A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

30 November 2011

30 NOV.



"Special Report" Panel On The Attack On British Embassy In Iran
RNC Ad: Failed Promises - Scranton
Romney New Hampshire Ad: The Right Answer
Gingrich: I Didn't Have To Lobby Because I Made $60,000 A Speech
Ron Paul: "Republican Candidates Just Represent The Status Quo"
Valerie Jarrett: Obama Gave Supercommittee "Great Deal" Of Advice, Not To Blame
Coburn: We Need Leaders That Think Long-Term To Solve Our Problems
"Daily Show" On Conservative Reaction To Barney Frank's Retirement
Rick Perry Calls For "Lengthy Conversation" On What To Do With Illegals
O'Reilly: Herman Cain Is "Basically A Good Man"
WaPo's Cillizza: Cain's Supporters Will Flock To Gingrich
O'Donnell: Is It Time For The Left To Mute Their Criticism Of Obama?
Trump: Obama Inconsiderate To Visit NYC During Tree Lighting


29 NOV.

Romney Gets Irritated When Reminded Of Flip-Flops: "Out Of Context"
Matthews: Gingrich Has Made Politics "Nastier, More Feral" And Uglier
Krauthammer: "Liberalism Has A Monopoly On Self-Righteousness"
Romney: "Lifelong Politician" Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama
Gingrich Supported Individual Mandate In 2005
Dyson: Cain Fulfilled "Stereotypes Of What Authentic Blackness Was About"
Oops: Perry Forgets Voting Age And Date Of 2012 Election
Chuck Todd To Carney: How Is Going To A Swing State Not Political?
Herman Cain To "Reassess" Staying In The Republican Race
Barney Frank Lashes Out At Media And "Gotcha Questions" In Interview
Coulter Gets Bleeped For Calling McCain A "Douchebag" On "Morning Joe"
Christie To Obama: "What The Hell Are We Paying You For?"
Entire Video: Romney Interviewed By Bret Baier On "Special Report"
Comedian Richard Lewis: Herman Cain Would Be "Lucky To Be A Doorman"
Schultz: Democrats Have To Make Income Inequality An Issue
O'Reilly: "Since Comcast Took Over NBC, Things Have Been Better"
Matthews: Can Romney Fix His Flip-Flop Issue?
Mack: "I Am Going To Run For The United States Senate"



The Middle East, North Africa, And U.S. Policy
Euro Crisis Raises New Concerns For U.S., Global Economy
Eurozone Breakup Could Come In 6-8 Weeks
Raw Video: Biden Makes Surprise Visit To Iraq
Obama Condemns Storming Of UK Embassy In Iran
Anti-American Sentiment Grows In Pakistan
Poland's 'Apocalyptic' Plea To Germany
40,000 Troops To Exit Afghanistan By End Of 2012
Thousands Clash With Police In Kiev
Life-sized Ice Nativity Unveiled
Pressure Builds On Euro Finance Ministers
Polls Close In Egyptian Election
Styled In Italy - Made In China
The Future Of The Eurozone


29 NOV.


Afghan Perspectives On Post-Transition
Cain Discusses Pakistan Strategy
Hassan: U.S. Must Apologize To Pakistan
Pakistan, The Eurozone And Presidential Travel
The Truth Behind The NATO Strikes
Egypt Quiet On Second Day Of Voting
Russia's New Brain Drain
Pro-Assad Supporters Protest Sanctions
Obama Offers EU Moral Support, Not Money
Australian Police Make Huge Drug Bust
Raw Video: Students Storm British Embassy
Tracking Terrorists In Africa
European Commission's Barroso Insists Euro Will Survive Crisis



The Daily Bell - VIDEO: Rand Paul Confronts Geithner Over Fed Monetary Price Fixing

Does your child belong to state?


"Brazil" by Django Reinhardt - Grooveshark

"Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea" by Django Reinhardt - Grooveshark


*S.1867: Just another brick in the police state wall « The PPJ Gazette

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up of American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union


History of the Bush Family - YouTube

Nazis & The Bush Family Connection - Project Paperclip - YouTube

[The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty] - C-SPAN Video Library

BEHIND THE BUSHES: Chronology of a family KEY WORDS: George W. Bush

Nazis And Bush Family History: Government Investigated Bush family's Financing Of Hitler

Ancestry of George Walker Bush - President Bush Family Tree


Press TV talks to James Morris on CNN Republican Debate (Ron Paul on Iran) - YouTube

Rick Perry Gets Voting Age Wrong In New Hampshire

The First Time I Heard Of Barack


Info News 2011-11-29 Tuesday - YouTube


Churchill And Hitler...And History

Hank Paulson 'gave hedge funds inside information on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae' when he was Treasury Secretary | Mail Online

How Freedom Group Became the Gun Industry’s Giant -


Sirhan Sirhan: Lawyers For Convicted Robert F. Kennedy Assassin Argue That New Forensic Details Show Client Is Innocent


Sirhan Sirhan(


Bullet switch proves Sirhan Sirhan innocent of Robert F Kennedy assassination, claim lawyers - The Daily Record

Sirhan Sirhan's Lawyers Say He Didn't Kill RFK : NPR

The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy — Sirhan Sirhan — Crime Library on


43 min./Lockheed Martin's California Dreamin' And The Setup Of Sirhan Sirhan - YouTube

60 min./Mind Control, MKULTRA, and Sirhan Sirhan on Black Helicopter Radio! - YouTube

1:39:09/The Assassination of RFK - YouTube


Pastor’s kid describes seeing heaven in near-death experience | Hot Topics | a blog

The Illuminati Choice for 2012

George Orwell’s guide to the news — RT


*27 pg./Barack Obama: The Invisible Man, By Another Sojourner for Truth

The Invisible Man - YouTube


The History of Broken Promises & Imposed Solutions On Palestinians

How Can The Palestinians Trust The Political Process?

Herman Cain vows to move forward with campaign

If Herman Cain Quits The GOP Race, Where Will His Supporters Go? : It's All Politics : NPR - Eco Nazis & the Coming Global Famine

Fars News Agency :: To Americans: Israel Not Worth Destruction of US

China to Embrace Fracking In an Effort to Ramp up Energy Production at Oil Price

Zionism Is Nobody's Friend




Senate Votes To Let Military Detain Americans Indefinitely, White House Threatens Veto


Bill Text 112th Congress (2011-2012) S.1867.PCS


Battlefield: America - Have the Terrorists Won? - YouTube

Bringing the War of Terror Home - YouTube

Prison » Rand Paul: Americans Could Be Sent to Gitmo Under ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill

If Senate Bill 1867 Passes—it REALLY is time to purge the Senate of All Supporters of Indefinite Detention in any form for anyone under the power of the American Government! | TIERRA LIMPIA by Charles Lincoln

DOJ Labels OKC Bombing Investigators as Terrorists! Andrew Griffin Reports 1/2 - YouTube

DOJ Labels OKC Bombing Investigators as Terrorists! Andrew Griffin Reports 2/2 - YouTube

Secret Fed Loans & Slinky School of Economics - YouTube

Powell Longs for Lapdog Media: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Alex Jones: Senate wants martial law in America - YouTube

Prison » SYRIA: The Orwellian “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) used to Justify “Regime Change” and All Out War

Prison » Tens Of Millions Of American Families Are Living On The Edge Of Desperation

Prison » Traitors in Washington Are Putting A Flamethrower to The U.S. Constitution

Prison » Ron Paul Explains His Plan For “Monetary Freedom” And Returning To The Gold Standard

Ron Paul's Plan for Monetary Freedom - YouTube

Euro Zone Crisis - Italy Reportedly in Exploratory Talks With IMF for Aid - CNBC

Prison » BANK DOWNGRADE RAMPAGE: Goldman, Bank Of America, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, And Citigroup Just Got Cut By S&P

Prison » It’s Official: Obama Is Now The Worst American President As His Approval Rating Plunges Far Below Carter’s

Presidential Job Approval Center

Anthrax Victim’s Family to Receive $2.5 Million in Settlement -

Prison » DHS Adviser Helped Coordinate Police Crackdowns on Protests in 18 Cities

US judge orders hundreds of sites "de-indexed" from Google, Facebook

Digital DNA the new DNA | Homeland Security News Wire

PanOrient News | Fukushima Radiation Risks ``Severely Underestimated``: Greenpeace

Prison » More than 20 percent of American adults now on psychiatric drugs for behavioral problems

Prison » GMO Crops Continually Banned Around the World in Display of Health Freedom

Prison » TSA Whistleblower: Feds Covered-Up Sexual Assault

Prison » Did A Large European Bank Almost Fail Last Night?

Prison » Did The Fed Leak The European Bailout Decision On Monday Morning? A Visual Exhibit

U.S. News - Foreclosure fraud whistleblower found dead

Prison » Establishment Media Poll: Republicans Hold Negative View of Ron Paul

Ron Paul 2012 - Who Can You Trust? - YouTube

Prison » The New National Defense Authorization Act Is Ridiculously Scary

Prison » Federal Reserve Bleeds The Dollar To Keep Europe On Life Support For Another Week

Prison » Senate Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture

Celente: R J O'brien Issues "Corrected Statement" Profits GONE! 1/2 - YouTube

Celente: R J O'brien Issues "Corrected Statement" Profits GONE! 2/2 - YouTube

Clive Boddy: Corporate Psychopaths Rule Over Us - Infowars Nightly News 1/2 - YouTube

Clive Boddy: Corporate Psychopaths Rule Over Us - Infowars Nightly News 2/2 - YouTube

BUSTED! Secret app on millions of phones logs key taps • The Register

About Carrier IQ - YouTube

Carrier IQ Part #2 - YouTube

» TSA Whistleblower: Feds Covered-Up Sexual Assault Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Insanity of the GOP « Blog

Facebook closes in on $100bn flotation - Business Analysis & Features - Business - The Independent

Muslim Brotherhood says leads Egypt's vote count | Reuters

BBC News - UK withdraws diplomatic staff from Iran after attack

Drivers' lives 'at risk' as metal thieves plunder street lighting cable and plunge motorways into darkness | Mail Online

General: Worst U.S. image in Pakistan ever | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

PressTV - Russia threatens to block NATO routes

» Unknown Snipers and Western backed “Regime Change”: A Historical Review and Analysis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jobs reports from Challenger, ADP show positive trend - Nov. 30, 2011

Unions hail public sector strike - Home News - UK - The Independent

RDR: Fusion Center documents label OKC Bombing investigators as terrorists

A Noble Lie - Trailer - YouTube

» Queen to Deduct Wages if Workers Strike Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Richmond City Audits Local Tea Party After Standoff with Mayor - Big Government

» Bad People, Bad Paper, and Good Serfs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Drones could patrol in U.S., FAA says - National -

David Attenborough is accused of climate change sensationalism by Lord Lawson | Mail Online

» Globalists purchase millions of toxic HPV vaccines for girls in third world Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Laptop Wi-Fi said to nuke sperm, but caveats abound | Reuters

How cordless phones, wi-fi and other forms of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation cause cancer

AFP: French court annuls ban on Monsanto GM crops

» Obese Ohio Child Taken from Parents, Placed in Drug-Crazy Foster Care Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AllGov - News - Supreme Court to Decide Case Based on Lewis and Clark Diaries from 1805

Lewis and Clark and Roberts and Alito: Montana case asks court to interpret 1805 expedition - The Washington Post

Police discover most sophisticated drugs tunnel yet running 800 metres under Mexico border - this one even has a lift | Mail Online

» Obama Fights Senate Attempt to Limit Contractors Doing Government Work Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New U.S.-Canada border plan raises privacy concerns | CTV News

» Canada and Mexico to Join U.S. in NAFTA of the Pacific Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Judge blocks anti-abortion license plates in North Carolina | Reuters

» We Are All Terrorists Now Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Al Qaeda planning to kidnap more Westerners - Economic Times

Children's Bones Identified at Canada's Oldest Indian Residential School: 28/11/11 - YouTube

Middle-class boy set up 'robot' program to give financial advice to investors and pocketed £1.5m | Mail Online

Wyclef Jean defends charity after 'wasted millions' claim - Americas - World - The Independent

Revolutionary Politics : Sen. Rand Paul Speaks on the Senate Floor on Defense Authorization Act - 11/29/11

Ron Paul 2012: Unmatched Intellect - YouTube

Nomi Prins: Banks are like "Government-Sponsored Mafias" - YouTube

Suck On This, Honourable Member - YouTube

A Revelation- The Fed Grants $7.77 Trillion in Secret Bank Loans - YouTube

Activist Post: McCain Justifies Indefinite Detention of American Citizens with Debunked Statistics (Video)

Activist Post: Monsanto’s Roundup Spawns Superweeds Consuming Over 120 Million Hectares

Revolutionary Politics : Scumbag Obama said he wouldnt use Federal Resources to prosecute medical marijuana, does it anyway.

Activist Post: Childhood Vaccine Exemption Rates Increasing Nationwide

"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War" (subtitles) - YouTube

Forum Post:What Is Carrier IQ? Why Should We Care?

Ellen Brown: The E.C.B. Fiddles While Rome Burns

Feds To Test Anthrax Shot on Kids: U.S. panel backs anthrax experiments on children : Federal Jack

NATO to Withdraw 40,000 Troops Next Year, But War is Not Over -- News from

Pissed off Former Democrat- ADAP2K

'Anthrax isn't scary at all compared to this': Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions should never have been created, warns frightened scientist | Mail Online

The Wipeout Gene: Scientific American

Tracy Lawrence, Notary Public Who Blew The Whistle On Massive Foreclosure Fraud, Found Dead

U.S. Federal Judge John Roll Murdered: The Sheriff’s Judge Who Upheld The Constitution And Reversed Congress! | Political Vel Craft blog: Meth-For-Sex Arrest of Colorado VIP Highlights Power of Alternative Media

Former Arapahoe County Sheriff Arrested On Drug - Flash Player Installation

Tribunal That Should Have Been Reported By Your Press, But Wasn’t | My Catbird Seat

Senate Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture -

A Transmission from the Kingdom of the Meat Puppets. Smoking Mirrors

What If the Constitution No Longer Applied? by Andrew P. Napolitano --

Israel Videos

Israel Videos

Israel Videos-Part 2


Activist Post: The Secret Revolution in North Dakota

Revolutionary Politics : "Americans Are Shopping From Credit Agian Not From Savings, It's not sustainable" -Marc Faber

Audio:BLOOD BYTES WORLD #2 : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Keiser Report: Kleptocrats Go for Gold (E216) - YouTube



Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul's Path to Money Freedom

Revolutionary Politics : RULE OF LAW? Obama Lights the Match of ANARCHY!

Goon Squad: Think You're NOT Being Pimped for More Wars? Think Again.

GOP Set to Self-Destruct - Yahoo! News

US builds sea fence to stop Mexican immigrant wave - Yahoo! News

poorrichards blog: Surprise! Guess where the world’s most profitable banking center is…

poorrichards blog: In Modern America, Questioning War Is Considered Terrorism

Why Banks Deserve Preferential Treatment While Millions of Homeowners Are Denied Assistance And Are At Risk of Foreclosure?

"NAFTA of the Pacific" and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Washington's Hidden Agenda is to Isolate and Subordinate China

Charleston Voice: Newt Gingrich's Skeleton Closet

Lone Star Watchdog: Putin Did What Jesus Done with the Money Junkies. Russia is Doing Better Because of it.

Pissed off Former Democrat- ADAP2K: Facebook privacy practices get FTC shakeup

Guy Molinari says Newt Gingrich is 'evil,' warns he 'might do something' during candidate's Staten Island visit' |

Newt Gingrich: I Cheated On My Wives Because I Love America Too Much

10 Things Newt Gingrich Doesn't Want You To Know About Him | ThinkProgress

1% “leaders” allow a million children to die a month from preventable poverty - National Nonpartisan |

Lone Star Watchdog: Newt Needs to Be Poltically Destroyed And Exposed as A Phony Conservitve and No More Pro American than Stalin

The Making of a Prison Society by William Norman Grigg

How Iran Can Collapse All of the Bilderberg Banks and Governments | Video Rebel's Blog

Kucinich: Federal Reserve has captured control of our government - YouTube

The Fed Grants $7.77 Trillion in Secret Bank Loan - Now Do You Understand Occupy Wall Street? - YouTube

Kucinich: Federal Reserve has captured control of our government - 12160

Senate rejects effort to ease terrorist detainee policy in defense bill - The Hill's Floor Action

Sherrie Questioning All: The Senate has COMMITTED TREASON! They Voted to KEEP the "U.S. is a Battlefield" McCain/Levin bill - U.S. Citizens can be detained without due process! The Senators are Terrorist against the U.S. People Now!

Tyranny Police State & Economic Collapse ∞ Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube


* Obama Issues Ron Paul “Kill Order” As Russia Prepares For War


"The Times They Are A Changing" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"Absolutely Sweet Marie" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"You Belong to Me" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"You Belong To Me" by Jerry Lee Lewis on "The Complete Palomino Club Recordings CD #1" - Grooveshark

"Cocaine" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"Ring of Fire" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"Desolation Row (alternate take)" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"Visions of Johanna (alternate take)" - Grooveshark

"It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry" by Bob Dylan on "Bob Dylan Live 1975_ The Rolli" - Grooveshark

"Ballad Of A Thin Man" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark


Obama's Job Approval Drops Below Carter's - Washington Whispers (

FBI Director Criticizes Bill Requiring Suspected Terrorists To Be Held By Military | Fox News

Scientists probe Earth's core, make mystifying discovery • The Register

BBC News - Neutrino experiment repeat at Cern finds same result

Fruits and Vegetables Could Change Gene Linked to Heart Disease - ABC News

Spotted Horses in Cave Art Weren’t Just a Figment, DNA Shows -

Hundreds Of Giant Aliens Unearthed Near African Village | Pakalert Press

Human ancestors mated with more than Neanderthals - CBS News

Brain DNA 'changes through life' - Science - News - The Independent

Hard Times Generation: Families living in cars -

Digital DNA the new DNA -

Opie & Anthony - Patrice Oneal's conspiracy theories - YouTube

Interview - Doug Casey "Bonds are the Biggest Bubble in the World Right Now" Part 1 - YouTube

Interview - Doug Casey "Bonds are the Biggest Bubble in the World Right Now" Part 2 - YouTube

Dr. Marc Faber back home in Switzerland - YouTube

OWS - Occupy Oakland - Scott Olsen Interviewed After Release From Hospital - YouTube

Schiff: MF Global's Corzine is Obama's Top Economic Advisor - YouTube

What's $7.77 Trillion Among Friends - informationliberation

Newt Gingrich praises Singapore's "successful," "draconian" drug laws, endorses death penalty for drug dealers - informationliberation

The Making of a Prison Society - informationliberation

Gag Order Silences Parents of Boy Charged With Sexual Assault for Playing Doctor - informationliberation

Hank Paulson’s inside jobs | Felix Salmon

30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison - informationliberation

Freedom is Not an Intellectual Pursuit | Strike-The-Root: A Journal Of Liberty

The Folly of Sanctions

Obama Fulfilling the Neocon Dream

Republicans and Israel: Too Much Love Can Kill You

Unknown Snipers and Western Backed Regime Change

Reagan and Bush 'Criminal Liability' Evaluations

Darwinian Stupidity

The New Authoritarianism

Fitch Drops U.S. Debt Outlook To Negative

"How Could This Happen in America?"

American Deceptionalism


+Documentary :The End of Poverty?


*ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 29, 2011


The EyeOpener- Pipeline Politics & the Rewiring of Eurasia

Does The Media Cause Racism, Or Does It Simply Report It? | American Free Press

Herman Cain Affair Allegations Prompt Republicans To Call For His Exit

431 coins, 196 pellets and 17 small bolts: Man dies after doctors remove 13lbs of metal from his stomach | Mail Online

Man who secretly filmed mother-in-law undressing in bathroom arrested after wife found tape | Mail Online

Bankers have seized Europe: Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over

Rampant Militarization of the World: West Risks New Arms Race In Europe

SYRIA: The Orwellian "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P) used to Justify "Regime Change" and All Out War

Escalation Around the Trans-Caspian Pipeline

Article Sheds Light on the Fabrication of Charges Against Strauss-Kahn

Morocco Gets Muslim Brotherhood PM

The European Central Bank Fiddles While Rome Burns

US Senate Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture

Why Banks Deserve Preferential Treatment While Millions of Homeowners Are Denied Assistance And Are At Risk of Foreclosure?

VIDEO: Military Spending: Is Congress About to Put You Out of Work?

The Next Banking Crisis

Upholding Justice in the ‘War on Terror’

"NAFTA of the Pacific" and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Washington's Hidden Agenda is to Isolate and Subordinate China

Understanding Cyber Warfare. From Cyber Warfare to Cyber Resistance

Russia-China-Iran Consultations On U.S.-NATO Global Missile System

VIDEO: More Violence in Kosovo: NATO Tells Troops to Use Live Ammunition

+Audio:Prepare for an Economic 9/11 and Economic Martial Law;Gerald Celente talks to Lew Rockwell

What if the Constitution No Longer Applied? by Andrew P. Napolitano

Europe's Two Endgames by Gary North

Council on Foreign Relations Asks if Ron Paul Has a Foreign Policy Problem by Robert Wenzel

The Tipping Paul by David Klein

No rest for the wicked*: Tasks for kids over the holiday break | The Survival Mom™

Robert F Kennedy 'assassin' Sirhan Sirhan claims he was victim of mind control | Mail Online

Top 10 Vodka Brands

Fat – Why We Have It and What To Do About It by Margaret Durst


Israel Divided Over Plan to Attack Iran

CUNY raises tuition as fee hikes spread across campuses

Discord at Durban conference

The Right to Occupy, the Right to Assemble?

Democratic Governance is Becoming Discredited


Is a Universal Social Net Good Macro Economics?

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine

Robert Kennedy’s Assassin Claims He Was Under Mind Control


*36 min./Overruled: Government Invasion of your Parental Rights (Official Movie) - YouTube


'UFOs' Disrupting Search for 'God Particle' | Unidentified Falling Objects Stifling Progress at the Large Hadron Collider | High Energy Physics' |

Vampire, Occult Entertainment Going Too Far? Christian Leaders Urge Action, Christian News

Twilight Saga: 'Breaking Dawn' to Break Down Morals, Website Warns, Christian News

Yoga is the work of the devil, says Vatican's chief exorcist (and he doesn't like Harry Potter much either) | Mail Online

gulfnews : Scientists warned to consider ethics of research

DOJ Ignores Christians and Defends Muslims | Godfather Politics

Greg Evensen -- Past Wasted, Present Lost, The Future?

CRAMER: 'We Are In DEFCON 3, Two Stages Away From A Financial Collapse So Huge It's Hard To Get Your Mind Around'

Here Comes The Global, US-Funded Liquidity Bail Out | ZeroHedge

» Yes, Americans Will Be Targeted As Terrorists Under the NDAA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Indefinite Domestic Military Detention :

Paper Money Is Not Wealth : Personal Liberty Digest™

Stop Online Piracy Act (Scary Facts) - YouTube

NWO Puppets: 'Cold war & crusades never finished' - YouTube

Minescape on Vimeo

Activist Post: GMO Crops Continually Banned Around the World in Display of Health Freedom

Activist Post: ‘DNA Barcoding’ to Regulate Seafood Industry Through Genetic Scanning

Activist Post: A Three-Step Plan to Save the Euro with Gold

Economy is So Good People are Living in Cars | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

In Modern America, Liking Peace Is Considered Terrorism

Activist Post: McCain Justifies Indefinite Detention of American Citizens with Debunked Statistics (Video)

Inspiration and Chai

Group Aims to Pursue Lawsuit Over Geo-Engineering Related Illnesses :

Study shows medical marijuana laws reduce traffic deaths

Phil Hart: Declaring a State of Emergency

Activist Post: US Senate defeats challenge to new detainee rules

Gingrich Unveils 7-Plank Immigration Platform

Gingrich: I Never Lobbied, Didn't Need Money

Towery: Cain 'Dropping Like A Rock' in Polls

Gallup: Obama's Approval Plunges Below Carter's

Boehner: Cuts Must Cover Payroll Tax Relief

Cain to Supporters: 'This Is a Trying Time'

Cain Accuser: He Should Not Be President

Perry: Amnesty Not Solution to Illegal Immigration

Rove: Obama Can Keep Base if GOP Permits

Romney Knocks Gingrich as 'Lifelong Politician'

White House Threatens Veto of GOP Regulatory Bills

Warren Buffett Buys His Hometown Newspaper

Reagan Shooter Hinckley Seeks More Freedom

House to Vote on Ending Public Election Financing

Metal Hip Implants Less Safe Than Older Models

Bill Clinton Gets It Right

Beware! Obamacare Will Affect Your Flex Account

A Principled Flip-Flop

People Have the Power — They Just Don’t Use it


George Harrison’s Legacy, 10 Years On


Mgoon :: beyond TV - The Concert for George 1

Mgoon :: beyond TV - The Concert For George 2


George Harrison : The Concert for Bangla Desh (1:35:45) Full Movie HQ Audio - YouTube


WH: Obama Undecided on Whether to Impose Regulation Forcing Catholics to Act Against Their Faith

Occupy Wall St. Hits New Milestone: 5,000 Arrests

Let's Kill Cain's Campaign

Obama's Cloud-Based Transparency

Obama Wants to ‘Strike a Balance’ on Expanding Health Care and Respecting Religious Beliefs

OPM Director: NASA Internship Programs Great Way To Be 'Hired Into The Federal Family'

Former Senate Majority Leader: Obesity Poses A National Security Threat

Gingrich: I'm Not Perfect, But I'm More Conservative and Electable Than Romney

White House: A 'Mystery' Why Anyone Would Question Whether Kagan Should Judge Obamacare

Top Democrat Criticizes GOP for Supporting Tax Cuts But Won’t Commit to New Spending Cuts in Fight Over Payroll Tax

Gingrich Blasts Obama Administration Over Immigration Litigation

2012 Presidential Hopefuls Urged to Sign a ‘Pledge for Religious Freedom’

Arlington Cemetery Building Facility to Hold Cremated Remains of 20,000

Toomey: Super Committee’s Bipartisan Agreement Would ‘Muddle’ Obama’s Campaign Message

'Sophisticated' Drug-Smuggling Tunnel Found at U.S.-Mexico Border

Horses May Soon Be Slaughtered for Meat in U.S.

Judge Slams Michael Jackson's Doctor, Citing 'Money-for-Medicine Madness

Three New Exhibits Opening at Elvis' Graceland

Police Raid Occupy Camps in Los Angeles and Philadelphia

DHS Has Adopted Wild Mustangs for Patrolling U.S.-Mexico Border

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Ford, Sears Top Parent’s Television Council’s Annual ‘Best’ Advertisers List – American Express Ranked ‘Worst’ |

St. Bernadette's Body After 122 Years

Extraterrestrial Contact: The Players

Researchers: Alien Skulls Prove Earth Was Invaded

Obama Signs Law Legalizing Horse Slaughter In The US

Military Industrial Complex: Full Fruition

Drones Cleared For Domestic Use Across The US

3-D Printer Makes Bone-Like Material At WSU

WSU Researchers Use a 3D Printer to Make Bone-like Material - YouTube


+Best Science Books 2011: Booklist Online [Confessions of a Science Librarian]


20 Unusual Uses For Lemon Juice

* Massive Historic Human Sculptures

War Criminals And 9/11 Opportunist Exposed On Vandalized Billboard

Here’s What Spotify Announced Today…

On Stress and Herbal Medicine

+American Institute of Stress(

Trump Says Obama Will Start A War With Iran To Get Reelected - Business Insider

The CFR Disses Ron Paul

Life on Alien Planets May Not Require a Large Moon After All


**Cooking and Recipes@Before It's News


Despite earmark ban, lawmakers try to give money to hundreds of pet projects

Iran's 'Family Protection Bill' enshrines men's right to multiple marriages

Georgetown students shed light on China’s tunnel system for nuclear weapons

Senate Republicans will offer a new proposal to extend payroll tax holiday

Obama takes tax pitch to ‘must-win’ state of Pennsylvania

Under pressure, NLRB dials back plan to make union organizing easier

Some college profs adding video games to their courses to stimulate learning

Lisa Jackson, Patrick Leahy, Lamar Smith and Paul Ryan named policymakers of the year

Ron Paul's family publishes 2012 cookbook

Eric Holder to Daily Caller: quit pressing me to quit

GOP immigration chairman rips Gingrich ‘amnesty’ plan

Top Iowa social conservative won't endorse for president

Cain reassessing his 2012 campaign

Repealing portions of Obamacare by executive order won’t work, says Congressional Research Agency

Sheriff Joe Arpaio says Rick Perry will be “a tough-on crime president”

Rise in PTSD cases from two wars strains military resources

World is growing warmer, U.N. says

A closer look at Gingrich’s ‘flat tax’ plan

Lawmaker challenges TSA on claims of ethnic profiling

Holiday Poll: 1 in 4 dreads seeing family; 15% hates being nice

Report: Mysterious blast in Iran's Isfahan damaged key nuclear site - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama Admin Seals Records of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Implicated in Fast and Furious | The Weekly Standard

HURT: Gingrich is GOP's latest not-Romney - Washington Times

Ron Paul: "Republican Candidates Just Represent The Status Quo" | RealClearPolitics

Coca-Cola product suspected in China death - FRANCE 24

A UK tale of health care and airport scanners

Ignorance breeds poverty

Pushing Back the Socialist Agenda in Education

Political Fundamentalists—A Grave Threat to World Liberty

The Malleable Mexican-American Border

Explosion of Immigrants

Connecting the dots on the National Defense Authorization Act

Herman Cain, again, not the harasser OR what IS sexual harassment?

Truckers tell Congress proposed hours-of-service regulations unjustified, burdensome

Anarchist Response to Logical Premise

Americans rejoicing over choices, so many talented candidates!

Debbie Schlussel:More Sharia in Dearbornistan: Vietnam Vet Lawsuit Against Muslim-Based Discrimination

Rush: Sayonara Barney Frank “The Banking Queen”

Rush: “My Boy Lollipop” Barney Frank’s Seat Is Wide Open (Slurp Slurp)

Limbaugh: Greed Has Fed More Mouths Than Charity Ever Could

Donald Trump: President Obama Is Very Inconsiderate

Obama, the Dream

Super Committee: Success or Failure?

Occupy: History Repeats as Reality Show

No Gold Medals for Obama

Hollywood Hypocrisy in the Hypokrisis Industry

Gingrich to benefit if Cain withdraws

Career Race-Baiters Target Richmond Tea Party

So, Obama did listen to his pastor

Eric Holder channels Richard Nixon

Another jaw dropping foreign policy gaffe by Obama

Occupy LA finally dismantled

Prominent Dem: Dems need to 'get real' on energy

Top central banks, including Fed, in pre-emptive strike against euro collapse

'How can Europe possibly save itself?'

Brits evacuate Iran embassy while ordering Tehran diplomats out of the country

Barney Frank Classless to the End

New York Times 'outed' Sandusky rape victim

Game Show Government

How to Make Sense of the European Union Disaster

Germany's Dream of Domination to Come True?

No Newt Is Good Newt

The Casualties of the Government's War on Obesity

Presidential Thanksgiving Message's Pernicious Premise

U.S. News - More than 200 held after police raid Occupy camps in LA, Philadelphia

Medal Of Honor Recipient Sues Defense Contractor | Fox News

How Paulson Gave Hedge Funds Advance Word - Bloomberg

BBC News - UK to expel all Iranian diplomats over embassy attack

Sanitizing Barney Frank, Part I: Sex scandals | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

VADUM: Obama uses taxpayer cash to back ACORN Name changes used to dodge the law - Washington Times

Japan heads for extinction as survey reveals young people shunning marriage | Mail Online

3,500 girls are at risk of mutilation in the capital | News

High School Teacher Placed On Leave For Allegedly Starring In Adult Films | Fox News

China Given Green Light and Moving Forward Into Vaccine Making Market |

Fred Haddock Discusses His Storytelling Preaching & His Father’s Role |

Rescued Lab Beagles Step Out Of Cages Into Sun For First Time Ever | Video |

TLC’s Virgin Diaries Will Follow Adult Virgins Who Are Waiting For Marriage | Video |

Cain‘s latest accuser sparks an epic debate on Beck’s radio show | Video |

15 Stocks and Companies that will Suffer if Europe Collapses |

Abdelilah Benkirane Is the New Islamist Head of the Moroccan Government |

Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee Chooses ‘Holiday’ Tree Title Over ‘Christmas’ |

Two Large Pits Found at Stonehenge Shed More Light on Ancient Rituals | Video |

Natural Light Beer Sent into Outer Space | Video |

Ann Coulter Bleeped Out on MSNBC’s Morning Joe After Calling McCain a Douche Bag | Video |

NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams Interrupted by Fire Alarm | Video |

Owner Receives Camera Lost at Sea for Over a Year | Identified by Working Memory Card and Help From Social Networking | Markus Thompson |

Elderly Man Gives Away Suit With Life Savings Inside | Video |

Senate Candidate Steve Welch Says Bob Casey and Barack Obama Were ‘Separated at Birth’in Ad | Video |

iPhone Malfunctions With Smoke and Fiery Glow on Australian Flight |

Jon Stewart Skewers Cain Over Affair Allegations in Brutal Segment | Video |

Egyptian Candidate Concludes Only 60% of Jews are Evil |

Joel Osteen to Get Prime-time Show With Producer Mark Burnett |

Obama Calls British Embassy ‘English’ Embassy | Video |

Freethought Society to Protest Chester County’s Refusal to Allow Tree of Knowledge |

Eric Holder Lashes Out at Daily Caller Reporter |

Ann Coulter Claims She Said ‘Dickweed’ on Morning Joe | Video |

Fissures in the Republicans' anti-tax dam might be opening

Herman Cain reassessing and reevaluating and not making much sense

White House: President Obama will not renegotiate automatic spending cuts

Breaking: Mitt Romney DOESN'T flip-flop ... about which book he 'just' read

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: Joe Walsh considering suicide run in IL-08

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: While Cain flounders, Newt's voters are the ones that show up

Romney: My Words Were Taken Out Of Context!

Dem: Ex-Blackwater CEO Tried To Intimidate Me

Is Hispanic Outreach Newt’s Secret Weapon?

Can AT&T Save Merger With T-Mobile?

Despite Immigration Attacks, Newt Keeps Up Outreach To Hispanics

Allen West: Cain 'Needs To Understand That He Is A Distracter'

Romney Gets Flustered On Fox: I Have Not Flip-Flopped -- Except On Abortion

Colbert: Cain's Latest Allegations Sound Like 'Leave It To ... Let's Not Say Beaver'

DOJ Inspector General: NY Organization Was An ACORN Front

Declassified Memo Hinted of 1941 Hawaii Attack - Washington Whispers (

Muslim students walking out of lectures on Darwinism because it 'clashes with the Koran' | Mail Online

Kennedy dynasty’s new hope -

Mayor Bloomberg: ‘I Have My Own Army’ | PolitickerNY

Herman Cain backers consider shifting to Newt Gingrich -

A new Newt? - The Washington Post

Gingrich Gave Push to Clients, Not Just Ideas -

Clint Eastwood Hoover Biopic J. Edgar Enrages Former FBI Agents

Happy Meal Ban: McDonald's Outsmarts San Francisco - San Francisco News - The Snitch

Lieberman To Google: Ban Terrorist Content « CBS Connecticut

Comedy Central to air Patrice O'Neal special Wednesday

1st Penn State abuse suit comes from new accuser

Ill. man says hid $13K in suit donated to Goodwill

Time Warner names online ad exec to run magazines

Human error likely behind artillery near-disaster

Egypt election results put Muslim Brotherhood ahead

Stance shift sees China ease monetary policy

Fayyad: Unity, non-violence necessary for statehood

Phone hacking: Ian Paisley Jr alleges family were targeted

Gaddafi donation to LSE may have come from bribes, inquiry finds

Mitt Romney takes first swipe at surprise rival Newt Gingrich

UK orders immediate closure of Iranian embassy in London

After 3 decades, WHO has good news about AIDS

Norway divided after mass killer declared insane

Cairn finds no oil in Greenland

Audio: The Experts Speak Out: China, the Muslim Brotherhood, Defense Spending

Does America Have the Patience to Properly Negotiate with China?

Norway Killer Breivik Found Insane, Unfit for Prison

Iranian Protesters Seize Six British Embassy Staff, Damage Building

“We Have Lost the City”: Lawlessness Permeates Islamic District in Oslo

Chris Matthews: Gaffe Machine

+Wednesday Crib Sheet: Consumers Pan USA Today , Ayers Admits To Obama Fundraiser

Eric Holder Lashes Out At Media For Asking About Fast And Furious

Sound Bite For The Day: Newt Gingrich On WaPo’s Crowdsourcing Appeal

Bill Ayers Says One Thing, The Obama Campaign Says Another, and The Usual MSM Suspects Don’t Care

Wapo’s Ezra Klein: I Did Not Brief Senate Democrats, We Had a ‘Free-Ranging Discussion’

Dead Movement Walking: Occupied LA Times Publishes, Flops

NPR ‘Debate’ Promotes Obama Line on Inequality

The New York Times ’s Paul Krugman Vigorously Embraces Occupy Wall Street’s Stupidest Ideas

Visitor Logs Reveal White House Plays Host To Rachel Maddow And Friends

New Book Exposes the Effort to Introduce Radical Political Philosophy into K-12 Classrooms

UNIONS: Future of the Occupy Movement?

Audio: The Best Books of 2011

Fed Moves to Pump Dollars into European Banks

Will the Occupy Movement Deliberately Turn Violent?

The Immigration Demons Haunting the GOP

Police Clear OccupyLA, Arrest Over 200

Sherrod Brown Smears Big Labor’s Critics as McCarthyists

Colin Powell Is Not Smarter Than a Fifth Grade History Student

California vs. The Feds: Obama’s DOJ Cracks Down on Medical Marijuana

Problems Surrounding Duplicate Signatures Loom Over Big Labor’s Attempted Recall of Wisc. Gov. Walker

Crony Capitalism Will Unite Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street

Convicted Felon and Democrat Strategist Robert Creamer Visits White House Five Times in August–Tie to #Occupy?

RFK, Jr. Fails to Refute Key Details of His Sweetheart Deal from Taxpayers

Harvard Biologists: Government Should Force ‘This Car Causes Cancer’ Stickers on Non-Hybrids

Herman Cain Is ‘Reassessing’ His Campaign

Treasury Secretary Paulson Tipped Off Hedge Fund Manages About Looming Collapse of Fannie, Freddie

Buh-Bye-Barney: A Video Tribute to a Lying, Arrogant SOB

Audio: The Secret Term in the Fed’s Triple Mandate

What Are We Paying Obama For? And Can It Get Worse?

Last night on ‘Glee’ 11/29/11: The People Want Pixie Sticks!

Kevin Smith’s Crusade to Beclown Himself Marches On

Hollywood’s Leftism Comes Back to Bite Them in the Form of Piracy

Steven Spielberg Finally Asks: Where Are the Great Movies?

‘How I Got This Way’ Review: Philbin’s Latest Memoir Only Skin Deep

‘Rampart’ Review: Harrelson Revitalizes Dirty Cop Genre

Video on Demand – Tonic for Ailing Indie Film Movement

Seth Rogen: The Oscars Failed James Franco, Not the Other Way Around

Obama Apologist of the Day: Harvey Weinstein

-HomeVideodrome: ‘Cave’ Gets 3D Right at Last

Big Hollywood’s 2011 Holiday Shopping Guide – The Music and Book Edition


+(30th) *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Government


Iran Threatens Israel with Hail of Missiles. Plus, Barney Frank Announces Retirement - YouTube

Bringing the War of Terror Home - YouTube

Corporations Move To Censor The Internet - YouTube

Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson Told Hedge Fund Manager Friends Insider Information Before Crash - YouTube

PR: The Principles of Ron Paul

Buyback Fervor: Are CEOs Sending a Message to Investors?

Ron Paul: Sanctions Against Iran are Definite Steps Toward a US Attack


30-Nov-11 World View

29-Nov-11 World View

28-Nov-11 World View

Lyndon LaRouche

Lyndon LaRouche on KNFX Radio- Steve Kates Interview November 28, 2011 - YouTube

LaRouchePAC Lyndon LaRouche's Emergency Statement on Thanksgiving Day 2011 - YouTube


Executive Intelligence Review (



Gov. Scott On Cuts To Homeless Programs: 'Nobody Likes Their Taxes To Go Up'

Joe Scarborough Blasts New Hampshire Union Leader for Gingrich Endorsement

Walmart Sees 'Enormous' Spike In Late Night Shopping Due To Food Stamp Refills

Too Big to Fail and Economic Inequality

Scott Walker Opponents Collect Over 300,000 Signatures in First 12 Days of Recall Drive

Judge: Can't Approve SEC Settlement If Citigroup Doesn't Admit Fraud

Right-Wing Furious Over Obama's 'Godless' Thanksgiving Address

Newt Gingrich: Drug Test Everyone Before Giving Them Federal Aid!

Morning Joe Bleeps Coulter for Calling McCain a 'Douchebag'

Bill Bennett and Sean Hannity Swap Lies In the Name of Saint Ronnie

UC Berkeley Police Defend Response to 'Occupy Cal' Protests

Rick Perry Forgets the US Voting Age, Election Date

Gingrich to Obama: Repudiate the Concept of the 99%

SCOTUS Declines Case Over Ban On Loaded Firearms In Government Park

Conservative Newspaper: 'Romney Sort of Represents the 1%'

Mackinac Center Emails Reveal True Motives Of Their Benefactors

Your Local Broadcast News is Making Us Stupid

Recall of Scott Walker Gathers 300,000 Signatures in First Twelve Days

Scott Olsen Interviewed After Hospital Release. Last Day to Donate! Scott Olsen Funder

Cosmic Log - Pits add to Stonehenge mystery

BBC News - Robotic prison wardens to patrol South Korean prison

Skywatcher Captures Dazzling Green Flash Over Setting Sun | Space Images & Skywatching Tips | Amateur Astronomy & Night Sky Photography |

Sports car gets stuck on a rock in the road |

'UFOs' Disrupting Search for 'God Particle' | LiveScience

Mysterious Particles Shooting Through Earth Shed Light on Sun | Solar Neutrinos & Stellar Science | Italy's Borexino Experiment at Gran Sasso |

Banishing consciousness: the mystery of anaesthesia - health - 29 November 2011 - New Scientist


*30th/Real Clear Markets - Video - Fitch Sovereign Ratings Head on U.S. Credit Rating

Real Clear Markets - Video - Impact of Oil Prices on Economic Recovery

29th/Real Clear Markets - Video - Strong Cyber Monday? Don't Get Too Excited

Real Clear Markets - Video - Cramer: Moody's Is Right

Real Clear Markets - Video - A Portfolio That Works in Any Market?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Bove: Why I Was Wrong on Bank Stocks


‘Holidays in Heck,’ by P. J. O’Rourke - Review -

Steven M. Gillon: FDR, Pearl Harbor and Presidential Leadership

Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451' is released as e-book -

BOOK REVIEW:' The Missing Martyrs' - Washington Times

Monocolumn – Graffiti is today’s cultural legacy [Monocle]

Islam specialist Charles Kurzman on the missing martyrs | The Christian Century

The 8 Biggest Wind Farms in the World - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Marcellus Shale, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the E.P.A. : The New Yorker

Fracking: How to Destroy the Earth, Make Millions - TheStreet

Oil and Gas Boom that Obama Can't Kill - Page 1 - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance

'Ethical oil' idea misses the point of oilsands debate

Badly-Needed Alaskan Oil Is Kept From Market By Obama Decision - Latest Headlines -

3 Oil Stocks Search for Energy in China's Backyard (BP, E, STO)

Watching The Wheels Come Off The Green Machine - Forbes

The Flaws in a Global Climate Treaty Fixation - Council on Foreign Relations

Energy Transitions - Are We In One Now? Part Three - Investments - Seeking Alpha

Is Green Energy Finally Turning The Corner?

President Obama’s hard populist edge—Leon Cooperman -

The Cure for an Uncoordinated Economy: Laurence Kotlikoff - Bloomberg

Facebook May Be Forced to Go Public Amid Market Gloom -

The Democratic Promise of Occupy Wall Street | The Nation

Three inconvenient truths for Occupy Wall Street -

Rich Nations That Went Broke By Spending Too Much - Forbes

The Fed to Europe’s Rescue? | Fox Business

interfluidity » Yes, Virginia. The banks really were bailed out.

Charles Gasparino: Obama's Corzine Problem

How Paulson Gave Hedge Funds Advance Word - Bloomberg

Stocks and Bonds: Mind the Gap

Corporate insiders are smiling - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

Our Ultimate Stock-Pickers' Top 10 Buys and Sells


The American Revolution 1778-1783

The Truth About the "Robber Barons" - Thomas J. DiLorenzo - Mises Daily

A History of the Standard Oil Company and its successors

Abu Musa and the Tumbs: The Dispute That Won't Go Away, Part Two, July 24, 2001

Encyclopedia of Alabama: Hodges Meteorite Strike (Sylacauga Aerolite)

Was This NFL Flop Real or Fake? | Wired Science |

New birth control targets ovulation without hormones » Scienceline

CDC study: Just 1 in 4 Americans with HIV have infection under control with medications - The Washington Post

When You Try to Buy Status, It Can Backfire: Scientific American

10 Mega-Construction Projects That Could Save the Environment — and the Economy

Why Star Corpses Go Green (and so will we!) : Starts With A Bang

Cyberwar storm clouds are gathering - opinion - 29 November 2011 - New Scientist

Greens vs. Science: Ignorance Trumps Evidence In Ecology's Approach to "Toxics" | Washington Policy Center

World Aids Day: the disease that changed the world - Telegraph

3D printing: Difference Engine: Making it | The Economist

Robot without a skeleton inspired by squid, crawls on land

Ways to Inflate Your IQ -

Is sex a human right? Ummm, yes ... no ... maybe ... it depends on what you mean by sex really

Epiphenom: Atheists and rapists: you just can't trust 'em

Physicists Pull Light Out of Empty Hat - Blog

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - "Look at that!" Ravens use gestures, too

Los Alamos Instrument to Shine Light on Mars Habitability

Flavour Networks Shatter Food Pairing Hypothesis - Technology Review

Princeton University - Princeton technique puts chemistry breakthroughs on the fast track

How can we improve peer review: the impact of reporting guidelines | Speaking of Medicine

Secret history of Stonehenge revealed - History - Life & Style - The Independent

Coffee-Drinking Provides Raw Sewage Red Flag | Caffeine & Fecal Coliform Bacteria | Wastewater, Sewage & Pollution | LiveScience

Computer model spots image fraud : Nature News & Comment

Study: Displaying cleavage, sexiness can alienate other women

Flavor and the Brain - PageView - The Chronicle of Higher Education

'UFOs' Disrupting Search for 'God Particle' | Unidentified Falling Objects Stifling Progress at the Large Hadron Collider | High Energy Physics | Life's Little Mysteries

Decanonization has occurred in Mormon scriptures | The Political Surf

Pope Seeks End To Death Penalty

At audience, pope praises groups for efforts to ban death penalty › The Catholic Free Press

Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the morality of money - The Spirited Atheist - The Washington Post

Mark Osler: The Conscience of John Kitzhaber

RealClearReligion - Ugly Ritual Is Bad Religion

The Trouble With Church Preservation - Arts & Lifestyle - The Atlantic Cities

Is Judaism a Religion? » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Even Richard Dawkins is Right Sometimes | Religion Dispatches

My Take: Defending TLC’s ‘All-American Muslim’ against Muslim complaints – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The Golden Age of Internet Marketing?

The Pest Who Shames Companies Into Fixing Security Flaws | Magazine

Now Every Company Is A Software Company - Forbes

Inside DreamHack, the world’s largest LAN party - Slideshow | ExtremeTech

Laptops of 2012: What to Expect | PCWorld

When Will We Have Unmanned Commercial Airliners? - IEEE Spectrum

Newsvine - Error

HP Smacks Down Printer Fire Report — US Business - CNBC

Facebook: We didn't do it, but we promise not to do it again -

The Personal Computer Is Dead - Technology Review

Google Opens the Door to Mobile Maps Inside Buildings

Secretive Air Force Space Plane Nears Orbital Record | Classified X-37B Air Force Spacecraft | Military & Defense Space & Spy Planes |

Is this the end of money? | Money | The Guardian

Paul Otellini Busts Some Myths About Intel - Arik Hesseldahl - News - AllThingsD

Google Earth, Foreign Wars, And The Future Of Satellite Imagery | Fast Company

Malls stop tracking shoppers' cell phones - Nov. 28, 2011

Recorded Future -- Big Data From The Internet Sees Into The Future - Forbes

Cisco, Google Ventures and VMware Back Puppet Labs with $8.5 Million - ReadWriteCloud

Open-source skills best hope for landing a good job • The Register

White House: We're Really, Really Ending The Iraq War | Danger Room |

Cracks in the GOP dam? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Gingrich Was No Lobbyist, Just a Washington Influence Peddler « Commentary Magazine

Political Animal - Boehner’s radical departure on tax policy

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Senate Tackles Iraq War Powers, Indefinite Detention

Senate Finally Publishes Its Spending Online, But Could Do Much Better - Sunlight Foundation

Don’t Fall Into Democrats’ Payroll Tax Trap | RedState

Did the Fed just save the eurozone? A debt crisis explainer « The Enterprise Blog

Political Animal - Overestimating presidential power

Holder a little testy over that whole, “why don’t you resign” thing « Hot Air

Texas map tilts redistricting battle in Democrats’ favor - The Washington Post

Just TELL Me You're Gonna Invade My Privacy

The Xinjiang Procedure | The Weekly Standard

U.S. Policy on Egypt Needs a Big Shift -

RealClearWorld - The Curious Case of German Leadership

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Nov 30, 2011 - Italy mulls closing Tehran embassy: foreign minister

RealClearWorld - We Must Leave Afghanistan ASAP

Israel and the Arab Awakening -

RealClearWorld - Pakistan, Russia and the Threat to the Afghan War

RealClearPolitics - In China, Eyes Wide Open

Putin runs Russia like a giant car boot sale | David Hearst | Comment is free | The Guardian

RealClearWorld - Russia and the Nuclear News That Wasn't

Does Facebook Have a Foreign Policy? - by David Kirkpatrick | Foreign Policy

Iran: Revolutionary Guard's calling card | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Rise of political Islam | Opinion | DAWN.COM

The future of Arab Islamists—Amir Taheri -

*28th/Transcripts : Cain Confronts Allegations From Another Woman

Interview with Newt Gingrich & Rep. Tim Scott

Union Leader Publisher on Endorsing Gingrich

Panel on Rep. Barney Frank's Retirement

Rep. Connie Mack Announces Run Florida Senate Seat

27th/Interview with Senator Chuck Schumer

Interview with Senator Pat Toomey

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Is Obama toast in 2012? -

BusinessDay - GIDEON RACHMAN: Threat of war seems unreal in an age of peace

The American Spectator : Newt Gingrich, Grownup

Obama's Job Approval Drops Below Carter's - Washington Whispers (

Just beat it, Barney! -

Political Animal - Disdain for expertise

Don't repeal Americans' health care lifeline -

Review & Outlook: Blame It on Berlin -

Cain’s time to exit race -

RealClearPolitics - Putin's Tarnished Comeback

U.S. Relations Have Soured Worldwide « Commentary Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Iowa Evangelicals at Loss in Search for Candidate

RealClearPolitics - Experts: Cain Exit Would Be More Good News for Gingrich

Building a Better Mitt Romney-Bot -

HURT: Gingrich is GOP's latest not-Romney - Washington Times

Anything but govern for Bam -

RealClearPolitics - Obama's 2012 Chances and Democratic Demographic Dreaming

Why marriage eludes the modern woman

Muslim refugees, yes – Christian refugees, no

U.S. surrender, Iranian victory

5 questions I would ask the candidates

Whoa! Cain quoted whom?

A TV show I recommend

Down syndrome adult speaks for herself

Don't look for Saint Burt bobbleheads!

Teaching kids to embrace perversion

Who's to blame for the 1-percenters

Blocking the paths out of poverty

Why I'll miss Barney Frank

On Newt's 'humane' immigration policy


Yahoo! Finance - Financially Fit/Ways to Earn $100 an Hour


PayScale - (


Obama's Medicare pick chaired lobby pushing 'healthcare for all'

Time to limit Muslim immigration

Audio:Birth certificate to haunt Obama for 2012 election? « Klein Online

AUDIO: Birth certificate to haunt Obama for 2012 election? « Klein Online

BLOG: White House statement will likely help Muslim Brotherhood gain immediate power in Egypt « Klein Online

Ayers’ pet project funded by Obama ‘stimulus’ plan: Taxpayer money also channeled to school founded by top White House adviser’s mom « Klein Online

Tatt-poo for cheating | The Sun |News

Sonoma Co. Police Say Burglary Suspect Made Himself At Home « CBS San Francisco

Bar owner charged with rape keeps serving drinks to minors | Reuters

Craigslist Ad Leads to Discovery of Dead Body | Video - ABC News

Victoria's Secret stacks its stage with model moms

Gods And Monsters: New TV series explores human sacrifice, cannibalism, even zombies | Mail Online

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Saving troops from airport-security hassles;Rep. Cravaack explains bill to eliminate potential for TSA indignities

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Unrest and explosions in Iran;Alireza Jafarzadeh offers insight on storming of British embassy

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Home stretch in New Hampshire ;Gingrich scores 'electric shock paddles' for campaign, electorate still likes Romney

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Bill Frist joins fight against obesity;Ex-senator says national resources needed to combat health threat


*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Governor Christie: What the hell are we paying you for? - YouTube

Christie rips Obama over deficit talks: 'What the hell are we paying you for?' - The Hill's Video

Ayers' pet project funded by Obama 'stimulus' plan

Ballots with Obama's name facing more legal challenges

Gingrich Rips WaPo: Media 'Would Rather Worry About Rumors About Conservatives Than Facts About President' |

Trump planning run as independent?

Is Bachmann Angling to Be Romney's Vice President? | Swampland |

Obama administration rejects Republican states' health law waiver requests - The Hill's Healthwatch

Information & News from (Stuart, FL)

*30 Nov.

American Minute for November 30th

November 30 Events in History

Today in History: November 30

November 30th This Day in History

Today in History: November 30

This Day in History for 30th November

November 30th in History

Today in History for November 30th - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:ATF ‘Fast & Furious’ Whistleblowers Claim Retaliation By DOJ

#OccupyCOSprings Silenced By Crowd

DNC: Barney Frank ‘Saved Economy’

Limbaugh: Greed Has Fed More Mouths Than Charity Ever Could

Unions Organize And Finance Occupy Events

#OccupyLA Protester Sobs As Boyfriend Arrested

Newt Hammers WaPo In Dana Loesch Interview

Newt Defends Cain: Reports ‘Don’t Disqualify’

Inside The #Occupy Madness: Watch Final Minutes Before Arrests

Mitt Tweaks Newt As Lifelong Politician

‘Violence Every Day’ At #Occupy Encampments – But Police Are Real Problem

29th/LA Media And LAPD Negotiated Coverage For Raid To Keep Situation ‘Under Control’

Holder Lashes Out At ‘The Daily Caller’ While Refusing To Address Calls For Resignation

The Tea Party Vs. Occupy Wall Street

Trump To Obama: ‘You Are Doing One Hell Of A Lousy Job’

Brian Williams Keeps Cool During Fire Alarm While Broadcasting

Spokesman: Cain ‘Definitely’ Staying In The Race

#OccupyPortland Protester Impersonates Officer, Carries TASER Replica

NBC’s Brian Williams Gushes Over 1950s ‘Wholesomeness’ Of Obama Family

Chris Matthews: Gingrich Nomination Would Cause ‘Embarrassment and Sadness for Our Republic’

Oops! Perry Bungles Legal Voting Age

Busted: Ayers Admits To Obama Fundraiser That Obama Campaign Called ‘Myth’

Miller Exits The Cain Train

Report: Cain May End Presidential Campaign

Massachusetts Car Dealership Mocks #Occupy Movement

Christie Rips ‘Bystander’ Obama: ‘What The Hell Are We Paying You For?’

Coulter Heavily Censored On MSNBC

Grumpy Barney Frank Lashes Out At ‘Negative’ Media During Live Interview

UK Embassy Under Siege In Iran

India Offers Cars To Lure Sterilization Volunteers

28th/Attackers Blow Up Gas Pipeline

Angry Pakistanis Burn Obama In Effigy

Red Alert: Exposing China’s Hand In Our Financial Crisis

Howard Stern Inspired Prank Caller Poses As Student Arrested In Cairo, Thanks ‘Baba Booey’s Monkey Nuts’ For Freedom

Miley Cyrus Sings For #OccupyWallSt

Bizarre: NBC News Releases Strange ‘Morning Joe’ Promo

27th/US Students Jailed In Egypt Start Journey Home

Floating Christmas Tree Shines in Rio

Ice Sculptors Create Nativity Scene


Nov. 29, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report — 29 November 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-29, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-28, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-27, Sunday

11/29 The Mark Levin Show

2011-11-30.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-11-29.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Kevin Trudeau Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-29-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-29-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-29-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-29-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-29-11 Hr 3

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, November, 29, 2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 28th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Michael Savage Show 11/29/2011

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