A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

16 November 2011

16 NOV.





16 NOV

Obama: "I'm Trying To Figure Out What Time Zone I'm In Here"
Daily Caller Publisher Hits Politico For Liberal Bias
Rep. West To Media: "Stop Being Afraid" And "Stand Up" To Obama
Schultz: The GOP Doesn't Have "A Solid Candidate With A Solid Track Record"
Reich: No Spending Cuts Until Unemployment Is Down To 5%
O'Reilly: "Why Aren't The 'Occupy' Loons" Protesting Fannie & Freddie?
Gingrich: "I'm Not In The Business Of Lobbying, Period"
Lawrence O'Donnell: It's Over For Grover Norquist
Krauthammer: Some Of Gingrich's Ideas Are "Heretical"
Michael Moore: Obama, Federal Government Behind "Occupy" Evictions

15 NOV.

Perry: Send Congressional Insider Traders To Jail
Biden Cheers Unions At Campaign Event: "You Fired The First Shot"
Trump: Obama "Disgusting" For Calling American Business "Lazy"
Coulter "Tired Of Johnny-Come-Lately Conservative Purists"
Rubio: Obama Has Made "Everything Worse" And "Shouldn't Be Reelected"
Chris Matthews: Republicans Are "Consumed By Hate"
ABC's Sawyer Says Palin "Targeted" Gabby Giffords In Special On Congresswoman
Awkward: Hasselbeck Takes On Maher Over Sex Joke
Rick Perry: Washington Is "Doing Really Well, At Our Expense"
Michele Bachmann Slams Entire GOP Field In New Web Ad
Scarborough: I Was "Embarrassed" By Cain Before Everyone Else Was
MSNBC's Wagner Expresses Disdain For Second Amendment
Brit Hume Surveys Fluid 2012 GOP Field
Daily Caller's Poor On MSNBC's "Incestuous" Relationship With Politico
"Daily Show" On Saturday Night's GOP Debate
Politico's Mike Allen: "Very Possible" Dems Will Win Back House Majority
Joan Walsh: Republican Field An "Abomination"
Gingrich "Very Comfortable Relying On American People" To Make Choice
Perry: Cash Continues To Flow To Wall Street Financiers, Beltway Profiteers
Entire Interview Of Gloria Cain
O'Reilly: Paterno, Penn State Officials Should Have Done More
Matthews: "It Is Unimaginable" That Gingrich Could Be President
Maddow: The GOP And "Foreign Policy Ignorance"
"Special Report" Panel On Obama Calling America "Lazy"



16 NOV.

The Future Of The Eurozone
Are We 'Winning' In Afghanistan?
Syria Faces Growing Isolation
Syria On The Brink Of Civil War
EU Bans Sovereign Debt Speculation
Raw Video: Bomb Explodes In Lebanon Hotel
Indonesian Authorities Hope Mine Strike Will End Soon
Raw Video: Violence In Syria
Ai Weiwei Calls Bond Payment 'Ransom'
U.S. Military To Expand Presence In Australia
Obama Pokes Fun At Language Differences
Syria's Arab League Suspension
Fear And Frustration As Reconstruction Lags In Japan
War Necessary To Stop Iranian Nuclear Threat?


15 NOV

John Ikenberry: Liberal Leviathan
Will There Be A Digital 'Pearl Harbor'?
If Italy Fails, The Euro Fails And So Does The Economy
EU Foreign Ministers Increase Pressure On Syria
Obama Defends His Foreign Policy Record
Cain Stumbles On Libya Question
French Hostages Released From Yemen
Syrian Foreign Minister: 'Syria Is Not Libya'
Leaders Prepare For ASEAN
Australia Mulls Uranium Sales To India
Britian Tests Missiles
South Korea Drill Simulates North Attack
Bleak Times Ahead For Eurozone
Europe's Moment Of Truth Over Eurozone



Grist (


Wireless Technology and Blood

Human Blood Cell Research: Alteration of the Percentage Content of White Blood Cell (WBC) Count after the Exposure of Blood Samples in vitro to EMR by Dr. Howard W. Fisher

Fukushima Radioactive Ocean Impact Map - 11.11.11 update - YouTube

Herman Cain's Libya Disaster - YouTube

The Silver Bear Cafe:Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

Fannie, Freddie executives score $100M payday post bailout - Nov. 15, 2011

What Really Didn’t Happen At Dachau? | Real Zionist News

Double Vendetta — The Insanity of the Iran Confrontation - YouTube

Iran's stance on nuclear program tied to pride –

Facebook accounts attacked by wave of porn and violence | Mail Online

Feds Attack Klamath Basin Ranchers and Farmers With the ESA « The PPJ Gazette

Socializing losses: Trilateral takeover of Europe? — RT

A Gold Rush of Subsidies in Clean Energy Search -

Thrive: What on the Earth Will It Take? | The Solari Report Blog

Strangling The Population Debate In The US And Canada

Carcinogenic Sugars Rampant Among Food Supply | Natural Society

Chemotherapy 'could cause brain damage' in breast cancer patients | Mail Online

Springsteen, Bon Jovi and Ted Turner get over $30bn in tax subsidies EVERY YEAR | Mail Online

New poll shows 4-way tie in Iowa as Ron Paul moves to top tier - - CBS News

Romney Two-Way Race Now Four-Way Republican Dead Heat in Iowa - Bloomberg

Gingrich Said to Be Paid $1.6M by Freddie Mac - Bloomberg - Why I Left Communist Canada - Ex-Pat Likes Panama and Uruguay

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Ynetnews: The protocols of Gilad Atzmon

Gerald Celente RT America - 14 November 2011 - YouTube

Why Is China Building These Gigantic Structures In the Middle of the Desert? (Update 3)





Satanic Alien Deception: The Friendship Case (Aliens = Jinns = devils) Part 1 of 5 - YouTube

Satanic Alien Deception: The Friendship Case (Aliens = Jinns = devils) Part 2 of 5 - YouTube

Satanic Alien Deception: The Friendship Case (Aliens = Jinns = devils) Part 3 of 5 - YouTube

Satanic Alien Deception: The Friendship Case (Aliens = Jinns = devils) Part 4 of 5 - YouTube

Satanic Alien Deception: The Friendship Case (Aliens = Jinns = devils) Part 5 of 5 - YouTube


The Vatican & connexions with the UFO demonic phenomenon, Jinns, Leo Zagami (HD) part 1 of 3

The Vatican & connexions with the UFO demonic phenomenon, Jinns, Leo Zagami (HD) part 2 of 3

The Vatican & connexions with the UFO demonic phenomenon, Jinns, Leo Zagami (HD) part 3 of 3


Hollywood Actors Celebrities Possessed by Jinns 1/4

Hollywood Actors Celebrities Possessed by Jinns 2/4

Hollywood Actors Celebrities Possessed by Jinns 3/4

Hollywood Actors Celebrities Possessed by Jinns 4/4


New York court upholds eviction of Occupy protesters -

After a Second Police Raid, Occupy Oakland Vacates with a Whimper - TIME

China: Google Earth spots huge, unidentified structures in Gobi desert - Telegraph

Facebook rival Diaspora's co-founder Ilya Zhitomirskiy dies at 22 | Mail Online

DOJ: Lying on needs to be a crime | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Political Blogs, Opinions, Commentaries and Forums on Current Issues - US News Opinion

Iranian students form human shield near nuclear site amid fears of Israeli attack - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama Microphone Slip Shows Scary Israel Rift: Jeffrey Goldberg - Bloomberg

Netanyahu's Likud set to limit Israel's freedom of the press - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

PressTV - US confesses to covert ops against Iran

The Forces of the Last Gasp, on Meat Street. Reflections in a Petri Dish

'Tis the Season: Grinch THIS, Corporate America! | Farm Wars

Leveson inquiry: Phone hacking 'a cottage industry' as at least 28 News of the World journalists involved | Mail Online

EU adopts guidelines on airport body scanners - Yahoo! News

St. Louis officers to file suit over department's DNA collection

Court backs Morgan Hill school in flag dispute

Angry over spying, Muslims say: 'Don't call NYPD' –

Russia calls on Britain amid tension over nuclear shield - Europe - World - The Independent

Our chance has come to refashion the EU, Cameron tells City - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Europe's worst hour since 2nd World War, says Angela Merkel - Europe - World - The Independent

CIA urged to be more open about climate change | World news |

Justices unlikely to have last word on health care - Yahoo! News

Judge Who Set Unsecured Bail For Jerry Sandusky Is A Second Mile Volunteer [UPDATE]

Boy in 2002 incident denies abuse: Sandusky lawyer - Yahoo! News


Jonathan Emord -- FDA Rains on Mobile Medical App Parade

Attack On White House By Mexican Cartel Stuns Obama Regime

Obama Power Grab For Entire World Stuns Russia, China

Earth Warned Threatened After Mysterious “Force” Cripples Russian Space Craft

Mexico Honors Officials Killed in Crash -

US Joins Mexico Chopper Crash Probe, Blast Ruled Out | Fox News Latino

NYC Police Remove Occupy Wall Street Protesters From Site - Businessweek

We do not fear you, Obama tells China

Obama to station Marines in Australia - Jennifer Epstein -

Bullet hits White House window

US, Philippines boost alliance amid row with China -

CIA operations in Iran underway to take out Tehran bigs in mission to dismantle weapons program - NY Daily News

Some Israeli Generals Say 1967 Lines with Swaps Are Defensible - Yoni Komorov - International - The Atlantic

Options for Iran oil sanctions face economic risks -

China says US move to expand its military presence in Australia deserves scrutiny - The Washington Post

China state media slam Obama over currency remarks - Yahoo! News

The founders of the EU were trying to prevent another German superstate. But that is precisely where we are heading – Telegraph Blogs

Is a German Fourth Reich emerging? | GlobalPost

German intelligence agencies puzzled by far right terror group undetected for 10 years - The Washington Post

PressTV - Castro warns against attack on Iran

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

Human ancestors mated with more than Neanderthals - CBS News

Hundreds Of Giant Aliens Unearthed Near African Village | Pakalert Press

5 Myths Of The Cast Iron Pan Explained | Fox News

This Man Could Rule the World | Popular Science

What happens to the human body after drinking a can of cola | INFOgraphics | RIA Novosti

Occupy Wall Street - interviews and images from October 2011.m4v - YouTube

#OccupyWallStreet - This Is What Revolution Looks Like

What Actually Goes On Inside Herman Cain's Head - YouTube

US college grads desperate to find work - YouTube

Nigel Farage offering a "Quarter Million Dollar" Solution to the Euro - YouTube

NYPD using unnecessary violence on peaceful protestors Liberty Square November 15th, 2011 - YouTube

Herman Cain...WTF? (to leave a comment, please go to the article linked below, and comment there) - YouTube


Ron Paul on Freedom Watch w/ Judge Napolitano 11/15/11 - YouTube


*42 min./President Obama Holds a Press Conference at the APEC Summit - YouTube


Layoffs at CNN - Rumsfeld, Gates Sued Over Military Rapes - YouTube

Breaking: Mayor Jean Quan Admits Coordinated Raids on Occupy Camps - YouTube

A first view on the Occupy Wall Street Court Ruling.11 15 11 - YouTube

Police Crackdown on Occupy Wall Street Protest: "This Morning’s Action May Not Be What A Police State Looks Like, But It’s Certainly How One Begins"Occupy

Revolutionary Politics : Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?: Government Gone Wild!

StateWars-The Last Hope.- YouTube

The Forces of the Last Gasp, on Meat Street. - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "The Super Congress Will Not Contemplate Maybe We Spend Too Much Overseas"

Revolutionary Politics : Gary Johnson "Politicians Are At The Root Of This When It Comes To Payola"

No, It Is NOT "Legal" For Congress To Insider-Trade -- The SEC Should Launch Investigation Immediately

» Sen. Feinstein Loaded up on Biotech Stock Just Before Company Received $24 Million Gov’t Grant - Big Government

Ron Paul Appears to be Iowa Front-Runner According to Latest Poll | Benzinga

Lone Star Watchdog: Webster Tarpley is Wrong About Ron Paul's Economic Plan is not Austerity to the Bankers Calling Budget Cuts Genocide.

American's Journey: Fake Truth for Our Own Good?

Robert Naiman: With 13,111 New Peace Voters, Ron Paul Can Win the Iowa Caucus

Poll: Ron Paul claims frontrunner status, soaring past Gingrich, Romney | The Raw Story

Anti-Hacking Law Criminalizes Most Computer Users, Former Prosecutor Says | Threat Level |

Activist Post: White House Denies Responsibility for Confusing Everyone About Medical Marijuana

Wall Street ‘Mob’ Bankrolls Powerful Rep. Eric Cantor :

U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team ~ Grass Roots Take Charge! | Political Vel Craft

Refreshing News: Steal $4,367 in food stamps to feed family: 3 years in prison // Steal $3 Million in mortgage fraud: 2 years in prison

CDC admits not a single person has died from consuming raw milk products in 11 years

Bachmann Endorser Grant Says "It Is Dominion We Are After. World Conquest" | Right Wing Watch

Prison » DHS-Linked Group Trains Citizens Their “Best Pal” Could Be a Terrorist

Romney and Obama battle it out in the primary for the Israel lobby | Mondoweiss

Tennessee State Rep. Rick Womick Calls Allah A 'False God,' Warns Of A Muslim Immigrant 'Population Jihad' | ThinkProgress

RCMP cameras with crime photos found in trees - British Columbia - CBC News

U.S. spends $32 million to make eight 30,000-pound bombs | The Raw Story

Fast and Furious: Case Files on Terry Murder Have Disappeared, Gone - Katie Pavlich

1newsjunkie: "21-year old, Hispanic male, 5'11", 160 pounds, with a medium build, brown eyes and black hair" sought after bullet hits the White House

Activist Post: Hillary Clinton and the New American (Pacific) Century


John Quincy Adams on U.S. Foreign Policy (1821)

Paterno Passed On Home to His Wife for $1

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente on MF Global - MF'ers 'took my money'

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul: Tough Times for the Banks, Liberty for the People

US Bill Creating the Great Firewall of America | the agile panda

House to consider national concealed carry gun bill Tuesday

U.S. House to vote on Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act | |

Have concealed-carry permit, will travel - Seung Min Kim -

House to vote on bill allowing those with concealed weapons permits to cross state lines - The Washington Post

Debt Diets & Riots: Euro Lose/Lose? - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street: NYPD raid on camp in Zuccotti park - YouTube

What CNN thinks is important news - YouTube

Contract Killing: 'UK bombs its way to Libyan oil' - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Judge Napolitano Grills Congressman On Insider Trading Scandal

OWS witness: Brutal lockdown in Zuccotti Park to fuel new protests - YouTube

'Israeli attack on Iran would harm US interests' - YouTube

Mexican Trucks Entering US Cited for 1 Million Violations : Federal Jack


Arresting Bankers Good For Us, Wall Street Sales Tax Bad For Us | Video Rebel's Blog

Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VANITY FAIR) - YouTube

Arresting Bankers Good For Us, Wall Street Sales Tax Bad For Us | Video Rebel's Blog

poorrichards blog: Quotable Quotes From The Chosen Ones

Dennis Ross: The Undiplomatic History | Al Akhbar English

Soldier Charged with Attempted Espionage. For Telling His Mother To Prepare For The End of the World? - USAHM Conspiracy News

Soylent Green is People! - USAHM Conspiracy News

Leaked Weather Modification Document - USAHM Conspiracy News

Could You Survive In Space Without a Spacesuit? - USAHM Conspiracy News

Obama – Product of Illuminati Breeding Program? - USAHM Conspiracy News

A List of 116 Dead Scientists… Assassinated? - USAHM Conspiracy News

Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s' - USAHM Conspiracy News

Flex Your Rights: The Top 3 Things To Do In Every Police Encounter - USAHM Conspiracy News

Monsanto's Crimes Against Humanity - USAHM Conspiracy News

Vatican Calls for 'Central World Bank' to Be Set Up - USAHM Conspiracy News

The Unconstitutionality of 'Obamacare' with Libertarian Chairman Mark Hinkle 1/2 - YouTube

The Unconstitutionality of 'Obamacare' with Libertarian Chairman Mark Hinkle 2/2 - YouTube

Penn State Secrets Pedophile Coverup with Jason Bermas - YouTube

The Pedophile Culture: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition 1/2 - YouTube

The Pedophile Culture: Alex Jones Tuesday Edition 2/2 - YouTube

» MF Global Looted Customers’ Accounts Via Internal Bank Run Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DOJ: Make It a Federal Crime to “Lie” on the Internet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DHS-Linked Group Trains Citizens Their “Best Pal” Could Be a Terrorist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Homeland Security Coordinated 18-City Police Crackdown on Occupy Protest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Snatch Squads’ Caught On Camera At London Student Rally Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'Snatch Squads' Caught On Camera At London Student Rally - YouTube

DC Shooting Suspect Could Be Threat to Obama, Police Say - ABC News

Here's the risk: Occupy ends up doing the bidding of the global elite | Patrick Henningsen | Comment is free |

Analysis: SEC targets low-level bankers, spares top execs - Yahoo! News

41% of People Say American Dream Is Lost; 63% Say Economy Getting Worse: Y! Finance Survey | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Lancaster's spy plane plan OK'd - LA Daily News

» The Militarization of Your Local Police Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Scans reveal how the brain's GPS helps us navigate from A to B | Science | The Guardian

Rise in use of cocaine has peaked, says EU drug agency report | Society |

BBC constrained by need to avoid political bias, admits Lord Patten | Media | The Guardian

» Major Wars and Suppression of American Freedoms Planned BEFORE 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 1/6 - YouTube

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 2/6 - YouTube

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 3/6 - YouTube

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 4/6 - YouTube

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 5/6 - YouTube

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 6/6 - YouTube

Colossal GeoEngineering in Plain Sight - YouTube

It's Worse Than Insider Trading! - YouTube

A Total Criminal System Above The LAW! - YouTube

Israeli Prime Minister "is acting to stop" Iran's nuclear armament

Alex Addresses Icke, Ventura Meltdown - YouTube

Jesse Ventura - Pet Detective (A Must Read) - David Icke Website

Prison » Following Iowa Surge, Ron Paul Polls Second In New Hampshire

Ron Paul Tied for 1st in Iowa - YouTube

Prison » MF Global Looted Customers’ Accounts Via Internal Bank Run

Prison » As France Recalls Ambassador Is A Syrian “Liberation” Imminent

Prison » Young girl left unable to talk or walk, sleeps 23 hours a day after getting Cervarix vaccine for HPV

Schoolgirl Lucy Hinks left in 'waking coma' after severe reaction to cervical cancer jab | Mail Online

Prison » Radiation Spreads to France

Prison » Reality Check: Practical Protestors and Extremist Elites

BBC News - Obama visit: Australia agrees US Marine deployment plan

Prison » Real Tough Men In America And Israel Are Against An Attack On Iran

Prison » Ron Paul: Tough Times for the Banks, Liberty for the People?

Ron Paul: Tough Times for the Banks, Liberty for the People? - YouTube

Prison » Penn State Secrets Pedophile Coverup with Jason Bermas

Penn State Secrets Pedophile Coverup with Jason Bermas - YouTube

Occupy JP Morgan - YouTube

Prison » Russian Central Bank Buys 100 Tons of Gold

Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands - Washington Whispers (

Smoking in cars should be banned: doctors - Telegraph

Land in parts of Japan 'too radioactive to farm' - Telegraph

Prison » Twitter Ordered to Hand Over WikiLeaks Info to Justice Department

"NYPD Doused Peaceful Protesters With Pepper Spray" Josh Harkinson Mother Jones Magazine - YouTube

Cain Struggling Amid Allegations and Foreign Policy Blunders

Federal Agents Raid Medical Marijuana Dispensaries In Washington State - YouTube

Supreme Court will hear health care case this term - Yahoo!

How Can The American People Ever Trust Congress Again After Learning Of The Rampant Insider Trading That Has Been Going On?

Joseph Alan Sanchez: Tillman Story Scratches Surface of Pentagon Deceit «

DOJ: Make It a Federal Crime to “Lie” on the Internet

ObamaCare Failure: Number of Uninsured and Untreated Grows

Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 11/15/11 - YouTube


46 min./Money As Debt-Full Length Documentary - YouTube

1:17:29/Money As Debt II-Promises Unleashed-Full Length Documentary - YouTube


Salbuchi - 2010 Forecast: Transition from Globalization to World Government -1 of 3 - YouTube

Salbuchi - 2010 Forecast: Transition from Globalization to World Government -2 of 3 - YouTube

Salbuchi - 2010 Forecast: Transition from Globalization to World Government -3 of 3 - YouTube


Thomas Jefferson and Defiance to Tyrants: An Anniversary worth Celebrating – Tenth Amendment Center

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us

What is Agenda 21? | What is Sustainable Development?


**Federalist Papers Summary (


Obamacare Unconstitutional According to James Madison

Destroying America

Ron Paul to Bill O’Reilly: I Don’t Like Demagogues

105 legislators to Supremes: Stop Obamacare

'60 Minutes' on 'honest graft' - John Bresnahan -

CNN Defends the Fed – Calls Ron Paul Economically Illiterate

Election fallout: Obamacare losing ground among states

Public Pulse: What Do Americans Really Think about the Debt Ceiling and Government Spending? - YouTube


How To Take Our Country Back I - Strategy

How To Take Our Country Back II - Tactics


Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

How To Brainwash A Nation


Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB Psychological Warfare Techniques. Subversion & Control of Western Society 1/7

Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB Psychological Warfare Techniques. Subversion & Control of Western Society 2/7

Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB Psychological Warfare Techniques. Subversion & Control of Western Society 3/7

Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB Psychological Warfare Techniques. Subversion & Control of Western Society 4/7

Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB Psychological Warfare Techniques. Subversion & Control of Western Society 5/7

Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB Psychological Warfare Techniques. Subversion & Control of Western Society 6/7

Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB Psychological Warfare Techniques. Subversion & Control of Western Society 7/7


ND farmers push for constitutional right to farm

22 Signs That The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We All Take For Granted Is Starting To Disappear | Before It's News

Pineal Gland, DMT, Vatican Secrets Pine Cone Symbolism - YouTube

God Sightings in Google Maps - 47.110579, 9.227568 - YouTube

+David Icke 2011 - The Zion MainFrame - YouTube

David Icke EXPOSES Illuminati Music Industry - YouTube

Is Obama Gay: Exclusive Interview With Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder | Before It's News

Obama Accused of Gay Sex, Drugs, and Murder - YouTube


Alien ET Cities You Can Visit On Earth Now | Before It's News


Phil Schneider 1 of 7 DULCE ALIEN CONFRONTATION - YouTube

Phil Schneider 2 of 7 DULCE ALIEN CONFRONTATION - YouTube

Phil Schneider 3 of 7 DULCE ALIEN CONFRONTATION - YouTube

Phil Schneider 4 of 7 DULCE ALIEN CONFRONTATION - YouTube

Phil Schneider 5 of 7 DULCE ALIEN CONFRONTATION - YouTube

Phil Schneider 6 of 7 DULCE ALIEN CONFRONTATION - YouTube

Phil Schneider 7 of 7 DULCE ALIEN CONFRONTATION - YouTube


* - The Billy Meier UFO Contacts


THE PHOBOS-GRUNT CONSPIRACY_ Is the Russian spacecraft, a biological weapon - YouTube


Roy Tov – Is Zuckerberg Mossad?

Northerntruthseeker: Is Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Mossad? (Part II)


2012 Mayan Day of Death Prophecy Phobos (Mayan Fear) - YouTube

Rice Chemists Cram 2 Million Nanorods Into Single Cancer Cell | Before It's News

Quantitative Replacement of Cetyl Trimethylammonium Bromide by Cationic Thiol Ligands on the Surface of Gold Nanorods and Their Extremely Large Uptake by Cancer Cells - Vigderman - 2011 - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library

Rice chemists cram 2 million nanorods into a single cancer cell. - YouTube


*54 PGS./Obama Fraud Gate ;Deck of Cards


How To Grow Your Own Living Food (And Emergency Nutrition) With EasyGreen Sprouters | Before It's News

20 Strange And Unusual Academic Conferences That Actually Exist | Before It's News

History's 9 Most Notorious Crimes of Passion | Before It's News

New Study Exposes Flaws in "Green Chemistry" Movement | Before It's News

Green Chemistry's March of the Ostriches | Competitive Enterprise Institute

WTC Workers Exposed Earlier To Dust Cloud Have Higher Risk Of Atherosclerotic Lesions | Before It's News

OpEdNews - Diary: 46 Drills of 9/11 - how 9/11 was orchestrated


The Many False Hijackings Of 9/11 | Before It's News

9/11 Vans: 'Splain This! - YouTube

25 iPad Apps Changing College Prep | Before It's News

15 Telling Facts About the App Gap | Before It's News

Ayn Rand on "Civil Disobedience" | Before It's News

America, welcome to the “Chicago way” | Before It's News

Skull & Bones, The Order At Yale Revealed | Before It's News

Another Obama Advisor Favors Health Care Rationing | Before It's News

What Fast and Furious and Occupy Wall Street Have in Common | Before It's News

Obama Claims Hawaii Is In Asia - YouTube

Russia, China, Iran, US--A Steady Diet of Lies and Deception | Before It's News

Big Brother is Watching YOU! | Before It's News

NBC Hypes Cain's Pause on Libya as 'Disqualifying Moment,' Dismisses Obama's 'Lazy' Remark | Before It's News

20 Unusual Uses for Olive Oil | Before It's News

How Can Mindfulness Improve Your Digestion | Before It's News

How to Control Your Diet | Before It's News

Paging GLAAD: Gay Republican TV Star Says He Was Assaulted for Coulter Association

Math Genius Johnny Depp: Middle America Doesn’t Appreciate ‘Intelligent Films’

Millionaires Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen Rake in Farm Subsidies

Grammy Nominee’s Occupy Wall Street Theme Song Features Harmonica Solos, Violent Imagery

Billy Tucci’s ‘A Child Is Born’: Graphic Novel Treats the Nativity as a Real-Life Superhero Origin Story

Trailer Talk: ‘The Hunger Games’

Frank Miller’s Occupy Critique Breaks Ranks with Comic Book Nation

Writer/Director Mark Duplass: Success Meant Throwing out the Film School Rule Book

‘Iron Lady’: Thatcher Hit Job or Worthy?

‘Battleship’ Director Peter Berg Honors American Military: ‘Real Heroes’

‘Whoops!’ – Goldberg Slammed as ‘Merciless, Cruel Woman’ by Former Tenant

HomeVideodrome: Inspiration for ‘The Departed’ and a ‘Nothingburger’ from Hanks

-Daily Call Sheet: More ‘J. Edgar’ Woes, Cheap Blu-rays, and 50 Years of the Rolling Stones

Howard Stern Stokes ‘Talent’ Talk Despite Sorry TV Track Record

Trailer Talk: ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’

Stephen King Ignores History to Blame the Right

‘The Human Resources Manager’ Review: Bureaucratic Blunders in the Age of Suicide Bombings

Michael Moore Blames Obama for #Occupy Evictions

‘Playboy’: Paul Krassner Vs Andrew Breitbart

AUDIO:‘Silenced’ Authors: Sharia Proponents Suppressing Our Right to Free Speech Strikes Back at Westboro Baptist Church–With Humor

Marked for Destruction: MEDEVAC Choppers Display Giant, Red Cross-Shape Targets for Insurgents

Obama to Renew, Strengthen Ties in Australia to Counter an Increasingly Aggressive China

AUDIO:Should America Be More ‘Frugal’ with Defense Spending?

Saudi Oil Ethics Challenged by Canadian Upstart

Thanks to Obama Admin Anti-Israel Hostility, R.I.P. to the Middle East ‘Peace Process’

Poll: Troops Losing Confidence in Obama Commander-in-Chief

Credit Where It’s Due: CNBC Hits Congressional Insider Trading Story Hard

Congressional Insider Trading: How and Why Politico Protects the Status Quo

NBC News And “Lucky Sperm Syndrome”

Four Republicans To One Democrat: The Mainstream Media’s Definition Of ‘Fair And Balanced’

Objectivity Lost: Journalist Covering Shale Gas Sues Same Industry

Sound Bite For The Day: Politico Defends “Corrupt” Congress From Caller

The Breitbart Epiphany: NYT’s #OccupyWallStreet Reporter Says Goodbye to Objectivity

The Politics Of Sycophancy: Arianna’s Attempt to Kill Congressional Insider Trading Scandal ‘Falls Flat’

Diane Sawyer Again Links Tea Party And Sarah Palin to Rep. Giffords’ Shooting

Columbia Journalism Prof. Sree Sreenivasan Abhors The ‘Unwashed Masses’ Of Citizen Journalists

Could a Possible #OccupyWallStreet Connection Explain Lack of MSM’s White House Shooting Coverage?

Sound Bite For The Day: Did NBC’s Alex Wagner Call One Of Her Panelists ‘Stupid?’

Occupy Nancy Pelosi: The Real ‘One Percent’ Is America’s Political Class

No, it Is Not ‘Legal’ for Congress to Trade on Insider Information

Sens. Brown, Gillibrand Introduce ‘STOCK Act’ to Ban Insider Trading in Congress

Judge Rules Against #Occupy Protesters, Ends Occupation of Private Park

Powering Inferno: Chevy Volt and GM Going Down in Flames-Literally

#Occupy Enlists Anonymous to Target Judge After #OWS Ruling

Thomas Sowell’s Insights on the Obama Administration, the Presidential Election, and More

Perry Calls for Government Overhaul

Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s ‘Green’ Company Scored $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout

Alan Blinder’s Accidental Case for the Flat Tax

Union ‘Progress’ Could Mean Ohio’s Bankruptcy

Patient Centered Healthcare is Possible

Secret Service Search #OccupyDC for White House Shooter

WSJ’s Holman Jenkins, Jr. Doesn’t Like Insider Trading–Laws, That Is

+The Cheat Sheet, November 16: Did You See that Status Update?

Now Chicago Pursues Tobacco Tax Hikes, Too

AUDIO:The Intersection of Political Theory and Political Reality

Breaking: Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Allowing #OWS Back In The Park - With Tents

Use A Computer Regularly? You're Probably Breaking The Law

Elizabeth Warren is a 'Rock Star'

Now That Newt's In Front, It's Time To Look At The IRS Ruling That 'Cleared' Him

Court Orders Occupiers Must Be Allowed to Re-enter Zuccotti Park With Their Belongings

Moved Your Money Out of BofA? If You're Unemployed Too Bad

Former Legal Adviser to Mayor Quan: City Should Have Supported Occupy Movement in Oakland

Verizon Paid a -2.9% Tax Rate From 2008-2010

Deficit Panel: Kick The Can Down The Road and Let Republicans Agree To Revenue After 2012 Elections

Anti-Gay Lassen's Takes Over Nature Mart In Huge Gay Community

If the Super Committee Doesn't Cut Your Medicare, Santa Claus Will Die!

+Labor News and Notes Round-up

Newt Gingrich Spends Big Bucks On A Turnkey Website

New Philly Judge: 'That's The Way It's Done In Pennsylvania'

Bob Costas Interviews Jerry Sandusky About Sexual Abuse Accusations

Harry Reid: Grover Norquist Is Keeping Super Committee From Getting An Agreement

Mike McQueary: I Stopped The Attack and Told The Cops

State of Siege USA: Why Would They Want to Shut the #OWS Movement Down NOW?

GOP Debates: Shock and Aww Two More This Week!?

‘South Park’ Renewed Through 2016 By Comedy Central - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

Wizard of Oz Munchkin Karl Slover Dies at 93 -

Banderas: Hosting Obama ‘like a fairy tale’ - CLICK -

Justin Bieber: President Obama's a fan - CLICK -

Students Lose Enthusiasm to Fight for Obama Again -

Giffords's husband scolds Boehner for not visiting wounded lawmaker -

New survey: Media among least favored businesses | Poynter.

Networks Ignore Calls For Kagan's Recusal as Supreme Court Takes on ObamaCare Case |

Charlie Rose and Gayle King Join 'The Early Show' on CBS -

Part One: Bringing America Home Again

Part Two: Bringing America Home Again – The Obama Nation’s Executive Power

Part Three: Bringing America Home Again: Law and Order

Part IV: Bringing America Home Again: Runaway America

Part Five: Bringing America Home Again – The Connoisseur

Part Six: Bringing America Home Again – An Orgy of Lemmings

Part Seven: Bringing America Home – The Expanding Tree of Useful Idiots


16-Nov-11 World View

15-Nov-11 World View

14-Nov-11 World View


Bullet hits White House, stopped by safety glass

Republicans blast shale drilling rule expansion

GOP says Energy Dept. tried to delay solar layoffs

Democrats, Republicans far apart on deficit deal

'Sped up legislation of 'Sohlberg Law' legal'

Jewish and Arab artists unite

Netanyahu: 'All options are on the table' regarding Iran

Gingrich acknowledges Freddie Mac consulting fees

Dog that survived gassing finds new home in NJ

Former heavyweight champ Frazier remembered in SC

Panetta pushes back against detainee provisions

Blood type may affect stroke risk, study finds

Anat Kamm appeals prison sentence to Supreme Court

German neo-Nazi terrorists had 'hitlist' of 88 political targets

Arabs, Israel, maybe Iran to attend IAEA talks


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Saudi prince says ample evidence of Iran plot

Lawmakers take aim at millions in US aid to China

China state media slams Obama over yuan remarks

Congressmen: Obama ‘complicit’ in Fast and Furious without action on Holder

Solyndra : Energy Dept. sought to delay layoffs

The Annals of Crony Capitalism: Is Siga Technologies he New Solyndra ?

QUICK TAKE: E-mails Suggest DOE Put Politics Above Economics With Solyndra

Insider urges overhaul of Energy Department

Aldermen praising Emanuel's budget

Are Chicago's water rates fair? Suburb says no

Three charged in north suburban robbery string

"Wheaton Bandit" May Get Away With Crimes | NBC Chicago

Obama's Half-Billion-Dollar Crony Drug Deal - The Paramus Post - Greater Paramus News and Lifestyle Webzine

White House Releases New Solyndra Emails Amid Congress Subpoena Fight - The Daily Beast

Rahm Emanuel Used His Gmail Account to Message Administration Officials | TPMMuckraker

Solyndra: Endgame - HUMAN EVENTS

Rahm Emanuel: No, those e-mails don’t jog my memory about Solyndra « Hot Air

Syrian Army Defectors Go on Offense, Militarizing Syria's Uprising

Monti sworn in as Italian premier

Eyeing China, US Expands Military Ties to Australia

Afghan elders' grand council considers US presence

Chinese school bus accident kills at least 20

Watch: Prankster Surprises Hillary Clinton on Hawaii Trip

South African ruling party youth leader refuses to resign

Ex-Pres Arroyo stopped from leaving Philippines

US Predators kill 18 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan

Myanmar Said to Begin Moving Political Prisoners

Assange seeks UK Supreme Court extradition hearing

USA TODAY/Gallup poll: Penn State football too powerful

Where to go from Zuccotti Park?

Bullet That Struck a White House Window Is Found

More Americans than not want health care law repealed

Walker says he's not responsible for recall effort against him

Cain denies he was confused about Libya question

Chu says no political influence on Solyndra aid

Mass. lawmakers reworking casino bill after objections over local aid cut

Fact Check: Super PAC polishes Huntsman's resume

Charles Manson follower Charles 'Tex' Watson to seek parole again

Obama Behind Romney in New Hampshire Poll Showing Pessimism

Democrats, Republicans Far Apart on Deficit Deal

Sarah Palin: Hang Penn State's 'perverted former assistant coach'

House Judiciary Chairman Says Google Obstructs Piracy Bill

Tents Go Up at Berkeley Amid Arrests Across Bay

Missing 2-year-old's dad grieves as hope dims

Gingrich says he received Freddie Mac compensation

Postal Service Repeats Call for Help, Announces $5.1B Loss in FY 2011

Stronger Factories, Lower Prices Lift Economy

Runaway Land Prices Rational, Regulators Now Say

US Stocks Decline on Europe, Oil Concerns

A Kindle Swipes Fine, but Still Hooked on a Nook

Facebook Porn Spam Attack: How to Protect Yourself

2013 Ford Escape revealed - raw footage - YouTube

Apple's Jobs Wanted Private Wi-Fi Network for iPhone, Tried for Three Years

Google to unveil music store to rival Apple iTunes

Facebook Privacy: Site Confirms It Tracks You After You Leave

Apple's board: Who are they?

Why Boxee Box's TV tuner needs DVR support


Google Verbatim Search Aims for Precise Results


*Search using your terms, verbatim - Inside Search


Bill Maher On Hasselbeck Feud: I Kid, Elisabeth!

Michael Jackson estate in talks with Hollywood

Boffins discover prehistoric moth's dayglo green warning

Botched Mars mission shows Russian industry troubles

Spectacular new image exposes nebula's cool, dusty clouds

Artificial Urban Glacier to Cool Mongolian Capital

Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks Thursday, November 17

Spectacular Video Reveals Breathtaking View of Earth from Space

Stalled Phobos probe may fall to Earth in January

Chinese Docking Spacecraft Readies for Return to Earth Thursday

Giant orbiting power plants could harvest the sun's energy to provide world's ...

Har Gobind Khorana dies at 89; biologist, chemist won Nobel Prize

Ensuring Foof Security, Tackling Climate Change

Lawmaker, Broadcaster Request Camera in Courtroom for Health Care Hearing

Smoking ban for cars? British doctors say yes

Finding drug to boost 'good cholesterol' proves elusive

Hype Aside, Hope for Stem Cell Therapy May Be Emerging From Hibernation

High IQ at age 5, 10 linked to high risk of illegal drug use

Most baby boomers feel young, don't have living wills

Stem cell pioneer halts spinal cord research

Babies with knives? Co-sleeping ad angers some parents

Umbilical Cord Should Not Be Cut for 3 Minutes, Study Says

Blood type may affect stroke risk, study finds

Low vitamin D may increase heart attack risk in women

Great American Smokeout to be held

Codeword | Epicenter |


*Map: Underground Bases(


UFO Highwa(Link Page)

Pickover Report;Links(


Audio: O'Reilly on Deadly Equines

Current News on Space, Animals, Technology, Health, Environment, Culture and History | LiveScience

Twisted trees are 'proof of Bigfoot' - Telegraph

Sweet Spot for Life's Chemistry Discovered : Discovery News

Act One. Mr. Holland's Opus. | So Crazy It Just Might Work | This American Life

7 Recent Discoveries That Could Revolutionize Medicine | Fast Company

Giant planet ejected from the solar system?

BBC News - Psychopaths: Born evil or with a diseased brain?

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Voyage to the Land of the Living Dead

Noetic Now Journal | Institute of Noetic Sciences

BBC News - X-ray facility to study conditions at Earth's core


*Cliff Pickover - ESP Experiment


The Wikipedia Knowledge Dump (


Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds(

+Wordle - Create


666 Calculation calculator English gematria Bible Codes Numerology Forums


Rush: I’m Convinced Pelley Has No Clue How Stupid and Idiotic He Looked After Newt Finished With Him

Mark Levin: Chelsea Clinton Will Be Ten, Twenty Steps Up From What They’ve Got At NBC

Rush Limbaugh Doubles Down On Chelsea Clinton Joining NBC As A ‘Politician-In-Training’

Rush Blasts ‘Moochelle’ Obama For Her “Kids Palates Adjustment” Comment: How About Getting Her Grandiose Dictatorial Urges Adjusted.

Rush: NBC Hires The 1% Chelsea Clinton. This Is The Quintessential Thing The 99% Are Fed Up With.

Walking the longest mile to 2012 on the Trail of Tears

Plan 9 from Washington Space

Questionable Stimulus-Funded Projects

Clear and Present Danger: Obamacare

Obama is merely one tip of the real, global and Islamic conspiracy

Filth of OWS goes beyond sanitation

Gimme + Greed = Occupy Wall Street

President Obama Misleads the Public on Iran

Oil and natural gas production on federal land is declining

T. Boone to pick taxpayer wallet?

After the US pulls out, will CIA rely more on Afghan mercenaries? -

BBC News - Liver implant gives boy 'another chance of life'

The Implications of Proliferating Regional Government

A Chicago Politics Expansion of Executive Privilege

The Eloquence of Obama's Inaction

The End of the 'Peace Process' Era

Despite Denial, Iranian Assassination Plot Was Hatched at the Top

Libertarians and OWS: Useful Idiots

Whither the White Working Class?

The Abuser in Chief

Expect Newt to be Pilloried

Were the OWS protestors stockpiling weapons?

Insider trading benefited both parties in Congress

Barack Obama has a boyhood friend!

Holder's Fast and Furious Coming Undone

What President 'O' can learn from Coach 'K'

FLOTUS favorite food; arugula and steak, French fries or tamales?

Stopping the Decline in Housing Prices

Liberals, Israel and Disaster

Joe Paterno and the Act that Dare Not Speak Its Name

Pre-Occupied with the First Amendment

The Dems Target Defense and Your Wallet Again

Illegal Immigration Foe Recalled in Arizona

Fixing the Debate Process in America

OWS Protester: In a Few Days You’re Going to See What a Molotov Cocktail Can Do to Macy’s | Verum Serum

The PJ Tatler » Seven of the Top Ten Wealthiest Members of Congress Are Democrats

Al Qaeda Head: My Fond Memories of Bin Laden - ABC News

Forum Post: Proposed list of OWS Demands |

Kagan to Tribe on Day Obamacare Passed: ‘I Hear They Have the Votes, Larry!! Simply Amazing.’ |

Obama: I delivered 'change you can believe in' | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

IRS Having Trouble Keeping Taxpayer Files Secure, Watchdog Says | Fox News

Republican or Democrat: Not A Dime’s Worth Of Difference

Michele Bachmann: Stage Set for Worldwide Nuclear War Against Israel

How an Idiot Could Still End Up in the White House

Is the US Getting Domestic Indefinite Military Detention for Thanksgiving?

The Hijacking of the First Amendment

Shut Down Stewart Detention Center

Desktop ‘Militants’ And Public Intellectuals

GOP House Will Vote on Balanced Budget Amendment That Permits Unlimited Federal Spending

Atheists in the Military Are Demanding Their Own Chaplains

Democrats Urged to Vote Against Balanced Budget Amendment This Week

Rep. West to Media: ‘Stop Being Afraid of This President’ Who ‘Is Destroying This Country’

Brooklyn Museum Rejects Bishop’s Call to Pull Ants-on-Crucifix Video from Gay Art Exhibit

Obama Expands U.S. Military Presence in Australia, Drawing Warning From China

As Iranian Students Stage ‘Pro-Nuke’ Rallies, Dissidents Urge Iran to Back Away From Bomb-Making

Gingrich: Freddie Mac Paid His Consulting Firm Up to $1.8M for 'Strategic Advice'

House Voting Today on Bill Expanding Scope of Concealed Weapons Permits

Teamsters Cheer (Non-Working) Occupy Protesters for Bringing 'New Energy' to Labor's Fight

Will the U.S. Fund a Palestinian Government That Includes Terrorists?

'Wizard of Oz' Munchkin Karl Slover Dies at 93

Sandusky Interview Surprised Even NBC's Bob Costas

Authorities Post Occupy London Eviction Notices

Boy, 11, Reports Mom to Police for Marijuana Use

GOP Says Energy Dept. Tried to Delay Solyndra Layoffs Until After Midterm Election

The Same Old Obama

CNN Asks Protester If OWS Rivals Civil Rights Movement

Diane Sawyer Ruins Marvelous Special on Gabby Giffords By Attacking Sarah Palin

Occupy Wall St. Plans To Shut Down Stock Exchange On Thursday, Nov. 17

Chicago Teachers Union President Mocks Arne Duncan, Jokes About Smoking Pot -- With Kids in the Audience |

Ed Schultz Spills: A Lot of Liberals Listen to NPR, 'Huge' in D.C., New York |

Sen. Sessions: 'Deeply Disturbed' Over Kagan's Role in Obamacare

How Can The American People Ever Trust Congress Again After Learning Of The Rampant Insider Trading That Has Been Going On?

Dave Daubenmire -- The Bible-Belt is Unbuckled

C-SPAN Asks to Broadcast Obamacare Arguments

Sen. Rubio: Republicans Can't Take Obama Defeat for Granted

WH Scrambles to Fix 'Major Glitch' in Obamacare

Gingrich: I Did Not Lobby for Freddie Mac

Obama Oops: Here in Asia, er, Hawaii

Obama: Europe Lacks Political Will to End Crisis

Cain: I Paused on Libya Question, Nothing More

Gingrich: Supercommittee 'Terrible Way to Govern'

TransCanada’s Keystone XL May Be Approved in Six to Nine Months

Ex-CIA Analyst: Attack on Iran May Risk Gulf Oil Supply

Clinton Gets Surprised by 'Streaker' in Hawaii

Secret Service Searched Occupy D.C. Camp For Person Who Shot At White House | TPMMuckraker

D.C. Council says protesters should get to stay | Liz Farmer | Local | Washington Examiner

Eeww… Gross! Ringworm Outbreak at Occupy Santa Cruz (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Occupy L.A.: 5 charged with crimes including lewd conduct, battery -

Waitress Says She Was Fired For Tea Party Bracelet « CBS Chicago

BBC News - Hillary Clinton's convoy covered in paint in Philippines

Teacher Accused Of Masturbating In Class « CBS Chicago

McQueary Penn State scandal: Mike McQueary says he did go to police -

Penn State Nittany Lions scandal -- Joe Paterno in line for annual pension over $500,000, according to review - ESPN

Man charged with burning cross in driveway | cross, driveway, panama - The News Herald

Hitler's Treaty Signing Desk Set To Be Auctioned - Washington Whispers (

Frequent gamers have brain differences, study finds -

Security blunder in Canberra - Obama visit details stored in old van |

WHITE HOUSE NOTEBOOK: Biting coverage for Obama - The Washington Post

L Train Attack Caught On Video, Cops Looking For Suspects « CBS New York

Islamist rivalry heats up in Egyptian election -

Man Blames Sex Tape Posting on Broken Heart | NBC Philadelphia

Pit Bulls Slaughtered 42 Goats | NBC Los Angeles

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 16th, 2011

Pepsi shareholders demand company stop using aborted fetal cell lines in flavor research |

Following Iowa Surge, Ron Paul Polls Second In New Hampshire |

Facebook Tracking Raises Concerns

Sly Stone Pleads Guilty to Drug Charge

Diane Keaton Memoir Reflects on Falling for Woody Allen

Obama Administration Seeks to Circumvent Congressional Authority to Fix ‘Obamacare Glitch’ |

MSNBC Hosts Tag-Team Bash Gun Ownership: More ‘Intelligent’ Brits Ban Them |

Who Ordered the ‘Many, Many‘ Satellite Pictures of Structures on China’s Desert? |

Hillary Clinton Sees Streaker in Hawaii |

Obama Gaffe: Says Hawaii is in Asia | Video |

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Confronts Bill Maher | Video |

These are the Seven Least-Paying Jobs That Require a Degree |

Elisabeth Hasselbeck ‘Had Some Sort Of Bug Up Her Ass’ Says Bill Maher | Video |

Honor Killing: Mohammad Shafia Said He’d Kill Daughters Again if Needed |

Charles Krauthammer Thinks Herman Cain is in Over His Head Over Libya Comments | Video |

Protesters Throw Paint at Hillary Clinton Convoy | Video |

Chicago Teacher Charged With Masturbating in Hi - Flash Player Installation

Mike McQueary Says He Stopped Jerry Sandusky’s Alleged Sexual Assault of Boy | Video |

Chicago Teachers Union Head Jokes About Smoking Pot and Arnie Duncan’s Lisp | Video |

Atheist Dating Sites Offer Non-Believers the Chance to Meet Other Freethinkers |

Google Giving Users Opt Out Option From its Google Location Server |

Gabby Giffords Releases Audio Message to Arizona Constituents | Video |

DOJ Looking to Make Lying on the Internet a Crime |

Supercommittee Working on ‘Secret Farm Bill’ |

Quick Buck: You Don’t Want to Know What Some Brits Are Doing to Their Pets For Insurance Money |

Did Goldman Sach’s Recent Gold Forecast Predict the Fed Will Print More Money? |

Harvard History Prof. Predicts EU Crisis Will Consume U.S. | Video |

Viral YouTube Videos Earning Some Families Six-Figure Sums | Video |

Charles Krauthammer: ‘Obama is ready to blame everybody except himself for the lousy economy’ | Video |

450 Square-Foot Apartment Features Dividing Cabinet to Create Four Rooms | Video |

State Dept. won't hasten environmental review for re-routed oil pipeline

Marco Rubio: Florida split 50-50 in 2012 White House race

Federal appeals court weighs child-pornography law in digital age

Former aide to AG Eric Holder may not get judicial post because of Fast & Furious

GOP letter to Obama: Holder should resign

GOP hopefuls diverge on alternative health law

NASA accepting applications for would-be astronauts

Facebook flooded with porn and violent images, company warns

Visit Facebook and it tracks you

As 'historian,' Gingrich was hired by Freddie Mac to win over Republicans

Tucson Shooting Survivors Lobby Lawmakers for Stricter Gun Laws

Teen victim’s relatives travel to D.C. to end gun violence

58 members of Congress among wealthy 1%

Ford’s new high-powered Mustang to reach 200 mph

Senators strike deal on interrogations of terrorism suspects

FHA could need taxpayer bailout next year, report says

Fannie Mae's CFO gets $1.7M for joining the mortgage giant that continues to lose billions

Cain, Paul, Romney and Gingrich tied in new Iowa poll

Glenn Beck gives defiant women's shelter $55,000


+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 15, 2011

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 14, 2011


Money for Nothing & Where have All Our Dollars Gone


Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades: Part II

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades- Part III

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades- Part IV

Follow the Money with Bergman: Auditing the Fed Part V


Moscow’s High Stakes Energy Geopolitics


*Articles:Occupy Wall Street 11-16-11 |

*Articles:Occupy Wall Street and the Fed 11-15-11 |


Final Thoughts on the Supercommittee - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online

Obama Admin. Pushed Solyndra Layoff Announcement Until After Election | The Weekly Standard

What If the Supreme Court Decided ObamaCare in Favor of the Insurance Industry? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

TaxVox » Blog Archive » A 20 Percent Tax Rate Cut Would Blow a Huge Hole in the Budget

A special-interest wishlist for the supercommittee - The Washington Post

Health Care Supreme

Supreme Court and Obamacare: It’s not just the individual mandate - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Has Obama sent Canada’s oil to China? « Hot Air

Students Sour on Obama « Commentary Magazine

Reviewing North America's Future Oil Production

The Real Story On Solar Power And Energy Policy In America - Latest Headlines -

The Solyndra question: Should the U.S. fail in order to succeed? | The Oil and the Glory

In Clean Energy Conversation, Context Counts | Bob Keefe's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC

Oil Production Rises Quickly in Libyan Fields -

Will global warming be a 2012 election issue? - CBS News

Did Obama approve Keystone XL with minor revisions? | Energy | News | Financial Post

Reader Rebuttal: Cap-and-trade | cap, trade, market - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Energy Insiders: Keystone XL Pipeline Will Be Built - Olga Belogolova -

Nuclear power needs to remain central to our energy mix -

Chu: Will He Stay or Will He Go? - Coral Davenport and Amy Harder -

Is "Rags to Riches" Still Possible?

John Mackey: To Increase Jobs, Increase Economic Freedom -

The Wisest Entrepreneurs Know How to Preserve Equity -

What's Behind The Obama Administration's Assault On Private Investment? - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - Transformation Through Trade Agreements

Crony Capitalism: The Inevitable Outcome Of Overreaching Government - Forbes

9 Common Mistakes Investors Make

What’s really ailing Wall Street - David Weidner's Writing on the Wall - MarketWatch

Why the United States is not Italy - Nov. 14, 2011

The Super Committee: Why Failure Is the Best Option

Project Paperclip

The Rest of the Rocket Scientists | Space Exploration | Air & Space Magazine

The End of Chinatown - Magazine - The Atlantic

The Founding of the Fed - Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Ed Gein's crimes were the inspiration for many modern horror tales — Buffalo Bill and Psycho — Crime Library on


Now We Know Why Children Are Getting Dumber - Reason Magazine

Psychology Rife with Inaccurate Research Findings | Psychology Today

Critically important: the need for self-criticism in science

In Search of Free Will and Moral Responsibility - Reason Magazine

Leonardo's Formula Explains Why Trees Don't Splinter - ScienceNOW

Can Anything Escape from a Black Hole? | How Particles Quantum Tunnel Out of Black Holes | Space & Cosmology | Life's Little Mysteries

Bedtime Scoop and Easy Lay | Speakeasy Science

Male circumcision leads to a bad sex life | ScienceNordic

Fecal transplants: the scoop on therapeutic poop » Scienceline

Using Oneself As A Guinea Pig

The serotonin system in women's brains is damaged more readily by alcohol than that in men's brains - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Moderate drinking and cardiovascular health: here comes the beer | Science Codex

The Biology Files: What makes an expert in science? How about 15,000 hours?

BBC News - LHC reveals hints of 'new physics' in particle decays

The world's first lab-grown hamburger could be created by August of 2012

Solved: How Optical Illusion Turns Circles Into Hexagons | Afterimage Illusion & Shapes | Visual Processing, Curves & Angles | LiveScience

Americans, Brits Think Ousting Saddam Right Call

Somali Pirates Widen Their Net

Commentary: China Furthers Washington's Cause in the South Sea | The National Interest

America in the Asian Century - Dominique Moisi - Project Syndicate

Who’s the Decider? -

RealClearMarkets - Will Anyone Rescue Europe from Crisis?

Deficit reduction should include nuclear cuts -

Welcome To Venezuela -- The Kidnap Capital Of Latin America | Fox News

U.S. foreign policy turns toward Asia - The Washington Post

Bring Free Trade to the Far East - The Editors - National Review Online

Is Rick Perry’s zero foreign aid plan feasible? Desirable? – Global Public Square - Blogs

Hands off Syria, Arabs tell Turks - Winnipeg Free Press

Syria: The end of the beginning? | Mail Online

A Chinese Peace Prize Names This Year’s Winner. Ummm, Vladimir Putin? - Global Spin -

Lincoln used skilled diplomacy to charm the once-hostile Mormons | The Political Surf

Obama turns his back on Catholics - The Washington Post

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: How I wish TV debates on homosexuality would go - News with a Christian Perspective

Tunisia Islamist causes outcry with caliphate talk | Top News | Reuters

Wayne Hoffman: Why I'm Going Back to My Synagogue After 25 Years Away

RealClearReligion - The Truth about Fraudulent Scientists

Are Creationist Beliefs Too Extreme for Creationists? | Religion Dispatches

The American Conservative » Republicans and Christians: A Marriage of Convenience?

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: You've got talents. Now what?

A response to Christopher Hitchens after his latest attack on Mormonism | Deseret News

RealClearReligion - Would Jesus Build an Electric Fence?

Underpopulation—The Real Problem: Catholic World Report

Jews Just One Piece of Obama Puzzle –

Faith overtones in Occupy protests but leaders wary | Reuters

Bob Jones III latest Christian leader to doubt Obama's Christianity – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Cults in Culture: Jehovah's Witnesses and End Times (Part 3), Christian News



** Transcripts:14th:Obama's APEC Press Conference

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with 2012 Candidate Rick Santorum

Rep. Chris Van Hollen on the Super Committee

Senator John McCain on Waterboarding and Torture

13th/Guests: Michele Bachmann and Governor Tom Corbett

Guests: Huntsman, Graham and O'Malley

Guests: Coburn, Warner, Hensarling and Priebus

Guests: Sen. Toomey, Rep. Clyburn and Gov. Corbett

Interview with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett


Real Clear Markets - Video - Branson: Now's a Great Time for Entrepreneurs

Real Clear Markets - Video - How Long Can ECB Keep Buying Bonds?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Outrage Over Fannie & Freddie Bonuses

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Fuzzy Math of Home Values

Real Clear Markets - Video - Wall Street's Tug-of-War on Pay

Real Clear Markets - Video - Investors Overreacting to Europe?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Niall Ferguson: China Masters the 'Killer Apps'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Valuing Hard-to-Value Corporations

Real Clear Markets - Video - HSBC: Still Cautious on the Markets?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Altman: Very Low Expectations for Debt Committee

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Oh-So-Secret Warren Buffett

Real Clear Markets - Video - What's Good for Boeing Is Good for U.S.

Real Clear Markets - Video - El-Erian: Italy Crisis In 'Dangerous Phase'

Real Clear Markets - Video - 800-Pound Gorilla Facing the Markets


Google Chases Apple Music Store Eight Years Too Late as ITunes Wins: Tech - Bloomberg

Lying on the Internet could soon be a federal crime

It's official: America a land of young, casual pirates

The Death Of The Spec | TechCrunch

Why Google should buy Barnes & Noble — Tech News and Analysis

Apple's iTunes Match Pitch: Pay Up, Stick Around - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD

Google and Kodak speed past each other -

Will Cloud Computing Make Everything (and Everyone) Work Harder? -

Why Facebook Thinks it Can Bring Videocalls to All - IEEE Spectrum

How to earn a fortune on YouTube | Technology | The Guardian

Anti-Hacking Law Criminalizes Most Computer Users, Former Prosecutor Says | Threat Level |

Dethroning MS Office: Not that easy - Big Tech - Fortune Tech

Four questions for an agency recruiter

Michael Lewis and Billy Beane talk Moneyball. - Slate Magazine

Book Review: The Last Sultan by Robert Greenfield - Businessweek

Andrew Losowsky: Quentin Rowan: The Writer Who Couldn't Stop Lying

The Death of King Arthur | New York Journal of Books

Book Review: Who's in Charge? | Incomplete Nature -

Paul Krugman is rewriting history now that the eurozone, beloved by US liberals, is going down in flames – Telegraph Blogs

Undoing Obamacare - By Yuval Levin - The Corner - National Review Online

Health Care Supreme

RealClearPolitics - Topsy-Turvy GOP: Expect More Twists as Primary Unfolds

Perry pledges to ‘uproot, tear down and rebuild’ Washington – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Videos: Cain Self-Destructs on Libya, Unions - Guy Benson

Why Newt is Next in Line - 2012 Decoded

Obama's Indefensible Pipeline Punt — The American Magazine

Pelosi fires back at '60 Minutes' report on 'soft corruption' -

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Catholic Strategy in Shambles

RealClearMarkets - What's At Stake In the Net-Neutrality Fight

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Self-Image vs. Reality

RealClearPolitics - Why Obama Is Beating the GOP Field

What’s behind Gingrich’s jump in the polls – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Rivkin and Casey: ObamaCare and the Limits of Government -

RealClearPolitics - Why America Won't Accept ObamaCare

Supreme Court to hear challenge to Obama’s health-care overhaul - The Washington Post

Budget cutters, heed the Tea Party | tax, republicans, budget - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Occupy Wall Street’s Next Step Is to Set a Reform Agenda: View - Bloomberg

RealClearSports: Sports News, Opinions & Analysis

The Politics Of Sycophancy: Arianna’s Attempt to Kill Congressional Insider Trading Scandal ‘Falls Flat’ - Big Journalism

HURT: Same movement, but different smell - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Constitutional or Not, Obamacare Has To Go

Insurance Mandate May Be Health Law’s Undoing -

Opinion: Obama's dark vision of America - Keith Koffler -

Newt Gingrich: His baggage has baggage -

Newt Gingrich is for real - The Week

Republican Candidates Return to the Trail -

RealClearPolitics - Distrust, Anxiety Rise as Super Committee Clock Ticks Down

John Mackey: To Increase Jobs, Increase Economic Freedom -

Pirates, patriots and paladins: The lush visions of a master illustrator -

Missiles to protect London Olympics

Teachers caught on tape bullying special-needs girl

Lost JFK assassination tapes on sale

Woman has drunken sex with 4 boys, no jail

Wonder drug kills off cancer

Viagra-poppin' Gadhafi
'bedded 4-5 women' a day

Latest Obama controversy: Who's ID'd as organ donor

Does this explain mystery blast in Iran?

How's that debt-limit hike working out for you?

$100 million pension or stapling a finger?

Are twisted trees proof of Bigfoot?

Lawsuit: Patti LaBelle threw water at toddler

Pamela Anderson to play the Virgin Mary?

What is China building in desert?

YouTube pays big bucks as funny videos go viral

Why ugly people can't hide their flaws online

Pants that can give you the Pippa look

Did an Atheist create the Jefferson Bible? | Washington Times Communities

'All-American Muslim' hides the truth about Islam

North American Union: WND killed it?

The fraud of 'growing poverty' in U.S.

The sad story of Tommy Lobel

The lavender revolution stumbles

Corruption in America

The FDA kills smokers

How not to pull a Rick Perry

Fox Gives Platform To Serial Fearmonger And Conspiracy Theorist Joseph Farah | Media Matters for America

We've seen Sharon Bialek before


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Obamacare opens door to control of American lives';Rep. Louie Gohmert: Health-care law unconstitutional, Kagan should recuse herself

WND RADIO WND Exclusive House panel repeals CLASS Act;Rep. Burgess: 'Long-term care insurance' budget gimmick from start

Obama to increase U.S. military presence in Australia

'Secret farm bill' primed for passage in debt deal

Election fallout: Obamacare losing ground among states

Music City USA hosts clashing views of Islam


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*16 Nov.

American Minute for November 16th

November 16th in History

This Day in History for 16th November

November 16th This Day in History

November 16 Events in History

Today in History: November 16

Today in History: November 16

Today in History for November 16th - YouTube


BigDawg Spotlight: Patriot Hip Hop Artist Nate Smoove Produces ‘Music That Tickles Ya Intellect’

Last Night on ‘Glee’ 11/15/2011: ‘Angry White People’ Edition

Obama’s Abuse of Executive Orders: Worse than Fast and Furious?

House Bill Banning Congressional Insider Trading Gathering Steam—From 4 Cosponsors to 35 in Two Days

Inspector General: Interior Department Manipulated Science to Justify Gulf Moratorium

Iran: How to Lose

Change is on the Horizon Part 1 of 3 Dawn of the Golden Age - YouTube

Change is on the Horizon Part 2 of 3 The American Federal Empire - YouTube

Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer Claims Program - YouTube

Keith Olbermann: Why Occupy Wall Street Needs Michael Bloomberg

Fox News Shows Its Disdain for #OWS In Graphic Form

Elderly woman hit by spray at protest: 'I'm tough'

Consumer regulator looking at student loans

APNewsBreak: Navy investigating cheating on subs

Women more likely to have 'broken heart syndrome'

Fuel tankers explode in Nigeria's nervous capital

Murray's star witness sanctioned by judge

Student shot at UC Berkeley has died, university says

Technocrat cabinet takes helm in Rome

Witness in Conrad Murray trial fined $250 for disobeying judge

Student shot by UC Berkeley police dies

White House window damaged after shooting on National Mall

Emails: Energy Dept. tried to delay solar layoffs

Woman accused of holding captives in basement fit for trial

Mo. mother jailed after 1-year-old found dead

Disabled Superman fan gets donations to stolen collection

Treasurys rise on benign inflation news

"Alps under the ice" gives clues to global warming


**NEWS VIDEOS:#OccupyWallStreet: ‘You’re Going To See What A Molotov Cocktail Can Do To Macy’s’

Solyndra Tip Of Green Fraud Iceberg: Schweizer Exposes RFK Jr. And More Crony Capitalists With Obama DOE Ties

Schweizer: Pelosi Made ‘A Couple Hundred Thousand Dollars’ Days After Purchasing VISA Stock

Schweizer: Jim Moran (D-VA) Made 90 Trades One Day After Private Congressional Economics Meeting

Hillary Really Enjoys Dancer In Loincloth

Teacher Caught On Tape Bullying Special Needs Students, Keeps Job

Cat’s Got Talkative ‘Morning Joe’ Panel’s Tongue When Subject Turns To Solyndra

#Occupy Protester: Gov’t Should Sieze All Housing

#OccupySF Threatens Police With Hacker Attack: ‘You Violate Us, The Internet Violates You’

Protester Assures CNN #OccupyWallStreet ‘Much Grander’ Than 1960s Civil Rights Protests

Perry: Uproot And Overhaul Washington

Tennessee Rep Wants Muslims Out of Military

US Military to Expand Presence In Australia

Giffords Speaks To Southern AZ Constituents

15th/Ann Coulter: Picking ‘The Most Right Wing Candidate’ In Primary Is ‘Suicidal’

Palin On Sandusky: ‘Hang Him From The Highest Tree And I’ll Bring The Rope’

Biden To Unions: ‘You Fired The First Shot’

Romney Hammers POTUS’s ‘Lazy’ Comment: ‘I Don’t Think Obama Understands America’

Cain’s Response To Challenge Over Libya Gaffe: ‘9-9-9′

Facts In Schweizer Report On Corruption In Congress Deflect Accusations Of Partisanship

Schweizer: Feinstein Bought Biotech Stock Just Before Company Received $24 Million Grant

‘Strong Economy For All’ Director: More People Have Been Hurt By Police Action Than By #Occupy Protesters

Maher To Hasselbeck: Don’t Blame Me, I’m Just A Comedian

#OWS Protester Gives Comically Dramatic Account Of Police Eviction

Psychologist: ‘Mob Mentality’ At Play In #OccupyWallStreet

Police, City Workers Pull Piles of Trash From Zuccotti Park

Panetta: Troop Pullout Was All About Iraq’s Needs

Your Dues At Work: Union Pays #OccupyDC Protesters

Dem Rep Calls For Anti-Insider Trading Law For Congress

14th/Deadly Gas Explosion in China

Maher: Romney Only Thing Stopping ‘The Rise of the Apes’

Breitbart Calls For Spencer Bachus To Resign From Congress

Peter Schweizer On Crony Capitalism: Gov’t Is ‘Profit Making Center’

Newsweek ’s Peter Boyer Discusses Insider Trading

Andrew Breitbart On ‘Comi-Con Politicians’

CRC’s Keith Appell on ‘Crony Capitalism’

Breitbart: Obama’s Youthful Ideals Turned Cynical

Peter Schweizer: Politicians Get Rich For What You And I Would Go To Jail For

Charlie Rangel: ‘Silence Of Clergy Frightening’ Over ‘Biblical Work’ Democrats Do On Economy

13th/Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch Talks Sense To ‘This Week’ Panel

12th/New York Media Celebrates #OccupyWallStreet Fashion Trendsetters

Breitbart Exposes Michael Moore Hypocrisy; ‘He Preys On 99%’

Tea Party Fights Back: #OccupyOrlando Forcibly Removed From Sheriff Joe Arpaio Event

Penn State And Nebraska Teams Pray Together For Child Sex Abuse Victims

11th/WORLDS COLLIDE – BreitbartTV Enters The Howard Stern Universe


**Ron Paul Phone From Home Program - YouTube

**Ron Paul’s 2012 Presidential Campaign –


Nov. 15, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 14, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 15 November 2011

The Manning Report – 14 November 2011

11-16. Jesse Peterson Radio Show

11-15 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

11-14 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-15, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-14, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-13, Sunday

11/15 The Mark Levin Show

11/14 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-15-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-14-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, November, 15, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 15 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 15 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 14 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 14 2

Paul Drockton Show 14 1

Paul Drockton Show 14 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-14-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-14-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-15-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-15-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-14-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-14-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-14-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 11-15-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-15-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-15-11 Hr 3

The Michael Savage Show 11/15/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/14/2011

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