A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

13 November 2011

13 NOV.

**Political Video

CBS/NJ Debate: GOP Candidates On Pakistan
Obama: U.S. Has Been "Lazy" About Attracting New Business
Brit Hume: "Occupy" Protests Are Toxic; Kristol: "Anti-American"
Full CBS/NJ Republican Foreign Policy Debate
Wasserman Schultz: GOP "Rooting For The Economy To Fail"
Perry: Foreign Aid Budget Should Start At Zero
Toomey: Congress Will Reconsider Triggers If Super Committee Fails
GOP Rep. Hensarling: Tax Increases Are "A Reality"
"This Week" Roundtable On Bracing For Supercommittee Failure
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Penn State
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Occupy Protests
PA Gov. Corbett On Penn State

12 Nov.

Maher Likens Republicans To Ebenezer Scrooge
Bill Press: "There's No Difference" Between Cain And Penn State Coach
Rep. Heck Delivers GOP Weekly: "We Can All Learn A Lot" From Veterans
Mark Levin's Takedown Of Alec Baldwin
Obama Weekly Address: Honoring Our Veterans For Their Service And Sacrifice
Bill Maher: Rick Perry Dumber Than Sarah Palin
Herman Cain Says No To Being Romney's VP
"Real Time" Panel Has Livid Argument Over JFK Being A Dove Or Hawk
Murdered Border Patrol Agent's Family Lashes Out At Holder
Krauthammer: Democrats On Super Committee Have No Interest In A Deal
Occupy Protesters Invade Conservative Conference





Holy City Bible Code(

Free forum : Truth Seekers(



2012 Presidential Campaign Blog: Ron Paul National Campaign Chairman Blasts CBS News


Ron Paul CBS News Republican Debate Highlights — November 12, 2011 (HD) - YouTube

*Complete CBS News South Carolina Republican 2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube

*Transcript: Republican Candidates Debate in Spartanburg, South Carolina


Presidential Debates(


2012 Primary Debate Schedule (


Is the Federal Reserve Private? And The Penn State Child Rape Allegations - YouTube

The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’ | Pakalert Press

Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy? | August Forecast & Review

David Letterman - Top Ten Rick Perry Excuses - YouTube

Veterans for Ron Paul - YouTube

Lockdown in Washington as AK47 is recovered after shots are fired near the White House | Mail Online

The Tragedy Of Joe Paterno


+25 Photos Of Penn State Students Rioting Over The Firing Of A Child Molester Enabler


Farrakhan: President Obama is a "front man" for Criminals - YouTube

30 Bizarre Examples of Defacing Money

The Queen's hidden cousins: They were banished to an asylum in 1941 and left neglected now an intriguing documentary reveals all | Mail Online

Western Democracy - A Farce And A Sham

Son of former senior Libyan official who faces assassination speaks to Lizzie Phelan - YouTube

The 'Humanitarian' Road to Damascus | Opinion Maker

Paul Drockton M.A.: Penn State and Boystown Cover-up Similarities

Paul Drockton: Grand Jury States Paterno Knew About Child Rape

Ray Gricar, Missing Pennsylvania DA, Opted Not To Prosecute Jerry Sandusky

Ray Gricar who disappeared in 2005 tried to bring sex abuse case over Penn State's Jerry Sandusky | Mail Online

The Mystery Of Ray Gricar, The Prosecutor Who Failed To Prosecute Jerry Sandusky (And Who Might Be Dead)

Massive UFO fleet recorded over Mexico [video] - National unexplained phenomena |

Want weird weather? Come to Oklahoma! | Reuters

No flights for F-35s until 2018 — RT

Tests Show Most Store Honey Isn't Honey - Facebook is a CIA Databank

Will U.S. Army Be Used to Crush Public Resistance? :

Radioactive dust over Sweden - Stockholm News

Devastation at Japan Site, Seen Up Close -

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! GOV hacks websites to edit posts...

Time For An Economic Bill Of Rights

The FDA as it exists: A clear and present danger to the public « The PPJ Gazette

England Shall Rise Again

The REAL Demand :

Ventura, CA Police using armored vehicles in the streets | USWGO Alternative News

Barbara Bush, Aleister Crowley Extended Family?

Jerry Sandusky's autobiography, 'Touched,' is still available at The Penn State Bookstore |

Petri dish to dinner plate, in-vitro meat coming soon - Yahoo! News

UN Report Offers Smoking Gun Proof of NATO and US Lies about Libya | nsnbc

Open Channel - Digital evidence becoming central in criminal cases

How To Erase Your Digital Footprint | Before It's News

Morris Rant - Russian Israelis - Not all Jewish - But Needed for extending Zionisms hegemony - YouTube

Islamic Scholar Explains The Libyan Conquest - Sheik Imran Hosein - 7 Minutes - YouTube

Spanish Authorities using a new EMP weapon on Citizens? | Sovereign Independent

WINSIP CUSTER: Jerry Sandusky, Second Mile Foundation and Penn State Locker Room

Oil Executive: Military-Style 'Psy Ops' Experience Applied - US Business News - CNBC

The Excavator: 9 Ways The Hijacked Federal Government Is Waging War Against The American People

U of M's long, controversial legal battle ends with math professor leaving - Winnipeg Free Press

Network TV show portraying this as 'all-American' ...

Will There Be More 9/11s? | Opinion Maker

Quantum Note: Muslim Rulers | Opinion Maker

Fall’s new medical ID bracelets: crystals, gold, and texting | SmartPlanet

Google releases satellite images of Iranian cities which UN says may be used for nuclear weaponisation | Mail Online

Obama toilet paper with US President's face on every sheet | Mail Online

Do Einstein's Laws Prove Ghosts Exist? | Are ghosts real? | Paranormal and weird news | LiveScience

Cain: God told me to run for president |

13 Staggering Facts About The Global Super Rich

Pentagon battle concept has Cold War posture on China - Washington Times

ARTHUR KITSON - THE DANGERS OF INTERNATIONALISM.pdf - - document sharing - download

Brooklyn museum crucifix video: 'A Fire in My Belly' showing ants on Jesus enrages Christians | Mail Online

PIC AND PUB: Washington considers selling bunker-busting bombs to UAE - Telegraph

Motorcycle Powered by Sewage, Has Toilet for Seat | NBC New York

Big Lies Launch Wars

'Fatal Blast Hits Iranian Military Base' - Yahoo!

Putin attacks Britain and US for 'violating Libya resolution' - Europe - World - The Independent

US to station troops in northern Australia as fears of China's Pacific presence grow - Telegraph

Dominique Strauss-Kahn linked to French prostitution scandal | World news | The Guardian

Big Brother alert over surge in 'citizen spies' as thousands more volunteer to snoop on neighbours | Mail Online

Cain draws a line on taking VP slot

Kirwan - The Zionist State Of Amerika

Have the feds endorsed Frankenfish? | TG Daily - A Canadian Laments "Multiculturalism"

Obama orders alternate route for Canada-U.S. oil pipeline after environmental protests | Mail Online

Activist Post: Ron Paul Highlights @ CBS News Republican Debate in South Carolina (Video)

Revolutionary Politics : Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty! Top 5 Places Not to Be

Revolutionary Politics : Ex-CIA Agent: America creates its own enemies

G20 and the Global Financial Infrastructure - GRTV Backgrounder - YouTube

Activist Post: G20 and the Global Financial Infrastructure (Video)

Revolutionary Politics : Why We Have Our 2nd Amendment Rights In America


Images:A citizen's diary of APEC 2011




Flu Shots Have More Than 250x EPA Mercury Safety Limit | Health Freedom Alliance

Aspartame has been Renamed and is Now Being Marketed as a Natural Sweetener | Health Freedom Alliance

Our Brave New World Of Snitches And Surveillance | Before It's News

Penn State's 1st Amendment Victims: We Need Freedom of Speech on the Job Too, Not Just at Home! | This Can't Be Happening

Sherrie Questioning All: MSM did it again - Video CBS Debate Poll Nov. 12 2011 - Ron Paul winning by landslide - Poll taken down within minutes by CBS!

U.S. Politicians Are The Biggest Threat To World Peace In Human History

Activist Post: The age of citizen spies is upon us

The Truth is Viral(

Vampire Squids Attack Humans, Resistance Deemed Racist, Humans Issue Demands | Video Rebel's Blog

Vampire Squids Attack Humans Part II | Video Rebel's Blog


Wall Street Wankers - YouTube

Ron Paul Questions and Answers - Republican Debate CBS News, National Journal Nov. 12 2011.flv - 12160

Murdered Agent Brian Terry's Family Speaks Out on Holder, Fast and Furious - YouTube

+Obama the love child? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Blogs - Occupy America Social Network

Revolutionary Politics : These Are Not Bankers, These Are Loan Sharks - Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense Radio Show - 10 November 2011

Revolutionary Politics : Welcome To The United "Waste" of America

The Fed Under Fire - YouTube

CBS Poll: Americans Oppose Starting New Wars -- News from

Constitutional Land - YouTube

Constitutional Land Part I: Siskiyou County Citizens Protect The Rural Land - YouTube

Activist Post: Six Reasons to Homeschool Your Children

Activist Post: What We Learned From Our Year Without Groceries

poorrichards blog: ACLU Report Warns Public About Privatizing Prisons

The Incarceration Business: America's Private Prisons

poorrichards blog: The Brutal Murder of Gaddafi and the Implications for All Those Who Stand in the Way of the War Criminals

YayaCanada: Necrophiliac nations plotting next orgy: Iran

Jewish Chronicle Editor Stephen Pollard on Question Time: Why I like Rupert Murdoch - YouTube

When your country goes broke - YouTube

Feds use more unmanned aircraft to secure border

Mario Monti: Globalist Puppet Favored To Lead Italian Banker Take Over -

European Ponzi Goes Full Retard As EFSF Found To Monetize… Itself -

A New, Permanent Presence of U.S. Troops on Australian Soil -

St. Louis, Salt Lake City and Denver crack down on ‘Occupy’ protesters | The Raw Story

PM points to benefits of new trade deal

Smash and grab: Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission snatch Greece and Italy | End the Lie - Independent News

Out Of The Ashes Of The Collapse Of The Eurozone Will A “United States Of Europe” Arise? -

Colossal GeoEngineering in Plain Sight - YouTube

» Protesters Have the Right to Protest … and to Resist Unlawful Arrest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» As The European Debt Woes Spiral Out Of Control Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Only Republican Candidate Not Calling for Iran Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Gets 89 Seconds To Speak In CBS Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Romney Inevitability Prospect Forces Republicans to Pick a Side - Bloomberg

» The Obama administration’s human rights hypocrisy continues Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

China threatens US with new debt downgrade | Business | The Guardian

US court verdict 'huge blow' to privacy, says former WikiLeaks aide | World news |

» 11 shocking things you now realize to be true Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

European Super X-Ray To Study Earth’s Core

» The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Senators to Obama, DHS: Stop ignoring illegal alien sanctuaries - National Law Enforcement |

» Major Wars and Suppression of American Freedoms Planned BEFORE 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Best frenemies: politicians and the press | Media | The Guardian

Restaurant Removes Toxic Fluoride: Infowars Nightly News Report - YouTube

Bob Chapman: Surviving The Banker Sociopaths 1/2 - YouTube

Bob Chapman: Surviving The Banker Sociopaths 2/2 - YouTube

Banks rob savers in slow motion! - YouTube

AFP: Republican hopeful Paul calls for military cuts

Ron Paul In NH - YouTube

Prison » Republican Candidates Split On Waterboarding

Prison » Poll Claims Americans Prefer Israel’s Netanyahu Over Obama

Prison » U.S. Politicians Are The Biggest Threat To World Peace In Human History

For European Union and the Euro, a Moment of Truth -

Prison » Republican hopeful Paul calls for military cuts

Prison » To Save Europe They Had To Kill Democracy

Big Brother alert over surge in 'citizen spies' as thousands more volunteer to snoop on neighbours | Mail Online

Prison » Resisting Police Desires Is Labeled “Violence” … Even If Police Action Is Unlawful

Prison » Federal government now says all young children should get cholesterol screenings

Phobos probe's fate shrouded in silence - Technology & science - Space -

New Scientist TV: Pulse of light creates instant origami

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal Phenomena, Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs and Other Unexplained Anomalies

Jumping Jupiter! Scientists find evidence of a mystery fifth giant planet that was ejected from the solar system | Mail Online

How 'bugs of death' may help solve murders - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Study Finds Coma Victims Are Aware of Their... | Gather

Video: Surfer rides 'biggest wave of all time' - Telegraph

Mystery of moon's lost magnetism solved? - Technology & science - Space - -

10 Cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion

Science Explains Time Travel | The KoldCast TV Blog

Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Assassin - informationliberation

Issa Stands Up for Second Amendment Rights on Real Time with Bill Maher - YouTube

MSNBC Analyst: We Should Get Rid Of The Second Amendment - informationliberation

Youtube Video Exposes Dallas Cops To Be Liars | Pixiq


To Hell With The 99% - informationliberation


Guantánamo: the most expensive prison on earth - $800,000 per prisoner per year | Mail Online

House Judiciary Committee Refuses To Hear Wider Tech Industry Concerns About SOPA | Techdirt

U.S. Tourism's 'Lost Decade' Cost Some 500,000 Jobs - Washington Whispers (

Oil Riches Languish on China’s Doorstep - Bloomberg

$443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need -

A Gold Rush of Subsidies in Clean Energy Search -

Mayor created fake identity to write positive stories about town for area newspapers | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

$443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need -

GOP Candidates Tout War Against Iran

Obama Gives UAE New Weapons 'To Counter Iran'

Obama's Reagan-like Drug War in Latin America

Missing Limbs, More Suicides, No Jobs: 9 Battles for Vets

Moving Beyond the Yellow Ribbons and Flag Waving

Why Defense Debates Are Unbalanced

Iowa Republicans: Cut Defense Before Social Security, Medicare

Former India President Frisked Twice, Once Inside Aircraft, in US

Washington Cafe Identified in Saudi Assassination Plot

Occupy Wall Street Is Not a Spectator Sport: 5 Ways the 99 Percent Can Contribute to the Movement Right Now

The Telecom Scam: 5 Behemoths That Strangle Innovation and Ensure You Pay Too Much for Bad Service

Who's Behind the Mayhem at the Occupy Oakland Protests?

SWAT Teams, Flash-Bang Grenades, Shooting the Family Pet: The Shocking Outcomes of Police Militarization in the War on Drugs

Why 'Liberal Hollywood' Is a Myth

Baxter, same company that unleashed tainted avian flu vaccines, recalls 300,000 flu vaccines for serious adverse reactions

Controlling An Avatar With Your Brain? Israeli Lab Is Trying | Technology News

Cellular operating system set to revolutionize synthetic biology | ZME Science

Assad Supporters Protest Arab League Vote

Obama to Push Free Trade at APEC Summit

Time Running Out For US Deficit Reduction Deal

APEC Announces Partnership For Global Food Safety

VIDEO:IAEA Iran Report Spins Intelligence

The 99% Demand Mortgage Correction - YouTube

Historian: The “Curse of Tutankhamun” Was Ritual Murders Carried Out by Aleister Crowley

18th Century Secret Society Code Cracked

Britney Spears is on Tour and is Still Under Mind Control


*1:48:41/Peter Schiff at Occupy Wall Street (OWS): Uncut, Unfiltered, Unleashed! - YouTube

47 MIN./Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Secret of Luck (Full) - YouTube


Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone - YouTube

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News

Oil Executive: Military-Style 'Psy Ops' Experience Applied - US Business News - CNBC

Alert: Stop Farm Bill, Alleged Back-Room Dealing | American Free Press

Cloud Seeding Water Wars the Cause of Eco-Disasters? | American Free Press

Will U.S. Army Be Used to Crush Public Resistance? | American Free Press

Israel Lobby Caught Undermining Free Speech Rights of Americans | American Free Press

Wolfowitz advocates Colombia ‘solution’ for Afghanistan « The Passionate Attachment

With Remains From 9/11 Still Being Identified, No End to Grieving -

Historic cemetery found in New Orleans back yard after owner decided to dig for pool and instead unearths 13 caskets | Mail Online

VIDEO: Perfect Storm of Internet Censorship

Israel's threat to Wage War on Iran: Bluff or Blunder?

VIDEO: Arab League Gives Green Light to US-NATO to Intervene in Syria

Big Lies Launch Wars. "All Wars are based on Deception"

Italy and Greece: Rule by the Bankers

The Incarceration Business: America's Private Prisons

VIDEO: The G20 and Financial Globalization

The Second Berlin Plunder of Africa. Only a United Africa can Defeat the Imperialists

Western Militarization of the Arctic

NATO’s Law of the Jungle in Libya

Engineers Knew Fukushima Might Be Unsafe, But Covered It Up …


*ARTICLE LINKS:Remembrance Day: 170 anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts


USA Spending More on Nukes Now Than During Cold War

Russia Should Prevent Military Strikes On Iran: Leading MP

U.S. Arms in Persian Gulf: A Profitable Provocation

America's Undeclared War: Two US military assassination drones have crashed in Somalia

Resisting Police Desires Is Labeled “Violence” … Even If Police Action Is Unlawful

Presidential Candidate Romney: "Prepare For War Against Iran"

CBS Poll: The Majority of Americans are Opposed to War

GOP Candidates Castigate Obama on Iran as Nuclear Peril Escalates

IAEA: Iran on Brink of Having Nuclear Weapon

Debaters Argue on Afghanistan, Iran, Torture

Bachmann: Stage Set for Nuke War on Israel

Huntsman: Bring Troops Home From Afghanistan

GOP Debate: Attack Iran to Hold off Nukes?

Bachmann, Paul: CBS Muzzled Us at GOP Debate

Utah Man Receives War Medals 66 Years Late

Presley’s 1955 Limo Fetches $172,000 at Auction

Oscar's Tough Week Ends With Governors Awards

GOP Hopefuls Would Keep Guantanamo

GOP Candidates Sharply Criticize Pakistan in Debate

China's Hu Pushes for Larger Global Role

Abramoff: Lawmakers Took Part in Insider Trading

Sperm Donors More Responsible Than Other Men, Study Finds

Umbilical Cord Blood OK'd to Treat Cancer

Power of College Sports Threatens Education

Free Countries Must be Vigilant Against Dangers of China

Obama's War on Christianity Continues

Smithsonian 'Sent Representatives' to Collect ‘Occupy' Memorabilia to 'Document Spirit of American Democracy'

Artist Frank Miller Shocks Left With Harsh Criticism of OWS Protests

Marco Rubio: GOP Must Be the ‘Pro-Legal Immigration Party’

'How History Is Molded': SF Chron Whitewashes Oakland Murder Victim's 'Occupy' Camp Presence |

Mark Levin Rips Alec Baldwin A New One: What Has Alec Baldwin Done For The Little Guy? NOTHING.

Rush: Herman Cain’s Light Hearted Humor Has Shined The Light On All The Lies That Liberals Don’t Want People To Know

Limbaugh: Rick Perry Is Funny. He Makes Me Laugh. But Not At Him.

Limbaugh Responds To Anger Over His “Synchronizing Menstrual Cycles” Comment

Limbaugh: ‘Sandusky Blitz’ Ice Cream Named After Jerry Sandusky The Only Desert On The Menu That You Don’t Have To Ask For Nuts

America's Media War on Iran

"Israel's Advocate" to Leave White House for Pro-Israel Think Tank

Obama Wants World War III

Washington’s Enemy ‘Doesn’t Exist’

The Profits of War

WAR is a Racket. It Always Has Been

A Time To Honor Duped Murderers?

Can A New Labor Movement Save American "Civilization"?

GOP super committee member: Tax increases ‘are a reality’

New York program aims to revolutionize drug addiction recovery

George Will on Herman Cain: 'There Are 4 Women, There May Be 24'

Bachmann: Be More Like China, End 'Great Society' Programs

Newt Gingrich Advocates Assassinating Iranian Scientists as Drum Beat for War Continues at GOP Debate

GOP Debate Audience Cheers Waterboarding

Shameless Fox Interview With Senators Coburn and Barasso Tries To Spark Intergenerational Anger Over Health Care

+ The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Bubble, Bubble, Republicans in Trouble

The GOP Candidates Want to Fire General Petraeus's Wife - Esquire

Your Friendly Bank of America, Sticking It To The Unemployed With Usurious Debit Card Fees

TPM: Perry vs. Perry: Rick’s Ultimate Reel

Krugman: 'Austerity Has Been A Failure Everywhere It's Been Tried'

On Veteran's Day, Romney Suggests 'Voucher' System for Vet Benefits

Olbermann and Holland on City Officials Using Recent Homicide to Justify Eviction of #OccupyOakland Protesters

Bush-Appointed Judge: No Warrant Needed To Know Where You're Tweeting From

Bob Tuskin: Occupy Building 7 - YouTube


AVTM has a toke with Joby Weeks - YouTube

Cannabis’ Impact on Health Justifies Its Legalization, Not Its Criminal Prohibition | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

NORML Sues Feds in CA Medical Marijuana Fight [FEATURE] |


Meat Glue Secret - YouTube

Activist Post: Meat Glue: Transglutaminase and Franken Vittles (Video)

Shit Burger: Japanese Researcher Creates Artificial Meat From Human Feces WWW.GOODNEWS.WS - YouTube

Yes Men - Post Consumer Waste Recycling Program (WTO) - YouTube

Meat Glue Mania | Lecture 10 (2010) - YouTube

FDA approves spraying meat with viruses - YouTube


7 Elephants Now Thrashing Your Living Room | Before It's News

Activist Post: There is nothing “positive” about turning a blind eye to disaster

Dog Island Farm: What We Learned From Our Year Without Groceries

Activist Post: How to Survive the Second Depression

Activist Post: The age of citizen spies is upon us

Penn State's 1st Amendment Victims: We Need Freedom of Speech on the Job Too, Not Just at Home! | This Can't Be Happening

Activist Post: Israeli intelligence website claims explosions in Iran caused by failed attempt to affix nuclear warhead to Shahab-3 missile

Activist Post: Obama tells Hu of American impatience with China

Activist Post: Popular Air Fresheners Trigger Allergies, Asthma

Activist Post: Stem Cell Based Lab-Grown Meat Coming Soon to Your Dinner Plate

For the First Time, Lab-Grown Blood Is Pumped Into a Human's Veins | Popular Science

Maximum PC | How To Erase Your Digital Footprint

War is a racket Libya, The Real Story

Obama Watch Obama is an 'elected dictator'

Offensive technology Tectonic Weaponry : How to make an Earthquake

G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: A Den of Vipers

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Loaves and Fishes and Civil War

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Greenbacks and Other Crimes

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The London Connection

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Competition is a Sin


Is ‘Anonymous’ the Final Word on the Shakespeare Authorship Debate?

‘All-American Muslim’ Review: A Kinder, Gentler Reality Show

Frank Miller to #OWS: ‘Go Home To Your Parents, You Losers’

L.A. Elementary School Invites Porn Star To Read To First Graders

‘Barney’s Version’ – Rosamund Pike’s Buoyant Turn Sparks Sleeper Dramedy

Can the Final ‘Harry Potter’ Film Nab a Best Picture Nomination?

Gay TV star: I was assaulted for being associated with Ann Coulter

Atlas Shrugged Movie: ATLAS SHRUGGED Inadvertently Releases Collector’s Item

Author Stephen King: Right-Wing 'Hate' of Obama Is Like Anger That Led to JFK's Murder |

» Gene Simmons: ‘This Mess Is Our Fault’ - Big Government

American Crossroads Ad Targets Warren, #OccupyWallStreet

They Are the One Percent… and We Should Be Worried

Cities Struggle to Cope with Rising #Occupy Chaos

CARTOON:Obama Nation: Document Dump

2012 Candidates, Regardless of Background, Must Understand and Apply America’s Foundational Laws

Obama Campaign Backers and Bundlers Rewarded with Green Grants and Loans

Obama’s Cronies: The Ex-SEIU Boss, Donor Dollars, No-Bid Contracts & Testing Anthrax Vaccines on Kids

Lessons From the Battle of BlogCon 2011: The Occupiers Deserve Derision

Pelosi Launches Preemptive Strike on New Book; Details Sunday on ‘60 Minutes’

Perry Can Win If Leadership Trumps Debates

Per Dollar Spent, OECD Subsidies May Be the Most Destructively Wasteful Part of the Federal Budget

From Now on I Dedicate Myself to Making Barack Obama Happy

The Triangulation of the ‘Occupy’ Movement

Pelosi's investments questioned in CBS report


Bloomberg Ignores Multiple Scandals of the Obama Administration

CARTOON:UI: Important News

News Cameraman Attacked, How Will Media Handle #OWS Cognitive Dissonance?

NewsBusted: Was The Stimulus A Criminal Enterprise?

» Pelosi Launches Preemptive Strike on New Book; Details Sunday on ‘60 Minutes’ - Big Government

CNN's Blitzer Lets Debbie Wasserman Schultz Insist on Cain Disclosure, Forgets She Wanted Weiner Left Alone |

NBC's Gregory: Obama Foreign Policy May Be Hard to Attack Because 'Very Successful' |

Conventional War Against Iran Is Not Feasible, U.S. Must Explore Alternatives with Middle Eastern Allies

Failing to Deal, Dealing to Fail: US Response to Iran Aggression Fumbling, Tepid

Chuck Pfarrer’s ‘SEAL Target Geronimo’ Overcomes Fear to Tell Truth of Bin Laden’s Death

Ireland’s Michael Higgins: Economic Illiterate or Cynical Hack?

Oliver North’s ’80s Counter-Terrorism Efforts vs. Gaddafi Instructive to Post-9/11 Era

AUDIO:Rep. Duncan Hunter: Salute Your Veterans

The Path They Choose: The Labor of the American Veteran

Economist Monti gets nod to form next Italian govt

'Immortals' reigns with $32M opening weekend

Effort to recall Wis. governor kicks off Tuesday

Catholic bishops prepare religious liberty fight

Economist Monti arrives at presidential palace for go-ahead to try to form new Italian govt.

Berlusconi's party backs Monti to be new PM

Obama caps summit diplomacy in Hawaiian home state

Occupy protesters defy eviction order in Oregon

Pennsylvania governor expects more Sandusky victims

Syria calls for emergency Arab League meeting over suspension

'Arab League move will make Assad more brutal'

Aung San Suu Kyi braced for return to Burmese politics

Brussels keeps tight grip on Greece and Italy

Vote on judicial selection reform postponed

Egypt arrests suspect in gas pipeline attacks

Brazil troops and police raid Rio shantytown in clean-up drive

The old Putin gets set to swagger back

Brazil delivers clearing blow to BATS

'Father of Taliban' urges US concessions

Boeing secures record Emirates deal

Undercover policeman admits spying on Danish activists


13-Nov-11 World View

12-Nov-11 World View

11-Nov-11 World View


Romney: Obama re-election spells nuclear Iran

Israel refuses to tell US its Iran intentions - Telegraph

Obama: US, Russia want 'common response' on Iran

Bachmann Campaign Accuses CBS News of Bias | PolitickerNY

» Ron Paul Gets 89 Seconds To Speak In CBS Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

CBS News/National Journal Republican Debate - CBS News

Obama warns Hu of U.S. frustrations on trade | Reuters

China threatens US with new debt downgrade | Business | The Guardian

Bill O’Reilly’s ‘Lincoln’ book banned from Ford’s Theatre because of ‘mistakes’ - The Washington Post

Makeup artist Derrick Rutledge makes over Michelle Obama, Oprah — and himself - The Washington Post

New York police probe fires, graffiti in Jewish area | Reuters

2 deaths at Occupy protests in Calif. and Vermont |

Jay-Z Selling Occupy Wall Street T-Shirts; No Plans to Share Profits With Protestors - The Hollywood Reporter

Victim Almost Helps Burglar Carry His TV: Cops | NBC Philadelphia

Report: Sandusky Recuited HS Players This Seaso - Flash Player Installation

Putin's model army strikes again with raunchy video to get Russians voting | Mail Online

Monti Tapped to Lead Italy Out of Debt Crisis

Obama says US 'impatient and frustrated' over economic relations with China

Netanyahu: Iran is closer to a nuclear bomb than people think

Iran: Dead Guard commander was missile expert

Traffic accident kills 21 people in Pakistan

Neo-Nazi murders, film confession shock Germany

Occupy Portland protest sites emptying out

Pennsylvania governor: Change law after Penn State scandal

After Week's Turmoil Penn State Finally Plays - YouTube

US 'super committee' still hoping for debt deal

For Ex-Lobbyist Abramoff, a Multimedia Effort at Redemption

Texas Judge Has Visits With Daughter Limited

Sexual harassment: What is it and why should anyone have to ask?

Obama: U.S. has gotten 'lazy' about foreign investment

Cain Standing On Head When Someone Spoke?

Wall St Week Ahead: Greek and Italian drama for stocks

MF Global Workers Said to Learn of Firing From News Reports

US Companies Are Feeling Impact of European Crisis

Apple Alerts Got You Confused? Here are Answers to Your Questions

Logitech CEO: Google TV 'cost us dearly,' no Revue replacement coming

6 pillars of Steve Jobs' design philosophy

Facebook said ready to wave white flag on privacy

Google For Veterans

Cassidy: CNN's Silicon Valley documentary has many talking about whether race matters - San Jose Mercury News

Google Acquires Katango, The Automatic Friend Sorter

'Immortals' lives at the top of the box office

Kim Kardashian Sues Ex-Publicist Who Claimed Her Wedding Was a Sham

Black Sabbath announce new album, 2012 world tour

Howard Stern in talks to replace Piers Morgan on 'America's Got Talent'

What Will Michael Jackson's Family Do Now That the Trial Is Over?

Adult Film Star Sasha Grey Causes A Stir By Reading To Elementary School Children; Says She'll Do It Again -

60-foot, 11,000-pound Christmas tree snaps while being hoisted atop Macy’s store in Atlanta - The Washington Post

Russians prep Soyuz for launch to International Space Station

Bam! Transparent octopus goes opaque in blink of an eye

Canada's Loch Ness Monster Captured On Video?

Poaching blamed for loss of Western Black Rhino

Elephants Decline 50% in the Congo

X-rays journey to centre of Earth

Petri dish meat coming to the dinner table

Sugary drinks hurt even skinny women's hearts

Fiber From Whole Grains Could Cut Colorectal Cancer Risk: Study

Swapping chicken pox-infected lollipops illegal

Senators Call for Probe of $10 Billion Medicare Innovation Fund

Is Bizarre Smallpox Drug Deal Obama Administration's Next Solyndra?

Dental Screenings Linked to Lower Heart Disease, Stroke Risk

Most smokers want to quit, CDC report finds

Study: Religious Folks Have a Sunnier Outlook

Regulators warn of magnets marketed as desk toys, stress relievers

Living in Omelasville

De-Christianizing Dr. King

Anti-Defamation League Has Strayed from Its Charter

The 2012 Presidential Election Will Be Won or Lost in the Middle

Newt's Physics

Taking Laps In The College Athletics Cesspool

The Occupation Devolution

No One Is Stealing Palestinian Land

The Islamic Republic of Iran Is Holding Hostages in Iraq. Does Anybody Care?

Israel and Academic Freedom

The Case for Banning Sharia Law in America

Connecting the Obama-Communist Dots

Killing For Organs

Electric Smart Meters

When Penn State went wrong

Obama disses his constituents - again

Hilarious confrontation between Occupy Denver and BlogCon 2011

Tide is turning against OWS

Debate highlights some differences between candidates

Coptic Christians Reach Out to Hillary Clinton

Pro-government Syrian protestors storm Arab embassies after League vote

Israel rebuffs Obama on notification of Iran attack

Is Libya drifting toward civil war?

James O'Keefe video targets biased Pulitzer winner, Columbia J-School

Hypocrisy in Media's Penn State Storyline

Curtains for Cain

Apollo and Dionysius Meet Again

The Rise and Fall of College Football in One Trophy

The Next Vice President

Higher Education's Transparency Problem

What If Hamas Wins Again?

Open Mic, Closed Minds

Guerrilla Conservatism

The Rebel flag, a failed lesson in citizenship!

Paterno Legacy versus the Stolen Innocence of Children

Candidate Bachmann Steals Human Ears!

Van Jones: Occupy Movement Has “Matured”

CNN to Lay off 50 Staffers; Photojournalists Lose Out to Smartphones, Flip Cams

What NPR Thinks About Cain And Black Conservatives

Chevy Volt catches fire — weeks after government crash test

The Sun Is Setting on Krugman’s Solar Views

Blacks still “played” and controlled by tired old Democrat paradigms

Staggering Effects of Child Sex Abuse Prove USA Must Strongly Battle Molestation!

Michael Moore Salutes Our “Hispanic” Veterans

The Devil’s Smile

Running out of time on the truth about Obama

Want to See a Bulldozer Take Down the Occupy Salt Lake City Camp? | Video |

‘Golden Voice’ Homeless Man Ted Williams Turns Up at Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Female Protester Raped at Occupy Philadelphia Camp, Suspect in Custody | Video |

Occupy Portland Protesters, Police Engage in Standoff as Mayor Orders Eviction | Video |

Saturday Night Live Does Rick Perry‘s Debate ’Oops’ | Video |

SNL: Even Satan Is Offended by Penn State Scandal | Saturday Night Live | Video |

China’s Garbage-Fed Beef Problem: Cattle Graze in Landfill Until Slaughter | Video |

Chuck Woolery Takes on Foreign Oil | Video |

Bachmann Suggests Bias in Saturday’s Debate |

Were Rick Perry‘s Remarks on China Changing ’Their Virtues‘ Really ’Rambling?’ | Video |

GOP Foreign Policy Debate |

Florida Man Recovers $10,000 Engagement Ring in Landfill |

Cain & Bachmann Want to Reinstate Waterboarding |

Perry Jokes About Gaffe From Last Debate | Video |

‘Bye Bye Silvio’: Silvio Berlusconi Resigns as Prime Minister of Italy |

Herman Cain: God Convinced Me to Run for President |

Does This ‘United States of Awesome Possibilities’ Ad-Campaign Offend You? |

‘Brace Yourself’: Video Captures Occupy St. Louis Protesters Being Schooled on How to ‘Get Arrested’ | Video |

Book Banning at Missouri Public School | Video - Flash Player Installation

Queens Swastika Graffiti Artist Arrested | Video |

‘Occutantrum’: Are Protesting Students From Elite Universities Guilty of ‘Rampant Hypocrisy?’ |

Accidental Explosions at Iranian Military Base Kill 27, State Media Says | Weapons Depot Blast |

Herman Cain Announces He Would Consider Vice Presidential or Defense Cabinet Slot |

Happy Landing: Cat Stuck on Top of Cactus Climbs Down After 3 Days | Video |

Allen West on Herman Cain: ‘Conservative Minorities Scare Liberals’ | Video |

New Canary Island Brewing As Coastal Residents Evacuate for Anticipated Eruption | Video |

Radio Host Bill Press Compares Herman Cain to Penn State Molester Jerry Sandusky |

Study: Urine Full of Compounds That Can Conduct Electricity |

Baby Born at 11:11 A.M. on 11-11-11 to a Vet on Veterans Day |

Swastikas, Torched Cars Found in Brooklyn, New York City | Video |

Michelle Obama to Serve as… Grand Marshal of NASCAR 400? |

Navy Signs Deal to Weaponize Fire Scout Drone Helicopter | Video |

Colin Powell: Occupy Wall Street Demonstrations ‘As American as Apple Pie’ | Video |

Atheists Want to Become Chaplains in United States Military | Capt. Ryan Jean | Video |

Penn State Student Stands Up to Angry Crowd | Video |


+23 pgs/Sandusky;Grand Jury Presentment


Ron Paul: Cain, Bachmann have ‘un-American’ beliefs on torture

Blog: Move over, Solyndra, here comes Siga

$443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need -

IRS Having Trouble Keeping Taxpayer Files Secure, Watchdog Says | Fox News

Tea party leader: Herman Cain must go - Washington Times

Love, murder and a suicide run for Cuba - Florida Keys -

Fix Gmail's Newest Annoyances with These Userstyles and Userscripts

How The Web Became Just Another Interface to the Cloud - ReadWriteCloud

Dropbox: much more than storage and sync — Tech News and Analysis


Online Education: My Teacher Is an App -

Technolog - 5 reasons Google is sweating Apple

Adobe product manager fingers Apple for death of Flash Player for mobile -- Engadget

Google Music's New Service Set to Launch, Without All the Music - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD

Breakthrough Could Yield Instant-On Computers - Technology Review

The Absurd Tale of Laser Missile Defense

Europe's Financial Crisis is Headed to America - The Daily Beast

Europe, China, U.S.: Whose Economy Has It Worst? -

GOP Field Hard-line, Isolationist and Unclear - 2012 Decoded

A New Era of Gunboat Diplomacy -

Commentary: What a Syrian Civil War Means for the U.S. | The National Interest

North Korea’s Other Weapons Threat | The Diplomat

Siddiqui: Embers of extremism threaten Bosnia -

There’s nothing new about this European folly - Telegraph

How the regime change will affect the economy and politics of Europe - TIME

High Debt, Low Demand, and a Slow Economy : The New Yorker

MORRIS: Wanted: 10 million skilled workers - Washington Times

It's Well Past Time For "Generation O" To Grow Up - Forbes

It’s Not Just About the Millionaires -

The Bad Rap Against Indirect Taxes - Forbes

If State Capitalism Is So Good, Why Are Russian And Chinese Entrepreneurs Fleeing? - Forbes

Made Your Millions in China? Now It’s Time to Move Overseas. - Global Spin -

India: The World's Secret Silicon Valley - Nirmalya Kumar & Phanish Puranam - Business - The Atlantic

The limits of the scientific method in economics and the world | The Great Debate

Staring into the abyss | The Economist

The Devil and Joe Paterno -

Can Gingrich seize an unexpected moment? - The Washington Post

Why I Am Done Defending Herman Cain - Mary Kate Cary (

American Way: Whiff of scandal now taints Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs

Obama says U.S. has been 'lazy' about attracting business -

Mark Landsbaum: Hit the brake on bullet train, before we're broke | billion, train, rail - Opinion - The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - With Friends Like These...

NASA and Russia Begin New Chapter in Space -

RealClearPolitics - How New York Won the War on Crime

News Desk: The Eight-State Election : The New Yorker

Jobs? Who cares? - Opinion -

Immigration reforms could drive U.S. recovery | The Tennessean |

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Core values ... tradition ... warrior ethos'Rep. Rigell: 'What a great privilege' to serve veteran-rich district

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Finding jobs for veterans;Gen. Marks: 'I chose to go to West Point and make the Army a career'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Balanced-budget amendment vote nears;Rep. Goodlatte details effort to rein in federal spending

Sheriff Joe on Obama eligibility probe: 'Where there's smoke ... '

Leaked CBS memo backs Bachmann 'snub' charge

Can Michele Bachmann's manifesto push her to 1st tier?

Romney, Gingrich at GOP debate: We'd go to war to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Gingrich, Romney back Obama killing American accused of turning on U.S. - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Newt Gingrich Name-Drops Sustainable Development Conspiracy Theory | Mother Jones

Jack Abramoff Making a Multimedia Effort at Redemption -

Abramoff: Washington lobbying reform not there

Congressional members and staff profited from insider trading, convicted lobbyist Abramoff says -

Pelosi's investments questioned in CBS report

Davy Crockett's Tennessee heirs now battle Islam

Rep. Womick: We can't have Muslims in our military | The Daily News Journal |

Army Sued for $750M Over Fort Hood Tragedy

In New York, ambivalence over Muslim surveillance - Yahoo! News

Rally for impeachment gets air support

White House Email: Energy Secretary Chu Must Go 'As Soon As Possible' - ABC News

A Gold Rush of Subsidies in Clean Energy Search -

Sword stolen from statue at Lincoln's Tomb - CBS News

Business & Technology | Grease becomes a hot commodity for thieves | Seattle Times Newspaper

Judge says people can't be jailed over intended speech

Sandusky’s home near elementary school | News |

Willing to be a hero?

Iran nuclear program: The mystery man behind Iran’s plan | News | National Post

Smuggled Libyan Weapons Raise Al Qaeda Fears | Fox News

Rice: Gadhafi had a 'Strange Crush on Me'

EEG finds consciousness in people in vegetative state - health - 10 November 2011 - New Scientist

Increasing number of disabled Israeli children sue for not being aborted |

Court asked to gag WND in Diaz case

Wedding couple packed with 11s

'Stairway to Heaven' turns 40

I spy... something beginning with adultery - Telegraph

Husband Combs Florida Landfill to Find Wife's Engagement Ring - Yahoo! News

Act of flat-tire kindness saves man’s life | River Falls Journal | River Falls, Wisconsin

Ex-surfer gains fame for stunning imagery from inside violent surf zone

US tourist says she captured image of Jesus on Cliffs of Moher | Irish News | IrishCentral

Did an Atheist create the Jefferson Bible? | Washington Times Communities

"Lost" Fortresses of Sahara Revealed by Satellites

Nixon nearly blew my stack over Watergate tape gap | Reuters

Howard Stern in talks for America's Got Talent - News - People - The Independent

Ozzy Osbourne trashed room with dead shark - News - People - The Independent

Dead Sea loses 'wonder of nature' bid - Israel Travel, Ynetnews

World's Smallest Auto: Dutch Scientists Drive Single-Molecule Car - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Do Einstein's Laws Prove Ghosts Exist? | Are ghosts real? | Paranormal and weird news | LiveScience

Scantily Clad Men Viewed As Less Competent | Theories of Objectification & Competence | Agent vs. Experience | Benevolent Sexism & Moral Responsibility | LiveScience


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Deaths fuel debate on spanking virtue

Man told his stomach pain was due to hysterectomy

80% of stomach removed, but man never had cancer

Aspirin every day can cut cancer risk by 60%

Women suffer 'epidemic of fatigue'

Psychology professor won't teach without snacks

Los Angeles Elementary School Under Fire For Inviting Porn Star Sasha Grey To Read To Children, Report Says | Fox News

August babies 'more likely to quit school at 16'

Carbon Monoxide Good for Urbanites? - TechIsrael - News - Israel National News

Rapper 'Killa Keise' slain; becomes Vallejo's 13th homicide of the year - San Jose Mercury News

Sacto 9-1-1: Panhandling turf disagreement sparks beating in Sacramento

Suicide attempts can be predicted with questionnaire, study shows |

Christianity Today interview: Evangelicals play up 'sexy abstinence' in purity campaigns |

Atheists, Believers Debate: 'Would the World Be Better off Without Religion?', Christian News

Vietnamese-American women place strict rules on men returning to homeland - San Jose Mercury News


**NEWS VIDEOS:Obama: America’s ‘Been A Little Bit Lazy’

Woman Raped At #OccupyPhiladelphia

Police Evict #OccupyDenver

Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch Talks Sense To ‘This Week’ Panel

Chuck Woolery Takes On Foreign Oil

Perry Jokes About Debate Gaffe

Romney: Iran Will Get Nukes Under Obama, Not Under Me

Cain: Iran Uses Oil As A Weapon

Romney Slams Obama On Election Year Afghan Strategy

Bachmann: Obama Stands With #OccupyWallStreet But Not With Israel

Perry Vows To Start Foreign Aid Budgets At Zero

Perry: Politicians Don’t Run Pakistan, Secret Service Does

Ron Paul Channels Dennis Kucinich On Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

Romney: I’ll Use Military To Keep Iran From Getting Nukes

Gingrich Lectures Combative Debate Moderator On Rules Of War

Romney On China: We Must Acknowledge Currency Manipulation And Apply Tariffs

Cain: Obama On Wrong Side Of Every Issue In Arab World

Bachmann: Ron Paul Didn’t Support Order To Kill Osama Bin Laden

Gingrich Refuses To Criticize Romney

Tea Party Fights Back: #OccupyOrlando Forcibly Removed From Sheriff Joe Arpaio Event

Police: #OccupyPortland Protesters Crafting Makeshift Weapons As Midnight Deadline Looms

Penn State And Nebraska Teams Pray Together For Child Sex Abuse Victims

Unfair And Imbalanced: NPR’s Taxpayer-Funded Hit Piece On Herman Cain

New York Media Celebrates #OccupyWallStreet Fashion Trendsetters

Breitbart Exposes Michael Moore Hypocrisy; ‘He Preys On 99%’

Denver Media Reports On #OWS Protests At BlogCon; Breitbart Bloggers Featured

#OccupySaltLake Shut Down After Body Discovered In Tent

Flashback: Biden Admits First Thing Obama Admin Did Was Call Jon Corzine For Economic Advice

#OccupyStLouis Stages Arrests

Kidnapped Baseball Player Rescued

Bill Press: ‘No Difference’ Between Herman Cain And Penn State Coach Sandusky

BlogCon 2011 Interviews: Michelle Malkin, John Nolte, Ed Morrissey, Ben Howe, Kurt Schlichter and Tony Katz

11th/Police: Homicide Suspect Was Living At #OccupyOakland

WORLDS COLLIDE – BreitbartTV Enters The Howard Stern Universe

Baldwin Trashes Reagan

Owning It: Rick Perry Reads Top 10 List On ‘Letterman’

ACORN Was Exonerated?

10th/Pelosi Falsely Claims GOP Would’ve Filibustered Her Budget

Surfer Claims 90 Foot Record Wave


+4 Parts:The Corporate Destruction of Australia – Max Igan

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 11th, 2011

Iran Crisis: Iran attacked no-one in 100 years – Adrian Salbuchi (UPDATED) |

Audio Page:CounterSpin: Cyrus Safdari on Iran/IAEA, Frances Fox Piven on poverty |

The Gold Cartel End Game – Interviews Andy Hoffman |


33 min./The Gold Cartel End Game - Interviews Andy Hoffman - YouTube


Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 1/5 - YouTube

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 1/4 - YouTube

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 3/5 - YouTube

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 4/5 - YouTube

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 5/5 - YouTube


Rick Perry Brain Dead, Penn State Sex Scandal & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Truth and lies: Conspiracy theories are running rampant thanks to modern technology - Features - Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

Rick Perry Brain Dead, Penn State Sex Scandal & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Federal Register | Waiver of Restriction on Assistance to the Central Government of Uzbekistan

The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’ |


*2:05:25/Dr. Amos Wilson: Black Power or White Oppression (Full Lecture) - YouTube

+66 min./African Origins Of Humanity; Anta Diop


Redneck Mystery Hunter Finds Ruins In Arkansas | Before It's News

Redneck Archaeologist finds ruins in Arkansas - YouTube

Seeing the Phase of Exoplanets | Before It's News

America’s New World Order Agenda | Before It's News

The Size Of The Human Soul | Before It's News

Greenpeace Guide To Greener Electronics, HP Is The New Leader | Before It's News

The Top 10 Movies All-Time With A Financial Lesson | Before It's News

“Welcome To Serfdom” | Before It's News

2012 With Tesla Technology Looks Very Bright Indeed | Before It's News


Are You Eating This All-Time Favorite "Cancer-In-A-Can" Snack? | Before It's News

Election Challenge to Obama Candidacy in NH | Before It's News

5 Part:Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The NWO with David Icke |

*13 Nov.

American Minute for November 13th

November 13 Events in History

November 13th This Day in History

Today in History: November 13

November 13th in History

This Day in History for 13th November

Today in History: November 13

Today in History for Nov. 13 - YouTube

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