A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

09 October 2011

9 OCT.

Poverty is the worst form of violence.


Mere Protest is for Wimps; Revolutionaries Are Into Taking Power — How Occupy Wall Street Can Create a General Strike to Dump Obama «

Values Voter straw poll organizers suggest a fix in Ron Paul's win - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Libya News Updates October 8 - YouTube



* El Hierro on the brink? 9,300 tremors have rattled the island since July | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust (Part 5): The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse

California allows college aid to illegal immigrants - Yahoo! News - Did Rothschild Blackmail UK To Aid Israel in 1956?

U.S. drones that killed American Al Qaeda boss 'infected by virus' amid fears terrorists are logging their every move | Mail Online

Call For More Research Into MRSA In Retail Ground Meats

An entire system of global trade is at risk - Telegraph

Occupy Wall Street: The Class War & The Nationalist Solution - Los Angeles Nonpartisan |

Ron Paul Wins Straw Poll; Cain 2nd - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: United Nations Urged to Ban Mercury in Vaccines

PressTV - 'Israeli agents operate in Argentina'

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Stop The Machine Occupies Washington

Orrin Hatch says Occupy Wall Street rallies will turn to ‘riots’ | The Salt Lake Tribune

Insight - Occupy Wall St, the start of a new protest era? | Reuters

Washington threatens UNESCO funding for overture to Palestinians - Telegraph

Anti-Defamation League Assails Palestinian UN Membership

Russia tells Assad regime to reform or go - Telegraph

Robert Fisk: Jerusalem can do strange things to your sanity - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Managing identity - Northumbria University, Newcastle UK

The Big Empty Wasteland of Indefinable Angst. Visible Origami

Why Syria and Turkey Gird for War :: Daniel Pipes

US: Haqqani Nightmares | Opinion Maker

US: The Five Macro Crises of Our Times | Opinion Maker

Alabama immigration threat: prove your legal status or lose water supply | World news |

Feds announce Calif. pot dispensary crackdown | World news | The Guardian

Robust Romney says 'unique US' should be ready to act alone - Americas, World - The Independent

Comet Elenin—the Debate that Never Happened |

UFO over Missouri - YouTube

Some Kansas City UFO sightings identified; others remain unknown - National ufo |

Missouri MUFON: 'Kansas City UFO flap continues' - National ufo |

STAR Team deployed: More Kansas City UFO witnesses file reports - National ufo |

Kansas City UFO: Object was 'hovering over the highway' - National ufo |

New Missouri witness: 'Object so close you could touch it' - National ufo |

'Gigantic' boomerang UFO reported low over Missouri's I-70 - National ufo |

UFO Traffic Report: Wednesday, October 5, 2011 - National ufo |

Two UFO reports describe 'unusual maneuvers' over Lees Summit, Missouri - National ufo |

The Washington Post: UFOs Hovered Over Nuclear Missile Sites

Satire:SNL's HPV Doll For Girls Ten And Under | MRCTV


*U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill


*Winter 2011-2012: Brutal for the Midwest, Great Lakes


44 min./The Ultimate Revolution | by Aldous Huxley - YouTube


Electric bills to increase across the US — RT

Private pensions worth 30% less than three years ago | Money |

France and Germany set for crisis talks on eurozone banks - Telegraph

Fitch downgrades Italian and Spanish debt ratings - Telegraph

It's time we ignored Moody's, Fitch and Standard & Poor's - Telegraph

Chavez to seize homes and hotels for the poor on idyllic Los Roques - Americas, World - The Independent

Lava Builds in Alaska Volcano, May Threaten Planes - ABC News

Psychiatric Drug Facts with Dr. Peter Breggin - Judge: Prozac Turned Teen into Murderer

Doctors More Deadly Than Street Gangs | Political Crush

Moon contains a treasure trove of valuable titanium ores, claim scientists analysing lunar surface | Mail Online

Nebraska governor asks Clinton to reroute oil pipeline - Yahoo! News

Clearing up Fukushima (Video) | Australian Cannonball Nuclear News – Debunking nuclear energy one post at a time…

Residents of Japanese town contaminated by Fukushima refuse to return - The Globe and Mail

Roy Tov: Detaining Democracy

» Occupy Wall Street Affiliated With Professional Revolutionary Organization OTPOR (CIA) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Turkey Fails At NATOs Syrian Fandango - YouTube

Assassinating the Constitution

Occupy Wall St – Systemic Change Please | ZeroHedge

RATO NATO Rats Suffered Heavy Losses in Sirte Libya Libia Libye Libyen.- YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : BBC Speechless As Trader Tells Truth: "The Collapse Is Coming...And Goldman Rules The World"

The Nasty Truth about America!! - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Wins Values Voter Summit Straw Poll

p m carpenter's commentary: From Huntsman to Paul

Is Clint Eastwood intent on outing John Edgar Hoover? - Features, Films - The Independent

COINTELPRO; FBI Activities in Hollywood

9/11 Masterminds - Explosive Connections - YouTube

Activist Post: Psychological Food Advertisements Influence Children more than Parents

End The FED Must Merge With Occupy Wall Street | Video Rebel's Blog

Activist Post: The invisible surveillance state: DHS and the end of America as we know it

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy

Americans Rise Up Against 10-Year War for Profit

Daily Kos: Conservative Magazine Brags of its Agent Provocateur's Role in Provoking Police Action in D.C.

Alexander Higgins Speech On Why #OccupyTrenton Was Launched As Part Of #OccupyWallStreet

Alexander Higgins Speech On Why #OccupyTrenton Was Launched As Part Of #OccupyWallStreet - YouTube

Bush’s Actions In Middle East Typified American Policy | Veterans Today

Lone Star Watchdog: Photos From Occupy Houston and The Federal Reserve Oct 8, 2011

Lone Star Watchdog: My Experience Occupying the Houston Federal Reserve Bank October 8, 2011

Romney & Obama: Carbon Copies - YouTube

OWS interview What Really Happened on the Brooklyn Bridge? - YouTube


Occupy Honolulu - the crowd starts to gather! - YouTube

PressTV - US protests spread to 1,000 cities

Romney Picks Notorious Neocon as Lead Foreign Policy Adviser :

Pastor Manning: 'Obama's pure, unadulterated Evil' - YouTube



TSX - You're more broke then you think! - YouTube

Activist Post: Peace and Liberty Popular: Ron Paul Dominates in Values Straw Poll

The Night Umbrellas Became Illegal in Seattle | Step Forward: Progressive LGBT Politics -

Red Tape - Chaos Computer Club: German gov't software can spy on citizens

State Department prepares for Iraq operation

Israel's Nuclear Weapons

How COINTELPRO really works and destroys social movements: Open letter from former Tea Partier to Occupy Wall Street protesters -- Puppet Masters --

Paul Balles: Suppressing the Truth | Intifada Palestine

IRS sharing taxpayers' personal info with foreign nations - National Law Enforcement |

The WSJ's Evan Newmark, A Former Goldman Sachs Executive, Thinks Wall Street Protesters Are Buffoons - Home - The Daily Bail

Beck: ‘The violent left is coming to kill, to bankrupt, to destroy’ | The Raw Story

Mainstream Media Biased Coverage of ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Demonstrations | Veterans Today

VIDEO - Ron Paul Speaks On The Wall Street Protests - Home - The Daily Bail

Occupy Wall Street: “We Will NOT Be Co-Opted”


Romney presents vision of dominant America - World -

11 Facts You Need To Know About The Nation’s Biggest Banks | ThinkProgress

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "United States Continues To Kill Civilians" Taliban Grows Stronger!

The Big Empty Wasteland of Indefinable Angst. Visible Origami

Mosque Torching: When Extremist Attacks Against Arabs Cross the Green Line | Intifada Palestine

China 'faces subprime credit bubble crisis' - Telegraph

Chinese sceptics see global warming as US conspiracy

FBI Director Mueller: Anti-Muslim Training Was Isolated - YouTube


Occupy Wall Street: Is it becoming your father’s – even grandfather’s – movement? -

Afghanistan is losing time for a peaceful solution – and the Taliban know it | World news | The Guardian

Project Mindwake: Romney would up defense aid to Israel, and raise the U.S. military profile near Iran

The Regime Concocted Occupy Wall Street to Target Mitt Romney - The Rush Limbaugh Show

'Anarchy' in America: Occupy Wall Street spreads nationwide - YouTube

Anti-Defamation League Assails Palestinian UN Membership |

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11 - YouTube

(DV) Parenti: The Super Rich Are Out of Sight

Romney Calls for a Century of American Dominance -- News from

Obama Marks Decade in Afghanistan With False Statements on Wars -- News from

The Intercept: Security Expert: U.S. 'Leading Force' Behind Stuxnet

Turkey ready for war with Syria: Turkish FM (UPDATE 2) - Trend

AFP: Pentagon chief hails 'effective' Libya air war

Cenk Uygur: Corporate media tried to ignore Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

War drones keep flying despite computer virus | Reuters

Afghanistan war marks 10 years and a decade of failure | Mail Online

#OccupyWallStreet: Yom Kippur Celebration in Support of Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

BBC News - Yemen's Ali Abdullah 'to step down within days'

Fraudsters smell a chance to make money even in Steve Jobs' death - The Economic Times

How Mitt Romney made his huge fortune - Boston Globe expose

Palestine in 2 minutes - YouTube

More Molten Metal Filmed Within WTC 2 Before Its Collapse? - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Protest "This Isn't A Joke! Media Would Be Well Advised To Take This Seriously" - YouTube

The Intercept: Holder Claims to Have Ignored at least 5 Memos on 'Fast and Furious'

Third plane over WTC after 2nd attack - 9112001.wmv - YouTube

Drug overdose suspected in Chicago death of former Weezer bassist - Chicago Sun-Times

NTC Fighters Capture Parts of Gadhafi Stronghold of Sirte | News | English

Yemenis shrug off Saleh's talk of stepping down - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Anti-Arab Vandalism Mars Jewish High Holy Day, Netanyahu Condemns | News | English

Poland Holds General Election | Europe | English

Jiang Zemin Re-emerges in China -

Amanda Knox: The untold story - 48 Hours - CBS News

Afghan Civilians Bear the Brunt of War Casualties | News | English

US ambassador to Philippines apologises for sex tourism remark | World news |

Cain: Wall St. protesters playing victim card - CBS News

GOP rivals: Romney's Mormon faith off-limits in campaign

Statistics: Missouri baby unlikely taken by stranger - Chicago Sun-Times

Top Republican sees possible compromise on corporate taxes -

Mother killed by train after freeing 2-year-old stuck on tracks [Updated] -

Dream Act could give $14.5 million to illegal-immigrant students -

Man ditches plane into ocean off coast of Hawaii after running out of gas - CNN

The Associated Press: Mass. church shot during Revolution gets overhaul

Issa Eyes Political Connections That Drove Loan Approvals Like Solyndra | Fox News

Autos Insider | Chicago mayor: No auto industry if Romney had been president | The Detroit News

Wis. family accused of leaving protector to die - CBS News

Report: Computer virus hits military drone program |

GOP looking at Holder over 'Fast and Furious'

SNL's Mitt Romney fields questions from dissatisfied fund-raisers

Is Alabama immigration law creating a 'humanitarian crisis'? -

The Associated Press: Unemployed seek protection against job bias

Secret U.S. Memo Made Legal Case to Kill a Citizen -

Medical News: Feds Seek to Curb Calif. Medical Marijuana Industry - in Public Health & Policy, Public Health from MedPage Today

Superenergetic Crab Pulsar Gamma Rays Puzzle Scientists - International Business Times

Judge Denies Astronaut's Motion to Dismiss Moon Camera Lawsuit |

Knocking on Heaven’s Door — By Lisa Randall — Book Review -

GM “Autopsy” Teams Do Forensic Research on the Chevrolet Cruze - Auto Loan Daily

Huge New Dinosaur Trackway Found in U.S.

BBC News - Venus springs ozone layer surprise

China launches its first space lab module

'If the God particle exists we will find it by next year,' says CERN boss | Mail Online

Ex-Beatle McCartney says I Do for third time | Reuters

'SNL': Watch Zoolander and Stefon on 'Weekend Update' | Reuters

Michael Jackson’s children appear at tribute show - Chicago Sun-Times

BBC News - US virtuoso pianist Roger Williams dies aged 87

"Severe mistake" could doom Conrad's defense – In Session - Blogs

Zsa Zsa Gabor, 94, Recovering After Being Rushed To Hospital | Fox News

Free Times: Tales from the Script

Presidential race loses fizz for Tea Party | Reuters

Rosie O’Donnell on her OWN terms -

'Scenic' Wild West ghost town bought by Filipino church for less than $800k | Mail Online

Review: Offline Gmail app good for casual use –

Google Releases Chrome Desktop-Sharing Feature | PCWorld

AllGov - News - Homeland Security Testing “Pre-Crime” Detection Technology

Herman Cain steps up attacks on Occupy Wall Street protests -

Volcker Rule Will Hit Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley Hardest - Forbes

4 generator failures hit US nuclear plants |

What Banks and Lenders Know About You From Social Media - Yahoo! News

Huge Solyndra Email Dump Implicates Senior Obama Officials In Bankruptcy Scandal

'J. Edgar Hoover was NOT gay!': | Mail Online

**G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America


Fast and Furious weapons found in Mexico cartel enforcer's home -

Obama administration asks court to BLOCK controversial Alabama immigration law | Mail Online

Think An American Economic Resurgence Is Imminent? Don’t Be Stupid, Warns Goldman -

Did Foreigners Bail Out The US Stock Market… By Dumping $56 Billion In Treasurys? -

Assange: Superpower takeover of Libya a lesson to world -

Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve - Now What? -

An entire system of global trade is at risk - Telegraph

"United States Continues To Kill Civilians" Taliban Grows -

Russia Today - Anarchy' in America: Occupy Wall Street spreads nationwide -

Before It's News

Afghanistan 'risks turning into civil war' - Telegraph

FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service - Nextgov

Medical-pot users fuming over ATF's gun-sale ban - Washington Times

Ron Paul Wins Values Voters Straw Poll! - YouTube

Ron Paul Printing More Money Is NOT the Solution - YouTube

AP: Obama Proposes New Rules for Phone Debt Collectors

+Prison » Occupy The Fed: Dallas – All The Videos From Last Night’s Protest

Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 2/2 - YouTube

Russia's Medvedev echoes Stalin in party exhortation | Reuters

Red Tape - Chaos Computer Club: German gov't software can spy on citizens

Chinese sceptics see global warming as US conspiracy

» OWS in Danger: Socialist Groups Aim to Hijack Movement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hope for Occupy Wall Street? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Conclusive link now admitted: swine flu vaccine causes chronic nervous system disorders Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s Good Cop/ Bad Cop deal with the Republicans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Wins 2011 Values Voter Summit Straw Poll Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul: Wars Are Biggest Threat to Families - ABC News

» Another 29 Airports Will Irradiate Passengers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MEXICO: News of another U.S. gun-tracking program stirs criticism -

ATF Officials Reassigned as Fast and Furious Continues to Derail

Secret U.S. Memo Made Legal Case to Kill a Citizen -

» Father of Reaganomics to American Youth: Leave the Country Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Secret US Memo Made Legal Case to Kill Citizen

Panetta Acknowledges Open Secret – Drones

US Drug Policy May Be Imposed Globally

Ground-Breaking President?

Pentagon Ties You Don't Know About

Taliban Says 'Victory Is With Us'

No Law Binds King Obama

CIA: Detainee's Torture Drawings, Writings to Remain Top Secret

Congress Grills FBI Chief About Anti-Islam Training

Ron Paul: War Undermines Family

Editor admits to ‘infiltrating’ D.C. protest to undermine ‘Occupy’ movement

Cain calls Occupy Wall Street ‘anti-American’

Removing copyright restrictions can decrease piracy: study

U.S. Executive Order Cracks Down on Classified Leaks - Defense News

EU approves Microsoft's Skype takeover — EUbusiness - legal, business and economic news from Europe and the EU

Look: Giant Spy Blimp Dwarfs an 18-Wheeler | Danger Room |

The Not-So-Great Game - By Alexander Benard and Eli Sugarman | Foreign Policy

Chinese think tank also serves as spy arm - Washington Times

Scalia Criticizes Scope of Federal Drug Laws |

DailyTech - DHS Testing "Minority Report"-Like Pre-Crime Unit

Author Exposes U.S. Gov’t Cluelessness, Gets Persecuted by U.S. Gov’t

Tanning beds may be even riskier than thought -

A Hare-Raising Tale: Couple Fined $4M | American Free Press

‘Squatters’ Prevail if Bankers Unable to Produce Original Note | American Free Press

Time Capsule Found At Former Bellevue Hospital Medical College « CBS New York

NATO's War in Libya: Protecting to Kill, Killing to Protect...

VIDEO: "The Revolution Business": "Occupy Wall Street" Affiliated With "Professional Revolutionary Organization" OTPOR (CIA)

Debt Deflation in Europe and America

Bush's Middle East Wars In Keeping With Historic U.S. Patterns, Historian Says

Corporate-financier dominated Western media attempts to Wish-away "Occupy the Fed" Movement

The Eurozone Crisis: Disruptions of Financial Markets Worldwide

Obama’s Very Real Death Panel: The CIA's Assassination Program

10-6-11: Peter Schiff - 5.6% Millionaire Surcharge Tax - YouTube

Obama's "Millionaire Tax" Collected Over Next Ten Years Will Plug 4 Months Worth Of Deficit - informationliberation

The Assassination Decider - informationliberation

Woman Photographs Cop Kicking Handcuffed Man Lying On Ground, Cop Seizes Her Camera, Deletes Evidence, Arrests Her & Files Charges Against Her: Lawsuit - informationliberation

Pinellas Libertarian won't get a driver's license and he won't stop driving

IRS Stingy With Whistleblower Payouts, Slow to Follow Up on Tips - Bloomberg

Cook County homeowners angry over property tax bills |

Remember When Obama Said He Would Stop the DEA's Raids on Oregon's Medical Marijuana Growers? Neither Does He. - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Feds to design health insurance for the masses - Yahoo! News

Obama fundraiser pushed Solyndra loan - Yahoo! News

Energy Department Wanted To Give More Money To Solyndra, Emails Show | Fox News

Flu Arsenal – Build Yours Now! by Margaret Durst

How to Get Rid of a Beer Belly | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

THE SPECTRE OF TRANSHUMANISM - Woodstock Sentinel Review - Ontario, CA

Life-like cells are made of metal - life - 14 September 2011 - New Scientist

National Air and Space Museum Closed After Protesters Swarm Building

Ron Paul Wins Value Voters Summit Straw Poll

George W. Bush: 'One of My Objectives Is to Make Sure' Americans Never Forget Our Troops

Limbaugh: 'Didn’t Know The Left Had Such Jealousy Of The Tea Party' |

CNN's Lemon: Bible Once Used to Promote Slavery, Now Used Against Gays |

Maher: If We 'Fire Every Southern Hillbilly Who Thinks Obama Is Like Hitler, Who Will Be Our Republican Congressmen?' |

Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined |

Kol Nidre at Occupy Wall Street: "Prayer is meaningless unless it is subversive"

"Occupy" Participants Beware: Agents Provocateur Like The One at Air Space Museum Are Threat

GLOBAL REVOLT NOW: Occupy Wall Street: Egyptian Activist Goes 'From Liberation Square To Washington Square' (VIDEO)

Syria's Foreign Minister Warns Against Recognizing Opposition

China Marks Centennial End of Dynasty With New Call for Reunification

WHO: Treatment for Mental Health Inadequate and Under-funded

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”

Yemen's President Vows to Step Down Soon

Kazakhstan & launches of Russian ballistic missiles

Japan PM & Decades Old Abductions by North Korea

Pressure Grows for Holder's Resignation; Subpoenas Threatened

Grassley: Holder 'Stonewalling' on Fast and Furious

Holder Fires Back at 'Fast and Furious' Charges

Gunwalking Scandal at Last to Get Senate Review

Rep. Gosar: Holder Should Quit Over Fast-Furious

Rep. Gardner: Many Solyndra Questions Remain

Cain: Religious Debate Won't Solve Jobs Crisis

Rep. Ryan: Obama Stirs Unrest With Jobs Bill

Issa: We'll Subpoena Justice Officials in Gun Scam

FreedomWorks' Kibbe: We're Focusing on Senate

Family Values Group: Palin Will Help GOP in 2012

Ex-Beatle McCartney Serenades Heiress Bride

Pope Condemns Organized Crime in Southern Italy

Report: Energy Wanted to Give More to Solyndra

Emails Raise New Questions on Obama Energy Loan

Thrill-seekers to Run With the Bulls in Arizona

Trump: Unemployment Near Depression Levels

6 Foods to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Activist Post: Anti-war demonstrators attacked with pepper spray for protesting at tax payer-funded Air and Space Museum (Video)

Activist Post: Delusional NYC Mayor Bloomberg goes on the offensive against Occupy Wall Street

Activist Post: The invisible surveillance state: DHS and the end of America as we know it

Department Of Homeland Security Research Grant Aims to New Find Ways to Get the Public to Accept a Police State :

Activist Post: Secret memo 'justified' killing of US-born Awlaqi

Activist Post: The Shift

Activist Post: 10 Steps to Living a Strategic Life

CBP Interior Checkpoints being set-up violate the 1st and 4th Amendment | USWGO Alternative News

Activist Post: United Nations Urged to Ban Mercury in Vaccines

Activist Post: Peace and Liberty Popular: Ron Paul Dominates in Values Straw Poll

Activist Post: Holder hits back over Mexico arms scandal

Activist Post: Rise Up and Support the Real Revolution

FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service - Nextgov

Peru shaman murders investigated | World news | The Guardian


Natural Society(


12,000 Year Old Unexplained Advanced Structures At Gobekli Tepe | Before It's News

Japan Is Doomed So Is USA - Video | Before It's News

Elenin, To Fear? - Oct 18, 2011 Crosses Earth's Orbit | Before It's News

Earth's Supersun and Subsun, Two Suns Explained | Before It's News

David Wilcock: Personnel And Materials Mysteriously Removed From More Bases | Before It's News

Eric Holder Has Habit Of Lying Under Oath, Claim Critics | Before It's News

Video Gone Viral: Barack Obama's Legacy of Failure | Before It's News

Rahm On ‘Meet The Press’: No Questions About Solyndra

The Secret Space Conference 2011 - Peter Lavenda | Before It's News

Numerous Unmistakable Blood Vessels in Meteorite NWA 6075 | Before It's News

New 9/11 Documentary Presented In Person By Richard Gage, AIA | Before It's News

What Will Happen On December 21st 2012 | Before It's News

James Hoffa Jr. Defends Occupy Wall Street. | Before It's News

American Spectator Writer "Infiltrates" OWS | Before It's News

What Are White Supremacists Saying About Herman Cain? | Before It's News

Postal Service Succeeds in Reducing Energy Use | Before It's News

So Obama Said...."What Wall Street did was immoral, but it wasn't illegal" | Before It's News

Eric Holder Repeats His Lies | Before It's News

Dear Dirty America: Al-Assad Hires NYPD Inspector Anthony Bologna to Go Nuts on Syrian Protesters


20 min./Moveon and Occupy need to Move on EXPOSED! - YouTube


Obama Facebook Intimidation Page - YouTube

Conservative Writer Admits ‘Infiltrating’ 99 Percent Movement To ‘Mock And Undermine’ It | ThinkProgress

11 Facts You Need To Know About The Nation’s Biggest Banks | ThinkProgress

Wallace Disses 99 Percent Movement - YouTube

Fast and Furious weapons found in Mexico cartel enforcer's home -

Romney Criticizes Obama at Military College | The Weekly Standard

My Way News - Christians fear Islamist pressure in Egypt

Oprah Winfrey's television network plans relaunch after viewers drift away - Telegraph

Occupy Wall Street Protests Spread Across the Country With No Clear Unified Message - ABC News

Solyndra e-mails: Warnings of legality came from within Obama administration - The Washington Post

Rahm Emanuel: I Don't Know About Solyndra Loan

UPDATE 1-Dalai Lama: China is built on lies, run by hypocrites | Reuters

Teen Girl Says Porn Addiction Led To Burglary | The Smoking Gun

Amanda Owens, 18, 'stole cash from neighbour to fund porn addiction' | Mail Online

Russia's Medvedev echoes Stalin in party exhortation | Reuters

US protesters clash with guards at Washington museum - Yahoo! News

Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis! - YouTube

Chavez slams "horrible repression" of U.S. protests - Yahoo! News

Assange, Jemima Khan lead Afghanistan protest in London

Cops find 3 year old in stolen car with BB gun; - Flash Player Installation

Sony Pictures Acquiring New Steve Jobs Biography For Major Feature Film –

Steve Jobs' final wish: to get to know his children before it was too late - Americas, World - The Independent

What Everyone Is Too Polite to Say About Steve Jobs

*Audio Page:Peter B. Collins & Sibel Edmonds Unplugged & on Fire – Boiling Frogs Podcast Show #60

Audio Page:Podcast Show #59 – The Boiling Frogs Presents Bill Bergman

9/11: Enhanced WTC1 Video (NIST FOIA - CBS-Net Dub6 04) - YouTube

9/11: Enhanced WTC1 Video (NIST FOIA - CBS-Net Dub6 04) - YouTube

2 Parts:Civil Unrest and Economic Chaos: The End Result Of Our Fiat Currency System – John Rubino |

Keiser Report: Price Propaganda (E194) - YouTube

Conclusive link now admitted: swine flu vaccine causes chronic nervous system disorders – Mike Adams |

Bankers push World War III: First Libya, Syria Next - YouTube

» Romney Picks Notorious Neocon as Lead Foreign Policy Adviser Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Media Are Working to Tell Us Who We Want for President | Godfather Politics

Ron Paul Gets Targeted by Banksters - YouTube

Did Ron Paul Stuff the Ballot Box? - Lindsey Boerma -

Ron Paul: What If? (speech on House floor 2/12/09) - YouTube


*Articles:Occupy the Fed and Wall Street News 10-8-11 |


Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post ; BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 7, 2011

Peter B. Collins & Sibel Edmonds Unplugged & on Fire

Then There Were Two: Occupy Wall Street Splits Off Into Another Site

Jesse LaGreca Calls Out the Corporate Media for Ignoring the Working Class on This Week

Pelosi on This Week: I Didn't Hear Cantor Say Anything When Tea Party Was Spitting On Congress Members

AudioRep. Peter King Attacks OWS: We Must Stop Those Ragtag Mobs and Anarchists

Audio:The Professional Left Podcast: #OWS - The Glitch in the Matrix

Romney Gives Bush Neocons Another Chance

Public Sector Job Shrinkage Keeps Unemployment Numbers High

Liz Trotta Compares OWS Demands to the Unabomber Manifesto

What Does Obama Do With Occupy Wall Street?

Econ. 101: Alan Grayson Schools P.J. O'Rourke on OWS

Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg: Occupy Wall Street 'Trying To Destroy Jobs' Interviews Jesse LaGreca (The Guy Who Schooled Fox News)

In Alabama, It Goes Like This: No ID, No Water

City of Philadelphia Rolls Out The Welcome Mat For Occupy Philly

Bernie Madoff victims dying off before receiving payments -

Jerry Brown signs Dream Act for illegal immigrants

AG Holder Issues Fiery Response to Critics on ATF Gun Operation - ABC News

Illegal Cuban migration, after years of decline, is up again - Cuba -

Democrats aim to tax the rich – but who are they? -

Solyndra e-mails: Warnings of legality came from within Obama administration - The Washington Post

Freeloaders crashing Occupy Wall Street’s camp in Zuccotti Park -

Soros Loses Bid To Overturn Insider Trading Conviction | Fox News

Former Rep. Floyd Flake ‘looted’ black college Wilberforce University in Ohio, lawsuit charges -

EU loophole allows city ‘farmers’ to reap millions in subsidy harvest - Times Online

Rosalind Peterson -- US Navy to Conduct Massive Atmospheric Experimental Tests

Strange Clouds Spotted at the Edge of Space |

NASA Goes Full Stupid About Sea Level | Real Science

Got Truth, Think Truth | ATLAH Media Network

Steve Jobs/Bob Dylan | ATLAH Media Network

Ain’t No Way This Election Will Be Legal | ATLAH Media Network

Stop Abortion and Bastards Now | ATLAH Media Network

Negrophilia, The Way Forward | ATLAH Media Network

Where Do We Go From Here? Pt. 1 | ATLAH Media Network

Where Do We Go From Here? Pt. 2 | ATLAH Media Network

Republicans don't support all the troops

Debit Card Fees

A Glimpse into Obama’s World of Law, Justice & Media

The Palestinian Statehood Bid and US Aid to the Palestinian Authority

IER Identifies Coal-fired Powerplants Likely to Close

IER Identifies Coal Fired Power Plants Likely to Close as Result of EPA Regulations

Economics 101 vs. “Green Jobs”

7 Quadrillion Barrels of Oil – Down the Drain

Americans Get Stronger When The Odds Are Against Them!

New Bill Introduced to Roll Back Obama’s Anti-Business NLRB Rules

The transformation of government

The Fantastical World of Barack Obama and Liberal Reality

Is Barack a Petrified Political Fetus?

Soak the Rich

Will Warmists Face Justice for their Deceptions?

Obama is Top COP (Community Organizer President)

Obama Walks the Tight Rope Between Sure Defeat in 2012 and Possible Victory

A Disastrous Presidency

Fast and Furious in a Rotten Nutshell

Marxism versus the Middle Class

Defense and the Principle of Limited Government

Obama's English Teacher Fiction

The Republican 'Vision Thing'

An Interview with Former Senator Rick Santorum

Palin's Withdrawal Means Obama Wins

Holder hits bottom - keeps digging

Brown signs CA DREAM Act

In socialist Venezuela, air travel becomes a white-knuckle affair

Turning the tables on the left's 'racism' charges

Steyn on the 'Occupy Wall Street' protest

New study on surgery for seniors in the last year of life

Would Woody Allen cast Michelle Obama as Fielding Mellish's girlfriend?

200 suicide attackers planning action in Great Britain?

Syria warns international community not to recognize opposition

Air and Space Museum hit by Codepink protest

AZ sherrifs call for special counsel in Fast and Furious scandal

What the Hollywood left will do for money

Steve Jobs and the Adullamites Who Occupy Wall Street

The Killing of al-Awlaki and the Death of the Fifth Amendment

Why Can't Obama Be Like Tito?

Israel's Jewish Character Is Her Truth; the Rest Is Just Commentary

The American Revolution of 2012

Defeating Islamism at Home

Natural and Artificial Camaraderie

We Need Jobs, Not Another Jobs Speech by the President

Obama Ethics: Safer to Be a Golden-Winged Warbler than a Baby Human

Land of the Oppressed, Home of the Handout

Palestinians Stone Pregnant Woman’s Car While Rushing to Delivery |

Pastor Robert Jeffress Mormonism Cult | Rick Perry | Mitt Romney | Herman Cain Theologian in Chief | Video |

Courageous Movie Writer/Producer Stephen Kendrick Discusses New Christian Film | Video |

Al Sharpton Debates Whether Herman Cain is ‘Authentically Black’ |

Saturday Night Live Does Hank Williams Jr.‘s ’Hitler’ Comments | Video |

Gibson Guitar Concert Rally | Video | TheBlaze. - Flash Player Installation

Herman Cain On Occupy Wall St: ‘You Can Demonstrate All You Want on Wall Street, the Problem is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue’ | Video |

Did Ron Paul Supporters Stuff the Ballot Box at VVS? |

AP CIA and Special Ops Forces First In, Last Out of Afghanistan |

Arab Spring Veteran Hails Revolution in America |

President Bush Still Interacts With Troops Post-Presidency |

Hank Williams Will Be Replaced on MNF By Barry Sanders |

Occupy Atlanta Won’t Let John Lewis Speak | Video |

Blaze Interview Texas Senate Candidate Ted Cruz |

Makani Power Bests Wind Turbines With Flying Power | Video |

Have You Seen the Photo of the Wall Street Protester Defecating on a Cop Car? |

Bill Bennett Excoriates Pastor Robert Jeffress Called Mormonism a | Video |

Nanotechnology Delivering Impressive Science on the Small Scale | Video |

flashback:Newstalgia Reference Room - Mohandas Gandhi. | Newstalgia

A Nuclear Attack On Underground Military Bases?

Different Subliminal Techniques

Is The Government Stockpiling Food For An Upcoming Crisis?

Canada’s Experiment: A Town With Guaranteed Income

Global Collapse - YouTube

50 Steve Jobs Quotes on Life, Leadership and the Future of Apple | InvestingAnswers

10 Warren Buffett Facts You Won't Believe Are True | InvestingAnswers

Pajamas Media » ObamaCare Is Likely To Die a Painful Death

Pajamas Media » Gunwalker: Fast Leaks, Furious Congressmen

Panama, Colombia, Korea: It's getting worse

Video facts and logic becoming abortionists' nightmare

Pro Libertate: Abolish the Police, Arm the Citizens: The "Sagra Model" of Privatized Security

Joseph Stiglitz on The Federal Reserve and Bilderberg Group - Max Keiser

The Fascist Threat by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

The Greatest Antiwar Ad Ever Seen

Webster Tarpley : Soros hijacking the Occupy Walstreet Movement | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Homeless Reality in America.. Where they gonna live? FEMA CAMPS? | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Is Congress refusing to stop the Obama syndicate crimes?

Rick Perry's real crony capitalism problem -- illegal immigration

TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter

» Why Unhappy People Become Liberals - Big Government

'UFO Phil' Plans To Build UFO Gas Station On Alcatraz Island

Strange lights over Phoenix really UFO? - Technology & science -

Could Blasts from Cosmic Collisions Destroy Life on Earth? | Gamma-Ray Bursts, Space Radiation & Earth Extinctions | Neutron Stars & Space Explosions | LiveScience

Kaydon and Layton Wood: The science behind our one black, one white twins | Mail Online

Life could exist inside a supermassive black hole, claims Russian cosmologist Vyacheslav Dokuchaev | Mail Online

The strange, glowing object that put Missouri on "UFO alert" this week

BBC News - 'Quadruple rainbow' caught on film for the first time

Dinosaur Tracks Found in Arkansas Cover 2 Football Fields, Made by Predator Similar to Tyrannosaurus rex - ABC News

Google Sues Itself With A Little Help From Intellectual Ventures | Betabeat — News, gossip and intel from Silicon Alley 2.0.

BBC News - Six ways to never get lost in a city again

Let's be Clear: I didn't invent Bitcoin - The Irish Times - Sat, Oct 08, 2011

Why Scientific Progress Sometimes Goes Boink | Wired Science |

Cosmic Log - Neutrinos spark wild scientific leaps

Media puts its Bigfoot in it Yeti again: it's abominable

Inside U.S. and Iranian Competition

Coming Soon - The Drone Arms Race -

Unmanned aerial warfare: Flight of the drones | The Economist

If capitalism does fail, the alternative is far, far worse - Telegraph

Asia Times Online :: Haqqani: Military or political solution?

US military strategy causes rift between wartime success and international diplomacy - The China Post

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: Has anyone seen the U.S. in the Mideast?

America's free-trade abdication - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

To Rule the Arctic’s Waves, U.S. Can’t Waive the Rules: View - Bloomberg

High-Frequency Stock Trading Catches Regulators’ Eyes -

Social Security Personal Accounts Are A Path To Prosperity - Forbes

Why your company (probably) can't innovate - Fortune Management

What a Collapse of the Chinese Real Estate Bubble Will Mean for the World - TIME

A lending model that could alleviate poverty - Thomas Kostigen's Impact Investor - MarketWatch

Romney as the anti-Obama commander in chief - Right Turn - The Washington Post

GOP moves to ensure secret ballot union elections « Hot Air

11 Facts You Need To Know About The Nation’s Biggest Banks | ThinkProgress

Jobs or Economic Growth?

Why the Washington Establishment is Heeding Occupy Wall Street | Swampland |

Tea Party to Scott Brown: Good luck with that election, buddy « Hot Air

The Death Panel | ThinkProgress

How Congress’s Showdown With China Puts Obama in a Serious Bind - Brookings Institution

Obama Fundraiser Pushed Solyndra Deal From Inside - ABC News

Desperately Seeking Someone -

RealClearPolitics - A Second Term for Obama Would Make the United States Go as California Has Gone

How George Will Misunderstands Both Elizabeth Warren And Liberalism | The New Republic

Obama, the loner president - The Washington Post Free Trial - compliments of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

The Root-and-Branch Candidate - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

The Legacy of Anita Hill, Then and Now | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Anti-Capitalist Nostrums Demoralizing to the Economy

Mad as hell, at the corporate powers that be - The Washington Post

Bill Clinton: How to fix the economy - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Who will the GOP nominate for president? -

Appoint a special prosecutor for Fast & Furious--Editorial -

The financial crisis: without demand, the economy is doomed | Observer editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

Doubling Down On Solyndra -

RealClearPolitics - GOP Race Begins on Tuesday

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Economic Burden

Electoral college reform and tilting the presidential balance - The Washington Post

More Bogus Solyndra Defenses | The Daily Caller

Read His Lips: New Taxes | The Weekly Standard

The fight against climate change is down to us – the 99% | Naomi Klein | Comment is free | The Guardian

American Autumn - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - The Quiet American

Matthew Kaminski: The Big Easy's School Revolution -


**8th/World VideoGates Warns of Civilian-Military Gap in United States

**Politics Video:Emanuel: "Understandable Sense Of Frustration" From American People

"This Week" Roundtable On Occupy Wall Street Protests

Paul Ryan: "I Worry About Getting People To Become Successful"

Pelosi On "Occupy" Protests: Cantor Wasn't Mad When Tea Party Was "Spitting" On Congressmen

"Meet The Press" Roundtable: Is Republican Field Set?

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Developments In 2012 Race

Herman Cain: Occupy Wall Street Protests Are "Anti-American" And "Coordinated"

Rep. Issa Issues New Subpoena On Fast And Furious On "FOX News Sunday"

Pelosi: Scott Brown "Clueless" About His Contempt For Women

Dem Congressman Keith Ellison: Regulations Create Jobs

"Saturday Night Live" Satirizes Hank Williams Jr.'s Nazi Remark

8th/"FOX News Watch" On Obama Scandals And The Media

Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis

Obama Weekly Address: GOP Needs To "Prove" My Plan Won't Work

Lawrence O'Donnell And Panel Discuss Cain Interview

Grayson: I'll Be Spokesman For Unemployed, Uninsured

Evan Thomas: Occupy Wall Street A Sign Of Certain "Civil Unrest"

Thune Gives GOP Weekly: Jobs Plan Is A Political Plan

Bashir: GOP Doesn't "Want To Hear From A Black Man Who Is Aggressive, Assertive & Angry"

**News Videos:Rahm On ‘Meet The Press’: No Questions About Solyndra

Sarah Palin Wows Attendees At ‘Defending The Republic’ Event

Maher: GOP ‘Denying Racism Is The New Racism’

Obama’s Weekly Address: GOP Needs To ‘Prove’ My Plan Won’t Work

‘Anna Rexia’ Halloween Costume Stirs Controversy

NTC Fighters Battle To Take Control Of Sirte

8th/Defecate Wall Street: Protesters Trash Gotham; Defecate On NYPD Car

Occupy Atlanta Mob Refuses To Allow Civil Rights Hero John Lewis To Speak

Military Cadets Cheer Romney After Slamming Obama

NBC News’ Bashir Attacks Herman Cain During Eulogy For Civil Rights Leader Fred Shuttlesworth

Bashir: Republican’s ‘Do Not Want to Hear From a Black Man Who’s Aggressive, Assertive, Angry’

Perry On The Attack: Web Video Says Obama and Romney Are ‘Carbon Copies’

Feds Announce Calif. Pot Dispensary Crackdown

Girl Goes Six Years Without Keeping Food Down

7th/Sharpton Falsely Labels Herman Cain A Birther

Sick Of Media Comparing ‘Occupy Wall Street’ To Tea Party? Watch This

Biden In 2005 On Senate ‘Nuclear Option’: ‘I Pray To God’ Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power

West Open To Veep Job

Obamanomics: Unemployment Stays At 9.1%

Fox News’ Stossell: More Widespread Pigford Fraud Exposed

St. Louis Cardinal’s Secret Weapon: ‘Rally Squirrel’

Michael Reagan On Obama Administration: ‘I’m Getting Tired Of Everybody Quoting Ronald Reagan’

Occupy Sacramento Protesters Have No Idea Why They’re There; Badger Reporter For Asking Questions

Jon Stewart’s Feud With Seth MacFarlane Exposed

Breitbart Comments On How WH Handled Reporters Digging Into Fast And Furious Story

Boehner: Obama Has Given Up On Governing And Started Campaigning

DC Organizer Admits to Paying ‘Occupy DC’ Protesters

Taxi Driver: Passenger Choked Me, Bit My Ear

6th/DOE Bureaucrat In Charge Of Solyndra Loan Resigns

Obama: Solyndra Was ‘Bet’ Program Set Up By Congress

Obama: Holder ‘Was Not Aware Of What Was Happening In Fast & Furious’

At National Press Club, Pigford Attorney Publicly Reveals Conspiracy to Defraud Federal Government

NBC News’ Bashir Viciously Bashes Palin While Praising Steve Jobs

MSNBC’s Schultz Ends Interview; Ratigan Not Supporting Obama Enough

Rush: Obama Setting Up Riots

Cavuto Challenges Kucinich’s Occupy Wall Street Support: ‘Why Didn’t You Celebrate The Tea Party?’

5th/Rummy On The Offensive With Al Jazeera Interviewer

Knox: ‘Thank You for Being There for Me’

How The EPA’s Green Tyranny Is Stifling America

Issa To AG Holder: Admit You Knew About Fast & Furious

Steve Jobs Dead

Cain To ‘Occupy Wall St’ Protesters: ‘If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’

Apple Unveils Faster, More Powerful iPhone

Rep. West To Samuel L. Jackson: The Racism Is Coming From White House

National Cathedral To Reopen Nov. 12 After Repairs

4th/Europe Delays Greek Bailout Cash

Knox Leaves Italy To Head Home To US

Energy Sec Chu Responds To Solyndra Critics: ‘There Are All Sorts Of People Who Have Wonderful 20/20 Hindsight’

Biden Doesn’t Know Van Jones; ‘Whoever He Is’

Socialist Senator Braces Bernanke On ‘Wealth Gap’

F-35B First Vertical Landing At Sea

NBC News’ Brian Williams: GOP Candidates ‘Running Far To The Right,’ Can’t Be ‘Shocking Enough’

‘You’re a Bum, Jew’; Man Berated By ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protester

Man Charged in Terror Plot Pleads Not Guilty

3rd/Amanda Knox Freed

President Obama Claims Steve Jobs Gave Him An iPad ‘Early’

Rush Agrees: Breitbart Report On Obama Marching With Black Panthers Shows Hypocrisy Of Media, President

2nd/How a Great War with Dana Perino Was Averted

29th/Crony Capitalism: A Concise History of Obama’s Solyndra Scandal


Jobs’s Death Leaves Hollywood Without Trusted Tech Envoy - Businessweek

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Firearms in Pop Music: A Second Amendment Mix Tape

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Trailer Talk: Reitman and Cody Reunite for ‘Young Adult’

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » The Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Prom Night of Issur Danielovitch AKA Kirk Douglas

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Red And Buried’ Excerpt: How A Few Decades Make Costumes Lose Their Luster

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » How Audience Apathy Kills Conservative Art

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Roseanne, the Red Queen

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Machine Gun Preacher’ Review: Butler Proves He’s More Than Just a Pretty Face

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Chris Christie Is SO Fat’ and the Hacky State of Political Stand-Up Comedy

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘The Ides of March’ Review: Clooney’s News Flash – Politics Isn’t Pretty

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Real Steel’ Review: Jackman Pulls No Punches

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Box Office Predictions: ‘Real Steel’ Tramples ‘Ides of March,’ ‘Courageous’ Draws Bigger Crowds

Riots erupt as Christians protest in Cairo, 6 dead

APNewsBreak: Univ. of Texas buys Coetzee archive

Unemployed seek protection against job bias

Rihanna finds her way to top of UK charts

'Unions' empower parents to push for reform

Germany, France reach agreement on Europe's banks

Presbyterian Church ordains first gay minister

Bachmann: debt ceiling fight kept her out of NH

Race, religion come to the fore in Republican race

Paul McCartney gets married in London

Zsa Zsa Gabor back in hospital

GM recalls Chevy Corvettes over rear hatch issue

Elton John Celebrates 3,000th Live Public Performance

Jeremy Paxman: 'I've always felt myself to be an outsider'

Gazans rally for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails

Unicef criticises Britain for jailing children over riots

Anti-Assad activists storm Syrian embassies in Europe

France votes for Socialist party's 2012 presidential candidate

Study reveals anti-Semitic sentiment in Argentine society

Congress must take care to fix the deficit

Iranian lashed 74 times for 'insult' to Ahmadinejad

Liam Fox says sorry over nature of relations with Adam Werritty

NewsBusted: Who Still Lives with Their Parents?

This Week In Tax-Exempt MMfA #FAIL

Tomorrow on This Week : Does Christiane Amanpour Challenge Nancy Pelosi’s Thoroughly Discredited Tea Party Smear?

Behar to Cain: GOP Hasn’t Been ‘Black Friendly’ for Centuries

The Truth About Chris Matthews’ Tea Party Paranoia

ABC News ‘Selectively Edits’ Occupy Wall Street Mob To Look Like Victims

Cartoon:It’s Our Call Now.

David Gregory: Obama Must 'Harness Anger' of Wall Street Protests, Combat 'Unfairness' in Economy | » Fox News’ Stossell: More Widespread Pigford Fraud Exposed

Politico's Evan Thomas: U.S. a 'Great Giant' That Was Going to 'Stomp on Somebody' After 9/11 |

Roger Ailes Looks Back On 15 Years Of Fox News | Fox News

Video: Jobs's Media Legacy -

Eric Holder: Incompetent or Malfeasant Ideologue?

Will This Post Stop The Wall St. Protest in Its Tracks?

Audio:John Lenczowski: Silencing the Voice of America

See No Jihad And Our Failed Pakistan Policy

Obama’s War On America’s Domestic Aircraft Industry

MPs Clear A Port-A-Potty

#OccupyAtlanta Protesters Object to Speech from Rep. John Lewis

‘Fast and Furious’ Guns Turn Up at Home of Drug Cartel Enforcer

Forecast: Another Recession Is Imminent

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Criticizes #OccupyWallSt

The More the Hippies Protest Wall Street, the Lower Obama’s Numbers Get

Costa Rica: Libertarian Paradise?

Local Residents, Businesses Want #OccupyWallSt to End

E-Mails: Obama Administration Ignored Legal Warnings On Solyndra Loan

Treasury Official Thought Solyndra Loan May Have Been Illegal

Democrat Raja for Congress Protests Tea Party with Communists

Why Unhappy People Become Liberals

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Running on Empty

Obama Urges Democrats to Pass Jobs Bill

Energy Department Wanted To Give More Money To Solyndra, Emails Show | Fox News

The San José Articles


9-Oct-11 World View

8-Oct-11 World View

7-Oct-11 World View

NEWS - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Most would take a pay cut to save workmates’ jobs

Wait 'til al-Qaida gets hold of some bugs!

Holder may have had fingers in 'Fast and Furious' for years

Obama pastor: Occupiers on Wall Street like Jesus

Boy Scouts infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood?

Meet the Obama link to Wall Street terror

What 2012 could mean to America's Muslim Brotherhood

Impeachment? Yes! But not for this

Maine couple wins wife carrying championship in Newry | Sun Journal

Imagine John Lennon really was a born-again conservative - Washington Times

Video - ALMA peers into the universe - The Age

Urbee: The world's first 'printed' car rolling off the 3D printing presses... | Mail Online

Saucy seaside postcards confiscated by police in 1950s finally revealed | Mail Online

Around the world in 60 seconds: Google introduces Helicopter View. No need to fasten seatbelts - Mail Online - Travel Chatter: The hottest holiday gossip

'New York from the Air' has fresh photos of an ever-evolving city | Best Places To Live In NY - New York Daily News

Ancient Greek city digitally recreated - Archaeology, Science - The Independent

Ancient Maya Road Let Villagers Flee Volcanic Death - Yahoo! News

Roger Williams, "Pianist to the Presidents," dies at 87 -

Steve Jobs had dark side, colleagues say - The West Australian

Steve Jobs' death: Is the world overreacting? - The Week

The way you hold your drink reveals key personality traits, claim psychologists - Telegraph

Babies know difference between right and wrong when they are just 15 months old | Mail Online

Is an obsession with natural birth putting mothers and babies in danger? | Mail Online

Teacher sacked over sex and race slurs wins five-year battle to clear her name - Telegraph

Huge silicone breast saves woman from husband's knife - English

Motorist caught using laptop, drinking and writing quiz answers at same time - Telegraph

Video vigilante fights Oklahoma prostitution with camera | Reuters

Police arrest man suspected of repeatedly defecating on school grounds |

gulfnews : Man beheads wife with an axe after bitter argument

Cop's Book Says Sean Combs, Suge Knight Ordered Tupac and Biggie Killings - Page 1 - News - Los Angeles - LA Weekly

Dalai Lama pokes fun at China slurs, slams censorship | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features

gulfnews : Happy couple commits suicide

Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Bryan: the story behind the photograph that shamed America - Telegraph

Airlines Weigh the Advantages of Using More Biofuel -

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Disingenuous ... deceitful ... ignorant' ;Rep. Price: Obama misleads nation with 'shameful class-warfare rhetoric' on economy


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Obama pastor: Occupiers on Wall Street like Jesus

Issa: Heads should roll over 'Fast and Furious'

Holder may have had fingers in 'Fast and Furious' for years

AG Holder Issues Fiery Response to Critics on ATF Gun Operation - ABC News

Symposium: Get off the d-mn plantation!

Yom Kippur Ends, Jews Prepare for Sukkot - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Baghdad Jews Urged to Flee Over WikiLeaks Cables

Yemen president says he wants to leave power - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Exclusive: Herman Cain Feeling "Like Moses" and Ready for Media "Gotcha" Questions

Ron Paul Wins 2011 Values Voter Straw Poll, Herman Cain Takes Second Place - ABC News

Brody File Exclusive: Rick Santorum Says There's "Huge Problem" With Cain's 9-9-9 Tax Plan

Solyndra e-mails: Warnings of legality came from within Obama administration - The Washington Post

Steve Jobs brought gospel to our generation

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Richard Dawkins attacks 'alien rubbish' taught in Muslim faith schools | Mail Online

*9 Oct.

American Minute for October 9th

October 9th This Day in History

October 9 Events in History

This Day in History for 9th October

Today in History: October 9

Today in History: October 9

October 9th in History

Today in History for October 9th - YouTube


World Crisis Radio 10-08-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 10-08-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-08-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-08-11 Hr 2

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