers Al Sharpton

Rand Paul: Newt’s Politics ‘Goes Against Everything That The Tea Party Stands For’

Rosie Attacks Newt’s Intelligence

Obama Whines: ‘We’ve Been Spending The Last Three Years Cleaning’ Bush’s Mess Up

White House Refuses To Approve Job Creating Pipeline

Iraq Widow Says Husband’s Remains In Landfill

James Cameron Sued For ‘Stealing’ Avatar Idea

9th/Obama Delegate Heckled At Durban Climate Change Conference

NATO Fuel Tankers Attacked

Cameron: Block On EU Treaty Change ‘A Good Decision’

Allegations Of Fraud Emerge In WI Recall Effort

VA Tech Gunman Said To Be Dead

King Confronts Corzine About Personal Risk

Rep. Johnson Makes Corzine Squirm With Questioning

Florida AG Bondi Pranks Daily Show Reporter

Proud Papa Jon Voight Attends Angelina Jolie’s Directorial Debut

Ryan Seacrest Rumored To Replace Matt Lauer

Sununu On Newt: ‘His Mind Isn’t So Hot, His Discipline And Commitment Are Terrible’

Hanukkah At The White House: ‘I’ve Got A Soft Spot For Justice Ginsburg’

Congress Accuses Obama Admin Of ‘Political Correctness’ For Ft. Hood ‘Workplace Violence’ Label

8th/Pope Lights ‘Tree’ Using Computer

NBC’s Matthews Calls Gingrich ‘Nasty’ Looking, ‘Dogs Walk Away When They See Him’

Michael Moore Wants Conan As President

7th/Obama Admin: Ft. Hood Shooting ‘Workplace Violence’

Perry: ‘I’ll End Obama’s War On Religion’

$210M Settlement Reached In West Virginia Mine Explosion

6th/GOP Congressman: Obama Wants Us To ‘Hold Hands And Jump Off The Cliff’ With Europe

5th/World’s Most Expensive Pile-Up


Rodeo clown: Bullying about more than just homosexuality

4th-graders brainwashed with Occupy 'propaganda'

Naturalizer Newt: Gingrich's shifting views on immigration

Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists

Is Newt wrong about 'Palestinians'?

Obama's abortion at 7-Eleven plan

WND RADIO WND Exclusive NLRB backs down in fight over Boeing project;Rep. Wilson: Obama administration actually tried to eliminate jobs

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Missing paperwork raises suspicions about Kagan;Former judge says unlikely she's qualified to hear Obamacare case

Media aghast at 'Gingrich is Kim Kardashian of GOP' video

Israeli conflict becomes major issue in GOP debate

Ron Paul Draws Big Crowds and Many Undecided Voters in Iowa - ABC News

US Election 2012: Donald Trump says he 'represents millions' in Republican kingmaker role - Telegraph

Judeo-Christian values? Not in our classrooms!

Appeals court affirms Muslim Brotherhood not 'moderate'

Muslim Brotherhood to 'Re-examine' Camp David - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Abramoff: My heart goes out to Blagojevich | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Jack Abramoff - The Colbert Report - 2011-08-12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Ex-Rep. Doolittle, caught up in Abramoff scandal, now a lobbyist -

Stolen innocence: The battle against modern-day slavery in the U.S. | Deseret News

Woman Survives Being Buried Alive, Digs Herself - Flash Player Installation

DNA: The next big hacking frontier - The Washington Post

Google unveils 'Find My Face' facial recognition - Dec. 9, 2011

Bible Scholar Brent Landau Asks “Who Were the Magi”? – Bible History Daily

Wal-Mart starts corruption probe - Telegraph

Sky News: Joseph of Nazareth tweets his journey

VeggieTales: Celebrating Christmas and building families | Deseret News

Memory man recites holy text by heart |

Seattle getting guitar-shaped park for Jimi Hendrix | Seattle's Big Blog -

Rare lunar eclipse Photos | Rare lunar eclipse Pictures - Yahoo! News

Cai Guo-Qiang: Chinese artist creates fireworks display for the DAYTIME | Mail Online

Bunyips, serpents & other creatures lurking beneath our waters | weirdaustralia

Conflicting Indicators on Gulf of Maine Cod Stocks -

Conspiracy Calls: Paranoid Telephonic Bugs and MIB Surveillance | Mysterious Universe

The Myth of Multiple Personality Disorder

Bible Accounts Supported by Dead Sea Disaster Record?

Schadenfreude Explained: Why We Smile When Others Fail | LiveScience

Device Guides Firefighters Lost in Smoke : Discovery News

Mitt Romney: Islam is not an inherently violent faith | Iowa Caucuses

My Way News - Climate conference approves landmark deal

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu: Illegal Immigration 'a National Calamity' | Fox News

Criticism of Islam Could Soon be a Crime in America » Publications » Family Security Matters

Soros Takes on Corzine’s European Bond Bet

Sharpton’s civil-rights group juggling tax woes -

Mortgage Meltdown

The Prisoner

America’s Communist President

The wind turbine syndrome has become pandemic.

Scandal and insanity at Penn State, Durban and the IPCC

Report: Gingrich Cosponsored 1989 Climate Change Bill With Pelosi!

Quinn Doesn’t Know Who She Is

The Rich Are Not Conservative

Peter King: U.S. Military is No. 1 Islamic terrorism target

Have Democrats Been Caught Engaging in Rampant Fraud?

Presidential Race 2012: Imperfect Conservatives Need Not Apply

Killing Bin Laden: What Didn’t They Tell Us, and Why?

Michael Moore Claims Occupy Movement Has 10 Million Leaders

Debbie Schlussel:Newt Gingrich Absolutely Right About Invented “Palestinians” But. . .: The Debate & Grover

Debbie Schlussel:Jihad: Shooter in Hollywood Rampage Yelled “allahu Akbar” – Terrorist Attack

Video: Occupy Pittsburgh ‘Flash Mob’ Storms Target | Video |

SNL Skewers Al Sharpton and His MSNBC Show | Video |

‘No, the Muppets are Not Communist’: Director Hits Back at Anti-Capitalist Claims | Video |

Iran Says It Won’t Return Captured U.S. Spy Drone |

AP Analysis: For Gingrich, No Bombast or Apologies | Video |

Gingrich Says Romney Didn’t Become a Career Politician is Because You Lost to Ted Kennedy in 94 | Video |

Why Buying an Electric Car Might Be Terrible Idea |

Rosie O‘Donnell Says Newt Gingrich ’Should Read a History Book’ | Video |

Hollywood Shooter Yelled | Video |

Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals? | Video |

Bill O’Reilly on Jay Leno | Video |

CA Prison Psychologist Charged with Faking her Own Rape |

Charles Krauthammer on Obama: ‘More a Hugo Chavez Than He is a Teddy Roosevelt’ | Video |

125 iPads Stolen from California Best Buy |

Obama: ‘I Didn’t Overpromise’ on the Economy | Video |

*11 Dec.

American Minute for December 11th

December 11th This Day in History

Today in History: December 11

December 11 Events in History

This Day in History for 11th December

Today in History: December 11

December 11th in History

Today in History for December 11th - YouTube


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


"Rock Me on the Water" by Jackson Browne - Grooveshark

"Lawyers Guns And Money" by Warren Zevon - Grooveshark


World Crisis Radio 12-03-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 12-03-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 12-10-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 12-10-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-10-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-10-11 Hr 2

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