A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

17 November 2011

17 NOV.



RCP's Tom Bevan On "Lou Dobbs Tonight"
Energy Secretary Chu Doesn't Apologize For Solyndra Failure
DNC Web Ad: "Oops"
Palin On Sandusky: "Hang Him From The Highest Tree"
Maddow: Republican Party Is The "Know-Nothing Party"
O'Reilly: "Occupy" Is A Big Political Problem For Democrats
O'Donnell: "Gingrich Was A Lobbyist"
Krauthammer On Fannie, Freddie Bonuses: To Get The Best, You Have To Pay Competitively

16 NOV.

Rep. Barney Frank: Republicans Are Trying To "Blame Us"
Perry: Obama "Never Had To Go Through What Americans Are Going Through"
Eugene Robinson: GOP Field A Bunch Of "Foreign Policy Idiots"
Ron Paul: U.S. In Denial That Country Is "Bankrupt" And "Insolvent"
Rove Heckled By Occupiers: Stop Acting Like Fascists And Act Like Americans
Gingrich: $1.6 Million+ From Freddie Mac Was For "Strategic Advice"
Reich: No Spending Cuts Until Unemployment Is Down To 5%
Chris Matthews: Newt "Not A Human Being, He's A Gaseous State"
Rep. West To Media: "Stop Being Afraid" And "Stand Up" To Obama
Perry Ad: Obama "Pathetic" For Calling Americans Lazy
NRSC Ad: $15,000,000,000,000, Siri-ously
Rep. Peter King: Occupy Protesters Are "Losers" That "Live In Dirt"
Gingrich: "I'm Not In The Business Of Lobbying, Period"
Obama: "I'm Trying To Figure Out What Time Zone I'm In Here"
Michael Moore: Obama, Federal Government Behind "Occupy" Evictions
Michigan Parents Of Disabled Children Forced To Pay Unions Fees
Cain: "How Do You Say Delicious In Cuban?"
Krauthammer: Some Of Gingrich's Ideas Are "Heretical"
Lawrence O'Donnell: It's Over For Grover Norquist
Schultz: The GOP Doesn't Have "A Solid Candidate With A Solid Track Record"
O'Reilly: "Why Aren't The 'Occupy' Loons" Protesting Fannie & Freddie?
Daily Caller Publisher Hits Politico For Liberal Bias


Adjusting America's Military Spending To Reality
China Rises, U.S. Slips: Can We Compete?
Euro Contagion Fears Grow
Obama Tells Asia, U.S. 'Here To Stay'
Mario Monti Sworn In As Italian Premier
China vs. India: Policy Shifts And 'Risk-on Trades'
Pressure Rises On Syria's Assad
ASEAN Meeting Kicks Off In Bali
Major Drug Tunnel Linking U.S., Mexico Discovered
Benetton Unveils Ad Campaign With World Leaders Kissing
Barack Obama Arrives In Indonesia
Dealing With China's Currency Manipulation
Priorities In U.S.-Pakistan Relations
What Does U.S. Military Deployment Mean For Asia-Pacific?

16 NOV.

The Future Of The Eurozone
Are We 'Winning' In Afghanistan?
Syria Faces Growing Isolation
Syria On The Brink Of Civil War
EU Bans Sovereign Debt Speculation
Raw Video: Bomb Explodes In Lebanon Hotel
Indonesian Authorities Hope Mine Strike Will End Soon
Raw Video: Violence In Syria
Ai Weiwei Calls Bond Payment 'Ransom'
U.S. Military To Expand Presence In Australia
Obama Pokes Fun At Language Differences
Syria's Arab League Suspension
Fear And Frustration As Reconstruction Lags In Japan
War Necessary To Stop Iranian Nuclear Threat?


Sen Joseph McCarthy - American Patriot - Vid

YouTube - The Investigation of William Mandel by Sen. Joseph McCarthy

YouTube - Sen. Joseph McCarthy on "See it Now" - Part 2

YouTube - Sen. Joseph McCarthy on "See it Now" - Part 3

YouTube - Sen. Joseph McCarthy on "See it Now" - Part 1

YouTube - Joseph McCarthy on Democrats

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura JFK assassination deathbed confession - 12160

E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video / JFK - Case for Conspiracy - 12160

American's Journey: JFK + Executive Order 11110 = Head Shot?

*Israeli War Criminals


11-18-2010: End of Free Internet: US Senate Committee Approves Internet "Blacklist" Bill

*32 pg/S. 3804


The Rise of Techno-Gods: The Merging of Transhumanism and Spirituality

(audio)Lew Rockwell/Why Was JFK Murdered?;Podcast with James W. Douglass


* 8 Videos:Everything to be Sacrificed on The Altar of Government – Alex Jones Tv |


* 3 Videos:Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura – S2 EP3 – JFK Assassination |


*The big list: Female teachers with students


*ARTICLES:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'


"So Many Roads" by Grateful Dead - Grooveshark


Ron Paul’s 19 percent in Iowa may indicate a path to the nomination

North American Union: WND killed it?

My Gold Account Was Emptied By MF Global - Business Insider

» Gerald Celente’s gold account was emptied by MF Global Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gerald Celente RT America - 14 November 2011 - YouTube

Zombie Banks Drain Celente's Account! 1/3 - YouTube

Zombie Banks Drain Celente's Account! 2/3 - YouTube

Zombie Banks Drain Celente's Account! 3/3 - YouTube

Patent Claims Anti-Gravity Device Could Power Flying Saucers, Cars And Toys - USAHM Conspiracy News

Obama – Product of Illuminati Breeding Program? - USAHM Conspiracy News

A List of 116 Dead Scientists… Assassinated? - USAHM Conspiracy News

Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s' - USAHM Conspiracy News

Was the EAS Test a Mind Control Experiment? - USAHM Conspiracy News

Your Legal Personality & The U.S Corporation - USAHM Conspiracy News

US Bill Creating the Great Firewall of America | the agile panda

How Facebook Helps Scientists Conduct Their Research - TIME

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI ‘entrapment’ questioned | Pakalert Press

Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s ‘Green’ Company Scored $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout

» Thomas Sowell’s Insights on the Obama Administration, the Presidential Election, and More - Big Government

» Patient Centered Healthcare is Possible - Big Government

PJ Media » Penn State vs. Gunwalker: Warped Priorities?

Abortion advocates attacking individual rights

Diane Sawyer Again Links Tea Party and Sarah Palin to Rep. Giffords’ Shooting : Stop The ACLU


**gratefulvideo's Channel - YouTube


Ron Paul Tied for 1st in Iowa - YouTube

Herman Cain Makes Shas Party Members Look Smart | Mantiq al-Tayr

Cain Gaffe: 'How Do You Say Delicious in Cuban?' - Herman Cain - Fox Nation

The Daily Bell - VIDEO: Gerald Celente Lost Six Figures In MF Global Crash by Not Taking Gold Delivery

21 min./David Icke 2011 - The Zion MainFrame - YouTube

John Lennon 1969 Interview I Met the Walrus - YouTube

The Dangerous Truth Behind Microwaves | Natural Society

Drones protest London - Nov 16th - YouTube

NHK WORLD English:Emperor to remain in hospital for fever, cough

Alice in wonderland | Fukushima Diary

Republican candidate Ron Paul now considered a front-runner

CBS ignored Ron Paul at debate, now shoves competitor to get a shot

Ron Paul shows up Herman Cain. Ron Paul's Economic Skills. - YouTube

The Ongoing Imperialist Events - Lizzie Phelan - YouTube

Phobos-Grunt’s Mysterious Thruster Activation: A Function of Safe Mode or Just Good Luck?

Paul Drockton: Grand Jury States Paterno Knew About Child Rape

Paul Drockton: Penn State and Boystown Cover-up Similarities

Paul Drockton: Cocaine, Pedophiles and Godfathers Pizza

Paul Drockton: Second Mile Charity Pushed Homosexual Agenda

CNN ; Video:China Gobi Desert Mystery Grids

Chinese TV Host Says Regime Nearly Bankrupt | Business & Economy | China | Epoch Times

MF Global Brokerage Trustee to Return Some Customer Money - Businessweek - Historian Brought Freemasons to Heel

On the Contrary: Rachel Abrams, Jennifer Rubin and the Media's Talmudic Double-Standard

Republican Rep wants Muslims out of Military — RT

Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Agenda 21 for Public Officials - YouTube

ATF classifies Chore Boy pot scrubber pads NFA firearms - National gun rights |

RCMP cameras with crime photos found in trees - British Columbia - CBC News

Freedom Torch Founder Apology (?) “If Real, Apology Accepted” « Larry Sinclair

YOU TUBE VIDEO:MEDIA WATCH;How Masonic Goldman Sachs Controls Europe

Marta Yegorovnam keeps 'alien' in fridge: Russian woman stores corpse for 2 years | Mail Online

Positive discrimination – a good way for the elite to keep out the poor – Telegraph Blogs

BBC 'cheap programming' scandal exposed - TV & Radio - Media - The Independent

Former Navy Seal's book on Bin Laden's death branded 'fabrication' | World news | The Guardian


Bakken oil field in North Dakota is 'mystery city' lit up in time-lapse video from space | Mail Online

+Bakken Oil Field - Information Regarding The Bakken Oil Formation

The Bakken Oil Shale Formation - News, Jobs, Stocks and Information


Dreaming The Impossible Dream

Benjamin Netanyahu 'turning Israel into a dictatorship' - Telegraph

Turkey on brink of open confrontation with Syria - Telegraph

Robert Fisk: Assad will only go if his own tanks turn against him - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

The Inhuman, Suffocating Siege Of Gaza

Saudi prince says ample evidence of Iran plot | World news | The Guardian

Western Wars and Arab Authoritarianism | Opinion Maker

Moscow's High Stakes Energy Geopolitics

Young jobseekers told to work without pay or lose unemployment benefits | Society | The Guardian

China peace prize awarded to Vladimir Putin - Telegraph

Education Act 2011: teachers given powers to search pupils - Telegraph

Doctors call for smoking ban in cars, even if you're on you're own | Mail Online

Geron halts world's first trial using human embryonic stem cells | Mail Online

The dogs that can detect cancer: Meet the four-legged 'bio-detectives' who are pioneering a health revolution | Mail Online

Why Is Obama’s Body-Man Reggie Love Leaving? | Fellowship of the Minds

Attack on Iran could risk Gulf oil supplies - Washington Times

Where Are The EU Sanctions Against Israeli Crime? « Kawther Salam

Russia urges IAEA to name ‘content provider’ for its report - Trend

Iran, Bush & Communist China

kenny's sideshow: We're always being set up

$15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOOBAMA! - It's Official: Total US Debt Passes $15 Trillion | ZeroHedge

+Volcanic gas kills hundreds of fish on Canary Islands - The Weather Network

New poll shows 4-way tie in Iowa as Ron Paul moves to top tier - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Romney Two-Way Race Now Four-Way Republican Dead Heat in Iowa - Bloomberg

Herman Cain's Libya Disaster - YouTube

Gingrich Said to Be Paid About $1.6 Million by Freddie Mac - Bloomberg

The Silver Bear Cafe:Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

Fannie, Freddie executives score $100M payday post bailout - Nov. 15, 2011

Gerald Celente RT America - 14 November 2011 - YouTube

Facebook porn: Cyber attack deluged users in vile horror images | Mail Online

Feds Attack Klamath Basin Ranchers and Farmers With the ESA « The PPJ Gazette

A Gold Rush of Subsidies in Clean Energy Search -


Strangling The Population Debate In The US And Canada

Carcinogenic Sugars Rampant Among Food Supply | Natural Society

Chemotherapy 'could cause brain damage' in breast cancer patients | Mail Online

Russia calls on Britain amid tension over nuclear shield - Europe - World - The Independent

China: Google Earth spots huge, unidentified structures in Gobi desert - Telegraph

Facebook rival Diaspora's co-founder Ilya Zhitomirskiy dies at 22 | Mail Online

Few Guantanamo Prisoners Ever Get Their Day In Court | Veterans Today

The Actual Victims Toll of 9/11 | Veterans Today

WMD, Congress, Presidents and “Morals” | Veterans Today - Ronald Reagan: Dismantle the Depts. of Education and Energy - Obama Czar on "net neutrality" and Hugo Chavez - U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team ~ Grass Roots Take Charge!

Aussie Climate Alarmists Get Their Inner Fascist Groove On


*Wikimedia blog(


*1:48:00/Dr Burzynski movie (FULL VERSION) - YouTube



Police cracking down on media at OWS? - YouTube

The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right Jump You Fuckers - YouTube

p m carpenter's commentary: What, Newt worry?

'60 Minutes' Blows The Lid Off Congressional Insider Trading - YouTube

The Eye of the Storm - part1 - YouTube

Eye of the Storm - part2 - YouTube

*Penn State : the biggest donors... who in there are pedophiles?

11-16-11 Ron Paul Interview - Fox News - YouTube


*1:55:46/7/7: Crime and Prejudice - YouTube


Refreshing News: Police find drug tunnel under US-Mexico border

Sherrie Questioning All: Media Watch in Europe - Video - Goldman Sachs and Freemason's and Trilateral Commission have taken over Europe

Activist Post: Hollywood, Silicon Valley spar over online piracy bill

Could Ron Paul Win in Iowa? - YouTube


60 MIN./Conspiracy Of Silence(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary) - YouTube


Army contract for Feinstein's husband / Blum is a director of firm that will get up to $600 million - SFGate


+CarrierIQ: Most Phones Ship With "Rootkit" - Slashdot


Rootkit - Wikipedia


Sophos Anti-Rootkit - Free Rootkit Detection and Removal Tool


Lone Star Watchdog: The Super Committee is Another Name for the USSR's Supreme Soviet King George's Privy Council.

Congress Less Popular than Communism, BP During Spill, Nixon During Watergate Or King George During American Revolution

Activist Post: Does Smallpox Contract to Siga Highlight Corporate-Government Corruption, or Imminent Threat?

Fast and Furious: Case Files on Terry Murder Have Disappeared, Gone - Katie Pavlich

The Congress Insider Trading Scandal Is Outrageous | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

FOX News - Politics - Latest Headlines - Obama Vows to 'Project Power' in Asia-Pacific Region, Letting China Know U.S. Is 'Here to Stay' - Page 1 of 7

Prison » MF Global Looted Customers’ Accounts Via Internal Bank Run

Gerald Celente hammers MF Global's "MF'ers" on Capital Account (11/14/11) - 12160

Details unfold in shots fired at White House -

Prison » Obama Praises Australia’s Draconian Carbon Tax

DEA Sweeps Across Western Washington With Dispensary Raids - Toke of the Town

Blair Regrets Passing Freedom of Information Law -

Activist Post: Hollywood, Silicon Valley spar over online piracy bill

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned | World news |

Activist Post: Replacing Your Chemical-Leaching BPA Plastics

Activist Post: Asthma Drugs Kill More than Asthma, FDA Ignores Risk

Will Congress Vote To Crash Iran's Civilian Aircraft? | Political Correction

Activist Post: Congress nullified as new, Illegal “supercommittee” pushes secret farm bill that will cost billions

Norquist: Democrats Sabotaging Supercommittee to Help Obama

Refreshing News: Google and Facebook battle US anti-piracy laws

How Liberals Will Learn To Love The Militias | Video Rebel's Blog

Artist evades nude censorship with smartphone - New Brunswick - CBC News

Study: Exposure to common air fresheners can cause allergies, asthma

Zionist bullets: Shots across Obama’s bow? | Veterans Today

American's Journey: Real Heroes and Media Misrepresentations

Websites fight Hill on piracy bill |

SOPA: Why the 'broken web' should stay broken | ZDNet

Issa: Congress using Google as ‘piñata’ - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

XXX marks the lawsuit from peeved porn giant | The Digital Home - CNET News

Proposed US piracy legislation labelled draconian by Schmidt • The Register

SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act | Latest

SOPA, Stop Online Piracy Act, Stirs Controversy

SOPA: An Act That Would Break The Internet | eWEEK Europe UK

SOPA Won’t Stop Online Piracy, Would Censor Everyone Else | Techland |

Lawmakers Seek Alternative to Stop Online Piracy Act | PCWorld Business Center


Stop Online Piracy Act: What You Need to Know [INFOGRAPHIC]

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - (Library of Congress)

78 PG./112 HR 3261


Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Overkill

Fed Now Largest Owner of U.S. Gov’t Debt—Surpassing China |

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul on Fox News with Megyn Kelly : "Our Country is Bankrupt!"

Revolutionary Politics : The Coming Interest Armageddon


*42 MIN./Meltdown - The Men Who Crashed the World - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "We Have To Cut Spending! That For Me Is Top Of The List"

Revolutionary Politics : Greg Palast "I Do Investigative Reporting! I Don't Think It's Legal Under Patriot Act 4 In The U.S."

Revolutionary Politics : Why Paying Taxes Is Immoral

Revolutionary Politics : Lew Rockwell on "Crazy Keynesianism" and the Police State

Activist Post: Families Exempt from Naked Body Scanners and TSA Molestations

Hartmann: Journalists Enter at your own Risk - YouTube

Why Bloomberg Fights Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Obama Prosecuting Fewer Financial Crimes Than Under Either Bush Presidency

Is High IQ Related to Drug Use?

The Post-Modern Bull Connors » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Scotland Yard chief inspector John Duffy sacked after 'sex with boy, 14, boast' | Mail Online

Arrest Made After Semiautomatic Rifle Fired at White House -

**Patrick Henry: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death

Actor Ruffalo Wants Obama to Turn Army Corps of Engineers Political

‘West Side Story’ Blu-Ray Review: A Must-Own Treasure

‘Person of Interest’ Review: Strong Cast Drives Unique Crime Drama

Time to Reassess Clint Eastwood, Auteur?

More Trouble for Oscars: Viewers Prefer Murphy to Crystal as Show Host

Your Obama Apologist of the Day: Sting

+Daily Call Sheet: Tom Hanks: Action President, Why Leo Didn’t Have to Die, and ‘Liberty Valance’

BigDawg Spotlight: Patriot Hip Hop Artist Nate Smoove Produces ‘Music That Tickles Ya Intellect’

‘Playboy’: Paul Krassner Vs Andrew Breitbart

Five Lessons for America from the European Fiscal Crisis

#Occupy Protester Arrested After Threatening to Burn Down NYC

Google Learns Government Is Not a Good Business Partner

Congressional Republicans: Bad Policy and Bad Politics

Richard Trumka: Occupy the Bridges!

Doctors in Wisconsin Fake Sick Note Scam Get Wrists Slapped

Tea Party Group Calls For Bachus Resignation; Thursday Rally Scheduled In Alabama District

*80% of ‘Green Energy’ Loans Went to Top Obama Donors

*Obama Bundlers; Large Donors and Supporters fixed (pdf)

Ron Paul Joins Call for Congressional Insider Trading to be Punished; Lieberman to Hold Senate Hearings

Union Thug Leo Gerard Calls for a ‘Resistance’ Movement

#OccupyFail: Why a ‘Kent State Moment’ Can’t Happen Today

Local Reaction to Congressman Spencer Bachus: Respond, Reform, or Resign

Union Wants Money Earmarked for Students

In Conference Call, Left-Wing Institute for Policy Studies Plans Post-Zuccotti #OccupyWallStreet Movement

Wisconsin Dems Head to Cemetery to Recall Walker?

Obama’s Abuse of Executive Orders: Worse than Fast and Furious?

House Bill Banning Congressional Insider Trading Gathering Steam—From 4 Cosponsors to 35 in Two Days

Inspector General: Interior Department Manipulated Science to Justify Gulf Moratorium

The Prince of Darkness at the Cenotaph: UK Anti-Terror Measures vs. the EDL

AUDIO:As the Arab Spring Continues, Where Is Syria Headed?

The Veteran and Teacher That Demanded Individual Exceptionalism

The U.S. Armed Forces Are Apparently Okay with #OccupyWallStreet

AUDIO:The Age of China?

Iran: How to Lose

Jonathan Alter Responds To Fast And Furious Coverage Inquiry

+Wednesday Crib Sheet: Newspaper Guild Endorses #OWS?

Politico Falsely Claims Concealed Carry Legislation Violates State’s Laws

Senate Calls Hearings on Congressional Insider Trading; ‘ 60 Minutes Story Sparks Examination’

Predictable: New York Times Buries White House Shooter’s #Occupy Connection

AIM Video: Union Pays Occupy Protesters

Sound Bite For The Day: Did NBC’s Alex Wagner Call One Of Her Panelists ‘Stupid?’

Could a Possible #OccupyWallStreet Connection Explain Lack of MSM’s White House Shooting Coverage?

Columbia Journalism Prof. Sree Sreenivasan Abhors The ‘Unwashed Masses’ Of Citizen Journalists

Diane Sawyer Again Links Tea Party And Sarah Palin to Rep. Giffords’ Shooting

The Politics Of Sycophancy: Arianna’s Attempt to Kill Congressional Insider Trading Scandal ‘Falls Flat’

Hybrid cars safer in crashes: insurers' study

Oil prices drop to near $100

FedEx: Shots fired at Chicago-area facility

Holidays can bring legal problems for businesses

Chu, Republicans square off on Solyndra loan

Ex-smoker Obama: quitting is hard, he should know

Celebrities bring US soft power to China

Vatican takes legal action over Benetton pope kiss ad

Chu takes responsibility for Solyndra loan

Census finds reaching age 90 more likely than ever

Vaccines group plans to buy cervical cancer shots

High Court justices criticize medical residents

Poverty rate lowest since 2003, report finds

Cashing in on Egypt's black cloud

Lawyer to court: Anat Kamm 'not a public risk'

Politics Live blog featuring Ed Miliband's speech on the economy

Nancy Pelosi mocks Rick Perry, declines to debate

Pelosi on supercommittee: 'I don't hear anything that sounds big and bold'

Newt and Nancy , together again

Pelosi , Grassley want cameras in Supreme Court during health care arguments

Did Nancy Pelosi profit from Visa stock purchases?

60 Minutes Catches Nancy Pelosi with Her Dress Down

Pelosi to GOP: Tax the rich to avoid defense cuts

What censure? Charles Rangel's back

Pelosi backs up Grassley's request for televised health care debates

The Huddle: Biden's new staffer

Pelosi's investments questioned

Pelosi fires back at report on 'insider trading'

Chu: Taxpayers Unlikely to Recover Much From Solyndra Loan

Another Solyndra ...

For Democrats, Politics Can't Wait But the Economy Can

Were Solyndra's Solar Sales About To Soar?

The Annals of Crony Capitalism: Is Siga Technologies he New Solyndra ?

Deal near to keep Sears in Illinois

Illinois lags nation in job creation for business, financial sectors

Karen Lewis and Other Reasons People Hate Chicago Teachers

Vrdolyak released from US prison work camp

Russia stands by Assad as pressure mounts on Syria

Iran nuclear issue is 'deep concern' - world powers

Benetton unveils a series of controversial ads

Beijing Is Wary of Obama's Assertive China Policy

Italy's Monti Vows Urgent Action on Debt, Economic Growth

Kuwait orders tight security after parliament stormed

Smiles Hide Fears as Clinton Visits Flood Victims

Memo Controversy Could Cost US Top Advocate in Pakistani Government

French nuclear safety agency urges more protection

US creates an Iranian albatross

Somalia, Kenya and Uganda pledge to defeat al-Shabaab rebels

Report: Kate's Pregnant!

Occupy protesters march to NYC financial district

Gingrich defends Freddie Mac work

Herman Cain's other problem: African-Americans

Arrest made in White House shooting

Mitt Romney administration deleted emails before leaving office

Congress passes modest job-creation bill

Cain meeting with Union Leader newspaper canceled

Justice Dept. in deadlock with Alabama over illegal immigration law

Deficit Panel Tussles Over Medicare

Outside Groups Launch TV Ads Warning About Medicare Cuts

SOPA opposition from tech heavyweights Google, Facebook

President Obama's uncle to challenge legality of drunken driving stop

Perry calls Obama 'privileged'

Prop. 8 decision due today from California Supreme Court

Wall Street Protesters Blocked in Attempt to Disrupt NYSE

Fewer home loans going bad but foreclosures on rise

IMF says seeking assurances from new Greek coalition

Debt Committee: Market Reaction A Big Unknown

Black Friday foolishness

Google Music Shares Tunes With Google+

Update Adds Facebook-to-Facebook Calls From Within Skype

Google Shares Galaxy Nexus Specs, Tutorials, And The New Commercial wants a developer army 100K strong

Windows 8 Promises Fewer Annoying Restarts

FAQ: Facebook spam and how to protect yourself

Adobe Abandons Flash for Mobile: What It Means to Developers

Google Maps Mystery Actually Spy Satellite Targets, Expert Says

Google fixes Gmail iOS app but users still critical

Google to Merge Checkout With Wallet

Ricky Gervais' Holocaust tweet a sign of things to come?

Michelle Williams meets Marilyn Monroe, and maybe Oscar, too

Lady Gaga Terrifies a Baby

Chinese Spacecraft Returns From Docking Mission

Jupiter's ice maiden holds secrets to life beyond Earth

Mystery of Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains solved

Boffin bothers frogs until they spill super power secrets

Botched Mars mission shows Russian industry troubles

Study finds triple threat paints grim future for amphibians

Scientists: NY must prepare for climate change now

Defense science panel: climate a national security threat

Spectacular New Image Exposes Nebula's Cool Clouds

Mongolian Capital To Fight Climate Change With Ice

Earth's Natural Beauty in Time Lapse [VIDEO]

Frog jumps back from extinction in Israel

"Big Bang" machine to get huge upgrade in 2020

Asian Bronze Buckle Found at Alaskan Archeological Site

Blood type shown to affect stroke risk

'Pox Parties' in the Age of Facebook

FDA Votes to Extend Pneumonia Vaccine to Adults

Family health care premiums exceed 20% of income

Broken heart syndrome more common in women

One in Five American Adults Takes Psychiatric Drugs

Study: More Medications, More Erectile Dysfunction

Vitamin D Deficiency Raises Heart-Failure Risk

Obese Kids Who Lose Weight May Cut Heart Risk, Too

President Obama rips tobacco companies over cigarette labels on Great American Smokeout day - NY Daily News

Tomato sauce on pizza is a vegetable, says Congress; GOP says healthier school lunches are too expensive - NY Daily News

CNN 'Developing Story': 'Is Cain the Anti-Women Candidate?' |

MSNBC's Wagner: Referring to 'Illegal' Immigrants Is 'Coded' and 'Derogatory' Language |

IMDb Strikes Back at 'Selfish' Actress Suing Over Age Disclosure (Exclusive) - Hollywood Reporter

He's Really Back! Ricky Gervais Returning as Golden Globes Host | The Wrap Awards

A Hollywood Republican » SNL Protects Obama

Millionaires to Congress: Raise Our Taxes - Wilshire & Washington on

NBC 'Today' Panel Agrees: 'Shame on People' Who Object to Porn Star Reading to Kids |

Veganism has some stylish new spokespeople: Celebs

» *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far - Big Government

City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District -

CSU Tuition Hike Protest Turns Violent | NBC Los Angeles

» Tea Party Group Calls For Bachus Resignation; Thursday Rally Scheduled In Alabama District - Big Government

Countering China, Obama asserts US a Pacific power

Vatican takes legal action over pope-imam, Obama-Chavez kissing Benetton ad - Arts Post - The Washington Post

Pentagon Receives Massive Bunker-Busting Bombs, Denies Targeting Iran | Fox News

Obama warns North Korea on proliferation

Putin election bid makes mockery of democracy: Rice | Reuters


17-Nov-11 World View

16-Nov-11 World View

15-Nov-11 World View


Harry Reid: Grover Norquist Is Keeping Super Committee From Getting An Agreement

Mike McQueary: I Stopped The Attack and Told The Cops

State of Siege USA: Why Would They Want to Shut the #OWS Movement Down NOW?

GOP Debates: Shock and Aww Two More This Week!?

Fox News Shows Its Disdain for #OWS In Graphic Form

Keith Olbermann: Why Occupy Wall Street Needs Michael Bloomberg

Neil Cavuto Trots Betsy McCaughey Out To Spew More Lies About Health Care

UC Berkeley Makes #OWS History with Biggest GA Yet

#OccupySeattle: Priest, Pregnant Teen, Elderly Woman Pepper Sprayed

Van Jones and Laura Flanders on #OWS Raids and Upcoming International Day of Action

Barney Frank Calls Newt Gingrich 'Fundamentally Intellectually Dishonest' For Hypocrisy on Freddie Mac

La La La, We Can't Hear You! Discovery Channel Won't Show Last Episode Of Climate Change Series

Jon Stewart After Herman Cain's Libya Gaffe: 'I'm Falling in Love With You'

Sabotage the Supercommittee? Sounds Good to Me!

Al Sharpton Slams Fox for Citing Non-Existent Part of Constitution to Push for Kagan Recusal

Austin College Republicans Head 'Jokes' About Assassinating The President

Occupy Seattle: Pepper Sprayed Octogenarian Activist Dorli Rainey Gut Checks the US

Rush Blasts ‘Moochelle’ Obama For Her “Kids Palates Adjustment” Comment: How About Getting Her Grandiose Dictatorial Urges Adjusted.

Rush: NBC Hires The 1% Chelsea Clinton. This Is The Quintessential Thing The 99% Are Fed Up With.

Rep. Steve Rothman comes out against federal concealed carry bill |

Federal Concealed Carry Measure Would Be A Big Change For Illinois

HR 822 Concealed Carry Gun Bill Passes House Vote

National Concealed Carry Bill Passes House 272 to 154 - HUMAN EVENTS

Concealed Weapons Bill for Interstate Travel Passes House of Representatives |

Church Vandalism Rampant in North Carolina This Week | Cedar Hill AME Zion Church | Video |

Lancaster, Calf., City Council Unanimously Approves Aerial Surveillance, Some Concerned Over Privacy | Video |

Egyptian Presidential Candidate Hazem Salah Abu Ismail Praises Osama bin Laden | Video |

Details About Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez White House Shooting |

Maxine Waters on Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Red Kettle Gets a Digital Twist With Smartphone Credit Card Attachment | Video |

Chinese Immigrants Reportedly Leaving the U.S. Because the ‘American Dream is Dead’ |

Chris Matthews Calls Newt Gingrich a ‘Gaseous State’ | Video |

FBI: Majority of Anti-Faith Hate Crimes are Anti-Jewish |

‘Forced Unionization’: SEIU Collects Union Dues From Disabled Kids’ Medicaid Checks | Video |

Obama Administration Seeks to Circumvent Congressional Authority to Fix ‘Obamacare Glitch’ |

Benetton Campaign: Pope, Obama, Imam, Religious Leaders in Same Sex Kiss Pics | Video |

Expert: China’s Strange Google Earth Used for Spy Satellites |

Who Ordered the ‘Many, Many‘ Satellite Pictures of Structures on China’s Desert? |

These States Will Suffer the Most in the Event of an EU Collapse |

Sandusky Case Got a Break From an Internet Comment |

Direct Democracy?

Ron Paul Exceeding Expectations In Iowa

Eurocrisis and Bankster Government: Diminishing the Free World

Debbie Schlussel:Immigration OUTRAGE: Obama Spent $s, Sent Israeli to Give Egyptian Rebels US Citizenship

Debbie Schlussel:Another “Dividend” of US Army’s PC Islamo-Pandering to Nidal Malik Hasan

Debbie Schlussel:THIS. IS. ISLAM. VIDEO of the Day

Debbie Schlussel:Hmmm . . . So Freedom of Speech Only Applies to Muslim Federal Agents

Above the law

Newt’s Mysterious Flight to Frontrunner

The Dawn of Zuccotti New World Order

The New “American Revolution” & Obama’s 2012 Re-election Strategy

The Stupid-Committee

Don’t Underestimate Iran’s Instability

Faith, Population, and National Survival

Media Won’t Link White House Shooter to Occupy Wall Street

Google Earth Puts Tiny Texas Town on Hollywood’s Map

The BBC’s Green Corruption Scandal Deepens

Limbaugh, O’Reilly, gun lessons for Christmas in 39 days

Successful Bipartisan Effort Delaying SPCC Rule a Win for Farmers

Diane Sawyer Again Links Tea Party and Sarah Palin to Rep. Giffords’ Shooting

Message in a Bottle - Anarchy, Decline and Obama Blindness

Clear and Present Danger: Obamacare

Obama is merely one tip of the real, global and Islamic conspiracy

A Newt For All Seasons

VP's closed-door transparency chat | POLITICO 44

Russia’s military chief warns that heightened risks of conflict near borders may turn nuclear - The Washington Post

Perry funds dry up after gaffes and dip in polls | Rick Perry 2012 Campaign for President– News and updates

Report: Math Teacher Let Students Buy Grades - ABC News

Obama To Aussie Students: Our Kids are Behind | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Desperate Dad Robs GameStop Store In Huntington - Flash Player Installation

Exclusive: Jerry Sandusky interview prompts long-ago victims to contact lawyer |

Penn State buttons pulled over possible double meanings in light of sex abuse scandal |

Backlash against return for Ricky Gervais and his 'insults' - Telegraph

Eric Holder’s Caribbean Trip an Ill-Advised Junket, Critics Say - The Daily Beast

The next financial crisis will be hellish, and it’s on its way - Yahoo! News

U.S. Banks Face Contagion Risk From Europe Debt - Bloomberg

One in four American women take medication for a mental disorder | Mail Online

Man Blames Sex Tape Posting on Broken Heart | NBC Philadelphia

80 is the new 65 when it comes to retirement, survey says - Yahoo! News

*Internet titans fight SOPA with full-page NY Times ad [updated]

The next financial crisis will be hellish, and it’s on its way - Yahoo! News

Gingrich made big bucks pushing corporate welfare | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Authorities Find 17 Tons Of Marijuana In Cross-Border Drug Tunnel | Fox News

The PJ Tatler » Obama Decries the ‘Connected’ While His Government Hands Robert Kennedy Jr’s Company $1.4 Billion

Penn State Police Deny Mike McQueary Alerted Them - ABC News

HURT: Same movement, but different smell - Washington Times

The PJ Tatler » Seven of the Top Ten Wealthiest Members of Congress Are Democrats

Al Qaeda Head: My Fond Memories of Bin Laden - ABC News

Forum Post: Proposed list of OWS Demands |

IRS Having Trouble Keeping Taxpayer Files Secure, Watchdog Says | Fox News

Audio: So Crazy It Just Might Work

Bronze artifact found on Alaska's Seward Peninsula - Yahoo! News

Doctors baffled by seven-year-old who weeps stones

Drone Gives Texas Law Enforcement Bird's-Eye View On Crime | Fox News

Jane Austen 'died from arsenic poisoning' | Books |

Alejandro Rojas: Prince Philip's UFO Interest Inspires New Biography

Prehistoric Landslide Created Hidden Lake | Natural Disasters & Slow-Moving Landslides | Eel River & Steelhead Trout | LiveScience

Twisted trees are 'proof of Bigfoot' - Telegraph

Sweet Spot for Life's Chemistry Discovered : Discovery News

Drone Gives Texas Law Enforcement Bird's-Eye View On Crime | Fox News

Frankfurt Group, Europe’s hit squad | StratRisks

SOPA And Its Broad Regulation Of VPNs, Proxies And Other Important Tools -

Hollywood's New War on Software Freedom and Internet Innovation | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Lew Rockwell on "Crazy Keynesianism" and the Police State - YouTube

More Americans than not want health law repeal: poll | Reuters

Chicago Journalism Professor: Chicago Police Department Detained Him and Deleted Video of Arrest « JONATHAN TURLEY

Ron Paul Comes Out Against SOPA; Joins Other Elected Officials Saying No To The Great Firewall Of America - informationliberation

SOPA And Its Broad Regulation Of VPNs, Proxies And Other Important Tools - informationliberation

The Wine Protection Racket - informationliberation

New Study Shows Majority Of Americans Against SOPA; Believe Extreme Copyright Enforcement Is Unreasonable | Techdirt

Republican or Democrat: Not A Dime’s Worth Of Difference

Michele Bachmann: Stage Set for Worldwide Nuclear War Against Israel

How an Idiot Could Still End Up in the White House

Is the US Getting Domestic Indefinite Military Detention for Thanksgiving?

The Hijacking of the First Amendment

Desktop ‘Militants’ And Public Intellectuals

Asia-Pacific: US Ramps Up Global War Agenda

Here's the Risk: "Occupy" ends up doing the bidding of the global elite

New Phase of the Global Debt Crisis: Widespread discounting of Western Public Debt

Political Crisis in Italy and Greece: Marx on "Technical Government"

Bilderberg Leader Mario Monti Takes Over Italy in 'Coup'

Global Systemic Crisis: Decimation of the Western banks

Justifying a "Humanitarian War" against Syria? The Sinister Role of the NGOs

VIDEO: China, the U.S. and the Next Cold War

Nuclear Madness: Iran, Kuwait or the IAEA?

BBC News - White House gunfire suspect 'obsessed by Obama'

Tyler Dasher missing: 'Kidnapped' boy, 1, found dead in St Louis woods | Mail Online

Casey Anthony 'survived assassination attempt and fled after safe house was discovered' | Mail Online

“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

SOPA or How to Use Copyright as an Excuse to Censor the Internet

18th Century Secret Society Code Cracked

$15T Federal Debt Equals $160,545 for Each Full-Time Private-Sector American Worker

Republican Tax-Hike Plan Takes Shape: Limit Itemized Deductions

GOP House Will Vote on Balanced Budget Amendment That Permits Unlimited Federal Spending

Maxine Waters on Deaths and Crimes at Occupy Protests: ‘That’s Life and It Happens’

Obama's Russia Policy: Trust, DON'T Verify

Atheists in the Military Are Demanding Their Own Chaplains

Diane Sawyer Ruins Marvelous Special on Gabby Giffords By Attacking Sarah Palin

Energy Secretary Chu Faces Congress; Will Take Responsibility for Solyndra Loan

HUD Looking for Evidence That LGBT Housing Discrimination Is Real

Winehouse Wrote Full 3rd CD, Planned Supergroup

Rep. Chris Smith: Obama ‘Missed the Point’-– Coptic Christians Were Massacred


*40 MIN./Ron Paul's Greatest Interview - Gold & Silver With Mike Maloney - YouTube

='s Death by Medicine - YouTube

Republican Politics According to the Bible by Laurence M. Vance

Being Unpredictable Will Free You Altucher Confidential

Bilderberg Leader Mario Monti Takes Over Italy in “Coup”

College Kids Live In The Lap Of Luxury... For Now | The Daily Feed |

Top 10 Unconventional Uses of Honey

More employers penalizing employees with unhealthy lifestyles

U.S. launches review of all deportation cases

Blue Dogs break with Dems on balanced-budget amendment

Senators pick ‘Secret Santas’ for gift exchange

Benetton features world leaders smooching in provocative ads

Many Americans say they will have to work until they're 80

Hensarling says GOP is willing to consider new Dem tax proposals

GOP supercommittee members’ tax plan gives party an identity crisis

Honoring Neil Armstrong, Boehner cries

Company pulls commercials from Penn State games

Pentagon denies its enormous bunker-busting bomb is intended for Iran nukes

Gay federal workers say they’re only partway to equality

Fox News Poll: Gingrich and Romney Top GOP Nominee Picks

GOP notches victory on concealed carry vote

Abramoff accuses Newt Gingrich of 'corruption.' Really.

Sen. John Cornyn balks at Perry’s suggestion to turn Congress into a part-time job

Democrat Dingell complains about do-nothing Congress

Supercommittee searches for a Plan B

With winter looming, labor unions fortify D.C.'s Occupy camp

Justin Bieber wants an apology in paternity case

Official: Suspect in White House shooting ‘hates the president’

Russia, West agree on Iran text moderately critical of Tehran’s nuke program

Mike 'The Situation' sues Abercrombie & Fitch over clothing dispute, report says

San Francisco police arrest 100 in Bank of America protest

Norquist: Democrats 'Will Sink' Supercommittee to Help Obama

Hensarling, Supercommittee Opponents Dig In

Gingrich: Supercommittee 'Terrible Way to Govern'

Americans Skeptical on Deal as Debt Hits High

Perry Vows to 'Take an Ax' to Federal Bureaucracy

Chu: I Made Final Decisions on Solyndra Loan

Cain Courts Cuban Miami with 9-9-9 in Spanish

Perry Forum Guests Asked to Prove Citizenship

Marist Poll: Gingrich Vaults to Tie With Obama

WH Scrambles to Fix 'Major Glitch' in Obamacare

Gingrich: I Did Not Lobby for Freddie Mac

Obama Has His Own 'Perry Oops' Moment

Chu: No White House Influence on Solyndra Deal

Vatican to Sue Benetton Over Pope-Imam Kiss Ad

Whistleblowers File Motion Against NSA

Hollywood Conservatives Avoid Presidential Fray

Calabresi: ‘Newt Boomlet Is for Real’

GOP Hopefuls Challenge Obama on Iran

5 Nutrients to Cut Blood Pressure

Rare Early US New Testament up for Auction

Any Capital Gains Rate Hike Violates Tax Pledge

Time for Obama to Lead and Break Supercommittee Deadlock

FDA Meddling Will End Up Killing Smokers

The New and Improved Newt Gingrich

Update: 43 members of Congress now calling for Eric Holder’s resignation

Nuclear Missile Silos 1980-2010 Eyeball

Eyeballing ICBM Launch Control Facility November-1

Primerlife: More Human Than Human | Think Tank | Big Think

How to Build a Computer Model of God | Bootstrapping Independence

The Assault on Financial Privacy Goes Parabolic | Kevin Brekke | FINANCIAL SENSE

Supreme Court Justice Breyer warns of 'Orwellian' government

A quake in Haiti, swarms in the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico- tension mounts on Caribbean plate | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Obama Must Yield Now To The Flag, The Bible, And The Law - Prophetic | Before It's News

Atheist Billboard Campaign on Lincoln Tunnel NJ Wall and Several States |

Cavuto: D.C. Has Us in the Weeds - Fox News Video - Fox News

» AIM Video: Union PAYS #Occupy Protesters - Big Government

How the Media Make Obama Look Tough

CBS Tricks Newt, Mitt into Defending Obama

Emails: Energy Dept. tried to delay solar layoffs

Charlie Rose CBS Show Welcomes OWN Network's Gayle King as Co-Host

Strauss-Kahn Linked to Call Girl Ring

Gamburtsev Mountains Buried Under Antarctic Studied

Jupiter's Moon Discovered to Have Water Lake

King James Bible 400th Anniversary Celebrated in England

3 PART/Max Igan on Radio SkidRow – November 16th, 2011 |

ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street 11-16-11 |

ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 16, 2011

Whistleblowers Honored on Nov. 21

Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands - Washington Whispers (

Hundreds of protesters march on NY's Wall Street

Solyndra Funding Mostly Lost to Taxpayers, Chu Tells Lawmakers

Google Music debuts, adding competition for iTunes

White House Shooting Suspect Had 'Obsession' With President Obama

» TSA Backtracks On Body Scanner Radiation Study Promise Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hillary Clinton’s Hip-Hop ‘Diplomats’ Arrested in Islamabad Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» MF Global Money Now “Missing” After Reports It Was Sent To JP Morgan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DHS Secret Police Make Arrests at OWS Portland Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Herman Cain Courts War Criminal Globalist Henry Kissinger Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Illegal “supercommittee” pushes secret farm bill that will cost billions Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Praises Australia’s Draconian Carbon Tax Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Police State Vs. Occupy Wall Street: This Is Not Going To End Well For Any Of Us Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

With MF Global Money Still Missing, Suspicions Grow -

Secret Service stumped by shooting at White House - Americas - World - The Independent

Gingrich Said to Be Paid By Freddie Mac to Court Republicans - Businessweek

» The Fed and the ‘We Owe the Debt to Ourselves’ Fallacy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Scans reveal how the brain's GPS helps us navigate from A to B | Science | The Guardian

Why the e-petitions system isn't working | Natascha Engel | Comment is free |

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned | World news |

» Major Wars and Suppression of American Freedoms Planned BEFORE 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » Another NATO Proxy War Begins, Rebels Attack Military Base in Syria

Russian general warns of growing nuclear war risk - Emirates 24/7

Prison » The Technocratic Revulsion Begins: Photos And Video As Thousands Of Italians Protest Monti’s “Banker” Government

Prison » Obama Prosecuting Fewer Financial Crimes Than Under Reagan or Either Bush

Prison » TSA Backs Off Independent X-Ray Scanner Safety Test Knowing Truth Came Out in 1998

Prison » Nukes On The Road!

Prison » Congress Less Popular than Communism, BP During Spill, Nixon During Watergate Or King George During American Revolution

Prison » Alex Jones on Homeland Security infiltrating OWS

Prison » Immortal Technique Exclusive: “Obama is A War President”

The next financial crisis will be hellish, and it’s on its way - Yahoo! News

Turf War? Glendale Bans Fake Grass « CBS Los An - Flash Player Installation

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned | World news |

Prison » Bill To Halt Congressional Insider Trading Gains Over 40 Sponsors

Alex Jones: Police send mentally ill, homeless, ex-cons to demonize OWS - YouTube

Meet Ydanis Rodriguez NY City Councilman Arrested & Brutalized By Cops At Zuccotti Park Eviction - YouTube

Allen West - Obama is Destroying This Country! - YouTube

Ron Paul on FOX News 11/16/11 - YouTube

Following Iowa Surge, Ron Paul Polls Second In New Hampshire

Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not

Jim Rogers On Why There Is No Way To Stop Global Meltdown

How Can The American People Ever Trust Congress Again After Learning Of The Rampant Insider Trading That Has Been Going On?

Big Brother UK, Big Government Australia

DHS-Linked Group Trains Citizens Their “Best Pal” Could Be a Terrorist

Dr. Daliah: Tips for a Healthy Ageing-Mind

Moda Operandi Names Ashley Bryan as Chief Marketing Officer

ICE Clear U.S. Completes Transfer of MF Global Positions

U.S. Teen Birth Rate Drops a Dramatic 9% in 2010

Watch the MSM Ignore #Occupy Moment of Silence in ‘Solidarity’ With Suspected White House Shooter

Occupy San Diego Holds Moment of Silence/Solidarity for White House Shooter

Fisker Automotive, the Finnish Solyndra

'60 percent of Israelis wont serve in IDF by 2020'

Court rules: Anat Kamm to begin prison term

Grandmother 'tortured for PIN code' - Crime - UK - The Independent

» North American Integration and the Ties That Bind Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Who Is Alex Jones? Coast to Coast AM Interview With George Noory Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*1:55:54/201111.07 Coast to Coast am Preserving Freedom Alex - YouTube


Prison » Bob Chapman: Surviving The Banker Sociopaths

Prison » Survive The Banker Sociopaths

Prison » Soros Funded Democrats Praise Obama’s War Crimes

Prison » Herman Cain Again Proves That He Knows Nothing About Foreign Policy

6 PART/Prison » The NWO is Upon Us! – Alex Jones Sunday Edition

Prison » Ron Paul: Tough Times for the Banks, Liberty for the People?

Ron Paul: Tough Times for the Banks, Liberty for the People? - YouTube

Prison » Did We Overthrow Gaddafi Just to Replace Him with Al Qaeda?

Our Brave New World Of Snitches And Surveillance | Before It's News

Rand Paul: Environmental Extremists Run Government : Personal Liberty Digest

How Facebook Helps Scientists Conduct Their Research - TIME

Founder Of Open-Source Facebook Foe Dies At 22 | Fox News

» The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Eugenics-linked Gamble family member promoting free alien technology in film Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Would Earth Survive Without The Moon? | Before It's News

» Robot Workers Take Over Warehouses Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The New Eugenics from the Looney Left Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » Sandusky Speaks: ‘I Horsed Around With Kids’

» Jack Abramoff Explains How Easy It Is To Buy A Congressman Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

With MF Global Money Still Missing, Suspicions Grow -

Gingrich Said to Be Paid By Freddie Mac to Court Republicans - Businessweek

Secret Service stumped by shooting at White House - Americas - World - The Independent

» OBAMACARE FAILURE: Number of Uninsured (and Untreated) Grows Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Illegal “supercommittee” pushes secret farm bill that will cost billions Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Alex Jones on Homeland Security infiltrating OWS Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Pedophile Culture: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Militarization of Your Local Police Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » Penn State Secrets Pedophile Coverup with Jason Bermas

Prison » Twitter Ordered to Hand Over WikiLeaks Info to Justice Department

CCTV taxi plan 'a staggering invasion of privacy' - Home News - UK - The Independent

» The Fed and the ‘We Owe the Debt to Ourselves’ Fallacy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Economist Robert Reich: The seven biggest economic lies as seen by a Progessive - National Finance Examiner |


**ALEX JONES SHOW(Radio show Archive)


*15th/Transcripts:Senators Coons and Rubio on Jobs and the Economy

Sen. Chambliss and Rep. Shuler on the Deficit Fight

Interview with Senator Marco Rubio


Will Voters Overlook Gingrich's Baggage?

Exclusive: The French Hacker Who Cracked Siri, Apple’s New Voice Recognition App - Worldcrunch - All News is Global

Don’t Be Too Disappointed By Google Music’s Lackluster Debut | TechCrunch

Here's How Google Music Plans to Compete So Late in the Game

Google vs. Microsoft: Not All Clouds Are Created Equal | Wired Enterprise |

Sen. Ron Wyden: We Can't Take the Internet for Granted

The Internet isn’t just pipes; it’s a belief system — Tech News and Analysis

CES 2012 Gadget Preview | PCWorld

Changing the world: DARPA’s top inventions - Slideshow | ExtremeTech

The Technological Marvels Microsoft Hides in Its Labs - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

Why Companies Should Invest in Google+ Brand Pages

Media companies and Twitter — still mostly doing it wrong — Tech News and Analysis

You Don’t Have to Tweet to Twitter «

Thoroughly Modern AIM

A Cold and Clever U.S. Base Move | The Diplomat

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: Speechless in Bashar Assad’s Syria

Why Does America Defend the Weak and Small? - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

The Face of Modern Slavery -

U.S. China Policy: A Snake with Three Heads

The New National Security Party - By Michael A. Cohen | Foreign Policy

Will Ayatollah Khamenei eliminate the Iranian presidency? – Global Public Square - Blogs

Only two powers can stop Syria’s brutality - The Globe and Mail

Dear Mr President, we beg to differ over the future of Asia

WPR Article | Over the Horizon: Iran and the Nuclear Paradox

Ben Judah | Russia's Imperial Future - Mother Russia, Father Putin | The European Magazine

Commentary: Mexico Sours on Drug War | The National Interest

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Nov 16, 2011 - Did U.S. troops bring democracy? Iraqis have doubts

Pope heads for Africa, where debate over condoms rages - Yahoo! News | of Morgan Hill California

WORLD Magazine | Extreme diversity | Tim Dalrymple | Nov 19, 11

Serene Jones: Protest 101: What Happens When A Seminary Is Occupied?

The bastard child of Christian love | Joel J. Miller

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: Economy-driven worship?

Distrust Feeds Anti-Atheist Prejudice - Miller-McCune

Celebrating the 1611 King James Bible | Rowan Williams | Comment is free |

Francis Chan Tells Liberty University Students: Break Out of Christian 'Bubble' and Engage, Christian News

Who's a weapons scientist? | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Was Jane Austen Poisoned? : Discovery News

Antibiotics with a side of steak | Disease Prone, Scientific American Blog Network

Biochemistry - Scientists Decode the Protective Element Sickle Cell Anemia Offers Against Malaria -

Drawing Helps Kids Recount Details of Sex Abuse - Miller-McCune

Business Advertising: Why Corporate Logos Matter | Decoded Science

Gentlemen prefer gluons | Lily Asquith | Life&Physics | Science |

Think Positive! It Just Might Improve the Economy - Blog

Rice University/Rice chemists cram 2 million nanorods into single cancer cell

Using ionized plasmas as cheap sterilizers for developing world

TV viewing poses greater risk than computer use for cardiovascular disease | Queen's University News Centre

RealClearReligion - The Truth about Fraudulent Scientists

Environmental Protection Agency | Clean Air Act | Regulations | The Daily Caller

Scuttle NASA Now - IEEE Spectrum

Just how much meat can eco-citizens eat? - environment - 16 November 2011 - New Scientist

U.S. Energy Independence: The Big Lie

Chu Discusses Solyndra Controversy : NPR

Solar Markets: A Study in Extremes | Renewable Energy World Magazine Article

Conn Carroll: Chu on Solyndra hot seat today in Congress | Conn Carroll | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Analysis: Energy Secy Chu faces showdown on Solyndra | Reuters

Chu Faces Solyndra Grilling, With Green Energy Future at Stake | OnEarth Magazine

A Long, Long Road to Recycling Nuclear Fuel -

Should We Be Bullish on Solar? - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

The American Spectator : Paul Krugman Flunks Moore's Law

Brian Keane: For Clean Energy, Politics Is Bad Business

Does Smart Grid Need Madison Avenue? : Greentech Media

TransCanada’s Keystone XL May Be Approved in Six to Nine Months - Businessweek

Obama Can Remove Pipeline From Politics by Moving Faster: View - Bloomberg

Henry: The energy industry’s Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde reputation

Japan endorses reactor exports even as it debates nuclear policy at home - The Washington Post

Amazon E-Library Is Publishing’s Profit Model: Virginia Postrel - Bloomberg

Jim Sleeper: Henry Kissinger's Grand Strategy Takes a New Turn at Yale

Aravind Adiga: Last Man In Tower | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

The Wilson Quarterly: Book Reviews: The Lunacy to Lead by Charles Barber

Book on bin Laden raid is a 'fabrication,' says US Special Operations -

Facebook Deactivates Salman Rushdie’s Profile, Makes Him Use ‘Ahmed’ - The Daily Beast

Pirates, patriots and paladins: The lush visions of a master illustrator -

The Blunders of Statesmen - Herbert Hoover - National Review Online

Trying not to recall Schwarzenegger’s legacy | Anonymous | Op Eds | San Francisco Examiner

The Suez Canal


Insight: The Death of Innocents: The Luxor Massacre

Elizabeth I, Queen of England

Battle of Arcola, 15-17 November 1796 Nixon Tells Editors, 'I'm Not a Crook

Fighting Chance | The Weekly Standard

The best way to play emerging markets - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Is China a Currency Manipulator? Or Is the U.S. the Guilty Party?

Big banks are dead money -- The Buzz - Nov. 16, 2011

Emerging Markets: Redrawing the Map -

How Inequality Hurts the Economy - Businessweek

America's invitation to the bond vigilantes - Telegraph

RealClearMarkets - Will the Poor Be Able to Afford Obamacare?

A Tax Plan That Will Reverse Greece's Ugly Implosion - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - A Super Tax Hike Spells Disaster

RealClearMarkets - Pro-Growth Tax Reform Can Be Progressive

Volcker Rule Is Irrelevant to MF Global Collapse: Frank Keating - Bloomberg

These guys want Corzine sent to jail -

Stocks Making Risky Bet on Massive ECB Money Printing - MarketBeat - WSJ

Top Favorite Stock Holdings of Congress | The Big Picture

The Cities Where People Finally Want to Buy Homes - 24/7 Wall St.

Time to buy U.S. banks? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Friedman Budget

Gingrich responds to concerns about Freddie Mac connection « Hot Air

On CNBC, Hensarling Talks Down Deal on Super Committee He Co-Chairs | FDL News Desk

Repeating Mistakes? | RedState

Report Alleges White House Hypocrisy on Executive Compensation

Employers and Banks Bilk Workers with Payroll Cards » New Deal 2.0

Reader Feedback: Why American Migration Might Be Falling -

Why2012 primary won't really damage the GOP's natiional security brand | Daniel W. Drezner

Cutting Military Spending, Rethinking Grand Strategy | Cato @ Liberty

Are Debates Hurting the Republican Candidates?

Sen. Ron Wyden: We Can't Take the Internet for Granted

Amid Endless Solyndra Smoke, Some New Signs Of Fire | Swampland |

Is Congress Contributing To Childhood Obesity? | The New Republic

The stunning silence from the White House on GSE bonuses « Hot Air

What's So Hard to Understand? - No Profits Means No Medicines - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Does the GOP Elite Still Decide? It’s Debatable -- Daily Intel

My Supreme Court health-care brief - The Washington Post

CNN Poll: Obama ranks low among recent incumbents – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

NYT Defines Obamacare Success: Fewer Options, but Better Coordinated - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

On waterboarding: Let’s stick to the facts - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Robert Reich: Occupiers Occupied: The Hijacking of the First Amendment

Hamed Shafia: The good son - Canada -

Solyndra is Obama's energy crisis -

Supreme Court should support healthcare law -

Editorials | Editorial: Obamacare case goes beyond health care | The Detroit News

State capitalism in China: Of emperors and kings | The Economist

RealClearPolitics - GOP Aims to Nationalize Allen vs. Kaine Race in Virginia

In Campaign Financing, More Money Can Beat Big Money -

Henninger: Obama Abandons (Private) Labor -

Why We Need Occupy Wall Street

Works and Days » The Imaginarium of Barack Obama

Doyle McManus: The new Newt Gingrich -

Spending’s ascending — with or without a budget sequester - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Clean Energy Worth the Political Muck

RealClearPolitics - A Super Tax Hike Spells Disaster: Better to Fall Back on the Trigger



**Real Clear Markets - Video - Oil Tops $100, Hits 5-Month High

Real Clear Markets - Video - Fed's Fisher: Banks 'Ahead of Curve' on Europe

Real Clear Markets - Video - T. Boone Pickens: A New Energy Plan

Real Clear Markets - Video - Wall Street's Tug-of-War on Pay

Real Clear Markets - Video - Stocks May Lack Direction, But Volume's Dried Up

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Fuzzy Math of Home Values

Real Clear Markets - Video - Outrage Over Fannie & Freddie Bonuses

Real Clear Markets - Video - How Long Can ECB Keep Buying Bonds?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Branson: Now's a Great Time for Entrepreneurs

Real Clear Markets - Video - Investors Overreacting to Europe?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Niall Ferguson: China Masters the 'Killer Apps'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Valuing Hard-to-Value Corporations

Real Clear Markets - Video - Altman: Very Low Expectations for Debt Committee

Real Clear Markets - Video - HSBC: Still Cautious on the Markets?


New al-Qaida chief: Bin Laden was 'weepy and delicate' man

China's 'own Area 51' spotted on Google Earth?

Chinese man in self-immolation in Tiananmen Square

Murderer flips middle finger with both hands as he's executed

Now, that's naked justice!

Man on FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist list spotted in Massachusetts?

Female rugby coach 'had affair' with teen she met at tournament

Divorce judge orders married couple to swap Facebook logins

Texas college GOP leader: Obama assassination 'tempting'

Broadband 'rush hour' cuts speeds by 70%

Cyber attack deluges Facebook users in vile porn, horror images

The festering Obamavilles

Penn State: A comfortable place for child rape

The Happy Valley Football Altar

News flash! We can't 'manage' evil

We the people are suckers

The clock is running on our liberty

If not Romney, who? If not now, when?

Secret government

A little hardball with Chris Matthews about JFK

Daily Kos: Grover Norquist, stealth jihadist

'All-American Muslim' hides the truth about Islam

Obama’s Half-Billion-Dollar Crony Drug Deal | FrontPage Magazine

Want to join the jet set?

Large Hadron Collider still hasn't found 'God particle'

Up the down staircase

Horned tattoo artist has a pickled hand ... want to shake?

Eastwood's 'J. Edgar' parrots left-wing lies

Man finds $500,000 treasure in storage unit

Why ugly people can't hide their flaws online

Lesbian couple considers action against Christian baker

Occupy epidemic! Brace yourself for United States of Chaos

Court tells government: Hands off babies' DNA

Money scandal to make a Newt out of Gingrich?

Wow! New Hampshire wakes up to Obama's alleged Social Security fraud ...

Latest Obama controversy: Who's ID'd as organ donor

Penn State: A comfortable place for child rape

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Fannie and Freddie back for more ...;Sen. Vitter rips Obama for unlimited bailouts through 2012, stifling domestic energy

Maxine Waters speaks out on Occupy deaths, violence

Obama campaign backers, bundlers rewarded with grants, loans

First Read - Perry says Obama 'grew up in a privileged way'

Cain accuser who settled keeps quiet

Joe Paterno in line for $500,000 pension

Posting on Internet led to McQueary's revelation

Court tells government: Hands off babies' DNA

North American Union: WND killed it?


THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*17 NOV.

American Minute for November 17th

November 17 Events in History

November 17th This Day in History

Today in History: November 17

This Day in History for 17th November

Today in History: November 17

November 17th in History

Today in History for November 17th - YouTube


Nov. 16, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-16-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-16-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-16-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-16-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-16-11 Hr 3

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-16, Wednesday

11-17.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

11-16.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

11/16 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-16-11

The Manning Report – 16 November 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, November, 16, 2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 15th

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 16th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Michael Savage Show 11/16/2011


The Prophecy Of Jesus About Obama And Oprah Winfrey - YouTube

The Prophecy Of Jesus About Obama And Oprah Winfrey Pt.2 - YouTube

The Prophecy of Jesus About Obama and Oprah Winfrey Pt. 3 - YouTube

The Prophecy of Jesus About Obama and Oprah Winfrey Pt. 4 - YouTube

The Prophecy of Jesus About Obama and Oprah Winfrey Pt. 5 - YouTube

The Prophecy of Jesus About Obama and Oprah Winfrey Pt .6 - YouTube

**News Videos:Bachus Tries To Spin Insider Trading Allegations; Schweizer Hammers Back With Devastating Facts

Senate To Hold Hearing On Insider Trading

Dem Senator: Congressional Insider Trading ‘Has To Be Made Illegal’

Morning Joe Features Kroft And Schweizer To Discuss Details Of Congressional Insider Trading Scandal

Leno Skewers Congress On Insider Trading

Buffett Rule: While Advising Obama Admin On Banking Policy, Fat Cat Warren Scooped Up Millions In Bank Stock

Multiple Arrests As #OccupyWallStreet Tries To ‘Shut Down’ Stock Exchange

Traders Push Back: ‘Occupy A Desk!, Get A Job!’

Flashback: Barack Obama On 1991 TBS ‘Black History Minute’

Chu: No Apologies Over Solyndra

Occupy San Diego Holds Moment of Silence/Solidarity for White House Shooter

Schweizer: There’s A ‘Massive Double Standard’ On Insider Trading Enforcement

Perry Ad Calls Obama ‘Pathetic’, ‘Socialist’

Disney CEO Joins Apple Board

Dennis Miller Is Off The Cain Train… For Now

Bill To Halt Congressional Insider Trading Gains Over 40 Sponsors

Perry On Insider Trading: There’s A Party Going On In Washington And ‘We’re Tired Of Paying For It’

Law Prof: Pelosi Could Be Prosecuted Under Existing Insider Trading Law

16th/Tea Party Group Calls For Bachus Resignation; Thursday Rally Scheduled In Alabama District

New York Media Reports: ‘Landslide Of New Legislation’ Targets Congressional Insider Trading

Senators Propose Anti-Insider Trading Laws For Congress

Senator Whitehouse Under Fire For Congressional Insider Trading

Rick Perry Hammers Congress On Insider Trading

Ron Paul On Congressional Insider Trading: ‘It’s Wrong’ And May Be Against The Law

Rev. Jesse Jackson Tells #OccupyCincinnati Movement Is Like The Racial Equality Movement Of The 60s

Super Committee Co-Chair: Waiting For Dems

Bullet Cracks White House Window

Karl Rove Schools #OccupyBaltimore Speech Crashers: Stop Acting Like A Fascist And Start Acting Like An American

Teacher Caught On Tape Bullying Special Needs Students, Keeps Job

US Military to Expand Presence In Australia

#OccupySF Threatens Police With Hacker Attack: ‘You Violate Us, The Internet Violates You’

Giffords Speaks To Southern AZ Constituents

Hillary Really Enjoys Dancer In Loincloth

15th/Panetta: Troop Pullout Was All About Iraq’s Needs

Palin On Sandusky: ‘Hang Him From The Highest Tree And I’ll Bring The Rope’

Maher To Hasselbeck: Don’t Blame Me, I’m Just A Comedian

In Gushing Defense Of Hire, Brian Williams Compares Chelsea Clinton To Tim Russert

14th/Deadly Gas Explosion in China

Maher: Romney Only Thing Stopping ‘The Rise of the Apes’

Chelsea Clinton Hired To Report for NBC

Breitbart Calls For Spencer Bachus To Resign From Congress

Peter Schweizer On Crony Capitalism: Gov’t Is ‘Profit Making Center’

Newsweek ’s Peter Boyer Discusses Insider Trading

Andrew Breitbart On ‘Comi-Con Politicians’

CRC’s Keith Appell on ‘Crony Capitalism’

Breitbart: Obama’s Youthful Ideals Turned Cynical

Peter Schweizer: Politicians Get Rich For What You And I Would Go To Jail For

Charlie Rangel: ‘Silence Of Clergy Frightening’ Over ‘Biblical Work’ Democrats Do On Economy

13th/Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch Talks Sense To ‘This Week’ Panel

12th/Tea Party Fights Back: #OccupyOrlando Forcibly Removed From Sheriff Joe Arpaio Event

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