A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

29 November 2011

29 NOV.



**World Video

Afghan Perspectives On Post-Transition
Cain Discusses Pakistan Strategy
Hassan: U.S. Must Apologize To Pakistan
Pakistan, The Eurozone And Presidential Travel
The Truth Behind The NATO Strikes
Egypt Quiet On Second Day Of Voting
Russia's New Brain Drain
Pro-Assad Supporters Protest Sanctions
Obama Offers EU Moral Support, Not Money
Australian Police Make Huge Drug Bust
Raw Video: Students Storm British Embassy
Tracking Terrorists In Africa
European Commission's Barroso Insists Euro Will Survive Crisis


Sec. Clinton On 'America's Pacific Century'
NATO Air Strike Strains U.S., Pakistani Ties
Afghanistan, Pakistan Tension Rising
McCain: Hoping Relations Improve With Pakistan
Obama Meets With European Leaders
FARC Hostage Recovers In Hospital
Vladimir Putin Accepts Presidential Nomination
Arab League Imposes Sanctions On Syria
Egypt Gas Pipeline Bombed
U.S. Student Details Arrest In Egypt
NATO Air Strikes Prompt Pakistani Demonstrations
Is Russia Threatening Missile Defense?
Illusions Of Terrorism And Counter-Terrorism
Sens. Kyl, Durbin Talk Pakistan


** Political Video

Christie To Obama: "What The Hell Are We Paying You For?"
Schultz: Democrats Have To Make Income Inequality An Issue
Comedian Richard Lewis: Herman Cain Would Be "Lucky To Be A Doorman"
O'Reilly: "Since Comcast Took Over NBC, Things Have Been Better"
Matthews: Can Romney Fix His Flip-Flop Issue?
Mack: "I Am Going To Run For The United States Senate"


Man Says Infant Daughter Died During Bureaucratic Nightmare
Atlanta Woman Ginger White Alleges Long-Term Affair With Herman Cain
Allen West: Illegal Immigration "An Invasion Into Your Country"
Gingrich Agnostic On Man-Made Global Warming: "I Don't Think We Know"
Conservatives4Palin Runs Television Ad Urging Palin To Reconsider
Barney Frank: "I Do Not Choose To Run For Congress In 2012"
Krauthammer: Barney Frank Retiring "Best Thing" He's Done To Prevent Disaster
Tapper To Carney: Looks Like Obama "Campaigning On Taxpayer Dime"
Carney: Obama To Push For More Unemployment Benefits; "Helps" Economy
Rush Limbaugh: "Obama Has No Interest In White Working Voters"
Meghan McCain: Hillary Clinton "Is A Woman Who Kicks Ass In Politics"
Cornel West: Ultimate Fight For Entitlements Will Be In "The Streets"
Trump On Third Party Run: Candidate Needs To Be "Very Rich"
Chuck Todd: GOP Will Have To Be "Dragged, Kicking And Screaming" To Support Romney
DNC Ad Slams Romney As Flip-Flopper: Mitt "Willing To Say Anything"
Union Workers Making Body Armor Caught On Camera Smoking Weed
Gingrich Says He's "A Lot More Electable Than Anybody Else"
MSNBC's Mika On Newt's Surge: "Republicans Clearly Don't Want To Win"
Cain Says Woman Will Accuse Him Of Having Affair



**Stories contributed by It's News

American Airlines Parent Files for Bankruptcy

Cain pressing ahead despite affair allegation

Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik legally insane, say experts

Barney Frank Won't Seek Re-Election

Gingrich's NH team eager to chip into Romney's lead

Report says Facebook seeks $10 billion in IPO

Conrad Murray He Could Get More Time Because He Killed MJ

Flu Shots May Build Fewer Antibodies in Kids

Herman Cain Affair No Biggie, According To Fox Pundit Dick Morris - YouTube

Herman Cain Denies New Affair Allegation - ABC News

Andy Ostroy: The Cain Mutiny

Cain Accused of Decade Long Extramarial Affair | Care2 Causes

Herman Cain, again, not the harasser OR what IS sexual harassment?

"Pin Ups for Ron Paul" 2012 Calendar Girls! - YouTube

'Pin-Ups For Ron Paul' Women Help Spread Candidate's Message With Calendar, Movies (VIDEO)

Ron Paul: Free Trade, Not Sanctions, Will Solve Iran Nuclear Crisis - Ken Walsh's Washington (

Why Ron Paul, in brief - The Hill's Pundits Blog

After Getting Groped By The TSA, I May Just Vote For Ron Paul

Ron Paul: the national unity president? - National Conservative Politics |

Ron Paul on Return to the Gold Standard (When and How) :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Ron Paul should hold hearings on secret Fed bailouts - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Conrad Murray to be sentenced in Michael Jackson death -

Rediscovered Beatles amp set to sell for $100,000 | Reuters

Elvis Costello says buy Louis Armstrong, not me | Reuters

Miley Cyrus Says She's Not A Pothead, Just A "Smart-Ass"

'Cyber Monday' sales up 33 percent, average order totals $193.24

Volt owners not worried by battery fires

Twitter Buys Mobile Security Startup Whisper

Revealed: Full specs on Mars rover's nuclear laser heat ray

Soft Robot Walking and Crawling - YouTube

Robot without a skeleton inspired by squid, crawls on land

Duff Mars probe team sweats under Medvedev menaces

Limerick nuclear plant license renewal challenged

US Rep. Doc Hastings ready to tackle Endangered Species Act

Russia successfully launches Glonass-M

Scientists Of University Of Cambridge Devise Flexible Collective Osmotic Shock ...

'New Earth-like planet may have water, life'

AIDS fund cuts will hit Southern Africa hard

NE India's makeshift fight against AIDS - YouTube

US to pay widow $2.5M in 2001 anthrax death

Laptops damage sperm? What wi-fi study shows

Anti-Smoking Programs Pay Off

Morning snacking may be damaging your diet

Digital Photo Retouching Quantified in New Metric

Men don't think about sex all the time

In clearing Occupy site, time is on LAPD's side, chief says

Wall Street overhaul lawmaker Frank to retire - YouTube

Perry works to improve immigration credentials

Obama campaign launches first ads

President Barack Obama's First Ad of 2012 - YouTube

Two charged in beating death of child

1-Year-Old Boy Among 8 People Wounded in California Parking Lot Shooting

Man who stole from Sears in 1940s pays store back

Prince Harry leaves the US, helicopter training complete

Protesters greet Washington lawmakers

Police: "People's Court" mom Michelle Parker's ex-boyfriend named as primary suspect - Crimesider - CBS News

Deliveryman rescues NY woman from burning home - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Big turnout predicted as Egypt votes for second day

Egypt polling stations open on day two - YouTube

Turkey to Set Syria Sanctions

US official says Iran should not issue threats

Islamists attack Israel from Lebanon

Latin American bloc urges no delay to climate deal

Venezuela nabs Colombian cartel leader Maximiliano Bonilla, aka 'Valenciano'

Youths take wealthy Kuwait into Arab Spring

New Russian Anti-Missile Facility Opens in Kaliningrad

What's Next for Pakistan?

Vienna best place to live, Baghdad worst

Serbia's Tadic: Kosovo Serbs Need to Abandon Barricades

Aid effectiveness, vulture funds and multinationals

The Lost Opportunities of Iran-Contra, 25 Years Later

(24th)French Court Approves Manuel Noriega Extradition - YouTube

3 die after plane carrying patient crashes en route to northwest suburban airport

Judge to consider new motions from Blagojevich

The Future of the Obama Coalition -

Cover-up: The news stories media don't want you to see ...

More Blacks Supported Tea Party Movement Than Support #Occupy Movement - HUMAN EVENTS

Limbaugh: For 2012 Election The Democrat Party Will Explicitly Abandon White Working Class Voters

Rush Blasts Gen. Powell: One Of The Key Objectives Of The Founding Fathers Was Gridlock

Rush Limbaugh Schools “Art Class Dude Model” On Why Corporations Are People

Rush: Sayonara Barney Frank “The Banking Queen”

Rush: “My Boy Lollipop” Barney Frank’s Seat Is Wide Open (Slurp Slurp)

Limbaugh: Greed Has Fed More Mouths Than Charity Ever Could

11-24-11 Freedom Watch - The Plain Truth - YouTube

11-25-11 Ron Paul @ Freedom Watch - YouTube



*Back in 1996, "Newt Gingrich Did Everything Possible To Keep HIM From Returning To Washington" | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty


33 min./The Real Newt Gingrich on Vimeo


The fleecing of America: The United States Covered Bond Act of 2011 « The PPJ Gazette

Managed Perception and the Nature of Central Banks. Reflections in a Petri Dish

My Way News - British film director Ken Russell dies at 84

Trashing America: Litter Everywhere

Trashing America: Container trash litters the landscape

Trashing America: Chemical and Animal Litter

Los Alamos Instrument to Shine Light on Mars Habitability

Phil Hart: Declaring a State of Emergency

How food manufacturers turn mouldy, mislabelled or outright contaminated foods into edible -- and profitable -- goods | Mail Online

Wesley Clark salutes the GOP debate - Tim Mak -

+The Illuminati Choice for 2012

Conspiracy Hall of Fame

Obama Laughed at When Referring to The Overwhelming Scientific Evidence on Climate Change. - YouTube

Richard Hoagland's Dark Mission: Coverups, Lies, and Calling for a New World Order!


*S.1867: The hunting of America expands « The PPJ Gazette

Defense Bill Includes Authorization for Indefinite Detention of US Citizens - Blogcritics Politics

OpEdNews - Diary: Legislation proposed to finish dismantling US Constitution?

Alert: Sen. to defy TI human rights: Americans secretly jailed, No trial charge - National Human Rights |

Mark Udall Speaks Against Unwise Detention Provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act - YouTube

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union


+S.1867 - Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012


*Bill Text/ 112th Congress (2011-2012) S.1867.PCS


+Tuesday: Defense in the Senate, suspensions in the House - The Hill's Floor Action


Recognizing the 8 Signs of Terrorism - The CELL - YouTube


The Cell : Counterterrorism Education (







Weeding Out Corporate Psychopaths | Common Dreams

The New Authoritarianism

Morris Rant - Making Zombies with Darwin, Alcohol & Genocide - YouTube

Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation - Silenced No More | Silenced No More

George Soros Crafted Obama’s Stimulus, Then Invested in Companies that Benefitted from It | Expose Obama

How 3-D laser scanning preserves world's most treasured sites -

New report suggests Israel linked to Irangate scandal - Israel News, Ynetnews

Pagan stone circle built at US Air Force training academy - Telegraph

U.S. News - Western states see comeback of cattle rustling


Jurists Protect the State and Ignore the Constitution

Are too many paying no taxes at all? Issue is getting a hard look | McClatchy

Articles: Scientists in Revolt against Global Warming

Wandering wolf inspires hope and dread - Yahoo! News

Mystery explosion rocks Iran city - Telegraph

Report: Explosion rocks Iran city of Isfahan, home to key nuclear facility - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Russia Considers Blocking NATO Supply Routes -

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi captured: What dirty secrets can he tell the world? | Mail Online

Nation & World | U.S. to restart construction of nuclear reactors | Seattle Times Newspaper

New US Dollar Means Economic Collapse | Real Zionist News

Video: Daredevil 'Jetman' soars over Alps in latest stunt - Telegraph

U.S. executes another round of Web site takedowns | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Bond Dealers See Fed Buying $545 Billion of Home-Loan Debt in Third Easing - Bloomberg

Judge rejects $285M SEC-Citigroup settlement - Business -

U.S. defeated in bid on cluster bomb accord | Reuters

The EyeOpener- Pipeline Politics & the Rewiring of Eurasia

BFP Exclusive: Revisiting My Silence on WikiLeaks

Gulenists’ & the Turkish Government’s Fraudulence War on the KCK

*Articles: BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 28, 2011


+House Votes: 1979 Newt Gingrich votes to raise debt ceiling

+House Votes: 1980 Newt Gingrich votes to raise debt ceiling

+House Votes: 1981 Newt Gingrich votes to raise debt ceiling

+House Votes: 1984 Newt Gingrich votes to raise debt ceiling


Newt Gingrich Pushes Amnesty Plan at CNN GOP Debate - YouTube

Newt Gingrich on Bailout: "Reluctantly ... Yes" - YouTube

'95/Gingrich Backs Abortion Funds For Rape, Incest - SFGate

*Interviews - Newt Gingrich | Hot Politics | FRONTLINE | PBS

1 -30-11/Review & Outlook: Professor Cornpone -

Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change - YouTube

Judi's Mind Over Matter: Newt Gingrich: What a GUY

May '10/Archived-Articles: The Problems with Al Gore

Climategate 2.0 – Waiting for the Next Boot to Drop | How Can People Be So Stupid?

Daily Kos: Gingrich in Video Which Claims Constitution Based on Old Testament

poorrichards blog: Newt Gingrich is "Their Chosen" as the Republican Party's Nominee for President

poorrichards blog: Democrazy: Regime change - 21st century energy source?

George Orwell’s guide to the news — RT

Bank Robbery, Italian Style: The Fiscal Fascists are Back and Hungry for Your Money :

Mysterious ‘Israeli’ couple with fake passports escape CAL detention in T&T - Stabroek News - Guyana

How Palestine Became Israel « Pyramidion


Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed - YouTube

Why young voters love Ron Paul -

British Hacking Scandal Widens to Government Secrets -

Not as Smart as Lemmings

War With Iran: History and Consequences - YouTube

OpEdNews - Article: #OWS Cheers As Defiant Judge Stops Obama From Selling Immunity To Wall Street

Sherrie Questioning All: Video - FOX News - The McCain/Levin Bill calling the U.S. a Battlefield with military being able to detain U.S. citizens! I am impressed a MSM has brought this to light!

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Sherrie Questioning All: Every Senator or Government Official who Votes For the "U.S. Battlefield" bill to detain U.S. Citizens without Trial or Rights WILL BE COMMITTING TREASON - In My Opinion!

Prison » Rand Paul Aims to Kill “Indefinite Detention” Provision of Controversial Bill

Occupy Wall Street must liberate America

Activist Post: GMO Crops Continually Banned Around the World in Display of Health Freedom

Ron Paul: All this talk is just talk - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Is A Threat To Corporate Americas Elite And The Corrupt Media Empire

Senators declare ‘American Experiment’ dead; move to new system of government « Drug WarRant

Secret Bill To Be Voted On Today Would Allow The Military To Sweep Up US Citizens At Home Or Abroad

Lone Star Watchdog: Why Some US Soldiers Will Follow Illegal Orders to Arrest and Shoot Americans

Assassinating the Rule of Law -- In These Times

poorrichards blog: Indefinite Domestic Military Detentions

Will Global Financial Demolition Lead To New World Order? | Veterans Today


9/11 Truth Versus The BBC - 12160


20 min./9/11 Truth Versus The BBC - YouTube


Criminals and cyber bullies to be banned from the web : Federal Jack

Something's rotten in the heart of Western governments > Stooges > Redress Information & Analysis

RDR: Fusion Center documents label OKC Bombing investigators as terrorists

(Audio)MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines

Indefinite Domestic Military Detentions |

Lone Star Watchdog: What Happened to Probable Cause?

Solyndra Investigator Gary Andres Worked Both Sides Of Loan

Scott Olsen Interviewed After Release From Hospital - Occupy America Social Network

REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK: Eye witnesses claim ‘unusual’ movement of Israeli missiles « Klein Online

Activist Post: UN Report on Syria: Based on Witness Accounts ... OUTSIDE of Syria


Al-Qaeda Terrorists Airlifted From Libya to Aid Syrian Opposition :

The Tyee – Time to Test Corporate Leaders to Weed out Psychopaths

Privacy invasion: Shops secretly track your every move by snooping on your mobile | Mail Online

The Next Halliburton? - Yahoo! News

Supreme Court declines to clarify gun rights question - 12160

Judge Rakoff: “Truth is Confined to Secretive, Fearful Whispers” | Sense on Cents

Children's Bones Identified at Canada's Oldest Indian Residential School: 28/11/11 - YouTube

What We Have Here Is A “Flagrantly Undemocratic Situation” | Veterans Today

Something’s Rotten in the Heart of Western Governments | Veterans Today

War Clouds Form over Iran

Newt Gingrich: The 5 juiciest details from his ex-wife - The Week

Newt Gingrich’s Tiffany's Lobbyist - CNBC

Lies and Truth About Syria | Intifada Palestine

Refreshing News: Mars mission will use million light bulb torch to look for life

"26 TRILLION Dollars In Bank Bailouts! That's Not Including TARP!" Alan Grayson - YouTube

Will Canada Pull Out Of The Kyoto Protocol? - YouTube

Judge Blocks 285 Million Dollar Citigroup Settlement With The SEC - YouTube

Ron Paul on CBS's Face the Nation 11/21/11 - YouTube

Keiser Report: Kleptocrats Go for Gold (E216) - YouTube

Newt Gingrich: Mr. New World Order

Italy Proves Simplest Reform Most Difficult to Pass

Travelers411: Seven Favorite Wonders of the World

Government is the Reason We Don’t Have a Constitution Anymore

Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial


AFP: Parents Battle Feds Over Child’s Health

Audio:Interview; Erin Stieler


Medical Mafia using financial leverage to enforce children’s vaccinations on poor families

Comfortably Numb


*Alex Jones 2011-11-28 Monday


Coast To Coast AM - 28.11.2011 - 1/4 - Stargates & the Light Body - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 28.11.2011 - 2/4 - Stargates & the Light Body - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 28.11.2011 - 3/4 - Stargates & the Light Body - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 28.11.2011 - 4/4 - Stargates & the Light Body - YouTube


The D.B. Cooper Letters - Coast to Coast AM

Lawyers For RFK Assassin Sirhan Say Bullet Was Switched At Trial | Fox News

Mysterious Particles Shooting Through Earth Shed Light on Sun | Solar Neutrinos & Stellar Science | Italy's Borexino Experiment at Gran Sasso |

BBC News - Starfish-inspired 'soft' robot squeezes under obstacles

The Certainty of Memory Has Its Day in Court -

It’s a Drone’s World. We Just Live in It | Danger Room |

Restaurants plan DNA-certified premium seafood

Google Searches Help Parents Narrow Down Baby Names -

Spontaneous Human Combustion and Witchcraft! « Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog


+ Download : Coast To Coast AM Radio Shows


Statism Review: Libertarians

Newt clarifies Immigration stance on Hannity...

Occupy Movement: Next Step Convergence

Jupiter Gives a Prelude to Global Warming

Abortion and The Girl Scouts

Debbie Schlussel:More Sharia in Dearbornistan: Vietnam Vet Lawsuit Against Muslim-Based Discrimination


*Connecting the dots on the National Defense Authorization Act


Sticking ‘His Worship’s’ Tea Party Bill where the sun don’t shine

Yes, Obama Wants to Win

The UN’s International Day of Solidarity Against the Jews

Graveyards of wind turbines hit America!

Renewable Energy: Why Take Risk When Taxpayers Will Eat the Loss?

Chris Matthews: Gaffe Machine

Speak The Word: The Tea Party Is Coming Down


The Manning Report – 28 November 2011


The Difference Between Us and Them | ATLAH Media Network

The Difference Between Us and Them – Part II | ATLAH Media Network

The Difference Between Us and Them – Part III | ATLAH Media Network

The Difference Between Us and Them – Part IV | ATLAH Media Network

The Difference Between Us and Them - YouTube


Herman Cain's campaign releases '9-9-9: The Movie' - Alexander Burns -

9-9-9 The Movie - Slaying the Tax Monster - YouTube

Herman Cain to staff: We’re reassessing campaign, but plowing on for now | Iowa Caucuses

Sanitizing Barney Frank, Part I: Sex scandals | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Family: Illegal-immigrant student martyred himself for Dream Act - Washington Times

VADUM: Obama uses taxpayer cash to back ACORN Name changes used to dodge the law - Washington Times

The Associated Press: Stalin's daughter Lana Peters dies at 85

Senators look to repatriate 1804 commandos of Tripoli - Washington Times

Maxine Waters in line to take over from Frank on Financial Services Committee - The Hill's On The Money

Romney in 2006 Backed Immigration Stance He Now Deems ‘Amnesty’ - Bloomberg

Is Obama Building A Bunker Under The White House Lawn?

Christian worker loses her job after being 'targeted' by Islamic extremists - Telegraph

Congress Lifts Horse Slaughter Ban - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Vermont Man Kills Himself After Fatally Shooting Friend In Deer Hunting Accident | Fox News

Last SEVEN remaining Jews in Baghdad are named by WikiLeaks... leaving their lives in danger | Mail Online


*AUDIO:Nov. 28, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


Obama, the Dream

Super Committee: Success or Failure?

No Gold Medals for Obama

Occupy: History Repeats as Reality Show

Hollywood Hypocrisy in the Hypokrisis Industry

The Hostages of Camp Ashraf

The Fed Can Rescue Europe. Really?

General Washington Writes to George Mason His Feelings on the War

Cain denies 13 year affair with Atlanta woman

Chevy Volts: Spontaneous Combustion or Self-Immolation?

De-Nuking Iran One Baghdadbobbian Blast at a Time

Richmond, VA city government retaliates against Tea Party for pointing out double standard

Grab your wallet: Obama says US 'stands ready' to help in euro zone crisis

Karl Rove on the real reason Barney Frank should retire

Iranian 'students' storm British embassy

Chris Christie slams 'bystander in the White House'

Syrian human rights violations in black and white

Hamas is No Peace Partner for Israel

Boy Assault Is a Crime, Not a Sexual Debut

Rep. Maloney Lies about Fast and Furious

Durban Climate Conference: The Dream Fades

FATCA: A Ticking Time Bomb for the Economy

Race: The Ultimate Weapon of the Left

Obama's Influence Fades

The Wall Street Occupiers as Mind Erasers

Our Accidental Top Dog

No Road Leads to Peace between Israel and the Palestinians

Friedrich Nietzsche and His Proto-Nazi Eco-Fascism

Legislatures for Fledgling Arab Democracies

Obama's Problematic New Nominee for Top Medicare/Medicaid Post

Obama's Green War Continues

The Best Leaders That Money Can Buy

Winners, Losers, and the Minimum Wage

'Anthrax isn't scary at all compared to this': Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions should never have been created, warns frightened scientist | Mail Online

Move to publish research into man-made flu that could end civilisation divides scientists | Courier Mail

The Wipeout Gene: Scientific American

The ELITE blew it , REVEALED their plans to start WORLD WAR 3 - YouTube

Why is the American Establishment Media Sanitizing Reality? :

Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying for 3 years' - Telegraph

Christie Asks Obama ‘What the Hell Are We Paying You For?’ | Video |

15 Stocks and Companies that will Suffer if Europe Collapses |

Barney Frank Attacks Savannah Guthrie on Today | Video |

Ann Coulter Bleeped Out on MSNBC’s Morning Joe After Calling McCain a Douche Bag | Video |

Cain Reassessing Campaign – Considering Dropping Out? |

Freedom Group’s Major Role in American Gunmaking |

Jim Cramer on Impending Financial Collapse: ‘Two Stages Away’ | Video |

Rick Perry Wants Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner Fired |

These Are the Ten Brands That Could Disappear In 2012 |

Two Large Pits Found at Stonehenge Shed More Light on Ancient Rituals | Video |

Iranian Missile Site in Malard Destroyed |

Iranian Students Break Into British Embassy in Tehran | Video |

Fred Haddock Discusses His Storytelling Preaching & His Father’s Role |

Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute Issues Top 10 List of Conservative Women |

China Given Green Light and Moving Forward Into Vaccine Making Market |

American Airlines Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy |

Android App to Help Make Texting and Walking Safer | Video |

Deadly Flu Virus Modified to Show Possibility of Human Transmissibility | Video |

Alec Baldwin Bashes Mark Levin, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush on Twitter |

GBTV: Brian Sack Reports From ‘Spontaneous’ Barney Frank ‘Wetiwament’ Party | Video |

Ginger White Claims 13-Year Affair With Herman Cain | Video |

Nearing Its 40th Birthday Management of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act Still Strikes Debate | Video |

Yard Sign Associated With Glenn Beck Sparks $7200 Fine | ‘Wake Up America’| Clara & Johnnie Russell | Kathy Kornegay |

Archaeologist Claims to Find Pocahontas’ Wedding Site — the Oldest Protestant Church in America |

200 Pound Third Grader Placed Into Foster Care Over Weight Issue | Video |

Family Photos With Santa Claus and Machine Guns | Video |

Businessman Uncovers Web of Corruption with Possible Ties to Japanese Mafia | Michael Woodford | Olympus |

Frosty the Snowman Arrested for Kicking Police Dog at Parade | Video |

Cornel West Says War for Entitlements Will be Fought in the Streets by Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Fish DNA Barcoding Could Help Prevent Fraud and Misidentification | Video |

Nate Hill Dresses in Whiteface for Race Project in Harlem | ‘White Ambassador’ | Video |

60 Minutes Report on Difficult Lives of American Children Living Out of Cars | Video |

Morning Joe Ad on MSNBC Features Scarborough & Co. Smoking & Drinking | Video |

Mother in Germany Names Her Baby ‘Jihad’ |

Obama Making More Changes to Environmental Regulations than Bush |


So David Icke, why do you keep coming up with these wacky ideas? Crackpot cashes in from world tour and booming book business | Mail Online

Get on yer bike, David Icke | The Sun |Features

David Icke: Why is America now falling at his feet? | Mail Online


* Holy City Bible Code

Free forum : Truth Seekers(


Holy City Bible Code: the Gematria (in snippet form).


4chan: Image Bulletin Board(

TinEye Reverse Image Search(




The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-28-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-28-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 11-28-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 11-28-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 11-28-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 11-28-11 Hr 4

Redding News Review 11-28-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-28-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-28-11 Hr 3


'Men Think About Sex All Day' Stereotype Debunked

Brain Damage Yields Clues to Sentence Formation

New Compound 'Dissolves' HIV on Contact

The chronology of chronobiology, courtesy of hamsters » Scienceline

Op-Ed: Smoke in their eyes - WWW.THEDAILY.COM

Profiles in Science - Steven Pinker - Human Nature’s Pathologist -

Dr. Placebo — Half Quack and Half Savant - Miller-McCune

Flavor and the Brain - PageView - The Chronicle of Higher Education

'UFOs' Disrupting Search for 'God Particle' | Unidentified Falling Objects Stifling Progress at the Large Hadron Collider | High Energy Physics | Life's Little Mysteries

SETI and the problems with searching for alien life. - Slate Magazine

Study: Displaying cleavage, sexiness can alienate other women

Do Great Artists Have More Sex? | Picture This | Big Think

Could We Have a Future Without Fear or Pain? - Blog

Astrophile: Blinged-out stars were born rich - space - 25 November 2011 - New Scientist

Cosmic rays may be born in superbubbles | COSMOS magazine

How 3-D laser scanning preserves world's most treasured sites -

Life's Extremes: Supertaster vs. Nontaster | Food Preferences & Picky Eating | Taste Buds & Tongue Receptors | Bitterness Taste Buds & Evolution | LiveScience

Implications of Recent Oil Price Spikes

Democrats in office need to get real about U.S. energy policy -

Energy In America: No Bridge To Oil | Fox News

“Leveling the Playing Field” Threatens Power Grid | The ChamberPost

Follow the Energy Trends (ACI, FSLR, KWK, PCX, RRC, SPWR, UNP)

Why isn’t Geothermal Power Catching On? - International Business Times

Fukushima fallout: time to quit nuclear power altogether -

Mmegi Online :: The end of coal's '1000 year Reich'?

Obama's EPA is killing the economy with costly rules | Washington Examiner

The Revenge Of the Bankers

Elastic Currency, With a Vengeance — The American Magazine

10 reasons the crisis isn’t over - Portfolio Insights by Brett Arends - MarketWatch

A new way to gauge earnings surprises -

Barney Frank's War of Words With Wall Street -

RealClearMarkets - Loved By the Media, Barney Frank Helped Cause the Crisis

It's Time To Occupy Capitol Hill And Fight Political Greed - Forbes

Marcellus Shale, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the E.P.A. : The New Yorker

RAHN: Tooth-fairy tax policy - Washington Times

In Race for Fastest Supercomputer, China Outpaces U.S. - The Daily Beast

» Even JP Morgan Would Be Blushing Now… I heart Wall Street.

Are Physical Precious Metals Still in Demand? | Wall St. Cheat Sheet

24/7 Wall St. Ten Brands That Will Disappear In 2012 - 24/7 Wall St.

Book Review: Greenback Planet -

Things to Tax -

China may be at policy turning point - Craig Stephen's This Week in China - MarketWatch

sp!ked review of books | Don’t get misty-eyed over the British Empire

“Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor, and Laughter Are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life,” by James Martin - The Washington Post

goldfinger - / current issue

In Fight with Amazon, Libraries Caught in the Crossfire

“Hedy’s Folly”: The movie star behind your cellphone -

Islam specialist Charles Kurzman on the missing martyrs | The Christian Century

the history of video games : from ‘pong’ to ‘pac-man’

Natalie Wood's Death: 10 Developments During Week 2 of the Reinvestigation - The Hollywood Reporter

Edison Film and Sound: The History of the Edison Cylinder Phonograph

The Zong

Robert S. McNamara, Architect of a Futile War, Dies at 93 - Obituary (Obit) -

The Stain of Vietnam: Robert McNamara, Redemption Denied | Foreign Affairs

OPINION: The significance of the Meiji Restoration | Think Japan

Niall Ferguson’s ‘Civilization’ Traces West’s Decline - Review -

BBC News - Coding - the new Latin

5 Challenges the Auto Industry Must Overcome to Make Connected Cars Mainstream

Websites Let People Farm Out Chores -

When does technology become obsolete? | Crave - CNET

The business of over-sharing - Fortune Tech


New Vehicle Laser Blasts Everything from Drones to Bombs | Battlefield Laser Weapons | InnovationNewsDaily

Spotify Ready to Open API For Developers - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD

Secular Left's intolerance of religious freedom | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Profile of Megachurches: Young, White, Still Growing, Christian News

Seeking justice for ‘the least of these’ - The Washington Post

Are Mormons any weirder than the rest... JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

Those who support democracy must welcome the rise of political Islam | Wadah Khanfar | Comment is free | The Guardian

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: How could something so good have been such a bust?

Lewis Richmond: Occupy Buddha: Reflections on Occupy Wall Street

Christmas Pageant: First Baptist Church brings Jesus out of retirement - South Florida

The American Spectator : A 'Genocidal' Thanksgiving

RNS Feature: "Workplace religious complaints double in last decade"

The Pakistan Crisis and the Afghan War

Fiscal Union Cannot Save the Euro - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

What Happened in Pakistan? - Jonathan Foreman - National Review Online

Egypt’s Islamists: Betting on the Ballot Box | Al Akhbar English

On the Fast-Track to An Electoral Train Wreck

Asia Times Online :: Will there be another Arab Spring in 2061?

Tunisia: The calm after the storm - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Predictions of an economic collapse in China are in vogue -

Searching the World for Good Governance -

The two pillars of the world's future | The Japan Times Online

Asia Times Online :: Moving towards a military coup in Syria?

Tahrir protesters don't speak for all in anxious Egypt - The National

Patrick Cockburn: Iran is not the monster it's made out to be – yet - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

The Big Think Behind the Arab Spring - by Marc Lynch | Foreign Policy

Should the Fed save Europe from disaster? - Telegraph

The Generals Have No Clothes - By Kapil Komireddi | Foreign Policy

Obama’s Foreign Policy Doctrine Finally Emerges With ‘Off-Shore Balancing’ - The Daily Beast

Doctrine of Silence -

Republicans vs the world | The Spectator

Stephens: The Great Global Warming Fizzle -

Don't Fear Morocco's Islamists - Forbes

Jonathan Spalter for Democracy Journal: Open-Source Diplomacy

Race card won't help Cain win the White House | Gregory Kane | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Barney Frank Throws in the Towel, Won’t Seek Reelection in 2012 - The Daily Beast

The American Spectator : Barney's Bubble

RealClearPolitics - Lessons of History?

Newt climbs as GOP still Hunts for a credible nominee - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

WOLF: Bye-bye, Berwick - Washington Times

Barney Frank’s exit signals growing Democratic retirements, but not yet an avalanche - The Washington Post

Michael Tomasky: GOP Is Set to Self-Destruct Over Payroll Tax - The Daily Beast

O sends the wrong signal on Egypt -

What You Don't Often Hear About Those 'Greedy' One Percenters - Forbes

In Bleak Cairo, a Call for Optimism -

The Democratic Promise of Occupy Wall Street | The Nation

McGurn: Obama Abandons the Working Class -

RealClearMarkets - The Root Cause of Market Failure In Higher Education

Ezra Klein: From 'Journolist' To Liberal Activist - Latest Headlines -

Famous for wit and bile, Frank leaves long legislative record - Editorials - The Boston Globe

Barney Frank is retiring: good news—Editorial -

Team Obama's Pathway to 270 - 2012 Decoded

Hilary Rosen: Barney Frank -- the Man, the Quips, the Impact

Scientists Behaving Badly - Jim Lacey - National Review Online

Obama and Liberal Intelligentsia Shed Dignity Ahead of 2012 Election | Politics & Media |

Justin Frank: The Psychological Foundation Of Obama’s Political Problems | The New Republic

Republican Dream Map Dashed

A mixed legacy for Barney Frank « The Enterprise Blog

Barney Frank’s exit signals growing Democratic retirements, but not yet an avalanche - The Washington Post

What Does Barney Frank's Departure Mean for 2012?

The Real Reason to Miss Barney Frank - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

The Dwindling Legitimacy Of N.H. And Iowa | The New Republic

Stop Harboring Illusions About Pakistan « Commentary Magazine

Not just one pivot: Time to acknowledge Obama’s broad redefinition of U.S. national security policy - By David Rothkopf | David Rothkopf

Editorials Do Not a President Make « Commentary Magazine

The Obama stimulus: Fighting talking points with talking points « The Enterprise Blog

Newsflash: The Fed Saved the World | Swampland |

How 2008 Radicalized Me | Mother Jones

Res Judicata: The Case for Kagan’s Recusal | FrumForum

When good paying jobs go unfilled « Hot Air

Obama Keeps Turning His Back on Jobs

The Payroll Tax Cut And The Lucky Duckies | The New Republic

Chait on the Democrats, Frum on the Republicans -


**Transcripts/27th:Interview with Senator Chuck Schumer

Interview with Senator Pat Toomey

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

25th/Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Interview with Anita Perry

24th/Analysts Discuss the Financial Crisis

23rd/Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann

Panel on Russia & the European Missile Shield

22nd/CNN GOP Presidential Debate on Foreign Policy

Obama Campaigns for the Jobs Act in New Hampshire

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Senator Lindsey Graham

Analysts on Foreign Policy in the GOP Race

Panel on the Turmoil in Egypt

21st/Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Perry

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Senator Pat Toomey

Analysts on the Super Committee Failure

20th/Senators Kerry and Kyl on the Super Committee

Reps. Hensarling and Beccera on the Super Committee

Guests: Ron Paul, Senators Toomey & Manchin

Guests: Sens. Murray and Paul, Condoleezza Rice

Interview with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel


*Larry McDonald - Wikipedia

Larry McDonald on the New World Order - YouTube

Congressman Larry McDonald: Prisoner Of War

Lawrence "Larry" Patton McDonald

Who Killed Larry McDonald?

DEATH FLIGHT OF LARRY MCDONALD - Professor Wilkes - University of Georgia School of Law

Rep. Larry McDonald explains why Congress needs to stop passing laws, 1982 - YouTube

A Look Back: Larry McDonald at CPAC 1979

Ron Paul on Larry McDonald - YouTube


*1:16:28/The Real Power Behind the New World Order (Full Documentary) - YouTube




11/28 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-28-11

2011-11-28.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, November, 28, 2011

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2


US faces more threats than decade ago, warns head of its military | World news |

Charleston Voice: Newt Gingrich's Skeleton Closet

Consumers' interest in Windows tablets plummets, study claims | ZDNet

Goon Squad: Think You're NOT Being Pimped for More Wars? Think Again.

GOP Set to Self-Destruct - Yahoo! News

Diabetes cure: Scientists reveal low-calorie diet reverses Type 2 disorder in just four months | Mail Online

Banks May Have Illegally Foreclosed On Nearly 5,000 Military Members

Arrested Spy in Lebanon Confesses MKO’s Collaboration with Mossad |

Fury at 'deliberate' Nato attack rises in Pakistan - Asia - World - The Independent

Robert Fisk: A glimpse of real democracy – but it may prove too good to be true - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

Benjamin Netanyahu halts demolition of controversial bridge - Telegraph

Iran threatens 150,000 missile response to Israeli Jerichos — RT

Hague says Iran will face 'severe consequences' over embassy attack | World news |

Rense & Devvy - The Folly of War With Iran - YouTube

Big Hollywood’s 2011 Holiday Shopping Guide – The Music and Book Edition

+Daily Call Sheet: Do What Elvis Costello Tells You and ‘Riddick 3′ Resumes

How Obama Uses Late Night and How Late Night Loves To Be Used

NOW, GLAAD Slow to Defend Conservatives

Sucker Punch Squad: Showtime’s ‘Homeland’ Blames Americans

Mad Cow Disease Fears Could Change Classical Music

Gottfried Bouncing Back from Cruel Tsunami Tweet

- Daily Call Sheet: Box Office Slump Continues, Marilyn Monroe, 5 Great Docs Streaming On Netflix

ScarJo on Occupy Wall Street: Try a ‘Clearer Message’

Miley Cyrus Recontextualizes Glam Club-Rock Grrrrl Power Anthem for Occupy Wall Street

“We Have Lost the City”: Lawlessness Permeates Islamic District in Oslo

Two NATO Peacekeepers Wounded in Kosovo, 23 Injured

Audio: Big Peace Editor Peter Schweizer Discusses ‘Throw Them All Out’ and Congressional Insider Trading’s Effect on National Security

Red Air: A Forum to Discuss Arming MEDEVAC Helicopters

Kuwaiti PM’s Cabinet Resigns, Parliament May Be Dissolved

Visitor Logs Reveal White House Plays Host To Rachel Maddow And Friends

+Tuesday Crib Sheet: Media Mum On The Regulation President; Crooks And Liars’s Latest Epic Fail

New York Times : Tea Party Is Just Like The KKK

WaPo’s Daily Fix Writer Tweets Out Request for Dirt on Gingrich

Slate Runs Interference for Elizabeth Warren, Declares Rove Ad Sexist

Why Does The Media Hate The Police?

Greg Gutfeld Responds to Fox News’ Critics: Hypocrites About Tolerance

Credit Where It’s Due: A Fair Report On The Tea Party

NYT: Tea Party Just Like KKK - The New York Times - Fox Nation

40,000 troops to leave Afghanistan by end of 2012

Russian whistle-blower beaten to death in jail: council

Mulligan Stopped By Cops After Red Bull Binge

Jon Stewart Rips Fox News Over Obama 'God'-less Thanksgiving Claims (Video) | TheWrap TV

Thirty Years Later, Norman Lear Still Sees Threat from Religious Right - Wilshire & Washington on

Alec Baldwin Goes Nuts On Twitter Again: Attacks Bush, Cheney, Mark Levin and 'Right Wing Trash' |


+ (29th) *Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far


Treasury Secretary Paulson Tipped Off Hedge Fund Manages About Looming Collapse of Fannie, Freddie

Buh-Bye-Barney: A Video Tribute to a Lying, Arrogant SOB

Audio:The Secret Term in the Fed’s Triple Mandate

What Are We Paying Obama For? And Can It Get Worse?

Action Alert: Rein In The Rogue NLRB

Teachers Union Tears a Community Apart with Bizarre Demands, Boorish Behavior

Bill Ayers Dishes on Hosting a Fundraiser for Barack Obama

Rich #Occupy Leftists Drink Chardonnay in First Class While Toying With the Lives of Young “Revolutionaries”

The Cold War Within: Battling Big Labor’s Push for Communism Through ‘Card Check’

Richmond City Audits Local Tea Party After Standoff with Mayor

Why I Am Not Celebrating Barney Frank’s Resignation

Toomey: Dems Torpedoed Debt Panel to Protect Obama

+The Cheat Sheet, November 28: The Collapse of the Euro & the Fed’s $7 Trillion Bailout of the Banks

Obama administration, GAO appear to have ignored group’s ACORN affiliation to award $700K

Michael Jackson's doctor sentenced to 4 years in jail

Gacy victim ID'd as man, 19, who vanished in 1976

Accused California hair salon gunman due in court

Most American Airlines fliers to see small impact

'Iran police secures release of UK embassy hostages'

New data show 20% of Israelis can't afford food

Foreign investors negotiate Chinese minefield

Congress defends path of reform in India

'Facebook could go public by April 2012'

US consumer data lifts risk appetite

US builds sea fence to stop Mexican immigrant wave

Congress Will Be A Better Place When Barney Frank Is Gone | Fox News

RealClearMarkets - The Root Cause of Market Failure In Higher Education

Gingrich targets sanctuaries for illegal immigrants | Reuters


29-Nov-11 World View

28-Nov-11 World View

26-Nov-11 World View

**News Videos

**News Videos:Christie Rips ‘Bystander’ Obama: ‘What The Hell Are We Paying You For?’

Grumpy Barney Frank Lashes Out At ‘Negative’ Media During Live Interview

UK Embassy Under Siege In Iran

Beckel Defends Pot-Smoking Union Workers

Coulter Heavily Censored On MSNBC

New Ad: Help Us Sarah Palin, You’re Our Only Hope

DNC Portrays Mitt Romney As Flip Flopper In TV Ad

India Offers Cars To Lure Sterilization Volunteers

Congressional Candidates Forced To Address Insider Trading

More Parents Avoiding School Shots for Children

Flexible Robot Crawls In Tight Spaces

28th/Chuck Woolery Gives His Suggestions To Cut The Budget

Cain Accuser Tells Her Story: I Wanted To Get My Side Out Before Media Made It ‘Filthy’

Bizarre: NBC News Releases Strange ‘Morning Joe’ Promo

Cain: Woman Is Going To Come Forward To Allege Affair

Jake Tapper To Carney: It Looks Like Obama ‘Is Campaigning On Taxpayer Dime’

Red Alert: Exposing China’s Hand In Our Financial Crisis

Barney Frank Challenged On Questionable Trading Practices

Barney Frank Announces Retirement

Kansas High School Student Not Sorry About Governor Sam Brownback Tweet

Man Sobs In Despair As #OccupyToronto ‘Library’ Is Removed From Public Square

DNC Uses Romney’s Out-Of-Context Words Against Him In New Ad

Deadline Passes For Occupy Philly To Dismantle

Attackers Blow Up Gas Pipeline

#OccupyLA Refuses To Leave Streets: ‘We Didn’t Come Here To Listen To F*cking Cops’

Andrew Breitbart Visits #OccupyLA

Howard Stern Inspired Prank Caller Poses As Student Arrested In Cairo, Thanks ‘Baba Booey’s Monkey Nuts’ For Freedom

Andrew Sullivan Convinces Howard Kurtz: I’m A Real Conservative, Republicans Are Not

Miley Cyrus Sings For #OccupyWallSt

Angry Pakistanis Burn Obama In Effigy

27th/US Students Jailed In Egypt Start Journey Home

Floating Christmas Tree Shines in Rio

MSNBC Proclaims: Taxes Too Low In America

Ice Sculptors Create Nativity Scene

25th/Soldier: Removing Cross From Army Chapel Is Attack On Christianity


Report: Cain reassessing campaign

Future of Dodd-Frank murky

Google's maps go indoors with new mobile feature

Image sharing could cut unnecessary tests: RSNA

More video of students looting UK embassy in Iran - YouTube

Egypt Polls Start to Close as Voter Turnout Exceeds Predictions

Anders Behring Breivik may avoid jail after psychiatrists declare him insane

Calls for Restraint After Fire Exchanged on Israel-Lebanon Border

Russia opens new missile warning station

Kosovo Serbs Need to Abandon Barricades

Kenya to challenge warrant for Sudanese President

Biden Arrives in Iraq as Deadline for US

Alleged top Colombian drug lord captured in Venezuela -

Man accused of trying to assassinate Obama is found competent

Now in the Senate race, Mack will face scrutiny

American May Trim Flight Schedule Amid Bankruptcy Cost Cuts

Big banks tucked away $13B in profit from bailouts

Top JPMorgan Bankers Hold Fundraiser

SEC's Schapiro Asks to Raise Penalty Limits

One in five American homes 'underwater'

Take Google Maps inside the Airport - YouTube

Facebook settles with FTC on privacy deception charges

Hackers Can Set Your HP Printer on Fire, Researchers Demonstrate

Apple, Google kneecap 'universal' content-rating for apps

Informal poll: 80% of respondents don't want a Facebook phone

Patrice O'Neal dead at 41: Comedian dies after suffering stroke last month

Miley Cyrus Scolds Fans On Twitter After Stoner Scandal

Lions Gate Said to Be in Merger Talks With 'Twilight' Film Producer Summit

Lady Gaga Tells 'Vanity Fair' That Men Are Intimidated By Her Mind

Space Invaders Take Over California

Archaeologists make new Stonehenge 'sun worship' find

Gamma Rays Fill Cosmic Bubbles in New NASA Photo

Scientists develop method for creating nanoporous materials

Heading Soccer Ball Linked to Brain Injury

Reasons Not to Panic About the Latest Ultra-Deadly Flu

Americans are getting fatter and the weight they want to be rises

Researchers Create Way to Measure Photo Retouching

The secular virus of Christmasphobia

Time to limit Muslim immigration

On Newt's 'humane' immigration policy

Boys swimming on girls' teams

U.N. mischief from Durban to Rio

Obama's bizarre support for Brazilian economy

A few questions for Colin Powell

A response to Oregon's governor on capital punishment

A quick look at the GOP field

On occupying the Democratic Party

'Weekend at Bernanke's'

European debt crisis may hit U.S. economy harder: OECD | Reuters

'Same-sex unions' called 'destructive'

Obama's Medicare pick chaired lobby pushing 'healthcare for all'

Time to limit Muslim immigration

Co-dependent Republicans enable Obama

Gods And Monsters: New TV series explores human sacrifice, cannibalism, even zombies | Mail Online

Student builds 800-yuan 'iPad' for girlfriend|China|

County places obese Cleveland Heights child in foster care |

Toddler missing overnight found safe in Seville field - News

Utah Professor Charged With Watching Child Pornography On Flight To Logan Airport In Boston « CBS Boston

Americans Getting Fatter and Loving It, New Survey Shows | Fox News Latino

Does your child belong to state?

The Associated Press: GOP Latinos face questions over immigrant pasts


WND RADIO WND Exclusive U.S. dealing with 'multiple' Pakistans;Walid Phares says 'many in Washington confused' about relationship with country

WND AT THE WHITE HOUSE WND Exclusive Untouchable: Subject of Iran and nukes;Press secretary doesn't recognize reporter's question

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Home stretch in New Hampshire;Gingrich scores 'electric shock paddles' for campaign, electorate still likes Romney

WND RADIO WND Exclusive What will be Barney Frank's legacy?;NRCC: Congressman behind 'a lot of the big-government agenda pursued by Democrats'


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*29 Nov.

This Day in History for 29th November

November 29 Events in History

November 29th This Day in History

Today in History: November 29

Today in History: November 29

November 29th in History

American Minute for November 29th

Today in History for November 29th - YouTube


Infowars Nightly News for Monday,November 28,2011 (FULL) - YouTube


The Victory Report (


The Next Planned Enemy: Alex Jones Monday Edition 1/3 - YouTube

The Next Planned Enemy: Alex Jones Monday Edition 2/3 - YouTube

The Next Planned Enemy: Alex Jones Monday Edition 3/3 - YouTube

Preview of Today's Alex Jones Show: Gen. Hamid Gul, Peter Schiff & Gerald Celente - YouTube

» Globalists purchase millions of toxic HPV vaccines for girls in third world Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russia Denies Warships Sent to Mediterranean In Defense of Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Nightly News: Americans to be Targeted As Terrorists Under NDAA Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Hidden America: Living in Cars, Tents and Cheap Motels Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - Fresh UK-Saif Gaddafi links revealed

Fractured town shows challenges ahead for Libya | World | Reuters

Americans to be Targeted As Terrorists Under NDAA Bill - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Newt World Order: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

*6 PART/Prison » We’re Entering World Gov. Run by Villainous, Wicked Doers! – Alex Jones Sunday Edition

*5 PART/Prison » Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control

Prison » Hank Paulson Tipped Off The Goldman-Led “Plunge Protection Team” About Fannie Bankruptcy 7 Weeks In Advance

Bomb voyage: 600 Libyans ‘already fighting in Syria’ — RT

Prison » Ron Paul Explains His Plan For “Monetary Freedom” And Returning To The Gold Standard

Ron Paul's Plan for Monetary Freedom - YouTube

Prison » 30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison

BBC News - Russia activates missile early warning radar system

Prison » In Modern America, Questioning War Is Considered Terrorism

Prison » Battlefield Earth: Resist NWO Tyranny or Die Under It

Prison » UN Report on Syria: Based on Witness Accounts….. OUTSIDE of Syria

Prison » InTrade Odds On Euro Collapse By End Of 2012 Now At 50%

Convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan seeks prison release -

Digital DNA the new DNA | Homeland Security News Wire

Internet has become 'surveillance machine': Assange

Prison » GMO Crops Continually Banned Around the World in Display of Health Freedom

Prison » How cordless phones, wi-fi and other forms of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation cause cancer

Radiation from WiFi connections can nuke sperm, say scientists | Mail Online

+State Sovereignty: America’s Final Solution to Tyranny |

BBC News - Fake forum comments are 'eroding' trust in the web

Robert Kennedy’s Assassin Claims He Was Under Mind Control

Schiff: MF Global's Corzine is Obama's Top Economic Advisor - YouTube

SOPA: Silicon Valley vs. Hollywood in fight against online piracy act - YouTube

The Copyright Industry – A Century Of Deceit - informationliberation

Newt Gingrich praises Singapore's "successful," "draconian" drug laws, endorses death penalty for drug dealers - informationliberation

The Making of a Prison Society - informationliberation

Statism from the Right and Left

RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan alleges conspiracy theory, seeks release from prison | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

Libya’s New Rulers Offer Weapons to Syrian Rebels

The US Game Plan For Egypt and The Arab World

Video "Unelected Puppets of a German-dominated EU

Bankers Have Seized Europe

Goldman Sachs Announces Presidential Run

'Iran prepping al-Qaida for large-scale attacks'

Paper Money Is Not Wealth : Personal Liberty Digest™

Guest Post: The Future Of Jobs | ZeroHedge

Banking System Rotten to the Core | William K Black PhD | FINANCIAL SENSE

Palantir, the War on Terror's Secret Weapon - BusinessWeek

6.4 magnitude earthquake rattles tectonic plate boundary near Papua New Guinea | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

White House: It's a 'Mystery' Why Anyone Would Question That Kagan Should Judge Obamacare

Gallup: Obama’s Approval ‘Well Shy of Where ... It Likely Needs Be’ for 2012 Win

WH: ‘Democratic Process’ More Important Than Islamists Winning in Arab Nations

After Pakistan Closes U.S. Supply Routes to Afghanistan, Russia Warns About the Northern Route, Too

Gingrich: I'm Not Perfect, But I'm More Conservative and Electable Than Romney

U.S. Says Iraqi Security Forces 'Are Capable of Managing Violence’ From Extremists After U.S. Leaves

Obama Has Halved Spending on Border Fencing, Infrastructure, Technology--Leaving 1,300 Miles of Mexico Border Unfenced

DHS Has Adopted Wild Mustangs for Patrolling U.S.-Mexico Border

Hat Tip to the Obama Campaign: ‘Grab a Bite with Mitt’ Promo Seeks $5 Donations

LA Protesters Defy Eviction Efforts, Take Their Case to Federal Court

Ford, Sears Top Parent’s Television Council’s Annual ‘Best’ Advertisers List – American Express Ranked ‘Worst’

Weeping for Bubbles: PETA Uses Michael Jackson’s Chimp to Make A Point About Exotic Animals

'Fahrenheit 451' Finally Out As an e-Book

Obama, Bush, Clinton to Mark 'World AIDS Day' With Panel Discussion

DNC Ad Describes Romney As 'Two Men Trapped in One Body'

Obama's Liberal Clergy Confuse Karl Marx With The Holy Books

'No': Cain Denies Accusation of Extramarital Affair

Rep. Frank Won't Run For Re-Election, Will Write Instead

Gingrich outlines a seven-part plan on immigration

Hispanic birth rate drops due to economic downturn

Hackers prey on smartphone use at work during holidays

“What the hell are we paying you for?” Chris Christie says of Obama

Utah professor accused of viewing child porn on a flight to Boston

White House: No U.S. bailout for Europe

Judge rejects $285-million settlement between SEC, Citigroup as 'pocket change'

Tea partyers split over Gingrich on illegals

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback apologizes to teenage tweeter

Nation's credit rating takes a hit after supercommittee failure

Entire staffs at 10 Chicago public schools may get pink slips but can reapply for jobs

Sen. Reid (D-Nev.) plans to move a $1 trillion spending bill in December

Obamacare health insurance exchanges in limbo pending Supreme Court ruling

HHS denies health care waivers for Republican-led States of Indiana, Louisiana

Rep. Mack (R-Fla.) announces Senate bid; Hopes to unseat Democrat Ben Nelson

Pippa Middleton, Kate's sister, lands $600,000 book deal

Nude yoga fueled Kim Kardashian-Kris Humphries breakup

USA TODAY switches to Facebook commenting

Justice Department syas Alabama immigration law is complicating enforcement

White House defends Obama trips to key election states

Miley Cyrus jokes about smoking 'too much weed' at 19th birthday party

7 Equipment Ideas For Home Without Power

Does The Bible Say Anything About Storing Food

New Forest Code will condemn the Amazon rainforest

Congress Cannot Restrain Itself

Statement by the Press Secretary on the Storming of the British Embassy in Tehran

The Hitler Speech They Don't Want You To Hear

The Illuminati Hoodwink Extravaganza

Cryptic Communication from the Cosmos: Proof of Extraterrestrials in Radio Signals? | Mysterious Universe


Alien On Ice – Paranormal Report 92 — PARANORMAL PODCAST NETWORK -


*PODCAST/The Paranormal Report — (


*1:02:17/Illuminati 2012 End of the World Conspiracy Predictions - YouTube


The Mark of The Beast

The Mark of the Beast (Part 2)

Mark of the Beast (Part 3)


Rove to Newsmax: GOP Faces Most 'Vicious' Election Battle Ever

Rove: There Won't Be a Third-Party Candidate

Rove: Obama Won't Ditch Biden for Hillary Clinton

Rove: Obama Doesn't See Himself as 'Mere Mortal'

Clinton: Parties Must Work Together to Save Economy

Rove: Frank Quitting Because He Lost Power to Bully

Christie: Obama Just a Bystander in Oval Office

Rove: GOP Faces 'Vicious' Election Battle

Obama 'Gives Up on White Working Class'

Alleged Cain Mistress Had Troubled Past

40,000 Troops to Leave Afghanistan by End of 2012

New Brain Scan Detects Alzheimer’s Earlier

Obama’s Lack of Leadership Killed Off Supercommittee

Bipartisan Act Addresses Nation’s Immigration Woes

Afghan Police Laugh While Forcing Cross-Dresser to Strip

Georgia Business Announces Refusal To Hire "Until Obama Is Gone"

Cain Says TSA Profiling Isn't Like 'Driving While Black'

Bloomberg News: Banks Got An Undisclosed $13 Billion During Bailout

NJ State Senator Condemns National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act

Voting Rights Advocate Held At Gunpoint By SWAT Team With No Warrant

Teen Who Tweeted About Brownback Won't Apologize to Kansas Governor--UPDATED with BROWNBACK APOLOGY!

The New Republican Austerity: Families Living In Cars

Bill Moyers: 'Change Only Comes When People Organize And Fight From Outside The System'

Occupy Y'all Street: Meeting Occupiers in Gainesville, Fla.

Herman Cain Accused Of A 13-Year Affair

Gov. Scott On Cuts To Homeless Programs: 'Nobody Likes Their Taxes To Go Up'

Joe Scarborough Blasts New Hampshire Union Leader for Gingrich Endorsement

Walmart Sees 'Enormous' Spike In Late Night Shopping Due To Food Stamp Refills

Too Big to Fail and Economic Inequality

Scott Walker Opponents Collect Over 300,000 Signatures in First 12 Days of Recall Drive

Judge: Can't Approve SEC Settlement If Citigroup Doesn't Admit Fraud


"It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)" by Bob Dylan on - Grooveshark

"Masters Of War" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

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