A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

21 November 2011

21 NOV.


21 NOV.

Counter-radicalization: Leveraging The Voices Of Victims
New Round Of Sanctions On Iran
U.S. Assertion In Asia May Impact China Trade Relations
Gaddafi's Spy Chief Is Seized By Libyan Fighters
Clinton: 'Assad's Going To Be Gone'
U.S. And China Grapple With Trade Tensions
Cain Suggests Taliban Running Libya
Cyber-attack Against U.S. Company Traced To Russia
Protesters Set Fire To Police Truck
Saif Al-Islam Gives First Interview
Survivors Pulled From Collapsed China Mine
Raw Video: Clashes In Egypt
Campaign 2012: Pakistan
Rice: Syria The Handmaiden Of Iranians


21 NOV.

Reliable Sources: Gingrich Under Media Microscope
Sen. Kerry On Supercommittee: Dems Have "Put Pain On The Table"
"60 Minutes" Reports On Grover Norquist And The Supercommittee
Reason: 3 Reasons We Shouldn't Bail Out Student Loan Borrowers
Relative Accuses Rep. Kildee Of Sexual Abuse

20 NOV.

Gingrich To Occupy Wall Street: "Go Get A Job After You Take A Bath"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel Assesses GOP Race
George Will On Newt Gingrich: "He's The Classic Rental Politician"
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On 2012 Race
Paul Krugman: Republican Ideology Is For "Fools And Clowns"
NASCAR Crowd Boos Michelle Obama At Season Finale
Sen. Murray On Supercommittee: "I'll Be Waiting All Day"
Sen. Marco Rubio: Obama Failed To Lead On Supercommittee
Brit Hume: "These Are Extremely Difficult Times For Mitt Romney"
Sen. Kerry Blames Republicans, Norquist From Preventing Supercommittee Deal
Sen. Rand Paul: Congress Needs To Be Told Do Something "Or Else"
Rahm Emanuel: Obama Can't Get Through To The "Partisan" Republicans
"This Week" Roundtable: GOP Race Up For Grabs?
Full Presidential Thanksgiving Forum From Iowa
Sens. Toomey And Manchin On Supercommittee
Sen. Kyl On Occupiers: They Think Money Grows On Trees



"Across The Universe - Grooveshark


Obama Should Step Aside In 2012 And Let Hillary Save Our Country | Fox News

Stephens: Is Obama Smart? -

CAIR’s Campaign Against the Truth | FrontPage Magazine

Evicting Occupy Wall Street | FrontPage Magazine

New Occupy plot: Flash mobs. ‘Alternative forms of protest’ put cities, cops at disadvantage « Klein Online

Aaron Klein : Audio Report

Why Justice Kagan must recuse herself from Obamacare « Klein Online

Klein: Arrest Occupy leaders for extortion « Klein Online

Huckabee: Tea Party may need to support Romney « Klein Online

Jack Abramoff: Lawmakers engage in inside trading « Klein Online

Jackie Mason dishes on Perry, Cain. « Klein Online

Hollywood not going gaga over Obama « Klein Online


OWS Exposed! - YouTube




"I'm Only Sleeping by Oasis with Stereophonics - Grooveshark




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Supersize Me Documentary(Full length) - YouTube


Chris Matthews — Obama’s Not Happy in White House: ‘I Hear Stories That You Will Not Believe’ |

Chris Matthews to Obama: ‘Just tell us, commander. Give us our orders’ [VIDEO]

Chris Matthews Turns On Obama: ‘I Hear Stories You Would Not Believe’ | Vision to America

Thrill Is Gone? Matthews Turns On Obama; 'I Hear Stories That You Would Not Believe' - YouTube


"I Saw Her Standing There" by Elton John - Grooveshark


Manhattan Man Accused of NYC Bomb Plots - TIME

New York police arrest terror suspect - YouTube

Pols: Terror arrest shows NYC still target

Ron Paul discussed on The Neal Boortz Show 11/18/11 - YouTube

George Soros Plans to Overthrow America - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 11/18/10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central


Michelle Obama gets some boos at NASCAR race

Michelle Obama, Dr. Jill Biden Draw Boos at NASCAR Event - ABC News

First Lady Michelle Obama Booed At NASCAR Race Mediaite.- YouTube


Handy Reference Guide to Obama's Gaffes and Goofs |

Bidenisms - Joe Biden Gaffes and Biden Quotes - Updated Frequently


Media Research Center(


"Dear Prudence" by Jerry Garcia - Grooveshark


Patriot Action Network / Judicial Watch releases New Kagan Emails regarding ObamaCare

Strange Ancient skulls of Aliens or Humans (most coneheads) - YouTube

The Story of Stuff Project

Devvy Kidd -- How many more will die before FDA ghouls are held accountable?

Devvy Kidd -- The Cancer Research Money Machines

CERN Experiment Excludes 1 Error In Faster-Than-Light Finding


America's Student Loan Debt Bondage

Human Skull with Horns

Is this an alien skull? Mystery of the triangular-shaped head found in Peru | Mail Online

The only Political Tool left - Sex Allegations - YouTube


The Military Industrial Complex in Five Minutes - YouTube


Kurds and Alawites - A GOOD Primer - YouTube

Mysterious Odor Detected At Fort Detrick Area B | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | World News :: Iran blast victim 'testing missile'

David Icke Talks with Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change New York at Occupy Wall Street - Excellent Interview - David Icke Website

David Icke - Thoughts From New York On 'John Wayne America' - YouTube


Ron Paul: How To END THE FED 1/2 FED Crimes / Solutions - YouTube

Ron Paul: How To END THE FED 2/2 FED Crimes / Solutions - YouTube


Ron Paul: ‘Reality Check’ – Patriot Update


Thanksgiving Family Forum - Ron Paul Highlights - YouTube


Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11 - YouTube


OpEdNews - Quicklink: Let There Be Light!

BatWorldSanctuary Lil Drac - YouTube

Nanoparticles used as additives in diesel fuels can travel from lungs to liver

Social Opposition In The Age Of The Internet

How Online Learning Companies Bought America's Schools

The Top 0.1% Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Yahoo! News

Anger rises as MF GLOBAL clients see billions frozen... | XYDO


Does the European Union have an Expiry Date? — RT

OT: President Obama Seen Chewing Gum Constantly in the ASEAN Meeting in Bali, Indonesia | EX-SKF

Increase in Melanoma Skin Cancer NOT Caused by Sun Exposure - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Superbugs 'will kill any hope of future surgery'

The South Asian Nuclear Dynamics | Opinion Maker

The BBC's hidden 'warmist' agenda is rapidly unravelling - Telegraph

Facebook watches all 800million users even AFTER they sign off | Mail Online

The Vatic Project: Are China, Goldman Sachs, & Western leaders, Collaborators in WW III to Destroy America?

Dave Hodges -- The Goldman Sachs Goodfellas

U.S. is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism: Iranian official - Tehran Times

Iran, Nukes & The Fairytale of Washington DC. | Sovereign Independent

Petro no-no: US extends Iran sanctions to petrochemicals — RT

Rense & Devvy - The Folly of War With Iran - YouTube

On Obamacare: Don’t Trust the Courts to Uphold the Constitution! – Tenth Amendment Center

Roy Tov: Is Netanyahu an Iranian Spy?


Forces Occultes - 1 - 4 - eng.avi - YouTube

Forces Occultes - 2 - 4 - eng.avi - YouTube

Forces Occultes - 3 - 4 - eng.avi - YouTube

Forces Occultes - 4 - 4 - eng.avi - YouTube


*Articles : Weekly Southern African Report

NEWS - White South Africa Was Conquered by Guilt

Részlet Brandrede Farrakhan beszédéből (HunSub) - YouTube

Open Thread – Grinding America Down | The Right Scoop

The Consistent Candidate: Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube

Results of NC Grassroots Republican Straw Poll - Ron Paul Wins! | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty


Thrive ~ What On Earth Will It Take? (Full HD Trailer) - YouTube


+Thrive - Full Movie on Vimeo


Ruin & Rebuild: Warfare worth $300bln Libya windfall — RT

You Will Die From The Nuclear Lie | Veterans Today

Documents Explaining What Has Happened To Us

Super Committee Democrats reject last ditch GOP spending plan | Mail Online

Save the Internet and Boycott these Companies :

The Pledge: Grover Norquist's hold on the GOP - CBS News

H.R. 3432: And now they come for the cows « The PPJ Gazette

TSA Officials Deny X-Ray Scanner Cancer Link, EU Ban Begins | Natural Society

Buy Nothing Day: Adbusters' role in the global Occupy movement - World Politics - World - The Independent

OpEdNews - Exclusive: Lobbying Firm's Memo Spells Out Plan to Undermine Occupy Wall Street

El Hierro volcano (Canary Islands, Spain): increase in tremor and signs of a possible new submarine vent near La Restinga

El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert – New vent active today ! + photo

Restless underwater volcano disrupts life on Canary island - Daily News | Lifestyle |

Chem Webs USA: Order your testing kits! | Farm Wars

11-22-11:END THE FED

* End The Fed - March And Rally Tuesday 11-22


"Here Comes The Sun" by Richie Havens - Grooveshark


VIDEO: After Pepper-Spraying, A Powerfully Silent Protest At UC Davis : The Two-Way : NPR

Refreshing News: Ten Things You Should Know About Friday’s UC Davis Police Violence

'Gaddafi son knows too much, will be silenced' - YouTube

Activist Post: Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results Necessary to Create Bioweapon

Activist Post: NYC 'Lone Wolf' is Just Another Patsy Entrapped by a Paid Informant

Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett) - YouTube

New York Cops Arrest “Osama Hussein” in Bomb Plot :

Revolutionary Politics : There's a dentist cartel using legislation to kick entrepreneurs out of business.

Revolutionary Politics : The economists who predicted the current recession pick Ron Paul

Revolutionary Politics : Bernie Sanders Refuses To Say That He Will Campaign For Obama

PressTV - War crimes tribunal tries Bush, Blair

Report: Dozens of U.S. spies captured in Lebanon and Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Michelle Obama booed: First Lady gets frosty reception from NASCAR crowd | Mail Online

Deficit Supercommittee Nears Failure as Obama Steers Clear

Activist Post: The False Narratives for Occupy Wall Street

Prison » If There Is a Run on the Banks, Know Who To Blame

Bill Kristol Continues Fox's Attacks On OWS: "The Whole Term 'Occupy' Is A Kind Of Marxist Term For Taking Over" Property | Media Matters for America

Document Trove Exposes Surveillance Methods -

It Costs $72 Million A Year to Hold Cleared Prisoners at Guantánamo :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [gd]

Rand Paul: Automatic cuts may be the only way – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Thrill Is Gone? Matthews Turns On Obama; 'I Hear Stories That You Would Not Believe' - YouTube


Oswald's mother: 'This is a frame up' - CBC Archives

Assassination of JFK & COVERUP - J. Gary Shaw (1988) - Part 1 of 2 - YouTube

Assassination of JFK & COVERUP - J. Gary Shaw (1988) - Part 2 of 2 - YouTube

JFK Assassination: Coverup and Conspiracy (Alternative Views, 1989) on Vimeo

LBJ Killed JFK Theory Embarrasses Bush Aide

Did Bush help to kill JFK?

Legacy of Secrecy | The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination

+Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura JFK assassination deathbed confession - YouTube

Willie Nelson & Jesse Ventura: The Lost Interviews on Vimeo


The Undamaged Zapruder Film - YouTube


Zapruder Film(


Zapruder Frames - Costella Edit(


Daily Mail 'proves' fire brought down WTC7

Around mars in 167 seconds: Time lapse video shows Mars rover's 5 year journey across the planet in less than three minute | Mail Online

Activist Post: BBC Behind Aung San Suu Kyi Propaganda Flick



Anti-Neocons - Hidden History of Thanksgiving among other things


Lone Star Watchdog: Ron Paul on Face The Nation 11-20-11


Man Arrested and Charged in Bomb Plot -

Activist Post: Violence continues in Syria as Condoleezza Rice promotes unilateral U.S. action

Revolutionary Politics : JFK: Final President to Fight the Federal Reserve : Only Bankster Puppets Since

poorrichards blog: Who's Wrecking America? Vote on the 1% Nominees (VIDEO)

Lone Star Watchdog: Journalist Exposes Phony Patriot Millionaires on Capital Hill Lobbying for Tax Hikes.

Inside The Vampire Squid Mind | Video Rebel's Blog

Leveson inquiry: News of the World journalists' computers put 'through a grinder' | Mail Online

UN Sign At The Grand Canyon - YouTube

Descending Into The Grand Canyon! - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Russia Threatens Use of Nuclear Weapons

Keiser Report: Vampire Banker Hunter (E212) - YouTube

"Corporate America Is Using Our Police Departments As Hired Thugs" Ret Police Captain Ray Lewis - YouTube

Jesse Ventura on FOX Business News 11/18/11 - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11


**Ron Paul hour long interview - Des Moines Register 11/19/11 - YouTube


Thanksgiving Family Forum – Complete Video – Other Videos | CitizenLink


Poll: Most People Say ObamaCare Goes Too Far – Political/Citizenship | CitizenLink

Sprint Launches Soon To Be Mandatory Emergency Alert Messages


"Taxman" by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble - Grooveshark


Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-20, Sunday

Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3


Ron Paul Gathering - Cedar Rapids, Iowa 11/18/2011 - YouTube

Ron Paul Explains the Economic Crisis - YouTube

Ron Paul: The Chinese Are Our Bankers, They're Not Going to Attack Us - YouTube

Ron Paul : We Can't Remain in Denial - YouTube


Prison » Egypt’s Brutal Military Junta is Supported by the Obama Administration

Prison » NYT Tries to Blame Political Film for White House Shooting

Prison » Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results Necessary to Create Bioweapon

Prison » If There Is a Run on the Banks, Know Who To Blame

Prison » Curling Up In a Ball to Avoid Police Violence May Be Considered “Active Resistance”

Prison » Egyptian Military Justifies Murder of Protesters by Pointing to American Cops

Prison » GRAPHIC: Video of brutal crackdown on Tahrir Sq protesters in Cairo

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards dare Israel to attack | The Raw Story

Asia Times Online :: Exposed: US press 'freedom'

Prison » America’s Treasonous Media: The Voice of Peace And Freedom Is Kooky And Fringe

Prison » The “Free Syria Army”: Placard-Waving Protesters are actually Machine Gun-Wielding Terrorists

Prison » Golden State – World On Fire

Wall Street sinks on global debt worry | Reuters

UK orders banks to halt Iran business, U.S. move expected | Reuters

Investment Strategy - Buffett Doubts Euro Survival; Says System Is Flawed - CNBC

AFP: Ron Paul blames 'flawed' US policies for 9/11

Prison » Thrill Is Gone? Matthews Turns On Obama; ‘I Hear Stories That You Would Not Believe’

Prison » Epic Failure: The Supercommittee Was A Super Joke

Officers Put on Leave After Pepper Spraying Protesters -

Prison » DARPA Wants to Collect ‘Physiological Signals’ at a Distance and Through Walls

Prison » Big Six Pesticide Manufacturers to Face Human Rights Tribunal

Prison » Solid Proof That Weather Modification Projects Are Being Conducted All Over The United States

Prison » 9 More Ways The U.S. Government Is Waging War Against America

Jesse Ventura There's Only ONE Person I Like At All That's Ron Paul! - YouTube

Supreme Court Blocks Gov. DNA Grab: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Alex Jones Bloopers and Other Craziness - YouTube

UN Owns National Parks: Infowars Nightly News 1/2 - YouTube

UN Owns National Parks: Infowars Nightly News 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » Videos: Ron Paul Campaigns In Iowa

Video Game: Would You Shoot Americans?: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube


**Prison » Save the Internet and Boycott These Companies


» Ron Paul: Iowa Family Forum GOP Debate Highlights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul ∞ Iowa Family Forum GOP Debate Highlights (1/2) Occupy Truth not nations - YouTube

Ron Paul ∞ Iowa Family Forum GOP Debate Highlights (2/2) Occupy Truth not nations - YouTube

Ron Paul on the Sean Hannity Show - 11/17 - YouTube


» Big Six Pesticide Manufacturers to Face Human Rights Tribunal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NYT Tries to Blame Political Film for White House Shooting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» If There Is a Run on the Banks, Know Who To Blame Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activists press for closure of military training school | The Raw Story

UK severs ties with Iranian banks as part of international sanctions package | World news |

Why Iceland Should Be in the News But Is Not |

Exclusive-The Capture of Gaddafi's Son -

Up with Chris Hayes - Exclusive: Lobbying Firm's Memo Spells Out Plan to Undermine Occupy Wall Street (VIDEO)

Anger mounts as MF Global clients see $3 billion still stuck - Yahoo! News

UPDATED: Wall Street Analysts Everywhere Are In Agreement: THE WORLD IS ENDING

Syrian Baath Party building 'hit by rockets' - Telegraph

Iran conducts 4-day air defense drill - Israel News, Ynetnews

» MF Global: Was It A Hit? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Saying no: Sheriffs fed up with worsening federal interference, bureaucracy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» TSA Claims X-ray Scanners are Safe as Europe Bans Scanners for ‘Health, Safety’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Alleged Cyber Attack on U.S. Water Plant is Propaganda to Curb Internet Freedom Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Militarization of Your Local Police Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 11 shocking things you now realize to be true Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Foreign cyber attack hits US infrastructure: expert

Video Game: Would You Shoot Americans?: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

» Monsanto partners with USAID to push GM corn in Nepal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

GPs told to resist antibiotics requests for coughs and colds | Society |

How Facebook Helps Scientists Conduct Their Research - TIME

» CDC admits not a single person has died from consuming raw milk products in 11 years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A Message To The SPLC From A Montana “Extremist”

Illegals are trashing America’s border areas

» On 9/11, the U.S. Military Was Preparing for a Simulated Nuclear War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MI6 spies died in battle against al-Qaeda, William Hague to say - Telegraph

» Man charged with Obama assassination attempt – but who is he? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned | World news |

Talk Show Host Alex Jones & Guest Call For Run On Banks - Forbes

AFP: Ex-Soviet states take first step to 'Eurasian Union'

‘Near Poor’ - Not Quite in Poverty, but Still Struggling -

Russia Ups Ante with Caspian Neighbors by Moving Offshore -

Wall Street Analysts Everywhere Are In Agreement: THE WORLD IS ENDING -

Activist Post: Ron Paul blames 'flawed' US policies for 9/11

Legalized Corruption of Government Exposed by Abramoff - YouTube

RADIOACTIVE Los Angeles AIR 11-16-11 - YouTube

A Message to All Police Officers From Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Activist Post: 95% of Soy Products May be Damaging Your Health

The Bloomie and Kelly Show … with Fake Video Props! | emptywheel

Israel, the IAEA, and the Road to War With Iran - YouTube

Ex-Radical: "Demonstrations Could Stop Presidential Election"

Ex-Radical: Wall Street Demonstrations Will Lead to Violent Revolution

Special Ops Wants Commandos to Have Invisible Faces | Danger Room |

The American Spectator : Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Search for God

Is this an alien skull? Mystery of the triangular-shaped head found in Peru | Mail Online

Two million year old skeletons discovered News

Deficit Supercommittee Nears Failure as Obama Steers Clear

Fund: Founders Would Reject Panel 'Dictatorship'

Rubio: Obama Plays Politics With Supercommittee

Rand Paul: Supercommittee Failure May Be Best

Norquist: Democrats Cause Supercommittee Crash

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Turns on Obama

Judd Gregg: Where's Obama During Crisis?

Walesa Unveils Statue of Ronald Reagan in Warsaw

NASCAR Fans Boo Michelle Obama, Jill Biden

Gingrich Pitches Alternative to Social Security

Poll: Romney Leads Obama in Michigan

Romney Urges Obama to Stop Looming Military Cuts

Supercommittee Members Blame Rival Parties

Gingrich to Occupiers: Take a Bath, Get a Job

House Quashes Bid for National Climate Service

Gates to Testify in $1B Lawsuit against Microsoft

Rahm Emanuel Rallies Obama Support in Iowa

Alleged Iran Nuke Site Being Watched

MF Global Trustee: Up to $1.2 Billion May Be Missing

AIDS Epidemic Stabilizing: UN

Ann Coulter Is Wrong: A Real Conservative Can Beat Obama

After 30 Years Media Prompts Reopening of Natalie Wood Case

Secularism Threatened by Rise of Islamist Movement in Tunisia

“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

Lady Gaga: Another Pop Artist With a Strange Relationship With her Parents

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine

SOPA or How to Use Copyright as an Excuse to Censor the Internet

Historian: The “Curse of Tutankhamun” Was Ritual Murders Carried Out by Aleister Crowley

Senate GOP Leaders To Holder: Your Kagan Testimony 'Belied By The Facts'

Does Pelosi Now Want A National Childcare Mandate?

Ron Paul’s Comments on 9/11 and U.S. Foreign Policy Open to Dispute

Waxman: Solyndra, Green Subsidies Saving People from ‘Fires, Droughts, and Floods’

Vehicle Malfunction Blamed for Deadly Tailgating Accident at Yale-Harvard Game

Son of Woody Allen, Mia Farrow Among 32 U.S. Students Named Rhodes Scholars

Libya’s New Gov’t: We’ll Try Gaddafi’s Son and One-Time Heir at Home

Police, Protesters Clash for 3rd Day in Egypt Over Military Rule

Former FBI Director Freeh Tapped for Penn State Investigation

Obama Hails ‘Job-Creating’ Deals in Asia, As China Complains About Being ‘Encircled’

NYPD Arrests ‘Lone Wolf’ Al-Qaeda Sympathizer Who Plotted to Bomb Returning US Troops

4Parts/Corporate Degradation and Conscious Evolution – Max Igan


*Articles:Occupy Wall Street and The Fed 11-21-11 |


Interview with Greg Palast - Media Roots TV - YouTube

Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Fukushima Radiation Continues To The US 1/3 - YouTube

Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Fukushima Radiation Continues To The US 2/3 - YouTube

Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Fukushima Radiation Continues To The US 3/3 - YouTube

What actually happened with MF Global - 15 Nov 2011 Trends Research Institute - YouTube

Trends In The News - Criminal Mafia Enterprise - 17 November 2011 - YouTube

Inside the Corporate Plan to Occupy the Pentagon | Mother Jones

Labor Must Choose Between Occupy and the Democrats

VIDEO: Goldman Sachs and Europe's "Inside Job"

VIDEO: War With Iran: History and Consequences

The "Free Syria Army": Placard-Waving Protesters are actually Machine Gun-Wielding Terrorists

Economic Re-engineering: Does the European Union have an Expiry Date?

The Obama Doctrine, Expanding "The NATO Zone" as an Instrument of Global Warfare

Social Opposition in the Age of Internet: Desktop “Militants” and Public Intellectuals

America's "Return" to Asia: Superpower Expands Military Deployments In Asia-Pacific

Global Warfare: US Elites mulling how to 'Take China Down'

Enhanced US Military Presence in Australia Directed against China

Jose Pimentel Is Charged in N.Y.C. Bomb Plot -

Gaddafi's son Saif Al-Islam captured and to be quizzed on Blair, Mandelson and Prince Andrew | Mail Online

3 states win almost half of homeowner aid loans –

Around mars in 167 seconds: Time lapse video shows Mars rover's 5 year journey across the planet in less than three minute | Mail Online

Gene linked to separation anxiety -

+Ron Paul Takes Down Bob Schieffer

Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine: Avoid Sucralose

Boomer Blindness by Gary North

Though CME Group Guarantees, There Are No Guarantees by Gerald Celente

The Weekend Vigilante by Jeff Berwick

MF Global: Was It a Hit? by Lawrence Lepard

Official List of 'Too Big To Fail' Protected Banks by Robert Wenzel

The Ignorance of Newt versus the Inalienable Rights of All by Scott Lazarowitz

America’s Wars: A Christian Voter’s Guide by Craig White

Your monies and positions are not safe | Sovereign Man

In defense of stockpiling | The Survival Mom™

Syria's Opposition Is Armed

'Washington Rules' and our Path to Permanent War

Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance

Moscow martial arts fans greet Putin with catcalls

15 eunuchs killed in fire at ceremony in India - Yahoo! News

Former Democratic Pollsters: Obama Should Abandon Run for Second Term - Michael Catalini -

Pope ends Africa trip with giant mass in voodoo heartland - Yahoo! News

Libya will have new government on Tuesday: PM | Reuters

Nonprofit group gets a handle on feral cats in South Los Angeles -

Ohio Salvation Army kettle stolen at knifepoint - Yahoo! News

New Bedford fisherman forced to give up 800-pound tuna |

Rand Paul: Automatic cuts may be the only way – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Branson's blueprint to revive British economy - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Secretive North Korea opens up to cellphones - Yahoo! News

Exclusive: CIA Spies Caught, Fear Execution in Middle East - Yahoo!

Country music gets its day at the White House; Obamas to showcase legends, contemporary stars - The Washington Post

My Way News - Inmates harass victims via Facebook

Insight: In Iowa, farmland boom means end of an era for many | Reuters

Rahm Emanuel Focuses Fire on Romney - ABC News

Rahm Emanuel labels GOP field ‘turkeys’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Gillespie sees a drawn-out GOP 2012 race - POLITICO Live -

Jim O'Neill: China could overtake US economy by 2027 - Telegraph

UCLA-Developed Mouthwash A ‘Smart Bomb’ Against Cavities? « CBS Los Angeles

Sheriff: Woman killed son, wounded five others before killing self : : Greensboro & the Triad's most trusted source for local news and analysis

News from The Associated Press

Rick Perry Working to Revitalize Campaign

Gerald Celente - Goldseek Radio - 16 Nov 2011 - YouTube

The Secret Life Of Barack Obama | Before It's News

Planet X Nibiru Nasa 2012 Doomsday Info Leaked - YouTube


+The Enemy Within - A Global Conspiracy | Before It's News


*55 MIN./The Enemy Within - A Global Conspiracy - YouTube


This Is What America Looks Like | Truthout

James Rickards’ “Four Horsemen of the Dollar Apocalypse” | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Top Secret Alien image from UFO crash in Roswell 1947 leaked 2011 - YouTube

Ark of Covenant Found -- Radiation Detected At Bottom of Money Pit | Before It's News

Oak Island Money Pit Mystery - YouTube

Aliens Behind World Government | Before It's News

The Mark of The Beast - YouTube

CNBC Stock Market News — Banks Bracing for 2012 Euro Financial Apocalypse — Stock Blog - CNBC

Not Your Grandma's Pilgrims | Before It's News

Psychotronics Experiment - Illusion Of Reality | Before It's News

99% "Bat Signal" Projected On NYC Verizon Building | Before It's News

Halliburton Charged With Selling Nuclear Technology To Iran | Before It's News

Halliburton charged with selling nuclear technology to Iran - YouTube

Seeing Cancer In Three Dimensions | Before It's News

Honey: The 'Bee Penicillin' That Could Even Beat MRSA | Before It's News

HAARP, The Sun, WWIII | Before It's News

Extraterrestrial Contact: Secrecy | Before It's News

Even more calendars predict End in 2012 | Before It's News


Obama Mystery Theater: Ruth Nidesand | Before It's News

Who is Ruth Obama? - obama barackobama ruthobama | Ask MetaFilter

Barack Obama’s Branch-y Family Tree - ABC News

Do Humans Dream of Electric Sheep: Living With The “Sixth Sense” | Before It's News

Leaked Weather Modification Document | Before It's News

Mika Brzezinski's Anti-Newt Rant Drives Her To Emotional Brink | MRCTV

Government to impose martial law? - YouTube

America's Last Prophet, The USA Facing God's Judgment! | Before It's News

Feds probing possible cyberattacks at Illinois, Texas utilities

Congress kills request for National Climate Service

Hospitals try to find savings, cut unnecessary care

Some shelters dish out organic Thanksgiving to homeless

Libya May Have Received Shells for Chemical Weapons From Iran, Report says

‘Sexting’ suburban principal resigns

Dem senator: Obama needs to ‘step forward,’ save supercommittee talks

Afghan students protest U.S. troops

Californians support making teachers' reviews public

Team Obama foresees race against Romney, sharpens attacks

Immigration takes back seat to economy, jobs as voter issue

Penn State police report another indecent assault

Elderly Democrat calls sexual abuse claims 'completely false and shameful'

UC president "appalled" at UC Davis pepper spray incident

Scattered boos for Michelle Obama, Jill Biden at NASCAR season finale

Seismic shift on Hill sank amendment bid for balanced budget

McDonald's, Target Drop Egg Supplier Over Animal Cruelty Charges

Newt Takes Swipe at Occupy Wall Street | MRCTV

Perry Fires Back At Pelosi: You Don't Want To Have To Explain Your Stock Trades | MRCTV

Rush: EU Rule On Water Labeling Proves That “Liberalism Permits This Kind Of Corruption And Bastardization Of Basic Common Sense”

Limbaugh: Media Can’t Decide If ‘Moochelle’ Obama Was Booed At NASCAR Race

The Tipping Point and the Crossroads

The Democrats Were Not For Me

Defenseless: America in the Twenty First Century

The Inconvenient Truth about Species Extinction

Why Occupy Wall Street Is No Tea Party

Syria on verge of civil war

Gingrich, Romney top GOP Gallup poll

33 dead in Egyptian riots

Center-right in Spain wins captaincy of the Titanic

'Where in the world is Obama?'

Two Dem pollsters call for Obama not to run

Mexico Attorney General Wants U.S. Gun Walkers Extradited

Should Churches Be Helping Occupy Wall Street?

Lying is never good policy-even when it's politically expedient

Secrets of the American Nomenklatura

Why Do Catholics Keep Funding the Radical Left?

Islam Was Not for Me

The Wealth Race

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party: The World's Assassination Party

Israel's 'Divided Soul'?

A New Model of Islam with Less Bark and More Bite

The Farm Policy End-Run

Occupy North Korea: Time for the Exodus to Galvanize Democratization

Curiosity: The Mysterious Compound

The Curious Advice of Jordan's King Abdullah

Parallel Universes

Shazaam, Super committee to cut and tax fails ... what a surprise!

Republicans & Conservatives Should Embrace a Ron Paul Independent Run

Lynching, Yes, but Racist? No.

Newt, will a Christian God be invited to the governing table at your White House?

Ron Paul, The Invisible Candidate, Scores Big In Another Iowa Poll

Debbie Schlussel:FBI Claimed New York Islamic Terrorist Wasn’t Threat, Declined to Investigate

New York City Police Arrest Alleged Terror Suspect | Fox News

Occupy Wall Street protester arrested with handgun as arrests continue at Zuccotti Park -

Poll: Few in Iowa committed to a GOP candidate

Where in the world is Obama? -

AP Exclusive: activity at alleged Iran nuke site - Hindustan Times

Republican Threatens Legal Action Against DHS Over Immigrant-Data Subpoena | Fox News

A&M sociologist sees shift in immigration trends - Houston Chronicle

When the Devil comes to Church and Stays

Codex Alimentarius and Initium

Water Water Everywhere, But Not a Drop to Think

The Impossible Numbers

Barbarians Inside the Gate!

Oh… now they’re threatening the coffee supply

Prince Philip: Wind Farms Are ‘Absolutely Useless And A Disgrace’

Cavuto Tell Imus to Quit Blaming Viewers for His “Awful” Show

UN Trapped in Climate Turmoil

The Global Warming Guessing Game

Royal Slam: Duke of Edinburgh calls wind farms ‘absolutely useless’

Why is ObamaCare such a failure?

NASCAR Fans BOO Michelle Obama: Vulgar Racism to Blame?

A fatal ‘box canyon’ for the G.O.P.?

What is our first priority for victory in the 2012 election, if there is one?

Ripping Our Society to Shreds

Liberal violence rising

Shock, Awe from Illegal Alien Paradise: California Faces Budget Crisis!

Corruption and Do-Nothingness in Government

What is Agenda 21?

Drinking Global Warming Propaganda

ALERT: Hollywood Producer Speaks Out Against Massive Obama and DNC Corruption

Google Street View Image of Floating Figures in Switzerland Sky Sparks Internet Conversation Again | Video |

Annual World Meeting of Body Art in Venezuela |

Fish Out of Water Do Surprisingly Well in Terms of Mobility | Video |

Ron Paul Discusses 9/11 on Face the Nation | Video |

Chinese Bloggers Smashing Refrigerators With Sledgehammers | Video |

Fake Christopher Walken Interview Fools Associated Press |

Michelle Obama Booed at NASCAR Race | Video |

Food Banks Urge Donors to Give Healthier Food to the Poor |

Mariners Outfielder Greg Halman Stabbed to Death | Video |

Bank of America Occupy Protest Possibly Manufactured by ACORN-Related Group | Video |

Atheists Demand Camp Pendleton Cross Be Removed From Federal Land | Video |

Ryan Raddon, a Mormon & a Famous Club D.J. Named ‘Kaskade,’ Makes $200,000+ Per Night | Video |

Chris Matthews — Obama’s Not Happy in White House: ‘I Hear Stories That You Will Not Believe’ |

Graphic Florida Department of Transportation ‘See the Blindspot’ Campaign Video Has Calling It ‘Horrific’ Others Say Effective | Video |

Israeli Women Stand in Support of Nude Egyptian Blogger |

Congressman Don Young Argues With Rice Professor Doug Brinkley | Video |

Mika Brzezinski Calls Gingrich’s Comments About Protesters Disgusting | Video |



The Kilgallen Files(

*When Technology Fails ; Matthew Stein(


Historians Claim New Research Shows Oswald Acted Alone In JFK Assassination | Fox News

Spectacular Photos of Monster Saturn Storm Snapped by NASA Spacecraft | NASA & Cassini Mission | Saturn & Great White Spot | LiveScience

Whale fossil bonanza in desert poses mystery - Technology & science - Science -

Photographer captures stunning images of UFOs above Hatfield - News - Welwyn Hatfield Times

The Secret Sun: Question Time: Nick Redfern is ON FIRE!

UFOs and the paranormal with Malcolm Robinson: Ghosts are not always what they seem - Comment - Eastbourne Herald

Pentagon tests hypersonic weapon that travels 5 times the speed of sound | Mail Online

See it now — best map of the moon ever - Technology & science - Space - -

BBC News - World's 'lightest material' unveiled by US engineers

Walkable Roller-Coaster Sculpture Opens in Germany | Gadget Lab |

Former Poet Laureate Robert Hass Clubbed By Police At UC Berkeley

Gingrich: 'Go Get a Job Right After You Take a Bath'

New Analysis: One in Three Americans Are Either Living In or Near Poverty

Cain Would 'Overturn the Supreme Court If They Overturned DOMA'

Newt Gingrich: "Child Labor Laws Are Stupid" -- UPDATED with Video!

Rand Paul: 'Millionaires and Billionaires Pay All the Taxes'

Chris Wallace Cuts Off Juan Williams to Attack #OWS Movement

#UCDavis Student: Pepper-spraying Officer Ordered 'Stop. No. I Want to Spray These Kids.'

Krugman: 'Only Fools and Clowns' Believe Republican Ideology

Hoping for a Super Committee Fail

Fox News Sunday Panel Doesn't Think Much of Newt Gingrich's Prospects to Win GOP Nomination

Kerry: Republicans Won't Give Up Bush Tax Cuts; Supercommittee Will Fail

In Formerly Well-Off Communities, The New Poor Are Struggling To Eat

Jon Kyl Expresses Support for Gingrich's Statement Telling #OWS Protesters to Get a Job and Bathe

Howard Kurtz to NYC: Apologize for Media 'Censorship' of Occupy Evictions

Steve Kroft To Grover Norquist: 'You've Got Them By The Short Hairs!'

#OccupyUCDavis: Amnesty International Equates Pepper Spray With Torture...Also It's 'Cruel and Unusual'

Lawmakers Set to Say No Deficit Deal as Focus Turns to Election

Egypt Clashes Enter 3rd Day as Military Faces Pressure

Suspect in New York Bomb Plot Left an Online Trail

UK Cuts Ties With Iranian Banks, US Set for More Sanctions

Gadhafi Intelligence Chief Held in Secret Location

Univ. police chief on leave after pepper spraying

Republican Candidates and Obama Find Common Ground: China

MF Global Shortfall May Exceed $1.2 Billion, Trustee Says

Gates testifies in $1B lawsuit against Microsoft

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band to tour again in 2012

Former FBI director Freeh will lead Penn State investigation

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover to 'lay the foundation' for search for life

Faster than light neutrinos? Not so fast, say new findings.

US woman mauled by chimp praised for new face

Daley nephew was biggest guy at Koschman scene — but not lineup

Lake Forest principal who 'sexted' resigns

How much time will Tony Rezko serve?

Rahm and Romney: Two Peas in a Pod

Carjacker Allegedly Stole Minivan From Mom, Drove 100 mph On Edens

Egyptian capital rocked by fresh clashes - YouTube

Britain meets Syria opposition, condemns crackdown

Trial of Khmer Rouge Leaders Starts in Phnom Penh

Glenn Mulcaire denies deleting Milly Dowler voicemails

King of Jordan Visits the West Bank

As US Pivots Toward Asia, China Looks to Strengthen Itself

Arroyo's Husband Asks Supreme Court to Stop Election Fraud Case

Pakistan's Taliban holding indirect talks with government

Russia's Putin greeted by jeers and boos

Somalia gov't: Ethiopian troops 'need a mandate'

S.Sudan firm on oil marketing, selling 200000 bpd

Occupy Toronto protesters must leave park

Australia stubs out tobacco packaging

Burma's Suu Kyi to Run in Parliament Polls

'Lone wolf' bomb plot suspect arrested in New York - YouTube

Michelle Parker vanishes same day she appears on "The People's Court"

Rick Perry signs the Family Leader's marriage pledge

Gingrich: Supercommittee collapse "good for America"

The Wall Street Journal Loves Hillary Clinton

Obama signs bipartisan bill to help jobless vets

The 4 Failures of the Supercommittee

Ron Paul Reiterates Controversial Views On 9/11 On CBS

Cops: Woman Kills 1, Injures 5, Then Kills Self

'Core of Conviction': Michele Bachmann tells her story

Oakland police remove protesters from city's last Occupy camp

Dale Kildee, Michigan rep, accused of sex abuse

Bradley Manning hearing date set as court martial process finally begins

Virginia Democrats ponder lawsuit testing GOP’s right to seize power in evenly split Senate - The Washington Post

Stocks Get Hammered For The Holidays

Buffett-Ducking Billionaires Avoid Reporting Cash Gains to IRS

EBay Buys to Add Custom Recommendations for Shoppers

John Smale: GM's pioneering director dies at 84

IMG Worldwide CEO Ted Forstmann dead at 71

After iPad, Kindle Fire clear second choice

Hacker Apparently Triggers Illinois Water Pump Burnout

Mixed Results as Google Enters Microsoft's Turf

Retailers Enliven Catalog Offerings Through Apps

Facebook: Ruining or Evolving Online Sharing?

Actually, NeXT Was A Huge Success

Taylor Swift boosts 'American Music Awards' teen ratings

Hugh Grant at the Leveson Inquiry: 'A section of the British press has become toxic - YouTube

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's Marriage: How It Turned Toxic

Natalie Wood Mystery: Witness Says She Heard Woman Scream 'Help Me, I'm Drowning'

'The Walking Dead' recap: Secrets spill out like zombie entrails

Enthused by 3-D, Scorsese Sees in a New Dimension

Recommended: It's time to play the music! 'Muppets' make welcome return

Selena Gomez Steps Out in Sexiest Look Yet

Netflix Saves Our Bluths, Rescues Canceled Arrested Development

The 'mysterious' whale graveyard discovered in a desert

NASA Reveals New High Resolution Map of the Moon

Unmanned subs begin record-breaking journey

NASA Planetary Science Gazing at an Uncertain Future

Illegal mound of tires visible from space

Cassini Chronicles Life of Saturn's Giant Storm

Scientists Find Evidence for Subsurface 'Great Lake' on Europa

Scientists track mercury poisoning risk from diets

SQUID calls 'virtual photons' into real existence

World can beat AIDS but funding must increase, UN says

Acupuncture generally safe in kids: report

Ex-exec gets 9 months for fatal bone cement trial

Cops: Fake doc injected woman's buttocks with cement

Rejected school nutrition rules

Stem cells: Research funding and the 2012 elections

More than 4500 treated at Lehigh University to contain meningitis

Chicken Jerky Products Imported From China are Making Dogs Sick!

50 Skimpiest Outfits in Sports

Survey finds ethnic divide among voters on DREAM Act

Porn That Women Like: Why Does It Make Men So Uncomfortable?

Mexico's war with itself


+ Real Clear Markets - Video - Leading Business Thinkers on the Euro-Crisis


Library Budget Cuts Threaten Community Services Across Country

Guernica / Jesse Tangen-Mills: Mark Twain and Rubén Darío: The Prince and the Pauper

The Real James Bond: Ian Fleming’s Commandos Reviewed - The Daily Beast

Zombiegate! -

Brian Azzarello | Books | Interview | The A.V. Club

Fallon's Latest 'Do Not Read' List Is Going To Save You Some Time (VIDEO)

Fighting Chance | The Weekly Standard

Ian Kershaw on the Last Days of the Third Reich: 'Hitler's Influence Was Fatal' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

How Westmoreland Lost Vietnam | Defense Media Network

King Edward I: England's Warrior King

Catherine the Great's Lessons for Despots -

Bibliography: References and Links

A Day of Terror Recalled (

Ed Martin: Who Shot J.R.? Remains the Best TV Cliffhanger Ever - Page2 - The making of 'Rocky'

Niall Ferguson’s ‘Civilization’ Traces West’s Decline - Review -

History of diplomacy: Dealing with the enemy | The Economist

Is This George Kennan? by Frank Costigliola | The New York Review of Books

Is Switching to an All Electric Car Fleet Possible?

Is Shale Development Really Creating Jobs?

Making Nuclear Power Safer

RealClearEnergy- There Is No Defense for Solyndra's Failure

Americans should thank Steven Chu, not castigate him - Houston Chronicle

Steven Chu - brainiac was clueless on Solyndra

Obama Gets Money Bonanza by Killing Energy Jobs - Page 1 - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance

Is Clean Energy Headed for Crisis? - Energy & Environment Experts

Making the US energy independence — with new oil technology, it’s possible -

EFFICIENCY: The Energy Question | Le Mauricien

Facebook and the Age of Curation Through Unsharing | TechCrunch

GPS Saves the World — But Who’ll Save GPS? | Epicenter |

The Facebook Freaky Line — Scobleizer

Think You're Anonymous? Google Analytics May Prove Different

What cloud boils down to for the enterprise — Cloud Computing News

Siri (product): Why is Siri important? - Quora

Can the iPhone 4S replace a "real" digital camera? Ars investigates

The Surveillance Catalog - The Wall Street Journal

Google Enters Microsoft Office’s Turf with Mixed Results -

LinkedIn's Reid Hoffman On Groupon's Big Advantage: Big Data | Fast Company

Switched On: Between a Nook and a hard place -- Engadget

Video: Watch Bill Gates explain how technology is reshaping our world, again - GeekWire

Full disk encryption is too good, says US intelligence agency | ExtremeTech

Copyright isn't working, says European Commission | ZDNet UK

There are no free lunches on the internet | Technology | The Observer

Column: How not to win the Jewish vote –

Qaddafi's Hatred of Jews Turned on Him –

America Magazine A Mouthful of Changes

The Hatred, and Hope, for Arab Christians -

Why the World Needs Religious Studies | Culture | Religion Dispatches

A Mormon is fit for the White House -

Loving Africa | Daily News |

Associated Baptist Press - Jimmy Carter notes progress in building Baptist unity

WORLD Magazine | Spiritual notes | Arsenio Orteza | Nov 19, 11

Her.meneutics: Why Teens Drift Away from Faith

RealClearScience - When Organic Activists Become Inspectors

Planet Earth: Extreme Beauty – Extreme Danger

Hyperwarming climate could turn Earth's poles green - environment - 17 November 2011 - New Scientist

Global warming we can all cheer -

Why Doing the Ethical Thing Isn’t Automatic -

Controversial CFS Researcher Arrested and Jailed - ScienceInsider

Late Bloomers: "New" Genes May Have Played a Role in Human Brain Evolution: Scientific American

1 visionary + 3 launchers + 1,500 employees = ? | Space Exploration | Air & Space Magazine

Silk from the sea: No sow’s ear | The Economist

The Top 10 Relationship Words That Aren't Translatable Into English | Marriage 3.0 | Big Think

Asteroid Hunters Allow Us to Breathe Easy - Blog

Walking through doorways causes forgetting, new research shows // News // Today@ND // University of Notre Dame

Nerve cells key to making sense of our senses

A failing sense of smell can be reversed

NASA - New NASA Missions to Investigate How Mars Turned Hostile

How Asia Can Unlock American Prosperity

Is China Prone to Money Illusions?

Chinese Lessons From Other Peoples' Wars

Assessing the Afghan War (pdf)

Dangers Follow From Congress's Coming Cuts to Defense Spending - The Daily Beast

How China Can Defeat America -

RealClearWorld - Why China Can't Risk Any Bold Moves

Opinion: Is Afghanistan more violent? - Michael O'Hanlon -

The Fall of the House of Assad | The Weekly Standard

Gregory Rodriguez: A hidebound imperial America needs to rediscover its roots -

As the Egyptian military takes off its mask | The Japan Times Online

Asia Times Online :: It might not be an Asian century after all

Should Asia Try to Rescue Europe? | The Diplomat

Security on the line - The Times of India

An argument for new pipelines - The Globe and Mail

Gradual democracy - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

Leading article: In the Gaddafi clan's end is Libya's new beginning - Leading Articles - Opinion - The Independent

Active diplomacy needed

What to Make of Municipal Bankruptcy Talk

Three ways to combat rising inequality - The Washington Post

Retirement? Goodbye, Golden Years. -

Kalle Lasn and Micah White, the Creators of Occupy Wall Street : The New Yorker

How Occupy Wall Street Can Restore Clout of the 99%: Scott Turow - Bloomberg

Why Grappling With Occupy Wall Street Is Personal for Mayor Bloomberg -- New York Magazine

Bloomberg's Plan for World Domination - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets - The Price We Pay For Investment Apartheid

Kass: Confronting Fear - TheStreet

Obama's College Loan Initiative Another Bailout for the Privileged | Heartlander Magazine

U.S. Bank Exposure to Europe: De Minimus | Bob McTeer's Economic Policy Blog |

The cause of the crisis (and how to prevent the next one)

The Rule of 20 Can Make You Plenty « Investing Caffeine

Text-message bullying becoming more common

China records 300 million registered microblog users

After outbreak, egg mogul is leaving the industry

Michelle Obama unveils student poet program

AP sources: FBI declined to pursue NYC bomb plot

Ex-AIG chief sues US for $25 bn over takeover

Man behind NYC's famous Sabrett hot dogs dies

Penn State investigator Freeh had rocky FBI tenure

CDS' demise has been greatly exaggerated

Erdogan to Assad: Tanks can't preserve power forever

Iran minister says sanctions a 'lose-lose game'

Israel steps up naval patrols around gas fields

Occupy’s Phase II: Changing the Subject to Salvage the Scheme

+Monday Crib Sheet: Truth On OWS Journalist Arrests, AOL/HuffPo Hemorrhaging Staff

The Double Standard on Booing

Throw Them All Out on O’Reilly: Unusual Monday Features Author Schweizer with Steve Kroft of CBS

Sound Bite For The Day: The Thrill Is Gone?

NewsBusted: Is Obama a Better Public Speaker Than Rick Perry?

Sunday Crib Sheet: The Media’s ‘Scott Olsen’ Treatment, Aggressive Media and Herman Cain

Wisconsin’s Conservative Pushback Against Big Labor Continues

Senators Push Online Sales Tax Legislation

AUDIO:One in Six Americans Has Trouble Putting Food on the Table

#OccupyEconomy: #OccupyOaklandCalls for Shutdown of all West Coast Ports

#OccupyAnimalFarm: OWS Protest Leader Stays in Luxury Hotel

Perry Calls out Obama for Reliance on Failed Policies of European Socialism

Supercommittee Fight May Reveal the GOP Is Beyond Saving

Occupy Bribes Minors with Cigarettes in Wisconsin Recall Election?

With Union Reform Down, Ohio Gov. Kasich Not Out

Election Year Recession & Higher Unemployment Ahead

Why Doesn’t John Kerry Put His Investments Into a ‘Blind Trust’?

Throw Them All Out on O’Reilly: Unusual Monday Features Author Schweizer with Steve Kroft of CBS

Report: Taxpayers’ Entire TARP ‘Investment’ Lost in Bailout of United Commercial Bank

Sherrod Brown Stands for Bigger Government

The 5th Column in the U.S.

How Rumors Get Started: Gov. Martinez’s Grandparents Were Not Illegal Immigrants

Administration Uses Obamacare to Unilaterally Stimulate Economy; Says, ‘We Can’t Wait’

How Congress Can Game the Stock Market

Kurt Loder Discusses New Book, His ‘Dark Knight’ Pan

Oliver Stone Delivers Anti-American Rant … In French

Mila Kunis Attends Marine Corps Ball

Oscar Dark Horse Candidate: ‘50/50′

‘Bench Seat’ Director Anna Mastro: Crowd-Funded Short Music to Her Ears

Nothing ‘God-Awful’ About Loder’s New Movie Tome

Top Ten Most Overrated Actors/Actresses of All Time

‘The River Why’ Blu-ray Review: Lazy, Pretentious, Pointless

MTV VJ and Radio Host Kennedy on Marijuana, the Politics of Alt Rock, and Becoming Libertarian

BREAKING: Sony Blinks, Pushes Release of Osama bin Laden Film To After 2012 Election

‘Boardwalk Empire’ Review: One Big Flaw Short of Perfection

Rage Against the Machine’s Zack De La Rocha Reveals Heartfelt Poem to Occupy Wall Street

Is Citibank Being Used by the Government of Iran?

NYC Police Arrest ‘Al-Qaida Sympathizer’ for Alleged Bomb Plots

AUDIO:Rep. Mike Turner on the Future of America’s Nuclear Arsenal

‘Deficient in Intelligence and Religion’: Egyptian Candidate Provides More Evidence Islam Debases Women

AUDIO:Fred Ikle: A Great American Remembered

Assault on the Truth, Part 1: A PC Military vs. an Absolutist Enemy

Assault on the Truth, Part 2: How the Muslim Brotherhood Censors Federal Counterterrorism Training


21-Nov-11 World View

20-Nov-11 World View

19-Nov-11 World View


Casting Directors Under Scrutiny After Investigation Finds Convicted Molestor Hired Child Actors –

SYD CAIN, JAMES BOND ART DIRECTOR, DEAD AT AGE 93 - Celebrating Films of the 1960s & 1970s

Jay Leno Calls Newt Gingrich a 'Hot Air Balloon' |

Shepard Fairey Designs 'Occupy Hope' Poster, Replaces Obama's Face With 'V for Vendetta' Mask - Los Angeles News - The Informer


+ *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Government


14,000 abandoned wind turbines « Don Surber

Drunk 11-Year-Old Found At Occupy Protest - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines

Krauthammer Scolds Shields and Totenberg: 'What Planet Are You Guys Living On...I’ve Rarely Encountered Such Thickness' |


**NEWS VIDEOS: Do Nothing President: Obama MIA In Super Committee Negotiations

‘How To Make A Bomb In Kitchen Of Your Mom’: NYC Police Commish Details Alleged Terrorist’s Bomb Making Plans

Schweizer: Main Factor In TARP Vote Was Ownership Of Bank Stocks

HAZMAT Called In To Remove 200lbs Of Feces Found Across From #OccupySantaCruz

#Occuparody: Books Should Be Free Because… You Know… The 1%

Rep King: Expect More ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorists; ‘This Is Why I Started Radicalization Hearings’

Heroin Overdose At #OccupyEugene

Terror Suspect Arraigned In NYC

Deficit ‘Super Committee’ Talks Stall As Deadline Approaches

Cyber Attack On US Water Supply Allegedly Came From Russia

Ron Paul: ‘Flawed’ US Policies Led To 9/11

Krugman On Gingrich: ‘Stupid Man’s Idea of What a Smart Man Sounds Like’

NYC Policeman Told To Take Down 9/11 Honor Flag

20th/Terror Plot Uncovered In NYC

NASCAR Crowd Boos Michelle Obama

Liberals Love Him: Jon Huntsman Shows Up On SNL

Dem Rep Denies Child Abuse/Incest Charges; Former Head Of House Page Program

Not Enough Pepper Spray In The World: #OccupyOakland Protester Harasses Police

Community Organizing Astroturf: Bank of America Takeover Choreographed By Rebranded ACORN Group ACCE

#OWS Marches From NY To DC Because Of Corporate Greed … Supercommittee?

Newt Hits #OccupyWallStreet Protesters: ‘Go Get A Job Right After You Take A Bath’

Meet The New Boss: Egypt Police Clash With Protesters In Tahrir Square

Erasing Car Loan Debt: An Occuparody

15 Reported Killed In Syria

#Occupy Protesters Clueless That Masks Glorify Terrorist

19th/Poor Meghan: McCain Daughter ‘Sick’ Of Not Being Taken Seriously

Scientists Create World’s Lightest Material

Chu Denies Solar Company Favoritism

Egypt Police Clash With Protesters

Liberal Denial: Totenberg Claims ‘Nothing Political’ In Obama Funding Solyndra

Schweizer: Pelosi Made Killing On Clean Energy IPO While Championing Green Legislation

UC Davis Launches Probe After Pepper Spray Video

Joe Paterno Has Treatable Form Of Cancer

Schweizer: Warren Buffett Cashed-In On Bank Stocks While Advising On Bank Bailout

18th/Alleged White House Shooter Made Oprah Audition Tape

L.A. Investigators Re-open Natalie Wood Case

Demi Moore Back On Market

Syracuse Coach Under Investigation For Child Molestation

17th/Megyn Kelly’s Court: Is Insider Trading Really Helping Congressmen?

The Daily Show Destroys #OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Evil Banker Could


Answer to DC Stalemate is Democracy « Commentary Magazine

This Is Supercommittee Republicans' Idea of a Tax Increase - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Debunking the conservative argument about the rich and taxes, in three easy charts - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

What the Supercommittee’s Failure Says About U.S. Foreign Policy | Cato @ Liberty

Obama's Overseas Triumph | Mother Jones

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : 53 Percenters Stand Down: No Problem With Freeloaders

Blog: Kathleen Parker's Trash Talk

After Egypt’s Revolution, Christians Are Living in Fear -

What Herman Cain’s 2012 run has already accomplished | Kyle Wingfield

RealClearPolitics - The Choice: Squabble or Govern

RealClearPolitics - Put Tax Breaks for Mortgages, Local Taxes on Table

Rising from pack, Gingrich invites scrutiny –

RealClearPolitics - Democrats Have an Uphill Climb to Retake the House

Patrick Caddell and Douglas Schoen: The Hillary Moment -

Down with the Ship - By Michael Walsh - The Corner - National Review Online

Stand together against the tar-sands scourge - The Globe and Mail

CURL: Obama's growing disdain for American worker - Washington Times

Kalle Lasn and Micah White, the Creators of Occupy Wall Street : The New Yorker

Gordon Crovitz: The Police Remove the Occupy Wall Street Tents -

Dangers Follow From Congress's Coming Cuts to Defense Spending - The Daily Beast

How China Can Defeat America -

Frank Rich: How Obama’s Presidency Mirrors JFK’s -- New York Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Teacher Union's Missing Funds: A Pattern of Stonewalling?

Human survival depends on space exploration, says Stephen Hawking - Yahoo! News

Editorial: White House should come clean on Solyndra failure | Dallas Morning News Editorials - Opinion and Commentary for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Fixing Medicare -

Recording Cain: What’s he afraid of? | New Hampshire OPINION01

Pipeline decision will weaken Obama

Paul Ryan’s inequality plan increases inequality - The Washington Post

Newt Gingrich Will Fight The Media That Has Him In Its Sights - Latest Headlines -

Conspiracies, Coups and Currencies -

Why Congress Can't Stop Stealing

The Palinization of the GOP - The Washington Post

Even more calendars predict End in 2012

U.S. fears more than a dozen CIA spies executed

Newt's daughter debunks 'cancer bed divorce' myth

Trump: I might run if GOP chooses 'wrong person'

Dem pollsters: Obama should abandon campaign

New Occupy plot: Flash mobs

Democrat congressman disputes sex-abuse allegations

This woman's going to rule on Obamacare?

The other 'gunwalking' scandals

Chris Matthews Slams Obama: He's Got 'The Worst Kind of a Notion of the Presidency' |

Lawmakers grill Obama over Border agent trial

New Occupy plot: Flash mobs

Islamist: We sparked violent protests in America

How I plead to Media Matters' multi-count indictment


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Black Friday: Why it pays to stay home

Travelers pay 6% more for Thanksgiving flights

U.S. companies feel the impact of Europe's financial mess

China sees 'chronic global recession'

Policeman ordered to remove 9/11 flag outside house

Anti-litter poster branded 'insult to Muslims'

U.K. permits Sikhs to wear daggers at Olympics

Judge: Not crime to swear at police

Boy, 11, expelled for saying newscaster looked like Obama

GPS saves the world –but who'll save GPS?

Virgin Mary's belt arrives in Moscow before election

Geologists explore cues to Earth's formation in diamonds

Whales in the desert: Fossil bonanza poses mystery

Skilled coopers are keepingScotch-whiskey traditions alive

Woman disappears after 'People's Court' dispute

Fake doc uses Fix-A-Flat for gal's butt implant

Depleted Texas lakes expose ghost towns, graves

Catholics: Image in photos demonstrates power of Holy Spirit

Computer determines if Torah is Mosaic ... or a mosaic

What lies beneath: Death of Natalie Wood

Who is pro-rights and who is 'faux-rights?'

Steven Spielberg eyes Moses film

The 4th Reich comes to America?

Historian: 'Hitler's influence was fatal'

Divers in 'gigantic' 17th-century warship find

'Darth Vader' files paperwork for spaceship parking spot


Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupy and MSM, Part 1

Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupy and MSM, Part 2


How to gobble without gaining weight, Part 1

How to gobble without gaining weight, Part 2


The other 'gunwalking' scandals

Obama pulls another fast one

Let's do some real 'thanks giving'

There is only one

Crazy people running for president

America's role in the world

Cops' worst enemies? Mayors

Newt shows his true colors, again

Boy molesting pedophiles are not homosexuals

Why Newt Gingrich could be president

*21 Nov.

William J Federer's American Minute for November 21st

November 21st in History

This Day in History for 21st November

November 21 Events in History

November 21st This Day in History

Today in History: November 21

Today in History: November 21

Today in History for November 21st - YouTube

G. Edward Griffin'

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: A Den of Vipers

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Loaves and Fishes and Civil War

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Greenbacks and Other Crimes

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The London Connection

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Competition is a Sin

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Swallows Congress

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