A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

20 November 2011

20 NOV.



Gingrich To Occupy Wall Street: "Go Get A Job After You Take A Bath"
Full Presidential Thanksgiving Forum From Iowa
Rahm Emanuel: Obama Can't Get Through To The "Partisan" Republicans
Brit Hume: "These Are Extremely Difficult Times For Mitt Romney"
Sen. Marco Rubio: Obama Failed To Lead On Supercommittee
Sens. Toomey And Manchin On Supercommittee
Sen. Rand Paul: Congress Needs To Be Told Do Something "Or Else"
Sen. Kerry Blames Republicans, Norquist From Preventing Supercommittee Deal
Sen. Kyl On Occupiers: They Think Money Grows On Trees
Sen. Murray On Supercommittee: "I'll Be Waiting All Day"
"This Week" Roundtable: GOP Race Up For Grabs?
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On 2012 Race
"FOX News Sunday" Panel Assesses GOP Race

19 NOV.

Obama Touts Asia Trip For Helping U.S. Jobs In Weekly Address
Again: MSNBC's Chris Matthews Says Obama "Thrills Me"
Toomey Gives GOP Weekly, Warns US Is Following Europe's Path
Meghan McCain "Sick" Of Not Being Taken Seriously
Robert Reich Vs. Grover Norquist On Taxing The Rich
Bill O'Reilly: Congress Is Hosing Us
Perry Ad: "I'm The Outsider Who's Willing To Step On Some Toes"
Milton Friedman: The Social Security Myth



"Man Gave Names To All the Animals - Grooveshark

"Forever Young" by Neil Young - Grooveshark


The Military Industrial Complex in Five Minutes - YouTube

A veteran speak out about Iraq and Ron Paul - YouTube

H.R. 3432: And now they come for the cows « The PPJ Gazette

The fix is in: Republicans make sure Obama serves second term « The PPJ Gazette

Obama has private meeting with China

OT: President Obama Seen Chewing Gum Constantly in the ASEAN Meeting in Bali, Indonesia | EX-SKF

Obama's secret security details found in gutter - Australasia - World - The Independent

Does the European Union have an Expiry Date? — RT

Cesium-137 Deposition Simulation Shows Extensive Ocean Contamination Even in Japan Sea | EX-SKF

Part 8 - The Gold Rush Currency Wars - YouTube

Rense & Jonathan Emord - FDA Wars On Medical Apps - YouTube

*The Surveillance Catalog - The Wall Street Journal

Document Trove Exposes Surveillance Methods -

First Read - Democrats reject 'last-ditch' GOP supercommittee plan


Bob Dylan / Chordpro Archive(


Visions of Dylan(


Joe Paterno knew he’ll be sued for Sandusky’s molestation of boys | Fellowship of the Minds

Weeks after Penn State, a Syracuse basketball coach is accused of child abuse - Telegraph

Penn State scandal: Hillary Clinton sympathises with students who rioted for Joe Paterno | Mail Online

The only Political Tool left - Sex Allegations - YouTube

Is this an alien skull? Mystery of the triangular-shaped head found in Peru | Mail Online

Human Skull with Horns

Starlings form a dolphin in the skies | Mail Online


Vote in the poll to protect Klamath dams « The PPJ Gazette

Asthma Drugs Kill More than Asthma, FDA Ignores Risk | Natural Society

Copenhagen votes to legalise marijuana - Telegraph

Curse of the Krokodil: Fears as home-made Heroin that's rotting Russian addicts' flesh spreads across Europe | Mail Online

Nixon adviser Kissinger branded Jewish as self-serving 'b*******', new documents reveal | Mail Online

Kissinger in '72: Jews 'self-serving bastards' - Israel News, Ynetnews

America's Student Loan Debt Bondage


New Italian government does not include a single elected politician - Telegraph - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: EU chief: The time has come for a Federal Europe

Maybe Capitalism Isn't So Bad

Bring The Devil To The Knees | Opinion Maker

Roy Tov: Is Netanyahu an Iranian Spy?

The Cornucopia Institute’s Role in The Organic Movement

Britain in secret talks with Syrian rebels - World Politics - World - The Independent

Herman Cain: the Taliban are in Libya - Telegraph

On Obamacare: Don’t Trust the Courts to Uphold the Constitution! – Tenth Amendment Center

Police Pepper Spray Peaceful UC Davis Students - YouTube

Anonymiss Express • D0X: UC Davis Pepper Spraying officer, Lt. John Pike

America's Media War On OWS

Video: Civilian UAV Films Polish Riots From Above | Defense Tech - I Married a Feminist. Now What? - Historian Brought Freemasons to Heel

the tap: Polish Crash Was Orchestrated Coup D'Etat

Adrie Mendiej - Person who filmed Polish President crash scene now dead? - YouTube

Paul Drockton: Penn State and Boystown Cover-up Similarities

Paul Drockton: Cocaine, Pedophiles and Godfathers Pizza

Paul Drockton: Second Mile Charity Pushed Homosexual Agenda

Paul Drockton: MF Global and Derivatives Disinfo

Paul Drockton: My Visit with the Secret Service


**KevinTrudeauShow's Channel - YouTube


The Story of Stuff Project(


CERN Experiment Excludes 1 Error In Faster-Than-Light Finding

UPDATES: N.H. Elections Committee Rules They Don't Have Jurisdiction In Criminal Matters | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Though CME Group Guarantees, There Are No Guarantees

Devvy Kidd -- The Cancer Research Money Machines

Jon Christian Ryter -- FDA, Texas Medical Board Fights to Kill Cancer Cure

Devvy Kidd -- How many more will die before FDA ghouls are held accountable?

Executive pay brouhaha snares Newt Gingrich

Thought Crime Trials Are Coming

Primary 2012: 'Birther' challenges Obama | Concord Monitor

Strange Ancient skulls of Aliens or Humans (most coneheads) - YouTube

The Actual Victims Toll of 9/11 | Opinion Maker

Mexican Trucks Entering US Cited for 1 Million Violations : Federal Jack

Neutrinos still faster than light in latest version of experiment | Science |


"when i paint my masterpiece" by Bob Dylan Grooveshark

"I Shall Be Released" by The Band - Grooveshark


Thanksgiving Family Forum - Ron Paul Highlights - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11 - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : The Little Guy Isn't Getting His Money Back - Rick Santelli





*1:09:58/I Shot JFK (James Files) Part 1 - YouTube


*40 min./I Shot JFK (James Files) Part 2 - YouTube


American's Journey: I Shot JFK (James Files) Parts 1 and 2


SF Fed admits a private corporation, pay dividends!!! - YouTube blog: "My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!"

The REAL Occupy Demands - End Lobbying, End the FED, Restore Constitution! - YouTube

#OccupyAirSpace: - Protesters Launch 'Robokopter' Drone - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : How Our Foreign Policy Makes Us Less Free: The Plain Truth By Judge Napolitano

Activist Post: Newspaper Publisher Caves, Agrees Excerpts of Articles Do Not Infringe Copyright

Activist Post: Astounding corporate ties of "humanitarian" USAID with Monsanto in Nepal

Revolutionary Politics : US Dollar Collapse - Hyperinflation

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - Get all your money out of the Banks Now

Revolutionary Politics : The Peter Schiff Show - "Where is the Newt Gingrich was Right Video?"

p m carpenter's commentary: Anti-intellectual methadone

Activist Post: Could the leaked lobbyist memo be a sham designed to support the false left-right paradigm?

Constitutionally Protected Symbolic Speech |

You’ve Made Our Nuke Scientists Human Targets, Says Iran |

Lone Star Watchdog: "Corporate America Is Using Our Police Departments As Hired Thugs" Ret Police Captain Ray Lewis

Alert: Internet Censorship Bill Could Drastically Change Or Destroy Alternative Media :

Mitt Romney says Americans avoiding 'the hard work' in book, American Bridge reports - Maggie Haberman -

Lone Star Watchdog: Seeing the Implosion of Tyrants Before Our Eyes Trying to Quell Occupy Wall Street

We had no evidence for DEAct, UK gov’t confesses

Leveson inquiry: News of the World journalists' computers put 'through a grinder' | Mail Online

Rep. Joe Walsh: Veterans at ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests are anti-American | The Raw Story

Wind farms are useless, says Duke - Telegraph

Is the U.S. goading China in the South China Sea dispute? | End the Lie - Independent News

Army Achieves ‘Skynet’ – Self-Aware Decision-Making Network :

Revolutionary Politics : The First 12 Hours after the US Dollar Collapse


Evidence: non-profit policing organization orchestrating nationwide anti-occupy crackdown | Privacy SOS

Activist Post: One day in campaign of Ron Paul

Quantum theorem shakes foundations : Nature News & Comment

Wall Street Lobbyist Target Occupy Movement - YouTube

1newsjunkie: Introducing the 'Near Poor' - which now includes 51 million Americans

The 99% #OWS #N17 EPIC MOMENT - YouTube

Interview with Greg Palast - Media Roots TV - YouTube

Anti-Neocons • College as stepping stone to jobs myth

Open Channel - Lobbying firm's memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street

'More authorities try to quiet OWS - the bigger it grows' - YouTube

Government to impose martial law? - YouTube

Money has been privatised by stealth | Ben Dyson | Comment is free |

SOPA Causes Anonymous To Declare Operation Blackout : Federal Jack

EU's unemployed youth threatened by social exclusion - YouTube

On 9/11, the U.S. Military Was Preparing for a Simulated Nuclear War |

These Are The Robbing Peter To Pay Paul Markets

US War Criminals murdered our soldiers: all US police have arrest authority - National Nonpartisan |

G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: A Den of Vipers

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Loaves and Fishes and Civil War

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Greenbacks and Other Crimes

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The London Connection

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Competition is a Sin

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Swallows Congress


‘Near Poor’ - Not Quite in Poverty, but Still Struggling -

Eroticized Dominance – Emotional Grooming, Predatory Behaviors As Cultural Norms? | Neuroscience and Relationships

Gaddafi's son Saif Al-Islam captured and to be quizzed on Blair, Mandelson and Prince Andrew | Mail Online

Revealed: How US mercenaries offered Gaddafi $10m deal to flee Libya | Mail Online


*DARPA FY12.1 SBIR Solicitation Topics(DARPA Wants to Collect ‘Physiological Signals’ at a Distance and Through Walls)


Iran and the I.A.E.A.

'Washington Rules' and our Path to Permanent War

Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance

"Why Occupy Wall Street? 4 Reasons."

“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine

SOPA or How to Use Copyright as an Excuse to Censor the Internet

Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State - YouTube

Maher Arar on Syrian Conflict

Euro Crisis, Neo-Liberalism and Undoing the Welfare State

TRNN Debate on Austerity and the Eurozone

The "Free Syria Army": Placard-Waving Protesters are actually Machine Gun-Wielding Terrorists

Social Opposition in the Age of Internet: Desktop “Militants” and Public Intellectuals

Ex-Inspector Rejects IAEA Iran Bomb Test Chamber Claim

America's "Return" to Asia: Superpower Expands Military Deployments In Asia-Pacific

Enhanced US Military Presence in Australia Directed against China

US Presidential Elections: GOP Candidates Advocate Torture

Calling for an Attack on Iran: US, Israel Politicians are "Detached From Reality"

Reforming the U.S. Financial and Tax System

The Arab League: Prelude to a US-NATO-led military campaign against Syria

VIDEO: Corporate Collusion, Media and Citizen Journalism

US More Segregated in Rich and Poor Neighborhoods

Chris Wallace: Americans fed up with 'Occupy Wall Street'

Dem introduces pro- ’Occupy’ amendment to Constitution

Kerry blasts GOP Super Committee plan

Lobbying firm sent out memo to undermine ‘Occupy Wall Street’

4 part/Corporate Degradation and Conscious Evolution – Max Igan

Occupy Wall St - The Revolution Is Love - YouTube

The Raping of America: Alex Jones Friday Edition |

Jesse Ventura There's Only ONE Person I Like At All That's Ron Paul! - YouTube

Trends In The News - Criminal Mafia Enterprise - 17 November 2011 - YouTube

Max Keiser on Financial Apartheid, Germany 4.0, and Gold vs. SDR |

Keiser Report: Vampire Banker Hunter (E212) - YouTube


*articles:Occupy Wall Street and the Fed 11-19-11 |


Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Afghan Assembly Backs Long-Term US Presence

Arab League Syria Deadline Passes, 24 More Die

Two Dead, More Than 600 Hurt in Cairo Clashes

Post-9/11 Tradeoff: Security vs. Civil Liberties

Islamist Jebali Poised to Become Tunisian Premier

New US Base in Australia Unlikely to Provoke Terrorism

What Does 'Defense' Mean if Supercommittee Fails?

Lawmakers Press US Officials to Ramp Up Pressure on China

Senate GOP Leaders To Holder: Your Kagan Testimony 'Belied By The Facts'

GOP Budget Chair Ryan Votes ‘No’ on GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment: Will Lead to ‘Bigger Government,’ ‘More Taxes’

Does Pelosi Now Want A National Childcare Mandate?

Bozell: If Media Reported 'Occupy' Protest Crimes, Americans 'Wouldn't Stand For' It

Sessions Demands Written Testimony from Holder on Kagan and Obamacare

Dakota Fanning Grows Up, Gets Married in New Role

Ten Immodest Commandments: Lessons From a Fumbling-and-Bungling Lifetime of Activism

Red Alert: Protect IP/SOPA Bills Could Change Or Destroy Alternative Media As We Know It - YouTube

We couldn't get fooled again! - YouTube

David Icke - Thoughts From New York On 'John Wayne America' - YouTube

David Icke talks with Luke Rudkowski at Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

SPECIAL REPORT: County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds - YouTube

Facebook Tracks Websites Members, Non-Members Visit |

Activist Post: Burmese "Pro-Democracy" Movement a Creation of Wall Street and London

Activist Post: Why Free Trade Isn’t Trade (Video)

Trade vs Free Trade - YouTube

Activist Post: Russian warships entering Syrian waters to inhibit foreign invasion as opposition calls for no-fly zone

Bob Ostertag: Militarization Of Campus Police

At Religious Right Forum, GOP Candidates Weep and Proselytize

"Crime Scene": Oil Industry Vultures Pick Over Alaska

Back to the Future? Generation X and Occupy Wall Street

Toys R Us talking doll that teaches obscene swearword to your two-year-old | Mail Online

Elizabeth Nichols, Occupy Portland Protester Pepper Sprayed In The Face, Identified (PHOTO)

Chicago Tribune files new reorganization plan | Reuters

Oil Executive: Military-Style 'Psy Ops' Experience Applied - US Business News - CNBC

Foreign hackers targeted U.S. water plant in apparent malicious cyber attack, expert says - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Judge Declares Law Governing Warrantless Cellphone Tracking Unconstitutional - Digits - WSJ

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned | World news |

Cartel Plot: Use U.S. Guns for Massive Mexico City Attack | Danger Room |

The 13 Countries That Own the World’s Gold - 24/7 Wall St.

Fake Silver and Gold Flood Global Markets

Calif. court: Cell phone law applies when drivers stop at lights | Hands Free Info

Prison » Supreme Court Blocks Government Plan To Claim Ownership Of DNA

DARPA will use decoy documents to catch leaks - TechSpot News

Wilders: Nothing to Celebrate, Gul is Not Welcome in the Netherlands — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami

Norwegian Defense Firms Hacked, Intel Reports - Defense News

What is really behind the global cellphonemania? | "We The People" Grassroots

Second water utility reportedly hit by hack attack • The Register

Kosovo disturbances mimicked in training scenario - Europe - Stripes

Founding Fathers Would Rebel at Supercommittee 'Dictatorship,' John Fund Tells Newsmax

Aides: Supercommittee Nears Failure Admission

Rubio: Obama Plays Politics With Supercommittee

Tax Divide Continues to Snag Supercommittee

Rand Paul: Supercommittee Failure May Be Best

Sessions Wary Of Supercommittee Budget Games

Natalie Wood Detectives Face Conflicting Accounts

Rahm Emanuel Rallies Obama Support in Iowa

Tired and Wired? New Book Reveals Ways To Feel Better Fast

Ron Paul: US Foreign Policy Contributed to 9/11

Supercommittee Members Blame Rival Parties

Gingrich to Occupiers: Take a Bath, Get a Job

Sen. Kyl Doubts Supercommittee Will Reach Deal

Rice: US Must Get Tough With Syria's Assad

Debaters Seek Conservatives' Nod in Iowa

A Preliminary Analysis of Privacy On Google+ - Technology Review

Teacher summoned to hearing over leftist Facebook comments

Secret lab hides Google's boldest future projects » Blog Archive » U.S. Supreme Court Has Ruled on Obama’s Eligibility!!

Report: Madoff fraud started 20 years earlier than admitted - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Newt Gingrich Site Seeks to Allay Conservatives’ Fears -

EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration - Telegraph


20 min./Thanksgiving Family Forum - Ron Paul Highlights - YouTube

35 min./Ron Paul: More Friendship, More Trade, No Preemptive Attacks - YouTube


US budget woes could hit European missile defense

Parents of 'Adolf Hitler' Lose Custody of Newborn | ABC News - Yahoo!

Secrets of the American Nomenklatura

Why Do Catholics Keep Funding the Radical Left?

Islam Was Not for Me

Are markets intrinsically moral?

The Wealth Race

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party: The World's Assassination Party

Israel's 'Divided Soul'?

Post-Normal Claws, Teeth, and Slime

A New Model of Islam with Less Bark and More Bite

The Farm Policy End-Run

Occupy North Korea: Time for the Exodus to Galvanize Democratization

Curiosity: The Mysterious Compound

The Curious Advice of Jordan's King Abdullah

Parallel Universes

The Party's Over

Time for Another Look at the GOP Bench

Can It Be Santorum's Turn Next?

75 Separate Defenses for Sexual Predators

Can't we just stick with what works for the time being?

Making Homes Affordable Makes Others Poor

Your 'Fair Share' in the New Tax Rate Regime

Flat Tax Philosophy

Russia's Dangerous Implosion

Socialism's Fundamental Flaws

Insider Trading Is Fine - But Not in Congress

Obama administration speaking out of both sides of its mouth on Iran

President sends letter of condolence to rapper's funeral

Teacher teaches teachers about social justice

Russian warships to patrol Syrian waters, deterring intervention

The Obama Basketball League

'Putting numbers on a bleak national mood'

Top Iran Missile Chief Reported Killed in Explosion

Spaniards voting to increase the pain

Supercommittee heading for failure

BBC's 'environment analyst' accepted grants from East Anglia

The last Navajo 'code talker' from famed USMC unit

The Party's Just Warming Up

The Large Families that rule the world | Before It's News

Obots seek to defend Obama. Why? It's strange and freaky defending this Beast. | Before It's News

Rahm Emanuel makes bald-faced lie showing how desperate White House is. | Before It's News

Barack Obama 1991 TBS Black History Minute - YouTube

5 Green Beauty Elixirs for Cold and Flu Season | Before It's News

Snippets from the Interwebs 9 | Before It's News

Non-Human Ancient Mummy Just Discovered In Cusco, Peru | Before It's News

Islamic Kaaba And 9/11 Memorial Site - Destruction Of Big Ben | Before It's News

Pentagon Deploying 20,000 Troops In U.S. To Prepare For Economic Collpase Civil Unrest - YouTube

If Chemtrails And HAARP Didn’t Disturb You Enough, Wait Until You Hear About Morgellons | Before It's News

The Royals We Never See | Before It's News

President Obama's Hopeless 'Malaise' Moment - Forbes

The Biggest Mysteries of Mars | Mars Water & Habitability | Search for Life on Mars |

Nano Augmentation: A Reality? « Voice of the System Shocked - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Express Yourself :: The real curse of Tutankhamun

How Much Gold Has Been Sold That Doesn't Exist?

How Much Gold Has Been Sold That Doesn\'t Exist? -- Part 2 | Before It's News

'I Haven't Had a Gaffe,' Bachmann Insists

#OccupyUCDavis: Police in Riot Gear Use Chemical Agent on Students

Working America Challenges Everyone to 'Talk Turkey' and Explain the 99 Percent to Relatives Over Holiday

Hey David Gregory, Wasn't Your Wife a Fannie Mae Executive?

Michele Bachmann: Get Rid of the Earned Income Tax Credit, Food Stamps, Public Housing

CLGC Lobbying Firm's Memo Spells Out Plan to Undermine #OWS: Chris Hayes

Congress Considers Fix Gun Checks Act To Close Gun Ownership Loopholes

Karl Rove Calls #OccupyBaltimore Protesters Fascists After They Interrupted His Speech at Johns Hopkins

Portland Police Chief Blames Occupy Portland for Rape Victim's Long Wait for Help

Penn State and the Culture of Rape

Herman Cain Suggests the Taliban Are Running Libya

+The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: #OWS and OMG

Former Poet Laureate Robert Hass Clubbed By Police At UC Berkeley

Gingrich: 'Go Get a Job Right After You Take a Bath'

New Analysis: One in Three Americans Are Either Living In or Near Poverty

Cain Would 'Overturn the Supreme Court If They Overturned DOMA'

Newt Gingrich: "Child Labor Laws Are Stupid"

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid writers

True Blue Liberal: say the secret word and the duck will drop from the rafters and give you the gop nomination!

Tebow, Palin & the Logic of Thanksgiving

Drinking Global Warming Propaganda

Newt-Romney, All-American

Corruption and Do-Nothingness in Government

Protest as Identity

Royal Slam: Duke of Edinburgh calls wind farms ‘absolutely useless’

PeTA: Mind Your Business

System Failure on a Global Scale

Newt’s New Strategy: Hide in Plain Sight

Former Fox News analyst at center of Pakistani firestorm

The Global Warming Guessing Game

Associated Press Reminds Reporters to Not Break the News With a Tweet

Secretary Chu Reaffirms Argument Against Affirmative Action

Government green buildings more efficient than commercial buildings?

Shock, Awe from Illegal Alien Paradise: California Faces Budget Crisis!

Groucho and me

Indict Holder

ABC Fails to Find the “Occupy” Message

How the GOP can stop Obama’s war against fossil fuel

House Fails To Pass Proposal for Balanced Budget Amendment - Our Need for an Article V. Convention

Kim Jong Il’s Honorary Consuls: “The Elders”

Natural Variability To Dominate Weather Events Over Coming 20-30 Years

Romney: ‘I exhale carbon dioxide’

Black Republican’s Campaign Sign Defaced With ‘KKK,’ Media Yawns

SEIU Endorses Obama Re-Election

Tea Party Numbers Grow As Presidential Election Nears

Machiavelli and the OWS

+Sunday Crib Sheet: The Media’s ‘Scott Olsen’ Treatment, Aggressive Media and Herman Cain

Black Republican’s Campaign Sign Defaced With ‘KKK,’ Media Yawns

Washington Post Vacates The Occupy Movement, But What About Obama?

Is Media Matters Attacking ‘Throw Them All Out’ to Protect Soros and Other Donors Who Received Stimulus Funds?

Today’s Buried Lede: 58% of Chicago Occupiers ‘Believe Violence Is Sometimes Necessary Against the Government’

Publisher Of The Jewish Week Warns Jews “You Better Not Piss Off Obama”

NewsBusted: Is Newt the New GOP Front-Runner?

+ *Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Journalism

Chris Matthews Spars With Larry Elder During Hostile Radio Interview (Audio) - The Hollywood Reporter

Pentagon tests hypersonic weapon that travels 5 times the speed of sound | Mail Online

See it now — best map of the moon ever - Technology & science - Space - -

Historians Claim New Research Shows Oswald Acted Alone In JFK Assassination | Fox News

BBC News - World's 'lightest material' unveiled by US engineers

Walkable Roller-Coaster Sculpture Opens in Germany | Gadget Lab |

BBC News - Neutrino experiment repeat at Cern finds same result

Robot Paints Its Feelings : Discovery News

Yeti 'Nests' Found in Russia? | Yeti, Bigfoot Evidence | Weird News | LiveScience

Guinness World Records Day: 300,000 people take part - Telegraph

Scientists mutate bird flu to make it MORE contagious - but critics claim the 'bioweapon' must be kept secret | Mail Online

Sherrod Brown Stands for Bigger Government

The 5th Column in the U.S.

How Rumors Get Started: Gov. Martinez’s Grandparents Were Not Illegal Immigrants

Administration Uses Obamacare to Unilaterally Stimulate Economy; Says, ‘We Can’t Wait’

How Congress Can Game the Stock Market

California Ballot Boondoggle Sends Tax Dollars Out of State

Obama War Room: Brushfires

California ‘Conservatives’ Rip Off Schools to Save Union Jobs

Election 2012: Third and Long

Connecticut Deemed the ‘Sinkhole’ of the Nation

Angry Union President Spews Insults, then Blames Us for Backlash

Obama-NLRB Rushing to Issue Ambush Elections Rules on Nov. 30

Three Reasons We Shouldn’t Bail Out Student Loan Borrowers

Is Media Matters Attacking ‘Throw Them All Out’ to Protect Soros and Other Donors Who Received Stimulus Funds? - Big Journalism

Media Buys False ‘Blind Trust’ Excuse for Suspicious Kerry Stock Trades - Big Journalism

» EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: The Kerrys’ Curious Stock Trades - Big Government

Senators propose rules stopping insider trading by Congress members - The Hill's On The Money

Nothing ‘God-Awful’ About Loder’s New Movie Tome

Top Ten Most Overrated Actors/Actresses of All Time

‘The River Why’ Blu-ray Review: Lazy, Pretentious, Pointless

MTV VJ and Radio Host Kennedy on Marijuana, the Politics of Alt Rock, and Becoming Libertarian

BREAKING: Sony Blinks, Pushes Release of Osama bin Laden Film To After 2012 Election

‘Boardwalk Empire’ Review: One Big Flaw Short of Perfection

Rage Against the Machine’s Zack De La Rocha Reveals Heartfelt Poem to Occupy Wall Street

Woody Allen Gives Fans Another Reason to Feel Queasy About His Off-Screen Life

Instapundit » Blog Archive » #OCCUPYHOLLYWOOD: MORE ON THE “STOP ONLINE PIRACY ACT,” which is in fact an Internet censorship act…

Natalie Wood detectives face conflicting accounts

audio:Rep. Mike Turner on the Future of America’s Nuclear Arsenal

Assault on the Truth, Part 1: A PC Military vs. an Absolutist Enemy

‘Deficient in Intelligence and Religion’: Egyptian Candidate Provides More Evidence Islam Debases Women

audio:Fred Ikle: A Great American Remembered

SHOCK: Western Nations Say Iran Deceives World on Nukes

Iran’s Nuclear Program Could Be Cleaned Up with a MOP

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party: The World’s Assassination Party


20-Nov-11 World View

19-Nov-11 World View

18-Nov-11 World View


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive House Dems sink balanced-budget amendment ;Rep. Paulen: 'Only way to force Washington to cut up the credit cards'

Iran, Saudis acting out ancient Messiah prophecy?

Will this 15-ton bunker buster destroy Iran's nukes?

GOP candidates focus on social issues at Iowa forum

At Family Leader forum, a more personal look at GOP hopefuls - a Focus on the Family Affiliate

Thanksgiving Family Forum debate - Yahoo! Search Results

Gingrich: Republican front-runner's fundraising running behind

Zogby: GOP voters 'don't like the dog food'

Ron Paul won't rule out independent bid

Washington crowd honors author Jack Abramoff

Energy Dept. to Solyndra: Hush layoffs until after midterms

Buffett sues IRS over $642.7 million tax bill

Millionaires to Congress: Tax us more!

Islamist: We sparked violent protests in America

Mexico asks U.S. to extradite alleged weapons smugglers

New Hampshire board decides Obama eligibility

Door slammed on documents in Border agent's disputed case

Boy, 11, expelled for saying newscaster looked like Obama

Condemned child killer hangs self on California death row

Whales in the desert: Fossil bonanza poses mystery

Geologists explore cues to Earth's formation in diamonds

GPS saves the world –
but who'll save GPS?

'A good excuse to go camping'

Computer determines if Torah is Mosaic ... or a mosaic

What lies beneath: Death of Natalie Wood

Steven Spielberg eyes Moses film

Historian: 'Hitler's influence was fatal'

Mayor threatens pastors with felony charges over recall

Americans to pay terrorists' salaries?

Democrat operative mobilizes Occupy protesters

Obama pastor offers sanctuary for rioters

Door slammed on documents in Border agent's disputed case

Islamist: We sparked violent protests in America

New Hampshire board decides Obama eligibility

Newt shows his true colors, again

*20 Nov.

American Minute for November 20th

November 20th in History

November 20 Events in History

November 20th This Day in History

Today in History: November 20

This Day in History for 20th November

Today in History: November 20

Today in History for November 20th - YouTube


Oscar Ortega-Hernandez Records Oprah Video Claiming He’s Jesus | Video |

Parent: Grayson Thomas Kicked Out of School for Saying News Man Looks Like Obama |

Air Clicker Strips Away Camera Bulk Leaving You With Just Your Finger and Thumb |

Barack Obama ‘Black History Minutes’ Video From 1991 | Video |

O‘Reilly Responds to Inaccuracies in ’Killing Lincoln’ Book | Video |

McDonalds Does Damage Control After Advocacy Group Shock Video Exposes ‘Disturbing and Completely Unacceptable’ Animal Treatment |

Larry Elder Blasts Chris Matthews | Video |

David Letterman Asks Herman Cain: Will You Drop Out if Sexual Harassment Allegations Prove True? | Video |

Rahmn Emanuel to Speak for President Obama in Iowa |

Police: Fake Doctor Injected Cement, Super Glue Into Woman’s Buttocks for Enhancement Procedure | Video |

Protesters Disrupt Newt Gingrich Harvard University Speech With Human Microphone | Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Huge Car Crash in Germany | Video |

Newt Gingrich to Occupy:‘Go Get a Job Right After You Take a Bath’ |

Frank Sinatra Did Porn Alleges Biographer |

Ron Paul Iowa and Evangelical Support Grows |

Ahmadinejad‘s Press Adviser Ali Akbar Javanfekr Sentenced to Prison for ’Publishing Materials Contrary to Islamic Norms’ |

‘B.S. of A.’ Saturday Night Special: ‘Pumpernickle Boulevard’ Teaches Important Lesson About Hitler | Video |

Herman Cain Fights Tears On Stage Discussing Cancer Diagnosis |

SNL Presents Mitt Romney ‘Raw and Unleashed’ | Video |

The Real Jon Huntsman Stops by Saturday Night Live | Jon Huntsman SNL | Video |

UC Davis Launching Probe After Pepper Spray Video | California College Students Pepper Sprayed | Video |

Mother Upset After Hooters Waitress Invited to Speak at Fla. School | Video |

Video: UC Davis Students Line Streets in Eerie, Silent Protest of University Chancellor | Video |

Rahm Emanuel on Deficit: Obama Offered a Plan, Republicans Offered an Ideology | Video |

Report: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Bunk in $700-a-Night W New York Downtown Hotel |

Cairo violence sparks election fears

Sole Arabic inscription from crusader era deciphered

China finance chief sees world recession

Iran says it may use oil as political tool

Iraq oil: fools rush in

Libya in spotlight over Seif Gaddafi capture

Cyber-attack claims at US water facility

Hopes fade for 'supercommittee' deal

Fall of 'Mighty Quinn' mirrors Irish collapse

Analysis: U.S. government a tenuous beachhead for biofuel firms

Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave

Outrage over pepper spraying of California protesters

Libya says Gadhafi son to be tried at home

Exit poll: Spanish conservatives win election

Iran: President's press adviser sentenced

Survey: US gas prices down 5 cents in past 2 weeks

Police burn protest tents to clear Cairo's Tahrir

Thousands of Moroccans call for election boycott

Officers in pepper spray incident placed on leave

Police: Fake doc injected cement in woman's rear

Top directors miss out on Oscar doc prospects

Grenade blasts bring violence to Syrian capital

Depleted Texas lakes expose ghost towns, graves

Painted bodies transformed into art in Venezuela

Republican Threatens Legal Action Against DHS Over Immigrant-Data Subpoena | Fox News

Did agents in Texas let guns 'walk' into Mexico? - Houston Chronicle

Military Investigates Memorial Cross at Camp Pendleton | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Controversial Professor Bill Ayers Speaks With Occupy Chicago Protesters | NBC Chicago

Airline passengers asked for extra cash for fuel

Antibiotic-resistant infections spread through Europe - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Molester helped cast child actors in films and TV shows -

Kicking our spending habit - Opinion - The Boston Globe

In 2012, both Obama and Romney would bear the burdens of health-care reform - The Washington Post

It’s the Obamacare, Stupid | The Weekly Standard

Occupy the Agenda -

Occupiers' war on police - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

A Caveman Won't Beat a Salesman -

The History of Newt | The Weekly Standard

The Elephant in the Room

Role of underdog seems to suit Rick Perry -

RealClearPolitics - The Absent-Minded Energy Secretary

RealClearPolitics - Juggernaut Arabia

Articles: Secrets of the American Nomenklatura

RealClearPolitics - The Culprits Behind Today's Polarized Politics

Washington conducts public business for private gain | Examiner Editorial | Editorials | Washington Examiner

Reneging on Justice at Guantánamo -

Russia’s future: Putin his place | The Economist

Human survival depends on space exploration, says Stephen Hawking - Yahoo! News

There are no free lunches on the internet | Technology | The Observer

Zillow overtakes to become second most visited real estate site in the U.S. - GeekWire

Facebook and the Age of Curation Through Unsharing | TechCrunch

Google co-founder Sergey Brin gives $500,000 to help Wikipedia | VentureBeat

Two U.S. satellites pwned in '07, '08; new report blames China | ITworld

How Facebook is ruining sharing | Molly Rants - CNET News

MBA costs soar. Salaries? Not so much. - Fortune Management

John Lechleiter: 'The Biomedical Century' -

Why Congress Can't Stop Stealing

How Twitter Makes Money From Occupy Wall Street | Business News |

After Law School, Associates Learn to Be Lawyers -

Death of U.S. Postal Service: Many Jobs, Locations at Risk - TIME

How Corporations Created Our Time Zones: Echoes - Bloomberg

The American Spectator : Bailout U.

It's not just our leaders who are in a crisis. Democracy itself is failing | Peter Beaumont | Comment is free | The Observer

Yes, China Could Have a Global Navy | The Diplomat

In Asia, President Barack Obama keeps focus off terrorism -

U.S. should look both East and South - Americas -

What's the United States Up To in Asia? | Stephen M. Walt

Softly, Softly: Beijing Turns Other Cheek — For Now | Via Meadia

When—and Why—U.S. Foreign Policy Stopped Being About Democracy - Joshua Kurlantzick - International - The Atlantic

Pipeline decision will weaken Obama

The national security brains behind the GOP candidates – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs


Auto World 11-13-11 Hr 1

Auto World 11-13-11 Hr 2

Auto World 11-13-11 Hr 3

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 11-18-11

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 11-17-11

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 11-16-11

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 11-15-11

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 11-14-11

The Doc Love Show 11-12-11

The Doc Love Show 11-19-11

11-12-11The Dr Daliah Show Podcast

11-19-11The Dr Daliah Show Podcast

The Easy Organic Gardener 11-13-11

The Easy Organic Gardener 11-20-11

Herb Talk 11-12-11

Herb Talk 11-19-11

Home Talk 11-12-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 11-12-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 11-12-11 Hr 3

Home Talk 11-19-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 11-19-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 11-19-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-18-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-18-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-19-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-19-11 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 11-12-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 11-12-11 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 11-19-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 11-19-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 11-12-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 11-12-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 11-19-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 11-19-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 11-18-11 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 11-18-11 Hr 2

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The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 11-20-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 11-20-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 11-20-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 11-20-11 Hr 4

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 11-13-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 11-13-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 11-13-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 11-13-11 Hr 4

Radio Liberty 11-18-11 Hr 1

Radio Liberty 11-18-11 Hr 2

The Secret Truth 11-12-11 Hr 1

The Secret Truth 11-12-11 Hr 2

The Secret Truth 11-19-11 Hr 1

The Secret Truth 11-19-11 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 11-12-11 Hr 1

The Tech Night Owl Live 11-12-11 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 11-12-11 Hr 3

The Tech Night Owl Live 11-19-11 Hr 1

The Tech Night Owl Live 11-19-11 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 11-19-11 Hr 3

Travelers 411 11-12-11 Hr 1

Travelers 411 11-12-11 Hr 2

Travelers 411 11-12-11 Hr 3

Travelers 411 11-19-11 Hr 1

Travelers 411 11-19-11 Hr 2

Travelers 411 11-19-11 Hr 3

World Crisis Radio 11-12-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 11-12-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 11-19-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 11-19-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 11-12-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 11-12-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 11-19-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 11-19-11 Hr 2


District uses pickets, lobbyist to fight tax break

Festival of Lights parade makes a magical mile

Cops: carjacking suspects stopped by armed homeowner

Cairo's Tahrir Square reoccupied by defiant protesters

Gaddafi's intelligence chief captured in southern desert

China casts Obama's trip as effort to contain its influence

Syrian rebels attack Ba'ath party offices in Damascus

Fukushima's dead zone

'Iran ready to cooperate further with IAEA'

India sees no scope for military takeover in Pakistan

Witnesses: Ethiopian troops enter Somali town

Pope leaves Africa with spiritual 'road map'

Berlusconi's party asks new Italian PM Monti not to run for office

Cambodian trial of three Khmer Rouge leaders set to begin

Netanyahu freezes bills limiting aid to Israeli NGOs

Germany to compensate 'neo-Nazi' murder victims

South Sudan Rebel Says Peace Talks Failed, Violence Likely

Egyptian activist posts nude photos to protest repression

Interview: Hossam El-Hamalawy on Tahrir Sqaure - YouTube

Police chief explains use of pepper spray at Occupy protest

Romney urges Obama to stop looming military cuts

Police clear Oakland protest camp without incident

Rahm Emanuel Focuses Fire on Mitt Romney

Americans, he said, are "the hardest-working people on Earth."

Jon Huntsman talks New Hampshire on SNL

Michelle Obama, Jill Biden visit NASCAR finale

Occupy protests: November 2011

Hispanic Churches Fight Alabama Crackdown on Immigration

Hopes fade for 'supercommittee' deal

Stocks: It's all about Italy, Spain and jobs

Buyout King Forstmann Dies

IMF Can No Longer Avoid Larger Role In Resolving Europe Debt Crisis

McDonald's, Target Dump Egg Supplier After Investigation

Steven Chu Drilled (for Nothing) for Longer than Tony Hayward for BP Oil Spill

Kindle Fire Holiday Sales to Hit Four Million?

Facebook Continues to be Criticized for Over-Sharing

Flash, HTML5 Battle Gets Trendy With Occupy Websites

Study: Hybrid cars hold up 25% better in crashes

A Lighter Shade of Green at LA Auto Show

Shareholders approve Google takeover of Motorola Mobility

Confused by Google Android updates? Join the club

Natalie Wood book authors' roots go back to NJ

Mila Kunis keeps promise to be Marine's date

Robin Gibb: Bee Gees star rushed to hospital as he battles liver cancer

Martin Scorsese embraces 3-D for first time in 'Hugo'

Transgender vigil sees growing acceptance

Watson feels affinity with Monroe

Justin Bieber Schedules Paternity Test Despite Dropped Lawsuit

How Many Neutrinos Does It Take to Screw Up Einstein?

Physicists extract light from seeming emptiness

Scientists invent lightest material on Earth

New Data Provides A Complete Description Of A Black Hole

Mysterious Whale Graveyard Unearthed in Chilean Desert

NASA Planetary Science Gazing at an Uncertain Future

Astronomers Make High-Resolution Topographical Map of Moon

Galaxy Halos Recycle Interstellar Gas Into Baby Stars

Cassini Chronicles Life of Saturn's Giant Storm

Liquid Robotics Wave Gliders start difficult ocean journey for science

Global warming skeptic admits globe is warming after all

Launch of huge Mars rover delayed by 1 day

Frog believed to be extinct found in Israel

Grain Flow on a Martian Dune


Prison » Ron Paul: Iowa Family Forum GOP Debate Highlights

Prison » Ron Paul urges GOP not to ‘capitulate’ on pledge not to raise taxes as he refuses to rule out running as independent


Ron Paul on the Sean Hannity Show - 11/17 - YouTube


SAIF CAPTURED: Gaddafi's son has been arrested - YouTube


Ron Paul: How To END THE FED 1/2 FED Crimes / Solutions - YouTube

Ron Paul: How To END THE FED 2/2 FED Crimes / Solutions - YouTube


Supreme Court Blocks Gov. DNA Grab: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

The Complete And Annotated Guide To The European Bank Run (Or The Final Phase Of Goldman's World Domination Plan) | ZeroHedge

Prison » UN Owns National Parks: Infowars Nightly News

The Excavator: 9 Ways The Hijacked Federal Government Is Waging War Against The American People

The Excavator: 9 More Ways The U.S. Government Is Waging War Against America

Activists press for closure of military training school | The Raw Story

Activist Post: Alleged Cyber Attack on U.S. Water Plant is Propaganda to Curb Internet Freedom

» Tampa Police Roll Out A TANK To Deal With A Few Dozen Protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

GOP outsider Ron Paul gaining traction in Iowa

After Gaddafi Son, Spy Chief Captured -

Politics: Paul emerging as Iowa caucuses approach - Tri-state News: united states presidential primaries, politics of the united states, elections in the united states, statistics, politics of iowa

Wall Street Analysts Everywhere Are In Agreement: THE WORLD IS ENDING

» Saying no: Sheriffs fed up with worsening federal interference, bureaucracy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Eric Peters Autos | Automobiles, Motorcycles, and Libertarian Politics

South Texas lawmen strongly dispute GOP’s border “war zone” claims | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

Perry shifts focus to Obama, criticizes Asia trip -

AFP: Ex-Soviet states take first step to 'Eurasian Union'

Talk Show Host Alex Jones & Guest Call For Run On Banks - Forbes


**News Videos:Dem Rep Denies Child Abuse/Incest Charges; Former Head Of House Page Program

NASCAR Crowd Boos Michelle Obama

Not Enough Pepper Spray In The World: #OccupyOakland Protester Harasses Police

Community Organizing Astroturf: Bank of America Takeover Choreographed By Rebranded ACORN Group ACCE

Erasing Car Loan Debt: An Occuparody

Liberals Love Him: Jon Huntsman Shows Up On SNL

#OWS Marches From NY To DC Because Of Corporate Greed … Supercommittee?

Meet The New Boss: Egypt Police Clash With Protesters In Tahrir Square

15 Reported Killed In Syria

Newt Hits #OccupyWallStreet Protesters: ‘Go Get A Job Right After You Take A Bath’

#Occupy Protesters Clueless That Masks Glorify Terrorist

19th/Poor Meghan: McCain Daughter ‘Sick’ Of Not Being Taken Seriously

Scientists Create World’s Lightest Material

Chu Denies Solar Company Favoritism

Egypt Police Clash With Protesters

Fox News Women Ask: ‘Who Is Going To Vote Against The Insider Trading Bill?’

UC Davis Launches Probe After Pepper Spray Video

1026496 70 COMMENTS NASCAR+Crowd+Boos+Michelle+Obama 2011-11-20+20%3A48%3A56 Larry+O%27Connor

Thrill Is Gone? Matthews Turns On Obama; ‘I Hear Stories That You Would Not Believe’

Matthews: Obamas Don’t Like Being In White House; Michelle Not Happy

Liberal Denial: Totenberg Claims ‘Nothing Political’ In Obama Funding Solyndra

Schweizer: Pelosi Made Killing On Clean Energy IPO While Championing Green Legislation

Schweizer: Warren Buffett Cashed-In On Bank Stocks While Advising On Bank Bailout

Lee Corso Drops ‘F Bomb’ On ESPN

#Occupy Protester Has No Idea What Sign She’s Holding

Supercommittee ‘Painfully Aware’ Of Deadline

Joe Paterno Has Treatable Form Of Cancer

Secret Service Protects Cain After Death Threats

Eric Bolling: The Stock Game ‘Is Rigged’ For Congressmen To Win Big

18th/‘People Are Starting To Connect The Dots’ On Congress And Insider Trading

Alleged White House Shooter Made Oprah Audition Tape

L.A. Investigators Re-open Natalie Wood Case

Syracuse Coach Under Investigation For Child Molestation

Demi Moore Back On Market

17th/Megyn Kelly’s Court: Is Insider Trading Really Helping Congressmen?

The Daily Show Destroys #OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Evil Banker Could

John Kerry’s Timely Pharmaceutical Investments Draw Scrutiny

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