A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 November 2011

26 NOV.






Newt Gingrich: "I Am Not For Amnesty"
Anita Perry On Urging Rick To Run: "Right Decision" And "We'd Do It Again"
Kucinich: Occupy Wall Street An "Authentic Expression" Of Concern


25 NOV.

Krauthammer: GOP Candidates' Foreign Policy Positions Are Similar
Chris Matthews: Left-Leaning Media Could "Smash" Romney
Whoopi Goldberg On Michele Bachmann: "She's Not Presidential Material"


24 NOV.

Obama's Thanksgiving Message: We Can "Overcome" Challenges
Rep. Adams Gives GOP's Thanksgiving Message On Entrepreneurship
UC Davis Occupy Protester Admits Police Were Provoked In Pepper Spray Incident
MSNBC's Ed: Pepper Spray Incident Is Like The Rodney King Beating
Lawrence O'Donnell: Romney Is A "Pathological Liar"
Schoen: Obama Has No Answer On Creating Jobs
Dionne: I Hope The MSM Calls Out The Candidates When They Lie


Miami-protest spokesman led 'Nuke Israel' rally

Did you buy and/or eat an Islamic Butterball? - National evangelical |

Campaign In 100 Seconds: Romney’s Contextual Harassment (VIDEO) | TPM2012

Muslim immigration is biggest threat

Occupy Plymouth Rock!

Thanksgiving and the welfare state

Hey, occupiers: Wealth isn't a civil right

Time to end the Postal Service

What if the Constitution no longer applied?

The supercommittee farce

Is GOP planning to 'throw the fight' in 2012?

Republicans put loyalty to Norquist over country

Why tolerate Afghanistan's ingratitude?

A column for those who think and pray

Giving thanks for the chaos

Muslim immigration is biggest threat

Genuine imitations

The greedy wolf at America's door

Thankful for American exceptionalism

Memo to Gingrich: 'Red card' is path to amnesty

Bonhoeffer in Harlem

Miami-protest spokesman led 'Nuke Israel' rally

Who's behind '99 percenters'? Ad company for Pepsi, Ford ...

Pressure rises in challenge to ballot listing for Obama

Campaign warns of danger to kids in schools!

Fight escalates over city's demand to enter private home

'Don't trust Supremes with Obamacare'

Perversion of justice

Civil rights and civil wrongs


Illinois Appellate Court ruling slams challenge to Internet anonymity - Chicago Homeland Security |


Yellow Pages Online ( -YELLOWPAGES.COM

Yellow Pages by

WhitePages -


Chicago Zip Code Map /

Chicago Zip Codes and more...


Pakistani woman murders, attempts to cook husband

Suspect in woman's disappearance in Aruba to go free

Thanksgiving drowsiness? Don't blame the turkey

Vatican's chief exorcist: Yoga is work of the devil

Welcome to the Congo, rape capital of the world

Pork-flavored meat a new hit in Israel?

Scientists find secret of limb regeneration

Fish story: Humans catching deep-sea tuna 42,000 years ago

Sometimes what matters most is having last word

Octopus crawls out of water, walks on land

New bizarre condition: Texting while sleeping

Hackers got our water, what's next?

Please don't fondle the centerpieces

Woman buys turkey with 2007 expiration date

Is mystery of Dead Sea Scrolls solved?

Ancient coins found under Jerusalem's Western Wall

Bieber on mama drama: 'I can smell a weasel'

Sony wants Steve Jobs movie

FBI's history laced with homosexuality

Eastwood's 'J. Edgar' parrots left-wing lies

What happened to the tea party?

A Free Press for A Free People

The Republican most likely to re-elect Obama

Why Obama may be eyeing Hillary for his vice president

Bye Bye Biden? -

'Don't trust Supremes with Obamacare'

Sam's Club yanks 'Bible' from its shelves

Newt Gingrich: Free-trade Kool-Aid drinker

U.S. News - Black Friday violence: 2 shot in armed robberies, 15 others pepper-sprayed

Bottom Line - Off-duty police pepper spray NC shoppers

Wal-Mart pepper-spraying: LAPD releases description of suspect -

Mobile networks told to ban 'Jesus Christ' from airwave

TURKEY Erdogan's religious acrobatics: Nicaea council church back to being a mosque - Asia News

Miami-protest spokesman led 'Nuke Israel' rally

Christians confront "Occupy" attack on Scott Lively

Who's behind '99 percenters'? Ad company for Pepsi, Ford ...

Climate Change: UN Extreme Weather Report Triggers Storm of Protest - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

CO2 may not warm the planet as much as thought - environment - 24 November 2011 - New Scientist

UN Environment Chief: 'Climate Policy is Neither Futile Nor Defeated' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Pressure rises in challenge to ballot listing for Obama

Anger grows as Hosni Mubarak-era PM gets his job back - International -

Egypt Military and Protesters Dig In for Tahrir Square Standoff -

TV journalist: I was sexually assaulted in Cairo - Israel News, Ynetnews

Gaddafi son must have gangrenous fingers amputated or face serious illness, says doctor who has seen him | Mail Online

'LAF will fight against Israel in next conflict' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Iran's Khamenei presents war scenarios - Israel News, Ynetnews

Activists expose Girl Scouts link to Planned Parenthood

Sharia favours the rich, claim Nigerian rights activists - Nigeria - report - RFI


** Freedom of Knowledge; The Power of Thought


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


'World fears US as a war-hungry drunk' - ex-Senator - YouTube

Occupy Thanksgiving: A Message of Hope, Redemption, and Dada - YouTube

License plate readers: A useful tool for police comes with privacy concerns - The Washington Post

America: Dumbed down, Doped up, and Distracted - YouTube

Twilight birthing scene triggers wave of seizures in cinemas across the US | Mail Online

Death of a currency as eurogeddon approaches - Telegraph

Ms. Clark to you - Over $2 waffle makers lol - Twitvid


People are Angry Cairo 25 Nov - Citizen Report - YouTube

Democrats on Iraq + WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) - YouTube

Pal Journalist - Israel & Saudi Hidden Hands - YouTube

India Talent Show - Warriors of Goja AMAZING - YouTube - Joe Paterno & Louis Freeh Linked to Opus Dei

Stonehenge founding pushed back 500 years

Thomas Rustici talks to Alasdair Macleod about the Fed and Gold

Black Friday 2011: The Violence Continues | Bargains/Deals | Smart Spending | Mainstreet

Cops bust open face of Black Friday grandpa (VIDEO) — RT

Rense & Devvy - The Folly of War With Iran - YouTube

Rense & Jonathan Emord - FDA Wars On Medical Apps - YouTube

Rense & Marti Oakley - Total Surveillance, Total Control - YouTube

Rense & Marti Oakley - Total Surveillance, Total Control, Pt 2 - YouTube

Activist Post: Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs are No Longer Conspiracy Theories

Russian newsreader fired after Obama middle finger insult - Telegraph

What a turkey! Obama leaves God out of Thanksgiving address | Mail Online

Court defendant blames stolen goods in his basement on a ghost | Mail Online

Treating Cancer With Ozone, Oxygen & Hydrogen Peroxide (I)

The Hermit Crabs of Leviathan. Reflections in a Petri Dish

University of Michigan News Service | Insect cyborgs may become first responders, search and monitor hazardous environs

Germany unmoved by French pleas for more ECB action - Telegraph

Weary of Black Friday, some plan to shop local on Saturday – This Just In - Blogs

17 Quotes About The Coming Global Financial Collapse That Will Make Your Hair Stand Up -

The Game Is About Done in [Market-Ticker]

Bibi's conspiracy of silence - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

‘They Found Nothing. Nothing.’

Time's Fareed Zakaria - An intellectually Credentialed Illiterate

Mexican group asks ICC to probe president, officials | Reuters

Air Pollution Loophole Challenge

Second leak of climate emails: Political giants weigh in on bias, scientists bowing to financial pressure from sponsors | Mail Online

Battery fires prompt govt probe of Chevy Volt - Business - Autos -

14000 Abandoned Wind Turbines In The USA « Tory Aardvark

Happy Corporate Holidays, America! | Farm Wars

Petition to pepper-spray Fox News — RT

'Brinicle' forms beneath the sea and kills everything in its path | Mail Online

University of Michigan News Service | 'Perfect black' coating can render a 3D object flat, raises intriguing dark veil possibility in astronomy

Are the poor really getting poorer? | The Right Scoop

Warren Buffett May Have Been Involved in the Congressional Insider Trading Scandal | Video |

OpEdNews - Podcast: Pepper Spray Developer and Expert Witness: UC Davis Police, if Civilian Would Be Arrested, Charged with Using Deadly Weapon

Samsung unveils lightbulbs which last for 36 years | Mail Online

Scientists discover secret of limb regeneration: It's a genetic trick using acid from vitamin A | Mail Online

Chris Busby on how mobile phones cause cancer - YouTube

Another New York Bomb Plot - Real Or Fake?

Mexico acknowledges 2nd Mayan reference to 2012 | World news | The Guardian

Occult rock: the path of darkness | Music | The Guardian

Frank Miller and the rise of cryptofascist Hollywood | Culture | The Guardian


Twitvid -

Terrible Truth(


This just in: Barack Obama (aka Bâri’ M. Shabazz) is “the biological son of Malcolm X” | Among the Truthers

Bâri′ M. Shabazz – Barack Obama’s Identity At Birth

Barack Obama Accused By Two Men of Inappropriate Gay Behavior at Havard « The Obama Hustle

Now that Newt Gingrich is leading the GOP pack … | Among the Truthers

Finally, a conspiracy theory that alleges that a *Republican* is the anti-Christ | Among the Truthers

Latest Obama controversy: Who's ID'd as organ donor

Political Baggage: Establishment & Media Manipulation — Emerging Corruption

The Biggest Entitlement of All — Emerging Corruption

Bloody History Of Communism

The Cloward-Piven Strategy – The Progressive Left’s Long-Term Plan is Now Collapsing Our Economy| The Post & Email

Ron Paul, Alex Jones, and anti-Semitism | Among the Truthers

Jonathan Kay on “Anonymous,” and the Freudian roots of Shakespeare conspiracy theories | Among the Truthers




The Looking Spoon: Conservative Humor(

Story Reports(

Among the Truthers(

*26&25 Nov.

American Minute for November 26th

American Minute for November 25th

Today in History: November 26

Today in History: November 25

November 26 Events in History

November 25 Events in History

November 26th This Day in History

November 25th This Day in History

This Day in History for 26th November

This Day in History for 25th November

Today in History: November 26

Today in History: November 25

November 26th in History

November 25th in History

Today in History for November 26th - YouTube

Today in History for November 25th - YouTube


Senate To Vote On Legislation That Allows U.S. Military to Detain Americans Without Charge or Trial -

S. 1253 will allow indefinite military detention of American civilians without charge or trial | End the Lie - Independent News

Bill Summary & Status 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) S.1253

Text of Legislation - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)


How to Start a (Wall Street-backed) Revolution Documentary Whitewashes Wall Street's Global Blitzkrieg -

A New World Order Out of Chaos (News Page)

Lieberman Wants Google To Let Users Flag ‘Terrorist Content’ On Blogging Platform | TPMMuckraker

Rebel army calls for air strikes on Syria - Economic Times

Antifascist Calling...: Target Iran: Washington's Countdown to War

Chavez Price Caps Spark Panic Buying of Coffee, Toilet Paper - Businessweek

The Truth About Republicans by..George Carlin. - YouTube

Hollywood Actors To Visit Israel On A Trip Co-Sponsored By AIPAC | My Catbird Seat

Climategate scientists DID collude with government officials to hide research that didn't fit their apocalyptic global warming by Rob Waugh | Climate Realists

Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate - Forbes


WikiLeaks -

Cryptome -


Seth's Blog » Blog Archive » Climategate 2.0: How To Tell When an Expert Exaggerates

Climategate 2: feeding the public “crap” | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Activist Post: How to Start a (Wall Street-backed) Revolution

Activist Post: Bankers Have Seized Europe: Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over

poorrichards blog: 9 Final Ways The Bankster Occupied U.S. Government Is Waging War Against America

Activist Post: Congress Conspires with "Fed" Banksters to Create Endless Interest-Bearing Debt

SR 31 World Revolution??? - YouTube

Police Brutality - Black Friday 2011 - YouTube

Officials: NATO choppers kill Pakistani troops - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan -

LA mayor tells defiant ‘Occupy’ demonstrators to go | The Raw Story

Leaked UN report reveals torture, lynchings and abuse in post-Gaddafi Libya - Africa - World - The Independent

The Under-Examined Story of Fallujah by Hannah Gurman --

Warplanes: F-22s Gobble Up More Billions

France raises issue of Syrian intervention | StratRisks

Iran general threatens retaliation against Israel nuclear sites - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The boys who cry “Holocaust” -


Who Knew The Zeitgeist Movement/Venus Project Imploded A Few Months Ago? - informationliberation


The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement Split - YouTube


*1:04:07/Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement split - YouTube


The Venus Project(


Heroic School 'Resource Officer' Takes Down Five-Year-Old Boy - informationliberation

Driven By Drug War Incentives, Cops Target Pot Smokers, Brush Off Victims Of Violent Crime

Police gone wild with pepper spray at Walmart - informationliberation

Putting Bureaucracy First: Rachel Maddow's Progressivism - informationliberation

Spoiled Rotten -- A Timeless Complaint - informationliberation

Louis Freeh, Former FBI Director, Appointed Trustee In MF Global Bankruptcy Case

Heart patients prefer longevity over quality of life | The Raw Story

Safeway fires guard for banning 4-year-old girl | The Raw Story

Supreme Court to decide whether lawsuits require harm | The Raw Story

CIA Arrests Shed New Light on Covert US-Iran War

Ask the Candidates Real Questions – Like These

Why Police Are Treating Americans Like Military Threats

Groundbreaking Research Looks at How Blasts Injure Brain

Mexican Group Asks ICC to Probe President: Officials

Showdown at Neocon Central by Justin Raimondo --

CIA Follies Put Agents at Risk by Philip Giraldi --

Immunise or lose benefits, parents told - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Egyptian military using 'more dangerous' teargas on Tahrir Square protesters | World news | The Guardian

Bird Flu Research Rattles Bioterrorism Field : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Apple iTunes flaw 'allowed government spying for 3 years' - Telegraph

'RoboCop' guards to patrol South Korean prisons - Telegraph

The Surveillance Catalog - The Wall Street Journal

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Obama Expresses Empathy With Occupy Protesters--After They Heckle Him

Mayor: Occupy LA Must Leave City Hall Camp Monday

Subsidized 'Artists' Colony' Yet Another Example of Spending Run Amok

NASA Launches Super-Size Mars Rover to Red Planet

Gunfire Erupts at NC Mall As Early Shoppers Arrive

Perry: Communist China ‘Destined for the Ash Heap of History’ – 35,000 Abortions Every Day There

Former Sen. Arlen Specter Developing Pilot for Sunday Morning Show on Public Television

Conservatives to Washington: End Your ‘Drunken Spending Spree’

Tom Wicker--NY Times Writer Who Covered JFK Assassination Dies

Central America, Cyber-Security and Electromagnetic Pulse Attack Identified As Overlooked National Security Threats |

Corporations Are Patenting Human Genes and Tissues -- Here's Why That's Terrifying

Can Killer Drones Be Turned on America? 50 Countries Are Trying to Get Their Hands on Military Drone Technology -- What Will They Do With It?

7 Things Fox Viewers Are Wildly Misinformed About

OWS and the Power of Creative Protest

The Fascinating History of How Corporations Became "People" -- Thanks to Corrupt Courts Working for the 1%

Why Are People Still Afraid of Atheism?


Does Smaller Government Create More Jobs?

Thanksgiving and Undocumented Farm Workers


Preparing the Chessboard for the "Clash of Civilizations": Divide, Conquer and Rule the "New Middle East"

Media Lies Used to Provide a Pretext for Another "Humanitarian War": Protest in Syria: Who Counts the Dead?

War and the Cradle of Civilization: Spinning "Humanitarian Invasions", from The Nile to The Euphrates and Beyond

Citizens' Initiative to Ban Chemtrails

Arab State Urges Citizens To Leave Syria

Did the US Co-opt OWS in Order to Legitimize Egypt's Flawed Elections?

VIDEO: Imperialism and the 99% Solution

Prelude to All Out War: Specter of no-fly zone darkens Syrian skies

Where Have All The China Hawks Gone? | Danger Room |

Bush, Blair Found Guilty of War Crimes

U.S. And French Air Strikes Raise Human Toll in Somalia

Libya Leaders Supported by "Money, Arms, PR"- Ex-premier

+Video Documentary/Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair (1988)

The Roads To War And Economic Collapse

The First Amendment Upside Down. Why We Must Occupy Democracy

Philippines say arrested hackers funded by Saudi group | Reuters

BBC News - Robotic prison wardens to patrol South Korean prison

Egyptians Clash Ahead of Elections

Venezuela Receives First Repatriated Gold Shipment

Africa’s Growing Number of Stock Exchanges Face Challenges

'Do Nothing' Option for US Deficit Reduction Explored

Miku Hatsune: Virtual Idol

US Supreme Court Could Soon Allow Police To Monitor the Movements of Smartphone Users Without a Warrant

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

UN Investigator Calls On N. Korea to Improve Human Rights

N Korea harvest; nutrition concerns persist – UN report

Obama Policies Endanger World, Could Propel Mideast War, Gaffney Tells Newsmax

Turner: Obama Must Keep Military Options on Iran

Rep. Allen West Says Defense Cuts Would Send 'Horrible Message'

Watchdog Engelbrecht: Voter ID Charge Ludicrous

Thomas, Kagan Asked to Sit Out Healthcare Case

Gingrich: Romney Backs Amnesty for Illegals

Gingrich Tells Newsmax: No Amnesty, No Citizenship

Dominos Founder to Start Burger Delivery Service

Ohio Political Map In Limbo

Pundit: Ron Paul Could Take Iowa

Corzine Expected to Testify at House Hearing

Buying Wireless Gadgets for Kids? Beware of Radiation Dangers

Study: Vitamin D Prevents Heart Deaths

Canned Soup Sends BPA Levels Soaring

Public Sees Members of Congress As Fools or Knaves

Be Thankful for our Founding Fathers' Foresight

Benefits of Bromelain Enzyme

What Kind of American Accent Do You Have? by Xavier Kun

I Am Forever Changed | Mark's Daily Apple

Paul vs. Gingrich on Patriot Act, Liberty, and Security by Mac Slavo

Paul Vs. Gingrich on Patriot Act, Liberty and Security - YouTube

There is a second Mayan reference to apocalypse in 2012, Mexico archaeologists admit | Mail Online


+Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 25, 2011


+Podcast Show #68;The Boiling Frogs Presents James Corbett

The Week In Alternative News 18 - YouTube

Activist Post: Belarus Strikes Head of US Color Revolution Snake

Activist Post: Congress Conspires with "Fed" Banksters to Create Endless Interest-Bearing Debt

Nigel Farage- Unelected puppets of a German-dominated EU (Cavuto, Fox News) - YouTube

Activist Post: Egyptian Protesters: US Stooge "ElBaradei for President"

Activist Post: US asks for speedy transfer of power in Egypt

Activist Post: Too Much Low Dose Tylenol Deadlier than Massive Overdose

The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free |

PressTV - UK extremely worried about stolen nukes

In Aftermath of Financial Crisis, Who's Being Held Responsible? - YouTube

Obama to be just at fan at this basketball game

Obama Plays Golf for the 30th Time This Year | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Pakistan stops NATO supplies after raid kills up to 28 | Reuters

US Stocks: Dow, S&P Log Worst Thanksgiving Week Since 1932 - US Business News - CNBC

Whoopi Goldberg On Michele Bachmann: "She's Not Presidential Material" | RealClearPolitics

UPDATE: Man Dies on Black Friday; Shoppers Unfa - Flash Player Installation

‘Meow’trage at Algonquin -

Former world's fattest man begs for NHS operation to remove folds of skin after losing 40 STONE | Mail Online

Occupy Organizers in Indianapolis Recruit the Homeless to Keep Protests Going | Fox News Insider

GQ thinks Ed Schultz is one of ‘The Least Influential People Alive’ - TVNewser

Blago Attorneys Want Off-Limits Tapes Heard | NBC Chicago

BBC News - Russian backlash over Putin booing denial

My Way News - Mubarak-era premier picked to lead Egypt's Cabinet

8th OUI Charge For East Boston Man With Lifetim - Flash Player Installation

Did Flight 23 have a date with Building 7 on 9/11/2001? | Before It's News

The Explosive That Blew Up Building 7 And The Twin Towers Revealed In New Theory | Before It's News

Source says Barak won't Run in 2012 - Hillary Will and She will WIN!!

Obama's 1960s Connections to Northwestern Univ. Terrorists & Now Present | Before It's News

Proof Obama Is The Love Child Of Malcolm X | Before It's News

Barack O and Malcolm X - Like Father Like Son?

E.L. Rothschild Recently Bought Weather Central | Before It's News

Martha Trowbridge ObamaGate's Deep Throat? | Before It's News

Obama Mom Well and Alive in the US | Before It's News

SHOCK POLL: 50% of Blue Collar Democrats Want Someone Other Than Obama As The 2012 Nominee….. « TD Blog

Responses From New Hampshire State Representatives Defy Their Oaths of Office| The Post & Email

Barack Obama 1991 TBS Black History Minute - YouTube

PJ Media » What Else Is Wrong with Obamacare?

Giant, Dinosaur-Age Islands Found in Deep Sea?

Is Russia Preparing to Attack United States? | Before It's News

A Lawsuit Was Filed November 23rd That Could End The Secret Government That Has Ruled Western Civilization For At Least The Past 300 Years | Before It's News

Why Are So Many People Gathering to Hear David Icke? | Before It's News

Strange Area-51: New Top Secrets | Before It's News

Strange AREA-51 New Top Secrets !!! - YouTube

Quarantining Parts Of America - It's Real - YouTube

How To Foil The Plan Of A Cyberbully | Before It's News

War Criminals And 9/11 Opportunist Exposed On Vandalized Billboard | Before It's News

Radical Vertical Chessboard | Before It's News

10 Outlandish Things the 'Scientific' Controllers have in mind for you..... | Before It's News

Charleston Voice: Wanted: Owners of Six Tons of Gold Left in Historic Armenia

Woman gets 100 silicone injections to have the world’s biggest lips | Before It's News


HAARP Secrets Revealed(1 of 5)Dr. Nick Begich - YouTube

HAARP Secrets Revealed(2 of 5)Dr. Nick Begich - YouTube

HAARP Secrets Revealed(3 of 5)Dr. Nick Begich - YouTube

HAARP Secrets Revealed(4 of 5)Dr. Nick Begich - YouTube

HAARP Secrets Revealed(5 of 5)Dr. Nick Begich - YouTube

New Bible Versions Are Vatican PerVersions(1 of 3) - YouTube

New Bible Versions Are Vatican PerVersions(2 of 3) - YouTube

New Bible Versions Are Vatican PerVersions(3 of 3) - YouTube


AFSCME Parodies Newt Gingrich's Assault on Child Labor Laws

Abusive Texas Judge Claims Child Abuse Victims Are 'Fantasizers'

Fox News Viewers Less Informed Than Anyone Else? Who Could Have Guessed?

Gingrich: Abolish 'Socialist' Congressional Budget Office

Cliff Schecter Tears Down Mark Williams Talking Points On Obama Foreign Policy

LA's Unpopular Mayor is Trying to Evict #OccupyLA

Alabama's New 'Jim Crow' Immigration Law: Thousands Rally For Repeal

Booga Booga Booga! Beware The Sharia Turkey!!

Megyn Kelly Claims Her Pepper Spray is a 'Food Product, Essentially' Comment Was Taken Out of Context

24th/Labor News and Notes Round-up

Pat Robertson: What Is This 'Mac And Cheese,' Is That A Black Thing?

Wall Street's Nervous Financial Barons

Newt Gingrich on Immigration: Rick Perry Lite?

PBS Newshour: #OccupyDC Protests Show No Sign of Letting Up After Marchers From New York Reach D.C.

Thank You - For the Occupation, For the Intensity, For Lettin' Me Be Myself Again

Competitive Shopper Pepper-Sprays Other Walmart Customers To Grab More Bargains At Black Friday Sale

Mona Eltahawy Describes Her Assault in Egypt

David Brooks Heaps Praise on Mitt Romney for Wanting to Partially Privatize Medicare

Lawrence O'Donnell Rewrites Mitt Romney's Dishonest Campaign Ad

Doug Brinkley on His Dust Up With Alaska 'Corrupt Bastards Club' Member Don Young

Bad Lip Reading: Ron Paul

From Alexandria To Zuccotti Park: They've Been Destroying Books For 2,000 Years

Still Unpopular, Mayor Villaraigosa Announces Eviction Deadline for #OccupyLA

The Shocking Truth About Naomi Wolf's Factless Assertions


*DescribeWebDe.Net - Website Information


Back home in Illinois, Guardsmen look for normalcy -

GW Bush on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

What Really Happened to Strauss-Kahn? by Edward Jay Epstein | The New York Review of Books


*1:26:05/Banned College Lecture! U.S False Education Exposed, Hosea 4:6: My People Die From Lack Of Knowledge - YouTube


Leveson Inquiry: JK Rowling - Press Left Notes Inside My Daughters Schoolbag - YouTube

Leveson Inquiry: JK Rowling & Sienna Miller On Being Press Targets - YouTube

Troll Claims Responsibility For Taking Down MOX News Channels! - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Now is the Time to Realize More Than Ever, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is is Not Just for Our Liberty, But Our Very Survival

Surreal WW3 “Modern Warfare” Programming :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Do We Still Have A Constitution?

American's Journey: CIA calling for handouts?

poorrichards blog: Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window

French Bloodthirst: Sarkozy wants Syria - YouTube

Libya’s New Regime May Attack Syria -- News from

poorrichards blog: Thousands of Jordanians, Egyptians rally in support of Jerusalem

Susan Lindauer: Bush, Cheney, Israel, 911 And The Jewish Question. | Video Rebel's Blog

poorrichards blog: Russia Arms Syria With Missiles To Defend Against NATO Attack

Activist Post: Apologizing for State-Sponsored Violence

Lone Star Watchdog: It is Time for State Governments to Recall US Senators and Members of Congress Back to be Accountable.


Empires Not Built For ‘Small People’, Built By ‘Small People’ | Veterans Today

Second leak of climate emails: Political giants weigh in on bias, scientists bowing to financial pressure from sponsors | Mail Online

Defender of the Faith | Standpoint

BOOK REVIEW: 'Throw Them All Out' - Washington Times

Literary Review -

The Best Writing on Mathematics 2011 | New York Journal of Books

Egypt's Revolution Continues

Will World War III be between the U.S. and China? | Mail Online

The GOP Candidates Want Never-Ending War on Terror - The Daily Beast

Top Ten Reasons Why The Euro Was A Dumb Idea - Worldcrunch - All News is Global

Margaret Thatcher knew that capitalism must deliver for the masses - Telegraph

Angela Merkel and the euro: The new iron chancellor | The Economist

Fyodor Lukyanov "The Russian-Georgian war as a turning point. " / Russia in Global Affairs

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -New Opinion: The cleaning after the revolution

Could e-books be a game-changer for 2012 Presidential candidates? — Tech News and Analysis

Can T-Mobile Survive Without AT&T?

With Siri, technology finds its voice | Macworld

Golden Gobblers 2011: The Biggest Birdbrains in Tech | PCWorld

Beyond Groupon: Daily Deals Evolve, New Competitors Emerge - US Business News - CNBC

The Brotherhood of the Frozen Chosin

China rewrites history of Korean War - Telegraph

Dan White's Motive More About Betrayal Than Homophobia - Page 1 - News - San Francisco - SF Weekly

Baby Face Nelson: Childlike Mug, Psychopathic Soul — Chicago Gutters — Crime Library on

Maui History

In climate talks West would redefine rich and poor

Surprising pathway implicated in stuttering | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

Last big chill suggests lower climate impact of carbon

Good Science Always Has Political Ramifications: Scientific American

Darpa: Do Away With Antibiotics, Then Destroy All Pathogens | Danger Room |

Pieces of Einstein's Brain Go On Display For First Time | Albert Einstein's Genius | Mütter Museum and College of Physicians | LiveScience

Cigarettes may be useful for distance runners?!? (or, How to prove anything with a review article) | Obesity Panacea

Cutting Back on Salt: How Low Is Too Low? - - TIME Healthland

Cooking Can Be Surprisingly Forgiving - Science News

Gifts for the mad scientist in us all

Princeton University - Blocked holes can enhance rather than stop light going through, engineers find

Carbon Foam: The Key Ingredient of a Better Battery? | Michigan Tech News

The debt, the future and other parting thoughts for investors -

The euro zone: Is this really the end? | The Economist

Asia Times Online :: Back to 1693

Germany Can't Save The Eurozone | Stocks And Markets |

Mark Steyn: Bailing Out The Titanic With A Thimble - Latest Headlines -

Could Stress Tests Push Economy Back Into Recession? - US Business News - CNBC

The Intelligent Investor: Why Bankers Should Be Grateful for Occupy Wall Street -

Class Warfare Hurts Growth -

Are Rating Firms Getting a Free Pass? - Businessweek

WORLD Magazine;Sharp eyes

Religion: A growing, changing God lobby in D.C. | The Republic

Mitt Romney’s Mormon evolution | The Salt Lake Tribune

Why does religion keep telling us we're bad? | David Lahti | Comment is free |

Her.meneutics: Stop Turning Thanksgiving into a Facebook Like

Vodka ad boasting 'Christmas quality' at 'Hanukkah pricing' to come down amid complaints – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Supreme Court's Antonin Scalia emerges as defender of criminals -

Comment: Let’s Hear from the Spies : The New Yorker

Our Nightline Trip to Afghanistan - ABC News

Surrounded by Surveillance: Is Everything Spying On You? | PCWorld

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Mini-Initiative: Shop "Small" on Saturday

Bye Bye Biden? -

We Are the 99.9% -

Pepper-Spraying Taxpayers - Heather Mac Donald - National Review Online

Crony Capitalism: More Solyndras | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Review & Outlook: The Non-Green Jobs Boom -

Fuel economy: Step on it - Editorials - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - Ted Forstmann, R.I.P.

For Rick Perry, Air Force Service Broadened and Narrowed Life -

Even Obama's cheerleaders are falling away | David Limbaugh | Columnists | Washington Examiner

The Road To 270: Team Obama Maps Out Their Victory Plan | TPM2012

Opinion: A rogue convention? How GOP party rules may surprise in 2012 - Rob Richie and Elise Helgesen -

Our Spending Problem | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - Supercommittee Failure Not Obama's Fault

Fred Siegel: 'The New Tammany Hall' -


Infowars Nightly News : Friday 11-25-11 (Full)

Infowars Nightly News : Thursday 11-24-11 (FULL)

Infowars Nightly News : Wed 11-23-11 (FULL)

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday, November 22,2011 (FULL) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Mon 11-21-11 (FULL) - YouTube


The EU Over All with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - YouTube

*(VIDEOS)Prison » Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control

Prison » Egyptian Protesters: US Stooge “ElBaradei for President”

Prison » Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial

Prison » Cell Phones Are Tracking Devices That Governments, Police, Big Corporations And Stalkers Can Use To Easily Track Your Movements

Prison » War Criminals and 9/11 Opportunist Exposed on Vandalized Billboard

Prison » Why Did The Fed Inject Banks With A Record Amount Of “Other” Cash In The Past Week?

Prison » Congress Conspires with “Fed” Banksters to Create Endless Interest-Bearing Debt

Prison » Grand Canyon Pamphlet Teaches Kids to Report on Their Parents

Prison » Portland, Me., officials consider allowing raw milk sales at farmers markets – as long vendors include official CDC propaganda

Prison » Media Lies Used to Provide a Pretext for Another “Humanitarian War”

'RoboCop' guards to patrol South Korean prisons - Telegraph

Cowardly Trash: Alex Jones Friday Edition - YouTube

Brandon Smith: SPLC Labels Montana Patriots as "Extremist" - YouTube

» Free Syria Army Boss Calls for Airstrikes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The truth behind the new jobless generation - Telegraph

Oil prices rise amid global economic worries - The Washington Post

IAEA Exposed as Israeli Spy Front | Veterans Today


» Goodbye Roll Call, Hello RFIDs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Behold The New Anschluss: ECB's Paramo - "Prepare To Give Up Significant Sovereignty" | ZeroHedge

BBC News - CO2 climate sensitivity 'overestimated' Nigeria: 'FG Will Introduce Pneumonia Vaccine in 2013'

The Canadian National Newspaper: Colorado city bans growing of GMO Crops

‘Twine’ Foreshadows A Future Where All Objects Talk To The Internet | TechCrunch

» Study: Children drink same amount of soda regardless of whether or not it is available at school Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

School soda bans don't cut kids' consumption | Reuters

In Montana, Jesus Statue Is Focus of Legal Battle -

» Religious Lobbying on the Rise Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Democrats counting on Latino voters to maintain power - National Law Enforcement |

» Senators Demand Military Lock Up Americans in “Battlefield” Defined as Outside Your Window Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Officials say plan on al Qaeda detainees would harm probes | Reuters

» US Covert Ops in Iran: Is This Not War? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CIA Boosts Vaccination Conspiracies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Curious Case of United Airlines Flight 23 on 9/11 «

United Flight 23 on 9/11 - YouTube

Will China’s Real Estate Boom Flow to Silver?

TAB: Arab Spring, Ayatollahs and Bad Decisions

Joseph Alan Sanchez: Thankful For the Dreams and Vision of the Constitution

The Green Energy Policy to Relocate the Poor

The Difference Between Us and Them

God’s Job Plan


The Manning Report – 23 November 2011

The Manning Report – 22 November 2011

The Manning Report – 21 November 2011


Former investigators back on Gacy case

A tribute to Maggie Daley - YouTube

As tributes flow, Chicago quietly honors Maggie Daley

Umphrey's McGee wanders through jams at Aragon

Chicago police sued by dead man's family

Web poster's anonymity preserved by appellate decision

Deadly Border Strike Inflames Tensions Between US, Pakistan

Egypt Military Tries to Woo Wider Public to Keep Power

NATO says it is 'highly likely' it killed Pakistani troops - YouTube

Moderate Islamist Party Winning Morocco Election

New Zealand hands John Key a second term

Yemeni vice-president sets snap election date

Putin awaits Russia's presidential nomination

New Clashes as Egypt Prepares for Elections

Blasts kill 15 in Iraq as US troops pull out

Egyptian TV, via AP

Two French citizens were confirmed kidnapped in central Mali Thursday

Financing Green Fund Expected to be a Hot Topic at Climate Change Talks

Activists Slam Mexico's Calderón With War Crimes Complaint

Dominique Strauss-Kahn may have been victim of a plot, writer claims

Suspected al Shabaab rebels raid Kenya police post

India asks Pakistan to act against perpetrators of Mumbai attack 3 years ago

Chief of UN gender entity urges "bold action now" to end violence against women

Mitt Romney still faces a trust deficit with GOP voters

Shootings overshadow US Black Friday shopping bonanza - YouTube

Teddy Roosevelt's NY home set for $6.2M rehab

Reader Poll: Should Ron Paul Run As An Independent?

Marilyn Tavenner: Medicare's new pragmatist-in-chief?

NY Times writer who covered JFK assassination dies

VP Joe Biden to target Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida for 2012

Retailers look to keep Black Friday momentum going

After Black Thursday and Black Friday comes Small Business Saturday

Cyber Monday outlook: big deals, record sales

If You Raise the Price, They'll Still Come

Filipino Police Arrest 4 Suspected AT&T Hackers

Black Friday Is Like Occupy Wall Street

Brazil oil company reports small offshore gas leak

Venezuela begins gold shipments

First, He Blew the Whistle on Olympus. Next, He Wants to Lead Its Comeback.

Black Friday Shoppers turn out in droves for bargins

Wall Street Thrashed in Worst Week in Two Months

AT&T Wants You to 'Make a Case' for an AT&T 4G Phone via Facebook

Google+ Adds Community Guides for Organizations

Buyers should beware on Cyber Monday - YouTube

Singer George Michael Cancels Tour Due to Illness

Updated 'The Dark Knight Rises' Images + Quotes from Christian Bale

Chaz Bono Proposes to Jennifer Elia on Being Chaz

Solar Eclipse Darkens Sun Over Southern Hemisphere

Most liveable alien worlds ranked

Scientists probe Earth's core, make mystifying discovery

Scientists say fish hooks go back 42000 years

Russia's Troubled Mars Probe Highlights Falling Space Debris Hazard

Is this an alien skull? Mystery of giant-headed mummy found in Peru

Researchers propose system to find life elsewhere

Four drugs responsible for majority of ER visits: Study

Artificial pancreas could be 'holy grail' for Type 1 diabetics

WHO gearing up response to puzzling new flu virus

Finding Purpose After Living With Delusion

November is American Diabetes month

Health department calls attention to World AIDS Day

Home births riskier for first-time moms: Study

Half a million Russians queue to see belt of the Virgin Mary - Telegraph

Could a Mouthwash Do Away With Dental Visits? : Discovery News

9 Reasons Wired Readers Should Wear Tinfoil Hats | Threat Level |

Cryptomundo » New Ferret-Badger Confirmed Discovered in Vietnam

Researchers rebuild the brain's circuitry

BBC Nature - 'Brinicle' ice finger of death filmed in Antarctic

Pictures: Amazing Transportation Inventions

Archaeology Research in Egypt Struggles to Restart: Scientific American Environment | How Old Is China's “Area 51”?


Depleted Texas lakes expose ghost towns, graves - US news - Life -

Separating You and Me? 4.74 Degrees -

Ice Mummy May Have Smashed Eye in Fall : Discovery News


Coast To Coast AM - 25.11.2011 - 1/4 - Climategate / Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 25.11.2011 - 2/4 - Climategate / Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 25.11.2011 - 3/4 - Climategate / Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 25.11.2011 - 4/4 - Climategate / Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 23.11.2011 - 1/4 - Apocalypse Not

Coast To Coast AM - 23.11.2011 - 2/4 - Apocalypse Not

Coast To Coast AM - 23.11.2011 - 3/4 - Apocalypse Not

Coast To Coast AM - 23.11.2011 - 4/4 - Apocalypse Not

Coast To Coast AM - 24.11.2011 - 1/4 - GMO Crops/Bigfoot Footage

Coast To Coast AM - 24.11.2011 - 2/4 - GMO Crops/Bigfoot Footage

Coast To Coast AM - 24.11.2011 - 3/4 - GMO Crops/Bigfoot Footage

Coast To Coast AM - 24.11.2011 - 4/4 - GMO Crops/Bigfoot Footage

Coast To Coast AM - 21.11.2011 - 1/4 - JFK Assassination Special IX

Coast To Coast AM - 21.11.2011 - 2/4 - JFK Assassination Special IX

Coast To Coast AM - 21.11.2011 - 3/4 - JFK Assassination Special IX

Coast To Coast AM - 21.11.2011 - 4/4 - JFK Assassination Special IX

Coast To Coast AM - 20.11.2011 - 1/4 - Financial Fraud/Disaster Preparation

Coast To Coast AM - 20.11.2011 - 2/4 - Financial Fraud/Disaster Preparation

Coast To Coast AM - 20.11.2011 - 3/4 - Financial Fraud/Disaster Preparation

Coast To Coast AM - 20.11.2011 - 4/4 - Financial Fraud/Disaster Preparation


The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-23-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-23-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-24-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-24-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-25-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-25-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-26-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-26-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-23-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-23-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-23-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 11-24-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-24-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-24-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 11-25-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-25-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-25-11 Hr 3

Nov. 23, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, November, 23, 2011

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 23rd

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-25-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-24-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-23-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-25, Friday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-24, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-23, Wednesday

11/25 The Mark Levin Show

11/24 The Mark Levin Show

11/23 The Mark Levin Show

Standard Player

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 23rd

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1 23rd

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2 23rd

Paul Drockton Show 1 23rd

Paul Drockton Show 2 23rd


Behind The Black(


Obama's Problematic New Nominee for Top Medicare/Medicaid Post

Obama's Green War Continues

The Best Leaders That Money Can Buy

Boko Haram: New Security Threat for US in Nigeria

The Problem with the Fed's Targeting

Winners, Losers, and the Minimum Wage

The Promise of Yo and the Legacy of Communism

Islamists winning in Morocco after first round of voting

157 Air Force Majors terminated without retirement benefits

Astounding video shows fetal development in detail

'One day, we'll kill all the Jews'

Holder's Dept. of Retribution

The coming eviction of Occupy LA an exercise in groveling

Some things in this world, you just can't explain

Desperate occupiers pay homeless to occupy

How to make an occupier's head explode

Once again, Yemen's Saleh appears to be reneging on deal to leave

We're Not Electing a Messiah

Spending Wars

Republican Senate Prospects in 2012

Conservatism 101 for Those Not Paying Attention

The Stimulus: Jump Starting a Car with No Engine

Obama's Disastrous Energy Record

The Civil War is Over. Let the Battle Flag Be.

Debbie Schlussel:Pot. Kettle. Black: Moron Whoopi Goldberg Calls Bachmann “Bonehead”

Democrat Racism

Explosion of Immigrants

Climate Realpolitik: Durban & The New Wait-And-See Diplomacy

Let the REAL revolutionary power flow through our country

Marx's Surplus Value

Palin supporter still lookin, Newt goes soft on illegals

Gingrich Supported Obamacare in 1993

'Super Committee' fails. Just like it was supposed to.

Thomas Jefferson on Intelligent Design and the Blessings of Liberty

Obama and Matthews Tango on Hardball

The Mob And Media War On Police

Frank Rich: Obama’s Just Like JFK Because JFK Was Killed With Hate

Russian Reporter Who Flipped Obama The Bird Is Pulled

Despite Their Demands For Holder’s Resignation, Candidates Brush Past Fast And Furious At Debate

Why Is JournOlister Ezra Klein Briefing Dem Chiefs Of Staff Behind Closed Doors?

‘Breaking Dawn’ Provides a Conservative Role Model for Young Women

NOW Exploits NBC’s Humiliation of Bachmann to Trash the Right, Rush Limbaugh

Big Hollywood’s 2011 Holiday Shopping Guide – The Home Video Edition

Vulnerable Lawmakers Rush to Back Bill Banning Insider Trading

Occupying Seven Deadly Sins

Trust, Growth and Obama

The First Amendment DOES NOT Protect #OccupyWallStreet

Occupy Wall Street: The Implications on the Bill of Rights

Why Don’t Wholesalers CARE About Four Loko?

Ganjgal Travesty: Politically Correct Rules of Engagement Led to Soldiers’ Deaths

Calling Things by Their Proper Names

“Illegitimate!” Tahrir Square Protesters Reject Cabinet Appointment for Mubarak-Era Pol

Chowing Down in Southeast Asia

Stopping Iran

Romney Versus Gingrich on Jihad and Sharia: A Clear Contrast

Iraqi president says country still needs Americans

CIA marks death of spy with a rare request

Arms smugglers thrive on Syrian uprising | Reuters

Three-quarters want German neo-Nazi party banned: poll

Left-wing organizing kingpin: Tea partiers out-organized Occupy Wall Street

Federal government: Cut a cabinet department? You must be joking -

Republican field crowded and likely to remain so

Charlie Brown beats Lady Gaga in Thanksgiving ratings | Inside TV |

Q Confirmed For Skyfall - Movies News at IGN

Bozell Column: Rewarding Rotten Ricky Gervais |

Welcome to the first 'Twitter election' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

CBS Highlights 'Agonizing' Plight of Illegal Immigrants in Alabama |

GQ thinks Ed Schultz is one of ‘The Least Influential People Alive’ - TVNewser


26-Nov-11 World View

25-Nov-11 World View

24-Nov-11 World View

23-Nov-11 World View

22-Nov-11 World View

21-Nov-11 World View

20-Nov-11 World View


Obama promotes shops on "Small Business Saturday"

Obama pops into bookstore, backs small businesses

Philly museum brings 'Birds of America' to public

Colleges defend humanities amid tight budgets

Ind. student arrested in Egypt coming home quietly

1965 shooting shows pitfalls of closing old cases

Nonprofit aims to save Civil War's 'Kitty Hawk'

Islamist party taking most seats in Morocco poll

Iran threatens to hit Turkey if US, Israel attack

NASA rover launched to see if Mars can sustain life

Palestinian unity efforts stumble despite positive reports

Egypt: protests continue in runup to elections Saturday 26 November 2011

National Party marches back to power in New Zealand

Report: Iran adds 3 more submarines to fleet

Steve Coogan: Leveson inquiry not being 'distorted by celebrities'

Senator requests federal review of $433-million contract for smallpox drug - Los Angeles Times

Villaraigosa announces impending shutdown of Occupy L.A. camp -

'Muslim preacher', 60, jailed over assault on children at mosque that was secretly filmed | Mail Online

Seven charged with smuggling after 9 tons of pot are seized -

Gun Issue Represents Tough Politics For Obama | Fox News

'Iran CIA agent arrests linked t... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Advertisers fleeing 'All-American Muslim' 'propaganda'

Rawlins Times > Archives > News > Attorney faces criminal contempt charges for calling judge ‘witch’

Michelle Malkin: The Search for Marizela: A Thanksgiving Note

Classic Archie Bunker Thanksgiving Religious Debate – All in the Family

Rush on Gingrich’s Immigration Remarks: ‘Romney Went Further Four Years Ago’

Chris Matthews: The National Media ‘Leans a Little to the Left’ | Video |

Will Obama Drop Biden For Hillary Clinton? |

Gingrich Defends ‘Humane’ Immigration Stance, Vows ‘I Am Not for Amnesty for Anyone’ |

Dallas Cowboys Jason Witten Tackles Cheerleader Melissa Kellerman | Video |

Video: ‘Jetman’ Yves Rossy Flies in Formation With Two Jet Planes Over the Swiss Alps | Video |

University of Derby Student Danielle Morgan Trapped in CLothes Horse | Video |

Washington DC Is the Densest Area in the Nation for License Plate Readers | Video |

Astronaut Successfully Plays Baseball With Only Himself in Space | Video |

Should AL Sharpton Be Fired For His Past Racism And Hate Speech? | Video |

‘OCCU(PI)’ Bot Created as the Ultimate Protester | Video |

$1 Million Found in Suitcase in Australian Pizzeria | Video |

Airline Advocacy Groups Call for Printed Dress Codes | Video |

Video: Store Owner Fights Off Knife-Wielding Attacker…With a Broom | Video |

Lego Bible Banned by Sam’s Club | Brendan Smith‘S ’The Brick Bible’ | Video |

Family of Robert Champion to Sue Florida A&M | Hazing Death | Video |

‘Occupy My Throat’ Gay Porn Film Reportedly Taped at Occupy Oakland |

‘Nine-Tenths’ Excerpt – Part 1

‘Nine-Tenths’ Excerpt – Part 2


**News Videos:True Colors: #Occupy Protester Threatens SC Gov’s Life

Pakistan Blocks NATO Supply Lines After Deadly Air-Strike

#OccupyIndy Uses Homeless As Props To Prolong Demonstration

NBA Owners, Players Reach Tentative Deal

Mission To Mars: NASA Launches Super-size Rover To Red Planet

#OccupySF Shuts Down Apple Store On Black Friday

25th/Video Proof: UC Davis Protesters Were Warned Before Pepper Spray Incident

Soldier: Removing Cross From Army Chapel Is Attack On Christianity

Now They’re Grateful? #OccupyWallStreet Celebrates Thanksgiving At Zuccotti Park

#OccupyLA Told To Vacate Park By End Of Month

Matthews: National Media ‘Leans A Little To The Left’

#OccuFail: ‘Occupy Black Friday’ Accomplishes Nothing

White House Christmas Tree Arrives

Shoppers Riot Over $2 Waffle Maker

Black Friday Shopper’s Rage: Pepper Spray Attack At WalMart

Thankful To Whom? Obama Omits God From Thanksgiving Message

Egypt’s Military Says No Vote Postponement

NASA Preps For Mars Mission

Giffords Serves Thanksgiving Meal

Thanksgiving In Afghanistan

‘Idol’ Champ McCreery’s Lip-Sync Fail At Macy’s Parade

NBC Apologizes To Michele Bachmann For ‘Disrespectful’ Jimmy Fallon Song

Arab Spring: Egyptian Protesters Attack Woman In Tahrir Square

24th/Ed Schultz: UC Police Are Reason Why Cops Are Called ‘Pigs’

Only In San Francisco: A Lemur Thanksgiving

BreitbartTV’s Larry O’Connor Awards ‘Political Turkeys Of The Year’ On Fox And Friends

Historian Shouts Down Congressman At Hearing

Happy Thanksgiving

This Exists: The Whole Turkey Eat Off Challenge

23rd/Company Policy: Not Hiring Until Obama Gone

Loesch: Newt’s Immigration Stance Could Be His ‘Perry/Heartless’ Moment

Bachmann Demands NBC Apology: ‘This Wouldn’t Have Been Tolerated If It Had Been Michelle Obama’

CNN’s ‘Fact Check’ Segment Full Of Opinion

‘Save Us Chuck!’: Woolery On Budget Cuts

Police Search For Teens Who Raided 7-11 Near DC

Report: Paterno Fought University Over Player Punishment

EU Demands Right To Dictate National Budgets

Egypt Protestors Clash With Police

Must-See: Chopper Crash Caught On Video

22nd/U.S. To Impose New Sanctions On Iran

Dennis Miller Teases Pal Jay Leno For ‘Bromance’ With Obama

More Than 90 Seconds: Ron Paul Has His Say

CNN Commits First Debate Gaffe: Identifies Wesley Clark As Republican

21st/Rep King: Expect More ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorists; ‘This Is Why I Started Radicalization Hearings’

‘How To Make A Bomb In Kitchen Of Your Mom’: NYC Police Commish Details Alleged Terrorist’s Bomb Making Plans


+(23rd) / *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Government

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