A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

15 November 2011

15 NOV.




13 NOV

Guests: Michele Bachmann and Governor Tom Corbett
Guests: Huntsman, Graham and O'Malley
Guests: Coburn, Warner, Hensarling and Priebus
Guests: Sen. Toomey, Rep. Clyburn and Gov. Corbett
Interview with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett

11 NOV

Obama's Veteran's Day Remarks
Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann
Shields and Brooks on the Week in the GOP Race
Interview with DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz
Panel on the Super Committee Talks

10 NOV

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Perry
Reporters Discuss Perry's Debate Mistake
Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman
Interview with Senator Jon Tester
Panel on the Keystone Pipeline Decision
Interview with Former Secretary of State Powell


The Michigan Republican Presidential Debate
Obama Signs Executive Order on Gov't Waste
Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain
Panel on the Nuclear Threat From Iran
Interview with Senator John McCain

Reporters Discuss the Ohio Union Law Referendum


Obama's Remarks on Funding Head Start
Interview with 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich
Analyst On The Accusations Against Cain
Interview with Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour


Obama's Remarks on Employment for Veterans
Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich
Panel on the Allegations Against Cain
Reporter on the Latest Cain Accusations
Interview with Senator John Thune
Secretary Panetta on Veteran Employment

Guests: Ron Paul, Heath Shuler and Mike Simpson
Guests: Martin O'Malley and Kay Bailey Hutchison
Interview with Jack Abramoff



Entire Interview Of Gloria Cain
Perry: Send Congressional Insider Traders To Jail
MSNBC's Wagner Expresses Disdain For Second Amendment
Gingrich "Very Comfortable Relying On American People" To Make Choice
Brit Hume Surveys Fluid 2012 GOP Field
Politico's Mike Allen: "Very Possible" Dems Will Win Back House Majority
"Daily Show" On Saturday Night's GOP Debate
Joan Walsh: Republican Field An "Abomination"
Daily Caller's Poor On MSNBC's "Incestuous" Relationship With Politico
Matthews: "It Is Unimaginable" That Gingrich Could Be President
"Special Report" Panel On Obama Calling America "Lazy"
O'Reilly: Paterno, Penn State Officials Should Have Done More
Maddow: The GOP And "Foreign Policy Ignorance"

14 NOV

Rick Perry Plans To "Uproot" All Branches Of Government
Cain Backs Collective Bargaining For Federal Employees
Krauthammer: Obama Has "Ill-Concealed Contempt" For America
Herman Cain Struggles With Question On Libya
Brit Hume: "No Winners" If Supercommittee Fails
Sandusky Says He Is "Innocent," Not A Pedophile
College Professor: Collecting Care Packages For Troops Is "Shameful"
Obama: Supercommittee Has To "Bite The Bullet" On Raising Taxes
"The Five" On "Cozy" Relationship Between Politico And MSNBC
Rep. Allen West Explains Support For Waterboarding
WaPo's Henderson: Cain Has No "Broad Vision For America"
Huntsman: Romney Is "Pandering" To Republican Voters
CNN Reporter Asks Obama: Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?"
Supreme Court Will Take On Health Care Law
Maher On Romney: "At Least He Eats With A Knife And Fork"
Rick Santorum Slams Opposition To Foreign Aid
Disturbing Sandusky Interview From 1987
SNL Spoofs Wednesday's GOP Debate
Obama Dodges Question On Bashing Israel's Netanyahu
Herman Cain's Wife Gloria On Sexual Allegations: "Not The Person He Is"


John Ikenberry: Liberal Leviathan
Will There Be A Digital 'Pearl Harbor'?
If Italy Fails, The Euro Fails And So Does The Economy
EU Foreign Ministers Increase Pressure On Syria
Obama Defends His Foreign Policy Record
Cain Stumbles On Libya Question
French Hostages Released From Yemen
Syrian Foreign Minister: 'Syria Is Not Libya'
Leaders Prepare For ASEAN
Australia Mulls Uranium Sales To India
Britian Tests Missiles
South Korea Drill Simulates North Attack
Bleak Times Ahead For Euro Zone
Europe's Moment Of Truth Over Eurozone

14 NOV

CFR And Students On Iran
Turkish Ferry Hijacking Over
Bagram Air Base Larger Military Prison Than Gitmo
Reporters Get First Tour Of Fukushima Plant
Raw Video: Pro-government Demonstration In Syria
U.S. At Financial Warfare With China?
Huntsman On Afghan War: It's Time To Come Home
Preventing The Euro Crisis From Impacting America
Cain On Dealing With The Arab Spring
Jon Huntsman Outlines His Foreign Policy
Obama Initiatives Threaten APEC
Consequences Of The Iraq Troop Withdrawal
Sen. Lindsey Graham Probes Candidates On Gitmo
U.S.-Russian Crews Blasts Off For Space Station



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Salbuchi - 2010 Forecast: Transition from Globalization to World Government -1 of 3 - YouTube

Salbuchi - 2010 Forecast: Transition from Globalization to World Government -2 of 3 - YouTube

Salbuchi - 2010 Forecast: Transition from Globalization to World Government -3 of 3 - YouTube

» Wait, How Did Pelosi Get in on the Visa IPO? - Big Government

» REVEALED: Nancy Pelosi Blocked Credit Card Reform While Investing Millions in Exclusive Visa Stock Offering - Big Government

FBI's history laced with homosexuality

The age of citizen spies is upon us | Pakalert Press

Ron Paul: Both Parties OWNED by Same Elite. Stop the renewal of the Patriot Act NOW - YouTube

Ron Paul's Greatest Interview - Gold & Silver With Mike Maloney - YouTube

Who Should the Republicans Nominate for President in 2012? - US News and World Report

527 Conservative Political Organization Founder Author of Fake Death Report « Larry Sinclair

Jon Stewart Rick Perry's oops Ron Paul wins - YouTube

9/11 Vans: 'Splain This! - YouTube

Occupy Gainesville Gate Keepers - No 9/11 Truth - YouTube

APOD: 2010 January 20 - The Known Universe


Reports of My Death Are FALSE (Unless you consider dead asleep dead) « Larry Sinclair

Cain's acquisition of Godfather's. - Democratic Underground

The Arrogant Corruption Of The U.S. Congress

At last the British MoD admit to the dangers of Depleted Uranium « Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

The Story That Was Never Told!

22 Signs That The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We All Take For Granted Is Starting To Disappear

How the regime change will affect the economy and politics of Europe - TIME

Jonathan Emord -- FDA Rains on Mobile Medical App Parade


Barack Obama to consider all options to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons - Telegraph

Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Matthew Gould and the Plot to Attack Iran

NPN Email Alert: The Real Reason ADL Attacked Pro-life Film "180"

International Free Range Chicken Ranches of The Apocalypse Smoking Mirrors

North Korea Struggling to Fight Epidemic of Drug-Resistant TB | East Asia and Pacific | English

Banks write off record level of corporate debts - Telegraph

Exposure to industrial solvent TCE 'can increase risk of Parkinson's disease six times' | Mail Online - Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network

Sheriffs Rise Up Against Feds | American Free Press

Ex-boyfriend backs Bialek's sexual harassment claim against Herman Cain |

Twisted trees are 'proof of Bigfoot': Is the Yeti nesting in Siberia? | Mail Online

OpEdNews - Article: The #OWS Video Rupert Murdoch Doesn't Want You To See

Without consent: how drugs companies exploit Indian 'guinea pigs' - Asia - World - The Independent

New Hampshire Election Ballot Access Challenge Complaint Filed Against Barack Obama | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

DownWithTyranny!: Does Herman Cain Have A $40 Million Problem? One That Could, As They Say, Come Out?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Weekly Southern African Report

ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 14, 2011

*ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street and the Fed 11-15-11 |


Moscow’s High Stakes Energy Geopolitics

The EyeOpener- The Bout Enigma

Fukushima Media Junket (2011/11/15 update) - YouTube


Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 14th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 14th, 2011


4 Parts:The Corporate Destruction of Australia – Max Igan

Gerald Celente RT America - 14 November 2011 - YouTube

Max Keiser: Gold & silver stake for Wall St. zombie bankers! - YouTube

CBS To Ron Paul: Explain In 258 Words Why You Want To Be President | - Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts - Facebook is a CIA Databank

Socializing losses: Trilateral takeover of Europe? – Adrian Salbuchi |

U.S. Politicians Are The Biggest Threat To World Peace In Human History |

**(VIDEOS) Dave Emory's Interview With Fara Mansoor About The Truth About The Iranian Hostage Crisis (January 1993)

A Rigged Revolution: How The Shadow CIA-MI6 Network Put Khomeini And Militant Islamists in Power

The Real News: IAEA Iran Report Spins Intelligence

The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade By Andrew Feinstein

Mossad Attacks Iran. Top Revolutionary Guard Is Dead. Iran Regime Spins Act of War As An "Accident"

Why World War III: Destroy The Global Economy, Create A Greater Israel, And Establish A Global Authoritarian Government » Occupy Wall Street: Cops Have Cleared Protesters from Zuccotti Park

The Associated Press: Police bust NY 'Occupy' protest in nighttime sweep

How Can The American People Ever Trust Congress Again After Learning Of The Rampant Insider Trading That Has Been Going On? -

Google Secret Lab Has 'CIA-Like' Security -

Google X: A Lab Where the Future Is Made - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

The Fed Under Fire: The Federal Reserve Is The Black Hole In American Democracy -

The Fed Under Fire: The Federal Reserve Is The Black Hole In American Democracy (Phenomenal 8-Minute Short Film) - Home - The Daily Bail

CIA operations in Iran underway to take out Tehran bigs in mission to dismantle weapons program | StratRisks

Chinese TV Host And Economist Says Regime Nearly Bankrupt -

Time running out to arrest serial bank robber

Cellini says 'dishonest' juror requires new trial

Syrian Opposition Groups Try to Meld Divergent Approaches

Israel announces more housing in West Bank and the Jerusalem area

King Abdullah of Jordan: 'If I were in Bashar al Assad's shoes, I would step down' - YouTube

Monti Moves to Form Government as Markets Pile on Pressure

Signs of broader hacking at Murdoch newspaper

Yemen's Saleh promises to step down; skeptical West mulls sanctions

Norway Killer in First Public Court Hearing

Philippines: Gloria Arroyo stopped from boarding plane

6 Somali Pirates on Trial in Paris

Can Newt Gingrich Win Iowa?

Justices unlikely to have last word on health care

Congress strikes 2012 budget deal for some agencies

Rick Perry's plan to 'uproot, tear down and rebuild' Washington

Website says mom of missing toddler Sky Metalwala was seeking 'sugar daddy'

Gloria Cain's Old-School Marriage

Jon Huntsman Too Proud to Beg Dad for Help

9-year-old girl survives for two days while trapped in overturned car after crash

First lady touts 'Women for Obama'

US Sought Delay of Solyndra Job-Cut Announcement in 2010

Ex-porn actress Sasha Grey defends elementary school visit

Rich and famous get taxpayers' $9B: report

New York Police Evict Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Whatever Court Rules, Major Changes in Health Care Likely to Last

Hands On with iTunes Match

Clickjack attacks plaguing Facebook with 4chan-like porn, violence imagery

Google Apps' Help Desk Opens the Phone Lines

Google Apps Gets Better Mobile Device Management

Google Android Passes 50% of Smartphone Sales, Gartner Says

Google Maps Shows Odd Images From China's Gobi Desert

Giffords: Won't return to Congress until "better"

Brad Pitt: Retiring at Age 50 Isn't My "Exact Expiration Date"

Doctor Who 'to be made into Hollywood feature film'

Alaskan dig turns up ancient 'buckle'

NASA's Curiosity is ready to explore Mars

Prehistoric landslide created hidden California lake

Russian Rocket Gives NASA a Lift to Space Station

Superb Video of Earth, From Orbit

Turning dirty, tainted land into clean energy

Nightmare roads identified in congestion study

Found: Gas formed after the Big Bang

Prehistoric whales exposed in Chilean fossil bed

Stem-cell doctors to trial 'bandage' for torn knees

Analysis: Stem cell research: win some, lose some

Frequent gamers have brain differences, study finds

Children With High IQ More Likely To Subsequently Use Illegal Drugs

Obama Administration Launches $1 Billion Healthcare Drive

Formerly conjoined twins prepare to go home

20 Years after Magic – HIV/AIDS is Still an Issue

Great American Smoke-out

On Thanksgiving table, sweet potato stands out

One in Five Americans Have Hearing Loss - ABC News

“Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control

18th Century Secret Society Code Cracked

Obama Visit to Australia Seen as Part of US Shift toward Asia

Faith Plays Role in Occupy Wall Street Sense of Morality

VIDEO:Former IAEA Inspector: Misleading Iran Report Proves Nothing

Pitt-Jolie Vietnam Visit Meant to Help Adopted Son Stay in Touch with Roots

Gabrielle Giffords Interview Indicates Return to Congress Possible

Joe Frazier Funeral Attended by Muhammad Ali

Activist Post: The Coming Pandemic: Expect All Protective Systems to Fail

Activist Post: Are You Ready for an EMP Event?

Activist Post: Second member of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan’s team resigns due to Occupy Oakland response

Twitter Ordered to Hand Over WikiLeaks Info to Justice Department | Dissident Voice

Activist Post: Permanent US Military Presence in Australia

Cloud Seeding Water Wars the Cause of Eco-Disasters? |

Activist Post: Merck vs Monsanto: Fighting for the Worst Company Award

NEWSMAKER-Italian Prussian Monti enters political storm | Reuters

» DOJ Wants To Criminalize Uploading You Tube Videos Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: US debt 'supercommittee' faces crunch time

Activist Post: 25 Days and 25 Foods. What would you choose in an emergency?

Activist Post: Predictive Programming? G.I. Joe and the Fall of the Dollar (Video)

Activist Post: US Supreme Court to hear challenges to Obama health care

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Forced Home Entry Over DUI

Iran will have five nukes by April 2012. Only 2-3 months left for military option

Ron Paul: "It Is Estimated That US Banks Have Over A Trillion Dollars Tied Up At-Risk With German And French Banks" | ZeroHedge

RSOE EDIS - Unusual geological event in MultiCountries on Tuesday, 15 November, 2011 at 05:54 (05:54 AM) UTC. EDIS CODE: UGE-20111115-33052-MLC

Why Is China Building These Gigantic Structures In the Middle of the Desert? | Danger Room |

Secret Snoop Conference for Gov't Spying: Go Stealth, Hit a Hundred Thousand Targets

Penn State Scandal: Judge Connected to Accused Child Molester Sandusky’s Charity Lets Him Out on Unsecured Bail, No Ankle Monitor :

Guest Post: They are Coming for Your Children

Anti-Hacking Law Criminalizes Most Computer Users, Former Prosecutor Says | Threat Level |

Activist Post: The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a 'New Human Species'

BBC News - Large Hadron Collider (LHC) generates a 'mini-Big Bang'

Army Wants an Honest-to-God B.S. Detector | Danger Room |

Video: Darpa’s Robo-Ostrich Will Outrun Usain Bolt | Danger Room |

How the United States Will Become a 3rd World Country :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

Our Brave New World Of Snitches And Surveillance | Before It's News

Supreme Court To Hear Challenge To Obama Health Care Law | Fox News

Feds: Mexican Cartel Plotted Attack Against US

Nephilim and Fallen Angels, the elephant in the room mainstream christianity won’t discuss « JLBerube

Douglashamp.comThe Genetics of Satan’s Seed and the Mark of the Beast - Douglas Hamp

World’s largest digital camera gets green light | R&D Mag

DECKER: Obama: China's stooge - Washington Times

Every Breath You Take, Every Move You Make – 14 New Ways That the Government Is Watching You

President Obama Doesn’t Rule Out Military Option in Iran - Fox News

Prison » Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack

On the Verge of Gutting Individual Constitutional Protections? » Publications » Family Security Matters

Arab League's 'Roar' at Syria Shows Qatar is Flexing its Muscle

Libyan Scenario Unfolding in Syria

"A Pair of Testicles Fell Off the President After Election Day"

Scapegoating others no answer to U.S. economic woes

Muslims Angry Over New York Police Surveillance Program

Oil Executive: Military-Style 'Psy Ops' Experience Applied - US Business News - CNBC

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Land in parts of Japan 'too radioactive to farm' - Telegraph

CCTV taxi plan 'a staggering invasion of privacy' - Home News - UK - The Independent

Video: Darpa’s Robo-Ostrich Will Outrun Usain Bolt | Danger Room |

Low Cost Stirling Engine by Tim Sefton — Kickstarter

Diaspora Co-Founder Ilya Zhitomirskiy Died at 22 Years Old | Z6Mag

Petri dish to dinner plate, in-vitro meat coming soon | Reuters

Bundled, Buried & Behind Closed Doors on Vimeo

AG on the Firing Line for Gunrunning | American Free Press

Israeli Defense Minister Cheers Deadly Iran Blast, Says More Would Be ‘Desirable’ -- News from

Dominique Strauss-Kahn's wife Anne Sinclair 'loses patience' after new sex claims | Mail Online

Obama administration to announce effort to expand health-care workforce - The Washington Post

Felons Finding It Easy to Regain Gun Rights -

VIDEO: Perfect Storm of Internet Censorship

Syria: The West's Strategic Gateway For Global Military Supremacy

VIDEO: IAEA Iran Report Spins Intelligence

"Vulture Capitalism": Iceland’s New Bank Disaster

Genocidal Cynicism: The Destiny of Humankind in the Hands of Irresponsible Politicians

The Destabilization of Venezuela? Applying Washington's “Benghazi Formula”

VIDEO: Libyan Scenario Unfolding in Syria

Socializing losses: Trilateral takeover of Europe?

The Obama Administration Ignores Global Warming and the Protection of the Environment

Twitter, WikiLeaks and the US Justice Department

Commemorating the “Day the Guns fell Silent”. “Let this Silence be a Scream for Peace.”

Big Lies Launch Wars. "All Wars are based on Deception"

The Incarceration Business: America's Private Prisons

VIDEO: The G20 and Financial Globalization

US Shifts Drones From Iraq to Turkey

Karzai Seeks Support for US Occupation Until 2024

Pakistan Bombed Tribal Areas 5,500 Times Since 2008

Progressives, Neocons Find Common Ground on Foreign Policy

Republicans Vie to Expand Obama's Expansion of Bush's Policies

Return of the War Party?

Lawsuit Alleges Tolerance for Rape, Sex Abuse in Military

The Armageddon Network by Justin Raimondo --

Hawks Lose It Over Supercommittee by Kelley B. Vlahos --

Addicted to Incarceration - informationliberation

DOJ: Lying on needs to be a crime | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

House Judiciary Committee SOPA Hearings Stacked 5 To 1 In Favor Of Censoring The Internet - informationliberation

SOPA Comes Under Fire Against Web Companies, Public Interest Groups - 2011-11-15 17:21:35 | Broadcasting & Cable

First Amendment Expert Floyd Abrams Admits SOPA Would Censor Protected Speech, But Thinks It's Okay Collateral Damage | Techdirt

Companies against the SOPA bill are being denied the right to testify this Wednesday, with all of the available spots being taken by people who support the bill. Please sign this petition, something similar from the same organisation was successful last week! : technology

Obama Says GOP Candidates Are Wrong, Waterboarding is ‘Torture’ - Yahoo! News

Shooting Cops - YouTube

One Anarchist’s Compressed Take On Justice - Daily Anarchist

CNN Poll of GOP Voters: Gingrich Catches Romney

Gingrich Says GOP Voters Are Warming Up to Him

Uninspired Conservatives Begin to Setlle on Romney

Court Order Lets Protesters Return to NYC Park

DOE Asked Solyndra to Delay News of Job Cuts

Casey Anthony Prosecutor's Book Labels Her Liar

Obamacare Raises Kagan, Thomas Recusal Issues

Cheese Slices Through Butter for Heart Health

Survey: Medical Costs Will Rise in 2012 — Here's How to Save

Pelosi Accuses '60 Minutes' of 'Right-Wing Smear'

Boehner: GOP Deficit Plan a 'Fair Offer'

Kessler: Musharraf: Pakistan’s Govt Dysfunctional

Perry: Slash Congress' Pay in Half

Cain Campaign Defends Libya Stumble in Interview

Gingrich: Not Surprised Voters Turning My Way

Obama Defends Healthcare Law

Huntsman: Romney Is ‘Pandering’ to GOP

Boehner, Reid Keep Eye on Supercomittee, 2012

Paterno’s Lame Response to Penn State Scandal

Iran's Nuclear Weapons All but Assured Now

Economic Summit Shows Obama in Over His Head

The Lies That Underpin Congress Budget Talks

Chicago Teachers Union President Mocks Arne Duncan, Jokes About Smoking Pot -- With Kids in the Audience

Mrs. Obama: Let Them Eat Steak—And Arugula

Kagan to Tribe on Day Obamacare Passed: ‘I Hear They Have the Votes, Larry!! Simply Amazing.’

Tough on Iran, Wary of UN: Gingrich’s Foreign Policy in Spotlight at Tuesday’s GOP Debate

Democrats Equate Voter ID Laws to ‘Poll Tax,’ ‘Jim Crow’ Laws

'I Shouldn't Have Showered With Those Kids,' Sandusky Tells NBC

Police Clear ‘Unsanitary’ Zuccotti Park, Arrest Dozens of Stubborn Protesters

Taxpayer-Backed FHA Guaranteed 40 Percent of Initial Home Mortgages in 2010

Sebelius: $1 Billion in Grants Will Improve Health, Lower Costs, While ‘Sparking’ the Economy

On Personal Questions, Gingrich Relying on the 'Decency' and 'Understanding' of American People

Long-Lost Victorian Painting That Hung in Modest Beach House Expected to Fetch $800K

Obama: Laziness Impedes the U.S. in Attracting Foreign Investment

Israelis Consider Fallout of Military Strike on Iran Nukes

U.S. Military Officials Say New Book on Bin Laden Raid Is 'a Lie'

Spain's Long Lunches Under Threat As Emphasis Shifts to Worker Productivity

Congress Takes a Stand on Potatoes, Pizza, in School Lunches

Foreign Aid Is Investment in U.S. ‘Security and Prosperity,’ Say 5 Former Secretaries of...

Cain Campaign Defends His Stumble on Libya

MSNBC's Alex Wagner: 'Get Rid of the Second Amendment'

Levin: ‘This Is A Very Sick Nation,’ ‘A Nation In Decline’

Firing Incompetent Employees 'Would Harm The Agency’s Work,’ SEC Chief Says

Occupy Wall St. Plans To Shut Down Stock Exchange On Thursday, Nov. 17

Fox's Special Report Cites NB Regarding Biased 60 Minutes Story on Congressional Insider Trading |


**NNDB: Tracking the entire world(


Edgar Steele-Holy holocaust! 1/2 - YouTube

Edgar Steele-Holy holocaust! 2/2 - YouTube

Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VANITY FAIR) - YouTube

Dennis Ross: The Undiplomatic History | Al Akhbar English

poorrichards blog: Quotable Quotes From The Chosen Ones

Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds - Ellen Brown, Web of Debt (Part 1) - YouTube

Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds - Ellen Brown, Web of Debt (Part 2) - YouTube

SNL's Bill Hader as Rick Perry - CNBC - GOP - Debate - November 12, 2011 - YouTube

Ron Paul CBS Debate Bias - YouTube

Post 911 Targeted Individuals about NYPD: Spot informants, Remain silent - National Human Rights |

The muzzling of Ron Paul and the GOP debate | Washington Times Communities

Bob Tuskin: Occupy Building 7 - YouTube

How Can The American People Ever Trust Congress Again After Learning Of The Rampant Insider Trading That Has Been Going On?

CIA operations in Iran underway to take out Tehran bigs in mission to dismantle weapons program - NY Daily News

Prison » 10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History

Activist Post: Anti-Muslim 'hate crimes' up 50 percent in US: FBI

Refreshing News: Google reveals how it ranks websites

Is Herman Cain A Zionist Sock Puppet? [Satire] | Sabbah Report


Hyperinflation Is When Thieves Steal The Suitcases And Wheelbarrows You Carry Your Money Around In ... And Leave The Money. | Before It's News

9/11 Vans: 'Splain This! - YouTube

poorrichards blog: The Story That Was Never Told!


52 MIN./Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Gameshow (Full) - YouTube

1:15:43/Derren Brown - Enigma - YouTube

47 MIN./Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Secret of Luck (Full) - YouTube

46 MIN./Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Guilt Trip (Full) - YouTube

47 MIN./Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Assassin (Full) - YouTube

1:13:10/Derren Brown - Miracles for Sale (Full) - YouTube

47 MIN./Derren Brown - The System (Full) - YouTube


Fema Camp Coffins Investigated - YouTube

Dems on Capitol Hill fear Obama will lose health care challenge

Scalia and Thomas dine with healthcare law challengers as court takes case

Chicago Teachers Union president jokes about smoking pot, with kids in the audience

Broward teachers union boss investigated for alleged misuse of union dues

GOP wobbles on no-new-tax vow

Economy could get bumpier if tax cut expires Dec. 31

Attack on Iran could risk Gulf oil supplies

Digging up dirt on Newt: Spanish is “the language of living in a ghetto”

Controversial Oil Pipeline Plan to Be Rerouted After Threat of Delayed U.S. Approval

Congressman says hospital forced pro-life nurses to take part in abortions

Elizabeth Warren shows softer side in new ad

Mike McQueary e-mail says he 'made sure' Sandusky stopped abusing boy

Studies explore how nicotine may help those with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression

Cain flubs Libya question: I’ve got all of this stuff twirling around in my head

Gingrich sees chance to go head-to-head with Romney for GOP nomination

Harrisburg newspaper reported on Penn State sex abuse allegations when no one else did

Pamela Anderson to play the Virgin Mary in upcoming television special

Ex-Wis. Gov. Tommy Thompson (R) emerging as a leading target of conservatives in Senate race

In wake of Penn State scandal, bill would suspend federal funds to schools

USC enrolls the most international students in the nation

Bill O’Reilly defends ‘Killing Lincoln,’ says ‘minor misstatements’ have been corrected

Casey Anthony prosecutor comes out swinging in new book

Hilton Hotels to donate all partially used soap to charity

Immigration from Mexico in fast retreat, data show

Penn State Secrets Pedophile Coverup with Jason Bermas - YouTube

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 1/6

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 2/6

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 3/6

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 4/6

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 5/6

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack - Alex Jones Monday Edition 6/6

Alex Takes Calls on The Scientific Technocratic Elite 1/3

Alex Takes Calls on The Scientific Technocratic Elite 2/3

Alex Takes Calls on The Scientific Technocratic Elite 3/3

CBS Cheats Ron Paul in Poll & More: Infowars Nightly News

PEDI VALLEY: Infowars Nightly News

Penn State Secrets Pedophile Coverup with Jason Bermas

Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers 1/3

Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers 2/3

Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers 3/3

Prison » Police Use LRADS On OWS: Luke Rudkowski Explains What Went Down During OWS Eviction

Luke Rudkowski explains what went down during OWS eviction - YouTube

Bloomberg: Park Occupiers Must Follow Rules - YouTube

Police in Riot Gear Clear Occupy Wall Street, Mayor Calls It "Intolerable Situation" | NBC New York

Bloomberg On Occupy Wall Street Eviction: 'The Final Decision To Act Was Mine'

Prison » Penn State Secrets Pedophile Coverup with Jason Bermas

Prison » Did We Overthrow Gaddafi Just to Replace Him with Al Qaeda?

Prison » Ron Paul Just 1 Point Behind Frontrunner Cain In Crucial Iowa Poll

Prison » DOJ Wants To Criminalize Uploading You Tube Videos

Pentagon: Offensive cyber attacks fair game - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Prison » Ron Paul: Tough Times for the Banks, Liberty for the People?

Ron Paul: Tough Times for the Banks, Liberty for the People? - YouTube

Prison » Cain’s Libya Stumble Goes Viral Online

Herman Cain on Libya - YouTube

Iran media cast doubt on reported suicide in Dubai -

Occupy Oakland: Protesters regroup and march back to Frank Ogawa Plaza camp | Mail Online

Police State Crackdown, 2nd Raid on Occupy Oakland 11-14-11 - YouTube

Prison » Sandusky Speaks: ‘I Horsed Around With Kids’

Prison » How Can The American People Ever Trust Congress Again After Learning Of The Rampant Insider Trading That Has Been Going On?

Prison » FDA allows conventional meat and produce to be blasted with radioactive nuclear waste, treated with virus ‘cocktails’


*1:29:49/Satanic ILLUMINATI ? FULL DOCUMENTARY - YouTube

666 — The Cult Of Saturn (01:02:04) - YouTube


Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0001

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0002

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0003

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0004

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0005

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0006

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0007

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0008

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0009

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0010

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0011

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0012

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0013

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0014

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0015

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0016

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0017

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0018

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0019

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0020

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0021

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0022

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0023

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0024

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0025

Illuminati & Agenda 666 - Part 0026

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Court Orders Occupiers Must Be Allowed to Re-enter Zuccotti Park With Their Belongings

Now That Newt's In Front, It's Time To Look At The IRS Ruling That 'Cleared' Him

Use A Computer Regularly? You're Probably Breaking The Law

Breaking: Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Allowing #OWS Back In The Park - With Tents

EPA Identifies Dangerous Chemicals In Wyoming Aquifer Near Fracking Site

Looting Alabama: Spencer Bachus Profits On Economic Ruin While Wall Street Bankrupts Alabama County

Feast Like a Caveman and Watch the Pounds Melt Away by Joseph Mercola

Penn State Pricks the Student Loan Bubble by Byron King

NYT Comes Pretty Damn Close to Reporting That Obama and Geithner May Have Known Each Other When They Were Children in Asia by Robert Wenzel

Ventura’s Venture Against the TSA by Becky Akers

It Was a Strange Saturday by Butler Shaffer

Reasons Why Dr. Ron Paul Should Not Be President by Bill Fangio clandestine operations during hard-fought presidential elections of the past half century shaped the modern American political era, but they remain little known to the general public and mostly ignored by historians. One unfolded in the weeks before Election 1968 and the other over a full year before Election 1980.

Big Banks Plead with Customers Not to Move Their Money

Ellen Browns War on the Constitution

Over 1 Trillion in U.S. Funds in French and German Banks, American Sheep Not Being Told

Keep Government Out of Mind-Reading Business

Fascist Passenger Info. Sharing with U.S. from U.K. Shoved Through

‘Secret farm bill’ primed for passage in debt deal -

GOP Candidates in Four-Way Dead Heat - Bloomberg


*35 min./President Obama Holds a Press Conference at the APEC Summit - YouTube


At least 28 journalists involved in hacking -

Sandusky denies he's a pedophile, declares innocence to charges

China: Google Earth spots huge, unidentified structures in Gobi desert - Telegraph

Source: Hundreds of N. Korean nuclear and missile experts working in Iran | YONHAP NEWS

NBC’s Costas Exclusive Interview with Sandusky «

More Accusations Surface in Penn State Abuse Case -

Boy in 2002 incident denies abuse: Sandusky lawyer - Yahoo! News

Sandusky lawyer impregnated a teen - WWW.THEDAILY.COM

How Visa Courted Nancy Pelosi, Hoping to Forestall Swipe-Fee Changes - The Daily Beast

Keiser Report: Corporations Fear OWS (E210) - YouTube

Why Are Members Of Congress Allowed To Act In A Criminal Fashion? - YouTube

OWS Protesters Plan To Shutdown Wall Street Stock Exchange - YouTube

What Will The Super Congress Accomplish? (Besides Destroying The Constitution) - YouTube

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Red-letter day': Supremes to tackle Obamacare;Rep. Price sees court striking down mandate, calls HHS reckless on rules

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Gibson Guitar CEO: 'Raid came out of the blue';Henry Juszkiewicz says feds ruthlessly enforcing foreign laws against U.S. businesses

Massive chaos, gridlock to be unleashed on NYC


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Jack Abramoff Making a Multimedia Effort at Redemption -

Congressional members and staff profited from insider trading, convicted lobbyist Abramoff says -

Are twisted trees proof of Bigfoot?

YouTube pays big bucks as funny videos go viral

Pants that can give you the Pippa look

I spy... something beginning with adultery - Telegraph

Doctors, dentists, lawyers 'functioning alcoholics'

Wonder drug kills off cancer

Aspirin every day can cut cancer risk by 60%

False eyelashes can harm your real ones

Experts warn of risks in ultrafast networks

How's that debt-limit hike working out for you?

Retraining Americans

How to end Washington corruption

Constitution? Bah! We demand jobs!

Is this the next U.S.-NATO armed action?

'It's hard to live with yourself after you murder someone so innocent'

Judge endorses censorship of Old Glory

We've seen Sharon Bialek before

Lyin' Joe Biden and the media gatekeepers

Globalism and lost American jobs

Does a full-time homemaker swap her mind for a mop?

Obama indicts America, again

The evil at Penn State

Articles: Grover Norquist and the Iran Lobby

Did an Atheist create the Jefferson Bible? | Washington Times Communities

Newt's "Ideas" |

The Abuser in Chief

Whither the White Working Class?

Generational Wealth Gap

Libertarians and OWS: Useful Idiots

*15 NOV

American Minute for November 15th

November 15 Events in History

November 15th This Day in History

This Day in History for 15th November

Today in History: November 15

November 15th in History

Today in History: November 15

Today in History November 15, 2009 - YouTube


A Double-Dose of Spengler

Despite Denial, Iranian Assassination Plot Was Hatched at the Top

The End of the 'Peace Process' Era

The Eloquence of Obama's Inaction

A Chicago Politics Expansion of Executive Privilege

The Implications of Proliferating Regional Government

Politicizing the Farmers' Market

Herman Cain Should Stick to Making Pizzas

OWS plans escalation in New York

New data refutes warmist hypothesis

The tragedy of the Margaret Thatcher bio-pic

69 killed in Syria on Monday alone

Obama golfs with boyhood friend who was arrested for soliciting prostitute

Bloomberg finally moves on Zuccotti Park

Kagan emails show she was 'excited' about Obamacare passage

Michelle Obama thinks M&Ms are the key to fighting obesity

Chicks with Guns

Herman Cain should stick to making pizzas.

American astronaut hitches a ride on Russian rocket to space station

Chance of US recession in 2012 tops 50%

Tax Increases Being Proposed by Republicans on Supercommittee?

SCOTUS to hear Obamacare case

Supercommittee looking for an 'out' on tax increases

Ron Paul Exceeding Expectations In Iowa

A Palin supporter's review of Newt's legislative proposals...

Eurocrisis and Bankster Government: Diminishing the Free World

Debbie Schlussel:Beware of Newt on Top: Sharpton, Open Borders, Disturbing Islamic Ties, Ethanol BS, Etc.

Debbie Schlussel:Media Hides Name of Arson Suspect in “Jerusalem Restaurant” Explosion – Guess the Religion

Debbie Schlussel:Latest FBI Hate Crimes Stats: 2/3 of Incidents Against Jews; 12% “Against” Muslims

Debbie Schlussel:“All-American?”: Stars of TLC Muslim Show Embrace Khomeini Islamic Revolution, US Hostage-Taking in Iran

Mark Levin Rips Alec Baldwin A New One: What Has Alec Baldwin Done For The Little Guy? NOTHING.

Limbaugh: Chelsea Clinton Going To NBC Means That She Is Furthering Her Political Education

Limbaugh: CNN’s Dan Lothian Displays Most Profound Example Of Media Bias You’re Ever Going To Hear

Rush: I’m Convinced Pelley Has No Clue How Stupid and Idiotic He Looked After Newt Finished With Him

Mark Levin: Chelsea Clinton Will Be Ten, Twenty Steps Up From What They’ve Got At NBC

Rush Limbaugh Doubles Down On Chelsea Clinton Joining NBC As A ‘Politician-In-Training’

Obama: I delivered 'change you can believe in' | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Kagan to Tribe on Day Obamacare Passed: ‘I Hear They Have the Votes, Larry!! Simply Amazing.’ |

Forum Post: Proposed list of OWS Demands |

Quan adviser Dan Siegel quits over Occupy Oakland

At WH, Google CEO rejects Obama's 'lazy' comment | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Judge Who Set Unsecured Bail For Jerry Sandusky Is A Second Mile Volunteer [UPDATE]

Blog: Move over, Solyndra, here comes Siga

'60 Minutes' Uncovers Pelosi's Insider Stock Trades

IRS Having Trouble Keeping Taxpayer Files Secure, Watchdog Says | Fox News

Sacramento State Professor Leaves Class Because No One Brought Snacks - The Ticker - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Student Falls Four Feet From Dorm Bed, Paralyzed From Neck Down | Fox News

Your Tax Dollars Subsidizing Scottie Pippen, Ted Turner, and Jon Bon Jovi? - Fox News

Tennessee Rep. Rick Womick Says Muslims in U.S. Military Can’t Be Trusted | Video |

Occupy D.C. Anti-Capitalist Teach In Talks About U.S. Military Infiltration | Adam Kokesh | Video |

Viral YouTube Videos Earning Some Families Six-Figure Sums | Video |

Federal Housing Administration May Need A Bailout |

Facebook Virus Posts ‘Really Graphic’ Porn Images on News Feed | Many Deactivating Accounts |

Occupy Wall Street Eviction Videos of NYPD Clashing With Protesters | Video |

Judge Issues Restraining Order Aginst Occupy Eviction | Video |

Photograph Sells at Christie’s for $4.3 M — Breaks Most Expensive Photograph Record |

Booted Out: Occupy Wall Street Evicted By Police in Midnight Raid | Video |

Jerry Sandusky Speaks out on NBC | Video |

Supreme Court To Hear Case Against Obamacare |

Harvard History Prof. Predicts EU Crisis Will Consume U.S. | Video |

Alabama Evangelicals Want Christians to Take a Stand on Immigration Reform | Video |

Girl Lives on Pop-Tarts and Gatorade for 48-Hours While Stuck Inside Car | Video |

450 Square-Foot Apartment Features Dividing Cabinet to Create Four Rooms | Video |

GM’s Latest Problem: 7 Crashes Linked to Faulty Wiring |

Saudi King Offers All-Expenses-Paid Trip to Hajj for Released Palestinian Terrorists |

Crony Capitalism: Obama Administration Invests $433 Million in Experimental and Untested Smallpox Drug…Guess who owns the Company |

Gloria Cain Tells Greta Van Sustren About Sharon Bialek | Video |

Does Jerry Sandusky Hesitate When Bob Costas Asks About Sexual Attraction to Boys? | Video |

Jerry Sandusky Proclaims Innocence to Bob Costas | ‘I Shouldn’t Have Showered With Those Kids’ |NBC News |

Sandusky Describes Affection for Children in ‘Disturbing’ 1987 Video | Video |

Strange New Structures in China Captured on Google Maps |

Scientists Create Slippery Substance to Which Virtually Nothing Sticks | Video |

Confederate Flag Shirt | New Jersey Girl Torri Albrecht Suspended | Kreps Middle School in East Windsor |

After Abandoning the Debit Card Fee, Banks Looking Elsewhere to Raise Money |

First Inside Scoop of Google X Lab Revealed |

60 Minutes: Are Members of Congress Trading Stocks on Inside Information? | Peter Schweizer | | Video |

Facebook Changes Salman Rushdie’s Profile Name to Given Name — Ahmed — Later Apologized Rights Situation |

The Foods Making Thanksgiving Much More Expensive |

Spectacular New Time-Lapsed Video Over Earth | Video |

Video of ‘Speed Demon’ Gives You a Look at 462 MPH | Video |

NBC News Hires Chelsea Clinton As a Full-Time Correspondent |

NYC Islamic Activists Urge Muslims To Keep Terror Concerns From Cops |

Tiny Origami apartment in Manhattan unfolds into 4 rooms - YouTube

Tiny Origami apartment in Manhattan unfolds into 4 rooms - videos - *faircompanies

Crony capitalism exposed - The Washington Post

Opinion: Deconstructing GOP's climate contradictions - Rep. Henry Waxman -

Obamacare Is Bigger than Roe v. Wade | Cato @ Liberty

We Can’t Wait: Jumpstarting Innovation in Health Care, Reducing Costs | The White House

College Tuition, Student Loans, and Unemployment : The New Yorker

Throw Them All Out – Including Politico - Big Journalism

College football is America’s true religion - The Globe and Mail

'Throw them all out' sounds like a good start | Examiner Editorial | Editorials | Washington Examiner

The Wall Street Journal: ObamaCare Goes to Court -

RealClearPolitics - Why America Won't Accept ObamaCare

Supreme Court view of healthcare law should be clear, but isn't -

Rivkin and Casey: ObamaCare and the Limits of Government -

What’s behind Gingrich’s jump in the polls – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

RealClearPolitics - Will the GOP Establishment Blow It by Picking Romney?

RealClearPolitics - Why Obama Is Beating the GOP Field

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Catholic Strategy in Shambles

Pelosi fires back at '60 Minutes' report on 'soft corruption' -

Faith overtones in Occupy protests but leaders wary | Reuters

Bob Jones III latest Christian leader to doubt Obama's Christianity – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Cults in Culture: Jehovah's Witnesses and End Times (Part 3), Christian News

Catholic dioceses dropping lawsuit over foster care - Chicago Tribune

Why We Study “Useless” Things | Crisis Magazine

A response to Christopher Hitchens after his latest attack on Mormonism | Deseret News

Ruins of Oldest U.S. Protestant Church May Be at Jamestown -

RealClearReligion - Would Jesus Build an Electric Fence?

The New York Times: This Day In Sports

Veterans Day Lessons: The Sheer Tragedy That Is War - Forbes

General Sherman's March to the Sea

General William Sherman in Georgia

Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber — Programming Death — Crime Library on

RealClearPolitics - 8 Handshakes That Changed History - Menachem Begin - Anwar Sadat

I'm Not a Kook: Richard Nixon's Bizarre Visit to the Lincoln Memorial - Tom McNichol - Politics - The Atlantic

Seeming Green - Bjørn Lomborg - Project Syndicate

Found: The First Atoms In The Universe!!! : Starts With A Bang

Without consent: how drugs companies exploit Indian 'guinea pigs' - Asia - World - The Independent

Copper’s New Role: Germ Killer | Singularity Hub

Chimps’ Days in Research May Be Near an End -

In-Game - PETA attacks Nintendo over fur-wearing Mario

The 'Sesame Effect' - Blog

Evidence of ancient lake in California's Eel River emerges | Media Relations

Proof found for unifying quantum principle : Nature News & Comment

RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Giant Sunspot Now Aimed Directly at Earth

Super Cool New H2O Discovered : Discovery News

The Reactionary Mind — By Corey Robin — Book Review -

Why fiction’s freest genres need its most rigid rules | Film | For Our Consideration | The A.V. Club

The American Spectator : You Don't Know Jack

How to earn a fortune on YouTube | Technology | The Guardian

Anti-Hacking Law Criminalizes Most Computer Users, Former Prosecutor Says | Threat Level |

New Study Shows Majority Of Americans Against SOPA; Believe Extreme Copyright Enforcement Is Unreasonable | Techdirt

Steve Jobs, the Unabomber, and America's love/hate relationship with technology - O'Reilly Radar

Dethroning MS Office: Not that easy - Big Tech - Fortune Tech

Four questions for an agency recruiter

The Death Of The Spec | TechCrunch

Why Google should buy Barnes & Noble — Tech News and Analysis

Change the oil, upgrade the firmware? The digital dilemma when cars and computers collide

The Man Who Invented Email | Techland |

Google and Kodak speed past each other -

Will Cloud Computing Make Everything (and Everyone) Work Harder? -

Why Facebook Thinks it Can Bring Videocalls to All - IEEE Spectrum

Inside the Nest: iPod creator Tony Fadell wants to reinvent the thermostat | The Verge

Arista Networks Founders Aim to Alter How Computers Connect -

The Web's Crystal Ball Gets an Upgrade - Technology Review

Make way for more brain-based chips — Tech News and Analysis

Opinion: Welcoming GOP's energy job ideas - Sen. John Barrasso -

Chu: Will He Stay or Will He Go? - Coral Davenport and Amy Harder -

Yes, Chu failed in Solyndra debacle

Solyndra questions linger | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

In search of the perfect fuel

The Oil Drum | Five Misconceptions About Peak Oil

What the Keystone XL delay means for tar sands and the green movement | Grist

On Energy Production, U.S. Isn’t Keeping up with the Joneses

Michael Levi: Energy, Security, and Climate » Has Government Spending on Energy Research Been A Waste?

Renewable Energy: Bubble, Scam, or Both, Part 2 | Power Line

Coal: The Forgotten Fuel | Chatham House: Independent thinking on international affairs

Carbon Trading May Be Ready for Its Next Act -

Opinion: Let states regulate fracking - Rep. Bob Latta -

Does government regulation really kill jobs? Economists say overall effect is minimal. - The Washington Post

BusinessDay - GIDEON RACHMAN: Europe’s new technocrats not miracle-workers

Contain and Constrain Iran -

Israel and Iran: Covert Warfare Raises Risks of Retaliation, and Conflagration - Global Spin -

Commentary: The Iranian-American Game of Chicken | The National Interest

Ai Weiwei Speaks Out on His Detention - The Daily Beast

Silvio Berlusconi ousted: what's next for Italy - Slate Magazine

Rick Perry's Texas-Sized Glass House | The New Republic

Congress To Cut Financial Market Watchdog's Funding In Latest Round Of Budget Negotiations | ThinkProgress

What If the Supreme Court Decided ObamaCare in Favor of the Insurance Industry? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Obama Admin. Pushed Solyndra Layoff Announcement Until After Election | The Weekly Standard

TaxVox » Blog Archive » A 20 Percent Tax Rate Cut Would Blow a Huge Hole in the Budget

Manufacturing America’s New Middle Class: Henry R. Nothhaft - Bloomberg

Real Clear Markets - Video

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs - Businessweek

Obama's Indefensible Pipeline Punt — The American Magazine

RAHN: Rich China, poor China - Washington Times

Supercommittee Will Fail -- When It Does, Markets Will Crash | InvestorPlace

One Secret Buffett Gets to Keep -

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