A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

12 November 2011

12 NOV.



Obama Weekly Address: Honoring Our Veterans For Their Service And Sacrifice
Bill Maher: Rick Perry Dumber Than Sarah Palin
"Real Time" Panel Has Livid Argument Over JFK Being A Dove Or Hawk
Rep. Heck Delivers GOP Weekly: "We Can All Learn A Lot" From Veterans
Maher Likens Republicans To Ebenezer Scrooge

11 NOV.

Perry Lists Top 10 Excuses For Debate Gaffe On Letterman
Gingrich: Mitt Is A Competent Manager. I Am A "Change Agent"
Matthews: The Tea Party Has Failed To Take 2012 Seriously
Krauthammer On Obama's Pipeline Call: "A Terrible Decision"
O'Donnell: Grover Norquist's Tax Pledge Is "Anti-American"
Ingraham: "Is Foreign Policy Not Going To Be Important This Election?"


11 NOV.

Inside The New Threat Matrix
Will Iranian Nukes Hamper Oil Distribution?
Papademos Vows To Keep Greece In The Eurozone
Portuguese President Optimistic Over Euro
It's Official: Eurozone Faces Double-Dip Recession
Edging Towards End Of Euro Era
Moderator: Foreign Policy Front-and-center In Next GOP Debate
Landis Convicted Of Hacking In French Court
Ex-banker Papademos Is New Greek Prime Minister
South Korean Police Disperse Protesters
Iran Warns U.S., Allies Against An Attack
Venezuela Vows All-Out Hunt For Nationals' Ramos
An Overview Of The Global Debt Crisis
Are China, Russia Helping Iran?



A Legion of Evil: The Penn State Child Sex Scandal 1/3

A Legion of Evil: The Penn State Child Sex Scandal 2/3

A Legion of Evil: The Penn State Child Sex Scandal 3/3

The Long Battle for Liberty with Michael Badnarik 1/3

The Long Battle for Liberty with Michael Badnarik 2/3

The Long Battle for Liberty with Michael Badnarik 3/3


The Luciferian Religion: Alex Jones Friday Edition 1/3

The Luciferian Religion: Alex Jones Friday Edition 2/3

The Luciferian Religion: Alex Jones Friday Edition 3/3


Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke


Bob Chapman: Surviving The Banker Sociopaths 1/2

Bob Chapman: Surviving The Banker Sociopaths 2/2


Our Crumbling Individual Rights with Radio Host Eddie Craig 1/2

Our Crumbling Individual Rights with Radio Host Eddie Craig 2/2


+ISGP Archive - WikiSpooks


*Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics


*Forum@( ; Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP)


Another Part of Obamacare Increases Premiums

New Government Attempts to Control and Stifle the Internet | American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Review & Outlook: Keystone Cop-Out -

Rick Perry Brain Dead, Penn State Sex Scandal & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

* 11 shocking things you now realize to be true Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Out Of The Ashes Of The Collapse Of The Eurozone Will A “United States Of Europe” Arise? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Truth and lies: Conspiracy theories are running rampant thanks to modern technology - Features - Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

» Why World War III: Destroy The Global Economy, Create A Greater Israel Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Judges Now Grabbing Kids in Divorce Cases Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Super Globalist to Replace Italy’s Berlusconi Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Romney’s Prospects Force Republicans to Choose - Bloomberg

Hezbollah chief: Israeli-U.S. strike on Iran will lead to regional war - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Dominique Strauss-Kahn linked to French prostitution scandal | World news | The Guardian

The Soviet Space Program - YouTube

Grade school public service announcement or classified presidential briefing? CIA reveals videos it made for Ronald Reagan | Mail Online

The Moscow Summit - YouTube

United States To Sell “Bunker Busting” Bombs To UAE In Order To Fight Iran

» The Obama administration’s human rights hypocrisy continues Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

China threatens US with new debt downgrade | Business | The Guardian

Use of wood stoves on rise in U.S. -

US court verdict 'huge blow' to privacy, says former WikiLeaks aide | World news |

Riverside County, California To Charge Prisoners $142 Per Day Of Their Stay

» FOIA lawsuit reveals FBI collecting biometric information for massive interagency database Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

European Super X-Ray To Study Earth’s Core

GPs gave 15,000 children as young as five chemical cosh | Mail Online

» The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Senators to Obama, DHS: Stop ignoring illegal alien sanctuaries - National Law Enforcement |

Francisco Blake Mora becomes Mexicos second interior minister to die in air crash | Mail Online

Mexican Interior Minister Francisco Blake dies in helicopter crash | News | National Post

Girl, 6, Allegedly Strip Searched At School | WBNS-10TV

Ohio Mother claims her 6 year old Daughter Strip Searched 12160.INF0 PROPERTY OF - YouTube

» Major Wars and Suppression of American Freedoms Planned BEFORE 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gitmo Costs $800K/Year Per Detainee | Mother Jones

BBC News - Iran explosion at Revolutionary Guards military base

» FOI Response: Release of WTC Blueprints Would “Endanger the Life or Safety of any Person” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Best frenemies: politicians and the press | Media | The Guardian

IMF warns rich states may fall back into recession - Yahoo! News

» Catherine Austin Fitts: Black budget and leveraged buyout of world using stolen money Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mysterious radiation levels detected across Europe, says UN nuclear agency | Mail Online

"The President Wants To Know If He Can Wipe Out The News!" - YouTube




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Health Dept. Raids Picnic, Addled Youth Violence & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

11-11-11 Ritual, Hero Soldiers Thrown Into Landfill & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

(VIDEOS)Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The NWO with David Icke Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DHS Street Lights, Banks Losing Customers: Infowars Nigthly News Report - YouTube

» The U.S. Is Already Attacking Iran Through Terrorist Proxies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Out Of Control Goverment Turns Of The News & Fix The Numbers - YouTube

» US Energy Dept. Spent $89 Billion without Checking Contractors’ Past Records Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paul Craig Roberts: Military Works for The 1/% 1/2 - YouTube

Paul Craig Roberts: Military Works for The 1/% 2/2 - YouTube


» TSA Hassling Drivers on America’s Highways: Mission leap, not mission creep Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

TSA: VIPR Teams Enhance Security at Major Local Transportation Facilities


» The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Eugenics-linked Gamble family member promoting free alien technology in film Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rock Center with Brian Williams - Victims speak out about North Carolina sterilization program, which targeted women, young girls and blacks

US court verdict 'huge blow' to privacy, says former WikiLeaks aide | World news |

The Government Wants to Seize Your Vitamins : Personal Liberty Digest

Activist Keith Haley: FEMA Forcing 'Flood Insurance' on Low Income Americans! - YouTube

» Addictive as Cocaine, Fructose Fuels Cancer and Obesity as American Diet Staple Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Warriors on Terror Scare Themselves Silly Again Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

(VIDEOS)Prison » Bob Chapman: Surviving The Banker Sociopaths

Prison » Survive The Banker Sociopaths

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 11/7/11: Taking Executive Orders Too Far - YouTube

Prison » CNBC Debate – Ron Paul Highlights 11/9/2011

Banks rob savers in slow motion! - YouTube

AFP: Republican hopeful Paul calls for military cuts

Ron Paul In NH - YouTube

Big Brother alert over surge in 'citizen spies' as thousands more volunteer to snoop on neighbours | Mail Online

Prison » Resisting Police Desires Is Labeled “Violence” … Even If Police Action Is Unlawful

China tries to stay in control of the web with new rules for reporters - Telegraph

Prison » FOIA lawsuit reveals FBI collecting biometric information for massive interagency database

Prison » Engineers Knew Fukushima Might Be Unsafe, But Covered It Up … And Now the Extreme Vulnerabilty of NEW U.S. Plants Is Being Covered Up

Prison » Study suggests ‘green’ biofuels are more environmentally harmful than fossil fuels

What are our cell phones really doing to us? -

Pentagon planning Cold War against China | StratRisks

The Daily Bell - Planning to Consolidate the EU

Bernanke Says That Any Criticism Of The Federal Reserve Is Based On “Misconceptions” -

Rumor Claims Sandusky “Pimped Out” Boys to Rich Donors -

Open Channel - Paterno contacts criminal defense lawyer, source tells NBC News




Free forum : Truth Seekers(


Oakland police have begun to plan another eviction operation, but it appears that this time, they may not be able to rely on other law enforcement agencies. - Occupy America Social Network


Grateful Dead - Throwing Stones (Studio Version) - YouTube


Israel Seeks to Entangle US in Iran War; Press TV talks to James Morris - YouTube

Refreshing News: Rio drug kingpin claims half his millions went on police bribes

7 Elephants Now Thrashing Your Living Room | Before It's News

Well then, "You're nothing but a Pack of Cards". Reflections in a Petri Dish

poorrichards blog: The Zionist State Of Amerika

poorrichards blog: America: An Experiment Gone Wrong?

poorrichards blog: 9 Ways The Hijacked Federal Government Is Waging War Against The American People

poorrichards blog: Congress insiders: Above the law?

poorrichards blog: How To Erase Your Digital Footprint

Activist Post: NORML Sues Feds in CA Medical Marijuana Fight

11 shocking things you now realize to be true (but you never would have believed just three years ago)

Penn State President Fired « Climate Audit

When Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Make Sense | Intifada Palestine

Hillary Clinton prompts Iran response to IAEA report | Online city news, daily headlines and local city newspaper

Deputizing Citizens as Parking Meter Snitches? There's an App for That - 12160

Activist Post: Meat Glue: Transglutaminase and Franken Vittles (Video)

Paul Craig Roberts - Loss of the middle class, dictatorial executive branch and loss of law. - 12160

27 dead after explosion rocks Revolutionary Guards base outside Iranian capital - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Since Obamacare’s Passage, Millions Have Lost Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance | The Weekly Standard

China threatens US with new debt downgrade | Business | The Guardian

Activist Post: Six Reasons to Homeschool Your Children

Activist Post: What We Learned From Our Year Without Groceries

Sherrie Questioning All: Penn State - The Sex Scandal of Children being raped. In history, the "elite" have started charities for children where the children become used for Sex going to the top of Politicians/White House.

Land Destroyer: The War on Terror is a Fraud

Kiva Systems' robot workers take over warehouses - Nov. 9, 2011

Rudd mum on US troop boost, takes aim at Greens - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

European Crisis Explained - YouTube

Linda Kelly’s Inferno by William L. Anderson

Anatomy of the Austrian Movement by Peter G. Klein

The Equality Racket by Patrick J. Buchanan

How to Create Your Own Luck Altucher Confidential

Top 10 Important Women in Ancient Greece & Rome

A stiff drink will help your child with his anger issues - Telegraph

A Grip Like a Vice: Grip Strength Training Tips by Jedd Johnson

Get Healthy During a Power Outage | Mark's Daily Apple

Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness? | Old-Thinker News


+54 min./Doug Casey talks to James Turk - YouTube


Remember the "borderless" Internet? It's officially dead

Kidnapping and Ransom Rampant in the US - informationliberation

Iran Mocks IAEA's Increasingly Shrill Allegations

Al-Qaeda Group: We 'Benefit From' Libyan Arms

CBS Poll: Americans Oppose Starting New Wars

Judge Orders Twitter to Hand Over WikiLeaks Related Info

Tape Sheds Light on Surreal Nixon-Protesters Meeting

Gingrich Hints at John Bolton for Presidential Cabinet

Ohio Man Sentenced for Illegal Military Exporting

Arab Christians Reshaping US Enclaves

No, the U.S. War in Latin America is Not a Success

Obama Gives UAE New Weapons 'To Counter Iran'

Obama's Reagan-like Drug War in Latin America

Looking at the ’Big Picture’ by Justin Raimondo --

Smithsonian 'Sent Representatives' to Collect ‘Occupy' Memorabilia to 'Document Spirit of American Democracy'

After Deaths, Occupy Protesters Ordered to Decamp in Oakland, Salt Lake

Gingrich Moves Past Cain and Romney to Become Tea Party's Top Choice, Says CBS Poll

House GOP Likely to Offer Balanced Budget Amendment That Permits Unlimited Federal Spending

Democrats Offer $1-Trillion Tax Increase in Super Committee Deal

DOJ Refuses Judiciary Committee’s Request for Kagan-Obamacare Documents; Holder Then Testifies He Was Unaware of Request

Kagan to Tribe on Day Obamacare Passed: ‘I Hear They Have the Votes, Larry!! Simply Amazing.’

White House Lashes Out at Congress Over 'Partisan' Solyndra Investigation

Marco Rubio: GOP Must Be the ‘Pro-Legal Immigration Party’

Grassley to DOJ: ‘Longer You Stonewall, The More Egg on You're Going to Have on Your Face'

Sen. Cornyn: Dems' Move to Repeal DOMA Is 'Transparent Appeal to a Special Interest Group'

N.Y. Governor Cuomo's 'I Am the Government' Quote Is Now a Ringtone

Feds: Mexican Cartel Plotted Attack on U.S. to 'Send the Gringos a Message'

74-Foot Christmas Tree From Pa. Hoisted in NYC's Rockefeller Center

Penn State Places Assistant Coach McQueary on Administrative Leave

Obama Watches No. 1 Tar Heels Beat Spartans on Aircraft Carrier

Swedish Lutheran Church Hosts 'Techno Mass' to Attract Young People

Dem Mayor Wants to Drop Tax on Auto Dealers So They'll Move to L.A.

Media Promote Myth of Clinton Golden Years, Hype His New Economic Book

The Left's Many Double Standards

Time's Stengel Asks Clinton Why He Isn't Tea Party 'Hero'

Rush Calls For a 'Reagan' Candidate to 'Take Over The Republican Party'

Family Of Slain Border Agent Call Holder A 'Liar'

White House Lashes Out at Congress Over 'Partisan' Solyndra Investigation

'Oops’: Perry Can’t Remember All the Federal Agencies He’d Abolish As President

Clinton: Despite Economic Hardships at Home, It's Not the Time to ‘Downsize Our Work Around World’ |

Bishop Harry Jackson Launches New Coalition to Help Minority Voters Achieve the ‘American Dream’ |

On Leno, Chris Matthews Tears Down GOP 2012 Candidates as Incompetent and 'Strange' |

MSNBC's Tamron Hall, Andrea Mitchell Omit Potential Jobs Lost Thanks to Obama's Oil Pipeline Punt |

Who's Behind the Mayhem at the Occupy Oakland Protests?

SWAT Teams, Flash-Bang Grenades, Shooting the Family Pet: The Shocking Outcomes of Police Militarization in the War on Drugs

Why 'Liberal Hollywood' Is a Myth

Meet the Koch Brothers' Wealthy Right-Wing Grandfather: How His Pro-Corporate Agenda Is Echoed by the Kochs' Assault on Our Democracy

3 Ways Elites Rig the System

Obama Administration Has Many Ties to Big Banks--And Protesters Occupying Wall Street Know It

Beyond the Banks: 3 More Ways to Move Your Money Away from Corporations

US Officials See Trade Progress, Share Global Concerns at APEC

Kenya Asks Arab World for Support in Somalia

Peter Ford: Conservatism No Longer ‘Pariah’ in Hollywood

Searching for Truth, Penn State Moves Past Paterno

Deaths at Occupy Camps Bring Pressure for Shutdown

Sen. Lee: Justice Must Disclose Kagan-Obamacare

Cain Defends Joke About Anita Hill

White House Circulated Plan to Replace Chu

Noonan: Cain Charges Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Axelrod to Bachmann: Obama Has Proven Himself

CBS Poll: Gingrich Makes It a Three-Horse Race

Gingrich: Perry Better Shape Up or Ship Out

Luntz Focus Group: Gingrich Won Debate

Republican Right Picks a New Favorite - Gingrich

Coulter: Chicago Machine Behind Cain Allegations

Abramoff: Lawmakers Took Part in Insider Trading

How to Keep Your Memory Sharp and Avoid a ‘Rick Perry Moment’

Perry's 2012 Campaign Is Dead, but He'll Be Back

Free Countries Must be Vigilant Against Dangers of China

Symbolic Pics of the Month (11/11)

18th Century Secret Society Code Cracked

Levin: U.S. Has Become A 'Post-Constitutional Gov't' Heading For 'Utopian Tyranny' |

Outrage: Government Forces Private Citizens to Pour Bleach on Home-Grown Organic Food *Video*

ATF Death Watch 112: US AG Launches “Ban Semis” Defense | The Truth About Guns

Young Women Nabbed In Bloody Satanic Sex Ritual | The Smoking Gun

Controlling An Avatar With Your Brain? Israeli Lab Is Trying | Technology News

Cellular operating system set to revolutionize synthetic biology | ZME Science

The Second Berlin Plunder of Africa. Only a United Africa can Defeat the Imperialists

Western Militarization of the Arctic

Building a Justification for Waging War: Hillary Clinton's Deceptive Bluffs on Iran's Nuclear Program

How to Honor Veterans on Veterans’ Day: End the Wars and Restore Liberty, Justice and Opportunity for the 99%

Nuclear Israel revisited

Africa: NATO, AFRICOM And The New White Man's Burden

Iraq's Stolen Memory

The IAEA Report on Iran is based on Fake Intelligence. IAEA "Soviet Nuclear Scientist" Never Worked on Weapons

IAEA Iran Report Unravels: Tainted Mossad Evidence Alleges Russian Scientist Aided Nuclear Weapons Research

In Mexico, a Universal Struggle Against Power and Forgetting

United States Moving into Africa’s Nile River Basin: Securing Central and Eastern Africa via the Nile River

The Case for Regulation. The Failure of Free Market Economics

Iraq 2003 – Iran 2011: Parallel That Can Hardly Be Missed

VIDEO: US to Use S. Korean Base to Project Power Against China?

VIDEO: 9/11 - U.S. Senator Wants New Inquiry (EN/FR)

BREAKING. Cynthia McKinney offered Justice Department protection after assassination threat

America's Undeclared War: Two US military assassination drones have crashed in Somalia

Will U.S. Army Be Used to Crush Public Resistance? | American Free Press

Sheriffs Rise Up Against Feds | American Free Press

Wilson Ramos found: Major League Baseball player was kidnapped in Venezuela | Mail Online

BBC News - California marijuana sellers fear federal clampdown

Activist Post: How Close Are We to a Nano-based Surveillance State?

Robert Scheer: California Refuses to Accept Obama’s Banking Sellout - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig

Activist Post: The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a 'New Human Species'

Maximum PC | How To Erase Your Digital Footprint

Activist Post: Republican hopeful Paul calls for military cuts

Activist Post: Nanotechnology Ushers in Cloak of Invisibility (Video)

Mirage effect helps researchers hide objects - YouTube

NORML Sues Feds in CA Medical Marijuana Fight [FEATURE] |

Meat Glue Secret - YouTube

A Doctor Warns: Never Eat These Three Foods | Before It's News

Undersea Reptilian Base Destroyed By A 6.9 Quake In The East China Sea | Before It's News

Benefits of Spirulina - YouTube

Massive Derelict Spaceship Found Beyond Neptune | Before It's News

David Axelrod's Pattern of Sexual Misbehaviorby Ann Coulter11/09/201 | Before It's News

Obama’s College Classmate Speaks Out | Before It's News

Obama Power Grab For Entire World Stuns Russia, China | Before It's News

A Devastating Analysis Of Aka Obama...a Must Read And Be Sure To Use This Article To Spread The Truth Far And Wide...and Remember This Writer Doesn't Even Address Obama's Lifetime Of Criminality And Identity Fraud...nor Does It Address That He Was Not Con | Before It's News


World Trade Center (

Images + Video - World Trade Center


Signs That Jesus' Second Coming Will Be By 2018 At Latest: Obama, 9/11, ... | Content for Reprint

The Mysterious Physics of 7 Everyday Things | Strange Physics of Mundane Stuff | Life's Little Mysteries

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Honoring our Veterans for their Service and Sacrifice | Before It's News

Remarks by the President Aboard the USS Carl Vinson | Before It's News

Obama Wants World War III

The Profits of War

WAR is a Racket. It Always Has Been

A Time To Honor Duped Murderers?

Congress Members Took Part in Insider Trading: Abramoff

Can A New Labor Movement Save American "Civilization"?

Mexico: Widespread Rights Abuses in ‘War on Drugs’


English to LatinDictionary(

Latin Dictionary Online Translation (


Makeup artist Derrick Rutledge makes over Michelle Obama, Oprah — and himself - The Washington Post

Cain draws a line on taking VP slot

Penn State prepares for the strangest game ever - College Football -

Small Business - Once-richest Irishman declared bankrupt

Phone hacking: James Murdoch may be questioned after 'bombshell' emails found | Mail Online

Congress Members Took Part in Insider Trading: Abramoff - US Business News - CNBC

$443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need -

Since Obamacare’s Passage, Millions Have Lost Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance | The Weekly Standard

Putin's model army strikes again with raunchy video to get Russians voting | Mail Online

Google releases satellite images of Iranian cities which UN says may be used for nuclear weaponisation | Mail Online

Girl, 10, gives birth to baby in Mexico | Mail Online

Cops: Texas Women Bought, Sold Baby On Payment Plan « CBS Houston

Perry kills his own state's history and heritage!

Ron Paul Stump Speech Excerpt

Candidate Bachmann Steals Human Ears!

Occupy Cain


Herman Cain Sexually Assaulted Me

Is Herman Cain Experienced Enough to be President?

The Thought Slavermasters

Blacks still “played” and controlled by tired old Democrat paradigms

Obama plans U.S.-Israeli joint military maneuvers for 2012

Obama Keystone Decision Halts Creation of 20,000 Jobs

Debbie Schlussel:I’ve Already Warned You About “All American Muslim”

Debbie Schlussel:MUST SEE EXCLUSIVE /Moving Veterans Day Photos From WWII

Debbie Schlussel:You Stay Classy, Dakota Fanning (& Mom): Kid in Obama Friend’s Perverted Ad

Debbie Schlussel:Defeat of AZ Immigration Law Author is Bad Omen for Borders; Mormon Church Involvement?

Debbie Schlussel:The Penn State JoePa Child Rape Scandal

Paul Drockton: The Warren Buffett Illusion

Paul Drockton: Grand Jury States Paterno Knew About Child Rape

Higher Education's Transparency Problem

Apollo and Dionysius Meet Again

Hypocrisy in Media's Penn State Storyline

The Rise and Fall of College Football in One Trophy

The Next Vice President

Curtains for Cain

Guerrilla Conservatism

What If Hamas Wins Again?

Open Mic, Closed Minds

What the recent elections really mean

Thinning the occupier herd

No more guessing about administration stance on military strike against Iran

What Sarko & Bummer were really thinking

More fallout from Obamacare: workers losing employer paid insurance

Another day, another death at an Occupy encampment

Arab League gives Syria the boot

Will Obama really insist on debt triggers if supercommittee fails?

One more selling point for Chevy Volt; batteries catch fire

All is not well in post-Gaddafi Libya

Port of Oakland Shutdown Smells of Van Jones Protégé

Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms

What the Conservative Movement Can Learn from the Democrats after the Ohio Failure

Ron Paul Ignores Iran's Treachery

The Middle East Studies Establishment vs. Walid Phares


*Listen to Savage's interview with Herman Cain


Nicole Lurie, Jesse Goodman Photo, Nicole Lurie, Jesse Goodman Pictures, Stills, Assistant Health and

$443 million for a smallpox drug some experts say we don't need -

Staffers furious after 1,000 fired from Corzine's bankrupt firm MF Global -

Detroit Prayer Event Puts Muslim Community On Edge | Fox News

Sandusky’s home near elementary school | News |

United Nations to Regulate the Internet? - Fox News


On to the Next Labor Battle in Ohio: Workplace Freedom Amendment

Football is NOT an Absolute Monarchy

Ed Schultz Talks to USPS Letter Carrier Who Was Screamed at By Rep. Joe Walsh

What Can Give You Economic Misery, An Embolism, And A Backyard Full Of Elephants?

The Sewers of Jefferson County

NRA Blocks Effort to Prevent Military Suicides Because Counselors Shouldn't Be Allowed to Ask If Vets Own Guns

Feds: All Commodity Traders To Be Audited

Herman Cain Finds Anita Hill Jokes Hilarious

Rachel Maddow Wishes Sen. Jim DeMint a Happy Veterans Day Following His 'No' Vote on Jobs Bill for Vets

Memory Lane: Boston Phoenix Attacks Gov. Romney In Scathing Editorial

You Know Mitt Romney Is Out of Touch When...

Protesters 'Occupy' Bachmann Campaign Event in SC

AFSCME Releases Powerful 'Think Again' Video Recapping Ohio Election

Wall Street Slush Fund Launches Attack on Elizabeth Warren


10th/GOP Debate Audience Boos CNBC Anchor Over Sexual Harassment Question

10th/Herman Cain and Mark Block: The Blocktopus

10th/The 99ers Push Back: Will Democrats Step Up?

10th/#Occupy Burlington: Veteran Shoots Self at City Hall Camp

10th/State Department Delays Decision on KeystoneXL Pipeline With Full White House Support

10th/Sorry, GOP, But It Looks Like America's Bullsh*t Detector Just Went Off

10th/The State Pension 'Crisis' -- Another Republican Assault on the Working Class

10th/Mitt Romney's Gaffe on His Own Mandates Makes Him The Real Loser of the CNBC Debate

10th/Karl Rove Attacks Elizabeth Warren for Inspiring #OWS

10th/There's a Photo of Herman Cain Being Inappropriate


DownWithTyranny!: Clinton And Gingrich Now Say It Was A Mistake To Help Wall Street End Glass-Steagall

Fit to Teach? Chicago Union Files Charges Over Standardized Test for Teachers - Working In These Times

We Party Patriots » Blog Archive » Get a What? A Job? 70% of Occupy Wall Streeters are Employed, Compared to 56% of Tea Partiers


**Victoria's Secret Fashion Show -


*Audio: The Anarcho-Capitalist Solution;Jeff Berwick asks Lew Rockwell


+PROMO: HBO Documentary Films: Sing Your Song Trailer - YouTube


50 MIN./Harry Belafonte London Q&A for Sing Your Song the Movie - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - Washington Highjacked by Wall Street!!

Revolutionary Politics : Judge Napolitano: Wars & Obama's Agenda to Destroy Our Freedoms!!!

Bernanke Says That Any Criticism Of The Federal Reserve Is Based On “Misconceptions” :

NASA: World won’t end next year |

Eddie Hobbs - TV3 - The Euro Collapse - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: The Money Junkies Will Say " We Are Big to Fail"We Will Say" Not Too Big To Jail"

Will There Be More 9/11s? – An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine

The REAL Occupy Demands - End Lobbying, End the FED, Restore Constitution! - YouTube

Holocaust Museum seeks help to recognize children

Arab League suspends Syria, calls for halt to violence

Iran military arsenal blast death toll rises to 27

Cairo: Protesters call on Arab League to act on Syria

Merkel: Opposition to new Iran sanctions 'regrettable'

Syria suspended from Arab League

Turkish commandos kill alleged PKK ferry hijacker

After week of turmoil, it's gameday at Penn State

Third offshore powerboat racer dies in Fla. race

End of an era: Berlusconi to resign

Factbox: Six things to watch for in Republican debate

Mexico crash may have been due to pilot error-report

Berlusconi convenes final Cabinet meeting, to quit

Conn. storm highlights decades of repeat issues

For Obama, a day of heavy diplomacy in Hawaii

Sandusky had access to vulnerable kids via charity

Russia Mars probe considered lost: report

Pakistani militant threatens to quit peace deal

Beverly Hills bids to halt subway tunnel at school

‘Exiled Online:’ Expat Journalist Spreads Koch Paranoia, Mistruth About Russia’s Market Privatization

AUDIO:Rep. Duncan Hunter: Salute Your Veterans

The Path They Choose: The Labor of the American Veteran

If Only They Listened: Constantine Mitsotakis, Greece’s Last Conservative Prime Minister

Ex-Soviet Scientist Reportedly Assisted Iran Nuclear Weapons Program

‘Barney’s Version’ – Rosamund Pike’s Buoyant Turn Sparks Sleeper Dramedy

Can the Final ‘Harry Potter’ Film Nab a Best Picture Nomination?

‘October Baby’ Review: A Poignant Tribute to Healing and Forgiveness

‘Patriocracy’ Director Brian Malone: Striving for a Fair and Balanced Documentary

Jay-Z Hawks Occupy Wall Street Wear… But Won’t Share Profits with Protesters

‘J. Edgar’ – Film’s Most Accurate Portrayal of a Complicated Historical Figure

Mike Myers on Occupy Wall Street: ‘Civil … Articulate … Democracy in Action’

-Daily Call Sheet: VOD Success, ‘Jack and Jill’ a Rotten Classic?, Garner Didn’t Mean to Offend

Chris Barron: ‘Gay Gestapo’ Takes Brett Ratner’s Scalp

Perry Can Win If Leadership Trumps Debates

Per Dollar Spent, OECD Subsidies May Be the Most Destructively Wasteful Part of the Federal Budget

From Now on I Dedicate Myself to Making Barack Obama Happy

The Triangulation of the ‘Occupy’ Movement

The Anarchy of ‘More’: Public Union Avarice Knows No Limits

Big Labor’s Scorched-Earth Campaign in Ohio a Preview of Obama’s Reelection Campaign

Dead Body Found at #OccupySaltLake, Police Demand Protests End

In Wake of Two Deadly Shootings, Ben & Jerry’s Issues Statement About #Occupy Support

CBS News Report: Are Congressional Insiders Above the Law?

Abramoff: Members of Congress Took Part in Insider Trading

Do Teachers Really Believe They’re Paid to Preach Political Views to Kids?

#OccupyHarvard: Top 1% of Class Pretends It’s the Bottom 99% of Society

AUDIO:Are We Headed for a Two-Tiered Eurozone?

CFPB: The Bureau of Situational Social Justice

#OccupyDC Mom Who Used Kids To Blockade Door Says She Doesn’t Regret It

#OccupySanFran Sparks Rise in Theft, Shoplifting

CARTOON:With A Mistake Like That, Is He Qualified To Be President?

CARTOON:UI: Important News

News Cameraman Attacked, How Will Media Handle #OWS Cognitive Dissonance?

NewsBusted: Was The Stimulus A Criminal Enterprise?

EAG Challenges NPR: We’ll Show You Ours If You Show Us Yours

Why Is the Media Glossing Over Child Rape?

MSM Doesn’t Report That ‘Occupy Rose Parade’ Organizer Is Former Corporate Lawyer Busted For Theft

Media Promote Myth of Clinton Golden Years, Hype His New Economic Book |

Pelosi's investments questioned in CBS report

Since Obamacare’s Passage, Millions Have Lost Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance | The Weekly Standard

A Patriot-News Special Report: Who knew what about Jerry Sandusky? There were many missed chances to investigate as early as 1995 |

Poll: Americans Weary of Foreign Entanglements - Kathy Kiely -

Report: Polled Americans prefer Israel PM to Obama | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Congress honors first black Marines with medal - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Obama calls on business leaders to recruit veterans for jobs -

Hey NBC, Read This Before You Pay Howard Stern $15 Million - Forbes

Celebrity Protests: Stars Occupy Headlines - Photo Gallery - E! Online

Spike TV Launches New Campaign Aimed at Helping Veterans Find Work

Robert Redford isn't mad at Obama anymore - CLICK -

Sasha Grey -- I Will NOT Quit Reading to Schoolchildren |


12-Nov-11 World View

11-Nov-11 World View

10-Nov-11 World View


Ford’s Theatre flunks O’Reilly’s Lincoln book -

How to make a book trailer for $50,000 -

National Novel Writing Month: How hard can it be to write a novel? | The Economist

A Graying Population Reduces Global Warming | Climate Change Projections & Demographics & Aging | LiveScience

How the United States protected Japanese war criminals

Japanese War Crimes Trials 1946-1948 | The World War II Multimedia Database

May/June 2009- Madagascar: An Almost Jewish Homeland

Elusive Justice: A Nazi Story That Still Surprises | Television Review by Dorothy Rabinowitz -

New Poll: Millennials Suspicious of Mormonism | Religion Dispatches

Rabbi Alan Lurie: What Does it Mean that The Jews are God's Chosen People?

Black seminaries embrace hip-hop | The Christian Century

Ukrainian Orthodox patriarch: Peace is vital for everyone - South Florida

A War Prevented: Pope John XXIII and the Cuban Missile Crisis | Crisis Magazine

Publisher Owned by Catholic Church Accused of Selling Pornographic, Satanic Novels, Christian News

Why the Religious Right Can’t Seem to Get the Candidate It Wants | Swampland |

Richard Dawkins is wrong to call William Lane Craig morally repulsive | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |

Associated Baptist Press - Pastor writes Bible study for Harry Potter movies

The Holy Land of England » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

The cult of agreeableness | Joel J. Miller

False idols at Penn State and elsewhere » GetReligion

Tony Blair: Religion-friendly democracy and democracy-friendly religion | Comment is free |

The American Spectator : Libya Heading Towards Islamism

Fetus Can Sense Mother's Psychological State

Ten (Pseudo) Scientific Theories About the Mona Lisa's Smile

Perry’s ‘brain freeze,’ by another name, is common ‘retrieval failure’ - The Washington Post

Matt Ridley on Rebels Who Win Nobels | Mind & Matter -

The Anatomy of Influence - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Why Penn State Students Rioted—They Deify Joe Paterno: Scientific American

Examining Telecommuting the Scientific Way | Surprising Science

Lars Von Trier's Melancholia: What are the chances of a planetary collision? - Slate Magazine

BBC News - Nature journal libel case begins

Short Sharp Science: Look underground to seek signs of life on Mars

How Computer Modeling Lets Doctors Predict Heart Attacks Before They Happen | Popular Science

Your brain vs technology: How our wired world is changing the way we think | Hardware |

Subject to Review :: Tevi Troy

How The Web Became Just Another Interface to the Cloud - ReadWriteCloud

New software could create computerized sportscasters | Crave - CNET

Can AT&T, Verizon become high-tech darlings? — Mobile Technology News

Confessions of a Tweeter -

Google Music's New Service Set to Launch, Without All the Music - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD

Breakthrough Could Yield Instant-On Computers - Technology Review

The Car is the 3rd Fastest Growing Wireless Gadget |

The future of smoking: E-cigarettes explained

Internet voting: Exactly what the 99% needs | ExtremeTech

The Thorny Combination of Old Laws and New Tech - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic

How to Stand Out Among 800 Million Facebook Users | Moneyland |

Is Google+ or Facebook better for business? - Computerworld

Dropbox: much more than storage and sync — Tech News and Analysis

The Absurd Tale of Laser Missile Defense

Asia's Free-Riders - By Justin Logan | Foreign Policy

Asia Times Online :: Will Aba be the CCP's Waterloo?

Keystone decision a setback for U.S.-Canada relations - The Globe and Mail

Good Morning, Vietnam! — The American Magazine

Ayatollah for a Day - By Karim Sadjadpour | Foreign Policy

The New Silk Road? | The Diplomat

Never- ending drug war moves to Central America - Andres Oppenheimer -

Obama, Erdogan find shared interests - The Washington Post

Comment: Whose Drug War? : The New Yorker

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: Running Out the Clock on Iran's Nuclear Program

This Veterans Day, Remember From Where Our Fortunes Flow - Forbes

From the Archives: Mundell vs. Friedman on the euro | FP Comment | Financial Post

A Gold Rush of Subsidies in Clean Energy Search -

The High Price of Republican Hypocrisy - Reason Magazine

The Weekend Interview with Henry Juszkiewicz: The Government and the Guitar Man -

The Intelligent Investor: Steps to Take When Markets Move in Lockstep -

China's Unsustainable Investment Boom

Super Committee Doomed to Fail From the Get Go | Fox Business

Obama’s Flunking Economy: The Real Cause by Ezra Klein | The New York Review of Books

Fed Theoreticians Need Some Real-World Feedback: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

Entrepreneurs, Stay Out! The Utter Idiocy of U.S. Immigration Law - Marshall Fitz & John Halpin - Business - The Atlantic

My 10 questions for the GOP foreign policy debate | Daniel W. Drezner

Europe's Financial Crisis Does Not Prove The Welfare State Is A Failure | The New Republic

Primaries Not Doing the GOP Any Favors

Candidate ideology probably only accounts for 1-2 percent in elections - The Washington Post

In Defense of the Department of Energy (Sort of) | FrumForum

Political Animal - What it takes for the Senate to pass a jobs bill

RealClearPolitics - The Fuzzy Math, and Logic, of Election Prediction Models

RealClearPolitics - The Nonsense Debate

Cain's best damage control: Release everything -

Joe Posnanski » Posts The End of Paterno «

Legends of the Fail -

RealClearPolitics - Booing the Character Issue

Kinsley: Bill Clinton Offers Obama a Surplus of Ideas - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - The Battle Begins: The Rise of the Tea Party

Friend With Benefits -

Obama the Big Guys | The Weekly Standard

Committee Finds Savings By... Adding To Deficit? - Latest Headlines -

William Galston: Forget The 2008 Map: A New Poll Shows Why Obama’s Re-Election Is Riding On Ohio | The New Republic

Newt rising, Cain stalling as bumpy GOP ride takes latest turn | Kyle Wingfield

Media Attempt to Cover up Obama Comments on Israel - Big Journalism

Who gets to judge political truth? - The Washington Post


A Fetus Can Sense Mom’s Psychological State - Association for Psychological Science

Exploring the last white spot on Earth

NASA - NASA Develops Super-Black Material That Absorbs Light Across Multiple Wavelength Bands

Hi-tech scans catch prehistoric mite hitching ride on spider (The University of Manchester)

Penn State Live - Psychologists chase down sleep demons

UA Scientists Find Evidence of Roman Period Megadrought |

New study suggests EU biofuels are as carbon intensive as petrol — University of Leicester

Brain parasite directly alters brain chemistry - University of Leeds

Fish follow the rules to school | Science Codex

Tying atomic threads in knots may produce material benefits

A Star with Spiral Arms - NASA Science

Nicotine primes brain for cocaine use: Molecular basis of gateway sequence of drug use | Science Codex

RPI: News & Events - Astrobiologists Discover “Sweet Spots” for the Formation of Complex Organic Molecules in the Galaxy

Doctors Can Learn Empathy Through a Computer-Based Tutorial -

Using math and light to detect misshapen red blood cells

Live longer with fewer calories - University of Gothenburg, Sweden


The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - YouTube

Officials crack down on Occupy Wall Street camps around the country

At its last 2011 home football game, Penn State remembers child sex abuse victims

Newt Gingrich: Will his mini-surge in the polls last?

Mexican Interior Minister Blake Mora killed in helicopter crash

Obama seeks to reassure Asia of US interest


** : Player


Do Einstein's Laws Prove Ghosts Exist? | Are ghosts real? | Paranormal and weird news | LiveScience

Armistice Day 2011: The mother who lost five sons in WW1 | Mail Online

"Lost" Fortresses of Sahara Revealed by Satellites

Did an Atheist create the Jefferson Bible? | Washington Times Communities

Nixon nearly blew my stack over Watergate tape gap | Reuters

Ice age painters: DNA evidence proves 'leopard' horses were REAL | Mail Online

Dead Sea loses 'wonder of nature' bid - Israel Travel, Ynetnews

World's Smallest Auto: Dutch Scientists Drive Single-Molecule Car - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Scantily Clad Men Viewed As Less Competent | Theories of Objectification & Competence | Agent vs. Experience | Benevolent Sexism & Moral Responsibility | LiveScience

N.Y. man drops 198 pounds in just 10 months - CBS News

5 Bizarre Weight Loss Tricks that Work | Healthy Living - Yahoo! Shine

Eastwood's 'J. Edgar' parrots left-wing lies

'It's hard to live with yourself after you murder someone so innocent'

Judge endorses censorship of Old Glory

Can we now talk about Obama's accusers?

Retraining Americans

How to end Washington corruption

The Bible and eligibility issue

Dumbing down Constitution for Obama's sake?

Electoral College under attack

Willard can't win

A nation divided

Herman Cain, Joe Paterno and the pope

Are people really that dim?

The feminine mystique and Marxism

It's decision time, America

U.S. life expectancy: We're No. 36!

Willing to be a hero?

The Wrath of Ayn Rand | Common Dreams

Penn State riots: sick campus culture--Jonah Goldberg -

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Core values ... tradition ... warrior ethos';Rep. Rigell: 'What a great privilege' to serve veteran-rich district

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Finding jobs for veterans;Gen. Marks: 'I chose to go to West Point and make the Army a career'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Balanced-budget amendment vote nears ;Rep. Goodlatte details effort to rein in federal spending

Judge says people can't be jailed over intended speech

Abramoff: Washington lobbying reform not there

Sandusky's Second Mile charity probed for clues - CBS News

The tragedy of Penn State Nittany Lions coach Joe Paterno - ESPN

Report: Arafat Death Report Coming - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

'30,000 suicide bombers to infiltrate Israel' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Boston Globe reporter withholds Obama file

Jay-Z Selling Occupy Wall Street T-Shirts; No Plans to Share Profits With Protestors - The Hollywood Reporter

Los Angeles Elementary School Under Fire For Inviting Porn Star Sasha Grey To Read To Children, Report Says | Fox News

US church versus Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews

Government warns of magnetic toys that rip through intestines and could cause fatalities | Mail Online

Ex-ambassador calls U.S. pipeline delay 'catastrophic' - Business - CBC News

U.S. probes EV batteries after Chevy Volt fire | Reuters

Facebook nears settlement with FTC on privacy -

Steve Jobs' 'Love Letter to His Wife' Makes Waves in Asia | Reuters

Aaron Klein

Pentagon chief hit with ‘anti-American’ charges: You wont believe unexplained background of Secretary of Defense. « Klein Online

BLOG: ‘Red Army’: Guess who is Obama’s friend in high mainstream media places? « Klein Online

AUDIO:Mormon church explains religion, Joseph Smith

Klein: Occupy Wall St to Turn Violent Before Fading. - YouTube

Red Army - YouTube


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


*1:21:21/ 201111.10 - Coast to Coast am Project Pegasus & Time Travel Andrew D. Basiago O'bama visited - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM - 10.11.2011 - 1/4 - Economy & Geopolitics/ Martian Visitations - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 10.11.2011 - 2/4 - Economy & Geopolitics/ Martian Visitations - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 10.11.2011 - 3/4 - Economy & Geopolitics/ Martian Visitations - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 10.11.2011 - 4/4 - Economy & Geopolitics/ Martian Visitations - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM - 9.11.2011 - 1/4 - UFO Disclosure/Strange Creatures - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 9.11.2011 - 2/4 - UFO Disclosure/Strange Creatures - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 9.11.2011 - 3/4 - UFO Disclosure/Strange Creatures - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 9.11.2011 - 4/4 - UFO Disclosure/Strange Creatures - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM - 8.11.2011 - 1/4 - Natural & Herbal Medicines - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 8.11.2011 - 2/4 - Natural & Herbal Medicines - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 8.11.2011 - 3/4 - Natural & Herbal Medicines - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 8.11.2011 - 4/4 - Natural & Herbal Medicines - YouTube


Project Pegasus - (

A.D. ; After Disclosure(




How 'bugs of death' may help solve murders - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Study Finds Coma Victims Are Aware of Their... | Gather

11/11/11: How Friday Is Tied to the Mayan Apocalypse | Synchronicities & Numerical Meaning | Doomsday & Spiritual New Year | LiveScience

Mystery of moon's lost magnetism solved? - Technology & science - Space - -

10 Cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion

Science Explains Time Travel | The KoldCast TV Blog

Curse of Tutankhamun may have been work of Satanist killer - Telegraph

An 'Operating System' That Runs on Cells Could Create Whole New Life Forms | Popular Science

How Leaving a Room Affects Your Memory : Discovery Channel

Search continues for men wanted in slaying of grocery store guard

Prosecutors: Suspect kills, gives rings to woman

Arab League votes to suspend Syria amid violence

Explosion Kills Iranian Soldiers

Mexico crash may have been due to pilot error: report

Nationals' Ramos 'grateful' to be rescued, home

Turkish Security Forces Kill Ferry Hijacker in Raid, Istanbul's Mutlu Says

Sudan Army Denies Bombing South Sudan Refugee Camp

Roadside bomb kills 9 civilians traveling in eastern Afghanistan

Pakistan lists 12 more items for trade with India

Niger to Grant Asylum to One of Gadhafi's Sons

Putin warns that Italy must be saved

Yemeni Forces Kill 16, Injure 50 as Protesters Shelled in Taiz

GOP Candidates to Debate Foreign Policy in South Carolina

Dad of Missing Washington Boy Reportedly Losing Hope Son Is Still Alive

Baby Lisa's Parents Called Suspects

Attorney: Baby Lisa Parents Told Are Suspects

White House Releases New Batch of Documents in Response to GOP-Issued Subpoena

Texas Judge Has Visits With Daughter Limited

Pentagon review of mortuary mishap hits early snag

Veterans Day ceremonies

Chicago Honors Its Veterans

Gunshots fired near White House

Cain criticizes Obama on space exploration

Nixon Library chief resigning

Beverly Hills bids to halt subway tunnel at school

Europe Pulls Back From Brink

MF Global Workers Learn of Firing From Media

Devastation at Japan Site, Seen Up Close

SEC fails to sack any staff over Madoff

A Gold Rush of Subsidies in Clean Energy Search

Google Music launching without Sony and Warner

Apple: Early iPods can overheat; send in for free replacement

Apple Email Suggests iTunes Match Launch Nearing

Better Social Circles On Google + With Katango!

Black Sabbath promises album of new songs to go with 2012 tour

Why would anybody 'threaten' Kim Kardashian?

'Michael Jackson and the Doctor': Did you watch?

New Oscars producer couldn't say no

Source: Stern in talks with 'America's Got Talent'

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Peek! Are You Ready for the Dragon Challenge?

'J. Edgar' movie review, trailer: A restrained portrait of the G-Man

Russia Mars probe considered lost: report

NASA: Solar flares do not pose a threat to planet earth

Extra Giant Planet May Have Dwelled in Our Solar System

Strange Hyperactive Galaxies Spotted by Hubble Telescope

NASA: New Mars rover will look for the ingredients of life

Military veterans get some high honors — from space

+Canary Islands Eruption: Undersea Volcano Now Just 70 Meters from Surface

Scientists discover rare gases of the Big Bang

Ogopogo: Canadian Lake Monster Captured on Film

Bringing bees and business closer with corporate lessons from the beehive

Greenhouse gases climbing, federal report finds

Watch NASA test-fire its brand new J-2X rocket engine

H. Gobind Khorana, biochemist and Nobel Prize winner, dies

NASA adds test flight for deep-space capsule

Deep-sea squid go from transparent to dark as fast as a Kindle

High-fiber diet may help thwart colon cancer

Most smokers want to quit, CDC report finds

Four types of diabetes

Getting Louder in the Call for an AIDS-Free Generation

Wal-Mart considers expanding healthcare services at its clinics

Cancer treatment shows promise for rapid weight loss

Religious services prevent depression? What new study says

McHenry County reports outbreak of whooping cough

+Baby born at 11:11 am on 11/11/11

Regulators warn of magnets marketed as desk toys, stress relievers

Support for Our Troops in the Palm of Your Hand: Apps for Veterans

Google Corrals Katango to Automate Google+ Circles - Messaging and Collaboration - News & Reviews -

More than 50-per-cent decline in elephants in eastern Congo due to human conflict: UBC research « UBC Public Affairs

Hepatitis B Vaccination in Younger Diabetes Patients - YouTube

12 Triggers: from "Globalization" to World Government - Update at Nov 2011 - YouTube

The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’ |

9 Ways The Hijacked Federal Government Is Waging War Against The American People |

Catherine Austin Fitts: Black budget and leveraged buyout of world using stolen money |


Dr. Burzynski's Cancer Research Institute Threatens Big Pharma - YouTube



Cancer Truth (


**Hoxsey Therapy - Wikipedia


Hoxsey Herbal Treatment(


Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime. alt. cancer cure( 1:23:32)




*9 PGS./History of Hoxsey Treatment

Film /Video

Hoxsey Cancer Cure(1:32:06)


*Cancer - The Forbidden Cures - YouTube


The Truth Series: Cancer Therapy, Vitamin B17 Part 1

The Truth Series: Cancer Therapy, Vitamin B17 Part 2

The Truth Series: Cancer Therapy, Vitamin B17 Part 3

The Truth Series: Cancer Therapy, Vitamin B17 Part 4

The Truth Series: Cancer Therapy, Vitamin B17 Part 5

*12 Nov.

American Minute for November 12th

November 12th This Day in History

November 12 Events in History

Today in History: November 12

This Day in History for 12th November

Today in History: November 12

November 12th in History

Today in History for November 12th - YouTube


The Manning Report – 11 November 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-11, Friday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-10, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-09, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-08, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-07, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-06, Sunday

11/11 The Mark Levin Show

11-11.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-12-11

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-11-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-11-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-12-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-12-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-11-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-11-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-11-11 Hr 3

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, November, 11, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/11/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/10/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/09/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/08/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/07/2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 10th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2


The Prophecy Of Jesus About Obama And Oprah Winfrey - YouTube

The Prophecy Of Jesus About Obama And Oprah Winfrey Pt.2 - YouTube

The Prophecy of Jesus About Obama and Oprah Winfrey Pt. 3 - YouTube

The Prophecy of Jesus About Obama and Oprah Winfrey Pt. 4 - YouTube

The Prophecy of Jesus About Obama and Oprah Winfrey Pt. 5 - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:Bill Press: ‘No Difference’ Between Herman Cain And Penn State Coach Sandusky

Penn State And Nebraska Teams Pray Together For Child Sex Abuse Victims

Breitbart Exposes Michael Moore Hypocrisy; ‘He Preys On 99%’

Flashback: Biden Admits First Thing Obama Admin Did Was Call Jon Corzine For Economic Advice

BlogCon 2011 Interviews: Michelle Malkin, John Nolte, Ed Morrissey, Ben Howe, Kurt Schlichter and Tony Katz

Unfair And Imbalanced: NPR’s Taxpayer-Funded Hit Piece On Herman Cain

New York Media Celebrates #OccupyWallStreet Fashion Trendsetters

Denver Media Reports On #OWS Protests At BlogCon; Breitbart Bloggers Featured

#OccupySaltLake Shut Down After Body Discovered In Tent

#OccupyStLouis Stages Arrests

Kidnapped Baseball Player Rescued

Cat Caught On Cactus For Days

Cain: I Would Not Want To Be Romney’s VP

11th/Police: Homicide Suspect Was Living At #OccupyOakland

#OccupyPortland: If You Witness A Sexual Assault ‘Nobody Should Contact The Police’

#OccupyDenver Comes Back For More; Schooled By Conservative Bloggers At BlogCon

Official BreitbartTV Footage: #OccupyDenver Silenced At #BlogCon11

Sick: Elderly Man Attacked On Chicago Transit Platform

WORLDS COLLIDE – BreitbartTV Enters The Howard Stern Universe

UPDATED: #OccupyDenver Crashes Conservative Blogger Conference; Bloggers Chant ‘Breitbart’ As Security Moves In

#OccupyPortland Protester Gets High ‘Anywhere And Everywhere’ To Protest War On Drugs

#OccupyLA Protester: ‘I Have No Problem Dismembering Anybody’

ACORN Was Exonerated?

#OccupySaltLake Protester Found Dead

Bill Whittle To #OccupyWallStreet: Grow Up

Abramoff: Congress Members Took Part In Insider Trading

#OccupyPortland: Hell No, We Won’t Go! ‘Call Everybody In The Union’

#OccupyDC Mom Who Used Kids To Blockade Door Says She Doesn’t Regret It

‘Fiancée’ Of Cain Accuser Not Really ‘Fiancée’

Holder Sends ‘Fast And Furious’ Apology Letter To Media Before Murdered Agent’s Family

Baldwin Trashes Reagan

Owning It: Rick Perry Reads Top 10 List On ‘Letterman’

10th/Surfer Claims 90 Foot Record Wave

Pelosi Falsely Claims GOP Would’ve Filibustered Her Budget

9th/In Zeal To Bash GOP, NBC’s ‘Reverend’ Sharpton Takes Issue With Biblical Teaching

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