A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

23 November 2011

23 NOV.



GOP Presidential Debate

Candidates’ Introductions
Ron Paul Calls Patriot Act 'Unpatriotic'; Newt Fires back
Santorum: Profile Muslims
Cain Muffs Wolf's Name: 'Blitz'
Romney: We Need To Bring Afghanistan Into 20th Century
Newt: 'We Should Be Furious' At Pakistan
Ron Paul: I Don't Remember Declaring War
Huntsmann, Romney Duke It Out Over Afganistan
Ron Paul Rails Against Defense Spending, 'Endless Wars'; Romney Pushes Back
Perry: If Panetta Were Honorable Man, He Would Resign In Protest Of Defense Cuts
Paul Pot: ‘Cancel War On Drugs’
Perry: In 12 Months I’ll Shut Down Mexican Border
Romney On Immigration: 'I'm Not Going To Start Drawing Lines About Who Gets To Stay And Who Has To Go'
Bachmann: Newt Soft On Immigration
Paul: Al Qaeda Inspired By US Meddling; 'Why Don't We Mind Our Own Business?'
Romney: Obama Thinks America 'Just Another Nation With A Flag'
Paul On Terror Threat: We Haven’t Been Attacked



Pakistan And America: An Alliance At The Breaking Point?
Romney, Huntsman Spar Over Afghanistan Policy
Disintegration Of The Euro
Bachmann, Perry Clash Over Pakistan Aid
Santorum Stumbles, Calls Africa 'Country'
Clashes At French Anti-nuclear Demo
Gaddafi Son Betrayed By Desert Guide
Syrian Protesters: 'Death And Not Humiliation'
Raw Video: 5th Day Of Clashes In Cairo
Putin Booed After Fight
Sanctions Against Iran
Aid To Africa
Drone Strategy
Life Returning To Normal In Libya


22 NOV.

Sinai: The New Frontier Of Conflict?
Egypt Gov't Offers To Resign As Violence Grows
Opportunity Costs In Iraq
Buffet: I Will Keep Betting On Japan
Chinese Go Nude In Support Of Ai Weiwei
Violent Clashes Enter 4th Day In Cairo
Philippines Activists Demand Arroyo Conviction
Funeral Held Amid Cairo Clashes
Perry Talks Syria, United Nations
House Foreign Affairs Chairwoman On Obama Doctrine
Why We Should Fear Bathtubs More Than Terrorists
War Costs Can, And Should Come Down
U.S. And China Grapple With Trade Tensions


Wasserman Schultz: Gingrich Has "Disturbing Views," Embraces "Tea Party Extremism"
Romney Flashback: Illegal Aliens "Should Be Able" To Get Citizenship
Bachmann On NBC Playing Song Calling Her A Bitch: Michelle Obama Wouldn't Have To Tolerate This
O'Reilly: Obama Will Blame The Rich For The Poor Economy
Gingrich "Prepared To Take Heat" For "Humane" Immigration Stance
Jimmy Kimmel Spoofs GOP Candidates In A "Charlie Brown Debate"
O'Donnell: Gingrich Found A New Way To Talk About Immigration
Full CNN/Heritage Foundation/AEI Debate On National Security
Schultz: Romney's Ad Is "Deliberately Misleading"


22 NOV.

Matthews: Was Obama "Just Too Good" That We "Had To Expect So Much More?"
Ron Paul: Biggest Threat To National Security Is Financial Condition
Krauthammer: Obama Is Running An "Occupy Wall Street Campaign"
Al Sharpton Accuses Rush Limbaugh Of Playing The "Race Card"
Mitt Romney: Not The Time To "Cut And Run" In Afghanistan
Santorum Supports Profiling Muslims
Perry: U.S. Must Use Every Sanction Against Iran Before A War
Obama: "It's Going To Take Time" For Economy To Get Better
Charen: Super Committee "Incredible Abdication Of Leadership" For Obama
Gingrich Spars With Ron Paul After He Calls Patriot Act "Unpatriotic"
Huntsman On Budget Cuts: "Everything Is On The Table"
Ed Rendell: "The Stimulus Worked; It Preserved Jobs And Created Jobs"
Moore Likens "Iconic" Pepper Spray Incident To Tiananmen Square
"Late Night" Welcomes Bachmann On With The Song "Lyin' Bitch"
Must See: Al Sharpton's Talks Pie In "Lean Forward" Ad On MSNBC
Perry On Super Committee Failure: "This President Has Not Led"
Reich: Super Committee Failure "Not Such A Big Win" For Obama
Maddow: Bipartisanship In Congress Still Doesn't Work To Solve Big Problems
O'Reilly: Congress Insults The American People
Obama To "Occupy" Protesters: "You're The Reason That I Ran"
Matthews: The Republican Right "Clearly" Doesn't Like Romney



NIU student from Park Forest shot dead at off-campus party

From school cafeteria to the White House

International Criticism of Egypt's Rulers Mounts as Death Toll Reaches 38

UN condemns 'excessive use of force' in Egypt - YouTube

Yemeni Leader Signs a Deal to End His 33-Year Rule

Bahrain commission issues brutal critique of Arab Spring crackdown

Challenges ahead for Pakistan's new US envoy

France to Seek EU Humanitarian Help for Syria

Russian president Dmitry Medvedev keeps US missile defense shield in sight

Britain says downgrade in Iran ties would be 'regrettable'

Helicopter Crashes Installing Christmas Tree in NZ

ICC prosecutor happy for Libya to try Gaddafi son

Explosives Mark 2nd Anniversary of Philippines Massacre

South Korea approves free trade agreement with US despite deep divisions

Mudslides in southern Italy kill 3 people

China promotes ''South China Sea Code of Conduct"

Egyptian revolution 2011: Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Parents of missing Madeleine McCann tell Britain’s press ethics inquiry of media pursuit - The Washington Post

How Weather Could Affect Your Travel Plans This Holiday Weekend

Pepper spray explanation doesn't wash with UC Davis students

FBI arrests 7 in Amish haircut attacks in Ohio

Romney under fire for immigration remarks

Mitt Romney TV ad: Serving a dishonest Obama quote?

Romney Mormonism no barrier against Obama: poll

White House Thanksgiving Recipes

Texas Judge William Adams suspended over beating video

SAT Cheating Scandal, Testing Security Under Investigation

Judges Propose Texas Congressional Maps, Replacing Perry's

Connecticut killer calls self "most hated" man

Restraining order extended in Selena Gomez case

Readers judge GOP contenders after national security debate

Will the supercommittee stalemate sink Congress?

After Reluctance, House to Vote on Naming Room in Honor of Murdered Giffords Aide

Huntsman doesn't know if dad paid for TV ad blitz

Second boy pleads guilty to tossing cart that hit woman

Occupy protests set in different cities for Black Friday

Why You're Mad if You Miss Black Friday Madness

Rethink Your Credit Cards For Holiday Spending

Exclusive: MF Global Workers Likely Violated Securities Laws

Microsoft signs confidentiality pact with Yahoo

Occupy Wall Street plans benefit album for itself

Gold falls on weak China data, tracks US stocks

Apple's Black Friday event creates visions of Mac, iPad deals

DHS sees no evidence of cyberattack on Ill. water facility

Google drops the axe on its internal renewable energy work

Steve Jobs exhibit at US Patent Office Museum open now

11 Craziest Black Friday Deals at Best Buy

Report: Malls Using Cell Phone Signals to Track Black Friday Activity

Google Doodle: Thanksgiving Turkey

Microsoft Buys Video Search Engine For $100 Million

Facebook users now separated by 4.74 degrees

Cartoon critters are back in style this Christmas

Scorsese happily enters the world of 3-D with 'Hugo'

Justin Bieber's Alleged Baby Mama Demanding Another DNA Test

Bachmann blames sexism for Fallon show music

The Muppets and moi

Singer George Michael has pneumonia, postpones gigs

Nicki Minaj Named Billboard's Rising Star Of 2011

Anti-Semitic Vodka Billboard Removed in New York

Mars rover taking one small step in the search for alien life

Russia finds its lost Mars probe, but can mission be salvaged?

Space junk alert called off for space station crew

Most liveable alien worlds ranked

Durban Climate Talks to Aim for Pragmatic Results

Loss of Sea Ice Is 'Unprecedented' in 1450 Years, Study Says

Apollo 13 checklist part of space artifacts auction

Changes In Ancient Humans' Diet Made Wisdom Teeth Obsolete

Hubble snaps mystery green death nebula in NGC 1846

Food Demand to Double by 2050, Urban Agriculture to Become Increasingly Important

ScienceShot: How to Make a Tank Disappear

BPA levels spiked after eating canned soup

Study: Taking Just a Little Too Much Tylenol Each Time Can Be Deadly

Drug Combo May Make Radiation Less Lethal, Harvard Study Says

Probe widens in buttocks-enlargement case

Thanksgiving: Busting the tryptophan myth wide open

World AIDS Day - an event to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS

Visits to retail health clinics jump sharply

Washington DMV offers free HIV tests

Sticky Goo Disables Cars on Pennsylvania Turnpike -

Medicare chief Don Berwick steps down in standoff with GOP senators over his confirmation - The Washington Post

Sticky goo makes mess of Thanksgiving holiday travel kickoff -

Video: OWS protesters interrupt Obama's speech - YouTube

Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket 1080p video sample - YouTube

Business Leaders Will Reportedly Face Jail Time For Claiming Water Prevents Dehydration | Fox News

What are the fossilized remains of more than 80 whales doing in the driest desert on Earth?

Curiosity robot headed for Mars - YouTube

Patient Education Tool: Toolkit for Making Written Material Clear and Effective From CMS

Protestors press for getting HIV/AIDS Bill passed - YouTube


"Standing On The Moon" by Grateful Dead - Grooveshark

"Walking on the Moon" by Sting - Grooveshark

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Frank Sinatra - Grooveshark


Full CNN Republican National Security Debate - YouTube


Ron Paul- full speech at the CATO Institute - YouTube

CNN Debate - Ron Paul Highlights 11-22-2011 - YouTube


Americans Elect 2012(

2012 Presidential Candidates(

2012 Presidential Candidates(


2012 Primary Debate Schedule (

Video/2012 Election Central

- - Candidates on the Issues

Project Vote Smart - (


"That old black magic" by Louis Prima - Grooveshark


17 Quotes About The Coming Global Financial Collapse That Will Make Your Hair Stand Up -

Terminator-style contact lenses will keep you up to date with news | Mail Online

Fresh round of hacked climate science emails leaked online | Environment | The Guardian

Pentagon’s War on Drugs Goes Mercenary | Danger Room |


+List of companies supporting the Orwellian named Stop Online Piracy Act | USAHM Conspiracy News


Obama – Product of Illuminati Breeding Program? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Roots of Surveillance America | USAHM Conspiracy News

Holy Grail of Facial Recognition Solved – Total Surveillance state cracks open champagne | USAHM Conspiracy News

Do Aliens Live Underground? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Scientific Facts Related to the Bird Deaths | USAHM Conspiracy News


"Body And Soul" by Louis Prima - Grooveshark


Charleston Voice: Russian News Anchor Gives Middle Finger Salute While Mentioning Obama

The EyeOpener- Meet the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

The Source of Food Is None of Your Business, Says WTO. | Gaia Health

Dangers of Aspartame & Methanol

Redefining the Natural « Surviving the Middle Class Crash

Groupon demand almost finishes cupcake-maker - Telegraph

Author James Arrudra Henry Learns To Read At 96, Writes Book 2 Years Later

UK severs ties with Iranian banks as part of international sanctions package | World news |

CIA's 'pizza' blunders leave informants facing execution - Telegraph

NPN Email Alert: Are Jews "Brothers" of Christians?

Penn State names ex-FBI director to head 'fully impartial' investigation | World news |

Car smoking ban: Japan Tobacco International spent thousands on MPs who opposed bill | Mail Online

Over-regulation of drugs is 'costing lives' - Telegraph - Is Sandusky Part of a Larger Pedophile Ring?

John F. Kennedy Opposed Israel’s Power | Veterans Today


Source says Barak won't Run in 2012 - Hillary Will and She will WIN!!

Gingrich: A font of loony ideas - Right Turn - The Washington Post

MF Global Looted Customer Accounts

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Nahida Izzat: Who are the Warmongers?


"Blue Skies" by Louis Prima - Grooveshark


Panel rejects many Obama judge picks - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

U.S. News - Navy to lay off 3,000 mid-career sailors

CIA Boosts Vaccination Conspiracies -- In These Times

Gunwalker scandal broadens--the FBI connection - National Conservative |

Iran dismisses new US sanctions as "propaganda" - CBS News

Iran MPs cry 'Death to Britain' in parliament - Telegraph

The Hitler Speech They Don't Want You To Hear - YouTube


Human ancestors mated with more than Neanderthals - CBS News


47 min./The mysterious origin of man - YouTube


"I've Got The World On A String (1995 Digital Remaster)" by Louis Prima - Grooveshark



45 min./Inside LSD-Full Length Documentary - YouTube

*1:11:58/Animal Farm-George Orwell-Full Length Animated Movie(1954) - YouTube


Timothy Leary: The Man Who Turned On America (part 1/4)

Timothy Leary: The Man Who Turned On America (part 2/4)

Timothy Leary: The Man Who Turned On America (part 3/4)

Timothy Leary: The Man Who Turned On America (part 4/4)


Atoms: Clash of the Titans (Part 1)-Full Length Documentary

Atoms: The Key To The Cosmos (Part 2)-Full Length Documentary

Atoms: The Illusion Of Reality (Part 3)-Full Length Documentary


The CIA and the Nazis-Full Length Documentary

Reefer Madness(1938)-Full Length Movie

1984 by George Orwell-Full Length Movie (1954 BBC TV Version)


JFK 2-The George H. W. Bush Connection-Full Length Documentary - YouTube

World Exclusive: E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video PART 1

World Exclusive: E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video PART 2

JFK - Case for Conspiracy I 1:42:49

JFK - Case for Conspiracy II - The Kennedy Assassination Films 50:40

E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video / JFK - Case for Conspiracy - 12160

The President Who Told The TRUTH - YouTube

The President Who Told The TRUTH - 12160

Jesse Ventura - Conspiracy Theory: JFK Assassination Witness - 12160

JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown - 12160

JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown - YouTube

The case against LBJ part 1 - YouTube

The case against Johnson Pt 2 - YouTube

The case against Johnson Pt. 3 - YouTube

The First Great American Coup: JFK Assassination - 12160

Joe Rogan - The JFK Bullet - YouTube


The Death Of John Kennedy - Dan Rather's "fib" (MP3)


Activist Post: Foster Children Given Harmful Antipsychotics and Tranquilizers as Frequently as Mentally Disabled

Activist Post: No Privacy on DC Roads, High-Tech Cameras "Pinpoint People's Movements All Over Town"

Activist Post: FBI Sanctioned for Lying About Existence of Surveillance Records

Revolutionary Politics : Super Committee : Closed to Public - Open to Lobbyists

Revolutionary Politics : 9/11 was a 1%er job

Olbermann Calls For Mayor Bloomberg's Resignation Because Of His Fake Terror Plot - YouTube

Greg Burton's Photos | Facebook

Lone Star Watchdog: Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union

What Has Gone Wrong With America?: Jesse Ventura on the hot issues affecting us today

‘Sesame Street’ composer pleads not guilty to child porn charges | The Raw Story

Activist Post: DHS Issues Turkey Frying Warning While Frying You with X-Ray Scanners on Biggest Travel Day (Video)

Activist Post: Super Congress Lies: Foreign Wars and Public Benefits Cannot Coexist

A Syrian Kurdish Exiled Film Director Talks About Syria - YouTube

Fox News host Megyn Kelly calls pepper spray ‘a food product’ | The Raw Story

Mike Gravel: "Netanyahu is a liar" - YouTube

Getting 911 Criminals Will Clean House | Veterans Today

Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude | Veterans Today

Surveillance Company Says It Sent Fake iTunes, Flash Updates - Digits - WSJ

Medvedev Goes Ballistic: Russian missiles in West's backyard? - YouTube

Bush & Blair 2011 War Crimes Trial Gets Underway In Kuala Lumpur « Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

Search engines hit by mortgage scam - Yahoo!


New York bomb suspect Jose Pimentel not a serious terror threat: FBI sources | World news |

US welcomes new Libyan cabinet - FOCUS Information Agency



+ Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy(1998)-Full Length Documentary - YouTube




Don't Let The Feds Ban THE OBAMA DECEPTION! - YouTube

Max Keiser: FINRA Let Corzine Run MF Global with Expired Broker License 1/3 - YouTube

Max Keiser: FINRA Let Corzine Run MF Global with Expired Broker License 2/3 - YouTube

Max Keiser: FINRA Let Corzine Run MF Global with Expired Broker License 3/3 - YouTube

» Iran Attack Dominates GOP Debate Sponsored by Neocon Institute Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MF Global Theft Deepens, Eye of The Beast, and ClimateGate 2.0 - YouTube

» Feds Admit Water Pump Failure Was Not Cyber Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Report: US & Arab States Set To Impose No Fly Zone Over Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AFP: BPA spikes 1,200 percent after eating canned soup: study

» 20 Signs That America Is Going Crazy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 10 outlandish things the ‘scientific’ controllers have in mind for you in the near future Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US student arrested in Tahrir Square not being held in prison, sister says | World news |

PFC Bradley Manning to get military court hearing on Dec. 16

PressTV - 'Occupy Student Debt' emerges in US

PressTV - NY musters 1,000 counter terror force

» Bus Search Anecdotal Information Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dead Sea Scrolls may have been written by mysterious sect | Mail Online

Quietly, Google Puts History Online -

» Scientists Weaponize Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results to Create Bioweapon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Get Ready to Gobble Drug-Resistant Bacteria

» Senators Push Online Sales Tax Legislation - Big Government

» Rick Perry promises an to end civilian-controlled military Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Question for the Bloodthirsty, Warmongering Neocon Strangelovians at AEI Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Daily Maverick :: Ethiopia invades Somalia, Round 2

» Jim Grant: “Central Banks Are Insolvent” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Big Data Bottleneck In The Consumer Web | TechCrunch

Gary Franchi: Liberals Prefer Paul over Obama in Latest Poll - YouTube

Future of Organic Food and Agriculture at Risk with Mark Kastel - YouTube

*Prison » Climategate 2.0: Read 20 ‘Juicy’ emails – ‘They validate EVERYTHING the skeptics have been saying’

Ron Paul's strength in Iowa shows it's too soon to write him off -

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 11/21/11: Dr. Paul's Message to the Super Committee - YouTube

Prison » Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 11/21/11: Dr. Paul’s Message to the Super Committee

Ron Paul Wins Again: Paul Watson Reports - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Malls track shoppers' cell phones on Black Friday - Nov. 22, 2011

Prison » Climategate 2.0 emails – They’re real and they’re spectacular!

TSA Worker Rapes Woman: Paul Watson Reports - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Obama Heckled For Allowing Police Brutality Against Protesters and Failing to Rein In Banks

Business Insider: Obama Heckled - YouTube

Ron Paul Beats Obama in Iowa: Gary Franchi Reports - Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » DHS Issues Turkey Frying Warning While Frying You with X-Ray Scanners on Biggest Travel Day (Video)

Prison » Manipulated U.S. Rates Seesaw Gold Prices

Prison » Are American Drug War Bloggers And Tweeters In Danger

G20 case reveals 'largest ever' police spy operation - Canada - CBC News

Prison » 10 outlandish things the ‘scientific’ controllers have in mind for you in the near future

AFP: BPA spikes 1,200 percent after eating canned soup: study

AFTERBURNER: How to Steal Power - YouTube

Police Trying To Silence Journalist Covering Occupy Movement - YouTube


Full CNN Republican National Security Debate - YouTube

+CNN-Heritage Foundation 2012 Republican Candidates Debate

The Making of a Presidential Debate: Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Video - YouTube


Taibbi Highlights Hypocrisy of Punishment of Wall Street vs. Main Street

Mitt Romney Implies He Destroyed Hard Drives To Block Access From Political Opposition

Pregnant #OccupySeattle Protester Miscarries After Being Kicked, Pepper Sprayed

The Women of #OWS: 'We Are the 51%!"

Fox Guest Claims College Professors and Teachers 'Live On The Excesses Of Capitalists'

Worst Persons Bloomberg and Kelly Hype Terrorism Threat to Distract from #OWS Protesters

Ron Paul 'Mic-Checked' by #OWS Protesters in Keene, New Hampshire

Romney: Cut Health Care for the Poor, Not Defense Spending

'Job Creator' Herman Cain and Board Laid Off 4,000 Workers at Whirlpool

#OWS: Foreclosure Mill That Mocked Homelessness Shuts Down

President Obama Threatens to Veto Any Changes to $1.2 Trillion in Cuts After Super Committee Failure

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Named One of Esquire Magazine's 'Americans of the Year'

Funny or Die: The Women Herman Cain Hasn't Sexual Harassed Speak Out

Santorum Says Africa Is a Country

Tax the Rich! In Fact, Let's Double Their Taxes

CNN National Security Debate: Bring on the Neocons!

Bachmann May Have Leaked Classified Information During GOP Debate

Audio:Cynthia Farahat: End US Military Aid to Egypt

U.S. General Warns of Turbulence as Troops Exit Iraq

Hezbollah Rolls Up CIA Operation in Lebanon

Egypt in Chaos: Violence Erupts, Cabinet Members Resign, Military Takes Power

DHS Issues Turkey Fryer Warning

Preview: Republican Debate on Foreign Policy

The Best and the Worst of the Foreign Policy Debate

Egypt’s First Free Elections: Situation a Powder Keg, Muslim Brotherhood May Hold the Match

NewsBusted: Is Obama a Better Public Speaker Than Rick Perry?

Sound Bite For The Day: The Thrill Is Gone?

Throw Them All Out on O’Reilly: Unusual Monday Features Author Schweizer with Steve Kroft of CBS

The Double Standard on Booing

Occupy’s Phase II: Changing the Subject to Salvage the Scheme

Sound Bite Of The Day: Mika Brzezinski Goes Ballistic Over Gingrich OWS Comments

CNN’s Carol Costello Personifies MSM’s Drive to Make Grover Norquist the ‘Super Committee’ Bogeyman

Russian Newscaster Flips Obama The Bird

Left Wants SCOTUS Justice Thomas Recusal, Ignores Kagan’s Clear Conflicts

Sound Bite For The Day: What “Right Wing” Acts?

Programming Note: Tonight’s National Security GOP Primary Debate

Jimmy Fallon And The Roots Keep It Classy, Welcome Bachmann With Fishbone’s “Lying *ss B*tch”

Obama-Loving MSM Shows Its Hand Early, Teaches Romney a Valuable lesson

Columbia Journalism Review Scolds MSM for Over-hyping Cain Gaffe

CNN Anchor Mocks Bachmann’s Faith: Do You ‘Regret’ Listening to God?

‘Who’s Afraid of Post-Blackness?’ Cain Hater Touré, For One

‘Keeping Them Honest’: CNN’s Tom Foreman Uses False ‘Fact-Checking’ to Slam Republican Candidates

Media Still Silent as More Congressmen Call for Holder’s Resignation

Desperate Dems: The Call for Hillary Begins

Unions Use Scare Tactics to Frighten Schools Away From Outsourcing and Big Savings

Super Committee’s Failure Gives Obama a Super Excuse for Our Faltering Economy

The Super Committee: Even If It Had Succeeded, It Was a Failure

American Politicians Should Copy Canada’s Leftist Government of the 1990s and Cap Spending

Audio:Elena Kagan: The Justice Who Knows Too Much

Outspoken Wisconsin Dem Senator Accessory to Voter Fraud

Obama Bundler Rezko Sentenced to 10 1/2 Years in Prison

Get Ready for Climategate II…?

JFK and the Left’s Legacy of Conspiracy

Behind-the-Scenes at a Presidential Debate

Ex-Dem Congressman: Voter Fraud Is Commonplace, Voter ID Is The Cure

Message to GOP on SuperCommittee: Embrace the Joy of Failure

The Best and the Worst of the Foreign Policy Debate Judge Napolitano-Taxation is Theft, Abortion is Murder, & It’s Dangerous to Be Right When the Gov’t Is Wrong

Ex-New York Mayor Ed Koch Blasts Insider Trading Reported by Peter Schweizer

How Much Control Does Big Labor Have over Indiana?

#Occupy Protest Costs Cities at least $13 Million

It’s Official: Dollar Coin Makes No Sense

OSHA Wastes $200k for Mobile APP that Doesn’t Work

Audio:The Currency Wars

Kelly Osbourne Wants to ‘Retire’ Another Word

Gender Inequality Reigns Supreme in Hollywood

Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Occupy Wall Street – It’s ‘Beautiful to See’

Trailer Talk: ‘21 Jump Street’

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Prologue Coming for Christmas

Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham: The Joke’s on Stand-Up’s Critics

J-Lobama: Dennis Miller Teases Jay Leno About His Obama ‘Bromance’

Mickey Rourke: ‘I Think Most Actresses Are C**ts With a Capital K’

NBC Goes Vile: Jimmy Fallon’s Band Welcomes Michele Bachmann With ‘Lyin’ Ass Bitch’

NBC’s Fallon Band Proud of ‘Lyin’ Ass Bitch’

- Daily Call Sheet: Where I Answer the ‘Is George Clooney Our Paul Newman?’ Question

Kyle Smith: ‘Iron Lady’ a Fitting Tribute to British Leader

Can Scorsese Save 3D?

Worst. Apology. Ever. – Questlove’s Lame Response to Bachmann Slam

- HomeVideodrome: Abrams’ Not So ‘Super’ Ode to Spielberg

‘Knights of Mayhem’ Review: Get Medieval with Professional Jousting Reality Show

Jimmy Fallon Apologizes for Michele Bachmann Humiliation

‘Hugo’ Review: Scorsese’s Film Critic Porn

‘The Muppets’ Review: Welcome Back, Kermit and Co.

‘My Week with Marilyn’ Review: Williams Shines as Iconic Movie Bombshell

Diplomat: EU planning financial sanctions on Syria

UN right chief wants investigation into Egypt killings

Ahmadinejad: European countries are puppets of a US master

China's leaders jockey for Politburo positions

Stocks fall on US and China growth worries

UC Davis' embattled chancellor says police defied orders

New find sheds light on ancient site in Jerusalem

Stocks fall on weak economic news in China, Europe

Syrian activists say 2-day death toll is 34

Germany's auction flop adds to European debt fears

Groupon shares sink below $20 IPO price

Romney wins endorsement from Thune

Obama jabs Congress as he pardons turkey

Three plead guilty in Florida toilet paper fraud

JP Morgan agrees to buy all MF Global's LME shares: KPMG

Yemen's Saleh says he'll work with next government

NJ man acquitted of murdering 5 teenagers in '78

Russia outlines response to U.S. missile shield

Bahrain report: excessive force in crackdowns

Yemeni president says he will fully cooperate with proposed coalition government.

Fox News Viewers Know Less Than People Who Don't Watch Any News: Study

Uncoordinated Coordination: Six Reasons Limits on Super PACs Are Barely Limits at All - ProPublica

New York Congresswoman Condemns Fallon Show's Bachmann Slam - Wilshire & Washington on

Fallon show sneak attacks Bachmann with profane entrance music - Washington Times

Actor Coogan says UK tabloids operate like Mafia | Reuters

Bronx Cheer For J. Lo's Phony Fiat Commercial | The Smoking Gun

Dennis Miller Ribs Jay Leno for Going Easy on President Obama (Video) - Hollywood Reporter

Rep. Barney Frank: Supercommittee failure ‘good news’ for Dems - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

Trump Threatens to Spend Millions on a Presidential Run - Washington Wire - WSJ

CNN Anchor Mocks Bachmann’s Faith: Do You ‘Regret’ Listening to God? - Big Journalism

CNN's Alina Cho Tells John Kerry He Said Something That 'Sounded Very Sexy' on Meet the Press |

ABC Elevates Left-Wing Hit, Charges ‘Limbaugh Hurls Racially-Charged Words at the First Lady’ |

Actual HuffPo Headline: 'Michele Bachmann Pours Water For Men At GOP Primary Forum In Iowa' |

GOP contenders square off on immigration

GOP contenders: Extend anti-terror Patriot Act

Mexico to probe report of drug campaign financing

+ *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Government


The Brazilian Blowout Hoax, Part 1: Rigged OSHA Study Creates MSM Hysteria

The Brazilian Blowout Hoax, Part 2: Fed OSHA Botches Study, Media Blames Company

The Brazilian Blowout Hoax Part 3: Politicians and The FDA Attack a Safe Product


23-Nov-11 World View

22-Nov-11 World View

21-Nov-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS:Bachmann Demands NBC Apology: ‘This Wouldn’t Have Been Tolerated If It Had Been Michelle Obama’

Do They Hate The ‘99%’?: #OccupyWallStreet Movement Targets Black Friday

CNN’s ‘Fact Check’ Segment Full Of Opinion

‘You Deserve It’: Tribute To Drew Brislen

Police Search For Teens Who Raided 7-11 Near DC

Sticky Goo Disables 150 Cars On PA Turnpike

NY Occupy Marchers Reach DC

Report: Paterno Fought University Over Player Punishment

22nd/More Than 90 Seconds: Ron Paul Has His Say

Romney: Obama Thinks America ‘Just Another Nation With A Flag’

Paul On Terror Threat: We Haven’t Been Attacked

Paul: Al Qaeda Inspired By US Meddling; ‘Why Don’t We Mind Our Own Business?’

Romney On Immigration: ‘I’m Not Going To Start Drawing Lines About Who Gets To Stay And Who Has To Go’

Bachmann: Newt Soft On Immigration

Paul Pot: ‘Cancel War On Drugs’

Perry: In 12 Months I’ll Shut Down Mexican Border

Perry: If Panetta Were Honorable Man He Would Resign In Protest Of Defense Cuts

Ron Paul Rails Against Defense Spending, ‘Endless Wars’; Romney Pushes Back

Huntsman, Romney Duke It Out Over Afghanistan

Ron Paul: I Don’t Remember Declaring War

Newt: ‘We Should Be Furious’ At Pakistan

Romney: We Need To Bring Afghanistan Into 20th Century

Santorum: Profile Muslims

GOP Debate: Ron Paul Calls Patriot Act ‘Unpatriotic’; Newt Fires Back

GOP Debate: Candidates’ Introductions

CNN Commits First Debate Gaffe: Identifies Wesley Clark As Republican

*Live Stream* Post Debate Analysis

Cain Muffs Wolf's Name: 'Blitz'

Not A Parody: Sharpton’s Official ‘Lean Forward’ Ad From MSNBC

U.S. To Impose New Sanctions On Iran

Dennis Miller Teases Pal Jay Leno For ‘Bromance’ With Obama

Jimmy Fallon Show Plays ‘Lyin’ Ass Bitch’ To Intro Michele Bachmann

CNN Asks Bachmann: Do You Regret Following God’s ‘Edict’ To Run For President?

21st//Russian News Anchor Gives The Middle Finger During A Report On Obama

Cyber Attack On US Water Supply Allegedly Came From Russia

Rep King: Expect More ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorists; ‘This Is Why I Started Radicalization Hearings’

‘How To Make A Bomb In Kitchen Of Your Mom’: NYC Police Commish Details Alleged Terrorist’s Bomb Making Plans

Heroin Overdose At #OccupyEugene

#Occuparody: Books Should Be Free Because… You Know… The 1%

20th/Meet The New Boss: Egypt Police Clash With Protesters In Tahrir Square

15 Reported Killed In Syria

Liberals Love Him: Jon Huntsman Shows Up On SNL

19th/Egypt Police Clash With Protesters

UC Davis Launches Probe After Pepper Spray Video

Schweizer: Pelosi Made Killing On Clean Energy IPO While Championing Green Legislation

Schweizer: Warren Buffett Cashed-In On Bank Stocks While Advising On Bank Bailout

Scientists Create World’s Lightest Material

18th/L.A. Investigators Re-open Natalie Wood Case

Demi Moore Back On Market

Syracuse Coach Under Investigation For Child Molestation

17th/Megyn Kelly’s Court: Is Insider Trading Really Helping Congressmen?


Robotic Warriors – The Ethics of Technology in Warfare -

Document Trove Exposes Surveillance Methods -

The Obama Predicament-and the Final Option!

Video:Ron Paul: Flawed policies helped lead to 9/11

Lobbying Firm's Memo Spells Out Plan to Undermine Occupy Wall Street

Video:Legalized Corruption of Government Exposed


*ArticlesBFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 22, 2011


BFP Exclusive: US-NATO-Chechen Militia Joint Operations Base

The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11

Britain’s Cover-Up of Inside Job in Fatal RAF Chinook Crash

A Majority of Americans (Including Both OWS and the Tea Party) AGREE on the Most Important Issues … We Just Don’t Realize It

VIDEO: Former Senator - U.S. A Drunkard Charging To War With Anyone

The Last Whistleblowers


Occupy Revolution

Unravelling Carbon Markets

VIDEO: War With Iran: History and Consequences

Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia Tribunal: Complete Text of Judgment

Tribunal Finds Bush & Blair Guilty of War Crimes

How White Supremacists Are Trying to Make an American Town a Model for Right-Wing Extremism

Child Rape, Penn State and the Catholic Church: Is Religion Especially Bad?

GOP Candidates Focus on PATRIOT Act, Military Cost

WWII Canard: Pentagon Rails Against Fantasy Cuts

Why Do Liberals Keep Sanitizing the Obama Story?

Propagandastan: Your Tax Dollars Whitewash Dictatorships

Pentagon's War on Drugs Goes Mercenary

'Real ID' Act Blocks Some Americans From Any ID

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Despite Concessions, Egyptians Protest

Bahrain Rights Report Finds Government Used Excessive Force

Scandal Prompts Pakistan to Appoint New US Ambassador

Taliban Denies Cease-Fire, Talks With Pakistan

Libyan Militia Leaders, Oil Execs Appointed in New Cabinet

Nigerian President Fires Anti-Corruption Chief

Republican Presidential Hopefuls Debate National Security, Foreign Aid

Obama Pardons Thanksgiving Turkeys

Bush Heads to Africa to Promote Disease-Fighting Programs

Video:"When the World Outlawed War"

Video:Jihan Hafiz Reporting from Cairo

“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

US Supreme Court Could Soon Allow Police To Monitor the Movements of Smartphone Users Without a Warrant

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine

Aqua Chernobyl - Fukushima Update 2011/11/23 - YouTube

10 outlandish things the ‘scientific’ controllers have in mind for you in the near future |


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 22nd, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 22nd, 2011


*ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street and the Fed 11-23-11


*1:09:48/Greg Palast Vultures' Picnic, Berkeley CA - YouTube


Gerald Celente - Michael Harris - 21 November 2011 - YouTube

Chicago: The City That Works Part I- The Evolution of Machine Politics

Chicago: The City That Works Part II- All Politics is Local, the Saying Goes

Chicago: The City That Works Part II- Public Service — A Vow of Poverty?

Violinist Jean-Luc Ponty, One of the Jazz Fusion Fathers « Jazz Beat

Piano Great Chick Corea Continues World Tour

Guitarist Al Di Meola’s European Jazz Tour

GOP Debaters Duel on Patriot Act, Immigration

ABA: Obama's Unqualified Judge Picks Set Record

Fallon Apologizes to Bachmann for Song Insult

Gingrich Gambles in Bid to Catch Romney

Obama Aide: Hillary Swap Is 'Ridiculous Idea'

Bachmann: US Is Empowering China

North: Debt Panel Failure Will Strike Military Hard

Cain: Obama 'Disingenuous' About Tax Hikes

Perry Video Gives Thanks, Honors Military

Gingrich: Cutting Off Gasoline Would Contain Iran

Bachmann to Perry: You're Naive on Pakistan

GOP Debate: Gingrich, Paul Tangle over Patriot Act

Santorum: Profile Travelers, Including Muslims

Occupy Wall Street Turns On Obama

Ex-Obama Fundraiser Rezko Sentenced to 10 Years

Fed to Test Six Big US Banks for Euro Stress

Consumer Spending Slows as Holidays Begin

Obama's Stimulus Flopped on Jobs, CBO Reports

Medvedev: Russia May Target US Missile Sites

Drones Eliminating al-Qaida in Pakistan

James Murdoch Quits UK Newspaper Boards

Cain: Israel Attack on Iran OK With 'Credible' Plan

Candidates Bash Obama on Immigration, Security

Gingrich: I Wouldn't Deport All Illegals

Ill. GOP Proposal Would Make Chicago Own State

High-Tech Medical Scanners Could Reduce Autopsies

Feds Hit Insurer for Price Hike Under Obamacare

Bloomberg's Riff on Obama Stirs Presidential Talk

Gingrich Calls for Regime Change in Iran

Romney, Huntsman Spar over Afghanistan Policy

Other Candidates May Target Romney in Debate

Both Parties Bank on 2012 Debt Panel Collapse

Parties Look to Gain From Supercommittee Loss

Obama’s ‘Do-Nothing’ Tack May Backfire

'Disastrous' Bond Sale Shakes Confidence in Germany

UN Rights Chief Wants Probe of Egypt Killings

Palestinian Membership Threatens UNESCO Programs

Egypt's Latest Uprising Has a More Violent Feel

Slowdown in Personal Spending Bodes Poorly for the Direction of the U.S. Economy

Moody's Warns US Not to Skimp on Deficit Cuts

Stocks Fall on Fears About US, China and Europe

Thanksgiving Allergy Dangers — Get Stuffed, Not Stuffy

Canned Soup Sends BPA Levels Soaring

Coffee Lowers Risk of Endometrial Cancer

Latest Salt Study: Dash or Two Is OK

Public Sees Members of Congress As Fools or Knaves

Republicans Must Gear Up to Campaign Smart

Democrats’ Supercommittee Excuses Omit the Facts

Freedom of Speech Means the Freedom to Say Anything

Judge’s Obamacare Ruling Should Focus Conservatives on Real Issue

How Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes Changed the World

Even Obama's Cheerleaders Are Falling Away

Gingrich Says He's 'Prepared to Take Heat' for Allowing Some Illegal Aliens to Stay in U.S.

Is Michelle Obama Bad for Kids?

Occupiers Protest $1.4 Billion Free Art Museum to Bash Wal-Mart

Santorum Backs Profiling at Airports, Cain Backs 'Target Identification' During CNN Debate

Former Sen. Arlen Specter Developing Pilot for Sunday Morning Show on Public Television

Conservatives to Washington: End Your ‘Drunken Spending Spree’

UNESCO Blasted for Reappointing Syria to Committee Dealing With Human Rights

Sen. Reid: Alabama’s Immigration Law Would 'Without Any Question' Create 'Racial Profiling'

Lululemon Entrepreneur Catches Flack for Shopping Bags Asking: ‘Who Is John Galt?’

Rep King: House Won't Defund Obamacare Because Leaders ‘Afraid' GOP Will be Blamed for Shutdown

Boehner, Cantor Failed to Sign Letter to Supercommittee Opposing Tax Increases

Gingrich vs. Paul on Patriot Act: 'That’s the Whole Point. Timothy McVeigh Killed a Lot of Americans'

GAO: Illegals Suspected of Igniting at Least 30 Wildfires Near Arizona-Mexico Border Between 2006 and 2010

Dutch/British Corporation Launches the World’s First Toilet Academy

ICE: Putting Israel on List of Countries That ‘Promote, Produce, or Protect’ Terrorists Was ‘Based on Inaccurate Information’

Democrat Says NBC Should Apologize for 'Insulting' Treatment of Michele Bachmann

48 Indiana Fair Victims Sue Sugarland Over Stage Collapse

White House Says Obama's Policies Have Weakened Iran

State Department Uses Facebook to Fight ‘Against Hate’ and ‘Stop Bigotry’

Occupy Protests Cost Nation's Cities at Least $13M

Occupy Protests: Shop Mom-and-Pop on Black Friday

Livestock Farmers Say Ethanol Consumes Too Much Corn

Reid Claims Alabama’s Immigration Law Would 'Without Any Question' Create 'Racial Profiling'

Conservatives to Washington: End Your ‘Drunken Spending Spree'

Of Top Ten U.S. Aid Recipients, Only One Voted for U.N. Resolution on Iran’s Human Rights Abuses |

Under ObamaCare, HHS Orders Private Health Insurance Company to Rescind Premium Rate Increase |

Central America, Cyber-Security and Electromagnetic Pulse Attack Identified As Overlooked National Security Threats |

Obama 'Actively' Made Supercommittee's Job 'More Difficult,' Toomey Says |

Wyden: Protect IP Act may pass if Americans don’t call Congress

Santorum: ‘Absolutely’ profile Muslims

Australia to make forced marriage illegal

Ancient Texts with Tom Horn - YouTube

25 Bitter And Painful Facts About The Coming Baby Boomer Retirement Crisis That Will Blow Your Mind

Paul McGuire -- Is Russia Preparing to Attack United States?

Will U.S. Protesters Be Treated As Terrorists? :

Nancy Pelosi Pushing Government to Institute Hitler Youth | Godfather Politics

Durbin and Waxman Strike Again! | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

U.S. Intelligence Will Train Super-Sleuths With Videogames | Danger Room |

Body of research | Mending Broken Hearts |

F-16C/D Fighting Falcon

Satellite Surveillance Shows Increased Activity At Alleged Iran Nuke Site | Fox News

Celente, Corzine and the Great U.S. Bank Holiday - YouTube

Activist Post: Attention Black Friday Shoppers: You Will Be Tracked

Activist Post: 10 Things You May Notice About America When Traveling Abroad

10 outlandish things the 'scientific' controllers have in mind for you in the near future

Debtors' Prison Legal In More Than One-Third Of U.S. States

On the Super Committee

Activist Post: How Protesters Become Terrorists

Activist Post: The Crisis of Reality

Activist Post: No Privacy on DC Roads, High-Tech Cameras "Pinpoint People's Movements All Over Town"

Activist Post: BPA Blood Levels Spike by 1,200 Percent After Eating Canned Foods

» A US-Backed Military Junta in Egypt Was Always The Plan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*2:08:40/Thrive - Full Length movie - YouTube


State Dept. Attacks Conspiracy Theories | Before It's News

Top Secret Obama 2012 World War 3 Illuminati Antichrist Conspiracy! - YouTube

Executive Order -- Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees | Before It's News

Obama files federal suits against states’ rights | Before It's News

POTUS Briefing: Eyes Only -- UFO Documentary Coming | Before It's News

Aliens Behind World Government | Before It's News


Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (1) - YouTube

Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (2) - YouTube

Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (3) - YouTube

Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (4) - YouTube

Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (5) - YouTube

Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (6) - YouTube

Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (7) - YouTube

Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (8) - YouTube

Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (9) - YouTube

Energy Shifts & 2012 - David Sereda (10) - YouTube


Google Phases Out Clean Energy R&D in Favor of Deployment, Citing the “Compelling” Cost Reductions in Solar PV | Before It's News

Psychopaths Rule The World - YouTube

Drinking This "Popular Poison" Is Worse Than Smoking | Before It's News

The Explosive That Blew Up Building 7 And The Twin Towers Revealed In New Theory | Before It's News

Ten Best Places to Find a Job and Why You Should Consider These Cities by Robert Wenzel

The other Kennedy conspiracy -

*Audio: The Greens Hate Mankind;James Delingpole talks with Lew Rockwell

The Curse of Instigationism by Thomas DiLorenzo

South China Sea Rivalries Recall Pre-World War I Era by Eric Margolis

Congress and Secrecy by Andrew P. Napolitano

Support Your Local Police State by William Norman Grigg

17 Quotes About the Coming Global Financial Collapse That Will Make Your Hair Stand Up

How to Handle Being Out of Your Depth: 6 Tips from a Con Man | The Art of Manliness

Death in Days: Beware of This Bacteria by Joseph Mercola

Undercover Researchers Expose Chinese Internet Water Army - Technology Review

Malls track shoppers' cell phones on Black Friday - Nov. 22, 2011

Monsanto, Bayer and Dow face trial for 'systematic human rights abuses' - The Ecologist

Catholics revise words of Mass –

In Illinois, faceoff between Jewish candidates seen as bellwether for Dems | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

FBI Sanctioned for Lying About Existence of Surveillance Records | Electronic Frontier Foundation

BBC News - Eating canned soup 'poses a chemical risk'

Four cups of coffee a day 'can help prevent womb cancer' - even if they're decaff | Mail Online

Judge William Adams Suspended While State Commission Investigates Abuse Video

Man catches 881-pound tuna, seized by feds | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

Drug-Sentencing Disparities by Laurence M. Vance

9/11 was a 1%er job? - YouTube

Pres. Obama's NAACP Address - Good Parenting, Good Whooping - YouTube

Ron Paul: "The federal war on drugs is a total failure, at least let sick people have marijuana" - YouTube

Gene Gillette pleads guilty in shooting case |

Fox News On UC Davis Pepper Spraying: "It's a food product" - YouTube

Donald Trump's Worth Estimated at $7 Billion in New Book

GOP Debate: Newt Gingrich Clarifies Illegal Immigration Policy

U.S. Students Arrested in Egypt Questioned

Postal Service Glitch Sends Closure Notices to 21,000 Addresses

People's Court Mom Missing After TV Appearance

What You Need To Know About Salting Skins | Before It's News

The Truth About the Thanksgiving Story | Before It's News


Site Page : "Cooking and Recipes" @ Before It's News


Russian newsreader Tatyana Limanova makes insulting gesture at Obama - Telegraph

Kuwait arrests activists for storming parliament - Yahoo! News

Man charged with attempted murder in forklift attack | News - Home

US Airways passenger forced to stand for 7 hour flight because of 400lb man | Mail Online

Developers Propose Underground Park In Place Of - Flash Player Installation

Polish far-right's 'no gay sex' logo sparks anger - Yahoo! News

Neo-nazis create furor by getting Adopt-A-Highway credit on signs - Washington Times

Russia Has No Idea Where Failed Mars Probe Will Crash

Obama's latest executive action: Thanksgiving turkey pardon -

Obama pardons turkey — unilaterally - Washington Times

2010 Turkeys Pardoned By Obama Died This Year - Washington Whispers (

Iowa Republican Presidential Caucus Preference

Ron Paul's strength in Iowa shows it's too soon to write him off -

Bachmann On NBC Playing Song Calling Her A Bitch: Michelle Obama Wouldn't Have To Tolerate This | RealClearPolitics

Penn State football players lived by special rules: ex-official | Reuters

‘Alley Trolls’ Illegally Taking Garbage In Mpls - Flash Player Installation

Halifax County man dies after being shot with stun gun ::

Trump Threatens to Spend Millions on a Presidential Run - Washington Wire - WSJ

Michael Bloomberg fuels presidential talk with attack on Barack Obama - Telegraph

Google quits plans to make cheap renewable energy | Reuters

Voters Wrestle with Illegal Immigrant Realities

Liberals and 'Austerity'

The Union War on Wisconsin Governor Walker

Last Idol Standing?

Where Ron Paul Meets Barack Obama

Newt Is No Gecko

For the Human Rights Campaign, Diversity Is Not Enough

Obama's New Libya

Occupy Decay

Newt and the illegals

Good Luck With That Operation

Islamists make common cause with Egyptian generals in power transfer deal

Euro zone nightmare: The turn of Germany?


Sequestered cuts will decimate the Department of Defense

GOP debate changed few minds

Dems sabotaged deficit panel for this?

Iran Policy: The Problem Is Obama

Radicals Don't Compromise

Just How Much Is 15 Trillion?

The Tipping Point and the Crossroads

Defenseless: America in the Twenty First Century

The Inconvenient Truth about Species Extinction

Thanksgiving, an American recognition of God!

Gingrich Supported Obamacare in 1993

Occupy protests: Obama heckled and drowned out in New Hampshire | Mail Online

Armed illegals stalked Border Patrol - Washington Times

SAT Cheating Scandal Widens As 13 More Students Charged In New York | Fox News

Toomey: Dems Rejected Compromise, Demanded $1 Trillion Tax Hike | The Weekly Standard

GAO: Illegal immigrants caused nearly half of border fires - Washington Times

Day in photos gallery -

'Sesame Street,' Disney music composer charged with making and distributing child pornography of 4-year-old girl in handcuffs - NY Daily News

Canada Free Press: Online Conservative Newspaper, News, Politics, Editorials

Israeli Women Stand in Support of Nude Egyptian Blogger |

Bachmann May Not Have Leaked Classified Information on Pakistan During Debate | Video |

First-Person Point-of-View Video of Roller Coaster With No Brakes | Video |

Defense Factory Workers Drinking, Smoking Pot During Lunch Break? | Tower Defense and Aerospace | Detroit | Video |

Shock Vid: Cleric Holds Pro-Bin Laden, Anti-Semitic Rally in Tahrir Square Surrounded by Al Qaeda Flags | Video |

Paul Derengowski Resigns After Anti-Muslim Comments From Tarrant County College | Video |

New Evidence Says Dead Sea Scrolls May Have Been Written By Essenes |

2011′s Worst Popular Passwords List |

Did Mitt Romney Really Screw Up Declaration of His Own First Name? | GOP Debate | Willard | Video |

Did Herman Cain Really Call Wolf Blitzer ‘Blitz?’ | Video |

Did Rick Santorum Really Call Africa a ‘Country?’ | Video |

GOP Foreign Policy Debate | Video |

Afghan Woman Gulnaz to Marry Rapist of Serve 12 Year Prison Sentence | Video |

Michele Bachmann Spars with Rick Perry Over Aid to Pakistan During CNN Debate | Video |

Ron Paul Said He Will Not Aid Israeli Military Action Against Iran | Video |

NASA Finalizes Preparations to Send Curiosity to Mars | Video |

Barney Frank: Supercommittee‘s Failure ’Good News’ | Video |

Want to See the Crazy, Glass-Eating Indian Talent Show? |

Russian News Anchor Shows Middle Finger to Obama | Video |

Gay Couple Kisses During Al Jazeera Report Following Mariano Rajoy’s Election | Video |

Second Round of Leaked Climate Emails | University Confirms Genuine But Old |

Occupy Protesters Heckle Obama in North Carolina | Video |

Cities Where Violent Crime Is Soaring |

Civilians Use Military-Grade ‘Robokopter’ to Spy on Police During Poland’s Independence Day Riots | Video |

Stalin’s Image Surfaces on Campaign Posters |

Wave Gliders Journey Begin 33,000 Mile Journey Across Pacific Collecting Valuable Scientific Data | Video |

Nancy Pelosi: Catholic Church‘s ’Conscience Thing’ on Abortion Puts Women At Risk |

Tibetan Rights Group Released Video of Buddhist Nun Engulfed in Flames | Video |

Michele Bachmann Mocks Perry and Romney On Jimmy Fallon’s Show VIDEO | Video |

Warren Buffett May Have Been Involved in the Congressional Insider Trading Scandal | Video |


**22nd/Real Clear Markets - Video - Bob Doll on Super Committee Failure Fallout

21st/Real Clear Markets - Video - Another U.S. Credit Downgrade?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Will There Be A Santa Claus Rally?

Real Clear Markets - Video - 1998 all over again for IPOs


Barack Obama faces stark choices about US policy on Egypt | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free |

RealClearWorld - How to Topple Iran's Ayatollahs

The Devil We Know: Why Assad Will Survive? - Forbes

More half-measures from Obama administration on Iran - The Washington Post

Why Do Liberals Keep Sanitizing the Obama Story? - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Microsoft gobbles up VideoSurf, a video search startup backed by Al Gore - GeekWire

NASA launching biggest rover ever built for Mars; ‘dream machine’ set for liftoff Saturday - The Washington Post

Microsoft Building Kinect Device for Windows PCs | PCWorld

How long will AT&T fight for T-Mobile? | Signal Strength - CNET News

Apple Wins Secret Patent for High-End 3D Object Recognition - Patently Apple

Streaming Music Companies: If The Artists Are Starving, Look To The Labels | TechCrunch

Grooveshark Sued By Universal for Illegal Uploads

Galaxy Nexus: An In-Your-Face Android Phone - Katherine Boehret - News - AllThingsD

Who’s on the Line? Increasingly, Caller ID Is Duped -

'Sleep-texting' a growing phenomenon - Telegraph

Is it legal for your cellphone to track you? - Technology & science - Security -

The Perfect Computer for People Who Fear Computers

The Facebook Phone: The "Slayer" That Wasn't - Liz Gannes - Mobile - AllThingsD

Cheap Windows Phone thrills: hands on with the HTC Radar

Why Everyone But The Artist And The Music Fan Is Doomed | TuneCorner Music Blog

Getting Health Data from Inside Your Body - Technology Review

After nearly five decades, the spot where LBJ was sworn in is identified | Dallas-Fort Worth Communities - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

JFK assassination anniversary: A private conversation between LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover | 89.3 KPCC

Hooverville Blues | The Weekly Standard

Biography of Boss Tweed, The Plundering Politician

War Leftovers in the Rhine: Low Water Levels Lead to Explosive Finds - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

h2g2 - London Underground Disasters and Other Unfortunate Events

AirDisaster.Com: Special Report: Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961

Civil War Book Review

Book Review: Mrs. Nixon -

Comic book store killer gets life sentence | Detroit Free Press |

Saving the Birds | Books and Culture

Did D.B. Cooper publish his own memoir? | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

Bad sex awards: the contenders for a night at the In and Out | Books | The Guardian

Thanksgiving: A Jewish Holiday After All » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Who Is the Most Influential Christian Leader in the US?, Christian News

In atheist blitz, where’s the other side? » GetReligion

Obama cannot be at war with Catholics if he is at peace with religious freedom | National Catholic Reporter

WORLD Magazine | Window of opportunity | Marvin Olasky | Dec 03, 11

RealClearReligion - Religious Left Paves Poor's Way to Hell

We are Non-Roman Catholics | Crisis Magazine

Baptist Press - Ex-wrestler Lex Luger talks of new life in Christ - News with a Christian Perspective

RNS Feature: "Atheists launch campaign to get unbelievers to `come out’"

What Christians want in a president - - The Washington Post

The Shushing Tyranny of “Be Nice!” | First Things

When Thanksgiving Is Filled with Turkeys

Touchstone Archives: Variations on James

BBC News - Botanists discover 'remarkable' night-flowering orchid

Origins of animal life remain a mystery | ScienceNordic

Are the Arts Irrelevant to the Next Generation? - Miller-McCune

Millenium Prize: the Navier–Stokes existence and uniqueness problem

Helpful Mouse Fetuses Naturally Send Stem Cells to Mom to Fix Her Damaged Heart | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Looted fossils from Scotland's 'Dinosaur Island' sold on eBay

Canada converting currency from paper to plastic; polymer $100 bill issued | SmartPlanet

Facebook Study: It’s a Small(er) World After All | Epicenter |

How People Are Fooled by Evidence: Scientific American

Bottled water can keep you cool say scientists who turned down dehydration claims - Telegraph

Why Nobody Wins in the Dairy Challenge - Blog

Carbon Foam: The Key Ingredient of a Better Battery? | Michigan Tech News

Princeton University - Blocked holes can enhance rather than stop light going through, engineers find

Surprising pathway implicated in stuttering | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

Cosmic Log - Which alien worlds are most livable?

The myth of renewable energy | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Carbon dioxide burial experiment commences

Climate change and extreme weather: What’s the connection? - Slate Magazine

Engineers have created an LED display you can wear like a contact lens

The Physics of Wine Swirling - ScienceNOW

A Treatise on Doing the Dishes - Blog

New Theory Explains What Makes an Ad Campaign Go Viral | What Makes a Video Go Viral? | Viral-Produced Movies | Life's Little Mysteries

Ultra-rare "back-to-back eclipses" coming your way! : Starts With A Bang

New Glow-in-the-Dark Material Charges In One Minute, Glows Infrared for Two Weeks | Popular Science

Farm-Fresh Food May Have Shaped The Modern Mouth : The Salt : NPR

A Serving of Gratitude Brings Healthy Dividends -

Is Switching to an All Electric Car Fleet Possible?

Growth vs. the environment?

Boone Pickens vs. Koch brothers over U.S. natural gas legislation while oil reaches $100, again | The Energy Fix

Is the EPA really a 'jobs killer'? - Yahoo! News

Time to think big on energy - Winnipeg Free Press

Keystone election year politics - The Hill's Congress Blog

Don't let nuclear go into the sunset | Opinion | The Engineer

Fracking Safety Depends On An Old Technology

Energy efficiency makes simple sense - Houston Chronicle

Climategate 2.0 reveals familiar cast of characters' blundering glory | FP Comment | Financial Post

Renewable Energy's Sixty Years Of Broken Dreams, But Keep Those Ideas Coming - Forbes

The 5 Most Toxic Energy Companies and How They Control Our Politics | Environment | AlterNet

How Fuel-Efficient Cars Can Save Money -- and the Economy - TIME

Are energy-efficient light bulbs really worth it? -

Geothermal Energy: Hot Times Ahead : Discovery News

Jenkins: If Only Obama Had Been This Guy -

To recapture deficit debate, Obama should press the reset button - The Washington Post

HOLTZ-EAKIN: Pro-growth policies are key to recovery - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - Good Economic Policymaking Takes Back Seat to Elections

Peter Foster: Peak oil vanishes; peak green arrives | FP Comment | Financial Post

The Best Recessions in History - Forbes

Portfolios and the lost decade | Vanguard Blog

Calculated Risk: Fed outlines new bank supervisory stress test

Maybe It's Time to Occupy the Federal Reserve: Edwards - MarketBeat - WSJ

Ten Principles for Recapitalizing Capitalism | Emanuel Derman

Worthwhile Canadian Initiative: The inflation fallacy

Democrat Denial Of Impact Of Regulations On Economy Holds Back Robust U.S. Recovery - Latest Headlines -

RAHN: Making money disappear - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - Super Committee Fails but Obama Campaign Machine Rolls On

Signs of life in the U.S. economy - Irwin Kellner - MarketWatch

Todd Harrison: The Vicious Cycle Of Sovereign Selling | Random Thoughts |

Barone: Thoughts on the AEI-Heritage-CNN debate | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Of all the U.S. presidents to mythologize, why pick JFK? - The Globe and Mail

Warren in Coakley’s failed footsteps -

Column: 'Southern Strategy' excludes blacks –

On foreign policy, Obama trounces GOP rivals -

Supercommittee was always a joke—John Podhoretz -

Obama’s Economic Quackery - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Chasing the Dragon in Tehran - By Roland Elliott Brown | Foreign Policy

What Happened to the Tea Party?

The Double Standard on Booing - Big Journalism

Why Obama Still Matters - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Michael Tomasky: How Obama Can Get to 270 Electoral Votes - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - GOP Obstinacy Doomed Supercommittee

RealClearMarkets - How Government Props Up Big Finance

Health Care Reform and the States -

Jon Corzine & missing $1.2 billion—Editorial -

RealClearPolitics - Superfrauds

HURT: Turkey taxpayers never get pardoned - Washington Times

The American Spectator : The Bell Tolls for Obamacare

RealClearPolitics - Gingrich May Have Inside Track on Palin's Endorsement

Obama visits New Hampshire, but is the state swinging against him? -

Ed Kilgore: The Only Way To End Gridlock In Washington Is For Obama To Run A Negative Campaign | The New Republic

John Kass: Tony Rezko buried under The Chicago Way, Obama dances above it -

Jon Corzine & ugly finance—Steven Malanga -

Go Big, Mr. Obama -

Should liberals be more thankful for Obama? -

GOP candidates show sharp differences on national security and terrorism - The Washington Post

What lies beneath: Death of Natalie Wood

Rating agencies: No downgrades after debt failure

Norquist's no-tax-hike pledge

Who's behind '99 percenters'? Ad company for Pepsi, Ford ...

Fight escalates over city's demand to enter private home

Pressure rises in challenge to ballot listing for Obama

California sued over 'vague' gun ban

Advertisers fleeing 'All-American Muslim' 'propaganda'

Teacher gets 30 years for taping students in bathroom

Obama pardons dope dealers

Gynecologist keeps 35,000 photos of patients

Warren Buffett should get a tax cut

An evil assault on a good man

Norquist's no-tax-hike pledge

Anderson Cooper: Media snake

Down syndrome genocide

Logic: Even rarer than shovel-ready jobs

How Washington's destroying America

Gratitude for faith and family

Should the rich be condemned?

America: Land of free speech – sometimes

How green is your Thanksgiving menu?

Obama won't obey SCOTUS

WND RADIO WND Exclusive CIA operatives 'will vanish' after outing by Hezbollah;Ex-agent says captors 'will take you to places and do terrible things to you'


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Lessons of the super committee;Rep. Steve King: Failure proves need for balanced-budget amendment with teeth

Who's behind '99 percenters'? Ad company for Pepsi, Ford ...

Obama: 'You are the reason I ran for office'

Protesters to consider incentives to vacate L.A. camp

Nancy Pelosi using Occupy to raise cash

L.A. mayor offers office, land to Occupy for $1 a year

Advertisers fleeing 'All-American Muslim' 'propaganda'

Pressure rises in challenge to ballot listing for Obama

Is it Ron Paul's turn to shine?

Gingrich: Cutting off gasoline would contain Iran

Allen West: Newt carrying 200 lbs of political baggage

Homosexual agenda can't make 'fearless one' tremble

Pelosi on Catholics: They have 'this conscience thing'

Steve Jobs' heirs slapped with $867 million tax bill

*23&24 Nov.

American Minute for November 23rd

American Minute for November 24th

Today in History: November 23

Today in History: November 24

November 23 Events in History

November 24 Events in History

November 23rd This Day in History

November 24th This Day in History

This Day in History for 23rd November

This Day in History for 24th November

Today in History: November 23

Today in History: November 24

November 23rd in History

November 24th in History

Today in History for November 23rd - YouTube

Today in History for Nov. 24 - YouTube


The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-22-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-22-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-22-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-22-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-22-11 Hr 3

Nov. 22, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 22 November 2011

11/22 The Mark Levin Show

2011-11-23.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

.2011-11-22.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-22, Tuesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-22-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, November, 22, 2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 21st

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Michael Savage Show 11/22/2011

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