A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

01 December 2011

1 DEC.


The Forum:




Romney Launches First Ad In Iowa: "The Right Answer"
Huntsman Ad: "Mittstant Replay"
Biden: "We're Not Claiming Victory" In Iraq
Gingrich: Don't Go To The Middle. Bring The Middle To You.
Gingrich: Obama Both "Incompetent And Radical"
O'Reilly: The Race Will Come Down To Gingrich And Romney
Maddow: Perry Needs An Advisor To Brief Him On America
Rove: Barney Frank Is A "Nasty Person"
Schultz: Dems Want To Cut Taxes For "Individuals And Most Small Businesses"


30 NOV.

Obama: "Since I've Taken Office, I've Cut Your Taxes"
Herman Cain: Accusations Against Me Part Of A "Character Assassination"
Chris Matthews: Tea Party "Un-American" For Not Compromising
Bret Baier: Romney Said I Was "Overly Aggressive" During Interview
Ron Paul Rips Newt Gingrich In New Ad: "Serial Hypocrisy"
Krauthammer: Romney Has Gone "Unscathed" And "Gets A Free Ride"
DNC: "Economy Would've Gone Straight In The Toilet If Not For Barney Frank"
RNC Ad: Failed Promises - Scranton
Allen West: Herman Cain Should "Move On" From Presidential Bid
Carney: "Answer Is No" To Obama Renegotiating Automatic Spending Cuts
Romney New Hampshire Ad: The Right Answer
Valerie Jarrett: Obama Gave Supercommittee "Great Deal" Of Advice, Not To Blame
Coburn: We Need Leaders That Think Long-Term To Solve Our Problems
Ron Paul: "Republican Candidates Just Represent The Status Quo"
Trump: Obama Inconsiderate To Visit NYC During Tree Lighting
Gingrich: I Didn't Have To Lobby Because I Made $60,000 A Speech
"Daily Show" On Conservative Reaction To Barney Frank's Retirement
Rick Perry Calls For "Lengthy Conversation" On What To Do With Illegals
"Special Report" Panel On The Attack On British Embassy In Iran
WaPo's Cillizza: Cain's Supporters Will Flock To Gingrich
O'Donnell: Is It Time For The Left To Mute Their Criticism Of Obama?
O'Reilly: Herman Cain Is "Basically A Good Man"



Europe Update
What Constitutes A Success In Afghanistan?
Tony Blair: Iran Behavior Is 'Thuggish'
Report: China May Be Hiding Nukes
Eurozone May Ask IMF To Boost Bailout
Crunch Time: Are We There Yet?
Funerals, Protests In Syria
Pakistan Calls On U.S. To Vacate Air Base
Gary Locke: The Key To Unlocking U.S.-China Trade?
Funerals, Protests In Syria
Clinton Challenges Myanmar To Expand Its Reforms
Raw Video: One-Day Strike In Greece
Occupy Protesters Break Into UK Office
McCain On NATO And Pakistan

30 NOV.

The Middle East, North Africa, And U.S. Policy
Euro Crisis Raises New Concerns For U.S., Global Economy
Eurozone Breakup Could Come In 6-8 Weeks
Raw Video: Biden Makes Surprise Visit To Iraq
Obama Condemns Storming Of UK Embassy In Iran
Anti-American Sentiment Grows In Pakistan
Poland's 'Apocalyptic' Plea To Germany
40,000 Troops To Exit Afghanistan By End Of 2012
Thousands Clash With Police In Kiev
Life-sized Ice Nativity Unveiled
Pressure Builds On Euro Finance Ministers
Polls Close In Egyptian Election
Styled In Italy - Made In China
The Future Of The Eurozone



Panoramio - World Photos (

30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison :

Ayers' pet project funded by Obama 'stimulus' plan

Kissinger, Eugenics and Depopulation - Silenced No More | Silenced No More

Barack Obama: The Invisible Man By Another Sojourner for Truth November 30th, 2011

Will The Jews Let Ron Paul Win? | Real Zionist News

"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War" Major General Zhang Zhaozhong - YouTube

Ron Paul Decries 'Frightened' Fed - TheStreet

Ballots with Obama's name facing more legal challenges

Herman Cain:Why Not Release Your Cell Phone Records? « Larry Sinclair

Global Central Banks Ring Gold Buyers' Bell - YouTube

a nation of rats - YouTube

The Hitler Speech They Don't Want You To Hear - YouTube


Secret recording of TSA threatening passenger Part 1 of 3 - YouTube

Secret recording of TSA threatening passenger Part 2 of 3 - YouTube

Secret recording of TSA threatening passenger Part 3 of 3 - YouTube


A Black Mans Rant - Morris Voice Over Only - YouTube


25 min./Gerald Celente Endorses Ron Paul For President 11/29/11 - YouTube


Rachel Maddow on Obama's Indefinite detention ideas 5-21-09 - YouTube


“Battlefield” USA: Senate bill turns military on U.S. citizens | American Vision News

Illegitimate Egyptian Elections

Norway killer found insane, unfit for prison - BusinessWeek

Breakthrough in the Macondo Mystery: BP Admits to New Activity at Deepwater Horizon Site | Stuart H. Smith

Fourth Estate Pleads The Fifth

World central banks act to prevent fresh credit crunch | Business |

Here's Why Bank Of America's Stock Is Collapsing Again

Is Bank of America Still Broke After Buffett, China Deals? | InvestorPlace

Daily Kos: BREAKING: Bank of America BROKE Deal, Nevada Suing UPDATED

Federal Judge Pimp-Slaps SEC Over Citigroup Deal

A Transmission from the Kingdom of the Meat Puppets. Smoking Mirrors

Facebook forced to overhaul privacy policy after regulator finds it is 'unfair and deceptive' | Mail Online

Language banning horse slaughter is omitted from legislation | Daily Racing Form

Indian farmers dump bags of snakes in tax office | World news | The Guardian

One of biggest IT companies in world to abolish emails | Mail Online

Senate Approves Military Custody for Terror Suspects -

Cain Speaks to 100 in Ohio Marriott Despite Decision to Drop Out « Larry Sinclair

Michele Bachmann: U.S. Embassy In Iran (Which Doesn't Exist) Would Be Closed Under My Watch

Why not first look into the past of the man who’s currently in the Oval Office? « Larry Sinclair

Photoshopped images could soon come with a warning label | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Bottom Line - Horse meat may be back on the menu

Feds To Test Anthrax Shot on Kids: U.S. panel backs anthrax experiments on children | International Medical Council on Vaccination

Delicious Horse Meat Is Only a Month Away

Megapolitan areas compete globally –

RPI: News & Events - Setting the Stage for Life: Scientists Make Key Discovery About the Atmosphere of Early Earth

Oral Steroids Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency: MedlinePlus

We couldn’t kill enough | Fukushima Diary

North Korea claims nuclear plant progress | World news |

New US Dollar Means Economic Collapse | Real Zionist News

Senate rejects effort to strip detainee provision - Yahoo! News

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant operator 'ignored tsunami warning' | World news | The Guardian

Wind energy plans pose challenge to Navy testing | McClatchy

Monsanto's Roundup Spawns Superweeds On 120 Million Hectares | Natural Society

HAre Homo Sapiens Part Alien?

Rupert Murdoch Kept a Bust of Lenin in His Oxford Dorm Room - Business - The Atlantic Wire

Store owner shoots robber in the chest | - Blowing Airliners Out of the Sky

Ancient 1894 Roper steam cycle to cross the block in Las Vegas | Hemmings Blog: Classic and collectible cars and parts

How Did We Become A Battlefield?

Passage of S.1867: Our enemy is within « The PPJ Gazette

BUSTED! Secret app on millions of phones logs key taps • The Register

Major Organic Seed Company Owned By Pro-GMO Group! | Farm Wars

Reforming Social Security - The Cruel Hoax

U.S. News - First quakes, then sinkhole: Oklahomans wonder about a connection


**Spaghetti Night – The cockatoo feeding the dog


Big Cat Cliff Hanger





Car Guy Chronicles(


S.1867: Just another brick in the police state wall « The PPJ Gazette

'Most Sophisticated' Drug Tunnel Found On US-Mex Border | Fox News Latino

Lord Lawson accuses Sir David Attenborough of ‘sensationalism’ - Telegraph

Leveson inquiry: ex-Daily Star reporter says he was threatened for speaking out | Media |

Nick Davies tells Leveson inquiry newspapers cannot be trusted | Media | The Guardian

Human Rights Museum not getting another dime: Gov’t | Columnists | Opinion | Winnipeg Sun

20-ton Marmite spill blocks M1 motorway near Sheffield - Telegraph

Paul McMullan: Andy Coulson 'brought hacking culture to News of the World' - Telegraph

Ending The USA

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up of American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Press TV talks to James Morris on CNN Republican Debate (Ron Paul on Iran) - YouTube

The First Time I Heard Of Barack

Churchill And Hitler...And History

Hank Paulson 'gave hedge funds inside information on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae' when he was Treasury Secretary | Mail Online

How Freedom Group Became the Gun Industry’s Giant -

Los Angeles Times - California, national and world news -

Sirhan Sirhan: Lawyers For Convicted Robert F. Kennedy Assassin Argue That New Forensic Details Show Client Is Innocent

Patents on chimpanzees, sperm cells and human genes | Farm Wars

Telemarketing Prank - YouTube

European Central Bank chief speaks of increased 'downside risks' - YouTube

Activist Post: Major Poll: 63% Agree Parents Should Decide Childhood Vaccine Schedule, Not Government

Obama cover-up? Court records of border patrol agent murder sealed - National Law Enforcement |


Amendment (LA; Call for End to Corporate Personhood)


Move to Amend(


Refreshing News: 30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison

War on drugs revealed as total hoax - US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan


Secret recording of TSA threatening passenger Part 1 of 3 - YouTube

Secret recording of TSA threatening passenger Part 2 of 3 - YouTube

Secret recording of TSA threatening passenger Part 3 of 3 - YouTube


Similarities Between Abe Lincoln And J.F.K « All Conspiracy


Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 1)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 2)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 3)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 4)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 5)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 6)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 7)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 8)



5,000 Military Families Illegally Foreclosed On -- How We Can Prosecute Bank Crimes | News & Politics | AlterNet

McCain says American Citizens Can Be Sent to Guantanamo | The Progressive

World Of Mysteries: The Math That Saved Apollo 13 Just Sold for $388,375

Execute Drug Users? - Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Activist Post: Dangerous Levels of Arsenic, Lead Found in Commercial Apple and Grape Juice


New Evidence Shows Sirhan Sirhan May Be Innocent - YouTube

The RFK Assassination - New Twist in Kennedy Mystery; Photo Negatives of Robert F. Kennedy's Assassination Disappear


The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination(


Refreshing News: The Personal Computer Is Dead

Implausible 9-11 Military Response

Is the global warming scare the greatest delusion in history? - Telegraph

Romney Made Schwarzman 16x his Money in First Blackstone Deal : Central banks unite to stave off euro crisis; markets buoyed

Drone Warfare, President Obama and the French Revolution -

6 Shocking Revelations About Wall Street's "Secret Government" | | AlterNet

Activist Post: Turns out the ‘Government Sachs’ conspiracy theorists were right all along

What Have The Central Banks Of The World Done Now? -

Activist Post: When Governments Go Rogue

29 Amazing Stats Which Prove That The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer -

Activist Post: House Committee Rushing to Approve Dangerous "Information Sharing" Bill

Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Guardian Protects Gould-Werritty

Claire McCaskill: Spend Money On U.S. Infrastructure, Not Troubled Afghanistan Programs

Doomsday predictions on sea level rises are 'false alarm' - levels always fluctuate | Mail Online

Can Congress Steal Your Constitutional Freedoms? by Andrew P. Napolitano --

Goldman’s Jim O’Neill says: We love welfare! - The Cody Word - MarketWatch

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved

Vietnam-Style Exit: Russia Could Deliver Death Blow To NATO in Af-Pak War Theater

Sherrie Questioning All: Video The U.S. Government, Considers those who have FOOD STORAGE for more than 7 days, Missing Fingers and have Guns are Terrorist! Rand Paul said "The U.S. Citizens can be taken to Foreign Prisons for those reasons!"

Lone Star Watchdog: Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy Ron Paul 2012 Ad

'06/Buzzblog: Gingrich calls for 'Net free-speech clampdown to deter terrorists

Gingrich: My Infidelities Helped Me Understand How To Impeach Clinton | ThinkProgress

Gingrich Criticized Obama For Not Intervening In Libya, But Now Criticizes Him For Intervening In Libya | ThinkProgress

Lone Star Watchdog: Is it Time to Invoke the 25th Amendment to Stop Obama Before He Destroys the Nation?

Convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan seeks prison release -


Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente Endorses Ron Paul For President in 2012

Activist Post: How to End the Federal Reserve and the Bailout Madness (Videos)



Lone Star Watchdog: What Part of" No Person Shall Be Deprived of Life, Liberty and Property without Due Process of Law" The US Senate Does Not Understand?

Setting the Trap by Justin Raimondo --

TSA Whistleblower: Feds Covered-Up Sexual Assault :

2003 Newt: Rein in the Patriot Act | Mother Jones

Revolutionary Politics : Congressman Dennis Kucinich - STOP THE ROGUE FED! TAKE BACK THE POWER!

Revolutionary Politics : INTELLIGENT DESIGN: Collapse America and Europe...Then Deliver NWO !

Tracy Lawrence, Notary Public Who Blew The Whistle On Massive Foreclosure Fraud, Found Dead

Activist Post: How Much More Tyranny Can Americans Take from Their Government?

Ron Paul:Statement on the Fed's Continued Euro Bailout - 12160

The New Authoritarianism | Veterans Today

Kucinich: Federal Reserve has captured control of our government - 12160

Kucinich: Federal Reserve has captured control of our government - YouTube

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

poorrichards blog: The Worst of the One Percent?

poorrichards blog: Neocons Preoccupied With Islamic Conspiracy Theories

1newsjunkie: The Rosenbaum Kidney Trafficking Gang

Video of LAPD late night raid on Occupy LA - YouTube

Fars News Agency :: To Americans: Israel Not Worth Destruction of US

Activist Post: Pharmaceutical Industry Payouts Prompt Conflict of Interest Concerns

Gingrich Praises Extremist Marchers In Jerusalem Who Chanted 'Slaughter The Arabs' | ThinkProgress

Activist Post: Holding the EU together by Money Printing and Force

Holding the EU together by Money Printing and Force | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Riot Police evict Occupy LA - YouTube

Is there a Penn State Climategate scandal? | From the Right | IrishCentral

US Embassy in Iran? Michele Bachmann’s ‘Oops’ Moment - ABC News

Russian arms in US backyard: Back in Cuba — RT

PressTV - AI urges US to end child life sentences

After raids, Wall Street protesters shift tactics -

Productivity Weaker Than Thought, Wages Slip - CNBC

Central Banks' Latest Move Shows Desperation

Leaked Pentagon Video - Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Occupy Protesters Mobilize for Obama’s Visit

LAPD Descends on Occupy LA and Destroys an American Flag - YouTube


*Found in an Antique Store - California 1912


* 1:30:32 / Vaccination MUST SEE! - The Hidden Truth - Australian Documentary (FULL) - YouTube


+Obama Issues Ron Paul “Kill Order” As Russia Prepares For War


Tyranny Police State & Economic Collapse ∞ Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube


*1:18:59/Tim Wallace-Murphy Lectures on Hidden Wisdom - YouTube

47 min./The mysterious origin of man - YouTube


Alex Jones 2011-11-30 Wednesday - YouTube


Alex Jones - Nightly News for Tuesday, November 29, 2011 (uncut) FULL - YouTube

Alex Jones - Nightly News for Monday, November 28, 2011 (uncut) FULL - YouTube


30.11.2011 - 1/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 2/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 3/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 4/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 5/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 6/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 7/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 8/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 9/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 10/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 11/12 - Secret Space Research

30.11.2011 - 12/12 - Secret Space Research




Dr. Jerome Corsi- World War 3 is About to Begin! 1-2 - YouTube.flv

Dr. Jerome Corsi- World War 3 is About to Begin! 2-2 - YouTube.flv


Eiffel Tower 'to be turned into green jungle' - Telegraph

Hollywood producer claims proof of UFOs |

Women's UFO Symposium Takes On ET Hunters' 'Old Boys Club'

Turtle embryos can communicate across eggs | COSMOS magazine


The men behind Barack Obama part 1

The men behind Barack Obama part 2


CIA Mind Control Experiments - - Spread the Word


Cutting through the illusion - The Grand Chessboard -- Puppet Masters --


*Poverty Around The World — Global Issues


What Time magazine thinks delicate Americans can handle | United States |

Is It More Dangerous To Drive Drunk Or Stoned? | Disinformation

The Obama Kill Order On Ron Paul Conspiracy Theory | Disinformation

Occupy Wall Street — Meet the Professors Behind It - John Birch Society

CultureLab: Welcome to Robotville, Population: 20

How Wealthy is President Barack Obama and His Cabinet? - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Media, Propaganda and Censorship | Project Censored

Wireless carriers openly considering charging per service | Reclaim the Media

Archaeologists find new evidence of animals being introduced to prehistoric Caribbean


**Dr. Mercola's Channel - YouTube


Furious at Latest U.S. Attack, Pakistan Shuts Down Resupply Routes to Afghanistan "Permanently" -

Do not be deceived: S. 1867 is the most dangerous bill since the PATRIOT Act - - Breaking news, politics, online news, world news, feature stories, celebrity interviews and more - ABC News

New Color Revolution?: South Ossetia Held In The Grip of Russia As Elections Annulled | StratRisks

Kucinich: Federal Reserve has captured control of our government | The Raw Story

DOJ Labels OKC Bombing Investigators as Terrorists! Andrew Griffin Reports 1/2 - YouTube

DOJ Labels OKC Bombing Investigators as Terrorists! Andrew Griffin Reports 2/2 - YouTube

3 Videos:Prison » Stewart Rhodes: CROSSROADS, NDAA Bill is Pure Treason!!

Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy - YouTube

The Senate Assaults American Rights with NDAA Bill: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Secret Fed Loans & Slinky School of Economics - YouTube

Powell Longs for Lapdog Media: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Alex Jones: Senate wants martial law in America - YouTube

Prison » Alex Jones: Senate wants martial law in America

Prison » Ron Paul Explains His Plan For “Monetary Freedom” And Returning To The Gold Standard

Ron Paul's Plan for Monetary Freedom - YouTube


Prison » Chinese General Threatens “Third World War” To Protect Iran

Prison » Chinese Government Official: ‘US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China’

Prison » Ron Paul On the Fed’s Continued Euro Bailout

Prison » McCain Justifies Indefinite Detention of American Citizens with Debunked Statistics

Prison » Peter Schiff Explains What Today’s Global Fed-Funded Bailout Means For The Future

Prison » Nigel Farage Slams Supposedly-Austere EU For Bribing Croatia To Join The ‘Bent, Corrupt, And Distorted’ Party

No Iran strike 'for the moment': Israel defence minister - FRANCE 24

China 'hiding up to 3,000 nuclear warheads in secret tunnels' - Telegraph

Prison » The Senate Just Voted Against The Afghanistan War. Here’s The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly.

Prison » Holding the EU together by Money Printing and Force

Central Bank Action Merely 'Buys Time' for Europe - CNBC

Occupy Protesters Mobilize for Obama's Visit -

Prison » House Committee Rushing to Approve Dangerous “Information Sharing” Bill

Lawmakers want spy agencies to share cyber data - TODAY Tech -

Prison » The science of vitamin C – The evidence of its beneficial effects on health is undeniable

Prison » More than 20 percent of American adults now on psychiatric drugs for behavioral problems

» Tens Of Millions Of American Families Are Living On The Edge Of Desperation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Celente: R J O'brien Issues "Corrected Statement" Profits GONE! 1/2 - YouTube

Celente: R J O'brien Issues "Corrected Statement" Profits GONE! 2/2 - YouTube

Clive Boddy: Corporate Psychopaths Rule Over Us - Infowars Nightly News 1/2 - YouTube

Clive Boddy: Corporate Psychopaths Rule Over Us - Infowars Nightly News 2/2 - YouTube


** Corruption Index 2011: find out how countries compare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Transparency International(


» The Fed’s European “Rescue”: Another back-door US Bank / Goldman bailout? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Secret U.S.-Canada Border Deal Hides GMO Takeover Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Congresswoman accuses Blackwater founder of “intimidation” over Indy article | Guy Adams | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

Rep Schakowsky Speaks Out Against Private Military Contractors - YouTube

For Pakistan, No Formal Remorse Yet From Obama -

PressTV - US firm slammed for arming Egypt junta

Robert Fisk: 'The real fight for democracy in Egypt has yet to begin' - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

PressTV - 'US used nukes on Iraq, Afghanistan'

Andreas Whittam Smith: I don't believe the eurozone can be made to work - Andreas Whittam Smith - Commentators - The Independent

Vietnam-Style Exit: Russia Could Deliver Death Blow To NATO in Af-Pak War Theater

Clash Between NATO and Pakistani Forces Defused -

Drivers' lives 'at risk' as metal thieves plunder street lighting cable and plunge motorways into darkness | Mail Online

Jobs reports from Challenger, ADP show positive trend - Nov. 30, 2011

» In Modern America, Questioning War Is Considered Terrorism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mayor Bloomberg: ‘I Have My Own Army’ | PolitickerNY

Overhead Bin - House approves new TSA rules for U.S. military

RDR: Fusion Center documents label OKC Bombing investigators as terrorists

A Noble Lie - Trailer - YouTube

Therapist 'Brainwashed' Woman Into Believing She Was In Satanic Cult | The Vigilant Citizen

The Chain of Obedience - YouTube

Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying for 3 years' - Telegraph

Trade in surveillance technology raises worries - The Washington Post

» The Worst Drug Fraud in History? Do You Still Trust Them with Your Life? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Drug Company to Pay $3 Billion in Damages for Diabetic Drug

» GMO Crops Continually Banned Around the World in Display of Health Freedom Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

David Attenborough is accused of climate change sensationalism by Lord Lawson | Mail Online

AllGov - News - Prosecutors Fighting the Use of DNA Evidence in Order to Save Face

» Obama Fights Senate Attempt to Limit Contractors Doing Government Work Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Illegal immigrant sentenced for sex trafficking 15-year-old in Florence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Feds charge 20 with luring illegal immigrants to work in NY-area strip clubs -

Declassified Memo Hinted of 1941 Hawaii Attack - Washington Whispers (

Al Qaeda planning to kidnap more Westerners - Economic Times

Middle-class boy set up 'robot' program to give financial advice to investors and pocketed £1.5m | Mail Online

Hoarding for the apocalypse? I really wouldn't blame you | Zoe Williams | Comment is free | The Guardian

Markets Surge on Action By Several Central Banks -

From 1973 to 2011: On the next engineered global crisis | Essential Intelligence

The Curious Case of United Airlines Flight 23 on 9/11 «

» George Orwell’s guide to the news Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Court bid to 'lawfully' end life -

» Obama Fights Senate Attempt to Limit Contractors Doing Government Work Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Social Proof Is The New Marketing | TechCrunch

» Bad People, Bad Paper, and Good Serfs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Internet has become 'surveillance machine': Julian Assange

» Why is the American establishment media sanitizing reality? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Goodbye Roll Call, Hello RFIDs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Weeding out corporate psychopaths -

» The Insanity of the GOP Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Facebook closes in on $100bn flotation - Business Analysis & Features - Business - The Independent

10 Things Newt Gingrich Doesn't Want You To Know About Him | ThinkProgress

» A Hidden America: Living in Cars, Tents and Cheap Motels Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Occupy Wall Street And Homelessness: Millions Spent To Evict Camps, While Cutting Shelter Funds

Senator Rand Paul Concerned About Move To Make ALL U.S. Citizens Potential Enemy Combatants - YouTube

Senator McCain Responds To Senator Rand Paul - YouTube

Congress Enacts Indefinite Detention Law For U.S. Citizens! - YouTube

Secret Torture Methods For Home Grown Terrorists In S 1867 - YouTube

Crossing Police Lines: US cops defect to OWS - YouTube

Establishment Media Poll: Republicans Hold Negative View of Ron Paul

Ron Paul 2012 - Who Can You Trust? - YouTube

Italy is Stitched Up by Central Bankers-Hit with New Loan Sharking Rates

TAB: Playing the Fence: Obama’s Failed Iran Policy «

NDAA: Another Step in the Fascist Takeover of America «

AFP: Does The Media Cause Racism, Or Does It Simply Report It? «

Secret U.S.-Canada Border Deal Hides GMO Takeover «

Canada-US Border Deal Threatens Sovereignty - YouTube

Amy Winehouse dress sells for $68K

Herman Cain: 'We can do this'

Facebook Discussing Filing IPO

Ginger White: Cain would not make a good president

Rod Blagojevich could get up to 20 years in prison

Vladimir Putin accepts presidential nomination

Ann Coulter calls John McCain a 'douchebag' on 'Morning Joe'

ADHD drugs running scarce

Green Car critic questions what automakers got in deal with White House

Herman Cain supporters split along gender lines

Syrian Time Bomb

America: The Ally From Hell

Video: Iraq: US Militarism Created Culture of Corruption

Audio:Gerald Celente : Prepare for an Economic 9/11 and Economic Martial Law

McCain says American Citizens Can Be Sent to Guantanamo

What if the Constitution No Longer Applied?

A Club of Liars, Demagogues, and Fools

Mossad display tracks netting of Nazi killer — RT

Sharon Bialek, Herman Cain Accuser, Served With Eviction Papers

‘We Are the 99 Percent’ Joins the Cultural and Political Lexicon -

Size matters at the world's biggest penis museum -


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 30, 2011


BFP Report: Meet the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Distinguished’ Privacy Advisory Committee Members

The EyeOpener- Pipeline Politics & the Rewiring of Eurasia

Central Banks’ Latest Move Shows Desperation: This isn’t a financial crisis … it’s a bank robbery.

War and the Economic Crisis: America's Military Obsession Leads To Economic Decline

Britain's Sabre Rattling against Iran. The Threat to Global Security is Israel

VIDEO: Police State Canada: From the McDonald Commission to the G20


The Euro Zone System in Crisis. Will it Backlash on Wall Street?

Israel’s grand hypocrisy

Carefully Planned Sting Operation? What Really Happened to Strauss-Kahn?

Kuala Lumpur tribunal: Bush and Blair guilty

Occupy Movement: Next Step Convergence

Rampant Militarization of the World: West Risks New Arms Race In Europe

VIDEO: 9/11 and the Global Community

SYRIA: The Orwellian "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P) used to Justify "Regime Change" and All Out War

Article Sheds Light on the Fabrication of Charges Against Strauss-Kahn

Morocco Gets Muslim Brotherhood PM

VIDEO: Military Spending: Is Congress About to Put You Out of Work?

The Next Banking Crisis

Upholding Justice in the ‘War on Terror’

Unknown Snipers and Western backed "Regime Change"

Understanding Cyber Warfare. From Cyber Warfare to Cyber Resistance

VIDEO: More Violence in Kosovo: NATO Tells Troops to Use Live Ammunition

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: There Is A Very Uneasy Peace Between President Obama And The American Military. - The Ulsterman Report

Miley Cyrus steps out in not one, but two revealing outfits | Mail Online

Monsanto spreads roots into modified produce | The Columbus Dispatch

Are evangelicals a national security threat? -

Yoga is the work of the devil, says Vatican's chief exorcist (and he doesn't like Harry Potter much either) | Mail Online

Will The Jews Let Ron Paul Win? | Real Zionist News

Miley Cyrus steps out in not one, but two revealing outfits | Mail Online

Monsanto spreads roots into modified produce | The Columbus Dispatch

Are evangelicals a national security threat? -

Yoga is the work of the devil, says Vatican's chief exorcist (and he doesn't like Harry Potter much either) | Mail Online

EmTech: Get Ready for a New Human Species - Technology Review

Robert Kennedy’s Assassin Claims He Was Under Mind Control

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine


The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events | Secret Arcana


Justice at Last by Fred Reed

10 Things I Didn’t Learn in College Altucher Confidential

Fourth Estate Pleads the Fifth by Gerald Celente

The Folly of Sanctions by Ron Paul

Nov 28, 2011 Gold Buyers Guide: How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off Peter Schiff 321gold ...inc2 ...s

George Orwell’s Guide to the News by Adrian Salbuchi

Electability: Ron Paul Soundly Defeats Obama for These Eleven Reasons by Dave Trotter

Bullet switch proves Sirhan Sirhan innocent of Robert F Kennedy assassination, claim lawyers - The Daily Record

10 Ways to Avoid Putting on the "Holiday 10"

Surprise! Guess where the world’s most profitable banking center is… | Sovereign Man

Men who don't think about sex every seven seconds can rest easy - the idea is a myth, researchers have found | Mail Online

How to Eat More Fat | Mark's Daily Apple

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News


+The Week In Alternative News 19 - YouTube


House Committee Rushing to Approve Dangerous "Information Sharing" Bill | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Activist Post: Pharmaceutical Industry Payouts Prompt Conflict of Interest Concerns

Holding the EU together by Money Printing and Force | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: How Much More Tyranny Can Americans Take from Their Government?

Activist Post: A Three-Step Plan to Save the Euro with Gold

Economy is So Good People are Living in Cars | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Researchers: Alien Skulls Prove Earth Was Invaded

Occupy Turns On "Corporate Puppet" Obama

Improvising For Survival - Thinking In The Survival Mode

Things To Keep On You For Emergency

7 Equipment Ideas For Home Without Power

Scientists Translate Extraterrestrial Message Before 9/11

Decoded Alien Message.wmv - YouTube

9/11 and the War on a Noun

ACARS Confirmed - 9/11 Aircraft Airborne Long After Crash

Woody Box: Flight 175 was duplicated: Threefold Confirmation

Video: Must Watch Video On How Big Brother Monitors You

Carrier IQ Part #2 - YouTube

8 Dangers Of Working From Home To Be Aware Of

The Shadow Government | Veterans Today

1,089 Americans--71% of All U.S. Combat Deaths in Afghanistan--Have Been Killed Along Pakistan Border |

Romney to Fox's Bret Baier: Your Interview Was ‘Overly Aggressive,’ ‘Uncalled For’

Media Have Made Traditional Values the Counterculture

Occupy Wall St. Hits New Milestone: 5,000 Arrests

Manic Disdain for Our Fellow Man

Romney Voted for Population-Control Fanatic Presidential Candidate

Let's Kill Cain's Campaign

Labor Secretary: Failing to Extend Federal Payments to Unemployed Will Increase Unemployment

White House Aide: Obama Should Concentrate on Transgender Issues ‘In Whatever Time We Have Left’

OPM Director Discusses New Regs Making it Easier to be ‘Hired Into the Federal Family’

Christian Groups Bring ‘True Meaning of the Season’ to the Supreme Court’s Steps

U.N. Agency That Deals With ‘Green Energy’ and ‘Green Industry’ Loses Another Major Funder

Cain Says He’ll Meet With His Wife on Friday -- First Time Since Affair Accusation Surfaced

Cain's Lawyer Demands Phone Records From Woman Who Alleged an Affair

Int’l Religious Freedom Has Not Featured Prominently in 2012 Campaign

Former Senate Majority Leader: Obesity 'Threatens Our Security as a Nation'

Obama Lawyers: Executive Branch, Not Courts, Will Decide Which U.S. Citizens Are Enemies

White House Christmas Decorations Tribute to Soldiers Includes Christian Nativity Scene

Billy Graham Hospitalized Again, but in Good Spirits

Palestinians Try to Resurrect a U.N. Resolution They Violently Rejected 64 Years Ago

Tyler Perry Calls Boy in Penn St Case 'Hero,' Offers Support as Victim

Penn State Pledges $1.5M for Sex-Crimes Groups

Romney Gripes Fox News Interview ‘Overly Aggressive’ ‘Uncalled For,’ Fox Anchor Says

Obama Wants to ‘Strike a Balance’ on Expanding Health Care and Respecting Religious Beliefs

White House: It's a 'Mystery' Why Anyone Would Question That Kagan Should Judge Obamacare |

White House Christmas decorations go to the dogs

Landlord seeks to evict Herman Cain accuser from her Glenview home

High schools to hold weekly crime-fighting meetings with police

Penn State Bought Adult Domain Names to Block Usage Prior to Sex Abuse Scandal

Clinton tells Burma to break military ties with N. Korea

Mitt Romney struggles to find a strategy to combat Newt Gingrich’s surge

Boehner willing to team with Democrats on spending bill to keep the government open?

GOP risks losing its image as the party opposed to tax hikes, GOP leaders warn

Obama, Congress restore U.S. horse-slaughter industry

Fordham Law Students Accuse School of Misleading Birth Control Policy

Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ) 'knowingly' violated campaign funds law, watchdog says

Michigan may join states that allow carrying of stun guns

'Fast and Furious' Whistleblowers Struggle Six Months After Testifying Against ATF Program

Source: Cuccinelli set to announce gubernatorial run

Bachmann says her remark about US embassy in Iran ‘taken out of context’

Former sheriff's arrest in Colorado meth-for-sex case bewilders friends

Perry would send civil servants who disagree with him to work in “some really God-awful place”

Kris Humphries seeks annulment of marriage to Kim Kardashian on basis of fraud

Hotel breakfast: Can you stomach $15 oatmeal?

Celeb baby names creep onto most popular list

2 Part:Gerald Celente – The Alex Jones Show – November 29th, 2011


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 29th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 28th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 29th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 28th, 2011


2 Part:Max Igan discusses Shappelle Corby and Govt Corruption on Radio SkidRow |

RJC Holds GOP Candidate Panel — Minus Ron Paul |

‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Set For Final Vote Thursday |


Lynn Margulis: 1938-2011 -

Dr. Lynn Margulis: A Legacy of Learning |


Lynn Margulis (PhD - Scientist) - 9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts speak out (AE911TRUTH) - YouTube


*1:10:24/Ground Zero 9/11 FDNY Debris Closeups.NIST FOIA - YouTube

*1:54:46/911- The Great Illusion. End Game Of The Illuminati.George Humphrey (full) - YouTube


Lone Star Watchdog: Why Some US Soldiers Will Follow Illegal Orders to Arrest and Shoot Americans


**Cooking and Recipes @ Before It's News


* Holy City Bible Code

Free forum : Truth Seekers(



The Graffiti Creator(


Ros-Lehtinen: Hispanic Vote Deserting Obama

Gingrich Calls Romney 'a Great Manager'

Defiant Cain Says He's Staying in Race

Allen West: I'm Not Telling Cain to Quit

Perry: Amnesty Not Solution to Illegal Immigration

Gov. Christie: Obama ‘Afraid’ of Romney

Inhofe: Holder Must Resign Over Fast and Furious

Gingrich to Meet With Trump

Biden: We're Not 'Claiming Victory' in Iraq

Pat Robertson: Cain Should End Campaign

Cain to Meet Wife, Decide Campaign's Fate

Gingrich Trails in Organizing in Early-voting Iowa

Bachmann Opposes Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Feds Find 32 Tons of Pot in US Border Tunnel

Justice Alleges ACORN Spin-off Misused Money

CIA Plans to Tone Down Its Holiday Celebrations

Obama Offers $50 M to Combat AIDS in the US

Latest Theory in NY Mystery Bodies: 1 Killer of 10

Huckabee: I May Not Endorse Candidate During Primaries

Another Kennedy in the House, to Replace Frank? End in Europe Is Going to Be Bad

Eating Fish Reduces Alzheimer's Risk

Antipsychotic Drugs Overprescribed to Elderly

More Docs Wash When Cameras Roll

Eating Eggs, Chicken May Boost Memory

Frank Will Not Be Missed

Saying 'Au Revoir' to a Great American Voice

The Case Against 'Diversity' Rationale for Racial Preferences

Bachmann Suggests Intelligent Design Is a 'Scientific Fact'

Rep. Schakowsky: Blackwater's Erik Prince Tried To Intimidate Me

Koch Funded Pro-Walker Ads Prove the Need For Truth in Advertising Laws

Even The Cops Couldn't Bring Themselves To Foreclose On 103-Year-Old Atlanta Woman

Obama Draws Ire of Billionaire Leon Cooperman (Not Satire)

Colbert Report: Tip/Wag - Barack Obama's Omission, Mitt Romney's Ad and Lululemon's Tagline

Scott Olsen Interviewed After Hospital Release. Last Day to Donate! Scott Olsen Funder

Fox LA Reporter Hits New Low in #OccupyLA Coverage

New Hampshire Will Not Be A 'Right-to-Work' State

Mitt Romney Gets Testy with Bret Baier

Las Vegas Robo-Signing Whistleblower Found Dead Before Sentencing Hearing

Kentucky Church Bans Interracial Couples

My First Hand Account of the #OccupyLA Raid on the Majority Report

Perry to Federal Workers: 'Share My Vision' or Get Punished

The Hunting of the Snark: You Are What You Buy




Obama: 'Massive blow' if GOP blocks payroll tax

Obama lawyers: Citizens targeted if at war with US

Obama lawyers: Citizens targeted if at war with US - CBS News

Biden says he won’t close door on 2016 - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Feisty Cain presses ahead with bid - Yahoo! News

Stephanopoulos Gloats: Will My Interview With New Accuser 'Spell the End' for Cain?

America's saddest cities revealed... and 3 are in the Sunshine State | Mail Online

Driver Faces Charges After Tar Falls On Turnpik - Flash Player Installation

Mother of woman burned during surgery says daughter didn’t know what happened | happened, know, burned - Northwest Florida Daily News

Penn State Bought Adult .XXX Domain Names To Block Usage Prior To Sex Abuse Scandal | Fox News

Web usage-based billing on its way

Occupy Protesters Mobilize for Obama's Visit -

White House Christmas: Michelle Obama unveils holiday decorations | Mail Online

San Jose police: Man who caused post office shutdown was jogger in unusual gear - San Jose Mercury News

Smithsonian museum collects Occupy Wall Street memorabilia - Washington Times

FLASHBACK: Homeless Lady with 15 Kids: ‘Somebody Needs to Pay for All My Children’ - Homelessness - Fox Nation





+Wikileaks - The Spy files


*Wikileaks - The Spy files/The Map


Fugitive ex-cop's wife takes the Fifth at pension hearing


Rod Blagojevich should get 15 to 20 years: Prosecutors -

Blagojevich wants tapes played at sentencing - CBS News

Federal judge calls hearing to consider Blagojevich defense motions on key government witness - Chicago Tribune


Islamists likely to get majority rule in Egypt

Treasury announces new sanctions against Syria

"Enough is enough": Pakistan-US rift continues

Russia creeps up anti-corruption index

Putin support dives as more Russians grow uneasy about leader's return

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: 'uninhibited sex life' ruined my career

New Ron Paul ad: Newt Gingrich is a 'serial hypocrite' (VIDEO)

News media give up on Cain campaign

Doctor: John W. Hinckley was engaged, then called it off

Immigration trips up GOP presidential contenders

Single serial killer responsible for Long Island beach murders, police say

Nancy Pelosi gets nostalgic about retiring Barney Frank

Dog Shoots Owner in Buttocks

Barack Obama and blue-collar Pennsylvania voters : Take 2

Senate Republicans lay out payroll tax cut plan

Obamas to light new National Christmas Tree on Thursday

Why Mitt Romney is losing the TV campaign ad war, again

Father shoots wife and kids, kills himself in Bay City

Democrats unleash attacks on Cuccinelli

Group hits states on sex trafficking

‘Random Person’ Coaches House GOP on Tax Message; Pelosi Blames Grover Norquist for Superfailure - ABC News

Car sales could be strongest since 'Clunkers'

Carrier IQ Vs. Wiretap Laws

Spy Files: WikiLeaks exposes dark secrets of surveillance - YouTube

Google Maps Goes Indoors, Takes You Into Malls, Airports

Now Facebook updates can be over 60000 characters

New WikiLeaks 'spy files' show global surveillance industry

2012 Grammy nominations: Adele, Kanye West, Bruno Mars, Foo Fighters lead the musical pack - NY Daily News

Best of the Action From the Grammy Nominations - YouTube

Late Night: Jon Stewart mocks Brian Williams' alarm troubles -

Permafrost Thaw May Emit More Than Deforestation, Study Says

COP17: US Says Green Climate Fund Has 'Errors and Inconsistencies' - YouTube

Tools point to earlier Africa exodus

Astronomers Closing in on Stars About to Explode

Newfound Alien Planet Hot Enough to Melt Iron

Space Artifacts at Auctions Draw High Bids and Higher Scrutiny

Squid robot: Gumby-like robot squeezes through tight spaces (VIDEO)

Russian President Threatens Punishment for Recent Space Blunders

Liquid living worms survive space

Obama sets new US goal on fighting AIDS

Obama on AIDS: We Will 'Win This Fight' - YouTube

Spokesman: Graham in 'good spirits' at NC hospital

Brain Food: Eating Fish May Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's

Protected Patient Data Increasingly Being Lost, Stolen

On “Weed Wars,” drug clichés go up in smoke

LA porn condom initiative moves closer to ballot

3D Printers May Help Fix Fractures

ObamaCare: It Doesn't Work in Japan, and It Won't Work Anywhere Else

OCCUPY WALL STREET The American left's Tet Offensive against capitalism!

Why the Occupy "Camps" Are Important

The Soap Opera that came to stay in the 2012 presidential campaign

Sympathy for Obama

What the GOP Candidates Should Be Saying

Herman Cain, again, not the harasser OR what IS sexual harassment?

Herman Cain MUST stay in the fight!

Obama, the Provable Nothing

Herman Cain has been sexually harassing me for years!

Obama’s Dictatorship is almost complete

Paper Money, Real Debt, and Spendthrift Nations

Growing Disenchantment with Renewable Energy

A Debt Crisis or a Liberalism Crisis?

What About ’Constitutional Right’ to Low Tuition?

Latest News of Obamacare’s Forthcoming Death Panels

Rush Limbaugh: Andy Stern And Barack Obama Are On The Verge Of Rendering The American Revolution Null And Void

Limbaugh: I’m Convinced OWS Is An Obama Creation To Destroy Romney

Rush Limbaugh Live In New York At The Town Hall Theater [FULL]

Limbaugh At NYC Town Hall Theatre “Overall People Just Don’t View Romney As Conservative Enough”

Rush Rocks NYC in Rare Speech, as Anti-Limbaugh Protest Fizzles in the Drizzle

Eric Bolling Agrees With Rush Limbaugh “When Will the GOP Hopefuls Focus Their Attention On Obama, The Economy, The Jobs?”

Rush: GOP Race Has Become Search For Perfect Candidate… All We’re Hearing Is Their Shortcomings.

Donald Trump: President Obama Is Very Inconsiderate

Pregnant Gang Rape Victim to Be Lashed 100 Times After She Delivers Baby | The Gateway Pundit

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : McCain Says Free and Fair Elections Way to Stop Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

The Angriest Democrat in Congress Attacks Obama

Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city -

Obama defends Israel policy at NY... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Former top Israeli general says explosions that reportedly hit Iranian nuclear sites were not accidents - NY Daily News

How Paulson Gave Hedge Funds Advance Word of Fannie Mae Rescue - Bloomberg

Look what I can do mum! Proud moment for macaque mother as baby blows her a raspberry | Mail Online

Surge in Free School Lunches Reflects Economic Crisis -

Debbie Schlussel - VIDEO: BabyMama w/ 15 Kids – “Somebody Needs to Pay For My Kids”

Debbie Schlussel - EXCLUSIVE: Who is Erik Barnett? Obama’s ICE Cronyism & the “European Vacation” You’re Paying For

Game Show Government

How to Make Sense of the European Union Disaster

The Casualties of the Government's War on Obesity

Attack on Brit embassy in Tehran backfires on Iran

Israel refuses to deny responsibility for Isfahan blast

House Republican Majority Leader Backs Pro-ObamaCare Nominee for Medicare/Medicaid Post

Ayers Owns Up to Obama Fundraiser

Islamists dominate Egyptian election

Obama is feeling the heat

Fed Buys a Ticket on the Titanic

Andy Stern: In praise of Communist China

The Baehr Essentials

Dreams From My President

Presidential Race 2012: Imperfect Conservatives Need Not Apply

Saving the Cain Campaign

The Global Economy at Cliff's Edge

Obama's Design for Defeat

Warning: If There's 'Nuance,' You're Being Had

Marathon Targets Ships Quantico First ‘Smart Target’ Robots on Segways | Video |

Drug Kills Blood Supply to Fat Cells for Weight Loss | Video |

Eric Holder Lashes Out at Daily Caller Reporter |

MSNBC Host Ed Schultz Blasts Anderson Cooper and GQ‘s ’25 Least Influential People Alive’ List | Video |

CT Scans Could Help Replicate and Authenticate Stradivarius Violins | Video |

Mystic Valley Regional Charter School Teacher Kevin Hogan Starred in Gay Porn | Video |

How Does the Fed Explain This $88 Billion Shift? |

CH2M HILL Cut Jobs After Receiving $2 Billion in Stimulus |

Apple Claims Siri’s Pro-Life Responses Not Deliberate |

CA Border Drug Tunnel Seized With 30 Tons of Pot | Video |

Associated Press Says GOP Presidential Candidates ‘Factually Challenged’ |

Atheist Children Are the Best at Sports, According to Swiss Study |

Adam Carolla Talks About Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Edited Version of Adam Carolla Occupy Rant |

Electromagnetic Catapult Shoots F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Plane Into Sky | Video |

+Daily Call Sheet: When Comedians Go Dramatic, TV Ownership Drops, and Grinder Classics

Roger Ebert’s ‘At the Movies’ Is Off the Air

Blacklisted or Ostracized? Tell Me About It

Bono Praises George W. Bush, Shocks Jon Stewart

Why Conservatives Need Patience and the Writers Need Help With ‘The Walking Dead’

Adam Carolla Trashes Occupy Wall Street in Epic Rant

‘Veep’ Star Julia Louis-Dreyfus Promises Palin-Free Political Comedy

‘Tucker and Dale vs. Evil’ Review: Turning Hillbilly Stereotypes on Their Bloody Ears

Trailer Talk: ‘John Carter’ – The Next Big Franchise, or Another ‘Prince of Persia?’

Milwaukee School Board Uses Act 10 to Cut Labor Costs and Address Huge Deficit

AUDIO: Government Controlled Healthcare Champion Don Berwick Steps Down

Dem Candidate Attacks GOP Congressman for Supporting Obama Policy

Typo or Torpedo? Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Proposes a Bill to Legalize Insider Trading

Our Double Taxation Stifles Economic Growth

+BREAKING NEWS on Fast and Furious: Obama Knew in May 2010?

Activist Boasts of Communist Leadership in Occupy Movement – Links to Re-election of Obama

Wisc. Election ‘Watchdog’ Assumes ALL Recall Signatures Are Valid, Will Only Verify Contested Entries

Adam Carolla Explains the OWS Generation

Houston Democrats Throw Christmas Party at Planned Parenthood

Budget Reform the Chicago Way: Increase Mandated Spending

New Book Exposes the Effort to Introduce Radical Political Philosophy into K-12 Classrooms

UNIONS: Future of the Occupy Movement?

AUDIO: The Best Books of 2011

Media Matters Shocked That Fox Reports On Presidential Primary

+Thursday Crib Sheet: DNC Attacks Jake Tapper, Romney Complains Over Baier Questions

Media Matters Comes To Holder’s Defense

Tina Brown: Obama Doesn’t Know How To Do His Job

MO Congressional Race Turns Ugly As Daily Caller Is Dragged Into Mudpit

Wapo’s ‘On Faith’ : Jesus Tells Us to Forgive Student Loan Debt

Propaganda vs Pepper-Spray: Which Weapon is More Dangerous?

NewsBusted: What’s Wrong with Pepper Spray?

Cynthia Farahat: Egyptian Elections & the Muslim Brotherhood

AUDIO: America Needs to Start Leading

The West Needs Reaganesque Leadership in Response to Iran’s Reprise of 1979 Embassy Siege

Muslim Brotherhood, Salafis Could Control up to 65% of Egypt’s New Parliament

The U.N.’s Annual Attempt to Turn Back the Clock on Israel

Central Banks Rush to Rescue Euro With Cheap Dollars; China Eases Reserve Requirements

Medal of Honor Recipient Sues Defense Contractor, Claims Company Sold Sniper Tech to Pakistan

A Must-Read Essay By Israeli Physicist Haim Harari on the Arab Spring and Barack Obama’s Incoherent Policy

Iran’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good Very Bad Day: New UK Sanctions, Nuke Facility Explosion

AUDIO: The Experts Speak Out: China, the Muslim Brotherhood, Defense Spending

Does America Have the Patience to Properly Negotiate with China?

Thirteen charged in microcap kickback cases

Obama lawyers: Citizens targeted if at war with US

Federal report: Arctic much worse since 2006

Caterpillar: Tax vote sign of Illinois dysfunction

Cain accuser may face eviction from rented home

Former Wisconsin governor Thompson makes Senate run official

ACLU: FBI used outreach to collect info on Muslims

Obama sets new U.S. goal on fighting AIDS

Oil price drops below $100 a barrel

Cocaine found on 11% of UK banknotes

The risks of sleepwalking into a war with Iran

Clinton 'encouraged' by Burma reforms as she meets Aung San Suu Kyi

Occupy movement costs Corporation of London nearly 500,000

Former News of the World journalist denies phone hacking

New York Production Incentives Paying Off, According To Labor Statistics Cited By MPAA –

Former Gov. Richardson Feels New Heat -

CNN Cuts 50 Staff Members - The Hollywood Reporter

Meghan McCain conducts first interview for MSNBC with Michele Bachmann | The Cutline - Yahoo! News


+ (1st) *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Government


1-Dec-11 World View

30-Nov-11 World View

29-Nov-11 World View


Britain joins multi-billion-pound global bailout as key banks face new credit crunch | Mail Online

Gingrich's contradictions on 'climate change' run deep

3rd state facing challenge over Obama candidacy

Congressional staff gives Constitution new meaning

Ballots with Obama's name facing more legal challenges

Jack Abramoff for president?

Time to limit Muslim immigration

Once you go conservative black, better watch your back

Herman Cain is toast!

Congressional 'scholar' shilling for Obama

The OWS-Black Friday connection

Civil war ahead?

So that's how 'modern' socialism works

Baseless paranoia of Big Brother

The sex-abuse case ESPN ignores

Can Congress steal your constitutional freedoms?

Bulletproof Barney: Liberal, 'gay,' untouchable

GOP = goons of the 1%

The drugging of America

The Pest Who Shames Companies Into Fixing Security Flaws | Magazine

Bobby Kennedy assassin claims he was 'victim of mind control'

Norway mass killer may avoid jail: prosecutor - The Local

(UPDATED) Woman says she was “imprisoned” on Scientology cruise ship for 12 years; church denounces her claim as “false” | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

Strange Security: Hackers Could Set Your Printer on Fire from a Distance | At Home - Yahoo! Shine

Chewing gum has cognitive benefits

NYT: Clark Gable's secret daughter dies at 76 - Entertainment - The New York Times -

The Local - Fiery sauce sends Swiss snackers to hospital

AFP: Archaeologist traces Pocahontas wedding site

Zionist Conspiracy: You just might be an "Occupier"

Blind photographer creates visionary art

This Young Woman Scored $1,200 A Month In Fancy Dinners Using - Business Insider

'PolitiChicks' doubt Obama's eligibility


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Euro rescue or delayed disaster?;Heritage Foundation: Fed move 'precautionary step in anticipation of massive crisis'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Real opportunity': House braces for fiscal fights;Rep. Woodall: 'We've got to be serious' about significant entitlement reform


Former Business Partner: Ginger White Never Mentioned Herman Cain - ABC News

Inmates didn't know what to think of Jack Abramoff | The Examiner | Yeas & Nays | Washington Examiner

Abramoff has 5 tough questions for candidates

Congressional staff gives Constitution new meaning


Audio:Birth certificate to haunt Obama for 2012 election? « Klein Online


+Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*1 Dec.

American Minute for December 1st

December 1st This Day in History

Today in History: December 1

December 1st in History

Today in History: December 1

December 1 Events in History

This Day in History for 1st December

Today in History for December 1st - YouTube


Global warming forgotten in 2012 race - The Insiders - The Washington Post

Deadlock in Durban - Jagdish Bhagwati - Project Syndicate

Wind energy leader: Transmission is key | The Argus Leader |

Solar Combined With Wind Power: A Way To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels? | The Energy Collective

Is the U.S.Really a Net Petroleum Exporter? No - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

7 reasons energy costs are so high The Republican-American

Obama is provoking China into a trade war: Expert - CNBC -

Startup acquisitions: Get big or get bought - Nov. 30, 2011

RealClearMarkets - With a Little Help from Our Fed

6 Central Banks Act to Buy Time in Europe Crisis -

Fed Leads Other Central Banks In Applying Band-Aid -

Weil: Fed Lays Trap for Itself With Bank Stress Tests - Bloomberg

Andy Stern: China's Superior Economic Model -

Raise Taxes on Rich to Reward True Job Creators: Nick Hanauer - Bloomberg

The Sheer Tax Naivete Of Krugman, Shiller And Sachs - Forbes

Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs and other socially beneficial psychopaths « Interloper

The Aleph Blog » Blog Archive » A Large Middle Class Isn’t Necessarily Normal

Hank Paulson’s inside jobs | Felix Salmon

Is Suburbia Doomed? Not So Fast. - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - 5 Reasons Why Stock Market Rally May Fizzle

Sen. Scott Brown: Creating A Nation of Venture Capitalists Through Crowdfunding | Epicenter |

Laptops of 2012: What to Expect | PCWorld

Is Personal Data the New Currency? - Technology Review

12 Things You Didn’t Know Facebook Could Do -

Digital Life - FTC settlement aside, Facebook still owns your privacy

5 biggest myths (and lies) about the AT&T/T-Mobile deal - Prices would fall (1) - CNNMoney

New Spotify Apps: The Best New Features You Need To Download (PICTURES)

RIM's new motto: If you can't beat them, join them - Fortune Tech

Now Every Company Is A Software Company - Forbes

Inside DreamHack, the 12,000-computer LAN party - Slideshow | ExtremeTech

Cyberwar storm clouds are gathering - opinion - 29 November 2011 - New Scientist

BBC Nature - How animals predict earthquakes

Horses could be slaughtered for meat -

Restaurants plan DNA-certified premium seafood - Telegraph

Poop-Throwing Chimps Provide Hints of Human Origins | Wired Science |

Look Out, Kids: Competitiveness Peaks in Middle Age - Miller-McCune

How a collapsing scientific hypothesis led to a lawsuit and arrest

Does marijuana make you a more dangerous driver than alcohol? - Slate Magazine

Why Does Evolution Allow Some People to Taste Words? – Cyborg bugs as first responders

A dash of physics thrown into the cocktail mix | Science Codex

Penn and Brown Researchers Demonstrate Earthquake Friction Effect at the Nanoscale | Penn News

New birth control targets ovulation without hormones » Scienceline

CDC study: Just 1 in 4 Americans with HIV have infection under control with medications - The Washington Post

When You Try to Buy Status, It Can Backfire: Scientific American

10 Mega-Construction Projects That Could Save the Environment — and the Economy

Why Star Corpses Go Green (and so will we!) : Starts With A Bang

Victor Udoewa: The Different Roles of Science and Faith

Focus on religion was 'grave mistake' by political parties, expert says

Evolution and Islam » GetReligion

Tibetan Buddhist leader shies from mantle of power | Reuters

Egypt’s Christians Prepare for New Political Climate -

Is Ireland just the first Vatican embassy to go? | National Catholic Reporter

God is starting to show | The Christian Century

Is Judaism a Religion? » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Rosa Parks Bus - The Story Behind the Bus

Rosa Parks Biography -- Academy of Achievement

Live from Washington, It's Lottery Night 1969!

Boomers' Political Affiliations A Matter of Chance - Miller-McCune

The Corrupt Bargain - National American history |

Henry Clay Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -

Dr Pepper Museum - History Of Dr Pepper

Christine Jorgensen | The Christine Jorgensen Transsexual Story

December 1941: Twelve days that began a world war - Reviews -

Islam specialist Charles Kurzman on the missing martyrs | The Christian Century

BOOK REVIEW: 'Habibi' - Washington Times

The American Conservative » Arguing Hitchens

Harlan Green: What Decline of Western Civilization?

Hillary Kelly Reviews Alexandra Harris's "Virginia Woolf" | The New Republic

Condi’s Mystery Men - News & Features (

Sarah Murray: Making An Exit | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

When novels change history | Books |

Why Mark Twain would be booted from Facebook -

Iran's mullahs come out fighting - Telegraph

Realpolitik and the Myanmar Spring - By Bertil Lintner | Foreign Policy

West needs to drop passivity over a dangerously provocative Iran -

Asia Times Online :: Iran delivers major blow to the CIA

Latin America is beating poverty - sort of - Andres Oppenheimer -

Medvedev's Missile Threats Are His 'Plan B' | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Let Iran feel the heat - Telegraph

Pakistan's dilemma - The Times of India

The Xinjiang Procedure | The Weekly Standard

Senate Finally Publishes Its Spending Online, But Could Do Much Better - Sunlight Foundation

White House: We're Really, Really Ending The Iraq War | Danger Room |

Gingrich Was No Lobbyist, Just a Washington Influence Peddler « Commentary Magazine

Political Animal - Boehner’s radical departure on tax policy

What Should We Do about Pakistan? - By Alex Alexiev - The Corner - National Review Online

Islam specialist Charles Kurzman on the missing martyrs | The Christian Century

BOOK REVIEW: 'Habibi' - Washington Times

The American Conservative » Arguing Hitchens

Harlan Green: What Decline of Western Civilization?

Hillary Kelly Reviews Alexandra Harris's "Virginia Woolf" | The New Republic

Condi’s Mystery Men - News & Features (

Sarah Murray: Making An Exit | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

When novels change history | Books |

Why Mark Twain would be booted from Facebook -


**1st/Real Clear Markets - Video - Central Banks Rescue Move Explained

30th/Real Clear Markets - Video - Fitch Sovereign Ratings Head on U.S. Credit Rating

Real Clear Markets - Video - Bank Stocks at a Bottom? Or Worst to Come?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Impact of Oil Prices on Economic Recovery

Real Clear Markets - Video - Occupiers Ponder Their Future

Real Clear Markets - Video - Brace for Steep Selloff in Oil Prices?

29th/Real Clear Markets - Video - Bove: Why I Was Wrong on Bank Stocks

Real Clear Markets - Video - Strong Cyber Monday? Don't Get Too Excited

Real Clear Markets - Video - Cramer: Moody's Is Right

Real Clear Markets - Video - A Portfolio That Works in Any Market?

28th/Real Clear Markets - Video - Dirty Truth About Clean Energy


*Transcripts:29th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Perry

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Panel on the Latest Disputes with Iran


**NEWS VIDEOS:Dead Movement Walking: Breitbart Explains How Organized Left Is Euthanizing #Occupy Movement

Obama Confuses England And Great Britain

Gingrich: GOP Race Is Becoming ‘Newt Vs. Not Newt’

Miller Time: Bye Bye Barney Frank

Duh-Dum, Duh-Dum, Duh-Dum… Huge Great White Spotted Off NC Coast

NYC City Council: Bloomberg Proposal ‘Cruel’ And ‘Insensitive’ To Homeless

Billy Graham Admitted To Hospital

Happy Meal Toys Selling Separately In San Francisco

Penn State Holds Town Hall Amid Abuse Scandal

Ecuador Volcano Prompts Evacuations

World’s First School Of Sex Opens

30th/Ron Paul Pounds Gingrich With Scathing Video

NBC News Host Asks: Does Gingrich ‘Personify’ Evil?

Adam Carolla Explains The #OccupyWallStreet Generation

Facebook Hit With Privacy Audits

Obama To GOP: ‘Don’t Be A Grinch’

Obama: ‘Since I’ve Taken Office, I’ve Cut Your Taxes’

Homeless Lady With 15 Kids: ‘Somebody Needs To Pay For All My Children’

Tina Brown: Obama ‘Doesn’t Like His Job’

Allen West To Herman Cain: ‘Move On’

CNN Asks LAPD Commander If Fellow Cops Wanted To Be Part Of #OccupyLA Protest

Unions Organize And Finance Occupy Events

#OccupyCOSprings Silenced By Crowd

DNC: Barney Frank ‘Saved Economy’

ATF ‘Fast & Furious’ Whistleblowers Claim Retaliation By DOJ

Limbaugh: Greed Has Fed More Mouths Than Charity Ever Could

First Penn State Abuse Suit Comes From New Accuser

‘Violence Every Day’ At #Occupy Encampments – But Police Are Real Problem

29th/UK Embassy Under Siege In Iran

India Offers Cars To Lure Sterilization Volunteers

Trump To Obama: ‘You Are Doing One Hell Of A Lousy Job’

Chris Matthews: Gingrich Nomination Would Cause ‘Embarrassment and Sadness for Our Republic’

28th/Attackers Blow Up Gas Pipeline

Red Alert: Exposing China’s Hand In Our Financial Crisis

Howard Stern Inspired Prank Caller Poses As Student Arrested In Cairo, Thanks ‘Baba Booey’s Monkey Nuts’ For Freedom

Miley Cyrus Sings For #OccupyWallSt

27th/Ice Sculptors Create Nativity Scene


+ Maxine Waters Admits She's a Socialist - YouTube


Nov. 30, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-29, Tuesday

The Alex Jones Show 11-30-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 11-30-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 11-30-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 11-30-11 Hr 4

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-30-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-30-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-30-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-30-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-30-11 Hr 3

The Manning Report – 30 November 2011

11/30 The Mark Levin Show

Kevin Trudeau Show

Kevin Trudeau Show 29th

2011-12-01 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-11-30 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Michael Savage Show 11/30/2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, November, 30, 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, November, 29, 2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 29th

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

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