A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

22 November 2011





Sinai: The New Frontier Of Conflict?
Egypt Gov't Offers To Resign As Violence Grows
Opportunity Costs In Iraq
Buffet: I Will Keep Betting On Japan
Chinese Go Nude In Support Of Ai Weiwei
Violent Clashes Enter 4th Day In Cairo
Philippines Activists Demand Arroyo Conviction
Funeral Held Amid Cairo Clashes
Perry Talks Syria, United Nations
House Foreign Affairs Chairwoman On Obama Doctrine
Why We Should Fear Bathtubs More Than Terrorists
War Costs Can, And Should Come Down
U.S. And China Grapple With Trade Tensions

21 NOV.

Counter-radicalization: Leveraging The Voices Of Victims
New Round Of Sanctions On Iran
U.S. Assertion In Asia May Impact China Trade Relations
Gaddafi's Spy Chief Is Seized By Libyan Fighters
Clinton: 'Assad's Going To Be Gone'
U.S. And China Grapple With Trade Tensions
Cain Suggests Taliban Running Libya
Cyber-attack Against U.S. Company Traced To Russia
Protesters Set Fire To Police Truck
Saif Al-Islam Gives First Interview
Survivors Pulled From Collapsed China Mine
Raw Video: Clashes In Egypt
Campaign 2012: Pakistan
Rice: Syria The Handmaiden Of Iranians


Perry On Super Committee Failure: "This President Has Not Led"
Maddow: Bipartisanship In Congress Still Doesn't Work To Solve Big Problems
O'Reilly: Congress Insults The American People
Matthews: The Republican Right "Clearly" Doesn't Like Romney

21 NOV.

Obama On Super Failure: Republicans "Refuse To Listen To The Voices Of Reason"
"60 Minutes" Reports On Grover Norquist And The Supercommittee
Romney: Health Care Individual Mandate Is A "Conservative Concept"
Rick Perry Goes On The "Special Report" Panel
Sen. Kerry On Supercommittee: Dems Have "Put Pain On The Table"
Carney On Super Committee: GOP "Unwilling" To Do What American People Want
Mitt Romney's First TV Ad: "Believe In America"
Reason: 3 Reasons We Shouldn't Bail Out Student Loan Borrowers
Limbaugh: NASCAR Crowd Booed Michelle Obama Because Of Her "Uppity-ism"
Michele Bachmann: "It's Time To Let A Woman Speak"
Reliable Sources: Gingrich Under Media Microscope
Romney Admits To Deleting Electronic Records As Mass. Governor
Relative Accuses Rep. Kildee Of Sexual Abuse
MSNBC's Brzezinski's Anti-Newt Rant Drives Her To Emotional Brink



The Undamaged Zapruder Film - YouTube


Zapruder Film(


Zapruder Frames - Costella Edit(


+ Index/Assassination Research (


I Shot JFK (James Files) Part 1 - YouTube

I Shot JFK (James Files) Part 2 - YouTube


American's Journey: JFK + Executive Order 11110 = Head Shot?

JFK, Executive Order 11110 and the Warren Commission - YouTube


JFK Assassination: Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura season.2 episode.5 part-1of6 - YouTube

JFK Assassination: Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura season.2 episode.5 part-2of6 - YouTube

JFK Assassination: Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura season.2 episode.5 part-3of6 - YouTube

JFK Assassination: Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura season.2 episode.5 part-4of6 - YouTube

JFK Assassination: Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura season.2 episode.5 part-5of6 - YouTube

JFK Assassination: Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura season.2 episode.5 part-6of6 - YouTube


E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video / JFK - Case for Conspiracy - 12160


World Exclusive: E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video PART 1/ 07:24

World Exclusive: E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video PART 2/ 07:12


*1:42:49 /JFK - Case for Conspiracy I

* 50 min. / JFK - Case for Conspiracy II - The Kennedy Assassination Films


+ The Death Of John Kennedy | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Audio:The Death Of John Kennedy - Dan Rather's "fib" (MP3)

Ruby and Nixon

The Death Of John Kennedy - Memo surfaces linking George Bush to CIA

The Death Of John Kennedy - George H. W. Bush at the scene of the JFK assassination?

The Death Of John Kennedy - George H. W. Bush was feeding disinformation to authorities after JFK assassination

Hunt's Deathbed Confession Reveals JFK Killers

Study Backs Theory of 'Grassy Knoll'


Gerald Ford forced to admit the Warren Report fictionalized

The Death Of John Kennedy Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment.

The Dissenting Warren Member(Documents)

The Death Of John Kennedy;Convenient Deaths - 1963 - 1976

The Death Of John Kennedy The Media helped sell the lie of the lone assassin.

“My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!” : blog: "My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!"

Oswald's mother: 'This is a frame up' - CBC Archives

Revolutionary Politics : JFK: Final President to Fight the Federal Reserve : Only Bankster Puppets Since


Thanksgiving Family Forum - Ron Paul Highlights - YouTube


Ron Paul: How To END THE FED 1/2 FED Crimes / Solutions - YouTube

Ron Paul: How To END THE FED 2/2 FED Crimes / Solutions - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11


Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11 - YouTube


Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 11/21/11: Dr. Paul's Message to the Super Committee - YouTube


VIDEO: Ron Paul One Hour Interview - Des Moines Register Editorial Board 11/19/11 | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty


Monetary System Videos -1

Monetary System Videos-2

Monetary System Videos-3

Monetary System Videos-4

Monetary SystemVideos-5

Monetary System Videos-6

Monetary System Videos-7


Modern Iran or Ancient Persia - English

David Icke Talks with Luke Rudkowski #ows #n17 - YouTube

Who are the Warmongers? | Intifada Palestine

poorrichards blog: Why the Super Committee is Super Illegitimate

Bill Kristol Continues Fox's Attacks On OWS: "The Whole Term 'Occupy' Is A Kind Of Marxist Term For Taking Over" Property | Media Matters for America

OpEdNews - Article: Busted! Memo Shows Boehner Aides Pitch Million Dollar Anti-OWS Attack Campaign to Bankers

Sherrie Questioning All: MF Global - 1.2 BILLION Missing from Clients accounts - yet NO One has been arrested or accused of Stealing!?

FBI Was Concerned NYPD’s ‘Lone Wolf’ Case Raised Issues Of Entrapment | TPMMuckraker The CIA Takes a Moment to Debunk Conspiracy Theories

Mexico and USA ruled by drug cartels - English

Jack Abramoff: Newt Gingrich ‘Cashing in on Public Service’; ‘Lobbying’ by Another Name - ABC News

Refreshing News: Republican presidential race: The big six 2012 endorsements

In Jose Pimentel Terror Case, F.B.I. Worries Over Informer -

New video of Gaddafi son Saif al-Islam - first hours in captivity - YouTube

As the World Crumbles: the ECB spins, FED smirks, and US Banks Pillage -

Computerised contact lens will keep you up to date with news and texts | Mail Online

17 Quotes About The Coming Global Financial Collapse That Will Make Your Hair Stand Up -

Robotic Warriors – The Ethics of Technology in Warfare -

Real-life Minority Report: Analytics assist police in detecting crime -

‘Near Poor’ - Not Quite in Poverty, but Still Struggling -

CIA Intrigues against Pakistani Institutions | StratRisks

CIA spies caught in Iran, Lebanon: report | StratRisks

Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone - YouTube

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Oil Executive: Military-Style 'Psy Ops' Experience Applied - US Business News - CNBC

+Video - Supercommittee Failure -- President Obama Says He'll Veto Efforts to Curb $1.2 Trillion Cuts -

WATCH: President Obama Makes Statement on Super Committee Failure, Says Too Many Republicans in Congress Refuse to Listen to Voices of Reason - Fox News Video -

Super committee about to fail: Is it Obama's fault? -

Bachmann: Obama Was 'AWOL' On Super Committee


Tony Rezko Sentencing: Former Blagojevich Fundraiser Faces Up To 15 Years In Prison


Tony Rezko sentenced to 10.5 years in prison - Chicago Sun-Times


OWS: To Change the Country, We Just Might Have to Change Ourselves

Why are Right-Wing Christians Obsessed with Paranoid Notions of Liberal Politicians as the Antichrist?

Five Ways that Financial Elites are Destroying Democracy

Boehner, Cantor Failed to Sign Letter to Supercommittee Opposing Tax Increases

Obama 'Actively' Made Supercommittee's Job 'More Difficult,' Toomey Says

Supercommittee Talks ‘Totally Meaningless,’ Expert Says

Rep King: House Won't Defund Obamacare Because Leaders ‘Afraid' GOP Will be Blamed for Shutdown

Of Top Ten U.S. Aid Recipients, Only One Voted for U.N. Resolution on Iran’s Human Rights Abuses

No Answers From Interior Department on Number of Foreign Companies Drilling for Oil and Gas in U.S.

Senate GOP Leaders To Holder: Your Kagan Testimony 'Belied By The Facts'

Boehner Commends 'Dignified and Statesmanlike' Negotiations of Supercommittee

Mrs. Obama Faced Boos at NASCAR, But Bush Was Cheered -- Most Top Drivers Endorsed Bush in 2004

While You Wait: Free HIV Tests Offered at One D.C. DMV

Iran Dismisses New U.S. Sanctions As Ineffective 'Propaganda'

Song With Insulting Title Greets Bachmann As She Walks Onto Jimmy Fallon's Set

'Sound of Music' Now Playing in Salzburg for the First Time

Obama Hails ‘Job-Creating’ Deals in Asia, As China Complains About Being ‘Encircled’

Cash-Strapped Cities and Schools Offer to Place 'Your Ad Here'

Ron Paul’s Comments on 9/11 and U.S. Foreign Policy Open to Dispute

'We Didn't Need A Super Committee In The First Place,' Sen. Inhofe Says

Salazar Can't Give List Of Foreign Government Companies Drilling For Oil In U.S. Waters


Cairo Protests "To Save the Revolution"

Will 50% Cuts "Hollow Out" the Military?

The Super Committee and the Attack on Labor


UN Envoy: Saleh Agrees to Step Down

Libya to Name New Transitional Government

ICC Prosecutor: Libya May Try Gadhafi's Son

Beijing Blasts US For Failure to Cut Debt

US Economic Growth Slower Than Estimates

South Korean Lawmakers Approve Korea-US Trade Deal

“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine

Historian: The “Curse of Tutankhamun” Was Ritual Murders Carried Out by Aleister Crowley

Bachmann: Obama's Debt Panel Absence Is Like 'Where’s Waldo?'

Schoen, Caddell: Obama Needs to Go

Gingrich: Supercommittee Failure Good for America

Boehner: House Will ‘Forge Ahead’ With Cuts

Trump Raps Obama for Supercommittee Failure

Howard Fineman: No Leadership From Obama

George W. Bush to Raise Cancer Awareness in Africa

Obama Statement on Supercommittee Failure

Early-Stage Alzheimer's Tied to Lower BMI

O'Reilly: Ron Paul's Iran Views Are 'Dangerous'

Paul Could Be Spoiler in GOP Race

China Media: US Sitting on ‘Ticking Debt Bomb'

Study: Thinner People More Likely to Have Early-Stage Alzheimer's

Hidden Salt In Your Thanksgiving Meal

Democrats’ Supercommittee Excuses Omit the Facts

Warning From History: Ruthless Leaders Fight for Slave States

Conservatives Should Celebrate Supercommittee’s Failure

Even Obama's Cheerleaders Are Falling Away

Israel, the IAEA, and the Road to War With Iran - YouTube


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 21st, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 21st, 2011


**The Curious Case of United Airlines Flight 23 on 9/11 – Brian Romanoff |

‘Gaddafi son knows too much, will be silenced’ – Adrian Salbuchi |

'Gaddafi son knows too much, will be silenced' - YouTube

Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results Necessary to Create Bioweapon |

Solid Proof That Weather Modification Projects Are Being Conducted All Over The United States |

Killer Chemtrails: The Shocking Truth - YouTube

Thrill Is Gone? Matthews Turns On Obama; 'I Hear Stories That You Would Not Believe' - YouTube

Interview with Greg Palast on #OWS, US Corporatocracy - Media Roots TV - YouTube

Asia Times Online :: Exposed: US press 'freedom'

Coming? The Warrantless ‘Security Check’ of Your Home. What Will We Say? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 21, 2011

The EyeOpener- Meet the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

BFP Exclusive: Syria- Secret US-NATO Training & Support Camp to Oust Current Syrian President

Fathoming Amazon: 9 Things to Know (Infographic) | Frugal Dad


*Articles:Occupy Wall Street and The Fed 11-21-11 |


What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe - Business Analysis & Features - Business - The Independent

Radiation covers 8pc of Japan - ABC Melbourne - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

License plate readers: A useful tool for police comes with privacy concerns - The Washington Post

Must Watch! -- AGENDA: Grinding America Down ( Extended Trailer ) - YouTube

Follow Your Heart: Darpa’s Quest to Find You by Your Heartbeat | Danger Room |

Massive section of Los Angeles roadway falls into the ocean | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

If Chemtrails And HAARP Didn’t Disturb You Enough, Wait Until You Hear About Morgellons | Pakalert Press

» Egypt’s Secret Police Renames Itself “Homeland Security” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Satellite Surveillance Shows Increased Activity At Alleged Iran Nuke Site | Fox News

The Sin of Silence

The American Spectator : Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Search for God

Is this an alien skull? Mystery of the triangular-shaped head found in Peru | Mail Online

Two million year old skeletons discovered News

Courthouse News Service:Attorney Says Macondo Well Still Leaks Oil From Seafloor

Has Truth Occupied Wall Street? | Before It's News

Trickle-down tyranny - why ordinary people in positions of local power are adopting tactics of tyrants

Activist Post: Bush Drug Czar Gets Destroyed in Legalization Debate (Video)

Activist Post: Big Six Pesticide Manufacturers to Face Human Rights Tribunal

Activist Post: NYC 'Lone Wolf' is Just Another Patsy Entrapped by a Paid Informant

Activist Post: Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results Necessary to Create Bioweapon

Activist Post: December court date for Manning in WikiLeaks case

Activist Post: Foster Children Given Harmful Antipsychotics and Tranquilizers as Frequently as Mentally Disabled

Activist Post: No Privacy on DC Roads, High-Tech Cameras "Pinpoint People's Movements All Over Town"

FBI Sanctioned for Lying About Existence of Surveillance Records | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Activist Post: Judge orders psychological test for alleged WHouse shooter

9/11 was a 1%er job? - YouTube

The Last Whistleblowers

Unravelling Carbon Markets

Non-violence does not have to be passive

The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11

Occupy Revolution

Fukushima: “China Syndrome Is Inevitable” … “Huge Steam Explosions”

VIDEO: Goldman Sachs and Europe's "Inside Job"

Genocidal Cynicism

VIDEO: War With Iran: History and Consequences

Russian Foreign Minister Decries West's Global Provocation In Syria

U.S. Shifts Military Forces, Interceptor Missiles Closer To China

Destabilisation of the entire Arab world. Moscow Decries US-NATO's Global Provocation in Syria

Hezbollah Stumbles on Bumbling CIA Spy Rings

33 Dead as Egypt Cabinet Threatens to Resign

Kenya Prepares 'Major Assault' on Somalia

Israel Slams Calls for Nuclear Transparency

Who Won the Iraq War?

Whose Atomic Energy Agency Is It, Anyway?

GOP Debate Reveals Depraved and Deluded Political Class

FBI Declined to Pursue NYC Bomb Plot

CIA Rolled Up in Lebanon, Iran

What Does a War with Iran Mean?

The Pacific Pivot by Justin Raimondo --

Gingrich the Thanksgiving Turkey by Kelley B. Vlahos --

The Top 0.1% Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Forbes


Texas man accused of shooting 17-year-old classmate in the head to go free after DA 'forgets to indict him' | Mail Online

Flash Mob Shoplifts at Silver Spring 7-Eleven | NBC Washington

MF Global Trustee Says Shortfall Could Exceed $1.2 Billion -

Anger mounts as MF Global clients see $3 billion still stuck - Yahoo! News

Ex-Solyndra Staff Eligible For TAA Federal Aid; Packages Worth Average $13,000 Each

Bush Tax Cut Debate Dooms Deal to Cut Deficit - ABC News

Possible Victims Come Forward in Bad Butt Injections Case: Officials | NBC Miami

Shocked Putin greeted with boos and jeers at the big fight - Europe - World - The Independent

Amazing Ride Nears End for 'First Brother' Reggie Love - Yahoo! News

Kenyan runner in Alaska loses feet to frostbite | Reuters


Baker Forced to Make 102,000 Cupcakes for Grouponers | NBC Chicago

Obama pardons 5, commutes 1 sentence for convictions including selling drugs, gambling - The Washington Post

Obama pardons Park Ridge man -

Anti-Obama sales outpace pro-Obama nearly fourfold at popular online clothier

In New Book, Trump Releases Finances, Doesn't Rule Out 2012 Run - Fox News

Cops Summoned To Florida Elementary School After Girl Kisses Boy In Phys Ed Class | The Smoking Gun

The First 15 Minutes of Regis Philbins Career

A Thanksgiving Promise by Karen Kwiatkowski

Lies, Damn Lies, and National Geographic by Ralph Cinque

Dismal Futures by Cathy Cuthbert

What Has Gone Wrong With America?: Jesse Ventura on the hot issues affecting us today

Jesse Ventura There's Only ONE Person I Like At All That's Ron Paul! - YouTube

Making Sense Out of the Great Unraveling by Jeff Thomas

How to Make the Perfect Martini | The Art of Manliness

How Antibiotics Make You Fat | Mark's Daily Apple

U.S. restates N.Korea nuclear demands

Man wins right to pot-themed license plate

Gingrich labels CBO a ‘reactionary socialist institution’

Six reasons limits on Super PACs are barely limits at all

Nebraska reverses course on pot-promoting vanity plate

Naomi Wolf slams feminists’ response to the Assange rape prosecution

Fox host calls pepper spray ‘a food product’

Obama: Republicans refuse to listen to reason


11-21-2011 Infowars Nightly News


Suspicious of stolen technology, U.S. suspends weapon exports to S.Korea : National : Home / Justice & Home Affairs / Netherlands to beef up border surveillance

The Red Cross bans Christmas | Mail Online

» NYT Tries to Blame Political Film for White House Shooting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Illegal Alien Arrested For Double Stabbing In Yates County - Rochester, News, Weather, Sports, and Events -

The Anatomy of a Genetically Modified Turkey [Infographic]

4 Must Read Books about Police Brutality | Cop Block

Forbes’ Still Calling for Investigation Into GE’s China Deal | Defense Tech

Bird Flu Research Rattles Bioterrorism Field : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Livefist: China Expands Airbase On Coco Island

The Surveillance Catalog - The Wall Street Journal

US Backs Egypt's Military as Tahrir Square Crackdown Continues

The Obama Predicament-and the Final Option!

Video:Syria: Who's Doing The Killing?

Army Coup Reality Dawns On Egypt's Protesters

Video: Ron Paul: Flawed policies helped lead to 9/11

Video:Legalized Corruption of Government Exposed

Is Pizza a Vegetable? Well, Congress Says So

A Lesson They Will Never Forget - YouTube

TSA soldier pat down - YouTube

Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State - YouTube

Anti-Chinese Bipartisanship - informationliberation

Printing money solves no crises: Faber - Taipei Times

“Pirate Blogger” Law Student Raided By Police For File-Sharing Articles | TorrentFreak

Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich Neck and Neck

Gas Prices Take a Dip Around the Nation

POTUS Briefing: Eyes Only -- UFO Documentary Coming | Before It's News


*1:22:39/Dr. Mercola Interviews Mark Kastel about Organic Foods - YouTube


Top Secret Alien image from UFO crash in Roswell 1947 leaked 2011 - YouTube

Ark of Covenant Found -- Radiation Detected At Bottom of Money Pit | Before It's News

Oak Island Money Pit Mystery - YouTube

Aliens Behind World Government | Before It's News

Obama's Gay Murders! Another Recent Victim? | Before It's News

Mom of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks Up | Fellowship of the Minds

OWS Website Bans Alex Jones “Conspiracy Theories” | Before It's News

Hypertension Affects Brain Capacity | Before It's News

Obama Admin Forces FDA To Formally Revoke Approval Of Most Successful Cancer Drug In History to Save Money For Obamacare | Before It's News

Elements 119 And 120: Racing To Be The First To Create The World's Heaviest Element | Before It's News

Darpa’s New Tool for Diagnosing Disease? Semen | Danger Room |

How Old Is The Earths Inner Core? New Findings Send Shockwaves Through Geological Science | Before It's News


+ 50 Best Bartering Sites For The Frugal | Before It's News


+ 10 Fairy Tales That Are Politically Incorrect | Before It's News


+ 25 Google+ Tips And Tricks | Before It's News


A Safe Room For Your Home | Before It's News

The Grand Alignment-2012 Every 25,800 Years.. - YouTube

David Icke - Bloodlines of the 'GODS' (Reptilian) - YouTube

Is renewable energy just a myth? | Before It's News

Much to gain and lose for Gingrich, rivals in CNN national security debate -


+How Easy Is It To Use Canadian Pharmacies? | Before It's News

+Using A Canadian Pharmacy To Get Prescriptions | Before It's News

+Canadian Pharmacies - What You Need To Know | Before It's News

+Are Canada Drugs Different From Those In The US? | Before It's News

Federal Drugs; Canadian/Online (


Green tea supplements prevent flu better than vaccination

On 9/11, the U.S. Military Was Preparing for a Simulated Nuclear War | Before It's News

New 9/11 expert panel: consensus about the truth or the truth about consensus? | Before It's News


32% Not At All Confident That They’ll Get All Their Social Security Benefits | Before It's News

Is Sandusky Part of a Larger Pedophile Ring? | Before It's News

Why Would Reporters Lie about 9/11 if the Truth is Worth a Pulitzer Prize? (VN: Good Question!) | Before It's News

The Dead Sea Scrolls - Solving The Wrong Mystery | Before It's News

Benefits of Magnetic Water | Before It's News

Creating Your Own Martial Arts Form | Before It's News

What is the Origin of The Name Santa Clause | Before It's News

JFK Assassination: 48th anniversary of an american coup | Before It's News

How Protesters Become Terrorists | Before It's News

Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 2 of 3) | Before It's News

As Drought Continues, Depleted Texas Lakes Expose Ghost Towns, Graves | Fox News

Survivalists fear currency crash | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

CAIR’s Campaign Against the Truth | FrontPage Magazine

One More Thing OWS Movement Is Exposing Is The Incredible Militarization Of OUR Police Departments - YouTube

Mossad vs Assad? 'CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath' - YouTube

The Keiser Report 213 - YouTube

Squatters Claiming To Be Seattle Occupy Protesters Takeover Foreclosed On House - YouTube

Fears Highly Radioactive Rice Sold To Consumers - YouTube

NYT Tries to Blame Political Film for White House Shooting

Egypt’s Brutal Military Junta is Supported by the Obama Administration

Barb Adams: A Whole Lot of Shaking Going On: The New Madrid Seismic Zone


2012 Election Central(

Video « 2012 Election Central


UN Sign At The Grand Canyon - YouTube

Descending Into The Grand Canyon! - YouTube

Prison » Michael Moore Blames Homeland Security For Pepper-Spray Brutality

Prison » Massive Hydrovolcanic Explosion Inevitable at Fukushima


Prison » TSA Agents Think They Are Above The Law

Airport Screening Is Still a Pain, Fliers Complain -

EU Rules Water Doesn't Hydrate, Caregivers Waterboard Granny & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

White House and MSM Target Alex Jones & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » 9 More Ways The U.S. Government Is Waging War Against America

Repression worse now than under Mubarak, says report - Telegraph

Prison » 17 Quotes About The Coming Global Financial Collapse That Will Make Your Hair Stand Up

Prison » This Is How Protesters Are Dealt With In America

Pakistan Taliban 'declares ceasefire' - Telegraph

Prison » Russian warships off Syria, US carriers near Iran

Prison » Mossad vs Assad? ‘CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath’

Mossad vs Assad? 'CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath' - YouTube

Prison » Why ordinary people in positions of local power are adopting tactics of tyrants

Prison » Russian News Anchor Gives The Middle Finger During A Report On Obama

Prison » Golden State – World On Fire

Prison » Are American Drug War Bloggers And Tweeters In Danger

Prison » Well-Dressed Gunman Attacks Occupy Houston, Fires 15 Rounds

Prison » FBI Sanctioned for Lying About Existence of Surveillance Records

Prison » The Use of Pepper Spray On Peaceful Protesters Is Illegal … And Can Seriously Injure Or Kill

Prison » Experts Admit Fukushima is Causing Hidden Cancer Deaths

Prison » The New York Times Calls The Obama Deception “An Antigovernment Film”


Obama Declares War on Alex Jones! 1/2 - YouTube

Obama Declares War on Alex Jones! 2/2 - YouTube


Supreme Court Blocks Gov. DNA Grab: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» Will Freeh bungle Penn State child-sex abuse investigation? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

EU Rules Water Doesn't Hydrate, Caregivers Waterboard Granny & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

White House and MSM Target Alex Jones & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» This Is How Protesters Are Dealt With In America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Creepy ‘One Voice’ Occupy Protesters Heckle Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - Human rights, tool in wrong hands

Tunisia's election winners form interim government after uprising | World news | The Guardian

PressTV - 'Occupy Student Debt' emerges in US

Italy and Greece debt crisis: How long before the grey dictators march on London? | Mail Online

» U.S. Shifting Military Forces Closer to China Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CIA, MI6 and Mossad: Together against Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Jim Grant: “Central Banks Are Insolvent” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Saying no: Sheriffs fed up with worsening federal interference, bureaucracy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - NY musters 1,000 counter terror force

» Bus Search Anecdotal Information Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Quietly, Google Puts History Online Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Big Data Bottleneck In The Consumer Web | TechCrunch

Hospital Requires Staff to Get Flu Shot

Surveillance Company Says It Sent Fake iTunes, Flash Updates - Digits - WSJ

DHS Secretary receives warning for refusing to comply with subpoena - National Immigration Reform |

» Rick Perry promises an to end civilian-controlled military Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

School principal jailed for 30 years for secretly filming boys aged 5-11 using the toilet | Mail Online

Lord Chief Justice says courts should use more English common law in their decisions - Telegraph

In Jose Pimentel Terror Case, F.B.I. Worries Over Informer -

» Horrible Bosses, Pitchforks & Torches Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Israel shuts liberal radio station in attempt to silence criticism of right - Middle East - World - The Independent


Deceiving the Elect, Why Study UFOs? - UFOs and the Bible

Did God create life on other planets?

Does the Bible tell us if there is life on other planets? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Proof of Ancient Aliens


Rep. Jeb Hensarling: Why the Super Committee Failed

John Boehner: 'I did everything possible'

Harry Reid: Republicans never found the courage

Obama pressing private insurance company to cancel planned rate hike

Obama's aides kept him away from a doomed process

Supercommitee’s failure: Obama blames GOP

Body found hanging from I-40 billboard; Suicide suspected

Congress may try to limit the baggage fees that airlines charge

Obama using supercommittee failure to bludgeon Republicans

Mercedes exec busted under strict Ala. immigration law

The 10 states that will determine control of the House in 2012

Panetta gets weekend flights to California at fraction of actual cost

Hezbollah damages CIA spy network in Lebanon

Obama issues his first commutation to federal prisoner

Former AIG chief sues government over bailout

Romney's first ad of 2012 campaign aims at Obama, ignores GOP foes

Congress prepares for payroll tax battle

In plea deal, teen gets 21 years for killing gay classmate

Gingrich: Let young workers skip Social Security

Poll: 6 in 10 indifferent about Occupy movement

Texas Murder Suspect Let Out of Jail After DA Forgets to Indict Him

Real ID Act blocks some Americans from driver's licenses

Proposal to Tax Jack Daniel Whiskey Derailed

Republican candidates face foreign policy challenge

Marketers adapt menus to eat-what-I-want-when-I-want trend

Occupy Wall Street crashes Ron Paul event

FBI didn't seem to take New York terrorism plot seriously


First Read - 'Occupy' protesters speak out at Paul campaign stop

TRENDING: ‘Occupy’ protesters disrupt Paul town hall – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Ron Paul at Keene State - YouTube


OWS Sympathizers Hijack Ron Paul Q & A - YouTube

In Formerly Well-Off Communities, The New Poor Are Struggling To Eat

Jon Kyl Expresses Support for Gingrich's Statement Telling #OWS Protesters to Get a Job and Bathe

Howard Kurtz to NYC: Apologize for Media 'Censorship' of Occupy Evictions

Steve Kroft To Grover Norquist: 'You've Got Them By The Short Hairs!'

#OccupyUCDavis: Amnesty International Equates Pepper Spray With Torture...Also It's 'Cruel and Unusual'

170 Economists Sign Statement In Support Of Occupy Wall Street

America, Take A Bow! Megabanks Could Lose $185 Billion Due to Bank Transfer Day

Media Repeats Republican Talking Point on Super Committee Failure - Blame Obama for Lack of Involvement

Egypt Justifies Attacks On Protesters By Pointing To...America

Superfail! 7 Amazing Supercommittee Headlines You'll Never See

Norquist: GOP Won't Be 'Fooled' Into Raising Taxes


SNL's Seth Meyers Mocks Congress for Saying Pizza is a Vegetable

Taibbi Highlights Hypocrisy of Punishment of Wall Street vs. Main Street

Mitt Romney Implies He Destroyed Hard Drives To Block Access From Political Opposition

Pregnant #OccupySeattle Protester Miscarries After Being Kicked, Pepper Sprayed

The Women of #OWS: 'We Are the 51%!"

Fox Guest Claims College Professors and Teachers 'Live On The Excesses Of Capitalists'

Economist's View: "A Hollowing Out of the Middle"

Teamster Nation: Civil rights leaders support OWS, infuriating Fox News

Uncoordinated Coordination: Six Reasons Limits on Super PACs Are Barely Limits at All - ProPublica


*Promo: Vultures' Picnic(


Obama deploying 20,000 troops inside U.S. to prepare for "event" ? - YouTube


Goldman Sachs v. Occupy Wall Street: A Greg Palast Investigation - YouTube

Thanksgiving, an American recognition of God!

Gingrich Supported Obamacare in 1993

'Super Committee' fails. Just like it was supposed to.

Thomas Jefferson's Belief in Intelligent Design and the Blessings of Liberty

Republicans & Conservatives Should Embrace a Ron Paul Independent Run

Debbie Schlussel:FBI Claimed New York Islamic Terrorist Wasn’t Threat, Declined to Investigate

Debbie Schlussel:HUH? Wall St Journal Now Asking Thelma & Louise for Economic Advice

Debbie Schlussel:Obama’s “Liberal Democrats”: Libya’s “Springtime” Arabs Cut Off Qaddafi Son’s Fingers; But He’ll Get “Fair Trial”

Iran Policy: The Problem Is Obama

Radicals Don't Compromise

Rick Perry's Jihad Problem

Politics and Pepper Spray

Just How Much Is 15 Trillion?

Iran's Maginot Line

Erskine Bowles on Obama's failed leadership

The way out of our financial mess is transparency

Erdogan tells his friend Assad to quit

Obama Got 2.1 Trillion and All We Got Was this Stupid Supercommittee

President Obama and his warped sense of 'fairness.'

Pakistan and Taliban in peace talks - again

Obama And His Band of Cowards

Reward for failure: Solyndra employees get federal aid package worth $13,000

The Baehr Essentials

Disaster for CIA in Lebanon

Americans don't care about OWS - Gallup poll

The Tipping Point and the Crossroads

The Democrats Were Not For Me

Defenseless: America in the Twenty First Century

The Inconvenient Truth about Species Extinction

Why Occupy Wall Street Is No Tea Party

Thanksgiving Time for NWTO (Nothing Worse Than Obama) Mode

Super Committee Not So Super. . . As Planned

ALERT: Hollywood Producer Speaks Out Against Massive Obama and DNC Corruption

The End of the Peace Process

Corruption and Do-Nothingness in Government

It’s Time to Return to America’s Original Way of Life

When the Devil comes to Church and Stays

Codex Alimentarius and Initium

Water Water Everywhere, But Not a Drop to Think

Obama’s Green Energy Fail

Michael Moore Turkey of Year

When Purity Gets in the Way of Conservative Principle

America’s Christian founding heritage and Thanksgiving

Occupy L.A. receives offer to decamp -

Toomey: Dems Rejected Compromise, Demanded $1 Trillion Tax Hike | The Weekly Standard

The P/Oed Patriot: Terrorist Group "The Weather Underground" Back By "Popular Demand" @ Occupy Oakland

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to enter dialogue with military government - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Sheldon Alberts: Romney tries to prove he can win without actually being wanted

Vitals - Chicken jerky treats linked to mystery illnesses, deaths in dogs


* Charlotte Iserbyt - 'America's Road To Ruin'


Ron Paul Leading Redux - YouTube

Ron Paul leads the GOP pack….but for some reason Newty Gingrich is said to be on top « The PPJ Gazette

The Consistent Candidate: Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube


Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Self-Loving Shlomo..

: U.S. Navy's Self Defense Test Ship successfully transits on alternative fuel blend

DHS Secretary receives warning for refusing to comply with subpoena - National Immigration Reform |

Bill giving Homeland Security reign on federal lands heats up Senate race | Great Falls Tribune |

TSA says no new study of scanner health effects needed -

The other 'gunwalking' scandals

Newt Gingrich Thinks School Children Should Work as Janitors - Jordan Weissmann - Business - The Atlantic

Newt Gingrich Unveils Alternative To Social Security In New Hampshire

Vitals - Chicken jerky treats linked to mystery illnesses, deaths in dogs

A Message To The SPLC From A Montana “Extremist”

I refuse to vote in another phony election « The PPJ Gazette

On the Super Committee

Newt Gingrich: Child Labor Laws Are 'Stupid'

Darpa: Do Away With Antibiotics, Then Destroy All Pathogens | Danger Room | - Is Sandusky Part of a Larger Pedophile Ring?

Obamacare is a Public Requiem by Supreme Decree

Rahul Gandhi, brave new hope for future of India's dynasty, steps forward - Telegraph

Charlotte Allison: From spoilt party-mad British teen to Amish girl | Mail Online



The Kilgallen Files(


Textiles Point to Writers of Dead Sea Scrolls | Jewish Religious Sect, Essenes & Qumran, Israel | The Torah & Religious Texts | LiveScience

Vindicated Seismologist Says Japan Still Underestimates Threat to Reactors - Bloomberg

Computerised contact lens will keep you up to date with news and texts | Mail Online

Why Is It So Hard to Go to Mars? | Russia & Phobos-Grunt Mission, Mars Exploration | NASA & Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity Rover |

Meet the Raelians: Inside the World's Strangest — and Nicest — UFO Sex Clone Religion

UFOs and the paranormal with Malcolm Robinson: Ghosts are not always what they seem - Comment - Eastbourne Herald

PressTV - China's banks use gold as legal currency

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Ron Paul Smacks Bob Schieffer on Face The Nation

Jesse White launches top-to-bottom review of disabled placard abuse

Current events: Two new books look at the past and future of the Chicago River

Quinn report challenges revenue figure touted by backers of gambling expansion

Chicago gospel history comes alive on 'Jubilee Showcase' DVD

Chicago selling advertising on iconic bridges as city tries to close $600M budget hole -

Egypt military pledges to speed up power transfer

IU student arrested in Cairo - YouTube

UN panel condemns Syria over crackdown

South Africa's assembly passes 'state secrets' law

Analysis: Iran's nuclear showdown with West still short of war

Libya's NTC unveils new government line-up

Pakistan ambassador to US resigns over spy memo row

Korea Ratifies Free-Trade Pact With US

Kissinger's Favorite Communist Paves Way for Monti in Italy

UN Envoy: Saleh Agrees to Step Down

South China Sea Tensions Overshadow New US Military Engagement

Tunisia Inaugurates New Assembly

Pakistani Taliban announce cease-fire, sources say

Election result fails to curb pressure on Spain

Russia Debates Whether Boos Were for Putin

Burmese President Welcomes US Engagement

Bahrain on edge before report on protest crackdown

Many Layers of Meaning in Royal Trip to Ramallah

Exclusive: CIA Spies Caught, Fear Execution in Middle East

Top Blagojevich adviser Tony Rezko gets 10½ years

Primary looming, Jackson faces ethical cloud

IMF Provides New Short-Term Credit

Obama Urges Congress to Prevent Payroll Tax Hike After Deficit Panel Failure

Defense firms to see less profit on gov't cuts:S&P

Facebook phone: Who would buy this thing?

Everyone In The World Is 4.74 Degrees Of Separation Apart, Not 6, Says Facebook

Gates back on stand in antitrust trial

Ruling: Apple did not infringe HTC graphics patents

Google Reveals New Search App for iPad

Steve Jobs fielded some customer service requests

Black Friday 2011: Apple to offer deals

Natalie Wood Investigation Exercise in Futility

The Sex Goddess Who Longed to Be Human

Awkward? Robert Wagner will guest star on 'NCIS' as a murder suspect

Roots welcome Bachmann with pointed song

REVIEW: Silent Film 'The Artist' Explores Fresh New Territory

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's weekend counseling session

Francis Ford Coppola Reflects On His Film Career

Justin Bieber -- Alleged Baby Mama ... RADIO SILENCE

Five Things You Need to Know About the New Muppet Movie (for Starters...It's Really Good!) - E! Online

China: Economic woes no excuse for climate change inaction

Spacecraft back on Earth after trip to space station

Time Running Out to Save Russian Mars Moon Probe

World population's appetite TO DOUBLE by 2050, boffin warns

Mars Mission May Be Curtain Call for Plutonium-Powered Spacecraft

Levels of greenhouse gases higher than ever, says UN

How Much Would A Greener Car Save You Over Thanksgiving Weekend?

Wanna fly (in space)? Apply now!

Watch: New Time-Lapse Space Video Shows Earth's Beauty

This tire pile is so large it can be seen from space

Area teams qualify for First Lego League robot competition

Want to Find Aliens? Look for More than Just Earth-Like Planets

'Wave Glider' drones challenge ocean distance record

First night-flowering orchid found in Asia

Moon partially eclipses sun on Friday in an event that won't draw many viewers

A Very Big Plan for a Very Green Future

Aids-related deaths 'down 21% from peak', says UNAids

Chimp attack victim speaks about new face, new hopes

More allege botched buttocks surgery by fake doc

DC Government Starts HIV Testing at DMV, Medicaid Offices

Doc who prescribed pain meds to killer David Laffer accused of running drug mill

Low-Tax Cigarettes, Made in Store, Draw City Lawsuit

Acupuncture Is Safe in Children, Study Finds

Painful wisdom teeth? Blame your hunter-gatherer ancestors

Illegal Human Study Left Three Patients Dead - Four Defendants Get Prison Sentences

3 US students arrested amid Cairo protests

'Anonymous' hackers target pepper-spraying UC Davis police officer

Woman disappears after "People's Court" argument airs

Review: Scorsese Gets 3D Right -- It Adds Real Depth to 'Hugo'

New York Police, FBI Were Reportedly Split On Threat Posed By 'Lone Wolf' Terror Suspect | Fox News


Of all the U.S. presidents to mythologize, why pick JFK? - The Globe and Mail

The Zapruder Film of the Kennedy Assassination

The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy — Lee Harvey Oswald — Crime Library on

Kennedy Assassination Transformed US Secret Service | USA | English

Modern Dallas coming to grips with the Kennedy assassination -

The Conspiracy Theories


Book Review: Howard Cosell -

'11/22/63' by Stephen King: Book review -

Theories of Evil Turn to Holocaust –

How the (Publisher) Grinch Stole Christmas

Read An Excerpt Of An Unseen Miss Marple Story By Agatha Christie

Qualcomm, Kyobo launch e-book in Korea

Occupy my TV: The birth of the citizen video reporter — Online Video News

Is it legal for your cellphone to track you? - Technology & science - Security -

What if you could collect all of the world's data into one place? | Data-driven - CNET News

The Perfect Computer for People Who Fear Computers

Opinion: If you build it (in), they will video chat | DVICE

CNBC Stock Market News — Four Tech Stocks for 2012 — Stock Blog - CNBC

The Future Of Foxconn: The Birds | TechCrunch

GPS Saves the World — But Who’ll Save GPS? | Epicenter |

The Facebook Freaky Line — Scobleizer

What cloud boils down to for the enterprise — Cloud Computing News

The Surveillance Catalog - The Wall Street Journal

Full disk encryption is too good, says US intelligence agency | ExtremeTech

Apple Has the Most Powerful Patent Portfolio in Consumer Electronics - IEEE Spectrum

Why Can't Newspapers Make Money Online? | ClickZ

Facebook is gaslighting the web. We can fix it. - Anil Dash

Speed-of-light experiment 'was wrong after all' - Telegraph

US science agencies dodge deep cuts : Nature News & Comment

Farm-Fresh Food May Have Shaped The Modern Mouth : The Salt : NPR

A futuristic fix for Alzheimer's disease? -

New Glow-in-the-Dark Material Charges In One Minute, Glows Infrared for Two Weeks | Popular Science

Ultra-rare "back-to-back eclipses" coming your way! : Starts With A Bang

New Theory Explains What Makes an Ad Campaign Go Viral | What Makes a Video Go Viral? | Viral-Produced Movies | Life's Little Mysteries

A Treatise on Doing the Dishes - Blog

Microscope probes living cells at the nanoscale -

What bacteria don't know can hurt them — University of Washington -

What Is Synthetic Pot, and Why’s It Causing Heart Attacks in Teenagers? | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Post-Fukushima 'anti-radiation' pills condemned by scientists | Environment | The Guardian

Direct Current Technology Gets Another Look -

Watching bacteria evolve into problems

The Best Wastewater Treatment Plants Can't Filter Out Superbug Fragments | Research - ISNS

The Top 10 Relationship Words That Aren't Translatable Into English | Marriage 3.0 | Big Think

Late Bloomers: "New" Genes May Have Played a Role in Human Brain Evolution: Scientific American

The Latter-day Saints and the Civil War | Deseret News

Why the military needs atheist chaplains - For God's Sake - The Washington Post

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: The urgent need for biblical literacy - News with a Christian Perspective

David Lose: Is the Bible a Reliable Moral Guide?

Has hell frozen over? |

RealClearReligion - Our Sixties Language Destroyed the Mass

The reaction to Benetton's pope-kissing ad lives up to the Christian stereotype | Symon Hill | Comment is free |

Vatican Astronomer Guy Consolmagno - YouTube

Can Electric Cars Help Automakers Reach 55 MPG? : NPR

Keystone XL: With pipeline delay, U.S. continues its failed energy policy. -

Case Dismissed: Chu Swats Down Solyndra Attacks - The Demos Blog - PolicyShop

China's Solyndra? | FP Passport

Solyndra: Its technology and why it failed - 2011-11-21 16:30:35 | EDN

Nebraskans Prepare for More Keystone XL Controversy, Despite New Pipeline Laws | InsideClimate News

Explaining Canada’s hurry to build pipelines in the U.S. - Blog Central, Econowatch -

The Green and the Black by Tom Gray - City Journal

States Pass Feds In Encouraging Renewable Energy

U.S. Energy Subsidies: Wind and Solar Have No Argument | Institute for Energy Research

Saudi Arabia to become solar powerhouse - Nov. 21, 2011

Indonesia’s Green Prosperity - Brookings Institution

The Electric Car Paradox: Can We Switch To Electric Cars ? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Making Nuclear Power Safer

Steven Chu - brainiac was clueless on Solyndra

Making the US energy independence — with new oil technology, it’s possible -

Killing the Keystone XL Pipeline: What Next? Tilting at Windmills? - Forbes

EFFICIENCY: The Energy Question | Le Mauricien

The Next Energy Frontier | EnergyBiz

Bill Gates calls for massive increase in energy research | Green Tech - CNET News

Don't scrap Energy, save Energy - Houston Chronicle

Dodd Frank 'Biggest Threat' To Renewables Industry

Fuel Fix » The hidden cost of smart meters

Wall St. Layoffs Take Heavy Toll on Younger Workers -

RealClearMarkets - How Government Props Up Big Finance

Democrat Denial Of Impact Of Regulations On Economy Holds Back Robust U.S. Recovery - Latest Headlines -

RealClearMarkets - Housing and Unemployment: The More Realistic Story

RAHN: Making money disappear - Washington Times

Social Justice, Greed And The Occupy Wall Street Movement - Forbes

Supercommittee Fails to Identify Even Bogus Cuts: Caroline Baum - Businessweek

Robinson: Republican obstinacy doomed the supercommittee - The Washington Post

Supercommittee #FAIL: Why Won't America Learn the Lessons of Italy? - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

Americans Need More Work And Less College - Forbes

Time to Sell Government Assets? -

Ahmadinejad's Rasputin: Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei - The Daily Beast

CIA Outsmarted by Hezbollah: Is This the Cost of Counterterrorism? - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

RealClearWorld - Syria, Iran and the Balance of Power in the Middle East

After Proliferation: How to Deter Iran When it Goes Nuclear | The National Interest Blog

Pakistan’s Spy Agency Picking the Wrong Fight: Jeffrey Goldberg - Bloomberg

Decline and Fall -

Fear of a German Europe | FP Passport

RealClearPolitics - The Saudi Enigma

Boston Review — Mona El-Ghobashy: Politics by Other Means (Egypt, Revolution, Tahrir Square)

gulfnews : Arab Spring blessing in disguise for Hamas

Canada: Haven of choice for Iran's elite -

NATO is a shell of its former self

As Egyptians protest anew, the Obama administration again enables the generals - The Washington Post

Blind to Extremism: How Germany Overlooked the Threat from the Right - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

As U.S. Pivots Toward Asia, China Looks to Strengthen Itself - Global Spin -

Saif Gaddafi capture: Will we now get the truth about Blair and Mandelson? | Mail Online

What really went wrong in Greece? – Global Public Square - Blogs

PJ Media » Four Things You Need to Know about Venezuela

Answer to DC Stalemate is Democracy « Commentary Magazine

This Is Supercommittee Republicans' Idea of a Tax Increase - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Debunking the conservative argument about the rich and taxes, in three easy charts - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

What the Supercommittee’s Failure Says About U.S. Foreign Policy | Cato @ Liberty

Obama's Overseas Triumph | Mother Jones

Supercommittee Tax Fight Is About Increasing Spending, not Reducing Deficits | Cato @ Liberty

RealClearPolitics - GOP Obstinacy Doomed Supercommittee

Michael Tomasky: How Obama Can Get to 270 Electoral Votes - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Alice in Liberal Land

Opinion: Newt 2.0 still has faults of Newt 1.0 - Martin Frost -

The Double Standard on Booing - Big Journalism

Why Obama Still Matters - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Revisiting the Kennedy Assassination: Frank Rich and the Paranoid Style

What Happened to the Tea Party?

PERRY: Eric Holder must go - Washington Times

William Galston: What Does The Super Committee’s Failure Mean For Obama’s Reelection Campaign? | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - As Deficit Panel Fails, Obama Vows to Keep Mandatory Cuts

Sequestration Won’t Change the Path We’re On - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online

Chasing the Dragon in Tehran - By Roland Elliott Brown | Foreign Policy

Only an election can break Washington's gridlock | Examiner Editorial | Editorials | Washington Examiner

America is entering a new age of plenty -

Frank Rich: How Obama’s Presidency Mirrors JFK’s -- New York Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Teacher Union's Missing Funds: A Pattern of Stonewalling?

Human survival depends on space exploration, says Stephen Hawking - Yahoo! News

David Frum on the GOP’s Lost Sense of Reality -- New York Magazine

The Real Reason Rush And His Listeners Can't Stand Health Care Reform Isn't The Individual Mandate. It's The Idea Of Universal Health Care. | The New Republic

Fake Democratic pollsters have stupid idea -

The 'Dump Obama' movement has begun; Guess who'd replace him? by Andrew Malcolm -

Opponent’s Surge Makes Romney Nervous « Commentary Magazine


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Bob Doll on Super Committee Failure Fallout

Real Clear Markets - Video - Leading Business Thinkers on the Euro-Crisis

Real Clear Markets - Video - Another U.S. Credit Downgrade?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Will There Be A Santa Claus Rally?

Real Clear Markets - Video - 1998 all over again for IPOs


** Transcripts:20th/Senators Kerry and Kyl on the Super Committee

Reps. Hensarling and Beccera on the Super Committee

Guests: Ron Paul, Senators Toomey & Manchin

Guests: Sens. Murray and Paul, Condoleezza Rice

Interview with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

18th/Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Interview with Representative Allen West

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Panel on the Justices and Health Care

Press Conference with Secretary Panetta

17th/Obama's Speech to the Australian Parliament

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann

Rep. Darrell Issa on the Fannie & Freddie Bonuses

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Analysts on the Lessons of Solyndra

Interview with Representative Diana DeGette

16th/Press Conference with President Obama & PM Gillard

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Perry

Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Senators Rubio & Coons

Some Millionaires Want To Pay Higher Taxes

Panel on Bonuses for Fannie, Freddie Execs

15th/Senators Coons and Rubio on Jobs and the Economy

Sen. Chambliss and Rep. Shuler on the Deficit Fight

Interview with Senator Marco Rubio

Will Voters Overlook Gingrich's Baggage?

14th/Obama's APEC Press Conference

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with 2012 Candidate Rick Santorum

Rep. Chris Van Hollen on the Super Committee

Senator John McCain on Waterboarding and Torture

13th/Guests: Michele Bachmann and Governor Tom Corbett

Guests: Huntsman, Graham and O'Malley

Guests: Coburn, Warner, Hensarling and Priebus

Guests: Sen. Toomey, Rep. Clyburn and Gov. Corbett

Interview with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett


NBC Goes Vile: Jimmy Fallon’s Band Welcomes Michele Bachmann With ‘Lyin’ Ass Bitch’

Mickey Rourke: ‘I Think Most Actresses Are C**ts With a Capital K’

J-Lobama: Dennis Miller Teases Jay Leno About His Obama ‘Bromance’

Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham: The Joke’s on Stand-Up’s Critics

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Prologue Coming for Christmas

Trailer Talk: ‘21 Jump Street’

Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Occupy Wall Street – It’s ‘Beautiful to See’

Gender Inequality Reigns Supreme in Hollywood

Kelly Osbourne Wants to ‘Retire’ Another Word

-Daily Call Sheet: Weekend Box Office, Why ‘Green Lantern’ Sucked, and Springsteen Hits the Road

Kurt Loder Discusses New Book, His ‘Dark Knight’ Pan

Oliver Stone Delivers Anti-American Rant … In French

Jimmy Fallon And The Roots Keep It Classy, Welcome Bachmann With Fishbone’s “Lying *ss B*tch”

Programming Note: Tonight’s National Security GOP Primary Debate

Sound Bite For The Day: What “Right Wing” Acts?

+Tuesday Crib Sheet: NYT Under Fire, Did Ailes Scold Palin?

Left Wants SCOTUS Justice Thomas Recusal, Ignores Kagan’s Clear Conflicts

Russian Newscaster Flips Obama The Bird

CNN’s Carol Costello Personifies MSM’s Drive to Make Grover Norquist the ‘Super Committee’ Bogeyman

Sound Bite Of The Day: Mika Brzezinski Goes Ballistic Over Gingrich OWS Comments

Outspoken Wisconsin Dem Senator Accessory to Voter Fraud

AUDIO:Elena Kagan: The Justice Who Knows Too Much

+The Cheat Sheet, November 22: Newt’s Time in the Sun

Desperate Dems: The Call for Hillary Begins

Unions Use Scare Tactics to Frighten Schools Away From Outsourcing and Big Savings

Super Committee’s Failure Gives Obama a Super Excuse for Our Faltering Economy

American Politicians Should Copy Canada’s Leftist Government of the 1990s and Cap Spending

The Super Committee: Even If It Had Succeeded, It Was a Failure

Police Shoot Gunman at OccupyHouston’s Tranquility Park

Grover Norquist Made Bogeyman of Super Committee That Was Designed to Be Republican Trap

U. S. Government May Be Primary Suppliers of Mexican Drug Cartel Guns

CARTOON:Obama Nation: Reasons?

AP Sources: FBI Declined to Pursue NYC Bomb Plot

Jordan’s Revenge: Back to ‘Plan A’ – Cut, Cap, Balance

Is There a Conservative Case for Mitt Romney?

Newt to #OccupyWallStreet: ‘Go Get a Job Right After You Take a Bath’

SuperCommittee Announces Failure to Reach Deal

Become a Force Multiplier: Five Simple Tasks for American Activists

Michigan Education Association: We Can Endorse Candidates, But You Can’t

George Soros Helped Craft Stimulus Then Invested in Companies Benefiting

Egypt in Chaos: Violence Erupts, Cabinet Members Resign, Military Takes Power

Hezbollah Rolls Up CIA Operation in Lebanon

U.S. General Warns of Turbulence as Troops Exit Iraq

AUDIO:Cynthia Farahat: End US Military Aid to Egypt

Is Citibank Being Used by the Government of Iran?

Splendour of the Seas Becomes the First Cruise Ship to Feature iPads in All Staterooms

Occupy marchers from New York reach Washington

Microsoft buys Al Gore-backed video search engine

Russian cinemas shun Khodorkovsky film: distributor

Rivlin to pastors: Dividing J'lem will be disaster

Protests draw concessions from Egypt army rulers

Risks emerging from shadows look worryingly like 2008

Egypt's military rulers agree to speed up handover of power

German assembly bows to victims of neo-Nazi killings

S. America eyes Beijing prospects warily

Executive pay: investors should step up

Iran: Middle East nuclear talks 'waste of time'

Buffett's optimism punctures gloom enveloping Japan

ICC Prosecutor: Gaddafi son could be tried in Libya


VideoSurf ( Search Engine) /


Oldman: 'I Never Fought With De Niro'

Sylvester Stallone and Klitschko brothers to bring 'Rocky' to the stage -

Newt Gingrich: CBO a 'reactionary socialist institution' - Nov. 21, 2011

Harold Rodman, TSA worker, arrested for sexual assault |

Occupy Oakland Hosts Gay Porn Movie Shoot: SFist

NBC News adds Meghan McCain as contributor | Reuters

Readers criticize New York Times for ‘confusing sex & rape’ in Penn State coverage | Poynter.

The Brazilian Blowout Hoax, Part 1: Rigged OSHA Study Creates MSM Hysteria

The Brazilian Blowout Hoax, Part 2: Fed OSHA Botches Study, Media Blames Company

Defense firms prep for fight beyond super committee | Reuters

Years of detective work led to al-Qaida target - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times


+ *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Government


22-Nov-11 World View

21-Nov-11 World View

20-Nov-11 World View


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Bipartisan coalition pushes debt deal ;Ex-Rep. Bartlett urges Americans to press leaders to find common ground

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Debt crisis: 'A pivotal point in our nation's history';Rep. Stivers touts energy expansion to pay for infrastructure upgrades


The other 'gunwalking' scandals

What comes next after economy falls

U.S. fears more than a dozen CIA spies executed

Gingrich: American exceptionalism self-evident

Tonight's GOP debate: 5 things to watch for

thanksgiving family forum debate - Google Search

'Spreading the wealth?' No discussion permitted

Even more calendars predict End in 2012

'The earth is going to be destroyed'

Hospital accused of bullying nurses who oppose abortion

Anti-capitalism protesters' Wall Street links uncovered

The next Islamist domino in Middle East?

An enemy inside the gates

Who won the Iraq war?

Obama's cheerleaders are falling away

An enemy inside the gates

The kids' field trip to Occupy

The UNESCO follies

Goodbye, UNESCO

The privileged beltway elite

Alice in Liberal Land

The Republicans aren't funny, they're scary

Thanksgiving horror stories

2011's worst commercial

What lies beneath: Death of Natalie Wood

My torment living with Lech Walesa

Divers in 'gigantic' 17th-century warship find

Hooters waitress visits kids at school, upsets parents

Prison inmates harass victims on Facebook

Chinese treats killing U.S. dogs

Rating agencies: No downgrades after debt failure


*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


American Minute for November 22nd

November 22nd in History

Today in History: November 22

November 22 Events in History

November 22nd This Day in History

This Day in History for 22nd November

Today in History: November 22

Today in History for November 22nd - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS: O’Keefe’s ‘To Catch A Journalist’: Rutgers Prof Only Provides Research If Data Supports Client’s Desired Outcome

Praying For Taxes: Obama Tells Sharpton ‘My Religious Faith’ Makes Me Believe GOP Will Agree To Tax Hike

Well-Dressed Gunman Attacks #OccupyHouston, Fires 15 Rounds

Bashir’s Shrill Indignation: ‘If Anyone’s Dirty It’s Newt Gingrich’ Whose ‘Morality Has Been Drawn From The Sewer’

Jimmy Fallon Show Plays ‘Lyin’ Ass Bitch’ To Intro Michele Bachmann

To Big To Net: Big Gov’t Confiscates Fisherman’s Epic Tuna Catch

Mic Check! Obama Heckled By Protesters In New Hampshire

Kildee Relative Speaks Out On Abuse

US ‘Supercommitee’ Fails In Debt Talks

Schweizer Answers Bachus’ Denial: Claim That He Had No Inside Information ‘Absurd’

Mitt Romney Releases First TV Ad

Megyn Kelly: UC Police Action Was ‘Abrasive And Intrusive’

U.S. To Impose New Sanctions On Iran

21st/Despite Claims, Kerry Does Not Have A Blind Trust

Pelosi’s VISA Deal Was Most Successful IPO Of The Last Decade

Russian News Anchor Gives The Middle Finger During A Report On Obama

Joan Walsh: ‘There Aren’t Enough Baths To Make Newt Gingrich Clean’

50-Person Flash Mob Shoplifts At 7-Eleven

O’Reilly: ‘We Need A Total Revision’ For Congressional Insider Trading Laws

Obama To GOP: It’s Your Fault

Bashir Panel: Gingrich Is ‘Serial Adulterer,’ ‘Mean, Vindictive SOB’

Fareed Zakaria Invents Right-Wing Terror In EU

Leading From Behind: White House Tells Congress To ‘Do The Right Thing’

Mika Emotionally Overcome By Gingrich’s ‘Take A Bath, Get A Job’ Advice To #OccupyWallStreet

Peggy Noonan: Republicans Want To ‘Overthrow’ The ‘Permanent Washington Political Class’

Parents Taking Care Of Special Needs Children Forced To Join SEIU, Union Takes Dues From Medicaid Checks

Rep King: Expect More ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorists; ‘This Is Why I Started Radicalization Hearings’

Cyber Attack On US Water Supply Allegedly Came From Russia

‘How To Make A Bomb In Kitchen Of Your Mom’: NYC Police Commish Details Alleged Terrorist’s Bomb Making Plans

Heroin Overdose At #OccupyEugene

#Occuparody: Books Should Be Free Because… You Know… The 1%

20th/Meet The New Boss: Egypt Police Clash With Protesters In Tahrir Square

15 Reported Killed In Syria

Liberals Love Him: Jon Huntsman Shows Up On SNL

19th/Egypt Police Clash With Protesters

UC Davis Launches Probe After Pepper Spray Video

Joe Paterno Has Treatable Form Of Cancer

18th/L.A. Investigators Re-open Natalie Wood Case

Demi Moore Back On Market

Alleged White House Shooter Made Oprah Audition Tape


Nov. 21, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-21, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-20, Sunday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-21-11

2011-11-22 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

.2011-11-21.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

11/21 The Mark Levin Show

The Manning Report – 21 November 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, November, 21, 2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-19-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-19-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-21-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-21-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-21-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-21-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-21-11 Hr 3

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

World Crisis Radio 11-19-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 11-19-11 Hr 2

The Michael Savage Show 11/21/2011

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