A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

02 December 2011

2 DEC.


Django Reinhardt-01-10

Django Reinhardt-11-20

Django Reinhardt-21-30

Django Reinhardt-31-40

Django Reinhardt-41-50

Django Reinhardt-51-60

Django Reinhardt-61-70

Django Reinhardt-71-80








Gov. Rick Perry On "The Tonight Show" With Jay Leno
RCP's Tom Bevan: 2012 Will Be "Hand-To-Hand Combat" In Swing States
Romney To Gingrich: "Self-Aggrandizing" Statements About Polls Won't Get You Nominated
Cain: I Am Going To Re-Establish My Character
George Will: "Wisdom" Is One Thing Gingrich Does Not Have
Hannity Interviews Newt Gingrich For Full Hour
"Daily Show" On Romney's Interview On FNC, Campaign Strategy
O'Reilly: The Upcoming Romney-Gingrich Shootout
O'Donnell: Professional Dems And Republicans: "Anyone But Romney"
"Special Report" Panel On Obama's Israel Policy
Shrum: If Cain Sticks Around, It Helps Romney

1 DEC.

Wasserman Schultz: GOP To "Rig" Elections By Requiring A Proper I.D. To Vote
Kos: People "Want Class War, They Want The Government To Go After The Rich"
Newt Gingrich: "I'm Going To Be The Nominee"
Krauthammer: "Arrogant Amateur" Obama Has Done More To "Undermine" Israel Than Predecessors
Sarah Palin: My Endorsement "Doesn't Amount To A Hill Of Beans"
Matthews: Newt "Own Christmas Present To Himself" ... "Happiest Egomaniac"
Gingrich: Obama Both "Incompetent And Radical"
Ron Paul: GOP Candidates "In Many Ways A Variant If Not True Keynesians"
Romney Questions Gingrich's "Conservative Credentials"
Meghan McCain: Michele Bachmann Is "More Smarter" Than Sarah Palin
Gingrich: Don't Go To The Middle. Bring The Middle To You.
Rove: Barney Frank Is A "Nasty Person"
New Perry Ad In Iowa Makes Fun Of His Debate Gaffe
Romney Launches First Ad In Iowa: "The Right Answer"
Biden: "We're Not Claiming Victory" In Iraq
Scarborough: Gingrich "Not Fit To Be President Of The United States"
O'Reilly: The Race Will Come Down To Gingrich And Romney
Ed Schultz Responds To GQ's "Least Influential" List: "Kiss My Ass"
Maddow: Perry Needs An Advisor To Brief Him On America
Huntsman Ad: "Mittstant Replay"
Schultz: Dems Want To Cut Taxes For "Individuals And Most Small Businesses"


Prince Hasan Bin Talal On Security In The Middle East
The European Puzzle Explained
Euro Meltdown
ECB Hints At Further Eurozone Action
Sarkozy Defends Euro To French
Inauguration In Kyrgyzstan
Arrest Call As Bush Arrives In Zambia
Sec. Clinton Meets Leading Democracy Activist
Bhopal Victims Mark Anniversary
Raw Video: Final Days Of Camp Victory
'Top Gear' Host In Hot Water
A Nuclear Iran: Worst-Case Scenario
At Odds With Pakistan
What Happens If The Eurozone Collapses?

1 DEC.

Europe Update
What Constitutes A Success In Afghanistan?
Tony Blair: Iran Behavior Is 'Thuggish'
Report: China May Be Hiding Nukes
Eurozone May Ask IMF To Boost Bailout
Crunch Time: Are We There Yet?
Funerals, Protests In Syria
Pakistan Calls On U.S. To Vacate Air Base
Gary Locke: The Key To Unlocking U.S.-China Trade?
Funerals, Protests In Syria
Clinton Challenges Myanmar To Expand Its Reforms
Raw Video: One-Day Strike In Greece
Occupy Protesters Break Into UK Office
McCain On NATO And Pakistan





*27 PG./Barack Obama: The Invisible Man - By Another Sojourner for Truth /November 30th, 2011


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PBS - JAZZ A Film By Ken Burns: Selected Artist Biography - Django Reinhardt


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Global Open Access Portal /(


UNESCO’s Global Open Access Portal Now Online « INFOdocket


U.S. Agency for International Development(


Resources: U.S. Government: USAID Launches New GeoCenter « INFOdocket


State Guides & Manuals Search(


Child Welfare Information Gateway — State Guides & Manuals Search « INFOdocket


Video Now Online of NARA’s “What’s Next in Social Media” Forum « INFOdocket


“Obama Wants Better Digital Archive of Federal Records” + Full Text of Presidential Memorandum « INFOdocket


November Trend Report « Talk Stream Live


Talk Stream Live(


Al Qaeda Claims To Be Holding U.S. Hostage In Pakistan | Fox News

UPDATE: Seattle Reverses Ban on “Buy American” | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : McCain Says Free and Fair Elections Way to Stop Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Visa Bill Would Pave Way for More Mexicans to Make US Home | Fox News Latino

Democrats push back against voter identification laws - Washington Times

School Apologizes for Operation Christmas Child Message | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

The Angriest Democrat in Congress Attacks Obama

Obama defends Israel policy at NY... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

How Paulson Gave Hedge Funds Advance Word of Fannie Mae Rescue - Bloomberg

America's saddest cities revealed... and 3 are in the Sunshine State | Mail Online

Meet Lou Cintolo, 89, who has run Cintolo¿s Market grocery store for 72 YEARS | Mail Online

PressTV - 'US used nukes on Iraq, Afghanistan'

US~Observer - Recall of US Senator Robert Menendez?

Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy - YouTube

Passage of S.1867: Our enemy is within « The PPJ Gazette

TEDxBrussels - Jacques Vallée - A Theory of Everything (else)... - YouTube

StateWars-The Last Hope - YouTube

Canada News: Border deal fuels concerns in Canada -

Lawmakers offer alternative to Google-opposed piracy bill - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Why is Marijuana Illegal? | The Health Aspects of Cannabis | Natural Society

Iodine for Health by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

Vitamin D in a New Light by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

'Super soldiers': The quest for the ultimate human killing machine - Science - News - The Independent

+poorrichards blog: The Truth About the National Defense Authorization Act

Federal Prosecutors: Advocating Jury Nullification Is a Crime « Blog

William L. Anderson: Yes, the feds have created a tyrannical prosecutorial state

Why is Homeland Security Funding Research for a Big Cat? - Katie Pavlich

+Supplements The FDA Wants To Ban

11-29-11 Rand Paul @ Freedom Watch - YouTube

Do Not Be Deceived: S. 1867 is the Most Dangerous Bill Since the PATRIOT Act :

P-800 Oniks Yakhont Anti-ship Cruise Missile Launch - YouTube

Russia 'delivers missiles to Syria' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Who Smashed the Laptops from Occupy Wall Street? Inside the NYPD's Lost and Found | Motherboard

BFP Report: Meet the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Distinguished’ Privacy Advisory Committee Members

Welcome to Forbes

The Department Of Homeland Security Wants All The Information It Has On You Accessible From One Place - Forbes

The Department Of Homeland Security Continues the Quest for Total Information Awareness | AxXiom for Liberty

Trade in surveillance technology raises worries - The Washington Post

10 Things We Didn't Learn From Enron Scandal, 10 Years After - ABC News

David Duke fights German arrest as 'undesirable foreigner'

Germany arrests former US presidential candidate — RT

When Will The Pakistan 'Spring' Arrive?

Pakistan-America Developments: Radio Talk With Jeff Rense | Opinion Maker

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: There Is A Very Uneasy Peace Between President Obama And The American Military. - The Ulsterman Report

America's Illegal Chemical Weapons Stockpile

EmTech: Get Ready for a New Human Species - Technology Review

Toads 'could be used to predict earthquakes' - Telegraph

Method of 'printing' bones using an inkjet machine discovered by scientists (probably skeleton staff) | Mail Online

Weak wifi? Use a baking tray - Telegraph

Ballots with Obama's name facing more legal challenges

Reforming Social Security - The Cruel Hoax

'05/Edwin Vieira, Jr. -- The Trojan Horse of Social Security "Reform"


Major Organic Seed Company Owned By Pro-GMO Group! | Farm Wars


OSGATA : Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association(


Monsanto's Roundup Spawns Superweeds On 120 Million Hectares | Natural Society

HAre Homo Sapiens Part Alien?

The Hitler Speech They Don't Want You To Hear - YouTube

Drinking the Radioactive Kool-Aid: Countries Switching From Coal to Nuclear | Common Dreams

Ron Paul Interview With CNBC On Today's World Wide Quantitative Easing - YouTube

Wind energy plans pose challenge to Navy testing | McClatchy

: Is Thorium the Energy Panacea We Have Been Waiting For?

Dawn Soars Over Asteroid Vesta in 3-D - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Identifying ‘True Earth-like Planets’ - All New Worlds Are Built On 7_4 (like Earth) or 6_4


A Burning Man Snake Fest, at the Boy Scout Jamboree. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Internet freedom in Central Asia worsens say human rights groups - Telegraph

Factories stall worldwide, U.S. jobless claims rise | Reuters

No Major Clearing House Can Fail « Jim Sinclair's Mineset

Amnesty urges African nations to arrest George Bush - Yahoo! News

Why Moscow Doesn't Believe Washington On Missile Defense

Poverty up among school kids - Elgin Courier News

TheTinyDot - YouTube

+Amazing Facts: Stephen Hawking on Time Travel

Paul Craig Roberts: We have a republican party that is a Gestapo party - YouTube

Peter Schiff Was Right 2006 - 2007 (2nd Edition) - YouTube

Activist Post: Federal appeals court reinstates corporate ownership over human genes

Gordon Duff : The Truth About the National Defense Authorization Act | My Catbird Seat

The Media's Blackout Of The National Defense Authorization Act Is Shameful

Activist Post: 20 Examples of the Obama Administration Assault on Domestic Civil Liberties

Refreshing News: FBI used outreach programmes 'to spy on Muslims'

Activist Post: Defense and Aerospace Industry Pollutant Now Found in Virtually All Humans Tested

CDC Official Accused Of Child Molestation, Bestiality Returns To Work | Fox News


Activist Post: Big Brother, Come Clean: The FBI is Misusing "Community Outreach" Programs for Intelligence Gathering


Lone Star Watchdog: Freedom Watch 11-29-11. Government's Internet Crackdown


Lone Star Watchdog: My Defence for the Freedom Writers ,the Bloggers against the Trolls and the Critcs


The Media’s Blackout Of The National Defense Authorization Act Is Shameful

New Amendments Introduced To Halt Indefinite Detention of Americans


Al-Qaeda says it is holding U.S. hostage –

aangirfan: Zawahiri

'05/The Real Ayman al-Zawahiri


'02/Strike Sooner than Later - Foreign and Defense Policy - AEI




Ron Paul Interview On Piers Morgan Tonight 11/30/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul on CNBC 11/30/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul on the Laura Ingraham Show 12/01/2011 - YouTube

At RJC forum, Prez cands will 'put to bed smears' by DNC, Wasserman Schultz - Washington Jewish Week - Online Edition - Rockville, MD

poorrichards blog: Republican Jewish Coalition Bars Ron Paul From Presidential Debate, Saying He's Too "misguided and extreme"

Can Ron Paul Win the Anti-Romney Primary? | Swampland |



Activist Post: Gene Patenting Causes People to Be Company-Owned Intellectual Property

Biden: No indication Iran orchestrated embassy attack - Yahoo! News

Amazing Facts: Pepper-spray inventor: "It's fashionable to use chemical agents on people who have an opinion"

Refreshing News: Barack Obama and Kermit the Frog light the National Christmas Tree

Activist Post: White House refuses apology over Pakistan strike

Illegitimate Egyptian Elections |

Mitt Romney is finally rattled - Atlanta Political Buzz |

George Carlin - Everyone's A Rat (good quality) - YouTube

Newt Gingrich’s PAC gives “Entrepreneur of the Year 2009″ to porn superstore » Immigration Clearinghouse

Furious at Latest U.S. Attack, Pakistan Shuts Down Resupply Routes to Afghanistan “Permanently” |

Surprise Squad reveals identity | Iowa City Press Citizen |

Newt Gingrich: Poor Kids Don't Work Unless It's Illegal |

Grit Your Teeth It’s About To Get Nasty | Pakalert Press

Mervyn King warns mortgage rates are likely to soar and tells banks to slash bonuses | Mail Online

The Rockefeller World, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission :

Revolutionary Politics : Having More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist


poorrichards blog: As the “Humanitarian Warriors” Gloat… Here’s the Key Question in the Libyan War

Funders Behind NYPD’s Mysterious Private ‘Counter-Terrorism’ Foundation | My Catbird Seat

Fascist States of North America - 12160

Revolutionary Politics : Newt Gingrich Still Unsure Of Man Made Global Warming

Military Could Detain Americans Indefinitely - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Peter Schiff Explains What Today's Global Fed-Funded Bailout Means For The Future


FBI — Working for the FBI


Blog: Emails show Climategate Con Men Vexed by American Thinker

poorrichards blog: The Other One Percent: Corporate Psychopaths and the Global Financial Crisis

The World from Berlin: 'Central Banks' Coordinated Move Has Solved Nothing' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

America’s Illegal Chemical Weapons Stockpile |

7 Nuclear Weapon Screw-Ups You Won't Believe We Survived |

U.S. citizens are legitimate military targets admits Obama national security lawyers - 12160

USAFA Built Pagan Chapel? - YouTube

Idea of civilians using drone aircraft may soon fly with FAA -

Activist Post: Why Police Are Treating Americans Like Military Threats

The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

12 Things You Didn’t Know Facebook Could Do -

10 Things Newt Gingrich Doesn’t Want You To Know About Him | Pakalert Press

Barack Obama Wants to Win - The Rush Limbaugh Show

2012 Election: Makers vs. Takers - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Facebook and Fake Names

What if the Constitution No Longer Applied? by Andrew P. Napolitano

Have You Heard About The 16 Trillion Dollar Bailout The Federal Reserve Handed To The Too Big To Fail Banks? -

What Have The Central Banks Of The World Done Now? -

29 Amazing Stats Which Prove That The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer -

Obama Admin Seals Records of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Implicated in Fast and Furious | The Weekly Standard

Turns out the ‘Government Sachs’ conspiracy theorists were right all along -

'Jetman' Flight ends up in Mediterranean

Newt Gingrich: Cain must decide what's right

World Aids Day Sees $50M Pledge from White House

Symbolic Pics of the Month (12/11)

Therapist ‘Brainwashed’ Woman Into Believing She Was In Satanic Cult

Robert Kennedy’s Assassin Claims He Was Under Mind Control

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

Clinton Ends Burma Trip With Pledge of Support

Burmese Opposition Leader, Clinton Promote Closer Ties

US Hands Over Former Military Hub to Iraq

Expelled, Iranian Diplomats Leave London

Russians Vote Sunday for New Parliament

White House Welcomes Tightened EU Sanctions on Iran, Syria

US Unemployment Rate Drops Sharply

White House: We Can Decide to Target Americans

Senate Rejects Limits on Domestic Military Detention

The Spy Files: WikiLeaks Releases Surveillance Docs

The State of Surveillance

War on Terror Doesn't Justify Retreat on Rights

Setting the Trap by Justin Raimondo --

Neocons Preoccupied With Islamic Conspiracy Theories by Philip Giraldi --

Moderation in Following the Constitution Is No Virtue by Ivan Eland --


House of Mirrors Part I- Mystical Covert Agendas

House of Mirrors Part II- Living the Fantasy

House of Mirrors Part III- Making the Irrational Rational by turning the Empirical into the Lie & the Fantasy into the Truth


Why Moscow Doesn’t Believe Washington on Missile Defense… or on Just Almost Nuthin’…


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 1, 2011

*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 30, 2011

*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 29, 2011


The Rockefeller World, Council on Foreign Relations & the Trilateral Commission


Obama's DoJ Strongarms, Sues Business to Impose Sharia: Company Forced to Pay $50,000 - Atlas Shrugs

Make Wall Street pay for its criminal conduct - Howard Gold's No-Nonsense Investing - MarketWatch

Steve Quayle News Alerts

Dutch Researcher Created A Super-Influenza Virus With The Potential To Kill Millions

Digital DNA the new DNA | Homeland Security News Wire

War on drugs revealed as total hoax - US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan

Are evangelicals a national security threat? -

GOP strategist ‘frightened’ by Occupiers

Cain: ‘I didn’t do some of the things' they said

Mega-church minister gets reality TV show

Franken demands ‘Carrier IQ’ explain smartphone tracking

WikiLeaks rips open surveillance industry

ACLU: FBI illegally spying on Muslims

Ginger White: My heart ‘bleeds’ for Herman Cain’s wife

Stewart: U.S. government is ‘world’s dumbest loan shark’

Stephen Colbert celebrates Cain’s defender

6 Shocking Revelations About Wall Street's "Secret Government" | | AlterNet

(UPDATED) Woman says she was “imprisoned” on Scientology cruise ship for 12 years; church denounces her claim as “false” | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

BBC News - Fahrenheit 451 becomes e-book despite author's feelings

Occupy Wall Street protesters turn on Obama as he schmoozes corporate donors | Mail Online

CDC's Dr. Kimberly Lindsey charged with bestiality and child molestation | Mail Online

Herman Cain admits payments to Ginger White, edges toward quitting -

Herman Cain says wife did not know of payments to alleged mistress Ginger White - The Washington Post

Carrier IQ On iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone: Which Devices Have Controversial 'Tracking' Software?

Weta insect: Heaviest in the world weighs 3 times more than a mouse | Mail Online

Ademo Charged with Wiretapping - YouTube

Peter Schiff Talks to the 1 Percent! "We're not even near the bottom yet!" - YouTube

Dictatorship Codified - informationliberation

Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy - YouTube

Holder Asks America to Remain ‘Vigilant,’ Report Intellectual-Property Crime | Threat Level |

Swiss Govt: Downloading Movies and Music Will Stay Legal - informationliberation

A win-win on drugs? Fighting gangs by legalizing pot | GlobalPost

20 Examples of the Obama Administration Assault on Domestic Civil Liberties - informationliberation

Kirk and Menendez Join Forces on New Iran Sanctions Proposal

Sanctions are only a Small Part of the History that Makes Iranians Hate the UK

Turkey is Ready to Invade Syria

The Syrian Revolution Hijacked

NATO’s Islamists Continue Program of Ethnic and Ideological Cleansing

Amid The Architecture Of Declining Capitalism



"26 TRILLION Dollars In Bank Bailouts! That's Not Including TARP!" Alan Grayson - YouTube

Activist Post: How to End the Federal Reserve and the Bailout Madness (Videos)

Big Brother, Come Clean: The FBI is Misusing "Community Outreach" Programs for Intelligence Gathering » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Activist Post: Introduction to Emergency Survival Shelters

Activist Post: Major Poll: 63% Agree Parents Should Decide Childhood Vaccine Schedule, Not Government

Activist Post: Flu Shots Could Actually Be Increasing Your Risk of Developing the Flu

Federal appeals court reinstates corporate ownership over human genes for breast cancer

Uncle Sam Wants You! – To Join The U.S. ‘Gestapo’ | The New World Reporter

Those Who Would Censor And Control The Internet | The New World Reporter

Africa Lies Naked to Euro-American Military Offensive

War Criminals: Blair And Bush

The Bush Administration Was an Ongoing Criminal Conspiracy Under International Law and U.S. Domestic Law

Why Moscow does not Trust Washington on Missile Defense. Towards a Pre-emptive Nuclear War?

Economic Plunder, Fraud and Electoral Chaos in The Democratic Republic of The Congo

Central Banks’ Latest Move Shows Desperation: This isn’t a financial crisis … it’s a bank robbery.

War and the Economic Crisis: America's Military Obsession Leads To Economic Decline

VIDEO: Police State Canada: From the McDonald Commission to the G20

Obama Issues Ron Paul “Kill Order” As Russia Prepares For War


George Orwell’s Guide to the News

VIDEO: Audit Reveals Trillions in Bank Bailouts by Federal Reserve

Media Tell People: Government Your Friend, Ron Paul Your Enemy by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Can Congress Steal Your Constitutional Freedoms? by Andrew P. Napolitano


How To Control the World? Control the water supply. Jesse Ventura exposes the worldwide conspiracy.


42 MIN./Conspiracy Theory with Gov. Jesse Ventura Worldwide Water Conspiracy Full length version - YouTube


Interview with Milos Dedovic, Serbian-American Chamber of Commerce by David Galland

Milos Dedovic - "Prices Doubled Every Day and a Half" - YouTube

Cell Phones Are Tracking Devices That Governments, Police, Big Corporations And Stalkers Can Use To Easily Track Your Movements

The IRS Wants Your Electronic Data by Mark Nestmann

The Iran-contra scandal, 25 years later -

The Wolf Pack by Eric Peters

How to Throw an Awesome Holiday Party–Part I: Choosing a Party Theme | The Art of Manliness

Why fish oil is good for your brain: Study finds it boosts memory by 15 per cent | Mail Online

Alex Jones: Senate wants martial law in America - YouTube

P Giraldi former counter-terrorism officer CIA on "War on Terror"?! & Ron Paul - YouTube


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 1st, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 1st, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 30th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 30th, 2011


Secret Fed Loans & Slinky School of Economics - YouTube

New Documents Expose Police Spying at G20 - YouTube

Powell Longs for Lapdog Media: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7 |

McCain Justifies Indefinite Detention of American Citizens with Debunked Statistics |

Ron Paul On the Fed’s Continued Euro Bailout |

NDAA: Another Step in the Fascist Takeover of America |

Anthrax Victim’s Family to Receive $2.5 Million in Settlement -


Infowars Nightly News: Friday 11-25-11 (Full) - YouTube

11-28-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones, guests Clive Boddy, Gerald Celente - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday,November 29,2011 (FULL) - YouTube

2011-11-30 Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Thursday, December 1,2011 (FULL) - YouTube


Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military

Rep. Smith: 'Obama Adminstration's Bias Against Catholics Is an Affront to Religious Freedom'

Pelosi Dismisses Catholic Bishops as ‘Lobbyists’—For Opposing Obamacare Reg Forcing Catholics to Act Against Faith

Debt for First 11 Months of ‘11: $1.1 Trillion

DOE Spending Millions to Make Solar Energy More Affordable

Boehner: 'You Can Take to the Bank’ That Payroll Tax Cuts 'Will Be Paid For'

Boehner: House GOP Backs Extending Federal Payments to Unemployed

1,089 Americans--71% of All U.S. Combat Deaths in Afghanistan--Have Been Killed Along Pakistan Border

Obama: ‘To Implement Affordable Care Act in 2014 … I’ve Got to Win in 2012’

Senate Republicans Vote Against Democrats’ Payroll Tax Plan – And Against McConnell’s

Unemployment Rate Falls As 300K Stop Looking and Employers Added 120,000 Jobs

Biologists Find Albino Among Brazil Dolphins

Could Iran’s Terror-Sponsoring General Become Its Next President?

Auction of Liz Taylor Items Tells Story of Her Life and Loves

Farmers Worry New Labor Rules Will End Teen Jobs

Obama, Bill Clinton to Announce Energy Efficiency Program for Office Buildings

Romney to Fox's Bret Baier: Your Interview Was ‘Overly Aggressive,’ ‘Uncalled For’

Cain: My Wife Did Not Know About Friendship With Ginger White

Rep. Smith: Denial Of HHS Grants Proof Of 'The Obama Administration Bias Against Catholics'

Pelosi Calls U.S. Catholic Bishops ‘Lobbyists'

WH: Obama Undecided on Whether to Impose Regulation Forcing Catholics to Act Against Their Faith |

Labor Secretary: Failing to Extend Federal Payments to Unemployed Will Increase Unemployment |

House Republicans Taking Up a Bill to Curb Federal Regulators |

Bachmann Fires Back at Gingrich, Who Called Her 'Factually Challenged' |

Officials: Postal worker fired shots in mail room

House panel votes to subpoena Corzine on MF Global

His candidacy uncertain, Cain to meet with wife

Gingrich Tells ABC News: ‘I’m Going to Be The Nominee’ - ABC News Mozambique: Hoax Messages Damage Banana Sellers

Putin, Medvedev pledge public sector cash before vote - AlertNet

Russian vote watchdog under pressure before elections | Reuters

A 20 Year Old New York Woman Has Been Charged With Performing A Self-Abortion And Dumping The Fetus In The Garbage « CBS New York

Corzine Subpoenaed to Appear Before House Panel | Fox Business

Online soap opera cleans up with stimulus broadband cash - Washington Times

Barbi twins: Obama abandoned the horses - Patrick Gavin -

Piers Morgan Struggles to Beat King's Ratings -

Federal officials announce campaign to educate undocumented residents on immigration scams

Dealers set single-day, all-time high for FBI background check requests

Newt Gingrich as president could turn the White House into an ideas factory

Krauthammer on Mitt vs. Newt: Two significantly flawed front-runners

Amnesty International under fire for demanding Bush's arrest during Africa trip

Romney uses new ad, adrenaline to woo Iowa

Jesse Jackson brings message of peace, unity and support for the Occupy Phoenix

New York City cafe may shut down for good due to Occupy protests, owner says

House votes to end public funding for presidential campaigns

Georgia lawmaker wants jobless to volunteer in exchange for benefits

D.C. debates lowering speed limits: 15 mph?

Leon Panetta toasts Osama bin Laden death with $10K wine

Senate passes measure allowing military chaplains to decline performing same-sex marriages

House delays long-term transportation plan over funding, timing

Payroll tax vote shows GOP split

FBI illegally using community outreach to gather intelligence, ACLU alleges

Senate votes for new Iran sanctions, defying White House

Non-lawyer serving as judge raises concern

U.N. fights to maintain food aid for North Korea, despite U.S. concerns

Afghan president pardons imprisoned rape victim

Police probe allegations of sexual assault by high school football players

Study shows men don't think about sex as often as thought

FAMU expels 4 over band hazing death

More theaters reserve seats for tweeters

Man charged with trying to deposit fake check for $3.5 million

Lawsuit Filed After New Mexico Teen Arrested for Burping in Class

U.S. gives Camp Victory to the Iraqis


Parents Can Rent Toys At New Website « CBS Bost - Flash Player Installation


Toygaroo (


ACARS Confirmed - 9/11 Aircraft Airborne Long After Crash

Scientists Translate Extraterrestrial Message Before 9/11

Hal Lindsey Report--Corrupted Riches - Video

Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson

Your Cell Phone and Your Health

12/1/2011 -- Large scale chemtrail spraying -- CLOSE UP shot of the plane responsible - YouTube

No witnesses to this huge explosion 9/11 - Location update - YouTube

Freemasons Behind the Psychedelic Revolution?

Do you know what 666 is? How does Apocalypse tie in with Kalachakra?

John Wyma testimony, Blagojevich hearing, December 2, 2011, Wyma Chicago corruption ties, Media and Justice department protect Obama

Medic! - YouTube

A Very Important Reminder From An Elite Insider About The Coming Economic Collapse

A Very Important Reminder About The Coming Economic Collapse. - YouTube

Shocked Scientists Ask: Is The Sun Is Dying?

Scott Walker: 'Big Government Unions' Won't Win in Wisconsin

Gingrich Pulls Ahead With 21-Point Lead

Attacks on Gingrich Grow as He Surges in Polls

Obama Enlists Bill Clinton On Energy Plan

TV Ad Spending for 2012 Reaches $23 Million

Gingrich: 'I Feel Very Good' About Nomination

Diaz-Balart Blasts Obama on Israel Claim

Cain Says He May End Presidential Campaign

Romney Faces Two Big Rivals: Gingrich and Obama

Cantor Seeks Year-End Deal to Curb Defense Cuts

Gingrich in Iowa Urges More Responsible Citizenry

Brown Pushing Huge Tax Hikes in California

Boehner Predicts Extension of Payroll-Tax Cut

House Ends Public Presidential Election Funding

Soros: World Financial System on Brink of Collapse

Ohio Exotic Animals Ban Stirs Concerns

GOP Sen. Kirk Stalls Obama Pick for Russia Envoy

Billy Graham Diagnosed with Pneumonia

Gingrich Campaign Works to Keep Up with His Popularity

Cain May Be Setting Groundwork to Quit

Huckabee: I May Not Endorse Candidate in Primaries

Jon Huntsman's Daughters Spin Out Another Tune

Another Kennedy in the House, to Replace Frank?

Bank of England: Brace for Eurozone Collapse

Nonsurgical Solutions for Thinning Hair

Numbers of Senior Citizens Rising

Violent Video Games Alter Brain Function

Even Low Pollen Triggers Kids' Asthma

Occupiers Should Seek Support From Real 99 Percent

Racial Preferences Prevent Real Diversity in Colleges

GOP Debates Ignore the Most Important Foreign Policy Issue

The Greatest Hoax in the History of Money: The Fed, The Banks, The Lies

Rachel Maddow Asks Who is Winning the Murdoch Primary?

American Airlines Files For Bankruptcy In Order to Assault Unions After Doling Out Big Bonuses to Execs

Michele Bachmann's Short List for AG and Veep: Rick Santorum and Donald Trump

#OccupyAustin: Your Allotted Amount of Free Speech Has Expired!

Bachmann Suggests Intelligent Design Is a 'Scientific Fact'

Sen. Susan Collins: Tax The Rich Who Don't Hire To Pay For Payroll Tax Cut

Fearing #OWS Frank Luntz Does New Messaging for Rich Capitalists

#OccupyLA: Photographer Beaten by LAPD during Raid

Britain's Massive Strike Against Austerity - Could It Happen Here?

Michele Bachmann's Dominionist Endorsement: Dr. George Grant

Sophisticated Surveillance Technology Ends Up In Hands Of Repressive Regimes

#OccupyDC's Now 'Official' Declaration of the Occupation

Prof. Michele Bachmann Wants To Pull US Embassy In Iran

Bats Left/Throws Right: Hell, If Newt Gingrich Is An Historian, Everybody's An Historian

MN Progressive Project:: Call Sen. Franken about the Protect IP Act


+8 Dangers Of Working From Home To Be Aware Of


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Obama seals 'Fast and Furious' records;Rep. Gosar: 'What gave them the authority to do that?'


Horn of Samuel Book(




3rd state facing challenge over Obama eligibility

Preacher to FBI: Put up or shut up!

On Congress' 'battlefield' American liberty dies

White House under pressure to release Solyndra details

Congressional staff gives Constitution new meaning

Congressional 'scholar' shilling for Obama

Occupy Wall Street protesters turn on Obama as he schmoozes corporate donors | Mail Online

Finally! Decision to come on parental notification law

Abortion Nearly Triples Breast Cancer Risk, New Study Finds |


*THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Site of Jacob's Dream Discovered - Features - News - Israel National News

AFP: Archaeologist traces Pocahontas wedding site

Obama pleads for 4 more: Surreal

Pray for a Michele Miracle

One nation under inflation

You have no privacy

Football factories or learning centers?

Dr. Seuss and theater propaganda

The GOP-sponsored rebirth of social Darwinism

Civil war ahead?

Memo to Occupiers: 10 things we evil capitalists really think

McDonald's Scores Magnificent Win In Happy Meal Debacle | Business News |

Hearing God’s word without sound

Hard regulatory climb over, family can enjoy treehouse - Washington Times

Report: Strippers pose as legal aides at detention center

Chile demands extradition of US officer for role in murders during Pinochet coup | Mail Online

Search for God Particle is nearly over, as CERN prepares to announce findings - Telegraph

Mysterious Metal Object Crashes Through Roof of Mass. Warehouse | LiveScience

Fire Erupts on Woman’s Face During Routine Surgery - ABC News

Swearing can beat pain: research - Telegraph

Olympic swimming records set to tumble at London 2012 as Speedo unveil Fastskin3 swimwear system - Telegraph

*2 Dec.

American Minute for December 2nd

Today in History: December 2

December 2nd in History

December 2nd This Day in History

Today in History: December 2

This Day in History for 2nd December

December 2 Events in History

Today in History for December 2nd - YouTube




*Marxists Internet Archive: Selection of Quotes


Communist Quotes - BrainyQuote

Communism quotes

Communist Quotes

Communism quotes


Communist Manifesto E-Text | GradeSaver

Communist Manifesto Essays | GradeSaver

Communist Manifesto Summary | GradeSaver

Communist Manifesto Glossary | GradeSaver


The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx


Manifesto of the Communist Party ; 1848


Socialism, Marxism, Communism & Obama(Socialism, Marxism, Communism & Obama )


Ethics decision looms for Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. as racial politics highlight primary challenge - The Washington Post

House Ethics Committee says it will continue investigating Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. -

Rep. Jackson probe will continue, House ethics panel says - Chicago Sun-Times

Formerly conjoined twins to leave hospital, continue recovery

President Obama: 6 million to get AIDS treatment - YouTube

88 drugs, vaccines filling HIV/AIDS pipeline

Study confirms many of us go online for no reason

Teen Sex May Affect Brain Development, Study Suggests

The Ins and Outs of the Flu Vaccine

McDonald's will charge for Happy Meal toys in SF

2 Governors Asking US to Ease Rules on Marijuana to Allow for Its Medical Use

Two More at the Table: New Chemical Elements Named

When Antarctica Freezes Over

No Need to Tweak New Mars Rover's Course, NASA Says

Atlas V with MSL Curiosity Rover Launches to Mars - YouTube

Geoengineering Could Save Earth -- or Destroy It

Scientists Link Diamonds in Strange Quantum Entanglement

Newfound alien planet is hot enough to melt iron

Robot Mimics Squid Movement

Amy Winehouse Foundation makes first donations

Nicolas Cage's Superman Comic Nets Record $2.1 Million at Auction

Lady Gaga ‘Marry the Night’ video debuts: Singer breaks down in autobiographical rise-to-fame film - NY Daily News

Britney Spears turns 30 | PopWatch |

Watch Out Amazon: Google Looking to Venture into Delivery Services

The new YouTube: Simpler, more TV-like

Sen. Al Franken Wants Answers From Cell Phone Trackers

Illinois water pump hack - no Russian invasion

Jawbone Up Fitness Wristband Wants You Off the Couch

How to make phone calls through Google+ Hangouts

Google Chrome Surpasses Firefox In Browser Usage

Facebook Making Unexpected NYC Announcement Today

Wall Street Rally Loses Steam, Stocks Still Poised to Post Best Week Since '09

Justice Dept. approves Google's AdMeld acquisition

Mitt Romney gets tough with Newt Gingrich

Herman Cain launches 'Women for Herman Cain' Website

Women For Herman Cain(

Report: Rep. Jackson offered deal for Senate seat

Elizabeth Warren's Teach-in

Obama, Clinton together again, pitching efficiency

Man sentenced for killing wife; she strangled son

Would-be carjackers foiled by stick-shift automobile

Late Night: Rick Perry can't quite explain his own gaffes

Jury to hear closing arguments in home invasion sentencing

Clinton, Suu Kyi discuss Burma's road to democracy

Clinton visit could signal closer US-Myanmar ties - YouTube

Pakistan: US Info Was Wrong

Syrians Say They Are Feeling the Grip of Economic Sanctions

Iran cleric warns EU, UN against backing Britain

Syria 'bans iPhones' over protest footage

Russia's Putin: don't make politics a circus

Italy, Greece Among Worst Euro Countries in Corruption Ranking

Twelfth Tibetan Self-Immolates, but Survives

Biden urges Turkey to impose Iranian sanctions

South African Fast Food Chain Takes Down Funny Mugabe Advert

Al-Qaida to free American if air strikes halted in Pak, Afghan: Zawahiri

Lively Hugo Chavez hosts Latin American peers

Belgium Nears Deal on Government

Israeli Ads Aimed at Luring Expats Home From US Anger Some American Jews

Felon faces new charges for escape

Donny and Marie perform together in 'Christmas in Chicago'

Readers: Hey, Tom Skilling, wasn't this supposed to be an awful winter?

Regis Philbin holds court at North Central College

Hinsdale girl models her way to American Girl catalog cover

Rahm on Solyndra: If called, would testify - Lynn Sweet

Mayor Rahm Emanuel applauds Ed Burke

Message to Emanuel : Black aldermen not happy with remap

House Committee Subpoenas Corzine

Even Worse than Jon Corzine

A Stern Vision of America

The Case for Gingrich

The Fall of the House of Frank

Ron Paul: Why Not?

Chicago Corruption Trials and the Sounds of Silence

The Chicago Tribune Stand by Their Man: Barack Obama

The Hall of Shame

Whither the youth vote in 2012?

Obama and the Occupoopers

Saudis fear virgin shortage if women allowed to drive

Unhappy Meals in San Francisco

COPing with Climate-Change Misinformation

GOP Senatorial candidate takes on Obama's efforts to kill off shale gas and oil jobs

'Someone's got to take responsibility'

Did Bill Richardson, former Democrat presidential candidate, pay for alleged mistress' silence?

Gingrich, Santorum, and Bachmann fail to field full slate of delegates in NH

Dreams From My President

Presidential Race 2012: Imperfect Conservatives Need Not Apply

Warning: If There's 'Nuance,' You're Being Had

Obama's Design for Defeat

The Global Economy at Cliff's Edge

Saving the Cain Campaign

Santorum: the GOP dark horse, and rural America

ObamaCare: It Doesn't Work in Japan, and It Won't Work Anywhere Else

OCCUPY WALL STREET The American left's Tet Offensive against capitalism!

Why the Occupy "Camps" Are Important

Limbaugh At NYC Town Hall Theatre “Overall People Just Don’t View Romney As Conservative Enough”

Rush Limbaugh Live In New York At The Town Hall Theater [FULL]

Limbaugh: I’m Convinced OWS Is An Obama Creation To Destroy Romney

Rush Limbaugh: Andy Stern And Barack Obama Are On The Verge Of Rendering The American Revolution Null And Void

Limbaugh: According To Jonathan Capehart Herman Cain And His Wife Just Aren’t Lying Enough

Rush Limbaugh: 8.6% Unemployment Is A Corrupt Number

Rush Schools Us On How Baseline Budgeting Works

Awesome Rush Caller Sean Tells Of How He Decided, As A Family, To Start Returning All Of His Wife’s Disability Checks “We Wanted To Be A Self-Sustaining Family”

World's Oldest Tiger Species Discovered | Longdan Tiger & Big Cats | Tiger Fossils & Origins of Today's Largest Cats | LiveScience

The Library Phantom Returns! : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR


From the Shadows: Dreams of the Harlequin

Eiffel Tower 'to be turned into green jungle' - Telegraph

Hollywood producer claims proof of UFOs |

Turtle embryos can communicate across eggs | COSMOS magazine

Women's UFO Symposium Takes On ET Hunters' 'Old Boys Club'

Debbie Schlussel:SoCal Flight School Ran Visa Scam for Egyptian Muslim “Students”

Debbie Schlussel:“Wut I Lurnd in Kollij”: He, She & It Now Share Bathrooms, Dorms, Locker Rms

Debbie Schlussel:OUTRAGE: Libs Charge Man w/ FOUR! Felonies For Looking Out of His HOME Window

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: BabyMama w/ 15 Kids – “Somebody Needs to Pay For My Kids”

Debbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: Who is Erik Barnett? Obama’s ICE Cronyism & the “European Vacation” You’re Paying For

Obama’s Global Godfather dragged in with the CH2M Hill scandal tide?

The Case for Gingrich

Shock Study: Snoopy Extends His Lead

Germany and Increasing Worldwide Coal Consumption

Connecting the dots on the National Defense Authorization Act

Political Fundamentalists—A Grave Threat to World Liberty

Smoke and Mirrors


The New North Dakota: Shale Oil Takes Off in Colorado

Sympathy for Obama

What the GOP Candidates Should Be Saying

The Soap Opera that came to stay in the 2012 presidential campaign

Joe Kaufman: I’m the only GOP candidate in Florida that can defeat Wasserman-Schultz

The only nerve these scruffy protesters strike is the gag reflex

Fox News Continues to Crush the Competition

Land of the Freebies, Home of the Enslaved

Greedy Union to Destroy Black Restaurant Owner’s Business

Growing Disenchantment with Renewable Energy

A Debt Crisis or a Liberalism Crisis?

What About ’Constitutional Right’ to Low Tuition?

Obama’s Dictatorship is almost complete

Latest News of Obamacare’s Forthcoming Death Panels

With the Economy Down, Obama Looks to Help Big Labor Make it Worse

Truckers tell Congress proposed hours-of-service regulations unjustified, burdensome

‘Hollywood Reporter’: Did Liberal Sucker Punches Kill ‘Happy Feet Two’?

Paging Ellen DeGeneres: Obama Okays ‘Horrible’ Horse Slaughter You Opposed in 2005

‘The Other F Word’ Review: When Punk Rock Meets Fatherhood

Daniel Craig Gives Fellow Stars a Lesson in Privacy

Obscure Musicians Jump on Rickety Occupy Wall Street Bandwagon

‘Our Idiot Brother’ DVD Review: Rudd Doesn’t Embrace His Inner Moron

‘Loosies’ Review: ‘Twilight’ Co-Star Sinks His Teeth Into Pick Pocket Turmoil

HBO Exec in Denial About Cord Cutting Nation

Questlove Blames Racist Tweets on Tea Party

-Daily Call Sheet: When Comedians Go Dramatic, TV Ownership Drops, and Grinder Classics

Paul Ryan and Prosperity PAC: ‘If We Compromise Too Far, We Can Win But We Still Lose the Country’

AUDIO : 8.6% Unemployment Rate Isn’t as Good as it Sounds

Is the STOCK Act a Toothless Paper Tiger?

Government Policy, Not Laziness, Responsible for Scaring Away Foreign Investors

Two Bad Choices in Washington State: Higher Taxes or Shorter School Year

Job Growth Lower Than Expected; Unemployment Rate Falls as 315k Give Up Search for Work

Will Europe Bring Down the Global Economy?

+Budget Realities Come Home to Roost

Senate Republicans to Force Approval of Keystone Pipeline

Dead Movement Walking: Top Six Signs the Left And Mainstream Media Have Hung Occupy Out to Dry

GM Willing to Buy Back Chevy Volts, May Recall Entire Fleet

Hot For Teacher-Criminalizing Sex Between Legal Adults?! Nanny of the Month (November 2011)

Sen. Scott Brown Op-Ed Cites Schweizer: ‘No Insider Deals for Lawmakers’

Milwaukee School Board Uses Act 10 to Cut Labor Costs and Address Huge Deficit

AUDIO : Government Controlled Healthcare Champion Don Berwick Steps Down

Dem Candidate Attacks GOP Congressman for Supporting Obama Policy

T. J. Holmes To LAPD: Did You Want To Join Occupy Protests?

Chickens Come Home to Roost: Daily Caller Reports Politico Traffic Plummets Over Last 18 Months

Friday Crib Sheet: Weinergate Omitted From Top Tweets; Alterna-Puma Strikes Again!

Dead Movement Walking: Top Six Signs the Left And Mainstream Media Have Hung Occupy Out to Dry

Media Matters Shocked That Fox Reports On Presidential Primary

Too Late, Obama Admin Learns What Everyone Knew: The UN Human Rights Council Is a Disaster

Understanding Socialism’s Role in the Roots of Islamic Terrorism

Georgetown Students Discover China’s Nuclear Arsenal Could Be Larger than Previously Estimated

Al Qaeda Crippled, Hezbollah Growing: Time to Shift Targets in the War on Terror

Israel’s Iron Dome Rocket Defense, Built to Protect Civilians From Terror, Could Soon Protect U.S. Army

Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL) Hides Behind Congressional Privilege to Attack Private Military Companies

Cynthia Farahat: Egyptian Elections & the Muslim Brotherhood

AUDIO : America Needs to Start Leading

The West Needs Reaganesque Leadership in Response to Iran’s Reprise of 1979 Embassy Siege

House Republicans to link pipeline, payroll tax cut

Experts reclassify painting as real Rembrandt

Bob Marley heirs sue half-brother in US over name

Geoengineering could save Earth _ or destroy it

Craigslist suspect pleads not guilty to prostitution charges

Pakistan says US gave wrong info before strike

Italian TV bans mention of condoms on World Aids Day, claims newspaper

Herman Cain's support plummets among Iowa Republicans

Stepping Hill nurse cleared of saline tampering is sacked over drug theft

Iran cleric warns EU, UN against backing Britain

Wayne Urged Spielberg Not To Make War Comedy

Bono | Bono: 'My Voice Annoys Me' | Contactmusic

APNewsBreak: GM willing to buy back Volts

Senate Backs Proposal To Let Military Chaplains Decline Performing Same-Sex Marriages | Fox News


2-Dec-11 World View

1-Dec-11 World View

30-Nov-11 World View

29-Nov-11 World View

28-Nov-11 World View

27-Nov-11 World View

26-Nov-11 World View

25-Nov-11 World View


* Transcripts:Guests: Senator Casey and Representative Frank

30TH)Obama's Jobs Speech in Scranton, Pennsylvania

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interviews with Senator Barrasso and Gene Sperling

Interview with Reps. Ryan and Van Hollen

Panel on the Gingrich/Romney Race

Interview with Senator Rand Paul

Interview with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney

Interview with White House Advisor David Plouffe


** Real Clear Markets - Video - War Over Jobs: Boomers vs. Their Kids

1st/Real Clear Markets - Video - Central Banks Rescue Move Explained

Real Clear Markets - Video - ECB Averts Lehman-Like Bank Crisis

Real Clear Markets - Video - Should the U.S. Be Bailing Out Europe?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Central Bank Action Good for Bonds?


Disaster Preparation Part 1/3 : Coast To Coast AM : Jeffery Simmons 12/1/2011 - YouTube

Disaster Preparation Part 2/3 : Coast To Coast AM : Jeffery Simmons 12/1/2011 - YouTube

Disaster Preparation Part 3/3 : Coast To Coast AM : Jeffery Simmons 12/1/2011 - YouTube


GCN's Ted Anderson: Massive Financial Looting by The Mafia Banking Cartel 1/2 - YouTube

GCN's Ted Anderson: Massive Financial Looting by The Mafia Banking Cartel 2/2 - YouTube

The Great Culling with Chris Maple and Paul Wittenberger - YouTube

» Corporate Poll Puts Gingrich Ahead of Paul and Romney Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Nightly News: GMO, War Between China and the U.S., and Fukushima Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Draconian EPA Regulations To Cause Rolling Blackouts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Senate bill 1867 would allow U.S. military to detain and murder anti-government protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Egypt: ElBaradei Outed by Own Movement as Western Stooge Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US Joint Chiefs Gen. Dempsey draws a line between Israel and US, over Iran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paul targets Federal Reserve, military spending |

The moment protesters found a plain-clothes cop in their midst - Crime - UK - The Independent

» Lies, Damned Lies, and (Unemployment) Statistics Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» House Committee Rushing to Approve Dangerous “Information Sharing” Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Future of Technology - Robot recognizes self in mirror

QBO Robot in front of a mirror ( UPDATED ) - YouTube

Nielsen report: TV ownership declines | Inside TV |

» Gene Patenting Causes People to Be Company-Owned Intellectual Property Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

70% of World's Raw Chocolate Soon To Be Genetically Modified

Ron Paul And The Tea Party Can't Save You: 2012 National Defense Act Is 'Terrifying'

AllGov - News - Prosecutors Fighting the Use of DNA Evidence in Order to Save Face

The Prosecution’s Case Against DNA -

AllGov - News - Prosecutors Fight DNA Testing

Prosecutors Block Access to DNA Testing for Inmates -

» Secret U.S.-Canada Border Deal Hides GMO Takeover Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Canada-US Border Deal Threatens Sovereignty - YouTube

» War on drugs is a hoax: US admits to guarding, assisting lucrative Afghan opium trade Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. Soldiers Grow Opium/Heroin Poppy in Afganistan - Fox News - YouTube

» McCain: By Any Measurement, Things Have Gotten Worse in U.S. Under Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 9/11 Perpetrators’ Achilles’ Heel Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Al Qaeda planning to kidnap more Westerners - Economic Times

» It’s the British, Stupid! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» More than 20 percent of American adults now on psychiatric drugs for behavioral problems Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Chinese Gov. Official: 'US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China' Paul Watson Reports - YouTube

Max Keiser: "The United Europe of Goldman Sachs" 1/2 - YouTube

Max Keiser: "The United Europe of Goldman Sachs" 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » SEC: We Can Prosecute Congressmen For Insider Trading

Prison » U.S. Says Americans Are MILITARY Targets in the War on Terror … And Says that Only the White House – and Not the Courts – Gets to Decide Who Is a Legitimate Target

Secret U.S. Canada Border Deal Hides GMO Takeover: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Years of social unrest on the horizon if economies fall like dominoes

For Frequent Fliers, How Big a Concern Is Backscatter Body Scan Radiation? - YouTube

Gaddafi's death for Satan's bankers - YouTube

Prison » UBS On “How Bad Might It Get” And Why “Sooner Or Later Intense Instability Will Resume”

Cain: Ending Presidential Campaign Is ‘An Option’ - Bloomberg

Prison » ‘UK, US devising arms to wipe off races’

Teen stopped by TSA for gun-themed purse | U.S./World News - Home

Apple: Carrier IQ still on iPhone 4, but we don't read your e-mail and texts

Fukushima fuel rods may have completely melted | World news |

Prison » Federal appeals court reinstates corporate ownership over human genes for breast cancer

Breast cancer gene patent reinstated - health - 02 August 2011 - New Scientist

Keiser Report: Überdebten (E217) - YouTube

The Path to Constitutional Money - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview On The Kudlow Report Talking Newt Ad - YouTube

Jim Rogers - Don't Sell Your Gold - YouTube

Internet Pricing Model to Change?

Barb Adams: ‘Honest Medicine’

Jim Brown: Republicans Flip, Democrats Flop on Healthcare!

Josh Tolley: Cain Admits Affair (Even if He Won’t Admit It)


+ (2nd) *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far


Fossil Fuel Subsidies Creating Artificially Lower Prices

Analyzing Global Energy Expenditures

The Solyndra Scandal’s Key Players - Andrew Stiles - National Review Online

The Solyndra Loan Inquiry -

DEC extends comment period for hydrofracking rules — EDITORIAL -

'Geo-engineering' may solve global warming problem | Diana Furchtgott-Roth | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Modernize Florida's renewable fuels standard |

Salvaging The Mythology Of Man-Caused Global Warming - Forbes

The Empire Strikes Back - Technology Review

A New Google Venture, and Another Web Boundary Line Is Nudged -

Researcher shows how to "friend" anyone on Facebook within 24 hours

Why Girls Don't Want Careers In Tech | Fast Company

Wikileaks - The Spy files

6 Hot IT Jobs That Will Pay Well in 2012 | PCWorld

RealClearTechnology- Gadget of the Week: Bathroom Video Games

YouTube Revamp Foreshadows Google’s Vision of Media | Epicenter |

How Data Helped Get Me in Shape - High-Tech Exercise Gadgets - Popular Mechanics

Is Personal Data the New Currency? - Technology Review

12 Things You Didn’t Know Facebook Could Do -

Carrier IQ is stupid

You Can't Run From the Cop Car of the Future

What would a publicly traded Facebook mean to users? -

Swanky doodle - WWW.THEDAILY.COM

Apple's Music Service Stores All Your Songs Without Alot of Slow Uploads -

Magnetic Pole Reversals Happen All the (Geologic) Time

Do Stars Give a Signal When the End Is Near?

Neighboring Galaxy Gives Clues to Star Formation

'Hidden Signature' Found for Mad Cow Disease

Why inbreeding really isn't as bad as you think it is

Health benefits of sex: Are they for real? - Slate Magazine

BBC News - 'Lost' Rembrandt self-portrait revealed

Let's build a beacon to tell aliens who we were - opinion - 02 December 2011 - New Scientist

Dogs originated in Asia, genetic study indicates

Breakthrough: Gene Therapy Provides Full Protection from HIV Transmission in Mice

BBC News - Engineers pioneer use of 3D printer to create new bones

In the Quantum World, Diamonds Can Communicate With Each Other | Research - ISNS

Why Did Sneezy Sneeze So Much? - Blog

Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (It’s Just So Darn Hard) -

BBC Nature - How animals predict earthquakes

Poop-Throwing Chimps Provide Hints of Human Origins | Wired Science |

Look Out, Kids: Competitiveness Peaks in Middle Age - Miller-McCune

Why Does Evolution Allow Some People to Taste Words?

The Sky Is Falling Less? - Reason Magazine

EMP Attack is a National Threat? Electromagnetic Pulse Decoded | Decoded Science

Islam specialist Charles Kurzman on the missing martyrs | The Christian Century

All Its Spinning Reasonableness by Brendan Kiley - Seattle Books - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

Gregory Maguire: Out Of Oz | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

Lost Memoir Reveals the True Freud, Writes John Kerr - The Daily Beast

Why Mark Twain would be booted from Facebook -

On Belonging to Western Civilization -

Stephen King Makes His First Appearance on the New York Times’ 10 Best Books List

Military History Online - Austerlitz: Napoleon Makes His Own Luck

Napoleon's Coronation as Emperor of the French

France's history wars - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

INS Scholarship 1998: The Eroica Riddle: Did Napoleon Remain Beethoven's "Hero?"

John Brown

The Battle Hymn of John Brown -

BW Online | December 17, 2001 | The Fall of Enron

Monroe Doctrine

Civil War Book Review

December 1941: Twelve days that began a world war - Reviews -

Focus on religion was 'grave mistake' by political parties, expert says

Study says religious people distrust atheists as much as rapists

Ryan Harper: Fount of Blessing, Fount of Youth: Age and the American Church

Ritual and Reconstruction

Her.meneutics: Why Women Are Obsessed with Pinterest

Michael Kinsley’s Confusion | First Things

Column: Founders would say 'In God We Trust' –

God’s lobbyists may be fewer than reported by Pew (UPDATED) | David Gibson: Sacred and Profane

Mormon Church sued in Dublin’s High Court by abuse victim of U.S. missionary | Irish News | IrishCentral

God's ironic hatred in Romans 9? | The Christian Century

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: A biblical look at sexual orientation - News with a Christian Perspective

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: Lovers and dreamers

Why We Need More 'Chaplains' and Fewer Leaders | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Tibetan Buddhist leader shies from mantle of power | Reuters

Victor Udoewa: The Different Roles of Science and Faith

Egypt’s Christians Prepare for New Political Climate -

Making Religious Freedom a Priority

Dispatch | The Man to Watch in Iran? - Tehran Bureau | FRONTLINE | PBS

Canada News: Walkom: Euro crisis pushing Canada more into U.S. arms -

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Dec 01, 2011 - Insight: In Russia, nationalists turn on Putin

Embassy Siege Sign of What’s Ahead? | The Diplomat

RealClearWorld - The Evolution of Moroccan Democracy

A Shift from the Middle East to the Pacific - Christopher Hill - Project Syndicate

Medvedev's Missile Threats Are His 'Plan B' | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Latin America is beating poverty - sort of - Andres Oppenheimer -

A Tale of Two Surges - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Andy Stern: China's Superior Economic Model -

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt should follow moderate Tunisian model - The Globe and Mail

Britain and the euro: a fistful of (cheap) dollars | Comment is free | The Guardian

Putin prepares the Russian empire to strike back | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Problem with China Envy - Jonah Goldberg - National Review Online

The war against Iran's nuclear program has already begun - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Why Pakistan still needs U.S. assistance - The Washington Post

A missed opportunity in Islamabad? | Shadow Government

Puncturing the U.S. Base Myths | The Diplomat

Islamists Electoral Rise Due to Failed Secularism: Pankaj Mishra - Bloomberg

Republicans Want a Fence on the Border. Big Mistake. - The Daily Beast

RealClearWorld - Getting Along With the New Turkey

Robert Fisk: Back to Tahrir Square - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

A Non-Election In A Non-Country | Via Meadia

The Spirit of Enterprise -

RealClearPolitics - The Roots of Voter Anger Go Back to 1954

RealClearPolitics - GOP Governors See Selves as Key to Retaking White House

Mitt vs. Newt - The Washington Post

Another view: Gingrich is what America needs –

Jonathan Bernstein: Yes, Newt’s Up In The Polls. No, You Shouldn’t Take His Candidacy Seriously. | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - In Iowa, the "Ron Paul Factor" Could Loom Large

Iowa Poll: Herman Cain support in Iowa takes nose dive | Iowa Caucuses

John Avlon: Mitt Romney’s Campaign Is Becoming a Sinking Ship - The Daily Beast

Why Durban is the Kyoto protocol's last chance | Amy Goodman | Comment is free |

The American Spectator : Stern Idiocy

The Fed and the Euro -

Review & Outlook: Harry Reid's Jobs Surcharge -

Congress’s Stock Trading Fails Sniff Test, Deserves a Ban: View - Bloomberg

Barack Obama’s refusal to apologize to Pakistan for NATO bombing-editorial -

The American Spectator : Mad Mitt

No insider deals for lawmakers -

William Galston: Slice The Demographics Any Way You Want, But Obama Is In Trouble | The New Republic

Opinion: Dems continue fight for voting rights - Will Crossley -

Gingrich: Don't Go To The Middle. Bring The Middle To You. | RealClearPolitics

Gingrich leveled by his own words - Right Turn - The Washington Post

» We know who lost Egypt - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Is it game over for Obama? | Opinion Blog |

The Federal Reserve, Now Bailing Out Politicians - Rick Newman (

Republican Newt Gingrich tops Mitt Romney, President Obama in new polls - NY Daily News

RealClearMarkets - The Fed Is Actually Bailing Out Itself

You are all wrong, printing money can halt Europe's crisis – Telegraph Blogs

Returning To The Basics: What Is Money? - Forbes

Mall Rats Can’t Bring About the Wealth of Nations: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

Why Keynesianism Works Better in Theory Than in Practice — The American Magazine

I Was Wrong About China (BIDU, HSOL, ONP, SINA, SOHU, TSTC)

Tim Fernholz: Why The SEC Will Soon Be Prosecuting More Cases Against Big Banks—And Losing | The New Republic

America Isn't Broke | The Nation

Asia Times Online :: Big-box' protests test India's FDI resolve

Central Bank Action Not A Solution

The American Hangover - Naomi Wolf - Project Syndicate

How Bankers Saved the World From a Euro Meltdown - The Daily Beast


Warning Signs from the Chinese Stock Market - Peter Navarro - Harvard Business Review

Titans Of The Financial Crisis: Where Are They Now? | Macro Outlook |


**NEWS VIDEOS:SEC: We Can Prosecute Congressmen For Insider Trading

Markos: People ‘Want A Class War’

Romney Skewers Newt: ‘Self-Aggrandizing Statements… Aren’t Going To Win An Election’

Palin: It Hasn’t Come Down To Just Newt Vs. Romney

New Perry Ad Makes Fun Of Debate Gaffe

Cain Confirms He Gave Money To Alleged Mistress

Sarkozy: EU Treaty Will Restore Budget Discipline

Report: Possible Plea Deal For Jerry Sandusky

Strong Winds Wreck Havoc In West

#OccupySantaCruz Takes Over Private Building, Police Refuse To Confront

Perry Charms Leno On Tonight Show

1st/Newt: ‘I’m Going To Be The Nominee’

New WikiLeaks ‘Spy Files’ Show Global Surveillance Industry

Rockefeller Center Turns On Christmas Lights

Meghan McCain: Bachmann Is ‘Thinking Man’s’ Palin

Rick Santorum Says He Is Praying For Herman Cain

MSNBC’s Bashir Warns GOP ‘Playing Dirty’ with ‘Voter Restriction Laws’

Schweizer: Congressional Insider Trading Ban Now Has 127 Sponsors

Kermit The Frog Tells CNN ‘Newt’ Is From the ‘Swamp’

Seattle Bans ‘Buy American’ Ads

Duh-Dum, Duh-Dum, Duh-Dum… Huge Great White Spotted Off NC Coast

Obama Confuses England And Great Britain

NYC City Council: Bloomberg Proposal ‘Cruel’ And ‘Insensitive’ To Homeless

Billy Graham Admitted To Hospital

Miller Time: Bye Bye Barney Frank

Happy Meal Toys Selling Separately In San Francisco

Gingrich: GOP Race Is Becoming ‘Newt Vs. Not Newt’

Penn State Holds Town Hall Amid Abuse Scandal

Ecuador Volcano Prompts Evacuations

World’s First School Of Sex Opens

30th/Homeless Lady With 15 Kids: ‘Somebody Needs To Pay For All My Children’

Facebook Hit With Privacy Audits

First Penn State Abuse Suit Comes From New Accuser

‘Violence Every Day’ At #Occupy Encampments – But Police Are Real Problem

Adam Carolla Explains The #OccupyWallStreet Generation

NBC News Host Asks: Does Gingrich ‘Personify’ Evil?

Allen West To Herman Cain: ‘Move On’

CNN Asks LAPD Commander If Fellow Cops Wanted To Be Part Of #OccupyLA Protest

29th/India Offers Cars To Lure Sterilization Volunteers

Trump To Obama: ‘You Are Doing One Hell Of A Lousy Job’

Chris Matthews: Gingrich Nomination Would Cause ‘Embarrassment and Sadness for Our Republic’

UK Embassy Under Siege In Iran

28th/Red Alert: Exposing China’s Hand In Our Financial Crisis

Howard Stern Inspired Prank Caller Poses As Student Arrested In Cairo, Thanks ‘Baba Booey’s Monkey Nuts’ For Freedom

Miley Cyrus Sings For #OccupyWallSt

27th/Ice Sculptors Create Nativity Scene


Dec. 1, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 1 December 2011

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Kevin Trudeau Show

12/01 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Dec-01, Thursday

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, December, 01, 2011

Redding News Review 12-01-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-01-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-01-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-01-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-01-11 Hr 2

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

The Michael Savage Show 12/01/2011


Document Trove Exposes Surveillance Methods -

The Surveillance Catalog - The Wall Street Journal

WikiLeaks Unveils 160 Firms' Surveillance Gear Sales Docs, Still No Submissions System - Forbes

Exclusive: How Gaddafi Spied on the Fathers of the New Libya », News, Augmented

The Department Of Homeland Security Continues the Quest for Total Information Awareness | AxXiom for Liberty



+Wikileaks - The Spy files

Wikileaks - The Spy files;The Map


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