A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

19 November 2011

19 NOV.




18 Nov.

Raw Video: Unexpected Tornado Strikes Bolivia
Impact Of IAEA Resolution On Iran
Start Of A Civil War In Syria?
Euro Crisis Hurting American Business
Are U.S. Banks Strong Enough To Survive European Debt Crisis?
Syria Continues A Brutal Crackdown
Mitt Romney On Trade With China
Italy Must Act To Save The Euro, Says PM Monti
Raw Video: Pope Meets With New Leader Of Italy
China Says Docking Mission Step To Space Station
Workers Reclaim Bangkok Airport
Obama Opens Door To Ties With Myanmar
Herman Van Rompuy At The Lisbon Council
European Central Bank Under Fire



18 Nov.

Schramm: Economic Focus Is "Too Much On Big Companies"
Matthews: Can You Predict Romney's Position "On Anything?"
Rick Perry "Absolutely" Believes Obama Is A Socialist
Krauthammer: "Yes We Can" Turned Out To Be "He Really Couldn't"
Schramm: Regulatory Uncertainty Is "Holding Back Small Companies"
Perry: "Obscene" That Congress Makes Three Times The Average Family
Sen. Sanders Slams "Dead Wrong" Obama For Backing Entitlement "Cuts"
Dem Congressman Explains Vote In Favor Of Balanced-Budget Amendment
O'Reilly: Occupiers Are Costing Taxpayers "Tens Of Millions Of Dollars"
GOP Congressman: "We're Going To Find Out" How To Make Insider Trading Illegal
Limbaugh: "Romney Is The One Guy The Media Is Not Vetting"
Larry Elder Takes On Chris Matthews And His Bias In Wild Interview
Gingrich Challenged Obama To Return Freddie-Fannie Money In 2008
O'Donnell: Republicans Took Obama's "Lazy" Comment Out Of Context
Ron Paul Warns GOP Not To "Capitulate" On Taxes, Won't Rule Out Indy Bid



The Story of Stuff Project(


American's Journey: JFK + Executive Order 11110 = Head Shot?

E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video / JFK - Case for Conspiracy - 12160


Rush: People Behind Benetton “Unhate” Ads Say That They Were Inspired By The 1979 Photo Of Leonid Brezhnev Kissing East German Communist Leader Erich Honecker

Rush: The World Now Knows That This Whole Global Warming Thing Is A Manufactured Left Wing Hoax

Limbaugh: Reverse Racism In The NFL… The White Guy Is Sneaking Up On The Brothers.

Rush: Over The Last 100 Years Capitalism Has Reduced Poverty More Than In The 100k Years Prior

Who is pro-rights and who is 'faux-rights?'

Newt Gingrich: MSNBC "Essentially The Obama Re-Election Team" | RealClearPolitics

Michelle, What We Eat is Not Your Concern - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Now It's Newt's Turn for an Anal Exam, But How Come It's Never Mitt Romney's? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

CERN Experiment Excludes 1 Error In Faster-Than-Light Finding

UPDATES: N.H. Elections Committee Rules They Don't Have Jurisdiction In Criminal Matters | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Though CME Group Guarantees, There Are No Guarantees

Strange Ancient skulls of Aliens or Humans (most coneheads) - YouTube

US army tests hypersonic weapon - Americas - World - The Independent

Syracuse Assistant Is Accused of Sexual Abuse -

Canada News: Teens dress as Batman to catch pedophiles; cops not impressed -

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned | World news |

MoD spent £600m on consultants | UK news | The Guardian

Ex-head of MI5 calls on government to decriminalise and regulate cannabis | Society | The Guardian

2m-year-old Natural History Museum skeletons 'may have skin on them' | Mail Online

India's hitman trial exposes criminal world thriving on economic boom | World news | The Guardian

EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration - Telegraph

Newt overtakes Mitt. What could possibly go wrong? - Americas - World - The Independent

Colombian Marxists plotted to sell uranium to Venezuela for 'distant friends' - Telegraph

If you lived in Iran, wouldn't you want the nuclear bomb? | Mehdi Hasan | Comment is free | The Guardian

Iran to avoid sanctions over nuclear work - Middle East - World - The Independent

America's Media War On Syria

France calls for tough sanctions on Syria - Telegraph

Criminalizing OWS Protesters

Real-life Star Wars: Were Chinese hackers behind two attacks on U.S. military satellites | Mail Online

Crisis of generations – younger Americans moving back home in large numbers. Student loan default rates surging largely due to for-profit college expansion.

Internet sales; Amazon: Prospect of online sales tax grows - Los Angeles Times

Mexican Trucks Entering US Cited for 1 Million Violations : Federal Jack

The Highway of The Thresher with the Rotating Teeth. Reflections in a Petri Dish

The Actual Victims Toll of 9/11 | Opinion Maker

Consumer complaints about Con Ed

Euro-US Cold Winter...Seething Anger

What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe - Business Analysis & Features - Business - The Independent

PM | The Insider Free Press - Independent National and World News Pushing for the Truth

Neutrinos still faster than light in latest version of experiment | Science |

Wave Of Suicides Among Indian Farmers - Yahoo!

Iran expert: U.S. elections increase likelihood of Israeli strike - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Zionist West versus Islam | Opinion Maker

U.S. Warns Egypt as Military Stalls Transition -

Weimar Revisited

Occupy Wall Street Divided - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 11/16/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Pizza is a vegetable? Congress says yes - Health - Diet and nutrition -

What is really behind the global cellphonemania? | "We The People" Grassroots

Jews reeling in wake of Penn State scandal | Nation | Jewish Journal

The Rising Age Gap in Economic Well-Being | Pew Social & Demographic Trends

Devvy Kidd -- How many more will die before FDA ghouls are held accountable?

Executive pay brouhaha snares Newt Gingrich

NRC responds to concerns over Entergy strontium statements - Brattleboro Reformer

NRC investigates reactor coolant system leak at Brunswick plant -

IAEA: Source of Iodine-131 in Europe Is the Institute of Isotopes Ltd in Budapest, Hungary | EX-SKF

Cascadia: The West Coast Fault Line That Is "Nine Months Pregnant" - Environment - GOOD

Thought Crime Trials Are Coming

Paul Drockton: MF Global and Derivatives Disinfo

Though CME Group Guarantees, There Are No Guarantees

Jon Christian Ryter -- FDA, Texas Medical Board Fights to Kill Cancer Cure

Devvy Kidd -- The Cancer Research Money Machines

Prepare For Martial Law | Real Zionist News


*Cyclops Warrior


*1:48:00/Dr Burzynski movie (FULL VERSION) - YouTube

*42 MIN./Meltdown - The Men Who Crashed the World - YouTube


**Federalist Papers Summary (


*54 PGS./Obama Fraud Gate ;Deck of Cards


**New Home Business Ideas(


Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds(


Part 1- JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained

Part 2-JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained

Part 3 - Silver Manipulation Explained

Part 4 - Silver and Gold Manipulation Explained

Part 5 - The Silver Saga Story Continues

Part 6- The Paper Silver Manipulation Game at all time Highs

Part 7, The EPIC Weekend has Arrived

Part 8 - The Gold Rush Currency Wars


UKIP Nigel Farage - How dare you tell the Italian and Greek people what to do !!! Nov 2011 - YouTube

Bob Tuskin and Young Soldier Occupy Building 7 - YouTube

Bob Tuskin: Occupy Building 7 - YouTube

flashback:Revolutionary Politics : 9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon

American Awakening faces heavy crackdown-News Analysis-11-17-2011 - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Jesse Ventura : "Ron Paul Is the Only One Who Will Get My Vote"

Revolutionary Politics : Keynesian Economics: The Beast That Won't Die | Peter G. Klein

Activist Post: US lawmakers eye rules for terrorism prisoners


Intrade - (

Luntz Global (

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis(

Trends Research Institute(

Bob Chapman ;The International Forcaster(


Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Revolution Riding High!

Number One? 20 Not So Good Categories That The United States Leads The World In

‘Super Soldiers’: The Quest for the Ultimate Human Killing Machine :

poorrichards blog: Neutrinos still faster than light in latest version of experiment

Anatomy of the bankster state |

Supercommittee failure could trigger US credit downgrade, economists warn | World news |

poorrichards blog: U.S. Politicians Go John Gotti on Occupied American

American's Journey: Cass Sunstein: Impersonating a "Constitutional Scholar" or just being himself?

poorrichards blog: You Will Die From The Nuclear Lie

Lone Star Watchdog: A News Anchor Finally Tells the Truth About Ron Paul. The Reprorter Says the Congressmen is Not BeingTreated Fair in the Media

Revealed: How US mercenaries offered Gaddafi $10m deal to flee Libya | Mail Online

Gaddafi's son Saif captured! Picture shows him in prison cell with 'missing fingers' | Mail Online

The Final Straw? Jefferies And Six Other Banks Sued For "Fraudulent" MF Global Bond Issuance | ZeroHedge

Who Smashed the Laptops from Occupy Wall Street? Inside the NYPD's Lost and Found | Motherboard

"Corporate America Is Using Our Police Departments As Hired Thugs" - Retired Police Captain Ray Lewis - 12160

poorrichards blog: Ron Paul Warns GOP Not To "Capitulate" On Taxes, Won't Rule Out Indy Bid

Karl Rove Flips Out At Protesters: 'Who Gave You The Right To Occupy America? - Occupy America Social Network

White House shooting suspect Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez says he's Jesus - Crimesider - CBS News

Save the Internet and Boycott these Companies :

Activist Post: Is the U.S. goading China in the South China Sea dispute?

From US South to Palestine, Palestinian Freedom Riders Change History | Intifada Palestine

EPA Blames Increasing Texas Precipitation On Global Warming, While The IPCC Blames Decreasing Texas Precipitation On Global Warming | Real Science

HOLY BAILOUT - Federal Reserve Now Backstopping $75 Trillion Of Bank Of America's Derivatives Trades - Home - The Daily Bail

Russian Warships Entering Syrian Waters to Inhibit Foreign Invasion as Opposition Calls For No-Fly Zone :

Lone Star Watchdog: It is Time to Arrest Congressman Who Aid and Abet in Legalizing Fraud for the Bankers.

Goldman Sachs conquers Europe - 12160

Asia Times Online :: America: The new sick man of Asia?

PressTV - US child poverty rate soars to 32%


+Official German Record of Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp, May 1940 through December 1944 Dr. Germar Rudolf


Bibi’s Official Genocide Policy Craig Murray

9/11:Israel did it - WikiSpooks

Theories of Evil Turn to Holocaust –

Creative minds are rarely tidy - incognito205's posterous


+The Story Of Life- And Road To Alcoholism



Free Speech Takes a Beating -

What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe - Business Analysis & Features - Business - The Independent

Judge Declares Law Governing Warrantless Cellphone Tracking Unconstitutional - Digits - WSJ

Techno-toddlers: A is for Apple | Technology | The Guardian

Foreign hackers targeted U.S. water plant in apparent malicious cyber attack, expert says - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Newt on Agenda 21 - YouTube

Polish protesters send up ‘Robokopter’ drone to spy on police -

RoboKopter Zamieszki I - YouTube

Video: Civilian UAV Films Polish Riots From Above | Defense Tech

RoboKopter Policja bieg - YouTube

Is the US Getting Domestic Indefinite Military Detention for Thanksgiving? | Mother Jones


The Secret Life Of Barack Obama | Before It's News

+12 of Hollywood's Most Mysterious Deaths Gallery - The Hollywood Reporter

Global Debt for Dummies! - YouTube

How Governments Cook The Books | Before It's News

2400 MPH Hypersonic Weapon Has Successful Test | Before It's News

The Sound of Stars | Before It's News

Distant star's inner secrets revealed by sound waves - YouTube

1 of 5 Young Americans Engage in Anal Sex | Before It's News

*Charleston Voice: Censored Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory Episode”Police State” – FULL LENGTH

Beethoven's lost 5th Symphony - YouTube

The educational system and ways to improve it | Before It's News & Ben Smith Killed Obama-Ayers Baby-sitter Story in 2008 | Before It's News

10,000 Tons of Silver Located | Before It's News

+Here is the original “Concord Monitor” article by reporter Maddie Hanna, which was pulled by the regime (inconvenient truth?)

Primary 2012: 'Birther' bid to derail Obama blocked | Concord Monitor

Non-Human Ancient Mummy Just Discovered In Cusco, Peru | Before It's News

Charleston Voice: Where does Herman Cain Stand on Auditing the Federal Reserve

How to grow your own living food (and emergency nutrition) with EasyGreen sprouters

Gerald Celente: CME, The White Shoe Boyz Club! - YouTube

Charleston Voice: Bob Chapman : Sarkozy takes his orders from The FED

Charleston Voice: Occupy Wall Street: Lawlessness & Communist Revolution


*1:14:39/Book of Revelation - ENTIRE BOOK (CC) (Revelation of John; Apocalypse of John) - YouTube


“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine


SOPA or How to Use Copyright as an Excuse to Censor the Internet


The Story of Broke (2011) - YouTube


Madison Ruppert of End the Lie on Flow of Wisdom Radio(1/4) - YouTube

Madison Ruppert of End the Lie on Flow of Wisdom Radio(2/4) - YouTube

Madison Ruppert of End the Lie on Flow of Wisdom Radio(3/4) - YouTube

Madison Ruppert of End the Lie on Flow of Wisdom Radio(4/4) - YouTube


Activist Post: US lawmakers eye rules for terrorism prisoners

The Manipulated Matrix Of Language | Before It's News

Activist Post: The Givers and The Takers -- What Will You Do When SHTF?

Ex-head of MI5 calls on government to decriminalise and regulate cannabis | Society | The Guardian

Activist Post: Propaganda Alert: Homeland Security Adviser Alleges Cyber Attack on U.S. Water Plant

Activist Post: Why Free Trade Isn’t Trade (Video)

Britain in secret talks with Syrian rebels - World Politics - World - The Independent

Activist Post: Save the Internet and Boycott These Companies

Second experiment indicates faster-than-light particles - The Washington Post

The European Debt Crisis: Will the "Weaker" Member States Leave the Euro Zone?

Enhanced US Military Presence in Australia Directed against China

US Presidential Elections: GOP Candidates Advocate Torture

Calling for an Attack on Iran: US, Israel Politicians are "Detached From Reality"

The Arab League: Prelude to a US-NATO-led military campaign against Syria

Iran and the IAEA: A Trove of New Fake Evidence.

Cutting America's Defense Budget:. U.S. Navy has 216 Admirals Today, More Than Ten Times as Many as in WWII

U.S. Budget: Super Committee Deadlock - Heads They Win, Tails We Lose

U.S. Arms Persian Gulf Allies For Conflict With Iran

An Act Of War? Top US Senator Unveils Iran Central Bank Sanctions

Asia-Pacific: America's Anti-China Military Alliance

Bush and Blair to be Tried for War Crimes

Greg Palast: Corporate Collusion, Media and Citizen Journalism | Global Research TV

GOP Budget Chair Ryan Votes ‘No’ on GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment: Will Lead to ‘Bigger Government,’ ‘More Taxes’

Congress Approves $245-Billion Spending Bill and Another CR To Keep Gov’t Open To Dec. 16

Obama Hails Boeing Trade Deal on Day of Asian Diplomacy

Joe Paterno Has Lung Cancer, Son Says

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Execs Can’t Remember When They First Made $1 Million

Rush: If Obama's Smart, 'We Need To Redefine Smart'

Balanced Budget Amendment Rejected by House |

Sen. Mike Lee: Constitutional Amendment Should Cap Spending at 18% of GDP |

Sessions Demands Written Testimony from Holder on Kagan and Obamacare |

Poll: Belief in US Supremacy Declines

Gingrich: MSNBC Is ‘Obama Re-election Team’

Ex-Bachmann Aide Rollins to Join Fox News

Despite Left's Attacks, Gingrich Surges in Polls

Perry Pledges to Take Only Half Salary

Rep. Poe: Obama at War With US Energy Firms

Supercommittee Looks to Ag Subsidies: Groups

Obama Team Thwarted in Embarrassing Romney

Supercommittee Moving Further Apart on Talks

US House Rejects Balanced Budget Proposal

GOP Outsider Ron Paul Gaining Traction in Iowa

White House Mum as More Call for Holder to Quit

Judge: Feds Need Warrant for Cellphone Info

Mobius: New Crisis Lurking ‘Around the Corner’

Tired and Wired? New Book Reveals Ways To Feel Better Fast

Obama Fails on Education Promises

'Super soldiers': The quest for the ultimate human killing machine - Science - News - The Independent

Secret lab hides Google's boldest future projects

Syria Targeted for Imperialist Intrigue after Arab League Suspension

Israel’s Secret Iran Attack Plan: Electronic Warfare

In Case You Don’t Realise How Dangerous the Israeli Lobby Is

Military Budget Cuts Will Get Us All Nuked, and 4 Other Lies

More Than 1 in 5 U.S. Children Poor, Census says

First Steps in Reforming the U.S. Financial and Tax System

Quan's Quackery and Bloomberg's Bull*hit

Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State - YouTube

‘Patriotic millionaires’ demand higher taxes, but unwilling to pay up [VIDEO]

1 Through 30 -- The Coming U.S. Financial Crisis By The Numbers - informationliberation

Sprint Launches Soon To Be Mandatory Emergency Alert Messages - informationliberation

Paul: Obama health care more fascism than socialism - Washington Times

Who Knew the TSA Even Had a Code of Conduct? - informationliberation

Supreme Court Blocks Government Plan To Claim Ownership Of DNA - informationliberation

Poll: Public supports medical marijuana, but not full pot legalization - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Swiss cannabis smokers to be allowed to grow four marijuana plants each (to stop them buying drugs illegally) | Mail Online

Nancy Pelosi Wants A Federal Babysitting Service


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 18th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 18th, 2011


MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines

Ron Paul defeats Gingrich, Cain in latest New Hampshire poll |

4 parts/Speaking Freely: John Perkins


*ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street and The Fed 11-18-11 |

*ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 18, 2011


*Podcast Show #67;The Boiling Frogs Presents William Engdahl


GOP outsider Ron Paul gaining traction in Iowa

FCC Chief Wants To Ease TV Station Cross Ownership With Radio And Newspapers –

Lawsuit: Man fired for not wearing "666" sticker - CBS News

Leading senators: Kagan may have to recuse herself from health case - Washington Times

Early video of Obama surfaces from Harvard Law School era

Report: dead Iran commander was testing missile

Foreign cyber attack hits US infrastructure: expert

Man entering homes around UVa and groping men | Daily Progress

"Muppet Radio" to Launch on SiriusXM


Selling Yourself in the B2B Environment: Trust, Lies and Videotape (or SDHC cards) part 1

Selling Yourself in the B2B Environment: Trust, Lies and Videotape (actually SDHC cards) part 2


Illegal Video Testimonial Production?


AUDIO: Lew Rockwell talks to RT’s Capital Account ;Occupy the Government

Bernanke Launches an Old Testament Diss Against Ron Paul by Robert Wenzel

Capitalism and the Wall Street Protesters by Dom Armentano

Obama Plays the China Card by Justin Raimondo --

Top 10 Reasons to Strength Train by Kathy Smith

Turkey Carving Basics: How to Carve and Cook a Turkey | The Art of Manliness

Chlorine, Cancer, And Heart Disease

Working America Challenges Everyone to 'Talk Turkey' and Explain the 99 Percent to Relatives Over Holiday

#OccupyUCDavis: Police in Riot Gear Use Chemical Agent on Students

'I Haven't Had a Gaffe,' Bachmann Insists

Open Thread: #Occupy Wall Street Verizon Building 'Bat Signal' Projections

Conservativism Blew Up The Economy

#OccupyCal Protesters Circumvent Order Not to Post Tents

Crazy Things Conservatives Say

Why Didn't Newt Register As A Lobbyist? His Work 'Benefits The Country At Large'

One-Woman Recall Effort In Wisconsin Takes Off

Police Mercenaries: Privatizing Liberty

The Gun Magnet: Montana Awash in Far-Right Extremists, Thanks to Loose Laws

Unionization Levels Based on Politics, Not Globalization

Gingrich Gets 'Mic Checked' And Replies, 'No Such Thing as 99%'

Van Jones and Alan Grayson on the Strength of the #OWS Movement

#OccupyDC's Declaration of the Occupation

Even Andrea Mitchell Scoffs At Newt Gingrich's Defense of Taking 1.6 Million Payoffs From Fannie & Freddie

Number of Occupy Arrests Passes 4,000 Nationally

Good News: Frozen Planet Story Was Wrong, Climate Change Will Still Be Part Of Discovery Channel Series

“Mormon Issue” Keeps Romney out of Weekend GOP Debate, Highlights Religious Right Schism | Right Wing Watch

The BRAD BLOG : Alarming Photo Shows Demonstrator Receiving Faceful of Pepper Spray at Occupy Portland March

Ron Paul, The Invisible Candidate, Scores Big In Another Iowa Poll

Ron Paul Exceeding Expectations In Iowa

Direct Democracy?

Debbie Schlussel:Want Your Pension $s in Palestinian Stock Market? You Might Not Have a Choice


The Kilgallen Files(


The Archdruid Report(

Blog/Demonology101 (


Time for Another Look at the GOP Bench

The Party's Over

Can It Be Santorum's Turn Next?

75 Separate Defenses for Sexual Predators

Can't we just stick with what works for the time being?

Making Homes Affordable Makes Others Poor

Your 'Fair Share' in the New Tax Rate Regime

Flat Tax Philosophy

Socialism's Fundamental Flaws

Russia's Dangerous Implosion

The New Gabrielle Giffords Book

Insider Trading Is Fine - But Not in Congress

Cain steps into Letterman's lion's den and gets devoured

Egyptians return to Tahrir Square to protest military rule

Gaddafi's son captured in Libya

Obama taps NBA stars for fundraising gig

The incoherent, condescending occupiers

How Newt Could Make Amends on AGW

Phony 'fix-a-flat' doc busted

Explosive Email in Fast and Furious

Who Are the Occupiers?

White House Involved in Warmist Smear Campaign

The Only Good Reason for the European Union

Polanski, Paterno, and the Press

The Prism of Electoral Reality

Prepare Yourself for Obama's Second Term

Robot Paints Its Feelings : Discovery News

Yeti 'Nests' Found in Russia? | Yeti, Bigfoot Evidence | Weird News | LiveScience

Guinness World Records Day: 300,000 people take part - Telegraph

Scientists mutate bird flu to make it MORE contagious - but critics claim the 'bioweapon' must be kept secret | Mail Online

US Army Tests Secret Supersonic Attack Vehicle | Gizmodo Australia

New Finding Ups the Chances of Life on Jupiter's Moon Europa | Is There Life on Europa? New Study Raises Hopes | Search for Extraterrestrial Life |

BBC News - Gamburtsev 'ghost mountains mystery solved'

Skeleton of ancient human relative may yield skin - life - 16 November 2011 - New Scientist

30 Oct./Man From 'Amityville Horror' House Tells Truth

Newt’s New Strategy: Hide in Plain Sight

Time to Break Apart the United States?

Indict Holder

“Occupy” Protesters Find Willing Media Dupe To Bring Back “Tea Party” Compar

Staggering Effects of Child Sex Abuse Prove USA Must Strongly Battle Molestation!

SEIU Endorses Obama Re-Election

Government green buildings more efficient than commercial buildings?

Obama’s OWS Grows More Violent…Threatens Young Children

Organized Anarchy Leads to One Last Question

How the GOP can stop Obama’s war against fossil fuel

Natural Variability To Dominate Weather Events Over Coming 20-30 Years

Is English a Phonetic Language?? Of course. 100%.

Black Republican’s Campaign Sign Defaced With ‘KKK,’ Media Yawns

Tea Party Numbers Grow As Presidential Election Nears

Robert Reusche, 1927-2011

Gaddafi's son captured, scared and without fight

Chinese Leader and Obama in Surprise Meeting at Summit

Iran's Nuclear Drive May End in Arming Terrorists, Barak Says

UN Supports Burma's Selection to Chair ASEAN

Pope's new document outlines church role in Africa

Afghan loya jirga endorses Karzai's goals for US security pact

Filipino police fingerprint arrested ex-leader

Truck strikes Yale-Harvard tailgaters; 1 killed, 2 injured

Judges weigh GOP challenge of congressional map

Gingrich Heckled By Protesters at Harvard

Police Response to Occupy Wall Street is Absurd

Older, Suburban and Struggling, 'Near Poor' Startle the Census

Muslim Protesters Demand End to Surveillance

In video, White House shooting suspect calls himself 'modern-day Jesus'

Cain suggests Taliban running Libya

Mitt Romney quietly opens Iowa office

Cain to Letterman: Women are lying

Yes, Mr. President, Americans can be 'lazy'

Congress Weighs Fighting Internet Piracy Like the War on Drugs

Scientists invent lightest material on Earth

Google's Brin, Wife Float Wikipedia With $500000

Detectives reinvestigating Natalie Wood case facing conflicting accounts

Regis Philbin last show: TV legend signs off with final broadcast as co-host ...

Steven Tyler to Appear on Oprah Winfrey's New Show

The Muppets: Film Review

Clarification: Breaking Light Speed Story

New Data Provides A Complete Description Of A Black Hole

Galaxies that don't recycle live hard, die young

New images of the Moon details sharpest topography yet

Fully loaded lab robot to look for life on Mars

Frog believed to be extinct found in Israel

Blood Type Linked to Stroke Risk

Female orgasm captured in series of brain scans

FDA Sees Rare But Serious Issue With Stents

Syphilis rates drop, but STDs still big problem

Medicare-Medicaid 'dual eligibles' under scrutiny

The American Spectator : Revisionist History That Matters

Brian Joseph Davis: A Horrifying Satire of Hollywood Returns

How I helped rescue the OWS library -

sp!ked review of books preview | These occupiers are so 1990s

Fallon's Latest 'Do Not Read' List Is Going To Save You Some Time (VIDEO)

The Many Attacks on 'Twilight' - Eleanor Barkhorn - Entertainment - The Atlantic

Cold War: Geneva (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit (Shultz memoirs) | Margaret Thatcher Foundation

To the Geneva Summit: Perestroika and the Transformation of U.S.-Soviet Relations

On This Day: President Lincoln Delivers Gettysburg Address

Spain and the lingering legacy of Franco | World news | The Guardian

Francisco Franco Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -

History of Puerto Rico I

Progressivism, Race, and the Training Wheels of Freedom - Tiffany Jones Miller - National Review Online

Authorities reopen probe into Natalie Wood's 1981 drowning death -

Fighting Chance | The Weekly Standard

Why the world needs faith - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Pope visits cathedral in African voodoo city | Reuters

Egyptian Coptics attacked, dozens slightly injured -

Sarah Silverman's Funky Family Fairy Tale – The Sisterhood –

Senate Grants USCIRF a Stay of Execution Until December, Christian News

Polish effort to preser... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Michael Meyerson: The History of Religious Bigotry and the American Voter

Was Thanksgiving a religious celebration? –

Choosing Faith vs. Receiving Faith

Shattering the Silence: A Penn State Lesson for Parents: Don’t Get Star Struck (Part 1 of 2)

Conflict, choice and surrender | Opinion | Jewish Journal

Destiny vs. Free Will in 'Twilight' | Movies & TV | Christianity Today

Document Trove Exposes Surveillance Methods -

The Jerk | TechCrunch

How Facebook is ruining sharing | Molly Rants - CNET News

Your smartphone is not a tiny computer, & if you treat it like one, you can’t secure it | VentureBeat

Electric Cars: Close, But Not There Yet | ConceivablyTech

Choosing the best carrier for your smartphone –

Yahoo + AOL + Microsoft: Not that ridiculous - Fortune Tech

Here In Silicon Valley, Are We Killing Jobs And Making The Rich Richer? | TechCrunch

How Do You Code a Movement? - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic

How 125 days with Spotify changed my music habits – SplatF

The confusing, contrary arguments over music streaming — Tech News and Analysis

IPCC Report: Global Warming—and Changing Population—Will Worsen the Toll of Extreme Weather - Ecocentric -

Promise ‘em Bigfoot, give ‘em science | MIT SciWrite

The Sperm Whale's Deadly Call | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

Opinion: Make manned space flight great again – Light Years - Blogs

New Research Slays A Myth Of Weight Loss That's Hard To Stomach - Forbes

Atheist marriages: Should one nonbeliever marry another? - Slate Magazine

Researchers Rate RateMyProfessors, and Find It Useful, if Not Chili-Pepper Hot - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The science of money — how you can help - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

How Many Sips in a Bottle of Beer? | Wired Science |

Let there be light: A light fixture powered by bacteria

The Great Dying: first it warmed, then it burned

Boys’ brains, girls’ brains: How to think about sex differences in psychology. - Slate Magazine

Where Can Congress Find Room to Cut? Look to Obamacare.

Michael Farr: Super Committee Shenanigans

Why Obama Is Threatening to Veto a Defense Bill Over Detention Policy | Swampland |

GOP National Security and Foreign Policy Debate: What to Ask the Candidates | Cato @ Liberty

The Republican candidates’ history on mandates - The Washington Post

Political Animal - The weakest flip-flop defense yet

Assessing the Afghan War (pdf)

A sceptic’s guide to memogate | Opinion | DAWN.COM

Do Not Attack Syria -

Robert Fisk: The Arab Spring has given Turkey a voice. Don't mess with it - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

Burning for the Cause - By Christian Caryl | Foreign Policy

Syria: Time is running out for Bashar Assad | The Economist

Why E.U. collapse is more likely than the fall of the euro - The Washington Post

China won’t be riding to the rescue any time soon - The Globe and Mail

Fouad Ajami: Why Are We Still Backing Hamid Karzai? | The New Republic

Why China and Russia Help Iran | The Diplomat

Commentary: The Hubris of Attacking Syria | The National Interest

Democracy sometimes can be too much of a good thing

America Before The Entitlement State - Forbes

Easy Money's Hard Lessons -

Stocks To Watch Today -

The Best Cities For Technology Jobs - Forbes

Is Paul Ryan willing to raise taxes? « The Enterprise Blog

Corporate power grows stronger as government wanes -

Does America need Wall Street? - The Washington Post

RealClearMarkets - Occupy Should Occur On White House Grounds

The Anatomy of Global Economic Uncertainty - Mohamed A. El-Erian - Project Syndicate

Three Simple Rules for Buying Stock -

What Do GOP Voters See in Newt Gingrich? - Molly Ball - Politics - The Atlantic

There Are No Longer Any Excuses For Obamanomics - Forbes

Clock ticks down on super committee -

Steven Chu’s Solyndra testimony: Misleading jobs stats and missing context - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Green jobs | Nealz Nuze |

Don’t believe the education “reformers” -

Newt Gingrich, the Inside Man -

Decline of American Exceptionalism -

Clarence Page commentary: Why Newt Gingrich is looking good in the polls … for now -

Ron Paul Gaining Momentum From Niche Voters in Iowa Polls -

RealClearPolitics - No Excuses for Herman Cain

Mark Steyn: Penn State’s institutional wickedness | assistant, graduate, state - Opinion - The Orange County Register

'Follow Those Kids!' -

What Iowa Voters Want in a Republican Nominee -

The Iowa Frontrunner | The Weekly Standard

Store spares shoplifters willing to be shamed

The festering Obamavilles

Newt shows his true colors, again

Democrat operative mobilizes Occupy protesters

Obama pastor offers sanctuary for rioters

Islamist: We sparked violent protests in America

New Hampshire board decides Obama eligibility

Newt shows his true colors, again

Herman Cain, the unpolitician

Are you smarter than a 5th grader (or the president)?

Why aren't we in the streets?

Liberal violence rising

Obamacare: Antithetical to The Declaration

Liberal fascism and the Commerce Clause

Turning our back on 'traditional' education

Norquist Now Giving Fundraising Advice to Top Democratic Donors? UPDATE: Norquist responds « Commentary Magazine

Privatization Nightmare: 5 Public Services That Should Never Be Handed Over to Greedy Corporations | Economy | AlterNet

Fox News and its truth deniers

‘Willing Vassals’ in Congress Do Lobbyist Bidding: Jack Abramoff - Businessweek

Will this finally be the end of JFK conspiracy theories?

Female conscript forced to bathe naked with 30-man platoon

Spec Ops Command slams SEAL raid book as 'a lie'

Internet blacklist bill –
roadmap to 'end' of 'Net

Gadhafi's Jew hatred turned on him at end

Henry Kissinger in 1972: Jews 'self-serving bastards'

Historian: 'Hitler's influence was fatal'

Divers in 'gigantic' 17th-century warship find

Obama gene pool 'replete with the unbalanced'?

Plastic surgery: Celebrities then and now

The 25 Worst Passwords of 2011 | News & Opinion |

Eastwood's 'J. Edgar' parrots left-wing lies

Rise of the 'silver separations'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive House Dems sink balanced-budget amendment;Rep. Paulen: 'Only way to force Washington to cut up the credit cards'

Shocking gap in defenses: Nation risking catastrophe

Foreign cyber attack hits U.S. infrastructure

Islamist: We sparked violent protests in America

Lawmakers grill Obama over Border agent trial

Mexico asks U.S. to extradite alleged weapons smugglers

Ron Paul won't rule out independent bid

Zogby: GOP voters 'don't like the dog food'

Newt consulted Freddie until takeover

Millionaires to Congress: Tax us more!

Balanced-budget amendment rejected by House

News industry debates role of social media for journalists

Pat Robertson: Obama's Muslim inclination warped him

Obama's would-be assassin says he's 'modern day Jesus'

A theology of thanksgiving

U.S. plans sanctions on Tehran's petrochemical sector

Report: Arab nations pressing for Iran strike

Sandusky's defense: Challenge victims' credibility


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*19 Nov.

American Minute for November 19th

November 19th in History

Today in History: November 19

November 19 Events in History

November 19th This Day in History

This Day in History for 19th November

Today in History: November 19

Today in History for Nov. 19 - YouTube


Occupy protests spread to US college campuses

Giant mound of tires in SC visible from space

Deficit deal failure would pose crummy choice

Egyptian police, protesters clash in Tahrir Square

Gadhafi son Seif al-Islam seized in southern Libya

Egyptian state TV says 81 injured in Cairo clashes

After fire and tornado, Miss. church is rebuilt

Benetton storms ahead with controversial kiss ads

Wen says China to make yuan more flexible: TV

China says will "strengthen" yuan's trading flexibility

Some Va. sex offenders held long after sentence up

Ethiopian troops cross into Somalia: witnesses

Iran officer killed in blast 'was working on ICBM'

Egypt: violent clashes in Cairo leave dozens injured

Obama-Wen talks take in controversy

Police officers stabbed in London disturbance

AUDIO:Fred Ikle: A Great American Remembered

SHOCK: Western Nations Say Iran Deceives World on Nukes

Iran’s Nuclear Program Could Be Cleaned Up with a MOP

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party: The World’s Assassination Party

AUDIO:You Can Run But You Can’t Hide: The Novelization of ‘Kill bin Laden’

Today’s Buried Lede: 58% of Chicago Occupiers ‘Believe Violence Is Sometimes Necessary Against the Government’

Publisher Of The Jewish Week Warns Jews “You Better Not Piss Off Obama”

NewsBusted: Is Newt the New GOP Front-Runner?

Correction Request: Associated Press Falsely Accuses Big Government of Selective Editing

Why Did It Take Media 10 Days To Report A Sexual Assault At OccupySTL?

Panicked AP Attempts to Memory-Hole Democrats’ #Occupy Endorsements

And Now We Pause to Laugh In the Face of Politico and AOL/Huffington

Media Buys False ‘Blind Trust’ Excuse for Suspicious Kerry Stock Trades

Media Matters And The #OccupySavannah Controversy

What Alec Baldwin’s Huffington Post Columns Have Taught Me

BREAKING: Obama-NLRB Rushing to Issue Ambush Elections Rules on Nov. 30

Three Reasons We Shouldn’t Bail Out Student Loan Borrowers

Man Arrested for Sexual Assault AT #OccupyStLouis


*EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: The Kerrys’ Curious Stock Trades


Will Brown and Portman Turn Consumer Protection Agency Over to #Occupy Crowd?

Occupy Protests Continue to Use Human Shields

Bloomberg: Unions Hijacked #Occupy Protest

Really? No Visual Evidence of Fake Doctor Notes?

BREAKING: Sony Blinks, Pushes Release of Osama bin Laden Film To After 2012 Election

‘Boardwalk Empire’ Review: One Big Flaw Short of Perfection

Rage Against the Machine’s Zack De La Rocha Reveals Heartfelt Poem to Occupy Wall Street

Woody Allen Gives Fans Another Reason to Feel Queasy About His Off-Screen Life

‘Breaking Dawn’ – Why I’m on ‘Team Bella’ Even if Hollywood Isn’t

Your Obama Apologist of the Day: Chelsea Handler

Box Office Predictions: ‘Twilight’ Goes Big While ‘Happy Feet’ Sequel Needs Rhythm


+ *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Government


Kathryn Bigelow’s Untitled Hunt for Bin Laden Drama Set for December 19, 2012

The Muppets are heading to the White House

The Bluths Are Back: New 'Arrested Development' Episodes Coming to Netflix | The Wrap Media

"Muppet Radio" to Launch on SiriusXM

Robert Wagner Responds to Natalie Wood Investigation - The Hollywood Reporter

Sheriff's Department: Robert Wagner 'Not a Suspect' in Natalie Wood's Death (Updated) | The Wrap Movies

Walken: Went to bed, awoke to learn of Wood death

Latest developments in the Occupy protests

Ron Paul Warns GOP Not To "Capitulate" On Taxes, Won't Rule Out Indy Bid | RealClearPolitics

Chris Matthews Spars With Larry Elder During Hostile Radio Interview (Audio) - The Hollywood Reporter

Analysis: Obama gambles on Myanmar reforms | Reuters


19-Nov-11 World View

18-Nov-11 World View

17-Nov-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS: #Occupy Protester Has No Idea What Sign She’s Holding

Schweizer: Warren Buffett Cashed-In On Bank Stocks While Advising On Bank Bailout

Eric Bolling: The Stock Game ‘Is Rigged’ For Congressmen To Win Big

Congressman Gowdy (R-SC): ‘We’re Going To Find Out’ How To Make Insider Trading Illegal

Lee Corso Drops ‘F Bomb’ On ESPN

Supercommittee ‘Painfully Aware’ Of Deadline

Joe Paterno Has Treatable Form Of Cancer

Secret Service Protects Cain After Death Threats

18th/Sexual Assault At #OccupyStLouis, Cop Says It Could Have Been Prevented

‘People Are Starting To Connect The Dots’ On Congress And Insider Trading

CNN: Voters Are Sick Of ‘Crony Capitalism’

Schweizer: Why Don’t #Occupy Protesters Go After Insider-Trading Congressmen?

Miller: Congressional Insider Trading ‘Stinks To High Heaven’

Mitt: No Apologies For RomneyCare

Flashback: Newt Warned About Unstable Housing Market In 2008

Gutfeld On #OccupyWallStreet: Media Is Allowing ‘Perversion Parade’ To Continue

Schakowsky Backs #Occupy

Schweizer: Financiers Of Obama’s Campaign Received Tax Payer Funded Green Loans In Return

Alleged White House Shooter Made Oprah Audition Tape

#OccupyPortland Man Places Small Child Between Himself And Police

L.A. Investigators Re-open Natalie Wood Case

Okla. St. Women’s Coaches Die in Plane Crash

#OccupyWallStreet Thugs Threaten Small Children: ‘Follow Those Kids’

Legislation To Curb Congressional Insider Trading Gains 60 Sponsors

Gingrich: MSNBC Acts As ‘Obama Re-Election Team’

Syracuse Coach Under Investigation For Child Molestation

Demi Moore Back On Market

Pelosi Mocks Perry Debate Challenge

17th/John Kerry’s Timely Pharmaceutical Investments Draw Scrutiny

Multiple Arrests As #OccupyWallStreet Tries To ‘Shut Down’ Stock Exchange

The Daily Show Destroys #OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Evil Banker Could

Megyn Kelly’s Court: Is Insider Trading Really Helping Congressmen?


Infowars Nightly News for Friday, November 18

InfoWars Nightly News 11-17-2011

11-16-2011 Infowars Nightly News

11-15-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones ...

11-14-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones ...


AFP: The Far-Reaching Implications of the PSU Child Abuse Scandal

Jesse Ventura "There's Only ONE Person I Like At All & That's Ron Paul!" - YouTube

Unmanned Drone Program Ready to Launch in Texas - YouTube

Prison » UN, Bill Gates Foundation Push Deadly HPV Shots on Poor Nations Under ‘GAVI Alliance’

GCN's Ted Anderson: Major Institutions are in Financial Trouble - YouTube

MF Global Raiding Client's Accounts & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » The Raping of America: Alex Jones Friday Edition

Supreme Court Blocks Gov. DNA Grab: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Alex Jones Bloopers and Other Craziness - YouTube

Prison » UN Owns National Parks: Infowars Nightly News

Game Simulates Cop Killing: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube


**Prison » Save the Internet and Boycott These Companies


Prison » 9 More Ways The U.S. Government Is Waging War Against America

Prison » The European Debt Crisis: Will the “Weaker” Member States Leave the Euro Zone?

Prison » The Coming European Superstate That Germany Plans To Cram Down The Throats Of The Rest Of Europe

Britain 'will join euro before long’, says German finance minister - Telegraph

Prison » Israel’s Plan to Destroy Iran’s Civilian Infrastructure

Cyberattack traced to Russia damages Illinois public water facility | The Raw Story

Prison » DYLAN GRICE: Germany Is Making The Same Mistake That Allowed The Nazis To Come To Power

Prison » The New Retirement Normal: The Average American Must Work For Two Extra Years After Death

Cain Courts Kissinger & TSA Shuns Safety: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Andrew Couts: Internet Titans Fight SOPA - Infowars Nighytly News - YouTube

» Herman Cain: The Whore of Babylon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Fed and the ‘We Owe the Debt to Ourselves’ Fallacy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Addresses Troops at Final Stop in Australia -

In NYPD spying, a Yippie legal battle echoes again -

Drone Gives Texas Law Enforcement Bird's-Eye View On Crime | Fox News

Pentagon tests hypersonic weapon that travels 5 times the speed of sound | Mail Online

GPs told to resist antibiotics requests for coughs and colds | Society |

» Study: Exposure to common air fresheners can cause allergies, asthma Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Man charged with Obama assassination attempt – but who is he? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MI6 spies died in battle against al-Qaeda, William Hague to say - Telegraph

"The Entire System Has Been Utterly Destroyed By The MF Global Collapse" - Presenting The First MF Global Casualty | ZeroHedge

A prostitute has told how she took part in 11 orgies over six years with shamed former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn | Mail Online


The Manning Report – 18 November 2011

The Manning Report – 17 November 2011

2011-11-18.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

11/18 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-18, Friday

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-19-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-19-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-18-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-18-11 Hr 2

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-17-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, November, 18, 2011

Nov. 18, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Redding News Review 11-18-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-18-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-18-11 Hr 3

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 17th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 17th 1

Paul Drockton Show 17th 2

The Michael Savage Show 11/18/2011

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