A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

08 October 2011

8 OCT.



Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street- LETS END THE FED! - YouTube

15 Facts About The Wealth And Inequality In America | USAHM Conspiracy News

A Nuclear Attack On Underground Military Bases? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Microwave Ovens Are Dangerous! | USAHM Conspiracy News


Similarities Between Abe Lincoln And J.F.K | USAHM Conspiracy News


20 PG./The Reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln into John Kennedy



The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Forces of Darkness" COMPLETE EPISODE 2 - YouTube

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Cover-Up" COMPLETE EPISODE 3 - YouTube

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Patsy" COMPLETE EPISODE 4 - YouTube

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Witnesses" COMPLETE EPISODE 5 - YouTube

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Truth Will Make You Free" COMPLETE EPISODE 6 - YouTube

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Smoking Guns" Complete Episode 7 - YouTube

The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Love Affair" Complete Episode 8 - YouTube

The Men Who Killed Kennedy, "The Guilty Men" Complete Episode 9 - YouTube




Maps;The Lost Empire of Atlantis(


VIDEO:“A true history of global exploration”



Film:1421: The Year China Discovered America


2:31:33/*AGE OF DECEIT* (FULL) Fallen Angels and the New World Order - YouTube

48 MIN./The mysterious origin of man - YouTube


Russian Leader Tells Top Generals, “Prepare For Armageddon”

China Warns Russia Of Coming American “Great Event”

The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters - YouTube

11 Facts You Need To Know About The Nation’s Biggest Banks | ThinkProgress

What Banks and Lenders Know About You From Social Media - Yahoo! News

Blacks are Screwed By no one else but Themselves - YouTube

Thirty-two bodies found in Mexican Gulf state - Yahoo! News

9 US Sheriffs Announce Press Conference to Call for Holder's Resignation - YouTube

VA pulls questionable hat from D.C. store - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

9/11 Masterminds - Explosive Connections - YouTube

Activist Post: Constitution Watchdog Oath Keepers and The Wayseers Join 'Occupy' Protests


The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust




The Congressmen who have received over $83,000 from big industry within days of being tasked with deciding $1.2trillion cuts | Mail Online

Fear of Repression Spurs Scholars and Activists to Build Alternate Internets - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know

USDA Agrees to Lengthen Public Comment Period On Animal ID Rule — Farmer/Rancher Groups Appealed to Vilsack for Extension | Cornucopia Institute

Gone in 60 nanoseconds - The Washington Post

The Black Hole at the Heart of Astronomy

Supremacists on ‘The Wandering Who’.

Witness The Nazis Of Our Time

Afghanistan war 10 year anniversary: 'Terrible mistake' sent young and brave to die in vain - Telegraph

Afghanistan war 10th anniversary dispatch: 'Life was safer under the Taliban' - Telegraph

House Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease | Common Dreams

Mobile phone users suffering from 'text neck' - Telegraph

Premature births 30% higher in cities because of pollution | Mail Online

Steve Jobs’s family life a complex tangle of close relationships and deep rifts - The Globe and Mail

NunatsiaqOnline 2011-10-06: NEWS: Satellite malfunction shuts down communications across territory, North

Bodies Doubled Up Again At Cook County Morgue « CBS Chicago

Occupy Wall Street: Who Wants to Hijack the Movement? «

How Much More Immigration Can America Tolerate?

Zac Efron treated to $100k bottle of champagne by Russian billionaire's son | Mail Online

Dawning realizations re Occupy Wall Street - Tom-Atlee's posterous

The Associated Press: NYPD spied on city's Muslim anti-terror partners

FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service - Nextgov

Red Tape - Twisted government accounting behind Postal Service woes

Will Jerry Brown sign the California Dream Act’s AB 131? | Multi-American

PhotoBlog - Museum to myself: Arnold Schwarzenegger's childhood home dedicated - NWO Promotes Failed Zionist Gender Experiment

Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet | Danger Room |

Chemical Giants Bow to BPA Ban in Kids' Foodware | Environmental Working Group

Transition Town Totnes(

Paul Drockton: How to Legally Plunder the Rothschilds

Paul Drockton: Stock Market is a Suckers Game

Paul Drockton: Brokers Try to Stop Put Option Trading

The Coming Multilateral World Order - Stewart M. Patrick - International - The Atlantic

NASA Goes Full Stupid About Sea Level | Real Science


+58 pg./G20 and Beyond:Toward Effective Global Economic Governance



'07/Derry Brownfield -- Our Land - Collateral For The National Debt

Green groups have plenty of ‘green’

» Deja vu: Blacks Claim OWS Excludes Them Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

What are ‘Google Jews’?? – Glenn Beck

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Obama Lies For "A Higher Truth"

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Google's Lurch to the Left Could Open the Way to Government Control of the Internet New Zeal Blog » Back to the Future! – 60′s Radicalism Re-visited New Zeal Blog » The Return of Van Jones and Marxist Street Protests New Zeal Blog » Top Communist Interviewed at Van Jones Inspired “Progressive” Gathering

Of Course Taxing Millionaires is Class Warfare, Stupid - Yahoo! News

Van Jones Says ‘Watch Out’: Occupy Wall Street and Leftists Will Eclipse Tea Party in 2012 |

FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service - Nextgov

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Behind Occupy Wall Street Riots |

Author: ACORN protesting problem it helped cause

» Special Report with Alex Jones and Aaron Dykes: End the Fed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Revolution Against the Federal Reserve Starts Now - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Protest "This Isn't A Joke! Media Would Be Well Advised To Take This Seriously" - YouTube

Dustin Reid on Freedom Watch - 10/6 - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview With Wolf Blitzer On Cnn 10 / 06 / 2011 - YouTube

Keiser Report: Debts & Slavery (E193) - YouTube

Barb Adams: ABC News and Yahoo! Link – Another Giant Conglomerate

Feds order California pot dispensaries to shut down - despite being legal under state laws | Mail Online

Medical-pot users fuming over ATF's gun-sale ban - Washington Times

How almost half of U.S. population lives in a household that receives state benefits | Mail Online

US Needs To Generate 261,200 Jobs Per Month To Return To Pre-Depression Employment By End Of Obama Second Term -

White House order to establish new cybersecurity policies - The Washington Post

Wall Street Protests and the Economics of Ignorance - YouTube

Occupy Houston is with the 99%! - YouTube


15th october: #United we will re-invent the world (

Occupy Wall Street(


Metro - Ben & Jerry's backs the "Occupy" movement

Herman Cain: "Don't Blame Wall Street, Don't Blame The Big Banks, If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself" - Home - The Daily Bail


Fake video of Syrian army deserters is spreading online | The Observers

911 WTC access, Fake IDs, Murder, and Lies - YouTube

Department Of Homeland Security Research Grant Aims to New Find Ways to Get the Public to Accept a Police State :

Lone Star Watchdog: Freedom Watch - Shattering the Left Right Paradeim in Occupy Wall Street Oct 6, 2011

Homeland Security moves forward with 'pre-crime' detection | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

OCCUPY DALLAS and “9/11 Truth” |

COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of an internet forum - 12160

Feds cracking down on California medical marijuana dispensaries -

New World Order ‘Breaking Down’ |

Study: GMO Food Causes Organ Disruption In Animals |

Orrin Hatch says Occupy Wall Street rallies will turn to ‘riots’ | The Salt Lake Tribune

U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill |

Gowdy on Fox News: Holder Was "Demonstrably False" on Operation Fast & Furious - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: If You Cannot Make it to Occupy Wall Street or the Federal Reserve? Occupy the Zombie Banks in Your City.

New York – Power Center for US Financial and Political Corruption

Food Not Bombs on Monsanto, Food Freedom, & Illegal Apples - YouTube

Dr. Joseph Stiglitz On The Federal Reserve's Role In The Crisis: "Their Failure Is ALMOST Unforgivable" - #OWS - Home - The Daily Bail

Barry Ritholtz: The Left Right Paradigm Is Over! It's You Vs. The Corporations - Home - The Daily Bail

Libya News Update Oct 7 - YouTube

The Solyndra Fraud - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Occupy Wall Street hits the world stage - YouTube

London Falling: Like a man eating his own leg - YouTube

+ Ron Paul Ad - Secure - YouTube

FBI Director Mueller: Anti-Muslim Training Was Isolated - YouTube

Romney presents vision of dominant America - World -

(video) Jesse Ventura drops by “Occupy the Fed” MN Warns of Demopublican Influence - 12160

Activist Post: Rise Up and Support the Real Revolution

How America's middle class was destroyed - Part 1 - YouTube

How America's middle class was destroyed - Part 2 - YouTube

How America's middle class was destroyed - Part 3 - YouTube

How America's middle class was destroyed - Part 4 - YouTube

Fed is The Engine of Our Destruction: Stewart Rhodes Reports - YouTube

9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons - YouTube


The Afghanistan War was Planned Months Before the 9/11 Attacks

Wall Street Runs America |

AFT fully endorses Occupy Wall Street |

The Big Empty Wasteland of Indefinable Angst. Visible Origami

Mosque Torching: When Extremist Attacks Against Arabs Cross the Green Line | Intifada Palestine

Bank Bailout News: CNBC's Erin Burnett, Banking Apologista, Leader of Idiots - Home - The Daily Bail

Obama’s Death Panel by Justin Raimondo --

Things Are So Bad In America That Now Even Sesame Street Muppets Are Poverty-Stricken And Hungry

Michael Moore's Mistake: "Keep The Fed, End Capitalism" - Home - The Daily Bail

Bernanke On Bank Bailouts, Repeal Of Glass-Steagall - Home - The Daily Bail

+ Home Built Out of Two Shipping Containers | USAHM Conspiracy News

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address - YouTube

Vitamix Green Smoothie/ - Posada Carriles walking the streets with impunity

Activist Post: Be Prepared: 6 Foods to Store Forever

The Pirate Bay Adds Domain to Bypass Court Order | TorrentFreak

4 Old Cartoons That Explain The World.. | USAHM Conspiracy News

Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 2/2 - YouTube

+VIDEOS:Prison » Occupy The Fed: Dallas – All The Videos From Last Night’s Protest

Progressives seek to co-opt diverse ‘Occupy DC’ movement

Prison » Conservatives Support Protests, Michael Moore Does Not Represent OWS

Prison » Occupy The Fed Hits Austin: Nightly News on The Street Report

Prison » Ventura Attends ‘Occupy’ Protest, Says Movement Cannot be Dictated by Democrats or Republicans

Prison » Top Republican Says OWS a “Growing Mob”

Prison » Hijacks ‘Occupy’ To Push Obama Tax Agenda

Prison » Did Iran Just Retaliate For Stuxnet? Computer Virus Infects US Predator Drone System

Prison » Freedom Lost

Prison » Obama’s Very Real Death Panel: The CIA’s Assassination Program

Prison » Could Occupy Wall Street be infiltrated by political groups?

Prison » Rand Paul: Obama’s Rhetoric Could Turn ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Violent

Afghanistan 'risks turning into civil war' - Telegraph

Prison » Idiotic Marxists, Communist - Flash Player Installation

Prison » Obama Channels Clinton ” I Feel Your Pain”

Prison » Obama’s “Millionaire Tax” Collected Over Next Ten Years Will Plug 4 Months Worth Of Deficit

Chinese sceptics see global warming as US conspiracy

Prison » The Greenie Love EcoFest – Nightly News Report

Rick Ross Fights Jail 2011. - YouTube

» Occupy Wall Street: Who Wants to Hijack the Movement? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Occupy The Fed Hits Austin: Nightly News on The Street Report Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Social Programs can’t exist without Capitalism (or force) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Crisis grips North Korea amid food shortage - World news - Asia-Pacific - North Korea -

Right to private life 'at risk’ in plan to store DNA of innocent people - Telegraph

Annals of government toothlessness, HAMP edition | Felix Salmon

» The Database: Why Criminal Governments Spy On Citizens Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MEXICO: News of another U.S. gun-tracking program stirs criticism -

ATF Officials Reassigned as Fast and Furious Continues to Derail

Obama Repeals the 5th Amendment by Bob Bauman

» Father of Reaganomics to American Youth: Leave the Country Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Romney: God Wants U.S. To Lead, Not Follow | Fox News

Ron Paul - Chinese Troops In America! VISIT WWW.BLACKTHISOUT.COM NOW!!!!! - YouTube

Black THIS Out: Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube

Ron Paul: Black THIS Out Media Cover Up - YouTube

Ron Paul: Black This Out! - YouTube

9-9-9: A Vision for Economic Growth - YouTube

Ron Paul Launches National-Security Themed Ad - ABC News

Ron Paul Woos Social Conservatives - Lindsey Boerma -

Romney woos conservatives : 'I will not surrender America's role' - Washington Times


Family Research Council(

2011 Values Voter Summit(


Obama Holds First White House Meeting With Arab Spring Leader

Putin Presidency Unlikely to Derail US-Russia Relations

Trump, Kiyosaki: Real Unemployment Near Depression Era Levels

GOP: Obama, Biden Pushing Wall Street Protests

House Committee Wants Obama Solyndra E-mails

Obama Backs Wall Street Protests as Sign of Times

Obama Loan Official Quits in Solyndra Scandal

Emails Raise New Questions on Obama Energy Loan

Report: Energy Wanted to Give More to Solyndra

Obama Fundraiser Pushed Solyndra Loan

Treasury Complained About Solyndra Decisions

111 Charged on Global ID Theft

Obama Fibs on Teacher’s Job Struggle

Tea Party: We're Not Occupy Wall Street

Obama Adopts 'Obamacare' Term With Own Spin

Greenspan: Fear Killing US Economic Recovery

Two Fed Officials Worried About Jobs, Not Inflation

6 Foods to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Study: Exercise Works Against Migraines

GOP Primary Continues to Be a Wild Ride

Like a Child, Obama Accepts No Responsibility for His Actions

Gunwalking Scandal at Last to Get Senate Review

Holder Fires Back at 'Fast and Furious' Charges

Romney: God Wants US to Lead, Not Follow

Cain: I Won't Be Perry's Vice President

Biden: GOP 'Absolutely' Can Beat Us

Sen. Graham: Obama Too Easy on China

CBS Reporter: More Revelations to Come on Holder

Grassley: Holder 'Stonewalling' on Fast and Furious

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”

Media collusion with Bilderberg Group confirms hidden agenda (video)

Cain: Move ‘Occupy Wall Street’ to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Liberal Radio Host to Protestors: ‘One Answer to These Corporate Thugs: Go F--- Yourselves’ |

Protestors at D.C.’s Freedom Plaza Push Saving Planet at Littered Site |

Limbaugh: 'Didn’t Know The Left Had Such Jealousy Of The Tea Party' |

Levin: 'These Early States Are Destroying The Primary System' |

Pelosi Not a Co-Sponsor of Obama’s Jobs Bill But Challenges GOP to Support It |

Palin: 'We Have The Most Asinine Energy Policy In Our Country Imaginable' |

ABC Hits 'Billionaire Boosters' of Tea Party, Uses Liberal Film to Slam Conservatives |

Media Celebrate 'Good' September Jobs Number, But Obama's Still 6.2 Million Short of Promise |

NBC's 'Today' Frets Scott Brown Getting 'Nasty' and 'Personal' in Mass. Senate Race |

Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined |

D.C. Taxpayers Pick Up Tab for Transgender Job Training |

Liberal Talk Radio Host: Bush Officials ‘Murderers,’ War Criminals and Obama Continuing the Wars |

Holder Answers Critics on Gun-Smuggling Issue |

Feds Conclude California's Medical 'Marijuana Industry' Is a Sham |

School Lunch Directors Tell USDA, No Reason to Spurn the Spud |

South Asian Rivals Jostle for Influence in Afghanistan Ahead of U.S. Pullout |

Tape of Jackson Doctor's Interview to Be Played |

'Simpsons' Actor: Cut My Salary to Keep Show Going |

Jobs? Obama 'Should Be Working Overtime' to Get Pipeline Approved |

Herman Cain on Iran: Would Tell Ahmadinejad to ‘Make my Day’ |

Pro-Life, Marriage Groups Release 2012 GOP Scorecard |

Obama On Occupy Wall Street: 'It Expresses The Frustrations That The American People Feel' |

The Greatest Antiwar Ad Ever Seen

Will Congress Declare a Trade War Against China? by Ron Holland

Against the Financial Power Elite by Ron Paul

Anwar al-Awlaki and American Exceptionalism by Justin Raimondo --

CO2 is good for you – Telegraph Blogs

Been a bad girl AnnaLynne? Dominic Purcell wags his finger at younger girlfriend McCord... and then pulls her for a kiss | Mail Online

How to Get Rid of a Beer Belly | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Flu Arsenal – Build Yours Now! by Margaret Durst


35 min./Property, Freedom and Society | Hans-Hermann Hoppe - YouTube


Obama's Very Real Death Panel - informationliberation

Secret panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

Ron Paul: US could target journalists for killing -

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know - informationliberation

Our 3-D Solar System: All Is Not As It Appears | Before It's News

Nassim Haramein - 3D Solar System, excerpt from Earth Pilgrims - YouTube

Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun - YouTube



The Resonance Project Foundation(


HAARP Blue Beam Smoking Gun | Before It's News

All Third-Dimensional Beings Wear a Veil | Before It's News

Famous Egyptologist: Great Pyramid Contains Something Unworldly | Before It's News

Why Is SETI Watching? Secrets Of Asteroid Minerva And Its Two Moons | Before It's News

Numerous Nerve Cells Discovered on Mars | Before It's News

The UFO Phenomenon Is Real! - You Want The Truth, You Can't Handle The Truth! | Before It's News

Strange hourglass-shaped object seen orbiting the Sun | Before It's News

Mitt Romney at Values Voter Summit: Obama has Turned Out to be a Great “Community Organizer” – of Conservatives – Video 10/8/11 | Before It's News

To the FBI - 'The truth won't set us free!' | Before It's News

Around the World in 90 Minutes | Documentary Heaven | Watch Free Documentaries Online


*Documentary List (


*WEEKLY ADDRESS: Growing the Economy with the American Jobs Act | Before It's News

Scientists Turn Liver Cells Directly Into Neurons With New Technique | Before It's News

On the Cards? Armed Chinese Military Bases on American Soil! | Before It's News

What solar energy projects are cost effective? | Before It's News

White House emails reveal Solyndra Obama administration appointee ties, Steven Spinner, Obama fundraiser | Before It's News

Creative Illustrations for Adults | Before It's News

Man Accused in Pakistani Spy Plot Dies | Before It's News

Two Cellphones In One: Software Turns Smartphone Into A Business And Personal Phone | Before It's News

The Most Important Thing in the World Now

“Blood-suckers of Wall Street”

Eric Cantor Condemns Occupy Wall Street 'Mobs

Obama’s Good Cop/ Bad Cop

Lawyers With Borders Opposes Occupation of Wall Street

Why Tax the Rich to Pay for More War?

Family of Samir Khan 'Appalled' by U.S. Assassination

The More Enemies, The More Honor

Where’s the Money?

Is the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement being hijacked by newcomers? -

IRS Stingy With Whistleblower Payouts, Slow to Follow Up on Tips - Bloomberg

U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill

'If the God particle exists we will find it by next year,' says CERN boss | Mail Online

IMF advisor says we face a Worldwide Banking Meltdown - YouTube


Richard Stallman(


*Archives:Political Notes - Richard Stallman


VIDEO: Afghanistan: Ten Years of Illegal Occupation

Debt Deflation in Europe and America

Bush's Middle East Wars In Keeping With Historic U.S. Patterns, Historian Says

Corporate-financier dominated Western media attempts to Wish-away "Occupy the Fed" Movement

US Military Base in South Korea Threatens China: The Threat of Warships on an "Island of World Peace"

The Eurozone Crisis: Disruptions of Financial Markets Worldwide

Afghanistan: Thirty-two Years of War. Ten Years of Illegal Occupation

The Five Macro Crises of Our Times: The Financial, Energy, Political, Moral and Demographic Crises

VIDEO: 10 Years of War in Afghanistan: A Crime Against Humanity

VIDEO: On the 10th Anniversary of NATO's Occupation of Afghanistan

The Assassination of Anwar Al-Awlaki serves to justify Obama’s Arbitrary Use of Death Squads

One Third of Americans One Paycheck Away From Homelessness

Should Politicians Wear Uniforms Like NASCAR Racers?

Afghanistan: Ten Years of War - YouTube

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 7th, 2011

4 Parts:The Journey to James Price Point – Max Igan

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 7th, 2011

9/11: Enhanced WTC1 Video (NIST FOIA - CBS-Net Dub6 04) - YouTube

Audio Page:Podcast Show #59 – The Boiling Frogs Presents Bill Bergman


*Articles:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 7, 2011


In Defense of Civil Liberties with Danny Panzella - YouTube

Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve – Now What? |

‘Fast and Furious’ scandal grows as tone-deaf White House facilitates Justice Dept. denials |

40 Signs That America Is Rotting From The Inside Out |

Rand Paul: Obama’s Rhetoric Could Turn ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Violent |

Prison » Russia May Sell Syria Advanced Weapons as NATO Prepares to Attack

US Needs To Generate 261,200 Jobs Per Month To Return To Pre-Depression Employment By End Of Obama Second Term | ZeroHedge

Ron Paul's Foreign Policy: Peace & Respect - Not Intimidation, Bribes & War - YouTube

Civil Unrest: Military Force, FEMA Camps Next? - YouTube

Freedom Lost – Chuck Baldwin |

Noam Chomsky to RT: Bush torturer, Obama just kills - YouTube


*Articles:Occupy Wall Street 10-7-11 |


U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill

Peru shaman murders investigated | World news | The Guardian

Activist Post: The Problem is not Debt, It is Interest

Activist Post: To Serve and Protect: America’s Institutional Fallacy

The First Manifesto of the Wall Street Protesters! - YouTube

Amanda Knox dad: No talk about prison yet - CBS News


Islamic Center plan sparks controversy - Beacon News

CTU and CPS ready to meet over longer school day -

Libyans Face Resistance in Gaddafi Hometown - TIME

Killing of Syrian opposition leader sparks anger –

Yemen's President Vows to Step Down Soon | News | English

Video: Dalai Lama criticises China in web chat with Tutu - Telegraph

Mexico Arrests 8 Blamed in Veracruz Killings | Americas | English

BBC News - Wangari Maathai, Nobel winner, laid to rest in Kenya

The Press Association: Protesters read out soldiers' names

3 major road accidents in China kill 56 in 1 day -

Not running a campaign against Pakistan: US - The Times of India

US Mulls Additional Pyongyang Nuclear Talks | News | English

A Changed Russia Arches an Eyebrow at Putin’s Staged Antics -

2 Tibetan former monks set themselves on fire in latest protest against China - The Washington Post

Michael Bloomberg: Occupy Wall Street is trying to destroy jobs | World news |

BBC News - Sarkozy discusses EU debt crisis with IMF's Lagarde

Draconid meteor shower: How to see it Saturday | Alaska Dispatch

Crab Pulsar Energies Higher Than Ever Before Seen - International Business Times

BBC News - Venus springs ozone layer surprise

Clay Farris Naff: Can Physics Save Your Soul?

Shechtman Wins Nobel in Chemistry for Quasicrystals Discovery - BusinessWeek

New field of dino tracks found in Arkansas - Technology & science - Science -

Comets created Earth's oceans, study finds - Technology & science - Space - -

Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | Replacement for Soyuz rocket canned by Russia

Night Sky News: Celebrate our Moon this Saturday – News Watch

Photo Proves Triple (and Quadruple) Rainbows Are Real | Fox News

Insight: Nobel winner's last big experiment: Himself | Reuters

European Space Agency Planning Closest Solar Probe Ever - International Business Times

Double-Whammy Knocked Uranus to Its Side : Discovery News

'If the God particle exists we will find it by next year,' says CERN boss | Mail Online

China launches its first space lab module

Colorado researchers discover ancient Maya road

Space Pictures This Week: Mars Landing, Solar Flare, More

Dutch coffee shops face new curbs on cannabis sale | Reuters

Smart Phones and Tablets Linked ‘Text Neck’ | The State Column

Chemical makers say BPA no longer used in bottles -

Essential Health Benefits Should Consider Cost, Institute Says - Margot Sanger-Katz -

Juan Jose Padilla: Matador cheats death after bull gores his face | Mail Online

Babies in the Lab: 5 Surprising Infant Experiments - ABC News

Monkeys use mind control to move a virtual arm and experience touch | Science | The Guardian

Gallup Poll: 'Normal weight' outnumber 'overweight' in U.S. -

Nexus Prime Debut Delayed for Steve Jobs: New Rumor says Oct. 27 Launch - International Business Times

HSN Tests Onscreen QR Codes to Encourage Sales -

Steve Jobs' 'Agony and Ecstasy' Will Play at Public Theater - Entertainment & Stars

India launches world's cheapest tablet computer | Reuters

Amazon Kindle Fire Review - Watch CNET's Video Review

Chrome extension enables remote computer control | Deep Tech - CNET News

Major satellite outage affecting ISPs, ATMs, flights | Digital Media - CNET News

Romney preaches tolerance to conservatives - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Casey Anthony takes video deposition in civil case –

Man ditches plane into ocean off coast of Hawaii after running out of gas -

Obama ups pressure ahead of Senate jobs bill vote | Reuters

Rick Perry slips, Herman Cain rises in bid for GOP nomination, poll finds - The Washington Post

Murder Charges Filed in Deaths of 5 in Indiana - ABC News

Suspected Killer Couple Pleads Not Guilty To Other Charges In California | Fox News

Solyndra e-mails: Warnings of legality came from within Obama administration - The Washington Post

Leahy plans oversight hearing with Holder - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Perry defends "DREAM Act", claims fed failed to secure border - KTIV News 4 Sioux City IA: News, Weather and Sports

After WikiLeaks, U.S. tries to shield classified data | Reuters

Iowa Tentatively Moves Up GOP Caucuses | Fox News

National, state inspectors investigate Tiskilwa derailment site -

Paul McCartney to marry Sunday?

The Deadbolt News - The Simpsons Finds Life Beyond Season 23

Conrad Murray Trial: How Damaging Are the Interrogation Tapes? - ABC News

Fans, Jackson children gather for UK tribute concert | Reuters

Why do we want to see movies like 'The Human Centipede 2'? | Inside Movies |

Johnny Depp to Become Dr. Seuss for Illumination and Universal (Exclusive) - Hollywood Reporter

John Wayne auction in Los Angeles fetches more than $5 million - The Washington Post

Republicans don't support all the troops

Debit Card Fees

The Ignorant American Label

Debbie Schlussel:After Years of Islamo-Pandering, Hertz Suspends Muslims Who Prayed on Company Time

The Art Of Room Heating: Radiant Artwork Heating Panels

Occupy Wall Street crowd failing to attract average people

Ninety-Nine Percent Narcissists

Obama’s premeditated murder of America

Why Isn’t Obama’s Teacher Lie National News?

Shock and Awe, Courtesy of Herman Cain!

CCRKBA To Obama: We may h ire “shadow” investigator if you don’t appoint one

White House Press Secretary Doesn’t Think Reporters are Tough Enough

Harry Reid Disenfranchises Minority in U.S. Senate

Obama is Top COP (Community Organizer President)

Obama Walks the Tight Rope Between Sure Defeat in 2012 and Possible Victory

TEA Party, First they ignore you

Life could exist inside a supermassive black hole, claims Russian cosmologist Vyacheslav Dokuchaev | Mail Online

Dinosaur Tracks Found in Arkansas Cover 2 Football Fields, Made by Predator Similar to Tyrannosaurus rex - ABC News

Solyndra e-mails: Warnings of legality came from within Obama administration - The Washington Post

AG Holder Issues Fiery Response to Critics on ATF Gun Operation - ABC News

Soros Loses Bid To Overturn Insider Trading Conviction | Fox News

Obama fundraiser took active interest in Solyndra loan, emails show -

Energy Department Wanted To Give More Money To Solyndra, Emails Show | Fox News

Mock Battle Gone Wrong Injures Dozens Of U.S. Paratroopers In Germany | Fox News

Democrats vs. Republicans: Stars they Won’t Pay to See; Movies They Hate and Love (Poll) - The Hollywood Reporter

Palin's Withdrawal Means Obama Wins

An Interview with Former Senator Rick Santorum

The Republican 'Vision Thing'

Obama's English Teacher Fiction

What Does Occupy Wall Street Need?

Durban I and 9/11: Two Sides of the Same Coin

The Electric Car Blues

Defense and the Principle of Limited Government

Marxism versus the Middle Class

A Disastrous Presidency

Animal rights group targets carriage horses in the Big Apple

Just how bad is the food crisis in North Korea?

Pain and despair highlight the reality of Greece's travails

Saleh says he will step down from Yemen presidency soon

Obama September approval at 41% - Gallup

Numbers don't lie: 2011 deficit on track to eclipse $1.3 trillion

Obama blamed for inflaming Wall Street protests

Does millionaire Pelosi want to pay more taxes?

See No Jihad and Our Failed Pakistan Policy

Drone Computers infected with virus

An electric car that will blow your doors off

Fast and Furious in a Rotten Nutshell

Tipping Points in the Race for the Presidency?

Republican Debate Prep 101

On Steve Jobs, Roseanne Barr, and the Wall Street Mob

Do Dems Dare Dump Barry?

Is a Progressive Tax Constitutional?

Marching for Shackles and Chains

Oprah, Entitled America, and the Coming Reclamation of Our Nation

Old Energy, New Applications

Bill Bennett Excoriates Pastor Robert Jeffress Called Mormonism a | Video |

Have You Seen the Photo of the Wall Street Protester Defecating on a Cop Car? |

Next Round: Obama Administration Authorizes Billions More In Loan Guarantees to Solar Manufacturers |

Mitt Romney Slams Obama at Military College — and Cadets Cheer | Video |

Nanotechnology Delivering Impressive Science on the Small Scale | Video |

Perry ‘Tersely’ Repudiates Key Backer Who Called Romney a ‘Cult’ Member | Rev. Robert Jeffress | Video |

Scott Brown Says He Was Just Joking About Clothed Elizabeth Warren ‘Thank God’ Remark |

Mitt Romney Says God Didn’t Create America to Be A Nation of Followers |

Bashir Exploits Another Death: Blasts Herman Cain During Eulogy For Civil Rights Leader Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth |

Dutch Classify High-Potency Marijuana as Hard Drug Alongside Cocaine, Ecstasy |

Bloomberg Slams Wall St. Protests: ‘The Protests That Are Trying to Destroy The Jobs of Working People is Unproductive’ | Video |

Faith-Based Marketing Is a Winning Strategy |

Polish Parliamentary Candidate Katarzyna Lenart Striptease Campaign Ad | Video |

Eric Cantor: ‘Increasingly Concerned’ About Occupy Wall Street ‘Mobs’ | Video |

AFL-CIO Rep Pledges Lawyers, Resources for ‘Occupy’ Protesters |

Computer Virus Infects Drones, Doesn’t Stop Missions |

Solyndra e-mails: Warnings of legality came from within Obama administration - The Washington Post

An entire system of global trade is at risk - Telegraph

3 killed, 17 injured in overnight shootings -

Steve Jobs: Dying Apple boss left plans for four years of new products | Mail Online

Suspect’s Cell Phone Dials 911 During Burglary - Flash Player Installation

Palmdale Psychic Accused Of ‘Theft By Hex’ « CB - Flash Player Installation

Chavez to seize homes and hotels for the poor on idyllic Los Roques - Americas, World - The Independent

Silvio Berlusconi 'took me to his bedroom' says George Clooney | Mail Online

Michelle Obama Coached On Teleprompter Too - Washington Whispers (

Teen Girl Says Porn Addiction Led To Burglary | The Smoking Gun

Charges: Babysitter Stole Money To Fund Porn Ad - Flash Player Installation

Used Car Dealer Becomes a Horse Trader « CBS Ta - Flash Player Installation

Bill Daley Blames Rahm Emanuel For Creating ‘Hostile’ Workplace For Women | Fox News

Intelligence Report: Mayor Rahm Emanuel's name comes up in growing controversy over loans to Solyndra, California solar panel company |

Rahm Emanuel on "Meet the Press" Sunday | NBC Chicago

Can Humans Unlock 'Superpowers' Through Our Minds? - Blog

If it is realistic or plausible, then it is not science fiction

Al Gore is doing a disservice to science by overplaying the link between climate change and weather | Myles Allen | Environment |

Falling Cost of Renewables Softens Nuclear Shutdown - Miller-McCune

Diabetic rats cured with their own stem cells - health - 07 October 2011 - New Scientist

David Suzuki: Is Oil Ever Ethical?

How to Grease a Pipeline » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2011 Nobel Prize Winner in Literature: Tomas Tranströmer -

'Is Marriage for White People?': Review -

Michael Kimmage Reviews Jonathan Herzog's "The Spiritual-Industrial Complex" | The New Republic

BOOK REVIEW: 'The Book of Man' - Washington Times

Will the E-Book Kill the Footnote? -

The Killing Machine: Che Guevara, from Communist Firebrand to Capitalist Brand: Newsroom: The Independent Institute

CHE GUEVARA: The Guerrilla - TIME

Behind Che Guevara’s mask, the cold executioner - Times Online

The Tribune Reports to Chicago on Its Own Destruction | The Great Chicago Fire & The Web of Memory

Spiegel scandal - encyclopedia article about Spiegel scandal.

Battle of Lesnaja, 9 October 1708 (NS)

Let’s not exalt the folly of 1812 - The Globe and Mail

Birth of Yale

Megan Buskey Reviews Margaret Leech's "Reveille In Washington" | The New Republic

Columbus' forgotten voyages - American History -

The truth about Garfield's assassination - American History -

Faith vs. reason? That’s really dumb. - The Washington Post

Twitter Reaches Out to Christian Leaders at Catalyst's 'Be Present' Conference | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Perry Endorser: Mormonism is a “Cult” (Updated) | Religion Dispatches

The San José Articles

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway: Twenty-First Century Excommunication -

Nepal’s boy ‘god’ wants to become a doctor; photographer reflects on divine subject | FaithWorld

Can Neuroscience Tell Us Anything About Virtue? « Public Discourse

Supreme Court: What's More Important than Church Doctrine? | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

News Desk: Ken Auletta: Eight Questions About Life After Jobs : The New Yorker

Homeland Security moves forward with 'pre-crime' detection | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

“Click. Boom. Amazing!” How Jobs’ failures changed computing | ExtremeTech

Analysis of Google search-data can yield stock tips - Fortune Tech

Review: The 2011 $79 Kindle with ads and buttons –

Windows Azure beats Amazon EC2, Google App Engine in cloud speed test

What Steve Jobs Understood That Our Politicians Don't -

Can Facebook convince advertisers to forget about clicks? — Tech News and Analysis

Inside U.S. and Iranian Competition

Iran's Growing Naval Ambitions

Putin’s New Vision of Eurasia at Oil Price

Romney's Realist Foreign Policy Is a Lot Like Obama's - James Joyner - International - The Atlantic

Mitt Romney's alarmist foreign policy: Bush redux? - The Week

In G.O.P. Race, Foreign Policy is Mainly a Footnote -

Robert Ford, the quiet American in Syria - The Washington Post

Waiting for the next Russian revolution - The Globe and Mail

Commentary: Where We Went Wrong in Afghanistan | The National Interest

Real Clear World - Video - Gates Warns of Civilian-Military Gap in United States


Is Vladimir Putin's Eurasian dream worth the effort? | Mark Mazower | Comment is free | The Guardian

Egypt’s future: The generals’ slow and unsteady march to democracy | The Economist

RealClearWorld - Toward a New American Century

Opinion: A wider view of U.S. role in world - Jon Huntsman -

Asia Times Online :: Putin enters the dragon's den

Ten Years On, Democracy Takes Shape | The Mark

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: On Syria, Sovereignty Comes First for Southern Democracies

Bashar al-Assad for president ... of Pakistan - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Populist Shift Demoralizes the Economy

Be Bullish Even If Obama Wins - Forbes

The cost of financial ignorance - The Washington Post

George Soros, Agent Of Chaos -

How To Create Shortages In An Abundant World - Forbes

The American Spectator : Is Keynes Finally Dead?

Flat-lining the Middle Class: Economic Numbers to Die For | The Nation

Wall Street, Heal Thyself - Businessweek

Bill Clinton: How to fix the economy - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Obama, the loner president - The Washington Post

Obama's jobs plan turns up pressure on GOP

EDITORIAL: Durbin does it to consumers - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - The DOE Hasn't Learned Its Solyndra Lessons

Why the Future Is Brighter Than You Think | Mother Jones

The ever-rising `uncertainty’ bar - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Promises That ObamaCare Has Already Broken and Will Break - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Unemployment’s here to stay | Felix Salmon

Obama’s excuses are wearing thin - Chicago Sun-Times

The American Spectator : Newt's New Contract

Why Obama’s Flacks Bullied a CBS Reporter | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

RealClearPolitics - A Second Term for Obama Would Make the United States Go as California Has Gone

Obama Fundraiser Pushed Solyndra Deal From Inside - ABC News

The Legacy of Anita Hill, Then and Now | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Anti-Capitalist Nostrums Demoralizing to the Economy

Mad as hell, at the corporate powers that be - The Washington Post

The Buck Stops Where? | The Weekly Standard

Desperately Seeking Someone -

How George Will Misunderstands Both Elizabeth Warren And Liberalism | The New Republic

The American Spectator : Andrew Jackson: Tea Party President Free Trial - compliments of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Interviews Jesse LaGreca (The Guy Who Schooled Fox News)

In Alabama, It Goes Like This: No ID, No Water

City of Philadelphia Rolls Out The Welcome Mat For Occupy Philly

Are You Still A Netflix Subscriber?

David Koch Flees from ABC News Over Iran Scandal Questions

Jim Wallis Accuses Those Who Report on the Religious Right of 'Fomenting Hysteria'

Rep. Frank Wolf, a Republican, Attacks Grover Norquist on the House Floor

Midterm Wave Washes Alabama's Immigrants/Economy Away

Forget 9-9-9, Santorum Unveils 0-0-0 Tax Plan

Lawrence O'Donnell Calls out Herman Cain for Claiming He Was Too Young to Participate in Civil Rights Movement

Sen. Rand Paul 'Hopes' Wall Street Protestors Don't Loot Rich Peoples' iPhones

GOP Rep. Broun on Occupy Wall Street: It's an Attack Upon Freedom

Erin Burnnett: TeaNN's Newest Dismissive Host

Why Ma and Pa America Can Get Behind Occupy Wall Street

Obama: 'Protesters Are Giving Voice' to Americans' Frustrations

We're No. 1! In Lack Of Vision And Leadership on Infrastructure Projects!

Herman Cain Quotes Obscure 20th-Century Strike-Breaker and Misattributes it to Lincoln

Half of hospitals failing to feed elderly patients properly finding

China bus crash kills dozens

California groups work on tax proposals for 2012 ballot

BofA debit card fee prompts animosity from coast to coast

Sheriff's officials investigate inmate's death

Protesters want world to know they're just like us

AP Interview: George W. Bush still supports troops

Statistics suggest baby unlikely taken by stranger

Mass. church shot during Revolution gets overhaul

Calif. marks 100 years since political reforms

Casey Anthony takes video deposition in civil case

Murder charges filed in deaths of 5 in Indiana

Yemen president says he wants to leave power

Roger Williams, "Pianist to the Presidents," dies

Holder hits back over Mexico arms scandal

MPs Clear A Port-A-Potty

10 Years In Afghanistan

Al Azhar Sheikh: Jihad Against The Jews A ‘Duty Incumbent Upon Each And Every One of Us’

Celebrating The Anniversary Of Che Guevera’s Execution

Double Trouble: Bankrolling and Broadcasting Terror

Romney At The Citadel: ‘I Will Not Surrender America’s Role In The World’

Obama EPA Destroying Our Electrical Generation Capacity

Pakistani Doctor Who Helped US Find Bin Laden To Be Tried For High Treason

Despite Afghan Laws, Eight-Year-Old to Return to Husband After Evidence of Abuse

Cartoon:It’s Our Call Now.

Another Partisan Reporter For Occupy Wall Street

Sound Bite for The Day: ‘After Avoiding The Vietnam War, Why Should You Be Commander in Chief?’

Responding To Mediaite’s Trumped Up Attack On My Romney Remarks

Soros Conviction Upheld in Europe: Mainstream Media Still Clamoring for Koch Brothers Conspiracies

Mark Steyn: MSM Ignores Hundred of Mexicans Killed By ‘Fast and Furious’ Fallout

Why Isn’t Obama’s Teacher Lie National News?

ABC Race-Baiting GOP Presidential Field

Democrat Raja for Congress Protests Tea Party with Communists

Why Unhappy People Become Liberals

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Running on Empty

Obama Urges Democrats to Pass Jobs Bill

With Barack’s Polls Lagging, Michelle Obama Smiles (And Dresses Down) for The Cameras

Why Doesn’t #OccupyWallSt Protest Facebook, Google, Or YouTube?

VIDEO: The Super Committee & Preserving a Strong Defense

Obama’s Populist Shift: His Anti-capitalist Nostrums Are Hurting the Economy

Obama Fundraiser/DOE Official Pushed Hard For Solyndra Loan Approval: ‘How F**king Hard Is This?’

Attorney General Holder Scrambles to Escape Accountability over ‘Fast and Furious’

Obama Appeases #OccupyWallSt Professional Protestors to Boost Reelection Chances

Rosa DeLauro’s Marriage: More Than Just Love?

Will #OccupyWallStreet Kill Investment?

#OccupyWallStreet’s Racist Speech Rule: White Men Last

European Court Upholds Soros’ Insider Trading Conviction

#OccupyWallSt: When the Greedy Feign Outrage

Obama Admin Launches Medical Marijuana Crackdown

Roseanne, the Red Queen

‘Machine Gun Preacher’ Review: Butler Proves He’s More Than Just a Pretty Face

‘Chris Christie Is SO Fat’ and the Hacky State of Political Stand-Up Comedy

‘The Ides of March’ Review: Clooney’s News Flash – Politics Isn’t Pretty

‘Real Steel’ Review: Jackman Pulls No Punches

Box Office Predictions: ‘Real Steel’ Tramples ‘Ides of March,’ ‘Courageous’ Draws Bigger Crowds

- Morning Call Sheet: ‘Dead’ Streams, Unions Rise, Theatres Whine

“We Built This City” Named “Worst Song of the 1980s” - ABC News

Fox renews The Simpsons for two more seasons | Reuters

David Gregory: Obama Must 'Harness Anger' of Wall Street Protests, Combat 'Unfairness' in Economy |

Roger Ailes Looks Back On 15 Years Of Fox News | Fox News

Video: Jobs's Media Legacy -

Protesters take anti-war message to White House

8-Oct-11 World View

7-Oct-11 World View

IMF Advisor: Could See Eurozone 'Meltdown' in 2 Or 3 Weeks

Social services threaten homeschooling parents

Holder may have had fingers in 'Fast and Furious' for years

Meet the Obama link to Wall Street terror

Herman Cain is for real

Impeachment? Yes! But not for this

Vladimir Putin in action: From Russia with love

Video: Schwarzenegger unveils statue and opens museum - Telegraph

Why Arnold's Self-Statue Is Very Serious. Really. | Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum & Bronze Statue | Historical Monuments | LiveScience

Michelle Obama attempting jumping jacks record; 20,425 people needed to break Guinness record

The world will end October 21, says Harold Camping … but no billboards this time - Beliefnet News

Worried about who and what you'll leave behind when you're raptured? Religious Power of Attorney promises to give you peace of mind | God Discussion

The way you hold your drink reveals key personality traits, claim psychologists - Telegraph

Wal-Mart empress gifts America new cultural Mecca

Ancient Greek city digitally recreated - Archaeology, Science - The Independent

Babies know difference between right and wrong when they are just 15 months old | Mail Online

Herman Cain is for real

Symposium: Get off the d-mn plantation!

A smoking gun for 'Fast and Furious'

Conservative leader is under assault

More from the culture of narcissism

Fools rush in

No glutton for presidential punishment

The transformation of government

Which conservatives embrace socialist politics?

Steve Jobs brought gospel to our generation

Study: Wealthy Stockbrokers More Dangerous Than Psychopaths | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Editorial: A million reasons to trash this tax - The Denver Post

Dutch railways to replace on-board toilets with PLASTIC BAGS... and they're only to be used in 'emergencies' | Mail Online

Airport security: Body scanner of the future unveiled | Mail Online

Michael Jackson 'took propofol every day for two months before death' - Telegraph

Largest identity theft ring in U.S. history busted in Queens, 111 indicted in $13 million fraud

New details emerge in federal agent's child porn arrest - South Florida

Gallup: 'Recent Surge' of Young Adults Want Gov’t to ‘Promote Traditional Values’ |

The Local - Why it really is OK to stray in France

Video facts and logic becoming abortionists' nightmare

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Disingenuous ... deceitful ... ignorant' ;Rep. Price: Obama misleads nation with 'shameful class-warfare rhetoric' on economy


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Mail Online:Doctor who helped U.S. track down Osama Bin Laden could be put to death by Pakistan on charge of 'high treason'

Issa: Heads should roll over 'Fast and Furious'

Holder may have had fingers in 'Fast and Furious' for years

AG Holder Issues Fiery Response to Critics on ATF Gun Operation - ABC News

'The Way' project tells story about 'transcendent experience'

AFP: Cain drowns out Perry at Republican showdown

MSNBC's O'Donnell Accuses Herman Cain -- Who Worked for the Navy -- of Being a Draft Dodger |

Rick Perry picks up key supporter at Values Voter Summit -

Robust Romney says 'unique US' should be ready to act alone - Americas, World - The Independent

Scott Brown Re-election | Tea Party Groups | Massachusetts | The Daily Caller

Solyndra e-mails: Warnings of legality came from within Obama administration - The Washington Post

Anti-Tax Pledges Lose Their Sheen As Eyes Turn to Reform -

Protestors at D.C.’s Freedom Plaza Push Saving Planet at Littered Site |

Russian hit squad accused of murdering Chechen dissidents in Istanbul - Europe, World - The Independent

Terror Attacks Escalate Against Women in Bikinis in Russia’s Dagestan - The Daily Beast

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Terry Jones appeals conviction, ban from Dearborn mosque | Detroit Free Press |

American Minute for October 8th

October 8th in History

October 8th This Day in History

October 8 Events in History

This Day in History for 8th October

Today in History: October 8

Today in History: October 8

Today in History for October 8th - YouTube


**World Video:7th/America's Secret Campaign Against Al-Qaeda

Threat Of Iran's Nuclear Ambitions

No Movement On Free Trade Agreements

How China Is Cheating You

Eurozone Crisis At Heart Of Meeting

Overseas Jobs Come Home

Yuan Bill A Serious Threat To China

UK's Surprise $116bln Cash Boost

Sausage, The Riot Dog Of Greece

Severe Flooding Continues

Three Women Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

South Africa's Tutu Marking 80th Birthday

An Islamic Crowd Fills Cairo's Tahrir Square

Ernest Bai Koroma And Alassane Ouattara

China Remembers 'Master Jobs'

**Markets Video:7th/ Class Warfare: America's Changing View of the Rich

**Politics Video:7th/Carney: WH "Absolutely Confident" An "Overwhelming" Amount Of Dems Will Vote For Jobs Bill

Pastor Who Backs Perry: Mormonism Is A "Cult"

Bill Maher: "Denying Racism Is The New Racism"

O'Donnell: "I Had No Idea Ticket Buyers Actually" Considered Stars' Politics

Boortz: Obama A Bigger Disaster To This Country Than 9/11

Romney: Obama Doesn't Want America To Be Strongest Nation

Scott Brown: "Thank God" Elizabeth Warren Didn't Take Her Clothes Off

Herman Cain Addresses The Values Voter Summit

Perry Web Ad Calls Romney And Obama "Carbon Copies"

O'Reilly: Feds Must Control Spending Before Raising Taxes

Politico's Roger Simon: Republican Candidates Are "Flailing Around"

Ingraham: "The President Wants To Use Jobs Bill As A Campaign Weapon"

Matthews: Will Obama Get In Front Of Wall Street Protesters?


*Transcripts:6th/President Obama's Press Conference

Interview with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Bachmann Joins Panel Talk on Foreign Policy

Interview with Rep. Dennis Kucinich

Secretary Panetta Press Conferce at NATO HQ


**NEWS VIDEOS:Defecate Wall Street: Protesters Trash Gotham; Defecate On NYPD Car

Bashir: Republican’s ‘Do Not Want to Hear From a Black Man Who’s Aggressive, Assertive, Angry’

Perry On The Attack: Web Video Says Obama and Romney Are ‘Carbon Copies’

NBC News’ Bashir Attacks Herman Cain During Eulogy For Civil Rights Leader Fred Shuttlesworth

Feds Announce Calif. Pot Dispensary Crackdown

Girl Goes Six Years Without Keeping Food Down

7th/Sharpton Falsely Labels Herman Cain A Birther

Sick Of Media Comparing ‘Occupy Wall Street’ To Tea Party? Watch This

Biden In 2005 On Senate ‘Nuclear Option’: ‘I Pray To God’ Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power

West Open To Veep Job

Obamanomics: Unemployment Stays At 9.1%

Fox News’ Stossell: More Widespread Pigford Fraud Exposed

St. Louis Cardinal’s Secret Weapon: ‘Rally Squirrel’

Michael Reagan On Obama Administration: ‘I’m Getting Tired Of Everybody Quoting Ronald Reagan’

Occupy Sacramento Protesters Have No Idea Why They’re There; Badger Reporter For Asking Questions

Jon Stewart’s Feud With Seth MacFarlane Exposed

Breitbart Comments On How WH Handled Reporters Digging Into Fast And Furious Story

Boehner: Obama Has Given Up On Governing And Started Campaigning

DC Organizer Admits to Paying ‘Occupy DC’ Protesters

Taxi Driver: Passenger Choked Me, Bit My Ear

6th/Lily-White Lawrence O’Donnell Lectures Herman Cain On How Black Men Are Supposed To Behave

‘Capitalism: Thumbs Up Or Thumbs Down?’: Andrew Breitbart’s Journey Through #OccupyLA

NBC News’ Bashir Viciously Bashes Palin While Praising Steve Jobs

DOE Bureaucrat In Charge Of Solyndra Loan Resigns

MSNBC’s Schultz Ends Interview; Ratigan Not Supporting Obama Enough

Obama: Solyndra Was ‘Bet’ Program Set Up By Congress

Rush: Obama Setting Up Riots

Obama: Holder ‘Was Not Aware Of What Was Happening In Fast & Furious’

At National Press Club, Pigford Attorney Publicly Reveals Conspiracy to Defraud Federal Government

5th/Rummy On The Offensive With Al Jazeera Interviewer

Knox: ‘Thank You for Being There for Me’

How The EPA’s Green Tyranny Is Stifling America

Issa To AG Holder: Admit You Knew About Fast & Furious

Steve Jobs Dead

Cain To ‘Occupy Wall St’ Protesters: ‘If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’

Apple Unveils Faster, More Powerful iPhone

Rep. West To Samuel L. Jackson: The Racism Is Coming From White House

National Cathedral To Reopen Nov. 12 After Repairs

4th/‘You’re a Bum, Jew’; Man Berated By ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protester

Man Charged in Terror Plot Pleads Not Guilty

NBC News’ Brian Williams: GOP Candidates ‘Running Far To The Right,’ Can’t Be ‘Shocking Enough’

F-35B First Vertical Landing At Sea

Socialist Senator Braces Bernanke On ‘Wealth Gap’

Energy Sec Chu Responds To Solyndra Critics: ‘There Are All Sorts Of People Who Have Wonderful 20/20 Hindsight’

Biden Doesn’t Know Van Jones; ‘Whoever He Is’

Knox Leaves Italy To Head Home To US

Europe Delays Greek Bailout Cash

3rd/Rush Agrees: Breitbart Report On Obama Marching With Black Panthers Shows Hypocrisy Of Media, President

‘Fox & Friends’ Hosts Valiantly Navigate Awkward Interview With Hank Williams Jr.

Australia Bikini Parade Breaks Record

President Obama Claims Steve Jobs Gave Him An iPad ‘Early’

Amanda Knox Freed

Panetta Warns Israel Getting More Isolated

29th Sept./Crony Capitalism: A Concise History of Obama’s Solyndra Scandal


Oct. 7, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 10/07/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/06/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/05/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/04/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/03/2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-07, Friday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-7-11

10/07 The Mark Levin Show

10-07.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Manning Report – 7 October 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, October, 05, 2011

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Redding News Review 10-07-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-07-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-07-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-07-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-07-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-08-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-08-11 Hr 2

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