A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

27 November 2011

27 NOV.

**Political Video:

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On GOP 2012 Field, Obama's Electability
Sen. Pat Toomey "Terribly Disappointed'" With Supercommittee's Failure
Newt To Obama: Let's Debate, You Can Use Your Teleprompter
"This Week" Roundtable On Supercommittee Failure
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Pakistan, Foreign Policy & GOP Field
MSNBC's Hayes Admits "I Don't Know What ObamaCare Looks Like"

26 Nov.

Newt Gingrich: "I Am Not For Amnesty"
Obama On NBA Tentative Agreement: "Good Deal!"
Bill Clinton Praises Newt: "He's Articulate" And Attracts Independents
Kucinich: Occupy Wall Street An "Authentic Expression" Of Concern
Stossel: First Thanksgiving Shows The Problem With Communal Property
Matthews: Limbaugh's Use Of "Uppity" Plays To Listeners' "Prejudice"
Anita Perry On Urging Rick To Run: "Right Decision," "We'd Do It Again"

25 Nov.

Krauthammer: GOP Candidates' Foreign Policy Positions Are Similar
Whoopi Goldberg On Michele Bachmann: "She's Not Presidential Material"
Chris Matthews: Left-Leaning Media Could "Smash" Romney

24 Nov.

MSNBC's Ed: Pepper Spray Incident Is Like The Rodney King Beating
Rep. Adams Gives GOP's Thanksgiving Message On Entrepreneurship
Schoen: Obama Has No Answer On Creating Jobs
Obama's Thanksgiving Message: We Can "Overcome" Challenges
UC Davis Occupy Protester Admits Police Were Provoked In Pepper Spray Incident
Lawrence O'Donnell: Romney Is A "Pathological Liar"
Dionne: I Hope The MSM Calls Out The Candidates When They Lie

23 Nov.

Wasserman Schultz: Gingrich Has "Disturbing Views," Embraces "Tea Party Extremism"
Michael Reagan: My Father Would Support Gingrich's Position On Immigration
Garofalo: GOP Loves Herman Cain Because He Pretends We're In A Post-Racial Society
RNC Web Ad: "A Failure Of Leadership"
"Company Policy: We Are Not Hiring Until Obama Is Gone"
Krauthammer On Obama And START: "These Are The Wages Of Appeasement"
Bachmann On NBC Playing Song Calling Her A Bitch: Michelle Obama Wouldn't Have To Tolerate This
MSNBC's Karen Finney: Newt Gingrich Is A "Sociopath"
Romney Flashback: Illegal Aliens "Should Be Able" To Get Citizenship
Limbaugh: What If Michelle Obama Were Introduced With "I Like Big Butts" Music?
Gingrich "Prepared To Take Heat" For "Humane" Immigration Stance
Jimmy Kimmel Spoofs GOP Candidates In A "Charlie Brown Debate"
Full CNN/Heritage Foundation/AEI Debate On National Security
O'Reilly: Obama Will Blame The Rich For The Poor Economy
Schultz: Romney's Ad Is "Deliberately Misleading"
O'Donnell: Gingrich Found A New Way To Talk About Immigration

22 Nov.

Mitt Romney: Not The Time To "Cut And Run" In Afghanistan
Charen: Super Committee "Incredible Abdication Of Leadership" For Obama
Perry: U.S. Must Use Every Sanction Against Iran Before A War
Krauthammer: Obama Is Running An "Occupy Wall Street Campaign"
Gingrich Spars With Ron Paul After He Calls Patriot Act "Unpatriotic"
Ron Paul: Biggest Threat To National Security Is Financial Condition
Matthews: Was Obama "Just Too Good" That We "Had To Expect So Much More?"
Al Sharpton Accuses Rush Limbaugh Of Playing The "Race Card"
Santorum Supports Profiling Muslims
Obama: "It's Going To Take Time" For Economy To Get Better
Huntsman On Budget Cuts: "Everything Is On The Table"
Ed Rendell: "The Stimulus Worked; It Preserved Jobs And Created Jobs"
Moore Likens "Iconic" Pepper Spray Incident To Tiananmen Square
"Late Night" Welcomes Bachmann On With The Song "Lyin' Bitch"
Must See: Al Sharpton's Talks Pie In "Lean Forward" Ad On MSNBC
Perry On Super Committee Failure: "This President Has Not Led"
Reich: Super Committee Failure "Not Such A Big Win" For Obama
Maddow: Bipartisanship In Congress Still Doesn't Work To Solve Big Problems
O'Reilly: Congress Insults The American People
Obama To "Occupy" Protesters: "You're The Reason That I Ran"
Matthews: The Republican Right "Clearly" Doesn't Like Romney

21 Nov.

Rick Perry Goes On The "Special Report" Panel
Obama On Super Failure: Republicans "Refuse To Listen To The Voices Of Reason"
Romney: Health Care Individual Mandate Is A "Conservative Concept"
Mitt Romney's First TV Ad: "Believe In America"
Carney On Super Committee: GOP "Unwilling" To Do What American People Want
MSNBC's Brzezinski's Anti-Newt Rant Drives Her To Emotional Brink
Limbaugh: NASCAR Crowd Booed Michelle Obama Because Of Her "Uppity-ism"
Michele Bachmann: "It's Time To Let A Woman Speak"
"60 Minutes" Reports On Grover Norquist And The Supercommittee
Sen. Kerry On Supercommittee: Dems Have "Put Pain On The Table"
Romney Admits To Deleting Electronic Records As Mass. Governor
Reason: 3 Reasons We Shouldn't Bail Out Student Loan Borrowers
Reliable Sources: Gingrich Under Media Microscope
Relative Accuses Rep. Kildee Of Sexual Abuse

20 Nov.

Paul Krugman: Republican Ideology Is For "Fools And Clowns"
George Will On Newt Gingrich: "He's The Classic Rental Politician"
NASCAR Crowd Boos Michelle Obama At Season Finale
Brit Hume: "These Are Extremely Difficult Times For Mitt Romney"
Gingrich To Occupy Wall Street: "Go Get A Job After You Take A Bath"
"This Week" Roundtable: GOP Race Up For Grabs?
"FOX News Sunday" Panel Assesses GOP Race
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On 2012 Race
Sen. Murray On Supercommittee: "I'll Be Waiting All Day"
Sen. Marco Rubio: Obama Failed To Lead On Supercommittee
Sen. Rand Paul: Congress Needs To Be Told Do Something "Or Else"
Sen. Kerry Blames Republicans, Norquist From Preventing Supercommittee Deal
Rahm Emanuel: Obama Can't Get Through To The "Partisan" Republicans
Full Presidential Thanksgiving Forum From Iowa
Sens. Toomey And Manchin On Supercommittee
Sen. Kyl On Occupiers: They Think Money Grows On Trees

19 Nov.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Says Obama "Thrills Me"
Robert Reich Vs. Grover Norquist On Taxing The Rich
Meghan McCain "Sick" Of Not Being Taken Seriously
Milton Friedman: The Social Security Myth
Obama Touts Asia Trip For Helping U.S. Jobs In Weekly Address
Toomey Gives GOP Weekly, Warns US Is Following Europe's Path
Bill O'Reilly: Congress Is Hosing Us
Perry Ad: "I'm The Outsider Who's Willing To Step On Some Toes"



Bob Dylan at Newport 1962-1966 on Vimeo



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22 nd Nov. /GOP DEBATE

*Transcript/22nd/CNN GOP Presidential Debate on Foreign Policy


Why a Facebook phone is doomed to be the next Zune

Virtual schools are multiplying, but some question their educational value - The Washington Post

AT&T Said to Plan Proposing Bigger Asset Sales to Save Takeover - Bloomberg

First inkjet-printed graphene computer circuit is transparent, flexible | ExtremeTech

Google Searches Help Parents Narrow Down Baby Names -

Spotify Technology: How Spotify Works | Pansentient League - a Spotify Blog

My 10 years of blogging: Reflections, Lessons & Some Stats Too — Tech News and Analysis

The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin | Magazine

In the Arab World, It’s the Past vs. the Future -

Cairo: Paris of the East? | Via Meadia

Can Britain cope if the eurozone collapses? - Telegraph

The Endless Pakistan Tragedy | The Diplomat

China's 'Princelings' Pose Issue for Party -

Red China Remains a Threat | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - Charting An Arab Transformation

Column One: Calling things by the... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Nov 27, 2011 - Analysis: Iran adopts "wait and see" policy on Syria's crisis

BOLTON: EU's democratic deficit - Washington Times

What Really Happened to Strauss-Kahn? by Edward Jay Epstein | The New York Review of Books

Why a German downgrade is the next logical step in the euro crisis - Telegraph

The Dwindling Power of a College Degree -

The Mall of the World - By Gordon Mathews | Foreign Policy

In China, There's Too Much Room at the Inn - Businessweek

A Credit Crisis in China's Most Enterprising City Is Making the Country Nervous - TIME

Starting a Business - The Romance vs. the Reality -

Americans should be thankful for Canada - Bill Mann's Canada - MarketWatch

Welcome to Forbes

LABRADOR & POMPEO: Era of energy subsidies is over - Washington Times

Privatize the nation’s mail delivery - The Washington Post

Are You Ready for the Next Meltdown? (F, IEV, IRE, JPM, LVS, NBG, WFC)

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

The euro zone: Is this really the end? | The Economist

Obama's EPA is killing the economy with costly rules | Washington Examiner

Department of Homeland Security tackles immigration reform -

Roger’s Rules » An Accumulation of Little Extravagances: William F. Buckley Jr. on Barack Obama

President as Piñata -

America’s Pakistan Mess Gets Worse With Alleged NATO Strike - The Daily Beast

Climategate 2.0: Will the Media Do Its Job This Time? | Mother Jones

Team Obama Gears Up for 2012 -

Printable version: First Amendment hijacked by moneyed interests

What Is Constitutional Conservatism? - Yuval Levin - National Review Online

Long-Term Unemployment Carries Risks for U.S. -

A daring idea to fix the economy: try doing less - Telegraph

Doyle McManus: Options in wake of 'super committee's' failure -

Orgasmic spenders flirting with insolvency | debt, government, spending - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Gingrich Bounce Shows Geek Love Can Still Blossom: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg

Why climategate is a catastrophe for science -

For President, Newt Gingrich | New Hampshire OPINION01

What's Next for Mars Exploration? | Mars Science Laboratory & Curiosity Rover | Mars Exploration, Mars Sample Return & Red Planet |

Lair of the Beasts: The Monster Rats of Roswell -

Mysterious Man Bursts Into Flames At Swedish Train Station

The Citizen Online | First UFO conference under way in Joburg - Local News

Americans Continue to Pack on the Pounds | Weight Gain & Obesity | LiveScience


* Feds Seize 130+ Domain Names in Mass Crackdown | TorrentFreak

** Seized List (


+The Curious Case of United Airlines Flight 23 on 9/11 «


» Globalist Candidate Gingrich Gets Influential Establishment Endorsement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul Walk the Line Song - YouTube

» While consumers shop, U.S. descends into planned financial implosion that favors corporate elite Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Congress to Vote Next Week on EXPLICITLY Creating a Police State Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NATO Gangsters: U.S. plays with fire infuriating nuclear Pakistan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Libya’s new rulers offer weapons to Syrian rebels - Telegraph

New questions raised over Dominique-Strauss Kahn case | World news | The Observer

The truth behind the new jobless generation - Telegraph

Libya's Ex-Oil Minister Criticizes New Leaders : NPR

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Politics :: Aoun: Syrian protesters only want overthrow, not reform

THE RETURN OF DEBTORS PRISONS: Collection Agencies Now Want Deadbeats Arrested | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

» Goodbye Roll Call, Hello RFIDs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Nigeria: 'FG Will Introduce Pneumonia Vaccine in 2013'

» Religious Lobbying on the Rise Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In Montana, Jesus Statue Is Focus of Legal Battle -

Officials say plan on al Qaeda detainees would harm probes | Reuters

Al-Qaeda targets dwindle as group shrinks - The Washington Post

Sen. Joe Lieberman: Google's Blogger needs 'terrorist' button | Digital Media - CNET News

(Videos)Prison » Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control

Prison » While consumers shop, U.S. descends into planned financial implosion that favors corporate elite

Second leak of climate emails: Political giants weigh in on bias, scientists bowing to financial pressure from sponsors | Mail Online

Iran says could target Turkey missile shield | Reuters

Pakistan troop deaths ‘tragic, unintended’: Nato chief | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

Prison » Daily Mail In Shambolic & Shameful Hit Piece Against David Icke

Prison » Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial

Prison » A Third World War Won’t Stop A Second American Revolution

Prison » The Mega Banks: Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, et. al. Control Europe’s Political Landscape

Nigel Farage- Unelected puppets of a German-dominated EU (Cavuto, Fox News) - YouTube

Prison » 9 Final Ways The Bankster Occupied U.S. Government Is Waging War Against America

'Egyptian PM asks protesters for 2 months' -

Escobar: No war with Iran before 2012 elections - YouTube

Prison » $707,568,901,000,000: How (And Why) Banks Increased Total Outstanding Derivatives By A Record $107 Trillion In 6 Months

Prison » Why Did The Fed Inject Banks With A Record Amount Of “Other” Cash In The Past Week?

Grand Canyon Pamphlet Teaches Kids to Report on Their Parents - YouTube

Immunise or lose benefits, parents told - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

BBC News - Fake forum comments are 'eroding' trust in the web

Steve Keen On Parasitic Bankers, Deluded Economists, and Why “We Are Already In The Second Great Depression” -

Arab League Adopts Economic Blockade Sanctions Syria "Effective Immediately" -

Kinect for Windows to offer 'Minority Report' computer control - Telegraph

Can Killer Drones Be Turned on America? 50 Countries Are Trying to Get Their Hands on Military Drone Technology -- What Will They Do With It? | World | AlterNet


The Ultimate Collection Of Black Friday Fight Videos - Business Insider


Man-Made Super-Flu Could Kill Half Humanity | Before It's News

Collector Keya Morgan has an unusual path to the stars - - The First Time I Heard of "Bill Clinton"

The Young and the Lazy - Taki's Magazine

OWS protesters interrupt Obama's speech (VIDEO) — RT

FBI Claims Agency Can’t Find Internal Documents On Occupy Wall Street | The Public Record

Two Scandals, One Connection: The FBI link between Penn State and UC Davis | The Nation

So David Icke, why do you keep coming up with these wacky ideas? Crackpot cashes in from world tour and booming book business | Mail Online

David Icke On Wogan - YouTube

ScienceCasts: The Strange Attraction of Gale Crater - YouTube

11 News Special Report: Deadly Contrails in the Sky?

US Ambassador: US was merciful to Pollard by not executing him - YouTube

Google to make driverless cars in U.S.? - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal

"I want my country back" - Prof Roberts testifies before House Oversight Committee - YouTube

U.S. ranks 28th in life expectancy while we pay the MOST for health care | Mail Online

Dr Chris Busby turns on his attackers - YouTube

Did the US Co-opt OWS in Order to Legitimize Egypt's Flawed Elections?

Palestine and Hamas hail new 'partnership' in landmark reconciliation deal - Telegraph

Tahrir Square protesters killed by live ammunition, say doctors | World news | The Guardian

The Shocking Truth About the Crackdown on Occupy | Common Dreams

Paul Drockton: The Drudge Report

Paul Drockton: "Gone With the Wind"

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Lauren Booth: Three people in this marriage. The PSC, the JC and Harry’s Place

Pakistan Tells U.S. To 'Vacate' Air Base As Border Strike Inflames Tensions | Fox News

IAEA Exposed as Israeli Spy Front | Veterans Today

Libya’s New Regime May Attack Syria -- News from

British draw up plans to protect citizens across Europe from mass-rioting if Euro collapses | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Tens of thousands in Wisconsin apply for concealed carry permit - Chicago Tribune

Mars Rover Curiosity Takes Off - NASA Science

Oscar Grant’s killer on trial again for police brutality — RT

2011 16th Annual Fleming’s Pumpkin Run Car Show in the Pines!

Marsha West -- Children Exposed to Shocking Levels of Sexual Content

Will World War III be between the U.S. and China? | Mail Online

U.S. Declares Cold War With China - HUMAN EVENTS

BESA Experts: Iran is an Intolerable Threat - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Iran to hit Turkey if nuclear program targeted by Israel, U.S., general says - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Loss and Recovery in the Stream of Life. Visible Origami

Bipartisan Deal To Slash Medicare And Medicaid

US Higher Education In Crisis

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Hot of the press: Wikipedia has deleted the 'Sayanim' entry.

Hitler spent months living in Liverpool flat that was later destroyed by the Luftwaffe | Mail Online

World Of Mysteries: Parents Sue D.A. for Charging Their 6-Year-Old Son With a Felony After He Played Doctor With a 5-Year-Old Girl

Mobile ‘Rootkit’ Maker Tries to Silence Critical Android Dev | Threat Level |

Criminals and cyber bullies to be banned from the web - Telegraph

Robert Fisk: Why torturers film their handiwork - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

Battery fires prompt govt probe of Chevy Volt - Business - Autos -

14000 Abandoned Wind Turbines In The USA « Tory Aardvark

Stonehenge founding pushed back 500 years - Joe Paterno & Louis Freeh Linked to Opus Dei

Time's Fareed Zakaria - An intellectually Credentialed Illiterate

Jo Ann Newman: Far From Dead, Far From Gone « Terrible Truth

17 Quotes About The Coming Global Financial Collapse That Will Make Your Hair Stand Up -

License plate readers: A useful tool for police comes with privacy concerns - The Washington Post

Occult rock: the path of darkness | Music | The Guardian

Frank Miller and the rise of cryptofascist Hollywood | Culture | The Guardian

Scientists discover secret of limb regeneration: It's a genetic trick using acid from vitamin A | Mail Online

Activist Post: Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs are No Longer Conspiracy Theories

Are the poor really getting poorer? | The Right Scoop

Dr Chris Busby and (not) George Monbiot "debate" Long Term Radiation Effects in Oxford p1/2 - YouTube

Dr Chris Busby and (not) George Monbiot "debate" Long Term Radiation Effects in Oxford p2/2 - YouTube

+Swarm of 700 quakes unnerve residents of El Salvador | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

(2011-0701) - Carbonazis PR, Bankster Warmongering & Israeli 'Privateers' Attacking The Aid Flotilla - YouTube

(2011-0610) - [Mr Hide-The-Decline] Phil Jones - Carbon-Nazis Massaging The Data... AGAIN - YouTube

Filthy Lucre: Afghan drug profits too juicy to resist - YouTube

poorrichards blog: The Medical Mafia continues to plot mass medication via water supplies - is lithium next?

'Anthrax isn't scary at all compared to this': Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions should never have been created, warns frightened scientist | Mail Online


The Stand (tv miniseries) - YouTube


Project Blue Earth SOS - @ Hulu(


A Voice In The Wilderness: Freedom: The New and Future Experiment

Obama Laughed at When Referring to The Overwhelming Scientific Evidence on Climate Change. - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: The US Senate is About to Declare War on Freedom and the American People

Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial - 12160

Revolutionary Politics : Why Most Professors Teach Keynesian Economics - The Peter Schiff Show

Revolutionary Politics : The ELITE blew it , REVEALED their plans to start WORLD WAR 3

A Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming

Gore rips footage from the day after tomorrow - YouTube


An Inconvenient Truth( 1:32:37 )

*1:20:24/Global Warming or Global Governance (Full Movie) - YouTube



The CLIMATE SCEPTICS Blog: Climategate 2 & the BBC


*A collection of ridiculous, over the top fear-mongering articles on global warming - 12160


Past, Present & Future: V 4 Vendetta + 9/11 = - YouTube

Man-made super-flu could kill half humanity — RT

Latest Climategate Emails: BBC 'In Cahoots With Climategate Scientists' |

#Climategate scientists DID collude with government officials to hide research that didn’t fit their apocalyptic global warming – Common American Journal - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Climategate 2: New batch of leaked emails triggers global warming row

ClimateGate 2.0: 5,000 New Emails Confirm Pattern of Deception and Collusion by Alarmists « PA Pundits – International

List of expanding glaciers

Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street And Homelessness: Millions Spent To Evict Camps, While Cutting Shelter Funds

Zionists Who Groom To Be U.S. Presidents and Supported 9-11 Lies

Warplanes: F-22s Gobble Up More Billions

Activist Post: Why is the American establishment media sanitizing reality?

Activist Post: 5 Surprising Culprits Behind Obesity and Weight Gain

NBC and the Israel lobby

CFR Recording Suggests Creating False Scarcity To Drive Up Demand For H1N1 Vaccine - 12160

A Place Called Gratitude - YouTube

Confidence trickster Jonathan Miller, Channel 4 News, in Damascus? (25Nov11) - YouTube

Hijacked Revolt: Muslim Brothers win - pretext for NATO invasion - YouTube

Congress to Vote on EXPLICITLY Creating a Police State

EU Slavery: Media hiding truth about debt crisis - YouTube

Activist Post: Longshot Republican candidate mulls third-party run


The Great Gold Heist

Revolutionary Politics : Celente, Corzine The Great U.S. Bank Holiday

poorrichards blog: The Illuminati Hoodwink Extravaganza

Lone Star Watchdog: Newt Gingrich is Wrong, The Bill of Rights is Still the Law of the Land, Not Two Sets of Laws Under the Patriot Act! Any Questions?

S. 1253 will allow indefinite military detention of American civilians without charge or trial | End the Lie - Independent News

"How Could This Happen in America?" Why Police Are Treating Americans Like Military Threats | Occupy Wall Street | AlterNet

Scientists Brace for Media Storm Around Controversial Flu Studies - ScienceInsider

Boston Dynamics Contracted To Make First ‘Terminator-like’ Hunter-Seeker :

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul : "Israel can Take Care Of Itself"

Lone Star Watchdog: It is Time We Shop At Local Small Bussiness Not the Big Box Stores.This is Something the Money Junkies Hate.

Revolutionary Politics : Markets Are Very Volatile Because Of Low Interest Rates - Marc Faber - Bloomberg TV - 14 Nov 2011


The Evolutionary Psychology of Human Sex and Gender

The Neuroarchitecture of Goal Development and Pursuit in Mammals

Comparing Animal Intelligences

Major Disorders of Mind and Brain

The Striatopallidal System and Intentional Perception Daniel Pouzzner


96 PG./Returning to Eden: How an ancient religious myth inspired a modern political movement.

+The Architecture of Modern Political Power


After Attacks in Pakistan, Worries in Afghanistan About Security

Team Romney: Newt who?

Arab League Overwhelmingly Imposes Sanctions on Syria

Walmart pepper-spraying customer may not be charged: report

Report: Age minimum may not be raised for 2012 NBA Draft

NASA rover begins long cruise to Mars

Protests against military rule cloud Egypt election

Yemen opposition leader Mohammed Basindwa named prime minister

Putin Says He Deserves Russia's Support for President

Iran expels Britain's ambassador to Tehran calling 'death to England'

Democratic Republic of the Congo goes to the polls after clashes

Occupy LA Seems Set To Stay As Deadline Comes

Four hack suspects linked to terrorist group

Is the Chevy Volt Fire-Prone? Feds Open an Inquiry

Attackers Gearing Up for Cyber Monday With Scams, Deals

On audio tape, Bernie Fine's wife said she knew 'everything'

Is a global agreement the only way to tackle climate change?

Global warming: Propaganda creates myth of disagreement

Four common meds send thousands of seniors to hospital

Man charged with shooting estranged wife at UIC held without bail

Wheaton College student one of 4 dead in small plane crash

Chicagoans pay their respects to Maggie Daley

US to investigate deadly NATO airstrike

Hunt for five missing crew of sunken Swanland halts

Helmand district to be handed over to Afghan forces

Strauss-Kahn supporters seek French probe

Morocco's Arab Spring Election Won By Islamists

UAE jails internet activists

US Military Legacy Rubs Off on Iraqi Youth

Colombian Army Finds FARC Captive Alive

Palestinian PM: Israeli sanctions starting to bite

Furious Pak puts US on notice over Nato strike

Bahrain pledges to act on criticism of crackdown

Obama turning to Biden for help in 3 key states

Mourners gather for Maggie Daley wake, visitation

Republican Latinos face queries on immigrant past

'People's Court' Missing Mom Case: Police Search Home in Michelle Parker Search

Michele Bachmann Says NBC Apology Over Jimmy Fallon Song Flap Falls Short

Cain Acknowledges Damage to Campaign From Harassment Allegations

Controversial Ariz. sheriff to back Perry

Mass changes: Many of city’s Catholics praise first service using new prayer translations - NY Daily News

Continuing Thanksgiving tradition, president takes family to brother-in-law’s basketball game - The Washington Post

The other student loan problem: too little debt

Steve Jobs' e-mail to fan: 'Life is fragile'

Google+ airs sharing-focused TV spot during Packers vs. Lions game

Miley Cyrus Calls Herself a 'Stoner' and a 'Pothead'

The Muppets Bring Back the Rainbow to Fans New and Old

Pumpkins' Billy Corgan gets into pro wrestling

Scientists say fish hooks go back 42000 years

Climategate II: the scientists fight back

Is this an alien skull? Mystery of giant-headed mummy found in Peru

Most liveable alien worlds ranked

If your family is facing a crisis, see what hospice can do for you

'More bloodshed tomorrow': Arab League tightens noose on Syria - YouTube

What does the Supercommittee failure mean to you? - YouTube

Hackers involved in 2611 attacks arrested - YouTube

Nasa searches for life clues on Mars - YouTube

Deadly Airstrike Renews Focus on US-Pakistani Ties

Afghan President Says Second Troop Transition to Begin Soon

Russia's Putin Accepts Presidential Nomination

The Esoteric Meaning of Florence + the Machine’s “Shake it Out” and “No Light No Light”

US Supreme Court Could Soon Allow Police To Monitor the Movements of Smartphone Users Without a Warrant

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine

Historian: The “Curse of Tutankhamun” Was Ritual Murders Carried Out by Aleister Crowley

Arab League Imposes Major Sanctions on Syria

Ask the Candidates Real Questions – Like These

New Report Suggests Israel Linked to Irangate Scandal

Prosecutor: Reagan, Bush Not Liable in Irangate

Service Members Sue Over Sex Assault Cases

The Syria-Iran-Turkey Triangle: A New War Scenario in the Middle East

VIDEO: Kosovo - Violent Clashes Between NATO's KFOR and Serbian Minority

VIDEO: Nuke Carrier Leads U.S. Strike Force Into Syrian Waters

VIDEO: Syria: We are Seeing the Initial Steps of a New Cold War

The Mega Banks: Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, et. al. Control Europe's Political Landscape

US Social Crisis: 25 Million Unemployed and Underemployed

The obscene Transparency of the “Mainstream” Pundits: Ask the Candidates Real Questions – Like These

Congress to Vote on EXPLICITLY Creating a Police State

Newt Gingrich Inc.: How the GOP hopeful went from political flameout to fortune - The Washington Post

Couple accused of nailing door shut to boy's room: Toddler found 'living in filth' | Mail Online

Paedophile with HIV, 30, caught in police sting after he arranged online to have sex with three children | Mail Online

Sex-change officer Jan Hamilton quits police after learning she'll get WPC's pension | Mail Online

The Shocking Truth About the Crackdown on Occupy


*Video Documentary:Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair (1988)


Gingrich Coup: Endorsement From NH's Largest Paper

Occupy LA Deadline Comes, Many Say They Won't Go

Obama Provides Justification for Occupy Protesters--After They Heckle Him

Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal - YouTube

Woman Pepper Sprays Shoppers To Get Xbox

Prison » Daily Mail In Shambolic & Shameful Hit Piece Against David Icke

Activist Post: S. 1253 will allow indefinite military detention of American civilians without charge or trial

Activist Post: Bankers Have Seized Europe: Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over

Activist Post: The Week In Alternative News 18 (Video)

Activist Post: Why is the American establishment media sanitizing reality?

Restaurants plan DNA-certified premium seafood

Bill Clinton Praises Newt: "He's Articulate" And Attracts Independents | RealClearPolitics

Newt To Obama: Let's Debate, You Can Use Your Teleprompter | RealClearPolitics

Gingrich wins Union Leader endorsement -

Colin Powell Blames Media and Tea Party for Divisive Tone in Washington |

Death row inmate Gary Haugen now criticizes governor for giving him a reprieve |

Police: Vermont hunter kills self after friend dies from apparent accidental shooting | Burlington Free Press |

'First class' passenger from Utah allegedly viewed child porn during flight to Boston's Logan Airport |

Adams County Sued Over Deaf Man Held 25 Days « - Flash Player Installation

Bill Clinton Praises Old Foe Newt Gingrich

New Hampshire Union Leader Endorses Gingrich

Gingrich Up in Polls, But Congress Not Endorsing

Watchdog Engelbrecht: Voter ID Charge Ludicrous

Pro-Palin Group to Launch Iowa Ad

Gaffney: Obama Policies Endanger World

GOP Debt Panel Members Tell 'Untold Story'

Toomey: Congress Can Adjust Triggered Cuts

Huntsman Confident in NH, Despite Gingrich Surge

GOP's Kyl, Democrat Durbin Duel Over Payroll Tax

Norquist: Americans Reject Job-Killing Tax Hikes

Cain: 'False Accusations' Lost Endorsement

Ariz. Sheriff Arpaio to Endorse Perry

NY Times: Obama Agenda in Egypt Risky

Thomas, Kagan Asked to Sit Out Healthcare Case

Pope Calls for Responsible, Credible Climate Deal

NYT Writer Who Covered JFK Killing Dies

Ohio Political Map in Limbo

Corzine Expected to Testify at House Hearing

Buying Wireless Gadgets for Kids? Beware of Radiation Dangers

Study: Vitamin D Prevents Heart Deaths

Moderate Drinking Linked to Lower Diabetes Risk

Canned Soup Sends BPA Levels Soaring

Coffee Lowers Risk of Endometrial Cancer

US Involvement in Egypt Must Be Wiser

Public Sees Members of Congress As Fools or Knaves

+Sirhan Sirhan Hypno-Programmed Assassin Innocence Plea Documents | Before It's News

Belief Watch: Is Obama the Antichrist? - The Daily Beast

Richard Hoagland's Dark Mission: Coverups, Lies, and Calling for a New World Order! | Before It's News

10 Outlandish Things the 'Scientific' Controllers have in mind for you..... | Before It's News

Is the Philosophy of Modern Science - Unscientific? | Before It's News

Michelle Obama’s Warning To Gun Owners

The Dead In Dreams Are Very Real | Before It's News

Major US Intelligence Agency Reveals ET Contact | Before It's News

The Origin Of Cosmic Rays | Before It's News

Exceptional Video WH Website: Obama Full Headscars. | Before It's News

President Obama Pardons White House Turkey - YouTube

Obama is Infesting White House. | Before It's News

Will Arpaio Investigate Obama Ballot Fraud in NH? | Before It's News

4 Part:Occupy Yourself – Max Igan

United We Stand, Divided We Fall – Sullee J |

How to Start a (Wall Street-backed) Revolution |

Globalist Candidate Gingrich Gets Influential Establishment Endorsement |

VIDEOS:Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control |


* ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street and The Fed 11-27-11 |


Stargate: 2004-2012 – Venus Transit | New Dawn : The World's Most Unusual Magazine

The Curse of the Cocaine Mummies | New Dawn : The World's Most Unusual Magazine

PressTV - If Israel fires single missile at Iran


*Site Page: :Cooking and Recipes @Before It's News


How Job Seekers Are Using Mobile Apps [INFOGRAPHIC]

Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Regime-Change Project

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

The Great Carbon Credit Deception | New Dawn : The World's Most Unusual Magazine

The Promise of Yo and the Legacy of Communism

Winners, Losers, and the Minimum Wage

The Problem with the Fed's Targeting

The Best Leaders That Money Can Buy

Obama's Green War Continues

Obama's Problematic New Nominee for Top Medicare/Medicaid Post

Robert Small's Islam

Mainstream media turn blind eye to dark side of Tahrir Square

Federal Reserve Shennanigans

OWS arrest total nearing 5000

Pakistan tells US to leave air base where drones are launched

UN Official Questions Biofuel Commitment

Britain's Foreign Office tells embassies to prepare for euro collapse and violent social unrest

FARC murders 4 hostages held for 10 years in Colombia

Real Life K.O.'s Zorba and His EU Friends

Our Accidental Top Dog

The Wall Street Occupiers as Mind Erasers

Scientists in Revolt against Global Warming

No Road Leads to Peace between Israel and the Palestinians

Friedrich Nietzsche and His Proto-Nazi Eco-Fascism

Legislatures for Fledgling Arab Democracies

Abortion and The Girl Scouts

Marx's Surplus Value

Debbie Schlussel:Wknd Box Office: My Week w/ Marilyn, The Descendants, The Skin I Live In

Senator requests federal review of $433-million contract for smallpox drug - Los Angeles Times

UC Davis Occupy Protester Admits Police Were Provoked In Pepper Spray Incident | RealClearPolitics

Islamist party takes most seats in Morocco poll - Houston Chronicle

Idea of civilians using drone aircraft may soon fly with FAA -

Congressmen seek probe into PA us... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Scammers steal IRS refunds with ease - Miami-Dade -

Gun Issue Represents Tough Politics For Obama | Fox News

Death of a currency as eurogeddon approaches - Telegraph

'Iran CIA agent arrests linked t... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

A teen finds out what can happen when private photos go public - Miami-Dade -

Not Photoshopped: Beam of Light Shines on Fallen Soldier’s Miracle Dog - ABC News

Political Fundamentalists—A Grave Threat to World Liberty

Obama, the Provable Nothing

ATF and DOJ Break the Law

The Time of Unions has Come and Gone

Green Energy Is Awash in Red Ink

The Threat of a Global Financial Collapse

Sharpton Promo: GOP Have Pie All Over Their Faces

Democrat Racism

What Happens When Commander-in-Chief Abandons Post?

Climate Realpolitik: Durban & The New Wait-And-See Diplomacy

The War on Police

Calling things by their proper names

Conservatism 101 for those not paying attention

Senators to Obama, DHS: Stop ignoring illegal alien sanctuaries

Let the REAL revolutionary power flow through our country

London Jeweler has Business Wiped out by Loan Sharks | Jason Shifrin | Video |

Video Appears to Show Cairo Mob Assaulting Female Journalist Caroline Sinz | Video |

Churches Debate Over Traditional vs. Contemporary Music | Video |

Tackled Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Melissa Kellerman Forced Off Twitter? | Jason Witten Cheerleader Tackle | Video |

Police: First-Class Passenger Grant Smith Arrested for Looking at Child Porn During Delta Flight |

‘Frosty the Snowman’ Accused of Assaulting Police Dog, Officer During Parade |

Three Face Prison Time Over $1 Million Toilet Paper Scam in Florida |

AP: ‘How Did Black Friday Devolve Into This?’ |

British Foreign Office: Prepare for Riots if the Euro Collapses | Video |

Report: Man Collapses and Dies on Black Friday, Unfazed Shoppers Step Over His Body | Video |

Man Arrested for Threatening Nikki Haley’s Life Was An Occupy Wall Street Sympathizer | Video |

Anthony Weiner with Mustache and Wife on Black Friday |

Obama Family Visits Bookstore on Small Business Saturday | Video |

‘One Day We Shall Kill All the Jews’: Muslim Brotherhood Holds Hateful Rally at Cairo Mosque |

Arizona Gov. Candidate Found Homeless in Ukraine, Scammed Online | Cary Dolego | Video |

New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson Considers to Run as a Libertarian |

Chris Matthews: The National Media ‘Leans a Little to the Left’ | Video |

Dallas Cowboys Jason Witten Tackles Cheerleader Melissa Kellerman | Video |

Fetuses as Zombies? ‘The Walking Dead’ Takes on the Abortion Debate

‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ author Mitch Albom: Seeking More ‘Faith and Redemption’ on the Small Screen

What Shoulda Won? 1999 Academy Awards

‘Mysterious Island’ Blu-ray Review: Harryhausen’s Magic Still Delights

‘Breaking Dawn’ Provides a Conservative Role Model for Young Women

New Hampshire’s Union Leader Endorses Gingrich for GOP Nomination

Sherrod Brown’s Shameful Mediscare Routine

Bold Leadership Versus Political Parasites

Fed Warns Unemployment May Double Great Depression

Occupy Black Friday Protesters Hand Out ‘CUM-sumer Whores’ Fliers to Walmart Shoppers (Video)

Vulnerable Lawmakers Rush to Back Bill Banning Insider Trading

Occupying Seven Deadly Sins

The Silence Of The Mainstream Media

Piers Morgan Amazed Sarah Palin Hasn’t Called to Apologize To Gabby Giffords

Sound Bite For The Day: Chris Matthews Admits Media Is Left-Leaning

Obama and Matthews Tango on Hardball

The Mob And Media War On Police

Frank Rich: Obama’s Just Like JFK Because JFK Was Killed With Hate

Half of Afghanistan Switching to Local Control, Karzai Announces

Pakistan Shuts Off NATO Supply Routes Following Attack

Ganjgal Travesty: Politically Correct Rules of Engagement Led to Soldiers’ Deaths

Calling Things by Their Proper Names

Catholic liturgy changes for first time in 40 years

US to investigate deadly NATO airstrike

American student arrested in Egypt recalls threats in detention

More Ethiopian troops seen in central Somalia: residents

Wisconsin governor campaigning early to keep job

Doris Day still sings at 87, offers fans "My Heart"

Yemen names opposition leader Basindwa as premier

Pa. exhibit showcases legendary black photographer

Chelsea Handler brings back "After Lately"

Egypt's military ruler warns crisis must end

Italy's Monti in austerity race as market pressure grows

SWAT team's shooting of Marine causes outrage

Twitter the medium of revolution in the Arab world

Most Palestinians approve Schalit deal, poll says

China eyes western infrastructure

Arab League approves wide economic sanctions on Syria

Iran's parliament votes to expel British ambassador

Putin accuses foreigners of funding opposition

Norquist says Gingrich, Romney good on taxes, could win his support - The Hill's Video

Welcome to the first 'Twitter election' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Iraqi president says country still needs Americans


The National Right To Work Committee(



**News Videos:Newt Scores Huge NH Endorsement; ‘We Need a Candidate That Is Bold In His Leadership’

MSNBC Proclaims: Taxes Too Low In America

Newt Mocks Obama: I’ll Let Him ‘Use A Teleprompter’ During Debates

Krauthammer Slams Nina Totenberg: ‘I’m in the Middle of a Sentence’

Dana Perino Defends Obama For Leaving God Out Of Thanksgiving Message

US Students Jailed In Egypt Start Journey Home

Floating Christmas Tree Shines in Rio

Ice Sculptors Create Nativity Scene

NATO Attack Allegedly Kills 24 Pakistani Troops

26th/True Colors: #Occupy Protester Threatens SC Gov’s Life

White House Changes Tone On Egypt

#OccupySF Shuts Down Apple Store On Black Friday

Pakistan Blocks NATO Supply Lines After Deadly Air-Strike

Mission To Mars: NASA Launches Super-size Rover To Red Planet

#OccupyIndy Uses Homeless As Props To Prolong Demonstration

25th/#OccupyLA Told To Vacate Park By End Of Month

Matthews: National Media ‘Leans A Little To The Left’

#OccuFail: ‘Occupy Black Friday’ Accomplishes Nothing

Video Proof: UC Davis Protesters Were Warned Before Pepper Spray Incident

Soldier: Removing Cross From Army Chapel Is Attack On Christianity

Now They’re Grateful? #OccupyWallStreet Celebrates Thanksgiving At Zuccotti Park

White House Christmas Tree Arrives

Shoppers Riot Over $2 Waffle Maker

Black Friday Shopper’s Rage: Pepper Spray Attack At WalMart

Thankful To Whom? Obama Omits God From Thanksgiving Message

Egypt’s Military Says No Vote Postponement

NASA Preps For Mars Mission

Giffords Serves Thanksgiving Meal

Arab Spring: Egyptian Protesters Attack Woman In Tahrir Square

‘Idol’ Champ McCreery’s Lip-Sync Fail At Macy’s Parade

NBC Apologizes To Michele Bachmann For ‘Disrespectful’ Jimmy Fallon Song

24th/Happy Thanksgiving

Only In San Francisco: A Lemur Thanksgiving

BreitbartTV’s Larry O’Connor Awards ‘Political Turkeys Of The Year’ On Fox And Friends

23rd/Company Policy: Not Hiring Until Obama Gone

Loesch: Newt’s Immigration Stance Could Be His ‘Perry/Heartless’ Moment

Bachmann Demands NBC Apology: ‘This Wouldn’t Have Been Tolerated If It Had Been Michelle Obama’

CNN’s ‘Fact Check’ Segment Full Of Opinion

‘Save Us Chuck!’: Woolery On Budget Cuts

Police Search For Teens Who Raided 7-11 Near DC

Report: Paterno Fought University Over Player Punishment

22nd/Dennis Miller Teases Pal Jay Leno For ‘Bromance’ With Obama

More Than 90 Seconds: Ron Paul Has His Say

21st/Rep King: Expect More ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorists; ‘This Is Why I Started Radicalization Hearings’


27-Nov-11 World View

26-Nov-11 World View

25-Nov-11 World View

24-Nov-11 World View


PART 1: The Journey to Jekyll Island

PART 2: The Name of the Game is Bailout

PART 3: Protectors of the Public

PART 4: Home, Sweet Loan

PART 5: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

PART 6: Building the New World Order

PART 7: The Barbaric Metal

PART 8: Fool's Gold

PART 9: The Secret Science

PART 10: The Mandrake Mechanism

PART 11: The Rothschild Formula

PART 12: Sink the Lusitania!

PART 13: Masquerade in Moscow

PART 14: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

PART 15: The Lost Treasure Map

PART 16: The Creature Comes to America

PART 17: A Den of Vipers

PART 18: Loaves and Fishes and Civil War

PART 19: Greenbacks and Other Crimes

PART 20: The London Connection

PART 21: Competition is a Sin

PART 22: The Creature Swallows Congress

PART 23: The Great Duck Dinner


From Alexandria To Zuccotti Park: They've Been Destroying Books For 2,000 Years

Still Unpopular, Mayor Villaraigosa Announces Eviction Deadline for #OccupyLA

Updated: The Shocking Truth About Naomi Wolf's Factless Assertions

Stephen Moore Calls Unemployment Insurance 'Essentially a Welfare Benefit'

#OccupySeattle Protester Who Claimed Miscarriage Has Dubious History With The Truth

Joe Lieberman Wants Google To Provide Button To Flag Terrorist Activity on Blogger

Eric Bolling Brings on Tea Partier to Mock #OWS for Wanting to Boycott Big Chain Stores on Black Friday

New Study Finds We're Excreting Lots of BPA From Canned Foods

NYT: 'Support Is Building' For Plans To Replace Medicare With Voucher System

Oregon Governor Declares Moratorium On The Death Penalty

+The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: The Annual Thanksgiving Episode with Your Letters

Former Bush Education Official: Reform Movement A Campaign To Privatize As Many Schools As Possible

Chris Hayes Slams CNN for Allowing Torture Advocate David Addington to Ask Questions at GOP Debate

Kids, Beware. Tweeted Truth About Sam Brownback Gets You Sent To The Principal's Office

Andrew Sullivan Wonders Just How Many More Groups Republicans Can Alienate and Still Win Elections

Iron Workers and Painters Rally for Increased Infrastructure Spending

Sen. Pat Toomey: Super Committee Dems Weren't Reasonable

Climate Change May Make Insect-Borne Diseases Harder to Control: Scientific American

The Obama Hate Machine Hits An Absurd New Low Over Thanksgiving Speech

Co-dependent Republicans enable Obama

'Iran prepping al-Qaida for attacks'

Backlash against Obama's rifle ban to target Congress

No joke! ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles

Backlash against Obama's rifle ban to target Congress

Obama named among '25 least influential people alive'

Bachmann renews attack on Gingrich over immigration

Accident jolts paralympic cyclist back to her feet

Britain's monstrous past: Human sacrifice, cannibalism, zombies

Fish story: Humans catching deep-sea tuna 42,000 years ago

Study: Men stare at breasts, women at wedding rings

Man named world's most-pierced

Memo to Gingrich: 'Red card' is path to amnesty

Muslim immigration is biggest threat

Addicts looters of U.S. archaeological sites

Hotel staff 'celebrated' after Strauss-Kahn's arrest

Vatican's chief exorcist: Yoga is work of the devil

Focusing on Jewish story of New Testament

'Heaven is for Real' spawns spinoff

Megachurch bubble collapsing soon?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*27 Nov.

American Minute for November 27th

November 27th in History

Today in History: November 27

This Day in History for 27th November

November 27th This Day in History

November 27 Events in History

Today in History: November 27

Today in History for November 27th - YouTube


World Crisis Radio 11-26-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 11-26-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-26-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-26-11 Hr 2

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