A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

25 November 2011

25 NOV.

**23 Nov./Political Video

Wasserman Schultz: Gingrich Has "Disturbing Views," Embraces "Tea Party Extremism"
Michael Reagan: My Father Would Support Gingrich's Position On Immigration
Garofalo: GOP Loves Herman Cain Because He Pretends We're In A Post-Racial Society
RNC Web Ad: "A Failure Of Leadership"
"Company Policy: We Are Not Hiring Until Obama Is Gone"
Krauthammer On Obama And START: "These Are The Wages Of Appeasement"
Bachmann On NBC Playing Song Calling Her A Bitch: Michelle Obama Wouldn't Have To Tolerate This
MSNBC's Karen Finney: Newt Gingrich Is A "Sociopath"
Romney Flashback: Illegal Aliens "Should Be Able" To Get Citizenship
Limbaugh: What If Michelle Obama Were Introduced With "I Like Big Butts" Music?
Gingrich "Prepared To Take Heat" For "Humane" Immigration Stance
Jimmy Kimmel Spoofs GOP Candidates In A "Charlie Brown Debate"
Full CNN/Heritage Foundation/AEI Debate On National Security
O'Reilly: Obama Will Blame The Rich For The Poor Economy
Schultz: Romney's Ad Is "Deliberately Misleading"
O'Donnell: Gingrich Found A New Way To Talk About Immigration

24 Nov.

Obama's Thanksgiving Message: We Can "Overcome" Challenges
Rep. Adams Gives GOP's Thanksgiving Message On Entrepreneurship
UC Davis Occupy Protester Admits Police Were Provoked In Pepper Spray Incident
MSNBC's Ed: Pepper Spray Incident Is Like The Rodney King Beating
Lawrence O'Donnell: Romney Is A "Pathological Liar"
Schoen: Obama Has No Answer On Creating Jobs
Dionne: I Hope The MSM Calls Out The Candidates When They Lie


Infowars Nightly News: Thursday 11-24-11 (FULL) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones - Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - YouTube


» Iran Believes US Presidential Elections Will Prevent Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US or Europe? Which Fiscal Time Bomb Will Explode First? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Media Lies Used to Provide a Pretext for Another “Humanitarian War” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Soros Celebrates the Fall of Tunisia Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Libyan Rebels Fought the Globalists’ War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Perry: Communist China ‘Destined for the Ash Heap of History’ – 35,000 Abortions Every Day There |

» Russia Arms Syria With Missiles To Defend Against NATO Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» While Blood Flows, Arab League Call Their Meeting In Cairo To Discuss… Syria?? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Blowing Off Some Steam 115 (Obama Deception, Alex Jones, Super Committee) - YouTube

TEPCO: Radioactive substances belong to landowners, not us - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Analysis: Turkey confronted with possible Syrian civil war | Reuters

PressTV - US to install new Bahraini king: Report

» Besides Ron Paul, GOP candidates have nothing left to peddle but fear Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The decadence of the West - The Washington Post

Foreign intervention in Syria? | The World | International affairs blog from the FT –

» Questions Saif Qaddafi Probably Won’t Be Asked Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Euro on ‘Death Watch’ After Investors Reject German Bonds - CNBC

PressTV - 'Occupy Student Debt' emerges in US

Italy and Greece debt crisis: How long before the grey dictators march on London? | Mail Online

Behold The New Anschluss: ECB's Paramo - "Prepare To Give Up Significant Sovereignty" | ZeroHedge

Egyptian Military Using Nerve Gas on Protesters

» Oscar Grant’s killer on trial again for police brutality Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fox News viewers less informed about current events than those who don’t watch news at all, study finds - NY Daily News

» New food bill in New Zealand takes away human right to grow food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Video evidence of Met Police provocateur violence at recent UK student protests Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Scientists Weaponize Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results to Create Bioweapon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Get Ready to Gobble Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Hospital Requires Staff to Get Flu Shot

Cleverest Facebook scam yet threatens to DELETE account.... unless you hand over details | Mail Online

Criminals and cyber bullies to be banned from the web - Telegraph

Dead Sea Scrolls may have been written by mysterious sect | Mail Online

Britain's most notorious drug baron told: Stop running your £300m empire from prison | Mail Online

Justice Department sues Utah over state’s illegal immigration enforcement law - The Washington Post

Democrats counting on Latino voters to maintain power - National Law Enforcement |

Gingrich Says He's 'Prepared to Take Heat' for Allowing Some Illegal Aliens to Stay in U.S. |

AllGov - News - State Dept. Attacks Conspiracy Theories, Cognitive Infiltration, and Obama appointee Cass Sunstein |

Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation - (

DHS Secretary receives warning for refusing to comply with subpoena - National Immigration Reform |

» On 9/11, the U.S. Military Was Preparing for a Simulated Nuclear War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Senators Demand Military Lock Up Americans in “Battlefield” Defined as Outside Your Window Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US Covert Ops in Iran: Is This Not War? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CIA Boosts Vaccination Conspiracies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Egypt’s Military Dictatorship Still Using US-Made Tear Gas on Demonstrators Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bury Your Treasure : Personal Liberty Digest

» Russian News Anchor Gives Obama ‘The Finger’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

"TSA Worker Charged With Raping Woman - Paul Watson Reports - Infowars Nightly News" - YouTube

Aaron Dykes Takes Calls on The Financial Collapse of America 1/2 - YouTube

Aaron Dykes Takes Calls on The Financial Collapse of America 2/2 - YouTube

The EU Over All with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - YouTube

MF Global Theft Deepens, Eye of The Beast & ClimateGate 2.0 - YouTube

Keiser Report: Corruptify! (E214) - YouTube

Why Has No One Been Held Accountable For The Financial Crisis? - YouTube

'World fears US as a war-hungry drunk' - ex-Senator - YouTube

**Full CNN Republican National Security Debate - YouTube

"What is Money?" with Joseph T. Salerno -- Ron Paul Money Lecture Series, Pt 1/3 - YouTube

"What is Constitutional Money?" with Edwin Vieira -- Ron Paul Money Lecture Series, Pt 2/3 - YouTube

Prison » Public Relations Campaign for Military Intervention in Syria Begins

Prison » Pepe Escobar: US missiles around Russia is Bay of Pigs all over again

Prison » Escobar: No war with Iran before 2012 elections

Prison » Brandon Smith: SPLC Labels Montana Patriots as “Extremist”

Prison » Stewart Rhodes: Sherrifs fed up with Federal Interference

Prison » Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs are No Longer Conspiracy Theories

Prison » BBC’s Kirby admission to Phil Jones on “impartiality”

Prison » ‘Green’ debacle: Tens of thousands of abandoned wind turbines now litter American landscape

Prison » Media Lies Used to Provide a Pretext for Another “Humanitarian War”

Prison » Libyan Rebels Fought the Globalists’ War

Prison » Russia Arms Syria With Missiles To Defend Against NATO Attack

Prison » While Blood Flows, Arab League Call Their Meeting In Cairo To Discuss… Syria?

Prison » Senator Lieberman Urges Google to Increase Censorship of Anti-West Blogs

Prison » NED & Freedom House are run by Warmongering Imperialists

Prison » Monetizing Wont Solve European Economic Affairs

Stocks in U.S. Gain, Commodities Erase Loss as European Debt Concerns Ease - Bloomberg

'Occupy'-Inspired Campaign Urges Boycott Of Black Friday | Fox News

U.S. ranks 28th in life expectancy while we pay the MOST for health care | Mail Online

'Bikini Girl' Corinne Theile returns to LA a year after stripping off in TSA protest | Mail Online

5-Year-Old Handcuffed, Charged With Battery On Officer - Sacramento News Story - KCRA Sacramento

Met police Tasered man carrying toy gun on train | World news | The Guardian

Disgruntled motorists BLOW UP 14 parking meters in protest at charges | Mail Online

Global warming much less serious than thought - new science • The Register

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Joseph Alan Sanchez: Thankful For the Dreams and Vision of the Constitution «

Newt Gingrich Wears Masonic Lapel Pin? | Fellowship of the Minds

Walgreens responds to flood of calls "You will see Christmas in our advertising after Thanksgiving." - Walgreens customer service - White Luciferians Still Run South Africa

Hiroshima - 66 Years Later

Pentagon’s War on Drugs Goes Mercenary | Danger Room |

Vitamin D Council > About vitamin D > How to get your vitamin D > Vitamin D supplementation

Durbin and Waxman Strike Again! | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

Social Media And Female Self-Esteem « Chateau Heartiste

Bottled Water Costs Almost 2000 Times More than Tap Water | Natural Society

Nebraska governor signs bills to reroute Keystone pipeline - Yahoo! News

Jesse Ventura There's Only ONE Person I Like At All That's Ron Paul! - YouTube

ALIPAC - Newt Gingrich Support For Dream Act Amnesty Will Derail Campaign - Pamela Anderson as Virgin Mary: Catholics Outraged

Capitalism and the Spy Market | Opinion Maker

CDC In Denial Of trH3N2 Sustained Human Transmission

Hanford Atomic-Waste Safety May Not Be Assured by U.S., Markey Says - Bloomberg

The ELITE blew it , REVEALED their plans to start WORLD WAR 3 - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - A glimpse into a desperate Zionist smear campaign

Tarpley: Snipers are Randomly Shooting at Syrian Civilians to Create Instability (Nov 22, 2011) - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - From De-Nazification to 'De-Antisemitification' By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Yet One More Glimpse into Zionist Desperation

The boys who cry "Holocaust" - Iran -

The UN intensifies pressure on Syria as Turkey compares Bashar al-Assad to Hitler - Telegraph

Gary McKinnon's mother wins prestigious accolade for tireless campaign to reform extradition laws | Mail Online

Where Does Occupy Wall Street Go From Here? | Opinion Maker

N.Y.P.D. Stops Reporters With Badges and Fists -

Retired Police Captain Ray Lewis Stands with #occupy wall street - YouTube

Healing Food and Supplements that Protect Against DNA Damage: Dr. Russell Blaylock

ESPN/ABC News Running Defense for Obama “Body” man Reggie Love « Larry Sinclair

Developers Propose Underground Park In Place Of Old Delancey Street Trolley Terminal « CBS New York - Freemason Sponsors Drag "Miss America"

'Pageant' shows how mainstream Miss Gay America Beauty Pageant has become -

Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade A Den Of Cross-Dressing Depravity! | Bensonhurst News Blog

Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump - YouTube

Donald Trump With Rudy Giuliani in Drag - Ridiculous Picture

World Leaders Shower Hookers With Champagne At APEC

Video:Natalie Wood Death Investigation Reopened

Natalie Wood case: witness feared for life | Film |

+1990s Illuminati Game Cards Still Creating Controversy - Pics

Goodbye Roll Call, Hello RFIDs - IEEE Spectrum

How to Rewrite History | Farm Wars

Jewish Rabbi Exposes Israel calls the ZIONIST jews Infidels - YouTube

9/11:Israel did it - WikiSpooks

Rick Santorum's Africa problem — RT

Michele Bachmann: nuclear whistleblower or just a liar? — RT

“We Are Not Alone”: Japan’s richest man ‘unlikely ally’ of nuclear protesters — 10 mega-solar plants in works — Donating lifelong future earnings to disaster victims « ENENEWS.COM

FBI arrests 7 in Amish haircut attacks in Ohio - Yahoo! News

Yemeni president signs deal to transfer power - Yahoo! News

BPA spikes 1,200 per cent after eating canned soup: Study

Ahdaf Soueif in Cairo: 'By early evening it was clear that this was Revolution II' | World news | The Guardian

No One Is Immortal

Malls track shoppers' cell phones on Black Friday - Nov. 22, 2011

Fox News viewers less informed about current events than those who don’t watch news at all, study finds - NY Daily News

Surveillance Company Says It Sent Fake iTunes, Flash Updates - Digits - WSJ

U.S. News - Consumer fasts, mall sit-ins -- anti-Black Friday actions urged

'It's a Food Product, Essentially': Fox News Starts Spinning Pepper Spray Cops

UC Davis’ Chancellor Katehi Claims Police Defied Orders by Using Pepper Spray :

Publisher Of Hoaxed Holocaust Memoir Book Pulls It

The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Was A Scam « Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

PressTV - Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes

Aircraft Carrier CVN-77 Parks Next Door To Syria Just As US Urges Americans To Leave Country "Immediately" | ZeroHedge

+Ron Paul Highlights in 11/22/2011 Debate - YouTube

Wall Street Boyz Occupy MF Global…Celente, Too! | Real Zionist News

Toddlers and Tiaras: Wendy Dickey ignores death threats and dresses Paisley, 3, in fishnets | Mail Online

Take a virtual ride down a mountainside on the world's scariest 'rollercoaster' | Mail Online

Federal officials find no proof of cyberattack on water pump in Illinois - The Washington Post

Google quits plans to make cheap renewable energy | Reuters

Conservatives Side With Pepper-Spraying Thugs by Steven Greenhut

Brazil 'risks loss of forest area equal to Germany, Italy and Austria' - Telegraph

Olympic canoeists introduce honey to diet to boost recovery - Telegraph

Well-done steaks 'double prostate cancer risk': Even small amounts of over-cooked meat can be dangerous | Mail Online

Alarm as corporate giants target developing countries | Global development | The Guardian

Diet Coke addiction: Darren Jones admits problem after downing 18 cans A DAY | Mail Online

BPA: Canned soups 'increases risk of heart disease and diabetes' | Mail Online

Polluted water supply is turning us gay warns angry mayor | Mail Online

'RoboCop' guards to patrol South Korean prisons - Telegraph

Chinese villagers demand return of illegally seized land | World news |

Wheeler Dealers - Chevrolet Bel Air Part 1 /4 - YouTube

Wheeler Dealers - Chevrolet Bel Air Part 2 / 4 - YouTube

Wheeler Dealers - Chevrolet Bel Air Part 3 / 4 - YouTube

Wheeler Dealers - Chevrolet Bel Air Part 4 / 4 - YouTube

Corvette Timeline Tales: Happy 113th B-Day to Harley Earl

Vette Videos: The Life of Corvette designer Harley Earl

Paul Drockton: MF Global and Derivatives Disinfo

Paul Drockton: My Visit with the Secret Service

Paul Drockton: The Drudge Report

Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils - Agenda 21 | Farm Wars

Video: My Life as a Turkey | Watch Nature Online | PBS Video

PressTV - Protesters to close UC Davis campuses

Dr Chris Busby and (not) George Monbiot "debate" Long Term Radiation Effects in Oxford p1/2 - YouTube

Dr Chris Busby and (not) George Monbiot "debate" Long Term Radiation Effects in Oxford p2/2 - YouTube

North Korea threatens 'sea of fire' on South over island military drills | World news |

China navy to carry out Pacific exercises - Yahoo!

Coins found under Jerusalem's Western Wall hints that sacred site is even older than Herod | Mail Online

'Brinicle' forms beneath the sea and kills everything in its path | Mail Online - Ex-Pat Finds More Freedom in Lesotho & China

AT&T withdraws FCC application for big merger with T-Mobile - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Russia Retaliates Against US: Puts Radar Station On Combat Alert, Prepares To Take Out European Missile Defense Systems | ZeroHedge

Dmitry Medvedev threatens US over planned missile defence shield - Telegraph

OpEdNews - Podcast: Pepper Spray Developer and Expert Witness: UC Davis Police, if Civilian Would Be Arrested, Charged with Using Deadly Weapon


Farmers for Ron Paul build support | The State Column

Endangered lawmakers move to back bill banning congressional insider trading -

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

18 Aug./Obama Amnesty Begins: Halts Deportations for 300,000 Illegal Aliens; Offers ‘Work Permits’ | Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party & Political News

Syria faces Arab sanctions deadline over monitors - Yahoo!

Heading For War On Syria?

OpEdNews - Quicklink: New MRI Technique to Diagnose or Rule out Alzheimer's Disease

University of Michigan News Service | 'Perfect black' coating can render a 3D object flat, raises intriguing dark veil possibility in astronomy

Are the poor really getting poorer? | The Right Scoop

A Tripoli Resident Is Almost Resigned - YouTube

James Murdoch resigns from Sun and Times boards | Media |

Together, Blair and tyrant who's given him £8m job: Pictured for the first time, Tony with Kazakhstani ruler behind consultancy deal | Mail Online

Former police chief sets up cameraphone 'lynch mob' to catch drivers who use mobiles at the wheel | Mail Online

Debt or Taxes – the battle of our time

Jon Corzine called to Congress to account for MF Global's collapse | Business | The Guardian

Sylvania Survey Says We Want American Bulbs

NWV News -- Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Continues Stand Against U.S. Forest Service

Turkey apologises for 1930s killing of thousands of Kurds - Telegraph

Leaked UN report reveals torture, lynchings and abuse in post-Gaddafi Libya - Africa - World - The Independent

The Arab Spring: Hello or Goodbye to Democracy? | Opinion Maker

Egyptian military using 'more dangerous' teargas on Tahrir Square protesters | World news | The Guardian

Roy Tov: Mattot Arim and the Jewish Extremists Clockwork

Kirwan - Three Very Disappointing Women

Prison » If There Is a Run on the Banks, Know Who To Blame

Secret Recordings of Donald Rumsfeld speaking about 9-11Insuranse.flv - YouTube

Childhoods End

The Sorcerer's Apprentice & Illuminati Impostor

Will 10 1/2 Years Make Obama Friend Tony Rezko Start Talking? « Larry Sinclair

+El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert – Spanish study is revealing “not ready” for mainland Tsunami

Natural Born Citizen - A Place to Ask Questions and Get the Right Answers: Is Putative President Barack Obama’s Mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Really Jo Ann Newman?

Stan The Sham, And True Love « Terrible Truth

Charleston Voice: Russian News Anchor Gives Middle Finger Salute While Mentioning Obama

Unstoppable leakage of medical staff in Fukushima | Fukushima Diary

Paedophiles using satnav to track down children - Telegraph

Warren Buffett May Have Been Involved in the Congressional Insider Trading Scandal | Video |

Activist Post: Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs are No Longer Conspiracy Theories

U.S. Declares Cold War With China - HUMAN EVENTS

US bonds at record low on contagion fears

Vitals - New flu virus in three Iowa kids raises concern about wider spread

U.S. corporate profit growth is poised for a slowdown -

People are Angry Cairo 25 Nov - Citizen Report - YouTube

Refreshing News: Obama Leaves God Out of Thanksgiving Address

Occupy LA Teach In William K Black - YouTube

MF Global: Wall Street Fraud Extends Down To The Farm. | RedState

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: How Big Pharmaceutical Companies "Legally" Experiment On Humans

Currency Wars - Russia Officially Adds 19.5 Tonnes of Gold Reserves in October Alone | ZeroHedge


*2:32:13/Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination - YouTube


Libya - TNC Leadership all Abroad - Moeen Raoof - YouTube

The Great Thanksgiving Hoax :


Alice's Restaurant (Full 23 Minute Song) - YouTube

+(1896)Statesmen three!: The one hundred billion dollar robbery By Archie Campbell Fisk

Occupy Thanksgiving: A Message of Hope, Redemption, and Dada - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: DUI Checkspoints Nationwide, Could We See Homeland Security/TSA VIPR teams out there Assisting the Police?

The Pilgrims and Property Rights: How our ancestors got fat & happy - YouTube

poorrichards blog: The Gerald Shea Memo: the smoking gun proving Israeli involvement in 9/11?

Escobar: No war with Iran before 2012 elections - YouTube

Robertson: Is Mac and Cheese a "Black Thing"? - YouTube

poorrichards blog: The Russian Bear Is Back, The Soviet Union Is Being Revived And The Cold War Is Not Over

Militarized to Its Bones – Politics – Utne Reader

Can America afford to be the world's only superpower? - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Phony Left and Right Talking Heads From Both PartiesTrying to Justify the Wars and Not Cut Defense Spending

A Tripoli Resident Is Almost Resigned - YouTube

Syria & Libya NGOs Weapons Parallels - Moeen Raoof - YouTube

Susan Lindauer vs. The Capitol Hill Cowards & Fraudsters : Federal Jack

A new movement is needed, one that rejects the extremes and the labels of left and right.

poorrichards blog: Oregon halts all executions in blow to US capital punishment system

Smoking Gun For Phil Jones? | Real Science

Climatologist at centre of leaked email row dismisses conspiracy claims | Environment | The Guardian

The Wizards of OWS Have Arrived! | Before It's News

FBI Claims Agency Can’t Find Internal Documents On Occupy Wall Street | The Public Record

Thanksgiving!!! - YouTube

The Terrible Irony of Beautiful Words - YouTube

AMAZING video of a journalist not taking crap from NYPD - YouTube

Barack “Money Bags” Obama Can’t Run on the 99 Percent Ticket

Newt Gingrich Pocketed Millions to Shill for Health Care Industry--But Didn't Register as a Lobbyist | | AlterNet

'09/Al Sharpton, Newt Gingrich help push Obama school reforms on tour that stops in New Orleans |

Jan.'11/Newt Gingrich praises Barack Obama - Jennifer Epstein -

Pepper Spray Fallout at UC Davis; Police Chief Put on Leave After Crackdown on Student Protesters - YouTube

poorrichards blog: The Global Debt Crisis: How Things Got This Screwed Up

Activist Post: U.S. Supreme Court may allow the government to track phones without a warrant

Weapons Cache Found During Zuccotti Park Cleanup, Sources Say | Fox News

The Looting: The Libyan Circus Continues | Veterans Today

poorrichards blog: How the Jewish Mafia Screwed You

Narcs Bill Woman $1K for Cavity Search That Revealed Nothing | HyperVocal

+CIA Sabotage Manual - Picasso Dreams

+Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare: The CIA's Nicaragua Manual - Picasso Dreams

U.S. State Department Establishes Conflict Operations Bureau

A slip of the tongue betrays Israel's hardline propaganda - The National

World Of Mysteries: Afghanistan In a New Light

Activist Post: Computing with Light is Now Closer to Reality

The FBI Link Between Penn State and UC Davis

poorrichards blog: Totally Corrupt America

Family Member Accuses Sandusky of Abuse | NBC Philadelphia

Obama's Former Money Man Tony Rezko Gets 10 Years for Corruption


The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8) - YouTube

The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 2 of 8) - YouTube

The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 3 of 8) - YouTube

The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 4 of 8) - YouTube

The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 5 of 8) - YouTube

The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 6 of 8) - YouTube

The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 7 of 8) - YouTube

The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 8 of 8) - YouTube


*`1:13:54/The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See - FULL LECTURE HD - YouTube

*2:08:40/Thrive - Full Length movie - YouTube


Putting Bureaucracy First: Rachel Maddow's Progressivism - informationliberation

Spooner the Prophet

The People’s Police Commission » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Why The Public Is Willing To Rally Against SOPA/PIPA, But Not For It | Techdirt

U.S. Urges Americans to Leave Syria "Immediately"

Syrian Army Defectors Pin Hopes on Prospect of Turkish Safe Zone

Perry Calls for No-Fly Zone In Syria

Sanctions Fail to Change Iran's Behavior, White House Concedes

The Boys Who Cry “Holocaust”

Will the UN Insist on Fair Trials for Ex-Regime Loyalists in Libya?


Drones and the Democratization of Destruction

'World Fears US As A War-hungry Drunk' - ex-Senator

Video:Psychopaths Rule The World?

“The Degree To Which You Resist Is The Degree To Which You Are Free.”

45% Of People in US Struggle to Make Ends Meet

Yemeni President Saleh signs deal on ceding power

Medvedev Goes Ballistic: Russian missiles in West's backyard?

FBI Saw No Threat In NYC Bomb Suspect

Real ID Act blocks some Americans from driver's licenses

Bodies of 26 strangled men stuffed in vans and left by Mexican highway as war between drug cartels escalates | Mail Online

Mother left devastated after pilot ex-husband crashes plane into Superstition Mountain killing their three children | Mail Online

Salvatore Montagna shot dead in Montreal where he was trying to make his way to the top | Mail Online

The jilted lover who got the FBI to arrest her ex at the airport by suggesting he was terrorist threat | Mail Online

Jilted lover 'framed ex-girlfriend for robbery then raped her after watching police methods on CSI' | Mail Online

Mexico acknowledges 2nd Mayan reference to 2012 - Yahoo! News

Polish far right group allowed to register 'no gay sex' sign as official logo | Mail Online

Does The Media Cause Racism, Or Does It Simply Report It? | American Free Press

Parents Battle Feds Over Child’s Health | American Free Press

What a turkey! Obama leaves God out of Thanksgiving address | Mail Online

Australian senator who accused NewsCorp of trying to bribe him with positive newspaper coverage now claims Lachlan Murdoch was at the meeting | Mail Online

Lawsuits dropped after Apple drops ‘Jew or Not Jew’ app | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Insight: Oppenheimers consign diamonds to the past | Reuters

Man-made super-flu could kill half humanity — RT

+Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 23, 2011

Is Britain plotting with Israel to attack Iran?

VIDEO: New Nuclear Reactors Do Not Consider Fukushima Design Flaws

The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

America's Middle East War and the "Right to Protect": The all-out Hypocrisy of the Arab League & the US-NATO Alliance

VIDEO: The Obama Syndrome

Remains of Two of Guatemala's Death Squad Diary Victims Found in Mass Grave

VIDEO: When the World Outlawed War

The Obama Predicament-and the Final Option! “To attack or not to attack Iran?” That is the question!

VIDEO: Former Senator - U.S. A Drunkard Charging To War With Anyone

VIDEO: A River of Waste: Anti-Biotics and America's Factory Farms

U.S. State Department Establishes Conflict Operations Bureau

This Was Always a Civil War, and the Victors Are Not Merciful

Obama Projects Pacific Power

Bachmann Endangers the World With Her Lies

Showdown at Neocon Central by Justin Raimondo --

Sixteen Candles by Nebojsa Malic --

CIA Follies Put Agents at Risk by Philip Giraldi --

All Hail the Failure of the Supercommittee by Ivan Eland --

Occupy Wall Street Movement Album in the Works

Sugarland Named in Stage Collapse Lawsuit

"CIA Spy" Arrests Made in Iran

Black Friday Sales Numbers Expected to be Strong

Banned Speech at the Hyatt: Pamela Geller, "Truth is the New Hate Speech" - Jihad Watch

Nancy Pelosi Pushing Government to Institute Hitler Youth | Godfather Politics

U.S. Intelligence Will Train Super-Sleuths With Videogames | Danger Room |

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Video:Egyptian Protests Rage On

Video:"When the World Outlawed War"

Video:Global Recession Looms as Euro Crisis Deepens

Video:Thanksgiving and Undocumented Farm Workers

At Least 14 Reported Killed in Syria, Arab League Deadline Expires

UN Investigator Calls On N. Korea to Improve Human Rights

Opening Statements Concludes in Trial of Khmer Rouge Leaders

Kyoto Protocol's Future to be Determined in Durban

'Do Nothing' Option for US Deficit Reduction Explored

US Politicians Increasingly Voicing Concerns About China

“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

Malls To Track Shoppers Cell Phones On Black Friday

US Supreme Court Could Soon Allow Police To Monitor the Movements of Smartphone Users Without a Warrant

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine

Historian: The “Curse of Tutankhamun” Was Ritual Murders Carried Out by Aleister Crowley

MW3 - Jeep Wrangler MW3 Commercial - YouTube

Surreal WW3 "Modern Warfare" Programming | Before It's News

Activist Post: CA recalls raw milk that tested clean; targets agtivist Mark McAfee

Smart Meters Interfering With Home Electronics | SecurityWeek.Com

Confirmed – Los Zetas Use ‘Straw Purchasers’ to Buy South Texas Ranches : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Activist Post: Why Are So Many People Gathering to Hear David Icke?

Activist Post: Senator Lieberman Urges Google to Increase Censorship of Anti-West Blogs

Activist Post: Reports say Russian ships in Syrian waters delivered advanced anti-aircraft missile system and technicians

Activist Post: Iranian lawmaker says 12 CIA agents working with Mossad arrested

Activist Post: Libyan Rebels Fought the Globalists' War: How the Devil Paid

Activist Post: Water Successfully Turned into a Commodity by the Bottled Water Industry

Significant decrease in the number of commercial flights from Syria | Embassy of the United States Damascus, Syria

Occupy Peace | Truthout

All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights - YouTube

*LINKS:Climategate 2.0 is here! |

Gingrich Tells Newsmax: No Amnesty, No Citizenship

Gingrich Surge Threatened By Immigration Stance

Amity Shlaes: Gingrich Injecting New Ideas into Race

Gingrich: Romney Backs Amnesty for Illegals

Rasmussen: Obama Leads Romney By Six Points

Larry Sabato: Obama 'Unloading' on Romney Early to Thwart Campaign

Maggie Daley, Wife of Longtime Chicago Mayor, Dies

GOP Eyes Defense Cuts to Blast Obama

Gorbachev Warns Putin's Party Rigging Elections

Obama Telephones Thanks to Service Members Abroad

Dominos Founder to Start Burger Delivery Service

GOP Facing Potential Rogue Convention

Bloomberg's Riff on Obama Stirs Presidential Talk

Coffee Lowers Risk of Endometrial Cancer

Romney's Hair Makes Front-page News

Douglas Schoen: Don't Write Off Gingrich in 2012

Roemer: Gingrich Too Tight With Special Interests

Mike Reagan: Dad Would Back Newt's Immigration Stance

Russian Newscaster Fired for Flipping Off Obama

Businessman's Sign: No Hiring Until Obama Gone

Ron Paul: GOP Rivals Want Bigger Government

NBC Apologizes to Bachmann for Fallon Song Choice

Freedom of Speech Means the Freedom to Say Anything

Be Thankful for our Founding Fathers' Foresight

Blame the CDC for Slow Progress Against Hospital Infections

Woman Pepper Sprays Other Black Friday Shoppers

Gunfire Erupts at NC Mall As Early Shoppers Arrive

EXTRA: Presidents Washington & Lincoln Order Nation to Give Thanks to God

Former Sen. Arlen Specter Developing Pilot for Sunday Morning Show on Public Television

Lululemon Entrepreneur Catches Flack for Shopping Bags Asking: ‘Who Is John Galt?’

Gingrich vs. Paul on Patriot Act: 'That’s the Whole Point. Timothy McVeigh Killed a Lot of Americans'

GAO: Illegals Suspected of Igniting at Least 30 Wildfires Near Arizona-Mexico Border Between 2006 and 2010

ICE: Putting Israel on List of Countries That ‘Promote, Produce, or Protect’ Terrorists Was ‘Based on Inaccurate Information’

UNESCO Blasted for Reappointing Syria to Committee Dealing With Human Rights

State Department Uses Facebook to Fight ‘Against Hate’ and ‘Stop Bigotry’

Occupy Protests Cost Nation's Cities at Least $13M

Occupy Protests: Shop Mom-and-Pop on Black Friday

Livestock Farmers Say Ethanol Consumes Too Much Corn

Is Michelle Obama Bad for Kids?

Under ObamaCare, HHS Orders Private Health Insurance Company to Rescind Premium Rate Increase |

Central America, Cyber-Security and Electromagnetic Pulse Attack Identified As Overlooked National Security Threats |

CME Group – Con-Men or a Commodities Exchange? by Gerald Celente

Whose Fuse Is Shorter? by Peter Schiff

Immanuel Velikovsky's Introduction to His 'In the Beginning'

Ron Paul – Civil Liberty's Last Hope

Be Thankful If You Were Not Born in the US by Jeff Berwick

The Future of Work

Beating a Dead Horse? by Bill Bergman

The #1 Cause of Accidental Death in the US – Are You at Risk? by Joseph Mercola

25 'worst' web passwords - Telegraph

Pictures from Marilyn Monroe's first professional photoshoot go up for auction | Mail Online

The Dietary Supplement Label the FDA Doesn’t Want You To See by Bill Sardi

Tyranny and the Rule of Prosecutors by William L. Anderson

Did Ron Paul win GOP's national security debate? -

Newtie by Eric Peters

The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11 by Peter Dale Scott

10 Things You May Notice About America When Travelling Abroad

How to Roast Chestnuts Over an Open Fire (Plus Chestnut Roaster Giveaway!) | The Art of Manliness

Ultimate Walnut Pie Crust with Pumpkin Filling | Mark's Daily Apple

** Has Been Removed From The Web... Censorship/Govt Take Down Request | Before It's News

20 Signs That America Is Going Crazy | Before It's News

Is Lady Gaga A Satanist Illuminati Slave? | Before It's News

The Explosive That Blew Up Building 7 And The Twin Towers Revealed In New Theory | Before It's News

Discovery Of A New Muscle Repair Gene | Before It's News

Playing Music Alters The Processing Of Multiple Sensory Stimuli In The Brain | Before It's News

10 Wackiest Ideas Ever For Improving The Environment | Before It's News


Astronomy Podcast now in Multiple Languages | Before It's News




We're Not Electing a Messiah. We don't need "another" Messiah (Obama). | Before It's News

Remove the Ineligible Obama from the New Hampshire Ballot | Before It's News

Obots Panic at "Birther Mob": article. | Before It's News

NH attorney general wants probe of legislators involved in ‘birther’ fracas


+Statement by the Press Secretary on Recent Developments in Egypt | Before It's News

+Statement by the President on the Passing of Maggie Daley | Before It's News

+White House Expresses National Condition--Giving Thanks to State and Community | Before It's News

+Statement by Vice President Biden on the Anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women | Before It's News

Pedophilia - Victim of Satanic Hollywood | Before It's News

17 Oct./Big Hole on White House Lawn Prompts Speculation -

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 23rd, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 23rd, 2011

*Articles:Occupy Wall Street and the Fed 11-24-11

10 outlandish things the ‘scientific’ controllers have in mind for you in the near future |

Paul Drockton: CITI Bank Plays the Luciferian Lottery |

Bricks-and-mortar stores aim to nail down sales tax - Washington Times

Not Photoshopped: Beam of Light Shines on Fallen Soldier’s Miracle Dog - ABC News

Blago Attorneys Want Off-Limits Tapes Heard | NBC Chicago

Katie Couric 'eyes up Diane Sawyer's anchor spot on ABC World News' | Mail Online

My Way News - Mubarak-era premier picked to lead Egypt's Cabinet

Former 'Idol' Lauren Alaina Flubs National Anthem At Lions/Packers Game: 'I Messed Up' - Yahoo! TV

Maggie Daley dies

Egypt's new PM claims more powers from military

Pressure mounts as Syria misses observer deadline

Russia to Hold Presidential Elections in March 2012

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev dances awkwardly - YouTube

'Zero tolerance for violence against women'

ICC trial for Seif al-Islam could be in Libya

Famous Russian newscaster fired after middle finger gesture during Obama story

White House wants transition in Egypt 'as soon as possible'

Fifty dead bodies discovered in two days in western Mexico drug vendetta

Mom of Kids Killed in Arizona Crash Drawing Support

Plane crashes into Arizona mountain - YouTube

Police detain person in Chicago hospital shooting

Gabrielle Giffords serves Thanksgiving meal at military base

The federal deficit: Remembering how we got here

Two Further Explanations for Romney's 'That's Also My First Name'

High School Student Punished For Joking Tweet About Governor Brownback

Jack Daniel's Funds Travel Expenses for Soldiers

PolitiFact: Testing claim from Democratic chair on benefits being "slashed"

Black Friday: Apple discounts iPad, iPods, Macs

Google's new ad space: Chrome

Google+ Gets Its TV Commercial

Apocalypse 2012 Back On? Second Mayan Inscription Uncovered

Penguin e-books back in libraries – but no new titles

JK Rowling: I Had to Move Because of Paparazzi

Sienna Miller: I was spat on by paparazzi - YouTube

Muppets star Kermit the Frog's wheels: an '84 Rolls-Royce

Lady Gaga Posed Nude for Tony Bennett Drawing

Artist Director Michel Hazanavicius on Auteur Pride, Hollywood and Surviving the Awards Marathon | Movieline

Mars Rover Curiosity Set for Saturday Morning Launch

Study: Humans were catching tuna 42K years ago

Curiosity Rover Prepped to Begin 300 Million-Mile Journey to Mars - YouTube

Evolutionary Biology Pioneer Lynn Margulis Has Died

Scientists probe Earth's core, make mystifying discovery

Most liveable alien worlds ranked

Space exploration 2011

Space Pictures This Week: Green Flash, Saturn Storm, More

Webb telescope may revolutionize science - but at an astronomic cost

First Images from New Weather and Climate Satellite

Apollo 13 checklist part of space artifacts auction

Carbon nanotubes could be hiding bits of the universe

LORIS: Stuffed with CO2 regulations

Solar Eclipse Darkens Sun Over Southern Hemisphere

Global health fund halts new programs

Moderate Drinking Tied to Lower Diabetes Risk

More charges in backside cosmetic surgery case - YouTube

As Global Deaths Decline, AIDS Research Funding Slips

New Swine Flu Strain

Gardening for better health in schools and communities

Well-Done Red Meat Linked With Aggressive Prostate Cancer, Study Shows

Explosion of Immigrants

A Time For Choosing Substance Over Demagoguery

We Can Trust Us

Another bipartisan failure

Breaking Apart America: Map of the CSA and FSA

Republicans! Stop acting like Democrats

Ex-Dem Congressman: Voter Fraud Is Commonplace, Voter ID Is The Cure

Super Power, Super Committee and the ‘Whoops’ Factor

Newt is the latest to step into the murky world of illegal immigration.

Obama’s desire to appease greens throws America’s blue-collar workers under the Keystone bus

Republican Senate Prospects in 2012

Conservatism 101 for Those Not Paying Attention

Obama's Disastrous Energy Record

Once again, Yemen's Saleh appears to be reneging on deal to leave

Maggie Daley, former Mayor's wife, is dead

'Awful' Italy debt sale worsens euro crisis

How to make an occupier's head explode

'Crypto-Fascist Hollywood?' Who could have guessed?

The Father of the Bill of Rights on 'Fundamental Principles'

We need term limits now

Thanking America: When Americans Save Lives Overseas, it Doesn't Make the Textbooks

The Civil War is Over. Let the Battle Flag Be.

George Washington's Thanksgiving Wish

Congressmen seek probe into PA us... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Gun Issue Represents Tough Politics For Obama | Fox News

Nurse Says He Was Fired Over Treating Muslim Women | Fox News

History of Cuban exile pilots who served in the Congo in the early 1960s being preserved - Cuba -

Ratings Shrink President’s List for Judgeships -

Advertisers fleeing 'All-American Muslim' 'propaganda'

US Airways passenger forced to stand for seven-hour flight because of obese passenger - NY Daily News

Occupy Wall Street plans benefit album for itself

Big Hollywood’s 2011 Holiday Shopping Guide – The Home Video Edition

‘The Lion King’ and OWS: Occupy Everything the Light Touches

NBC Apologizes to Bachmann for Fallon Song Choice

‘Nine-Tenths’ Excerpt – Part 1

Top 10 Thanksgiving Moments in TV and Film

MSNBC’s Luke Russert Is Made ‘Sick’ By ‘Call of Duty 3′ Commercials: ‘Doesn’t Reflect Costs of War’

Gold Toilet Owner Russell Simmons Wants to Relieve Our Suffering

Box Office Predictions: ‘Twilight’ Endures, ‘Muppets’ Make Easy Green

Why Don’t Wholesalers CARE About Four Loko?

Ohio Right to Work Amendment: Right Policy, Wrong Time

Gov. Rick Perry Has Come Out Swinging Against Obama and Fast and Furious

‘You’ve Been Gored’: The Climate Change Fraud

Remarkable Stories Provide Much To Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving Reminds Us What Is Great About America

Study Funded By National Science Foundation Concludes: ‘Global Warming Rate Less Than Feared’

Ronald Reagan’s Vision of a Market Economy Continues to Triumph

Politico Declares Breitbart, Big Government ‘Reason for Republicans to Give Thanks’

On Thanksgiving

How Much Does Uncle Sam Gobble up at Thanksgiving?

Occupy Thanksgiving: A Message of Hope, Redemption, and Dada

The Communist Revolution, Unions, #OWS & ‘The Power of the 99% in 2012′…

Rationing Advocate, Don Berwick, Steps Down as Medicare Administrator

Newt Gingrich Is Right on Illegal Immigration

The Brazilian Blowout Hoax, Part 1: Rigged OSHA Study Creates MSM Hysteria

The Brazilian Blowout Hoax, Part 2: Fed OSHA Botches Study, Media Blames Company

The Brazilian Blowout Hoax Part 3: Politicians and The FDA Attack a Safe Product

The Brazilian Blowout Hoax, Part 4: A Tale of Two Studies…and How The Media Reported on Each

The Brazilian Blowout Hoax, Epilogue: What It Means To All of Us

Russian Reporter Who Flipped Obama The Bird Is Pulled

Despite Their Demands For Holder’s Resignation, Candidates Brush Past Fast And Furious At Debate

Katie Couric Excited Over The Prospect Of Ruining ABC News, Too

Breitbart Responsible for 60 Percent of Republican Successes in Politico Thanksgiving Roundup

Happy Thanksgiving

FDU Poll: Fox News Makes You Stupid (Ignore Our Margin Of Error)

Why Is JournOlister Ezra Klein Briefing Dem Chiefs Of Staff Behind Closed Doors?

A Tale of Two Wire Services: AP Correctly Reports News, Reuters Spins It

Media Still Silent as More Congressmen Call for Holder’s Resignation

Brian Williams Recites Mockery of CNBC Guest Who Criticized Obama

Stopping Iran

Romney Versus Gingrich on Jihad and Sharia: A Clear Contrast

Iran Lawmaker Says 12 CIA Agents Arrested; Accused of Targeting Nuclear Program

When a Nation Forgets God – a Thanksgiving Reminder

Report: USS George H.W. Bush to Syrian Coast

Village Braces for Conflict as Indians, Jews Face Off in Twelfth Annual Football Contest

New Congressional Directive Restricts Muslim Brotherhood Groups’ Access to FBI

Yet Another Reason Not to Fund UNESCO: Syria Elected Unanimously to UNESCO Human Rights Committees

The Scourge of Clientitis

Russian Newscaster Flips Obama the Bird

Egyptian Military Offers Handover of Power, Protesters Mistrust

A Fatal ‘Box Canyon’ for the GOP?

Stocks trading mixed after rough week

Occupy movement inspires rise in U.S. campus activism

Arrest in Chicago hospital parking garage shooting

Airlines cut small jets as fuel prices soar

'10 Syrian army members killed in attack on base'

Lachlan Murdoch under pressure over News Corp political bribery claim

Body of alleged mafia boss found in river in Canada

Terrorists bomb Sinai gas line 8th time this year


25-Nov-11 World View

24-Nov-11 World View

23-Nov-11 World View


Nixon: Half Way to Mount Rushmore - Conrad Black - National Review Online

Catholic, Crusader, Leper and King: The Life of Baldwin IV and the Triumph of the Cross

The Claremont Institute - The Truth About the Hollywood Ten

An Eternal Flame For A Fallen President: Arlington National Cemetery

Civil War Book Review

Happy Franksgiving: Why FDR Rescheduled Turkey Day - Mental Floss

40 years later, skyjacker's identity a mystery -

Lost Northwest Books: D.B. Cooper: skyjacker, folk hero and ... author? |

JFK: In Defense of Jack Ruby: Was Lee Harvey Oswald's killer part of a conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy?


Charles Darwin (1809-1882) gentleman naturalist

Great dynasties of the world: The Darwins | Life and style | The Guardian

Surrounded by Surveillance: Is Everything Spying On You? | PCWorld

The 5 Apple technologies I’m most thankful for — Apple News, Tips and Reviews

How 3D TV is going to change the look of 2D shows | Geek Gestalt - CNET News

Would A Kinect-Equipped Television Be A Hit? - SlashGear

‘Hello, computer!’ UW prof and students search outside the box - GeekWire

DisplAir: Minority Report’s Gesture Interface, Only Real. And Russian

'Pre-social network' finds you friends in your hang-outs - tech - 24 November 2011 - New Scientist

'I've Created a Monster!' On the Regrets of Inventors - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic

A Facebook phone is doomed, doomed, doomed - CBS News

The Facebook Phone: Why Would You Want One? - Liz Gannes - Mobile - AllThingsD

Why Smartphone Commercials Are Making Us Stupid | Gadget Lab |

96 hours to the stone age: How quickly our connected lives crumble when the power goes out — Tech News and Analysis

What the cable industry could learn from Twitter – SplatF

Kinect is coming to Windows, but are TVs next? -

The Polarization of Energy | The Energy Collective

Energy Transition: Are We in One Now? - TheStreet

Energy Production Is Turning Economic Lights Back On - Energy Intelligence (

New Hope on Global Warming - Heherson Alvarez and John Topping, Jr. - Project Syndicate

Obama’s Car Trouble - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online

Ed Royce: Oil pipeline delay bad for U.S. | energy, pipeline, jobs - Opinion - The Orange County Register

China-USA: Who Will Own The “Pacific Century”? - Worldcrunch - All News is Global

WPR Article | Over the Horizon: Obama's Trip a First Step in U.S. Shift to Asia

Martin Peretz: Saif Qaddafi’s Capture And The End Of The Arab Spring | The New Republic

This was not the West’s Tahrir moment - The Globe and Mail

Politics Stops at the Water's Edge - By Michael Cohen | Foreign Policy

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Nov 25, 2011 - Analysis: Ethiopia dragged reluctantly back into Somalia

The Grover Norquist tax myth - The Washington Post

We Are the 99.9% -

Pepper-Spraying Taxpayers - Heather Mac Donald - National Review Online

GOP voters placing premium on knowledge, skills | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Bye Bye Biden? -

Comment: Let’s Hear from the Spies : The New Yorker

Supreme Court's Antonin Scalia emerges as defender of criminals -

The Simpletons - Reason Magazine

Gingrich’s brave words on immigration - The Globe and Mail

Are We Getting Nicer? -

Debt supercommittee might turn out to be a useful failure - The Washington Post

Alec MacGillis: What’s Behind Obama’s Problem With Pennsylvania? | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Web and Debates Change Rules of Presidential Race

Jon Huntsman declares war on big banks and Too Big To Fail « The Enterprise Blog

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Catholic Friends and Enemies

PJ Media » What Else Is Wrong with Obamacare?

Is Newt Gingrich as smart as he thinks? - Edward-Isaac Dovere -

Jeffrey Sachs: The Super Committee's Big Lie

Newt’s Right: Put the Kids To Work - By Kevin D. Williamson - Exchequer - National Review Online

No time like our own -

The People vs. Private Equity - Businessweek

A Lost Generation's Excessive Expectations - Forbes

GHEI: Much reason to be thankful - Washington Times

Alternative Energy's Alternate Reality - Forbes

It's Time To Gut, Not Cut, The Federal Government - Forbes

2012 could be a good market year - 1 - investing strategy - MSN Money

+ *Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Journalism


**NEWS VIDEOS:Black Friday Shopper’s Rage: Pepper Spray Attack At WalMart

Shoppers Riot Over $2 Waffle Maker

Thankful To Whom? Obama Omits God From Thanksgiving Message

NBC Apologizes To Michele Bachmann For ‘Disrespectful’ Jimmy Fallon Song

Egypt’s Military Says No Vote Postponement

‘Idol’ Champ McCreery’s Lip-Sync Fail At Macy’s Parade

NASA Preps For Mars Mission

Giffords Serves Thanksgiving Meal

Thanksgiving In Afghanistan

Arab Spring: Egyptian Protesters Attack Woman In Tahrir Square

24th/Ed Schultz: UC Police Are Reason Why Cops Are Called ‘Pigs’

Only In San Francisco: A Lemur Thanksgiving

BreitbartTV’s Larry O’Connor Awards ‘Political Turkeys Of The Year’ On Fox And Friends

Historian Shouts Down Congressman At Hearing

Happy Thanksgiving

This Exists: The Whole Turkey Eat Off Challenge

Local Media Targets Ben Cardin’s (D-MD) Questionable Trading Practices

Plane Crashes Into Superstition Mountains Near Phoenix

23rd/Obama Manages To Politicize Turkey Pardon

EU Demands Right To Dictate National Budgets

Company Policy: Not Hiring Until Obama Gone

Egypt Protestors Clash With Police

‘Save Us Chuck!’: Woolery On Budget Cuts

Must-See: Chopper Crash Caught On Video

Loesch: Newt’s Immigration Stance Could Be His ‘Perry/Heartless’ Moment

Workers At Defense Factory Party at Lunch

Do They Hate The ‘99%’?: #OccupyWallStreet Movement Targets Black Friday

Bachmann Demands NBC Apology: ‘This Wouldn’t Have Been Tolerated If It Had Been Michelle Obama’

Police Search For Teens Who Raided 7-11 Near DC

Report: Paterno Fought University Over Player Punishment

22nd/More Than 90 Seconds: Ron Paul Has His Say

Dennis Miller Teases Pal Jay Leno For ‘Bromance’ With Obama

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