A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

14 November 2011

14 NOV.


CNN Reporter Asks Obama: Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?"
Supreme Court Will Take On Health Care Law
College Professor: Collecting Care Packages For Troops Is "Shameful"
Herman Cain's Wife Gloria On Sexual Allegations: "Not The Person He Is"
Maher On Romney: "At Least He Eats With A Knife And Fork"
Obama Dodges Question On Bashing Israel's Netanyahu
Rick Santorum Slams Opposition To Foreign Aid
SNL Spoofs Wednesday's GOP Debate
Disturbing Sandusky Interview From 1987

13 NOV.

Obama: U.S. Has Been "Lazy" About Attracting New Business
Wasserman Schultz: GOP "Rooting For The Economy To Fail"
Congress: Trading Stock On Inside Information?
Brit Hume: "Occupy" Protests Are Toxic; Kristol: "Anti-American"
CBS/NJ Debate: GOP Candidates On Pakistan
Full CBS/NJ Republican Foreign Policy Debate
"This Week" Roundtable On Bracing For Supercommittee Failure
Perry: Foreign Aid Budget Should Start At Zero
GOP Rep. Hensarling: Tax Increases Are "A Reality"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Occupy Protests
PA Gov. Corbett On Penn State
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Penn State
Toomey: Congress Will Reconsider Triggers If Super Committee Fails

12 NOV.

Maher Likens Republicans To Ebenezer Scrooge
Bill Press: "There's No Difference" Between Cain And Penn State Coach
Rep. Heck Delivers GOP Weekly: "We Can All Learn A Lot" From Veterans
Mark Levin's Takedown Of Alec Baldwin
Obama Weekly Address: Honoring Our Veterans For Their Service And Sacrifice
Bill Maher: Rick Perry Dumber Than Sarah Palin
Herman Cain Says No To Being Romney's VP
"Real Time" Panel Has Livid Argument Over JFK Being A Dove Or Hawk
Murdered Border Patrol Agent's Family Lashes Out At Holder
Krauthammer: Democrats On Super Committee Have No Interest In A Deal
Occupy Protesters Invade Conservative Conference


CFR And Students On Iran
Turkish Ferry Hijacking Over
Bagram Air Base Larger Military Prison Than Gitmo
Reporters Get First Tour Of Fukushima Plant
Raw Video: Pro-government Demonstration In Syria
U.S. At Financial Warfare With China?
Huntsman On Afghan War: It's Time To Come Home
Preventing The Euro Crisis From Impacting America
Cain On Dealing With The Arab Spring
Jon Huntsman Outlines His Foreign Policy
Obama Initiatives Threaten APEC
Consequences Of The Iraq Troop Withdrawal
Sen. Lindsey Graham Probes Candidates On Gitmo
U.S.-Russian Crews Blasts Off For Space Station


Rense & Marti Oakley - Total Surveillance, Total Control - YouTube

Rense & Marti Oakley - Total Surveillance, Total Control, Pt 2 - YouTube

Iran missile development commander killed in explosion - Telegraph

Green resistance is strong - interview by Lizzie Phelan - YouTube

Syria Reacting to the Arab League - YouTube - Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network

Penn State to Get Hit With Civil Suit, Sources Say - The Daily Beast

Jerry Sandusky 'Pimped Out Young Boys To Rich Donors' - Business Insider

Ron Paul: Cain, Bachmann have ‘un-American’ beliefs on torture

Oklahoma earthquake possibly caused by controversial energy- | Mail Online


The map that shows where America's 5,000 nuclear warheads are | Mail Online



The Coming Crisis: Anders Behring Breivik refuses to recognize court, report says - 14th Nov 2011

The Coming Crisis: Major alert over illegal trade in nuclear materials - 14th Nov 2011

The Plain Truth: The Coming King of the North: Merkel Calls for 'New Europe'

The Plain Truth: Opinion Why Iran's Top Leaders Believe That the End of Days Has Come

The Plain Truth: Death race 2011: Did a desperate bid for TV ratings lead to the IndyCar crash that killed Dan Wheldon?


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*Mystery of the Ages


* Herbert W. Armstrong Searchable Library (

Herbert W. Armstrong Library and Archives(

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Newest threat: TSA warns terrorists could be targeting buses for holiday travel season | Mail Online

Anonymous Bullies the FBI - Do Not Mess with Anonymous - YouTube

3 pg/Chemtrailing May Be Re-Terraforming by an Alien Species by George Paxinos November 13, 2011

APOD: 2010 January 20 - The Known Universe

Genetic Tweak Creates a Mouse With Super-Endurance | Popular Science

Notorious Lobbyist Jack Abramoff Accuses Members Of Congress Of Insider Trading - Business Insider

Gerald Celente speaks about politics and morality - YouTube


Barack O and Malcolm X - Like Father Like Son?




Present Truth Forum(

Free forum : Truth Seekers(




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Obama declares war on mousepads and coffee mugs in bid to trim government's excessive spending on swag | Mail Online

Occupy protests: Michael Moore's mansion is luxury 99% of Americans can only dream of | Mail Online

Republicans vow to stop Iranian nuclear bomb - Yahoo! News

Light fantastic: Could a new home laser really take the place of a £4,000 skin treatment? | Mail Online

Socializing losses: Trilateral takeover of Europe? — RT

Jesse Ventura - Pet Detective (A Must Read) - David Icke Website

Club 33: Disney’s Bohemian Grove :

Paul Drockton M.A.: Cocaine, Pedophiles and Godfathers Pizza

Paul Drockton M.A.: Grand Jury States Paterno Knew About Child Rape

Paul Drockton M.A.: Penn State and Boystown Cover-up Similarities

The Corporatization of Universities: Tuition Hike at UC is only the latest chapter - YouTube

GeoEngineering Current Actions | Agriculture Defense Coalition

America's New World Order Agenda

Former 9/11 commission director talks at lecture //

A Conversation with Philip Zelikow (Video) - YouTube


The New World Order(


Ventura, CA Police using armored vehicles in the streets | USWGO Alternative News

Our Brave New World Of Snitches And Surveillance | Before It's News

Mystery of food used in school meals - News - Food & Drink - The Independent

The Illusion Of Freedom

PressTV - US spy drone crashes in Somalia

‘Police brutality is a big problem in the US’ — RT

Allen West: US Must 'Absolutely' Support Israel in Iran Attack

Threat by the US/Israel/UK on Iran « Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

Israel refuses to tell US its Iran intentions - Telegraph

Roy Tov: Netanyahu Declares War on Israel

Cops link shooting to Occupy Oakland -

Activist Post: Federal Appeals Court Upholds Forced Home Entry Over DUI

poorrichards blog: Obama Too Occupied to Listen to “Occupy” Protest Song during Summit Dinner

Who Is Waging The War On Terra? | Before It's News

Occupy Portland video: Mounted police vs protesters stand-off - YouTube

+Judge Who Freed Sandusky On Bail Reportedly Volunteered At His Charity | Fox News

The $1.4 Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Crisis; & Growing - YouTube

Riot Police Supress Occupy Portland Protestors With Brutal Force - YouTube

Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again - Nov. 12th 2011 CBS Debate (MUST SEE) CORRUPT MEDIA - YouTube

Courthouse News Service:Alarming Info in Oil Spill Toxicology Report

Prison » Banker Coup: Goldman Sachs Takes Over Europe

Fox Panel Bashes OWS As 'Toxic,' 'Marxist,' 'Anti-Democratic And Un-American' | ThinkProgress

Contaminated Gardasil Vaccine May Be Infectious – Potentially Causing Millions More to Become Sick via Blood Transference – Merck Doctor Admits Contaminant Does Not Belong in the Vaccine | SaneVax

Activist Post: Genetically Modified Salmon Approval Pushed by USDA with Nearly $500,000 Funding

poorrichards blog: Medical Mafia fascism forces parents to hide their children

Right-wing talker Mancow gets waterboarded and says: "It's Absolutely Torture " | Crooks and Liars

Source: Hundreds of N. Korean nuclear and missile experts working in Iran | YONHAP NEWS

The US Justice Department Hacked My Twitter Account

Prison » Ron Paul Gets 89 Seconds To Speak In CBS Debate

The Last Thing The Powers That Be Want Is For Iceland To Become An Example Of How To Break With Usurious Debt “Obligations”. Here's Why: | Before It's News


Medicinal Uses of Herbs(


Herbal Information : Dietary Supplements : Food and Nutrition Information Center


Safety&Toxicity Evaluation ;Chinese Herbal Medicine(


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USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference


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The crumbling edifice of the IPCC - On Line Opinion - 11/11/2011

Revolutionary Politics : The Peter Schiff Show - The War on Drugs


13th/Volcano Near El Hierro, Canary Islands Releases Toxic Gases (VIDEO)


*The Clinton Chronicles (Full Version) - YouTube


Is Paper Money About To Fail The World? - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : World Financial Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes

Revolutionary Politics : The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See

Ex-CIA Agent: America creates its own enemies - YouTube


Real time satellite tracking(



Revolutionary Politics : These Guys Made Billions & Killed Over 400 People With YOUR Tax Dollars!

The Mysterious Deaths of Nine Gulf Oil Spill Whistleblowers - YouTube

Iran Practicing for An EMP Attack on the U.S. Say U.S. Lawmakers. But How Credible is That Claim? | Ottawa Citizen

Questioning Pelosi: Steve Kroft heads to D.C. - 60 Minutes Overtime - CBS News

poorrichards blog: Occupying America: Middle Class Outrage Finally Transforms into a Movement


+ 26 min./BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | William K. Black on Fraud | PBS - YouTube


+Washington Week Webcast Extra | Nov. 11, 2011 | PBS - YouTube


Jesse Ventura on Freedom Watch 11/09/11 - YouTube

Keiser Report: Cameron & Osborne on the Run (E209) - YouTube

"This Is What A Police State Looks Like!" - YouTube

Jim Rogers: World Economy Needs A Reboot - YouTube


CBS News-National Journal 2012 Republican Candidates Debate

+Ron Paul CBS News Republican Debate Highlights — November 12, 2011 (HD) - YouTube

+Complete CBS News South Carolina Republican 2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube


Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman Torture GOP with Sane Foreign Policy Views | Indecision Forever | Political Humor and Satire Blog | 2012 Election | Comedy Central

The muzzling of Ron Paul and the GOP debate | Washington Times Communities

Ron Paul Channels Dennis Kucinich On Enhanced Interrogation Techniques - Ron Paul - Fox Nation

Bachmann and Paul campaigns accuse debate sponsors of bias - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

CBS shamefully shafted Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul in the foreign policy debate - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Ron Paul people slams CBS news. :

Foreign Policy: Debating The Grade For The GOP : NPR

Ron Paul's Real Electability: Stopping The Third Party Threat

Ron Paul, the Constitution and Foreign Policy |

Rick Perry Ron Paul | Rick Perry Oops | Video | Mediaite

Revolutionary Politics : Ex-CIA Agent: America creates its own enemies


11-7-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones, guests Adam Kokesh, Liz Reitzig - YouTube

11-8-2011 Infowars Nightly News with guest Keith Haley - YouTube

11-9-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones, guest Michael Badnarik - YouTube

11-10-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones, guest Eddie Craig - YouTube

2011-11-10 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones PRISONPLANET TV Full - YouTube


GOP Debate: Ron Paul Dissents from War on Iran and Syria, Assassination, Torture

E-mails Suggest Kagan Misled Senate About ObamaCare

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

» Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Colossal GeoEngineering in Plain Sight - YouTube

24 Feb 2011 Aerosol Abuse Over Cheshire Insane Geoengineering Activity - YouTube

Local news station confirms barium in chemtrails - YouTube

» Sabrin: Fed Behind Effort to Ignore Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Professor Murray Sabrin admits Ron Paul is silenced by the media because of the Federal Reserve - YouTube

* The Irrelevance of the Republican Party Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Highlights of Rick Perry's Bizarre (Drunk) Cornerstone Speech - YouTube


Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America - YouTube


Video:How to Read Your Newspaper - John Birch Society

VIDEO:Restoring Our Constitutional Republic - John Birch Society

VIDEO:Exposing Terrorism – Inside the Terror Triangle - John Birch Society


» Radioactive Iodine Blankets Much of Europe … Everyone Points Fingers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mathematical Proof Of Dramatic Media Bias And Favoritism During The Republican Debates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 22 Signs That The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We All Take For Granted Is Starting To Disappear Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Medical Mafia fascism forces parents to hide their children Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Reports Link N. Korean, Iranian Nuclear Programs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*11 shocking things you now realize to be true Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Social networking pioneer who took on Facebook found dead at age of 22


The Diaspora Project(


DIASPORA* Public Pod Diasporg


Decentralize the web with Diaspora by Daniel G. Maxwell S. Raphael S. Ilya Z. — Kickstarter


» Major Wars and Suppression of American Freedoms Planned BEFORE 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Anonymous listens to Robert Welch in 1974 Revealing Agendas Of New World Order - YouTube

The EU's architects never meant it to be a democracy - Telegraph

» Euro ponzi goes ‘full retard’ – EFSF found to monetize… itself Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rand Paul: Environmental Extremists Run Government : Personal Liberty Digest

» The Militarization of Your Local Police Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US court verdict 'huge blow' to privacy, says former WikiLeaks aide | World news |

Schoolgirl left in 'waking coma' sleeps for 23 hours a day after severe reaction to cervical cancer jab | Mail Online

» The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BBC constrained by need to avoid political bias, admits Lord Patten | Media | The Guardian

New Mexico Law and Local Sheriff Trump the Feds – Tenth Amendment Center Blog

Latin American Herald Tribune - Georgia Couple Charged with Harboring Illegal Aliens

Senators to Obama, DHS: Stop ignoring illegal alien sanctuaries - National Law Enforcement |

Gitmo Costs $800K/Year Per Detainee | Mother Jones


The Nwo is Upon Us! - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 1/6 - YouTube

The Nwo is Upon Us! - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 2/6 - YouTube

The Nwo is Upon Us! - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 3/6 - YouTube

The Nwo is Upon Us! - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 4/6 - YouTube

The Nwo is Upon Us! - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 5/6 - YouTube

The Nwo is Upon Us! - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 6/6 - YouTube


The Excavator: A Rigged Revolution: How The Shadow CIA-MI6 Network Put Khomeini And Militant Islamists in Power

Massive networks of stripes appear in Chinese Desert - SlashGear » Chairman of the European Branch of the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Member Becomes Leader of Italy

Rick Perry Brain Dead, Penn State Sex Scandal & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube


Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 1/5 - YouTube

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 2/5 - YouTube

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 3/5 - YouTube

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 4/5 - YouTube

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 5/5 - YouTube


Banks Are Quietly Ramping Up Costs to Consumers - US Business News - CNBC

Homeland Security Today: TSA Warns of Terrorist Interest in Attacking Buses During Busy Holiday Season

AFP: Copper thieves steal sword at Lincoln tomb

European Union opts for full-body scanners at airports | Government Security News

Surge in babies addicted to moms' pain pills -

Lord Monckton's personal challenge to Al Gore - YouTube

Lord Monckton’s personal challenge to Al Gore

Asia Times Online :: Do the bomb Iran shuffle

The muzzling of Ron Paul and the GOP debate | Washington Times Communities

Texas Tech Football, TSA & Christmas Gifts, and More in Chad’s Steaming Pile - News/Talk 790 KFYO

22 Signs That The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We All Take For Granted Is Starting To Disappear

charles hugh smith-The World Is Drowning in Debt, and Europe Laces On Concrete Boots

FBI’s Washington area buildings need security boost, says GAO | Government Security News

U.S. brings terror charges against suspect in Germany | Government Security News

DARPA wants more than passwords for authentication | Government Security News

Bachmann Wants Iraq To Pay For War - YouTube

Supremes take ObamaCare case | Before It's News

Disturbing Gentleness: The Ontological Depth of Nonviolence (Video) | Before It's News

NewMediaJournal: The Triangulation of the ‘Occupy’ Movement

NewMediaJournal: Senior Iranian’s Son Murdered After Attacks on Sensitive Iranian Bases

NewMediaJournal: Obama Admin. to Announce Effort to Expand Healthcare Workforce

The New Media Journal | Research, Analysis, Headlines & News

NewMediaJournal: Obama Awards $443 Million ‘No Bid’ Contract to Big Pharma Political Supporter

NewMediaJournal: SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to Obamacare


13 Staggering Facts About The Global Super Rich

The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran- FSN Interview with Silver Shield Part 1 - YouTube

The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran Part 2 - YouTube


Teens Using Vodka Soaked Tampons To Get Drunk - YouTube

Police say teens using vodka-soaked tampons to get drunk


Recreating The Past - Dealing With Cognitive Dissonance - Part I

Recreating The Past - An Extraterrestrial Connection To The Vatican - Part II

Recreating The Past - The Mayan, The Vatican & The Connection To Orion - Part III

Recreating The Past - Is The Womb Of Creation In The Orion Nebula? - Part IV

Recreating The Past - The Arch, The Trinity, The Archetype, & The Orion Nebula - Part V

Recreating The Past - The Hopi Connection To Orion & Sirius - Part VI

Recreating The Past - They Were Called Sun Gods For A Reason - Part VII


The Galactic History Of DNA by Dan Winter (1/8)

The Galactic History Of DNA by Dan Winter (2/8)

The Galactic History Of DNA by Dan Winter (3/8)

The Galactic History Of DNA by Dan Winter (4/8)

The Galactic History Of DNA by Dan Winter (5/8)

The Galactic History Of DNA by Dan Winter (6/8)

The Galactic History Of DNA by Dan Winter (7/8)

The Galactic History Of DNA by Dan Winter (8/8)


Tune Your Eyes To The Sacred Geometry Of The Holographic Universe


Introduction To Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry 101A: 7 Pennies

Sacred Geometry 101B: The Vesica Piscis

Sacred Geometry 101C: The Sacred Languages

Sacred Geometry 101E: Metatron's Cube

Sacred Geometry 101D: Concentric Circles

Sacred Geometry 101F (Part 1): The Golden Mean

Sacred Geometry 101F (Part 2): Pi - Phi - Fibonacci Sequence


Exposing The Eye Of Ra & Exposing Orion In The Holographic Universal Matrix

Sacred Geometry: Map Of Time


Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - CBS News


NOW with Bill Moyers. Transcript. Bill Moyers interview Chuck Spinney . 8.1.03 | PBS

Project On Government Oversight(


Top 10 Reasons America Depends On Survivalists And Preppers | Before It's News

The Size Of The Human Soul | Before It's News

Slow-Motion 'Puppies of Fur' | Before It's News

Labrador puppies in slow motion - YouTube


+The Top 10 Movies All-Time With A Financial Lesson | Before It's News


Nassim Haramein. 1/5-Sun-Stargate & Planet size UFOs,2012 - YouTube

Nassim Haramein. 2-Sun-Stargate & Planet size UFOs,2012 - YouTube

Nassim Haramein. 3-Sun-Stargate & Planet size UFOs,2012 - YouTube

Nassim Haramein. 4-Sun-Stargate & Planet size UFOs,2012 - YouTube

Nassim Haramein. 5-Sun-Stargate & Planet size UFOs,2012 - YouTube


Ex Obama Lover Larry Sinclair Mowed Down By A Hit And Run Driver Yesterday | Before It's News

Free Republic Larry Sinclair Dead Hours After Phone Call to Kevin DuJan

Update: Hillbuzz Is Reporting That Larry Sinclair Is Very Much Alive!... | Before It's News


+Is Barack Obama gay 11/07 by Megan Fox | Blog Talk Radio


The Case For Banning Sharia Law In America | Before It's News

Where Justice Goes to Die | Before It's News

Why Is China Building These Gigantic Structures In the Middle of the Desert? (Update 2)

The Mysterious Physics of 7 Everyday Things | Strange Physics of Mundane Stuff | Life's Little Mysteries



*40 Great Anthropology Books That Anyone Can Appreciate | Before It's News


Cheeseburger Macaroni | Before It's News

Tequila Lime Marinated Chicken Quesadillas | Before It's News

Mini Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwiches | Before It's News

Coleman's Gravy Paste and a Round up of Good Taste | Before It's News

Butterfly Banana Cakes | Before It's News

Cooking with Tea: A Daring Cooks Challenge | Before It's News

Italian Slow-Cooker Eggplant Casserole | Before It's News

Cinnamon Pull Apart Bread | Before It's News

Gingersnap Milkshake | Before It's News

Turkey Chili from Gourmet Magazine, November, 2008 | Before It's News

Turkish Style Beef Shanks (Firinda Dana Incigi) | Before It's News

Maple Yams With Apples & Cranberries | Before It's News

Dee Dee's Delights: Maple Yams With Apples & Cranberries


Taking On Magazines(


The English Kitchen(

The Sweets Life(

Carrie's Experimental Kitchen(

Cook, Pray, Love(

The Wednesday Baker(

Around My Family Table(

Bran Appetit(

Turkish Food and Recipes(

Dee Dee's Delights(


Government by Force: Financially and Conceptually Bankrupt -

Buffett builds $10 billion stake in IBM | The Raw Story

District Attorney That Investigated Jerry Sandusky Mysteriously Disappeared & So Did His Laptop! -

Intel Source: Israel Behind Deadly Explosion at Iran Missile Base | StratRisks

Iran missile development commander killed in explosion - Telegraph


52 MIN./Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Gameshow (Full) - YouTube

47 MIN./Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Assassin (Full) - YouTube


Issa Stands Up for Second Amendment Rights on Real Time with Bill Maher - YouTube

Interview with ACTIC "Officer" by Ademo - YouTube

Government by Force: Financially and Conceptually Bankrupt - informationliberation

Deputy Who Killed Man For Bag Of Pot Won't Face Any Charges - informationliberation

The Public's Distrust - informationliberation

Entrepreneurship With Fiat Property and Fiat Money - informationliberation

Obama Scapegoats China For His Own Failed Economic Policies - informationliberation

Ron Paul: "Torture is immoral & un-American" - YouTube

Arab League's 'Roar' at Syria Shows Qatar is Flexing its Muscle

Libyan Scenario Unfolding in Syria

Libya: Media Blackout, Why?

"A Pair of Testicles Fell Off the President After Election Day"

Muslims Angry Over New York Police Surveillance Program

Illinois warehouse worker Max Fabian retires from job... at the age of 102 | Mail Online

In name of "freedom," University of Chicago threatens Condoleezza Rice protestors | The Electronic Intifada

MS-13 gang is branching into prostitution, authorities say - The Washington Post

Iranian Parliament: Reduce IAEA Cooperation

Iran Threat Reduction Act Actually Enhances Threat of War

Spokesman Denies Sensitive Intelligence Withheld From Israeli FM Lieberman

US 'Sorry' for Frisking of India Ex-President

The Armageddon Network by Justin Raimondo --

China Rebuffs Obama’s Criticisms on Trade, Currency

Obama Expresses 'Disappointment' on French Palestinian Vote

Sudan Rebel Groups Form Alliance to Topple Bashir

New Reports Link N. Korean, Iranian Nuclear Programs

Obama: Russia, China United With US on Iran Nuclear Issue

Historian: The “Curse of Tutankhamun” Was Ritual Murders Carried Out by Aleister Crowley

18th Century Secret Society Code Cracked

Russia, US to continue missile defense consultations

Balanced Budget Amendment Without Spending Cap Will Lose GOP Senate Votes, Says Sen. Lee

Supreme Court Will Hear Obamacare Challenge This Term, Before 2012 Election

Obama Presses Supercommittee to Do The 'Responsible Thing' -- Raise Taxes

Israelis Consider Fallout of Military Strike on Iran Nukes

Drugs, Deaths, Disease and Thieves Prompt Police to Move Against Occupy Protesters

Smithsonian 'Sent Representatives' to Collect ‘Occupy' Memorabilia to 'Document Spirit of American Democracy'

Spain's Long Lunches Under Threat As Emphasis Shifts to Worker Productivity

UN Chief Presses World Leaders to Come Up With $100B a Year for 'Green Climate Fund'

On 'SNL,' Penn State Scandal Offends Even Satan

Head of U.S. Catholic Bishops: Church Has Much to Teach the World

Obama: Waterboarding is Torture

Levin: U.S. Has Become A 'Post-Constitutional Gov't' Heading For 'Utopian Tyranny'

Netanyahu: Iran's Nuclear Race 'Endangers The Peace Of The Entire World'

Obama: US 'A Little Bit Lazy' in Attracting Foreign Investment

ABC Highlights SNL Jab at Perry, 'Americans Still Can't Forget' Perry's 'Brain Freeze' |

George Will: Money in College Sports Leads to 'Moral Derangement' |

NBC's Gregory: Obama Foreign Policy May Be Hard to Attack Because 'Very Successful' |

CBS Email Shows Michele Bachmann Was Intentionally Asked Few Questions at Saturday's Debate |

Reuters/Ipsos Poll: 52% of GOP Voters Tell Perry Don't Quit Now

Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Romney Has Clear Lead

Marist Poll: Gingrich Now 2nd, Ahead of Cain

Newt Calls Book About Campaign, Wife a 'Lie'

Bachmann, Paul: CBS Muzzled Us at GOP Debate

GOP Candidates Castigate Obama on Iran

Rush: High Court Obamacare Ruling Will Aid GOP

Allred: Cain Accuser's Witness to Go Public

Democrats Distance Themselves From Obama

Chelsea Clinton to Be NBC News Correspondent

'60 Minutes' Uncovers Pelosi's Insider Stock Trades

Priebus: Claim That GOP Favors Rich Is Untrue

Huntsman: Foreign Aid Cuts 'Political Sound Bite'

Sen. Graham: Military Last Resort vs. Nuclear Iran

Gov. Corbett: Paterno's Failure to Act Doomed Him

Bachmann: I'd Beat Sexual Abuser 'to a Pulp'

Probe: Papers Besides Murdoch's May Have Hacked

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Arguments

Obama: Supercommittee Must ‘Bite the Bullet’

No Evidence That Regulations Cause Major Job Losses

Supercommittee Hopes Dim as Deadline Approaches

Poll: Generic Republican Ties Obama

Can Magnets Cure Prostate Cancer?

Power of College Sports Threatens Education

Voting Rights Act Encourages Illegals to Go to Polls

The Left's Many Double Standards

Delivery Matters in the Race to the White House

Activist Post: Iowa Deals with Arsenic in Water Supplies?

Activist Post: Predictive Programming? G.I. Joe and the Fall of the Dollar (Video)

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Forced Home Entry Over DUI

European Debt Crisis: Deathficits | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: American Lifestyle Breeds Depression

Time for an Economic Bill of Rights

Has Obama Just Kicked Off Another Oil War -- This Time in Africa? | | AlterNet

"Experts" Push For Lithium To Be Added To Our Drinking Water | Wake Up World

Activist Post: Jerusalem Post Blabs Truth About Western Stance Toward Syria: To Weaken Iran

» Banker Coup: Goldman Sachs Takes Over Europe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: Is Your Multivitamin Toxic?

Activist Post: The age of citizen spies is upon us

Penn State's 1st Amendment Victims: We Need Freedom of Speech on the Job Too, Not Just at Home! | This Can't Be Happening

The 99% Demand Mortgage Correction - YouTube

Speak-See-Hear-Nothing 11-09-2011.pdf (application/pdf Object)

REPORT - Over 50% Of U.S. Homeowners Are Underwater - Home - The Daily Bail

How the United States Will Become a 3rd World Country :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Supreme Court To Hear Challenge To Obama Health Care Law | Fox News

Douglashamp.comThe Genetics of Satan’s Seed and the Mark of the Beast - Douglas Hamp

Nephilim and Fallen Angels, the elephant in the room mainstream christianity won’t discuss « JLBerube

Jack Van Impe (11.5.11) - YouTube

World’s largest digital camera gets green light | R&D Mag

Entrepreneurship With Fiat Property and Fiat Money by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

A Practical Guide For Dealing With Cops by Eric Peters

The Education Trap by Jeff Berwick

Four reasons to open an offshore bank account now | Sovereign Man

Lead Poisoning Alert: This Widely Used Drink Is Dangerous by Joseph Mercola

Have a merry e-Christmas! Consumer's guide to downloadable gifts | Mail Online

Benefits of Alfalfa Leaf

COVERUP: Are Fukushima Reactors 5 and 6 In Trouble Also?

The Anglo-Israeli Plot to Attack Iran

VIDEO: Libyan Scenario Unfolding in Syria

Russia's High Stakes Energy Geopolitics

Socializing losses: Trilateral takeover of Europe?

The Obama Administration Ignores Global Warming and the Protection of the Environment

Twitter, WikiLeaks and the US Justice Department

Israel's threat to Wage War on Iran: Bluff or Blunder?

Commemorating the “Day the Guns fell Silent”. “Let this Silence be a Scream for Peace.”

VIDEO: Arab League Gives Green Light to US-NATO to Intervene in Syria

Protesters Have the Right to Protest … and to Resist Unlawful Arrest

Big Lies Launch Wars. "All Wars are based on Deception"

Italy and Greece: Rule by the Bankers

The Incarceration Business: America's Private Prisons

VIDEO: The G20 and Financial Globalization

Western Militarization of the Arctic

The Second Berlin Plunder of Africa. Only a United Africa can Defeat the Imperialists

NATO’s Law of the Jungle in Libya

Engineers Knew Fukushima Might Be Unsafe, But Covered It Up …

Towards Economic Collapse: Europe’s Debt Crisis has Spiraled out of Control

Building a Justification for Waging War: Hillary Clinton's Deceptive Bluffs on Iran's Nuclear Program

Iraq's Stolen Memory

The Banksters are "Stealing Governments": Mario Monti, Italy's New PM

Moscow accuses West of arming Syrian opposition

4 Parts:The Corporate Destruction of Australia – Max Igan

Hans says the Nazi's will bring freedom to America - YouTube

To Save Europe They Had To Kill Democracy

Colossal GeoEngineering in Plain Sight |

Iran Crisis: Iran attacked no-one in 100 years – Adrian Salbuchi (UPDATED) |

Conrad Murray Documentary to Air on NBC


Jack Canfield(




+Creative Learning Institute - Business Consultant - Woodstock, IL - Info | Facebook


Killer Solar Flare Won't Destroy Earth in 2012, NASA Says | The Sun & Solar Storms | Nibiru, Elenin & 2012 |

Lost cities found beneath sands of Sahara by satellites • The Register

The Hairy Hands Horror | Mysterious Universe

Noetic Now Journal | Institute of Noetic Sciences

BBC News - X-ray facility to study conditions at Earth's core

Phobos probe's fate shrouded in silence - Technology & science - Space -

BBC News - 'Urine power' tests at UWE in Bristol are successful

New Scientist TV: Pulse of light creates instant origami

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal Phenomena, Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs and Other Unexplained Anomalies

Gloria Cain stands by Her-man

Sneak Peek: Our Interview with Mrs. Cain « Gretawire

Gloria Cain speaks out about sexual harassment allegations - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Police: Mass. man stole $300 while on airplane

San Jose Used Car Buyer Finds $500K Cocaine Sta - Flash Player Installation

Healthcare Law's Fate Now In Supreme Court's Hands - CNBC

Supreme Court agrees to hear Obama healthcare law | Reuters

Supreme Court will hear health care case - Washington Times

Supreme Court will hear health care case this term - Yahoo!

CNN Reporter Asks Obama: Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?" | RealClearPolitics

Some Democrats refuse to back President Obama - Manu Raju and Marin Cogan -

Pelosi fires back at '60 Minutes' report on 'soft corruption' -

Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: News :: Lady Gaga's a real headcase

Dan Rather: Newt dangerous as a wounded Wolverine | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

GOP sen.: Feds send checks to millionaires for not working -

Gloria Steinem: 'I think we need to get much angrier' | Books | The Observer

Internet keeps government honest: Google chief

Judge Who Set Unsecured Bail For Jerry Sandusky Is A Second Mile Volunteer

Cops: Early Morning McDonald’s Menu Changeover Prompted Wisconsin Woman's Meltdown | The Smoking Gun

New Italian, Greek governments race to limit damage - Yahoo!

Newsmaker: Showman Berlusconi makes ignominious exit | Reuters


Atheists in U.S. military seek official recognition

Obama: GOP lawmakers out of step with public on jobs bill

Gingrich ties fortunes to South Carolina

Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren calls for 'nuanced' response to Iran nukes

Days of cheap and abundant water are coming to an end for Texans

CBS on defensive after Republican debate

Bar owners say alcohol tax hike will kill business

U.S. Treasury Calls Sanctions on Syria 'Effective'

Gloria Cain says her husband 'totally respects women'

Tax credits fueling green energy drive could vanish

More foreign students studying in USA

Metro Phoenix hospitals are billing as much as $12,467 per vial of scorpion anti-venin

Report questions whether lawmakers are trading stock on inside information

National Cathedral holds 1st service since earthquake

Holder pushes back against GOP lawmakers over Fast and Furious

At Penn State’s stadium, profanity, scorn greet one father’s protest

Pedophiles infiltrate respected institutions to find victims

CBS News/NJ GOP debate: Winners and losers

Massive 'bait-and-switch' purloins school donations?

SF Occupy gang attack police with razors

'Occupy' protests killing local businesses

Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupy and MSM, Part 1

Congressmen's dirty money-making tricks exposed

Jailed lobbyist haunts corridors of Capitol Hill

Jack Abramoff Making a Multimedia Effort at Redemption -

Congressional members and staff profited from insider trading, convicted lobbyist Abramoff says -

Atheists in U.S. military seek official recognition

Sheriff Joe on Obama eligibility probe: 'Where there's smoke ... '

Obama jokes about ‘birther’ row at Hawaii summit | Inquirer News

Leaked CBS memo backs Bachmann 'snub' charge

Herman Cain's wife Gloria addresses sex allegations

Newt Gingrich Name-Drops Sustainable Development Conspiracy Theory | Mother Jones

Davy Crockett's Tennessee heirs now battle Islam

Rally for impeachment gets air support

$443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need -

Iran nuclear program: The mystery man behind Iran’s plan | News | National Post

Israel refuses to warn Obama if it attacks Iran

Credit scores could take a hit from unpaid traffic citations

Wedding couple packed with 11s

Did an Atheist create the Jefferson Bible? | Washington Times Communities

Psychology professor won't teach without snacks

Suicide attempts can be predicted with questionnaire, study shows |

Deaths fuel debate on spanking virtue

It's time to dump Grover Norquist

Real religion and true politics

Democracy and Europe

The evil at Penn State

Planned Parenthood cover-up dwarfs Penn State's

Good touch, bad touch

Obama dooms deficit-reduction efforts

Cain's profile: Neither Casanova nor rapist

Cain and cats

Women of U.S., Arab Spring share uncertain rights

Are people really that dim?

Immigration reform could drive recovery

'It's hard to live with yourself after you murder someone so innocent'

Judge endorses censorship of Old Glory

Supremes considering how much government can watch you

Constitution? Bah! We demand jobs!

Is this the next U.S.-NATO armed action?

Retraining Americans

How to end Washington corruption

The Bible and eligibility issue

Dumbing down Constitution for Obama's sake?

Electoral College under attack


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*14 Nov.

American Minute for November 14th

November 14 Events in History

November 14th This Day in History

This Day in History for 14th November

November 14th in History

Today in History: November 14

Today in History: November 14

Today in History for November 14th - YouTube


Riot Police Evict Occupy Oakland

American Rights at Work Exposes Ridiculousness of Conservative Critics with 'It's Just A Poster' Video

Wisconsin Tea Party Members Claim They're Collecting Petitions For Walker Recall - So They Can Destroy Them

Jennifer Granholm: We Gave Businesses Every Incentive, It Wasn't Enough To Bring Back Jobs

Poll: Overwhelming Majority Think U.S. Economic Structure Favors The Rich

Good News: Scott Olsen Released from Hospital

John Amato and Mike Papantonio on the Stupidity Of GOP Debates

Candy Crowley Wants LA Mayor Villaraigosa To Blame "Both Sides"

This Week: PA Gov. Tom Corbett Is His Usual Close-Mouthed Self On Penn State

Bachmann Thinks Powell, McCain, Generals Want America To Lose, Iraqis Should Pay GI Families Millions

Bill Kristol Calls #OWS Undemocratic, Marxist and Damaging to Liberalism

Never Mind Forgetting the Name, Does Perry Realize the Consequences of Closing Those Departments?

George Will on Herman Cain: 'There Are 4 Women, There May Be 24'

Bachmann: Be More Like China, End 'Great Society' Programs

Newt Gingrich Advocates Assassinating Iranian Scientists as Drum Beat for War Continues at GOP Debate

GOP Debate Audience Cheers Waterboarding

Shameless Fox Interview With Senators Coburn and Barasso Tries To Spark Intergenerational Anger Over Health Care

Romney At Bain Capital: Profits And Layoffs « Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Republicans Look Into the Mouth of the Gift Horse

Palestine - UNESCO Membership May Be Unconstitutional

Military Scandal, Media Blackout

The Dangers of Legitimizing Muslim Grievances

Palestinian UN Membership Application Deadlocked

Michael Moore Salutes Our “Hispanic” Veterans

Lexicon of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development

Abuse of Power: A Savage Adventure:

Giant Sunspot Now Aimed Directly at Earth

Star dies in monstrous explosion

Why did the agency erase its own doubts about the U.S. electrical grid?

Flashback: Biden said Obama admin called Jon Corzine for advice

Apologist in chief

Staggering Effects of Child Sex Abuse Prove USA Must Strongly Battle Molestation!

Energy efficient’ low ventilation homes not really people-friendly

Who is This Man, Barack Obama?

America Started as a Protest

Eurocrisis and Bankster Government: Diminishing the Free World

The Rebel flag, a failed lesson in citizenship!

Debbie Schlussel:“All-American?”: Stars of TLC Muslim Show Embrace Khomeini Islamic Revolution, US Hostage-Taking in Iran

Judge Who Set Unsecured Bail For Jerry Sandusky Is A Second Mile Volunteer

'60 Minutes' Uncovers Pelosi's Insider Stock Trades

$443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need -

Smuggled Libyan Weapons Raise Al Qaeda Fears | Fox News

Controversial Crucifix Film Part Of NYC Exhibition | Fox News

Cray wins $188 million deal to build supercomputer, shares up

Not-so-great expectations for presidents in year 4

Disgraced former United Way CEO dies at 84

Republican hopeful Cain faces fresh accusations

Chance of 2012 U.S. recession tops 50 percent: Fed paper

Cain accuser's lawyer says witness to speak Monday

Lawyers, firms line up as MF Global crumbles

More foreign banks probed for U.S. sanctions evasion

President of Pa. charity linked to abuse resigns

Obama faces re-election hurdle as health reforms go before supreme court

US concerned about UN nuclear work with Syria

Stephen Lawrence murder trial: jurors told to 'start case with clean slate'

Ground-to-air missiles could be deployed at London Olympics

Fayyad may quit to facilitate Palestinian unity deal

Hundreds of police move on Occupy Oakland encampment

Syria's Assad should step down, says King Abdullah of Jordan

Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul to go before supreme court

To Protect Pelosi, HuffPo Defends Boehner

+Monday Crib Sheet: “60 Minutes” Fall Out, CNN Lay Offs

Nancy Pelosi Links To Tax-Exempt, 501(c)3 Media Matters For Democrats Liberals Occupy America

Throw Them All Out – Including Politico

Bachmann Campaign Calls For CBS Analyst’s Head Over Media Bias

WaPo Gave Bush’s 1976 DUI Front Page! But Fast and Furious Isn’t a Scandal


Bloomberg Ignores Multiple Scandals of the Obama Administration

BusinessInsider: ‘Rep. Bachus Should Resign in Disgrace’

Boeing Controversy Documents Show NLRB Staff Joking, Attacking US and Congress

AUDIO:Jon Huntsman Talks About Entitlement Reform, China and the EPA

+The Cheat Sheet, November 14: Throw Them All Out

Breaking: Supreme Court to Take up Obamacare Challenge by March

Wait, How Did Pelosi Get in on the Visa IPO?

Police Clear Out #OccupyOakland Camp

Explosive New Book Documents Possible Insider Trading by Members of Congress

#OccupyHarvard Appears Strangely… Unoccupied

Teachers Union Leader’s Speech Laced with Potty Talk, Cheap Personal Attacks on Obama Official

EXCLUSIVE: Financial Documents Suggest GOP Rep. Bachus Profited from ‘Insider Trading’ on TARP Bailout

REVEALED: Nancy Pelosi Blocked Credit Card Reform While Investing Millions in Exclusive Visa Stock Offering

Occupy: The Party’s Over

Gene Simmons: ‘This Mess Is Our Fault’

» Obama Campaign Backers and Bundlers Rewarded with Green Grants and Loans - Big Government

+Daily Call Sheet: Big Media In Trouble, ‘Tintin’ Reviews, Adam Sandler’s Movies Ranked

Justin Timberlake Praises the Marines: ‘My Heroes’

Math Genius Johnny Depp: Middle America Doesn’t Appreciate ‘Intelligent Films’

Paging GLAAD: Gay Republican TV Star Says He Was Assaulted for Coulter Association

‘Lion King’ Puppet Supervisor Michael Reilly: From Big Bird to Scar

‘Beginners’ Blu-ray Review: The ABCs of Love

Is ‘Anonymous’ the Final Word on the Shakespeare Authorship Debate?

Pig Maher: Romney Only Thing Stopping 'The Rise of the Apes' - Bill Maher - Fox Nation

PJ Lifestyle » Two Great POW Movies You Might Have Missed

Oprah Winfrey receives unimaginable Oscar | Reuters

Author Stephen King: Right-Wing 'Hate' of Obama Is Like Anger That Led to JFK's Murder |

Saudi Journalist: Let’s Just Call It the Muslim Brotherhood Spring, Already

How to Survive Communist-Induced Famine (Really): Introducing ‘The Cultural Revolution Cookbook’

Two Wrongs Makes a Left: DOJ Handles Muslim Teacher’s Suit with Political Correctness, Not Justice

Conventional War Against Iran Is Not Feasible, U.S. Must Explore Alternatives with Middle Eastern Allies

Reviewing North America's Future Oil Production

Opinion: U.S. on way to more secure energy future - Ken Salazar -

Before Solyndra, a long history of failed government energy projects - The Washington Post

Pricing of electricity could use a jolt -

Obama, jobs, and the Keystone XL pipeline - The Washington Post

Connect the dots: Iranian nukes and American cars | Editorials - The News Tribune

Reader Voices: Prayers answered in a small village outside Venice | Deseret News

Crystal Cathedral Bankruptcy: Judge to Decide on Calif. Megachurch's Sale Today, Christian News

My Take: Keep government out of mind-reading business – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: On personhood, what did the Founders say? - News with a Christian Perspective

Mustafa Akyol: Muslims vs. Cartoons: What To Do Against Blasphemy?

Church of England regions for women bishops to break “stained glass ceiling” | FaithWorld

Latino evangelicals challenge Alabama brethren on immigration – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Andrea Bocelli: The truth about my friend – the strong-willed, kind and intelligent Silvio Berlusconi - Telegraph

Apollo 12 Conrad: Pioneer of the Final Frontier

"We Are Marshall" And "The Marshall Story" - Hollywood vs Reality - Corn Nation

Jon Krakauer rolls back claims about WaPo ‘source’ in Jessica Lynch case « Media Myth Alert

European Heritage Library - European history, cultures, historical memory, and European and immigrant identities

The Book Bench: What “Moby-Dick” Means to Me : The New Yorker

The American Spectator : True Achievers

The Anti–James Bond - Magazine - The Atlantic

The Conservatives: A History | Robin Harris | Review by The Spectator

The Battle of Adwa | Books and Culture

Second expert trashes O’Reilly’s Lincoln book -

Book Review: Afghantsy | A Long Goodbye -

Craig Thompson | Books | Interview | The A.V. Club

Adobe product manager fingers Apple for death of Flash Player for mobile -- Engadget

Jeff Bezos Owns the Web in More Ways Than You Think | Magazine

At Google X, a Top-Secret Lab Dreaming Up the Future -

Disruptions: The 3-D Printing Free-for-All -

Bechtolsheim: AWS, open source rewrite rules for startups — Tech News and Analysis

MasterCard And Intel Partner To Secure And Simplify Online And NFC Payments | TechCrunch

Humans Plus Computers Equals Better Crowdsourcing - Businessweek

Logitech CEO: Google TV a 'gigantic mistake' • The Register

Computer more accurate than human doctor at breast cancer diagnosis | ExtremeTech

Google Music Store Screenshots

Fix Gmail's Newest Annoyances with These Userstyles and Userscripts

How The Web Became Just Another Interface to the Cloud - ReadWriteCloud

Dropbox: much more than storage and sync — Tech News and Analysis

Online Education: My Teacher Is an App -

Technolog - 5 reasons Google is sweating Apple

DailyTech - Obama's Decision to Punt on Oil Pipeline Pleases Almost no One

Infographic Of The Day: Is "The 1%" Inevitable, Given How Networks Work? | Fast Company

Toxic Russian Mars Probe Heads Back to Earth : Discovery News

Was a giant planet ejected from our solar system to save Earth?

At Google X, a Top-Secret Lab Dreaming Up the Future -

Why your hips don't lie - Telegraph

The nocebo effect: Wellcome Trust science writing prize essay | Science | The Observer

Scientists track the evolution of an epidemic to show how bacteria adapt | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Oxygen - The Frenemy Of Proteins

Paying for sex and 'playing dead' - the deceitful gift-giving spider

Can Twitter Save Lives?

Robert Fisk: Arab League's 'roar' at Syria shows how tiny Qatar is starting to flex its muscle - Middle East - World - The Independent

RealClearWorld - Welcome Back to Asia, America

James Kirchick: A Blow to Obama's Russia 'Reset' -

A Frugal Fleet to the Rescue -

Another nuclear shell game -

Afghanistan: Haqqani's Jihad Manual & the Secret Taliban Letter - The Daily Beast

Europe: the rise of the technocracy | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

America’s way of war -

Limits of Monetary Policy

Peter Schweizer's New Book Blasts Congressional Corruption - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets - What's At Stake In the Net-Neutrality Fight

Turning the Dialogue From Wealth to Values -

Less recession risk, but an elusive real recovery -

The real Keystone issue: Property rights | FP Comment | Financial Post Why the Oil Price Nearing $100 per Barrel (Again) is Such a Big Price Inflation Warning

Ed Easterling’s 12 Rules of Market Cycles | The Big Picture

Washington Post Recounts History of Federal "Investments" in Energy Production Technologies - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

The toughest question Obama will have to answer - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Congressional Insider Trading - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

As Election Approaches, Obama Sharpens Rhetoric on China | Swampland |

Someone please give these candidates some (foreign) assistance - By Michael Magan | Shadow Government

Daily Kos: Super Congress talks about punting: Spending cuts now, maybe taxes later

Dredging Up the Submerged State: How Democrats Lost Their Nerve » New Deal 2.0

RealClearPolitics - The Housing Muddle

Dear Committee - Main St. Says Look at Pensions -

Spotlight Fixed on Timothy Geithner, a Man Obama Fought to Keep -

How Obama's Alternative-Energy Programs Became Green Graft - The Daily Beast

GOP candidates hammer Obama on his Iran policy during South Carolina debate - The Washington Post

York: Cain stumbles in foreign policy debate | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

How Romney grew rich by plundering companies - Chicago Sun-Times

Those obstructionist Republicans - Opinion -

Joe Paterno and the end of the iconic, eternal college coach - The Washington Post

NASA and Russia Begin New Chapter in Space -

American Way: Whiff of scandal now taints Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs

News Desk: The Eight-State Election : The New Yorker

Bring the supercommittee out from behind closed doors | Examiner Editorial | Editorials | Washington Examiner

Jobs? Who cares? - Opinion -

Immigration reforms could drive U.S. recovery | The Tennessean |

Crovitz: Technology Rewrites the Fourth Amendment -

Health Law Debate Puts Focus on Limit of Federal Power -

RealClearPolitics - The True Conservative Scandal

RealClearPolitics - Tea Partiers, Like Peaceniks, Upset Political Order

Opinion: Gingrich's turn: The eye of Newt - Jeff Greenfield -

» EXCLUSIVE: Financial Documents Suggest GOP Rep. Bachus Profited from ‘Insider Trading’ on TARP Bailout - Big Government

Congress: Trading Stock On Inside Information? | RealClearPolitics

Obama not the man America voted for - NY Daily News

Obama Would Face a Familiar Opponent in Romney: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg

Liberals Playing to Type | The Weekly Standard

The New Progressive Movement -


14-Nov-11 World View

13-Nov-11 World View

12-Nov-11 World View


*Real Clear Markets - Video - 800-Pound Gorilla Facing the Markets


First ads go up on Chicago River bridge houses

Chicago Public Schools data :

7 Ill. senators decide against re-election bids

Chicago Traffic CTA president, labor unions on different tracks

Monti Asked to Lead New Italian Government to Fight Debt Crisis Contagion

Markets Slip Despite Monti Talks in Italy - YouTube

Judge Turns Down Norway Killer's Request to Address Survivors, Victims' Relatives

Did Israel assassinate Iran's 'missile king'?

Russia's Foreign Minister Says UN Report on Iran Shows 'Nothing New'

No movement on issues dividing Israel and Palestinians

Taliban Breaches Afghan Meeting Security? Not Yet

UN chief urges global leaders to launch Green Climate Fund

Report: At least 9 dead after huge explosion in central China

UN envoy: Yemen president should transfer power

Predictions of War Haunt Sudan's Southern Border

Pippa pulls out of society party as she 'keeps low profile' following split ...

Breathtaking view of Earth as seen from International Space Station

Russia resumes manned space programme - YouTube

Canada's Loch Ness Monster Captured on Video?

Scientists find primordial gas 12 billion light-years away

Har Gobind Khorana Dies At 89

Will this Red Planet rover send groundbreaking data over?

Tiny critter becomes a big wheel

Prehistoric Whales Exposed in Chilean Fossil Bed

Lab Grown, $345000 Petri Dish Hamburger is Coming to a Table Near You

MSU researchers help African farmers cope with climate change

Water basin study focuses on cooperation in resource management to cope with climate change challenges | Environment & Development | Deutsche Welle | 14.11.2011

Apple releases iTunes 10.5.1 with Match feature

Jeff Bezos Owns the Web in More Ways Than You Think

Co-founder of social network Diaspora dies at 22

Google Music Store screenshots surface, Sony and Warner included

What is Google X?

Top-secret Google X lab rethinks the future - Computerworld

At Google X, a Top-Secret Lab Dreaming Up the Future -

Supreme Court Agrees to Rule on Health Law

Chelsea Clinton to report on 'Making a Difference' for NBC News

Penn State fallout: Longtime CEO of Sandusky's charity resigns

Michele Bachmann rips CBS after email gaffe

Blogs target Bachus after 'insider' report

Cain: Real men like meaty pizzas

Teen denies raping child at McDonald's in Ohio

Missing Washington toddler Sky Metalwala

Investors love IBM, but not Microsoft. Why?

Supreme Court Will Hear Health Care Case This Term

Do we like Adam Sandler more when his movies are bad?

Brad Pitt: I'll Quit Acting in Three Years

Kim Kardashian Returns to LA Amid Rumors of Death Threats

PHOTO FLASH: James Earl Jones Receives Honorary Oscar

Ozzy Osbourne-led Black Sabbath returning in 2012 with first album in over ...

Lady Gaga Cuts Ties With Laurieann Gibson

The Walking Dead 'Secrets' Promo and First Clip

Lawyer for Cain accuser Sharon Bialek says witness to speak Monday, Cain’s wife defends him - The Washington Post

Rock Center with Brian Williams - Immigrant workers, farmers fearful in wake of Alabama immigration law

Pacific trade pact boost for Obama - but China remains cool | Business |

Surge from China fuels ongoing increase in international student enrollment at US campuses - The Washington Post


**NEWS VIDEOS:CNBC Gets It: Congressional Insider Trading Outrage Prominent On Business Network

Schweizer: Political Class Only Group In America Immune From Illegal Insider Trading Laws

Politico Reporter Assures CSPAN Caller That Congressmen Aren’t Corrupt

Peter Schweizer On Crony Capitalism: Gov’t Is ‘Profit Making Center’

Charlie Rangel: ‘Silence Of Clergy Frightening’ Over ‘Biblical Work’ Democrats Do On Economy

#OccupyPortland Gathered Shields, Weapons And Fortified Encampment To Prepare For Police Eviction

#OccupyWallStreet Protester Claims ‘Cops Are Releasing Criminals Into The Park’ As Explanation For Sexual Assaults/Rapes

Actor James Cromwell: I’m Part Of The 99%

Peter Schweizer: Politicians Get Rich For What You And I Would Go To Jail For

Breitbart: Obama’s Youthful Ideals Turned Cynical

Political Publicist Keith Appell: Insider Trading Congressmen ‘Were Serving Themselves, Not The Country’

Andrew Breitbart On ‘Comi-Con Politicians’

Newsweek ’s Peter Boyer: Lot’s Of Congressional Stock Trading Happened Right Before Bank Collapse

Police Move To Evict #OccupyOakland

#OccupyPortland Protester Threatens To Burn Down Woman’s House

Reporter Asks Obama: Are Bachmann And Cain ‘Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?’ On Waterboarding

Small Business Owners Plan Counterprotest Against #OccupyWallStreet

Deadly Gas Explosion in China

Occupation Devolution: Oakland Descends Into Anarchy And Chaos

New Ad Calls For Pelosi Resignation After Insider Trading Revelations

Arrests Made At #OccupyAlbany

13th/Explosive ‘60 Minutes’ Report Reveals Widespread Washington Corruption

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) Busts A Move in Re-Election Rap Performance

Breitbart Calls For Spencer Baucus To Resign From Congress

Official AFL-CIO #OccupyPortland Protester: ‘I Don’t Really Care About The Economy, I Couldn’t Care Two F*cks About What Happens…’

Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch Talks Sense To ‘This Week’ Panel

Woman Raped At #OccupyPhiladelphia

Police Evict #OccupyDenver

Obama: America’s ‘Been A Little Bit Lazy’

12th/Tea Party Fights Back: #OccupyOrlando Forcibly Removed From Sheriff Joe Arpaio Event

Unfair And Imbalanced: NPR’s Taxpayer-Funded Hit Piece On Herman Cain

Bill Press: ‘No Difference’ Between Herman Cain And Penn State Coach Sandusky


World Crisis Radio 11-12-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 11-12-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-12-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-12-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 11-13-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 11-13-11 Hr 2

Bill Cunningham hr 1

Bill Cunningham hr 3



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