A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

28 November 2011

28 NOV.

*28 Nov.

Today in History: November 28

This Day in History for 28th November

November 28 Events in History

November 28th This Day in History

November 28th in History

Today in History: November 28

Today in History for November 28th - YouTube

**Political Video

28 Nov.

DNC Ad Slams Romney As Flip-Flopper: Mitt "Willing To Say Anything"
Union Workers Making Body Armor Caught On Camera Smoking Weed
Gingrich Says He's "A Lot More Electable Than Anybody Else"
MSNBC's Mika On Newt's Surge: "Republicans Clearly Don't Want To Win"
Trump Ponders Third Party Run: Candidate Needs To Be "Very Rich Person"
Chuck Todd: GOP Will Have To Be "Dragged, Kicking And Screaming" To Support Romney


27 Nov.

Norquist Doubts GOP Will Drop Pledge: Americans "Don't Like People Who Lie"
Norquist: Democrats Think "Peasants Aren't Sending Enough Cash In"
Newt Gingrich To Obama: Let's Debate, You Can Use Your Teleprompter
Bachmann: NBC President Should Have Apologized To Me, Not A Deputy
Cain: "Confusion About Some Of My Positions" Led To Drop In Polls
Dyson: Tea Party Likes Cain "Because He Reinforces Stereotype" Of Black Men
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Pakistan, Foreign Policy & GOP Field
Eleanor Clift: Media Angry At Gingrich Because "He's Right About A Lot"
New Hampshire Union Leader Endorses Gingrich
Powell: Tea Party Will Not Produce A Viable Presidential Candidate
MSNBC's Hayes Admits "I Don't Know What ObamaCare Looks Like"
Sen. Pat Toomey "Terribly Disappointed'" With Supercommittee's Failure
"This Week" Roundtable On Supercommittee Failure
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On GOP 2012 Field, Obama's Electability



LBJ: Space War Kiled Apollo Moon Program/ 00:41

'Don't trust Supremes with Obamacare'

Cell Phones Are Tracking Devices That Governments, Police, Big Corporations And Stalkers Can Use To Easily Track Your Movements | Pakalert Press

Facebook and Privacy: How Private Is Your Profile?


**Conspiracy Wars /aka USAHITMAN.COM : (


BBC News - Fake forum comments are 'eroding' trust in the web


(Videos)Prison » Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control


Prison » Newt Gingrich: Mr. New World Order

Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks Undisclosed $13B - Bloomberg

Prison » Al-Qaeda Terrorists Airlifted From Libya to Aid Syrian Opposition

Prison » Angry Pakistanis burn Obama in effigy

Wolfgang Munchau: The Eurozone Has 10 Days At Most

Prison » Neocons Planned Regime Change Throughout the Middle East and North Africa 20 Years Ago

Prison » Democrazy: Regime change – 21st century energy source?

Prison » Treason From Within: The Road towards a Police State in America

Prison » Why is the American establishment media sanitizing reality?

Prison » A Third World War Won’t Stop A Second American Revolution

Prison » Report: Investors (China?) buying up US farmland at alarming rate

Prison » Army on Standby For Mass Strikes In Britain

Prison » Climategate 2 – “Impartiality” at the BBC

Prison » Medical Mafia using financial leverage to enforce children’s vaccinations on poor families

» Comfortably Numb Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Government is the Reason We Don’t Have a Constitution Anymore Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Neocons Planned Regime Change Throughout the Middle East and North Africa 20 Years Ago Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paper Money Is Not Wealth : Personal Liberty Digest

The truth behind the new jobless generation - Telegraph

"How Could This Happen in America?" Why Police Are Treating Americans Like Military Threats | Occupy Wall Street | AlterNet

» Goodbye Roll Call, Hello RFIDs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'Anthrax isn't scary at all compared to this': Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions should never have been created, warns frightened scientist | Mail Online

» 5 Surprising Culprits Behind Obesity and Weight Gain Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Arizona lawmakers asking for cash to build border fence along Mexico to curb illegal immigration - NY Daily News

» Religious Lobbying on the Rise Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Democrats counting on Latino voters to maintain power - National Law Enforcement |

Sen. Joe Lieberman: Google's Blogger needs 'terrorist' button | Digital Media - CNET News

Al-Qaeda targets dwindle as group shrinks - The Washington Post

'World fears US as a war-hungry drunk' - ex-Senator - YouTube

Occupy This: Crazy Tom the FBI Provocateur

Who Owns Your Home - YouTube

The Vampire Squid Anti-Defamation League Part I | Dedicated To The Vampire Squid Essays of Vidrebel

Revolutionary Politics : Reality Check: Newt Gingrich and the president's power to assassinate

Revolutionary Politics : You Should ALL Be Held Accountable For What You've Done!

If Turning On A Kindle Could Crash An Airplane, Wouldn't Terrorists Do It?

The debt trap time bomb - Telegraph

'Who the Hell You Think You Are?' Nigel Farage throws egg in Eurocrat faces - YouTube

Venezuela Repatriates 'People's Gold' Due to Gold's 'Historic', 'Symbolic' & 'Financial' Value

Investigation opening up over Obama's drug deal — RT

Managed Perception and the Nature of Central Banks. Reflections in a Petri Dish

In Bloombergistan, government lackeys have gone mad -

Government Job Creation Programs Destroy Jobs

Jurists Protect the State and Ignore the Constitution


Official Story and Myth of 9/11 created by U.S. Government

Mass Media ; Top Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Mass Media

“We are not a theocracy. The [GOP] candidates should not be touting their piety.” | The Political Carnival

Activist Post: Obese Ohio Child Taken from Parents, Placed in Drug-Crazy Foster Care

Activist Post: Immunize Your Child or Lose Benefits, Parents Told

Air Force Academy Adapts to Pagans, Druids, Witches and Wiccans :

Bob Chapman : a new Dollar is underway | Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog

poorrichards blog: S.1867: The hunting of America expands

Governments Request "Contingency Planning for Extreme Scenarios Including Rioting and Social Unrest

True confessions: The (wandering) eye of Newt | Media Matters for America

Taliban fighters get £100 a month to stop shooting our troops | Mail Online

Ron Paul Won the GOP National Security Debate |

Liam Fox, Adam Werritty, and the curious case of Our Man in Tel Aviv |

Refreshing News: Pakistani soldiers who survived Nato attack say it was unprovoked attack

Refreshing News: Vladimir Putin launches Cold War rhetoric at mass rally

+The 99% Declaration

Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's

Seven reasons not to attack Iran (Points) | Military Option Iran | American Foreign Policy Project

London Occupy Activist - Tahrir Inspired Everyone - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : US, Missouri: Survival Shop Reports Jump In Sales To People Preparing For "Possible Collapse"

Josh Blakeney : 9/11 Evidence vs. Straw Man Arguments | My Catbird Seat

Steve Keen On Parasitic Bankers, Deluded Economists, and Why “We Are Already In The Second Great Depression” -

Steve Keen on BBC HARDtalk [good sync] - YouTube




Military Detention Versus We the People | Truthout

Revolutionary Politics : Why a Dollar & Euro Collapse Is Guaranteed

(2011-0701) - Carbonazis PR, Bankster Warmongering & Israeli 'Privateers' Attacking The Aid Flotilla - YouTube

(2011-0610) - [Mr Hide-The-Decline] Phil Jones - Carbon-Nazis Massaging The Data... AGAIN - YouTube

Climategate: James Randi forced to recant by Warmist thugs for showing wrong kind of scepticism - 12160

YID With LID: Climategate II Emails Show US/British Govs Colluded W/Scientists to Suppress Anti-Warming Data

Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate - Forbes

Articles: Scientists in Revolt against Global Warming

CRU’s Dr. Phil Jones, world renowned climatologist, can’t even plot a trend in Excel | Watts Up With That?

The FBI told us to do it! Seven robbers go on trial accused of £20 million art heist | Mail Online

Activist Post: US to spend more than $6 bn in Iraq next year

poorrichards blog: Unknown Snipers and Western backed "Regime Change" A Historical Review and Analysis

Report: Investors (China?) Buying Up US Farmland at Alarming Rate :

Carl Herman radio interview on public education's failure to address the 1% - National Nonpartisan |

S&P 500 Has Worst Thanksgiving Week Since ’32 Amid Europe Crisis - Bloomberg

Occupy Protesters Plan To Converge On Washington State Capitol Tomorrow - YouTube

Pentagon Threatening To Make Troops Pay For Defense Budget Cuts - YouTube

Keiser Report: Unemploy Wall Street (E215 ft. Danny Schechter) - YouTube

Keiser Report: Corruptify! (E214) - YouTube

Ron Paul , Dennis Kucinich And The Federal Reserve - YouTube

Jake McMillan: ACLU Suffering from Multiple Personalities?

PR: Should Our Laws Reflect Our Morality?

Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial

TAB: Arab Spring, Ayatollahs and Bad Decisions

Egypt’s Brutal Military Junta is Supported by the Obama Administration

Fed lowers GDP forecast, mulls more action | Reuters

Gingrich and Coulter ruined my Thanksgiving « The PPJ Gazette

Flip-Flopping Newt Gingrich | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee


Joseph Alan Sanchez: Thankful For the Dreams and Vision of the Constitution


**Constitution of the United States**


**Quiz :


5 pg./Baby Made Deaf by MMR is Refused Compensation for NOT Being Disabled ENOUGH!


Vaccine Liberation Army(


Bill Clinton Praises Newt: "He's Articulate" And Attracts Independents | RealClearPolitics

PressTV - 'Ron Paul a threat to US corporate interests'

Jon Stewart Reveals That Occupy Wall Street Had A Ghetto Section – Video |

Paid To See. - A protester handed President Barack Obama a note...

Why is the American Establishment Media Sanitizing Reality? :

The Zombie Children from Dead Weight City. Smoking Mirrors


Patrick Cockburn: Iran is not the monster it's made out to be – yet - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Liam Fox, Adam Werritty, and the curious case of Our Man in Tel Aviv - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Putin warns West against meddling in Russia polls - Yahoo!

Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal: Was 'raped' maid and missing BlackBerry a set-up to help Sarkozy? | Mail Online

PressTV - Low vitamin D, heart disease linked - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: It's fantastic. Docs cooked my cancer

Hackers leak personal details of 13 million South Koreans - Telegraph

More than 100 jailed in China pork scandal | The Australian

Nothing found for Causes Octopus-crawls-out-of-water-and-begins-walking-on-land-video %CA

Pakistan to ‘completely review’ ties with US — RT

Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying for 3 years' - Telegraph

Cell Phones Are Tracking Devices That Governments, Police, Big Corporations And Stalkers Can Use To Easily Track Your Movements

LAPD to rely solely on computers to fight crime | Homeland Security News Wire

BBC News - Robotic prison wardens to patrol South Korean prison

The Truth About Detergent

Netanyahu's day of reckoning is nearing - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Event Horizon Chronicle: Countdown To Armed Oblivion .... Or?

NPN Email Alert: ADL Losing Hate Law Support in Europe

Putin warns West as he launches presidential bid - World news - Europe - Russia -

Did Adolf Hitler Save Europe From Communism?

George Soros Crafted Obama’s Stimulus, Then Invested in Companies that Benefitted from It | Expose Obama

GMO Crops Continually Banned Around the World | Natural Society

Occupy LA says they will STAY... despite Mayor's order that protesters leave by Monday | Mail Online

While Cairo Burns, Obama & “Body” man/ Boy Toy Love Play « Larry Sinclair

Independent Media for Independent Minds -

Paul Drockton: Christian Ministers Need To Defend Freedom

The Story Of Palestine, Video

6th earthquake in 4 days recorded in Oklahoma - Yahoo! News


Articles:Weekly Southern African Report


*6 Parts:We’re Entering World Gov. Run by Villainous, Wicked Doers! – Alex Jones Sunday Edition


NGOs Behind the War on Libya - Julien Teil on GRTV - YouTube

Food, illegal? Not in my back yard. |

Globalist Candidate Gingrich Gets Influential Establishment Endorsement |


*Articles:Occupy Wall Street and the Fed 11-28-11 |


40 min./Ben Livingston: The Father of Weaponized Weather - YouTube


WATCH: Herman Cain's Latest Bizarro Web Ad Attacks 'Dorky' Robots


+ 9-9-9 The Movie - Slaying the Tax Monster - YouTube


Herman Cain 2012(


The DNC attacks Mitt Romney for flip flops | The Right Scoop

Gingrich receives endorsement from New Hampshire paper | The Right Scoop

Bolton: America should never be in a fair fight, we should always dominate | The Right Scoop

If Supreme Court doesn't junk Obamacare, I will

Obama named among '25 least influential people alive'

Barney Frank won't seek re-election

Herman Cain's campaign releases '9-9-9: The Movie' - Alexander Burns -

Egyptians head to polls in landmark vote

Syracuse basketball coach fired amid sex abuse investigation -

Need cash? Pawn shops edge into mainstream - Business - Retail -

'Iran prepping al-Qaida for large-scale attacks'

The movie promotion billboard owners fear?

'Same-sex unions' called 'destructive'

No joke! ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles

GOP Latinos face questions over immigrant pasts - Houston Chronicle

Co-dependent Republicans enable Obama

Atheist's 'Bible' yanked from Sam's Club shelves

Sebelius protecting Planned Parenthood?

Nonprofit aims to save Civil War's 'Kitty Hawk'

Miley Cyrus says she smokes 'too much' weed in birthday video: ‘You know you’re a stoner when friends make you a Bob Marley cake’ - NY Daily News

Secret history of Stonehenge revealed - History - Life & Style - The Independent

Gods And Monsters: New TV series explores human sacrifice, cannibalism, even zombies | Mail Online

'Places of Isolation': Artist Explores Street View's Loneliest Lanes - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Local - Men stare at breasts, women at wedding rings: study

SS Spendaholic sailing into massive debt abyss

Co-dependent Republicans enable Obama

Obama's problem with prosperity

Compromise through the years

'Weekend at Bernanke's'

California's outrageous bridge scandal

Occupy: Capture hearts and minds of middle class

America: Still the best house on a bad block

Thankful for American exceptionalism

War: What is it good for?

'Grumbling' Democrats must rally behind Obama

Survey: Addicts looters of U.S. archaeological sites

Catholic church officials say changes coming based on scripture |

Idea of civilians using drone aircraft may soon fly with FAA -

'Iran prepping al-Qaida for large-scale attacks'

'Same-sex unions' called 'destructive'

Backlash against Obama's rifle ban to target Congress

Co-dependent Republicans enable Obama

Aaron Klein : Audio

Occupy Miami spokesman led ‘Nuke Israel’ rally « Klein Online

What George Soros wants. « Klein Online

Why Justice Kagan must recuse herself from Obamacare « Klein Online


*Articlel Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupy and MSM, Part 1

Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupy and MSM, Part 2

Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupy and MSM, Part 3


Monica Edinger: Martin Scorsese's Hugo: A Delight for Kids and Grownups Alike

NaNoWriMo: How to Write 50,000 Words in One Month

NY Times Advertisement

The Sea is My Brother | Jack Kerouac | Review by The Spectator

Book Review: The Language Wars -

When Gossip Is Good, from Scandals to Relationships - The Daily Beast

Jeffrey Dahmer, Multiple Killer, Is Bludgeoned to Death in Prison - New York Times

Jeffrey Dahmer - Serial Killer and Cannibal — A Victim Almost Escapes — Crime Library on

A Different Take on FDR at Teheran — Central Intelligence Agency

Winston Churchill's Evolving Views of Russia, 1917-1953, Reconsidered

New Statesman - Maggie Thatcher’s long goodbye

Margaret Thatcher knew that capitalism must deliver for the masses - Telegraph

Celsius Centre for Scandinavian Studies

Al Sharpton: Dogged by a sleeping lie

20 years later, Tawana Brawley has turned back on the past - NY Daily News

Civil War Book Review

Niall Ferguson’s ‘Civilization’ Traces West’s Decline - Review -

Fighting Chance | The Weekly Standard

A Jewish Edition of the New Testament — Beliefs -

An Alter-ed Perspective on the Bible –

'Harry Potter and yoga are evil', says Catholic Church exorcist - Telegraph

Face to faith: Worshipping money – the new faith sweeping England today | Comment is free | The Guardian

The religion of an increasingly godless America | The Great Debate

To bless or baptize | The Christian Century

Implications of Recent Oil Price Spikes

Decoupling GDP Growth From Energy Growth

China's Climate Change Plans and Policies

LABRADOR & POMPEO: Era of energy subsidies is over - Washington Times

Time to make haste on energy policy

The man behind Solyndra's rise and fall: Chris Gronet - San Jose Mercury News

Globalization, oil and terror | |

Analysis - EU may believe it can afford to ban Iran's oil | Reuters

EU Ban on Iranian Oil: Silly Idea - Forbes

What Peak Oilers Won’t Tell You About Peak Oil | RedState

Stopping pipeline won't put stop to Canadian oil

David Hone: Can Global Emissions Really Be Reduced?

Climategate-gate: The Dangerous Psychology of Ongoing Climate Change Denial - Forbes

Low Carbon Sustainable Means a Post Industrial Future :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Half Stocks, Half Bonds - A Solution for Turbulent Times -

Brian Calle: When economic ‘unthinkables’ become reality | economic, erian, social - Opinion - The Orange County Register

The Super-Rich Haven't Reined in Their Excesses - The Daily Beast

What You Don't Often Hear About Those 'Greedy' One Percenters - Forbes

Policy-Making Billionaires -

Steven Pearlstein: On billionaires, secretaries and taxes - The Washington Post

Will Occupy Wall Street Upend Obama’s Presidential Election? -- New York Magaizne

Secret Fed Loans Helped Banks Net $13 Billion - Bloomberg

A real Q&A for Corzine -

RealClearMarkets - The Root Cause of Market Failure In Higher Education

Should the Fed save Europe from disaster? - Telegraph

Pearl Harbor Caused the Financial Crisis of 2008 Altucher Confidential

Billionaires’ Top 10 List for Success | The Big Picture

Wall Street Meets Greed Street « Investing Caffeine

Pundits, coin tosses and typing monkeys « Interloper Robert Reich as a Clueless Economist

Memo to the Occupy protesters: here are ten things we evil capitalists really think – Telegraph Blogs


MF Global, NY Fed, Chutzpah? | The Big Picture

MF Global & NY Fed—Part 2 | The Big Picture

MF Global & NY Fed - Part 3


What Is Inside Earth's Core? Not Oxygen

Graphene Outperforms Today's Chemical Sensors

Neuron Channel Defect May Cause Autism Symptoms

Sleep May Take Sting Out of Painful Memories

DailyTech - Editorial: Full Emails Show Climategate 2.0 is More Than Just Hot Air

Climate Gate 2011: Do Emails Discredit Global Warming Theory? | Decoded Science

Cold Fusion: Is it Possible? Is it Real? : Starts With A Bang

Public Toilet Bacteria

RealClearScience - Americans Win Int'l Student Biotech Competition

Your moons are rubbish, astronomer tells Christmas card artists | Science |

'Black Friday' is Unique Opporunity to Shop, Study - Blog

9 Sites Doing Cyber Monday Right - TheStreet

In Race for Fastest Supercomputer, China Outpaces U.S. - The Daily Beast

Crovitz: Horror Show—Hollywood vs. Silicon Valley -

Apple is the new Dell

Bull beware: Truth goggles sniff out suspicious sentences in news » Nieman Journalism Lab

Mark Zuckerberg says the email's end is nigh. LOL | John Naughton | Comment is free | The Observer

Technology and the vanishing job market -

Fliers Still Must Turn Off Devices, but It's Not Clear Why -

A VC: Bitcoin

On a Review Site, Car Carriers Get the Last Word - Haggler -

Wary Of SOPA, Reddit Users Aim To Build A New, Censorship-Free Internet - Forbes

Want jobs? Encourage immigration -

Why Is North Korea an Economic Disaster?

The Beginning of the End of AIDS?

Is it China’s Turn to Pivot? | The Diplomat

Can China Rescue Its Economy? - Forbes

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : At Tahrir, they chant 'Erha'

The Big Think Behind the Arab Spring - by Marc Lynch | Foreign Policy

Patrick Cockburn: Iran is not the monster it's made out to be – yet - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Asia Times Online :: Moving towards a military coup in Syria?

The Euro Area Is Coming to an End: Peter Boone and Simon Johnson - Bloomberg

The two pillars of the world's future | The Japan Times Online

Searching the World for Good Governance -

Afghanistan is safer today but still needs our help - The Washington Post

Enemy of Iranian state - Telegraph

Israel must adjust its policy to Egypt's changing reality - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Newt vs. Romney: The innovator versus the manager

James Delingpole: Climategate 2.0 -

Presidential Politics as Craven Crudités -

CURL: Does Obama really want to win? - Washington Times

Newt’s New Hampshire coup -

Why a German downgrade is the next logical step in the euro crisis - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - Inside Oakland Bubble, All Free Speech Isn't Equal

What Is Constitutional Conservatism? - Yuval Levin - National Review Online

Printable version: First Amendment hijacked by moneyed interests

Team Obama Gears Up for 2012 -

Gingrich Bounce Shows Geek Love Can Still Blossom: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg

Roger’s Rules » An Accumulation of Little Extravagances: William F. Buckley Jr. on Barack Obama

President as Piñata -

Euro Zone on the Brink: A Continent Stares into the Abyss - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Fix the death penalty - Editorials -

Obama's EPA is killing the economy with costly rules | Washington Examiner

'Spreading the Wealth' in Democrats' Favor -

RealClearPolitics - Entitlements, Not Tax Cuts, Widen the Wealth Gap

RealClearPolitics - Odious Occupiers

The Future of the Obama Coalition -

What the New Hampshire Union-Leader's endorsement means for Newt Gingrich – Telegraph Blogs

Michele Bachmann’s Misleading Claims « Commentary Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Union Leader May Give Gingrich a Boost on Immigration

RealClearPolitics - Will Moderates Defeat Moderation?

Labor board broke federal law on Boeing suit | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Pay More, Get Less

Lesson’s of Jon Corzine’s fall—John Carney -

Things to Tax -

Barney Frank Won't Seek Re-Election in 2012, Plans to Retire

Rep. Barney Frank calling it quits

Wasserman Schultz: Frank a 'historic pioneer in American politics'

Barney Frank : 'I Thought The Gingrich Group Was His Wives'

Mystery hummingbird buzzes into Oak Park

Chicago pays tribute to 'our Maggie'

Egyptians head to polls but future remains cloudy

Egyptians begin voting in first post-Mubarak poll - YouTube

Iran oil targeted by Obama sanctions

Russia Reformer Chubais: No One to Vote for in Election Sunday

13 Killed in Car Bomb Attack Outside Baghdad Prison

Palestinian president sets May 4 election

Syria security forces 'commit crimes against humanity'

Power Ceded, Yet President of Yemen Declares Amnesty

'Conspiracy' claims bolster DSK mystery

Prince William assists in Irish Sea rescue

Kuwait government resigns

Somalia Militia Bans 16 Aid Groups Over 'Illicit' Activities

Clinton Makes Landmark Visit to Burma This Week

11 dead after 'Indonesia's Golden Gate bridge' collapses

Egyptian gas pipeline to Israel attacked for ninth time

Moderate party dominates Morocco vote

Karzai adds restive areas to next security transfer

Philippines Explosion Kills 3, Wounds 27

Rep. Barney Frank to retire

Deadline Arrives, Protesters Remain at Occupy LA - YouTube

Police and Los Angeles protesters skirmish

Mitt Romney portrayed as flip flopper in new DNC ads

Newt Gingrich in 1989 the pro-Rockefeller GOPer

Utah professor arrested for allegedly viewing child porn on flight

Attorney: Hazing factor in band member's death

Suspect in Wal-Mart pepper spray attack refuses to talk with LAPD

Kansas teen won't apologize to governor's office for Twitter post

Senate Democrats push Obama payroll tax cut

'Targeted identification' isn't profiling, Cain says

Cops: Baby injured when mom tries to run over man

Mother, boyfriend charged after 4-year-old killed on his birthday

Craigslist Ad Leads to Dead Body

Report: Police search home for missing Florida mom Michelle Parker

Hunter kills himself after accidental shooting of friend

Obama to press EU leaders over debt crisis

Bail denied for man accused of plotting attack on Pentagon

Texas asks high court to temporarily block redistricting map

Stocks Jump on Wall Street and in Europe

Black Friday and other holiday weekend shoppers set spending record

Fewer New Homes Were Bought in U.S. Than Forecast as Rate Rises to 307000

Deal to retain Illinois companies scaled back

Moody's: Risk Of Mass Defaults And Eurozone Breakup Very Real

Fukushima Daiichi Manager Steps Down Due to Illness

Big Cyber Monday expected to follow strong Black Friday

The Buzz : Cyber Monday - YouTube

FCC Chief Told AT&T, Deutsche Telekom CEOs of Move Against Deal

GM Forms Engineering Team to Work With NHTSA on Volt After Fires

Will Microsoft Motion-Sensing TVs Go Head-to-Head With Apple 'iTV'?

Amazon says Kindle sales surge on Black Friday

Huh? Galaxy Nexus still listed in Best Buy ads as "Nexus Prime"

Japan's Carmakers Downsize Tokyo Show as Market Offers No Haven

Apple Reportedly Fine-Tuning 'iTV,' Combining TV and the Web

FBI Seizes 150 Websites in Cyber Monday Counterfeit Crackdown

Analysis: Sprint network upgrade may curb unlimited data

WATCH: Chaz Bono Proposes to Girlfriend Jennifer Elia!

Regis Philbin Hopes to Return to TV With Primetime Talent Show

US Says Goal of $30 Billion in Climate Aid Within Reach

After apartheid, Tutu aims at climate change - YouTube

Mars rover Curiosity autographed by Obama

Most dire global warming forecasts unlikely, study finds

Phobos-Grunt 'crippled by US aurora station', 'is a bio-weapon'

"Climategate 2.0" Looks More Like Climatefluff 3½

Pope urges international agreement on climate change

Moving to Outer Space? Try Saturn's Moon, Titan

Archaeologists make new Stonehenge 'sun worship' find

Ancient Environment Found to Drive Marine Biodiversity

VIDEO: Cryogenics may be the key to saving Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Ecuador volcano spews red-hot rocks, billows ash

November 28 News: "Nowhere Else in the World Do You See a Political Debate About Whether Climate Science Is Real" | ThinkProgress

A Family's Billions, Artfully Sheltered

Not Photoshopped: Beam of Light Shines on Fallen Soldier's Miracle Dog

Serfing the Web: Sites Let People Farm Out Their Chores

Syracuse basketball coach fired amid sex abuse investigation

DoJ May Testify at Next Online Poker Hearing

Mitt Romney's Immigration Stance Now Clear: Pressure Undocumented To Leave The Country


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Arends: Blue Chips on Sale


Jupiter Gives a Prelude to Global Warming

Abortion and The Girl Scouts

Secret Fed Loans Helped Banks Net $13 Billion - Bloomberg

Kuwait cabinet resigns amid political crisis - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Saboteurs blow up Egypt gas pipeline to Jordan, Israel - Yahoo! News

Tower Defense and Aerospace Factory Workers Party at Lunch

Frosty the Snowman charged with assault after 'brawling with police' at Christmas parade | Mail Online

Colin Powell Blames Media and Tea Party for Divisive Tone in Washington |

The Future of the Obama Coalition -

Iran: We'll fire 150,000 missiles at Israel if attacked - Israel News, Ynetnews

Crossdressing muggers charged in Lincoln Park assaults -

Newt To Obama: Let's Debate, You Can Use Your Teleprompter | RealClearPolitics

Ohio puts 200-pound third-grader in foster care - Yahoo! News

Rep. Frank won’t run for reelection - The Hill's Ballot Box

Barney Frank won’t seek reelection in 2012 - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Barney Frank retiring from Congress

Occupy LA evicted

Iran threatens to fire '150,000 missiles' at Israel if attacked

Another blow for warmist fraud: Canada pulling out of Kyoto Protocols

Pakistani reaction to friendly fire incident over the top

Prince Charles' latest eco-fantasy

JFK Demythologized

For Gov. Abercrombie it's all about the kids bureaucrats

Rick Perry's 'Lazy' Ad Called 'Borderline Criminal'

Global Warming Bubble is Popping

Obama's Influence Fades

Race: The Ultimate Weapon of the Left

Durban Climate Conference: The Dream Fades

FATCA: A Ticking Time Bomb for the Economy

Obama's Canadian Blunder

Rep. Maloney Lies about Fast and Furious

Boy Assault Is a Crime, Not a Sexual Debut

Our Accidental Top Dog

The Wall Street Occupiers as Mind Erasers

No Road Leads to Peace between Israel and the Palestinians

Friedrich Nietzsche and His Proto-Nazi Eco-Fascism

Legislatures for Fledgling Arab Democracies

Syracuse University Fires Coach Bernie Fine Amid Child Sex Abuse Allegations | Fox News

Barney Frank Not Running For Re-Election « CBS - Flash Player Installation

Romney in 2006 Backed Immigration Stance He Now Deems ‘Amnesty’ - Bloomberg

Senators look to repatriate 1804 commandos of Tripoli - Washington Times

Senator requests federal review of $433-million contract for smallpox drug - Los Angeles Times

Idea of civilians using drone aircraft may soon fly with FAA -

Scammers steal IRS refunds with ease - Miami-Dade -

A teen finds out what can happen when private photos go public - Miami-Dade -

Cain’s World

Pushing Back the Socialist Agenda in Education

The Myth of the Arab Spring Underdog

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for revealing who you and Congress really are!

Editorial: Obama’s EPA is killing the economy with costly rules

Political Fundamentalists—A Grave Threat to World Liberty

Obama, the Provable Nothing

Add herbicides to Africa’s rescue plan

Rather Blasts Corporate-Owned Media, Praises Occupy Movement

Is the Philosophy of Modern Science - Unscientific?

ATF and DOJ Break the Law

The Time of Unions has Come and Gone

Sharpton Promo: GOP Have Pie All Over Their Faces

The Threat of a Global Financial Collapse

The War on Police

Conservatism 101 for those not paying attention

Tackled Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Melissa Kellerman Forced Off Twitter? | Jason Witten Cheerleader Tackle | Video |

Holocaust Survivor Reunites With Catholic Family That Kept Her Safe | Video |

Colin Powell on Tea Party ‘Will Not Produce a Presidential Candidate Who Will Win’ | Video |

Police: First-Class Passenger Grant Smith Arrested for Looking at Child Porn During Delta Flight |

London Jeweler has Business Wiped out by Loan Sharks | Jason Shifrin | Video |

Syracuse Fires Coach Bernie Fine | Video |

Churches Debate Over Traditional vs. Contemporary Music | Video |

Muslim Brotherhood Hopes to Win in Egypt’s Parliamentary Elections | Video |

Occupy L.A. Ignores Eviction Order | Video |

Items in ‘12 Days of Christmas’ Now Top $100K |

Mother in Germany Names Her Baby ‘Jihad’ |

Which Countries Own the World’s Gold? |

60 Minutes Report on Difficult Lives of American Children Living Out of Cars | Video |

Perpetrators of AT&T Hack Have Terrorist Ties |

Italy Close to Ruin, Germany Pressured to Step in |

African American Atheists Struggle to Come Out & Be Heard | Video |

Herman Cain Releases ‘9-9-9 The Movie: Slaying the Tax Monster’ | Video |

200 Pound Third Grader Placed Into Foster Care Over Weight Issue | Video |

Pope Benedict XVI May Believe That Man Causes Global Warming |

Barney Frank to Retire |

Bystanders Lift Car Off of Woman in California | Video |

Yard Sign Associated With Glenn Beck Sparks $7200 Fine | ‘Wake Up America’ |

Zakaria: U.S. Problems are not Economic, but Political

Liz Cheney Accuses Obama of Being Willing to Let the Economy Slide for Political Benefit

Afghan Police Laugh While Forcing Cross-Dresser to Strip

Georgia Business Announces Refusal To Hire "Until Obama Is Gone"

Cain Says TSA Profiling Isn't Like 'Driving While Black'

Bloomberg News: Banks Got An Undisclosed $13 Billion During Bailout

Kyl Denies Norquist 'Cowed' Him Into Sabotaging the Super Committee

Grover Norquist Claims His Anti-Tax Pledge is a Promise to the People, Not Him

Jon Kyl Says He Opposes Extension of Payroll Tax Holiday

Huntsman: 'Not Running' from Support of In-State Tuition for Immigrants

Sen. Pat Toomey: Super Committee Dems Weren't Reasonable

Syria's foreign minister lambastes Arab sanctions

EU agrees on new financial sanctions on Syria

US scrambles to repair Pakistan relations

Peres meets Abdullah in secret trip to Jordan

Charlotte Church claims Murdoch offered 'good press' to sing at wedding

Lieberman blasts Netanyahu over PA tax transfers

Syria troops have killed more than 250 children, UN report finds

Medicare back on the brink over cuts to doctors

Utah-to-Boston passenger denies child porn charge

Investor can sue S&P over Lehman: German court

Obama, Clinton gamble on Myanmar

Attorney: there was 'culture of hazing' at FAMU

Va nuke plant at full power after quake shutdown

Euro rises against dollar on European debt hopes

Senators challenge White House on terror suspects

Senate Democrats push Obama payroll tax cut

Ohio Craigslist suspect's mom says he's innocent

GM to offer free loaner cars to Volt owners

Factbox: Barney Frank's long, colorful career

Texas asks court to stop redistricting plan

Arab Spring Swaps Secular Despots for Islamist Ones

Half of Afghanistan Switching to Local Control, Karzai Announces

Islamist party wins most seats in Morocco election

Prince William joins Irish Sea rescue mission

Mexico City 'zombies' set record gathering

Credit Where It’s Dude: A Fair Report On The Tea Party

+Monday Crib Sheet: Gingrich Scores Big Endorsement; NYPD Told ‘Hands Off’ Media

The European Media Sure Handles OWS Differently

Media Silent As Three Presidential Contenders And 51 Congressmen Demand Eric Holder’s Resignation

Preliminary Hearing Set Monday Morning For Muslim Accused Of Murder – Will MSM Cover It?

The Silence of the Mainstream Media Over Climategate Continues

Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts Defend Obama's Lack of Super Committee Leadership |

Audio:Is This the Beginning of the End for the Euro?

The Chevy Volt: Detroit’s Hottest Car

Barney Frank to Retire from Congress

Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks Undisclosed $13 Billion Windfall

Three Arrested as Police Clear OccupyLA

GOP Governor Brownback Complains to School Principal Over Critical Tweets from Teenager

Strategic Metals and American Competitiveness in the 21st Century

#OccupyLA Deadline Comes, Many Say They Won’t Go; Breitbart Shows Up

Preliminary Hearing Set Monday Morning for Man Accused in Sept. 8 Murder at Missouri Bus Station

Class Warfare: Democrats Push ‘Millionaires Tax’ to Pay for Payroll Tax Break

New Hampshire’s Union Leader Endorses Gingrich for GOP Nomination

Sherrod Brown’s Shameful Mediscare Routine

Bold Leadership Versus Political Parasites

Fed Warns Unemployment May Double Great Depression

Bill Clinton Praises Newt: "He's Articulate" And Attracts Independents | RealClearPolitics

NH Union Leader endorses Gingrich for president while blaming media for voter indecision | Poynter.

Norquist says Gingrich, Romney good on taxes, could win his support - The Hill's Video

Supreme Court hearing on Obama healthcare law sets up lobbying storm - The Hill's Healthwatch

Miley Cyrus Recontextualizes Glam Club-Rock Grrrrl Power Anthem for Occupy Wall Street

‘Guardian’: ‘Frank Miller and The Rise Of Cryptofascist Hollywood’

Bill Maher: Non-Apathetic Apatheist

Extrapolating the Sixties, Stephen King Style

‘Courageous’ Coming to Home Video January 2012

‘Arthur Christmas’ Review: Santa Claus, Inc.

Fetuses as Zombies? ‘The Walking Dead’ Takes on the Abortion Debate

‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ author Mitch Albom: Seeking More ‘Faith and Redemption’ on the Small Screen

JOHN WAYNE MONOPOLY GAME IS HERE! - Celebrating Films of the 1960s & 1970s

Early lost Disney cartoon discovered in UK | Reuters

CLICK: People-watching in Washington -

Oscar-winning director starts film on Lech Walesa

'Afghan Elvis' gets Kabul women all shook up

Chelsea Handler brings back After Lately | Reuters


+ (28th)*Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Journalism


28-Nov-11 World View

27-Nov-11 World View

26-Nov-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS:Man Sobs In Despair As #OccupyToronto ‘Library’ Is Removed From Public Square

DNC Uses Romney’s Out-Of-Context Words Against Him In New Ad

Andrew Breitbart Visits #OccupyLA

Howard Stern Inspired Prank Caller Poses As Student Arrested In Cairo, Thanks ‘Baba Booey’s Monkey Nuts’ For Freedom

Miley Cyrus Sings For #OccupyWallSt

Deadline Passes For Occupy Philly To Dismantle

Attackers Blow Up Gas Pipeline

#OccupyLA Refuses To Leave Streets: ‘We Didn’t Come Here To Listen To F*cking Cops’

Andrew Sullivan Convinces Howard Kurtz: I’m A Real Conservative, Republicans Are Not

Angry Pakistanis Burn Obama In Effigy

27th/Newt Scores Huge NH Endorsement; ‘We Need a Candidate That Is Bold In His Leadership’

MSNBC Proclaims: Taxes Too Low In America

Dana Perino Defends Obama For Leaving God Out Of Thanksgiving Message

US Students Jailed In Egypt Start Journey Home

Newt Mocks Obama: I’ll Let Him ‘Use A Teleprompter’ During Debates

Krauthammer Slams Nina Totenberg: ‘I’m in the Middle of a Sentence’

Floating Christmas Tree Shines in Rio

Ice Sculptors Create Nativity Scene

NATO Attack Allegedly Kills 24 Pakistani Troops

26th/White House Changes Tone On Egypt

True Colors: #Occupy Protester Threatens SC Gov’s Life

#OccupySF Shuts Down Apple Store On Black Friday

Pakistan Blocks NATO Supply Lines After Deadly Air-Strike

NBA Owners, Players Reach Tentative Deal

Mission To Mars: NASA Launches Super-size Rover To Red Planet

#OccupyIndy Uses Homeless As Props To Prolong Demonstration

#OccupyLA Told To Vacate Park By End Of Month

Matthews: National Media ‘Leans A Little To The Left’

25th/Black Friday Shopper’s Rage: Pepper Spray Attack At WalMart

Arab Spring: Egyptian Protesters Attack Woman In Tahrir Square

Shoppers Riot Over $2 Waffle Maker

Soldier: Removing Cross From Army Chapel Is Attack On Christianity


Turning Patrolmen Into Soldiers: How Did We Let This Happen? - James Fallows - National - The Atlantic

Secret Fed Loans Helped Banks Net $13 Billion - Bloomberg

Why is the American establishment media sanitizing reality? -

Neoconservatives Planned Regime Change Throughout the Middle East and North Africa 20 Years Ago -

Four Stories This Week Prove that the War On Terror Is a Farce - Washington's Blog

Steve Keen On Parasitic Bankers, Deluded Economists, and Why “We Are Already In The Second Great Depression” -

Kinect for Windows to offer 'Minority Report' computer control - Telegraph

The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement Split - YouTube

Who Knew The Zeitgeist Movement/Venus Project Imploded A Few Months Ago? - informationliberation


Welcome to the New America [Pic] - informationliberation


The Copyright Industry – A Century Of Deceit - informationliberation

The Roads to War and Economic Collapse - informationliberation

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a "Battlefield" They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window - informationliberation

How To Reduce Military Suicides - informationliberation

Anarcho-Capitalism: The Solution To Monopoly and Cartels | Libertarian News

3 Iran submarines added to Navy

Bernie Fine, Syracuse Basketball Coach, Fired Amid Abuse Allegations

Sacha Baron Cohen: 'Hugo' is 'a work of art'

New Drone Sensor Could Instantly Spot Any Shooter | Danger Room |

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

What Really Happened to Strauss-Kahn? by Edward Jay Epstein | The New York Review of Books

To Conservatives, Climate Change is Trojan Horse to Abolish Capitalism

Bill Clinton's Unreality: Tinkering With Unpassable Ideas, when Transformation is What We Need

Can an Occupation Movement Survive if it No Longer Occupies a Space? Lessons from Across the Land

Class Segregation: Rich Hunker Down in Wealthy Enclaves -- Leaving the Rest of America's Neighborhoods to Deteriorate

Government Crackdown on Free Speech: Are They Firing Employees for Exercising Their Rights?

Wage Theft at Wal-Mart Warehouses? Fourth Lawsuit in Two Years Filed on Behalf of Underpaid Workers

On Foreign Policy, Ron Paul Is More Mainstream Than His Opponents

The Price of Empire by Justin Raimondo --

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News


Democratic Governance is Becoming Discredited

Is a Universal Social Net Good Macro Economics?

Egyptian Protestors Vow to Resist U.S. Made Toxic Gas

Does Smaller Government Create More Jobs?


12 Nov./Anger, fear, determination permeate anti-Shariah conference at Madison church | The Tennessean |

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded - Atlas Shrugs

+U.S. Federal Judge John Roll Murdered: The Sheriff’s Judge Who Upheld The Constitution And Reversed Congress! | Political Vel Craft

Sipsey Street Irregulars: SSI Exclusive: Hiding mass murder behind "national security." What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing.

Solid Proof That Weather Modification Projects Are Being Conducted All Over The United States

Conception to birth, visualized

Aliens use Earth as 'battleground'| News24

Boston Dynamics Contracted To Make First ‘Terminator-like’ Hunter-Seeker :

Gods And Monsters: New TV series explores human sacrifice, cannibalism, even zombies | Mail Online

U.S. Declares Cold War With China - HUMAN EVENTS

Christian mother 'forced out of Heathrow job after hate campaign by Muslim fundamentalists' | Mail Online

NBC and the Israel lobby

Robert F Kennedy 'assassin' Sirhan Sirhan claims he was victim of mind control | Mail Online

Annual compensation could fall 30 percent at Wall St firms | Reuters

Oscar Wilde's grave shielded from public kissers over fears lipstick is eroding the stone | Mail Online

Obama Has Halved Spending on Border Fencing, Infrastructure, Technology--Leaving 1,300 Miles of Mexico Border Unfenced

Cain Says Harassment Claims Have Eroded Support |

Medicare Meltdown? Doctors Face Steep Cuts Unless Congress Acts by Jan. 1 |

No Angst Among U.S. Marines After Repeal of Gay Ban, General Says |

Iran-UK Relations Hit New Low as Lawmakers Vote to Expel British Ambassador |

Gingrich and New Hampshire |

Liberal Congressman Barney Frank To Retire |

Time’s Up for Obama’s Controversial Medicare/Medicaid Director |

Gingrich Coup: Endorsement From NH's Largest Paper |

Muslim Brotherhood Expected to Do Well As Egypt’s Complicated Election Process Begins |

Morocco's Arab Spring Election Won by Islamists |

U.S.: ‘Iraqi Security Forces Are Capable of Managing the Violence’ From Al Qaeda, Iranian Militias After U.S. Leaves in December |

Egyptians Wary About Future as Historic Elections Begin

11 Dead in Indonesia Bridge Collapse, 30 Missing

China, Burma To Strengthen Military Cooperation

US Supreme Court Could Soon Allow Police To Monitor the Movements of Smartphone Users Without a Warrant

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

Historian: The “Curse of Tutankhamun” Was Ritual Murders Carried Out by Aleister Crowley

BFP Exclusive: Revisiting My Silence on WikiLeaks

Gulenists’ & the Turkish Government’s Fraudulence War on the KCK

Unknown Snipers and Western backed "Regime Change"

Understanding Cyber Warfare. From Cyber Warfare to Cyber Resistance

VIDEO: Iran Contra at 25: Reagan and Bush 'Criminal Liability' Evaluations

The New Authoritarianism: From Decaying Democracies to Technocratic Dictatorships and Beyond

Treason From Within: The Road towards a Police State in America

Neocons Planned Regime Change in the Middle East and North Africa 20 Years Ago

The Syria-Iran-Turkey Triangle: A New War Scenario in the Middle East

VIDEO: Kosovo - Violent Clashes Between NATO's KFOR and Serbian Minority

VIDEO: Nuke Carrier Leads U.S. Strike Force Into Syrian Waters

VIDEO: Syria: We are Seeing the Initial Steps of a New Cold War

Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial

Clinton: GOP, Democrats Must Work Together to Save Economy

Bill Clinton: I Should Pay More Taxes

Clinton Sees Hillary in ‘Major Role’ After 2012

Bill Clinton Slams Supercommittee Impasse

Bill Clinton Praises Old Foe Newt Gingrich

Dow Soars After Strong Holiday Shopping Kickoff

Global Watchdog: US Risks Recession Without Cuts

Gingrich Up in Polls, But Congress Not Endorsing

Seniors in Danger from Common Drugs

First Drug Approved for Middle-of-Night Insomniacs

Learn from Shakespeare, Study Tells Docs

Study: Vitamin D Prevents Heart Deaths

Data of 13M SKorean Online Gamers Hacked

Beware! Obamacare Will Affect Your Flex Account

US Involvement in Egypt Must Be Wiser

Hollywood Seeks to Make NC-17 Rating Mainstream

This Is No Time for the GOP to Compromise

Small Business Owners Work Hard to Be 1 Percent

Pakistan Has Had Enough

Libya’s New Rulers Offer Weapons to Syrian Rebels

The US Game Plan For Egypt and The Arab World

Video :Unelected Puppets of a German-dominated EU

Bankers Have Seized Europe

Goldman Sachs Announces Presidential Run

Thought Crime in Washington

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens

5-Year-Old Handcuffed, Charged With Battery On Officer

Wyclef charity accused of corruption

Durbin on NATO airstrike: What if 'it were U.S. troops?’

UK secretly promoting oil extraction from Canadian tar sands

Gary Johnson: 'I feel abandoned' by the GOP

Sen. Kyl denies being 'cowed' by Norquist

Climate set to worsen food crises: Oxfam

Ohio takes child from parents for being too fat | The Raw Story

+State Sovereignty: America’s Final Solution to Tyranny by Ron Holland

Facebook and Privacy: How Private Is Your Profile? by Bill Rounds

The Lost Empire of Atlantis by Gavin Menzies

Who Won the Iraq War? by Eric Margolis

The Myths and Reality of Gold Confiscation by James Turk

Hotel staff 'celebrated' after Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest - Telegraph

Foreclosure Fraud in a Nutshell by Bill Butler

Coke, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper by Charles A. Burris

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is about to back Rick Perry in the GOP presidential contest

Military health-care reform leaves wounded warriors entangled in more red tape

Inmate's weight loss cuts jail time thanks to judge's lose-a-pound, gain-a-day plan

Health-care case brings fight over which Supreme Court justices should decide it

Teen tweeter won't apologize to Sam Brownback

New Jersey nurses charge religious discrimination over hospital abortion policy

‘Targeted identification’ isn’t profiling, Cain says

Chicago Machine: W.H. officials to attend Daley funeral

Atheists launch campaign to get unbelievers to ‘come out’

Republican Toomey: Payroll tax cut extension could pass

Year later, tea party’s profile low but focused

Bill Clinton: Gingrich stance on immigration ‘thoughtful,’ could win over independents

Most GOP bundlers still sitting on sidelines; Early cash flow favors Romney

Congress: Stage set for contentious December, budget at forefront

Ten Commandments dispute in Va. headed to federal court

Mounted patrols beefed up at the SW border

Afghan officials: Fire from Pakistan led to attack

Toomey: GOP will try to reconfigure automatic spending cuts

Audio: Wife of Syracuse assistant Bernie Fine says she knew 'everything'

Bachmann: Trailing in polls, manages to keep her foothold in media spotlight

Motives of foreign student recruiters questioned

Powell: Tea Party presidential candidate can't win in 2012

26 bodies found in Guadalajara, a sign of rising mafia violence

U.S. teens don't eat enough fruits and veggies: CDC

Cash-strapped cities want workers to contribute more to pensions

Yawning may cool brain when needed

Suicide Car Bomber Kills 19 in Baghdad

NYPD Cop Intervenes in Scuffle on JetBlue Flight

House's next move on payroll tax unclear

Colorado couple's lawsuit over post office gun ban is allowed to proceed

Strict U.S. immigration laws ignore life-and-death decisions in case of ill NJ girl

Former NY Gov. Spitzer giving support and policy tips to Occupy movement

William Henry(

Top 10 Reasons Not to Go With Your Gut | Mary Ellen O'Toole, Ph.D.




Dr. Gary Schwartz


Red Ice radio - 24.3.2011 - 1/4 - Communication With the Deceased & Life After Death - YouTube

Red Ice radio - 24.3.2011 - 2/4 - Communication With the Deceased & Life After Death - YouTube

Red Ice radio - 24.3.2011 - 3/4 - Communication With the Deceased & Life After Death - YouTube

Red Ice radio - 24.3.2011 - 4/4 - Communication With the Deceased & Life After Death - YouTube


Perception9 Paranormal(


Researchers rebuild the brain's circuitry

Restaurants plan DNA-certified premium seafood

Google Searches Help Parents Narrow Down Baby Names -

Spontaneous Human Combustion and Witchcraft! « Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog

Crashed UFOs: The Bolivian Affair | Mysterious Universe

What's Next for Mars Exploration? | Mars Science Laboratory & Curiosity Rover | Mars Exploration, Mars Sample Return & Red Planet |

Mysterious Man Bursts Into Flames At Swedish Train Station

The Citizen Online | First UFO conference under way in Joburg - Local News

Americans Continue to Pack on the Pounds | Weight Gain & Obesity | LiveScience

Could a Mouthwash Do Away With Dental Visits? : Discovery News

9 Reasons Wired Readers Should Wear Tinfoil Hats | Threat Level |

Cryptomundo » New Ferret-Badger Confirmed Discovered in Vietnam

The Tyee – Time to Test Corporate Leaders to Weed out Psychopaths

Natalie Wood Mystery: Captain of Yacht Passes Polygraph Test - ABC News

D.B. Cooper fascinates 40 years later in Reno | Reno Gazette-Journal |

Lair of the Beasts: The Monster Rats of Roswell -

Miley Cyrus - IT'S A LIBERTY WALK!

Tobey Maguire, others settle over poker winnings

Kansas High School Student Not Sorry About Governor Sam Brownback Tweet

Kuwaiti PM’s Cabinet Resigns, Parliament May Be Dissolved

+The Cheat Sheet, November 28: The Collapse of the Euro & the Fed’s $7 Trillion Bailout of the Banks



+Image:Maggie Daley Funeral(Partner in Crime)


Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-26-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-26-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 11-27-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 11-27-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 11-26-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 11-26-11 Hr 2

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