A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

18 November 2011

18 NOV.



Schramm: Economic Focus Is "Too Much On Big Companies"
Larry Elder Takes On Chris Matthews And His Bias In Wild Interview
Gingrich Challenged Obama To Return Freddie-Fannie Money In 2008
O'Reilly: Occupiers Are Costing Taxpayers "Tens Of Millions Of Dollars"
Matthews: Can You Predict Romney's Position "On Anything?"
O'Donnell: Republicans Took Obama's "Lazy" Comment Out Of Context
Ron Paul Warns GOP Not To "Capitulate" On Taxes, Won't Rule Out Indy Bid
Schramm: Regulatory Uncertainty Is "Holding Back Small Companies"

17 NOV.

Newt Gingrich: MSNBC "Essentially The Obama Re-Election Team"
Capehart: Perry Calling Obama "Privileged" Is "Dog Whistle" To Racists
Romney: "I Am Not Going To Walk Away From" RomneyCare
Abramoff: Gingrich's Involvement With Freddie Mac Is "Corruption"
Rubio: Economy Not Creating Jobs; Not An Economy That Can Afford Raising Taxes
Sen. Sessions On Supercommittee: "Devil Will Always Be In The Details"
Krauthammer: Romney A "Northeastern Republican, He Is Not A Conservative"
Pelosi Declines To Debate Perry, Pokes Fun At Him
Dem Congressman: "Get Off The Couch And Get In Motion" To Fight Republicans
RNC Web Ad: "15 Trillion"
DNC Web Ad: Obama Never Called America "Lazy"
Energy Secretary Chu Doesn't Apologize For Solyndra Failure
Jon Stewart Takes On "Superbad" Super Committee
RCP's Tom Bevan On "Lou Dobbs Tonight"
Palin On Sandusky: "Hang Him From The Highest Tree"
Krauthammer On Fannie, Freddie Bonuses: To Get The Best, You Have To Pay Competitively
Maddow: Republican Party Is The "Know-Nothing Party"
O'Reilly: "Occupy" Is A Big Political Problem For Democrats
O'Donnell: "Gingrich Was A Lobbyist"



Raw Video: Unexpected Tornado Strikes Bolivia
Impact Of IAEA Resolution On Iran
Start Of A Civil War In Syria?
Euro Crisis Hurting American Business
Are U.S. Banks Strong Enough To Survive European Debt Crisis?
Syria Continues A Brutal Crackdown
Mitt Romney On Trade With China
Italy Must Act To Save The Euro, Says PM Monti
Raw Video: Pope Meets With New Leader Of Italy
China Says Docking Mission Step To Space Station
Workers Reclaim Bangkok Airport
Obama Opens Door To Ties With Myanmar
Herman Van Rompuy At The Lisbon Council
European Central Bank Under Fire

17 NOV.

Adjusting America's Military Spending To Reality
China Rises, U.S. Slips: Can We Compete?
Euro Contagion Fears Grow
Obama Tells Asia, U.S. 'Here To Stay'
Mario Monti Sworn In As Italian Premier
China vs. India: Policy Shifts And 'Risk-on Trades'
Pressure Rises On Syria's Assad
ASEAN Meeting Kicks Off In Bali
Major Drug Tunnel Linking U.S., Mexico Discovered
Benetton Unveils Ad Campaign With World Leaders Kissing
Barack Obama Arrives In Indonesia
Dealing With China's Currency Manipulation
Priorities In U.S.-Pakistan Relations
What Does U.S. Military Deployment Mean For Asia-Pacific?


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Lou Reed & Metallica: Full "Lulu" EPK - YouTube


"Sweet Jane" by Metallica with Lou Reed on "The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame - 25th Anniversary Concerts" - Grooveshark

"Dirty Blvd." by Lou Reed - Grooveshark

"Busload of Faith" by Lou Reed- Grooveshark

"Sally Can't Dance (Single Version)" by Lou Reed - Grooveshark

"New Sensations" by Lou Reed - Grooveshark

"Vicious (Live Ny '72)" by Lou Reed - Grooveshark

"Rock & Roll" by Lou Reed - Grooveshark

"I Love You Suzanne" by Lou Reed - Grooveshark


The Daily Bell - VIDEO: A Technocratic Plan to Save the World

Durbin Statement on Next Step in the Implementation of New U.S. Deportation Policy

Editorial: Is insider trading just another congressional perk?

Natalie Wood Death Investigation Open: What Happened on Boat with Robert Wagner, Christopher Walken? - YouTube

Natalie Wood death: Husband Robert Wagner to blame, says boat captain Dennis Davern - NY Daily News

Authorities reopen probe into Natalie Wood's 1981 drowning death - - Vintage Hunk: Robert Wagner

Those 150 bisexual actors. We missed a few though! - 150 BISEXUAL ACTORS - Zimbio

Oklahoma State Coaches Die in Plane Crash -

» ECB Riots Begin in Italy as Globalist “Super Mario” Forces Austerity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Herman Cain: The Whore of Babylon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russian Warships Enter Syrian Waters To Prevent NATO Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 35 Facts About The Gutting Of America’s Industrial Might That Should Make You Very Angry Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 1 Through 30 – The Coming U.S. Financial Crisis By The Numbers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NYPD Overwhelmed by Occupy Wall Street Protesters, Motorcycle Cops Retreat Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gerald Celente: CME, The White Shoe Boyz Club! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Day of OWS Action: Over 400 arrested, dozens injured Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Yuan may replace dollar in 10 years -- Shanghai Daily | 上海日 -- English Window to China New

PressTV - Saudi royals split on new crown prince

Hundreds of protesters march on NY's Wall Street | Reuters

Perry funds dry up after gaffes and dip in polls | Rick Perry 2012 Campaign for President– News and updates

» Ron Paul Doesn’t Exist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Oil hits $100 as US economy slowly improves - BusinessWeek

PressTV - Russia: Foreigners working against Syria

» US plot to wage Syria war revealed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Addresses Troops at Final Stop in Australia -

» The Fed and the ‘We Owe the Debt to Ourselves’ Fallacy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Moody's blasts plan to curb ratings agencies: report - Yahoo! News

Occupy Wall Street Plans Largest Protest Ever; Can the Movement Last? - ABC News

Did Police Raids Against Occupy Oakland Break The Law?

» Do You Think the Establishment Is Grooming Hitlery for Something? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In NYPD spying, a Yippie legal battle echoes again -

» Doctors told to resist antibiotics requests for coughs and colds Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Video: Civilian UAV Films Polish Riots From Above | Defense Tech

RoboKopter Policja bieg - YouTube

U.S. Army tests hypersonic weapon that travels five times the speed of sound... and can be ANYWHERE on earth in 30mins | Mail Online

» Study: Exposure to common air fresheners can cause allergies, asthma Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MI6 spies died in battle against al-Qaeda, William Hague to say - Telegraph

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned | World news |

Texas man convicted of attempting to aid Al Qaeda | Reuters

A prostitute has told how she took part in 11 orgies over six years with shamed former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn | Mail Online

"The Entire System Has Been Utterly Destroyed By The MF Global Collapse" - Presenting The First MF Global Casualty | ZeroHedge

The truth will out on Labor's carbon scam |


Infowars Nightly News Special Report on Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - YouTube

11-16-2011 Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

11-15-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones, guests Konrad Bouffard, Gerald Celente - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News November 14, 2011 - YouTube

InfoWars Nightly News: 11142011 - Ron Paul's 89 Seconds, Banker Coup of Europe - YouTube


Prison » Suspicion in Iran that Stuxnet caused Revolutionary Guards base explosions

Prison » UN, Bill Gates Foundation Push Deadly HPV Shots on Poor Nations Under ‘GAVI Alliance’

Prison » NY Cops Drag Woman By Hair Across Street

Prison » ECB Riots Begin in Italy as Globalist “Super Mario” Forces Austerity

Prison » Russian Warships Enter Syrian Waters To Prevent NATO Attack

Paul: Obama health care more fascism than socialism - Washington Times

Prison » The Occupy Movement Is Protesting the SAME THING that the Founding Fathers Protested at the Boston Tea Party

Prison » Day of OWS Action: Over 400 arrested, dozens injured

Prison » Andrew Couts: Internet Titans Fight SOPA

AFP: Ex-Soviet states take first step to 'Eurasian Union'

Hungary likely source of elevated radioactivity levels: IAEA

Prison » Real Free Market Capitalists Demand that Financial Fraud Be Prosecuted

Prison » Super Mario Milton: ‘Bilderberg Technocrat’

U.S.-China tension spills over into Asia summit | Reuters

Occupy London takes over empty UBS bank – live | UK news |

Prison » 41 percent of Americans say that the “American Dream” is dead

Top U.S. senator unveils a legislation to impose sanctions on Iran’s central bank

Prison » Alex Jones Bloopers and Other Craziness

Prison » Alex Jones on Homeland Security infiltrating OWS

Prison » Immortal Technique Exclusive: “Obama is A War President”

Prison » Occubuy Wall Street

Germany's secret plans to derail a British referendum on the EU - Telegraph

GE Filed 57,000-Page Tax Return, Paid No Taxes on $14 Billion in Profits | The Weekly Standard

The next financial crisis will be hellish, and it’s on its way - Yahoo! News

Prison » The New Retirement Normal: The Average American Must Work For Two Extra Years After Death

Prison » Bill To Halt Congressional Insider Trading Gains Over 40 Sponsors

Prison » Philadelphia Police Captain Ray Lewis Joins Occupy Wall Street, Calls NYPD Conduct “Disgusting,” “Totally Uncalled For”

Prison » ‘Cops use shock & awe tactics to devastate OWS’

Prison » No Escape From The Police State!

Prison » Maine officials violate local food freedom ordinance by suing man for selling raw milk from farm

Prison » EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration

Prison » U.S. tests hypersonic weapon

Prison » NASA Finds Great Lake of Water on Jupiter’s Moon Europa (Video)

Turf War? Glendale Bans Fake Grass « CBS Los Angeles

PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet on Vimeo

Attack On White House By Mexican Cartel Stuns Obama Regime

Obama Power Grab For Entire World Stuns Russia, China


Not only are police cracking down on the Occupy movement protesters but also on journalist According to some reporters police have denied them access - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Economic Collapse Won't Be Stopped

Pathologist tells Dr Phil he doubts Rebecca Zahau's death was suicide | Mail Online

Rebecca Zahau Suicide Controversy -- Rope She Hanged Herself With Not Visible In Video | Radar Online

Hillary Clinton and the New American (Pacific) Century

35 Facts About The Gutting Of America’s Industrial Might That Should Make You Very Angry

AFP: Pentagon successfully tests hypersonic flying bomb

Military Budget Cuts Will Get Us All Nuked, and 4 Other Lies | Danger Room |

Vampire Squids Exempted From Human Laws | Video Rebel's Blog

Activist Post: Russian Military Chief: NATO Expansion Raises Risk of Nuclear War

Feds Target Independent Food Merchants | American Free Press

BBC News - Natalie Wood: LA police reopen actress' death inquiry

5 True Stories That Prove You Shouldn't Piss Off The IT Guy |

“Law of Attraction” and “The Secret” are elitist disinformation |

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Why Is Obama So Interested In Myanmar (Burma) And Sending Hillary Clinton There? (VIDEO)

Bill would make wearing masks during riots a crime - Politics - CBC News

The Highway of The Thresher with the Rotating Teeth. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Over 30,000 People Rally in New York City :November 17: Historic Day of Action for the 99% - Occupy America Social Network

FBI’s Fairytale Fabrications Flavor Fort Dix Five Case « aseerun

Refreshing News: Louis Daguerre 224th birthday marked by Google Doodle

OWS cops bloody young man. The pig jumped the fence to provoke the assult. - YouTube

Youtube shuts down MoxNewsDotCom : Federal Jack

Youtube shuts down MoxNewsDotCom | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty


*MOXNEWSd0tC0M's Channel - YouTube


NYPD blast LRAD: Sonic weapon used against OWS protest - YouTube

Keiser Report: In Debt We Trust (E211) - YouTube

Jesse Ventura "There's Only ONE Person I Like At All & That's Ron Paul!" - YouTube

Unmanned Drone Program Ready to Launch in Texas - YouTube

Jason Lewis: “Seven Biggest Economic Lies” – A Rebuttal

The Future Of the Euro Zone is Sealed

Cain Struggling Amid Allegations and Foreign Policy Blunders

Big Brother UK, Big Government Australia

DHS-Linked Group Trains Citizens Their “Best Pal” Could Be a Terrorist

DOJ: Make It a Federal Crime to “Lie” on the Internet


Herman Cain asked Henry Kissinger to be his secretary of state | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Herman Cain jokes about offering Henry Kissinger secretary of state post - Alexander Burns -

Herman Cain Actually Asked Henry Kissinger To Be His Secretary Of State - Business Insider

Did Cain Ask Henry Kissinger to be His Secretary of State?


“Snatch Squads” and Agents Provocateur Caught on Camera at London Student Protest :

Pilot locked in lavatory causes unnecessary terror scare : Federal Jack

Activist Post: Pentagon chief calls India, China 'threats'

The Revolt of the Generals Against Iran War | Intifada Palestine

Nine on brink as owners seek debt extension - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Why Is US Selling Bunker-Busters To United Arab Emirates? UAE Air Force Cannot Even Get Them Off The Ground! | Before It's News

The Occupy Movement Is Protesting the SAME THING that the Founding Fathers Protested at the Boston Tea Party

Lieberman, Brown Launch Probe Into Congressional Insider Trading

Nixon adviser Kissinger branded Jewish as self-serving 'b*******', new documents reveal | Mail Online

Activist Post: UN, Bill Gates Foundation Push Deadly HPV Shots on Poor Nations Under ‘GAVI Alliance’

Refreshing News: US' hypersonic weapon can hit targets in an hour

Activist Post: Top US senator unveils Iran central bank sanctions

What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe - Business Analysis & Features - Business - The Independent

Barack Obama - Zionist Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Israel Running the Show

NYPD police arrested at least 200 Occupy Wall Street protesters on Thur - YouTube

(2) Over 30,000 occupy Foley Square, Brooklyn Bridge #ows #n17 - YouTube

Occupy Seattle Protesters Occupy University Bridge - YouTube

NYPD Overwhelmed by Occupy Wall Street Protesters, Motorcycle Cops Retreat - YouTube

Activist Post: Man charged with trying to assassinate Obama

Obama: first American President to name his own citizens as a threat to National Security - 12160

Lone Star Watchdog: If the Department of Justice Wants to Make Lying Over the Internet A Crime, But the Attorney General Can Lie to Congress With Impunity? That Says There is Something Wrong with the System

#n17 protester was allegedly thrown to the ground in Zuccotti - as dragged bleeding head out #ows - YouTube

#N17 #OWS Turns Bloody PIC VIDEO OCCUPY WALL STREET. Police Riot Abuse - YouTube

Lawmakers Pressure European Companies For Holocaust Reparations - News - Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media

News of Interest from JohnU78: Nearly One Third of American Children Are Poor

One in four American women take medication for a mental disorder | Mail Online

» 80% of ‘Green Energy’ Loans Went to Top Obama Donors - Big Government

Lone Star Watchdog: Our US Congress Should Be Called the American Knesset Because they serve Israel First and Ignore Us

Flier sues Southwest, says owed 45 free drinks - Yahoo! News

Dr. Webster Tarpley: Wahhabis & Israel Fund Al-Qaeda Rebels In Syria : Federal Jack

California Sheriffs Threaten Feds For Usurping the Constitution : Federal Jack

The Money Privacy Crisis: “Banking” Secretly in the U.S.A |

ATF classifies Chore Boy pot scrubber pads NFA firearms - National gun rights |

Revolutionary Politics : The military supports Ron Paul

'60 Minutes' Blows The Lid Off Congressional Insider Trading - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Reporter Actually Gets it! More Government Power = More Government Corruption!

Revolutionary Politics : Special Interests...EXPOSED!!!

Revolutionary Politics : Peter Schiff : The Printing Press = Disaster

Did Israel Just Kill Us All? - YouTube

BBC News - Jupiter moon Europa 'has shallow lakes'

Man with "Israel" tattoo on his neck arrested in White House shooting - PanARMENIAN.Net

poorrichards blog: With MF Global Money Still Missing, Suspicions Grow

poorrichards blog: Zionist bullets: Shots across Obama’s bow?

Race to the Supreme Court | COLLAPSENET

American's Journey: Real Heroes and Media Misrepresentations

Twitter: The Elimination of Language(Original Content) - 12160

SOPA, pols run into Internet buzz saw | ZDNet

poorrichards blog: The War on Addiction Has Been Brought Home

poorrichards blog: EPA targets families that generate heat off the grid using traditional wood-burning stoves

Facebook tracking is under scrutiny –

Radiation Mystery Solved? Budapest 'Probably' the Source - ABC News

New Law By Obama To Jail 500,000 American Citizens Or More For The Crime Of Opposing Their Government. | Before It's News

Real Free Market Capitalists Demand that Financial Fraud Be Prosecuted

NYPD сops blast LRAD sound cannons at occupywallst ows n17 RT Mirror - YouTube


*1:48:00/Dr Burzynski movie (FULL VERSION) - YouTube

(copy)Burzynski The Movie ~ Cancer Is Serious Business ~ High Quality - YouTube


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Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business


Controversial Professor Bill Ayers Speaks With Occupy Chicago Protesters | NBC Chicago

We are Eating dead babies...waging nuclear?..And many Other things Now!! - YouTube




Real Free Market Capitalists Demand that Financial Fraud Be Prosecuted -

Top U.S. senator unveils a legislation to impose sanctions on Iran’s central bank

1 Through 30 – The Coming U.S. Financial Crisis By The Numbers -

35 Facts About The Gutting Of America’s Industrial Might That Should Make You Very Angry -

Antibiotic-resistant infections spread through Europe - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Middle-class areas shrinking in US: study - Yahoo! News

For Americans, 80 Is the New 65 When It Comes to Retirement -

Europe Airport Scanners Put Under Tight Restrictions

'Millionaire Monks' Close Monastery Doors

School Bus Crash Death Count at 20; Official Arrested

Freddie Mac: Mortgage Interest Rates Rise Slightly

$15,000 Comic Book Stolen

Charlie Rose CBS Show Welcomes OWN Network's Gayle King as Co-Host

Strauss-Kahn Linked to Call Girl Ring

Top US Senator Unveils Iran Central Bank Sanctions

"Nuclear Option" Against Iran's Economy Paves Way for War

Sanctioning Syria: The Long Road to Damascus

US Plot to Wage Syria War Revealed

A New Israel in the Making

Fake Terror Plots, Paid Informants

US Millionaires Say 'Raise Our Taxes'

The 99% Deficit Proposal Published

OWS Fight Is Far from Over: Explosive Actions on 2-Month Anniversary of Movement

Privatization Nightmare: 5 Public Services That Should Never Be Handed Over to Greedy Corporations

Pop Dating Advice Has Almost Ruined Romance -- Here's How to Take it Back

The Great GOP Primary Crash and Burn: 5 Republican Would-Be Saviors Flame Out in Hilarious Ways

Why Do Cigarette Boxes Have More Free Speech Rights Than Protesters?

6 Ways to Teach Girls How to Deal With Idiots That Sexually Harass Them on the Street

Russian Warships to Syria to Stem Intervention

Pentagon's Warnings Against Cuts Are Overblown

War Is a Force That Pays the 1 Percent: Occupying US Foreign Policy

Assange Changes Lawyer in Sweden Again

Obama Plays the China Card by Justin Raimondo --

Oil Executive: Military-Style 'Psy Ops' Experience Applied - US Business News - CNBC

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Obama claims share of credit for huge Boeing deal

Pope heads to voodoo heartland for second Africa visit

Robert Greenwald: Fox News is the 1 percent

Naomi Wolf slams feminists’ response to the Assange rape prosecution

New test finds that neutrinos still faster than light

White House slams Obama kissing ads

Hospital refuses liver transplant for medical marijuana patient

Philippine ex-President Arroyo arrested in hospital

Clinton to become first U.S. secretary of state to visit Burma in 50 years - The Washington Post

Federal agent in Hawaii for work 'shot dead unarmed man in McDonald's because he was bullying people' | Mail Online

After White House shooting, security likely to get a second look (VIDEO) -

Cain receives Secret Service protection - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

BBC News - World's 'lightest material' unveiled by US engineers

BBC News - Nasa releases sharpest ever Moon elevation map

Tea Party Members Meet With Occupy Memphis, Praise Efforts Of Protesters

Teen who killed four people in head-on car crash drove into van at 100mph to commit suicide | Mail Online

Girl, 10, takes last breath in her mother's arms after hanging herself 'to escape the bullies' | Mail Online

Bonnie McLachlan on trial for 'sex with a student in the mid 1990s' | Mail Online

Teacher, 35, barred from class after 'running porn site from school computer' | Mail Online

The Far-Reaching Implications of the PSU Child Abuse Scandal | American Free Press

Obama Meets with Asian Leaders

Clinton Talks Trade, Investment, Not Burma at the ASEAN Summit

Burma’s Opposition Party Re-Enters Politics

Occupy Protests Put Focus on Limits of US Free Speech Rights

Venezuela Charges 8 Suspects in Ramos Kidnapping

Video: "Occupy" Actions Across the Country

Video: Does the IAEA report on Iran prove the existence of a nuclear weapons program?

“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

SOPA or How to Use Copyright as an Excuse to Censor the Internet

A Conspiracy of Hogs: The McRib as Arbitrage | The Awl

GE Filed 57,000-Page Tax Return, Paid No Taxes on $14 Billion in Profits | The Weekly Standard

Is the US Getting Domestic Indefinite Military Detention for Thanksgiving? | Mother Jones

'Super soldiers': The quest for the ultimate human killing machine - Science - News - The Independent

CarrierIQ | Android Security Test

Fed Now Largest Owner of U.S. Gov’t Debt—Surpassing China |

Early video of Obama surfaces from Harvard Law School era

Eleven killed in Syria on eve of Arab deadline - Yahoo! News

Pentagon successfully tests hypersonic flying bomb - Yahoo! News

New Child Molestation Claims at Syracuse Rock College Sports | NBC New York

Online Hookups Blamed For Jump In Sexually Transmitted Disease « CBS St. Louis

Obama USDA delays shale drilling, up to 200k jobs | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Egyptians back in Tahrir for anti-military protests, 10 months after Mubarak’s ouster

L.A. County Sheriff to reopen Natalie Wood case -

Captain: Wagner responsible for Natalie Wood death - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Sheriff’s Homicide Detectives To Re-Examine Dea - Flash Player Installation

Controversial Professor Bill Ayers Speaks With Occupy Chicago Protesters | NBC Chicago

Alleged White House shooter called Obama the 'anti-Christ,' feds say | Scott McCabe | Capital Land | Washington Examiner

Warren Beatty's transgender son brands Chaz Bono a misogynist | Mail Online

Muslim Brotherhood goes public with Libya summit | Reuters

Obama Has A Bush Moment In Bali

Pay to play, brought to you by Washington - The Washington Post

Sheriff: Men were lured to Noble County by Craigslist ad | The Columbus Dispatch

Historians Claim New Research Shows Oswald Acted Alone In JFK Assassination | Fox News

2nd test affirms faster-than-light particles - CBS News

Activist Post: Non-profit group linked to Homeland Security promotes absurd fear of non-existent threat of terrorism

The War on Addiction Has Been Brought Home | The Fix

Congress nullified as new, illegal "supercommittee" pushes secret farm bill that will cost billions

Junk food can hijack brain like drugs do, experts say | Wichita Eagle

Activist Post: Replacing Your Chemical-Leaching BPA Plastics

Activist Post: Asthma Drugs Kill More than Asthma, FDA Ignores Risk

Coming to a City Near You – Surveillance Plane to Monitor California City Ten Hours a Day :

DEA Sweeps Across Western Washington With Dispensary Raids - Toke of the Town

Activist Post: Hollywood, Silicon Valley spar over online piracy bill

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned | World news |

Activist Post: Thailand's Floods Compounded by Treason and Incompetence

EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration - Telegraph

Occupy Wall Street "Beware The Zeitgeist" Lost Children Of Babylon (LCOB) Produced by Snowgoons - YouTube

Activist Post: The Givers and The Takers -- What Will You Do When SHTF?

Activist Post: Earth Changes – Where Did All The Water Go?

Guns turn towards Syria: End violence or else? - YouTube

The Manipulated Matrix Of Language | Before It's News

Mario Monti named Italian Prime Minister [CNN 11-13-2011] - YouTube

Ex-Bachmann Aide Rollins to Join Fox News

Gingrich: MSNBC Is ‘Obama Re-election Team’

Poll: Belief in US Supremacy Declines

Gingrich: 'Strategic Advice' Is Not Lobbying

McCain: Obama's Detainee Policy 'Abysmal Failure'

Pelosi Dodges Perry Debate Challenge

Giuliani: Protesters Embarrass Nation, NYC

Horowitz: Occupy Wall St. Protesters Are 'Idiots'

Some Democrats Flee Occupy Movement

Horowitz: Obama 'Destroying Our Liberties'

Norquist: Democrats 'Will Sink' Supercommittee to Help Obama

WaPo: Supercommittee Failure Means . . . Nothing

Democrat Gov. Manchin Not Happy With Obama

Perry Scrambles to Turn Around Campaign

Talk Radio Stays on Cain' Side, For Now

Jeb Bush to Co-Chair Hispanic Conference

Hollywood Conservatives Avoid Presidential Fray

Nat. Review: Gingrich Can Debate, But Can He Win?

'Memogate' Scandal Reveals Pakistani Splits

Tired and Wired? New Book Reveals Ways To Feel Better Fast

The Perfect Movie to See Before the Primaries

Obama Fails on Education Promises

Liberal Media Take Shots at GOP, Ignore Obama Gaffes

Where’s the Outrage Over Millionaires’ Mortgage Subsidies?


*ARTICLES/BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 17, 2011

ARTICLES/BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 16, 2011


House of Mirrors Part I- Mystical Covert Agendas

House of Mirrors Part II- Living the Fantasy


Obama Says U.S. Will Maintain Pacific Presence

4 PARTS/Speaking Freely: John Perkins |


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 17th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 17th, 2011


ARTICLES/Occupy Wall Street and the Fed 11-17-11 |


Alex Jones on Homeland Security infiltrating OWS |

Nukes On The Road! - YouTube

27 Reasons Why Newt Gingrich Would Be A Really, Really Bad President |

+The 9/11 Stand Down |

+Ron Paul on Politics and Freedom

George McGovern: Abolish the TSA and Homeland Security by Robert Wenzel

Literacy's Last Hurrah by Linda Schrock Taylor

United States of Europe? by Jim Davies

Occupy a Garden by Jason Akers

Nothing found for Expat Can-you-see-this-gorilla

The Police State vs. Occupy Wall Street: This Is Not Going To End Well for Any of Us

With Global Unrest and Militarized Police, Where Do You Go To Escape? - EFAM | Escape From America Magazine | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine

The Symbiotic Relationship of Feds and Insiders by Bill Bonner

How to Eat More Vegetables | Mark's Daily Apple


Underworld lingo


+Glossary of Police Terms, Acronyms and Jargon

Crime & Prisons Slang, Jargon/ Dictionary(

Jargon: A Glossary of Computer Crime(


Sabotage the Supercommittee? Sounds Good to Me!

Al Sharpton Slams Fox for Citing Non-Existent Part of Constitution to Push for Kagan Recusal

UT-Austin College Republicans Head 'Jokes' About Assassinating The President

Occupy Seattle: Pepper Sprayed Octogenarian Activist Dorli Rainey Gut Checks the US

White House Shooting Suspect Had 'Obsession' With President Obama

James O'Keefe Wanted to Frame NPR to Help Republicans

Jack Abramoff Accuses Newt Gingrich of Corruption

Beck Calls Santorum 'the Next George Washington'

NYC Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez on his Arrest and Assault at #OWS

Erin Burnett Panel Downplays Newt's Hypocrisy on Freddie Mac

Susie Sampson: Perry v. Cain

Good News: Frozen Planet Story Was Wrong, Climate Change Will Still Be Part Of Discovery Channel Series

Number of Occupy Arrests Passes 4,000 Nationally

Even Andrea Mitchell Scoffs At Newt Gingrich's Defense of Taking 1.6 Million Payoffs From Fannie & Freddie

#OccupyDC's Declaration of the Occupation

UFCW Workers Prepare for Upcoming Battle with Giant and Safeway

AngryBlackBitch: Pondering over-the-top exemptions and going-too-far denials of coverage...

The Urban Politico: Will the Real Republican Candidate Please Stand Up?

Biden on Internet Freedom = Anti-SOPA - YouTube

Steve Quayle's World: It's a Blast!

Federal Reserve Passed out $16 Trillion Dollars

» Celente: CME Did Not Guarantee Oversight in MF Global Scandal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

German Fourth Reich bankers creates new alliance with Italy. | PRESS Core – Evidentiary News, World News, Special Reports, Technology, Health, Videos, Polls, Free energy, Cures, War Crimes, Crime Against Humanity, Corruption

60 Minutes Catches Nancy Pelosi with Her Dress Down | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

Insider Called It – Staged Threat Against Obama: UPDATED - The Ulsterman Report

The Intersection of Mormonism and Transhumanism

Big Bang machine to get huge upgrade in 2020 | Reuters

Secret lab hides Google's boldest future projects

Beautiful Destruction: 11 Gorgeous Geological Maps of Volcanoes | Wired Science |

How to Build a Computer Model of God | Bootstrapping Independence

Volcano Watch: Be prepared for the zombie apocalypse—and other emergencies | Hawaii 24/7

Series of strong to very strong earthquakes out of the New Zealand North Island coast

Barak: Iran is testing uranium- and plutonium-based bombs – not tactical arms

10 Linked BP Oil Spill Whistle-blowers & Experts Continue To Mysteriously Die | Wake Up World

Another Fracking Headache: Earthquakes

Michelle Malkin » Obama’s Half-Billion-Dollar Crony Drug Deal; Related non-shocker: SEIU endorses Obama

500 Companies to Face Checks on Hiring Illegal Immigrants » Publications » Family Security Matters

Jupiter's moon may hold life, researchers say

New Scientist TV: Virtual rioters predict how crowds move

Cyber-security of continent's power grid 'chaotic,' report warns

Mystery Solved: Structures in China Desert Are Spy Satellite Targets | Mystery Structures Used to Calibrate Spy and Radar Satellites |

Percy Schmeiser - The Man Who Beat Monsanto | Wake Up World

NYT: 300,000 deportation cases to be reviewed - US news - The New York Times -

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Danger of Trafficked Nuclear, Radiological Materials Lingers: Experts

Chu: Taxpayers Unlikely To Recover Much From Solyndra Loan | Fox News » Blog Archive » Going Galt Indeed…. » Blog Archive » Media Portray Obama as Reaganesque » Blog Archive » Cavuto: D.C. Has Us in the Weeds

Asia-Pacific: US Ramps Up Global War Agenda

VIDEO: Perfect Storm of Internet Censorship

U.S. Arms Persian Gulf Allies For Conflict With Iran

Venezuela: Nuclear Conflict Looms ahead if Iran and Syria are Attacked

New Phase of the Global Debt Crisis: Widespread discounting of Western Public Debt

Bilderberg Leader Mario Monti Takes Over Italy in 'Coup'

VIDEO: China, the U.S. and the Next Cold War

VIDEO: Former Philadelphia Police Captain Arrested at OWS

Asia-Pacific: America's Anti-China Military Alliance

The Accountability Charade

Rush: If Obama's Smart, 'We Need To Redefine Smart'

Obama's Russia Policy: Trust, DON'T Verify

Diane Sawyer Ruins Marvelous Special on Gabby Giffords By Attacking Sarah Palin

Fishermen to Congress: Please Scuttle Obama’s National Oceans Policy

GOP House Will Vote on Balanced Budget Amendment That Permits Unlimited Federal Spending

Judge Orders FBI to Pay Legal Fees of Muslim Activist Groups

HUD Looking for Evidence That LGBT Housing Discrimination Is Real

Obama, a Recent Smoker, Scolds Big Tobacco

Tunisian Politician’s ‘Caliphate’ Comments Stir Controversy

Penn State Abuse Scandal Likely to Spawn Lawsuits

Demi Moore to Divorce Ashton Kutcher

Obama Hails Boeing Trade Deal on Day of Asian Diplomacy

Crystal Cathedral to Be Sold to Catholic Diocese

Toronto Zoo Puts the Kibosh on ‘Gay Penguin’ Agenda

Waxman: Solyndra, Green Subsidies Saving People from ‘Fires, Droughts, and Floods’

GOP Lawmakers Scold Obama for ‘Punting’ on Keystone Pipeline, Killing 20,000 Potential Jobs

ICE Is Releasing Some Aliens Handed Over by Law Enforcement in Ala., Says Rep. Gutierrez

Don’t Let Religious Freedom Commission Die, Chairman Urges Lawmakers

Rep. Maxine Waters: Deaths and Crime a 'Distraction' from Occupy Protests

Rep. West to Media: ‘Stop Being Afraid of This President’

The Military Industrial Complex in Five Minutes - YouTube

'Patriotic Millionaires' Demand Higher Taxes, But Unwilling to Pay Up [Video] - informationliberation

Ron Paul tells CBS cameraman to stop being rude & shoving people - YouTube

Teacher caught on tape Bullying Special Needs Student! Caught on Cell Phone Cam - YouTube

Redeeming the Industrial Revolution - informationliberation

Food Fight - Deciding Who Profits from Taxpayer-Subsidized Lunches - informationliberation

The Many Fallacies of Ellen Brown - informationliberation

The Real "Occupy" Movement - informationliberation

RIAA Wants To Shutter Torrent Sites, And More - informationliberation

The truth will out on Labor's carbon scam |

Obama Praises Australia's Draconian Carbon Tax - informationliberation

More Mammoth (and Mysterious) Structures Found in China’s Desert | Danger Room |

Obama Must Yield Now To The Flag, The Bible, And The Law - Prophetic | Before It's News

Mystery 'City' Caught On Stunning Time-Lapse Video From Space Revealed To Be Massive Midwest Oil Field | Before It's News

Alien ET Cities You Can Visit On Earth Now | Before It's News

More Reptilian Reporters Breaking Down, Having Trouble Speaking - YouTube

HAARP Ring Outbreak | Before It's News

David Icke EXPOSES Illuminati Music Industry - YouTube

Gay Obama: One Picture And You Decide | Before It's News

The Future Of Free Energy Is Here Now. The End Of Oil, Coal And Nuclear Pollution | Before It's News

How To Spot Reptilians | Before It's News

Is Herman Cain Connected To The Porno Scandals? | Before It's News

Scientists Create Light From Vacuum | Before It's News

Far Side Of The Moon As Never Seen Before: LRO Camera Team Releases High Resolution Global Topographic Map Of Moon | Before It's News

What's Moving On Mars At Dozens Of Locations? | Before It's News

Nest Full of Baby Dinosaurs Found : Discovery News

World's Lightest Material Unveiled, Metal Is 99.9% Air | Before It's News

9/11 Debilitating Dust: Metabolic Syndrome Biomarkers Predict Lung Function Impairment After Exposure To WTC Dust | Before It's News


9/11 Urban Earthquakes Nuclear Bombs 9/11 Seismology November 2011 | Before It's News

9/11 Urban Earthquakes Nuclear Bombs 9/11 Seismology November 2011 - YouTube


FBI Investgation Of Malcolm X... | Before It's News

+COPY:41 PG./@ (


Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 2112 | Before It's News

*112th Congress (2011-2012) - (Library of Congress)


Is Newt Gingrich a Conservative? You decide | Before It's News

Jesse Ventura on Freedom Watch 11/09/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul on Politics and Freedom

A Birther Recants--Minor v Happersett, U.S. v Wong Kim Ark, Citizen, Natural born Citizen | Before It's News

WATCH: Very Weird Olsen Twins Video | LimeLife

Heidi Fleiss Suggests a Career for Lindsay Lohan: Hooker | LimeLife

Video: Snake Man | Before It's News

Liu Fei pushing snake in his nose - YouTube

SEIU Endorses Obama Re-Election

Obama’s OWS Grows More Violent…Threatens Young Children

A Birther Recants

The Death of Citizenship

Organized Anarchy Leads to One Last Question

Above the law

Time to Break Apart the United States?

Newt’s Mysterious Flight to Frontrunner

The Dawn of Zuccotti New World Order

Walking the longest mile to 2012 on the Trail of Tears

Machiavelli and the OWS

Tell the Republicans to Raise All the Taxes!

Radical Islam is on the move in America

Michael Moore: Obama is Trying to Destroy Occupy Movement

New Movie Exposes Government Invasion of American Families

Super Committee Suicide

Scandal and Incompetence “Occupy” GOP Candidate Pool!

Black Conservatives Demand Pelosi, NAACP and Other Liberals Renounce and Apologize for Occupy Wall

Like Ponzi’s swindle, Social Security’s glowing promises are clearly unsustainable

Leaders Call for House Judiciary Committee to Investigate Justice Kagan’s Past Involvement with Obam

The New “American Revolution” & Obama’s 2012 Re-election Strategy

Elena Kagan: Disqualify yourself or face impeachment

Faith, Population, and National Survival

Kinek Removing Mighty Barriers in U.S.-Canada Ecommerce

Inhofe Welcomes Speaker Boehner’s Long-Term Funding Plan for Highway Bill

Re-election Strategy Is Tied to a Shift on Smog

Media Portray Obama as Reaganesque

Junk Science War: Fracking Quakes and ‘Dirty Faces’

Is English a Phonetic Language?? Of course. 100%.


+Forum Post: Proposed list of OWS Demands |


The PJ Tatler » Obama Decries the ‘Connected’ While His Government Hands Robert Kennedy Jr’s Company $1.4 Billion

Federal debt tops $15 trillion - Washington Times

Psychiatric Drug Use Spreads -

Frequent gamers have brain differences, study finds -

The Associated Press: The oldest old: Reaching 90 more likely than ever

Egyptians rally to protest military 'dictatorship' - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Media Won't Link White House Shooter to Occupy Wall Street | Publius Forum

Chu offers no apology for fleecing taxpayers for Solyndra | Examiner Editorial | Editorials | Washington Examiner

On Wall Street, unoccupied with nowhere to go | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Controversial Professor Bill Ayers Speaks With Occupy Chicago Protesters | NBC Chicago

OWS protesters cause mayhem across the city, 275 arrested -

Wall St. Commuter: “We’re All 99%. This Is Ridiculous.” - ABC News

With winter looming, labor unions fortify Occupy camp - Washington Times

Wife of Fla. banker Stacey Hessler arrested at OWS protest -

Gingrich defends Freddie Mac work - Washington Times

Direct Democracy?

Ron Paul Exceeding Expectations In Iowa

Rush: NBC Hires The 1% Chelsea Clinton. This Is The Quintessential Thing The 99% Are Fed Up With.

Limbaugh: Media Silent On #OccupySanDiego Moment Of Silence For White House Shooter

Rush: People Behind Benetton “Unhate” Ads Say That They Were Inspired By The 1979 Photo Of Leonid Brezhnev Kissing East German Communist Leader Erich Honecker

Rush: The World Now Knows That This Whole Global Warming Thing Is A Manufactured Left Wing Hoax

The Five Asks if Gabrielle Giffords Should Step Down | Video |

Chicago Teachers Union Head Jokes About Smoking Pot and Arnie Duncan’s Lisp | Video |

These are the Seven Least-Paying Jobs That Require a Degree |

Elisabeth Hasselbeck ‘Had Some Sort Of Bug Up Her Ass’ Says Bill Maher | Video |

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Confronts Bill Maher | Video |

Expert: China’s Strange Google Earth Used for Spy Satellites |

Wired Learns Operations and Technology Behind Occupy Wall Street’s Media Team |

MSNBC Hosts Tag-Team Bash Gun Ownership: More ‘Intelligent’ Brits Ban Them |

Holy Rollers Documentary Follows Christian Blackjack Gamblers | Video |

House Committee Hears Heated Debate on the Stop Online Piracy Act | Video |

Chris Matthews Calls Newt Gingrich a ‘Gaseous State’ | Video |

Obama Administration Seeks to Circumvent Congressional Authority to Fix ‘Obamacare Glitch’ |

PETA Takes Aim at Turkey, Texas: Wants Town Renamed ‘Tofurkey’ | Video |

Chinese Immigrants Reportedly Leaving the U.S. Because the ‘American Dream is Dead’ |

Egyptian Presidential Candidate Hazem Salah Abu Ismail Praises Osama bin Laden | Video |

NASA Released Highest Resolution Topographical Map of the Moon Yet |

Crotchless Panties For Sale at Colorado Children’s Store Prompt Outrage | Kids N Teen | Video |

Van Jones on Occupy Wall Street: ‘You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet’ | Video |

Jon Stewart Explores Class Warfare at Zuccotti Park, Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Occupy Wall Street Students and Workers Protest Causing Havoc on NYC Streets | Video |

Having Just Finished Billion Dollar Buying Spree, Buffett Bemoans ‘Income Inequality’ |

HLN Cancels Joy Behar Show | Video |

Pastor Jim Wallis Offers Sanctuary to Occupy Protesters |

Study: Changing Rooms Can Make You Forget What You Were Doing |

Successful 2,400 Mile Test of Army’s Advanced Hypersonic Weapon |

Cain Chokes Up Talking About Wife, Inauguration | Video |

Natalie Wood Drowning Case To Be Re-Opened | Video |

Oscar Ortega-Hernandez Records Oprah Video Claiming He’s Jesus | Video |

SEIU President Mary Kay Henry Arrested at Occupy Wall Street in NYC | Video |

Regis Philbin Says Bye on Final ‘Live’ Show | Video |

Police Using ‘Sound Cannons’ to Deliver Message to Occupy Protesters | Some See Use as Weapon | Video |

Parent: Grayson Thomas Kicked Out of School for Saying News Man Looks Like Obama |

Barack Obama ‘Black History Minutes’ Video From 1991 | Video |

Ann Barnhardt Shuts Down Hedge Firm With ‘Going Galt’ Letter |

VENTURA:"Quite Simply, The Constitution Does Nat Apply In Aiports" Michael Chertoff | Before It's News

Prepare Yourself for Obama's Second Term

The Prism of Electoral Reality

Explosive Email in Fast and Furious

Feeding and Caring for Obama Costs Over a Million a Week

Another big time college sports program under fire for abuse accusations

In Texas, a Tragic Miscarriage of Justice Fails to Excite the Liberal Media

Polanski, Paterno, and the Press

Pelosi accuses Catholics of having 'this conscience thing'

The Only Good Reason for the European Union

White House Involved in Warmist Smear Campaign

Who Are the Occupiers?

Elizabeth Warren not as dumb as she looks

Ayers right at home addressing OWS Chicago branch

Uptown, downtown occupiers

Obama administration rewriting the law - again

Rev. Bill Maher preaches to his choir

What does Occupy Wall Street Want?

Should I Buy a Gun?

Relaxed Standards for OWS Violence

Why Newt's Surge Will Continue

Even Leftist Pollsters Can't Hide the Conservative Majority

Penn State's Scandal and the Truth about Power in Academia

Why BEST Will Not Settle the Climate Debate

More employers penalizing employees with unhealthy lifestyles

U.S. launches review of all deportation cases

Hopes dim for amendment to balance budget

Blue Dogs break with Dems on balanced-budget amendment

Senators pick ‘Secret Santas’ for gift exchange

In Senate, Thursday is the new Friday; Long weekends the norm

Benetton features world leaders smooching in provocative ads

Many Americans say they will have to work until they're 80

Congressional report slams TSA as bloated, ineffective

Hensarling says GOP is willing to consider new Dem tax proposals

GOP supercommittee members’ tax plan gives party an identity crisis

California attorney general's office subpoenas Fannie, Freddie

Honoring Neil Armstrong, Boehner cries

Company pulls commercials from Penn State games

Pentagon denies its enormous bunker-busting bomb is intended for Iran nukes

Gay federal workers say they’re only partway to equality

Fox News Poll: Gingrich and Romney Top GOP Nominee Picks

GOP notches victory on concealed carry vote

Abramoff accuses Newt Gingrich of 'corruption.' Really.

Sen. John Cornyn balks at Perry’s suggestion to turn Congress into a part-time job

Supercommittee searches for a Plan B

Official: Suspect in White House shooting ‘hates the president’

Mike 'The Situation' sues Abercrombie & Fitch over clothing dispute, report says


World's Largest Flight Attendant Union Acknowledges 10th Anniversary of TSA - PR Newswire -

American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO(

21 OCT./Transportation Security Administration Agrees to Re-Assess Policies for Job Applicants with HIV | American Civil Liberties Union

23 JUNE/AFGE wins TSA union election --

+TSA Union: AFGE - On Your Side From the Begining


VIDEO: Cain - Occupy Protesters Out To 'Destroy America'

The Clueless Occupy Movement Is DEAD

‘Secret farm bill’ primed for passage in debt deal -

Obama praises Aussie carbon tax |

Cyber attacks: US defence chiefs 'prepared to take military action' | Mail Online

Croaking Frogs in an Endless Moaning Swamp. Smoking Mirrors

Vatican takes legal action over pope-imam, Obama-Chavez kissing Benetton ad - Arts Post - The Washington Post

80 is the new 65 when it comes to retirement, survey says - Yahoo! News

Global Dollar Liquidity Freeze Leads To Pervasive Sell Off | ZeroHedge

The world's first cocaine bar | World news | The Guardian

Ex-MI5 head backs calls to legalise drugs - Telegraph

27 Reasons Why Newt Gingrich Would Be A Really, Really Bad President

Russian military chief warns of nuclear war risks - Yahoo! News

Syracuse Assistant Is Accused of Sexual Abuse -

"The Entire System Has Been Utterly Destroyed By The MF Global Collapse" - Presenting The First MF Global Casualty | ZeroHedge

GE Filed 57,000-Page Tax Return, Paid No Taxes on $14 Billion in Profits | The Weekly Standard

GAVI | UN, Bill Gates Foundation Push Deadly HPV Shots | Natural Society

Lost John F. Kennedy Assassination Tapes On Sale | Fox News

JFK's nephew received '$1.4bn taxpayer bailout for his struggling green energy firm' | Mail Online & Ben Smith Killed Obama-Ayers Baby-sitter Story in 2008 « Larry Sinclair

Ron Paul Comes Out Against SOPA; Joins Other Elected Officials Saying No To The Great Firewall Of America | Techdirt

Ron Paul in his own words: “There is a risk I could win”

Can Huntsman's 'secret weapons' help his poll numbers? -

Sanctioning Syria: The Long Road to Damascus | Opinion Maker

Angela Merkel in bold unity bid to save the euro - Telegraph

Philip Hensher: The state wants to know what you're up to. But why do we let it? - Philip Hensher - Commentators - The Independent

'Lost generation' blighted by unemployment at risk of debt, depression and self-loathing, warn experts | Mail Online

'Solicitors from Hell' website shut down - Telegraph

Sopa condemned by web giants as 'internet blacklist bill' | Technology |

Archeologists mystified as 1,400-year-old bronze 'buckle' is found in Alaska for the first time | Mail Online

Give Ritalin to four-year-olds with ADHD, say experts - Telegraph

Garlic oil 'can protect the heart by preventing cell damage' | Mail Online

Amphibians facing 'terrifying' rate of extinction | Environment | The Guardian

Iran, Bush & Communist China - Historian Brought Freemasons to Heel

David Icke 2011 - The Zion MainFrame - YouTube


News headlines: "THRIVE" MOVIE: DON'T FALL FOR IT!

Sherrie Questioning All: Thrive the Movie - Is NOT about Thriving at all! In my opinion, It sucks energy out of you and does not give any real solutions! It is an Elite controlled and made Movie - This is contrary to "popular" belief!


U.S. Energy Independence: The Big Lie

One More Reason to Reject EPA Regulations

The great pipeline sellout - The Washington Post

Presidential Politics and Clean Air -

Technology will change our energy future unless Washington stops it -

Questions for Chu - Andrew Stiles - National Review Online

Thorium: World's greatest energy breakthrough? -

New Material Promises Faster Chips, Faster Internet, Faster Everything | Popular Science

Re-election Strategy Is Tied to a Shift on Smog -

The FDA Kills Smokers - Reason Magazine

Scientists and politicians – the same but different?

Opinion: The Dark Side of Science | The Scientist

Syphilis Cases Climb 36% in U.S., Prompting Call for More Frequent Testing - Bloomberg

BBC News - Gamburtsev 'ghost mountains mystery solved'

Better Batteries : Northwestern University Newscenter

UC Irvine Release: World's lightest metal developed :: UC Irvine TODAY

Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie

Sport: Universal Law Discovered for Player Rankings - Technology Review

Biochemistry - Scientists Decode the Protective Element Sickle Cell Anemia Offers Against Malaria -

Business Advertising: Why Corporate Logos Matter | Decoded Science

The Future of Science 2021: A Multiverse of Exploration - Boing Boing

Bird Flu Research Rattles Bioterrorism Field : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Earth's 'Time Capsules' May Be Flawed - ScienceNOW

Diamond sandwich makes metallic hydrogen – Light Years - Blogs

Jonestown Massacre: A 'Reason' to Die — The Official Story — Crime Library on

The Rise and Fall of Jim Jones

Leo Ryan - Revisiting the Jonestown Tragedy - Freedom Magazine Published by Church of Scientology

Wartime Issue 25 | Australian War Memorial

The Battle of The Somme - Europe - World - The Independent

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Basilica of Saint Peter

Twain, Mark - The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

History of diplomacy: Dealing with the enemy | The Economist

Fighting Chance | The Weekly Standard

Ellen Handler Spitz Reviews Children's Books By Barack Obama And Callista Gingrich | The New Republic

Il Duce and His Women | Roberto Olla | Review by The Spectator

National Book Awards Go to Lai, Finney, Greenblatt, and Ward

bin Laden Raid | Obama | Tim Nye | The Daily Caller

Assassin of Secrets is a great novel built from other great novels - The National

P.J. O’Rourke Picks His Favorite Travel Books - The Daily Beast

The Many Attacks on 'Twilight' - Eleanor Barkhorn - Entertainment - The Atlantic

Learning to Fly

The American Conservative » The Original Kool-Aid Drinkers

Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Ex-banker turned Hindu monk urges Wall Street to meditate | FaithWorld

Vatican pledges legal action against Benetton over doctored pope-kissing-imam ad – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Paul Brandeis Raushenbush: President Obama Is Not The Anti-Christ

Indian Festival of Lights is planned for Nov. 19 at Broward County Convention Center - South Florida

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: Finding the holy in Amish country

The Confidence of the Evangelical | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

St Paul's and the church should not insulate itself from raw human need | Giles Fraser | Comment is free | The Guardian

How to Restore a Culture in One Easy Step | First Things

When the preacher can’t preach « The Deacon's Bench

Baptist Press - SBC name change opposed by Tenn. Baptists - News with a Christian Perspective

RELEVANT Magazine - Why Did Jesus Talk in Parables?

Wilfredo Amr Ruiz: Islam in America ... en Español

Yahoo + AOL + Microsoft: Not that ridiculous - Fortune Tech

Where Is My Holodeck? | InnovationNewsDaily

Kindle Fire will outsell iPad, Windows Phone will rebound, and six other tech predictions - GeekWire

Jetpacks Finally Go on Sale...for $100,000

9 Ways Modern Technology Has Changed Video Games Forever

RealClearTechnology- Gadget of the Week: Kindle Fire

SOPA rides to war: Tech giants, Hollywood clash over internet piracy, censorship | ExtremeTech

New spray-on smartphone coat lets you dunk your phone underwater - and it still works | Mail Online

Product Spam Is Out Of Control And Must Be Stopped | Fast Company

Fighting cancer at 100 Gigabits per second — Cloud Computing News

Don’t Be Too Disappointed By Google Music’s Lackluster Debut | TechCrunch

Google vs. Microsoft: Not All Clouds Are Created Equal | Wired Enterprise |

The Internet isn’t just pipes; it’s a belief system — Tech News and Analysis

Changing the world: DARPA’s top inventions - Slideshow | ExtremeTech

Dangerous Bill Would Threaten Legitimate Websites - David Sohn & Andrew McDiarmid - Technology - The Atlantic

In This Experiment, the Robot Controls You | PCWorld

Assessing the Afghan War (pdf)

When will the U.S. drone war end? - The Washington Post

Commentary: The Case for Intervening in Syria | The National Interest

Ensuring China’s Peaceful Rise | The Diplomat

U.S. Leadership Approval Ratings Top China's in Asia

DECKER & TRIPLETT: Israel beware: China arms Hezbollah - Washington Times

Israel’s Secret Iran Attack Plan: Electronic Warfare - The Daily Beast

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : India, Pakistan, and God's geostrategic will

Historic choices for Russia | The Japan Times Online

Stephen Harper foreign policy flawed by troubled F-35 purchase | Full Comment | National Post

Phoenix Europe: How the EU Can Emerge from the Ashes - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Eastward Ho - The Times of India

RealClearWorld - The Culture War Over Europe's Money

John Bolton Argues the U.S. Has the Wrong President for a Syrian Intervention - The Daily Beast

Big change whether we like it or not - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

America's incoherent Asia policy | Prestowitz

The Lessons of Fallen Giants -

RealClearMarkets - False "Interconnectivity" Theories Give Us Poisonous Dodd-Frank

There Are No Longer Any Excuses For Obamanomics - Forbes

10 Things I Didn’t Learn in College Altucher Confidential

Hedge funds and deleveraging: Waiting to turn trash into treasure | The Economist

Why We Seem to Resent Strangers Who Become Wealthy | Moneyland |

From Enron to Occupy and back again - David Callaway - MarketWatch

A Decade of Missed Chances Bedevils U.S. Prospects: Ezra Klein - Bloomberg

Super Committee and Europe are Volatile Combination for Markets - CNBC

Failure Is Good -

RealClearMarkets - Reality No Longer Has a Seat At the Banking Table

U.S. Regulators' Epic Fail (ICE)

Editorial: Capitol Hill insider trading | congress, house, information - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Treasury Admits What Everybody Already Knew: Taxpayer Losses On GM Bailout Are Going to be Massive - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Obamacare, We Hardly Knew Ye | Via Meadia

Fox News: Tea Party Vaults Gingrich into First | The Weekly Standard

Gingrich: The phony intellectual - Right Turn - The Washington Post

William Galston: The Biggest What-If Hovering Over Obama’s Presidency | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Obama Has a Knack for Ticking Off America's Friends

Is Newt Trouble for Mitt? | Talking Points Memo

Occupy Wall Street fizzles—Editorial -

Solyndra is Obama's energy crisis -

Sarah Palin: How Congress Occupied Wall Street -

A Decade of Missed Chances Bedevils U.S. Prospects: Ezra Klein - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Still Occupied

The Brain-Dead Left -

Gingrich the “Historian” Skips Over his Own Past: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Is Newt Peaking Too Soon?

Perry’s Attacks on Obama Do Not Match Facts -

The Pipeline Sellout - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

In defense of Jon Corzine - The Week

These guys want Corzine sent to jail -

The Invincible Mrs. Thatcher | Politics | Vanity Fair

Van Jones and Alan Grayson on the Strength of the #OWS Movement


**Real Clear Markets - Video - Nook Tablet: Not as Cool as iPad or Kindle?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Market Playing with European Fire?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Gartman: $100 Oil Not What You Think

Real Clear Markets - Video - How Facebook Turns Games Into Dollars

Real Clear Markets - Video - Polcari: Safe Haven Flight to Dollar

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Fuzzy Math of Home Values

Real Clear Markets - Video - Branson: Now's a Great Time for Entrepreneurs

Real Clear Markets - Video - How Long Can ECB Keep Buying Bonds?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Outrage Over Fannie & Freddie Bonuses

Real Clear Markets - Video - T. Boone Pickens: A New Energy Plan

Real Clear Markets - Video - Wall Street's Tug-of-War on Pay

Real Clear Markets - Video - Stocks May Lack Direction, But Volume's Dried Up


America’s Stealth Education Export | The New Republic

The shock awaiting if the ‘super committee’ fails | Gregg Easterbrook

Pelosi To Hensarling On Medicare: You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me! | TPMDC

Political Animal - The truth is supposed to matter most

“Patriotic Millionaires” Not So Keen on Patriotism « Commentary Magazine

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Questions for Those Who Would Abolish the Department of Education


* by the Philadelphia Church of God

SITE / Philadelphia Church of God


Occupy London protesters take over empty UBS bank offices

Thousands protest in Tahrir against army rule

Two British terror suspects killed in US drone strikes in Pakistan

Supercommittee failure could trigger US credit downgrade, economists warn

Sky News faces contempt charge over reporting of kidnap couple

Phone-hacking victims must not launch 'witch-hunt', says News International

Bernard Madoff fraud 'began 20 years earlier than admitted'

Ai Weiwei investigated over nude art

Pair killed disabled man and stole his prosthetic leg

U.S. to keep pressuring Iran after IAEA report: White House

House prepares to vote on balanced budget proposal

Okla. St. women's coaches die in Ark. plane crash

Jolie to play 'female Lawrence of Arabia': report

A security pact at stake, US ignores Karzai's jabs

Brazil's Rousseff backs dictatorship abuses probe

US welcomes IAEA condemning Iran nuclear program

Attempted murder charge in Ohio Craigslist case

US debt panel groping for deal as deadline looms

Heinz adapting to new economic realities

Closing arguments done in missing NJ teens case

IAEA board rebukes defiant Iran over nuclear program

+Daily Call Sheet: Friday’s ‘Friday’ News, Nic Cage Rules, Meryl an Oscar Shoo-In?

Kyle Smith: ‘Things Take a Turn For the Gay’ in ‘Happy Feet 2′

Los Angeles Detectives Re-Open Natalie Wood Death Inquiry

‘The Descendants’ Review: Clooney Powers Payne’s Latest Character-Driven Dramedy

‘Happy Feet Two’ Review: Not Nearly as Giddy as the Original

‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1′ Review: Love and Marriage, Vampire Style

My Brush with Katharine the Great

Can We Judge Olivia Wilde for Judging Us for Judging Kim Kardashian’s Quickie Marriage?

Alec Baldwin’s Lesson from Occupy Wall Street? Embrace Conservatism!

Leno’s Insider Trading Jab Reveals Schweizer’s Book Going Mainstream

+Daily Call Sheet: The End of Film, 11 Great Films You’ve Never Heard Of

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party: The World’s Assassination Party

AUDIO:You Can Run But You Can’t Hide: The Novelization of ‘Kill bin Laden’

Guantanamo Bay Military Commission Proceeds against USS Cole Bombing Defendant

Russian Military Chief Warns of Nuclear War Risks

A Second Cold War: How America Must Handle 21st Century National Security

The Prince of Darkness at the Cenotaph: UK Anti-Terror Measures vs. the EDL

AUDIO:As the Arab Spring Continues, Where Is Syria Headed?

Media Matters And The #OccupySavannah Controversy

What Alec Baldwin’s Huffington Post Columns Have Taught Me

Rep. Bachus Calls For Hearings On Insider Trading–What Say You, Conservative Media?

Peter Schweizer, Steve Kroft, MSNBC, Barney Frank, and Breitbart’s Bigs Vs. The Immoral Status Quo

Watch the MSM Ignore #Occupy Moment of Silence in ‘Solidarity’ With Suspected White House Shooter

Jonathan Alter Responds To Fast And Furious Coverage Inquiry

Politico Falsely Claims Concealed Carry Legislation Violates State’s Laws

Really? No Visual Evidence of Fake Doctor Notes?

Wind Farm Follies and Renewable Energy Disasters

Questions You Don’t Have to Ask Tea Partiers

AUDIO:Germany Looks to Consolidate Their Power in the EU

ObamaCare Rationing: US Revokes Avastin for Breast Cancer Treatment

Video: #Occupy’s Greatest Hits

SuperCommittee Tax Hike Spells Disaster

#OccupyLA Clashes with Cops, Promises to ‘F**K Grey Aliens,’ Illuminati, Satan

Proof Obama Appointee Corrupts Criminal Investigative Process, Privileged Treatment to Union Officials

Licensing Gone Wild: Five Years in Prison for Teeth Whitening

Democrats Continue To Embrace Troubling Occupy Movement

Alleged White House Shooter Charged with Assassination Attempt

Sarah Palin: How Congress Occupied Wall Street

Constituents Protest Bachus’s Insider Trading: ‘Whether Congress Wants to Admit It Is Illegal or Not, It Is Wrong’

House to Hold Hearing on Congressional Insider Trading; Both Houses Now Investigating

SHOCK CLAIM: Energy Dept. Kickbacks Make Obama America’s Biggest Crony Capitalist… Ever

Senator Cornyn Says Obama Has ‘Given Up on Governing’; Pushes for Strong Balanced Budget Amendment

Chu Takes Responsibility, Not Blame for Solyndra Loan

Chicago Teachers Union President Launched More Attacks on School Leaders, Union Predecessor

Regis Philbin retires - Photos

Robert Wagner Responds to Natalie Wood Investigation - The Hollywood Reporter

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Los Angeles Detectives Re-Open Natalie Wood Death Inquiry

Hollywood Casting Assistant Jason James Murphy Found to Be Sex Offender

Cain tries to sell Letterman his 9-9-9 plan - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


+ Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Journalism


Herman Cain cancels interview with New Hampshire newspaper after barring video cameras | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Big Three Networks Devote a Scant 36 Seconds to Obama's 'Lazy' Gaffe |

Muslim Brotherhood goes public with Libya summit | Reuters

Judge: FBI must pay penalty to Calif. Muslims


18-Nov-11 World View

17-Nov-11 World View

16-Nov-11 World View

15-Nov-11 World View

14-Nov-11 World View

13-Nov-11 World View

12-Nov-11 World View

11-Nov-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS: Legislation To Curb Congressional Insider Trading Gains 60 Sponsors

Perry Fires Back At Pelosi: You Don’t Want To Have To Explain Your Stock Trades

Pelosi Mocks Perry Debate Challenge

#OccupyWallStreet Thugs Threaten Small Children: ‘Follow Those Kids’

Alleged White House Shooter Made Oprah Audition Tape

#OccupyPortland Man Places Small Child Between Himself And Police

L.A. Investigators Re-open Natalie Wood Case

Schweizer: Financiers Of Obama’s Campaign Received Tax Payer Funded Green Loans In Return

Okla. St. Women’s Coaches Die in Plane Crash

Gingrich: MSNBC Acts As ‘Obama Re-Election Team’

Syracuse Coach Under Investigation For Child Molestation

Demi Moore Back On Market

17th/Palin’s Advice To GOP Candidates: ‘Read Peter Schweizer’s Book’

At What Point Does An #Occupy Protest Become Nothing More Than An Organized Labor Demonstration?

Congressional Ethical Standards Allow For Members To Personally Benefit From Earmarks

Schweizer Sets The Record Straight On Bachus Trading Activity

John Kerry’s Timely Pharmaceutical Investments Draw Scrutiny

#OccupyWallStreet Turns Bloody

Birmingham Tea Party Demands Bachus Resignation; Protest District Office

Momentum: Bachus Calls For Hearings On New Insider Trading Legislation

Megyn Kelly’s Court: Is Insider Trading Really Helping Congressmen?

Steve Forbes: #OWS Should #Occupy Congress Instead

The Daily Show Destroys #OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Evil Banker Could

Law Prof: Pelosi Could Be Prosecuted Under Existing Insider Trading Law

Flashback: Barack Obama On 1991 TBS ‘Black History Minute’

Buffett Rule: While Advising Obama Admin On Banking Policy, Fat Cat Warren Scooped Up Millions In Bank Stock

Multiple Arrests As #OccupyWallStreet Tries To ‘Shut Down’ Stock Exchange

Traders Push Back: ‘Occupy A Desk!, Get A Job!’

16th/US Military to Expand Presence In Australia

New York Media Reports: ‘Landslide Of New Legislation’ Targets Congressional Insider Trading

Hillary Really Enjoys Dancer In Loincloth

15th/Panetta: Troop Pullout Was All About Iraq’s Needs

Maher To Hasselbeck: Don’t Blame Me, I’m Just A Comedian

In Gushing Defense Of Hire, Brian Williams Compares Chelsea Clinton To Tim Russert

14th/Deadly Gas Explosion in China

Maher: Romney Only Thing Stopping ‘The Rise of the Apes’

Chelsea Clinton Hired To Report for NBC

Breitbart Calls For Spencer Bachus To Resign From Congress

Peter Schweizer On Crony Capitalism: Gov’t Is ‘Profit Making Center’

Newsweek ’s Peter Boyer Discusses Insider Trading

Andrew Breitbart On ‘Comi-Con Politicians’

CRC’s Keith Appell on ‘Crony Capitalism’

Breitbart: Obama’s Youthful Ideals Turned Cynical

Peter Schweizer: Politicians Get Rich For What You And I Would Go To Jail For

Charlie Rangel: ‘Silence Of Clergy Frightening’ Over ‘Biblical Work’ Democrats Do On Economy

13th/Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch Talks Sense To ‘This Week’ Panel


» BREAKING: House to Hold Hearing on Congressional Insider Trading; Both Houses Now Investigating - Big Government

Peter Schweizer hits back at Spencer Bachus - Tim Mak -

Forty Republicans call for resignation of Eric Holder, Obama's attorney general -

Foreclosure crisis only halfway over

What occupation movement is all about

Penn State: A comfortable place for child rape

Democrat operative mobilizes Occupy protesters

Obama pastor offers sanctuary for rioters

Occupy epidemic! Brace yourself for United States of Chaos

Islamist: We sparked violent protests in America

Threats target church after stand for Bible

Court tells government: Hands off babies' DNA

Lawmakers grill Obama over Border agent trial

Money scandal to make a Newt out of Gingrich?

Wow! New Hampshire wakes up to Obama's alleged Social Security fraud ...

Zoo squelches 'outing': Our penguins aren't 'gay'

Man finds $500,000 treasure in storage unit

Report: Teen birth rate hits historic low

What occupation movement is all about

Occupy Wall Street, go home: A young Iraq vet says he’s embarrassed by the protesters - NY Daily News

Qua vadimus?

Fox News and its truth deniers

Newt enjoys his 15 minutes at the top

What if the media were fair and balanced?

Lawmaker agrees: No Muslims in the military

Christian leaders' heresy about Israel

Shine a light on America's Afghan-Iraqi rathole

Frederick Engels on the Theoretical Development of Modern Socialism » pa

A little hardball with Chris Matthews about JFK

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Chu fails to sway GOP on Solyndra ;Rep. Gingrey: Bad loans, disregard for taxpayers involves higher ups

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Budget simplicity;Rep. Webster rejects calls for spending caps, supermajority for tax hikes

Lawmakers grill Obama over Border agent trial

Democrat operative mobilizes Occupy protesters

'Occupy church' next? Call for 'sanctuary'

Hacker reveals plan to occupy airwaves

OWS protesters should 'buy bar of soap and head home'

Money scandal to make a Newt out of Gingrich?

Report: Gingrich cashed in supporting subsidies for big business

Abramoff calls out Gingrich's corrupt Freddie Mac deal

Gingrich may have unlikely ally in Obama on Freddie Mac gig

Pelosi leads list of conflict-of-interest Dems

Abramoff: 'Willing vassals' in Congress do lobbyist bidding

Challenger: Boehner fails to protect unborn

Planned Parenthood abortion director fired, becomes pro-life

Muslims exposing terrorism slammed by Muslim CAIR

Herman Cain loses Dennis Miller

Donald Trump's wife: He still may run

Armed groups on rise in Syria – so are civil-war fears

Million men to march against 'Judaization' of Jerusalem

Second Mile staffers quit over Penn State sex-abuse scandal

Posting on Internet led to McQueary's revelation


How to gobble without gaining weight, Part 1

How to gobble without gaining weight, Part 2


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Occupy Chicago demonstrators block LaSalle Street bridge, Loop streets

Police make arrests for drug possession, suspended licenses

Dutch Elm disease ravaged trees 50 years ago

Police release lab results in search for missing Aurora boy

Chicago to host next Nobel Peace Laureates summit

Politicians get rich at taxpayer expense

Documents detail murder suspect's mental illlness

Superintendent tells angry parents he will seek principal's firing over raunchy texts -

Regis Philbin Sticks to No-Tears Pledge on Final Show

ShowBiz Minute: Moore, Wood, Kardashian - YouTube

Regis Philbin makes exit from morning TV

Regis Philbin talks about his 'retirement'

Regis Philbin gets Wendy Williams special goodbye: Audience size poster (Video)

Egyptian protest targets military prior to parliamentary voting

Obama Meets with Asian Leaders

Pope in western Africa to outline church's future

Egypt's naked blogger is a bomb aimed at the patriarchs in our minds

Obama, Suu Kyi talk about Burma -- and Bo

Victims of sweat lodge deaths tearfully plead for justice

Guru to be sentenced over Arizona sweat lodge deaths

Sweat lodge organizer to be sentenced Friday - YouTube

Author will serve 2 years in sweat lodge deaths; 3 two-year sentences to run ...

Gingrich Campaigning as Change Agent Profits From Insider Status

Second act for Occupy Wall Street: Is it time to come in from the cold?

Mormons' Ad Campaign May Play Out on the '12 Campaign Trail

Mitt Romney: Supreme Court will declare Obamacare 'unconstitutional'

Anti-piracy bill meets Web-freedom backlash

In Oprah Winfrey Pitch, Alleged White House Shooter Said, 'I am the Modern Day Jesus' | Fox News Latino

Herman Cain’s U.S. Secret Service detail has nothing to do with unruly reporters hounding him: officials - NY Daily News

Illinois unemployment rate rises to 10.1%

How to Make Sure Eggs Are Safe? Cook 'Em Good

Stocks to Watch:, Kodak

Scientists invent lightest material on Earth

App Freedom Vs. Corporate Security

No Flash? No problem

Google gets in the music groove

Steve Jobs wanted Apple to reinvent TVs, textbooks & photography

Skype adds 'Facebook-to-Facebook' calls

No Credible Link Between Anonymous, Facebook Spam Attack

Wagner waited hours to call Coast Guard after Natalie Wood vanished, captain says

For These Rappers, Free Music Is an Investment That Pays Off

Joy Behar's HLN talk show gets canceled after two years, confirms network

Arnold Schwarzenegger 'banged up' and bloody after accident on 'The Last Stand ...

Stephen Colbert Joins The Anti-Bradley Cooper Sexiest Man Campaign

Justin Bieber Exclusive: Paternity Test Still On

Recommended: Faster-than-light neutrinos pass test

Extreme weather to worsen with climate change

Galaxies that don't recycle live hard, die young

New data reveals black hole's secrets

Moon goodness: Far side of Luna in full colour

New NASA missions to investigate how Mars turned hostile

The future of Mars exploration

NASA: Commercial Space Flight Faces Delay

Scientists think Europa might have shallow lakes closer to the surface

Frog believed to be extinct found in Israel

Scientists: NY must prepare for climate change now

Re-run of experiment that contradicts Einstein yields same result - Telegraph

Struggling Economy Likely Culprit for Record Low Birth Rates

Blood type may affect stroke risk

New brain study to test 100 former NFL players

Self-Harm Detected In Many Teenagers, Majority Stop By Adulthood

Great American Smokeout offers quitting tools

What did I come in here for? Study explains why we forget simple tasks

Mother starts own "green" baby products line


Ron Paul and Nancy Pelosi Oppose Breaking the Internet | Indecision Forever | Political Humor and Satire Blog | 2012 Election | Comedy Central

Ron Paul is for real in Iowa. Seriously. - The Washington Post

Ron Paul demonstrates popularity with kids, wins Kids Primary at NHIOP | The State Column

Ron Paul discusses Ron Paul - Achenblog - The Washington Post

Jon Stewart: Why Doesn’t Ron Paul Get His Shot As Media Frontrunner? | Mediaite

Ron Paul on the Sean Hannity Show - 11/17 - YouTube

Ron Paul Channels Dennis Kucinich On Enhanced Interrogation Techniques - Ron Paul - Fox Nation

For third-party run, look to the center - Lebanon Daily News

Report: Ron Paul Second in NH Primary Poll - Exeter, NH Patch

Ron Paul CBS News Republican Debate Highlights — November 12, 2011 (HD) - YouTube

Ron Paul: Raising Taxes On Productive Businesses Would Make Our Problems Worse! - YouTube

30 MIN./Ron Paul: "FED is immoral" - speech at the CATO - YouTube

Ron Paul on Jack Health Radio Show (11-17-11) - YouTube

Ron Paul’s Revolution Riding High - Fox Business Video - Fox Business

Ron Paul on Jerry Doyle Radio Show (11-17-11) - YouTube

RON PAUL on COLBERT - Return To A Gold Standard - YouTube

Ron Paul On CNBC With Kudlow About Polling 2nd In Iowa - YouTube

+Ron Paul Discussed on FOX19 (11-17-11) - YouTube

Jesse Ventura Talks Ron Paul on CNN w/ Pierce Morgan (11-16-11) - YouTube


Nov. 17, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 17 November 2011

The Manning Report – 16 November 2011

11-18.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

11-17.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-17, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-16, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-15, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-14, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-13, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-11, Friday

11/17 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, November, 17, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/17/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/16/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/15/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/14/2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 16th

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

Redding News Review 11-17-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-17-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-17-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-17-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-17-11 Hr 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2


Josh Ryan-Collins - ‘Gouvernement Sachs’ and the death of a democratic Europe? | the new economics foundation

Goldman Sachs rules the world – Telegraph Blogs

Italy's Monti to lawmakers: Don't pull the plug

Legalized Corruption of Government Exposed by Abramoff - YouTube

News media corruption If you ever had any doubt the media is controlled...

Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - CBS News

The 1% are the very best destroyers of wealth the world has ever seen | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

How the War on Terror Has Militarized the Police - Arthur Rizer & Joseph Hartman - National - The Atlantic

Drug Companies Are Sexualizing Our Kids! |

Almost Human? GMO Brown Rice Contains Blood Protein « – Organic Blog

*18 Nov.

American Minute for November 18th

November 18th in History

Today in History: November 18

This Day in History for 18th November

November 18th This Day in History

November 18 Events in History

Today in History: November 18

Today in History for Nov. 18 - YouTube

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